#muse: Orym
tworoses-fantasyrp · 7 months
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“No, I—“ The halfling sighed, trying his best to think his way out. He was out numbered. As good as he was with his sword and shield, they had been taken from him. In fact, everything he owned, including his clothing, had been taken from him before he’d come back to consciousness.
“ I understand my situation… I’m just asking, what can I do to change that?”
Orym stood in a cage, not wanting to show fear by being modest about being nude to his captors. Maybe whoever had designs to capture him wasn’t the same as the guard. He needed answers.
“We’re all just people, aren’t we?”
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Oh, nothing, just thinking about Morrigan the Fate Stitcher and "you smell of the touch of divinity" and her friction and overlap with the Matron of Ravens and how Orym has drawn the Matron's eye since Yios, at the very least.
I wonder how the Duskmaven feels when someone meddles in her interests, is all.
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exandriaborn · 12 days
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@featherstcnes asked: "❛  you can always ask me for help if you need it.  ❜" // caring prompts;; open
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Dorian's gaze drifted to the darkening sky, the first stars twinkling like distant lanterns. The cool evening breeze carried the scent of blooming jasmine, a fragrance that reminded him of home and days of his youth. He sighed deeply, thoughts consumed by the recent encounter with his brother, Cyrus. It had been years since they last saw each other, and the weight of their shared history hung heavy in the air. He feared for his brother's safety now and while not unhappy to see him, it carried complicated feelings.
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But Orym's familiar presence beside him was a comforting anchor in the midst of troubled thoughts. The halfling's kind eyes and gentle demeanor radiated warmth and understanding. "Thank you, Orym," Dorian turned to face his friend, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I appreciate your support more than you know," the bard said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's just… seeing Cyrus again, realizing the danger he's in now… it's a lot to process. I want to help him, but I don't know where to start. And I don’t want to put our new friends in danger either."
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sbrn10 · 10 months
Apropos of this post, rotating Imogen like a rotisserie chicken in my head re: leaning into the power to have knowledge vs. faith.
Faith, by definition, is an antonym of knowledge, as in it is only possible to have faith when you don't know for sure. If you know, then you just know; there is no place for faith in the absence of uncertainty.
Imogen was born with the power/curse of always being forced to know other people's thoughts. She never even had the opportunity to choose faith, because she simply couldn't. The circlet of course represents an escape from pain, but it is also a risk she has to take in not knowing -- a leap of faith. And she made that leap! But recent events have shaken her -- she's leaning back in towards knowledge and away from faith, both in her friends (as in, they lied and then almost died) and herself (as Allura said, "with knowledge comes the ability to make a difference" -- she doesn't trust herself to be able to make the difference that is needed without knowing, or at least thinks she will have a much better chance knowing). She knows that this will hurt her (literally) and her friends (figuratively -- she knows it's an invasion), but she now thinks it's on balance necessary to the fight.
(Side note, the past couple episodes have been heavy enough -- can you imagine how fucking dark it would have gotten if Ashton actually didn't have the ring or failed one more roll and just vaporized himself? Like how fucking much it would have fucked up Fearne and Imogen specifically?)
All of the above stands out sharper when juxtaposed against Orym, our resident Batman, who expresses that he has faith in all of them AND contingency plans for each of them. This is not, in my mind, a contradiction. He knows that he can't be sure, so of course he has plans, but I think at this point he does believe that his friends will (try to) choose to be the best versions of themselves that they can be, and he has faith in himself that he will do the best he can if they don't.
And god, I just think Imogen would envy that peace of mind so much.
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
wait does this mean orym doesn't have to stay with nana morri
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oksneasnake · 1 year
At this point I wonder if we won’t see Team Caretakers/Hells/Marquet until after Creator Clash? It would make sense that Marisha would take advantage of the extra time to train harder.
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arclundarchivist · 1 month
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil-Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O’pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Scion of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exultant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call
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acebender · 1 month
Ok, so roll call!
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O'Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum's Call
The Bells Hells!
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masterqwertster · 1 month
God those are such bitchin' titles:
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion if the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O’Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum's Call
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xxwillowpotatox · 1 month
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock'o Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Saviour Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinums Call
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 9 months
Setting: Fantasy-medieval
Plot: My muse has been captured by your muse's raiding party
Wanting: male/nb, Would LOVE a gentle captor, just doing his job to keep the prisoner subdued.
It had been weeks since his capture. It was difficult to keep track of days, but he was trying to keep up. They walked for hours, stopped for meals, and stopped to camp, but they hardly rested other than that. Orym was carried. Sometimes in a sack, sometimes stretched across someones back like being put in a torture device. Always bound in some way, preventing him from using his hands or arms.
He was a halfling, just under 4 feet tall, lithe, strong, fast. They stopped him from being able to do anything. Use any fighting skills he had. Even feeding or relieving himself… he had to ask for help. He had his pride, he'd been a guard. And even though he'd been the smallest in his class, he had always insisted on doing things for himself. He asked for help if he was really at his limit…
But this was different. This was shameful. And he knew his captors were looking to humiliated him, to make him dependent and helpless. They complied, mostly. They didn't bruise him, or harm him. Sometimes they were even unnecessarily gentle. Or uncomfortably so.
He didn't know why they had taken him. He was no body, really. Or who they were or where they were going. Routinely, he was deafened and blinded by magic. They kept a blindfold over his eyes at first, but he managed to remove it. A group of orcs had taken him, at least of the individuals he could see before someone behind his current ride noticed he'd loosened his blind.
They didn't speak much, or if they did he couldn't hear them when they did. His questions went unanswered. But now they had stopped and Orym was taken down from the back of some very large person, his hands tied together, tightly, the rope then extended to his bound ankles. He was sat down, unable to see. They still blind folded him, in case the spell wore off.
This was the second day that food was not given to him. He could hear the mutterings of his captors, the groans of discontent. He didn't like what all this might mean for him… He hated himself, the more this dragged on. The weaker he felt.
"What's going on? I… please, I need something to eat. Just… anything. Please…"
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mdr-mardek · 28 days
For the people in the back that say Bells Hells haven't earned their titles. These titles doesn't necessarily represent what they've done, but what they ARE. You just have to look at the character. To quote Travis: "Y'all, read your lore".
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame: Daughter of the Fey Sorrowlord Athion Zathuda and bearer of the shard of the Primordial Titan Rau'shan, Emperor of Fire.
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree: Callback to her death, the Shadow Realm with the Sun Tree, and the fact that she has control over Delilah Briawood now.
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox: He's a living paradox between Primordial and Dunamancy that has been rebuilt and wield a giant fucking hammer.
Chetney Pock O'Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon: A werewolf that constantly defines himself as a model of perfection.
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind: Bronté Wyvernwind. Loving Bard and heir for the leadership of the Silken Squall that has a connection with the Air Ashari of Zephrah.
Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm: Exalted Ruidusborn that has decided to go against the call of the Red End.
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest: Devoted protector of Keyleth who risked his life to save her from incurable wounds.
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum's Call: In a way, he responded to the call of the Platinum Dragon.
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spookydicks · 1 month
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
Imogen Temult. Exaultant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Briaus Doomseed, Nascient Might of the Platinum's Call
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sbrn10 · 1 year
When you realize that you are 100% hyperobsessed with a fandom: when the gen has you hitting bookmark instead of (well tbh on top of) the shippy stuff.
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pstelwitchcraft · 1 month
Bell's Hells official titles:
- Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
- Laudna, Veil Mistress of The Shadow Tree
- Ashton The Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
- Chetney Pock O'Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
- Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
- Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of The Red Storm
- Orym of The Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
titles of bell's hells: names to herald the end of exandria as we know it.
Lady Fearne Calloway, Fey Scion of the Ancient Flame
Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
Chetney Pock O'Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum's Call
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