#mushroom head godzilla
frostcoldhere · 5 months
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is there something i should be afraid of or
he looks so fucking silly..
is he some kind of creepypasta- or some scrapped shit.
ok lemme copy and paste lore:
Of the designs was one by Kazuyoshi Abe, which gave the creature more monkey-like feature, with a head to purposely look like a “mushroom cloud,” a reference to the atomic bomb (Tsutsui 20)
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Deleted/altered Monsterverse scenes in Godzilla & Kong: The Cinematic Storyboard Art of Richard Bennett
Kong: Skull Island
There's a longer opening sequence, with Marlowe discovering Gunpei's camp instead of them both crashing at around the same time.
Conrad stows away on the expedition instead of being hired as a tracker
Weaver and Conrad meet at a Philadelphia train station (no clue what the context was).
Kong swings around a helicopter while the gunner is still firing and the bullets hit another helicopter, which I think is the closest he's ever come to using a gun.
Packard's group watches Kong fight the Mire Squid instead of Chapman.
Very different take on the Iwi village, with smaller lost ships/planes incorporated into the architecture.
The big one: Conrad flashes back to an encounter with King Ghidorah in Vietnam. The three-headed monster's silhouette is basically just the Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah version, but he has at least five prehensile tails he uses to snatch up soldiers.
Conrad and Weaver are tied to a tree during the napalm plot against Kong. Another character sets them free and they go wild on a few soldiers, with Weaver hitting one on the head with a rock. The Skull Devil emerges in a separate scene.
Kong uses a plane wing as a weapon in the final fight.
The Skull Devil has a grappling tail similar to that of Otachi in Pacific Rim.
The Iwi fight Conrad's group (I think) as the Gray Fox is lowered down a waterfall with a pulley system and something ambushes Kong in the background. This one was especially hard to make any sense of without dialogue.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Jonah spies on Emma and Madison as they drive to Mothra's temple.
The video montage in the Senate hearing is done via hologram. A mushroom cloud is displayed while Serizawa argues with a senator.
Mark bows to a wolf that approaches him in a nice bit of foreshadowing.
Mothra arrives in Boston alongside Godzilla instead of turning up later.
Godzilla vs. Kong
In an alternate opening, the Iwi retell the history between Godzilla and Kong's species using highly-elaborate puppets. There's a horned character loaded with weapons who briefly traps Godzilla in a cage and transforms into a Rodan-like figure. An ancient mecha?
Text mentions that "the Pensacola/Florida Godzilla attack scene was going to be much longer, involving a mall stampede.
A massive explosion takes place on Skull Island (I believe coming from the Vile Vortex there).
Jia is first shown signing with Kong just before the fleet engages Godzilla.
In true kaiju kid fashion, Jia messes with the controls of the ship to set Kong loose.
Nathan discovers his brother's crash site in the Hollow Earth and gets into a fight with several guards. This scene was definitely filmed.
Bernie was at one point a woman (drawn with ultra-short hair, although in general the human characters in these storyboards bear little resemblance to their screen counterparts).
Kong finds a skeleton of another member of his species sitting on the throne. He breaks off the skull, stares at it, and throws it aside.
Group troops engage Godzilla and Kong during their Hong Kong fight; neither even notices.
Mechagodzilla coils into a semi-sphere to deflect Godzilla's atomic breath.
Echoing his fight with Kong, Godzilla tries to outrun Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream through the streets of Hong Kong.
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atomic-crusader · 10 months
Godzilla Minus One thoughts (SPOILERS)
TLDW: Godzilla Minus One is easily one of the all time best films in the franchise so far. While it isn't my personal favorite, it absolutely deserves the praise fans and critics seem to be giving it. Outside from some personal nitpicks, I'd say this entry is worthy of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the best.
Boy does this movies come in swinging! Koichi setting up the main conflict of feeling like he is a coward (he's not, as the movie goes on to point out) and then the whiplash of GODZILLASAURUS
I know its just an unmutated Godzilla but HOLY FUCK the similarities are there and I love the design.
Personal nitpick #1: was hoping the movies would go more in depth with the origin of its Godzilla but the movies isn't really about what Godzilla is but rather what he does and represents to the story. As a result they don't really say what he is other than he is known to Odo Island's folklore. I like that, it gives him a mysterious vibe.
I gasped because I thought he ate a guy be then he yeeted him
Poor Koichi Can't Catch a Break the Movie
Noriko was great. It's clear she isn't used to being looked after and it shows.
Speaking of which, ALL the characters are wonderful. The Reiwa era looks like it is being defined by stronger human characters and stories and I am all here for that!
I'm actually surprised that the trailers (or at least the 2 I watched) didn't show to much Godzilla action. Or at least the final battle.
Godzilla REALLY has it out for folks in this movie. That lack of a clear origin helps actually. His attacks are sudden and brutal. He is REALLY visibly pissed off too.
SPEAKING OF BRUTAL HOLY FUCK!!! For as much damage Godzilla does to everyone, he gets FUCKED UP! Half his face blasted off! It's cool the see his regeneration ability realized in CG
Personal Nitpick #2: I do wish they had made Godzilla a more obviously tragic character. He is just as much a victim of war as he is a symbol of it. Again though, that isn't what this movie is about, and the ending does at least suggest a sequel isn't completely out of the question, so maybe we can still see why Godzilla decided that All Humans Are Bad.
His atomic breath is wild man. Creating mushroom clouds and massive creators is some nightmare fuel shit.
(dont worry she lives)
The plan to kill Godzilla was interesting. Explosive decompression is not really the first thing I would have thought up for a sea monster that brings up deep sea fish but the speed at which it happens is important.
KOICHI NOOOOOO (its okay he ejected)
Personal Nitpick #3:... I don't really like how they defeated Godzilla. I thought it was overkill. Like, yeah I get that Koichi needs to have is moment and all but blowing his head up I thought was a little much. and then he crumbles away? I guess he was frozen? Cool visual though. I imagine it was hell to convince Toho to have Godzilla die that way.
I heard Yamazaki was a big GMK fan, and the last scene really makes it obvious. I wonder if he isn't available for a sequel, Yamazaki would request Kaneko to direct...
Hey Noriko is alive!!!! Hey what's that on her neck? Why does it look like Godzilla's dorsal plate? Oh God Please Let Koichi Be Happy He Has Been Through Too Much.
The overall message of the movie is so goddamn moving, Live. That isn't a request, that's an order, a demand. Live, you should be happy to be alive. You may not think it, but people love you. People can forgive you. You don't deserve to die. Live and fight for the next generation so they don't make our mistakes. It is tough but you and people around you can make it better. You. Will. Live.
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phobiaexists · 3 months
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Mushroom cloud-head Godzilla is silly I like them
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mikak-kristiak · 9 months
some Godzilla doobles
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fun fact:
Godzilla's original Japanese name is the Japanese words for gorilla and whale put together (gorira+kujira=gojira) bc he was originally supposed to be that, a gorilla whale. But he looked too human, and so the mushroom cloud-headed dinosaur abomination with radioactive burn scars all over his skin we all know and love was designed.
His roar was made by dragging a resin-coated glove on the lowered strings of a double bass instrument.
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medi0creartz · 7 months
When I was on Instagram I came upon this video. It was a video if Godzilla had his head shaped like a mushroom cloud, based on the concept design for the original 1954 Godzilla. And… I have to say that this was terrifying design for Godzilla and I loved it. So I decided to draw my own Mushroom Cloud head Godzilla.
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When designing Godzilla the creators took traits from Tyrannosaurus, Iguanadon and Stegosaurus and combined them. I tried the same attempt, but added the mushroom cloud shaped head and the head is based on the concept art statue of Godzilla and how I imagined him when reading the Godzilla novelization.
I also took traits from spinosaurus for the tail and gave him webbed feet and hands. Since Godzilla is a marine animal it probably needs those traits to swim effectively.
In the novelization his atomic breath is described to have “white-hot beam” and was compared to a flamethrower used by soldiers as you seen in war movies or even footage of ww2 flamethrowers. I had to look it up. I might draw it soon.
I hope you enjoyed the design so far, will digitalize it soon.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I sat down. We did a lot of running around today.
Farmers market, which involved about a half mile round trip walk to and from the car. It certainly tested my asthma! I wear a mask when outdoors due to the severity of my asthma, and have been doing so since 2017. Because of covid, I also wear it indoors when not at home. I had no wheezing today!!!!! I purchased three pints of locally grown and harvested strawberries, a dozen GF bagels, a GF cinnamon roll (and was informed that I get a free drink and 50% discount at the bakery on my birthday), a large bundle of celery (with nutella and dried cranberries, these make for a delicious snack), and bundle of green onions (easily 3x the size what I see in grocery stores). Support local if you can!!!
After the market, we stopped at the post office so I could ship commissions and shop purchases. Those cost more than I estimated, but they nearly always do. If you wish to be my hero, pay a little extra to cover shipping. Especially international orders. To Germany, a 3.4 ounce package was $19.65. Ouch!
When we were done at the post office, I got a fruity green bubble tea becaus, damnit, it's hot, I'm thirsty, and have had a very good commission season. I deserve something nice. Especially since my birthday is Monday. The drink was $7, so I tipped $3. The person who made my drink "accidentally" made extra. That was very nice! Mango and pineapple blended with green tea and aloe boba.
Then my husband surprised me with a trip to the office supply store. I worked for the company almost 20 years ago and kept my free membership, which resulted in a $10 discount on what I've been asking for: a corkboard and pin tacks. This will be set up on the wall behind my cutting table and will serve the purpose of taping things to my wall. Yay!!!
From there, we went to a "metaphysical empowerment" and gem show. It was damn near free, and I was curious. OMG...there was soooooo much appropriation and some truly bonkers stuff. Lots of white sage and white people offering smudging services. Y'all, do not purchase white sage in stores or from these people. The stuff is often poached in the wild, and in some areas it has completely disappeared. If you must have it, grow it yourself or purchase from Indigeous People. Also, smudging is a very specific ritual and cannot be performed by anyone but Indigeneous People. What you're doing is called smoke cleansing. You can do this with various herbs, so look up what is more closely related to your ancestry and use that. I'm Welsh, Irish, Scottish, and English, aka white as bleached eggshells. I have no business using white sage. However, were it not for my asthma, I would be using something like pine and rosemary.
There was a Law of Assumption vendor as well, which I think @coinandcandle would've had a field day with. I was admiring the jewelry and talking shop because I used to make jewelry. I brought up that I'm unable to do so anymore, and he went on this rant about speaking something turns it into my reality, that I need to say the opposite and it'll heal me, blahblahblah. Walked away real fast! Fuck that noise. Law of Assumption is BULLSHIT and you can ask @coinandcandle about it. Stop with the ableism and victim blaming!
I saw plenty of Buddha heads as well. Y'all need to look up the history of this shit. It's not pretty.
There was one vendor who had really cool tshirts. I purchased one and will share pics when I wear it. It's a cat as Catzilla (like Godzilla) on it's hind legs walking through a city. A black cat. Reminded both of us of Cacoa, so my husband insisted on buying it for me. It was just $20...and I have a very small wardrobe. Enough clothing to get me through about six to seven days. Oh, and a single pair of shoes (I'm not counting my slippers). I hate shopping for clothes and shoes; the whole thing is a sensory nightmare.
We stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple items, mushroom marinara sauce and oat chocolate milk (the latter is rich and creamy). Then we hauled as home. I was sweaty, had sunscreen over all exposed skin, covered in pollen and dirty, and was rather stinky. We'd been out for over four hours. OMG that shower felt niiiiiice. I got out feeling energetic and then...I sat down. This was a mistake. The only thing stopping me from making a cup of tea is the fact I'm going to bed at 9PM. I'm up at 5AM, regardless of setting an alarm, which is fine by me. I looooove mornings! But fuck, I didn't realize how wiped I was.
It was a good day! I was starting to get overstimulated a the appropriation event (let's be honest, that's what it basically was), but not so much I was edging to a meltdown. No anxiety, very little stress, I got sunshine and no sunburn, a good workout due to all the walking, and discovered how much my asthma has improved courtesy of the inhaled muscle relaxant my doctor gave me.
Tomorrow, I need to go out again, but it's just one stop. Then my ass is staying home.
My husband has informed me I will be doing no sewing on my birthday because we're taking a trip to our favorite waterfalls on Monday. We're going to have a picnic in the shade, enjoy the moist air and trees, and relax. He said if we had the money, he was going to take me to the coast (a two hour drive) to visit the beach and various quilt shops (I'm getting really low on some colors). Alas, we don't have much to spare until he finds employment. Anyone wanna be my sugar-parent? 😉 I might get sewing done before he wakes up, but probably not. No complaints though!
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lesser-mook · 26 days
Mushroom Godzilla looks promising but it's really just a malnourished Shin from the neck up.
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"Heard you was talking shit. I forgive you."
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looks promising but it's really just a malnourished Shin from the clavicle up.
Had a feeling I saw that right profile before, & I did. It's one of Shin's concepts. Just thin the neck, stretch it, and now *^bidi-bop bada boom, you have a different Gojira but nah and yet: kinda- IF the lore is on point.
Now if it's head actually looked like a mushroom, a lot wider cranium/jaw, more pronounced skull base protrusion, but the eyes stayed the exact same width but the head specifically is wider by 2-3x- it'd look more unique and 5x more terrifying especially when it turns it's head at 5 mph, slow as shit on some Aku.
eyes within pores
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Now that wouldn't look anything like a godzilla in the face, but It'd actually compete if not surpass Shin's own freak factor. Because everything else would look like godzilla except that face/head, and give it a second head within the mushroom.
Say it disperses radiological spores or something when it reaches the end of it's life cycle, it just blows up at 150-300ft tall, a walking nuke that self-terminates to expand it's life essence by turning people into mini-godzilla mushrooms which it's consciousness is housed within. Same goes for trees, animals, etc. He invades organic life, period.
So it died but not really, like Godzilla Earth, it's a terraforming entity. Like a human's own reproduction cycle, it spawns perpetually to continue it's genetics thus achieving a form of immortality through it's children, down to infecting even ants.
With overgrowths coming out the humans eyes, mouth, ears, etc. Dorsal fins coming out the clothes, basically Minus-One's possible direction, just more "Last of Us" with a hint of The Thing 1982, Color out of Space, Annihilation, etc.
TL;DR It looks good because it looks like Shin, but it's not leaning hard enough in the direction it's going for to really be it's own profile. Looks good regardless.
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chef-mordo · 1 year
The First King of the Monsters (Part One)
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“The demolition of Tokyo”
[This Series is heavily inspired by Trollmans’ “FOLLY OF MAN” series on DeviantArt, so be sure to follow him if you enjoyed my work] On March 1, 1954 the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test was conducted at Bikini Atoll. The first of many thermonuclear weapon tests, it was the largest and most powerful nuclear weapon tested by the US government at the time, a massive mushroom cloud 40 kilometers high rose above the now blazing landscape with a shockwave so large that it shook the land and sea…
Some time afterwards, a spike in radiation was picked up under ten miles off of the northern coast of Palau. When investigations were launched, the wreckage of several burned fishing vessels were found. An additional unusual trail of radiation was discovered leading North. This worried many world powers at the time as it indicated the presence of some unique, powerful source of radiation not yet known to man. The greatest fears of mankind would soon become true. Subsequently, over the following months, several ships in the Pacific Ocean were reported missing. This prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to send out the investigative “Monarch Task Force” research team to study the spike in radiation and missing vessels. Eventually, on the night of August 13, 1954, a distress signal from the fishing vessel Eiko Maru was received by the Japanese Coast Guard. Another ship, the Bingo Maru, was sent to investigate the wreckage and rescue any survivors. However, neither ship returned. The following evening, a raft washed ashore on Odo Island. The sole survivor from the wreckage Masaji Yamada told the locals of a bright beam of light consuming the ship. He later reported to Monarch officials that he saw a massive, reptilian shape crest the water before it dove back down into the depths of the sea. 
The following morning, the Monarch research team along with JCG officials arrived on Odo island to interview locals and investigate the wreckage. As the boat neared the island, the sea seemed to turn red. Upon arrival, the island had seemed to be shut down; according to locals, an exorcism was performed on the island the previous night after a violent storm had apparently partially destroyed the island. A local elder reported that the island’s ocean deity had been angered and would come to feed off of the islanders. The island mythology states that women had been sacrificed in the past to appease “Gojira” who was stated to be the “King of the Monsters”. A gargantuan footprint was discovered irradiating nuclear energy. Massive aggressive mutated trilobites were additionally found on the shore of the island. Dubbed “Shokkirasu” after insectoid flesh-eating demons from the island’s mythology. The village alarm was later set off, followed by an ear-splitting shrieking roar. A hulking, seemingly saurian figure of titanic proportions rose from the sea on the northwestern side of the island. Japanese paleontologist, Doctor Kyohei Yamane managed to take a photo of the beast raising its ugly head over the hill before it turned to terrorize the town. While many attempted to hide on the island, a few locals managed to escape back on the ships that Monarch and the JCG had taken.
The photo would later be presented to an emergency meeting at the National Diet Building in Tokyo. Doctor Yamane would propose that this creature was awoken by nuclear testing in the South Pacific Ocean and had been the cause of sunken ships throughout the past few months. It had been decided to release this information to the public and in addition, JMSDF forces had been sent to locate and dispatch the creature, now referred to as “Godzilla”. Following this, a fleet of battleships and submarines had been sent into the red, now boiling waters of Tokyo Bay armed with hundreds of depth charges. Eventually, the monster had been located and surrounded by a massive line of explosives. As millions of litres of water shot up into the air, the beast emerged unfazed as it rose onto the shore of Tokyo’s Shinagawa ward. It tore through buildings and ended the lives of at least a thousand. Turning from the rubble, the beast then broke through the aquatic barricade, destroying massive cruisers with little effort.
The following morning another summit was called and it was decided that a line of electrical towers would be built along Tokyo’s coastline. This would send 50,000 volts of electricity into the monster, hopefully ending its life. An emergency evacuation of Tokyo was also called in case that the plan failed. Additionally, due to the previous failed efforts, the USAF had sent 5 “Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress” aircrafts filled with Mark 65 explosives to arrive the following day. 
Later that night the primordial horror once again rose from the red, boiling sea. With another air-splitting roar, it crawled onto the shore and tore through the electric fence. Following a bombardment from ground units, it bent over and began to flood Tokyo with a red mist. Seemingly irritated by the constant firing of missiles towards the creature, it’s dorsal plates began to turn from a light pink to a glowing light blue. It faced up towards the sky and shrieked before activating its atomic breath and setting the coastline aflame…
I hope y’all enjoyed the first story-based entry for “GODZILLA: Age of Monsters”. Only one more post for this first chapter focusing on Godzilla’s initial demolition of Tokyo (Alongside a drawing!). Feel free to share any thoughts, questions, praise, or criticisms of my work. As always, likes, comments, and reposts are welcome! The next few posts will be posted at 10:00 AM (CDT) within the following days.
Tune in for more updates and future posts. Peace and love! ✌️🏽
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deadcool14 · 11 months
A while ago I created this Non-Canon Devil Fruit Tierlist:
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And now I wanna share it, go in depth about the fruits and give proper translated names to the ones that don't have any.
This turned out to be much longer than I thought it I'd be so I'm splitting it into several parts.
Let's start with the S Tiers:
-Goe Goe no Mi (Scream-Scream Fruit):
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But no, really, that's what it is. It allows the user to release powerful sound waves by shouting. The power can be controlled, so you could do a tiny scream to say, brake a lock, a chain, etc, fly like that funny Godzilla clip, make smaller shouts and shoot them like a machine gun, or turn your head while screaming to turn it into a slash attack.
-Nemu Nemu no Mi (Sleep-Sleep Fruit): Allows the user to induce sleepiness in others and steal their sleeping victims memories and use them to become bigger and stronger. If that wasn't broken enough, they can also put people in a dream world, and then manipulate said dream world using the stolen memories, hypnotise people and create illusions. This DF is incredibly broken and the only reason it was defeated was because the user is a sea horse. Why are you surprised? It's One Piece.
-Atsu Atsu no Mi (Hot-Hot Fruit):Allows the user to create and control pure heat with a maximum temperature of 10,000 degrees. You can use it for either defense or short and long range attacks, by concentrating the heat into balls to throw at people. You can generate steam to attack or blind enemies or to fly by shooting it out your nose. The user is also unbothered by either extreme cold or heat, you can go out in the snow butt-ass naked or even swim in lava, and then control the lava to turn it into a massive wave. But all that aside, just imagine the practicality! You'll never have to pay for gas or air conditioning ever again!
Oh and the heat can be involuntarily generated by anger, so heads up.
-Noko Noko no Mi (Shroom-Shroom Fruit): It allows the user generate and control poisonous mushroom spores. Sounds simple, but if you're creative you can use this in a manner of ways: you could concentrate the spores to make them look like lasers, clones to either attack, deceive or restrain. The spores can morph your body, like turning your hand into a drill. The spores will dissapear if they or yourself are set on fire, and they can also be countered by an antidote. And one downside is that the spores slowly build up inside your body and you have to release them every 10 years, so you might wanna mark your calendar and plan a vacation to an un-inhabited island.
-Mosa Mosa no Mi (Grow-Grow Fruit): Allows the user to amplify the growth of plants, aswell as having full control of them. You could become the King of the Flourists or Gardeners! Or, Idk, END WORLD HUNGER!!
-Modo Modo no Mi (Return-Return Fruit): Allows the user to return anything and anyone they touch to a younger age, specifically 12 years. You could become a billionaire by charging people to make them younger or to fix things. But of course only by 12 years; but be careful, because if you touch anyone enough times you could de-age them to before they were born. Also the effect wears off if you are knocked out.
-Moa Moa no Mi (More-More Fruit): Allows the user to multiply the size and speed of any object they touch up to 100 times, this also applies to the user. Perfect for combat, and also ENDING WORLD HUNGER AND ALL RESOURCE ISSUES WORLDWIDE!!!
-Nito Nito no Mi (Nitro-Nitro Fruit): You sweat nitroglycerin. You're literally Bakugou. Duh, it's an S.
-Goru Goru no Mi (Gold-Gold Fruit): Allows the user to telekinetically manipulate any gold they've touched. The effect wears off if it's splashed by sea water, in that case they have to touch it again.
It's official english name is the "Gol-Gol Fruit" but that's dumb and it triggers my OCD so I'm calling it Gold.
-Raki Raki no Mi (Luck-Luck Fruit): Allows the user to steal the luck of anyone they touch and in-turn make the victim unlucky. This is incredibly OP, but the effect is temporary, either because the luck "returns" to the victims or because it was "spent", which leads me to the next point: you can't control how the luck is spent, so if it ends with something you didn't mean or want to happen, you are unaware of it.
-Nepa Nepa no Mi (Wave-Wave Fruit): Allows the user to generate heat waves. The waves are so powerful that they could destroy entire islands. They can also be amped up by using a giant fan.
-Mono Mono no Mi (Paste-Paste Fruit): Allows the user to create clones of people and things. The clones obey the user no matter what, even if they do something that's out-of-character; while they have the same skills, they're not as strong as the original.
-Basu Basu no Mi (Boom-Boom Fruit): Allows the user to turn anything they touch into a bomb.
Fun Fact: It was eaten by a dude named Balzac.
-Gasha Gasha no Mi (Clank-Clank Fruit): Allows the user to telekinetically disassemble, rearrange and combine inanimate objects to make mechanical creations. You could make Gundam. Downsides: limited range and what you can make is dependant on the nearby materials and your own mechanical knowledge.
-Nibi Nibi no Mi (Wisp-Wisp Fruit): Allows the user to control will-o'-the-wisps and reproduce the appearance and abilities of the deceased after touching a memento of said deceased. The wisps can also be used offensively.
The name was made by me.
-Uta Uta no Mi (Sing-Sing Fruit): Allows the user to transport their and others' consciousness to a virtual space called "Uta World", which they have complete control over, by singing; it can work via livestreams too. The user can also control the unconscious real-world bodies of those inside Uta World. The only one that can allow someone to leave Uta World is the user. While the user is omnipotent, they're not omniscient, so you can run away, hide in soundproof areas, or even trap the user in a soundproof containment field. The user can livestream images from Uta World to the real world. The ability is active for as long as the user is awake, which is difficult since the ability consumes a lot of stamina. And if the user dies, everyone in Uta World is trapped there forever.
-Kote Kote no Mi (Grab-Grab Fruit): Allows the user to create a pair of giant gauntlets. They can be used to punch, grab, and control any non-living thing in the user's grasp, like lightning. It's just a Stand. You can also use them defend yourself, make them into reflectice surfaces to ricochet bullets and even grab living beings and extract information from them. They can be repelled by strong wills and you can only grab two things at a time.
-Mari Mari no Mi (Mari-Mari Fruit): Allows the user to make copies of people and command them, the only weakness of the fruit is that you need to know a person's name and see them directly to copy them.
"Mari" is short for "marionette". I made this name too but it's so obvious I don't think it counts.
-Inu Inu no Mi (Dog-Dog Fruit), Model: Bake-danuki: Allows the user to become a full Bake-danuki (a tanuki yokai) or a half-Bake-danuki hybrid. This is Mythical Zoan (a type even rarer than a Logia), which aside from the usual Zoan powers, it usually grants an extra Paramecia-style power. This one allows the user to turn leaves into ANYTHING. By writing the name of something or someone on a leaf the user can create people, objects, environments, you name it! And if they make clones, they are completely loyal to the user, although not as strong as the originals. They can also clone themselves.
-Batto Batto no Mi (Bat-Bat Fruit), Model: Vampire: Allows the user to become a full vampire or a half-vampire hybrid while also being able to fly and drain the life-force of others. The life-force sucking works via the fangs or the your fingers (Wryyyy!), making you young and basically immortal if you keep up that habit. And if you're not total dick, like Dio, you can return the life-force with no ill effects.
-Ame Ame no Mi (Candy-Candy Fruit): Allows the user to create, control, and transform into candy syrup; you can also harden the candy for defense or turn it into weapons. Now this one is a doosy, because it's confirmed to be a Logia, but with the current available information, I think that it's a Special Paramecia. It fits all the criteria for one (Set by the only other example: the Mochi-Mochi Fruit.): having more than one of the three Paramecia ability types with a man-made element. And Logia's only allow the user to become a natural elemental, like fire, light, smoke, soot and even abstract concepts like darkness, and candy syrup sadly doesn't fit the bill. Oh, and it's also weak to getting eaten.
-Meta Meta no Mi (Metal-Metal Fruit): Allows the user to generate and control liquid metal. You can create communicating liquid metal clones that mimic people and animals and also create replacement limbs. This fruit doesn't have an established type, but with the description in the wiki about what it does, it's pretty fair to say it's a Paramecia.
Obvious name added by me.
-Zuma Zuma no Mi (Plasma-Plasma Fruit): Allows the user to generate, control and become plasma. The only known use of this fruit is to create large, electricity-emitting balls of plasma. This fruit also doesn't have an established type, and while it sounds like it's a Logia, it was actually stated in it's debut live show to not be case. And this make sense because in the live show the plasma images used were of man-made plasma lamps, making this a Special Paramecia.
Obvious name added by me.
-Ryu Ryu no Mi (Dragon-Dragon Fruit), Model: Stegosaurus: Allows the user to become a full Stegosaurus or a half-Stegosaurus hybrid. You can become a dinosaur, come on, it's an obvious S! This is an Ancient Zoan type, which are way rarer than a regular Zoans; this fruit was part of the original concept for the character Black Maria, who later on was given the spider Ancient Zoan, the Kumo Kumo no Mi (Spider-Spider Fruit), Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, instead.
This was probably changed to shake things up between the Tobiroppo (a group Maria belonged to), who all had dino Zoans, and it would be difficult for her be a sexy femme fatale while being a big, fat dino.
Name made by me.
And that's it for the S-Ranks! Stay tuned for Part 2!
And here is the link, so you can make your own list, if you want:
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optimusphillip · 2 years
OptimusPhillip Reviews – Transformers: Power of the Primes Grimlock
I cannot believe that it’s been five years since Power of the Primes launched. It feels like just yesterday that I was scrambling to get all five of the new Dinobot toys that were coming out. Since then, we’ve got Studio Series giving us new Leader Class versions of all the original Dinobots as part of their ‘86 movie assortment, and now Legacy has recently announced a new set of combining Dinobots in the Core Class price point. Between these two new sets of Dinobots, it seems like the Power of the Primes versions have become something of a distant memory. But before they fade away completely, I’d like to take one last look at them to see if they hold up, or whether they really are best left in the past. And to start things off, we gotta look at Grimlock.
Dinosaur Mode
Grimlock transforms into a Tyrannosaurus rex, very much inspired by his Generation 1 toy. He is cast predominantly in gray plastic, which does have a swirling element to it. I don’t know the exact purpose of this effect, I presume it’s some attempt at a metallic effect. Whatever the case, it is an interesting look, though it does give me flashbacks to Gold Plastic Syndrome. The other predominant color is gold, but it’s not just gold plastic or even simple gold paint. The neck and midsection are cast in colorless translucent plastic, with gold paint applied to the inside. This is a clever way to recreate the layered effect of the original Dinobot figures, who had clear plastic layered over gold chrome parts. Though given clear plastic’s reputation for fragility, it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the toy’s longevity.
Not all the gold is done this way, however. Standard gold paint can be found on the tail, hips, and toes. There’s also red paint on the front of his hips, along with his eyes, solidifying the fact that this is based on the G1 toy, rather than the blue-eyed cartoon model. This G1 homage is carried further by the sticker detailing on the torso, which carries the same kind of colorful circuitry designs one might find on an 80′s robot toy. However, as I said, these are Prime Wars Trilogy stickers, which means mileage may vary on adhesion and alignment.
While the deco is very G1, the shape of the T. rex does leave a lot to be desired. Because of the way this figure is engineered, everything from the hips down is heavily bulked up compared to most interpretations of the design. From what I can tell, these are compromises for the combination feature. On the G1 toy, the hips would collapse inward to give the robot torso clearance to fit around them, and the legs would fold up at the knee to form the tail. But the hips have to be fixed in place for the combiner hips to work, and the leg connection points make it impossible to hollow out the legs in the right way for them to fold up. So instead, we get very wide dinosaur hips, and a giant block of leg that’s trying to look like a tail. It’s unfortunate, but not the end of the world. I still think he looks very powerful and imposing from most angles.
In terms of articulation, Grimlock’s head can tilt up and down over a 90 degree range. His jaw is hinged, of course, and his shoulders are on ball joints, though the way the socket is cut means they can only point downward. Hips swivel 360 on a ratchet, and also move in and out if you can get him to balance. Knees are double-jointed with a mushroom peg thigh swivel, and the tail can move up and down on a ratchet. Altogether, he has a pretty decent range of motion, and can even assume the more modern T. rex stance, though I personally think he looks best Godzilla-style.
If you’ve ever messed with a Grimlock toy, then chances are you know how this figure transforms. Open the dino chest and flip the head back, bring the robot chest up, and split the tail to form the legs. It’s not exactly the same, however. The torso splits down the middle and the two halves pivot up instead of just pivoting up in one piece, and like I said, the legs don’t unfold at the knee, but instead the tip of the tail just folds back to form a heel. But really, it’s about what you’d expect, which means that isn’t a whole lot to it. There really isn’t anything else I can say, it’s just... another variation on the classic Grimlock transformation. If that’s what you’re looking for, then you probably won’t be disappointed in this regard.
Robot Mode
While not an exact match to his G1 character model, this figure is unmistakably Grimlock. He has the colors, the shapes, even the backpack is exactly what you’d expect from a Grimlock, though there is an additional piece of kibble on the back of his waist, due to the combiner gimmick.
As in dinosaur mode, this figure is specifically meant to homage the original Grimlock toy, and this is most visible in the head. Unlike the cartoon, the visor is red, and unlike the comic, the ear pieces stick straight upward. It’s a dead ringer the G1 Grimlock toy’s head.
More toy referential detail can be found in the surface detailing on his body, particularly on the torso and waist. Comparing against pictures of the G1 toy, every detail I can see is recreated here. They even molded in the exposed screw hole in his belly, which is an insane level of attention to detail.
Proportionally, this mode is probably where Grimlock looks best. The narrow hips and wide chest give him a very powerful look, like he’s been hitting the gym every day. The thighs do look a little scrawny if you look too closely, and that will become a problem later on, but for now, Grimlock looks pretty damn swole, and it’s a look that I think suits him. He looks the part of a big bruiser-type character, which is exactly what he’s supposed to be.
The robot mode also reveals more sticker detailing, this time on the shins. Once again, these stickers are meant to mimic detailing from the original toy. The stickers on the feet are missing, and the shape of the shin stickers is off, but it’s a surprising attention to detail. They’re still the cheap Prime Wars stickers, however, so they are prone to peeling off or being misaligned, especially with how close the stickers are to the edges of the surface.
Grimlock may look the part of the G1 toy, but the articulation has been improved greatly. The neck is on a ball joint, which really highlights how expressive the face sculpt is. The arms are the dinosaur legs and retain all the same articulation. The waist swivels on a ratchet, though it is restricted by the back kibble. Universal hips, with ratchets, thigh swivels, and ratcheted knees that go to the 90. All told, he has exactly as much articulation I’d like for a Grimlock robot.
Grimlock, unfortunately, does not come with his G1 weapons. Instead, he gets a pair of Prime Armor bucklers that peg onto his arms. As Prime Armor, they include slots for you to insert a Prime Master, Matrix Core, or the included Dinobot Enigma of Combination. They look pretty cool as giant bucklers, and the Prime Master integration can be fun, but they’re basically just static pieces in this mode. They do have unintentional Mini-Con compatible pegs on them, though, so you can play around with that. Really, these pieces are intended to be combiner feet, with the Prime Master integration being secondary.
As I mentioned, this figure also includes the Dinobot Enigma of Combination. Essentially, this is a static mold of a Prime Master in spark mode, so it can be inserted into any piece of Prime Armor or replace a Leader Class Matrix Core. It even has the Titans Return head connector molded in the bottom, so it can be used on any figure from that line, or any later Headmaster release. Again, however, it is a static piece, so it doesn’t have any articulation... also, it looks nothing like a head. This particular Enigma is painted silver all over, with a red core exposed by a vertical cross-shaped opening. It looks pretty cool, and definitely fits with the other Dinobots, but being a static piece means it’s not very exciting.
In robot mode, Grimlock stands at around 7 inches tall with his feet flat on the ground, which makes him almost exactly as tall as Siege Voyager Optimus Prime. This is a little bit inaccurate, since Grimlock is consistently portrayed as being taller than Optimus. That said, I don’t recall him ever being depicted as standing head-and-shoulders over Prime, like the Studio Series version did, so in this case, it’s more of a pick-your-poison type deal. I personally like to have Grimlock and Optimus closer to equal footing, and while this may skew a bit too far in that direction, it works better for me than the Studio Series.
The same can’t be said of him and his fellow Dinobots. Since he’s a Voyager and the others are all Deluxes, they only come up to just below his shoulders. This is definitely not cartoon accurate, since the Dinobots were always shown to be the same size in robot mode. This is yet another compromise for the sake of the combiner, since he’d look a little ridiculous if his limbs were as massive as his torso. The Legacy version seems to be avoiding this problem by doing a six-member combination, similar to the Constructicons rather than a Scramble City mechanism, and of course the Studio Series version doesn’t combine at all. So if you want internally scale-accurate Dinobots, you do have other options.
The engineering that went into the formation of the Volcanicus torso is admittedly somewhat clever. The entire hip assembly swings down and connects to the robot chest, and the arms curl up to form the combiner mode shoulders. Not only that, but Grimlock’s shoulder wings actually serve a purpose here, connecting to the robot shoulders to hold the shoulder assembly in place. The dinosaur head folds down to form the combiner chest, and a series of panel flips brings Volcanicus’s head out of Grimlock’s torso and shores up the gaps it would’ve left.
Unfortunately, for as clever as the transformation process is, the torso mode itself looks kind of weird. Grimlock’s bodybuilder proportions now work against Volcanicus, as the torso has widened out substantially while the legs remain mostly unchanged. As a result, you’re left with a robot with incredibly wide shoulders and a ridiculously narrow waist, which makes him look... goofy.
There are ways to mitigate this. Grimlock’s hips and knees can still move, so you can spread the legs out a lot more than the instructions suggest. You can also attach some leftover Prime Armor hands to his flanks and fill out his midriff, which is actually a clever bit of spare parts integration that I would’ve liked to see other toys implement. But this can only get you so far when A.) the shoulders still sit a good inch away from the bulk of the torso, and B.) the hips still pivot from the same point under his neck.
It’s unfortunate, especially when you see how good he would look if the proportions were a bit better. I really like the design of the head, looking like a Grimlock wearing a royal battle helmet, complete with gold spires on the front evoking the Crown of Leadership from the comic. It looks like what I’d expect a Dinobot combiner to look like. And when you put the Prime Armor hands on his sides, the torso has a really nice V-shape to it, plus the way Grimlock’s shoulders and back wings come together to form extra torso bulk looks really solid. There just needed to be a way to bring the shoulders in tighter and bulk out those hips. As it is, Grimlock comes off as one of the weaker Prime Wars combiner torsos.
There is one last feature to discuss, which involves the Enigma of Combination. Folding the dinosaur head forward and opening the jaws reveals a slot for it, or any other Power of the Primes gimmick item. It doesn’t really do anything, it’s just for show, but it does give you a bit of display option, and a bit of play option if you use your imagination.
Final Thoughts
For as critical as I’ve been, I still consider this a worthy Grimlock figure. Sure, he suffers a bit for the combining feature, and the combined mode itself is rather weak, but I think the added play value of being a combiner torso does offset a lot of his shortcomings. I personally have lots of fun with this guy, both solo and combined with his other Dinobots. Ultimately, it’s down to personal preference. If you want a full-size, cartoon-accurate Grimlock that comes with all his accessories, you’d definitely be better off getting the Studio Series version. If you want a combining Grimlock that’s still in scale with his teammates, you might want to wait and see how the Legacy Core Class version comes out. But if you want something in between those two extremes, Power of the Primes Grimlock might be worth seeking out if you can get him for a good price.
Okay, then. One down, four to go.
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myriicae · 2 months
The Godzilla mushroom head concept scares the shit outta me man
0 notes
roobridge · 7 months
Godzilla with mushroom cloud head and scales that resemble radiation burns. Concept art, 1954.
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philza-updates · 3 years
Philza posted on Tiktok!
[Video ID:
The video starts of with he camera filming Phil, who is cradling his cheek in one of his hands. Above his head is an on-screen caption reading “Search your name and put “core” after it on pinterest”. Throughout the video soft music is playing. After a few seconds of lingering on Phil, it then shows a series of images, some of which are accented by a loud fart noise. At the top throughout these images is an on-screen caption reading “✨PHILCORE✨”. The fart vs no fart list is as follows.
Heart shaped little ponds: no fart
An old building housing a coffee shop: no fart
Some funny fat toads: fart
A hanging potted plant: no fart
A tree stump covered in moss and mushrooms: no fart
A weird little crooked mushroom person clay figure: fart
Pancakes: no fart
Some monster that looks like a still from a really old godzilla movie: fart
Someone sitting in a flower field: no fart
A drawing of some strange wolf-like black creature with human hands: fart
End ID]
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nuclear-warrior · 7 years
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ᴛᴏʜᴏ sᴄɪᴇɴᴄᴇ-ғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴄɪɴᴇᴍᴀ
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frankenchio · 3 years
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Old art,
I read some time ago that the earliest ideas for Godzilla depicted him with his head shaped like a mushroom, reminiscent of the nuclear cloud, to which I scribbled the idea of how I imagined it, in a piece of paper. I found that scribble today while cleaning. I decided to pick it up and finish it(top is how I imagined him  before looking at the actual concept art, and the second and third are based on said concept art that I found on the Internet)
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