#muse: padme amidala
virtuousfuta · 8 months
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"I'm pretty adept with a blaster, including the one between my legs."
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lcstinthestars · 2 years
Introducing Senator Padme Amidala 
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tw : Death mention 
NAME: Padme Amidala Naberrie 
ALIAS(ES): Padme 
AGE: Twenty-Seven
FACECLAIM: Lily Collins 
AESTHETICS: A fire in her eyes that burns bright and draws you in.  A smile that floods the room with warmth and life.  An infectious personality that urges you to join her in any adventure she brings forth.  A stubbornness that would make her stare down a god for her own belief. 
BACKGROUND: Padme was always destined for civil service.  When she was just twelve she desired to enact change in Naboo this lead to her desire to be Queen of Naboo.  At age 14 she became the youngest Queen in Naboo history under the guidance (manipulation) of Senator Palpatine.  Palpatine helped her become Queen believing she’d play right into his hands, but he could never estimate how hard it would be to control the young Queen.  Padme sought to globalize Naboo and began making trade agreements outside of their galaxy network.  This lead to a blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation under the orders of Darth Sidious.  Due to Padme’s tactical skills, she had surrounded herself with body doubles that could all swap out and portray each other with ease.  Each Handmaiden was trained with hand to hand combat skills and blaster training.  No one could spot the difference between the Maidan’s, they master speaking similarly and even walking the exact same way.  Sabe was Padme’s prime double and when the incursion occurred.  They swapped places for the foreseeable future.  Padme and her handmaidens were rescued by Qui Gon Jin and his Padawan Obi Wan.  With the intent of bringing them to the Senate to plead their case before the Chancellor.  With a brief pit stop on Tatooine, she came across Anakin Skywalker for the first time.  A young boy who had a good heart in her eyes.   Padme fell under Senator Palpatine’s manipulation when she agreed to call a vote of no confidence in the sitting Chancellor and give her nomination to Palpatine to take his seat.  Leading him to become the acting Chancellor during the entirety of The Clone Wars. Padme returned to Naboo and finished her reign after the Blockade was lifted.  Later joining the Senate at the request of her successor and would later serve in the Senate till her death.   Padme became a thorn in the Dark Side during her time in the Senate.  Leading to a death contract being taken out on her head, leading to the death of one of her trusted Hand Maidens who stuck by her side as she ventured into the Senate.  This brought her back into Anakin Skywalkers life, when The Council was requested to provide her a Jedi-Body guard.  Anakin and Padme became close during this time and started a relationship in secret that would lead to her death and the birth of her twins.  Padme couldn’t fathom Anakin turning to the Dark Side but when faced with proof provided by Obi-Wan she sought him out herself.   She stared the monster he became in the face and lost consciousness.  Padme later awoke aboard the Cambria.  No kids, No husband and just a new life faced before her.   Padme has been creating her own life here, hoping to cancel out the horrors her husband had done.  
WEAPONS: Blaster, three plasma daggers. 
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS:  Tactical Genius, Politically Motivated Brain, Blaster Training, Combat Proficient 
GREATEST STRENGTH:  Her belief in the good that people can do. 
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW:  Her love can blind her to the truth. 
ONE FEAR:  Her children are gone.
ONE HOPE:  That she did enough good back home that the Republic was able to be rebuilt without her. 
HEADCANON(S): Padme has spent her whole life being underestimated by those around her.  She often uses this to her advantage. Padme often gets looks as Head of Security on the Ship but she runs a tight ship.  Her guards meet daily for training, she personally reviews every file or piece of paperwork that comes across her desk.  She has her teams back and will take on any challenge with them.
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ourxguidingxkey · 1 month
//In honor of May the 4th, I added some more Star Wars muses;
Ahsoka Tano
Barriss Offee
Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Shaak Ti
Zam Wesell
Should note that I'm not fully familiar with the expanded universe, and am still making my way through some of it. (For now, I'm mostly going off of Wookiepedia articles and TV Tropes pages)
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clone wars text posts
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rainintheevening · 10 months
What would they have done with all the bodies of the Jedi who died on Geonosis?
There were 187 of them. Seems like too many to take back with them for funerals on Coruscant.
Did they build the funeral pyres right there in the arena? Above the bloody sand? As the red sun of Geonosis set, was there a great pillar of smoke, that all saw, and all fell silent at? Did the clones stand guard above them, and around them—protective rings of an honour guard, tall and straight in the shadows of the coliseum, silent, watching, learning?
And the clones who died? There were thousands. Did the Jedi ask, what their custom was, only for the clones to respond that it didn't matter? Did they quote the Kaminoans: "In water you are born, in fire you die, your bodies seed the stars"? Did the Jedi glance at each other, and nod, and quietly begin leading the clones in building their own funeral pyres? I wonder if they questioned the clones stripping the bodies of all weapons or armor that could be reused.
But in the end it was all the same light, all the same smoke. Mingled together into the night sky.
Did Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padmé all stand together, with their bacta patches and pain-blockers, silent as stone while the orange light flickered over their faces? Obi-Wan with the silver tongue, and not a word to say. Anakin half-blind between the ache in his body and the ache in his heart and the ache in the Force, which were all one and the same, only feeling Padmé's hand in his, and Obi-Wan's arm braced around his waist. And Padmé, torn between fear and defiance, despair at war with her hope, because her nightmares are alive, and she wants both protection and to protect, so she holds Anakin’s hand, and sets her jaw, and holds her eyes open until they burn.
Maybe that was what it was like.
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mustafar-far-away · 4 months
Anakin would not have been a great father. he was taken aback when Padmé was pregnant, and would do anything for her, but he couldn't even value what she wanted because he was too obsessed. He would have been over protective of them if Padmé had survived, but Padmé was going to leave him after he turned to the dark side, and he got violent. If he knew they had survived, he would hate them for killing her, when he was really still getting to know her. They didnt have the time together he thought they should because they had to keep it a secret. He would have killed them all, he thought he had, and thats why Vader survived to ultimately fulfill his prophecy.
He had to become Vader in order to love his children. He had to lose everything and find out he had a family left who saw the good in him. Anakin had to die so Vader could die. And Vader had to lose everything in order to decide to save Luke and become Anakin again.
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Dathomir has proven welcoming, but it is strange to be so far away from the pulse of the galaxy.
I lived my entire life under the misunderstanding that I was to inherit it. I dedicated myself to understanding galactic civilization, to knowing who was from where. To speaking many languages, fluently, and understanding many cultures.
Perhaps a waste of time, now, but then again... some of my interest may have been innate. I still watch the daily news if I have a holonet connection.
As of right now, I am watching Padmé Naberrie be crowned Princess of Naboo at the age of 12. I remember being 12. I could not have participated meaningfully in politics. The child that will be Queen is now effectively the 'mayor' of 1.2 billion sentient beings.
Perhaps Nubian Humans are built differently than Zabrak. I would not put a youngling of my own species in charge of an outpost, nevermind a planet.
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the-rejected-princess · 2 months
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❤️ this post for a starter from Queen Amidalal. { Length will vary }
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still doing prompts but could you do something with Padme and the twins?
My friend, I saw this and had the abrupt realization that I’ve never written anything focused primarily on Padme and the twins. Which is!!! Sinful.
So, I am rectifying the situation, but I don’t want you to think I didn’t see this message! It’s going to take a bit longer to finish, but I figured I’d share the beginning! A sneak peek, if you will :D
(I wasn’t sure if you wanted a specific ‘verse’s version of Padme and the twins, so I just made a new one :) I hope you like it)
The Force was not overly cruel.
Anakin lay shattered, willingly stuck under the thumb of a tyrant, as good as dead. Luke and Leia were split apart, to separate sides of the galaxy. Padme was dead.
The family was scattered. Torn apart. Was it the fault of the Force? Sidious? Anakin himself?
No matter. Blame wasn’t important. The galaxy could not spend its eternities trying to cast blame.
The important thing was to fix this. To fix all of this. There were already rebels rising in the shadows. The brightness of the Force lived on in Luke and Leia, in Obi-Wan and all the rest of the remnants of the Jedi. There was still hope.
The Force was not overly cruel. It knew that the hope, the twins, were separated for their own good. If Sidious was to get his hands on either of them, everything would be lost. No matter if they spent their time staring off into the stars at night, longing for another half that they didn’t have. That they might never have.
The galaxy was vast. The Force could only influence so much. Leia would never go to Tatooine, no matter how hard it pushed her to go there. Luke was too loyal. If his uncle kept demanding it, then Luke would never leave Tatooine. Their paths would never cross.
The Force couldn’t let this happen. It had to bridge them together. It couldn’t let these twin suns be separated. Not after all the effort it took for them to be born in the first place.
But, how?
Slowly, a plan formed. Gradually, the pieces fell into place. Finally, the future that was looming over them was to be mended.
And all it took was the meddling of the ultimate power in the universe.
Luke sat on the steps of his home. He was in trouble. Again. Uncle Owen was not happy that Luke had, once again, stolen a speeder.
Luke wasn’t convinced it was entirely his fault. If the guy didn’t want his speeder stolen, he shouldn’t have had the keys so obviously in his inner vest pocket. Just waiting to be pickpocketed by a small boy waiting for his uncle to be done shopping. And, the guy definitely should’ve used a thicker chain to keep his speeder in place. Something that wouldn’t be snapped after a few seconds. Really, the guy was asking for his speeder to be stolen.
Uncle Owen did not agree.
Thus, Luke was in time out. Luke was pretty sure it was more for Uncle Owen’s sake, so the man could calm himself down before he exploded. Uncle Owen didn’t like being mean to Luke, and he was always very apologetic whenever he lost his temper. Putting Luke in time out was the only way he could calm down enough to be reasonable. Luke’s time outs were incredibly long.
He hadn’t been outside very long, this time. Aunt Beru had been right inside when they got home, so she was helping to calm Uncle Owen down. Aunt Beru was pretty good at calming Uncle Owen down. She said very nice things in a very gentle voice and let Uncle Owen hug her and she never judged him when he screamed into a pillow. Luke didn’t think he’d be out here for much longer, not with Aunt Beru working her magic.
“At least this time he didn’t puncture the fuel tank,” Aunt Beru lilted.
She really was a master.
Luke drew a little unhappy face in the sand with his finger. He wanted to go hang out with the Treadwell droid Uncle Owen had gotten. He wanted to see what it could do. He’d never seen a Treadwell before, and he was super excited to see it. The excitement was fading the longer he was stuck outside.
Luke stopped moving. He went perfectly still for a moment, then he looked behind him in one sharp movement.
There was a lady there. Luke blinked, surprised. He hadn’t heard the sand crunching. Glancing at her feet, she was definitely standing on the sand, but there had been no noise and there were no footprints around them. She was a bit small, around the same size as Aunt Beru. Her hair was done up in some fancy way that Luke didn’t recognize, her clothes looked expensive, and she had a gentle smile on her face.
Luke felt that she was familiar. That she was safe. He was struck with the feelings of warmth and affection and loneliness and mourning and longing and heartbreak and-
His eyes welled up with tears. He hastily looked away and rubbed them with his sleeve. He felt an almost nonexistent weight on his shoulder, and saw that the lady had put her hand there. It was comforting. Luke scrubbed at his eyes for another second, then turned to face her fully.
“Are you lost?” he asked, because he had never seen such a fancy outfit before. It looked incredibly out of place amongst the endless expanses of sand.
“No, I’m right where I want to be,” she told him. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time. I’m so happy to finally see you.”
Luke absurdly felt like crying again. He sniffled a bit. Her hand cupped his cheek and she stroked the skin gently with her thumb, wiping away the dampness already there.
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace. “You’ve gotten so big.”
He clung to her for a moment, fingers digging into the smooth fabric of her dress. He buried his face in her shoulder. She rested her cheek atop his head.
“My Luke,” she said softly. “My son.”
Luke cried and cried and felt like he would never stop.
Leia sat on her bed in her room. She was in trouble. Again. Her father was very concerned about her stealing a speeder. Again.
Leia wasn’t convinced it was her fault. If the guy didn’t want his speeder stolen, he should’ve been less of a dick to her. He should’ve gotten a more recent model of speeder, instead of his “antique” one. Everyone knew that those old speeders were easy to hotwire. He should’ve spent less time being an asshole and more time thinking reasonably about his vehicle choices. Honestly, the guy was asking for his speeder to be stolen.
Leia’s father did not agree.
Thus, she was in time out. An occurrence that was happening more and more frequently with every person she bit and speeder she stole and fire she started. She still maintained that none of them were entirely her fault. The biting incidents were always provoked, as were the speeder incidents. The fires…
Well, the fires were probably Leia’s fault. But, the chefs had learned to hide their matches and lighters better, so wasn’t it a net positive, overall?
Leia twirled a loose thread on her blanket around her finger. Time out was so boring. She knew she was supposed to be reflecting on her crimes or whatever, but all she could actually reflect on was how boring it was to sit in her room with nothing to do. The droid outside of her door had great hearing, and always reported when she started playing with something. And it never took bribes, no matter what Leia tried.
Leia couldn’t help but feel like this all was unfair. Of course, the guy she’d stolen from was being punished too, for being a dick (her father knew she always did things for a reason, and always promised to try to make things better, and he hadn’t lied yet) butLeia doubted his punishment was as bad as this one. Nothing was worse than time out.
Leia stiffened. She looked up, unsure of what she was expecting to see, and froze. She blinked.
The woman in front of her was familiar. Warm. She wore clothes that Leia vaguely recognized as popular in Nabooian politics, colourful and beautiful and eye-catching if not a few years out of date. The woman’s hair was done up in one of Naboo’s elaborate styles.
Leia had always been fascinated by Nabooian styles, which always made her father look sad in a wistful, melancholic sort of way.
Seeing the woman stirred some long forgotten memory in Leia. The memory of warmth, directed all at her and at… someone else. A smile that was sad, so sad, heartbreakingly sad. But there was love in the eyes that gazed upon her. There was affection in the way that face softened.
“Mo-“ Leia stopped.
She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t be wrong. Her eyes welled up with tears, even as she rubbed them to try and stop it. She already had a mom, she didn’t need another one. She didn’t need to know where or who she came from, she didn’t- she didn’t-
The woman hugged her. She wrapped Leia in a warm embrace, one that Leia automatically tried to latch onto. She dug her fingers into the fabric of her dress. She buried her face in her shoulder. The woman rested her cheek atop Leia’s head, and Leia trembled.
“Leia,” she murmured.
“M-Mom?” she whispered.
A chuckle. “You recognize me.”
It wasn’t a question. But, it was an answer. Leia clung to her, tears dripping down her face.
“I’ve got you,” her mother promised. “I’m here. I’m sorry I left you, but I’m here now. It’ll all be okay.”
Leia cried and cried and felt like she would never stop.
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
Okay, so bear with me…
AU Mandalorian Obi-wan goes to Naboo with Qui-gon to break the Trade Federation blockade, wearing full Mando armor, carrying the Darksaber. Besides, Sith Lords have nothing on cranky toddlers who missed their nap.
Bo-Katan tags along, because why the hell not? And Padmé and the Handmaidens have earned her respect, simply by being armed to the teeth, but all their weaponry is cleverly hidden in the wigs and formal attire. Those fancy hair doodads are really vibroblades. They all have blasters in thigh or ankle holsters.
Anakin was supposed to stay behind on Mandalore, because a battle is no place for a child. Artoo sneaks him onboard the ship to Naboo.
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musewrangler · 1 year
Padme' Amidala lived because Obi-Wan got her to exactly the right person---her sister Sola. The Naberrie women went on the run from the Empire after faking Padme's death in order to protect the twins. Now, fifteen years later, Padme' sends Sola on a mission to save an old friend. This leads to the unravelling of many things all of which adds up to numerous surprises coming right at Anakin Skywalker's face.
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virtuousfuta · 29 days
Hitchhiker Prompt 2D for Padme - @ourxguidingxkey-after-dark (Aayla)
It was an odd situation that only got more interesting for Padme. Aayla was supposed to be transported to her next destination with the other Jedi using one of their troop transports, but apparently the beautiful Jedi got left behind for one reason or another. So Padme invited her to her ship so the two could rejoin the main force together. What she didn't expect, but agreed to for both their enjoyment. Was Aayla offering her payment for picking her up. The queen-now-senator moaning softly in delight as Aayla sucked her off. The sight of her groping one of her breasts with her top partially lifted only added to her arousal.
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thestarslinger · 8 months
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Interact for a starter or plotting discussion. Mun is disabled with a treatment tomorrow though should be on today. Open to shipping with chemistry. Muses include Luke Skywalker, Padme Amidala Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Leia Organa Skywalker Solo.
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severnyizvezda · 8 months
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"And?" Warm brown eyes met his, a playful smirk playing on her lips. Padme loved it when Anakin got jealous over her. Not that she ever went out of her way to make him so. She would never do that to him. But being a senator and former queen that attracted many people her way.
"I'm all yours, Anakin. He can flirt all he wants. No other being could ever replace you in my heart." She closed the divide between them and took his hands into her own. Bringing them up to her chest as she gripped them tightly. "I love you, Ani. You own my heart."
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Star Wars Prequels Quote Rp Meme
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“There is always a bigger fish.”
“Are you an angel?”
“This is where the funny begins.”
“Twice the pride, double the fall.”
“Wait a minute, how did this happen? We are smarter than this.”
“I was expecting someone of your reputation to be older.”
“You are shorter than I expected.”
“time to abandon ship.”
“Stop, I love you.”
“You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.”
“If you are not with me than your my enemy.”
“Then you are lost.”
“There are too many of them. What are we going to do?”
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and alone.”
“So this is how liberty dies with thunderous applause.”
“you are a bold one.”
“You must realize you are doomed.”
“You were the chosen one!”
“Your breaking my heart! You have gone down a path that I can’t follow.”
“You are a hard man to find.”
“Farming, really? A man of your talents.”
“We are on the verge of greatness. We were so close to providing peace.”
“You confuse peace with tyranny.”
“We stand here amidst my achievement. Not yours.”
“Are we blind?”
“My how you have grown.”
“A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.’
“If you will excuse me.’
“I haven’t been very apprecative of your training. I was arrogant. I am sorry.”
“If that is true, you will have gained my trust.”
“It’s treason then.”
“I am too weak. Don’t kill me please.”
“What have I done?”
“Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself.”
“you could actually save people from death?”
“Always two there are. No more. No less.”
“We have a bad feeling about this.”
“I don’t like sand. it’s course and rough and irriating. And it gets everywhere.”
“This party is over.”
“I don’t think the system works.”
“I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.”
“So have you. Grown more beautiful,I mean.”
“We didn’t hit it.”
“Oh dear. I am terribly sorry about this.”
“You know I don’t like it when you do that.”
“I hate it when he does that.”
“So uncivilized.”
“You want to go home and rethink your life.”
“Why do I get the feeling that you will be the death of me?”
“You right about one thing the negotations were short.”“It’s over. I have the high ground.”
“Another happy ending.”
“Someone needs to be the poster boy.”
“We have a job to do. Try not to upset him.”
“hello there.”
“Is it possible to learn this power?”
“This is unfair. How could you do this?”
“You are a funny little boy.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Come to your senses.”
“I was beginning to wonder if you got my message.
“I killed them all.”
Your move.”
“Not to worry. We are still flying half a ship.”
“Shoot her or something.”
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l0nglives · 7 months
if she survived the clone wars , regardless if there's an empire or an even more broken republic in the aftermath , she does resign as a senator & goes back to naboo presumably with her twins. after a few months of rest she'll probably be involved in a plethora of charity work & if it's the empire , the rebellion. regardless her faith in the republic is shaken & after spending so long away from a home she dearly loves she just wants to bow out. doesn't stop her from doing what she can to make the galaxy better , because that just isn't her , but with the knowledge she doesn't have to do it on coruscant.
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