#musing hard so i am open to plots and connections
celtic-crossbow · 10 months
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Alexandria (post series end)
Warnings: Typical TWD violence, descriptions of injuries, mentions of pregnancy
Summary: You’ve found yourself in a less than ideal situation, handling as best you can. Good thing there’s always someone you can count on.
A/N: I am nearly finished with the request I’m working on but this little plot bunny wouldn’t stop hopping around with demand to be written. So here it is.
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The jab to your face snapped back your head, tipping (almost overturning) the chair you were tied against. Your vision whited out before returning with a slight blur. You could feel the warm blood dripping steadily from your nostrils. 
“You’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that.” You chuckled, moving around your zip-tied wrists in an attempt to keep circulation. 
The man in the middle of the four, the biggest,—the one throwing the punches—tossed back his head and laughed. You blinked wearily but held your smirk in place while the other three goons joined him. You refused to answer any questions so they did the same. You had no idea why their group had attacked Alexandria. The screaming coming from outside hadn’t stopped, but now gunfire had joined it. You had all been caught unaware. So many months with nothing but peace. A few walkers here and there, but otherwise, the fighting had stopped. 
Maybe you had all let down your guard. Maybe you had grown soft. Why else would the community’s best fighters all be on a run together? You were one of them, but two pink lines on three tests swiped from the pantry had ensured you stayed put. 
Another slap to your already bruising cheek brought you from your musings with a hiss. 
“I asked you a question, bitch!”
“Sorry.” You swished saliva and blood around in your mouth before spitting it out onto his shoes. “Wasn’t listening.” 
This time, the back of his hand connected with the opposite cheek. “Who is your leader?”
“Abraham Lincoln.” You answered quickly, wincing and flinching away when he raised his fist. He didn’t hit you this time but left the threat in the air. 
“Who lives here with you?” He demanded, arm shaking. 
“Just lil’ ol’ me and my guard dog.” You tried your best southern belle, batting your eyes at him sweetly. Your head snapped back again, your teeth catching your tongue and sending blood across the wall. You moved it around in your mouth after gathering your bearings, just to make sure you hadn’t bitten the damn thing off. 
“Lousy guard dog you have.” The man smirked and turned to the men behind him. “Search the house. Kill anything that moves.” You listened to him speak his orders in a hushed tone but your eyes were on a shadow by the window outside. Just as quickly as you saw it, it was gone. “As for you, cunt.” He hissed, pulling out a large hunting knife.
You sat calmly, the smallest of smiles on your face. 
The front door flew open and slapped against the wall behind it before teetering back and forth on the remaining hinge. There was a distinctive hiss before one of the men coming down the stairs began to gurgle, his body hitting the ground with a solid thud. 
The remaining men gathered back in your living room, staring at the figure looming by the front door. Daryl dropped the crossbow and pulled his knives. He was trembling and breathing hard through his nose, blue eyes on fire. And you could tell no one but you and he would be alive after the next five minutes. 
You leaned out a bit so he could see you behind the strangers. He had seen you from the window, you were almost certain, but just in case. 
You cleared your throat. “Gentlemen.” Only the leader bothered to look away from the new threat, his eyes wide. Daryl moved then, all skill and fury, slicing flesh and coaxing screams from the men who had dared to touch you. You watched with a tired but satisfied smile. 
“Meet my guard dog.”
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lgcnathan · 3 months
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*guess_who's_back_back_again.mp3* hi all ! thank you so much all the warm welcome (back's) 🤍 i'm kristin / admin *, and for those of you who don't know, nathan is my previous third-turned-second muse before i dropped out of the rp completely back in may of last year. i've still been around doing graphics, but nathan has always had a special place in my heart – and i knew that if i were to return with a muse, it would be with him. so when soobin opened up, i knew this was my one and only chance !
that being said, nathan is ~pretty much~ the same but ofc different in ways. his timeline is a continuation from where he was ic-wise last year, and you can read more under the cut about what his life is like now in the post-type zero era of his career. i've also linked his previous introduction that includes more of his backstory before he came to legacy for your reference !
now, without further ado, please like or reply to this post if you want to plot ! and if we plotted before, please don't feel like we need to keep the same connection – i'm practically starting from scratch here, and i'm excited to see what the future holds for nathan + all of you !
because i am an admin, you can easily reach me here or on the main. alternatively, you can find me on twitter or discord – just ask for my username, and i'll add you !
super stoked to be back here in my favorite place with my favorite people – let's get this party started 🥳
tl;dr on his backstory is that he (1) grew up in new york city, (2) acted out a lot because of parental neglect (re: being raised in boarding schools his whole life), (3) ended up in korea because the school board threatened to expel him after a prank-gone-wrong, (4) auditioned for legacy after his npc-big brother got signed to the company, (5) stayed because it was the first time in his life he ever got praised for literally anything and, wow, very much attention and affection-starved from the get-go, and (6) debuted in type zero in april of 2021 after four years of training!
now ... where, oh, WHERE do i even begin? like i mentioned in my ooc post when i dropped, nathan ultimately left type zero because of massive burnout. at the time, he was practically hard-carrying the group's promotions with his solo activities, and the burden of maintaining type zero's 'status' in the industry was eventually too much for him.
it was a lot for him, okay. not only was he dealing with the emotional turmoil that came from being in a group with so many line-up changes and differing opinions from the public, he was succumbing to the pressure of all these expectations placed on him that he (as he knows now) never felt properly prepared for before his debut.
the first few weeks after his departure, he had an extended staycation with his grandparents in the outskirts of seoul before flying back to nyc for some much-needed r&r.
since he was still signed to legacy even after leaving type zero, he returned to training after about three months of 'vacation' – so he's only been full-time training for a little over six months now.
he's been avoiding, basically, everyone – previous managers and stylists and other staff members, other debuted idols in the company, and, of course, the type zero members.
he's so ashamed of himself, for giving something up that (as he first-hand witnessed himself!) hundreds of kids only dream of after sacrificing their childhoods, their youths, their critical developments years all for the goal of becoming an idol.
and he's embarrassed, for obvious reasons. when he left type zero, he was practically at the top of his game, but now? now he's stuck in the basement, in the hallways of dance studios and practice rooms, surrounded by unfamiliar faces that whisper and gossip as he passes by. he's visibly older than most trainees now, and his energy nor enthusiasm can barely keep up anymore.
before, nathan thought he could take the world on by storm – that no matter what problem or obstacle, he could bulldoze through with sheer willpower alone. but now he's scared, and more jaded. the idol industry isn't anything like they tell you to believe, and there truly are things you can only learn through real-life experience.
but at the end of the day, nathan knows why he's still here, why he's tormenting himself by going through this rigorous training process again. he loves it. he loves it so much, and so much more than wanting to run away from it all once again.
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syrahbat · 2 months
Knowledge of Another : Chapter One
Here's the first chapter of my Gale/Tav fanfic, Knowledge of Another! It's my very first fanfic ever, so it's been quite the exciting journey. It's getting close to the end now, so I thought I'd share an excerpt, in case you too are a Bard who is in love with Gale and wished for so many more delicious smutty romantic interludes during the main plot of BG3.
I hope so very much that you enjoy! You can read the rest of the fic here!!! 🔮💜✨
It had to be perfect.
The Wizard of Waterdeep was setting up his tent under the fading sun, the commotion of everyone chattering, building fires and making friends filling the air around him. It hadn’t been long since a delicate pair of hands had soothed the arcane portal and pulled him back into Faerûn, nor long since the owner of that delicate pair of hands had connected their minds, flooding him with the knowledge of another so intimate and full that he could scarcely remember the last time a book or story had immersed him so. 
The knowledge of another, he thought, his brow furrowing as he continued dancing his hands in front of him, spectrals of Weave pouring from his fingers and brushing against the bits of his tent like the glistening threads of spider’s web. It disconcerted him, left him shaken. Not because he felt that it was an invasion of his privacy, but merely because it was a feeling so foreign to him that it upset the balance of his reality.
She had not given him the knowledge of another. He knew that now. He supposed he knew it then, but what is a young man to do; how can he miss what he has no concept of. He didn’t know to feel its absence, and after all these years, all this time desperately trying to fill a void he had no clue was there, seeking something he didn’t know she wasn’t giving him, he finally understood what exactly The Orb had found purchase on within his soul. 
The Orb merely took place of the void of knowledge he already had, unbeknownst to him. Though it hungered for magic just as he had done his entire life, Gale was beginning to craft a framework of thought that deeply unsettled him.
How full he felt, after experiencing the knowledge of another. 
“I think it’s a tent,” Tav said jokingly, sidling in next to him. “A very fine tent. The best tent here.” 
Gale turned to look at her, drinking her in without a thought, and smiled brightly. She returned the smile, a crease at her eyes, shining with mischief.
“In fact,” she continued, pushing her elbow against his arm playfully, “I might just be forced to write a ballad about how perfect this tent is.” 
Perfect. Curious, he thought. Curious word choice.
“Ah, well you see, a Wizard is only as good as his lodging.” Gale mused, finally releasing the power of the Weave and watching the effervescent shape of the tent become plain in even this beautiful sun’s glow. His shoulders dropped slightly. 
She was giving him a studying look when he turned to her, placing his hands behind his back and taking a step away. 
“If you ever desire to sleep under a better structure than whatever…” He gestured to her tent, slightly lopsided and clearly raised in a rush, “that is; I am ever at your service.” He bowed sardonically. 
She brought a hand to her heart dramatically, her mouth dropping open with shock. “Wizard, you wound me. I worked very hard on that structure, and not everyone can be as talented and brilliant as you. My talents simply lie elsewhere.” 
He couldn’t help the grin that took over his face, knowing his eyes were dancing with a light he was unable to hide.
“Mmm, yes, I’ve heard the mockeries you level at poor unsuspecting Goblins. Who knew one could perish from embarrassment alone.” 
“I’m sure you are well aware that words can be as much a weapon as fire or blade.” She raised her head in a display of pride that made something burn within him. 
“Remind me to never get on whatever side you deign to be deserving of such viciousness.” He said pointedly, turning back to look at the tent he had tried to perfect. “I suppose this will do.” 
“My Gods, Gale,” her tone was warm with familiarity, “it’s just a tent.” 
She placed a hand on his shoulder beaming a grin, before heading back to the fire and the chattering of their other companions. He heard a cork pop on a wine bottle as he turned back to the tent, hands clasped behind him tightly. He took a breath, and bent under the flap as he stepped inside. 
It was, as she said, just a tent. He climbed in, fluffed and stacked his simple pillows on the bedroll, and began to remove his travelling robes. He knew it was silly, meaningless, stupid, to care so much about it. He supposed he chalked it up to being a recluse, missing the luxuries of his home in Waterdeep, missing Tara and her company. He felt the loneliness bitterly here, the discomfort of a bedroll on the cold ground and only books Tav had found on the journey so far to keep him entertained. How many times could a man read On Death and Resurrection before lapsing into an academic atrophy? 
He suspected it was eight.
Lowering himself onto the bedroll, he put his arms behind his head and gazed up at the low roof of his home for the night, and for the foreseeable future. Raising his hand, he whispered lowly and gestured wide, as a sparkling veil of a starry night inked itself across the ceiling. It was no Waterdeep harbour, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
And though it was a night sky, stars burning in an ever living universe, the beauty he regarded only served to remind him of her eyes, her delicate hands, and her vicious mockery.
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zorkaya-moved · 6 months
me @ tumblr rpc: YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLOT WITH OCs and it shows.
And you know what? That happens. Plotting is hard. Honestly? Hate plotting so much if I don't know a person these days because I just feel overly anxious and ramble. So yeah, anyhow... Let me share some personal thoughts! THIS DOES NOT TOUCH ON PEOPLE WHO TAKE THEIR TIME, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME IN PLOTTING AND PLEASE DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN PACE! THIS IS A HOBBY AND THIS IS SOMETHING WE DO FOR FUN! This is based solely on some of my own experiences with SOME plotting (not all ofc!) as a woman oc writer in 2022-2023. I've had fantabulous experience with plotting and not so much. Please know you're valid, Ily, thank you for bearing with my burnt out ass in plottings. Mwah. Stay winning.
We all suffer from the collective dead brain cell syndrome when it comes to plotting any interaction, but do you know what kind of sucks and makes little ol' me tinsy bit bitter at the end of 2023 after going through countless people who just ignored my plotting proposals when I gave a ton of ideas? And what I'm going to call out just a tiny bit as a woman oc writer?
You can get into wikipedia and seek out information about a canon character to figure out some ideas on plots if you don't know the fandom, but do you do the same for OCs? 'Cuz OCs are sure as hell the very same 'canons from fandoms I don't know' type of situation.
Do you reach out to the CREATOR who can answer all your questions no matter how miniscule they can be? We, OC writers, are ready to give you the deep lore if you ask.
Do you check out about pages or headcanon pages? Hell, some of us have DETAILED NAVIGATION PAGES FOR VERSES! Is your OC or Canon from there? Check it out! Read! Find what interests YOU or if you didn't find something? Just ask the WRITER! Simple, innit? God, Imma be real, some of y'all gonna get my DMs like 'Listen, I can't find if you have this hc, could you please link it to me?' because I want info for plot ideas and if you do the same to me? I kiss u platonically.
Lemme give you a Done For You plotting thoughts you can use on how to plot with OCs, ladies and gents and nonbinary folks!
Do you have a specific dynamic you WANT for your character? Perhaps, you see a villain OC and want smth toxic to try out - ASK. Or you see an OC that might be a fun friend or neighbor or any other more positive dynamic - ASK. Inquire each other about what DYNAMICS you're open to. Oh you open to all? Sick. PUT DOWN YOUR BOUNDARIES FIRST. BOTH SIDES. SPEAK YOUR BOUNDARIES.
Do you have verses both of your characters are in? Be it OC & OC or Canon & OC? Noice, discuss all possible connections your characters might have! Offer ideas! Offer thoughts! The worst thing another can say is 'no'. And if so? COUNTLESS POSSIBILITIES. Yummy possibilities. Friends, childhood friends, childhood rivals, exes, rivals, co-workers, fight on sight, live next to each other, see each other in the same fucking cafe your muse goes at 2 pm specifically and ALWAYS sees another muse there... Countless. I'm telling you.
OFFER. IDEAS. The vaguest ones will do ok too. I cannot stress this enough but as an OC writer, I've had instances where I just... Gave 5 ideas only to have someone just drop me. Fully and completely. Not the 'I'll reach out to you later I need to think about this' but just full on 'wow this is too much plotting and I don't want to invest that much time' like it sucks. It sucks being the only person offering possible dynamics, ideas, even funny ones in some cases! I'm so burnt out from plotting dynamics because I keep. Offering. Ideas. But I don't have the same feedback loop. More like I have 0 feedback in the instances I dive into possibilities which burnt me out from plotting altogether, closing plotting possibilities with those who may actually be the same kind of insane as I am. And it sucks. Bless you all who give vague ideas or not vague ideas. Love you. You're fucking champions.
BE OPEN TO ASKING QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS, HOLY SHIT, PLEASE. Please never forget to ask "Hey, how would you feel about this scenario?" or "Would your character be in this kind of situation? Maybe that's how they met and started hanging out?" or "Oh, how about us trying out this type of dynamic and see where it goes?" or anything, really.
Anyways, this is just my 2 am psa because yeah why not. December sucks ass so why not speak out my thoughts at the end of 2023 to enter 2024 with sunglasses and cool Women OCs Propaganda I will continue preaching. You're all welcome to reblog this.
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angie-long-legs-moved · 3 months
Age Restricted
This blog is 18+, absolutely no exceptions! Mun is in their 20s and will not rp with minors. If you are under 18, please do not follow or interact. You will be blocked.
At the moment, I am happy to rp/interact with the majority of those who want to write with me! However, I can be choosy if I feel our writing styles don't match or we don't click in the way we portray our muses.
I may drop threads if I lose motivation or I feel as though I'm carrying it. If you're concerned I've dropped our thread and wish to continue it, please just let me know! I may be open to continuing with some additional plotting, or at the very least I will offer an explanation as to why it was dropped.
I don't do exclusives! I love to see writers portray their own take on their muses, so doubles are welcome here.
Hard blocking is reserved for minors and weirdos - I won't hard block you if I no longer want to interact, I will probably just unfollow.
Dark Themes
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurance. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel's story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
Mun =/= Muse
Angel can be a prize dickhead at times. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. He has a short temper and zero impulse control, and is prone to flying off the handle. I will most likely ask if I feel like anything I write would cross a line, but I don't see this as ever being more than Angel throwing around hurtful words.
I tag obvious triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, just let me know! I may fuck up from time to time and forget to tag something, in which case just shoot me a message and I'll fix it.
NSFW content is fine and to be expected with this muse! However, I won't write smut unless we've been writing together for a while. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
Head over heels for Huskerdust, not massively interested in shipping Angel with other characters from the show. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I'm open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed ooc if it starts heading that direction. Open to OC ships, but again, chemistry is key. And, obviously, Angel is gay - I'll be writing him as such. If your muse is female/fem-leaning, sorry, but he ain't into it!
(I also feel the need to stress that while I enjoy exploring the dynamic between Angel and Valentino, please do not misinterpret this as shipping. To be clear, writing interactions between characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship does not constitute shipping, to my own definition. I am more than happy to explore the dark themes within their dynamic as long as we are on the same page about this.)
Requires Discussion
I am pretty lax, and will rp a lot without requiring prior discussion. If your muse is becoming violent towards mine, you don't need to worry about asking permission, especially when it is context relevant (eg. a thread between Angel and Valentino). I only ask that the following are discussed beforehand: any form of sexual assault (I will not write anything graphic), discussion of csa, a character causing massive injury to another or a character killing another.
Off Limits
Graphic descriptions of sexual violence; sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor; incest; paraphilias
I have a preference for long-form RP, but I also do IC asks. Multi para is preferred.
I will answer most asks - just please don't spam my inbox!
I don't expect anyone to match my length with replies - this is largely because I have a tendency to go overboard and write more than my partner! I prefer to write multi para because of this, but I'm open to all lengths.
Although I don't expect partners to match my length, I do like them to match my effort. As much as this is a fun and silly hobby, it's time-consuming and laborious, and I very much pour my heart into my writing. I want to write with people who value my contributions as much as I value theirs!
Personally, I am not massively bothered about literacy skill. However, if your language or grammar make it so I struggle to understand your response, I will not be able to write with you.
Activity Status
Currently very active! With my current number of threads, my average reply time is around 3-4 days. But if for some reason I haven't replied, don't panic! I'm a naturally slow writer and a perfectionist, it can take me a while to finish a response, especially if our thread responses are long. And, obviously, I do have a life outside of tumblr. However, if you're worried I've forgotten our thread, just shoot me a message!
I am more than happy to talk ooc, and welcome yall to message me! Whether it's for plotting reasons, ideas, headcanons, or just to shoot the shit, I love getting to know the people I write with!
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inhobe · 4 months
hello all! it is i, chy (hyunki & xiaoli) bringing you my third (and more than likely final) muse to wannabe! introducing, ryu inho. he is 22 years old, and currently attending hongik university while majoring in computer engineering. for work he works mostly at a flower shop, and sings at bars on weekends. inho is charismatic, loyal, flirtatious, and very friendly. below i included more information about him, as well as some general plot ideas we can potentially work off of, then there is also links to his profile (i am working on a longer plot page)! i always love to brainstorm otherwise! if you'd like to plot feel free to like this and i will come bother you!
(discord available upon request)
(tw for mentions of abuse, drug use, abandonment, and teen pregnancy)
inho was born december 05, 2001, a sag baby
raised by a single mother, and his dad dipped before he was born
his mom was 16 when she had him
they allowed his mom to stay she graduated high school but kicked her out the same day
his whole life they were poor and required a large amount of government assistance to get by
inho has a terrible relationship with his mother. she blames him for how her life ended up
she would verbally degrade him, and frequently left inho home alone to go party with friends or her new boyfriend and do drugs
there were times she or her partners would physically abuse him
up until he was about thirteen he never fought back, but then he began to, both with his words and his fists
has a problem to this day with his temper and getting into fights, has punched many a hole into a wall
his dad briefly would show up on occasion, but never for more than a few weeks
when inho was 17 his dad got his mom pregnant again with his little sister, inhye
inhye is the light of his life and he works very hard to protect her and give her a good life
nowadays she frequently lives with him and he finds a way to take her to school and pick her up daily, and the flower shop owner lets him have her around
only interacts with his mom when he can't have inhye in his care and has to bring her back
completed his military service directly out of high school and came back about september 2021
started at the flower shop he works at immediately and also finding bars to sing at sometimes
chose to major in computer engineering mostly because he is intelligent enough for it, but also it will provide good money for him and inhye
not sure what he wants to do long term
inho loves singing significantly more than working with computers or at the flower shop, but isn't sure how to achieve that dream
most of his connection to idols is through some friends and his sister
ex(s) - i imagine inho probably had a partner possibly during his military time (february 2020 - september 2021) that he only saw during that time, and probably one longer term partner while in high school (march 2016-february 2020) and those are both fairly open for plotting
fwbs/hook ups - inho is very flirty and with spending his weekend nights in bars and his week days being flirty at the flower shop, he is known to take some people to his bed. recently went through a Tough Time and had a month or two long period where he really went ham
friends - he keeps a large circle of friends around him and enjoys company. so people he's known since high school, met at uni, met at his work. very open!
fellow students - just classmates, whether they share a major or not
a colleague - i imagine only one or two other people work at the shop with him
honestly would love to put him in a band, so if anyone wants a lead singer, hit him up
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bambirex · 8 months
I Get So Hungry (When You Say You Love Me)
Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid, Geraskier, Radskier
Characters: Radovid, Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia
Additional tags: porn what plot/porn without plot, okay there's some plot but not a lot, threesome- m/m/m, roleplay, possesive behavior, biting, so much biting, chasing as a sexual act, yeah that's a thing now, rimming, face-sitting, oral sex, blowjobs, jaskier has a fat ass because i said so, coming untouched, fight sex, spitroasting in a way
Word count: 3,448 words
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: explicit
Part 3 of the Predator & Prey series
Summary: "What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Author's notes: So why isn't Geralt/Jaskier/Radovid a thing? (okay okay I know it's because Geralt and Radovid hasn't met in canon but oh well)
Anyway, I had this mental image in my head since someone mentioned that Radovid looks like a fox, so I invited him to Jaskier and Geralt's little game. Oh, also, these fics aren't in chronological order or anything, and the individual stories aren't necessarily connected. The only thing that ties them together is the wolf and bunny roleplay.
Read on Ao3
Radovid never thought himself to be the type to share, but he quickly had to learn that Jaskier couldn't be tied down. His heart would always belong to Geralt, and so he would always return to his witcher. It bothered him at first, but he soon learnt to appreciate the times he got to spend with Jaskier all the more for it. The bond between Jaskier and Geralt was an unbreakable one, but it did not make Jaskier's love for Radovid inferior. He had enough love for the both of them.
And, well, there may have been a thrill in that, too - shortly after they started seeing each other, Jaskier revealed to him how adventurous his sex life was with Geralt. Getting past the initial jealousy of the knowledge, Radovid grew intrigued by the mental image of Jaskier being naughty with his big buff witcher. Radovid saw him in passing, and he couldn't deny that Geralt was very attractive. Him and Jaskier must have looked delicious together.
Eventually, it was Radovid himself that would ask about the things Jaskier and Geralt did together. One night, Jaskier opened up about something that made his eyebrows shoot up, and heat coil in his core at the same time.
Jaskier had a cheeky little smile on his face as he revealed the details to him about a certain game that he liked to play with Geralt.
"To be fair, we don't always do it like that," Jaskier chuckled from where he sat on Radovid's lap, his arms wrapped around the prince's neck. "But pretty often. We both enjoy it a lot. It's... thrilling. Letting go completely. The animalistic desire of it all, literally. It's always the best kind of sex we have."
"So, Geralt is a wolf, because that's the nickname you came up with for him all those years ago," Radovid mused. He idly caressed Jaskier's lower back. "And you're a bunny, because..."
"Ah, it's not just the nickname. I mean, that happened for a reason. It's his personality. Strong, brave, insanely protective of his loved ones. He's a hunter, all sharp teeth and deep growls. Hard, steely muscles. Agile and fast. A lone wolf, most of the time, but caring for his pack a lot. He can be a bit possessive too, I guess. The dark clothes, hiding him in the darkness of the night as he's looking for his prey... Yeah."
Radovid noted how Jaskier's breath hitched the more he spoke about Geralt like that, and how his cheeks flushed. He really seemed to like this game.
"And, uhm, I'm a bunny because I'm overly energetic, soft and roundish, and irresistibly adorable."
Radovid laughed. "Yes, you are."
"And you know, it's quite sexy to play prey. Just letting a big scary predator do whatever the hell they want to me."
Radovid hummed. He drew patterns onto Jaskier's skin with his fingertips. The more Jaskier said, the more Radovid felt himself become interested. He imagined Jaskier on all fours, whimpering and presenting his rotund behind to a snarling Geralt. He grew hard in his breeches at the thought. Jaskier must have noticed the bulge under him, because he made an amused little sound and wiggled his ass against it.
"Oh, my, what do we have here?"
"What kind of animal would I be," Radovid drawled, the words leaving his mouth before he could stop himself. Jaskier sent him a strange look.
"In this game of yours," Radovid clarified. He tightened his grasp around Jaskier's hips. "What am I?"
Jaskier tilted his head to the side as he inspected his face. His eyes darkened, his tongue poking out to wet his lips.
"A fox," Jaskier concluded. Radovid hummed.
"Elaborate on that."
"Smart, cunning," Jaskier explained, teasing a finger down the side of Radovid's neck. "Crafty. Seemingly a harmless puppy, but you bite hard. Not afraid of a challenge. Leaner and not as tough as a wolf - but still very strong. And you have these sharp features and that reddish tint to your hair, so... a fox. Definitely."
Well, Radovid could make do with that information. It planted a new image in his head - one where that sweet, eager bunny was hunted by not one, but two apex predators at once...
It was as if Jaskier read his mind because he leant in really close to his ear and whispered "why? Would you like to join us?"
Radovid had to think of that very old lady from the kitchen to stop himself from coming inside his pants like a pathetic teenager.
"Seriously?" He asked, his voice choked up with arousal. Jaskier bit his lip in a sultry way as he nodded.
"Mhm. I'd love that."
"And Geralt? You said he's possessive."
"Yeah, but I'm here, aren't I? He lets me play with you, too, so I don't think he would hate the idea."
To emphasize his words, Jaskier slipped a hand inside Radovid's collar and caressed his chest, running his fingers through the coarse hair there teasingly.
"That wolf loves spoiling his bunny," Jaskier all but moaned into his ear, "and if his bunny wants to be hunted down by a fox as well, he will cave in."
Radovid reached up to tangle his hands in Jaskier's hair, pulling him down into a heated kiss. He couldn't stop thinking about the idea for a single second.
Apparently, Geralt was on board right away. He really had to be whipped for his bunny - not that Radovid blamed him for it. He also never managed to resist Jaskier.
He joined them in their camp in the woods. Slipping out without his guards noticing and making a huge ruckus wasn't an easy task, but he managed. He did laugh at himself a little for how ridiculous it was, that a wealthy prince was sneaking around in the forest just to pretend to be animals with two other men, but his curiosity and his lust were stronger than his embarrassment.
His breath caught in his throat when he spotted Jaskier, sitting on Geralt's lap like he sat on his just about a week prior, dressed only in one of Geralt's shirts and nothing else. He rocked against Geralt's crotch in a steady rhythm as they kissed languidly. Geralt's big hands squeezed the soft, thick flesh of Jaskier's thighs as he pulled him closer. The sight of them together was beautiful.
"Hello?" Radovid called out, a little uncertain. The pair broke apart. Jaskier's eyes lit up when he saw him. Geralt gave him a nod as he released Jaskier.
"You came," Jaskier grinned as he rushed over to him and kissed him on the lips happily. If his mind wasn't already so fried with arousal, Radovid would've made a "not yet" joke.
His eyes fell on Geralt, once him and Jaskier parted. His naked, extremely chiseled torso drew his eye. He understood perfectly why Jaskier was so attracted to him - all those hard muscles, that tall, broad built were ridiculously gorgeous.
"We haven't officially met yet," Radovid said as he reached his hand out for Geralt. Geralt shook his hand with a hum. His skin was warm and his fingers calloused, so different from his and Jaskier's softer, smaller hands.
"You have a surprisingly strong handshake," Geralt noted. Radovid couldn't help but smirk. He glanced at Jaskier who watched them curiously, his long lashes fluttering.
"Are there any rules?"
"Not really, just let go and enjoy," Jaskier told him. "And if someone doesn't like something, we can always stop."
"You gotta show me how it's done," Radovid drawled. Jaskier grinned.
"Want some free show, huh?"
Radovid shrugged with a cheeky grin, but his eyes lit up with interest as Geralt stepped over to Jaskier. It was truly a miracle how Jaskier, who was merely a couple inches shorter than Geralt, with a fairly muscular built covered with nice handfuls of soft flesh managed to look so much smaller compared to the witcher. It was in the way his eyes grew big and innocent as he looked up at him, Radovid noted. A strange instinct, one he's lacked before, flared up in him as he watched Geralt kiss Jaskier with fervor, all but devouring the bard as his hands squeezed all over Jaskier's needily trembling body.
Jaskier threw his head back, revealing his neck to Geralt. Geralt licked a long stripe over his throat, and Jaskier made a noise that caused Radovid to stifle a similar sound.
"Is the bunny not gonna put on a fight?" Geralt drawled. He nosed at Jaskier's jaw with a smirk. "Doesn't he wanna escape?"
"Does he even stand a chance," Jaskier moaned, clawing at Geralt's chest as Geralt sucked on his throat, painting it deep blue and purple with his marks. Jaskier's eyes fell to Radovid, still so big and pleading. Fuck, this was really, really hot. "Does he even stand a chance against two predators at the same time?"
Geralt's eyes were dark and curious as he looked at Radovid.
"Does he?" He asked. Radovid looked at Jaskier, who licked his lips excitedly. His eyes were hooded with lust. The fire inside Radovid burnt harder.
"No, he doesn't," he replied, his voice deeper, thicker than usual. It surprised even him.
"Oh, let's see about that," Jaskier grinned. Then, he started running - not very fast, mind. He clearly had no intention to actually outrun Geralt who sent Radovid a questioning look before he leapt after him.
That would've been so ridiculous if Radovid wasn't so turned on already. Running through the woods in his fancy boots like an idiot? Chasing his lover who pretended to be a horny rabbit?
That was exactly what he did when overcome by a mad lust he hasn't felt before, started running after them. He could only hope he wouldn't trip over a branch and break his neck.
The adrenaline, along with an unfamiliar, primal lust pumped through his veins as he ran between the trees, never losing sight of the other two. Jaskier played the part really well: he kept throwing anxious glances over his shoulder, as if he wasn't burning up with the desire to get caught. Geralt was close on his tail, and Radovid soon caught up to them as well.
Jaskier - possibly on purpose - tripped, and Geralt took the opportunity to grab him and tackle him down onto the ground. Jaskier let out a gasp as Geralt pinned him down, his iron grip around Jaskier's wrists never easing up as he sunk his teeth into Jaskier's neck, growling around the patch of skin in his mouth. Jaskier writhed underneath him, weakly struggling under Geralt's bulk.
Radovid came to kneel next to them on the ground. He watched with rapt interest as Jaskier moaned and whimpered in pleasure as Geralt bit all over his neck and chest, leaving red teeth marks on his skin.
"Doesn't the fox want to take a bite?" Geralt suddenly asked him, his voice surprisingly cheeky. "Don't let go of your prey that easily."
A growl ripped out of Radovid as he leant down and nuzzled Jaskier's neck. Jaskier tilted his head back, encouraging him. So, Radovid did as Geralt told him, and took Jaskier's soft skin between his teeth. It yielded deliciously, and he trembled and whined so prettily. Radovid wanted to hear more. He grabbed Jaskier's shirt and tore at it, trying to get more of his body. Jaskier practically purred in delight.
Radovid and Geralt knocked together in their haste to try and claw and bite as much at Jaskier as they could. Radovid gasped when Geralt suddenly nosed at his neck. He looked up at him questioningly, and Radovid nodded. He swore under his breath when Geralt nipped at him, lighter than he did to Jaskier.
He wasn't sure what came over him again when he growled and sunk his own teeth into Geralt's neck. The witcher's breath hitched. His skin was different from Jaskier's, his scent stronger. Radovid growled harder as he bit all over Geralt's neck, one of his hands gripping at Jaskier's chest and pushing him down on the ground.
Geralt lightly shoved at him, clearly not putting in as much strength as he could, lest he completely shattered him. His eyes were dark with lust as he bit at Radovid's shoulder, tearing at his shirt.
"Mine," Geralt growled, possessively squeezing at Jaskier's thigh. Jaskier's breathing picked up as he watched his predators fight over him, absolutely delighted by the sight.
"Mine," Radovid snarled back. He clawed at Geralt's chest, his fingernails leaving a faint red mark on his skin. When he pulled back, he saw that there was a tiny smear of blood on Geralt's neck where he bit too hard. Radovid's eyes widened in horror.
"Shit, I didn't mean to..."
"That's okay," Geralt drawled, licking his lips. "That's a feisty fox you lured here, little bunny."
Jaskier grinned. His cheeks were flushed pink, his chest heaving with his aroused breaths. His cock was straining, steadily oozing precome.
"Very bitey. I like it."
"Let me just..." Radovid leant in and licked the droplet of blood off Geralt's neck. He was surprised to find Geralt shivering in response.
"Fuck," Jaskier moaned. He pushed himself up on his elbows to see better. "Oh, these are some very possessive predators, alright."
Geralt hovered above him. His strong hands held Jaskier down as he licked and nibbled all over his body. Jaskier looked like the most beautiful, most delicious meal as he laid beneath them, so open, so willing. Radovid hasn't seen him like that before, but now that he did, he couldn't get enough.
They were right about this game, he thought as he sucked hickies into Jaskier's hip, adding his own marks to Geralt's collection. This sinful roleplay woke something primal up in him as well, something that made him want to shed every societal expectation, that made him want to never stop biting and clawing at that beautiful prey beneth him.
He was going to eat him alive.
"Hop on my face," he told Jaskier. Jaskier sent him an amused look, but he did sit up gingerly, grinning when Radovid lay on the ground and started grabbing at his hips.
"Aw, the fox seems really hungry," Jaskier cooed as he climbed up on Radovid's body, hovering above his face in a backwards position. "Don't worry, we have just the treat for him."
He started lowering himself down. Radovid grabbed him and yanked him down in one quick motion, until Jaskier's plump buttocks covered his face. Jaskier let out a gasp when Radovid licked over his hole with a hungry moan. He grabbed onto Jaskier's meaty thighs, digging his fingers into his flesh as he lapped at Jaskier's entrance.
"Oh... What a clever tongue this fox has", Jaskier moaned. He ground his hips down gently, his breath hitching when Radovid lightly nipped at his sensitive skin.
Radovid felt something brush against him. Since he couldn't see due to Jaskier's luscious body covering his face, he could only guess that Geralt knelt over him.
He heard the sound of a belt unbuckling. He moaned straight into Jaskier's hole that fluttered against his tongue eagerly.
"The bunny seems pretty hungry, too," Geralt said. There was an excited little gasp, then Jaskier leant forward. Radovid heard Geralt let out a moan, then hot, wet, sucking sounds. He realized Jaskier started sucking Geralt off, and that made his already painfully hard cock twitch.
"Isn't it great that there's enough of this bunny to share," Geralt growled. His voice rumbled deep in his chest, thick with arousal. Jaskier moaned, his voice muffled by the cock in his mouth.
"He's a whole feast."
He definitely was, and Radovid truly wanted to devour him. He pointed his tongue and thrust it inside, making Jaskier's hips twitch above him. He was heavy, and so warm, his bum, round and thick like a ripe peach, covered his entire face. He ran his hands over his fuzzy, soft thighs, enjoying the way they trembled.
He felt Geralt place a hand on his knee as he moved forward to rock into Jaskier's mouth. Jaskier made a choking sound as Geralt's cock hit the back of his throat. His hole fluttered around Radovid's tongue.
"Does the bunny taste good?" Geralt asked, breathless. While having Jaskier on his face was a heavenly experience, Radovid kind of wished he could see Geralt's face in the throes of passion right now. Radovid moaned again as he circled his tongue, teasing the sensitive nerve endings. Jaskier whimpered around Geralt's dick, grinding his hips down.
Jaskier breathed harshly through his nose as Geralt gently thrust into his mouth. Radovid followed suit as he buried his face in deeper, his hand kneading Jaskier's hips and thighs, fingernails digging into the small rolls at his waist forcefully. He caressed Jaskier's sensitive inner walls with his tongue before he pulled it out and teased it along his rim. Jaskier made a choked-up sound akin to a sob. Geralt shushed him softly.
"That's a good bunny, so good for us."
Radovid continued teasing that tight ring of muscle until Jaskier trembled above him, desperately rocking against his face for more. He plunged his tongue back in, stretching him out, forcing their needy bunny to take everything the fox and the wolf wanted to give him. He fucked Jaskier with his tongue in rhythm with Geralt who canted his hips into that needy mouth.
He heard a deep, guttural moan above him, then a shaky release of breath. Jaskier swallowed audibly. Radovid moaned when he realized what just happened.
"Fuck," Geralt moaned. He kissed Jaskier on the lips noisily. Jaskier whimpered against his mouth.
"Is the fox doing okay under there?" Geralt asked, gently tapping Radovid on the chest. "That rump is quite the handful."
Radovid gave Geralt a weak thumbs up. He could barely breathe with how heavy Jaskier was on his face, especially when he grinded down so desperately, rubbing his plump bottom right against his mouth, but right now, Radovid believed that if he died like this, suffocating under his bunny, it would be worth it.
He fucked Jaskier harder with his tongue, pointing it and thrusting it in as deep as he could. Jaskier cried out in pleasure as Radovid repeatedly hit his sweet spot with the tip of his tongue.
"That's it," Jaskier whimpered, his voice growing high-pitched, his hips stuttering as he approached his climax, "fucking devour me."
Radovid let out a groan. He circled his tongue quicker, his lips closing around Jaskier's hole like a vice to suck on it, attacking him with pleasure from every angle. When his teeth scraped his sensitive skin again, Jaskier came, nearly sobbing as he spilled over Radovid's chest.
Geralt helped Jaskier off Radovid's face. Radovid gasped for breath and blinked against the sudden light as Geralt's face came into view.
"Still good?" He asked. Radovid nodded tiredly. Jaskier nuzzled into his neck with a happy giggle.
"Everyone ate, but what about the wolf?" Jaskier cooed. He settled down comfortably, letting Radovid rest his head on his thighs. "I bet he's hungry."
Geralt's eyes were dark as they landed on Radovid. It made him tremble with want. Geralt reached for Radovid's belt with a questioning look. The prince nodded frantically.
He swore when Geralt's hand closed around his dick. The witcher gave it a few experimental pumps. Radovid threw a hand over his face as he continued cursing. Jaskier caressed his hair, murmuring something Radovid couldn't make out. He didn't even have the chance to comprehend anything because he was engulfed in a warm, wet mouth. He watched, mouth agape, as Geralt bobbed his head up and down, taking his full length easily.
"He's very good at this, isn't he," Jaskier purred, gently scratching at Radovid's scalp. Radovid gripped onto the grass, trying to hold on a little longer as Geralt sucked on his tip, his eyes dark with lust. "When a beast like that unhinges its jaw, you'll be swallowed whole."
Geralt took this opportunity to sink completely down on Radovid's dick, choking lightly when he hit the back of his throat.
Being so aroused for so long now, it didn't take much for Radovid to lose it and empty his load into Geralt's mouth. Geralt pulled off slowly, making sure his teeth scraped over Radovid's oversensitive dick, causing it to twitch one last time.
Geralt laid next to him and kissed Jaskier over Radovid's head. Radovid looked up at them, a grin spreading on his face.
This was definitely the weirdest thing he's ever done, but also the most amazing.
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doewhiteauthor · 2 years
Desperate - Eddie Munson X Reader
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Title: Desperate
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairings: Eddie Munson X Reader
Summary: No real Plot, only smut
Age Rating: 18+
Word Count: 792
The wood from the bench dug into your knees as you straddled Eddie’s lap, the cool wind blew across your bare thighs, your skirt hiking up as you fidgeted. Eddie’s hands were gripping the sides of your thighs, his fingers gently massaging your skin. 
‘You look pretty like this.’ he mused, craning his neck to nuzzle your cheek, you whined and leaned down, burying your face into Eddie’s shoulder to hide your burning cheeks. 
‘What’s wrong princess, you don’t usually blush so hard at my compliments.’ he taunted you. Normally you wouldn’t, you were usually quite good at brushing off and accepting his compliments. But as you quickly glanced up to your panties abanded on the table behind Eddie, you were reminded why you couldn’t quite brush things off so easily. 
‘Oh, am I interrupting something?’ a female voice made you both jump, separating and giggling as your cheeks heated up. You and Eddie had become involved in a heavy make-out session while you were waiting for her to show up, a regular client of Eddie’s who always brought her weed from him. However, you may have forgotten she was coming and gotten Eddie a little too excited, the only thing hiding his hard-on was the bench table. 
‘Nothing at all.’ Eddie smiled, acting casually as he re-adjusted his trousers. He quickly opened his lunch box and fished around for the little baggie while the girl pulled out her money. She glanced at you, probably staring at your smeared lipstick as you tried to wipe it away with whatever issue you had in your pockets. 
‘The usual, m’lady.’ he joked, handing it out to her between his two fingers and opening his palm for the cash. She quickly swallowed the baggie and shoved it into her pocket. 
‘Nice.’ she smiled. Turning on her heels and practically ran away. 
‘Did I scare her off?’ you smirked, giggling as Eddie wrapped his hand around your waist and pulled you closer.
‘I think most people get uncomfortable when they see us making out.’ he twisted away from you to sit facing away from the bench, leaning against the table. ‘Especially when they realise how desperate you are for me.’ he smirked, clasping his hands together behind his head. You scoffed at him and moved, throwing your leg over Eddie’s lap to straddle him. 
‘Speak for yourself! I think you’re the one who is desperate…’ you leaned in close to Eddie, your lips ghosting over his. In truth, you were both as desperate for one another, but neither of you would admit it. 
‘Then why don’t we test it?’ he smirked, his hands coming to rest on your bare thighs. You immediately shivered at his touch. 
‘Take off your panties.’
Eddie had started this little game to prove a point, now he was balls deep into you and determined not to move, to beat you at your own game. Your own resolve was weakening, with every slight jolt of his hips, your walls crumbled down. 
‘Why don’t you just move, sweetheart?’ he placed a soft kiss just below your ear, blowing cold air over your neck to make you shiver. ‘I know you want to.’
‘Eddie…’ you whimpered, moving your hips forward slightly to feel him. Mistake. As soon as you ground down onto him, you couldn’t help yourself, grinding more and more until you began to bounce on top of him. 
‘Fuck… Eddie…’ you gasped, your movement sloppy and slow. Eddie growled as you moved, but he quickly took control, grabbing your thighs and standing up. You squealed and wrapped your legs around him, clinging to him as he walked to the edge of the table and dumped you on top of it. 
He didn’t give you a chance to scold him, instead, he connected his lips to yours in a long kiss as he pushed himself back into you. You gasped as he did, giving him access to slide his tongue into your mouth. Eddie began a fast pace, relentless in his mission. 
‘I told you you were desperate for me.’ he whispered as he pulled away, feathering kisses along your jaw. 
‘Yes, Eddie. Fuck!’ you cried out, wrapping your arms around his neck to wind your fingers into his hair. Eddie groaned and slowed his pace, kissing your cheek.
‘I’m gonna cum.’ he whispered, reaching down between your bodies to rub your clit, pushing you towards the edge. 
‘Just like that… fuck, I’m gonna cum.’ you encourage him, between his cock and his fingers you were pushed over the edge, Eddie quickly following behind you. 
Eddie stopped thrusting into you, leaning over you and breathing heavily. 
‘I don’t think you are the only one who is desperate.’ Eddie chuckled, nuzzling your cheek. 
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Dash Games - RP Profile
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name — Salem
pronouns — I am genderfluid; plz ask! At the moment, I prefer he leaning.
preferred comms — My discord is always available to mutuals and it is the best way to get in touch with me! DMs are always open and my inbox is open, too. Tbf I check everything as often as I can, but via discord will always be the best way.
name of muse — Tamaki Suou
experience in RP — I started roleplaying in 2008 (15 years)! Joined tum in 2012.
best experiences — I am going to agree with the person who tagged me (see below); there is nothing more exciting than connecting with a rp partner and brain rotting plots, pairings, or what have you.
I also love it when people tell me they enjoy my portrayal of my muse. He is so important to me (in ways that are hard to explain) and it makes me happy that I am able to do him justice.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Being rushed for replies is definitely on the pet peeves list. Meta gaming; I cannot stand this! Also, if there is no communication between my roleplay partner(s) and myself, that can be frustrating.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I do not mind any on this list. smut is not so important to me, though I am not afraid to rp it. Fluff and angst are my bread and butter! (Though now that I am rereading the category is called 'muse' preference? In which case, Tamaki would prefer fluff. Always. lol)
plot or memes — I do both! It all depends on what I have a muse for but chances are you will get me to stick around longer if we plot. I do not mind plotting a meme though; this is definitely on the table.
long or short replies — I can do both. I prefer longer replies. This is very dependent on the person I am roleplaying with, to be honest. I will match my partner's energy! This is not to appease them but to give them something to work with, if I can.
best time to write — Whenever the muse hits me. Sometimes I will be at work and Tamaki will start to chatter away in my ear and other times when I have the most free time, he can be silent. However, I try to write in the evening (EST) and on the weekends.
are you like your muse — I like to think that I am like my muse. I know I do not wake up before 6am or go to bed at 10pm, like Tamaki does, but in other ways, I know I relate to him to some degree. I affectionately call Tamaki my heart muse for a reason.
tagged by: @moonsmultimusings (thank you! this was so much fun!) tagging: @shiroi---kumo, @kazeofthemagun, @aquaticsoul, @a-girl-named-angel, @kitxkatrp, @seafoamseashells, @the-sunset-rose, @clumsyhost, @snowmaidn, @pinkwritings, @kurai-honoo, @story-magic, (and anyone else who would like to share)!
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reiiishii · 23 days
@biskael said: also. you need to talk more about Emil's betrayal -- what causes it? and why? :') Unprompted Asks // Always Accepting!
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OOOH BOY WHERE DO I BEGIN. For starters, most of it is plotted with @hxbiris so I am gonna be mentioning Reb's muses<3
Honestly, due to Emil (sorta) spending time in the world of the living, he ended up meeting and befriending both Kaguya and Avira. And in the beginning he IS acting, but he does end up lowering his defenses around them & the Karakura town gang. In most of our plotting, Emil does end up joining the group to go to Hueco Mundo in order to save Orihime (He uses this as an opportunity to scout the area for future reference in TYBW), and while when they split up he keeps an ear out and open for the group in order to gauge if they're alright or not or if they need assistance.
And if I'm honest, over time before this and during these events- Emil did end up getting extremely close with Avira. It's that connection that started to reverse the ideals put on Emil when he joined the wandenreich, though even when he would return he'd just go right back to his way of thinking. Once TYBW hit however and Emil ran into Kaguya again in Hueco Mundo he started to waver in his resolve, it was because of her and the mere fact she wouldn't fight to hurt him that started to change how he thought, it wasn't immediate but it was over the course of their fight. And due to how weak Emil is, he lost that fight easily. Emil didn't really turn on Quilge until *after* he sealed Ichigo in the Jail, he just wanted to protect Avira & those he ended up meeting in his time waiting for TYBW to start, and even then his ideals wavered significantly when he was faced with Noah at the time- he knows how headstrong Noah is and the fact she challenged him at every decision he made makes him really think if he did the right thing. So once he decides to turn on the Jagdermee, he knows there's consequences and he would lose his life over it. He began to realize that they're trying to survive just as hard as they [Wandenreich] were, he was just on the wrong side of war when it hit him. And he wasn't really one to slaughter innocents when they didn't deserve it.
Emil is someone who loves the people who matter more to him more than himself, he'd sacrifice every inch of himself to make sure they make it out alive, even going so far as to be a tool to be used by someone until he's lost his use. The boy is honestly is incredibly self destructive but once he breaks free from the wandenreich he has a LOT to unlearn, he shows back up during the 2nd invasion however and yea he has a ton to still unlearn but he knows where he properly stands...
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roseguided · 1 month
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
✧ NAME: zandie ! but, my friends call me zan a lot of the time. ( fun fact: i was going to be named alexandria and just called zandie as a nickname. but, my parents went with zandie. its from a old black n white western movie. )
✧ PRONOUNS: she/her
✧  SEXUALITY: mostly bisexual. as time goes on, i think i lean more toward wanting to be with women. but, i do still find men very attractive. love me a good dilf & a specific type of my age guys lmao
✧  TAKEN OR SINGLE: single !
✧ i have two corgi's ! the oldest is woodie, he's 3 years old. he's more auburn, kinda tanned colored. he's got his own little personality that's so interesting to see sometimes. we got him after our family dog died suddenly, so he holds a special spot for us. the second one is dena, named after my 91 yr old grandmother. she's 1, about to turn 2, and more tri-colored: mostly black, the white chest/feet, and some tan on her eyebrows and nose ! she's a little love bug who wants to give her sister (me) kisses all the time. she makes me v happy, like woodie. they are my 'siblings', but also my kids lmao.
✧ when i was born i was 3 months early. so, a premature baby. i was so small that i weighed a pound and 2 oz. so small that when i was born my mom asked why there was a cat in the operating room and my aunt said 'that's not a cat, baby, that's zandie.' i stayed in the hospital for over a month and a half before i was able to come home.
✧ i live in a small, deep south town. i am, what the internat calls, the ya'll people. lmao. i always wonder if, to internet friends i talk to, my accent is noticable or thick in any shape or form.
✧   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): aboooout nine years. i started out on facebook as jane volturi, then it was a site called quotev, and then tumblr ever since.
✧   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: facebook, quotev, kik, twitter, tumblr.
✧   BEST EXPERIENCE: meeting some of my good/best friends through tumblr rp. i love all of you so v much.
✧   FEMALE OR MALE: i def have a pref for female muses. my muse list is 99% female muses w some male oc's and the rare male canon muse thrown in. sometimes i wanna write more men, but i really have to connect to the character to be able to do that.
✧  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i love all of it ! fluff and angst happen a lot more. smut not as much, but im open to it ! on discord, through memes. whatever we want to do.
✧   PLOTS OR MEMES: i'm def better with memes ! memes=starters if someone decides to continue it. but, i also like plots. i'm just not always the best plotting.
✧   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: ever since changing my formatting replies tend to be longer and sometimes muses have a lot to say. i usually got for medium to longer replies just to give people smth to work with and to get the muses thoughts or action down.
✧   BEST TIME TO WRITE: nighttime !
✧ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i have a few i am pretty similar too ! it's hard to name all of them. but, i also like writing muses who aren't like me in any way as well.
TAGGED BY: nobody <3
TAGGING: anyone who wants to steal x
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morgansmornings · 2 months
/ Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
@brooklynislandgirl While I have gone on to the point of endless circles about how Jayden loves Beth. It is more than a love of being friends. There is such a deep connection, may be not soul-mate status, but close enough that if it were true, then I would have no reason to argue against it. They are a close as they can get as friends, as family, and more. Beth and Jay were created, on paper with pens and pencils, sticky notes and yarn to connect the dots. Looking a lot like a conspiracy board to outsiders. But Turtle and I spent a solid six months, if not more, working out details of the girls' lives and how they fit together with each other. Across different verse and timelines. How they know that the other will be there when all hope is lost and there is nothing left but each other.
All of my ships are near and dear to me. To know that there are those out there that are putting in the time and effort like I am to make the Ship, no matter what shape it takes, to work. I can't give specifics as to why one is greater than another when the reality is that I see them all as stars in my night sky of written words.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
It would be easier to state what I will not write when it comes to shipping. Meaning I will NOT write things like Non-Con, Age Play, Daddy/Mommy Kinks and closely related themes to the listed ones. I refuse for many reasons that do not need explanation further than I'm just not going to do it.
The Following are Available if the Muns are friends for at least Six Months and are consenting to: Dub-Con could only come up as a suggested plot if I have written with you over a regular basis and that we talk near constant OOC. Toxic and Negative Ships can be brought up provided that we the Muns have a healthy understanding and plot it out over several weeks.
Sex and BDSM topics can be talked about after two months of OOC of conversation. Or if we the Muns feel comfortable enough with each other to talk about such things. But that is a preference of mine.
That being said, I am open to most types of shipping from romantic, to friendship, to familial, and even frenemies. With the clear statement being that, and let me say it loudly for those in the back of the auditorium, COMMUNICATION IS KEY!
For me to be able to write out certain things, I need to know where my partner is at. I will check in with them at every reply, ask questions to the point it might feel like an interrogation to the outside the thread. If it becomes clear that the ship is starting to harm or make my RP Partner uncomfortable, I need them to be honest with me and I will terminate that specific ship and all threads relating to it.
I am not here to get my jollies at the risk of my partner's; mental, emotional, and physical health. Nothing is worth hurting another human being for.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Age gaps do not really bother me so long as again, We Communicate. I do prefer the Muse in question to be over 21 as I am not going to even pretend to enter the Underage thing. It honestly creeps me out now that I am older in real life. I get a few years, but after they are approaching being about five years younger than Jay is where I draw a hard line.
Are you selective when shipping?
I have to say that I am to a certain point. I like the semi-realism of watching Muses meet, grow and interact. Seeing that relationship develop and blossom gives the Ship a certain fondness for me. Something I can look back on and go "Yeah, that was the moment it became something real." I have stated that I am a slow-burn kind of girl, but that doesn't mean we can't plot the past and jump into an established friendship.
I am open to figuring out pre-established romantic relationships, so long as it is not fresh following each other. I need to know you a bit more than a name and a "hey baby, how you doin'" if that's okay.
I will be honest, unless I have known the Mun for a spell and it is something that we have plotted for, Jayden is not going to just drop her panties and say please within the first ten minutes. That is something that I don't feel right about as I think it betrays who she is as a person. Yes, she is an OC of canon characters from a show. But she is more than her parents. She belongs to no one, except maybe Beth and even then Jay does not always listen. She can make her own choices.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Personally, I like to stick to T.V. standards. If it would be considered rate R, then of course I am going to tag it as such. But for me, I like to take it somewhere more private if the Scene goes to Third Base. Mostly because A) I do not have a lot of experience with writing for the public, and B) It takes days if not weeks to make sure that I am follow where my fellow Mun wants to take things.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
I have several ships that I will go down with. But I understand that life happens. To list them all would keep us here for several hours. And even then I would feel like it wouldn't do the Ships justice. Because I love them all in different ways.
For those standing Ships, it takes a weight off my soul to know that my mutual Muns have taken the time to chip away the near indestructible wall of Jayden's exterior personality to get to that soft gooey center. That they can see she has flaws and still choose to love her on purpose. No matter what that love is.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
Don't get me wrong, I would like a head's up that it is something you, the Mun asking, is interested in. If it happens by accident, that is awesome. I'll be fair and honest, unlike my Muse, I am in real life oblivious to people flirting and the associated actions. So if you are subtle about it, I won't see it. And my goal is to not intentionally hurt someone because I was "Madam Not Getting the Hint."
And if I am asked, then I have a better grasp of what direction we want these stories to go. And yes it will change how my Muse interacts with yours.
How often do you like to ship?
I am not looking to force anyone into anything. As it has been a very large Issue in the RPC. Only getting followed for sex and nothing else just isn't my cup of tea. Not to say that you can't do that, I'm just respectfully bowing out of that.
I want us to know each other, to be able to be friends before putting a label on what our Muses are. But I would like to hope that our Muses could have at least and "I tolerate you" and "I would save you from being on fire" kind of ship.
Are you multiship?
I am. Each ship is in their own bubble pocket universes and timelines. Think of them as Pants of Time. There are two choices, and each one taken changes that timeline differently.
That is not to say that I can't enjoy watching other relationships come into being. Even if there are multiple crossover verses with several Muns, UNLESS TALKED ABOUT BEFORE HAND, there is very little butting into someone else's relationships. There is no "Oh my God, Becky you're dating my man! How Dare?!" Honestly cheating plots are not something I am all that interested in? But that is just me.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I mean, kind of More or Less. If one happens I am here for it. But even if one never comes up, that is okay too! Sometimes you just see Bob Joe at the park when you walk your dog and exchange a "Still breathing?" in passing.
I have had a standing Mutual that at first our Muses would just annoy the shit out of each other for like a year's worth of multiple threads. And we as Muns were fucking tickled pink by it. To this day I am not sure if He considers Jayden His friend or that woman the bane of His existence. I am looking at you my feathered friend.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I have so many that it is silly and that there is very little time to explain them and why I will die on their respective hills.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Talk to me. Be honest with what you want to see and I will do my damn best to make it happen for you. I sadly cannot read minds from my desk chair. SO in order for us to write something we are both enjoying, I need to have a head start and a map to get to the right path we want to take our stories into.
Tagged by: @brooklynislandgirl
Tagging: Look over there. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Meme you are now tagged in!
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sxlcst · 2 months
open to: females ( 25+ ) muse: oliver clyborne, a film student and personal trainer plot: deciding to take the offer to see your muse at her place of work since she insisted she wanted to show him some new moves first-hand she'd been working on as a dancer. my muse had been helping her through financial support and/or seeing the videos she'd send him of her dancing and performing wanting to be critiqued. my muse is shy as this would be his first lapdance. connection: friends, neighbours, ex friends, roommates, friends sibling, best friends ex, ect.
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nervously anxious and teetering on the edge of becoming far too jittery for himself to handle he remained well composed despite being someone who was worried he would underwhelm the worker he was seeing this evening. taking in slow calming breaths despite that his heart was racing he bravely decided to face the music so to speak and allow things to happen naturally or fall into place. seated in a dimly red neon-lit room with his hands clutching onto the armrest of the chair he was seated still in. suddenly became wide-eyed and focused when the woman who entered the room.
briefly, his gaze would wander down her body soaking in the sight of her attractively gorgeous figure however his eyes did not linger as his gaze would shoot down to his lap before darting up towards her alluringly glistening face. swallowing the lump in the back of his throat as he watched her perform he kept his eyes on her as she danced. mildly his lips would twist as his shy self were slowly seeping through his chiselled features. oliver would then lean back flustered as he felt the dancer's round ass grind against his pulsing, hard, hefty thick bulge hidden beneath his trousers. placing his strong hands on her hips." am i allowed to um - - to touch you? i am sorry if that sounds weird. i've never done this kind of thing before."
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wynterlanding · 1 year
get to know the author!
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name : ash!
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : tumblr ims honestly. After some iffy experiences I no longer give out my discord to just anybody. I have to speak to you for a while on tumblr/interact/ooc chat (just make sure you actually wanna write with my muse & we gel) before I even feel comfortable doing it anymore. As unfortunate as that is BUT dms are always open here.
most active muse :  If you can't tell it's Landon lol He has his own solo space apart from his low activity connected universe multi. WHICH is only available to mains rn. But he lives in my head rent free so it's him.
experience / how many years :  Time to show my rp age. I kicked it on forum groups. NOW the bane of my existence and why I will never join any rp group again lolol Around 2008/2009 ish? I have seen a lot of shit. Which is why my rules are the way they are cause I ain't got time to put up with bs. I used to roll Hugh Dancy back in the era of H.annibal for an original and had the lovely experience of being forced shipped on LMAOO
best experience : Other than being able to meet and connect with cool ghosties now? A little private server I used to have with some people (one being one of my best friends now) that was fun until it faded.
rp pet peeves : anon hate. people following ( especially first ) but NEVER interacting with anything. inconsistency. pretending to have interest in me+muse and then banning my fc. YEP It's happened and it's a major blacklist!
fluff, angst, or smut : All? I mean I don't smut on first interactions or shit. It's gotta be established ships cause not my priority. But it's all good. Can I say horror and thriller? lolol Honestly someone burned me badly with a shit ton of angst non stop so I'm not always here for that. Good plot drama is juicy tho.
plots or memes : Plot! Plot! Plot! I don't prefer dropping into the middle of a plot either. I wanna build it. Not it being "they're already interacting at this pivotal point" when that makes no sense to me. Memes are fun if people actually send them but I wanna plot, create and expand on universes. I also have a tendency to lose interest/push replies back if my rp partner NEVER talks or plots with me in ims. It shows a lack of interest to me personally.
long or short replies : LONG OR GO HOME! I try to write shorter stuff but I can't even. It's hard for me. I'm long winded. I'm wordy. The fact Landon talks/thinks too much doesn't help this lmaooo But no I do write a lot but no one is obligated to match my length. I just ask for more than a little paragrah or two if I write a shit ton cause it totally makes it difficult for me to reply and I take longer which makes the thread sit.
time to write : Pfff you assume I have a schedule. When I feel like my brain can cooperate? But a lot of times when I have gone on reply sprees it's between midnight and 3 am. The witching and devil's hours respectively on this FINE part horror blog! I'm a vampire what can I say? I can write anytime but my most productive hours have sprang up there.
are you like your muses : Heck to the no. I guess the only thing is Lan's love for pop culture/movies/horror but everything else? Nope. Nobody on the multi either. ahshf I would hope not cause there are some crazy criminals in that city lol
tagged by: the incomparable @mutatedangels ! <3 <3
tagging: @awalkoflife @clemencetaught @depictedmorada @dcymcres @fcllederage @interxstitial @itsalltoobeautiful @godccmplex @kndaoverit @queenxfthedxmned @lavishbylaw @laviexenrose @mxlevolence @magicmadnessx @packagecfgirlyevil @smolcuriouskitten @ixonmaiden @thewolfruns @technopathicredhead @txnnesseehoney @wintxrx @kit-just-kit @svchasimp @velvetnviolentviolets @waveofstars !! & everyone else I follow - the whole dash!
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divinelght · 6 months
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𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐆𝐇𝐓 ― independent, selective tav/companion character from baldur's gate 3. AURORA MOROZOV (aasimar & life domain cleric of lathander), loved by ghost, she/her, 21+, beta editor.                 aes / about / visage / playlist / memes  ― traveling with @fromxgrace @sidxreus @beyondplanes @selunyte @occultritch !
a study in : hope, forgiveness, a new sense of belonging, found family, never giving up & the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it.
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𖤓 ― aurora is an original character (tav/companion) from bg3 with some elements of dnd lore! i'm still fairly new to dnd, so it's nothing too crazy, but if you see something that makes you go "HUH???", please know i only have one brain cell and i'm doing my best. 𖤓 ― this is a 21+ blog. if you are under the age of 21, i will hard block! anything nsfw will be tagged as "nsft //" and any applicable trigger warnings will be tagged accordingly. if you need something tagged for your safety, please don't hesitate to shoot me a DM. 𖤓 ― tumblr roleplay is way out of my comfort zone, so i'm still in the process of learning the proper etiquette and the whole aesthetic/editing aspect of it! please please be patient with me. ♡ my replies will range from unedited and iconless to something slightly more formatted, but i do not expect you to format your replies whatsoever. 𖤓 ― this is a mutuals only space. i will not be answering asks, rp prompts, or DMs from non-mutuals and i will only be giving my discord out on a request basis. if i follow you and you can't see us interacting in any way, it's totally okay to soft block me! 𖤓 ― for the most part, i'm very low-activity and low-maintenance. i understand that real life comes first and will never demand a response from you! i just ask that you offer me that same kindness. i'm open to just about anything, so please don't hesitate to send me ask memes or random starters/banter. in that same vein, i love meeting new people and making new friends, but i'm also very shy/very bad at talking OOC, so please don't take it to heart if i'm slow, especially on discord. 𖤓 ― i am a sl*t for ships and i will not lie about that. however, i will not forceship on you, so if it's not the vibe, that's okay! additionally, this is a multi-ship blog; exclusivity is not really my jam, but i am open to mains! if you wanna write (platonically, romantically, hatefully), we can fully plot something or wing it, whatever works best for you and your muse. 𖤓 ― to go along with the previous sentiment, i also do not operate under the guise that my choice of romance in game translates over to roleplay! i have every intention of treating each connection/thread like it's special & new and i will not, under any circumstance, assume our characters will interact a certain way based on my own personal headcanons and choices for aurora that i've made while playing bg3. 𖤓 ― general roleplay etiquette rules apply here. however, godmodding aurora is fine if it moves the plot along (fading to black, if you need her to move for whatever reason, that kind of thing dlfgmldf). 𖤓 ― i have finished the game, so spoilers are allowed and might be present, dependent upon our writing (as long as we've discussed it first!!! i don't want to spoil anything for y'all). if i post anything from later acts, i will tag it as such!! 𖤓 ― racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, incest, pedophilia, animal abuse, aging up child characters for the purposes of smut, dub-con and non-con, etc., are all unwelcome here. DNI if you fuck with any of these things.
credits: icon border / psd
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escapedartgeek · 4 months
NAME?: Kyrian, r[edacted]
PRONOUNS?: they/them
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Z. on this account.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: probably close to 10-11 years. maybe a bit more, idk.
BEST EXPERIENCE?: i've had some great experiences with people from older versions of this blog, people who i've been able to remake connections with, i think there are those who have inspired the kind of directions i want to take and open up. idk. it's very hard for me to narrow it down after all this time. there has been time periods where i have been more ambitious about it and i think of that sort of inspiration fondly.
RP PET PEEVES?: just .. i don't know. there's things i don't like for sure but i'm so tired that even talking about it takes up more energy than i have. just disrespect for muses of color, especially Black muses piss me off. and i hate it. and the disdain for Black writers also piss me off. i'm tired. im sick of the shit tbh.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: i'm not too finicky, it really depends on what i am in the mood for - but i like it all. as long as i get to explore different aspects of a character, i'm here for it.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: i tend to start with memes as an easy access. but if i do end up with a specific kind of plot, i'm always glad to pitch an idea. or welcome plot ideas from others. for me i tend to develop notions over time so that's why i might not be sending stuff off the back.. i like getting a sense of potential dynamics for sure.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: both are good. it really depends on who i'm writing with honestly.
TIME TO WRITE?: i honestly had to be away from tumblr for a bit because i was dealing with life stuff. but i like hanging out here on a evening when i don't have other things i'm working on.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: zora definitely reflects some of the weird artistic, surreal thoughts that i have as a person. so .. i definitely channel aspects of that into them. so yes. i am at least a little bit like zora.
tagged by @temporalobjects
tagging: @bewitchingbaker @dxsole @ofteaandmagic @hangtenn
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