#murder's mustang posting
shiroi---kumo · 2 years
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Royal Knights of His Majesty || Accepting
Send    ‘ you’ll have to get through me first… ‘    for my muse’s reaction to yours stepping in and defending them from someone they’re scared of
@flameleads is growling:
"You’ll have to get through me first." [ because Roy said so ]
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There had been a small bit of a squabble when the Amestrian Colonel came to learn what he had been doing all this time. It wasn't that the Misterican had been keeping the nature of his activities from the man out of ill will but more because he did not want to cause the man anymore turmoil that he had already been feeling and he also did not want to bring anyone else with him because of his airborne nature.
It was just simpler to search from the skies when he did not have to worry about what was happening on the ground, at the same time. Black Wind would have been the only suitable searching companion, but this wasn't adding to their on going search for Chaos so - so that wouldn't have been a productive conversation either. 
So now he finds himself walking through the first town they've seen for at least a day. Cid had been gracious enough to give him more time on that blasted timer since this time he was out with company but there had been a long talk between the Misterican and the Mechanic about staying aware of his surroundings, keeping his head down, if he feels unsafe for any reason they are to return immediately without hesitation. 
There had been a groan and a sigh from the prince in question to ultimately he had agreed to the commands. Eversti was adverse to flight, so that meant they were stuck on foot with only the supplies the swordsman's travel bag could carry. He didn't know how long they would be out this time but he can't imagine that Eversti would want to return before he found some kind of information on his children. 
This village was much like others he's visited in this patchwork world. Nondescript buildings surrounded by nondescript people. A girl of blue hair, and young but still an adult looking in age made eye contact with him when they entered so he only looked to offer her a smile even with hidden lips. 
Her head was snapping away as quickly as it could until his voice chimes.
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"Excuse me, Miss? Can you help me for a moment?"
And pink eyes only widen as her face pales and the woman finds herself practically frozen in place. 
"L-L-Lord M-M-Makenshi." Her voice shakes in the same way a leaf would when the wind rustles through the trees. "What an honor it is for you to grace us with a visit today." 
His face grimaces when she speaks as his shoulders raise in his tension only to fall again in defeat seconds later. His hands raise up, flat as if to stop her trembling without touching her.
"This is entirely unnecessary.  I just need a bit of your help, if you would be so kind."
"Ah - I - Of course My Lord, whatever you desire." 
"You really don't need - It's fine. I just need to know if you've seen any children recently that don't belong to the town. Humans. One would have yellow looking hair and dresses in red. The other tall and in a suit of armor.  Have you seen anyone matching these descriptions?"
Her head shakes quickly as her arms stay folded with her hands close to her chest.  The fear in her eyes made plain as she looks at him.
"N-n-no My Lord. No one. No one has come through the village for several days, but I can't claim to pay proper attention to all who cross these parts. Fo-forgive me for not being more useful."
He's sighing again as she sounds and waving a hand in the air as if to dismiss whatever wrong doings she thinks she's committed.
"That's quite alright. Thank you for your time. "
He can hear the man behind him groaning and as he turns to face his companion there are words he doesn't know if he's quite ready to deal with at the present moment.
"When we met, you told me to call you Makenshi. Not Lord Makenshi. Why do these people call you that?" The Amestrian inquires.  "What's more... they're terrified of you."
There is no motion to turn around and face the man. There's no motion to stop as he simply starts walking again instead of answering his question.
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"That's not... important. We need to focus on finding any information we can about your sons before Cid's blasted alarm goes off and checks in on us."
He's still not stopping, and the only other motion the Misterican makes is to lift his left wrist where the mechanic's invention lives and he shakes it as if to draw attention to it instead of him.
The dark haired man's eyes are narrowing on his companion as he speaks again. 
"I'd say that's pretty important. People don't tend to want to help someone they're afraid of. That, or they'll be too busy panicking to remember anything. So, what's the story?"
But the Misterican fails to turn once again and continues to keep walking. They don't have time for this right now. Cid might have given him more time this round but the blond was still checking in on him regularly to make sure progress was being made or seeing if they could do anything on their own end should useful information come about, so the words 
"I will explain it all later. We need to focus on the task at hand." 
are all that leave the Light's Unlimited, causing him only to stop in his tracks when he can hear the man's body practically shift and become ready to fight back.  Misterica's heir does the only thing he can think to in that moment and that is to turn on his heel and he swings his arm snapping his right hand clearly in front of the younger man's vision as if to pull his attention straight to him. 
His voice raises and he yells "Focus. Do you want to find your sons or not?"
But obsidian eyes are burning. Burning like Brother's fire and he can feel their heat rolling in his direction. He can't say he much cares for it either. 
"I am focusing on the task at hand. We won't get anything out of these people if they're afraid. I know that for a fact."
There are eyes on them now and he can feel the village's gaze fix on his person from his back to his front. They're making a scene and now this village is fixated on the ghastly intruder that has crossed into their sacred land. 
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"Well I can't change that, so just keep moving." The annoyance is growing in a tone that is normally so very gentle as jade eyes narrow down and his nose wrinkles from behind his mask. 
"He's angry."   
                   "Oh no. That poor man."  
                                                                               "That's Lord Makenshi isn't it?" 
                "It sure is. That poor fool's spoke his last line." 
"No one escapes the devil's wrath."
                                                  "Children go inside. You don't need to see this." 
    "Only an idiot would raise their voice to  one of the Lords of Gaudium." 
                               "Especially of all of them - him." 
It's then that the Amestrian's eyes burn hotter than ever before as he bellows
 "You think I don't want to find them? Do you know how agonizing it is to not know if they're alive or not? I told you already that I lost my son once. I've been nothing but forthright with you. Can you say the same?"
The town fills with the sounds of small gasps and doors closing. There are as many people fleeing the streets as there are now staring at the man in white waiting to know what he'll do next. What will Lord Makenshi  -  
"I have told you what was relevant to finding your children and getting you and your people home. That's what matters here. Returning you to your Amestris! So stay focused!!" 
The masked man's voice echoes as he meets the Amestrian's passion in kind and doors slam all around them. 
"This is the end."
 "Surely Lord Makenshi is going to kill that man." 
"Get the children off the streets. They don't need to see what is about to happen!" 
  "That boy. He dresses in white."
 "That devil no doubt." 
                                         "Are you a fool? that's Lord Makenshi"
 "Lord Makenshi?! Why would he be here?!" 
                               "You know if he shows in your town then everyone is doomed." 
"We've done nothing to anger Gaudium why would he be here." 
                                                                    "Lord Makenshi truly is the white devil." 
                                        "We're all going to die."
               "Keep your voice down, they say he has the ears of a demon." 
       "Because he is one." 
                   "Oh how have we been scorned by God to deserve this."
                                                       "We're all going to die because of that human!" 
And that was when the volcano erupted.  Everst's voice ringing loud to encompass the space around them. 
"I am. No one's going to talk to us if they're afraid." He gestures to the closed doors. "I can't be much help if I don't have more information." He's pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please, just give me something to work with so we can at least get through this town." He pauses only to glare further. 
"Or, am I really going to die because I pissed you off?"
He's been listening. Eversti has been listening to the space around them and he can hear doors slamming and a mixture of footsteps scattering and marching. He can hear so much going on at once that he can't answer.  He can't answer as his hands raise to cover his ears as he feels his body shake from the fool of emotions that are rushing his system faster than he has a chance to process -  
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Marching.  It's a little further off on the edge of town.  He can hear marching.  The organized sound of boots against the dirt. 
                                         "Search the town. Leave no stone unturned." 
               "If we can bring our God, Lord Makenshi then surely he'll reward us." 
"I don't care if you have to burn it to the ground - no one leaves this town until we find him." 
                                                "Spread out." 
His breathing is picking up by the second as his mind fills with static. It's happening. He's caught. He's caught if he stays here too long and he can't fight inside the town. He can't give these people more of a reason to hate him then they already do. He's panicking as his head darts up and his hands fall away from his ears. 
He's looking in one direction and then the opposite as if to check to see if he can spot any of the opposing threat. His incoming captors if he's not careful.  They won't - they can't harm the town if he's not in it.
"They're here." He states frantically,  looking at the Amestrian with a wild look in his eyes. "They found me."   
The man in white looks as if he could be spooked by his own shadow before he turns away from his companion and runs.   
"We've never met."   echoes back from his trail as he forces himself into what is left of the crowd in the streets, only to weave in and out of buildings and back alleys until he can find himself coming to forest on the outskirts of town. 
There's no time to look back. He'll find Eversti again once he knows the coast is clear but he cannot let Gaudium take them both.  He cannot let Gaudium harm Eversti or the town.  So his left hand is flying up to his left ear, thumb pushing against the button along the bottom while he sounds out trembling. 
"Cid? Cid?  Cid can you hear me? Cid are you there? Cid answer me! Cid answer me! It's - It's Gaudium.  Cid answer me! It's Gaudium and they're on my trail. Cid! Cid I need Black Wind! Cid you have to tell Black Wind! Please Cid! Cid Answer me!"
'Why would anyone answer you, Little Cloud? You think they're your friends? I told you once and I'll tell you again. The people of this world don't care for you. They never have and they never will. That dog can't save you either. Why do you beg for someone who cares nothing for you?'
He can't be hearing this right now. He doesn't have the time. He needs to get away from the town. He needs to get away from the town so should they find him, they can't make the people of that village page for his disobedience.
Just like so many had in the past.
So many forced to pay his debts.
So his mask is flooding back as he lets his steps slow. His heart is doing no such thing, but his feet come to halt nonetheless. He needs to focus. He needs a way to run. He needs a way to get away unseen, so he needs to act like the Misterican he is and make himself some form of cover.
Quivering lips are parting as he lets himself exhale. One long and deep exhale to allow a rolling cloud of thick white to leave him. It floods through the trees, covering the ground to swallow all in it's path. This should buy him some kind of time. This should - give him some kind of advantage. At least this way they wouldn't be able to see and even if they could - it wouldn't be as well as he could. Not with his Mist in play.
No, his ears were far too sensitive for that.
He just needs to hide long enough until his soul's breath takes effect and puts them all to sleep. He just needs to wait for -
"This isn't going to work."
"If you think you can wait us out in your little cloud, you're wrong."
"We just want to talk, My Lord."
"His Excellency would just like you to return to him."
"If you can do that, this won't need to get ugly."
"There's no need to go to such extremes, Lord Makenshi."
' Little Cloud. Little Cloud, don't ignore me. You know if you don't come home soon, then more of Wonderland will die. You can hear it too, can't you? Our beautiful song? You know they all die for you. Just for you, My Precious Little Cloud.'
The voices of his pursuers are mixing with that monster's within his mind. If they get their hands on him they'll take him back to Anarchy. They will take him to that beast and - if that monster gets his hands on him again then - then - then - Oh he can feel himself growing sick while the images of Black Wind's corpse fill his mind.
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He has to hold his hands over his mouth to stop himself from making any form of noise. Back pressed against a tree trunk, he feels like his heart is beating with the ferocity of a thousand war drums. He can just kill them. He could just slaughter them all but if he does then what will that say to the people of this town and what will it say to Eversti?
Killing them all would be so easy and he can feel that beast wrapping around him from the corridors of his mind and urging him to do so. It has become such a thoughtless motion in recent years. It wouldn't cost him more than a couple of minutes to strip these men of their entrails but doing that would - doing that wouldn't be right.
He isn't supposed to kill unless he doesn't have any other choice. Lady Tiamat would be ashamed that he even considered doing so... but ...
Finally does he find enough composer in himself to pull his hands away from his face and swing around to look for the men hunting him. He can hear them for the most part. He can hear leaves crunching under thick boots and as he squints through the Mist that's when he catches sight of one of them enough to notice the state of his mask - a - he's wearing a mask.
He's wearing a damnable face mask! They came prepared for this! They came prepared to take him in at any cost.
"We'll make you a deal, My Lord. Come with us and we won't take it out on the town."
"Refuse us and the town burns to the ground. "
"The White Devil takes another town tonight or you come with us and no one gets hurt."
"But what do you care about a few hundred lives?"
"You've slaughtered thousands in the name of His Excellency, haven't you?"
"So come out here and we won't hurt you or the town."
"We know you've sided with the Black Wind."
"His Excellency is most disappointed."
"It's time to return home, Lord Makenshi."
They're right. They're right and he knows it. They're right and he knows he can't run anymore. If he just gives himself up and goes back to that beast.
If he goes back to that beast then he's going to die.
How many times?
It's better if he's the one that dies than the town -
It's better if he's the one that dies than if Eversti were the one to get -
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There's a sigh of defeat and he can already hear Black Wind cursing him in his mind. He can hear the Windarian cussing rolling off his Other's lips as he allows his body to float out from the position he was hiding in, hands raised to either side of his head.
He got away once, he can do it again. He got away ....with Black Wind's help. He'll be furious but he'll come for him. He just has to believe that Black Wind will come for him again. For the sake of that village, he can't risk doing anything foolish and -
"That's right. We only want to talk, My Lord. It's time to go back to His Excellency."
A man appears behind him, grabbing his wrists and pulling them down behind his back.
"On the ground." He demands and the Misterican obeys allowing his feet to sink to the ground. He can feel his captor working to tie his wrists behind his back and it takes everything in him to resist the urge to shake the man off of him. It takes everything in not to flip the man to the ground then and there only to summon the Maken to his aid.
He doesn't need his hands to defend himself and they will learn this in the grimmest way possible if they cross him and harm the town outright. There's nothing else to do here and he just has to trust that Black Wind will come -
"You’ll have to get through me first."
A voice roars through the forest, echoing all around him like a grand dragon declaring war upon on all that stand in it's path. There are those same burning obsidian orbs glaring darts in his direction, but this time they aren't looking at him.
This time he could have sworn the Amestrian was trying to burn the man behind him to ASH.
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won4kiss · 24 days
── ❝ ꒰ 𝐼’𝑀 𝐼𝑁 𝐿𝒪𝑉𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻 𝒜 𝒞𝑅𝐼𝑀𝐼𝑁𝒜𝐿 .ᐟㅤ ៸៸﹙ 박성훈 ﹚ ᶻ𐰁
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𝓢𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔﹕in the glamorous world of italian high society, you, a detective, are on the trail of sunghoon—a charismatic art thief who targets the morally corrupt. as you close in on him, the line between duty and desire blurs, leading to a series of encounters filled with tension and unexpected twists. amidst a glittering art party and a shocking betrayal, you must confront your own emotions and decide between justice and an irresistible connection with sunghoon. with danger and passion entwined, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
୨୧ 𝓖𝙀𝙉𝙍𝙀﹕forbidden romance au, in love with a criminal trope!! strangers to lovers, romance, slight angst, fluff, oneshot.
୨୧ 𝓟𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂﹕criminal!sunghoon x detective! reader, platonic best friend! jisung (nct jisung god i love him!!) LIBRARY . . .
୨୧ 𝓦𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎﹕angst (happy ending dw!!), character death, blood, weapons, gun mentioned, slightly suggestive? (barely..), swearing, kissing, obviously robbery and illegal things!! + not proofread & y/n being a shit detective…
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𝓟𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗟i𝗦𝗧 ﹕venice bitch, lana del rey! chemtrails over the country club, lana del rey! white mustang, lana del rey! lust for life, lana del rey! kiss it better, rihanna! heartbeat, childish gambino! marjorie, taylor swift! labyrinth, taylor swift! my tears ricochet, taylor swift! how to disappear, lana del rey!
﹙ ℒ ﹚── the playlist was mostly lana.. neways THIS IS MY THANK U FOR 1K FIC AAA, its almost been a week but i wanted to make the perfect post for u guysss<3 enhablr is full of some of the nicest most amazing cutest ppl i’ve ever met and a superrrrr big thank u to my moots ily guys sm :( thank u thank u thank u﹗ ❞ ⸝⸝
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VENICE THRIVES IN THE IN-BETWEENS—IN THE SPACES BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARK, in between the past and present, in between beauty and decay.
it’s in these in-betweens that you find yourself as you walk the narrow streets, your footsteps echoing off the stone walls.
you're a detective, dedicated and relentless, known for your sharp instincts and unwavering determination to society— but for the past few months, one case has consumed you—one man who continually slips through your fingers.
park sunghoon.
his name alone is enough to make your blood boil.
sunghoon lives in the shadows of the city, a ghost who appears only to vanish again.
he’s a thief, a murderer, but also something more—a man who has captivated you in ways you’re reluctant to admit.
he’s a contradiction, an enigma, a man who does terrible things but for reasons that are almost noble— almost.
your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of water lapping against the side of a gondola.
you pause, looking out over the canal, your breath misting in the cool night air.
you have to find him. you have to stop him.
but there’s something else, something deeper, that drives you—and that’s what you fear will be the end of you.
the first time you encountered sunghoon, it was supposed to be a typical routine raid.
the intel had come in just hours before—an illegal auction was taking place at a high-end gallery hidden in the heart of venice.
rare paintings, priceless artifacts, things that should have been in museums, were being sold to the highest bidder.
and at the center of it all, the man you had been hunting: park sunghoon.
you arrived at the gallery with your team, your heart pounding with anticipation.
you had studied every detail of the building, memorized every possible escape route.
this time, you were going to catch him—you were sure of it.
but when you stepped inside, you realized that park sunghoon was always one step ahead.
the auction was over, the gallery nearly empty, except for a few lingering figures in the shadows.
and then you saw him—a tall, lean figure dressed in black, standing before a painting that had just been sold for an obscene amount of money.
for a moment, you were frozen in place— you had seen pictures of him, of course, but seeing him in person was different.
he was... striking, with sharp features and an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance.
but what caught you off guard the most were his eyes—dark, intense, and filled with something you couldn’t name.
“ah and you’re.. detective y/n, i presume?”sunghoon’s voice is smooth, almost playful, as he turns to face you.
“i’ve heard so much about you.”
you snap out of your daze, your hand quickly moving to the gun at your side.
“you’re under arrest, park sunghoon. don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
he chuckles softly, a sound that sends a shiver down your spine. “oh, but where’s the fun in that?”
before you can react, sunghoon moves, faster than ever, slipping through the shadows as if he were a ghost— never even there.
you curse under your breath as you chase after him, your heart pounding with adrenaline.
you can hear his footsteps echoing in the empty hallways, always just out of reach.
he leads you on a chase through the gallery, up staircases and through darkened corridors—until you reach the rooftop.
the moonlight had an eerie glow over the city as you finally cornered him, your gun trained on his chest.
“it’s over, sunghoon,” you say, breathless but determined.
but instead of surrendering, sunghoon just smiles—a small, almost amused smile.
“sorry pretty—not quite.”
with a swift movement, he disarms you, the gun falling to the ground with a clatter.
you barely have time to register what has happened before sunghoon is gone, disappearing into the night like he had never been there.
as you stand there, alone on the rooftop, you realize two things: sunghoon is unlike any criminal you’ve ever faced, and you’re in deep, deep trouble.
the second time you cross paths with sunghoon, it’s at a private villa along the canals.
the villa belongs to an infamous art collector, a man with a taste for the illicit.
word has gotten out that sunghoon is planning to steal a painting that has been missing for centuries, a masterpiece worth more than most people would see in a lifetime.
you’ve been waiting for him, hidden among the shadows as you watch the party unfold.
the guests are wealthy, powerful, the kind of people who think they’re untouchable.
but tonight, you’re not interested in them.
you’re interested in the man who is about to absolutely ruin their night.
you spot him just as he’s making his move—dressed in a black suit, he blends in perfectly with the other guests, but you knew better.
you can feel his presence, like a predator stalking its prey.
you wait until he’s just about to grab the painting before making your move.
“going somewhere?” you ask, stepping out of the shadows, your gun aimed at his back.
sunghoon doesn’t even flinch. he turns to face you, his expression calm, almost bored.
“you again? i must say, detective y/n, you’re persistent.”
“and you’re under arrest,” you reply, your voice steady.
“hands up. now.”
he raises his hands, but there’s a glint in his eyes that makes your stomach twist.
“you know, you’re much prettier in person,” he says, his tone teasing.
you grit your teeth. “this isn’t a game, sunghoon.”
“isn’t it?” he replies, taking a step closer.
“you chase me, i run. it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it?”
“fun?” you can hardly believe what you’re hearing.
“you’ve stolen millions of dollars, you’ve killed people, and you think this is fun?”
he’s right in front of you now, so close you can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.
“only the ones who deserve it,” he whispers, his voice low and dangerous.
“and trust me, detective, they all deserved it— and i think you know that.”
your grip on your gun tightens, but before you can react, sunghoon moves, faster than you can follow.
in an instant, he has disarmed you, his hand closing around your wrist as he twists your arm behind your back.
you struggle, but he’s stronger, his grip like iron.
“you really need to work on your technique,” he murmurs in your ear, his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
“you’re good, but not good enough.”
with that, he releases you, stepping back with a smirk.
“until next time, detective y/n.”
and just like that, he’s gone, leaving you standing in the empty room, your heart pounding with a mix of frustration and something else you don’t want to name.
a few weeks later— you’re yet again attending another event.
by the time you find yourself at the gala, you’re more determined than ever to catch sunghoon.
you’ve been tracking him for months at this point, chasing him through the streets of venice, but he always manages to slip away, but this time, you’re ready.
this time, you won’t let him escape.
the gala is a grand affair, held in one of venice’s most luxurious palazzos.
the guests are the crème de la crème of society, dressed in their finest clothes, sipping champagne as they admire the beautiful pieces of art on display.
you’re there undercover, wearing an elegant red dress that clings to your curves, your hair styled in loose curls that cascade down your back.
you feel out of place among the wealthy elite, but you don’t let it show.
you’re focused, your eyes scanning the room for any sign of park sunghoon.
you know he’ll be there—he can’t resist a good heist, especially when there’s a painting as valuable as the one on display tonight.
it doesn’t take long for you to spot him—he’s standing by the bar, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, looking every bit the part of a wealthy art connoisseur.
but you know better. you know what he really is.
taking a deep breath, you make your way over to him, your heart pounding with anticipation.
this is it. this is your chance.
“care for a drink?” sunghoon asks as you approach, his voice smooth as silk.
you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “you know why i’m here, sunghoon.”
he raises an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. “do i?”
“yes,” you reply, your voice firm.
“and i’m not letting you get away this time.”
sunghoon chuckles softly, shaking his head slightly.
“you’re always so serious, detective. i mean— seriously—you should relax more.”
his words are casual, but there’s something in his tone that makes your heart skip a beat.
he’s toying with you, like a cat with a mouse.
you try to ignore the way your pulse quickens, the way his proximity affects you.
“this ends tonight,” you say, your voice steady despite the inner turmoil inside you.
“i’m bringing you in.”
“is that so?” he murmurs, leaning closer until you can feel the heat of his breath against your cheek.
“and how exactly do you plan to do that?”
your breath catches in your throat, your resolve wavering for a split second.
but you can’t afford to let your guard down—not now— you felt it, you were so close.
you reach for the gun hidden beneath your dress, but once again— sunghoon is faster.
he grabs your wrist, pulling you against him, his grip firm but not painful.
“you really should know better by now,” he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear.
“you can’t catch me, angel.”
you struggle to pull away, but he holds you close, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race.
for a moment, you’re caught in his gaze, unable to look away.
there’s something there, something dark and dangerous, but also something that draws you in, makes you want to know more— makes you want to find out.
but you can’t afford to let yourself get distracted, not now. you wrench your arm free, taking a step back, your gun trained on him once more.
“don’t move,” you warn, your voice trembling slightly despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
but sunghoon just smiles, that infuriatingly smug smile that makes you want to wipe it off his face.
“you won’t shoot me,” he says confidently.
“and what makes you so sure of that?” you demand, narrowing your eyes at him.
“because you’re a good person,” he replies simply.
“and good people don’t shoot unarmed men.”
you hate that he’s right, hate that he knows you so well.
but more than that, you hate the way your heart flutters when he looks at you like that, as if he knows every thought running through your head.
before you can respond, sunghoon takes advantage of your hesitation, disarming you with a slick motion.
the gun clatters to the floor, and you find yourself pinned against the wall, his body pressed against yours.
“let me go,” you demand, but your voice lacks conviction.
his presence overwhelms you, his scent, his heat, everything about him consuming your senses.
he leans in closer, his lips just inches from yours. “you don’t really want that, do you?” he murmurs, his voice low and the most serious it had been the entire night.
your breath hitches, your resolve once again crumbling under his intense gaze.
you should resist, should push him away, but instead, you find yourself leaning in, your lips brushing against his in a moment of weakness.
it’s a kiss filled with all the pent-up frustration, the unspoken tension that has been building between you since the moment you first met.
it’s wrong, so wrong, but it feels so right, and for a moment, you let yourself get lost in it, forgetting everything else.
but then— reality comes crashing back, and you pull away, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and desire.
“this- this doesn’t change anything,” you whisper, your voice shaky.
sunghoon’s eyes darken, his expression unreadable.
“doesn’t it through?” he asks tilting his head, almost taunting you.
before you can respond, he steps back, releasing you from his grip gently.
“until next time, detective,” he says, his tone both teasing and sincere.
and then he’s gone, disappearing into the crowd before you can even process what just happened.
you stand there, breathless and confused, your mind racing with conflicting emotions.
you should be furious, should be focused on catching him, but all you can think about is the way his lips felt against yours.
the final confrontation comes on a misty night by sile river.
you’ve tracked sunghoon to this place, a place he visited quite often—secluded spot away from the prying eyes of the public.
the river flows quietly, the water reflecting the lights of the city in the distance.
it’s a beautiful, peaceful sight, but the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
you spot him standing by the water’s edge, his back to you— for a moment, you hesitate, your heart pounding in your chest.
this is it. the moment you’ve been waiting for.
but as you approach, something in you shifts—you can’t deny the feelings that have been growing inside you, the connection you’ve felt with him despite everything, despite all your differences.
“sunghoon,” you call out, your voice carrying over the sound of the water.
he turns to face you, his expression unreadable.
“y/n,” he greets you, his tone surprisingly soft.
you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for what’s to come. “this.. has to end.”
sunghoon nods slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. “i know, y/n.”
you swallow hard, your emotions warring inside you— the way he whispered your name.
“i can’t keep doing this. i can’t keep chasing you, knowing that… knowing that i…”
“that you what?” he prompts gently, taking a step closer.
you close your eyes, the words catching in your throat.
“that i.. that i care about you,” you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
sunghoon’s expression softens, and he closes the distance between you, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek.
“i don’t like it— trust me, but i care about you too,” he confesses, his voice full of sincerity.
your heart aches with the truth of it, with the impossible situation you found yourselves in.
“but you’re a criminal,” you say, your voice trembling in hurt.
“i’m supposed to catch you, to stop you.”
he nods, his thumb gently brushing over your skin. “i know. and you will. but not tonight, okay?”
you shake your head, tears stinging your eyes.
“i don’t want to hurt you.”
“you won’t,” he assures you, his voice steady.
“but i can’t stop what i’m doing—i can’t let the people i care about— the city suffer at the hands of monsters.”
“i know,” you whisper, your heart breaking for him, for both of you.
“but i can’t keep pretending that this is just a game, that it doesn’t matter.”
“it matters,” he says softly, his eyes filled with emotion.
“it matters more than anything.”
before you can say anything else, he pulls you into his arms, his lips finding yours in a kiss that is both desperate and soft.
you kiss him back, pouring all your conflicted feelings into the embrace, knowing that this may possibly be the last time.
when you finally pull away, you rest your forehead against his, your breath mixing with his.
“what happens now?”
sunghoon sighs, his hand still cradling your face.
“i don’t know. but i do know that i can’t stay away from you. not anymore.”
you close your eyes, letting the weight of his words sink in.
you know that this is far from over, that the road ahead will be difficult and uncertain.
but in this moment with him, with him holding you close, you can’t bring yourself to care about what is eventually coming to take place.
it had been weeks since that night by the sile river, the night when sunghoon had held you close, confessed the unspoken feelings, and kissed you with a desperation that left you breathless.
since then, you’ve been wrestling with the conflicting emotions inside of you, caught between your duty as a detective and the growing affection you feel for sunghoon.
you’re in a dimly lit warehouse, pacing back and forth—the shadows dance around you, lit by the single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
your thoughts are consumed by sunghoon, the way he looked at you, the way he made you feel.
it’s a constant tug-of-war between your professional responsibilities and your personal feelings.
jisung, your best friend and partner, is hunched over a stack of files on a table.
“you alright, y/n?” he asks, his voice breaking through your pacing thoughts.
you nod, forcing a smile. “yeah, just thinking. we’re close to getting sunghoon this time. i can feel it.”
jisung raises an eyebrow, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“you sure you’re up for this? you’ve seemed... distracted lately— no one would blame you.”
you bite your lip, unsure how to explain the conflict rising inside you.
“i’m fine ji... just focused.”
but you know the truth, every encounter with sunghoon, every conversation with him, has only deepened your feelings— and it’s making your job increasingly difficult.
the art party is in full swing. it’s an extravagant affair, filled with the elite of italy’s society.
elegant gowns and tuxedos move gracefully through the luxurious venue, their laughter mingling with the clinking of champagne filled glasses.
the centerpiece of the evening is a rare painting, the very piece sunghoon has been eyeing for years.
you and jisung are undercover, dressed to blend in with the crowd.
you’re wearing a stunning white dress that feels both empowering and confining.
it’s hard to focus on anything other than sunghoon and the swirling emotions inside you.
you spot sunghoon across the room, and your heart stops— his dark suit and confident demeanor making him stand out even among the wealthy guests.
he’s conversing with a group of influential individuals, but you can’t shake the feeling that he’s aware of your presence.
his gaze occasionally flickers toward you, sending shivers down your spine.
jisung nudges you, breaking your concentration. “keep it together, y/n. remember the plan.”
you nod, trying to refocus. “right.. we wait for him to make a move.”
but sunghoon isn’t making it easy—he’s playful, almost taunting you with his confident demeanor.
his eyes lock onto yours from across the room, a smirk playing at his lips.
the way he looks at you makes your heart race and your resolve waver, he knows he’s getting to you.
you glance at jisung, who’s preoccupied with monitoring the guests.
the party goes on, the noise and glamour creating a number of distractions.
you can feel the tension building, the stakes high— you know that tonight is crucial.
the night carries on as planned— and just as you think you’ve cornered him, all exits blocked and all streets surrounding the venue closed, a sudden commotion erupts.
you hear gunshots—your heart leaps into your chest.
panic flows all around you, and you see jisung— your best friend fall to the ground, a look of shock and pain on his face.
your breath catches as you rush to jisung’s side, desperately trying to stop the bleeding— the blood staining your dress a bright red, a sight out of a horror movie for most people.
“jisung! ji.. stay with me!” you shout, tears clouding your view but his eyes undeniably are already growing dim.
a criminal, someone you don’t recognize but who clearly knows the world you’re dealing with, slips through the chaos— running towards the exit.
you’re too late to catch him, your focus is entirely on jisung, but as you look around, you see the grim reality—your team is more concerned with capturing sunghoon than with jisung’s life.
with jisung’s final breath, he manages a faint, painful smile as his fingers laced with yours grow faint.
“i’m- i’m sorry, y/n. i’m sorry...”
tears blur your vision as you hold him in your arms, your heart breaking into pieces.
you scream for help, but the response from your team is cold and detached.
they tell you they can’t redirect resources to find the man who did this because they need to focus on capturing sunghoon.
“you can’t be serious,” you say, your voice breaking with disbelief.
“jisung is dead, and you don’t care?”
“detective y/n!— remember the main priority at point!”
the team’s response is a dismissive shrug, their focus entirely on the bigger picture.
anger and sorrow floods through you— you storm out, leaving behind the cold, indifferent faces of those you once considered allies.
you arrive at the sile river, why? you really don’t know— maybe you were there because you were in need of comfort, of sunghoon.
all you could do was hope he would come find you.
your white— now red dress was an eerie contrast against the dark night.
the river’s surface reflects the dim city lights, but it offers little comfort.
you collapse onto the grass, sobbing uncontrollably.
the weight of jisung’s death and the betrayal of your team bear down on you, crushing your spirit— crushing everything you’ve ever believed.
as you weep, a figure approaches— you look up, your tear-streaked face illuminated by the faint light.
it’s sunghoon, his eyes are filled with a mix of sadness and something deeper—something that mirrors your own turmoil.
“you’re here,” you say, your voice trembling.
you pull out your gun, but your hands are shaking too much to hold it steady.
sunghoon watches you with a sad, resigned smile.
“if you really want to do it, i’m not stopping you,” he says softly.
you felt your heart break at his words—your resolve shatters. the gun falls from your hands, landing with a soft thud on the grass.
you collapse into a heap, your sobs shaking your entire body.
sunghoon sits beside you, his presence both comforting and agonizing.
he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “it’s okay,” he murmurs.
“i’m here y/n, i’m not leaving.”
as you let yourself be comforted by him, the feelings you’ve been fighting against surge forward.
you realize that despite everything, you’ve never felt more connected to anyone.
his touch was soothing, his warmth comforting presence to your broken heart.
after a while, you pull away slightly, meeting his gaze.
“i.. sunghoon- i don’t know what to do anymore. i know what we have is wrong, but it feels so right.”
sunghoon’s expression softens, his eyes filled with understanding.
“i know. but it doesn’t have to be wrong. it doesn’t have to end like this.”
you lean in, and he meets you halfway—the kiss is both tender and desperate, a mix of all the feelings you’ve been trying to suppress.
it’s a kiss filled with promise and hope, even in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.
as you pull away, you rest your forehead against his, your breath mixing with his.
“what now?” you ask, your voice a whisper.
sunghoon sighs, his hand still cradling your face. “we’ll figure it out. together.”
in that moment, you feel a glimmer of peace amidst the chaos.
the future is uncertain, and the road ahead is filled with challenges.
but for now, with sunghoon by your side, you feel a sense of belonging that you haven’t felt in a long time.
the journey is far from over, but as you stand together, you try to convince yourself that with whatever happens next, you’ll face it side by side.
weeks have passed since that night by the river.
you’ve struggled to find balance between your duty and your emotions.
sunghoon remains there in your mind, but your heart is no longer in the chase.
the trauma of jisung’s death and the betrayal you felt have left you reeling.
you’ve made a decision that changes everything— you arrange a meeting with sunghoon in a secluded location, away from prying eyes.
when he arrives, there’s a mix of surprise and hope in his eyes.
“i’m done,” you say, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside you.
“i can’t keep doing this anymore..”
sunghoon’s eyes search yours, his expression unreadable.
“what are you saying?”
you take a deep breath, your heart pounding.
“i’m saying that i’m done chasing you. i’m done pretending that i don’t care. i want to be with you, sunghoon. but i can’t do that and be a detective at the same time.”
sunghoon’s gaze softens, a glimmer of relief in his eyes.
“i understand, took you long enough..” he whispered with a childish pout which you let out a small grin at.
you step closer, taking his hand. “i don’t know what the future holds, but i just want to be with you. no more fighting my feelings, no more running. just us.. and i think jisung would’ve wanted me to be happy too..”
sunghoon looks at your intertwined hands, his expression filled with affection.
“are you sure about this, y/n?”
“yes,” you say, your voice filled with honestly.
“i’m sure, park sunghoon.”
he pulls you into his arms, holding you close.
“then we’ll figure it out. together.”
as you stand there, wrapped in his embrace, you feel a sense of resolution.
the future is uncertain, but with sunghoon by your side, everything feels okay once again.
for now, all that matters is that you’re together. and that’s enough.
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© won4kiss 2024
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notmaplemable · 6 months
You know what would've been cool to see in RWBY post V9?
The next time Jaune was fighting someone who pulled the "transforms into/gives you visions of your lost friend they probably had a hand in murdering" thing.
If Jaune instead of breaking down or hesitating that time, just pulled a Colonel Mustang and started beating the shit our of them even more.
I mean, there aren't any more villains who could do that anymore at that point in the story, but it still would've been cool.
At least, I think it would be.
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God speaking of morally grey characters and FMA. It is SO funny how 03 managed to simultaneously make Mustang like... More evil, and also more woobified??
Like, ok, look at Mangahood Mustang right. Yeah, obviously he's a horrible person who did a fuckton of murder. He's also aiming for the presidency specifically with the goal of holding himself and other Ishvalan genocide veterans responsible for their crimes. In his post-war era, he also does his best to minimize unnecessary harm to others even when it would be easier not to (e.g. telling his men not to shoot to kill against Central's troops, coming up with a convoluted plan to fake Maria Ross' death) and is noted to go above and beyond for his subordinates. He has nuance! He's complex! He's a horrible person, yeah, but they're pretty up front about And That's Bad, and we also see what it is that makes other people support him. He doesn't get any sort of reward at the end of the series other than furthering his aforementioned political goals.
Meanwhile in 03, like... He's just outwardly a dick to everyone around him. He made Ed organize Tucker's research after the Nina incident, for fuck's sake! He never seems to do anything actually nice, he openly uses those around him for his own personal gain without doing anything for them. I don't remember them ever providing any reason as to why people should like him or what sets him apart from the rest of the military.
Except somehow, the narrative treats him like a hero. His subordinates all follow him unquestioningly for like, no discernible reason. He never faces any particular consequences for anything; He does lose an eye while fighting Pride, but this is more part of the #grimdark thing the show has going on than any sort of karma or anything, and we later see him dating Hawkeye. Dating! Hawkeye! HELLO???????
Like straight up 03 has Mustang kill Winry's parents instead of Scar and then they just use this as like... sadboy angst fuel. It's WILD. That's his motivation for wanting to become Fuhrer btw- When he killed Winry's parents he like, felt sooooo bad about it (AND APPARENTLY NOT ABOUT KILLING ALL THOSE ISHVALANS???) and tried to kill himself, but he was ~too much of a coward to do it~ or whatever, so he wants to become Fuhrer so that He Specifically will never have to follow orders he doesn't like. He just wants to be a dictator for the sake of being a dictator because they made him kill some Amestrians once and he didn't like it. Anyway did they write him like this
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realitys-ex · 1 year
Now, Everyone can agree that the Fullmetal Alchemist Manga is a banger (I assume both animes are too, but I haven't watched 'em so no comment).
What a bunch of people don't know is that the artist/writer Hiromu Arakawa has written 2 other original works (one is complete the other is ongoing.
Silver Spoon: About a kid from Tokyo who, to get away from the demands of his parents/the stress of academia, attends a Farming School in the middle of nowhere where he is p.much the only one without a farming background. Hilarity, character development, etc. ensues.
Daemons of the Shadow Realm: A dude is raised in a mountain village, farming, hunting. etc. Until one day a fucking helicopter comes out of nowhere, his village is 50% slaughtered, turns out that the village existed for the sole purpose of breeding him and his sister, and it is not the 1400s anymore. Oh and Demons are a thing. Violence, humour, character development, etc. ensue. (This one is ongoing)
Now they are both 10/10, and I highly reccomend reading them both But that is not the point of this post.
She has drawn hundreds, if not thousands of faces at this point, so it is no surprise that you will see some repeats between the mangas.
REALLY FUCKING JARRING! (somewhat less jarring to see them in tactical gear murdering people, or speaking with demons, cause that feels slightly in character)
Anyway, that aside, if you liked her worldbuilding, realism, in depth characters, approach to romance, etc. I do really reccomend them both.
(She also did another one entitled 'The Heroic Legend of Arslan' but as I haven't read it yet and it is a collaboration, I didn't mention it above)
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thevoidstaredback · 4 months
I read a fic on Ao3 a bit ago (can't remember what it's called, though I'm pretty sure it was a 5+1) and it was basically just Ed telling people crack post reasons why he was missing an arm and a leg and then the final one was him telling everyone the truth and no one believed him. (There's a sequel of Al doing the exact same thing)
Anyway, I feel like this would fit in there. I also feel like this should 100% be canon:
Random Child: Hey, where's your arm?
Ed: I stole a loaf of bread.
Al: Brother! Don't lie!
Another Random Child: Yeah, lying's bad! What really happened!
Al: He didn't drink his milk.
Group of Random Children: Really?
Ed, thinking of all the ways to get away with murder, probably: Yep. Didn't drink enough milk as a kid and my arm fell off.
Team Mustang: *laughing their asses off in the background*
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fma-rareships · 9 months
Welcome to the FMA rareship event!
FMA rareship weekend: February 23-24-25
FMA rareship week: date to be announced
January 10 - I will be posting a form, where you submit prompts in the following categories: fluff, angst, nsfw, Alternate universe, and other category. My aim is to have at least two prompts per day, in a variety of genres, so everyone can find something they'd like.
The form will be open for a week. If a prompt gets submitted more than once, it's more likely to make it into the prompt list.
I will be posting the prompt list around January 20-23, so people can have a whole month to prepare!
Once the event ends, I will post a feedback form, so I can make this event better in the future.
Be kind and respectful to the other participants. If you don't like a ship, just scroll down or block the ship's tag.
I won't give a fixed definition of what a rareship is or how many fanworks it needs to be one; my only limit is that please don't write the most popular ships for this event. Currently these are the most popular romantic ships in the Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types tag on AO3:
Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang
Edward Elric/Roy Mustang
Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell
All kinds of fanworks are accepted. Fanfiction, fanart, crocheting, singing, dancing, podfic, headcanons, sculpture, anything goes.
Ships from any version of FMA are accepted. It can be the 2003 version, brotherhood version, the manga, games, the live action adaptations, they are all accepted.
AI generated fanworks are NOT accepted.
Rare platonic relationships are accepted, just as much as romantic relationships.
FMA Character x Original Character and Fma Character x Reader fics are not allowed.
Crossover ships are allowed. You think Edward Elric would be a perfect martch for your blorbo from another show? Go for it!
Be creative. You can create fanworks for an existing ship, or create new ones.
Tag your posts!
if you post your fic to ao3, you can add your fic to the event's collection (I will make the collection soon and I will link it here)
The participants' works will be reblogged to this blog.
I will be following the #fma rareship weekend 2024 and #fmarareshipweekend2024 tags, but feel free to tag this blog to make sure your post gets reblogged.
You can use as many prompts from the prompt list as you want. You can combine prompts too.
You can use the prompts after the event ended, but those works probably won't get reblogged.
Have fun!
When you post you works for the event on tumblr, tagging is required.
Things you need to tag for: the event, the prompt you used, the ship, nsfw content, any content warnings you think your work contains.
For example:
#fma rareship weekend 2024, #prompt: Mafia AU, #trishaizumi, #trisha x izumi, #trisha elric x izumi curtis, #murder cw #unhealthy relationship cw, #nsfw
If anything feels unclear, or you have questions, feel free to ask them!
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
The other day I posted about this movie Jared Padalecki was in, his very first movie mind you! I woke up this morning and noticed my left knee was KILLING me! Horrible pain, couldn't even stand on it. Massaged it a little bit and my lower leg too, STILL was killing me. I was thinking about the movie I wrote about and also the car accident Jared was in a couple years ago and heard about him having problems with his left knee. I thought to myself "maybe this is a weird sign I'm meant to watch this movie Jared was in back in 1999 today". After I let my dog out and sat down while he did his business, I got up when he was done to let us both back in my house. Lo and behold, my knee isn't hurting anymore! Feels like a weird confirmation to me that yes, this is why I woke up with my left knee hurting and struggling to stand on my left leg over it.
So, I started watching that movie A Little Inside (1999) with Jared in it, which used to be called Baseball and the Ballerina. I noticed quite a few parallels in this movie that I thought were noteworthy both to other roles he would play AND then also to things in my life ('cause timing you know?).
At the start of this movie, it was said that Ed Mills quit baseball after "this week's tragic news" pertaining to his wife who died in a car accident. While Emily Walker on Walker didn't die in a car crash, Cordell did end up getting the red Mustang back from Hoyt down the road a while after Emily was murdered.
Jared's character Matt Nelson introduced himself to Ed as coming from Sammy's garage on route 33. Was Jared not Sam "Sammy" Winchester on Supernatural?
One of the cars that Ed was assigned to repair at the mechanics shop he worked was a red Mustang (not sure of the year) that he faced an inquiry at work about after he was an hour late because he was putting together his daughter's ballet clothes before going to school. Ed gets into a spat with Matt saying to "get off my batt" (at least that's what I heard ha ha) and it looks like it's Matt who is finishing up the Mustang for him. Kind of like how Jared's character Cordell Walker's wife Emily Walker on his show Walker had a Red Mustang he ended up getting back from Hoyt. Same one Stella lost at one point to car thieves and miraculously cried about it to them and got the car back (oh the lack of realism in these shows!).
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4. I wrote a few days here about the love story of Eros and Psyche (and the adversary in this case being Aphrodite) and mentioned that Eros is the Greek version of the Roman Cupid. Last night I was researching randomly after seeing a Tiktok claiming the Cupid lip shape is the rarest lip shape out there (and saw some things about the cupid dent in lips). I also reblogged a post someone else made the other day here talking about Jared being accident prone. In this movie around the 1:11:26 time mark, Nancy reads a from book called The Klutzy Cupid and says "there once was a clutzy cupid".
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5. I couldn't help but notice when Matt is in the stands there's a bit of a movie blooper (maybe?) where 2 seats are numbered 17 that show up around Jared's character who is seen wearing a Clippers hat (that has a ship on it). I apologize the quality of the images isn't very good but it's the best I could do with stills from this movie. I promise if you watch this cute movie, you'll see that these seat numbers do in fact say 17 and are in 2 very different spots. Anyways, I wrote quite a bit lately about Friday the 17th being bad luck in Italy AND Friday the 13th being bad luck in the USA.
The reason I even thought to watch this movie is because I was researching for another post. I discovered this Facebook post Jared made on Friday June 17, 2016 for a #FlashbackFriday kind of post. Did I not talk before about Friday the 17th being a bad luck day in Italy, and also before about how dates with both 13 and 17 in them are bad luck days for Italian Americans? Oh yeah, and the third image below is the one picture Jared picked to have in his post. And yes, the seat numbered 17 is still by his right ear in that screenshot too. Hmmmm....
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6. Towards the end of this movie, Ed kisses Sarah the mom of the other girl who his daughter's been having play dates with. Turns out this woman was also a friend of his wife's before she died. Weird, didn't Cordell Walker on Walker Texas Ranger end up hooking up with (and dating) Emily Walker's best friend right until the very end of the show? Funny, the parallels going on here...
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itsmaddieforreal · 6 months
FMAB / AoT Comparisons and Contrasts
I was holding off on making this post because I didn’t have enough evidence to compare EVERY aspect from both franchises, but I feel like I have enough evidence to at least explore the similarities between a majority of the main characters and a couple locations. That said, I reserve the right to make a second part to this post if I feel like it.
Because I am an avid, hardcore fan of both Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist, I began to look compare and contrast characters from both series and oh my goodness the similarities are uncanny- like, y’all, I’m so convinced Isayama took inspiration from FMA, I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
Before I get into anything, I should point out that someone has made a couple of these observations already in a Reddit post, but I’m just adding onto these findings. Link to the OG post is below.
Alright, so to start off in terms of characters, we’ve got Edward Elric and Eren Jaeger.
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They’re both hot-tempered kids who lose their moms and see her suffer in horrific ways.
Their dads also technically walked out on them early on in their lives.
They also lose body parts but get them back at some point.
The deaths of their mothers trigger their character arcs, starting with how? Enlisting in the military.
Then there’s Winry Rockbell and Mikasa Ackerman:
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Childhood friends/love interests whose parents died at a young age.
They care deeply about the protagonists.
They’re also terrifying when angry.
Alphonse Elric and Armin Arlert:
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The blonde, smart, sensible characters who are almost always by the protagonists’ side.
Got an absolute GLOW-UP as they got older.
Trisha Elric and Carla Jaeger:
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Mothers to the protagonists who have the signature “dead anime mom” hairstyle.
Died while the protagonists were young.
Their deaths prompted their sons’ character arcs. (If not the entirety of both series.)
Unaware of their husbands’ past.
Van Hohenheim and Grisha Jaeger:
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Fathers to the protagonists who walk out on their families at an early age.
Both wear glasses and have somewhat? long hair.
Both were either directly or indirectly responsible for murder at some point.
Under the heel of a higher power too. (Grisha with Marley and Hohenheim with Xerxes.)
Jean Havoc and Jean Kirstein:
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These are literally the same characters, just different shows.
Same first name, same haircut, same mannerisms, SAME ENGLISH VA-
Also kinda got a glow up as they got older.
Once again, if I had a nickel for every time Mike McFarland voiced a character named Jean with an undercut and playboy tendencies, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right??
Roy Mustang and Levi Ackerman:
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The cool, collected and unbelievably badass heartthrobs with black hair and high military ranks.
Also terrifying when pissed off.
Riza Hawkeye and Hange Zoe:
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The second in command that’s usually by their superior’s side.
Also unbelievably badass.
People may or may not ship them with their superior.
Erwin Smith and King Bradley:
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I honestly could not find much similarities between these two except for the fact that they’re both leaders of their military division?
And they both die in the end I guess.
Maes Hughes and Marco Bodt:
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The kind, gentle hearted ally of the protagonists who find out the truth about their enemies before anyone else and dies because of it.
Lust and Annie Leonhart:
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Female antagonists that get dealt with early on in their series.
Capable of regeneration of their body.
Brings harm to the protagonist’s ally at one point. (Lust with Hughes and Annie with Marco.)
Gluttony and Bertholdt Hoover:
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Male antagonists who are usually around or involved with their female partner one way or another (Bertholdt with Annie / Gluttony with Lust).
Care for their female partner a lot.
Both are killed by being eaten by someone (Bertholdt is eaten by Armin / Gluttony is eaten by Pride), but not before desperately crying out for their female partner (Bertholdt cries out for Annie / Gluttony cries out for Lust).
Scar and Reiner Braun:
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Scorned men and enemies of the protagonist who eventually come after them to get revenge for their homeland(?).
Turn around and become good(?) in the end, fighting alongside the protagonists’ allies against a common but VERY different enemy (Reiner with Eren / Scar with Father).
Truth and Ymir Fritz:
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Beings from another realm that interact with the protagonist one way or another.
Aid the protagonist realize their full potential, for better (Edward) and for worse (Eren).
Homunculi and Titan Shifters:
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Mysterious beings with regenerative properties and unique powers.
Their powers can be transferred to new users if the previous users dies(?) (Ex. Greed with Ling / Eating a Titan Shifter as a pure Titan).
I swear I am not crazy, I just have an unhealthy obsession with both of these shows. Making a part two shortly.
OG Reddit post here:
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
I have beaten this dead horse before, but since that Hughes post is going around and I don't want people thinking I am defending Roy Mustang of all people: Roy could've stopped.
Armstrong had a mental breakdown and refused to keep fighting, and he got shipped home. Sure, he was passed over for promotions, but he wasn't court martialed, or discharged, or even kicked out of the state alchemist program (that's their human sacrifice pipeline, after all). Except for Wrath and Olivier, no one even seems to judge him for it. Roy could've said no. Hell, he could've 'accidentally' gotten injured - someone even mentions at one point that an alchemist who lost a leg is lucky, because he can go home.
The primary rationalization for why he didn't is because of his political ambitions, that he has to see this through if he wants to ascend to the highest ranks in the government and prevent it from happening again. But a) he doesn't describe that plan until the end of the conflict, and it seems to have been inspired by conversations he had with fellow soldiers after all the murder and b) even if he was thinking that way from the beginning, it's a callous tradeoff that places him over thousands of lives. He's the only one good enough and smart enough and pure of heart enough to lead the government correctly. Even his plan to execute himself for war crimes is narcissistic - it's a grand gesture about him, not bothering to consider whether removing one of the only high ranking officials who's vocally against further genocide from play is a good long term strategy. And god forbid we ask the Ishvalan people what their idea of appropriate justice would be.
With this in mind I suppose it's fitting that he accepts the philosopher's stone made out of Ishvalan lives in order to help him achieve his political ambitions. He's been sacrificing their lives for his goals already. But it suggests he failed to learn or grow in the end.
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edlingao3feed · 3 months
What if Edward lost his brother that night but gained instead another power.
Mihouthe15th https://archiveofourown.org/works/56647855 by Mihouthe15th A story about Edward Elric who lost his brother while trying to bring back their mom. Roy Mustang was unable to find him when he visited the Rockbell's house, causing Edward to spiral into darkness with no one to anchor him. When he was 14, Edward was shot by an escaping murderer he was pursuing. Lying there, a few drops of blood dripped into his mouth from torn fabric. The wound healed itself, using the blood to restore his own. He dismissed it as a dream. At 16, Edward teamed up with Roy Mustang, who discovered that Edward was more ruthless than he had imagined, targeting murderers, rapists, and others who were morally corrupt. When injured, Edward persuaded Roy to share some blood, which not only healed Edward's wounds but also increased the strength of his alchemy by fivefold when he clapped his hands. Words: 898, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Edward Elric, Team Mustang, Maes Hughes, Barry the Chopper (Fullmetal Alchemist), Ling Yao, Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist), Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist), Solf J. Kimbley, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist), Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist), Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist), Wrath | King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), Pride | Selim Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), Fullmetal Alchemist Characters, Truth (Fullmetal Alchemist), Nina Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist), Father (Fullmetal Alchemist), Fu (Fullmetal Alchemist), Xiao Mei (Fullmetal Alchemist), State Military (Fullmetal Alchemist) Relationships: Edward Elric/Ling Yao, Edward Elric & Roy Mustang, Roy Mustang & Team Mustang, Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang Additional Tags: Not Really Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Violence, Hurt Edward Elric, Edward Elric Swears, Edward Elric Is A Little Shit, Edward Elric Needs a Hug, Parental Roy Mustang, They/Them Pronouns for Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Ling Yao Needs a Hug, Gay, Fake Science This post was automatically generated from an RSS feed of all new AO3 works tagged 'Edward Elric/Ling Yao'.
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norellenilia · 6 months
Damn, I remember the first time I watched FMA 03, when I was 16 or 17, I stayed up until 1 am to finish it, and today, watching episodes 38 through 42 turned me into such an emotional mess that I have to take a break lmao what happened??? My own emotional traumas, that's what happened
I'm feeling so many things again
In episode 38, when Ed and Al are fighting, Al drenches Ed in water and he says "it's going to rain!!!" and I'm like haha no don't try to pull a Mustang on me I know this episode won't make me cry and GUESS WHAT the flashback with Trisha convincing Ed to go and find Al so they can talk things out and Al looking so happy that Ed isn't upset with him anymore it's so cute I CRIED
I need -- no, I DEMAND a spin-off series where Winry and Scziezka solve murder mysteries together (I'd love to write it myself but I know I'm not nearly good enough at coming up with mystery stories lol), they're adorable I'm so happy they totally get together post CoS
Martel's death hits SO MUCH HARDER than I remembered holy shit, she and Al actually got close, we see more of her, her death is so horrific and hearing sweet sweet baby boy Alphonse cry just BROKE MY HEART I never wanted to hug an armor so badly
Scar's brother's last moments, the way he looks so terrified and desperate to protect his little brother from Kimblee and Scar being so devastated when he dies I just-- *clenches fist*
Sloth using Ed's PTSD against him that's so UNFAIR; also I was thinking that I was a bit disappointed that this anime did not include the nightmare that Ed has at some point in the manga where he sees his mom saying "why didn't you make me right" etc but this is it, this is this scene, and it's worse because he's hearing it for real, he is very much awake, he has the real voice of his mom in his ears and she's saying this to him and I'm-- *clenches fist harder*
Rose's story, I'm still so mad, she deserves all the happiness in the world
Speaking of Rose, it's so funny how the moment Al is like "I wonder how Rose is doing" the show just full on goes "Ed/Rose shipper" mode lmao, with Ed blushing while pretending not to remember her, him being so awkward when he speaks to her just before they go on their separate ways and her son just smiling and giggling when he speaks (first time we see the baby laugh, he had only been crying up until then) :') To be honest it feels a bit out of the blue to me but idk
Dante sporting Lyra's white ass in the town of brown people and speaking as if she was part of them just because she's following Rose around to manipulate her is incredibly cringe, but then again, it's Dante, she's the villain and we're already supposed to know something is up with "Lyra". But still.
Very random but Al pulling objects from or putting objects inside his armor from behind the cloth always looks very awkward lol
I used to never really care about Scar but I have learned the errors of my way as I now realize he is actually one of the best characters in this goddamn series, even with the orb of knowledge and the three arm losses, and Mangahood!Scar being much more villainized and ending up working with the military will never come even CLOSE to 03!Scar using his last bit of strength to save Alphonse to honor his love for his lost brother and take his ultimate revenge on those who murdered his people in the goal of protecting oppressed people, all of this while an epic music is playing (honestly it even feels like Ed is made to be seen as an obstacle as he tries to prevent the soldiers from entering Liore lol)
Sorry but Wrath is annoying as hell, I know that I'll probably have a different opinion if I rewatch CoS after that, but for now I hate him
We're finally entering the "Rewrite" era of the show and I had forgotten how much it rocks (Ed's hair animation at the beginning fhjkfhkdhjk)
I only have 9 episodes left but between Lust and Sloth in the upcoming episodes I'm not even sure I'll be able to watch it all in one go lol. Still excited to see more of Winry and Scziezka and remembering how much Hohenheim is absolutely useless in this x)
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eternallytired17 · 2 months
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @johnslittlespoon and @sig-nifier for the tags.
I'm very uninspired with my document names...
Blue-Eyed Gentleman - Chapter 1 MOTA-Bridgerton Grief Fic Laurien FanFic Chapter 61 Restoration Midsomer Murders FanFic Prodigal Son Chapter 4 House of the Dragon Chapter 1
Tagging @swifty-fox, @bucking-mustangs-with-wings
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batshieroglyphics · 2 years
[FICLET] Home With Broken Hearts ~ Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Hyuroi ~ General
Title: Home With Broken Hearts Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Author: Batsutousai Rating: General Pairing: Maes Hughes/Roy Mustang, Gracia Hughes/Maes Hughes Warnings: time travel, polyamory, established relationship, canon character death, grief Summary: Roy wakes to find himself back in time, a few days before Maes’ murder.
This fic was one of a selection of prompts from @surferofdreams, and was requested as Hughes/Mustang, time.
"Roy!" Maes shouted, voice familiar and dearly missed, and Roy found his eyes watering quite without his say, as Maes continued, "I completely forgot to drag you out while I was in East, so you never got a gift for my precious Elicia! Do you know what that means?"
They'd had this conversation. Roy had been tired and sour, trying to keep on top of the whispers of the Elric brothers finding Dr Marcoh during their trip south to get Edward's automail repaired, and upset that everything with Scar had stolen so much of his rare time with Maes. Maes had said he was going to buy Elicia something ridiculous and unnecessary and Roy would have to pay him back, Roy had snapped something back that...had probably been ruder than strictly necessary, but anyone tapping lines and listening in would have shrugged it off, especially if they often listened to Maes and Roy's conversations.
Maes hadn't shrugged it off, had gone stiff in a way that Roy knew meant he'd landed a hit, and he'd felt guilty about it for days, finally calling Maes at home and having to give his apology to Gracia, before she would let him give it to Maes.
And then, three days later, Maes had been murdered.
Read it on Archive of Our Own.
Friendly request to REBLOG, not just like, fic posts! It's hard, as a creator, to care about posting links on tumblr, when I know people won't share them.
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buckys-metal-arm · 1 year
OKAY SO I JUST FINISHED SECRET INVASION (I know I'm late to the party but it was airing while I was at Stagedoor and I have like no signal there and wifi is spotty at best) AND I AM 1. U N W E L L and 2. BREAKING OUT THE RED STRING REGARDING THIS GOING INTO THUNDERBOLTS SO STRAP IN
(spoilers below the break and also this is gonna be a long one)
So I know they've said the Thunderbolts movie is gonna have things to do with Vibranium, and I get that, but part of me thinks the Skrulls are gonna play a part in it.
Okay so I have a lot of thoughts so we're just gonna word vomit
This may be entire circumstantial evidence but looking at the lineup we have 3 people who fight with brute force in a hand to hand situation (Bucky, Alexei, Antonia kinda), 3 people who are shown to be amazing ranged weapon fighters (Bucky, Antonia, Yelena)
And also Ava bc I havent figured out how her specific power set factors into this theory but I think someone like her is just giid to have around for strategic/espionage/surveillance reasons.
We've seen in SI that Skrulls even without the Super Skrull machine have some sort of enhanced strength with Talos in like the first or second episode and then again during the Motorcade fight when he saves the President
(and we will GET to the president)
which for Super Soldiers might be an even match, like Steve and Bucky in CATWS
or at least they can take a lot more damage and heal a lot quicker than the others.
Ranged weapons, I mean there's a full on human/Skrull war going on now, you're probably gonna want at least some people who can stay out of direct fighting
or in the case of Bucky and Antonia, you can't have them taking damage all the time,
and then also having someone like Ava who can sneak around unseen and undetected is of course a good way to infiltrate Skrull bases undetected/figure out who all is a Skrull/again she's just generally a strategic advantage to any team she's a part of imo
The Vibranium could also still factor into it too
I mean Skrulls are an alien species and Vibranium is a metal from space like it isn't unheard of
Also I have a horrible thought that won't happen bc Chris and Scarlett are gone but Bucky and Yelena having to fight Skrulls that look like Steve or Nat respectively would make me U N W E L L
I don't think it would inhibit them tbh, I think it would go a lot more like the Mustang Vs. Envy fight at the end of FMAB where it's like "they're dead I know they're dead and the fact you're wearing their face isn't weakening me it's making me angrier"
Watch FMAB it's great
This is the scene though if you want what I'm talking about condensed, the specific spot it starts at is 4:18
Or Bucky fighting a Winter Soldier Skrull
The TRAUMA but also the CATHARSIS of Bucky LITERALLY fighting his demons
Looping back to the President I said we'd get to
Diet Trump over there is definitely not gonna be president by the time TB rolls around
like Fury said what he did with the Skrulls is definitely some one-term president bs.
By the time he's out of office there's gonna be such a spike in hate crimes(?) against Skrulls/general murder that no one in their right mind would back him for re election
(at least I think. I hope. I'm praying Marvel doesn't emulate real life in this respect)
So my thought is
I'm basing this solely on a rumor I heard months ago abt Ross's role Thunderbolts so big grain of salt here
that's how Ross becomes President
and , and he may run on a campaign stating he'll end the lunacy
and I don't doubt that he'd want to
but from what little I know about him he seem like an "ends justify the war crimes" type guy
so my thought is he's sending the Thunderbolts in to do something relating to Skrulls
The Super Skrull machine may be how we specifically get Red Hulk too
I know we established in She-Hulk that the Hulk blood can be injected and stuff
But my thought is maybe he recreates it or something
And when infused with Radiation instead of Gamma rays (I don't know science they might be too different idk) it gives us Red Hulk instead of the usual Hulks we get, or anything like Abomination
That one has less backing it I just think it's neat
But idk those are my theories pls tell me what y'all think I have so many thoughts
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asthmaticbee · 10 months
Loving Gloria of Rubies and Gold and I have to say this. I hope that Alphonse at some point, hopefully with his two chimeras when they get separated, has a moment like Ed has in canon and in this story with the slicer brothers, about still seeing them as people. Because it's obvious from the gap between them that even though Alphonse says he still sees his brother as a human and not a murderer, the way he childishly admonishes and belittles Edward at so many points makes it clear that he struggles to see Edward as not a monster and a murderer. I think he needs to say it to people who are just as guilty as Edward, but that he doesn't know, unlike Team Mustang, and like have a moment of realization that he may have said that he didn't view his brother differently after the war, but never truly meant it until he realizes it at that moment. I hope he gets such a moment at least because boy, Alphonse, both in Ruby and in Gold, hasn't been that very sympathetic to his brother. It's like he's still in the main Canon verse, and is still 14, rather than 23.
Oh yeah, there will be a lot of introspection on Al's part soon!
He is definitely jaded from living almost a decade as an unfeeling, constantly awake armor, watching the people he loves grow up and live a life he can't, which sort of informs a lot of his bitterness at Ed I feel, especially with Ed indirectly and without meaning to putting the repercussions of Ishval on Al's shoulders, since he did it FOR HIM.
At the same time he is a lot more naive when you compare him to the bulk of the main cast, who are either military/veterans or had to go to great lengths to learn how to live with and love someone fundamentally broken from their experiences (like Winry and Gracia). The thing is that Ed purposefully hid a lot of his damage from Al where he could, which he didn't manage to do with Winry, because she was adamant about helping him, while Al was still grappling with how to properly approach Ed post-war. By the time he came around Ed had already started to compartmentalize to an insane degree, so past isolated incidents Al was spared a lot of Ed's actual struggles, at least first hand. Around Al Ed insists on acting like he used to as well as he can, and Al subconsciously filed Ishval away as something that happened but isn't immediately relevant in day to day life, when for Ed it is an ever-present reality he will never escape again.
Ed is actually making the right call by saying he and Al need to be apart for some time to fix their strange codependent dynamic and find out who they are as individuals and adults, because all their lives have been enmeshed in a weird slurry of guilt.
The majority of it won't happen until after Baschool though!
Baschool my beloved can't wait to inflict ever more pain on my readers hehehehe...
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