wild-raven-and-crow · 2 months
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Munin at Yosemite National Park, enjoying a view of the river.
(Munin is my African raven.)
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mani-mooncrow · 3 months
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Å minnefuggel Vær hos meg all mi tid
Wardruna’s album Kvitravn was very inspirational to draw some things when it came out. Made in 2021
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pigeorgien · 5 months
Huevember days 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
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tribdinosaur · 8 months
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Drew my favorite characters to play in Brawlhalla <3 in a lively tavern
With my mains Munin, Reno, and Ragnir out front
(I sorta main Rayman too, but I’m trying to master his punch moves) Rayman and Kor doing their secret handshake only they can do
Mordex never been so close to our hungy half-bear Bödvar
Azoth got a kitty of course
And Onyx reading (how she can read a novel in a noisy tavern is her own secret)
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thepaintedlady00 · 9 months
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Chapter 14 |
Chapter 15: Forget Me Not
TW: some awkwardness, confusing visions, Daniel makes an appearance, mentions of major character death and spoilers for the comics, a bit of Dark!Munin, The Fates, some intense memories and mentions of violence, pain, and allusions to assault, a bit of trickster god energy (I'm not super familiar with Puck and Loki from the comics, so please don't crucify me if they're not great!), threats, some cryptic shit from Destiny, a pretty big revelation, and finally, some soft fluffy goodness to give our story a happy end before the rewrite.
I really struggled with this last chapter! 😅 I think because I already know I'm going to rewrite it the words just didn't wanna cooperate with me and I'm overall not super thrilled with how it came out. I do really hope y'all still enjoy it and are looking forward to getting the rewrite whenever I have the time to get that going. Thank you all so much for your love, support and patience with this series!
Awkward felt like an inadequate word to describe the stiff silence that now consumed Hector's home. You quietly took a sip of your drink, eyes darting back and forth between the two men as they stared one another down across the living room. You’d quietly hoped that the two would use this time to let go of the strenuous circumstances they’d previously met under.
Hector finally leaned back and spoke, “Make any pregnant women cry today?”
Or not…
Dream’s face tensed slightly, but his voice was steady as he replied, “No.”
“You could’ve given us a minute to say a proper goodbye, you know,” Hector insisted with a sneer. “She had to go through so much all alone… we didn’t even get a chance to talk about baby names. I don’t… I don’t even know how they’re doing.”
This made Morpheus soften, and for a moment, you wondered if he was thinking about his own son, that had been long lost to him. “Daniel. Your son's name is Daniel, and he is doing well. I’ve had my raven check in with them on occasion.”
Your friend smiled and looked out toward the trees. “Daniel. What about Lyta?”
“She’s been more…” Morpheus chose his word carefully. “Restless as of late. A just reaction, I suppose, after learning all she has.”
“Couldn’t you help her with that?” Hector asked. “Isn’t that your job or something?”
“I could, but she does not wish for my help.”
“Sounds like her,” his smile was soft and sad but filled with a restfulness you’d not seen in him for a long while. “Lyta was always the stubborn one between us.”
Morpheus glanced at you, an invisible smirk plain to your eyes. “A struggle I understand too well, spirit.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Are you calling me stubborn?”
“I said no such thing,” he insisted with a wicked gleam in his eyes that answered the question for him.
Turning your head away, you smiled at Hector. “Apologies for bringing up such painful memories. It was not my intent, my friend.”
He shook his head and waved your concern away. “It wasn’t so bad.”
Morpheus allowed the man to show him the home he’d built, taking in details he’d missed the first time in his haste, and, you thought, the two seemed less at odds with one another by the time you departed. Your beloved remained as long as he could, spending time with you to tell the children stories while you held Sirius and got lost in the sound of his silken voice. A loud screech and a string of curses echoed from the wood, bringing you and the Dream Lord to your feet, shielding as many ears as you could reach from the vile things being shouted.
The Corinthian stumbled out of the woods with Kat hot on his heels, talons bared and clawing at him with every swoop. Her feathers were ruffled, and the noises she made were ones you’d never heard before. “Kat!”
She heeded your voice, halting her attack on the nightmare to settle on a branch beside you. The Corinthian shook his clothes off, looking at the deep tear in his suit. “Your beast owes me a new suit!”
Kat’s eyes burned. “The only thing I owe you is a slow and painful death, nightmare.”
“What is the meaning of this?” You demanded as Morpheus distracted the children.
“Is this not the nightmare that betrayed you, my lady?”
“It is,” you answered honestly. “But he has been remade now. He will not hurt me again.”
“Once is more than enough,” She bit back. “This was something you knew once.”
Your eyes narrowed, and you tilted your head at her words. “What do you mean by this?”
Kat shook out her feathers. “Nothing, my lady. If you say the nightmare means no harm, then I shall trust you.”
“Thank you, Kat,” you answered, her words still rattling around your mind, but the golden owl took to the skies before you could question her further. 
The Corinthian bared his teeth at the shredded suit jacket. “Daunty, love the new realm and all, but you gotta get a tighter handle on your greeters.”
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head at him. “Relax. I’m sure your maker would happily repair your suit if you asked nicely.”
He scoffed. “I’d rather live with the tears.”
“Always,” he replied with a grin. “So, you gonna give me the tour, or are you too busy for little nightmares now?”
Linking your arm with his, you smiled at Morpheus, who continued telling the children stories beside the fountain. “I always have time for you, dear Corinthian.”
It had been a few days since you’d spoken with Hector, but the sad look in his eyes when he’d mentioned not being able to see his son had stuck with you. You approached the young tree with a gentle touch and kind gaze upon the face carved into the trunk. Hector's son was still quite young, and his tree of memory reflected such. It was smaller than his mother's that stood beside it, but the roots were strong and ran far deeper than any mortal. Daniel, you quickly realized, was special. Different. Like you.
The face seemed to stare back at you, white leaves peeking out from beneath the lush green canopy. You approached slower, urging the roots to lift and open the young one's mind to you. His memories would be few, but there was no doubt much you could learn within them. Veins of white stood out in the darkness. Some roots, the ones that borrowed deeper, were pale and sung with power and immortality. The song of The Endless. But, the tune wasn't Dreams, or Deaths, or Desires. It was its own song, still unfinished.
You walked through the light, lush still forming along the walls of his memory, focusing on the memories he found joyful. You intended to share them with Hector, a gift to show your gratitude for his hard work and kindness. That, however, was not where the tree led you.
Stumbling into the blinking light, you found yourself kneeling in deep sand. Sand scratched your palms, sticking to you like sap, just as it had the first time. Except now that sand, once a deep void of black, was white. It sparked like tiny perfect crystals in your palms as you stood and looked out at the miles of glistening sand and bright cerulean waves.
You knew this beach better than any save its creator. You knew the placement of each stone and the feeling of the sand as it molded to your steps. This place felt different… All at once, the beach you knew and not. It was old and new and entirely confusing.
The fragile ground beneath your feet seemed to remember you as you walked toward where the Gates of Horn and Ivory should have been. The sand didn't swallow your feet or try to slow your steps. It felt as though you were walking on nothing at all. Before your eyes, the entrance stood, an entrance that was not the gates you knew at all.
Glossy white marble caught the light and cast an ethereal glow all around you. An aura of both light and color, beautiful and bright. The gates stood open, revealing a sight you'd grown to know well. "The Dreaming."
As you passed through, you admired the fine craftsmanship of the carvings in the marble gates. A story familiar and also not… Something that had not yet been told. Familiar things were more abundant here as you walked through the town and admired the dreamers. Dreams and Nightmares, old and new, greeted you like a friend and wished you good fortune as you made your way to the palace.
The regal and beautiful palace of The Dream Lord was quite similar to the one you’d known. Only some small changes in the stone and the statues caught your eyes, but as the doors opened to the throne room, a wave of unfamiliarity washed over you at the sight. The white marble of Dream’s palace was pristine in every sense of the word, reflecting the array of light and color that swirled around the room, drawing your gaze to the tiny crystals that hung in the air like drops of frozen rain. It was beautiful, marvelous, but not what you knew to be.
The stairway leading to the throne was wrong as well, far more winding and long, a path of almost transparent crystal. The stained glass windows above the throne shifted to reflect you, a perfect vision of white mist and black dogs and golden leaves. It was as if The Dreaming was trying to welcome you… trying to lull you into a feeling of peace or comfort at all that was not as it should be. And there, in the place of the throne, you knew Morpheus to have was something entirely not his. It looked far more organic, like a split geode holding an uncontainable cosmos of stars and cosmic clouds inside it. And sitting on that throne was a being that was not Dream of The Endless. Not your Dream.
The pale being lifted his head, and not a single strand of his cloudy white hair strayed. His black eyes consumed you entirely, two small slivers of starlight shining brighter as they looked upon you. The robes he wore were white, adorned with golden designs, and there, sitting proudly upon his chest, was a glowing emerald dreamstone.
“It is a great honor to meet you at last, Munin of the Emerald Wood.” His voice was silken and light, Dream’s but not his. 
“You are not my Dream… are you?” You asked with tears building in your eyes.
With a soft sigh, he rose from his throne slowly, almost as if he thought doing so any faster would scare you. “No, I suppose I am not.”
You didn’t dare look away from him as you asked, “Then who are you?”
“The name you would likely know me by is Daniel. Daniel Hall.”
Lies. “Daniel Hall is little more than a child. You could not possibly be him.”
“Not as you know him to be,” he said, slowly descending the winding staircase. “But, as you’ve already noticed, none of this is as it was. A future carved in stone, written in Destiny’s book of things, a future only you can stop.”
“Future?” You questioned, looking around at The Dreaming. “You mean to tell me I’ve stumbled into the future?”
“No,” Daniel replied with a light chuckle. “More of a vision.”
You watched him carefully as he stood before you, hands clasped and a soft, childlike smile on his lips. “So this is what is to come then? You mean to steal this realm from Morpheus?”
His brows furrowed. “I’ve stolen nothing. The Dreaming and the title Dream of the Endless was given to me by he who came before.”
“Morpheus would never just give his realm or his title away,” you insisted. “Unless…”
“He did all he could to stop it, but The Kindly Ones were relentless in their attack. His sacrifice saved The Dreaming and those that remained.” Daniel could see the pain in you, and with a sigh, he added. “He did not suffer. Death greeted him and showed him the way. He was at peace in the end.”
You shook your head, tears rolling down your cheeks. “And what of me? I did nothing while he perished?”
“There were… things complicating your involvement.” He shook his head. “It matters not. You are here now.”
“You’ve been expecting me?”
He smiled, chuckling softly. “No, more… hoping you would find a way here so we could speak.”
“Speak of what?”
"If the love you bare him is even a fraction of the love that lingers in me still…" he lifted a hand to your cheek. "Love he bore for you. Then you'll save him. You’ll ensure this future never has to be.”
With narrow eyes, you asked, “You would give up his power… his title, and his kingdom?”
Daniel nodded. “All I ever wished for was a normal life with my mother. Plots larger than me… Larger than him made that impossible. But you, you could change it.”
“Seek out Loki and Puck. The end of your Dream Lord began with their plot and… my mother’s misguided actions.”
Loki and Puck - two tricksters that you’d only met in passing. Gods that were notoriously difficult to track down. “And how do you suggest I find them? They’re not known for making such easy.”
“Visit my mother,” he urged. “And myself, I suppose…” he chuckled again. “The two should be close by.”
You paused, listening to the faint sounds of The Forest calling you home. “What happens if I fail?”
Daniel only smiled, reaching out to lift your hand to his lips. “Then I hope this is not the last time we meet, Lady Munin. And that the next is under better circumstances.”
Lyta Hall lived in a modest apartment in a bustling city. Though you’d ventured into the mortal world before, it looked vastly different from what little you could remember. She was surrounded by those she loved, Rose Walker and Ged, and many familiar faces - faces you knew from memories alone. And while the apartment wasn’t large or lavish, she appeared to be happy aside from the large bags that hung beneath her eyes, telling you she’d not found any peace in her dreams.
For a while, you simply watched them, searching for some sigh of Loki and Puck’s coming mischief, but the longer you looked in, the more you felt compelled to venture closer. You wanted to speak with her, to reassure her that her husband was safe and loved. And so you found yourself in her apartment, standing in the kitchen and admiring the little notes, photographs, and memories each held. Lost in your own examining, you barely heard the sharp gasp and the sound of wood scraping against the floor as Lyta hurriedly rose from the table at the sight of you.
Suddenly you were reminded that it was not normal for people to appear in mortal homes simply, and you bashfully bowed your head to her. “Apologies. I did not mean to startle you.”
“Who are you?” She demanded, forcing her voice to sound firm and dangerous.
“We have met before,” you answered softly. “In a dream.”
Her face softened slightly. “You… you’re the one that took Hector.”
Nodding, you answered the question she had not asked. “He is safe. He misses you,” your eyes drifted to the small child in his high chair. “Both of you.”
“What do you want?” She demanded, wiping her eyes. 
“I simply wanted to apologize for my coldness that day. I was… I was not myself.” You sighed. “Were it within my power, I would have let him remain with you.”
“But it isn’t,” she answered bitterly. “It’s his power, isn’t it?”
You realized Morpheus was the he that she spoke so sourly of. “It was out of his power as well. The Dream Lord means you no harm, Lyta. This is why you’ve not slept, isn’t it?”
Lyta looked at Daniel and shook her head. “I don’t want him to come for my son… not while I’m under some spell and can’t defend him.”
“Dream of the Endless would not steal your son,” you said gently. “He means neither of you harm.”
“You don’t know that,” she replied bitterly.
“I do,” you assured her. As you watched her move to the child's side, you felt an odd power humming around her. The song of the Endless echoed from the boy, swirling around her, but beneath his song was power. A power that you knew. Lyta and Daniel froze, time halting as mist rolled in from unseen places, and their power engulfed the apartment.
"You are meddling in dangerous things, lost one." Their combined voices sent a chill up your spine, but not one of fear or anger… A feeling of familiarity.
The Mother tutted softly as she moved around the frozen figure of Lyta Hall. "Fate is not something easily changed, dear sun."
The Crone lifted her head, glaring at the babe in Lyta's arms. "And this fate is one you should not even attempt to alter."
"I won't let you do it," your voice was cold as mist rushed beneath your feet. The Forest bled into this illusion they thrust you in, dark, twisted trees casting long shadows over the three. Black engulfed your fingertips, and you could feel the darkness, the daunting power of it bending to your will. "Morpheus is mine. And none shall have him while I draw breath."
The Maiden tilted her head, eyes shining back at you in admiration. "You always were so determined."
"So headstrong and unafraid," The Mother continued, her eyes bearing a deep sorrow that surprised you.
"It is what led you to your doom the first time." Though The Crone's eyes were stiff, guarded, and unwilling to bend beneath your steady gaze, her voice trembled, lips quivering as she uttered a single word. "Mneme."
All at once the darkness vanished. You felt your power stripped away, leaving you trembling and bare before The Fates. Breathlessly you fell to your knees. Sparks of golden light and a searing, unbearable pain engulfed you until all you could do was scream.
Not a word. Flashes filled your vision, swarming like molten gold in water. A name. Fire blazed, and a burst of sickening laughter echoed in your mind. Your name.
Their hands offered you some comfort, albeit temporary. The Mother smoothed your hair back. "Do not fight it."
The Maiden stroked your cheeks. "Let it come."
The Crone looked down at you with tears in her eyes. Her palm pressed to your forehead. "Remember."
The first thing you saw once the blinking light faded from your vision was the orange hues of the sun setting over the ocean. You sat upon the edge of the cliffside, wind combing through your golden locks of hair, and a peaceful feeling settled in your chest. You were home.
"Mneme!" The Fates’ voices called out as one. 
Turning your head, you smiled at them. "Not too close to the edge, I know!"
The Maiden offered you a smile back. "The fall would be terrible indeed, even for one such as you."
The Mother waved, gesturing to you to come to them. "Come down from there, sweet child!"
The Crone rolled her ancient eyes and scoffed. "She won't fall! Our Mneme is far too surefooted to do something as foolish as that."
"Accidents still happen, sister self." The Mother reminded.
You squeezed her hand. "I'll be more careful."
"More careful!" The Crone laughed. "She's been careful since the day she was born, I doubt she's capable or more."
The Maiden lovingly braided a strand of your hair. "There's no harm in having fun every now and then."
The sky above had begun to shift to the deep star-filled night, your favorite. "I have to go."
"Back to that tree of yours?" The Crone asked.
"Back to the humans?" The Mother's question was far more bitter.
You kissed all their cheeks. "I'll be home before the sun rises!"
More light flashed, more voices echoed in your mind as your body felt like it would burst apart. You saw it through the slightly golden haze. The Great Tree standing tall amidst a bustling village. Its trunk was a rich reddish brown with golden leaves glistening in the low light of the fires the humans had lit to illuminate their festivities.
In the blink of an eye, you were in the tall branches, looking down at the bodies that moved below, watching the humans with wonder. You and the tree had been linked from the moment of your birth. A tree with roots that spanned across realms and lifetimes and a little spirit born of fate and memory. 
A rather simple pair when compared to the billions of other supernatural and immortal beings and creatures that existed. But, you were fine with simple. You enjoyed your time spent on Mount Helicon and watching the humans, quietly gifting them with long memories and thus making their marvelous stories last forever.
It had been centuries since you'd heard the lovely tune for the first time. The first song ever made. A simple and beautiful thing that planted a seed deep inside you. A longing for something real… Tangible… Something wholly yours. You had no idea what it would be, this thing, but some nights you could hear The Fates whispering. They must've known. There was little they did not see. So, you waited, hoping that it was something marvelous.
The memories raced by, quicker and more painful than before. You could feel the raw ache in your throat, a result of your screaming, but you could only hear the voices. It was all still fragmented, flashes of a happy life with The Fates that all shifted… The sour smell of decay stung your nose. These flashes were darker, the fragments blurry and hazed. 
You felt fire cracking under your skin, nails clawing at the wrong flesh that caged you. A laugh… A wide and villainous grin letting down at you. Unfamiliar hands touching you… Defiling you… The human's bright beauty slowly diminishing before your very eyes. You could taste the salt of your tears and feel the ache in your knees as you bent to the floor and begged. "Harken to me!" Your voice sounded so broken… Desperate. "Please, I beg of you! Deliver me from this place!"
The gentle hands that touched your head bore a somber tinge that answered the question you did not even ask. "Enough, dear one."
"You should rest," The Maiden said.
"You will need it for what is to come," The Crone finished.
"Help me," you begged them, lifting your drowning eyes. "There must be something you can do… Someone to intercede on my behalf."
The Crone's eyes turned cold as she sighed. "Foolish child. You are awfully bound. There are none that can deliver you from this place."
The Mother's eyes were filled with tears. "Not now, at least…"
The Maiden braided a strand of your dull hair. "Not when so much of you has been spent."
"I am so sorry, dear one…" The Mother pressed a kiss to your head. "Your prayers were wasted."
"No!" You cried out, rising to reach for them, but they were already gone. The chain binding you to this place scratched against the stone floor. "Do not leave me…"
The pieces fragmented further. Shattering like glass when you tried to hold onto them. All you could truly recall was a knife, blood, screaming, and fire. Darkness that felt warm and safer than what you'd known for so long and then breathlessness. You could see a rippling surface, bubbles floating away from you as the air abandoned you. 
As you sank deeper into an unknown abyss, you could see the golden strands of your hair fade to white, and a voice echoed in your mind as all else began to fade away. "You will never be rid of me!"
"Mneme," The Maiden's voice called out to you.
"Stop," you begged, voice raw and hardly understandable. This wasn't true… This was a trick. All of it. Their hands, cradling your head, felt too heavy. "Don't call me that."
“Mneme…” The Mother cooed softly as you shook their hands off you.
“Do not call me that! I… I cannot deal with this now. I… There’s…” You wanted nothing more than to sob, to let the information you’d just regained swallow you whole. 
Morpheus needed you. The events Daniel spoke of could still be years away, but you’d not risk it. Especially not now. Forcing your body upright, you looked into the eyes of The Fates. “I am going to change what is written. Morpheus will not perish, least of all at the hands of you.”
The Maiden’s tears were like diamonds upon her cheeks. “We take no pleasure in this.”
Your sound of disbelief caused The Mother to sigh, “Not much pleasure in it.”
“You cannot change this,” The Crone said, cold as ice once again. “Try as you might, what is will be and what will be is.”
“The only one you shall harm is yourself,” The Maiden replied.
"You will spend your power," The Mother warmed. "Spread yourself thin until all you are withers."
"Lost again to Lethe," The Crone finished.
“If anything happens to him… anything at all, it is you that I shall harm. Consequences be damned.”
You didn’t give them the chance to speak again, vanishing from the apartment and from their presence with a mere thought. The world felt both heavier and lighter, and with it, you felt both more powerful and less. Forcing the memories… the past from your mind, you put your plan into motion. It was just as you’d told The Fates. None would have Morpheus.
The meadow was quiet. From what you’d seen of the human world, there were few places like this that remained. Calm and untouched, reeking of old fairy magic and buzzing with godly power. Two tricksters lurking in the shadows. The combination of their power was dizzying and stunk of mischief. A warning to any that drew too near to turn back and hope you’d not caught their eye. You, however, would not be so easily deterred.
“What have we here?” An old and giggly voice purred from the shadows.
“A little witch?” Another chimed in, smug and prideful and filled with echoing laughter.
You showed no emotion as you addressed them. “I am Munin, Queen of realms of memory.”
A figure appeared a greenish beast with scales and fur and long pointed ears. Sharp teeth gleamed back at you as the deep red eyes of the spirit Puck glowed. “Queeny, Queeny, Queeny… why are you so far from your castle?”
Bright hair and an angular face examined you closely from a safe distance away as Loki grinned back. “Come to play with the old tricksters, have you?”
“More like come to talk sense into you,” you replied calmly, urging the wood around you to slowly shift.
The two laughed loudly, clutching their guts as they looked at each other. “Sense? Oh, we’ve not had sense in ages!”
“So I’ve been told. But, kidnapping a dream-touched child is a new sort of stupidity I thought even you two would be above.”
“Careful now,” Puck growled. “I’d surely hate to have to get blood all over that pretty white dress, Queeny.”
“It would be quite the shame,” you agreed. “Though the dress could be a trophy of sorts stained with your blood.”
Puck giggled, deranged and gleeful. “I like you!”
“Focus,” Loki insisted as he languidly stalked forward to circle you. “What’s this about a kidnapping?”
You followed him for a moment but chose to keep your eyes on Puck; he was the one you’d have to be most mindful of. “Your little plan to kidnap the boy… Daniel Hall.”
“How would you know about that?” Puck questioned.
“I have my ways.” That was the only answer you offered them. “The how is hardly the point. I’m far more interested in skipping it all together so we can focus on the bit where you both use your brains and forget about this half-baked scheme.”
Mist slowly began to seep between the trees, a low groan echoing in the air that signaled your plan had worked. Loki shook his head. “We aren’t exactly known for listening to threats from little girls.”
You smiled. “I’ve not even threatened you yet, Odinson.”
“Do not call me that!” He hissed, pointing a long elegant finger at you.
“I’ll call you whatever name you see fit after you’ve agreed to leave Daniel and his mother alone.”
Puck tutted, clawed nails digging into the branch he leaned on. “Greedy, greedy. You’re getting boring, Queeny! Perhaps we should just be done with you… After all, you look so tasty!”
Sirius dove out of the mist and snapped at the spirit. “Mind your tongue, beast. Though I shall gladly rid you of it should you insist.”
Loki pulled two daggers from their sheathes as The Corinthian appeared somewhere off to the side of you, calm and collected as he casually leaned against a tree. “Naughty puppy!”
Rolling your eyes, you lifted a finger, calling forth the tree roots to bind them. “Enough of this.” The trees wound around their limbs, squeezing hard enough that were they not immortal beings, their limbs would have snapped. Loki sneered while Puck laughed. “It’d be in your best interests to leave the child alone.”
“Best interests,” Puck laughed harder. “I care little for interests.”
“You may not care,” you began, eyes turning to the god. “But he does.”
Loki shook his head, chuckling at the notion that he cared about anything at all. “You think you know me, little wood witch?”
You shook your head and walked along the tree roots. “I do not care to know you, trickster. But, I see more than just your eyes…” Memories swirled inside them, good and bad, joyful and not. “We may not have met more than in passing, but make no mistake, Loki, I know you.”
Puck was the wildcard, the mischievous being that none could reason with or bribe unless he so sought, but Loki was a god. He was shrouded in golden pride and a deep-rooted desire to make Odin love him. Loki was the one you needed to convince. Puck would follow, or he would die, a choice you’d not have to spell out for him, especially with Sirius’ watchful eye and menacing teeth gnashing in the sprite's face.
“Why do you care so much for this runt?” Loki pondered with a wide grin. “Have a soft spot for dream-touched mortals?”
“Why does not concern you.” You sat down on a high-up branch and stared the god down. “No more questions, Loki. Will you leave Lyta and her son alone, or will you die here in my little woods?”
He attempted to shrug against the branches that held him. “It’s not me you need to worry about.”
Puck rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t need to fear me! This game has gotten boooorrrriiinnggg! One little mortal, dream-touched or not, isn’t worth this kind of fuss.”
Loki glared at the sprite, clearly displeased by his so-called partner in crime's words. “Fine then. We’ll leave the kid alone. Happy now?”
“Swear it.”
“I swear it,” he sneered back. “Now let me go.”
You waved your hand, and the roots released. Puck was gone in a blink, no promises made or extra words exchanged. Here then gone, just like you’d expected from the trickster. Loki remained, anger and some ugly, wounded pride shining in his eyes as he glared at you. Sirius growled. “Leave this place, trickster. And pray you never return.”
Suddenly all emotion drained from the god's face, and he laughed. “You know, I don’t much like being humiliated, especially not by insignificant little girls. Do you think you're suddenly untouchable just because you have some new realm and a bit of power? Well, you aren’t.”
Lunging for you, Loki found himself face to face with The Corinthian, who smiled as he brandished his blade. “I believe my lady released you. That means you leave.”
“I’m not scared of you, nightmare!” The god shouted.
“You should be. Hold him down for me, pup.” Sirius surprisingly heeded the nightmares command and pulled the god down while The Corinthian worked with his blade. The screams were drowned out by the trees cheering and laughing at the now mutilated god. You stood high above it all as The Corinthian finished his work and turned, presenting you with the eyes he’d plucked from Loki’s skull. Bowing his head, he chuckled. “Any other body parts I should take, my lady?”
You accepted the eyes and shook your head. “No. Kat has already sent word to Odin. Someone will be here to collect him shortly.”
The Corinthian glanced at you. “You alright, Daunty?”
Your mind was plagued with the past that you’d still not fully regained, a thing you now had broken and confusing fragments of. “Yes. There’s just something I need to do now.”
“Need a nightmare?”
Smiling at him, you shook your head and placed a loving hand on his cheek. “Not this time, dear Corinthian.”
Upon Mount Helicon, a secluded cabin stood overlooking the sea. The cabin was not what you’d pictured when you thought of The Fates. You’d imagined they’d live in some large palace or a winding maze, like Destiny, but there the three stood, looking out at the sea as you quietly approached. “Such a lovely sunset.”
The Mother smiled at you. “It used to be your favorite part of the day.”
The Maiden laughed softly. “You’d sit here until the yellow faded from the sky entirely.”
“One sun,” The Crone said. “Watching another.”
"Whatever the reason for this… Fondness, you bear me…" you stopped yourself, pain that you could not yet confront boiling within you like the fires in your vision. Shaking your head, you met their gaze again. "I urge you to cease these schemes against the Dream Lord."
The Maiden nodded, "Painful as this may be, you cannot run from the truth forever."
The Mother took a step closer with a sad smile. "Oh, dear one… Is this truly your wish?"
"It is."
The Crone stood before you, cold eyes slightly less so as she wiped your tears. "Very well. If it is your wish, we shall honor it. So long as Dream of The Endless does not bring harm upon you, then we shall not harm him or his Dreaming."
“Thank you… my mothers.”
The Three smiled sadly and watched you go. The Forest greeted you as it always had, offering you soft handing leaves to dry your eyes and a melodic rumbling to ease the ache in your heart. You did not know when you would be able to accept what you now knew fully, nor did you know if you’d ever be strong enough to remember the full brunt of the pain your past life had lived through, but you did know that The Fates had spoken at least one truth. You would not be able to run from it.
A dark figure emerged from the trees, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of you. “There you are.”
“Morpheus,” you breathed, the pain easing as air filled your lungs.
His eyes narrowed as he took a step toward you. “Where have you been?” His arms wound around you, pulling you into the embrace you’d fought so hard to preserve. You buried your face into his chest and breathed in his scent. “I’ve been worried.”
With a soft noise, you smiled. “Forgive me, I did not mean to worry you. There were some things I needed to take care of.”
“Is all well?” His breath hitched at the mere thought of something being wrong. 
You smoothed your hands down his chest and smiled. “All is well. I… I learned many things these past few days and have many questions that need answering.”
Morpheus nodded, soft hands caressing you. “I trust you will tell me your meaning when you are ready to?”
“Of course,” you answered. “It would be rather cruel of me to keep you in such suspense.”
“Cruel is not a word I’d use to describe you, my love.”
You wanted nothing more than to tell him of all you’d learned and everything that had happened in your time apart, but instead, you simply smiled. “Would you walk with me?”
He seemed to understand the gentle gleam of tears in your eyes and quietly offered you his arm and a kiss upon your head. “Always, my love.”
The two of you walked through the misty forest until you found the cave of crystals and the lake that you’d once danced upon. Without needing to speak any words, he stepped out onto the water and swept you away into a starlit dance. With your head laid against his chest, listening… feeling the steady beating of his heart, you finally spoke, “Do you think we will remain together in whatever existence comes after this?”
“I should think so,” he answered with a soft laugh. “We’ve found one another against impossible odds thus far.”
"Well, if it should come to an end, this immortal coil we find ourselves in..." You pulled away from his chest and gently held his face in your hands. "I should like it to end by your side, that we might turn to stardust together or be bound in the roots of the earth as one. I shall not pass to whatever existence awaits us in The Sunless Lands without you, my dearest Morpheus."
With the software of smiles, he pulled a small thing from his cloak and held it between you. A ring. The stone in the center was an ethereal array of thinking stars with a branch-like band of roots twining around it. He lifted your hand to slide the ring on your finger, kissing it and whispering a soft oath, "I vow that no matter what comes, nothing shall ever part us again. I am yours, Lady of The Forest, Distress, Discourage, Daunt… Munin. In every existence, every realm and lifetime, I am yours."
"Just as I am yours, Prince of Stories. Always."
Beneath the starry skies and amidst the groaning echoes of your realm, you and the Dream Lord shared a kiss, soft and bright and beautiful. For that one moment, the past didn’t matter. Not Daunt or Mneme… you were Munin, and you were here. You were loved. And as you stared into the eyes of your lover, you knew you always would be.
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schapendoess · 6 months
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All fluff no eyes
52 notes · View notes
bowelfly · 2 years
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some d&d characters
351 notes · View notes
galm-2 · 1 year
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fuck you *humanizes your drones*
136 notes · View notes
18thcrystal · 8 months
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"Mordex VS Munin" - Brawlhalla
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lokijiro · 6 months
Frigga is trying to find a name for her new baby Frost Giant. Munin keeps hinting that she should call him Munin.
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dvktheartist · 2 years
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Hugin and Munin, the two ravens of Odin
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wild-raven-and-crow · 3 months
Munin wedged herself between the roof and headrest, and looked at the views.
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The morning clouds were beautiful.
We drove to town for errands, Munin making many friends as usual.
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The sunset going home was even better.
Munin settled on the headrest again, this time to sleep.
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Hugin, Munin                                                                                                                       
The Pooka
The Loch Ness Monster
Merfolk (both mermaids and mermen)
The Kraken
The Nøkken
The Cwn Annwn (the hounds of the Wild Hunt)
Geri, Freki 
Black dogs (the supernatural entities from English folklore)
The sphinx
Tanngrisnir, Tanngnjóstr (Thor's goats)
The Minotaur
Mrs. O'Leary
Underwater panther
The jersey devil
Capricorn / Sea goat
The Morrígan
The Leshy
Beast of Gévaudan
Cthulu (Lovecraft lore)
Questing Beast (Arthuriana)
Rain Bird
Salmon of Wisdom
Winged Monkey (The Wizard of Oz)
Deer Woman
The Sandman,
Will o' the wisp
Baba Yaga
The Kikimora (Slavic mythology)
Nidhögg (Norse mythology)
I have all of the 128 submissions.
BTW if you spot any doubles please tell me in asks.
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tinysentry · 1 year
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Follow-up of first sketch. In case anyone was confused how Reno feels about Val's so called new "bug" skin: m u r d e r
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imalayla · 1 year
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I'm being panted at for my apple
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schapendoess · 7 months
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Two want the toy, one is in her own world half on the couch
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