#muse; hazel
hazellvsq · 1 year
hazel drawing her friends
she doesn't draw leo's face bc she's drawn that same face before and its very weird for her but she'll draw faraway shots of him steering the ship like an 18th century sea captain
she drew festus too, asleep but still frightening
piper's self conscious about being drawn but hazel loves her and loves how she looks and spends a lot of time trying to capture what makes piper so magnetic
she herself is kind of self conscious about drawing reyna or annabeth but she draws them in each other's clothes - reyna in jorts, annabeth in a toga and cape - and they both think its funny as hell
hazel draws reyna's dogs too. they pose for her and everything.
obviously arion is her top model
she draws frank all the time and it makes him blush. she'll draw frank drinking juice and caption it "frank drinking juice"
she drew frank in a world war one uniform for childhood crush reasons but felt like something was missing so she drew him in a plane that was about to crash and ended up getting super invested in the plane detail so its a very dramatic drawing. frank was like "uuhhh why am i getting shot down?" and she was like "clearly you don't understand art???"
she draws nico and gives him better hair bc she's nice
she also gives him a cool vintage car in some pictures. or a vespa.
she won't do a self-portrait
she draws percy destroying the glacier, like if the son of neptune cover was drawn by a non-professional artist.
she had one drawing of jason based on the day that she met him at camp jupiter. it was not a good day for her bc she was newly resurrected and very scared. it is a very good technical drawing of jason, and he looks powerful and strong, but he has intense eyes with no expression behind them and there is a very unnerving feeling to the drawing itself.
to piper and leo it reminds them a little of when jason had amnesia, but this is a drawing of him before that, which is not quite accurate to how hazel perceived him or to how he really was. its probably hazel's best work but it makes her and everyone a little uncomfortable.
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smartsmears · 22 days
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When you put the two stats together, it's actually really silly that Timmy made a million wishes in 8 seasons with a timeline of 50 years (Since this happened during Timmy's Secret Wish), and Hazel made a million wishes in 1 season, with a timeline of 1 year.
I feel it would have been fine if she got the rule free wish for just having them for a year like what the original series did, rather than this milestone that isnt really feasible. She'd have to be making around three thousand wishes a day, and given that we see many of her days, she has to make up for them on all the other days which means even more.
Even with more realistic numbers, Hazel never came across like someone that makes so many more wishes than Timmy, though I guess she canonically is.
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absolutely smitten
warning: comfort / fluff - reader and character are recently engaged - character perspective (short read) | spoiler: childe’s real name 
includes: albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao 
character x gn reader | anthology 
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a-n :: i added a song to each story! listen to gather the feelings I felt while writing each passage, read them slowly for the best feeeeels - links to the song are next to each characters name)
albedo (about us)
the ring he’s chosen is handcrafted with love. the band a rich and elegant metal that appears to shimmer like water in the afternoon sun, the stone a perfect encapsulation of his feelings for the one he hopes will wear it forever. it’s bonded in the fabric of time, by the blood of the heart that beats for eternity, and the hopeful desires of a man whose lived long but feels like a child at your side 
he’s lost in thought but his eyes linger on the hand that’s moving feverishly across the page. words have finally lost all meaning, questions eluding him are answered, mysteries left unsolved as the universe comes into clarity at the locus of your finger. he blinks, shakes his head, attends to the person whose asked for his attention but as soon as they are gone he returns to watch you and capture in graphite what he sees. 
he had a suspicion you’d say yes but there was always that worry, that tickling fear in the back of his heart that his hypothesis of your love was one sided. so to hear your reply and know you’d have and hold him for the rest of your days, he has found his emotions overflowing; and he can’t stop smiling.
Albedo isn’t one for sharing, so the news would have to come from you, but as soon as it’s uttered and those celebrating with good wishes turn toward him, his cheeks are painted pink, white teeth flash in a smile, but his eyes have drifted to you - there’s no mistaking it, the data is in ... 
Albedo, the Chalk Prince, is absolutely smitten; he’ll never let you go.
childe (steep hills of vicodin tears) 
the ring he’s chosen represents his promise. a promise to be yours forever; to honor, to care, and protect you. if tomorrow he lost it all - his name, his title, his livelihood - this ring placed on your finger would hold him together and make him whole once again. by wearing it you have become his family, and his family will never be lost nor taken 
it flashes in the morning light as you settle on the edge of the riverbed. your working away, minding yourself, but he can’t stop noticing the ring; you move and it rattles his heart until he cannot take it anymore and the colors of the gemstones are lost in tufts of orange. how are kisses able to feel so different - what magic rests in that band around your finger? 
at times he thinks about you. this isn’t anything new, but now it’s images your hand resting in his, of your bare skin pressed against him while a lazy finger draws circles on his chest, and the ring he placed there casts life across the bedroom. he hears the sound of your laugh as you pour out your gleeful reply to the question he never thought he’d ask. he sees your outstretched hand reach for him - just for him. he blinks but his thoughts never drift far from you.
past down from generation to generation, this familial bond has always been a treasure and now he gets to share it forever with the ring of his mother and the love that was always meant for you. what a fool in love ...
Ajax of Snezhnaya is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
diluc (feel first life)
the ring he’s chosen matches you so well. it took him months of searching, travels all across the lands to find the perfect stone and the perfect band. it’s imperative that its exactly right for it has to rest, for an eternity, on the finger of the love of his life's - he’s spared no thought, nor expense to find it 
he holds your hand so delicately as if it’ll shatter in his grip. it carries so much of his future that he can’t bear the thought of being it’s downfall. the ring flashes in the light and it makes his stomach flip, it catches on his thumb as he runs his finger across your own, affirming the love he’s known all along. he can’t take his eyes off the symbol circling your finger, the promise to be his. 
at times it draws his attention when he should be focused on something else. you wave goodbye to regular patrons and he sees it resting, perfectly, on your finger. you’re jotting down a note, some fleeting thought that comes and goes, but he notices the way it stays steady, prominent. he kisses you goodbye while you’re sleeping soundly and he can’t stop himself from resting his fingertips on yours for just a few seconds more. 
he remembers the day he met you, the day you shared his feelings, the day you said yes with tears in your eyes and a smile so bright it would put the stars to shame. he remembers every second of his life with you and, now, he has the priviliage of being yours forever until the end of time. he is in love, so in love ...
Diluc Ragnvindr is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
kaeya (the misty veil of may)
the ring he’s chosen is a reflection of his love for you. the star shaped diamonds that encircle a gem of radiant blue have been specially crafted to fit you. the band is cold in his hand but when it rests on your finger it burns so intensely he can feel it in his heart - he’s speechless, for the first time in his life 
you reach for his cheek and he captures your hand so easily. yearning lips press against the fingertips you’ve offered him. he catches sight of the ring you accepted and his mind races; new questions left to answer, decisions to be made by a pair and not just one, promises, vows to swear and keep forever. he adjusts your wrist so he can see the shimmering gems reminding him you are his, and he hides his joyful tears in the cracks of your fingers. 
it makes him insatiable to see you hold a glass, when you to touch your fingers to your lips every time you’re lost in thought, the way you cover your eyes when annoyed by his games. you huff, but the glittering ice on your ring finger tells him that, no matter how far he pushes, you’ve promised to stay. so he relents and wraps his arms around you hoping you can’t read his insecurities through the tightness of his hug. 
he still can’t believe it’s true - he never thought he’d have someone like you - and now his world has grown a little larger. the family he always dreamed of can finally take root in the rings you both wear.
Kaeya Alberich is aboslutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
zhongli (mysterium)
the ring he’s chosen is the most lavish of it’s kind. forgo the price, damn the payment plan, Zhongli has purchased the most extravagant ring he can find. they say a three months salary but he’s paid the price of a mountain to spoil you  - a rock this size could damage the hull of a ship (maybe that’s why you haven’t been invited to the Ocean Pearl in sometime) 
he’s rather proud of the way your head has lifted, at the way you brighten up each time someone gawks at your ring. zhongli doesn’t mind helping hold it in the safety of his hand while you offer thanks to the flurry of congratulations. he wants it known you have been securely taken. even when he’s not around. though he would never bring it up himself, he’s not shy to the surprised exclamations when they appear - a simple bow of his head is enough to hide the smile tugging at his lips and the intensity of his pounding heart. 
when you wrap your arm around his so he can escort you, his eyes flash to the ring, to your face where his desires to kiss you become so strong he may take a detour just to indulge for a moment. when he helps you get ready in the morning, assists with meals, retrieves the book high on the shelf; he simply adores taking your hand. each time he’s allowed, it provides him reassurance that his proposal to have it forever has been secured. 
partnership is a commitment, marriage is a bond. you know who he is, but it’s never held you back, and, now, he desires to take you completely in - this ring is a contract of his devotion and as soon as you accept it ... 
Zhongli, the great Archon Rex Lapis, will be absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go.
xiao (Varoeldur)
the ring he’s chosen is simple, but irreplaceable. its a collection of all the most meaningful parts of him bound together in a circlet that reminds him of you. the box that holds it was shaped from the wood of the tree where you first met, the stuffing keeping it safe are the same flowers you once placed in his hair. the band is a piece of his spear shaped and enchanted with his protection, the bead that rests in the middle is a part of his soul - to be bound with it’s mate in this, incredible lifetime
the path has always been narrow; just enough space for him to walk forward. darting lights destined to be snuffed out until the world returns to the dark familiarity he knows, but now the road is wider, larger, because of the radiant one who called out his name. it’s soft, beckoning glow showed him there was more than this diligent path he swore to follow - bands of color, shades of hue completely new to the lonely yaksha were brought forth because of you. he sees your light even from afar. it beats in his heart, it engulfs his memories, it takes root in his soul and now he has been swallowed up by the comforting calm of your love. 
xiao is always surprised by the quickness of his eyes as they flash to your hand. he’s unsettled by how incredible it feels when you touch him - a caress of his back, a soft, ‘im here’ against his arm, dancing fingers running through his hair. he’s melting into you and the feeling is so overwhelming but each time he notices the ring on your finger, he becomes grounded, solid, whole, once again. 
even though he may not show just how much you mean to him, there is no doubt that if the world were to turn to darkness tomorrow, you would be there to bring back the light. 
Xiao, the Vigilant Yaksha, is absolutely smitten, he’ll never let you go. 
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valzhangism · 5 months
this might be a controversial opinion but whenever i'm reminded that hazel is praetor now i cringe a little. i just don't think it's a meaningful part of her character. maybe i would like it if it were explored more, but as it is it's just a handwave of "oh yeah and hazel's praetor now! which is cool because being praetor is cool as long as you're not reyna!" and not related to any established aspect of her character. it's not that i hate it, it's just such a nothingburger of a writing decision. and becoming the leader of an entire camp doesn't feel like a change that should be a nothingburger.
frank becoming praetor is a good, fitting tie-in to his character because his arc is about building his own confidence and taking charge instead of lying around being self-pitying and insecure. but hazel's not frank. i don't know why she's being made praetor and why that's important. maybe i'm just overthinking it and "not everything has to be a huge deal"—after all, realistically, when they're electing praetors it's not like they're thinking about whether this decision is personally fulfilling to an individual's backstory and inner conflict, lmao. and in that sense, yes, it's fine. i think hazel would be, at the very least, a capable leader.
but in a meta sense, i just wish it meant something. the most connection i can think of is that hazel used to push away people because of her curse, but now has stopped worrying over that by accepting a role as a leader in camp jupiter. which is sweet, but... it's something that has already, for the most part, been resolved. it's been mostly resolved since the end of son of neptune. and even if you want to expand on it there are many different ways to do this compared to just making her praetor. like maybe showcasing her relationship with other campers and demigods a bit more? and making her... relevant, even? mayhaps? pretty please?
i don't know if i'm just being too much of a critic and a cynic. again, i don't exactly hate or even dislike this. i'm just not sure what it's supposed to do for me, the reader, or for her, the character. if you really liked this writing decision: if you want to give your two cents, i'd love to hear why.
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ethereal-themes · 9 months
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husbandograveyard · 30 days
I wasnt gonna write any One Piece for kinktober but whenever I see the Shibari prompt, Izo is just the #1 in my brain so i might add a stray op character in there for reasons of self indulgence. It just works so well.
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alchemistdetective · 4 months
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"... Human-like fairies, huh?"
Does... Crescent count as one too? She doesn't think she fits with the other fairies, especially how she is like.
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virtie333 · 1 year
I just got to thinking about the characters I write for and how I try my best to get the actor's individual traits described accurately and...
I think I have a thing for hazel eyes...
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lastblues · 2 months
@nightsprung / jordan riley.
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          "DO YOU THINK, LIKE, ALIENS ARE REAL?"  hazel asks as she leans back against the bar, cleaning a glass. she's only been working here for about two weeks, but she's a natural. she's friendly, she's never once messed up an order, and she's eager to help if someone else is feeling overwhelmed. not to mention, she brings thrilling conversations to the slow nights, like the timeless debate of alien life. her large eyes meet jordan's as she sets the clean glass down and picks up another. "space is huge. i mean, there's no way we're the only living creatures in it, right?"
          hazel seems to suddenly realize that this question might be a little out of nowhere, so she adds the explanation of, "i watched monsters vs. aliens last night."
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gccdbyelovc · 1 year
for @brckensociety
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"are you serious, hazel?" ethan asked, raising an eyebrow. "you knew the rules when we started playing. so either take it off, or you need to forfeit. and that'll be ten times worse" he shrugged. playing strip poker with your best friends girlfriend probably wasn't the smartest idea - especially not when her boyfriend was also his roommate - but everyone else at the party had gone to sleep and they needed something to entertain them. he'd been pretty surprised that she'd even agreed to it.
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devourensarc · 6 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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Tartaglia (devourens)
Acheron (annihilitys)
Arle and Bina (ruinare)
+ small collection of quieter muses on a multi (vaingloriia)
A couple of ocs I am shaking like a chew toy, but too scared to actually ever talk about LMAO
Furina, maybe, though I worry parts of her story hit too close to home for me.
idk i'm more or less satisfied w my muses rn.
Hazel Rainart of RWBY
Fiona Thyme of RWBY
Raven Branwen of RWBY
Blake Belladonna... Rwby
Yang Xiao Long. Also of RWBY
Widowmaker from Ovw
Mercy from Ovw
Jean Gunnhildr, briefly.
Wriothesley, briefly.
Lyney. idk if his muse will come back but I hope it does. ily my son.
anyways I yoinked it so feel free to yoink from me.
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cecidi ad vos
warning: comfort / fluff - exhausted/sleeping reader, character carries reader to bed/couch - character perspective, pre-relationship | “i fell to you“
includes: ayato, childe, diluc, kaeya 
character x gn reader | anthology  
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you try to prove yourself but you don’t need too. there are so many qualities you have he’s astonished you don’t realize them on your own
supportive, dedicated, wanting to do more, always more, until there isn’t any left to give and yet you still find room to pull from 
he’s seen these in you since the day you met, and it’s why he allows you to work at the pace you do, but now it’s past time and he can tell simply by the quietness of the room 
With a sigh, Ayato finally makes his way back into his office. The halls are empty, the attendants have gone on their way but, most of all, the nuisance distractions have passed under the estate gates and are headed anywhere else. He ruffles his hair and sets his clothes straight expecting to see someone feverishly at work on the tasks he had to leave unattended. No matter that it’s late, no matter that the sun has set hours ago and most everyone not essential has taken themselves to bed, he has no doubts you’ll be sitting on the other side of your table reviewing and organizing the work to lighten his load. 
It’s quiet, serene, calm as he makes his way through the partially closed shoji door. The flickering lights cast peaceful shadows along the wall, enhance the scale of the swords resting in their holsters or the cups that have inevitably gone cold. He searches, considers calling out into the stillness of the room, but when he turns the corner and sees you slumped on the desk his heart sinks into his stomach. 
The first worry is someone was able to reach you. The countless enemies with his name on their list have found a way to his most precious secret and snuffed out their light, but as he makes his way to you - with far quicker steps than he would ever share - he notices the slow, steady breaths that raise and lower your shoulders. 
Your head is resting on one side of your arm, the other loosely rests your lap. He sees the pen you were using hasn’t left the obedient fingers they belong to. It’s as if you were in mid thought when slumber stole you from greeting him. How disappointed his is to miss seeing the smile he has grown increasingly fond of.
Ayato chuckles to himself while his needy fingers brush your hair. “Did you not promise me you’d stay awake till my return?” he hums with a smirk, “ah, no matter, this sight has it’s merits too.” 
With ease, he moves to your side and makes himself room by adjusting the cushions and slipping his feet under the long, mahogany table. As if he knows you won’t awaken, he repositions you so your head is resting comfortably on his lap, your body now covered by the long outer coat he often wears. He moves the lamp so your eyes are not blinded by the light.
Once settled, he pulls the table toward him and begins where you left off all the  while his fingers absent-mindedly ghost over your hair and he imagines all the wonderful faces you’ll show him when you wake up.  
you take on more than you can chew, but he likes that in a person. the thrill of being the underdog, of the uncertainties that you’ll come out the other end, and the spectacular reward that follows when you succeed. he knows this high well, and you do too 
it also helps that he knows just where to find you when your obsession takes hold. the sudden overwhelmed desire that consumes you the moment the idea pops in your head until it’s taken all your energy and you either pass out where you are or as your walking down the street 
he doesn’t mind catching you, in fact he prefers that it’s him, but he hates how vulnerable you are when it all comes crashing apart and he’s not there to contain it 
His operatives keep him apprised to everything that goes on in the city. Gathering information requires tact, speed, subtlety, and as long as those under him can meet his requirements, they will earn a steady wage. Though it’s not difficult to keep eyes and ears hidden in the walls and cracks of this bustling city, he feels slight pity for the operative tasked at trailing you. 
‘Don’t kill the messenger,’ means nothing to him when it comes to your whereabouts and safety. 
So, here he finds himself, pushing trough the crowds with a scowl he can’t erase all because the information on his report has soured his mood. 
When he enters the small, secluded shop in one of the more questionable parts of the harbor, he can feel the tightness in his jaw increase. It’s dark, but that doesn’t slow him down; why you even liked this place he would never know. The musty books, the terrible lighting in a building that’s sandwiched between businesses he’d consider shady to say the least. There were plenty of other book shops you could go to, he was even happy to find what you were searching for, but that stubbornness of yours always won through in the end. 
When he finally finds you in the twists and turns of the maze-like shelves, he’s immediately annoyed to see some other far too close for his own enjoyment. 
You’re leaning against the plush chair, legs crossed, a shawl draped over your legs. He recognized it immediately as one he purchased for you a few months ago. Your eyes are closed, a book and sprawling notes scattered in your lap while some lurker makes their way to your side. He’s pissed, but not at you. 
“Stay asleep, okay ... I won’t be long --” The stranger’s cut off by the sudden snatch of their wrist that’s reaching toward you. Childe isn’t playing games, and its obvious by the fury flashing in his eyes. 
“Hey there,” he begins in pleasant tone even though his expression is far from it, “I couldn’t help but notice your hand looks a little broken.” 
“---it’s not bro--”
The stranger groans as Childe twists his wrist, a soft cracking sound filling the normally quiet bookstore, “Oh, how strange. It definitely looked that way. Let me get a closer look,” he threatens and though the stranger stumbles toward you he manages to block their access by shielding you with his body. Clicking his teeth, he shakes his head and looks the stranger dead in their eye, “This looks bad, might want to have a doctor look at that.” 
He doesn’t let go until a few more soft pops fill the air and the strangers cheeks are wet, even though they are nodding so fast nothing can stick for long. Childe watches as they stumble away in a panic, arm to their chest as they dash out the door. A shiver of displeasure runs down his spine until he hears something stir behind him. 
Quickly, he adjusts so he can see you, one arm locking to support him against the opposite side of the chair, the other gripping the backrest to keep him close. 
“Ch-childe?” you groan, fingers rubbing your eyes as you slowly wake up. He’s fixed on you, watching your every move, but that’s nothing new. “Wh-what are you doing -?” 
“Trying to draw on your face, but you woke up and now all my plans are ruined.” 
“Haha,” you poke back, waving him away so you can adjust and stretch. He so badly wants you but he’s trying to be patient. It sucks. “I must have fallen asleep.” 
“I’d suspect,” he teases, assisting you at removing the items from your lap. He puts them back in your bag not caring if all the contents actually belong to you or not. He’d like to see someone go against him anyway - he could use the fight. “Let’s get you to a real bed, yeah?” 
“Mmm, what?” Your still groggy and though you’ve started to get up, you’ve fallen back against the chair, confused. 
“Home. Let’s get you home,” he chuckles as he offers you his hand and slings your bag over his shoulder. When you take it, nodding in agreement, he watches how you follow after him with sleep still clouding your eyes and hopes you can’t feel how he trembles as he leads you out of the bookstore. 
you don’t know when to quit, and he doesn’t know how to deny you. try as hard as he can, he continuously fails. there’s no real need for you to take on some of his work, or for you to work on your own in the upper floor of Angels Share, but you do it anyway 
he’s attempted, many times, to dismiss your suggestions - at first they started small, a little, “i can write up the new menu for you,” or a “let me grab these glasses,” and now it’s turned into you working on his resupply orders while, somehow, simultaneously handling your own work 
‘you don’t work for me,’ he’s said once before and nearly had his chest explode when you replied, ‘I know that, but I just want to help you ... is that okay?’ -- no, he should have said, but yes is what came out 
“Do remember to pay your tab in full before you leave,” Diluc reminds, for the third time, to the stumbling patron struggling to get out of their seat. They mumble something while he rolls his eyes and hides his annoyance in the rows of clean glasses waiting to be used. Though they’d have to be another night since it’s nearly close and he wants to be on his way as much as he wishes the stragglers will leave. 
It’s nothing more than a miracle that he doesn’t slam the door and lock it as soon as the clock ticks past the hour, but he’s practicing patience, which isn’t his strong suit. 
“Thmk you --” the patron slurs as they wave goodbye to the cross-armed bartender. He simply nods and watches them struggle to leave. At least they paid. 
Diluc makes quick work of the last few tasks before heading to the office to lock up his earnings. The lockbox feels heavy which is always a good feeling. Especially as the new month draws nearer. Far better to have enough to restock than be low.
When he opens the door, he practically does a double take. Instead of finding an empty office full of stuffy papers and dreary expectations, he sees you passed out on the small office desk, head teetering on your crossed arms. Diluc looks outside the office at the empty tavern before glancing back to you as if there’s some answer as to why you’d still be here. His throat feels dry, no matter how many times he swallows. 
It’s soft, but he calls your name somewhat hoping you don’t reply. The noise isn’t enough to wake you so he clenches his jaw and takes a few steps into the small room. Carefully, he places the lockbox on the shelf. 
“I thought you left ...” he says so tenderly it makes his chest ache. Diluc sighs and examines the work you’ve laid out beneath you. It’s far more than he anticipated you tackle in one sitting - curiously, your work ethic reminds him of someone. He’s about to call your name again, one hand presses firmly against the paper covered desk while the other hovers over your back to help you sit up, but, when you stir and touch his palm, he curls his electrified fingers and lets his head dip further toward the desk. “Even now,” he laments as he lifts his head and watches you dream, “I can’t bring myself to ...” Diluc’s hand moves hesitantly to your cheek but is unable to make the connection. 
He knows what he has to do but wonders if he can. 
With ease, he moves to lift you from the chair. He takes great care in allowing you to fall against him, stopping just before he lifts you to ensure you are secure, and he’s ready. Diluc turns to leave the office when you suddenly nuzzle against him. Your hand finds safety against his chest as your warm fingers touch his clothes. He stalls, trying not to pass out from the sensation as his blinking eyes gaze down at your sleeping form. 
It’s here, in the half-lit, empty tavern where his arms hold you close and your breath fills the silence that he realizes just how bad he has it. “Rest well,” he pleads as he carries you up the stairs and to the apartment above. 
your always working or that’s what kaeya perceives. he’s be happy if you took a break, any type of break, but he knows that’ll never happen. honestly, he’s shocked you and Jean aren’t best friends, a match made in heaven, because the way he has to look after both of you makes his head ache -- why is it that everyone who works with the Knights of Favonious are some of the hardest workers and worst ‘taking care of your selfers’ 
the amount of times he’s had to literally take things from you just so you don’t get sick, or the number of books he’s had to personally return to Lisa are enough to give anyone nightmares 
it’s not his fault that you thinking filing paperwork or answering letters is, ‘fun,’ but it’s becoming, very frequently, his problem 
There were many things Kaeya hated. Liars, cheats, those who would do harm to others, paperwork; and yet, out of all of those, he hated being on patrol the most. It didn’t matter what time of the day, it was always two things:
One. boring 
Two. severely cutting into his personal pleasure time 
He especially hated it when he had to patrol at night. The sounds of laughter drifting from the local taverns filling his ears but he’s unable to join them, or gather useful information that would benefit the very knights who force him to keep his distance. Kaeya dreads these shifts, but at least he has one thing to look forward to upon his return: you. 
It was well into twilight when he returns to headquarters. His feet hurt but not as much as his heart when he watched the lights of the taverns dim into darkness. He swore he shed a tear at the sight. Next time he’ll ask Lawrence to cover for him; that guy loves being on patrol. 
The halls are empty save for a few research students holding deep, uninteresting conversations in the workshops. Their voices carry even if they don’t mean to. It’s a nice ambiance for his solo trek back to his office, and, it’s along the way he stumble across your own. 
As expected, the light from your office is spilling into the hallway. The partially cracked door a sign to let those come and go as they please, even when you’re swamped and unable to give them your full attention. He smirks to himself, shakes his head and makes his way toward the door. 
Unexpectedly, he doesn’t see you sitting at your desk. Instead, he catches you slumped against the couch, legs outstretched under the coffee table, head precariously slipping further and further toward the hardwood floor. The lamp from your desk is still burning, but the oil has nearly gone out and is struggling, just like it’s owner, at staying lit. 
As if on cue, you slip away from the support of the couch but luck out at hitting the ground. Kaeya skillfully catches you with the use of his dash. 
“Haha, that was close.” Kaeya laughs as he adjusts you in his arms, your body slumping further into him even as he slides his leg under your back to better support you. He pushes the coffee table away so your head doesn’t hit the corner but you can adjust comfortably into the bend of his arm. He finally settles, letting out a soft sigh at the intimate contact. “If I didn’t know any better,” he begins as he props up his leg next to your right side, “You waited until you could fall into my arms.” His tease makes him laugh but it doesn’t settle the pounding of his heart, nor the urge to run his electrified fingers your brow. 
For a while, he watches you sleep. The steady movement of your chest, the rise and fall of your hands resting across it. He observes how relaxed your face is, how your lips are slightly parted and eyes rush back and forth under closed lids. He wonders what you’re dreaming. Somewhere in the back of his mind he hopes its of him. 
“You just aren’t fair, are you.” Kaeya laments as he shakes his head and picks up one of the many sheets of paper you left on the table. You’re at rest against him, he feels priviliage to be that for you on this quiet evening. Of course, he’ll make sure you’ll find comfort on the couch, but not before he allows himself a reward for all his hard work tonight. 
I guess there are some benefits to going on patrol. 
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xoemilyblunt · 5 months
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emily blunt and john krasinski (with daughters hazel and violet) attending Rey's birthday party in New York City on 04.26.24 @johnkrsinski
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dehvours · 2 months
i'm at the point where i'm like "childe would space out in the shower reading a shampoo bottle."
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theajaheira · 1 year
just saw bottoms. would recommend.
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imitheous · 5 months
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