#Muse: Marco the Phoenix
us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco when are you going to nut up and finally ask Freya to be your lady? @Thatch if those two weren't together could you see having Freya as your girlfriend?
Thatch: already answered here! X
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"I don't know when are you going to show your face and ask the questions face to face?"
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quinloki · 3 months
Sure I'll ride this bandwagon for a bit. =3
Open to anyone who wants to do this as well. (tag me if you want, so I don't miss it and can vote on your poll!!)
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cosmicxblossoms · 4 months
💗/ 💖 / ❤️ / 💮 / 🥀. (Marco/Ace/Sabo)
💗 - How long does it take your muse to fall in love? [It takes a long time for Ace to fall in love with his insecurities so you got to be patient with him to get him to fall for you. Marco also takes a long time to fall for someone but his is more because of the phoenix cause they are partners to each other and they wouldn't fall for just anyone so It's like a package deal with him. Sabo takes the least amount of time to fall in love but it doesnt mean it'll be an easy way to get him to fall for someone.] 💖 - What traits does your muse find physically attractive? [Ace likes a persons smile and their chests, Marco likes the eyes and legs and Sabo likes the eyes, hands and chest of any partner he has.] 🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner [For Ace it would be a quick dealbreaker if he's not seen as his own person outside of roger. Marco's dealbreaker is if they were hurting his family and that is something he cant stand is someone hurting his loved ones. Sabo's dealbreaker would be if this person tried to dismiss what he is doing for the revolutionaries, he knows that its a lot to do but to have someone try and undermine what he does isn't a thing he can let go.] 💮 - Is your muse the possessive or super jealous type? [Ace would lean more towards the jealous a bit because of needing reassurance he's good enough for his partner, Sabo and Marco are more on the possessive side. Sabo because he wants to have something special for just himself and doesnt want to share that with anyone, Marco's possessiveness comes from both the phoenix being protective over those they see as part of their "flock" or family and because he doesnt let people in easily after losing so much if this happens post time skip.] 🥀 - Do they handle breakups well? [Marco would handle it well if a breakup happened, he knows sometimes things happen and he would wish them the best in life. Sabo I also see would take a breakup well, he would just make sure if this is something they both truly want to do before parting ways. Ace would struggle with the breakup the most, he wouldn't handle it badly he would just be more to himself for a while to work through his feelings. He doesnt let people in easy so he cant help but wonder if it is his fault if a breakup were to happen.]
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writesailingdreams · 2 years
Last thought, but if I was Marco I’d avoid the main plot: someone in your family always dies
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 15 END)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Crew (Ft. Others) & Reader Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior. Mild spoilers for Gear 6 iykyk. If yandere content makes you uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any variation of 'one piece yandere' that you feel is necessary.
Aside from AU romance endings with characters per request, this is the end! Marco and Luffy confirmed, btw. Now, I'm going to be playing Tears of the Kingdom so my responses will be slow lol
But thanks everyone for being here and enjoying this fic until now, expect it to be on AO3 soon!
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Word Count: 2,043
It was a minor miracle that Ace’s little ship made it through the blast that rocked Banaro island. Likely because it was made to handle Ace’s normal fire-shenanigans. It didn’t exactly have room for three on it, but that’s only if you’re of the opinion that people need personal space. Something that, as someone who has been thoroughly grounded, you apparently didn’t need. Marco held you to his chest as he sat in front of the ‘bucket’ where Ace fueled the engine with his fire. You suspect that he was using his phoenix legs to hold into the sides but couldn’t confirm with your poor eyesight.
If he wasn’t partially transformed to hold you both in place it was impressive considering the breakneck speed Ace pushed the Striker at.
You drifted off several times only to find that you three were still traveling. It was only when you woke up starving that you saw Ace lean Striker towards a landmass.
“We’ve made really good time. This island has an optometrist so we can get you new glasses.” Marco spoke into your ear softly despite the wind whipping by you. Not feeling like fighting to be heard, you nodded your head.
Ace expertly pulled the boat up to the docks, tying it off and offering his hand for Marco and yourself. After well over a day at sea, you were a bit shaky but pleased to find you didn’t trip. The docks blurred into what you assumed to be a marketplace, both Marco and Ace finding a reason to keep a hand on you as they guided your path into a shop.
You were utterly relieved when you were handed a new pair of glasses after a few tests. The thick lenses shifting the impressionist blurs into sharp contrasting shapes once again.
Marco gave Ace a sly look.
“You know, I thought I saw the Thousand Sunny on the other side of the docks.” Marco mused, watching Ace’s face abruptly light up.
“We should go see them!” Ace looked at Marco in excitement. When he nodded in acceptance, Ace grabbed your hand and pulled you along eagerly. “You’ll finally get to meet my little brother properly! Lu’s got a great crew you know—his chef is top notch, I’m sure he won’t mind making us something to eat!”
You laughed, using your free hand to make sure your glasses didn’t bounce off your face so soon after getting them.
“Do you even know if they’re on board?!” You asked as Ace tore through the town in his rush.
“Eh, it’s fine! Luffy won’t mind if I drop by!” Ace proclaimed. You looked behind you to find Marco gone. Hopefully he decided to just fly there rather than fight to keep up through the crowds.
The Thousand Sunny was a pretty big ship with a cute lion’s head on the mast with a pointy mane like the sun. The gangplank was out so Ace just steamed up it with you in tow.
“LUFFY!” Ace screamed out, whipping his head around as Marco landed on deck with an indulgent smile. There was a crash somewhere below and thudding steps.
“ACE!” Straw Hat slammed open the door with a wide, excited grin.
“Stop BREAKING SHIT, LUFFY!” A woman screamed from below, quickly following her captain. Straw Hat wasn’t listening as he launched himself at Ace, arms stretching out and wrapping around his brother as he laughed. Ace gripped his brother’s red vest, swaying the two of them in loose circles.
“Did ya get ‘em? Did ya?!” Straw Hat asked childishly as a young woman with orange hair emerged from below, panting for breath from running.
“Sure did, Lu! See, I—We—Even rescued our crewmate.” You raised your hand and smiled.
“Sup.” Straw Hat’s eyes were wide as he finally noticed you were there.
“Eh?!? What happened to you?!” Straw Hat asked, arm stretching out to drag you in close. While you looked way better than before, you were still wrapped with bandages to keep your healing wounds from getting irritated from the high speeds of the Striker. Marco had been strangely dragging out the healing process—or possibly you were just that exhausted that your fruit didn’t properly share the powers just yet.
Straw Hat’s fruit still thrummed against your skin. A calling of the drums that resonated in your chest with that snappy, elastic taste that made you want to smile.
“Well, I got launched out of a sudden volcano and then hitched a ride in Mao’s mouth.” You explained, tolerating the gentle manhandling as Luffy squeezed you into the hug with Ace.
“Mao?” The young lady asked.
“Yeah. Mao. They might be here, actually. Baby~!” You called out shamelessly.
There was a deep, resonating call from the sea as Mao rose up. You squirmed free and ran to the side of the ship.
“Mmmmaaaoooo~! Maaooo~!” Mao called out, leaning down for gentle pets.
“Baby! Pretty baby, lookachu! Ahah~!” You laughed, stroking their nose as Straw Hat laughed behind you.
“Cool! Ace! You didn’t tell me they were friends with a sea king!” Straw Hat ran up and reached out his hand.
“L-Luffy!? Don’t get close to it! You don’t know if it’ll eat you! Can somebody talk sense into him!?”
You grabbed Straw Hat’s hand and gently placed it under Mao’s jaw.
“Mao’s a baby still, so their scales aren’t completely hardened yet. A little scratching right here feels nice cause that’s usually where they start shedding.” You explained softly, Straw Hat absolutely enraptured with a wide, beaming grin. He looked back at his brother.
“This is a baby?!” Ace shrugged his shoulders helplessly and you grinned.
“Yep! Sea Kings grow a lot before they reach maturity. It’s when they grow whiskers that you know they’re fully grown!” You declared.
“Wow! How do you know that?!” You chuckled, pushing up your glasses.
“My home island was near a sea king nest!” You laughed, “But they didn’t tend to go near the island, so we just knew by proxy.”
“I heard we had guests?” A blond man ducked his head out, catching sight of Ace before sighing. “I’ll fire up the stove. Two Ds… sheesh.”
“Join my crew!” Straw Hat asked with starry eyes. You saw Marco and Ace stiffen with Ace looking conflicted. You couldn’t help but laugh and smile wryly.
“No can do. I’m grounded. Sides, you guys aren’t ready for the Grand Line yet.” You tipped your head to the side, expanding your still sore senses. “You have two other devil fruit users that are pretty strong but it only gets harder from here on out. I can’t be a crutch.” You sighed.
Straw Hat pouted.
“What do you mean?” You looked at him with a bit of an indulgent smile. You get why Straw Hat was viewed as a rising star in piracy. But charisma would only get him so far.
“My devil fruit can influence other devil fruits. Make them stronger—or as I realized recently—negate them completely. You… tell you what, ask me again when you find the drums.” You poked his chest teasingly. Everyone looked confused. “…What is your devil fruit power?”
“I’m a rubber man!” Straw Hat declared.
You gave a soft, mysterious smile, finally giving into the impulse to ruffle his hair through his hat.
“Are you sure about that? Find the drums, Straw Hat, and then maybe I’ll join you.” You said. If he managed to find the limits of his devil fruit all on his own, he would probably not suffer the same hubris as your previous ‘partners’. Ace and Marco hadn’t despite being in close contact with you, after all.
Straw Hat huffed, face twisting with determination.
“Fine! I’ll find those drums, wherever they are, and then you’ll join my crew!”
Marco looked like he ate a lemon with Ace not much better, though oddly a little touched in spite of himself. Like he was proud but not sure of what.
The Moby Dick came into view rapidly with Ace whooping in joy, firing off sparks to let the crew know of your approach. There was, even over the wind, cheers as Ace pulled up close to the ship.
Ace swept you up into his arms and leapt up, planting his feet firmly on the railing as Marco sighed and followed suit. You laid in his arms awkwardly, thinking that this time was hardly any better than your first time on board.
Whitebeard laughed, grinning as Ace skipped over.
“We’re back, Oyaji!”
“Welcome home, my children.” You sighed, not surprised in the least as Ace sat on Whitebeard’s knee.
Whitebeard looked at you, taking in the mostly superfluous bandages.
“Surprisingly, it’s good to be back.” You grumbled without any heat.
Did it still weird you out? Absolutely. You don’t get what any of them saw in you that inspired such ferocity as to track you down across the Grand Line to get you back.
Whitebeard’s smile softened.
“I’m glad you all returned safely.” He murmured as someone stomped up to the main deck.
“You’re back!” Thatch cried out joyously, his usual chef ensemble swapped for loose pants and a shirt. Clearly, he was still on light duty as the nurses nearby scolded him for running. You elbowed Ace to let go and hopped down to the floor, aware that everyone was watching as you approached the suddenly nervous chef.
He glanced around for a hint of what was going on as you walked up to him. Then while he was still stiff with nerves, you wrapped your arms around his chest, gently patting his back.
“I’m glad you’re alright, Thatch.” You mumbled into his shirt. There was a high pitched cry as his arms locked around you, spinning you in circles.
“AH! AHHHH?! You did it! You used my name~!” Thatch cried out as several nurses protested to the vigorous movement, though on who’s behalf you weren’t sure.
You grinned.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Twin-Blade.” You said dryly, loud enough to be heard by everyone while hiding your smile. The effect was instant. His arms twitching as he nearly fell to his knees in mock-despair.
“Noooooo! My name! Use my name, damnit!”
You laughed, patting his back consolingly.
“Sure thing, Twin-Blade.”
“No!” Thatch barked, as the crew laughed at his plight.
While not what you imagined, life as a pirate wasn’t so bad if it meant feeling like this.
You considered your now bare wrist, no supportive cloth there to remind you of your past. What you hoped for in your future. Not quite freedom symbolized in marine-standard blue but consistency and a promise to support people. Nor a chain to remind you of your literal, more understandable imprisonment. You were free to put whatever you wanted there once they decided you didn’t need the bandages anymore.
And then? Well, it was a pretty good place for a tattoo… whenever you’re not grounded anymore and can slip away to get it done.
“…Hey, what does being grounded even look like?” You asked Thatch, Marco and Ace having avoided the subject. You assumed it was because they didn’t know either.
Thatch paused, looking over at his brothers and Whitebeard.
“…Nooooo mooooorrreeee… avoiding… parties?” Thatch guessed, receiving cheerful agreements all around. You couldn’t help but snort.
“You know, usually groundings means less of those.” You pointed out but Thatch nodded resolutely.
“Eating every meal!” Thatch added.
“I already did that?”
“More training!” Someone suggested.
“Okay, that makes sense but—”
“Hanging out with Oyaji!”
“Hey now! Don’t get ahead of yourself!” You barked, feeling ganged up on as more suggestions were added, Whitebeard doing nothing but adding to the chaos.
“Given names only.” He nodded and you sputtered.
“I’m not calling you Edward!” You huffed, craning your neck to glare back at him. He paused before smiling.
“That’s alright. Oyaji or Pops is fine with me.” You groaned, burying your face into Thatch chest as you fought the urge to laugh.
“Hey, you have to follow the rules. You’re still grounded.” Thatch teased.
“Does that mean I can stop when I’m not grounded?” You needled. Thatch letting out a bark of laughter.
“Hah! No.”
Why did you decide to stay again?
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swampstew · 15 days
Best Doctor in Town
Summary: Inspired by this gif submitted by @quinloki (sorry I lost the original!)
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Warnings: Marco the Phoenix X Transmasc Reader with he/him pronouns - modernish AU, consent is implied, vaginal penetration/fingering.
Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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You shivered under his scrutiny, despite having asked him to check on you after a fall that left you feeling severely bruised. You fell in front of him so maybe the bruise was actually your ego screaming out in agony over the embarrassing tumble in front of your long-time crush.
Marco being the kind soul he was, gently inspected every ligament, joint and then some, then had you lay on your back as he spoke.
“Well the good news is: nothing is broken-yoi.”
Your skin broke out in goosebumps, which made you feel even more vulnerable, being half naked down to your underpants on Marco’s futon as he looked you over. You’re not sure why he said your pants had to go, but truthfully just hearing him speak the words had the fabric tossed over the furniture faster than you could process them.
“Oh,” the face you made didn’t look convinced, though it was because you were trying to disguise your inner yearning.
The blonde doctor had already discarded his gloves but that didn’t stop his hands from returning to your abdomen. Fingers traced down your trembling body and you weren’t sure if he was doing it on intentionally or not.
A concerned look on his face, “Hmmm, maybe there is something going on. You’re running a bit hot all of a sudden.”
Despite the fairly cool atmosphere, your body broke out into a sweat being so close to him – even if the setting wasn’t exactly intimate in nature to begin with. You saw your squirming reflection in his glasses as he examined your glands and your forehead. You felt his warm breath against your flesh as he murmured different hypotheses for your condition. His touch was soft as he ran his thumb over your ulnar artery
“Quivering, sweating, increased body temperature, no swollen nodes…sudden tachycardia? – Y/N do you feel any unease right now?”
“L-like what?”
“Anything you can think of. Are you aching or sore aside from where you fell?”
Could the tightness in your stomach be considered an ache? What about the sudden tension you felt as his hands pressed down on your body once more as he assessed for lumps or undiscovered sensitive areas. Fingertips ghosted over you – a sudden jolt startled you both.
“Hmmmm,” he glanced at you before he prodded you again.
Your hips tilted forward and practically jumped him.
Your only real reaction to anything since he began his examination – you didn’t let out even a yelp at the initial fall.
“I see. Yes, I know exactly your condition-yoi!” he snapped his fingers, looking mighty proud of himself.
“Do I have your consent to examine you further? Even it gets a little…messy?”
You nodded, a little too eagerly despite not knowing what ‘messy’ could mean. However, the vibe in the room had spiked since your hips had thrown themselves at him; and you were like 90% sure you were picking up what he was putting down.
Hips don’t lie, you mused.
Folding back his sleeves, he parted your thighs and continued his examination. Sliding his finger over the damp folds of your pussy, he felt your wetness leaking from the fabric.
“Oh dear, you have a serious condition. It seems you need a healthy dose of Vitamin D. Would you like me to send your prescription to your usual pharmacy, or would you like me to give your dosage personally,” he rubbed his thumb and forefinger together.
He didn’t stop his prodding, going as far as peeling down your underwear – the sudden cool air hitting your steaming warm core, forcing a low hiss from you.
“I can give it to you orally, or through suppository. A few doses should fix you right up.”
Your body answered for you, wiggling closer to his lap from where he sat above you. Your face flushed red, not quite brave enough to answer him.
He let out a light laugh, “No problem, I can give it you in any manner. So long as you sing for me, little birdy.”
A hand over your face, you whimpered, “Y-y-yes doctor.”
“Good boy,” he cooed, sinking a heavy finger into you.
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whiskeysmulti · 7 months
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.Whiskey. Due to recent circumstances and a loss of trust, I will be dropping the following fandoms: Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood One Piece My characters from these fandoms will be retired and removed from the list and I will be unfollowing those with muses in those fandoms for my own reasons. I will only continue to follow if you are a multi with muses of one of my active fandoms still on your roster. The following muses will be retired and removed:
One Piece:
Portgas D Ace
Monkey D Dragon
Monkey D Garp
Trafalgar D Water Law
Rob Lucci
Red Haired Shanks
Donquixote Rosinante
Full Metal Alchemist:
Ed Elric
The following request only muses will be removed as well.
One Piece: Nico Olvia Whitebeard Marco The Phoenix Stussy Pedro Monkey D Luffy
I apologize for any inconvenience this causes but this is for my own comfort. I no longer feel safe in either of these fandoms.
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shirohige-pirates · 10 months
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes. 18+ only
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Chapter 15: Dinner
“The tea good?” You question, finishing up your prep as you work to make dinner for you and Marco.
The drive into work had gone smoothly. Marco had arrived a little early, and in your nervous state you’d been ready for a good thirty minutes before he even arrived. You’d used the extra minutes to grab coffees on the way into the office, four for you, and six for him. Mondays at Phoenix Rising Animal Hospital tended to be an all hands on deck kind of day, and Marco wanted to make sure no one was left out.
The quick kiss he’d landed on your cheek had flustered you enough that even by the time you’d gotten to your cubicle Bon-chan had asked if you were running a fever. Thankfully no one else had been in by that point, so you didn’t have to deal with Buggy or Ivankov.
You’d both opted to skip meeting for lunch - your schedules weren’t aligning well, and also you needed to stop at the grocer’s before heading home. You wanted to cook dinner for Marco to show your gratitude for the rides to and from work, but to do that you’d need some actual food in your house. Ever since your car had broken down you’d been mostly ordering in.
“It is,” Marco answers. He’s sitting at the breakfast bar watching you cook, after making sure you’d be comfortable with him doing so. He’s still in his scrubs, but honestly he looks good whatever he wears, so you’re not complaining. “You make good coffee too.” He muses.
“The good coffee was a necessity, the good tea’s a passion.” You reply, continuing your work. “Admittedly, my cooking follows after the coffee more than the tea, so I hope it’ll be palatable. If it’s bad we can just order in.” You offer.
“What’re we having? You bought so much I wasn’t sure what was for tonight.”
“Poached white fish and dirty rice.” You reply, grinning.
“Dirty rice?”
Your grin splits into a wide smile. “I knew you were going to focus on that. Wild grain rice with finely diced vegetables. It looks dirty.” You shrug. “I’m sure it has some reasonable name, but that’s what I call it.”
“Anything planned for dessert?” He prompts. You can feel your skin warming up. It’s the way he said it, more than anything else. The effect of trying to sound nonchalant in a tone that carries a little too much weight to be truly innocuous.
You swallow, pressing your lips together and doing your best to focus on cooking. “Sadly, I didn’t get the chance to buy anything for dessert.” There’s a moment’s silence between the two of you before you reach a safe break in your cooking and turn to face him. “Besides, something like that, I think I’d rather surprise you.”
Smiling you nod, walking out of the kitchen and around to his side of the breakfast bar. He turns toward you, letting you step between his legs. Large warm hands slip around your waist, holding onto your without pulling you close just yet.
“I just think the presentation is as important as the actual dessert, and if you know beforehand it takes something away from it.” You reply, not really clarifying much of anything.
“And if I want something sweet right now, yoi?” He pulls a little, bringing you closer.
“I’m hardly made of sugar.” You muse, letting yourself be pulled in. The height of the breakfast bar stool puts him pretty level with you, just a little lower. The effect of him looking up at you with those hooded and relaxed eyes of his is making your blood rush.
How he manages to look so calm despite it all would be frustrating if it wasn’t so hot.
“You taste plenty sweet to me, pretty bird.” He assures you, hands pulling you in closer, pressing your chest against his as he nuzzles into your neck a little. You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself a little, gasping as greedy lips kiss against your neck.
“Sound sweet too,” he muses, words hot against your skin.
“Please,” you gasp, fingers flexing against his shoulders as kisses track down all the spots that make you moan.
Teeth graze your earlobe, tongue against your neck briefly before he kisses your neck again. “Please what, pretty bird?”
“Haaa, I want you to stay.” You huff in frustration, turning toward him and losing all sense of your next words as his lips met yours. A firm hand lost in your hair tilts your head and you part your lips for him, letting him deepen the kiss.
“I want to stay, yoi.” He admits, gaze finding yours for a moment.
“I know.” You lean forward, closing the small distance between you both and letting your kisses drift away from his lips and down the line of his jaw. You could hear and feel the heavy breaths escaping him as you kissed and nipped against his neck.
“I wanna mark you.” You whisper, staying by his neck. You can feel him tense a little.
“Sure.” He says softly. “As you wish, pretty bird.”
The desire overtakes any sense to ask if he’s sure, and you lean in, licking and kissing his neck until you feel him relax a little. Sucking on the tender skin harshly you feel his hands tense against you as hissed moan escapes him. After a couple seconds you let up, licking the bright red, sure to bruise, mark and leaving a few soft kisses around it.
“You… didn’t hold back.” He husks, voice heavy and face flushed.
Sorry,” you say the word, but it’s hard to actually mean it as your eyes linger, watching with a little surprised as the mark fades before your eyes. “Automatic.” You murmur, and he sighs.
“It just means you can do so to your heart’s content.” He offers in a voice that is practically begging for you to continue.
Marco nuzzles you softly, and you step back. “Let me check on dinner.” Your voice is airy, needy, you don’t want to stop, from the way his eyes follow you it’s obvious he doesn’t want to stop either.
There’s a few minutes of silence between the two of you as you work on dinner and he watches you. You pay a bit more attention to the details than you actually need to, worried that if you look back over at him you’re going to forgo any concern for dinner entirely.
“Dinner tomorrow night as well, right?” He asks after you start to plate your meals.
“Y-yeah.” You answer, wondering idly how you’re going to manage another night of this. Maybe you can get same-night delivery on a chastity belt or something.
“Will we be picking up your car before or after?”
“Neither. It might be in the garage already, honestly.” You admit. “The opener was in the car, so Kid’s plan was to just drop it off when it’s done.”
“It might be in there already?” He questions. “Do you want to go see?”
“Mm… no, I don’t think so.” You admit with a small smile. “It’s Schroedinger’s garage right now, and as long as I don’t look there is no car, and if there’s no car, then I’ll see you in the morning.”
You nod your head toward the dinning table, carrying two plates out of the kitchen as Marco gets up. There’s a pleased smile on his face at your words, and once you set the plates down he pulls one of the chairs out for you.
“Allow me.”
“Such a gentleman.” You muse. “You’re going to spoil me, getting me used to treatment like this.”
“If the world was at all fair,” he says, sliding your chair in easily. “You would’ve been spoiled long before I came along, yoi.”
You can feel your face heating up, and you clear your throat. “I mean, I wasn’t exactly mistreated… or um…” Looking down at the food you’re certain you’re lit up like a Christmas tree. “I’m beginning to think what I was doing before now wasn’t, um, dating, really. So much as, I think the kids call it, hooking up.”
“The kids.” He repeats, chuckling as he sits down. “You are one of the kids.”
You stick out your tongue. “Look here, Eldest Brother of Thirty-Seven, you were probably calling people whipper snappers before you were old enough to legally drink.”
Marco laughs happily. “You’re probably not wrong, yoi.”
Your amusement fades a little. “Did you… I mean, did you get a childhood?” As soon as the question leaves your lips you put your hand up. “No, wait, that’s - that’s a little rude on my part, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s alright.” He reassures you, grabbing a bit of fish. His brow raise a little and your focus turns to your plate and you grab a quick bite, unsure if his reaction is distaste or not. Between your haste and concern you can’t really seem to actually taste it, and for a second you’re worried you messed something up while you had been flirting with him.
“That’s,” he swallows, tongue running over his lips briefly. “Really good.” He admits, taking another bite.
Relief washed over you and your brain resumed working again. It was good, probably the best the dish had turned out for you. Not that it was bad after you’d effectively mastered it, but it was just a little bit tastier this time.
Or maybe it was the company.
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stcrforged · 8 months
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! i have decided that i'm going to drop all my drafts and asks since i'm currently overwhelmed by the numbers of drafts that i have and i find no joy in writing, but i really wanna write again and therefore i have decided to drop everything.
i will reblog this a couple of days and then i will post starter calls, reblog memes and what not.
if we have plotted something, i'm more than willingly to write a new starter for same plot or plot something else.
also! it's only the drafts and asks that i'm dropping. our charachters relationships will not be dropped.
i have also dropped a few muses; matthew the raven, morgan bishop (stranger things oc) and marco the phoenix and added new muses from cyberpunk, starfield and baldur's gate.
so i guess this is kinda a soft reboot? anyway, i'm excited to be back!
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hiya, me again, Franky.
So happy that I can send in silly asks to you. I'm excited to read the answers to them. It's always fun to hear your thoughts or your muses thoughts on things.
Yes, I will also take care of myself and stay safe and hydrate.
Onto the questions (you don't have to anwer them all in one go or at all, though).
This is for Ace, Thatch and Izo. What were your first impression of Marco? Like, when you saw him for the first time or spoke to him for the first time, what did you think of him?
And then one for the birb. What is the dumbest/weirdess accident somene in crew neededmedical help for and who was it?
Thatch, what is the weirdest food request you'd ever gotten and did you make it?
Oh these are fun, thank you haha <3
Izou: -looks annoyed and lets out a long sigh as he thinks about his first meeting with Marco- He was loud back then, really loud and overly excitable and honestly? Annoying. He was high-pitched and always wanted attention, Marco was exhausting.
Ace: -he thinks about it and kicks his foot a little as he leans on the rails and debates how honest he should be- Well, he was the first person that was nice to me, he also smiled at me and just….- Ace shrugs and rubs the back of his neck- I just…. He was nice alright? I like him.
Thatch: -Laughing as he stirs the pot of stew and thinks it over- Pineapple, birdbrain and also I wonder what phoenix eggs taste like… -He grins and is glad Marco isn’t in hearing range-
Marco: -He taps his pen on the table as he thinks about the question- Well, I can’t tell you who it happened to, after all, doctor confidentiality right? But I am still amazed how many things and how many times someone can fall on something and have it stuck in the same place yoi. -he thinks about it more and shakes his head, slightly amused at the some of the other cases that came to mind- Someone got stuck in a doorway, someone calught their hair on fire and took out the entire kitche yoi. The fun never stops around here.
Thatch: You have no idea how many people we cook for on the crew, I’ve had so many requests that could come across as strange to someone. -He chuckles and puts his hands on his hips- to be honest, nothing surprises me, sorry I can’t offer anything juicy to that question, THOUGH watching Marco eat pineapple is still.... yeah.
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comiiical · 2 years
Darío, Marcos Jr, Diego, Phoenix, Marcos father, Emil, Eric, Stephen, Abel, Freddie, Lenny, Tobias, Lee and Ryne are the loudest muses at the moment in ma head. With Jon and Bruce being very specific with whom they want so unable to give them out. And a Loud Gordon and Mel demanding a Tom Holland and Henry Cavill respectively each other. Make me aware of your will to expend your precious time with me, and I will try to return the pleasure.
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us-smash-archive · 2 years
@Marco admit it you thought about bending Freya over your desk and doing a whole other kind of paperwork.
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"I do not believe it is any of your business of what I think about with anyone let alone with Freya." Having a light red blush on his face as he now would have that thought floating around in his head for the rest of the day.
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quinloki · 2 months
Who do you think are the biggest fans of holding hands during sex?
Marco, Sabo, Thatch come to mind off the cuff.
Crocodile isn't against it either, though he does rather prefer to hold your hands down. (Sabo and Marco fall into this category too).
Kid's not against holding hands, but he prefers to see your fingers flexing against the ropes while you're losing your mind.
Sanji definitely likes to hold hands, and I think Zoro's for it, but he'll move his hands away from yours when he's close, cause he doesn't want to flex his hand in the moment and accidentally bruise you (or worse, that beast).
Doffy enjoys it, but only as something he imposes on his partner - there's not really any softness in it.
Law doesn't by default, but you can get him to do so easily. I think he's very tactile, and once you open those gates he's into it.
<.< Robin holds hands all the way through that lucky lady.
Oh Heat is definitely a hand holder
Killer too I bet.
Shachi is more of a hand holder than Penguin, but only cause Penguin's hands tend to wander a lot. (I feel like Sabo's a wandering hands guy... I think Sabo just like... hands. Sabo's hands. My brain is happy to think about them in Every Context.)
Ace holds hands. Whimpery little golden retriever man whining in your ear while he's holding your hands. (I don't know why he's just so vocal in my head canon during sex).
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lerya-fanfic · 2 years
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I posted 120 times in 2022
14 posts created (12%)
106 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
#one piece - 14 posts
#fanfiction - 11 posts
#writers of tumblr - 5 posts
#marco the phoenix - 4 posts
#writing - 2 posts
#portgas d. ace - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#this - 2 posts
#bleach - 2 posts
#writers - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#i keep thinking someone else wrote it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello. I'm here to ask for your permission to translate A grandfather's gift to keep the family together from One Piece to Portuguese-Brazil, I really liked the story and I wanted other Brazilian fans to read it, I'll give all the credits and if you allow I'll be translating on wattpad with the user of ET-Black.
Hi, I don’t mind. I already have someone who translates to Portuguese but she doesn’t do One Piece, so you can go ahead. Please send me the link after you finished so I can link it in the original. And give propper credit :) Otherwise have fun ^^ 
2 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
A solitary ask is now in your box!
Do you have any WIPs?
I have a lot of WIPs to be honest. Right now I have 5 WIPs in progress, that are being posted weekly. 7 WIPs that are being written, but aren't finished yet. 6 WIPs that have been written, but aren't published/posted yet. And 37 WIPs that the Plunny dropped on me that I haven't started on yet.
3 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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Can I brag about this?  I’m just going to do it, but I’m almost as 1K user subs on AO3 - and for some reason that feels like a milestone!
4 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Fic Writer Wrapped - 2021 edition
I was tagged by @theladygia (thanks for that btw!) on main, so I hope they that I do this on my fanfic account xD
How many stories did you complete?
In total? Over 100, but 93 of those are from October challenges, so I don’t think those count xD 
Full lenght, or multi chap ones; 25
What is your total word count for the year?
1.3 Million 
What fandoms did you write in this year?
One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, MCU, Teen Wolf - I think those are the main ones.
Did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
More, a lot more. I kept getting attacked by my muse and couldn’t just leave well enough alone.
But I enjoyed every moment of it, and am very rpoud of the things I did pyblush this year.
What’s your favorite story of the year?
I can’t believe this is how I fell in love
It’s a sugar daddy/suger baby MarAce fic that just popped up and wouldn’t let me go. I loved writing it, and going from reviews people loved reading it too. 
What is your most underappreciated story of the year?
I don’t know to be honest, I think I’m doing rather well overall. I think my stats are amazing, so I don’t think I have one really.
Biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
Spelling mistakes, I have this annoying habit of reading over my own mistakes and as such don’t always notice that I left glaring errors in my fics.
People are pointing them out to me, and I go and correct them. I also have someone who is looking over the fics for me, even if I don’t know if I need a beta-reader per se (I just need someone who points them all out).
Biggest fanfic-related surprise of 2021?
The amount of writing I got in, and the suprising easy way I could get them in.
Not to brag or anything, but if I put my mind to it I could get a chapter finished in about an hour. Given that I write at least 2 hours idea, it isn’t that much of a surprise that I can hit 2.5K words a day, on avarage.
Something you look forward to working on in 2022?
My prompts, I want to explore more about what I can do. With they way there are so many prompts lists out there, as well as the option of readers to send some ine I feel like I’ll accomplish a lot this year!
I’m gonna tag… @know-it-all-hermione, @chromiwrites, @phoenixkaizen and @arielxlazarus
6 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Davy Back Fight!
@phoenixkaizen, @aspiringtrashpanda, and​ Shadow (no tumblr) completed our fic for the @davy-back-fight; which you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41315799 
 It was really fun to do, especially with such amazing writers! <3
8 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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op1sms · 11 months
✦ ┊ ❛ MUSE LIST.
Some muses are more active than others. Depending on my mood, I may not reply from certain muses in quite some time. Feel free to ask if a certain muse is active and alive!
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✦ ┊ ❛ ⸺ Marco The Phoenix ✦ ┊ ❛ ⸺ Trafalgar D. Law ✦ ┊ ❛ ⸺ Sabo ✦ ┊ ❛ ⸺ Yami (TBA)
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What are the similarities between you and your muses? From Munday meme!
Munday Meme : Accepting
Roberto from Trigun Stampede, I'd like to bring out how done he is with some shenanigans and hijinks. It is also his concern for other people over himself. He is essentially Party Dad. Michiru has my more musician and artistic side that I want to shed light on. Rei has a more combative personality that I would like to express but don't to keep the peace. I feel very strongly for Sing because there are things he feels responsible for but it is not his fault. Eiji does not have many similarities to me so it is hard to roleplay as him sometimes. Endorsi, like Rei has a more combative personality that I would like to express but don't. For Endorsi, it's that feeling that she could do better than she is doing now. Vivi, it's probably the loyalty for her friends. Robin, it's feeling like the world is against her when she does try to improve things for herself. Chrome, it's the feeling she does not get along with many people and is constantly thrust into situations beyond her control.
Mira has a side to me I rather not show. It's that anger and resentment one feels towards the world for certain things that happen in one's life? Her mother died of a terminal illness, so has mine. Jasper simply has my need to sleep a lot and forget the world even exists sometimes... Crimson has a combative, competitive side that I don't usually show just to keep the peace. Miyuki enjoys ice cream, and actually started out as a mary sue, but gradually got her own voice and personality over time. I'm proud of how far she came from just another Mizu Mizu no Mi oc. Nerissa, I'd like to be her, because she's kind and motherly, and well, I feel I'm not that. As for Marie and Marquis, they're more my goth and horror side. I absolutely adore blood manipulation. Ana just has my admiration for Marco the Phoenix. Rockette has my need to ignore previous expectations placed on her and rise above her raising. Shakti has my love for music. Feiyu, just has my love for storm chasers and meteorology.
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