#musesofthenight rp
musesofthenight · 6 years
Luciano (Luke) Feroleto
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Mafia Heir (Underboss of the Family)
Species: Human
Personality: Thanks to his role in the family, Luke grew up confident, outgoing and fearless. He’s fiercely protective over his family, even his brother Max who keeps trying to take his place. Can be harsh, and has no problems using violence to get his own way, although he does prefer non-violent methods wherever possible.
Background: Luke is the eldest of three brothers (Max and Rick). From an early age he was brought up in the family business, with the intention that he become the next Boss after his father. He’s spent most of his life doing what his father wanted, working his way up through the Family until he was second-in-command, even marrying a “nice Italian girl”, Isabella, because he felt it was expected of him. The only thing that’s kept Luke in said marriage is his fifteen-year-old son, Francesco, but that hasn’t stopped him from straying over the years. 
These days, Luke runs most of the day-to-day business and is close to taking over completely.
Verses: Is aware of Supernatural beings due to connections through the Family
Connections to Other OCs: Malachy Flynn - Luke is owed various favours by Malachy, which Luke has called in a couple of times when he’s needed a body disposing of; Jeremiah Burrill - a school friend of Rick’s that has patched Luke up a few times; Richard Dryden - designed Luke’s house; Ava Porter-Mitchell - photographed a few events for Luke and the Family; Scott Wallis - keeps tabs on the Family.
FC: Clive Owen
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andipxndy · 2 years
tagged by: @heartonfirewrites​
fave colour: red (more of a pink-y red, tbh)
currently reading: children of blood and bone (EXCEPT AS I POST THIS, I AM ON A TRAIN CRYING BECAUSE I LEFT MY BOOK AT HOME)
last series: the umbrella academy (diego will always be my fave 100%)
last movie in the cinema: oooooh dr strange & multiverse of madness (i rly wanna watch thor love & thunder tho)
currently working on: a modern bourgeoise au anthology for my rp squad :) i SHOULD be working on alex rider oneshot requests but it’s camp nanowrimo and i wanna work on something more original before going back to fanfics. also work has been riding my ass i deserve the fluff that is our ocs being rich bastards
tagging: @paladinofthelight ​, @musesofthenight ​, @kyrianati ​, @onigori and anyone else who wants to take part!
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illicreatxm · 5 years
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Can you believe it’s been seven years? Seven years?! Since I entered the rpc??? (I mean I made my first rp blog in 2012 but didn’t rp fully until 2013 lmao.) And I’ve never ever made a follow forever or official thank you thing ever??? I guess I answer memes but I’ve never officially gone out and made a thing to properly thank people lol.
So here’s a thing! Since I came back to the rpc this year, I’ve honestly felt more appreciated than ever, and even though I’ve recently done a meme for this kind of thing I want to do an official kind of thing to thank you guys for following me all the way to the end of this year! Also, I’ve made it to the end of 2019 and uni hasn’t killed me yet so we might as well celebrate that whilst we’re at it.
I’m going to start off by thanking all of my wonderful followers for actually following me upon my return to the rp world! It really feels like I was gone forever and part of me was worried that I’d come back to nothing or very few of my old partners, but you’ve all honestly welcomed me back with open arms and I’ve even met some new people! You’re all so kind and friendly and have such wonderful characters/canon depictions that if I had the mental energy or time (or, you know, the ability to be social without being awkward around new people), I would be threading with more of you! But I am an exhausted fool so obviously that isn’t happening yet. But I just want to let you know that I love you all and am so thankful for you guys making it to the end of 2019 with me!
And now for the special mentions! (Got kinda long so under the read more!)
To my rp partners (the nerds who put up with my craziness and scattered brain/weirdo ocs):
@mirror-image-rp – You know what I’m gonna start with you because I love you a lot and you are my longest remaining rp partner. Honestly, honestly, this sweet bean is so kind and funny and I just want to thank you for sticking by me and being my close friend all these years. Even when I’ve been awkward, or overexcitable, or just irritating/clingy (because I know very well that I can be). As I’ve mentioned before, I wouldn’t have all these children I do have now if it weren’t for you – both Jodie and Jake came to life through you, and everyone else through them, and it’s all of these muses together that have kept me in the rp world. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so creative and sticking by me and creating worlds with me and just plain talking with me; I am so proud of you for everything, and honestly, I look forward to all of these children reattaching themselves to yours (lol Rachel’s already started) in the New Year. Love you lots!!!
@a-simple-rper – Nyra!!! My bean!!! My broski!!! There is so much to thank you for!! We’ve been real close friends for almost six years, which is so crazy to think about, and every single one of those years has been full of crazy fun times! Thank you so much for having such a huge impact on my children!! The little family we started forming way back when with Jake and Sam and Rick has grown so much over the years, and now I honestly can’t imagine my muses without yours – to the point where our verse is really my main verse and Kat and Laura now have distinct types that they fall for and won’t go for anything else! Thank you so much for every single conversation you’ve had with me, and I 100% look forward to letting our little family grow bigger and bigger as we add more and more muses to it!!
@astrologicallyperfect – Dearest pure bean Hanna, you deserve so much love, omg. I still remember you from way back and, honestly, thank you for still coming back to these idiots I call muses? Thank you for sticking with me and creating a million AUs and creating a whole world with all these muses we have that I love so much – all these ships and friendships we have just make me fall more and more in love with this world with powers that we’ve created and I honestly thank you for putting up with my crazy and my dumbassery for all this time, sweetpea. I honestly get so excited creating universes and AUs and headcanons with you and I just can’t wait to create even more!!!
@thegallantspirit – If I were to say that Lux was one of my relatively newer friends, even I wouldn’t believe it. I honestly feel like I’ve known you for so long, and I just want to thank you so much for becoming my friend and basically being an all around kind and sweet person! Thank you so much for actually rping with me, even when I’m spotty and a little bit manic at times, and for loving on my less-loved children! Thank you also for pulling me into your rp group and introducing me to so many wonderful people! You are honestly so kind and sweet to me!
@damagedbyfate – Patty!!! I honestly don’t think I thank you or appreciate you enough for all you’ve done for me. One of my newer friends, I was definitely real shy when I approached you for the first time because you had all these muses, but really you and your many muses are wonderful! You’re so kind and friendly and open and thank you so much for still being kind and friendly to me even when my brain isn’t wanting to cooperate with me as much! Honestly some of my muses really look forward to forming closer relationships with yours, and I look forward to threading and rping with you more in the new year!!
@lokitheliesmith – Okay but, Z, you’ve been one of my longest rp partners and I am very much glad that we started threading way back when Allie had her own blog. You are honestly such a kind person and even if I seem awkward, I very much enjoy chatting with you ooc. Heck, even Allie looks back fondly on our first thread together. Thank you so much for (still) rping with me and chatting with me and even offering to keep me accountable for my sleep schedule! You really help me out a lot and have generally been a sweetheart and I just thank you so much for that. Have a wonderful New Year, and my muses and I really look forward to continuing to thread with you!!
@hermosa-pesadilla/ @tattedasshole – Jess, you are, honestly, so kind whenever I do end up chatting with you that it makes me wish that I kicked my ass into gear and chatted with you more. Thank you so much for being kind to me and for threading with my sweet boy, Obed! Not many people actually thread with my sweetheart and I’m glad that he’s found a friend in Abby! I honestly wish all the best for you in the New Year, and thank you for being so wonderful! Obed and I definitely look forward to threading with you more!!!
@natvralforce – Imma be honest with you Rey whenever I think of you I feel like a uni grandma and just want you protected and buried in blankets and love. You are an absolute sweetheart and I love your sweet child and!!! Thank you for shipping with George!!! He usually exhausts everyone but he really loves Ali a lot and I feel like I’m holding him back a lot of the time lol. Thank you so much for following me and threading with me and accepting my hyperactive danger boy who is literally a walking hazard. I really look forward to threading with you more in the New Year!!
@thexcourageous – Honestly, Rosie, I can’t believe I’ve been threading with you and Bailey and Alex for so long! You’re a sweetheart and a joy to chat and thread with, and thank you so much for still putting up with my dumbass muses. I honestly love the fact that we still thread in the PJO world because I rarely venture into that fandom anymore but I love that I can throw my muses into their demigod verse with you and continue to explore that side of them! Thank you for rping with me and sticking with me for so long! Good luck to you in everything, and I look forward to rping with you more in the New Year!
@sxilingthegalaxy – Aaaaaah Briana! I know we thread only a little bit, but thank you so much for even that! I very much like your muse, Elayne, and throwing Alex into a situation where he feels so awkward gives me so much life you don’t understand. (He’s so egotistical half the time!) I honestly very much look forward to threading more with you in the coming year!
To those I don’t thread with on here (at the moment):
Also, thank you so much to these people! We may not thread on tumblr/may not thread at the moment/may not have started threading properly yet, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still appreciate you! (You guys are still here following this blog so I must be doing something right...) Thank you so much for chatting with me and being so friendly and sweet, whether we’re just plotting or having a general conversation, and if we haven’t started threading properly yet or even come up with a plot for our muses, I look forward to eventually threading with you in the New Year!
@detholmes @musesofthenight @sunshinexwritings @standfortheangels @angry-nobleman
And to all you beautiful people! (A.k.a. my followers!):
And you know what, I can’t end this post without giving another general thank you to all (39) of my followers! I know there aren’t many of you, but I’m grateful to you all, and just want you all to know that I am very much open to chatting with you, getting to know you and loving on you all! You’re all so wonderful for allowing my little dumbass self exist on your dashboards.
I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful New Year, and I look forward to continuing to chat with you guys and thread with you guys in the new decade! Love you all!
~AJ out *dabs*
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musesofthenight · 5 years
Helena Booth
Age: Immortal, looks late 20s
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Barmaid
Species: Amazon
Personality: Can be bitchy, Independent, Short-tempered, Stubborn, Curious, Rebellious.
Background: Brought up amongst the Amazons in Ancient Greece, Helena never questioned the fact she didn’t know her father or that no men resided with them. She was curious about the outside world but for over a millennium she obeyed the rules which stated no-one left without permission of the Queen. That is, until one day she let her curiosity get the better of her and snuck out, expecting to be able to return in a couple of hours once she’d satisfied her urge to explore.
What she hadn’t expected was that the magic which kept their home secret from others now worked against her as well once she was outside. Only those with permission from the Queen could enter, and she chose not to grant permission to a rebellious youngster who had disobeyed her. Her mother, Iris, left to join her and the pair started to travel, never staying anywhere too long and exploring the entire world.
These days, having settled for a little while, Helena decided she’d rather do anything other than work with her mother in her flower shop and so got herself a job as a barmaid. She’s a popular employee despite her short-temper, as she doubles as a bouncer on rough nights. She’s still filled with curiosity and keeps exploring everything about the places she stays.
Powers: Strength, Speed, Stamina, Never misses, Fighting skills, Eternal youth and Immortality (can still be killed by another person and weapons).
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Malachy Flynn, Edward Anderson and Richard Dryden - regulars in the bar where she works; Zara Ashton and Ilona Wright - frenemies; Alice Crompton - friends.
FC: Karen Gillan
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musesofthenight · 5 years
Ilona Jade Wright
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Runs an apothecary, Sells magical potions and poisons, Will tell people the future (for the right price)
Species: Black Widow Witch (https://blackjewels.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Widow)
Personality: Stubborn, Impulsive, Bolshy, Independent
Background: Ilona’s mother was a Black Widow Witch as well, whilst her father was an ordinary human. Her mother made a love potion/spell which made him fall in love and marry her, but he bailed when Ilona was six as her mother was ill and so forgot to give him the latest batch of the potion. When Ilona was ten he got back in touch with her, serving as a human influence against her mother’s Black Widow training.
Ilona took to poisons and potions instantly, soaking up every piece of information on any and every one she could find and even inventing and brewing her own. As soon as her training finished at twenty she opened her apothecary, Pharmakeia, using forged certificates to show qualifications for the human world aspect of the shop.
Ever since, she’s worked on carving a place in the Supernatural world, making a name for herself and her shop. She will sell most things, if the price is right.
Powers: Visions - Black Widows can see both symbolic and actual images of the future through the construction of Tangled Webs, although these do still need to be interpreted, especially if symbolic. It is possible for others with magic to read a Tangled Wed, but once it has been destroyed it can never be replicated.
Illusions - can produce various levels of illusions: some are immobile, some have to be controlled, and a few have a level of autonomy, although these take a ridiculous amount of magic and are very rarely attempted.
Poisons - Black Widows are experts in poisons and Ilona more so than most. They also have a poisonous snake tooth under the nail of their right ring finger. The stronger the witch, the stronger the poison. However, if the venom isn’t milked often enough it will crystallize and cause intense pain for the witch, something they are careful not to advertise and make common knowledge.
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: The majority have been customers in her shop.
FC: Natalie Dormer
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musesofthenight · 5 years
Zara Ashton
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Receptionist
Species: Oracle
Personality: Sassy, Sarcastic, Independent, Fun, Loyal to her friends (few as they are), Mistrustful of strangers, Can be bitchy.
Background: Orphaned at an early age, Zara went from foster home to foster home until finally she ended up with the Andersons when she was 12. After three dreams in a row came true, they realised what she was and promptly adopted her. 
Zara doesn’t mind her powers, indeed she found them very useful at school and university when she always knew exactly what topics would be on the exams. She does however object to others treating her like a crystal ball and so is picky about who she will deal with. 
Powers: Has dreams and visions of the future, Can make predictions however they are often vague or difficult to interpret.
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Edward Anderson - adopted brother; Alice Crompton - frenemies; Richard Dryden - currently his temp. receptionist
FC: Letitia Wright
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musesofthenight · 5 years
Edward Anderson
Age: 32
Nickname: Teddy
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Chef
Species: Human Reincarnation of the Greek God Hades
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: A little childish at times, Fun loving, Can be cynical, Drinks too much, Outgoing, Extrovert.
Background: Raised by two parents who are also the incarnations of gods (Aeolus, god of the wind and air, and Hebe, goddess of youthfulness), Edward grew up surrounded by ancient Greek culture as well as being firmly entrenched in the modern world thanks to school and friends.
Edward grew up a natural chef and enjoyed cooking fancy food and inventing meals from his early teens. He studied cookery at college whilst working nights in a local restaurant, then skipped university to accept a full time job there. It wasn’t long before he got offered a higher position in another, larger, restaurant in the city, at which point he finally moved out from home. That was when his parents started taking in foster children, something which resulted in them adopting the first child they fostered, Zara. Two years ago he finally opened his own restaurant.
He is not impressed at ending up being Hades, partly because he doesn’t want to be involved with death, partly because of the fact his presence is often unwelcomed by any other gods/people who know the truth about who he is. The one positive he sees about the whole thing is Cerberus, who currently is in the form of a Springer Spaniel.
Powers: Has a cap that makes the wearer invisible, Can provide access to the Underworld, Can let someone out of the Underworld (bring them back to life) but has never done so (nasty side effects).
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Zara Ashton - adopted sister
FC: Brendon Urie
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Jeremiah Burrill
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Surgeon
Species: Human
Personality: Awkward, Mild-Mannered, Slightly paranoid at times, Friendly enough
Background: A surgeon at the local hospital, Jeremiah learnt of the Supernatural years before when operating on someone with super fast healing. He set about researching the community afterwards, getting himself into a couple of sticky patches when he dug too deep. Eventually he came to an agreement with some different races. They’d allow his curiosity in the unknown in return for him taking on any supernatural cases that entered the hospital, something which suited them as it meant there then wasn’t yet more doctors learning of their existance.
Verses: Knows of the Supernatural, has dealt with them in the hospital before
Connections to Other OCs: Ava Porter-Mitchell - previously dated; Malachy Flynn - work at the same hospital; Richard Dryden - was his surgeon after a car crash; Luke Feroleto - school friends with Luke’s brother, has patched Luke up on occasion; Scott Wallis - patched him up various times; Alice Crompton - Jeremiah has worked with the coven on various major injuries different times.
FC: Hugh Skinner
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Alice Crompton
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Student
Species: Witch
Personality: Confident; Almost cocky at times; Playful; Overtrusting; Curious
Background: Alice was raised in the Church of Night, but as a child she got lost in the woods and was found by humans, a couple who couldn’t have children so raised her as their own. She knew enough of her background to know she had magic and after leaving college she went in search of her real family. She never found them, but she did find another coven of witches, who put her through the Dark Baptism so she could come into her powers. They accepted her wishes to live a dual life however, allowing her to attend a human university whilst training her in magic at night.
Powers: Spellcasting of various kinds through incantations and rituals; The making of potions; Telekinesis; Communication with a Familiar; Warding/Shielding
Verses: Supernatural Verse
Connections to Other OCs: Ava Porter-Mitchell - flat shares with one of Ava’s brothers; Malachy Flynn - uses Mal as a source for blood for rituals; Richard Dryden - is trying to convince Richard to teach her how to dreamwalk; Jeremiah Burrill - is a surgeon who knows of the Supernatural so is used by the coven for those injuries that they can’t heal themselves; Luke Feroleto - owns the land where the coven hold a lot of their rituals; Scott Wallis - previously dated.
FC: Britt Robertson
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Richard Dryden
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Architect
Species: Demi-Djinn
Personality: Smart, Driven, Friendly, Slightly twisted sense of humour. Not afraid of using his powers to suit himself, Doesn’t like to physically harm others however. 
Background: Richard was raised by his human mother and it wasn’t until he was a teenager that his father came to find him. By then, Richard was firmly entrenched in the lad of mortals and whilst he learnt how to use his powers from his father, he refused to join him and use them to harm others. His powers are much weaker than a full Djinn, but in return he doesn’t have to feed off human blood to survive.
Richard does use his powers at work though. He accesses people’s desires on what they want most in a house and builds them exactly what they want, making himself a lot of money in the process. 
Powers: Can tell someone’s deepest desires; Can cause mild hallucinations although they don’t last long; Can dreamwalk through other’s dreams
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Malachy Flynn - drinking buddies; Luke Feroleto - designed and built Luke’s house; Ava Porter-Mitchell - has used Ava as photographer at some houses; Jeremiah Burrill - Jeremiah was his surgeon after a car crash; Alice Crompton - has worked for her coven before now.
FC: Dean O’Gorman
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Ava Mae Porter-Mitchell
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Job/Role: Scene of Crime Officer/Photographer
Species: Human
Personality: Bright, Bubbly, Cheerful, Outgoing, Stubborn (don’t ever tell her she can’t do something, “she’ll do anything you ask, but nothing you tell her”).
Background: Ava grew up the only girl in a family of four boys, and so learnt at an early age to keep up with whatever they were doing. When she was choosing her subjects for college, her mother told her she couldn’t pick photography because “you’ll never be able to survive on a career in that”. Her father, however, encouraged her to take photography up as a hobby if that was what she loved, going so far as to buy her a fancy camera. When her mother objected again, she insisted on taking the subject, which previously had only been considered as a hobby and a bit of fun. Now however, Ava was determined that she would make her living through photography.  
Upon leaving college, Ava signed up for the police and entered training to become a Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO). She’s worked for the police ever since, although she still does some personal photography on the side, earning extra money by working weddings and various other events.
Verses: Doesn’t know about the Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Malachy Flynn - worked crime scenes with him; Luke Feroleto - worked various events for Luke and the Family; Alice Crompton - part of the same club; Scott Wallis - school friends; Jeremiah Burrill - previously dated; Richard Dryden - photographed new builds for him.
FC: Rose Leslie
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musesofthenight · 6 years
Malachy Flynn
Age: 158 (looks mid-thirties)
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Forensic Pathologist/Medical Examiner
Species: Necromancer
Personality: An easy-going guy, Mal can be serious when needed but prefers to have a laugh when he can. In fact, Malachy often uses humour as a way to mask his true feelings, only opening up to a very few trusted people. Not especially brave, hates violence, not at all squeamish. Doesn’t really do serious relationships, having never met anyone who convince him to settle down, but enjoys short-term flings and one-night stands. Terrible around kids. Drinks too much, partly as a way of blocking out the ghosts when he’s had enough.
Background: Born in Ireland in 1860, Malachy grew up unable to tell the difference between the living and the ghosts that surrounded him. This became worse when Malachy was 10 and his mother died, as he refused to accept her death since he could still see and interact with her. His father couldn't deal with his son claims and so left, leaving Malachy to be raised in the local orphanage. The priest took an interest in the boy, concerned by his apparent obsession with death, and it was in the church graveyard that Malachy found friends and teachers amongst the ghosts there, learning to control his powers just enough to not rouse people's suspicions even further. 
At fifteen, the fair came to town and Malachy met another necromancer for the first time, Hilda, one who used her powers to make money as a psychic. She refused his first request to become her assistant, preferring to travel alone, but eventually she agreed, after an argument and heated emotions led to several ghosts being thrown back into their corpses. Over the next few years Mal learnt everything there was to know about his powers, and Hilda became a surrogate mother to the young man, to the point that she left him all of her belongings when she died of Cholera nearly two decades later.
Amongst these belongings was a ring, one that Malachy had never seen Hilda take off, and a letter explaining its use. She wasn't sure how it worked, but it halted death and had kept her alive for over a century. You could still die, whether from illness or from serious injury, but so long as you wore the ring you wouldn't age. Tempted by the idea of immortality, Malachy put the ring on.
To start off he took over Hilda's role as psychic in the fair they were currently travelling with, enjoying his time moving from group to group every few years so no-one ever got suspicious at the fact he wasn't aging. Eventually he got bored with the job however. By this point he was in England and Malachy got himself a job first at a funeral home, then went into training as a forensic pathologist. Ever since he's worked at hospital after hospital, moving on every ten to fifteen years to keep from arousing suspicion, faking papers every time he builds a new life.
Powers: Talks to the dead; Interacts with ghosts; Can resurrect the dead; Can summon ghosts; Can summon Death (not to be advised) and reapers; Doesn’t age thanks to his ring
Verses: Supernatural verse
Connections to Other OCs: Luke Feroleto - used Luke to create a new life last time people got suspicious at him not aging, now owes him various favours and has paid in a couple disposing of bodies for him; Ava Porter-Mitchell - worked with her at crime scenes before; Jeremiah Burrill - worked at the same hospital together; Richard Dryden - drinking buddies; Alice Crompton - occasionally sources blood for spells.
FC: Lee Pace
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illicreatxm · 5 years
—    basics.
▸     is    your   muse    tall    /   short    /    average?
Jodie is a smol bean. She’s 5′3″, so a couple of inches below average at least. And the thing is, she doesn’t wear heels often, so she definitely looks her height at all times. She just has a big personality to compensate.
▸     are    they   okay    with    their   height?
She’s okay with it in the sense that she can use her height to her own advantage and use it to intimidate people who are afraid of short gingers with tempers. She’s not okay with it if you use it against her. She will fight you if you do.
▸     what’s    their   hair    like?
Wonderfully ginger, and pretty straight. She prefers to keep it around shoulder length or in a bob, but more often than not she’s too lazy to go and get it cut so it’s tied up and away from her face in a bun.
▸     do    they   spend    a    lot   of    time    on   their    hair/grooming?
Not really. If it’s short, she does a quick straighten and comb and then she’s out of the house. If it’s long, she’s tying it up and out of her face really quickly, and often she ties it up on the go. She usually has other things on her mind, like the fact that she’s late for the second time that week and it’s only Tuesday.
▸     does   your   muse   care   about   their   appearance/what    others    think?
She really tries not to. After all, she sees herself as more of an athlete and prefers to put more effort into the things she can do, rather than what she looks like. But really, like Allie, she cares about what people think about her appearance. If someone calls her ugly, she’ll brush it off. but she does get hurt by that kind of thing.
—    preferences.
▸     indoors    or   outdoors? Outdoors
▸     rain    or   sunshine? Sunshine
▸     forest    or   beach? Forest
▸     precious    metals   or    gems? She’s naturally more drawn towards precious metals, in any of her verses. Of course, in powers it’s generally because she has some sort of control over them.
▸     flowers    or   perfumes? Flowers (again, in powers it’s because she can control them).
▸     personality    or   appearance?  Personality. Mostly because if they have a personality that can deal with hers, they’ll likely get on really well.
▸     being    alone   or    being    in   a    crowd? Definitely being in a crowd. She is usually the loudest voice, and you’d be looking around for the source
▸     order    or   anarchy? A tough one, but Jodie likes both depending on the situation. Regardless, she will be the first to cause chaos in any group.
▸  painful    truths    or   white    lies?  Painful truths. She would rather hear the truth than find out it was a lie later on.
▸     science    or   magic? Magic sounds a whole lot more appealing to her, in all honesty.
▸     peace    or   conflict? Jodie will be the first to dive straight into a conflict, but not because she likes it. She’s naturally the kind of person who wants to create peace asap. Even if you have to create conflict to get there.
▸     night    or   day?  Day.
▸     dusk    or   dawn?  Dusk. Jodie actually likes going for runs in the evening, especially as the sun sets.
▸     warmth    or   cold?  Warmth, though she burns in the summer and does far better in the winter, particularly when it snows.
▸     many   acquaintances    or    a   few    close    friends? A bit of both. She enjoys having those close to her that she can trust, but she also likes hanging with many people she calls “friends” but are really acquaintances, just to chill and joke around.
▸     reading    or   playing    a    game? Games, all the way. Jodie likes to be kept active, both physically and mentally. Give her a good game of Mario Kart, Twister, or (one of her personal favourites) Uno.
—    questionnaire.
▸     what    are   some    of    your   muse’s    bad    habits?
She is very loud and argumentative, and that can be off-putting for many. The only times you won’t catch her in her usual state are when she’s feeling vulnerable. She is also quick to insult and slow to apologise, and can be incredibly aggressive at times.
▸     has    your   muse    lost    anyone   close    to    them?     how    has   it    affected    them?
This usually depends on the verse, but in canon? Her father left her mum because he was, in her words, “a cheating bastard and mum deserved better”. Of course, not long after this, she left her ex at the altar because he was stealing from her. So really, her romantic trust in men has been damaged more than even she realises.
In powers, the next most developed verse I have for her, she still loses her dad and is pretty jaded about it, and she also ends up losing a member of their team, Bryce, who ends up becoming an antihero and a double-spy of sorts. Of course, she didn’t know this, initially thinking he’d turned evil, and in a way it’s made her a lot more ruthless with people who hurt others. Mostly because Bryce nearly killed Alex.
▸     what    are   some    fond    memories   your    muse    has?
Most of the memories are childhood memories, generally of her time with Allie and Mandy before they all moved away from each other. Meeting Allie for the first time, meeting Mandy for the first time, and various times they played at the park or in the playground together definitely come to mind. Of course, she also has some fond memories from secondary school, mostly of her messing around with her best friends, and more often than not they include Obed calling them all idiots as they all collapse laughing.
▸     is   it    easy    for   your    muse    to   kill?
In canon, no. She doesn’t want to kill. She does, however, know how to shoot.
In powers, it is easy. Theoretically. A flick of her wrist, and she could strangle someone with vines. But she would have to be very angry for that to happen, and she tries not to do anything beyond serious harm. She doesn’t want someone’s death on her conscience.
▸     what’s    it   like    when    your   muse    breaks    down?
Jodie often tries to shut herself away before she completely breaks down, but when she does she’s very quiet and generally very shaky. She’s also a lot more prone to being hurt by words, because she just absorbs everything people say as she breaks down.
▸     is    your   muse    capable    of   trusting    someone    with   their    life?
Yes, mostly because she needs to. She trusts her best friends because they’re her best friends, but she of all people knows that people have to be trusted to stay alive. Because she can’t watch her own back.
▸     what’s    your   muse    like    when   they’re    in    love?
Jodie tries to act nonchalant, she really does, but it doesn’t always work. She’s the kind to be a lot more brash and playful with the individual she likes, but overall she pays a lot more attention to them. The turning point, or the point where she realises that she’s also in love with them, is where she finds herself going to them for comfort instead of Allie or Mandy. Putting anyone above her best friends is a scary thing to her, and if she does that means you hold a special place in her heart.
Tagged by: @lokitheliesmith
Tagging: @astrologicallyperfect/@sxpersquad, @a-simple-rper, @mirror-image-rp, @sxilingthegalaxy, @damagedbyfate, @thegallantspirit/@parttimemuses, @musesofthenight, @detholmes, @thexcourageous and anyone else who would like to!
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illicreatxm · 5 years
♡ musesofthenight
hi. hello. yeah you. i love you. [always accepting!!]
okay so i don’t rp with @musesofthenight on here but we have started threading on discord and??? she’s awesome. i mean my muses have only just started interacting with hers and trust me when i say they are fast becoming attached. i also think she’s really great, and she’s so funny and sweet. like, when i see her online on the server it makes me smile even if i don’t say much. basically ruth is a sweetheart and i 100% want to be her friend too thanks.
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musesofthenight · 5 years
Joshua Reed
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Job/Role: Veterinary Surgeon
Species: Animal Mage
Personality: Easy going, Thinks himself a funny guy, Soft-hearted, Trusting, Brave.
Background: From an early age, Joshua got on better with animals than he did humans, something which suited his family fine as they owned a farm. He was brought up by his aunt and uncle, his mother’s sister, as his parents spent most of their time abroad working with endangered animals. Quite regularly as a child they would lose him for hours at a time, searching the entire farm only for him to show up later talking about how he’d been playing with the calves or the cats or any of the other animals on the farm, but always in places where they’d looked and he hadn’t been found. That was when his aunt realised he took after his grandmother and had a form of animal orientated magic.
His obsession with animals only continued as he grew older, and no-one was surprised when he went to university to become a vet. He’s a very good vet, something his powers help with as he has the ability to heal animals and so almost never loses a patient. Joshua’s home is practically a menagerie as well, as he has a habit of taking home strays and wild animals that are ill or injured and looking after them. Whilst he always gives them the option of leaving again once healed, few do and even those who do leave tend to show up again every now and then.
He doesn’t use his shapeshifting powers as often as he used to when he was younger, but every now and then he disappears to have some “fun” as he calls it.
Powers: Can talk to and control animals; Can shapeshift into animals; Can heal animals (but tends to do so slowly so as to not arouse suspicion from mortals)
Verses: Supernatural
Connections to Other OCs: Edward Anderson - Childhood friends, Jeremiah Burrill - University Buddies.
FC: Manny Montana
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