#murder in siwan
Moon-jo : I'm only an occasional murderer.
Jong-woo : and... what would the occasions be... exactly?
Moon-jo *sipping his coffee* : for me? Waking up.
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onceuponastarryeye · 2 years
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summer strike, episode 11 (2022)
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tinysweetflour · 9 months
Kdrama that should have been bls
Hell is other people - calls him darling, protects him from *evil* people, keeps him company, makes him a custom bracelet. Need I say more. his girlfriend and him had 0 chemistry. because all the chemistry was between him and the *weird dentist who seems to be too much in me*. and *weird dentist* was not afraid to show his love outwards. if only we could them being reciprocated. but he loved him. so much so that he turns into him. would have been a perfect murder couple.
Psychopath diary- another attempt at trying to turn his boyfriend into him. even does all of the preparations . but his boyfriend is too dumb. always love the part where he shows off his special interest in his boyfriend. CEO!?!?!! with a measly employee. and the way he gets jealous when his boyfriend has other plans. would have been the psychopath and his cute boyfriend. but only some people know what kind of a person he can be *wink wink*.
The merciless- unlike the previous ones. this one did not need to MAKE his boy. he already came with the preparations. he just needed to tame him. but went too far with a brat and paid the price. (seems like im siwan has a thing for gay-coded roles. and unlike the others the direction of this film did say that the characters were written as having a romantic relationship but changed it in the end to avoid criticism. F*ck homophobes.)
Beyond evil- (haven't seen but know its gay) seems like all my favorite boys are gay-coded. not that i'm complaining. If Hollywood was brave enough and artsy enough during those buddy cop movies we would get something like this.
The devil judge- (haven't seen but know its gay) f*ck world. I just wanna be a malewife to the dictator in a dystopian world.
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peculiarbob · 8 months
Here’s a list of all the Kdramas/Korean movies that I watched in 2023 + some of my thoughts (spoiler free)
The Glory
-Gonna be honest, I only started watching because Kim Hieora and Jung Sung Il are in this show.
-But I ended up really liking it. The bullying scenes were horrifying, the characters were memorable, and overall it was very well made.
-HWANG SIMOK! I love him so much! BAE DOONA! I love her so much!
-I loved all the characters and all the twists
Stranger 2
-This season was good too. Seeing the dynamics and relationships between all the characters change was so interesting
-IM SIWAN! The reason why I watched this movie <3
-Is it the best and most unique movie? No. Was it pretty good and entertaining? Yeah!
All Of Us Are Dead
-Even in the zombie apocalypse they’re not free of bullying.
-My heart broke many times. Those poor kids didn’t deserve to go through all of that! (Except Na Yeon. I still don’t like her.)
The Glory Part 2
-Not the typical type of revenge. But I think it’s a very fitting ending.
Physical 100
-This show inspired me to start taking better care of myself.
-Watching everyone hype up this show so much then watching all the controversies come out in real time was crazy. Looking forward to season 2
-This show was on my radar because that zombie dude from Physical 100 said he did the choreography
-I love all of the characters and the zombies were so freaky
Kingdom 2
-The Queen might’ve been the scariest part of this show
-I love this show, season 3? Maybe?
Kingdom: Ashin of the North
-Han Ho Yeol from DP?!?!
-It was really interesting seeing another side to this story
Silent Sea
-I don’t understand why this flopped. I really liked this show!
Siren: Survive The Island
-I was team athlete til the end! (I thought Kim Seong Yeon was hot)
-If there isn’t a season 2 I’m going to fight Netflix
-Im Siwan <3
-I really like this show. It really gave me hope and it honestly inspired me to work harder. I’m also trying to learn to play baduk
D.P. 2
-So many emotions. The ending left me feeling a bit empty. I’ve grown so attached to these characters and now it’s just over.
The Wailing
-I think I need to watch this a second time to really analyze it.
-I really like the sfx makeup
-Accurate representation of neurodivergent people/mentally disabled people? No.
-Interesting villain and fight scenes? Yes
Hide and Seek
-I really liked the twist and how eerie the vibes were
Memoir of a Murder
-I love unreliable narrators. Not knowing what’s real and what isn’t really puts you on the end he of your seat
-Also I didn’t even realize that was Kim Nam Gil
The Policeman’s Lineage
-I only watched this for Kwon Yul
-Decent story but I feel like it fell short of its potential
Hansel and Gretel
-Solid start but I didn’t realize that it was going in the direction that it did
-Not the ending that I expected but I’m satisfied with it
-Honestly, they were so over dramatic when it came to the bdsm stuff. Like okay, he’s kinky. That’s the least concerning thing about him.
-My mom got me to watch this because she likes Kim Ji Hoon
The Mimic
-Interesting concept with interesting characters
-The ending was so fitting, I’m very satisfied with it
-Another movie I watched for Kwon Yul
-I really like this movie, it’s very comforting and funny
-This is a cautionary tale, you cannot tell me otherwise!
-I was SHOCKED! It was just so sudden. I don’t know how to explain it without spoiling what happened.
Sweet Home 2
-Interesting. I’m not sure what I expected from this season but this wasn’t it.
-I found it entertaining but I’m not quite sure if I like how they’re approaching this new thing that they’re doing.
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 1 year
The Killing Vote (ep. 1-5 notes)
I’ve been enjoying this drama and I wanted to post some thoughts about it! This last week’s episode kept me on my toes! It’s a crime they only air a single episode per week, truly a crime aaaa
I don’t really know if people watching this drama are on tumblr but I’ll post here anyway!
Have a nice week!!!
I love Joohyun’s relationship with Kwon Seokju so far, the scene where she played for him Mozart’s Requiem (if I’m not mistaken) while we see her hanging Narae’s stuffed bunny was soothing! Seeing a different approach than Kim Muchan is nice!
KMC’s relationship with KSJ is really intriguing: we only get KMC’s (quite unreliable, that’s what makes it even more interesting!) pov in the first episodes with almost no dialogue between the two of them, and the recent episodes give us another side to their story through KSJ! I really wonder how their relationship got soured (especially from KMC) to the point KMC advises Joohyun not to get too close and get manipulated by KSJ: besides his own guilt for not being able to save Narae in time nor catch her murderer and the fact that the one he looked up to killed Byun Wootaek, something else must’ve happened for it to get THIS sour. What is going onnnnnnn? Or is it all an act? (and KMC/Park Haejin has some sad puppy eyes on par with Im Siwan's and Jung Haein's I can't haha) He affirms KSJ is arrogant and wouldn’t hesitate to take the law in his own hands if it can’t solve the problem while he himself pushes investigations with ways off the record to arrest culprits. He shows a bitter attitude in front of KSJ and Joohyun most of the time when he talks about him, but at the same time he also confided his guilt to Joohyun in private and seemed to regularly ask how KSJ was doing in prison during the past 8 years. I also get the feeling he was asking the warden if KSJ was regularly getting health checks by a doctor out of worry besides the investigation.
(This is some crack theory, but what if the one who murdered BWT was KMC and not KSJ? At this point, the narration is really unreliable so I wouldn't even be surprised!)
On that subject, I wonder if the drama will address KSJ’s health issue with his collapsed lung/asthma again ; his medical visit also seemed shot in order not to show the doctor’s silhouette at all, I wonder if this will hold any significance later on (it could be Jihoon’s grandmother, who knows!)? Not to mention Uhm Eungyeong, the culprit on ep2, was poisoned by Gaetal knowing she had asthma????
When the judge ruled Byun Wootaek’s acquittal (ep4), his gavel (a symbol of the justice) was shot struck right in front of KSJ’s silhouette, above his head, as if justice itself crushed KSJ. A similar symbolism is used in ep5’s Killing Vote:
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The flashbacks are beautifully shot, ep4 was really moving. This scene’s lighting furthered the tragedy: it’s as though the orange light and the blood on Narae burn into KSJ and KMC’s profile as they find her, contrasting with Narae and the background’s cold tones:
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Also when KSJ recalls how he murdered BWT, the same orange hue colors the shots.
In ep5, we finally hear the voice of a man who is thought to be Gaetal, when he’s talking to KMC over the phone. The opening shows the cast’s profiles, but there’s this one character we haven’t seen yet:
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The man in question could totally be this character that wasn’t introduced yet! He’s probably the ‘executor’ of the Killing Vote, who was chatting with the teacher Lee Minsu.
I think Gaetal is definitely not the work of only one person: there’s at least the executor, tech-savvy people organizing the vote (the stream, the text messages, the hacking, …), the one on the stream (or maybe there’s more than one on the stream, a different one per case because the tone and attitude are never the same: agressive, vengeful, or bubbly, or caustic…) and perhaps someone in the police.
The teacher could be Fan no. 1 and/or Gaetal (if it’s not the same person/group): In ep4, we learn KSJ’s « Fan no. 1 » (1호팬, [ilho fan]) regularly sent him letters which would describe in details how the culprits subject to the Killing Vote would be ‘judged’. In ep3, the teacher talks to this ‘executor’ under the pseudo ‘justice15’: if 15 is read with the sino-korean numbers for 1 (일 [il]) and 5 (오 [oh]), the pronunciation would be close to ‘no. 1’, so this could not be a simple coincidence. Also ‘justice’ could be a taunt directed towards KMC’s vision of justice (he uses 정의 to describe his ideal of justice to KSJ) since he seems to deeply resent KMC.
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Gaetal uses KSJ and KMC’s words (‘devils deemed innocent’, ‘rational justice’) and interestingly, another character who talks about rationality is the assemblywoman (‘rationality, moral sense and mothers are stronger than the law’)!
Also, this dude is on some twisted christian trip: in ep4, we get a glimpse of the teacher’s tattoo, a cross on his chest that reads… ‘My daddy My hero’… which was what Narae used to say to her father (her hero, making her safe because he’s always there to protect her) and a part of her room’s decoration…
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Well, if he killed Narae and his mother made Byun Wootaek the scapegoat for every crimes he committed this far, something must have gone wrong this time for him (and his mother) to deeply resent KMC to the point of wanting to kill him: they managed to pull the strings of the police and judicial system, but KMC must have discovered Lee Minsu was the real culprit (perhaps after KSJ killed BWT) and tried to kill him, which might’ve worsened his heart condition somehow.
(And it’s interesting how the second screenshot shows the teacher discarding his now bloodied watch in disgust after hearing KMC saying ‘I was willing to break rules to catch this heinous criminal as soon as possible’ mmmmh…)
Just as Captain Oh completely denied his liability in ep5, he must have felt wronged, Narae’s case being the only one that 'sullied' him (and this must be why he changed names, from Lee Yunseong to Lee Minsu). Associating the accusations he must’ve faced because of Narae’s case and KMC to the Passion of the Christ in a sick, twisted way, he must’ve thought this tattoo as his own crucifixion leading to his rebirth/his revenge through the Killing Vote?
If the teacher is the mastermind behind the Killing Vote, choosing culprits involved in CSE, SA and CA so far for the votes could be: 1 — to mask his true identity, seemingly siding with true justice while he’s one of those he judges. Also, choosing keywords associated to BOTH KSJ and KMC could be to mislead the police to believe Gaetal is close to KSJ and both KSJ and KMC to suspect one another 2 — a sick way to play with KMC’s concept of justice and using KSJ's trauma (and KMC) ; 3 — to hide the final objective of the Killing Vote: since he gives the public a pretty convincing and sophisticated fact-check all the circumstances surrounding the culprits’ crimes (Gaetal even said in one of their streams that a culprit wouldn’t be subject to the vote if their crimes weren’t true), this could lead the public to believe every case would be exposed truthfully. Which means one of these cases could be fabricated and nobody would realize it at first. If the teacher organized the Killing Vote to get back at KMC (this also seems to benefit his mother’s campaign), perhaps the last vote would accuse KMC or KSJ of Narae’s murder (since no culprit was found guilty) or another crime.
At his final trial, KSJ accused ’the police who released BWT because they cared more about their performance’. We now know the police commissionner, KMC’s superior and the assemblywoman were all linked somehow to what happened 8 years ago. We also got a flashback of Choi Jinsu, KMC’s colleague who was also the detective in charge in both Narae and KSJ’s case, who gave KMC the hint of Byun Wootaek being the culprit. KMC, unlike him, ‘isn’t interested in politics’… He also recognized the teacher as Lee Yunseong, potentially his name before murdering Narae. In ep5, Joohyun automatically ruled CJS out of the suspect list because he’s not close to KSJ… If the premise that Gaetal must be close to KSJ is wrong, then his involvement could be possible: perhaps he was ordered to tamper with the procedure and the pieces of evidence during the two cases? Also, I wonder if KMC’s reputation will get addressed, his superiors must’ve pressured him to follow unofficial orders or he got to discover these orders (eg. maybe in Narae’s case?) and ever since he’s the man to ask for to do the dirty work? Or KMC could have deliberately gained his ‘Wipeout’ reputation to get closer to the truth of what happened 8 years ago?
In the first episode, the video test Joohyun found on Joomin’s laptop is named ‘Lrae091515’: if the drama takes place in 2023, the tragic events surrounding KSJ, KMC and Joohyun ‘8 years ago’ would have taken place in 2015! Could this refer to the final day of KSJ’s trial (or the day Narae was killed)? The pseudo ‘justice15’ could also be a reference to that date.
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As for the ‘Lrae’… It could be a wild WILD guess but ‘Lrae’ could be ‘irae’ as in Dies Irae/day of wrath (capital i looks like a lowercase L), which is a sequence in Requiem mass!
The video test was only found on Joomin’s laptop when all the Internet cafe computers got the virus: the one who hacked the computers likely targeted Joomin or her sister, a police officer deliberately.
The tag in Narae’s room (‘the 13th was wrong’):
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(It’s also a bit disturbing the tag was sprayed right on top of the ‘My daddy My hero’…)
— the narrative makes us think the tag refers to the 13th failed stab but it could be something else entirely (and perhaps KSJ is keeping this hint to himself?) — if the christian subtext truly exists in this drama (especially with the teacher’s tattoo), 13 is a number often linked in superstitions to the Cena, Judas (who betrayed Jesus, thought to have been the 13th guest to sit down to the Last Supper) and bad luck: whoever tagged this maybe wanted to signal KSJ the man he killed wasn’t the true culprit.
There is also a similar version in the norse mythology I found here:
« In his book “Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things,” Charles Panati traces the concept of the cursed back to Norse mythology, when Loki, the god of mischief, gate-crashed a banquet in Valhalla, bringing the number of gods in attendance to 13. Deceived by Loki, the blind god Hodr was tricked into shooting his brother Balder, the god of light, joy and goodness, with a mistletoe-tipped arrow, killing him instantly. » And… we see the teacher communicating through the ‘Loki’ network (a wordplay for what would be Tor I guess, just as Apple would become a pear on laptops in media haha)!
(This is quite a reach, but for posterity in the opening, the 13th character shown is KMC, and in reverse order Jihoon haha)
The tag neither the news articles on Narae and KSJ’s cases weren’t in Gaetal’s video test:
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idk how to explain, but I get the feeling that person A (who leaked the video), B (the Gaetal we see on the video), C (the Gaetal who’s now organizing the Killing Vote) & D (who tagged the wall and pinned the news articles about KSJ and Narae) could be different characters with respective objectives too. The drama highlights a bit too much the premise that Gaetal is one single individual that’s close to KSJ haha At the very least, whoever leaked the video knew someone else, especially KMC, would eventually be able to recognize its contents (‘devils deemed innocent’, Narae’s room and her stuffed bunny). Also for posterity, KMC was the one who ostensibly redirected KSJ’s attention to the picture of the tag on the wall.
The assemblywoman and the teacher both have a habit to touch their ear sometimes (eg. when she talked to him about KMC ; when the teacher was watching the student during PE). Jihoon also did it right after the teacher left: was it to try to reproduce what he did to understand what he was watching or is he linked to them?
At the very least Jihoon seems to know some things about the Killing Vote, the teacher as well as KMC:
— In ep1, he bumped into Joohyun as he went to retrieve one of the cups the teacher seems to make a collection of.
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On the cup, there’s an ’S’ graved on it, just as the telltale sign of the Killing Vote is the character ㅅ/siot (시옷), the first character of 사형 (death penalty/capital punishment).
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— He seems to know more than he lets on about the Killing Vote and keeps staring at the teacher (as though he knows his past crimes, eg. the closeups on the teacher grabbing/borderline groping Joomin’s shoulder, watching the students during PE etc.).
— He seemed startled when Joomin talked about ‘zombie PCs’.
— In ep3, Jihoon says: « I think [he] took it too far this time. » right after he saw KMC being alive and the man with the cap escape (which could totally be this character in the opening we’ve not yet seen). In Korean, the subject is often omitted and deduced from the context, it’s the case here: the drama keeps the ambiguity on whatever Jihoon meant here.
— Him being Narae’s friend would also make sense: as Narae was 8yo, she would be around Joomin and Jihoon’s age if she was still alive. There’s also Narae’s drawings that keep being showed, a boy/young man is always drawn on it.
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As a child’s representation of adults and children could be inaccurate (the height, physical appearance, etc.), the characters we see on her drawings could be alternatively KMC (who was close to KSJ and given KSJ’s answer, also doted on her daughter), KSJ, a boy Narae used to play with (it could be Jihoon), the teacher or BWT, the son of the driver and the housekeeper who were also close to Narae and KSJ.
The assemblywoman asked her assistant to observe her son closely: I guess that refers to his health but it’s also to make sure he doesn’t commit crimes anymore. She also said to her son he definitely knows she’s ready to do anything to make Gaetal join her so that her campaign is successful: this + joking on TV how a mother is above the law suggest she definitely pulled strings to save their reputation (eg. using BWT as a convenient scapegoat ; tampering with the trials ; changing his son’s name etc.).
Joohyun thinks Gaetal acts like a hacker. That would also make Jodan (in ep5, he revealed he was arrested for hacking), Jihoon, the teacher and Joohyun herself suspects!
KSJ’s interest in Joohyun is curious: he even looked into her background once he met her & seems to focus on her habit to scratch her scar ; KMC’s comment on how unusual KSJ’s behavior was (specifically requesting Joohyun to communicate with ; negotiating his pardon — while he didn’t regret what he did at all) makes me think that: — in the letters or in some other way, Gaetal must’ve instructed him to obtain a pardon (perhaps they even told him to get rid of the letters to make him indispensable to the police) — Gaetal must’ve told him he would seek the truth to what happened to Narae: for someone who didn’t regret avenging her daughter, revealing Byun Wootaek was a scapegoat and the true culprit is roaming free out there would be plenty enough drive for him to find a way to get out of prison — whoever they are, Gaetal must’ve an ulterior motive to involve Joohyun, KSJ and KMC together
The first episode showed similar shots of KSJ and KMC (same backlighting, same low-angle shot, KSJ avenging his daughter and KMC lashing out on Bae Gicheol to stop him from abusing his wife):
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I wonder if we’ll get to see KMC’s relationship with the woman on his photo (likely his mother), this is probably the only shot we get of him smiling not out of spite ;;
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For Mu in Muchan, one of the hanja that can be given as a name is 橅, which means law, and it’s ironic given how the law failed him and KSJ ; sometimes characters are given names that will hold meaning in their development eg. Donghoon & Jian in My Mister ; Dongsik and Juwon in Beyond Evil.
For Ju in Seokju, there is 澍, which means timely/long-awaited rain ; rain has marked 2 important events in KSJ’s life: when he discovered his daughter’s body and when he was arrested by KMC after murdering Byun Wootaek ; there’s also 炷 which means wick, aligning with the OST lyrics (a fire burning in one’s eyes)
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suhyeos · 1 year
strangers from hell truly one of my fave dramas of all time it's got everything murder romance horror siwan dongwook etc
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eventually--darling · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any recs from 2022 or 23 regarding rom-com kdramas like crash course in romance? I finished it today. Some of the last few I've watched have kinda traumatized me.. like snowdrop (idk why I watched that, prob cuz I wanted the lead to have a shot at love and not get shot), Why her (it's amazing, but never again), adamas (is there even a part 2?). *Clears throat* I, uh- would be grateful if you could give me some suggestions that end on a lighter and happy note.. thankyou!
Oh gosh, the pickings are a bit slim since I lean towards things that traumatize me and haven't watched a *ton* of the stuff that came out last year/this year. But there's still a few good ones!
The first one that came to mind was The Law Cafe. While it dives into some hard topics, the tone is overall lighthearted and it has a happy ending. The ml was a bit frustrating at times but he always came thru. I think it deserved better honestly like it felt like just me and three other people watched it.
Summer Strike has a murder plot but I think if you could handle the one in ccir then you can handle this. Plot-wise it is not perfect but ohhhh the couple is top ten for me. They're so so cute together and I love how they both have such soft personalities. Pairings tend to be more opposites attract so it was lovely to see two gentle people fall for each other. Also Siwan! My favorite guy ❤️
Hometown Cha Cha Cha is from 2021 but if you haven't seen it and enjoyed ccir then I think it'd be perfect for you! It has the same director so a lot of the things I liked in ccir felt reminiscent of homecha. The plot is like 90% lighthearted and it has a very happy ending. I didn't enjoy it as much as ccir but it's still really cute and well worth the watch.
Gaus Electronics is just straight unhinged comedy. Never seen a kdrama like it lol. just give the first two eps a shot (most people get put off by ep one but it mellows out) and you'll see what I mean.
The Fabulous I kinda forgot about her after ep 2 but it was a fun watch up until then at least lol and I'm p sure it has a happy ending. If you like fashion and minho (SHINee) then it's the drama for you 😌💅
Wish I had more recs but like I said I haven't watched a ton of recently airing stuff, much less non-traumatizing stuff. Hope you find someone you like. ❤️❤️❤️
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samacharapp · 10 days
Railway Employee Accused Of Molesting Girl, Train Passengers Beat Him To Death
The employee was beaten to death aboard a train from Bihar's Barauni to New Delhi.
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The employee was beaten to death aboard a train from Bihar's Barauni to New Delhi.
New Delhi:  A railway employee was beaten to death by a girl's family members and other passengers aboard a train to New Delhi early on Thursday after he allegedly sexually assaulted the 11-year-old, police said.
According to officials, a family from Siwan had boarded the Humsafar Express from Bihar's Barauni Bihar to New Delhi on Wednesday and, around 11.30 pm, Group D railway employee Prashant Kumar made a 11-year-old girl from the family sit on his seat. When the girl's mother went to the washroom later, Kumar allegedly molested the girl. 
As soon as the woman came out of the washroom, the girl ran to her, hugged her and began crying. She took her mother to the washroom and told her what had happened. The mother then informed her husband, father-in-law and other passengers in the M1 (AC III tier economy) coach on the train. 
The train had reached the Aishbagh junction in Lucknow when the angry passengers and family members caught hold of Kumar, took him to the area near the doors of the coach and thrashed him till the train reached Kanpur Central, which is about an hour and a half away. When the train rolled into Kanpur Central at 4.35 am on Thursday, officials from the Government Railway Police (GRP) took Kumar to a hospital, where he was declared brought dead, officials said. 
While the family of the girl filed a complaint of sexual assault, Kumar's family has filed a complaint of murder.
Kumar's uncle, Pawan, said the family, which lives in Samastpur village in Bihar's Muzaffarpur district, found out that he had been beaten to death after an official from the local police station informed them. 
"Prashant was not that kind of man. It seems he was killed as part of a conspiracy. He was beaten for so long, were there no personnel from the Railway Police Force around," he asked. 
Superintendent of Police, GRP (Prayagraj), Abhishek Yadav said, "When the train crossed Aishbagh, the girl said she had been molested. Her family members and other passengers beat up the accused. At Kanpur Central, the accused was handed over to the GRP and a complaint was filed. When he was taken to the hospital, he was declared dead."
News is originally taken from: https://bit.ly/3MNPCJm
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Uhhh can i join in this cause i think jinyoung from got7 would make a good villain. Maybe he gets the channce to play one like yim siwan
Yes, I totally agree.
Jinyoung could play such an awesome Stockholm syndrome inducing type of villain. The type of a lover who's slowly and delicately tightening the noose around his love interest, slowly cutting them off of their friends and family, basically imprisoning them but the victim realizes when it's too late and they are already completely dependent on him. And then he would probably murder them in some eccentric way and put their skull to his collection of skulls of other victims of his 'love' in the basement or something like that 😂
You can tell I have read and watched many thrillers... 😂
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firstluvlatespring · 1 year
also finished summer strike today and i generally liked it bc i am a big fan of small community/found family stuff and i really really liked everyone in the main cast
i thought it was a bit misleading though, cause we see how she has left her life and moved to a town to start a new/from scratch but we see that only in the first couple of eps. and then yeoreum goes day to day which is also completely ok but why have a murder plotline...i suspect it might be because they thought plot would be too plain otherwise but i genuinely liked all the eps wth her navigating things, setting budgets, drinking and doing fuckall at the library
im siwan's character was also very nice but i wish he was more fleshed out, the end with his father i wish it was something they showed more. im siwan ily regardless
i wish they would've also shown yeoreum dealing with her grief outside of the first ep as well
also it was ridiculous when they took to solving murder on their own wtf....that was um not rooted in reality i think and woo youngwoo did this and one more drama but I can't remember, why are these dramas obsessed with 'hinting' aka presenting as evil/villain/murderer that people on the spectrum could be the killer but ofc they're not fuck off with this rhetoric i cannot deal shit anymore
outside of the last ep aka revealing of the killer, i liked it and the time i spent with it <3
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thedailyexcelsior · 2 years
Rajouri: Police Arrests Accused Involved in Murder of Bihari Labourer
Rajouri: Police Arrests Accused Involved in Murder of Bihari Labourer
Rajouri police said it has worked the murder case of Vishal Kumar (22), son of Balistar Mahatoo, resident of Siwan district in Bihar who was found brutally murdered in Nowshera area of district Rajouri on Nov 18. The accused is also from Bihar .
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
सीवान में मछली के बड़े कारोबारी की हत्या, इसी साल मां को लड़वाया था मुखिया चुनाव
सीवान में मछली के बड़े कारोबारी की हत्या, इसी साल मां को लड़वाया था मुखिया चुनाव
रिपोर्ट- मृत्युंजय कुमार सिंह सीवान. बिहार के सीवान में मछली व्यवसायी की निर्मम तरीके से हत्या कर दी गई. व्यवसायी का शव मिलने से इलाके में सनसनी फैल गई. उसका शव अपने तालाब के किनारे कीचड़ में मिला. परिजनों ने गांव के ही कुछ लोगों पर हत्या का आरोप लगाते हुए कहा है कि चोरी की गई बाइक की पहचान में आने पर हत्या की घटना को अंजाम दिया गया है. मृतक ने इसी साल हुए पंचायत चुनाव में अपनी मां को भी लड़वाया…
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lilithhedwig · 3 years
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Honestly? Can't even be mad at Moon-jo... cause I mean...if someone looked at me like this:
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I'd also become their tool for murder
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loveforseo · 3 years
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happy valentine’s to them only <3
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portrait0fthem00n · 3 years
Excuse my dumb au's but i just read the cutest cherry magic au for wangxian and i couldn't help myself.
Moonjo, residential perfectionist and loner working at an insurance company (no sexy murder dentist in this timeline oops), turns 30 while still being a virgin. So, he suddenly has the ability to read other people's minds, and he finds a way to use that to his advantage, and ascend to higher positions in the company.
A couple of years later, Jongwoo starts working at the same insurance company, and Moonjo takes a liking to him. Only Jongwoo always evades and ignores the other so he can't really read his thoughts. But several months later, as they both get off work close to midnight, he manages to do so, and finds Jongwoo's thoughts to be an odd string of "God that bastard is so fucking handsome I want him to choke me but also I want to punch him in the face because he's so perfect all the time, and also what is it with him grinning all the time and his stupidly pretty eyes, god i HATE HIM"
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