#muse; former king of hell.
ladykailitha · 5 months
Paper Hearts Part 1
Remember how my posting schedule was going to be based on strictly vibes from now on? Yeah this is why. I have three chapters of this completed and only two of most everything else because I hurt my right wrist on Wednesday evening (I think I overextended my elbow and it fucked up the tendons in my wrist, because I've done that before on my arm and it feels like that).
So instead of getting more work done on stuff that is literally paragraphs away from the end of the chapter I'm having to tap into my backlog. Which is what it's for. But it is annoying.
I am also aware it's nearly May, but my muse was never one for sense.
Summary: Hawkins High is selling paper hearts to help raise for senior prom. $3 for red romantic hearts and $1 for pink friendship hearts. Steve hasn't dated anyone since the horrific breakup with Nancy on Halloween and so he decides that he's going to send pink hearts to senior girls who wouldn't normally get any hearts at all. When Eddie hears about this he can't help be intrigued. It goes against his very well curated Munson Doctrine. But as events keep throwing them together, Eddie learns there is more to King Steve then meets the eye.
Also a note: the use of the other's last name when it's their point of view is deliberate. As they get to know each other more, the more first names get used.
Steve was staring at the huge sign with a sense of dread. In big pink and white letters on a red background screamed the words:
Valentine’s Day. That time of year for lovers and romantics. That used to be him. But not since Nancy broke his heart by breaking up with him for Jonathan Byers.
There would be no paper hearts in locker this year. Not even pink ones. Nancy had well and truly blown up his life and she got to walk away scott free.
He didn’t know what to do anymore. He pinched his nosed and rubbed the end. He wasn’t going to cry in the middle of the fucking main hall of Hawkins High.
Just before he was about to start moving again someone shoulder checked him, sending back to the floor and all his stuff sprawling around it like some fucked flower.
“Watch it, Harrington!” the voice growled as whoever it was sped off down the hall.
Steve didn’t even bother looking to see who it was. It could have been anyone these days. His former friends. Billy and his ilk. Hell, even the nerds and geeks got in on the action lately.
He knelt down to start cleaning it up when someone else kicked his books toward the lockers. He managed to get most of it picked up when he reached for the last notebook. Someone stepped on his hand and ground down, hurting Steve and ripping the cover off the notebook, crinkling the first couple of pages.
He shoved it into his bag and cradled his hand to his chest. He looked at his watch and sighed. Lunch was nearly over and he hadn’t even made it to the cafeteria yet.
There was nothing for it, he had to get to his next class. He walked into the class room just as the bell rang, but instead of heading for his usual spot near the front he made for the back of the class. There were always a few empty seats around Munson. The guy was terrifying on a good day.
And Steve hoped it was a good day.
Eddie made to class on time by the skin of his teeth. He slid through door just as the bell rang above his head. He was about to lope over to his usual spot in the back when he stopped dead in his tracks.
He looked up at the front at the deliberately left open seat and back at the seat next to his with a raised eyebrow. He wisely said nothing as he flopped into the torture device known as the chesk. Dair? Whatever the hell it was called where some unspeakable horror thought to combine a desk and a chair.
Eddie glanced sidelong at his new companion. The recently deposed king of Hawkins High sat slumped in his chesk, head down, just staring at its surface as if held the meaning to life the universe and everything.
Which if Harrington asked him, he would have been told forty-two.
He pulled out his notebook and noticed that Harrington did not do the same. Curiouser and curiouser. He pulled out a pencil and settled in to avoid falling to sleep today.
He was taking notes and doing the assignment like he was supposed to when about half way through class the teacher called out to him.
“Mr. Harrington!” she shrieked. “If you are going to be sitting in the back, please have the decency to pay attention in class!”
A couple of kids snickered.
“You were talking about how the Fool is used to lighten the absolutely horrific scene above him of Lady Macbeth as she tries to get blood out of her gown,” he muttered, scratching his cheek with his left hand.
That was when the teacher and Eddie noticed the same thing at the same time.
Harrington was cradling his right hand to his chest.
“Mr. Harrington is there something wrong with your right hand?”
“I accidentally hurt it during lunch,” he said with wince.
The teacher tapped her foot and crossed her arms. “And why didn’t you see the nurse?”
“It happened right before class,” Harrington muttered, “and I didn’t want to be late.”
The teacher huffed and shook her head. “I will give you note for your next teacher, but you will see the nurse after class, am I understood?”
He nodded.
“Mr. Munson,” she cried out, shrill. “If you’ll share your notes with Mr. Harrington after class so he does not fall behind.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He continued to keep an eye on Harrington throughout the whole class but whenever their English teacher tried to catch him out, she would fail every time.
When the bell rang Eddie started shoving his stuff into his backpack. “You sure you even need my notes, Harrington? That was pretty impressive shit you pulled out of your ass today.”
Harrington just shrugged. “Just because I was paying attention doesn’t mean it won’t bleed out of my ears with all the algebra and chemistry stuff I have later.”
Eddie winced in sympathy. “Yeah, I hear that. What’s your locker number and I’ll just slip a copy of my notes in the slots.”
“They got you on a lower locker?” he asked with a grimace. “That’s jacked up. Even Mr. Super Senior here got a top locker. Does the secretary hate you or some shit?”
Again Harrington shrugged. “I’ve got to go. I’ll catch you later.”
Eddie folded his arms at looked at him. “You’re not going to the nurse’s station, are you?”
This time it was Harrington who winced.
“That’s what I thought,” he huffed. “I’m walking you to said nurse’s station because it could be broken and if you don’t get that looked at, you’ll be in more than just a world of hurt, man. You could fuck up your hand for life and you wouldn’t be able to anything in that hand ever again.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as all color drained from his face.
Eddie grabbed both of their backpacks and headed for the door. “Yeah, shit.”
Harrington hurried to catch up, hand still cradled to his chest.
“How did you know that could happen to my hand?” he asked softly.
Eddie eyed him sidelong, but the kid wasn’t being an ass. In fact he would say Harrington was being earnest.
“My uncle works at the machinist plant up the road,” Eddie explained. “One of his buddies broke his hand on the machine and refused to get it looked at. Guess how well that worked?”
“Was it the plant’s fault?” Harrington asked. Eddie cocked his head to the side. “That you uncle’s friend got hurt?”
Eddie reared his head back in shock that Harrington would even ask.
“No, man,” he said shaking his head. “He was goofing off, being a dick. Uncle Wayne always said that if you knock on every door asking for the devil, one day he’s gonna answer.”
“What happens when the devil comes looking for you?” Harrington muttered to himself and Eddie couldn’t help but wonder what this kid had seen.
Because he knows haunted. And Harrington looks like he has an attic full of ghosts.
Once they got to the nurse’s station Eddie waited for him. When the other boy came out he asked how it went.
“She says it doesn’t feel broken,” he huffed. “But that if it doesn’t improve over the weekend after icing at least three times a day, to come back on Monday and she’ll order an x-ray.”
Eddie nodded. “Right. See you around, Harrington.”
He had barely turned around when Harrington called out to him. “Wait!”
Eddie turned back around to have a piece of paper shoved into his hand. “I got the nurse to excuse us both.”
And before he could even reply the other boy was tearing off down the hall as if the devil himself was chasing him.
And after that comment he’d heard, Eddie couldn’t be sure he wasn’t.
Steve was curled up on his bed, icing his hand, staring up at the ceiling, and wondering where the fuck his life had gone so wrong.
Okay so he could answer that one, actually. Demogorgon ate his girlfriend’s best friend while in his backyard. While him and said girlfriend were having sex for the first time.
Yeah... that was all kinds of fucked up.
He still couldn’t believe that Nancy sided with Jonathan about him taking pictures of their first time.
So now Valentine’s Day was two week away and he was dateless, friendless, and unpopular. He wished he could just be called a loner. But a loner was cool and Steve wasn’t even that anymore.
He just had to make until the end of may and then he could graduate, leaving this town in his rearview mirror for good.
Steve knew that he would have to struggle through this fucking holiday and Senior prom then it would be smooth sailing from there.
He had all this money that he would normally spend on his girlfriends, but now he didn’t even have that. He supposed he could blow it all on beer and weed and then he could enjoy the weekend for a change.
Steve sat up suddenly, the ice pack falling from his hand to hit the floor with sploosh!
Now that was an idea.
He still had one thing in the school that was nonpareil and that was gossip. In fact, it was easier to hear all the dirty little secrets because no one cared if he was standing there.
A smile spread over his face.
That could actually work. It would be a great way to spend his allowance and it would be fun.
He got up and put the ice pack back in the freezer. He couldn’t do anything about it right then but once his hand was better he would formulate his little plan.
Steve was suddenly excited for the first time since he dropped Dustin off at the middle school’s Snow Ball.
He was going to make this holiday fun even if he had to manufacture the fun himself.
Eddie was pissed. A little at himself, but mostly at how Harrington was being treated.
He had to sit through lunch and listen a bunch of stupid jocks brag about stomping on Harrington’s hand when he was trying to pick up his stuff off the floor in the hallway yesterday.
They had been hoping for an actual break, but the asshole thought he’d only bruised it.
The reason Eddie was a little mad at himself for this was because he was the one that had shoulder checked Harrington. He had only been trying to get the guy out of his daze. Not send his shit flying.
And then to have someone deliberately stepping on his hand. Fuck. Not even Hagan ever went that far.
Stev–Harrington didn’t deserve that kind of bullying. No one did.
But he could see the twisted sort of appeal, though. And fuck if that didn’t make his stomach turn.
To see the deposed king and want to mock that? Want to dig the hurt in as deep as he could? To drive home the lesson that popularity was fleeting and that existence was a curse?
Yeah, Eddie could see the appeal.
But he wouldn’t. He might make fun of literally everyone and everything but his own interests, but to make turn that into actual cruelty? That was were he drew the line in the sand.
He went home feeling sick to his stomach. And of course Wayne picked up on it immediately.
He jutted his chin at the chicken and rice on Eddie plate that he had only merely pushed around with his fork.
“What’s got you so twisted around the bend?”
Eddie put his fork down and hid his mouth with his clasped hands, elbows on the table.
“I fucked up today,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean for it to go as it did.”
“What did you do?”
So Eddie told him. “I wasn’t trying to hurt him, but he got hurt anyway.”
“That does sound pretty bad,” Wayne agreed. “And as you say, you were trying to help only for it to go very awry. And since you didn’t about it until after the fact you couldn’t apologize and that’s what’s eating you up inside.”
Eddie nodded around his fists, his lower lip quivering.
“You’ll just have to find a way to apologize on Monday,” Wayne said wisely.
Eddie sighed. It was the best he could do. It wasn’t as though he could call the guy up or show up at his house. The first because he didn’t have the guy’s number and the second because he’d get the cops called on him so fast by the neighbors.
It would just have to wait until Monday.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Martyrdom & Lestat's Character Development (TVC Spoilers)
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Even though IWTV is Louis' story & his arc as the MC, The Vampire Chronicles are ultimately about how all of these vampires affected & impacted Lestat. (Especially since by the end of the series he's not only the MC, protagonist, and (anti-)hero; but he's also the former host for the Sacred Core that created the vampiric race (after Akasha & Mekare); and the elected king of the Vampire Court, affectionately/officially called "(Brat) Prince Lestat" in the final trilogy.) So, even though we're seeing Louis' struggles play out, we're also seeing Lestat's; and one of the big moments is this Trial in 2x7.
Even though the most important thing that happens is ofc Claudia's death, an underrated moment is Madeleine's death.
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Lestat callously mocks Madeleine's choice to die with HER "coven"--her companion, Claudia--rather than keep living (ostensibly: keeps fighting, but I'll get to that in a bit), and join Santiago's coven. "The martyr skips her way to Hell."
I was initially booing & hissing at Lestat for being a heartless a-hole, still spiteful against Claudia and failing to fathom how anyone could risk their lives for her; when even HE sat there and let his own daughter/fledgling burn to ash right in front of him.
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But on the other hand, I actually love this moment for Les as he mocks Madeleine's choice; not only cuz it's ironic AF, considering Les LITERALLY skipped his way to Hell in Memnoch the Devil; but most importantly cuz this is all (hopefully) contributing to Lestat's character development later on. 🙏
Claudia's death affected Les deeply--nowhere near as deeply as it did Louis, ofc, but she was still his daughter/fledgling. AR never focused on Madeleine past IWTV, but hopefully the show makes Les realize later that THIS moment b/t Madz & Claudia is what TRUE love is--not ultimatums & conditions & ownership; trying to "crush what you cannot own"--but martyrdom & sacrifice & loyalty. Laying your life down for someone else. Eff would you love me if I was a worm--would you CATCH A BULLET FOR ME? Would you BURN for me? That's Claudeleine's love; but in the IWTV timeframe Lestat's just not at the point where he gets it--yet.
Loustat vs Claudeleine: What it Means to Love Someone
TVC also tracks the development/progression/evolution of Loustat's love; struggling to grow & thrive in the weeds of dark eternal damnation. They totally failed e/o in IWTV. Loustat's rekindled relationship was first demonstrated/tested in QotD, when Akasha spared Lou simply cuz Les loved him; rather than burning Lou up w/ the other weak AF vamps she'd slaughtered.
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But Akasha also used Louis as collateral if Les refused to serve her.
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Les had to risk his life to try making a move on Akasha & save Louis & the other vampires from Akasha's plans for world domination. But that was largely out of self-preservation; not selflessness; as Les was basically her captive, Stockholmed into being her lover.
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Les committed horrible atrocities as Akasha's consort, butchering innocents & unleashing hell on earth, slaughtering whole cities--just cuz he was too scared to die. Despite how much he hated himself for what he was doing, no matter what, Les wanted to "fight for life, even when there is no real justification. I wanted to live; I always had."
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So OF COURSE Lestat wouldn't understand/appreciate Madeleine's decision to lay down her life and die; not just for Claudia's sake, but also to die for her principles.
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Lestat thinks his "capacity for enduring" makes him brave, but compared to Madeleine, he's a hypocritical coward. Madeleine refused to join Santiago's coven, or participate in their shams & farces. She stood on her principles, AND she stood by her companion; even at the cost of them dying--at least they're together.
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Ofc, an argument can be made that by becoming Akasha's consort, Les WAS martyring/sacrificing himself for Louis' sake; because Les DID know what true love was, and loved Lou more than he loved himself. And I might agree with that--had AR not written TotBT.
TotBT & MtD: Lestat Skips His Way to Hell
In MtD, Lestat is recruited by the Devil/Satan/Lucifer (who calls himself Memnoch the Devil); and is taken Dante's Inferno style on a tour of Heaven and Hell, in the hopes that Les will hate God enough to join the eternal war against Heaven as the Devil's right-hand. SPOILER: Lestat rejects Memnoch (cuz Les wanted to be a priest--he still LOVES God, despite the "ocean" b/t him & Christ); and as punishment he is trapped in a coma for years, as he's psychologically/spiritually tortured in Hell until he finally breaks the spell & wakes up in Merrick, when Louis tries to kill himself (which AMC pushed up to 2x5).
Lestat had followed Memnoch after a depressive spell of deep self-loathing; feeling guilty for how he'd Turned David in TotBT (raping him into vampirism to be his new companion when Louis rejected him); and still haunted by the memory of Claudia in IWTV. Memnoch showed Les the Divine Plan, when God told his favorite (fallen) angel Memnoch/Lucifer that He would let Himself be crucified as Jesus in the flesh, for His love of humanity.
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But Memnoch is horrified, and thinks God's plan is not only a futile failure, but also cheating (cuz being an immortal, He can never really "die" or be sacrificed/martyred). Memnoch appeals to Lestat's own experiences having temporarily come down into flesh in TotBT, body-switching with Raglan James for the desperate love of being human--and then hypocritically wanting to be an immortal vampire again when Les realized being human actually sucks. 😅
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At the start of MtD, Les was VERY salty towards all the other vampires (especially Louis) for having refused to help him when he was stuck in Raglan's body in TotBT.
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Loustat's love, as genuine as it is, was marred & tainted with ultimatums & conditions & ownership. As much as Les hated being human again, Louis refused to turn Les into a vampire and put him back on the Devil's Road as one of the damned undead.
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Les DEEPLY resented Lou for not making him a vampire again. Les assumed that because of their relationship, Lou would HAVE TO do this favor for him; that as his companion/Maker, Lou OWED Les, and by refusing/rejecting him Lou'd BETRAYED/ABANDONED him.
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Lestat didn't understand that in Lou's eyes, refusing to Turn Les was Lou's greatest act OF LOVE, the best favor; keeping Les human so his soul wouldn't be damned anymore as an evil blood-drinking serial killer. Lou said "You have triumphed in this as only you could;" but Les (like Memnoch) only saw this as a massive failure. This was Lou's SACRIFICE for Les, putting their love/relationship on the line; as Louis ordered Les to never look for him or talk to him again--to go live as a redeemed human and leave the damned alone--or else. 💀
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For all the strides Loustat had made to repair their relationship, Lestat was still UNWORTHY of Louis' love in TotBT; and hadn't appreciated the sacrifices Louis made for him out of love--the kind of martyrdom it took to WILLINGLY sacrifice something precious for someone else's sake. Lestat thought the Maker/Fledgling bond was a stamp of ownership, cuz he'd been Turned by Magnus UNWILLINGLY; out of rape and violence & captivity/enslavement.
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Les became a vampire as an act of SURVIVAL; shaking his fists at God the whole time; a chip on his shoulder cuz he never asked to me born into darkness (like Claudia). Louis, however, was made out of LOVE, and WILLINGLY gave up his life to be with Les (yes, we know he was drunk AF & suicidal, but still--he nodded his head cuz he HAPPILY & LOVINGLY CHOSE Les).
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Loustat both see Lou's turning as their wedding, but for Les it's still a marriage CONTRACT--a transaction with terms & conditions. He is Louis husband, yes, but God Complex de Lioncourt declared "I AM YOUR MAKER!" Louis was still just a "Fledgling/Slave" under Coven Master ("Massa") Lestat's shingled roof, just like Claudia said.
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As much as he loves being a vampire, and as cavalier & devil-may-care as he approaches existence forsaken by God in the Savage Garden; Lestat is fully aware of what it means to be culpable & deserve punishment. Memnoch asked Lestat what he thought Hell should be like for sinners & Evil Doers both human & vampire alike, and at first Les hesitated, "I'm afraid to answer. Because I belong there."
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It's not until well after Louis' final rebirth in Merrick that Lestat finally earns back Louis' forgiveness in PLatRoA, and agrees to (re)marry Les & be his consort at Chateau de Lioncourt, Lestat's birthplace. And it's not until Blood Communion, AR's final TVC book, that Lestat risks his life for his loved ones (Gabrielle, Louis, & Marius) for THEIR sake, not his own; going up against Rhoshamandes in the ultimate showdown to save them.
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AR is VERY/overly explicit about the Christ-like martyrdom her messianic Prince Lestat undergoes in order to save Gab, Lou & Marius; his killing Rhosh ultimately saving all the vampires & ending the civil war. Les fought Rhosh "with speed and surprise;" going in blindly with the only thing that could get the jump on this SUPER Ancient vampire (Lestat's great-grandfather in the Blood) who would've otherwise overpowered Les as easily as he overpowered Marius. Les fully intended to die fighting Rhosh, but he fought him regardless, hoping to somehow get his loved ones back or join them in death.
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Lestat and Louis were reunited, dancing happily at the celebratory ball AMC was clearly inspired by Blood Communion in the Mardi Gras scene from 1x7. And they're obviously lifting from BC in 2x7, too, with the red velvet chair/throne Lestat sits on at the Trial, directly paralleling the numerous Trials & executions Prince Lestat presides over in BC, as he destroys Rhosh's fledglings & minions--and the love THEY showed their Coven Master Rhosh, being willing to die for THEIR principles and refusing to join LESTAT'S Vampire Court.
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So hopefully, if AMC gets as far as the Prince Lestat trilogy, Les will remember this moment at the Trial; and hopefully they'll continue using parallels so Les realizes what it means for Madeleine to have martyred herself for love.
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novelcain · 2 years
Okay, okay okay… I’ve had a little headcannon rattling around my head for awhile now…
Okay SO, Ao Lie is referenced as being a “young Dragon” right??
Well what if he’s actually the Dragon equivalent of a Teenager? Meaning he’s literally a traumatized child! (Because apparently his dad was totally okay with Ao being sentenced to death by the Jade dumb-dumb) and this realization makes reader unlock the most terrifying ability possible… Parental RAGE!! 😈
I could seriously imagine reader just going absolutely Apeshit on some poor soul, who thought they could get Tcherpitaka by targeting his “horse”.
She’s all like: “HOW! FUCKING! DARE YOU!!! You think it’s acceptable to attack kids!?! Do you! DO YOU!!! Well guess what pal, I’m gonna make sure you NEVER have children of your own!!”
The lowly demon: crying, shaking, and curled on the floor… “I-I’m s-sorry.. p-please, have m-mercy..”😭
Sun Wukong: … (possibly, slightly turned on)😏
Brought to you by the musings of a Pumpkin.. 🎃
I fucking love this headcanon. Your mind is a truly beautiful place Pumpkin.
Alternatively tho~ I see your reader threatening a random demon and raise you reader threatening Ao Run the Dragon King of the Western fuckin Sea:
It was no secret that after finding out that Ao Lie was essentially the dragon equivalent of a teenager you had become protective of the former death row convict. You couldn't believe that any parent would willingly send their child off to their demise over some property damage. Even if the property in question was a bunch of magical pearls.
Over time, you became something of a mother figure to the young dragon. Making sure he didn't overwork himself. Pushing him to pursue hobbies and further his education. And doting on him in general. Ao Lie soaked up every bit of praise and didn't miss a single opportunity to rub it in the other disciples' faces. Especially Wukong, who silently grew more and more jealous with every interaction between you and the prince. "Why the hell can't you stroke my fur like that," he'd pout quietly to himself.
And then one day, the group ended up in the Dragon Palace of the Western Sea, and all hell proceeded to break loose. The moment you laid eyes on the Dragon King himself you shouted, "YOU!"
"Oh no," lamented Tripitaka.
"You son of a bitch!" You pointed at Ao Run. Wukong slapped his hand over his mouth to stop from bursting out laughing while Tripitaka began to silently weep, both Bajie and Wujing gasped and stared wide eyed at you in disbelief, and Ao Lie's—who was in dragon form—jaw hit the floor.
"Pardon me—"
"Shut up," you cut off the king causing the massive dragon to scoff in indignation, and that sound alone made Wukong unable to hold his laughter back any further. Tripitaka let out a sob and fell to the floor with his head in his hands. Bajie ran to grab you. Wujing tried to apologize. Lie shrunk in on himself in look as small as possible, hoping to avoid his father's wrath.
"You bitches shut up too," you yelled at the gang and slapped Bajie across the face when he tried to clamp his hand over your mouth, "And don't touch me!"
At this point, Wukong was rolling on the floor as Bajie stumbled to hide behind Wujing while holding his abused cheek, and Tripitaka was praying to Buddha to be merciful to his soul when he meets his gruesome demise.
The young woman simply ignored her companions and proceeded to ring out the Dragon King of the Western Sea for his awful parenting methods for the next hour.
By the end, Ao Lie had begun crying and took a half human form to hug you. You gently patted the young prince on the back, glaring at his father, who was looking rather ashamed by now. The Dragon King hung his head while his entire court watched in awe as you chewed him out. The king wouldn't admit it, but you were getting heated to the point that he was worried you'd insure he'd never have another child to mistreat again.
Wukong had sat down to get a more comfortable view of the show but also to hide that he was just a little bit aroused by your protective nature. He couldn't help but wonder what your thoughts on children were.
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havendance · 5 months
Jumping off of @zahri-melitor to categorize all of my titles (which now that I'm sitting down to do this is a lot...) I've also included series titles in here because that also involves agonizing and I quite like a number of them (they'll be marked with an *) In no particular order:
Tongue in cheek titles where I’m trying to be funny
Batman for Dummies
Fatherhood for Dummies
So, the Dragon of the West walks into a bar…
You Can’t Spell Kuzon without Zuko
Brothers Have the Worst Timing
Robins Don’t Make Great Roommates
Robins are an Invasive Species*
Bus Buddies = Pilgrimage Buddies (?)
Nobody has a good day (but it gets better)
Non-Existent Extradition Treaties
Song Lyrics/Titles
Let the Sunshine in
MAD World
Slightly MAD
World Gone MAD
Desolation Row
Why you wanna fly, Blackbird?
You Will Live Forever
The Rhythm of the Night
do you like the person you’ve become?*
A Fleeting Dream
Other quotes/stealing other titles
The Prince Who Runs Through the Night 
Blood for Blood
The Kindly Ones
No Truce with the Furies*
Loved by the King [this is technically the name of a font I ran across in google docs while writing the fic and decided that it worked well enough as a title]
Misc Allusions/references
The King is Dead, Long Live the King
Thou Shalt Not Kill
See Spot Run
One Scar to Find Them
Stealing Fire from the Gods
Oedipus Regina
A Rose Bride by Any Other Name
Those who walk away from Ohtori
Let’s Steal a Fire Prince
Sing, oh Muse*
Truth, Justice, and Horde Politics*
Live Fast, Die Young
Emulating canon or other naming conventions:
Top 10 Secret Identity Fails
Remembering the End of an Era: Collected Media from the End of the Hundred Year’s War
The Fire Prince Job*
Turnabout Traitor!
One Word ‘What do you mean fics need metadata? I give up’ Titles:
Pretty Bird [This may be 2 words, but it belongs to this category in spirit]
Titles that have been intensely brainstormed/Trying to be nice and thematic without a nice quote to steal
to fail, to fall, to fly away
Hot Girl Shit (The Feminine Urge to Die Young)
Neither Heir nor Spare (The Sole Survivor)
Red Threads and Distant Stars
Wild Seeds
Gotham: Hell on Earth
Man as a Living Weapon
Death: The Final Puzzle
Former Hopes and Future Scars
I just keep falling now that you’re gone
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)*
End of the Line*
What it says on the tin
Bat + Girl [This one also feels in the spirit of the one word category, but I feel like it's a little more clever than most of those]
The Peasant Queen of Nohr
A Princess of Hoshido and a Prince of Nohr
Reunion on Beast Island
The Last Stop
Nana Lives in Connecticut
Death of the Endless
On Death’s Door
Holly, Afterwards
Tough Guy & Tiny Girl
A Second Chance at Love
The Definitions of Us
Distant Soulmates*
How do I tell you?
The Distance Between Us
Looking for You
After the Storm
What it says on the tin (literal version)
Various Batman AUs
No Man’s Land Timeline
Kwami Swap Week
4 notes · View notes
jq37 · 2 years
Twice Upon a Time - Neverafter Ep 2
Mirror, Mirror
What’s up y’all? A LOT has changed since the last episode and we have a lot to cover so I’m going to make the preamble short and jump right into the recap! Be warned that things do get a bit gnarly later on, but I’ll spare you the worst of the ick.
We pick back up at the campfire where the gang is circled up to eat as the caravan has stopped for the night. Tim Goose strikes up a conversation with Cole (the very jacked, former king of Jubilee) and asks him why he’s going to Shoeberg. Cole packs his pipe–unpracticed due to this usually being a servant's job (note: big ups to Zac because I asked the same question he did about why he was bad at pipe packing if he had so many of them) and says that he’s a bit directionless after the fall of his kingdom and is looking for hope and answers. It’s a  sentiment that resonates with the rest of the party.
Tim rolls Insight on Cole and Brennan says he feels a strange sense of familiarity with this man he hasn’t met before. He also says that when he started talking about his fiddlers, he almost heard something, but with the crowd and fire, it was hard to hear. Tim wants to peel away from the larger crowd and ask Cole more questions. As he does this, Brennan mentions two NPCs in the crowd: a teenage girl talking to the Red Hen (who we don’t get more info about) and a tall slender man with blue cloak and eyepatch (who we’ll get more info about in a bit).
When they talk privately, Cole *also* says that Tim feels familiar to him. Tim muses that it might be their mutual grief that he’s sensing and asks about his fiddlers that were lost defending the kingdom. Cole says they were the greatest in the land. His kingdom was small and tucked away so he’d been able to dodge the hardships of the troubled times for a long while but when it finally came, he couldn’t shake the feeling that things were different somehow. This tracks with Tim’s experiences during the Times of Shadow. 
Cole starts to talk wistfully about his fiddlers and, suddenly, Tim and Ger who’s close by hears muffled fiddle music. After a moment, Tim realizes that it’s coming from his book. When he opens it up, the music becomes un-muffled and everyone sees light pouring from the book (Brennan specifically mentions that the Red Hen and two mentioned NPCs look over and see this).
Cole looks at the motes of light pouring from the book and starts to weep. He seems to be seeing more than just light. Tim asks him to describe what he’s seeing and he says that he sees himself–not as he is now, ravaged by war. Fat and happy and prosperous. The faces of his fiddlers appear in the golden light. As he describes it, Tim is able to see the scene. Cole starts reciting the Old King Cole rhyme and Tim starts writing it down as quickly as he can.   
On a 21 Arcana check, Tim realizes that they are at a tipping point of something very old and magical and profound–not necessarily bad but def big. And he has to either let it happen or stop it. It’s Ally so of course they choose to let it happen.
Cole completes the rhymes and, for a moment, the fiddlers seem to become real. Cole looks fat and happy again. His fiddlers embrace him. And then, there’s a flash of light from the book and Cole and the fiddlers disappear. 
The caravan flips the hell out despite Tim’s attempts to calm everyone down. The Red Hen grabs the teen girl from earlier and starts to bolt, calling Tim a witch. Pinocchio and Roz work on securing Cole’s ram chariot so they have at least some sort of transportation. Puss lures one of the guards from Lord B’s shoe carriage and then slaps the horse’s flank so it will run off without him, just to cause problems. 
By the time the dust settles, the only one left is the man in the blue cloak who missed what happened but thinks it might be wise to follow the fleeing caravan. They intercept him and he introduces himself as Herr Drosselmeyer (who I will be calling Dross). They tell Dross that everyone left because of a super scary ostrich and he seems skeptical but willing to entertain them. He goes into the woods to investigate, leaving his carriage. 
[Note: Herr Drosselmeyer is, quite appropriately for the season, the uncle of the main character in the Nutcracker. He is a toymaker and the one who gives the titular Nutcracker to Clara, the main character.]
So of course, Puss immediately uses his cat claws to pick the lock and break in. He is surprised when he sees that it’s a Tardis, bigge- on-the-inside situation. There’s a whole-ass alpine manor home in there and the room he steps into is specifically a hallway lined with clocks. We’ll get back to that.
The rest of the group haven’t bolted like the rest of the caravan but they would like to know what the heck just happened. Pinocchio touches the book because he wants to see if his hand will go through in the same way that Cole was sucked in. Brennan has him roll a Charisma save–something you never wanna hear your DM as for when you’re poking around.
As he touches it, an etching appears of an island of toys. As he jerks his hand away it starts to fade, but slowly. He’s spooked but Red is intrigued. She touches it and on her Nat 1 save (she opts for Con instead of Cha).
She starts to involuntarily shift, filling with shame as she splits the seams of her clothes. The images on the open pages of the book are filled with the red etching of a girl in a glade, straying from the path as she picks flowers. Tim notices something moving in the trees of the image and hurriedly closes the book right as the snarling maw of a wolf tries to leap out of it. 
Red profusely apologizes as she shrinks back down to her normal height and goes to hide while Tim comforts her (obviously projecting a bit about his son as he does). Red feels shitty about the fact that when Pinocchio touched the book it was toys and when she did it, it was a wolf that tried to eat them but Pinocchio pipes up that the toy island was fun but not necessarily good. 
[Note: To anyone who hadn’t read/seen Pinocchio, he’s referring to the Pleasure Island bit of his story where kids are lured to a seemingly fun locale that eventually turns them into donkeys that are sold to be used for labor. It is basically always the freakiest part of any Pinocchio adaptation.]
Ger, who has been thinking this book might be the way to solve his cruse problems since he heard the fiddle music coming from it, takes his turn at slapping his hand on it and, as he does, his hand starts to turn pink and human again. But the pages of the book seem to be rotting and a weird, spherical indent is appearing in the pages. Red yelps that he’s trying to take from the book and Tim slams it shut, scared of breaking the magic somehow. Ger’s hand returns back to normal which is to say froggy-normal, much to his disappointment. 
Pinocchio is like, hey man. Maybe let’s slow down on all this book touching when you don’t really know what you're doing. Luckily, Roz has no desire to touch the book…until it’s mentioned that it might help her find her prince at which point she SLAMS her hand down as fast as she can. 
At first, vines and roses appear and, at the center, a portrait of an extremely handsome prince she doesn’t recognize, looking out lovingly from the pages. She’s so overjoyed she starts openly weeping. Then, the image glitches out and it flickers to the face of a still handsome but somewhat less handsome man. She rolls an 18 save and notices something strange happening with the image. Something different than what happened with the others. It’s almost as if some force is asking the roses and the portrait to move aside so it can show her something else. 
Roz just wants to stare at her hot, future-husband some more but the image fades and is replaced by the hurried sketch of an empty fireplace being made in charcoal. There is a woosh from the fireplace that shakes the trees in real life and a figure thuds into the fireplace. It’s a woman in glass armor who says, “Sister, you’re awake!” 
Tim immediately slams the book shut. 
[Note: Y’all know my ears prick the moment I hear the word “sister” is a D20 show so I was like Ally, noooooo even if it was a completely reasonable decision, lol.]
The group asks if Roz knows of a sister, but this is news to her as well. Tim gingerly opens the book again, trying to see if he can get a better look at the face of the woman and a gauntleted hand made out of paper reaches out and for his throat. He uses Silvery Barbs to make her re-roll her super high attack roll and manages to dodge and close the book. Maybe that’s enough screwing around for now. 
Now, let’s check in with what Puss is doing. 
Our favorite felonious feline rolls a Nat 20 investigation check and Brennan basically has to give him everything, starting with the fact that only one of the clocks in the hall is working and it has a weird little switch on it. When he flicks it, time stops so he has lots of time to leisurely look through the carriage/house. 
He notices the proportions of the carriage are somehow strange (Brennan likens it to a dollhouse. Maybe it’s a Wonderland thing? Not sure). 
In one room, Puss finds a room full of items collecting dust, most notably, a bigger object with a sheet thrown over it. As he enters the room, the temperature drops a bit. When he removes the sheet from the object, he sees that it’s a mirror, but it’s somewhat cloudy when he looks into it. He recognizes it as being from the kingdom of Tapestry which fell long ago and was full of dwarven craftsmen (a very clear sign of what fairytale is being invoked here, if the mirror wasn’t enough of a giveaway). 
A feline face appears in the mirror that resembles Puss but doesn’t follow his movements. The mirror makes Puss go through the whole “mirror mirror, leaned up against the wall” spiel before it will answer questions. 
Puss asks to see the kingdom of Marienne and the mirror obliges, showing the ruins of the kingdom. Puss is more emotional over this than he thought he’d be. He then asks the mirror for a suggestion for what to ask for and the mirror asks if he wants to be the fairest, the wisest, the most powerful? Puss says he really just wants to be the most comfortable. 
The mirror shows him an image of all the horrors of his world being swallowed into a book. Then, the book opens again and shows him a world with all the strife and ruin removed. And on the last page of the book is an image of him, dressed in the finest boots and super comfy. Puss recognizes the book in the image as Tim’s book and knows he has to investigate. 
The mirror asks for a favor of Puss–mention me to your puppet friend? Puss doesn’t *love* being told the terms of a bargain after the fact but agrees, not seeing the harm. Puss is about to leave when Brennan invokes the rule of 3’s and coaxes Puss into asking one last question. He’s already asked about the past and present. Why not ask about the future?
When he does, the mirror says that there is a road closed past the gates of Shoeberg where they’re headed. None who go there have come back since the Times of Shadow have fallen. The road is to Elegy–a kingdom that has fallen like most of the others. There is the first of many treasures that the book requires. That is their way forward, but it comes at a cost. But they must beware of the sisters of their new companion. 
And with that, Puss rejoins the group. They mutually fill each other in on what they’ve learned/talked about and then Dross shows up with an ostrich on a leash (literally never explained why he did this lol). They kinda sidestep what they’ve been doing/the snooping in his carriage and ask him what his deal is. He says he’s on the way to Shoeberg to look for magic items. Red asks for specifics and he says that he’s a mechanic and a magician and he’s looking for a clockwork creation of his that ran off.
Dross in turn asks about what happened with Cole and Tim is pretty cagey in his answer. Red sees that while Dross isn’t calling them out, he has clocked the book that Tim holds. 
Puss takes Pinnocchio off to the side and asks about what happened last episode when he went to talk to his mom/patron. Pinocchio brushes it off with a lie. Then, Puss informs him that the mirror wanted to talk to him. They mutually agree they should stick with the group because it’s easier than trying to grift people.
Back in the main conversation, Red asks Dross for full transparency and he obliges. The clockwork man he’s tracking down is someone he’d consider a godson and he’s out for some kind of grief-driven vengeance that he wants to stop. Dross says he’s not always been kind or dependable, but he knows a lot about magic and will try and help them if they ask and are forthright.
[Note: Seems like he is likely talking about the Nutcracker here, as mentioned earlier.]
Tim offers him the obviously magical book to touch and, when he does, he offers just a full info dump that I will do my best to summarize:
There are other books like Tim’s and other people are using them to try to save what they can.  
The book needs something to be able to work.
There has always been danger in the Neverafter but whatever’s happening now is some sort of unnatural, deeper wound. 
The six of them have been drawn together on purpose and if even one of them strays, they’re all doomed.
They only have a few chances to fix things and some of them may be traps.
Someone in the group knows what the first step is. Once they have the first thing they need, they will have friends with more answers.
There is a way to use the book to bring light back into the world and end the Times of Shadows. But the book is also a burden.
There are steps that could have been taken before things got to this point but they are well past that now. 
Many will offer answers but they should only trust each other. 
As he touches the book, his cape flares and becomes text and sheet music. His face begins to wither and turn owl-like and fill with light. And as offers his last warning, he turns to an owl and then text (it’s all things that ref the Nutcracker story or himself  like the sugar plum fairy, the rat king, magician), and then he disappears. 
[Note: Not clear if this is the same thing that happened to Cole or something else.] 
Let’s cut back to our con-boys. While this has been happening, they’ve snuck back into the carriage to talk to the mirror again. They move the sheet and the mirror makes them do the mirror mirror chant (honestly, kinda seems like he gets off on it).This time, the mirror’s face resembles Pinocchio’s. “Bring me back to her!” the mirror pleads, almost demands. As this happens, the teapot carriage shatters and they manage to leap out just in time. 
The group is left alone with the ostrich Dross strived from the forest for some reason (they let him go) and his giant, sentient, talking rabbit–Eidelgrin. 
Ger is all, “OK, the dude who just disappeared said one of us knows what we have to do next so does anyone wanna speak up?” Puss does, properly telling them what the mirror told him. On a Nat 20 Insight, Ger remembers the golden ball he fetched for his wife Elodie when they first met (this is from the OG Frog Prince story) and connects it to the indent that was made when he touched the book. He thinks that might be what the book wants from him but he doesn’t know where that ball is. Maybe it’s in the castle if Elodie kept it? He doesn’t know why the book would want it though. It’s not magical as far as he knows. Just of sentimental value. 
[Note: Ger just wants to be put back to normal and is very OK with jumping into the book if that’s the move, even though the rest of the party is like maybe hold off on that bud. I’ll talk about this more when we have more information, but I’m not convinced that this book is the perfect solution it seems to be. I’m getting real Crown of Candy SPF vibes if you’ve seen that. And just knowing what Brennan is like as a storyteller, I feel like there had to be more to this than we know.]
The mirror mentioned Elegy and the royals know a bit about the kingdom. Roz remembers that in her time, it was a merchant town with a burgeoning middle class. Ger mainly remembers a weird event that happened a few years back where the prince of Elegy made every young woman try on a shoe. Roz dreamily thinks that that’s the epitome of true love and Tim is less impressed. 
Tim checks the book again–it doesn’t seem to do weird things when he’s handling it, just when other people do–and sees a small illustration of Cole and his son feasting and dancing. They look happy together. There’s something cumulative happening here.
He also sees that a bit of the charcoal from Roz’s image has stayed. It moves to form the word “Elegy” and also the image of a spear made of glass dripping with some kind of ichor. Yikes! Also, in case you don’t know, and elegy is traditionally a poem for the dead! Also yikes!
Puss tells Roz that the mirror said something about her sisters being potentially a problem and Red is like welp,one more person I have to protect. Puss also remembers the scroll he stole earlier and looks at it. It’s a genealogy chart and shows how Lord B is related to the burgomeister (mayor) of Shoeberg. Her name is Cressida Lumley and she is 117 years old. Tim feels a strange familiarity here, like he did with Cole. He thinks it’s some kind of clue. 
[Note: If she’s 117 that means she’s a contemporary of Roz who is 18+100 years of sleep. There’s no way this is throwaway info.]
The group deliberates on what to do as they don’t really want to risk an angry mob when they get to town since they spooked everyone so badly. After some back and forth about disguises that includes Red cutting off her braids and Tim wearing them (sure) and Roz offering to put her hair in a ponytail, The rabbit suggests there are other ways to get to Elegy rather than going through Shoeberg. For example, they can go through the woods! The cast clearly knows their fairy tales and/or their Sondheim because they are wary of the suggestion but the trees part for Disney Princess/Ranger Roz and they decide that that’s the move. They take both the rabbit and the ram-pulled chariot and, with Roz guiding the way, they have a shockingly smooth 1-2 day trek through the forest. 
When they exit the forest, they find themselves in a small abandoned hamlet in Elegy. This is like a little peninsula and there’s more forest ahead of them. Still, it’s a safe place to rest for a while.  
While Puss hits a Nat 20 check to find wine (of course), Roz, also true to princess-character, finds a larder full of talking mice. They’re worried Roz will hurt them and she assures them she won’t. They’re scared of some mysterious “her” transforming them. Roz assumes they’re the people of the town who’ve been turned into mice. Nope! They’re the mice of the town who were once turned into people.
[Note: Lol, Brennan totally caught me off guard with this one. Siobhan walked right into his Uno Reverse card.]
Thus begins a recounting of the Cinderella story from the POV of the poor innocent mice who got dragged into it. A couple of years ago there was a human girl who slept by the fireplace and was nice and fed them crumbs. But one day a fairy with wings and a crown showed up and forcibly turned them into humans and made them drive a coach and go to a ball and it was horrifying. The cast is fighting giggles this entire time as Brennan takes this tale with the seriousness of a ghost story but rest assured, the mice hated this and are horrified by the thought of this fairy turning things into other things against her will and on her own whims. As silly as it sounds, it is pretty messed up if you really consider the implications–which is what we love to do here. 
The mice suddenly freak out because this fairy loves to meddle with the love lives and dreams of young women and Roz is a young woman. She tries to calm them down and Tim asks about the fairy. The mice say that she has ringlets and a crown but last time they saw her, things were different. The two daughters of the mistress of the house cut off their heel/toes in trying on the glass slipper (A plot point from the gnarly OG Cinderella story) and the new princess left the house. That’s when the storms started. And the fairy came back mad, with hollow eyes, turning animals into all sorts of things and making young women fall in love. 
At some point, the princess (to be clear, Cinderella) came back because something had changed. The mistress of the house had changed into “something fierce”. The mice say one night, she called her daughters by the fireplace and then they never saw those girls again. Then she got on a horse and left. She’s had a name before but after that, no one could remember it.
[Note: Hmm, OK. This is giving me fae vibes. This is giving me “names have meaning”. This is giving me Nightmare King from fantasy High. What’s in a name? A lot when you’re talking magic. Let me come back to this later.]
Like I said, the princess came back because she knew something awful had happened, but the fairy followed her and told her to go back to her happy life. The princess called the fairy a “foul thing”, broke the heel off of her glass slipper, and threw that spear of glass into the fairy’s heart. I don’t know how that works logistically but it sounds sick as hell. 
The group is told this happened by the well outside and Red confirms this, smelling fairy blood which Brennan says stains forever.
Meanwhile, Pinocchio, Puss, and Ger have found the motherload of fancy wine. They’re about to head back to the group when Pinocchio sees something that makes him tell the others to go ahead and he’ll catch up. Like before, he sees the door that always means his mother is calling him.
But, unlike always, this door is actually here. Like, here-here. It’s not some kind of magical manifestation. It’s an actual, normal, door. Pinocchio warily investigates, certain that if his mom knew he was seeing this, he’d be in trouble. 
The door opens into what seems like the master bedroom of the house. There is a chair by the fireplace and something behind it. Pinocchio looks at what’s behind it. 
It’s 2 skeletons. Both missing body parts. Both missing their toes and heels. 
Cinderella’s stepsisters. 
And there are bloody handprints all over the floor. 
Pinocchio puts two and two together and comes to the awful conclusion that the stepmother–his stepmother–must have eaten both of her daughters on her hands and knees like an animal. 
He KNOWS he can’t let his mom know he knows this but he also knows this is important. He looks around the room quickly and sees an etching of a paternal, kind looking man, a blood-stained carving knife, and he realizes that the doorknob is loose. 
He takes the etching and the knife and after some mimed prompting from his party-mates, takes the doorknob as well. He feels powerful magic in the doorknob for a moment and then it feels like whatever is in the doorknob goes back to sleep.
[Note: That’s so gnarly. The OG Cinderella story is already kinda messed up with the foot chopping but the image of this high class madame on her hands and knees going full Kronos and eating her daughters? Bleh. I had a section of analysis here but it got super long so I’m going to tack it to the end instead.] 
The group circles back up (though Roz quickly checks in with the mice to ask what color the fairy was wearing–the mice say purple and she says she doesn’t know her but I’m like, people change their clothes sometimes girl. You might know her!) and Puss investigates the well. It doesn’t seem to be a magical well, but Red realizes the blood trail goes into the forest. They, along with the rabbit and the ram (which Lou has unilaterally named “Senator” without telling anybody) track the blood to a sheer cliff where it seems like the fairy started flying. The ram and rabbit can’t follow so they send them back to the town to make nice wine and cheese pairings while they continue on. 
Nearby, they see a road lined with corpses dragged off to the side of the road. They’re clearly merchants from Shoeberg based on their shattered shoe wagons. The attacks look more brutal than what regular highwayman activity would look like. Strangely, there is a pile of gold and some marks that look like someone dumped the gold out and dragged the chest away. (Pinocchio steals some of the gold, naturally.) There are also marks that look like someone dragging a claw foot armoire. After the talk with the mice, the party is wary there might be some transformation shenanigans afoot. Adding to that theory is the fact that a lot of the corpses seem to have died from weird blunt force trauma. There are merchant bodies then more heavily armored bodies like guards that were sent after the merchants and also never returned. 
At this point they realize they might be next on the menu and Brennan starts making them roll stealth checks. 
They move silently through the forest which is littered with brutally slaughtered animals (done by a weapon, not another animal) and strange, morbid sculptures like a birdhouse full of human finger bones.  
They start to hear what almost sounds like voices as they reach the edge of the forest. Eventually, they realize what they’re hearing is furniture that is trying to speak without human vocal chords or windpipes. Awful, halfway transformations of things that were never meant to be alive at all, let alone halfway to human.
A high pitched, sickening voice calls the assembled furniture abominations to attention and tell them that there are interlopers in the forest that must be dealt with. She suspects they may be working with their “wayward young princess” who she fears is being spoiled and made to abandon her destiny. She says the princess must be returned to Elegy so it can be what it was always meant to be.
[Note: Lotta talk this season about how things are meant to be...]
The voice takes a pained, sinister tone as it says that once the princess returns she can GET THIS THING OUT OF HER.
The thing of course being the glass shard that Cinderella stabbed through her heart. As Puss confirms with a little tree climb, it is a ROUGH looking, almost gangrenous Fairy Godmother who is at the helm of this messed up Be Our Guest sequence, standing next to a rotting pumpkin carriage and surrounded by furniture soldiers.
The team figures that if they take out the fairy godmother, the soldiers will just stop being animated so they have one team to distract the soldiers (Roz, Red, Pinocchio) while the rest go for the Godmother. But they take so long planning and are so loud that they lose the element of surprise. 
It’s combat time baybee! And everyone is level one! What could possibly go wrong?
[Note: OK, as I said during my liveblog, I need to redo my conspiracy board. So it seems like the stepmother is indeed the stepmother and, as I said she must have if she were to become a patron, she’s done some sort of awful magic ritual to give herself power. Magic so strong it untethered herself from her name which is serious business in fairy tales. 
But it seems like The Stepmother–who is Cinderella’s stepmother and also Pinocchio's Stepmother is maybe also Snow White’s Stepmother? Because the Magic Mirror asked Pinocchio to be brought back to “her”. And, of course, the Magic Mirror is famously an item that belongs to the Evil Queen from Snow White. It seems like the stepmother has positioned herself as some kind of eldritch uber stepmom. An amalgamation of all of the worst ones (and maybe expanding her market share because Pinocchio traditionally doesn't have a step-mom). 
If this stepmom is Cinderella and Snow White’s stepmom, that makes them sisters in a way. And the lady-knight in glass armor drawn in ash is almost certainly Cinderella. And she called Roz her sister. So that could make Cinderella and Snow the sisters that are coming for Roz. I’m hedging because I’m not sure how many sisters we’re talking here. If we’re thinking Disney canon–which isn’t THE canon but it’s a good enough touchstone–Snow, Cinderella, and Sleeping (in that order) are the OG 3 princesses. It would make sense for Brennan to put them at the center of something (especially if this is some elaborate dig at the Disney corporation and their exploitation and sanitization of fairy tales lol). They’re also the Disney Princesses that have the most life outside of the Disney versions, you know? There are lots of versions of Cinderella and Snow White. But like, Princess Jasmine is tied to Disney. The only princess outside of that trio that I think has a similar amount of play outside of her Disney version is Belle so I wouldn’t be shocked if she makes an appearance. But I do think just the core 3 is likely because 3 is an important number in fairy tales. Brennan says it himself when Puss is talking to the mirror.
But there’s also the matter of timeline. We now have confirmation that the Cinderella story took place just a couple of years ago–after which the Stepmom got all magick-y. And it seems like Roz really was asleep for the past 100 years. And we don’t know when the Snow White story took place yet. But again it’s like, how do these stories fit together in time? 
Also, are the sisters trying to hurt Roz? Help her? Something in between? Are they even working in tandem? I trust them more than I trust the woman who ATE HER DAUGHTERS–Cinderella’s actions with her fairy at least seem to show that she’s good. But we’re clearly missing info here.
Why does the Stepmother want Roz? She wants to keep her away from her sisters but, again, she ate her kids. I’m sure she doesn’t want Roz for a good reason. 
I was thinking about what these princesses have in common besides being the Disney OG 3 (which, again, could be the connection is Brennan wants to get a bit meta with it and he’s made his PCs fight Robert Moses and Amazon so that’s not out of the question). Snow and Roz are both sleeping princesses. Snow and Cindy are both princesses with stepmoms. Cindy and Roz both have fairy connections. Maybe the Stepmom wants to adopt Roz too for some ritualistic reason? Maybe this is some Kingdom Hearts, princess of heart thing. I don’t know anything about Kingdom Hearts but it felt like a thing to mention.
Also, let’s talk fairies for a second. We have at least one confirmed fucked up fairy godmother–even though it doesn’t seem like it’s the same fairy from Pinocchio's story (no confirmation but it doesn’t seem like it). I want to consider again the possibility of fairy tale overlap. Because Roz’s story starts with 4 fairies. The 3 who blessed her and the 1 that cursed her. There’s no reason those fairies couldn’t turn up again as other fairies we’ll encounter in the story. And it’s been 100 years. Fairies are exactly the type of creature that causally  live that long. I don’t remember if I mentioned it, but I was wondering if the fairy Pinocchio met was also the one that cursed Roz. I don’t have an answer here. We’re still at the looking-for-edge-pieces part of putting together this puzzle. But that’s what stuck out to me this episode. I will see you guys next time! Brennan, don’t do anything to Eidelgrin and Senator!]
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denydefeat · 4 months
LONG WISHLIST POST UNDER THE CUT. DM me if you're interested in starting any of these:
ALL POTC Characters: All curses at sea are broken with the destruction of Poseidon’s Trident, but there must always be someone to ferry the souls of those lost at sea to the afterlife, and with Will Turner escaping his fate on the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones is recalled from the dead, a new curse reclaiming him in order to fulfill this purpose. After escaping it with his death, peace in the afterlife, he’s more livid than he was before. At Will Turner, at Jack Sparrow, at Calypso, the world.
Azriel - finding his mate please & thank (i have no stake in the ship wars like I’m down for either of the popular theories or also someone new thanks) Stannis - taking King’s Landing at the battle of the Blackwater. :)! Daisy - meeting with other former members of the band (sans Billy obviously) after the break up of the band because she was friendly with them Karen - running into other members of the band (especially Graham) years later Baron - Escaping prison and going after the Strongholds for revenge and finding out his own son is friends with Will Frank - Exploring other relationships within members of the Victory Project, besides his one with Alice (which I love) or Shelley (ditto) Loki - Tricking Thanos and not actually dying at the beginning of Infinity War and surviving the Snap (or dying in the Snap and coming back for the final battle but I prefer the former because Thor needs a goddamn break) Carolyn - surviving on the dark planet, somehow, healing after the stab and eating the creatures, repairing a ship and getting the hell out of there, running into other characters from the initial mission, or Riddick himself Madge - ending up in 13, having spent more time with Katniss’ family and Gale during the QQ, though her parents did not make it out 12. Being there for Katniss when she can be during her time in 13. Clemensia - Post the snake bite and into University, while still healing and reeling from the side effects of the snakes’ venom
Morrigan / Eris - Honestly, their marriage going through. I’m curious what would have happened. I’m also very interested to explore theories of what we THINK happened because context clues give us enough to know that Eris isn’t the guilty party. Tywin - Knowing or realizing that Arya was not who she claimed and taking her back with him to King’s Landing, but keeping her out of sight until after the wedding. Lily - More in any au where she apparates away with Harry to a safe house (Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore, Minerva, Molly, anyone in the Order). Harry Osborn - ANYTHING IN ANY VERSE HE’S MY BOY (he’s been neglected on my solo muse) Loki - His trick with Thanos being another feint: he’s duplicated himself once more, and reveals himself to Thor just after Thanos disappears and the ship explodes, both are saved by the Guardians. ETC. Ben / Adrian - Am I the only person who genuinely thought they were the best ship? That they absolutely loved each other in the end, until Mercy passed? Anyways, Mercy lives. And so thus do Ben and Adrian. Together. I can also see them moving past it if the show was so focused on having Ben be a pick me for Amy. Matt the Radar Tech - Running into SW people for laughs, them thinking he’s Ben. He’s not. They just look alike. A lot. Lily Page - Meeting her father (I still HC that as being Zorro) or repairing her friendship/relationship with Emma. Katniss - Instead of her tracker being cut out, it’s Peeta’s that is, and he is saved by 13, and she is taken to the Capitol to be tortured for information and to try and turn the tides against the Rebels. Bonnie - Someone love her please and don’t DIE IN THE MEANTIME. I’m a big fan of well done Bamon, Bonkai, Benzo, Bonora….But also could be convinced of anything. Rosalie - An idea being what if she was already married to Royce when he and his friends did what they did? The revenge plot takes an entirely different meaning when it’s a husband, particularly if she’s already been hoping for a child, which is further dashed by her survival and change into a vampire.
Nesta - accepting eris’ offer :)! Robb - making it to king’s landing and winning the war, liberating the North, and getting Sansa back to safety, then having to head out and find Arya. Violet - anything in her marvel or ouat verses tbh I spent a lot of time on those Shelley - taking over the Victory Project after killing Frank. Max - coming back after that summer for the start of college, much to everyone’s surprise and keeping his escapades close to the chest (idk the timeline of that show it was a fucking mess lmao) Mark, Lawrence - I want to write more about their dynamics with each other as apprentices to John. We only briefly get Mark and Amanda interacting - gimme more. Bruce - let’s throw out the entire mcu because it’s fucking trash for him thanks. Brunnhilde - More of her relationship with Carol :( Kamala - Building of the young avengers lets GOOO Loki - anything :( Sid - I am fuLLY CONVINCED SID IS THE FATHER AND JESSE IS A RED HERRING (I already have this going I just wish more people cared about HIMYF) Brian - Going to NY and seeing Justin again. :)! Snow White - anything :( Charming - I have about 90420934902 aus for him honestly. I have so many ideas for this stupid idiot. Neal - surviVING AND COPARENTING WITH EMMA AND REGINA SHIPS DON’T FUCKING MEAN YOU HAVE TO KILL A GOOD CHARACTER WHO LITERALLY WAS THE REASON RUMPLESTILTSKIN MANIPULATED REGINA INTO CASTING THE FUCKING CURSE MY GOD THIS SHOW PISSES ME OFF anyways Davy Jones - returning after the ‘curse’ is lifted from Will Turner, because someone must always be there to ferry the souls to the other side Ben Solo - ANYTHING :( Jyn - her and Cassian getting evacuated just before the explosion and surviving, assisting the Rebellion. Finn - training as a jedi (either trilogy re-write or post trilogy) Jar Jar - i s2g if someone doesn’t write with Sith Jar Jar… Anakin and Padme - either an au where she convinces him to run away with her and leave everything behind and raise their children on Naboo before Obi Wan shows up and he believes her when she says she didn’t know he was there and they enlist his help in staging their deaths OR an au where he convinces her to join him on his path to the dark side. (i write both so I’ll write either) Carolyn - escaping the dark planet after surviving the stabbing, living off of the creatures that would be her demise, fixing a ship in the darkness, built by lights she manages to fix throughout the rubble, and fires made along the way. finding other riddick characters / riddick himself Coriolanus Snow - Exploring more of his additions to the games and how he helped to curate them to be the spectacle they became. Annie - Not having anyone to volunteer for her so having to go through the Quarter Quell with Finnick (Hi I love PAIN). Not escaping the Arena and being taken back to the Capitol. Madge - Watching the Games with Katniss’ family and thus being there when the blackouts happen and escaping District 12 with Gale and everyone else to District 13. Kili - surviving PLS Renesmee Carlie - more of her dynamic growing up in a town that’s definitely got an attraction for the supernatural. Bella - not taking Edward back immediately, actually being pissed that he lied like what a dick Sam - imprinting on LEAH jfC WHAT A WASTE (or better yet, Leah being the first wolf to change and imprinting on HIM thanks) Garrett - torn between natural instincts, love for Kate, and never letting himself be tested by a challenge, learning how to survive and satiate on animal blood vs. human blood
Wishlist based solely on songs from TTPD. Please do not steal. Message me if interested. These are VAGUE IDEAS based on the song lyrics, not based on the history behind the songs or their literal meanings. Muses listed are just ideas, but they’re all open to all muses. Mentions of drug use, alcohol abuse, mental illness, abuse, etc. are involved in many so if those trigger you, I would not read more. This is part 1. I will put more at a later date:
Fortnight: A manic episode turned into full psychosis, muse A ends up in a psych ward. Muse B (either another patient or the treating doctor) and Muse A fall for each other, creating a scenario either in the minds or in the midst of Muse A being released. I love you, it’s ruining my life.
The Tortured Poets Department: Muse A and Muse B are in a situationship, but Muse A wants more, while Muse B is happy with their situation, considering the benefit of their freedom to explore other options, while both muses are using the relationship to advance their own perspective lives (either in writing, music, etc.). Muse A is desperate to keep Muse B, but Muse B is not committed. Who’s gonna hold you like me? Nobody. Nofuckingbody.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys: Muse A falls in love with Muse B, and is madly in love, until time has wasted away their relationship, and Muse A realizes they are not in love, but they also don’t want to be the one to end things. Endlessly breaking them down, emotionally, until Muse B ends it themselves. There was a litany of reasons why we could’ve played for keeps this time. — cause you should’ve seen him when he first saw me.
Down Bad: Falling for someone quickly and suddenly only to have them ghost, disappear, almost like they weren’t really there in the first place.
So Long, London: Muse A uproots their entire life to be with Muse B, moving far away from their home, friends, family, and essentially pours everything into the relationship. It’s great, for a while, and Muse A even falls in love with the place they live, but the messy breakup does cause it to be hard to leave. Eventually, Muse A does leave when the relationship shows no future, but moving on is harder than expected. And I’m just getting color back into my face. And I’m just mad as hell ‘cause I loved this place.
But Daddy I love Him: Muse A and Muse B are in a controversial relationship. Muse A is constantly warned by family and friends that Muse B is bad news. Everyone is constantly trying to get Muse A to leave Muse B, but they are far too deep into it now. I’ll tell you something right now, I’d rather burn my whole life down, then listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning. I’ll tell you something about my good name, it’s mine alone to disgrace.
Fresh out the Slammer: Muse A has been in a long time relationship, but it’s ending quickly, and tumultuously, and as soon it’s over, they call Muse B, their ex (either relationship or situationship or hookup), because they want someone familiar, who they know they can love and who loves them in return. Fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to.
Florida!!!!: Muse A has had a messy breakup, and wants to escape. Muse B lives in a far off place, and invites Muse A to escape there, where they can be fun, and messy, and forget the past. Bury their ex’s in the swamp (figuratively) and move on. So I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body.
Guilty as Sin?: Muse A and Muse B are dancing around each other, for several reasons. Fantasies aside, what is stopping them from taking the next step? What if he’s written 'Mine’ on my upper thigh only in my mind?
Guilty as sin Elriel plots when? OR Feysand? Fresh out the Slammer Neris plots when? Who’s afraid of little old me Nesta embracing Lady Death plots when? So long london Feyre about the Spring Court plots when? The Albatross being Nesta plots when? I hate it here Nesta plots when? The Prophecy Lucien plots when?
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esoterium · 9 months
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by request only muses.
// these muses are muses i would love to write but are less popular on the blog! they are now by request only. feel free to send memes or approach for plots, etc! they are always open and ready to go but i will prefer some plotting beforehand and have a little bit of an idea where we are heading out the gate! current partners and threads are good to go as usual. much love!
name: daryl dixon age: 30+ and timeline dependent sexual preference: straight(ish?) occupation: survivalist, jack of all trades, dog dad faceclaim: norman reedus notes: i’m willing to play all timelines up to the end of season 11. so far, i’ve not watched twd: daryl dixon. i don’t plan to til i find out what happens with carol in it. tbh i’m not interested if they hurt her. lol! so i’ll be divergent with my own canon til then.
name: rick grimes age: 23+ sexual preference: bisexual, mostly curious til plotted occupation: father, husband, former deputy, leader, survivalist faceclaim: andrew lincoln
name: beth greene age: 25+ (prefer to write beth post season 7 and plotted!) sexual preference: straight occupation: former farmer’s daughter, survivor, thief faceclaim: emily kinney notes: heavily divergent. was found by a surgeon of the hospital and taken in. they have remained together since then. she is a thief/nomad who lies on the outskirts of the commonwealth and has yet to be encountered.
name: pete moore age: 32+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: wanted to be an astronaut but became a car salesman faceclaim: timothy olyphant fandom: stephen king's dreamcatcher, derry crossovers welcome!
name: joe 'beaver' clarendon age: 31+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: the comic relief, the divorced drunk, the seer faceclaim: jason lee fandom: stephen king's dreamcatcher, derry crossovers welcome!
name: stanley "stan" uris age: 12+ sexual preference: bisexual occupation: the birdmad boy, accountant, the one who remembers faceclaim: wyatt oleff, andy bean fandom: stephen king's it, primary muse from it.
name: nicolas de lenfent age: appears 21 sexual preference: bisexual occupation: violinist, playwright, mad vampire faceclaim: none
name: santino age: appears 32 sexual preference: bisexual occupation: former coven leader, wanderer faceclaim: none
name: lydia deetz age: 39+ (will only write her in the first era w/ est. partners!) sexual preference: bisexual occupation: photographer faceclaim: winona ryder fandom: beetlejuice (film! see above for musical!)
name: ellison oswalt age: 35+ sexual preference: straight occupation: famous true crime author, currently on a comeback? kinda hated by some. mostly cops. and district attorneys. and most law enforcement. faceclaim: ethan hawke fandom: sinister
name: grace le domas age: 26 sexual preference: straight, bi-curious occupation: former server at a high end restaurant, writer, survivor of a hell of a honeymoon night faceclaim: samara weaving fandom: ready or not
name: timothy price bryce age: 27+ sexual preference: homosexual straight occupation: another vice president of mergers and acquisitions at pierce & pierce faceclaim: justin theroux fandom: american psycho notes: heavily influenced by headcanons. please see rules @traintracked as they are unique to him for extremely important reasons!
name: laurie strode age: 18+ sexual preference: demisexual occupation: babysitter (younger), former headmistress && teacher, writer faceclaim: jamie lee curtis fandom: halloween
name: terry bellefleur age: 35+ sexual preference: open minded occupation: retired military, jack of all trades, construction worker faceclaim: todd lowe fandom: true blood
name: elon "eli" spengler (canon but HEAVILY developed damn near oc) age: 35+ / verse dependent sexual preference: demisexual occupation: professor of microbiology and abnormal psychology and brain studies at columbia university, extremely hesitant paranormal researcher, inventor, scientist, environmentalist, wastebuster, former researcher at the cdc. faceclaim: jeff goldblum fandom: ghostbusters notes: my favorite movie of all time. elon is a canon but never truly expanded on twin brother of egon spengler. i'm making them fraternal. elon or eli as he prefers to be called in honor of his grandfather is an absolute paranormal magnent and the reason why egon became so fascinated with the paranormal (and a means of researching it) to begin with. in spite of what was told to their parents and the outside world.
eli was plagued with visits, whispers, dreams and sights of the dead. something he feared, hated and was terrified of. not only because of the nature of what he was seeing and his age. but how their scientifically minded parents and family would view his claims. eli did not go egon's route of understanding. instead. he went the opposite trying to rationalize his fears, visions and hauntings in hopes of the problem 'ceasing to exist'. where one was an outcast (egon), eli was viewed as conforming to the spengler mindframe and fit in with his family.
a guilt he carries now as all his willful ignorance and blind eyes never truly worked (the ghosts? nightmares? everything is still there) and with egon dead? has only worsened. it's with the arrival of an anonymous letter warning him of what is about to pass in new york city than the reclusive spengler has made himself known and extremely reluctantly involved with his brother's former teammates. all of egon's inventions. those that exist and never were are inside of his mind. his brother's research, thoughts, ideas? it's all there. he's just never told anyone.. and who knows what he's willing to give up?
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askrockandfriends · 1 year
Open Starter: The War Against the League of Evil Muses
Junko Enoshima. Giovanni. Bowser. Dr. Eggman. Darth Vader. Neopolitan. King K. Rool. DJ Octavio. And their leader, Goh Yamashita, a disgraced former scientist as deranged as he is powerful, who has made it his mission to eliminate both his enemies and any chance of failure in his plans! These foul characters roam the multiverse, causing widespread havoc and destruction wherever they go. Their goals and ideologies vary, but their mission remains constant - make life hell for every world in the known multiverse. Together, they are known as the League of Evil Muses. Opposing them are a ragtag group of nine brave characters known as Team Rock - Rick Sanchez, Monika, Homer Simpson, Batman, Byleth Eisner, Captain Falcon, Astolfo, Anzu Fukumoto... and their founder and leader, Raisuke "Rock" Fukumoto. An ordinary person at heart, when push comes to shove, he'll fight tooth and nail to protect his friends, family, and those he cares about... and with his feud and past history of dealing with Goh, is there anyone better suited to dealing with the man and his group of evil muses?
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"Raisuke, look out! Bogeys on your six!" Anzu called out, watching as her brother surfed and grinded down the hillside road, pursued relentlessly by both the Flying Krock and the Octobot King!
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"I see them, Anze..." Rock was doing everything he can to avoid the cannon fire and... various ink weapons from both mechs. Grinding, jumping from rail to rail, bouncing off walls... eventually, he rolled off his board and booked it, trying to avoid the blasts!
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"Got you in my sights!"
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"Don't think you can avoid the League forever, you little pest!" Both Octavio and K. Rool continued to rain fire on Rock, as some of his allies swooped in to help!
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"Rock, keep running! We'll deal with K. Rool and Octavio!" The Batplane and Rick's UFO, carrying Byleth along with Rick, flew in to take the enemy ships head-on!
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"We need to keep some of that fire from getting to him... I think I know what might help!" Byleth fired a Thoron blast at some of the ink missiles being fired from the Octobot, causing them to explode on contact long before getting anywhere near Rock.
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"Goouuuurrrr thinking, Byleth!" Rick followed up by firing laser blasts at the cannon fire from both ships, making them explode on contact! Taking advantage of the distraction, Rock used his clawshot to get onboard the Batplane.
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"Thanks, guys!"
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"Annoying twerp..."
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"...Don't thank us yet. This fight's far from over."
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Evil Verse Muse Ideas
Kesil: He lost Artemis in a traumatic way (either from one their earlier near escapes or he 'eats' him) and basically became like Vasily, known exterminator of anything with fangs and blood diet. His weird humor gets dialed up to sadistic and cruel and he just has pleasure in harm. Like he maintains his charisma but his aura is like death. Oh and one of those verses he masters his personal power, so untouchable by death and able to bring the curtain down on anyone he wants.
Eriskyne: Basically went full on machiavellian schemer and for some reason views the entirety of the Seelie as their target. And all of it needs to be in shambles. And they want to do it in some method that twists the pride or goal of his targets. From turning the king's paranoia to 100 to causing whispers amongst the gentry of possible (but in reality completely false) method to gain control of the Seelie to starting a rebellion of the humans and other beings that have been taken by the fae. They want bloodshed and torment with as little physical doing on their own part (not that they won't abscond from it).
Artemis: idk the catalyst but he becomes real debonair but he uses it for cold and calculated moves. He is like a perfect gentleman but has so many tools at his disposal because he just drained people for their ability and got really good at them. Dispassionate but so eerily patient in his endeavors. Honestly? Not the worst outcome to me. Basically the definition of 'god had to give me self-esteem issues or I would have bested him in combat years ago.'
Eiji: Aha, there is a possibility within his future where he discovered who cursed him. And there is this and basically his last chance to regain his former life is dashed. The hatred and doubt and fear in his heart manifests scarily fast as a grudge. That grudge consumes him before it consumes the tatarigami that ruined him. So he becomes like a newborn evil curse with the powers at a calamity level. And with the pain and hate, Eiji just wants all to suffer because if his good end has been robbed from him, he will rob the masses of everything.
Aspis: I actually have two versions. One is if he either returned or had from the start dealt with the infernal and like the environment or the time with them changed him. Kinda Y.iling P.atriarch vibes but more just destruction for destruction's sake. And in a way, he uses that kind charm of his to its worst potential to bewitch others do for him and do it willfully. The other is if he failed to have a support system and basically lost all the passion and love that made Aspis...well, Aspis. He became a 'hunter of hunters,' that is a little too into his work and has minions not friends. As in he has beaten a lot of beings and forced them into subservience. That version of him kinda reminds me of Greed from F.MA that he's like 'you are mine so I will care for you because you're mine.'
Altyn: Apparently just Altyn, fewer morals. The ramifications of that terrify me. She is already the lower moral haver between herself and Zhifeng. You add that she is willing to do anything for her pay? Oh man. She is the one that supplied much of the people that are trapped by the village. She seduced them with their greatest wants to enslave them. She bullies investors and even seedy organization heads to take on her business endeavors which range from the selling of the village resources to full on making people disappear. Also she's quite the bastard towards nonhumans because there's 'just a river of gold flowing through them.' And she's capricious as hell, making others afraid because she might just strike you down because she needed some relief.
Crowe: Boy, it sure would be a bad time if he lost his friendship. It's where Crowe's overwhelming fear and paranoia of not being trusted or loved breaks him. He's been hurt for the last time (Queen of Mean intensifies in background). If he's the bad guy then fine, he'll be the goddamn devastation you all will quiver to. Storm summoner, mass hysteria inducer and part time god devourer to take their essence and traits to make him an even better god. Because yeah, he literally cast his humanity aside. While his grandmother likely took advantage of him at his lowest, she underestimated that Crowe is a 'by any means' man and a man with nothing left to lose.
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chuuyanakaahara · 1 year
PLS TELL ME ABOUT ALL OF THE WHAT THE HELL!!!!!! and yess the fantasy au seemed so fun in that postttttt, id love to hear about the band au too these always fuck so hard
okay. brief rundown of fantasy au and band au specifically.
fantasy au, summarized:
nakahara chuuya is a wayward prince with no memory of the crown he's meant to inherit, with a magic building and building inside of him that might consume at any second, a birthright given to him that should've been sealed away, made "better" by a ritual he was never given at ten years old. a wayward prince and a noble thief - a boy with bandages and a sharp tongue who seems to know that chuuya is not who he thinks he is. a royal advisor with a sly tongue and purple eyes, leading the crown back to where it should be; atop chuuya's head. an usurped former king who is planning on taking his kingdom back by storm. hence, the prince of calamity. or, chuuya is a prince, verlaine got overthrone (but he was like,,, a tween at the time, can you blame him?), dazai is a thief who may not have the parents everyone thinks he does, mori is an advisor, and everyone else gets picked up along the way.
band au, briefly summarized:
nakahara chuuya has been a star since he was 15. 15, whisked away from the life he'd lived and put into the limelight. he's a child star and a prodigy even as he ages, and nakahara chuuya is no stranger to the copious scandals that surround him; sex, drugs, liquor, fights. all of it is the same to him, his music melodic but meaningless with no muse. in comes the cocky, disgraced star dazai osamu, driven out of the spotlight years ago, hired to ghost-write for chuuya given his recent lack of top ratings. featuring rockstar chuuya, pop star/actor/pain in the ass dazai, backing band "the black lizard", rising stars atsushi & akutagawa, and disowned child-turned model-turned superstar kouyou ozaki.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years
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It’s spooky season! I have all my muses listed! I think it’s time to drop a starter call! Below the cut, you will find a list of 28 horror-based/spooky CANON MUSES. Comment with the name of whoever you are interested in receiving a starter from, and I will message you to plot!
Count Dracula (Dracula, Vampire)
Damien Thorn (The Omen, Antichrist)
Daniel Molloy (The Vampire Chronicles, Vampire)
Dream of the Endless (The Sandman, Endless/Embodiment of Dreams)
Enrico Maxwell (Helling, Human Priest, has reanimated verse)
Eric Delano (The Magnus Archives, Human beset by Horrors)
Eva Portinari (Devil May Cry, Witch)
Father John Pruitt (Midnight Mass, Vampire Priest)
Gabrielle de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles, Vampire)
Hannibal Lector (Hannibal novels, cannibal)
Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow (DC Comics, fear-based villain)
Lisa Tepes (Castlevania, Bride of Dracula)
Lord’s Blade Ciaran (Dark Souls, Human knight with Divine purpose)
Lothric, Younger Prince (Dark Souls, doomed experiment)
Lucien the Librarian (The Sandman, former raven-turned-librarian)
Lucienne the Librarian (The Sandman, former raven-turned-librarian)
Lyfrasir Edda (The Mechanisms, Eyewitness/Escapee of an Old One)
Melanie King (The Magnus Archives, Human/Avatar of Fear)
Melinoe (Greek Mythology, Chthonic deity of nightmares and madness)
Michael Morbius (Marvel Comics, Living Vampire)
Nuala (The Sandman, Fae of dubious history)
Orpheus (Greek Myhology, immortal seer)
Peter Lukas (The Magnus Archives, Fear Avatar)
Pip Bernadotte (Hellsing, Mercenary and Vampire Lover)
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson JR (Dead By Daylight, Serial Killer)
The Huntress / Anna (Dead By Daylight, Serial Killer)
The Twins / Charlotte and Victor DeShayes (Dead By Daylight, Serial Killers)
Unohana Retsu (Bleach, Shinigami)
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ladyseidr · 2 years
list 10 songs you can find in your muse's playlist and tag others
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YOUTH - daughter. BEAUTIFUL? - illymation ANTIDOTE - faith marie. FOREST FIRES - lauren aquilina. WE HAVE IT ALL - pim stones. ADDICT OF THE GALLERY - faith marie. I'LL BE GOOD - jaymes young. ASTRONOMICAL - svrcina KILLER + THE SOUND - phoebe bridgers, noah gundersen, & abby gundersen. BITTER HEART - memi & staffan carlén.
n a g i t o : playlist + ship playlist.
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BLACK FLIES - ben howard. MY HEART WITH YOU - the rescues. BROKEN BOY - flannel graph. SORRY - halsey. FIRE ESCAPE - love, robot. WAR: PT. II - former vandal. YOU - wrenn. PARALYZED - nf. HURTS LIKE HELL - fleurie. LANDMINES - bellsaint.
j o h n : character playlist + ship playlist.
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THE MOON WILL SING - the crane wives. THROUGH THE VALLEY - shawn james. GHOST TOWNS - radical face. KING OF CALIFORNIA - renn. MARKED MAN - mieka pauley. ME AND MINE - the brothers bright. OH DEATH - noah gundersen. STONE - whiskey myers. FAR FROM HOME (THE RAVEN) - sam tinnesz THE GARDENER - sarah sparks.
j a v i e r : character playlist.
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tagged by: @poaetise <3 <3 <3
tagging: whoever wants to do it!!!
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diadxrling · 2 years
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I posted 2,863 times in 2022
That's 2,863 more posts than 2021!
1,351 posts created (47%)
1,512 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,855 of my posts in 2022
#horned temptress...[dia] - 1,686 posts
#pleasure is my work...[thread] - 854 posts
#you better pay my fees...[ask] - 704 posts
#time for a drink...[ooc] - 482 posts
#'games' cost extra...[ask meme] - 381 posts
#cameras are always watching...[dash commentary] - 178 posts
#make it quick time is money...[mun talk] - 162 posts
#chains and whips excite me...[aesthetic] - 115 posts
#open - 89 posts
#not just glitz and glam...[musing] - 71 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#also don't be shy with these if we don't have an established ship i would just fill it out with how dia think about the other muse
My Top Posts in 2022:
@multicoloredspider-andfriends​ liked for a starter. 
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“What are you thinking about?” she asks raising a brow at the taller demon. She wasn’t sure if Angel was just thinking about something or if he was spacing out for some other reason. “Or is that wall just that interesting?” chuckling Dia could understand why the other would space out there wasn’t really anything happening to focus eon anyway. 
20 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Okay so somebody else pointed this out, but I forgot who and I can’t find the post again, but let’s have a look at this: 
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For anyone who doesn’t want to enlarge the image and read, it says: 
Asmodeus Crystals: Allows legal and safe travel to the human world. Given out to succubi by Asmodeus. King of Lust.  Crystals can be shaped into discrete jewelry. Some believe leaving the crystal in a raw state strengthens its magic. 
So this means that traveling to the human world is not something that succubi just can do in general, but instead they need a crystal to do this. Now this opens up two options.
1. Only specific succubi are granted such crystals, probably having to pass specific tests or just meet some criteria. 
2. Every succubus is given one, I would think once they reach maturity, but it maybe be taken away if they break the rules. 
I personally think that the former option is more likely, especially since the book says they are given out by Ozzie himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if only pure succubi (meaning no Imp mixes) were given one and that being successful, like Vero for example, helps you get one. 
I also wouldn’t doubt that even under hellborns there are people lower and higher class so to say. Once again Verosika would be a good example but Fizz works too who are probably both held in way higher regard than a random succubus or Imp. So I don’t think it would be too far fetched to say that those crystals are way easy to obtain when you come from a more successful family. 
This also kinda works if you go with every succubus getting one, since I also wouldn’t put it past hell to just find any reasons to keep those crystals away from people they consider not worthy of them. Maybe even other succubi would take them to have less competition maybe that’s even wanted in a way. Other’s taking out the weak ones only leaving the strong and making sure there is no overpopulation at the same time. 
22 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
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[ Art commissioned by the amazing @abracafockyou​ ]
Look at them <3 
22 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
I miss getting anons that ask about my ongoing rps and plot lines, or that just come around to ask my muse something. Fuck I also miss seeing dash commentaries about something stupid my muse is doing, but I get why people don’t do that as often anymore I have held myself back to not intrude on anything as well. 
But I can’t lie, when @lust-sinner and I first started writing and we both got anons asking about it. That was so motivating to me, like yeah of course I loved the threads already but that just made them so much more enjoyable. Seeing an Anon that asked about something my muse was doing at the moment is also so nice, it’s why I have anon on in the first place so people can comment on the shit my muses do without it being IC. 
You know what fuck it.
Like this to give me permission to be that anon for you, I will make a list and then at times come into your inbox and ask a character about something going on with them right now. 
32 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@baphomct​ from -> xxx
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“Well I don’t know her enough to be sure but there were two people her energy changed around which is normally an indicator for it. But it’s in bad taste to tell a possibly involved third party, so you will have to find out yourself. “
It was seen in bad taste to tell another mortal off somebody desires, some succubi even thinking it could curse said love to be doomed to fail if it ever came to be. Though with how Dia had worked things she practically had given away at least one person she suspected without telling directly of course. 
“It’s always the cute and quite ones that have something to hide” she joked not knowing enough about what was going on here to make a serious comment on it. 
“I do not mind at all” of course getting intrigued there was so much a proposition could be so many fun possibilities. 
50 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
3 notes · View notes
nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Baratie: Home to Chefs, Strays, and the Occasional Sword Goblin - Part 4
My apologies on this taking so damn long--a lot has gone down in the not-quite-month it’s taken to update. Some good, some bad, but hey... here’s some more cute af dopamine hits for ya.
First chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Prior chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
As the kids all get on without a hitch, their adults acknowledge that there’s a lot more to this than they’d like to admit, not as though that’d change anything. [4590 words]
“So, you honestly had no idea he even existed until he showed up on the Baratie?” Usopp mused. He took a sip of his tea and glanced over at the kids, who were playing nearby. It was well after dinner and he and Zoro were getting the entire story from Sanji and Zeff up in their private residence while the kids were finally occupied after an afternoon and evening of being too attentive for Adult Talk.
“I mean, I won’t doubt it’s my sister’s kid,” Sanji scowled, “but I’m wondering how in the hell this even happened.”
“She slept with someone and didn’t think before or after until it was too late,” Zoro shrugged. Sanji backhanded his shoulder and scoffed.
“It’s not like my sister to not think and calculate out everything to at least five different eventualities,” he scolded. “She must have known Asido was a possibility from the start—before she even took the father to bed—and if he’s here, that means she wanted him… wanted to protect him…”
“What bothers me is that I thought your sperm donor was a medical field nutbag—wouldn’t he have discovered what was going on?” Zeff scoffed.
“Judge knows how to rape a woman until she’s pregnant, then what to do to change the Lineage Factor of her unborn children,” Sanji grimaced. “If it weren’t for the former, it wouldn’t surprise me if the bastard thinks a baby pops out of a woman’s navel and that she pisses from her vagina. My brothers are right up there with him, considering they wouldn’t know what a G-spot is if their unemotional lives depended on it.”
“Only if ‘G’ stands for ‘genocide’,” Usopp cringed. None of the other adults refuted that and he wasn’t entirely certain if it made him feel better or worse. “The offer to sic my wife on them still stands.”
“It’d pay to watch that,” Zoro chortled. “She’d tear them apart in thirty seconds, and that’s as a doctor and not as a hormonal mess. There’d be nothing left for Chopper.”
“…or Kureha, or Law, or Marco, or…”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Sanji scoffed. He looked over at the kids again—the twins were now perched on the taller kids’ shoulders and slap-fighting—and felt a chill run down his spine. “Asido being here changes a lot of shit, doesn’t it?”
“Possibly,” Usopp shrugged. “Kids do have a way of shifting peoples’ priorities. Being a dad is weird as hell, but it’s rewarding when you boil it all down.”
“Usopp, you’re a dad—I’m just the kid’s uncle.”
“Then why’s he with you and not him, eh?” Zeff and Zoro both wisely pretended to take long droughts from their drinks, avoiding being dragged in. “If you had asked me when we first met if in less than ten years we’d be here now—the crew of the Pirate King—then I would have agreed. Had you asked if in the same amount of time I was going to be married to the gal of my dreams, waiting on Kid Number Four, putting aside being the Dread Captain Usopp for making sure that hair gets braided properly and skinned knees and hurt fingers get kisses as well as bandages? I would have laughed in your face, impressed by your lies!” He watched Sanji’s face fall as the blond seemed to go inwards towards his own thoughts. “Hey, Sanji, being a dad is great, even if it ends up being for a short while. At least you have one of the best babysitters in the East here now.”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask about that,” Zoro scowled. “You mean to tell me that you’re kicking me out? Already? Merry doesn’t have down her katas yet.”
“That’s part of what my wife wants to avoid,” Usopp deadpanned.
“Your wife can say that to my face.”
“You two are both fucking idiots,” Sanji groaned. He pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping that the oncoming headache wasn’t going to be a nasty one.
“Dad…?!” The four men all looked at Merry, who was standing rather still on the other side of the room despite the slap-fight that was still going on above her. “Why does Asido talk funny?”
“No I don’t!” Asido insisted. “You’re all the ones who talk funny!”
“You all talk funny,” Zoro shouted back at the child, not giving Usopp a chance to respond. “You all sound like a bunch of babies!”
“Asshole!” Merry shouted, sticking out her tongue. Zoro laughed, Sanji and Zeff stared, while Usopp immediately snapped into full-form.
“Merry! What did Mom say about grown-up words?!”
“Mom’s not here!”
“Yeah, and she’s still going to find out, and you want to know who’s going to get into trouble? Me! Not Uncle Sanji and his staff, not Mister Zeff, not the moron who taught you that word, but me! I don’t want to get into trouble!”
Merry pouted for a moment, then turned to Asido. “Just so you know: Dad’s a chicken-shit.”
“It’s true!”
“That doesn’t mean you can always say it!” Usopp let his head fall to the table, where he wallowed in a mire of depression. “My own daughter… betraying me the first chance she gets…”
“At least they all get on,” Zeff mentioned. “When is Kaya due? We can have a sleepover for Asido and the girls, I think, to keep them from getting underfoot.”
“In about four months,” Usopp admitted. “Chopper already told me he was stopping by here first, then coming over to Syrup to stay until the baby’s born like he did with the others.” He paused and lifted his head so he could properly look at Sanji. “How long do you think you’ll have him here?”
“We aren’t talking about that yet,” Sanji said. He glanced over at Zoro, who seemed to be taking the statement in stride. “I think we can renegotiate once the geezer’s closer to being cleared by Chopper.”
“Fine by me,” the swordsman shrugged. “I’m not a fancy tutor, but I think I can keep him occupied.”
“How, I’ll never know,” Sanji deadpanned.
“Hey, don’t knock it,” Usopp said. “When I said he’s great with the girls, I meant it a hundred percent. You don’t have to worry about a thing. The lack of worry is probably part of why Kaya’s pregnant again, to be honest.”
“I think I like you better when you’re lying out your ass,” Zeff quipped. Sanji couldn’t help but snicker, while Zoro saw one of the twins yawn, taking that as his cue.
“Alright you gremlins—time to get ready for bed,” he said as he stood up. Montie and Lea both climbed down from their respective perches and bounced over to Zoro with their arms up. He snatched them both, one in each arm, before glancing over at Asido. “Lead the way, kid; you know where your room is.”
Asido looked at Sanji for permission and got a silent nod. “Y-Yeah. Okay.” He took Merry by the hand and led them out into the corridor. The door clicked shut and Usopp let out a sigh of relief.
“Let me help you clean up,” the long-nosed man said. Sanji tried to swat his hand away from the dishes, but he resisted, successfully able to grab the plates and carted them down after the chef as he brought the rest of the dishes on a tray into the kitchen. There was only a couple of the junior-level chefs left finishing the cleaning, though with their temporary boss there and looking rather irritated, they decided it was time to take their break.
“I did this all the time with the crew; I think I can handle it now,” Sanji said wearily. Usopp simply shook his head and grabbed a towel.
“Uh-huh—I’ll dry.”
The pair worked in silence for a while, washing and drying in tandem, before Sanji let out a loud, long sigh.
“What the fuck is happening?” he asked, his voice betraying his weariness. “This is ridiculous.”
“Not as much as you’d might think,” Usopp shrugged. He accepted a rinsed plate and wiped it dry, placing it in the stack. “I… I know you and Zoro didn’t part on the best of terms, but…”
“…you should have told me.”
“You would have called it off.”
“I think I’d be within my rights.”
“What happened to having no room to be picky?”
Silence permeated the kitchen eerily.
“Listen: he told me what went down between the two of you.” More silence. “I don’t care about that—never have and never will—but you have to suck it up and move past it. What happens if Luffy comes back next week? Will the both of you still be able to function like you should?”
“If Luffy comes back next week, I’m going to have to tell him I have a kid now.”
“Luffy would kidnap you both if he thought it was the best solution.” Usopp finished the stack of dishes and placed them in the cupboard. “Maybe getting Asido was meant to be… you know… a way to get the two of you to find common ground again.”
“We won’t find common ground,” Sanji muttered. “We will, to a point, but then it will be the same old shit. Bringing your dad would have honestly been a better option.”
“Well, if anything he’ll at least be good for the kid,” Usopp shrugged. “I’m sure of that much.”
“…and why’s that?”
“If he’s good enough to handle my daughters, then he can handle your nephew. Give it a bit, alright? If he’s not working out by the time the girls come back for the sleepover, then we’ll take him back to Syrup to help with the baby.”
“Fine.” He heard the door open and the two junior chefs return from their break. “We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
“If you say so,” Usopp shrugged. The pair went upstairs, arriving on their floor just as Zoro was quietly closing the door to Asido’s room. “They go down okay?”
“Like a dream.” The swordsman then looked at Sanji, his expression implacable. “Which room is mine again?”
“That one,” he said, pointing at the one directly next to Asido’s. “I’ll label it, if you need me to.”
“Fuck off.” Zoro disappeared behind the door, leaving Usopp to shake his head.
“Just… consider what I said,” the sniper tutted. He went into his room; now Sanji was alone. He pressed his ear to Asido’s door, hearing faint whispers. Opening it a crack, he listened to Asido and Merry think they were talking quietly.
“So it’s just you and Uncle Sanji?” Merry asked.
“Well, and my mom, but she’s not here.”
“I dunno.”
“What about your dad?”
“I think he’s dead—Mom doesn’t talk about him, and Uncle Sanji and Grandpa Zeff haven’t said anything.”
“…dead like Uncle Luffy…?”
“I thought you said Uncle Luffy was just missing.”
“The grown-ups all say he’s missing, but I don’t know. I feel like ‘missing’ is something that people say when they don’t want to tell the truth.” There was a small pause, where Montie let out a loud snore. “Maybe, that’s what we can do when we’re grown-ups.”
“Find out what happened to Uncle Luffy, of course! We can sail the seas like my dad and our aunts and uncles did! See new places and meet new people! And then, we can find Uncle Luffy! Maybe we can even find your dad!”
“What if Uncle Luffy comes back on his own? What if we can’t find anything?”
“We won’t know until we try!”
Sanji’s heart ached as he exhaled heavily and opened the door. The two children gasped and tried to hide under the blankets, though they didn’t fool him. “I thought I heard voices.” He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as the kids both smiled while pretending to sleep. “I guess no one in here needs goodnight kisses?”
“I do!” Asido insisted, immediately bolting upwards.
“I didn’t know you gave goodnight kisses!” Merry gasped at the same time.
“Then both of you lay down nice and try to get some sleep, hmm…?” Both children complied and Sanji gave them each a kiss on the forehead. “Better?”
“Uh-huh,” they both murmured.
“Now go to sleep, little ones,” he said gently. They both closed their eyes and he watched them for a few more minutes, all four children in the bed asleep by the time he walked out the door. It took all the energy he had to drag himself into his room and change into pajamas before flopping down on his bed in defeat.
How was he going to survive this?
In his dream, Zoro knew he was drowning.
He was nineteen again, having just challenged Mihawk and lost. After falling into the ocean, all he did was sink deeper, and deeper, and deeper. He looked to his left and saw that Wado Ichimonji had floated out of his hand. It was blurry, the white scabbard and hilt moving farther away.
‘I failed.’
The faint sound of splashing water reached his ears and before he realized it, he was being tugged upwards, towards the surface. Blond hair became an underwater halo, still hiding a piercing eye bluer than both the sea and sky. He didn’t register the fact that it had been two entirely different people hauling him up when these events had been real—in fact, for all he knew…
Waking up, Zoro found that he was not, in fact, nineteen again and drowning. He was still at the Baratie, but in a soft and comfortable bed. A toddler fell off his chest and into his lap as he sat up, giggling all the way.
“Lea, we’ve been through this,” he groaned. “No sitting on Zoro-oji while he’s sleeping.”
“It’s morning!” the girl stated, as though that absolved her.
“Uh-huh. And where’s your sisters? Your dad?”
“I dunno!”
“Well, let’s find them, alright?”
The girl waited until the green-haired man swung his legs out of bed before she held up her hand, ready to go exploring. She pulled him along directly into the corridor, where there was not a soul to be seen. Something vaguely tickled the back of his brain about the kids being on the end of the corridor, so they started heading in that direction, only for Usopp to scare the bloody hell out of him as a door wildly swung open next to him.
“There you are!” he gasped, relieved. He scooped his daughter up and gave his crewmate a tired look. “I’m gonna miss the help corralling them, that’s for sure.”
“You’re the one who pimped me out to Curls,” Zoro reminded him.
He followed Usopp into the kids’ room to find that it was not a pleasant picture. Although Merry was attempting to instruct Asido in how to braid her hair, both children still in their pajamas and calm, it was Montie who decided that she was not going to wear clothes that day, and was running completely starkers around the room. Lea wiggled free from Usopp’s grasp and landed on the floor with a thud, and joined her twin in her reign of terror.
“Remember this when Kaya says something about how it’s good Merry’s no longer doing katas,” Zoro grumbled. He snatched the naked, wriggling toddler mid-stride, eventually holding her aloft by the ankles as he searched one-handed through their overnight bag. “You’re wearing clothes today, you little gremlin, whether you like it or not.”
“Zoro-oji mean!”
“Zoro-oji knows from experience that you need to wear clothes, or you’ll freeze and then die and then nothing will ever get done.” He then wrestled her into some clothes, which was admittedly not as difficult as it could have been, holding her up by the armpits once he was done. She was in a little dress, yet her hair was a giant mass of waves as she kicked her feet in desperation. “Are we doing a braid today?”
“I want all braids! Like Daddy!”
“Not until you learn how to sit still, young lady,” Usopp chided. He was already running a brush through Lea’s hair, the girl sitting calmly as her father sat crosslegged on the floor with her in his lap. “How are you two doing over there? Merry? Asido?”
“He’s not very good,” Merry said plainly. Asido’s face turned red.
“I don’t have long hair to do this with!” he defended. “Mom doesn’t have long hair either!”
“Your mom’s hair also is more like Montie’s than like Merry’s, so it behaves different in braids,” Zoro said idly. He held Montie in place with his legs and he brushed through her hair, smoothing it out before quickly putting it into a plait down her back. Once the ribbon was tied, she broke free, leaving the swordsman to beckon the eldest children over. “Come on—let a pro show you how it’s done.”
The two four-year-olds scrambled over to Zoro and Merry plopped herself directly in his lap, with Asido relinquishing the brush. Zoro then undid the bits of braid that the boy already did, his larger hands working quick to untangle the strands. Asido watched intently, making their adult chuckle.
“You’re very interested in this for someone who never has to do it,” he noted, voice gentle. Asido shrugged.
“It’s… different.”
“It is.” He glanced over at Usopp, who had an eyebrow raised. “Is that the only reason?”
“No—we heard you and the other adults talking about how we’re cousins now, and we’re gonna have a sleepover,” the boy said. “That means Merry would come over again, and then I can help her get ready, ‘cause she says her hair’s hard to do by herself.”
“It’s worse when your hands are little, yeah, but it’s not bad. I’ll still be here to help, so you won’t have to worry.”
“Zoro-oji’s almost as good as Mom and Dad!” Merry beamed.
“Only because I helped your dad so much when we were sailing together, right Usopp?” The other adult in the room shuddered as he put Lea’s hair in small puffs.
“Sanji and Robin were the best—you tugged too much.”
“Got all my practice in on you so now I’m excellent,” Zoro bragged.
“Yeah, yeah; you and your sausage-fingers.”
“Fuck off.” Usopp shot Zoro a glare and he chuckled. “You’re just trying to take advantage of the facts I’m still half asleep and swordless.”
“Maybe I should be glad I’m dumping you—be Sanji’s problem now.”
“You make me sound like an unwanted animal.” Merry and Asido both giggled. “See if I babysit for you again.”
“Uh-huh—one look at their pouts and you’re eating your words.”
Zoro did not respond to that, instead continuing to untangle Merry’s hair and divide it in half so he could give her twin braids. Once her hair was in place, he patted the top of her head and she gave him a hug before getting her clothes out of their bag. With hair done, Usopp and Zoro both grabbed a twin and left the older two to finish getting ready, each hauling their respective small child to Zeff’s room, where the elderly chef was already reading the paper as he sat at the table.
“There goes my peace and quiet,” he grumbled. He watched as they both sat the toddlers on their booster-seat-aided chairs, hoping they would stay still. “Sure you want to give the moss up?”
“If I come back with Zoro, after leaving while promising I was dropping Zoro off, I might not be allowed back into the house,” Usopp deadpanned. He accepted part of the newspaper and gave a warning glare to Lea, who was threatening to slide out of her chair. Once the girl straightened, he looked at the photo that dominated the page: Reiju and her new husband. “You want to know who’s probably having a field day with this?”
“I give up.”
“No idea.”
“Shakky.” Zoro stared emptily at him and he sighed. “You know? Ray’s wife? Bar owner? On Sabaody? The Queen of Information? You know she had Sanji figured out with one look.”
“That viper wouldn’t know good intel if it bit her on the tit,” Zeff bristled, fluffing out his portion of the paper in a huff. Usopp and Zoro both looked at him in shock.
“Do we even want to know?” Usopp cringed.
“Do we even want to know what?” They all looked over towards the door and thank fuck it was Sanji with breakfast. Merry and Asido ran in after him, rushing to their seats before the blond set the serving tray down.
“Zeff knows Shakky and doesn’t like that he does,” Zoro clarified. Sanji stared at his foster father and cringed.
“Okay, I really don’t want to know,” the blond shivered. He started doling out breakfasts—Thousand Sunny lion-face pancakes for the kids and the adults getting scrambled eggs mixed with all manner of cheese, veggies, and bacon, with a side of potatoes. He caught the photo on Usopp’s page of the paper before the other man folded it inwards and passed it back to Zeff. “Related to that, I take it?”
“Related to what?” Asido asked. “Who is Shakky? And Ray?”
“Dad says they’re kinda like Uncle Luffy’s grandparents, but I’ve never met Uncle Luffy, so I’ve never asked him,” Merry said.
“Who is Uncle Luffy anyhow? All I know is that he’s not here, but you talk like he should be.”
“Uncle Luffy is our captain,” Zoro stated. The other adults were quiet, letting Zoro take the lead. “Uncle Sanji, Uncle Usopp, and I all sailed with him and the rest of the crew well before you were born. He has a habit of disappearing.”
“When was the last time someone saw him?”
“At Uncle Usopp and Aunt Kaya’s wedding, before Merry was born.” He shoveled some food in his mouth and chewed, thinking. “That’s actually the last time we saw a lot of people.”
“Don’t remind me—I’m still getting grief from the villagers,” Usopp sighed.
“No one likes Granpappy,” Merry whispered loudly to Asido.
“Merry,” her father warned. “Be nice.”
“It’s true!”
“True isn’t always nice.”
“…but it’s true…”
“No talking about Granpappy at the table, alright?” Usopp knew it was more of an order, not a suggestion, but he also had to be firm with her. “We actually want you to be allowed back for that sleepover, and you won’t be if you don’t behave.”
“Fine,” the girl sighed dramatically before popping a bit of fruit into her mouth. Zeff tried not to laugh as he drank some of his coffee, giving Usopp a knowing look.
“Your eldest has got some spirit—reminds me of the eggplant when he was little,” he chuckled. “Watch out for that one.”
“That sounds like something I did not want to hear,” Usopp deadpanned. “Come on girls, hurry up or you won’t get to play some more before we head out.”
At that, all four children began to eat quickly, rushing out soon as their plates were cleared. Their adults all seemed to let out a collective sigh of not only relief, but of dread as well.
“You sure you want them back?” Usopp wondered. “There’s no shame in backing out.”
“A kid needs friends his own age or they’ll end up like this maladjusted shit,” Zeff said, gesturing at Sanji.
“I’m picking your fucking care home this afternoon, old man.”
“Considering how you’re handling this crisis, I’m willing to hedge my bets.”
Usopp and Zoro both avoided laughing as the two chefs continued sniping at one another, knowing that any amount of vitriol that passed between them was leagues weaker than whatever the fuck it was that kept them together. If there were any two that expressed their familial love with such levels of sarcasm and spite, it was Sanji and Zeff, and it wasn’t like the other two were going to point any of it out.
The rest of breakfast passed as such—it wasn’t as though things were going to change any time soon.
Merry was adamant that she didn’t want to leave her new cousin and super-best-friend. She was so adamant, in fact, that she decided to lay down on the back deck of the Baratie, refusing to move as her father loaded her sisters into their ship. Asido crouched down next to her, poking her shoulder, while Zoro and Sanji were helping secure the twins and pack their bentos, respectively.
“Been a while since she’s thrown a fit like that,” Zoro noted. He made sure that Montie’s backpack leash was securely fastened to the mast and let the toddler go, the child bouncing excitedly at the prospect of going home to see her mother. “Does the sprout do things like that?”
“Honestly? I haven’t had him long enough to know for sure.” Sanji watched the scene play out, wondering what his heart would do if his nephew were ever the one in Merry’s position. “I sure hope I don’t fuck this up.”
“Relax,” Usopp assured. “The kid’s in great hands. By the time the girls come back, you’ll have the hang of this, won’t he Zoro?”
“He’s as pissy as the geezer, so something tells me he’ll be fine,” the green-haired man replied. Sanji threw him an irritated glare and he laughed. “Hey, it’s why I’m here, right? In case shit goes down?”
“You wish.” Sanji then glanced towards the two children remaining on the deck and sighed. “I’ll get her.” He hopped onto the deck and walked over to the four-year-olds, his nephew looking up at him in concern.
“Is she okay?”
“She will be; now up you go.” Sanji tried to pick the girl up, but she resisted. “Whoa, whoa, whoa… you’re acting like I want to throw you overboard in a storm.”
“I wanna stay with Asido,” Merry pouted. “It’s fun having someone my size around.”
“You’ll be back to play before you realize it,” Sanji reminded her. She whimpered as she clung to Asido, giving him a tight hug. The boy did not really know how to respond and looked to his uncle for guidance. After watching the man nod, Asido hugged back, which seemed to placate Merry. “Now come on; time to go.”
“Okay…” Merry walked hand-in-hand with Asido as the three went over to the ship. Now on the deck, Zoro hefted her up and passed her to Usopp, who balanced her on his hip.
“Promise you’ll behave?” Zoro asked. Merry nodded with a sniffle. “Good girl.”
“Have a bunch of fun stories for our sleepover!” Asido insisted. Sanji picked him up and placed him on his shoulders, putting the children at nearly eye-level. The kids both reached for each other, locking their pinkies in a promise.
“I will if you will!” Merry replied. Usopp then pulled her back and placed her down on the deck.
“Time to go back to Mom. Go ahead and wave bye while I’m busy, okay?”
Taking her job seriously, Merry watched as her father let the sail unfurl and began to pull out of the dock. She waved as they sailed away, with Sanji, Asido, and Zoro doing the same from their spot. Once the small ship was out of sight, the two men looked at one another and frowned.
“Let’s get this over with, I guess,” Sanji scowled. Zoro flipped him the middle finger—yeah, just like old times.
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stuckinpermafrost · 2 years
6, 7, 42, 84 for ur spotify wrapped!
woooo spotify wrapped! i've actually seen enough posts asking for your #6 that i have that one memorized lol
6. In the Blood from Hades
absolutely impeccable song, credits songs always go so hard but this goes like. EXTRA hard
7. The Legend from Deltarune
i've been working on a deltarune medley for my (former) video game orchestra for a couple years now, and this is like the highlight of it :) so i've listened to it a lot! (the medley is Beginning + The Legend + Chaos King, and i mayyy add in a 4th song to finish it out bc i can't really figure out a good way to end Chaos King rn)
42. Hayloft by Mother Mother
hell yeah. really got into mother mother in the last year and a half or so, saw them live in february and then again in october :) hayloft slaps
84. Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
a classic by my other favorite band :) Matt Bellamy's falsetto >>>>>
2 notes · View notes
faeriesofarcadia · 1 month
My extentsive notes for a shared Omniverse concept deadcorps(e) note still writing and comments are welcome
Ncis dead corpse: the age of calamity
(As a supplementry note after the invasion of the seven cities, NCIS reverted back to being O.N.I office of naval intelligence, but publicly still are NCIS. Privately and internally are oni)
Jackson A (log by bishop E) this old okie came to nis back when the org was in the process of moving from Washington to Roosevelt Island and the treskilion. He asked us to investigate the death of grand ol Opry member David "stringbean "akeman. Which we did and solved. What we didn't know was that the Olympian god of music Orpheus had quietly empowered Alan. Later brought in Texan George strait, and would investigate music based crimes in Tennessee. And wherever the muse sent him .he would however piece the Olympian connection later on. Also on this task force are jimmy buffet and dolly parton on occasion (Notes by Mr nobody. Investigator bishop who later transferred over to riotact has no connection as far as we know to x-men maurader black King Lucas bishop) [see logs on x.s.e. mauraders and bishop. L]
Cooper .a (known pseudonym of vernier. V is) also joining Alan's music n.i.s unit part time when a series of horror themed murders happened in Detroit, Arizona and LA. In the late 70. And late 80s. And no Alice wasn't involved his worst vice was . . Golf,
Leverage solutions (later leverage and leverage international) originally formed by ex white hat investigator Nathaniel Ford. Who got tricked into stealing priceless corp secrets. When he figured it out he went on a revenge spree. Hiring former black hat thieves and con men and women (what Ford never knew was that again the Olympians & the Arcadians of otherworld re -empowered them) Members including nate were /are orcish hitter elliot Spencer (formerly Lindsey Mcdonald). Eishu Technopath alec Hardison who understands technology better then most.half goblin shifter/Sophia Devereaux. Possible the best conartist of her generation. And Parker, a pooka who awakened the group to their otherworld heritages or at least she thinks this incorrectly (deadcorpse is not certain if its a first or last name or a pseudonym) thief . Pickpocket and all around rogue.
The Big Bad Wolf aka Mr big bad wolf [real name wolf. B] (yes that's his full real name) [log by Mr nobody] This GRIFTER speed freak of a thieving WOLF came to us in the aftermath of the war of the 7 cities. (When his crew poped up after the age of calamity And the frozen south offering his crew's services for operation : shattered doors . His crew was retrained by leverage international and its spinoff leverage jr but it seems that grifting is a universal concept. Anyways Mr wolf's crew includes Mr snake (presumably a rattlesnake) miss spider (black widow and hacker)Mr shark (who has this habit of cross dressing a lot) Mr piranha (class hitter)
Negan (unclear if its a first name or last name) [log by Mr nobody] "By his own admission. A litteral human animal. In his original universe. Pre and post apocalypse. Originaly a gym teacher somewhere in the DC district. Formed the saviors organization post apocalypse. Then it all went wrong. Power levels roughly akin to diehard (notes see diehard MacLaine J) welds a weapon he calls "lucele " negan along with former enemies turned frenemies former Kentucky state police officers colonial Rick grimes and shane walsh with the majority of survivors from his original universe crashed on our earth also the ruins of the commonwealth via the seige perilous during the age of calamity in the aftermath negan skedaddled and left , while grimes and his mob stayed as adjuncts to deadcorpse, of course the combined grimes-walsh kids Carl grimes. (Who later moved into tactical for cencom firebase norfolk) Judith-walsh-grimes, and rj grimes (who got confused for clementine's adoptive son aj) all thought the name was fucking hilarious considering the hell on their fucking former earth, everyone was isolated after the invasion of the 7 cities. To purge all traces of the zombie pathogen they had, this was done via the unholy merger of the wetware of the sr3 of project normady major kusanagis displaced mob and the majik of justice society of America DARK's j constitine.. later negan with Judith in tow much later. Rejoined dead corpse in tactical . While he joined the Hyperion explorer corps"
Madrigal M (log by Mr nobody) 'From what has been told to ncis Columbia, the Madrigal family have been paranormals for somewhere up to 500 years ago when their ancestors were granted refuge in a magical generating house called an Encanto. And mirabel. Just might be the most powerful of the current generation of the family, with her ability to "talk" to the house, and it can "open" doors for only her to every and anyplace imaginable, it's took some doing to convince the family (and agent denozo nearly beaten to death) to let our new agent Madrigal to join us. She was deathly important turning the tide during the war of the 7 cities. Saving the south during the frozen south, that first pivotal meeting between deadcorpse and clan de lioncourt and adopted clan brother ex mdpd forensic scientist (and stealth) serial Hunter Dexter morgan de lioncourt
Cube (just cube) [Log by chief shuoto]
"Cube isn't the oddest thing to pop up after the age of calamity, but they're the most note worthy, Cube is originally a slime Cube from the forgotten realms that opened after the age of calamity via the seige perilous. wearing a 1700s fencing hat, and fencing foil in a scabbard, they popped up in Suffolk litterly sliming its way to Nas firebase Norfolk. Offering its services to us as a house guard. Mostly as an anti denoza perversity deterent. Oddly enough the returned ex hades eternal legion agent David loves Cube. And weirdly enough has weekly dnd sessions at Mt thunder with agent Mcgee and major kusanagi, batou and most of the rest of her dimensionality displaced mob.cube like all slime based entities can change its shape, it's at times took a more humanoid form with small armor and a Lance. Unfortunately nis founder Mike franks did get "slimed" while screaming for Gibbs to get him out of cube
Franks m (co founder of n.i.s)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Franks past is a complete unknown. But what is known. Is this got the younger version of lj Gibbs to join nis [formerly o.n.i] (later retconed) (afterwards Gibbs got temporally pressganged into the prototype version of deadcorpse) and stayed on until pre sept 11 2001, when nis underwent its next reincarnation as ncis. saved by gibbs cell of ncis and deadcorpse during and after the events of operation:Frankenstein and the hunt for the p2p killer, franks still serves as an officer for o.n.i, deadcorpse, an advisor to MONARCH and leison to torchwood
Gibbs L.j (co founder of ncis nova, Baltimore and Nas norfolk) [Log by Mr nobody ] "There's not much to say about Gibbs, the man tough enough to go up against a litteral GOD of the underworld in lord hades, to get our friends and family unhooked from hades legion, to reform them as both deadcorps(e) [the e was Abbys idea] and ReD sentinel. Through later on Leon started drEaD vanguard . Of course what Gibbs nor no one else knew that both the Olympian and Egyptian pantheons empowered them. This fact wouldn't be known until after millenniums assault on the seven cities part of the so called "thousand year plan" that got derailed by a massive task force. Spearheaded by the hellsing group and its undead corps + the reborn battleship girls known as kantai collection and azure lane, biostered by the remnents of a breakaway splinter faction of the former abyssnall fleet now known as the WO-yorktown fleet also red sentinel also merc groups the wild geese aka the dogs of war. Also crossfire x boistered with the aid of Paladin Alexander formerly of organization xIi (note while working on a covert joint ncis operation deep undercover as a fbi agent used the alias of "Simon kent" around the spring of 2002 slightly before the events of operation Yankee rose, after nis got reorganized into ncis. But before agents bishop & da-vid joined ncis cencom district)
(Secondary note the assignment under the Kent pseudonym ended when Gibbs was shot and presumed dead, death prevented by the kinetic shielding tech from comander Shepards parallel future). Also when the members of the lost hades legion were returned to the land of the living. Gibbs got a happy surprise with the return of all his formerly dead wives (there's a lot of em) mostly in a happy polyque. Mostly still has to deal with former dead wife 2 Diane. And formerly dead niece Emily and well t.c Farnell Gibbs best friend and enemy from time to time
(Presumed missing and dead from the original "sacred" timeline in Alaska sometime in mid 2022, before the siege perilous saved him from actions from the in universe version of roxxon oil and the horror beyond time of the serpent crown. It's not clear if the crown exists in our universe or not"
Major motoko kusanagi section 9 security services (Log by Mr nobody and deadcorpse director Abbigal shuoto )
"Originaly from a distopian cyberpunk future in 2059 X, the major and section 9 poped up at the nick of time boistering security during the age of calamity taking the fight at least cyber wise to the vampire corps of millennium, afterwards with them hopelessly stuck in our here and now. Deciding to isolate themselves in case of their tech infecting our world the response team isolated themselves in vas Shenandoah Valley near the Potomac highlands at Mt thunder. With the exception of Togusa who chose to resign section 9 and joined ncis as a secondary cyber agent focusing on cyber crimes in this to him new earth" (note at some future point to prevent the major's more evasive wetware from escaping mt thunder. Motoko's personality matrix was placed into a younger clone o.l who has no memory of being major kusanagi)
(Notes the g man did invade mt thunder. Or attempted to. With all the anti technology that section 9 has from various sources. Mostly the Normandy foundation the entity was repulsed by the major via a shotgun blast to g man's face)
(Note 2 the parallel displaced alternate version of Jay Brisco currently works as a trainer for section 9)
Voorhees J (extreme alter) (Notes by ncis/deadcorpse/section 9 probie agent tim mcgee) " now this Jason Voorhees is not I repeat. Not the one from the movies. He's very real and friendly. Unfortunately cannot talk. Is being taught sign language by abby. He's a hell of an asset in the field, he's also currently on loan to the fbi's b.a u unit (notes see criminal minds) tough not invulnerable. Uses a borrowed cyberdeck from section 9 to communicate. Codenamed "the silent man" by the fbi's b a.u unit aka criminal minds"
Jason basically is a living mountain practically unkillable a master of non firepower weapons .
Lori meyers (log by Mr nobody)
"Meyers was originally from a ruined alternate earth originaly circa 1979x (see project : time slide and operation : time quake) where a take on her beloved older brother turned into a serial killer, she somehow fell into the seige perilous and fell into our world at camp crystal lake ny, and met our future agent the silent man Jason Voorhees. Taught him sign language, and the two became unseperetable. Lori later joined the b.a.u as Jason's handler. And married. And met our version of her beloved brother. Who wears a much different mask. The current welder of an ancient artifact the Medusa mask (see jsa, roger Haden, psycho pirate) also a deadcorpse operative curently on loan to the fbi b.a.u unit (see criminal minds). Also Lori became a psychiatrist with the bau associated with deadcorpse and ncis
Lt bonano (Boston mass city pd, mass state police) (Log by leverage consultings black King Nathaniel ford)
"The lt's been an ali of ours since our relocation from LA to Boston. He's helped us when our con's got too big to handle,
Spencer E (leverage solutions co founder, leverage international co founder) (commander of various indipendent milarms)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Spencer is an engima, but we know some of his past, formerly of Wolfram and heart, aka the wolf ,ram and heart, beyond crooked demonic hell based law firm, in his original identity of linsey McDonald. Betrayed wrh with the aid of the Hyperion group After the events of after the fall, with the aid of the 118th and riotact the situation was reversed afterwards linsey magicaly made himself not exist via the seige perilous, reborn as partial supernatural"hitter":Elliot Spencer, who has no memory of being McDonald. Co formed various versions of leverage . In this new life. Spencer ran with various merc groups and milarms prior to leverage. As a Side note Spencer has two known "berserk buttons" push them and he may go berserk. 1 as revealed in casefile "the mma job" he bottles up his internal rage. And if uncorked he goes berserk. Revealing at least that he does have a heritage in otherworld, possibly hybrid orc or troll heratage #2 he ADORES children litteraly. Hurt one in his presence and the abusers will likely pay a horrific price. Also adviser and guardian to the kids of leverage jr. After Parker's pooka madness. Elliot got some more additional "firepower" via his magi past as Lindsay
Josie (leverage jr)
(Log by very special ncis agent Anthony denozo jr)
[Grouses loudly about his never used last name]
"Anyways Josie no known last name like leverage international's black queen Parker, Josie ran interference and almost got leverage killed during "the boost job" they however got to her first and offered her a job in leverage jr as their well parker. Driver and thief in training
Trevor (leverage jr) "Log by fury"
"During leverage's op against Vero agro black King Nathaniel ford and Hardison ran afoul of a kid too smart for his own good. Trevor who basically gets a crash course in hacking and black King ism from hardison and Ford. Later joined leverage jr as its black prince"
Molly O'Connell "Log by ncis agent ziva pronounced da-vi-d and not david"
["Finally someone other than denozo who didn't mangle my name"]
"Moly was involved a lot in leverage solutions op "the carney job" unfortunately the op got blown when she got kidnapped and elliot spencer went berserk. Officially calling the op blown. Having to rescue her. This caused elliot to be hurt and badly. After the fact the original mark. Became all future iterations of leverage he'd become their benefactor from there on out, however afterwards moly decided she wouldn't be a victim anymore decided she wanted to be something akin to a tech hitter. (Gained later a set of tech bracers from the Normandy foundation and the girls of team rwby) Subsequently joined leverage jr as its hitter in training" (also noted her great grandfather was 2 fisted archeologist Rick O'Connell who quietly gave more funding to leverage solutions. After the destruction of its original la hq., and yes due to Rick and his family's encounters with an ancient immortal. Possiblly vandal savage?They're still alive and they're aeging has slowed down to nothing.so physicaly the O'Connells are stil in their 30's and have been since roughly 1932 (see o.s.s case files the mummy 1929)
Neilson A (us government agent with the secret service via the warehouse system)
"Log by Mr nobody "
"Whew you talk about deep underground agents. There's no one more underground then artie,comander of the presumed last of the warehouse systems .warehouse 13 in the Dakotas. Has a truly revolting alter in Victor dubinich. This alter of artie is litterlly his polar opposite in every single way. Murdered by leverage black King Nathaniel ford. And no leverage has not encountered artie nor the agents of warehouse 13 . . Yet" (notes after several attempts over the years pre and post the age of calamity to invade the warehouse. Security was boistered with tech from section 9 and the Normandy foundation)
Kruger f (warning not the version you'd know)
(Log by fury)
"This Fredrick j Kruger is NOT I repeat not the monster freddy Kruger. May look like him, for the most part, but he's less of a monster. Has the same power set. But he's less evil, can enter a person's dreams . Deadcorpse has officially codefaxed him as dreammaster, was taught by the jsa's Wesley Dodds the world War 2 sandman (see notes jsa, sandman, dream of the endless) curently attached to both ncis norcom as a non military dr ,and the fbi's b.a.u criminal minds unit. And yes his face has been fixed via a hybrid of advanced tech from section 9 and majik from his criminal minds agent meyers " (note resembles actor Robert england) has abandoned the Kruger name . And with permission from the Dodds estate and the jsa has assumed wes's name as a pseudonym)
Meyers m
(Our realitys version)
(Log by fury)
"Our realitys Michael meyers is a bit different then the one Lori meyers came from via the seige perilous, in that world was insane and a truly monstrous serial killer, in our world Michael wears a much different mask. In his off time works as a builder, when with us. And by us I mean deadcorpse, ncis norcom, and the unit he's with on loan to the fbi's b.a.u unit aka criminal minds. A specialist in bladed weapons. Michael is inseparable from the younger alter of his sister. Who died young in our world. As "the shape" Michael is like Jason a master of stealth and bladed weapons. Like criminal minds clanmate Chuckie '
Codename :JIGSAW
(Note not the nightmare terror you know)
(Notes by the illusive man)
"Member of the new incarnation of the b.a.u aka criminal minds "
"In this universe the ENTITY known as JIGSAW isn't a serial killer. To a point . He's the b.a.u psych evaluator . But unhinged it can get intell out of anyone. Next to comander Shepard that is. Specialty are sadistic traps and torture
Utena T
(Log by fury)
"Utena tenjou good God. Originaly from a parallel earth around 1995x. Came to ours with her mob. The student council of the mercifully defunct ohtori gakuen. Because basically their world was mostly destroyed. But due to the age of calamity the ruins of their shattered earth are now floating in shadow around earth orbit. The upside down castle is currently synced orbiting Washington. Utena has been gifted with a power called "the voice of the revolution " usually acquired from pulling her fencing Saber out of girlfriend himilya ohtori. Currently on loan to a task force code named. . . Lensmen. And the hyperion explorer corps "
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"If y'all thought tenjou's mob pissed me off. Meet team RWBY, originally from a parallel earth
called remnant where all the myths are real. They crash landed here just off the coast of VA beach
during the age of calamity on what they called the ironpunk steamship carrier ich ozpin the team
immediately offered it's services for defense. Of the team there's ruby rose (no I'm not kidding ford that's her real name) Short, Raven haired. But do
not underestimate her. Her scythe is a fucking killer on a par with testament Par that with
the ice speed powers of girlfriend Weiss schnee (white cross in German) and she's almost
unstoppable add her teleportation cape and she's almost a one girl x-force, and then there's weiss
cold blond and firery always argues with ruby to the point of the marx brothers,and that damned frost sword of hers add her frost powers and augmented in the winter. And you'd swore she belongs on the unseelie winter court. Making matters worse is ruby's sister (no stop laughing Spencer) yang ziou long -rose is a beast litteraly with force gauntlets that pack a goddamned punch akin to a rocket launcher. That makes her a threat litteraly and the fact she looks like she's from Texas and speaks a bizzare variant of an mainland Chinese dialect with a Texan twang. That's almost as deep as Spencer's. (In the background we hear Parker laughing her ass off) also her girlfriend Blake belladonna (absolutely no relation as far as we can tell to Remy "gambit" lebeuxs ex wife) Blake is well a catgirl. (Dear gods strike that from the official record because she'll kill us all if anyone calls her that)
Anyways her main weapon are well spectral "claws" akin to an ability maurader capt pride had prior to her second death. Also sometimes member codenamed "jinn" she's basically a genie
Albert "gravedigger" wu-han (log by cc Nash) Albert came to stay with chimney (aka hephestus) during a brief period before and after the megaquake and a year before his daughter was er littered. Later joined the Portland branch of riotact
Howie "chimney " han (log by red sentinel chief cc nash)
"Chim, there really isn't much to say to be honest. He's been the rock of the unit since the massacre, and rebirth when I took over the 118th. And this is before red sentinel. Chims been involved in some insane things. Less so then buck through (see red sentinel buckly e) and after the megaquake twice . Chim's also the liaison to the ultra busy la branch of riotact. Dragging us into that insanity. Especially after what happened to Athena which I should have seen coming twice no less (see wakanda) . And no we were not involved too much in the invasion of the seven city's during the age of calamity. We were requested by deadcorpse along with the sentinels in its aftermath and rescue and recovery efforts also due to athena's awakening as a litteral goddess. She's empowered chim as the new incarnation of the Greek God hephestus , also while on the hunt for the double of Madeline in Boston briefly joined the Boston medical corps. Also joined leverage international as its "sterling" an utterly uncoruptable agent, basically as a medical adjunct. Also After a would be sadist serial killer targeted the families of ReD Vanguard they teamed up with the west coast branch of riotact. After chimney took him down with his own tazer. Director Goodman offered chimney a slot in riotact which he accepted for their nearby enclave in pacific city (roughly where coast city is in the dcu). So chim's now riotact's laeason officer and the rest of the Vanguard also became officers in riotact under a new aegis . . . "ReD sentinel"
Athena -Carter Grant (log by zeus and lady bastet) appears to be huuuman but is of us . Twice her true Visage has been glimpsed once by members of rED vanguard another by a werewolf/zombie hybrid. What grant and the rest of the vanguard nor the sentinels to a lesser extent don't seem to recognize she is the goddess of war and victory. One of the forces empowering the vanguard and by extension the sentinels , when her true Visage is seen. She welds the aegis shield and the holy sword durandural when her true form is seen. Which so far has been only the 118th , red vanguard due to a reaction to .. . Cookies?
Nash CC (log by former section 9 and current ncis norcom officer Togusa)
"Chief Nash has suffered some absolutely horrific tragedy. Original family dead in the upper Midwest of this earth. Pre the age of calamity, moved to la became capt to the 118th corps. And then things got knocked on its head hard. Two megaquakes and a tsunami. Led the capt to believe something was manipulating events. And he was correct on his assumption it was the ancient ww2 organization millennium (no not frank blacks organization of the same name) .(See notes on x-files, the lone gunmen, millennium) Once the Olympians empowered or re empowered his future wife Athena-Carter-grant, they took the fight to millennium in va during the age of calamity.
Prince regent Lelouch vi Britannia aka
Lelouch Lamperouge (notes by various members of deadcorpse)
"Originaly the 17th in line to the crown of the alternate earth empire of Britannia. Some if not a good portion of the empire popped up during the age of calamity. First a small less then 1200 mile island clone of britania popped up about 500 miles off the coast of VA and 2 their original school Ashford gakuen has dimensionaly "obliterated " regent university which was about 15 miles south of va Beach. But the mini region around New Ashford has changed to match its original form and shape from the prince regent's original earth. But during the age of calamity. The prince regent's secret was exposed as . . Zero. This caused. . Problems mostly with his classmates. With sherly, and later empire operative lancelot aka Suzuku. This required some finesse on lulu's part to not cause another calamity. Mostly , in the aftermath of the age of calamity both the Camelot research group, and the clean energy en-vogue group are relocated to the region, Camelot to the Ashford grounds, en vogue to a private and top secret facility in the region , also our millennium agent black is deadcorps liaison for the academy, Camelot research. En vogue, torchwood and MONARCH.
Castle r
(Log by fury)
"Godalmighty , Richard castle started out as a successfull writer, as a contemporary to Alan wake (see notes on wake a, and CONTROL) with his storm front series, unti he killed his golden goose, so to speak. Somehow this attracted the attention of the nypd after a slew of ficttive killings in the real world. And being sorta kinda pressganged into being pared with det beckett his eternaly grumpy future wife.eventually married beckett. Later problems developed due to multiple alters and confusion due to said alters. Starting with an entity called "the first" which both the hyperion group and the sovereigns both thought castle was eternal goofball that he is. Another alter popped up in the form of capt Mal Reynolds the captain of the serenity class ship firefly aka hotoru from a far flung alterverse that we're codefaxing as . . . "Earth that was"and as far as we know the last alter was a cop from LA j Nolan almost a contemporary of the 118th aka red sentinel . Currently living in Nikola Teslas city of tomorrow in wireclife nj. As mentioned in the logs for closer to the sun)
Mister nobody (log by fury) "who am I? I'm no one important in any sense of the word Mister toretto. I'm nobody ' from the first time ods chief operator Mr nobody issued that proclamation to future operatives Dominic toretto and fms agent Hobbs they both knew he would be trouble, shares a physical resemblance to (see files on "snake " plisken, and truck driver jack burton") deadcorpse lists his threat potential for ongoing ops to rival operatives, negan and eversong .a to take extreme caution
Buckley Madison
(Dead sister to Buckley e)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Madison the dead sister to the 118ths disaster magnet Evan "buck" Buckley died just after the age of calamity the stress of childbirth added to multiple disasters caused her to crack. Making her easy prey for millennium. Mercifully killed by hellsing's allucard, but a exact double of her plunged through the seige perilous and married chim. Through she looks exactly like the Maddison we lost. She's completely different a fighter through and through tough as nails, she's maddiline han Buckley or just overwatch for the 118
Evan "buck" Buckley
(Log by capt Nash)
"If folks thought chim had a catastrophic set of bad luck. Buck is infinity WORSE, born to be nothing but body parts to be harvested. Rescued by members of the unseelie court they took buck to Arcadia for 24 hours by there reckoning which was ten years in ours.popped up in la fully grown but without knowing what happened in the missing day/years. Through in Arcadia he was the queens knight . On earth has some minor abilities mostly spellcraft and chaos majik. Those skills helped during the age of calamity. And a sideways connection to the hellsing group's ceras Victoria. Who via a lot of spellcraft was re born as a day walker and resigned the main branch of the hellsing foundation, but along with buck formed the la branch of the foundation this did annoy her master Alucard slightly to work ad an adjunct to the lapd and as a guardian force to the 118 after the sniper attack . She and chief Nash delt with the deranged former swat officer. In full manifested unseelie form . Buck can create a copy of his ceremonial winter court black mass Armour with ebon blade codenamed by deadcorpse as "black mass"
"The daughter of 118th and riotact's chimney han, she grew up with a double of her [in our worlds) dead mom and her uncle gravedigger, and her uncles and aunts in the 118th.much later during the age of calamity got forcibly grown up to the age of Mae "mayday" grant (see logs mayday grant) thanks to the generational Buckley "curse" gained "luck" based talent and a code name of "wrecker" caused by exposure to the ghosts of "murder house" aka the house of secrets
Moutou Y
(Log by fury, Mr nobody and leverage black King Nathaniel ford)
" this one just makes my fucking head hurt, moaned fury, basically in the past yougi moutou was given a supposedly "unsolvable puzzle" by his grandfather, unfortunately he solved it. The millennium eye, a distant cousin relic to the lament configuration (see notes on hellraiser the lament configuration)which unleased the previously unknown ancient Egyptian gods of puzzles and . . . Vengeance. This ancient soul possessed yugi. And subsequently went on a Vengeance fuled rampage through Japan. Luckly or unluckily this happened around the time of the age of calamity. Yugi teleported to the fight in va hooking up with leverage first then the wild geese. Before trapping millenniums insane vampire leader Montana max within a cursed stack of ancient cards . The cards were then split so there was no chance of max reforming. Later the curse of the millennium eye was partially muted by riotact, hellsing and red vanguard aka the 118th
(Note in the aftermath of locking Montana max within the infinite dungeon of the eye and cards. The eye inflicted a toll and cost on yugi transforming him into a female doppelganger of his former sparing partner Tae, who knows none of this because yugi wisely stayed put at ncis cost at the cavalier, with space for them at both the rayshifted persona tower and at new Ashford gakuen)
Payne M (formerly detective nypd)
(Log by fury)
"If y'all thought the shit Alan wake went through was awful. What max went through was worse. Max was a decorated detective UNTIL his entire family was massacred by insane drug peddlers, this made max snap trying to find the cause. All roads lead to the aesir corporation. Eventually max was captured by aesir agents overdosed on their drugs. But survived and gained minor localized time stopage gifts. In a way like Alan's teleportation and speed gifts. Eventually the aesir corporation was destroyed by max. Which lead him into being pressganged into the agency of CONTROL.to this day max is still an agent and was on site at bright falls solving its . . . Infestation and getting Alan free of the grip of the cthuthian Infestation on site.
(Loud grousing is heard from both fury and Mr nobody)
"What is with leverage and this orphan adopting. They're worser then that billionaire Wayne in Gotham "
[Log by fury and Mr nobody]
"In leverage international's new home of Nola Hardison and Parker on a date night run a foul of a heist in progress in a so called free zone, and parkers new mania of licking Dino bones (see casefile "the jurassic park job" and "the in-gen job") also during the events of "the one knight job" and a complicated date night turned con /rescue of Mason being adopted by Nana hardison. In the not to distant future Mason joins leverage jr
Criminal minds (fbi bau associated with deadcorpse)
With the original unit all but shut down. And ex boss rossi. Obsessed with a case in va, deadcorps started a joint taskforce, abbigals reasoning was this "why not use "serial killers" to catch worser serial killers" the gag being the new agents are all alters of fictional serial killers from the known multiverse post the age of calamity event. Known agents are
"The quiet man" Jason Voorhees [alter]
Fredrick j Kruger [alter] [using pseudonym of Wes Dodds with permission from the justice society of America and the estate and trust of dodds]
Michael meyers [alter]
Lori meyers [alter]
Brandon "gunglave/gunGRAVE/BEYOND the GRAVE" HEAT
Also JIGSAW (alter)
And ash "Ashley " woods [through never ever ever call ash , Ashley, especially when armed with their chainsaw)
Chucky (demonicaly possessed doll. Formerly extreme alter)
G.h.o.s.t.f.a.c.e (alter) expert and anylist on a par with bishop e. In all things serial killer wise. Ghostface is actually multiple people operating under a shared hivemind gestalt
Also on a probation status the artificial life form also cybernetics expert and cyber ops meggan. Texan legend and tracker Leatherface and Dexter Morgan de lioncourt as our in house pathologist
Annie Hagan-drake (aka clayfaces daughter)
(Supplementry logfile by Dr kassie hines)
"Annie was found an amnesiac around park row aka crime alley in Gotham, rescued by the 3'rd known Robin tim drake (currently known as drake) she came to deadcorpse willingly to find out what and whom she was. Later DNA tests confirmed she was "part" of the hivemind that comprised clayface I, she chose to stay with the org, at first with drake and Bruce Wayne's help the Gotham field office for deadcorpse which is attached to the gcpd's major case squad aka Gotham central, yes bullock and Montoya are also attached deadcorps officers (lord help us all) Annie for her part chose a new pseudonym she's currently torn between "avalanche " or "mudslide"
Michone grimes (formerly of her husband's post apocalypse Alexandria free zone survivors)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Pre apocalypse in her alternate earth , for research we're designating as earth-twd, was a decorated lawyer based outta Harlem nyc, then the apocalypse hits hard, and micone lost her twin daughters (one absolutely dead, one lost to the future commonwealth) becomes a wandering ronin who finds her future husband's mob in kentucky at the former Greene compound. Overran by (what we call zombies, they called walkers) hooks up with then as a designate Ronin to an exodus leaving Kentucky back to Georgia to a presumably empty state prison (that wasn't) eventually drawn into war with a mently cracked person called the governor (and this is where opinions differ between michone and Rick. That something awful happened to both because of this monster in human flesh) later after woodsbery and the prison sanctuary were trashed. Grimes group in the middle of winter, left Georgia to a rumoured sanctuary in va. Notices around Richmond told them to avoid the city at all costs. So they went onward towards nova and Alexandria free zone and at some point much later the entirety of most of these groups were pulled through the seige perilous to our earth
J McLain (aka DIEHARD)
(Log by fury)
"Where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!! , McLain is a walking calamity worser then negan, agent eversong the both of em, and marian and noi COMBINED, here's the motherfucking issue. There was another McLain in 1955x confused for him, the reason we call him a walking calamity, is the tower calamity in la around 1989. This motherfucker litterlly blew up half of nagatoni plaza WIth assistance from future Chicago beat cop Carl winslow (see notes on winslow c and Stephan) and a year later it happened again this time in nova at dulles Airport he was hindered in this by future nypd officer Sipowicz ( see notes nypd blue Sipowicz a and cain h and alter kelly j)) and I had my run in with him in nyc half a decade later deep undercover as "zeus", basically we don't summon diehard unless its a world ending event . Like the age of calamity And the war of the seven cities also diehard's aging has been slowed down so he's in his fifty's physically. But power wise in his 20's. Via the infinity formula
S.e.e.s (aka PERSONA. Aka MONARCH)
(Notes by Mr nobody
"Originally from an earth time--dates 2009x-2011x- 2016x of multiple task forces all based in Japan mostly set up via their own power system called PERSONA, we have sees empowered by this tarot card based system called wildcard, and the associated group p.h.a.n.t.o.m. and the investigation group all three are counterforces against the inhuman forces of the mythos that haunted their world , all three groups fell through the seige perilous and this caused utter chaos as their powers and personas changed in our world. During the age of calamity. The three previously independent groups merged into one called MONARCH. the investigation branch now simply called seas the groups now based in va beach at a rayshifted tower from their world also all three groups via shield now all go to school at new Ashford adding to the headaches to prince regent Lelouch . All three groups now report to the project : leverage desk ran by Anthony denozo senior at MONARCH towers. Which was in fact rayshifted a second time into the woods behind the cavalier hotel and conference centre
GUNGRAVE (formerly heat. B)
[Log by fury]
" where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!!, if diehard, and negan are calamitys grave IS worse much much worse, originaly came from a previously unknown earth. Sometimes known as gunGLAVE Brandon heat was transformed into this almost indestructible zombie/Frankenstein hitman. Armed with a steel coffin that he uses as a rocket launcher which houses these monsterious hand guns that only he can use called CERBIERUS (note no known connection to lord hades nor the watchdog er heck puppy of the underworld) sucked in via the seige perilous into our world during the age of calamity, hooked up almost immediately with the hellsing group. Alucard stated in an after action report that grave was more chaotic then him. afterwards stayed on with hellsing and as an assigned agent to the b.a.u's criminal minds group
Lehane f (formerly and curently of the second interation of the sovereigns, formerly and freelancer for the hyperion group)
(Log by Mr nobody)
Faith is of the Para ops group the sovereigns which specializes in killing the undead in all its forms , formerly the third slayer called under the watch of r Giles after summers e.b. during the age of calamity got mysticaly turned into a 7 ft tall impossibly buff black rabbit girl. Of the Vieira sub species. Of course now the daemons and vamps in Sunnydale are running scared (with the exception of her other boss of the hyperion group Liam Alexander angelelus) the two groups with the aid of hellsing la, riotact and rEd DrAgON took the fight to the heart of darkness itself the hellmouth. In the aftermath the portal to its dimension was permanently slammed shut. But Sunnydale was a total loss, the sovereigns relocated if briefly to the hyperion hotel resort in la. And later a new base in the highlands of merrin County north of San Francisco
King j battalion I (not to be confused or no connection as far as we know to battalion II Jackson king formerly of stormwatch later the monarchy and later still stormwatch : p.h.d) (Log by ncis chief shuoto and deadcorpse day watch chief Shepard , both Jennifer and comander Shepard of Nas normady)
"This honestly is baffling to be honest. Jackson King formerly of London in 1850 briefly the doctor (not to be confused with the doctor of the authority) (see logs on doctor WHO, tardis, torchwood, UNIT, the authority) got a fraction of the Dr's abilities. Got shaingheied from that time by the seele winter court of avalon and the seige perilous , was not involved in the war of seven cities. But after integration is now a staffer onboard the Nas normady 3.
Amelia "amy" pond (formerly companion to the doctor) " queen titania found ponds original fate distasteful. To a fae, so her fate was "altered" instead of dying in 1930s new York the seige perilous dropped her into u.n.i.t centcom Atlantic fleet in portsmith, the current interation of the dr knows none of this
river song [aka melody "mels" pond]
(Log by conjob constintine of the justice society of America and DARK)
"Loves? This girl is the daughter basically of the ruddy dr and Amy pond. Is basically 1/3 baseline human (if barely) and more then 75 % FUCKING time lord. As far as I can tell pond was pregnant when she first boarded the tardis. And these jumps through time. Changed the both of them
(Notes popped up under a pseudonym briefly interacted with o.n.i during the years 2012-2015 ad)
Clara Oswald -oswald (no connection to Oswald cobblepot aka the penguin)
(Log by fury)
"This girl is more powerfull then the Dr's previous 4 companions combined. Hell power wise she's a fucking time lord. Scale wise up to the 12th incarnation . Rode with the 11th and 12th versions and uncovered a previously "lost" dr called "the war doctor" uncorked via all of their incarnations (0-12) "hiding " gallafrey from the known universe. Until Clara and the 12th dr "moved" it and cloaked it into our universe at the end of the age of calamity . Currently is a part time deadcorpse operative. Teaches at new Ashford academy, and rides with the 13th incarnation of the doctor
Daliak (designation tin man) [log by fury]
"By even our standards in shield, u.n.i.t (United nations invasion tactics) this thing is an impossibility? But I've learned with the doctor, nothing is fucking impossible when he's involved. This bundle of hate. Isn't that. At least from the doctor's perspective. Pre age of calamity he changed one lone Daliak from a bundle of hate. Into the first hybrid time lord/Daliak. This one "rusty" fell through the seige perilous changing them even more. Hooked up at first with leverage and then forming the iron legion an anti dalak task force filled with alternate seige perilous acquired dalaks from alternate universes ali to the future 16th doctor
Magica quartet
(Log by fury)
"More GODDAMNED sparkly magical girls. But unlike those lunatics from remnant. These are darker. In their original earth kaname madoka found these little girls and formed their worlds only defense against the darkness. Unfortunately the source of their power was as evil as it comes. A talking rat creature called an incubator. This THING had warped the wishes of some pretty notorious folks like jaune du arc aka Joan of arc) now after madoka and her eternally 13 year old girlfriend had utterly obliterated the entity from the entirety of the omniverse, (note if it existed here pre age of calamity its unknown to deadcorpse, after madoka was briefly "deleted " from her earths history. The quartet escaped from their earth via the seige perilous . Hooked up with our sister agency in our Japan called WISE in kanamei city"
Capt jack Harkness (comander of the second post fall taskforce attached to u.n.i.t of TORCHWOOD)
(LOG by Mr nobody)
"in the time of the 9th doctor but during ww1. Capt Harkness was "killed" in the trenches, but survived, as far as unit was concerned he was a unique immortal . Not an unaging one . Eventually rode with the 9th doctor, until his TORCHWOOD unit was shanghied via the seige perilous to our earth. It didn't drop them in cardif at their base in THE RIFT (see notes on THE BLEED) but that connection between the bleed, the rift and the seige perilous changed the capt and his immortality. Now he can still "die" but won't age. Torchwood is currently based for now at MONARCH towers
marian Kelly (tentatively ) [aka battalion iv)
(Notes by fury)
"This BAD BITCH is a one woman BATTALION] no I'm not kidding, after getting kidnapped over and over again, she rebuilt herself from the ground up pledging a vow to the sidhe court that she'd never be a victim again. Again fell into the seige perilous, but dropped in the middle of the age of calamity, hooked up immediately with team rwby forged a sisterly connection with their powerhouse brawler ruby's sister yang. And got duplicate bracers. Later hooked up with the 118th aka red vanguard [and rEd dRaGoN] as a guardian force (notes is the fourth known BATTALION iv)
Lancelot (aka fielding d)
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"Where to begin with this fucking immortal. Lancelot as far as we can tell has existed for centuries since Camelot fell Eventually joined the librarians organization (a side group to leverage) at some point their founder basically quit (an epoxy to newheart.b) who quit in the 60s 70s and 80s, in the 80s lancelot had to litterlly piece together his broken psyche after what shield called "operation: our town" in his alter as scummy ny city d.a fielding d. Subsequently as fielding used another alter as tribbey L working in the white house in the 90s during the Bartlett j administration (see notes on the illusive man, Josiah Bartlett, and Bartletts ancestor of the same name) was a frendemy to seaborn s and almsley haynes (alter to csi m officer Duquesne c k) much much later . Lancelot abandoned both identitys and returned to the librarians organization . More recently lancelot has returned to the Dan fielding identity helping the daughter of Judge Harry stone (a member of the magicians and the librarians which saved his life in the 80s) prior to this however he also returned to the tribbey identity to utterly wreck a certain loudmouth presidents life (there will be no log of this because saying it's name has been ruled a zero saction)
Also another lost alter of former head librarian Newhart. B. Ex head coroner of ncis predecessor org o.n.i Magnuson magnus.
[Emergency file on Joshua lyman]
(Log by former president Bartlett and Leo McCarthy)
Basically Josh cracked on Xmas eve. A few weeks after I was shot. He's seemingly better but we've asked deadcorpse to send a second opinion on this . This will include comander Shepard and jeff "joker" moreau of project normady, JIGSAW of the bau. And major motoko kusanagi of section 9. Plus another joker variant Dr Jackson Napier. Josh was healed but kinda driven "insane" by JIGSAW. Re healed via wetware via the Normandy foundation and section 9". We later learned via bau and fbi records Josh worked in la at roughly the same time as . Cj Craig during what the bau files called project ricochet also Dr Napier is now a secondary shrink attached to our b.a.u aka criminal minds v 3.0
RE-CLASS (formerly arc royale British ww2 era battleship)
"Log by fury"
"Trying to even grasp or get a handle on these blasted reincarnated ww2 era battleship girls makes my fucking head hurt"
"Anyways this is what we know. Which our info is from jp cencom. And the limited database of the allied WO-orktown fleet girls. Sometime in ww 2 arc royale was sunk. During the same time frame the fleet of the abyss reserected her as the utterly insane RE-CLASS, by the time of the age of calamity a good chunk of the abyss fleet split from its hive mind to form the WO FLEET, WITH re-class as not its core battleship but a striker class, and her "insanity" was broken. Through she does talk that way, she does remember being arc royale. During the age of calamity the wo fleet hooked up with their new sister ships in the task force called kantai collection taking the fight to millennium along with the other world persona users. And yet another mage called Chikage from another world we're coding as "sister princess" and another refugee not from the same earth. But called "Emilia Elle yelen" aka blue sapphire from a world we're dubbing for now "Cinderella girls" welds a blue sword powered by chimerical flame that litterlly "burns" evil or evil intentions .
(Log by Philip j coulson agents of shield)
"What we and shield know about the g-man is very limited even with all of our contacts, seemingly immortal. And unkillable, lord knows dr freeman and dr Alyx Vance have tried to kill the son of a bitch (see black Mesa, dr freeman, Alex vance) (see logs for vandal Savage, Rafferty ,the immortal man, reserection man, thrillkillers. Body doubles, the shade,) has seemingly muddled in and with history for his unknown employers, rumoured to have worked in some capacity with both versions of millennium. The fleet of the abyss, the injustice society of the world, the monster society of the world,shield has labeled him an alpha 1 threat. Meaning "all hands" warnings are issued when he appears "
Briscoe j
"At pain of death via the seige perilous was brought into our earth. Stays with our worlds version of his family in Delaware the pughes"
Midmark d
"Was a student during the events of the leverage con "the plays the thing job" discovered to actually have the same skill that Sophie has but in reverse. A great singer. Eventually joins leverage jr as its singer and con player. But in a limited capacity role"
Wrath and horizon
(Log by fury)
"These two came from not an alternate earth. But a world we're dubbing as "titanfall" according to their after action reports . Both are soldiers formerly of the titans program and later apex. With their armours they can "control" with limited consequences time and space. Both are being re trained by shield. Wrath will be staying with the Normandy foundation as the refit for the sr3 normady continues at Tesco Newport News. Horizon possibly might be assigned to project shattered doors
Alexander "xander" Harris (co founder of the second interation of the sovereigns, tactical adviser to the slayers)
[Log by fury]
"Where to begin . A lifelong resident of Sunnydale CA, when Elizabeth "buffy" summers came there . The truth behind the town was laid bare, possibly the most evil city on earth, next to pandemonium located in Kansas , later was the core behind the original scooby gang (later renamed the second incarnation of the sovereigns) after years of fighting to destroy the city and the hellmouth. After faith was mutated into a Vieira. Alexander was told that he's a desendent of the ancient strategist lu xion. And this changed everything litterlly becoming literally a copy of his ancestor but as a girl. Oddly enough she embraced this as a top tier magic user. Who has access to the book of spells called "dynasty" which is shields code name for Xander. The sovereigns were not involved in the age of calamity. They had the destruction of Sunnydale and the hellmouth to worry about.
Dawn summers (formerly the key of eternty) (member of the sovereigns [retroactively] later various post age of calamity groups and orgs)
[Log by Mr nobody)
(Unclear if summers has a connection to the rock of eternity)
"The sister [yet daughter] to Elizabeth "buffy" summers has had a complicated existence in roughly 2001 x "born" extradimentional but yet ancient beyond measure. Told at one point she would die in glory. This got debunked fast by the second incarnation of the sovereigns between the wild Magik of the trinity of Xander, willow Rosenberg and faith and the shear stubbornness of summers and the other trinity of Angelus, William the bloody (known as spike) and Elizabeth herself who has a rather bloody ancestor herself in Elizabeth bathory. And the wild seeieres in drusilla the mad. Took the fight to the insane goddess glory. This attracted the then unwanted attention of riotact and the 118th aka ReD DrAgON and hellsing la and the black knight of the unseelie court. After a complicated mini war glory was shredded into oblivion took by the unseelie court via the wilde hunt back to Arcadia to suffer for eternity until the end of time itself. Thus the prophecy went to shit. Briefly the sovereigns hooked up with riotact and the 118th as the age of calamity hit everyone hard to stop another vampire invasion in the guise of millennium
Philip j coulson (agent of shield and later founderof the level 9 task force agents of shield)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Coulsons been in some level of the federal gov for ages. Given the eternty formula same as fury years ago. Served with distinction in the Josiah Bartlett administration, left that position after Bartlett left office. Then immediately afterwards dealt with a crisis at stark industries in la (see files Obadiah stane, the iron monger) stayed in la for a few years dealing with Tony stark's foibles [which there were many] (see files on stark expo nyc, whiplash,Justin hammer, hammer industries) stayed with shield in the run up of the formation of the modern avengers.was "killed" by loki. Of course that didn't take. Sometime later with his own aegis formed his own task force the agents of shield. This lasted until Thanos attack on the world and the 5 "missing years" until the "clarion call" which brought everyone back including the long since missing all star squadron, the freedom fighters, the invaders, and the ravagers along with the space and time faring mauraders. And the formerly dead now goddess of stories loki.
Mystery Inc [this log will only intale the originals]
(Log by various mostly l.j Gibbs, Nathaniel ford, and others)
"Mystery Inc, sighs where to begin with these eternal kids, formed sometime in the early to mid 60s. Survived several massacres (the Smithsonian has the historical record including Altamont speedway. Freedom riders, Mississippi burning and the near assassination and riot at dr kings speech in Washington) (notes it was the alternate "apocalypse " team through those events with tech donated and aquired from the HALO corporations WILD c a t.s division)Co formed by norvile "shaggy" Rodgers, adoptive sister Velma Rodgers, and scooby doo Rodgers, Fred jones (this gets re revealed years later that he was kidnapped by the jones family) [note 1 revisied years later as being the adoptive son of master detective benoit blanq (see notes knives out)] funding provided via secretly money provided by Diana "Daphne " Blake via our predesor orgs oss and o.n.i (which at the time the rest of mystery Inc has no knowledge of) as a paranormal investigation unit. (Oni flagged them enternally as "the sovereigns " the group wouldn't know This until oni got its aegis removed and became n.i.s) this gets turned on its head fast sometime in 1969 via an encounter with the immortal servantes de Leon and soul caliber. Basically slowing down their ageing (this explains why scooby doo is somehow still alive today. Two odd casefiles have even confused deadcorpse. With mystery Inc post the events of 13 ghosts [no not THAT 13 ghosts] being traped briefly in the apocalyptic alterverse shield coded as "the last of us" and later the ruined 19th century utopia of Columbia [see files booker DeWitt, Elizabeth Lutece) later after nis became ncis . The truth came out behind o.n.is codefaxing them as the sovereigns got revealed to them after the Smithsonian acquired soul calber. And this brought back servantes de Leon back from the dead again in the aftermath. Mystery Inc and our ncis nova cell well trashed the castle. Mostly scooby doo did via the apolo lander and the spirit of 66 to kill de Leon. Obviously this did not work. Later the alternative apocalypse team gets physically merged with the first souverigns
Red goblin II (formerly goblin childe)
Osborn normie (possibly Norman the second)
(Log by agents of shields Phil coulson)
"Normie is the grandson of Norman Osborn the infamous green goblin . Currently gold goblin. A few years back possessed by a sliver of the carnage symbiote and doses of Norman's goblin drugs, after a truly horrific battle . Peter Parker managed to beat Norman. But the cost was high with the temporary death of alli anti-venom (aka flash Thompson) [currently back from the dead and a member of the time lost savage avengers. And Peter re gaining for a short period the original venom symbiote which caused him to revert into his feral brain eating incarnation .five years after this normie re acquired a second sliver of the carnage symbiote given to him by the current venom dillan brock (see venom III ). But it's basically a baby without no knowledge about the symbiote codex. When using the symbiote he doesn't have the traditional weaknesses fire and sonics. But is obsessed with candy
The grey men (paranormal task force attached to "the agency ") consists of d.grey man and "Sierra six .6"
Parker (deadcorpse is not certain if this is a first or last name)
(Log by fury & nate ford)
"Parker is a consumate con woman and rogue, through nate didn't know this much. Between 1999 and 2007 she had inserted herself into the inner circle of the white house in the Bartlett administration under the pseudonym of "donna-tella moss" however we of shield didn't know that till after the fact. And as far as we know not even president Bartlett knew this. Through the only person to know was moss's long suffering boss Joshua k lyman. Post 07 joined leverage. ( ford later claimed he'd been hunting the future members of leverage since at least 2001) Which of course Josh kept tabs on her quietly. Years later Josh finally met the leverage team in their new hq in Nola. And offered the impossible a legit job doing their jobs but with official recognition
Munch j (log by Joshua k lyman)
"Detective munch was major case in Baltimore homicide aka : homicide life on the st. Through this was years before ncis and deadcorpse operative denozo was in Baltimore homicide. Eventually transferred to nyc and its svu unit where he stayed the rest of his carrer.. was not involved in the chaos of the age of calamity
Cerbierus [species REALLLY BIG DOG!]
(LOG by fury and deadcorps(e) director suoto)
"Dear gods where do I start with this titanic DOG that even mcgee and denozo would be running away from, originaly basically the guardian of hell itself. Cerbierus has mellowed with age. But both his BARK and bite can be deadly, lord hades after the disaster with his legion, let us relocate Cerbierus topside to a point. And when the events of the invasion hit . We managed to relocate former ncis director vance's taskforce hells sentinel to Norfolk boistering the firepower of the WO fleet. Hooking up with RE class, his flames and her shark bits made a deadly duo incinerating .any unfortunate enemy vamp who came close, after the invasion Cerbierus was just too tired to return to mt Charleston so he'd stay at the future firebase norfolk. Co watched and fed by various folks including Carl grimes, abby . Carl's family minus Rick and shane. Curently resides in a giant doghouse at firebase n.a.s"
grace and Frankie "Log by fury"
"We recently found out about these fucking lunatics via a quantum tunneling rip into their universe at chyanne mtn via the Stargate, no parahumans on that earth thankfully, but alters of President Bartlett and ex ny state city d a Jackson Mccoy are married, unfortunately their insane shrewish exs did cause a significant amount of chaos, sg-1 wisely decided that no contract was warranted and a log entry was filed with shield and deadcorpse as a part of the new map of the omniverse and the hyperion explorer corps"
Ann Gibbs
(Notes from the hyperion explorer corps officer Ben "kilo ren" solo)
"Miss Gibbs in the original timeline died of cancer, but via the nightmare Cafe and the seige perilous is alive but unaware of aspects of her previous incarnation. Note does not know about her husband Jackson, nor former lover l.j . And former ncis officer l.j gibbs"
The office
"Not much is known about this supposedly secret anti paranormal investigation unit. But it is simular to former enemies of the krakoan x-men orchuis"
Kelly Gibbs
"In the original sacred timeline. Very dead, post the nightmare Cafe and retrevial of the former members of hades legion. Aka the third interation of hells sentinel, Kelly and Mrs Gibbs are very much alive, and Gibbs himself let's just say he's a happier man then he's been in decades. Also has borrowed one of cerbierus puppies as a hellhound watchdog with lord hades permission . Curently living in Georgetown at the former ncis .now o.n.i motherhouse"
"Montana" max (Supreme comander of the lost/last battalion aka millennium)
(Log by fury)
"Christ! This sawed off midget. Might be the most dangerous person in all of creation, the vampiric comander of millennium. He constantly preached a love of eternal war. But stoped in his tracks by the coalition assembled by deadcorpse admid the utter destruction he let loose on the seven cities region."
Dexter [species black Labrador]
"Gibbs helped solve the case that killed dex's former owner, ex army bomb sniffing dog. Curently retired, "
The consortium
[Known members dr Donald mallard of oni)
[Notes by fury]
"The off books group of archivist was put together by Dr mallard and Dr kassie hines post the age of calamity, to do a corrective archive of events pre and post the apocalypse that would have been. All info Is forwarded via slipstream to the wanderer fleet, and the hyperion explorer corps "
Tureto j [formerly of office of special services. A revised version of the o.s.s)
"Log by Mr nobody and officer hobbs"
"Sighs, the turetos. Where do I even begin with this family of speed freaks. That make those other found family of wolves and coyotes seem normal, anyways after the whole mess with project a.r.e.s. and the even bigger reveal that Jacob had been controlled for decades via project promethius. Once freed he along with dom's crew utterly destroyed that rogue version of the oss. I however reorganized it as a new counterforce group. With Hobbs as the public face of the new oss. And the turetos as strike force atlas. And Jacob as its liason to ncis /oni. And former mi6 deep cover agent dekart shaw serving the same deep cover role as current oni agent tores"
Dr Donald 'ducky" mallard (formerly of un strike force u.n.c.l.e, later head medical examiner and psy ops ncis, later head archivist of the consortium)
"In the original sacred timeline. Dr Mallard secumed to the ravages of time itself. However in ours Dr Mallard is still on this side of the Veill". Also was given the infinity formula"
Shadow council
(Log by fury)
"An extremely off the books council of beyond crooked judges lead by ex marine and the 4077th mash unit dr bj honeycutt, attempting to deal its own warped and twisted take on "justice" taken down rather brutally not specifically by ncis but rather by a clandestine unit of riotact coheaded by also ex marine m.a.s.h 4077th Dr's Benjamin "hawkeye" pierce and Margaret "hotlips" hoolahan " (notes the current iteration of the team "took over" via eminent domain ex judge and officer Honeycutt 's rather elaborate mansion as a second motherhouse. Or as agent Torres stated . . . "A Bowling alley? Why? It just looks odd" )
Goblin Slayer (log by fury)
"When the age of calamity hit our reality hard. A clarion call was issued. And this BEAST in ancient Armour answered the summons via the seige perilous. Along with his /its crew. In the aftermath. Jack the senior psychiatrist on staff with the former ncis knew they were traumatized by something from their former reality, immediately got that crew into therapy. (Jack's pr8vate logs reveal the truth behind the slayer and his/its helper)
Later slayer was transferred to our b.a.u unit criminal minds, and "she" was transferred to monarch "
Phineas Gibbs (adoptive nefew to l.j gibbs)
(Log by hells sentinel chief vance. Dr mallard of the consortium. And director shuoto of deadcorpse and director mcgee of ncis aka oni)
(Pre and post the age of calamity Phineas was in our offices a lot . Until millenniums attack on the seven cities and we had to place him briefly in one of our extra dimensional motherhouses connected to the Arcadian court. In the present day post the age of calamity. Almost got kidnapped again. But with lucys help fit them off ater and we mean later . Joined our junior program. As a very chatty version of his adoptive uncle . . . Gibbs. Works in the dog handler program. And yes with his help agent Mcgee finally got over his dog phobia. However agent denozo never did. And refuses to set one foot in that section"
(Log by oni and the consortium's historian dr ducky mallard)
"Checkmates history is completely complicated. Forned from the aftermath and disbandment of the original oss. Had several splinter organizations. Including task force X, the suicide squad, ARGENT, and the losers,somehow even pre nis Jethro got recruited into Argent. And later into checkmate as its black King, which he kept from everyone else. And I mean everyone "
Lucy (species mixed pitbull. , we think) adopted by gibbs after a horrific dog abuse case, retrained by gibbs before and after the age of calamity, afterwards kinda co shared by gibbs and adoptive nephew Phineas
Tegan Mcguire
(Future member of deadcorpse cyber
(Log by Dr Cassie hynes)
"This savant litteraly helped firebase norfolk with multiple bombing atempts"
Agent Winchester of the national park services (stop laughing denoza its a legitimate service)
(Log by Dr Cassie Hynes)
"Despite denozas immature attitude, which I will be fixing soon enough,via abbys coffin training and k9 caging, anyways agent Winchester is a hunk and a half very very hairy a real man's man (note dr Hynes was drooling at this point in recording, replaced by agent mcgee)
As Cassie said before she started drooling. Agent Winchester is very fit strong and smart. A natural nudist. . . .(again another incompassitated agent, at this point we might as well try agent Torres) as stated by out two horny agents. He's competent ill give him that. He's almost like kraken the hunter, (with that line shocked the future director mcgee out from his own horny stupur) did tores just make a actual Spiderman reference?, anyways Winchester usually roams between the national parks in southwestern va, eastern west va, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee and North Carolina so He's mobile between these areas. No he definitely has an aversion towards citys (shield external note. "Winchester "could be potentially an Olympian, possibly pan. These notes remain a shield level 9 Cypher until noted)
"The doctor (no not THAT doctor)
[Log by Mr nobody]
"Originaly a level 9 a.i from the 25th century (see notes federation and uss voyager) gained a human form named the professor del harding, is an ali to the current ncis hierarchy strike teams, "presumed dead" but later revealed his a.i nature to the teams but not revealing the history he believes is coming . . . Yet. Meaning in the doctors original future history from its perspective. The eugenics wars. The bell riots. And world war 3, are just around the corner "
"Agent Samuel Hanna ncis San Diego counter ops formerly. Currently based at pearl harbour for NCIS Hawaii)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Samuel has ran counter ops outta an ancient heavily retrofitted purely church for the last 20 years + . Dr hines has said if he ever came back to her labs she'd blow his head off with a specialy engineered er Remington shotgun"
Uss discovery
(Logs by allied fleet ships uss monitor and iss Merrimack)
Col Herman Schultz (German army pre unification)
(Log by fury)
"What's known about Hermann pre ww2 is been scrubbed from history. Same from his comander klink. But this much is known defended his boss. And the team of renegade war dept officers known as the wolves. And when the seige perilous transported them all from redacted to the modern day . It was a relief. . Immediately resigned their pre unification commissions and officialy joined the wolves who now are an independent taskforce attached to MOMARCH, also another shock came mostly about Schultz having ancient connections to blessed Arcadia and its eternal queen, as a boon to what he and the komandant did to protect everyone in the past she allowed a exact duplicate of
The Kamp to be built in the realm of the shining host, and his new status as the gatekeeper.
Cedar cove Washington (former)
Notes by Benjamin solo of the hyperion explorer corps
"This former island near seatle Washington was idelic for a time until millennium came . The entirety of the island was anilated. 1/3 of the population killed, the other half kidnapped by millennium for . . . Food stocks for the nest of vampires in the last battalion. Curently the island is quarantined and partitioned off via kinetic shielding via the Normandy foundation "
Ereshikigal (formerly sumerian goddess of the underworld, former member of un task force chaldea, currently hyperion explorer corps)
(Log by hyperion explorer corps member Benjamin solo)
"Explaining eresh is complicated. And thank gods neither fury nor Mr nobody tried to. Anyhows, eresh is or was the sumerian goddess of death and keeper of the underworld. Blonde short. But do not underestimate her. If with her girlfriend Ishtar simply put R U N, even with my skill set they're a force to be reckoned with"
Curly Joe Howard (formerly of the vaudeville era comedy troop the three stooges)
[Log by fury]
"The first sovereigns ran afoul of the stooges sometime in ad 1970 x somehow younger then they should be. In fact they would encounter a lot of folks who were younger then they should be. Dr mallard of the consortium has a running theory that due to the psuedo immortality of the first sovereigns exposure to soul caliber. This rubbed off on everyone they encountered in 1970 x"
(Also due to an incursion also in 1970x the first sovereigns encountered the earth 2 variants of batman and Robin plus the joker (Jackson napier) and penguin (os coblepot the 3rd) (less then seven years before his earth 2 version died. And Richard Grayson retired , and seven years afterwards the red skies hit all planes of existence
(Notes earth 2 joker was killed during the villans invasion of earths S, 5 and X)
Alec swan (formerly of the dimensional apature the ultraverse, formerly of ALADDIN , currently freelancerr)
Log by fury
"Swan would give anyone a migrane based on his history. But here's what's known. Originaly from the earth based apature the ultraverse. During the event called break-thru. Swan and his bride vanished via the gate on the moon helped by his earths renegade groups the squad,the strangers, the survivors of the XIles and the eliminators ferry swan off their reality, swan next appeared on DC earth prime. 2 years before the crisis. Escaped via a kitbash of technologies and the seige perilous into our reality. Was not involved in the age of calamity. According to him quote "Squire? Honesty I despise ultras too much bleedin trouble" so shield leaves him alone period. In a way he's the anti die hard. Through we call on him every so often for debriefing "
Legends of tomorrow (an informal ad hoc organization with forever shifting members. Currently led by the grumpy manaic formerly known as heatwave aka mick rory.mick and other refugees from a DC earth prime pocket universe called the arrow verse. Survived the collapse of their mini universe. Originally their flagship the waverider berthed at Nas firebase norfolk currently birthed at the same Newport news shipyards as commander shepherd 's forever being repeated battleship [under extreme protest from oni head l.j gibbs] and yes as you might guess Gibbs and mick do not get along period. Some current members include death teller their version of a teenaged arron presley the current berrer of the deathtoken. Mick during the hunt for "the 6" became a wild majik version of firestorm (this helped during the war of the 7 cities) burning the invading vampires of millennium along with Cerbierus and RE-Class of the WO-ORKTOWN allied shipgirl fleet"
Sparda d (genderflipped variant)
[Founder of devil may cry investigations based in Portland Oregon]
The assembly
Lil cicada (Amy darrow) a refuge from the now gone apature the arrowverse. She's the niece of the original cicada. Who died defending her from a future verse version of her. Powers her uncles anti power dagger that responds to her psychic orders, currently being trained by the legends of tomorrow
Team Gurren Lagann "if there's a force in the multiverse that was. That you did not FUCK with . It's these manaics. They make the legends of tomorrow, die hard. Negan all seem like nothing. Survived the death of their original multiverse centuries ago. Powers with the multiversal destroyer super guardian tenga Toppa Gurren laggan. It can litterlly break the rules of creation itself . Powerful enough to kill "gawd" and can throw planets and solar systems around. "
Norman Osborn (founder of Oz Corp (former), Osborn sciences (current), and Osborn labs (current) , and alchemax former) (originaly from a parallel dimensional apature we've codefaxed as earth prime, originaly the beyond deranged and beyond evil green goblin. Norman post the age of calamity has suroringly . . Mellowed a lot . When shifted from earth prime. Roma and the seige perilous did him a favor as far as his weathered psyche. Eliminating the insanity of the goblin serum giving him all the benefits but none of the insanity. So now he's impervious to psychics or other sources (see carnage) Currently doding grandfather to normie Osborn the II (formerly goblin childe currently red goblin)
James "jim" sterling (formerly of iys security, later of interpol. Shield, alphaflight and curently of leverage international
"Point blank sterling by his own admission is a right bastard, this fact confirmed by the members of leverage whom at times has been an ali and enemy to leverage. Instrumental into dealing with the anti shield org orchuis .post nates long future retirement and disappearance. And just after Parker awakened leverage's otherworld heritages sterling would occasionally partner with Sophie with cases that neither leverage nor interpol could ever know about."
Uncle Sam [the spirit of freedom]
(Has used so many aliases the research between our organizations is still ongoing)
"This much is known "born" possibly the day the declaration of independence was signed July 4'th 1776, but the entity is possibly one of our universes true immortals. Older then our countries existence. The quote most attributed to it is this "if there is true injustice, find me,
Iceninekills (band organasion)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Alice Cooper as a part of Alan Jacksons n.i.s and Oni music org. Assumed that the horror core band known as i.n.k did the horror based killings in Detroit and la . But they assured them there's no way possible. They were just kids and in some cases not born yet.and were based on the east coast And yes ink did agree to help solve the cases. Under another cover Id. As a rat pack inspired band . . . The sentinels"
Doc emmit brown (errent time traveler)
(Log by hells sentinel director l Vance)
"Doctor emmit brown in the 80'shad quite by mistake created the means to time travel. (Other methods are known to the sentinels such as the doctor and the TARDIS) after several jaunts through time. Which collectively mangled history, brown was poofed out of the time stream before 2020. With no knowledge of being him. He came to NCIS saying he was a sailor on the Arizona before it sunk at pearl harbour. During this an older Marty mc fly showed up saying in his words "doc doesn't know what he's talking about . All the time travel and the power source both aged them up tremendously " but we have means to deage them via project Normandy. Section 9 and the doctor)
Hamilton a
Log by hells sentinel director l Vance
"This is NOT I repeat not our realitys Alexander Hamilton. He's originaly from an Unknown universe. Reserected via the siege perilous and an erant lightning bolt reserected and screaming his dead wife's name while hugging and sobbing at her grave at Trinity church we rescued him one of the fathers of the Republic. The same magi bolt reserected his entire mob including his repented murderer Arron Burr. Eventually forming the independent org "children of the revolution"
Antonia (Tony) species jack Russell terrier, female)
"Found by agent Todd after an explosive case.(see operation Shenandoah) the dog litterally HATES denozo. Kate and Abby co share the pup. Which after certain offhanded comments by denozo. Kate would re train her to bite him every single time he makes a snide comment about them being lesbians. And Abby would do her "caging and coffin" routine to denozo" especially after Abby found a certain cofin/sacofigus she found in Toronto at curious goods (see notes louis vondridi)
Code 666 (will be revised)
Talia david -denozo
(Or little demon)
(Supplement log by future "boss" McGee)
"Carson was one of the earliest kids sorta adopted by us. And by "us" I mean NCIS way before deadcorps. Oni and the madness to follow"
(A very distinct headslap is heard)
"That slap you heard was Tony getting slapped by boss again about gripping about Carson and that game again"
(More groucing can be heard from not so senior field agent denozo)
"Yes I'm delebratly misspelling Tony's name it'll piss him whenever these entrys get de classified"
"Anyhows. Carson was a part of an eagle scout troop I lead. And via abs running digital fingerprints at the time afis popped out saying he was kidnapped years earlier. It gets complicated and better later. Years later both pre and post age of calamity Carson was one of the first members of the explorer corps that we had to shove into our Georgetown motherhouse for their own safety. Post that and our own move from nova to firebase Norfolk. Carson joined the ceribius corps. Basically taking care and dog walking a certain giant dog. Which denozo won't go near . I however do take ceribi for walks occasionally"
Jethro the dog
(Log by Abby)
"We found Jethro via the case file "dog tags" in which McGee did not in ndeer himself to me . Technically he was in the dog house for a while. (After the "bad McGee " issue and caging and a night in my cofin. He had a whole new opinion "Jethro on the other hand got the best treatment from me. McGee on the other hand didn't for a while. And after the case was solved. I did adopt Jethro. Eventually after the move to firebase Norfolk. Basically Jethro and Cerberus became well kennel mates"
Antonio Morgan (ami) McGee
(Yes mcgees first born was named for Tony and the security guard who helped with the birth of his twins)
"20 + years post the age of calamity Morgan joined their dad's office"
Deadcorpse bases
Update NCIS
From roughly 2002x-2004x based in San Francisco at the presidio. 2005x - 2012 x Baltimore naval yard (aka Camden yards aka the forge and foundry, after the bombing aka terror incognito, in 2013x moved to Roosevelt Island and the triskelion. Stayed at the shield facility until the age of calamity hit roughly in 2024x moved to the secure firebase Norfolk
Jackknife (joker variant)
Napier Jackson
"Log by current oni/NCIS director McGee"
"This sane but deranged variant of the joker. Is not I repeat not the same version that's haunted Gotham since the 1930's and even before that. Jackknife was a member of the second version of red hood II's para ops group the outlaws. They were helpful during the invasion of the seven cities during the age of calamity. Afterwards the outlaws became an official oni sponsored spec ops group"
A e g I s (anti mythos testbed attached to project: RELOAD a unit of monarch)
On their original earth circa 2009x, aegis was originally a testbed anti mythos weapon designed for the persona program. Currently known as project RELOAD "
"Lone star "
"The age of calamity hit . Chief strand's team hard. Between the frozen south. And then the time traveling past version of marjone. Who referred to chief strand as Uncle Owen. This causes major issues when the past version of herself is sent back to the past . But due to all the meddling caused by millennium (Montana Max's invasion force and not frank black's organization) so the alternate past version of marjone basically got stuck in the here and now. Which causes some problems for chief strand on what he calls "the buck scale" lil marjone basically gets renamed "nezumi " (little mouse) to differentulate between herself and marjohn"
"The watcher fleet"
"Formerly a secret unit of NCIS 's former parent org o.n.i
. In the decades since oni reorganizeed three times. The watcher fleet went into being a rogue org. Tied twice into operation : Frankenstein. And later the insane haper dearing's mad quest. To utterly destroy oni's then former org. NCIS. After the destruction of the Navy yard. Shield allowed them to rebuild at the treskilion on Roosevelt Island . As a partial clearing Intel house between NCIS.shield and affiliated orgs."
"Dr Jackson Napier the II'nd"
"Yes another joker variant but different then jackknife. He's a para psychologist affiliated with our b.a.u unit. Main gift "super sanity" can reason. With anyone or anything "
Morgana (species cat. We think?)
Affiliated with the phantom thieves and MONARCH
"LOG by Abby"
"Morgana answered the call with the rest of MONARCH during the age of calamity. Afterwards. Atemptes to return her to her supposed base line human form all failed in all aspects from all of our various affliated agencies attached to deadcorpse.which lead us to believe Morgana is actually just a cat. Which she loudly denies very loudly. Has attacked Tony for saying both psp and here Kitty Kitty, she utterly hates Tony . But loves McGee. So anytime denozo senior shows up for monthly monarch debriefs she stays with Tim in her own customized catbed. And she doesn't complain one bit about her feline nature". As a note has given tim his own persona weapon"
Doc lumis
"In his original universe psychiatrist who attempted to stop Michael Meyers in his rampage. However in our universe. Frankly lumis has cracked keeps on hunting our agents at criminal minds. No matter what our agency's do to keep him away from us it doesn't stop. We've even asked the holmes's to take a look at lumis. And their prognosis wasn't good they believed that exposure to the now stable siege perilous changed him funtumentally. Luckily our b.a.u agents did capture him carefully. And transported him to island Arkham . Where he should stay until we can find a way for the siege perilous to transport him back to the original Halloween verse"
The discovery desk at NCIS
"In the aftermath of the age of calamity. NCIS and it's sister agencies and affiliated groups gained all sorts of esoteric technologies. But one stayed at NCIS a micronized version of the s.p.i.n tech from the uss discovery (see files uss discovery federation version) the spore drive now acts as a access point (one way viewing only) into the past with the ability to view unsolved cases. Spearheaded by Abby. Various members of the task forces can use it to view the past"
"negan : the cat"
"Species feline formerly human currently tux"
"Owned by (technically owns itself) in reality the Grimes family"
"Occupation, as human gym coach ,pre apocalypse founder of the saviors . Post apocalypse. Currently cat"
"In alternate cannon the formerly human monster negan was changed into a tuxedo cat at some point during all our war. Still hates Rick Grimes with every fiber of his being .but adores the Grimes /Walsh kids and will defend them to his dying days. Somehow is able to weld and use Lucille his bat even in cat form. Also has a cats claws and fangs. In cat form is an absolute predator. Later found out that he could return to human form once a week for an hour"
"General (union) Willam t Sherman"
"(Yes that bloody manaic god help us all"
(Log by fury)
"The same time twisting nonsense that brought back an alternate Alexander Hamilton. Also brought back William "BURN THEM ALL" SHERMAN " somehow back from the dead. And the first thing that maniac wanted to do was burn both VA Beach and Norfolk to ashes.luckly it took another maniac to talk him down. The prime universes version of Gibbs. Who somehow managed to talk down the general's pyromaniac tendencies after simply being told the war was over, and he stood down thankfully"
The dark god abraxis
(Why lord why)
"The entity abraxis originally came from a dead end universe. We're dubbing "earth -1977-x"
In it's former human identity as Jack Delroy, a failed late night talk show host. It wanted power and it got it via abraxis. Powers unknown we assume most of our universes devils abilities but abraxis refuses to talk . Currently "squatting" in the basement of the personas group tower in VA Beach . Doing of all things watching TV. Seeing where earth 1977 x diverged from our own. As jack abraxis has some in progress theories but nothing concrete yet. Currently relaying theories to our TESTAMENT desk and dept"
Kylo Ren "solo"
"Came to our earth via the siege perilous from his original reality code faxed as "empire" did not come to us originally. He crashed through the gate of all souls at "the point" a former facility of "the farm" currently the home to battleship girls uss Merrimack and iss monitor. They're the ones who rescued solo from drowning
Stormwatch phd (log by Mr nobody)
"With all these new paranormals running around someone has to keep an eye on them . Pun intended with the "cough" aquisesion of assets from the dead mostly wildstorm universe. The books from planetary. Battlestations stormwatch-1. The carrier and the eye of the storm. Both hidden within the apature known as the bleed
Rekoj Napier
(A potential future decendent of the world war 2 era joker)
"deadcorps log"
"Talia - denozo - David"
"Called "lil devil" by her various aunts and uncles in NCIS/ oni (and yes after the age of calamity she sorta became the unofficial mascot of the reborn oni {office of naval intelligence}
"Anyways tallia's the daughter of former NCIS officer and future NCIS europa boss Anthony denozo jr. And ex NCIS officer ziva David. "
"At some point her former baseline human form mutated into a full bore devilkin. With some major differences. She has four horns. (In which her uncle ducky did examine her and found out there's litterly nothing wrong with her. Despite the cries of "demon" from the late Eli David, Talia is not demonic in fact her faith is what guides her. She's able to enter houses of worship. Through she prefers abandoned churches for obvious reasons
"Tallahassee" (real name unknown)
"Log by fury"
"This beyond stubborn MOTHERFUCKER!, came with his found family of other survivors from yet another zombie nfested parallel earth they referred to as simply "zombieland" no earth designation, all known research from Tallahassee, Columbus, witchataw,and San Antonio, is being forwarded to the Hyperion explorer corps . And like the Grimes family they are being purged of any traces of their zombie pathogens. And yes Tallahassee did ask about twinkles. Which we gladly provided. Tallahassee is currently teaching our agents the rules of zombieland and survival in their alternate apocalypse. Columbus on the other hand wanted nothing but to get back to college. Which we gladly did."
Talguese (mobile armour)
"This ancient armour relic possibly from an unknown alternate earth we've dubbed "new mobile report" is an absolute beast. Even our best USAF pilots can't master it. Due to it's twin vernier thrusters"
"Dexter Morgan de lioncourt "
(Log by director shuoto and fury)
"By his own admission Dr Morgan is well odd. Originally from an unknown parallel future. He originally wasn't even Dexter he was just a number . . . Twelve. With the original Dexter Morgan's help he obliterated that future. Came back to the past. Left was adopted by the Morgan's of Miami Florida. (See miami vice, bad boys lestat de lioncourt and CSI Miami)
0 notes