#musings • i think that showin' up is good enough for me.
libbystcwart · 2 years
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 8 months
"Don't chase the rabbit" - Kairi (i sent one before this, you can answer one/the other or both if you so choose! <3)
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past. // @as-above-rp
Butch freezes in the midst of tip toeing past his father.
“Have ya finished cleanin’ the stables?”
Butch nods and his father glances back at him, bushy brows furrowed.
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“I can’t hear yer head rattlin’, boy.”
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“…Yeah, Pops, th’ stables’re clean. Can I go play with th’ baby cows now?” The child asks hopefully, wringing his hands nervously.
“Now, there’s plenty more work t’be done ‘round here… ‘sides, those fella’s are gonna be food soon enough. Best not to get too attached.”
Butch frowns at that.
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“Don’t go tellin’ him things like that.” Butch’s mother, Beatrice, scolds as she enters the room, holding a large bowl of eggs she had just collected from the chicken pin.
“Don’t raise yer voice at me, woman.” Ernest sneers.
“Ain’t no one raisin’ their voice, ya bull. He’s six. F’he wants t’play with the cows, let ‘im.”
Butch smiles to himself, happy his mother is on his side but that quickly changes when his father snaps.
“Don’t tell me how t’raise my son.”
Beatrice sighs and rolls her eyes, making her way into the kitchen. “I really don’t wanna do this right now…”
“Do what? Yer th’ one pickin’ fights! You want that boy to be a WIMP!”
“Oh my lord, Ernest, honestly—yer overreacting.” Beatrice huffs tiredly, setting the eggs on the counter.
“Tch, I don’t expect you t’be showin’ ‘im anythin’ useful, anyhow.” Ernest walks over, gripping Butch’s arm and dragging him along as he walks out of the house. Butch stumbles along but doesn’t hesitate, knowing what would happen if he displayed any sort of resistance towards his father.
“Why don’t we play with the horses instead? I’ll show ya how to ride. Yer old ‘nough to learn by now, anyhow. And it ain’t a useless skill like cookin.”
The little blonde blinks in surprise and in an instant, he’s grinning excitedly. His Pops never wants to do anything fun like that; in fact, the last time he had asked, he got yelled at! He’s practically skipping alongside his father now.
Crossing the field, they come to a stop by a fence where a couple of saddles rested on one of the posts. Releasing his sons arm, he grabs one of the saddles and holds it out for Butch to take.
“You’ve seen yer ol’ man saddle up a horse b’fore. Go on.” The child reaches out to grip the saddle but when the weight of it is released by his father, Butch tumbles to the ground with it.
“G-Gosh, this’s… heavy! I don’t think—“
“F’ya wanna ride a horse, ya gotta put its saddle on! Pick th’ damn thing up.” Ernest says sternly, scowling down at his son. When his father took that tone, that’s when the fun was over.
While Butch watches his father wander off to retrieve one of the horses, he struggles to pick the saddle up. The thing weighs just as much as he does! When all is said and done, the six year old had managed to heave it onto his back, his legs wobbling with each step he takes towards the horse Ernest had led over.
“Go on.” He urges.
With trembling legs, Butch reels back and gives his best throw which actually isn’t all that great because the saddle comes crashing down on top of him, causing him to topple over with a yelp.
“Can’t ya do nothin’ right?”
Hearing a heavy sigh come from his father, he suddenly feels a lot lighter as that saddle is lifted off of him and fastened onto the horse, his father complaining all the while.
“If yer mother didn’t treat ya like a sissy, ya might actually be good fer somethin. When I was yer age…” Ernest continues to gripe on as Butch brings himself back to his feet.
He staves off the feeling of having the wind knocked out of him and moves closer to the horse, gripping the saddle just as his Pops had finished fastening it on. Then, he attempts to pull himself up onto the horse, struggling a good bit since he barely comes up past the horses mid section. He falls over more than once, losing his balance or his grip every now and again. After hearing some more chiding from his father, he manages to hop and climb his way up onto the large stallion, all by himself!
“I did it!” Butch exclaims tiredly but excitedly, carefully taking the reigns.
“Yeah, yeah—that’s th’ easy part.” His father comments with a scoff.
Giving a tug on the reigns, the horse begins to walk. A smile had found its way back on his face; he was doing it! He was riding a horse all by himself! He couldn’t wait to tell his Ma when he got back to the house!
The child’s excitement is cut short however when the horse suddenly begins to act up, as if it had been spooked by something. Neighing loudly in agitation, the stallion jerks about and thrashes, Butch hanging on for dear life and screaming all the while. Unfortunately he’s not able to hold on much longer, his fingers slip when in one rough motion, the horse bucks hard and he flies off, hitting the ground with a crack.
The moment he hits the ground, a jolt of pain runs through his body—his arm more specifically. Taking a deep breath in, the child clutches his arm and cries out, writhing on the ground in pain. Looking around frantically through blurry tears for his father, he finds his silhouette standing some ways away, just watching.
In another moment he sees his mother storming over to his father; he can’t hear any yelling over the sound of his own crying but he knows that’s what’s happening. A push, a shove, a slap, and a punch later, his mother is at his side, scooping him up into her arms carefully but quickly and rushing towards the house. He can hear his heart beat pounding in his ears and suddenly everything goes black.
When he comes to, he finds himself in his bed. His arm aches and he quickly takes notice of the splint holding his arm in place. Luckily his mother is at his side, easing his nerves with a soft song and brushing her fingers through his hair.
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paisley-print · 3 years
10:00am : Five More Minutes
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About: A morning spent in bed. 
Rating: 18+
Word count: 1696
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Warnings:  Smut (Oral Fem receiving, fingering, mentions of sexual fantasies) Pregnancy, family drama
Series Master-List
Tag List: @sherala007​ (I remembered to tag you this time! Sorry for the mix up! :) ​
Notes: *sigh* a calm before the storm. Enjoy a nice moment.
“Close your eyes”
“How did you -”
Jack cut you off, sighing and shifting closer to you in bed. “Because I can feel you starin’, you’ll do fine.” He flipped onto his stomach, moving a hand up under your t-shirt to place his palm flat on your belly.
Daylight was spilling through the curtains, but you just wanted to stay in bed with him. The soft opening of the bakery was tonight for the members of the city counsel. It was a tradition in the town. You couldn’t tell if the nausea you felt was from the pregnancy or your nerves.
What made it worse was that most of the food there had been made by your staff. They were your recipes, but somehow it still felt like cheating.
“Jack?” You whispered, moving your hand to thread through strands of his coffee-colored hair. He shifted closer and kissed your cheek - his eyes still closed. You took this as a sign to continue, “you’re gonna make it, right?”
His voice was deep and husky from sleep. “Course I already spoke to the boss about it. He said it was fine. I wouldn’t miss this for the world darlin’.”
“Has your family said anything about tomorrow?”
“No, but I’ll ask em’ again.”
“...do you think they like me?”
Jack groaned “we’ve had this talk a million times sugar, of course they like you. They just have a funny way of showin’ it is all.”
You listened to the birds singing from the oak tree outside. Normally you two didn’t stay in bed this long unless it was a weekend, but Jack called in late today. You rubbed his arm idly under the sheets. 
“Have you thought of any names yet?”
“We only found out it was a girl yesterday.”
“I’m watching this show and the main character’s name was Houston…. I thought that was pretty cute.”
He was quick to shoot you down, “no.”
“I refuse to name my daughter after the enemy.”
“Unpack that for me.”
“The Tennessee Titans formerly known as the Houston Oilers have had a rivalry with the Houston Texans since the team was founded in 1999.”
“Jesus Christ Jack Football?”
“If my daughter is gonna be a winner then she’ll need to have a winner’s name.”
You reached over onto the bed stand and unplugged your phone. You opened the web search app and started typing. “It says here that the Tennessee Titans have never one a Superbowl.”
“At least they’ve been there darlin’.”
You scrolled “yeah once twenty years ago. Says they lost to the St Louis Ra-”
He snatched your phone from your hand and placed it under his pillow. “They’ll get em’ this year darlin’ - don’t you worry.”
You snorted with laughter. 
“Just for that her first birthday will be Titans themed.”
You smiled and settled in closer to your husband as the sweet scent of lavender filled your senses. “Do you think she can hear us in there?’
“I dunno.” he raised his voice a little. “Baby girl - if you can hear this, tell your mamma to get her cold feet off my leg.”
You kicked him playfully. “Tell your daddy to stop hogging all the covers and I won’t have to put my feet on his leg.”
“Tell your mamma that I need the blankets as my shield for when she decides to flail about in the night.”
You cackled. “I do not flail about.”
“Uh, trust me darlin’ you do - I gotta be ready at any moment for an elbow coming at my face.”
You giggled “that was one time.”
“It hurt like hell.”
“I was asleep! Besides, I said I was sorry.”
He shuttered dramatically. “You're worse than-” he cleared his throat, saving himself quickly. “Maybe I’ll call out today.”
“You don’t have any more vacation days,” you remind him. 
“They can’t fire me.”
“Cuz’ then they’d have to kill me …..and you.”
Your eyes went wide. You lifted yourself up a little to look at him, only to notice the smile on his face.
“I’m only jokin’ hon. They would torture us both before they killed us.”
You rolled your eyes.  
He snuggled closer to you. “Don’t worry darlin’ I won’t let that happen.”
“Oh, you won’t?” you asked, teasing.
“What are you gonna do? Tie em’ up and bore them with football facts?”
He hummed, pretending to be annoyed - but you knew he was only playing.  There was silence for a few moments before he spoke again. “I can still feel you staring-”
“I’m not tired I can’t just fall back asleep-” a gasp escaped your lips as Jack moved his hand from your stomach to brush against your panties. He traced the hemline of the fabric before moving his hand underneath.
His index finger stroked over your center with a feather light touch. You twitched and reached out to halt his hand. “If you're still tired you don’t have to-”
“Does it feel good?”
“Yes but-”
“Do you want me to keep going?”
“So close your eyes and let me do it.”
You nodded and relaxed into the mattress. Jack shifted upwards, so he was holding himself on one arm. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and started to rub tight circles around your clit. 
You flinched uncomfortably; he knew what it meant without you even having to verbalize it. Reading your body was something he had become excellent at these last few years. He had learned your patterns and made a mental note each time something worked and something didn't. 
The sheets ruffled against each other as his body weight moved lower on the bed. You didn’t realize what he was doing until his lips brushed against your upper thigh. 
“I can do you next,” you told him quickly, not wanting to seem selfish. 
He shushed you and hooked his fingers around your panties to pull them off. You lifted your hips and felt the fabric glide down your legs and off your feet. A shiver shot through your spine as his facial hair brushed against the inner part of your leg. He smiled and trailed kisses all the way down to the apex of your thigh, pausing a moment before starting to suck a mark into your soft skin. 
You felt yourself buck already. He laughed at how eager you were and laid a hand flat on your hips, stopping your squirming so he could finish making a little bruise with his mouth. One of his favorite things to do was paint you with a hickey or two.
Especially in places that are visible to others, it served as a reminder to everybody that you were his. He got high off of it. Watching that spark of jealousy cross over peoples faces as soon as you flipped your hair or removed your jacket and unwittingly displayed for them the purple mark that he had kissed into your skin not hours before…..yeah he would never get tired of it.
He loved watching other people lust for you and often found himself wondering just what they were imagining. Was it the way your nipples perked up whenever he ghosted a hand over your chest? Or perhaps the sound of your breathless moans beneath him as he pumped into you and you submitted to him entirely? Sometimes when he was fucking you, he imagined someone watching or listening from outside the door. 
The daydream that came most often was bending you over his desk and work and looking down at you. Your face pressed against a stack of files, mouth open and eyes squeezed shut. In the dream he wouldn't try to silence your cries of pleasure as they echoed through the long corridors. He would make certain that you were heard clearly by every single coworker walking by the office.  It was his dirty little secret that he never planned to confess because it made him feel guilty.
A large hand gripped your leg and nudged it apart, you could feel his hot breath ghosting over your sensitive skin as he lingered there, teasing you. You whined, grasping a fistful of the sheets in your hand and rolling your head against the pillow. 
You bucked again and thankfully he was merciful this time. He swiped his tongue upwards through your folds slowly, and your hips followed. Your hands released the fabric and found their way to his curls. His hair was mused and knotted from sleep. 
“Fuck, I love you” you sighed.
His fingers spread you apart while his tongue started to swirl gently on your sensitive bundle of nerves. You arched your back and moaned something unintelligible.
Jack loved hearing you sing for him. When he first met you, he had noticed how much you held back. After that, each time he took you, he made it a game to pull as many trembling cries or melodical notes from your lips as he could. It worked too, because god did you sing. 
His beautiful little instrument, carved by the gods themselves. 
He moved his arms around your thighs, keeping them open as you squirmed from pleasure. He kissed you harder, losing himself entirely in the sensation of your wet sex against his lips. The tug on his hair made him smirk and dip his tongue inside of you. Hot waves of pleasure shot straight into your stomach. 
The feeling of absolute bliss made you dizzy. “Jack,” you whimpered, voice cracking a little. 
When you started to lift your hips into his touch, he knew that you were close. 
You always squirmed a little more as you approached the edge. Pulling away and then moving right back,  as if your body couldn’t decide if the pleasure was too much or not enough all at the same time. He withdrew his tongue and pulled you downward on the bed a little, positioning himself over you more. 
“Please,” you begged, needing to feel him again. 
He was quick to respond, clamping his mouth over your clit and flicking quickly with his tongue. The knot in your stomach tightened ever more, and you felt yourself moving your hips against his mouth. 
He urged your legs to open an inch wider and that extra burst of sensation was all you needed to slip over the edge. Your eyebrows knit together and your mouth fell open in pleasure. You didn’t even hear yourself finish, but Jack sure did. 
‘That's it, just like that darlin’,’ he thought triumphantly. He continued to kiss you, your walls fluttering at his touch until your hand came up to bat weakly at his shoulder. A signal for him to stop. He pressed one more kiss to the inside of your thigh before moving back upwards and settling on the pillow again.
He laughed when he saw you laying there, momentarily immobilized from ecstasy. The smirking cowboy snuggled closer to you again, forearm draping over your heaving chest as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Yeah,” you panted “I can do five more minutes.”
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catharrington · 4 years
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Nothin’ but a good time. (E, 4.2k words)
@harringroveweekoflove day 1: POOL SEX. Also included: body worshiping. Billy being a jerk. Steve being dumb in love. And accidental voyerism.
“That sounds like a bad idea, Bill,” Steve had whispered. His hair making a pretty fan out along Billy’s bed sheets. His face sweaty, sticky, his hair colored black as the moonlight as it shifted around with his movements. His shoulders rolling to get comfortable. His plush, bright red, lips chewing on the lit cigarette between them.
Billy turned so he could see more. See how King Steve, his King Steve, looked as he so gracefully fell from grace. Really, as he so gracefully fell from Billy’s spent cock. Now limp and wet between his legs. Quickly getting colder in the chill of the drafty Hargrove house on Cherry Lane.
No matter what, Billy couldn’t look away. Propped himself up on his elbow even so all he could see was Steve’s gorgeous face. His naked chest. As it moved with each breath.
“Fuck,” he mused out loud. Billy’s wandering eyes, his parted lips gasping for a breath of air, made Steve’s own breathless exhaustion break into a cocky smirk.
“What were we talking about?” Billy chucked low.
Steve rolled his eyes. Sucking on the end of the filter of his smoke so some ash, some lit cherry sparks, tumbled down to his moonlight-dark chest hair.
Billy didn’t hesitate in reaching out his hand not supporting his weight to rub the ash into his skin. Mess up his carpet of curls, feel how damp with sweat fucking Steve left his chest hair. He flexed his fingers, dragging blunt nails through the coarse hair.
It only made Steve’s breath catch a little. His smile growing ever wider. “The extremely romantic date night you just asked me on, lover boy?” Steve mutters. Like Billy’s an idiot.
He feels like an idiot. With his hand feeling up Steve’s shapely, muscular chest. Feeling up his bushy chest hair. Feeling the way his heart is working under his skin. An idiot in love, for sure.
“Let me fuck you at the public pool.” Billy repeated what he had asked.
Had asked when? Steve was above him, his narrow waist working his whole body in seizing jerks over Billy’s cock. His thighs bulging, his head thrown back. Steve was so beautiful— Billy’s brain didn’t work sometimes while he watched.
“It’s all I can think about at work,” he admits at the end. Adds it on like a confession.
Steve’s smile falters. His brows pulling down as Billy’s voice takes on a much more serious tune. “You’re serious?” Steve asks.
“As a heart attack.” Billy breathes out.
Steve breaks eye contact. His big browns drifting downwards in consideration. “So, is this some public fetish you have?” He says it so quiet, in a whisper, moving his eyes back to look out from under his dark lashes at Billy. “Or... if you’re trying to impress me, baby; know you’ve already got me. All right?”
Billy’s hand stops moving across Steve’s chest. He holds onto his shoulder to balance as he climbs across Steve’s long legs. Straddling him just like how Steve had. With all the intentions of pinning him down, drinking him up.
“Oh, I got you, huh? Pretty boy?” Billy leans forward so his hair spills out across Steve’s collar bones. They jump up as if to meet his kisses as Steve’s breath hitches.
“Bill,” Steve hisses quietly through clenched teeth. His head, with the still lit smoke, moving back as he tries to keep Billy’s hair from catching on fire.
Billy settles on looking up at him, pressing his chin into Steve’s muscular pec. Watching as Steve’s throat works on keeping back his moans. As his hand plucks the smoke away then knocks into the headboard absentmindedly.
“I know I got you, Stevie. And you know you’ve got me. For as long as you’ll keep me. But,” Billy paused to lick across his bottom lip. Could taste sweat, and ash, and Steve. Like a campfire roaring with life in the middle of the cold, dark woods. “Can’t a guy have a little fun?”
“You drive me crazy…,” Steve whispered out. Tilting his head to the side just so, just so his black hair moved with it like fine silk, just so his cheek squished up against his shoulder, just so he could see Billy looking up at him.
“So that’s a yes?” Billy didn’t wait for a reply. He dipped down, capturing a nipple in his mouth.
Then reached down between them and fisted both their wet, soft cocks together.
Steve’s eyes fluttered closed so beautifully. His lips making a silent moan and a perfect ‘o’ shape. His knuckles rapping on the headboard as his cigarette burned forgotten. Ash dropping into his messy head of black hair.
Billy takes that as an agreement. Just as he takes two more whispered orgasms from Steve before the boy climbs out his window at 3 in the morning.
Next week, finds Billy with a closing shift. The clouds above the Hawkins Community Pool rolling in pink and yellow with the falling sun.
Steve stands by his red car. Legs crossed and arms crossed. The clouds reflected a shade darker on his sunglasses. Billy licks his lips as he comes out from the employees only offices. Finished with his check list of closing requirements. All he has to do is go home now.
Instead, he watches Steve. Spins the keys on his fingers a couple times before he works open the padlock keeping the pool closed after hours.
Steve walks through with those damn, long legs in a pretty pair of pastel swim shorts. A towel slung over his shoulder. The matching pastel stripes blocking Billy’s view of the cropped shirt showing off Steve’s lean stomach.
As he goes past, Billy slaps his ass.
Steve turns around with a half shocked grin, his hand shooting up to catch Billy around the throat. But he only pulls him in for a soft peck on the lips before brushing past. Throwing a middle finger over his shoulder for good measure.
Billy whistles low. Locks the chain link gates back up with his red shorts now much, much more tight around his thighs.
They take a seat on a couple chairs right in the middle. Right next to the ladder of the pool. Steve throws his towel down before lounging across a chair. He uses those long fingers to snatch off his glasses as he looks around.
The pool water wavers like a molten steel mirror. Without splashing children or exercising Moms, it sways only with the light wind. Letting itself reflect back a perfect image of the watercolor sunset happening above them. The sky darkening again so that it could cast Steve in his best lighting. Making his skin more pale, just like his pastel shorts. And his chocolate colored hair loses that brightness, it changes to silky smooth black.
Steve’s eyes get darker too, two vinyl records cut from the star studded moonlit sky. Their music vibrates Billy’s skin every time he sees them.
Billy drops down in the chair behind Steve. His leg folded up on one side and his body bigger, made of all lean muscle, so Steve grumbles as he's forced to lean forward.
But then Billy’s hands are coming up around his hips. Wide palms still hot from the blazing sunlight of the day circling around Steve’s swim trunk waistband. Billy pushes his fingers up to lay out on the space so generously left exposed from Steve’s crop top. Pulling him backwards by the softest part of his belly so he’s burrowing his nose into the back of that perfect hair.
“This is breaking and entering,” Steve mutters darkly. One hand laying over Billy’s, the other lifting to find that mess of honey blond curls.
“Humm,” Billy presses a kiss into the nape of Steve’s neck, “how is it breaking if I got the damn key, Stevie?”
He can feel it in his stomach as Steve rolls out a filthy moan. He’s letting himself be louder, much louder, than they ever could be at Cherry Lane.
Billy circles his arms around Steve’s waist completely. Yanking him backwards with a jerk so that he can angle up his hips. So that Steve can feel the way his cock is already proud and hard inside his red shorts.
Presses the shaft of it right between Steve’s ass, rocking him back down by his grip around his waist so he has no choice but to feel it.
Steve lets out another filthy moan, lets his head fall back on Billy’s shoulder as if it took all his strength to do so.
“Wanna fuck you so bad, baby,” Billy started rambling. His brain shutting off all it’s gates and locks as soon as it heard that moan. “Looked so damn hot waitin’ for me. Such a good boy showin’ up just how I asked.”
Steve shivered as Billy’s words left a hot trail of breath up his cheek bones. He arched his back, moving so his ass pushed into Billy’s trapped cock.
“Then why don’t you show me how to swim, lifeguard?” He asked, voice sultry and teasing. Perfect in every damn way.
Steve leaned forward in the chair to give himself just enough space to grip the bottom of his crop top and pull it off. His hair bounced as he wiggled, shifting his shoulders out the fabric, then letting it drop to the wet tile under them.
Like a magnet, like a force he couldn’t control, Billy’s hands reached up for that bare chest. Getting two handfuls of Steve’s pecs just to squeeze them hard as he can.
Billy muffled his own moans at being able to touch his boyfriend again by placing wet, open kisses up Steve’s neck. “What did I do to deserve you?” Billy kissed the question.
Kissing so hard his teeth scrapped, abusing Steve’s sensitive and pale throat.
Steve let himself enjoy the attention. Arches his back so his chest went up to meet Billy's hands. But only for a moment, until he reached up to catch Billy's jaw mid kiss. He pulls Billy's plump, cherry red lips towards him. Not to kiss— just to mutter close enough to touch.
“Nothing yet,” he whispered.
Then Steve stood up from the chair. Putting his hands on his hips as he looked down with a cocky grin as Billy lays out across his chair. Hard in his shorts, flushed red down to his neck. An annoyed grimace on his face.
Steve took a few timid steps backwards as if he feared Billy could leap from the chair like an angry mountain lion chasing his food. When Steve reached the ladder he had to turn to follow the curve of the metal handles.
“Let’s get this over with, okay? I really don’t want to be caught in public.” Steve said as he lowered down into the water.
Billy rolled his eyes. But stood up and followed. Not by the ladder, but by dropping down to his ass on the side of the pool and letting his feet dangle over. “Sure, whatever you say your majesty,” he spoke with his arms, bowing at the waist slightly to show he was all Steve’s to command.
“Yeah, Bill,” Steve splashed towards him, loving way too much how it made Billy’s fluffy hair limp. “Some people don’t get off to getting caught, or being a total jerk!”
Jumping off the side of the pool, Billy got Steve back with his own large splash. When he surfaced, he squirted water out his mouth. Steve grimaced deep, scrubbing at his face as it got all over his cheek.
While Steve was furiously wiping the spit from his cheek, he didn’t notice the way Billy pushed him up toward the wall until his hair was flat against it.
“Bill,” he gasped out. Droplets of water falling from his lips. Hands were wandering over his ass under the water already.
“You really know me so well, pretty boy, it’s so damn cute,” Billy groans out.
“That was an insult!” Steve defends himself weakly.
“Yeah, baby,” Billy growls, his mouth finds Steve’s neck again with hard kisses, “and you know insulting me gets me off too.”
Steve’s voice is cracking, his brows furrowed together. Those big hands have dropped down to cup his whole ass under the water. And for some reason they feel heavier, warmer, than they ever have before.
“No, ahhh—,” his words cut off with a throaty moan.
“Asshole,” He croaks out before finally letting his head drop backwards. Letting Billy have all the access to his neck and chest he could ever want.
Billy lifts Steve’s legs by the back of his thighs to wrap around his waist. Pushing and pulling Steve’s weight that’s now all soft and marshmallow under the water until their cocks are kissing. Rubbing their shafts together, making their shorts bunch up around their hips and strain with the grown lengths.
Laying his head back, letting his damp hair spread out on the tile of the side of the pool, Steve wasn’t quiet in his moans. His mouth hung open with his noises and hitching breaths.
His hands braced onto Billy’s shoulders as the blond moved down to catch Steve’s nipples in his kisses. Sucking one dusty rose colored peak into his mouth. Rolling it between his front teeth before caressing it with a gentle kiss.
Steve tasted like expensive cologne and the same damn chlorine pool water Billy’s been swimming in all day long. He was warm, hot to the touch, and firm under his hands.
Billy went between Steve’s nipples, lapping at each one like a starving man. Digging his fingers into the back of Steve’s thighs like he wishes he could grip at his chest. He made up for the lack of touching with a hard bite, followed by a soft kiss.
The ministrations made Steve’s throat wrecked. His breaths more messy moans and groans than anything.
Billy lifted him up farther along the wall, until he could lift his arms and use his elbows to keep him up on the slippery when wet tiles. He gripped Steve’s legs tightly to his ribs as he moved down, down to where the water licked around Steve’s mole dotted skin.
“Hold yourself up, pretty boy,” Billy ordered. Keeping one hand on the back of his thighs while the other moves him around by the hips. He watches as Steve shifts around to get comfortable on his elbows.
“Yeah,” he growls out, feeling feral as he looks upwards to Steve’s already sex flushed face. “Just like that. Perfect.”
Steve has enough sass left in him to roll his eyes. It makes Billy smile as he gets to work tugging down Steve’s swim shorts just enough to let his cock free. The curvy pink head and velvet shaft come free with a wet slap to Steve’s stomach. He can only get the shorts down mid thigh, but that’s enough for Billy.
Soft, little kitten licks are all he gives at first. Lapping at the chlorine flavor until he can taste the pearls of pre-cum off the tip. But Billy doesn’t like nice, or slow. And he can all but hear Steve’s blunt nails scratching across the tiles in the empty community pool. So he makes quick work of swallowing down Steve until he hits the back of his tongue.
“Oh, Bill! Oh!” Steve’s breath hikes. Threatens to give out on him. And his shoulders jump up as if to close himself off from the pleasure of being blown in a cool pool on a hot summer day.
He catches his breath in short gasping jerks. Billy can feel the way his legs tighten, even, around his ribs. So he steadies out his maddening pace, bobbing shallowly up and down the mid-length of Steve’s cock. Setting a rhythm to match his breath to.
Steve lays back so his head is flat on the tile. His eyes flutter closed as he enjoys the way Billy’s wet mouth works over his cock.
And Billy’s enjoying himself too, so damn much. His own legs tense as he holds up Steve’s weight. Still heavy even with the assist of the water making him float. Making Billy’s muscles bulge and grow hot even with the water up around his shoulders.
Each time he bobbed his head down to swallow Steve’s cock his chin touched the water. All around them the only noises he could hear was splashing, and the breathless and pretty as hell moans coming out of Steve’s mouth.
He stole one more glance up at Steve, one more lingering look up at that flexing Adam’s apple, before he dropped his head down under the water.
Steve lays so his head is completely thrown back, his chest heaving with the last of his air, as he feels Billy take him deep to the root of his cock. His shoulders give a weak little jerk as he tries not to come immediately. Eyes fluttering in the way he wants to close them and savor the moment, but he doesn’t want to stop looking around and remembering just where they are.
It’s then, as he’s letting his eyes wander the empty pool recliners around them. Usually bustling and filled with people. When he notices it. A yellow light flicking through the chain link fence.
Steve blinks a bit. Watching as the light sweeps across the water. But it’s when he hears their splashing and sex noises get drowned out by the clanking of the locked fence again, does Steve realize.
His hand moves to try and cup Billy’s hair. To pull him up from where he was jerking his cock so perfectly. The water took all the friction away so he could feel only Billy’s plump lips and eager tongue perfectly wet and warm against him. Steve didn’t want to stop.
And neither did Billy. He lifted for a second only to shoot a disgustingly handsome grin, suck in a breath, and go down under again.
Now, he was nuzzling his cock with his nose. His perfect, cute, round nose Steve loved to give him shit for. It pressed just on the side of his cock, while Billy’s mouth toyed with the sensitive skin of his balls. His tongue pulling in as much as he can take, sucking like he’s proving a point.
Steve could only tighten his grip on Billy’s messy hair as he rolled his head backwards again.
Looking up, he can see how the gate is open, and the light is still surveying. It’s only a matter of time before—
“Stop right there!” A booming voice broke into their perfect little silent moment. Accompanied by shuffling work boots as the flash light came closer. “After hours, this is trespassing!”
Steve lifted his one hand in the air, surrendering at the madness of the situation. He had to gulp down some chlorine scented air before he had enough in his lungs to reply with a meek, “Howdy, Hop!”
“What?” The voice loses some of its boom, but Chief of Police Jim Hoppers always has a loud voice. At least when he’s scolding Steve for something. “Harrington? What the hell are you doing here?”
The flashlight drops from Steve’s face so now he can see the Chief in all his bristling, uniformed glory. Thankfully, he had stopped a good few feet away. So maybe he hasn’t seen Billy.
“Not what it looks like,” he exhales.
“Of course not…,” Hopper shuffles around as if holstering something. He had taken his gun out to search the pool, that’s just fantastic.
“Seriously,” Steve’s voice catches with a breathy moan before he can stop it. Just for a second. He covers it with a wave of his hand before continuing. “Seriously! I’m here with Hargrove so he works here, he’s got a key— s-so it’s not a crime, right?”
“Figured as much,” Hopper grumbles, “Where is that bad influence?”
Steve whispers out a short prayer to God for that question. And then, as if Billy knows exactly that he’s being talked about, he moves his sinful tongue back up to swallow Steve’s cock to the root.
He has to control his breath more than he ever has. His body is edging hard, wanting to cum down Billy’s throat as it works over his sensitive head so perfectly. So warm and wet, and so dangerous. If he came now, if he made a sound like he did, they would be caught. It sends crackling electricity up and down his body at the thought of it.
His fingers pull at Billy’s hair mean-like, trying to punish him. And he manages to push down the way he wants to absolutely messily beg for the boy to continue with a couple shaky breaths.
“He’s getting his towel from the lockers. Should be out soon.” He turns over his shoulder with an innocent smile. Steve is surprised at his own voice, surprised he can talk at all with Billy’s throat milking his cock so hard.
“Getting a towel,” Hopper mused. Turning to look at the doors for the locker rooms.
Steve took that second to let out a silent moan. Parting his lips widely as if to scream in the way he wanted. In the way he will, as soon as Hopper leaves. If he even lasts that long.
“That’s all?” Hopper snaps, turning back to glare at Steve.
And Steve just barely covers his moan with biting down on his lips. Sucking them in and scraping his teeth against them as a mild distraction. “Yeah, yeah,” he laughs out. “Sure, Hop—,”
“You two boys better not be drinking!”
“Drinking?” Steve manages to hide a groan brought on by a particularly hard suck inside that word, dragging it out as if he can’t believe it. And he can’t. He can’t believe he’s trying to lie to Chief Hopper while getting blown.
“Geez, Hop, we’re not drinking okay? Just swimming!” He pleads.
“Just swimming?” Hopper’s glare has softened. His brow that was constantly up and suspicious lowered to a more fond exasperation.
“S-Sure.” Steve nods desperately.
“I come back in an hour, I won’t find two dumb teenagers floating belly up?” Hopper cracks a smile. Oh good, he’s joking. He must believe him, and that must mean he’s close to leaving.
Steve rolled his eyes, matched the laugh with a forced one. “Don’t be so ancient, man, holy shit.”
Hopper dips his head as if offended at the language. Steve tries to crack another good natured laugh but a moan almost slips out, so he claps his hand over his mouth. Hopefully, it comes off as comedy. Not as him trying to power through Billy trying really hard to make him cum right now.
A second ticks by of silence. Hopper narrowing his eyes at Steve, while he looks back with every ounce of pleading puppy-dog eyes he can muster. And Steve’s been told his puppy-dog eyes can be pretty powerful.
“No drinking?” Hopper asks.
Steve shakes his head profusely. His hand still covering his mouth.
“You two are gone in an hour?”
Steve nods, his hair messily falling around his forehead shakes with it.
“Jesus Christ,” Hopper rolls his eyes and moves his whole body with it. Turning around in a very interesting show of self battling. “Fine. You two don’t cause any more trouble,” he grumbled out as he turned to walk away.
“Thanks, Hop!” Steve yelled after him. Throwing out a weak, quivering thumbs up as Hopper waves over his shoulder.
As soon as he gets out the gate, Steve drops his head down and lets out a long, whimpering moan. His hand on Billy’s head pulling hard on those wet, golden curls, as he thrusts back up into Billy’s mouth. It only takes a couple. A few deep, hard, thrusts that punch his cock head into the back of Billy’s throat, before Steve’s cuming hard.
He keeps his hands on Billy’s hair so he has to stay down, stay under the shifting waters of the pool, and swallow his whole load. Steve feels it makes up for the torture of talking to Hopper. It also feels just so damn good.
His grip on Billy’s hair lets go when he starts wiggling around. He comes up from the water with his mouth open already trying to suck down a desperate breath. Billy’s lips are swollen, huge and cherry red. Like a lollipop. Like his damn sexy swim shorts uniform.
Steve growls from deep in his chest as soon as he sees Billy’s smug ass face.
“Damn, when I told you I wanted to drown in you, Stevie, I meant your pretty eyes. Not your big dick—,”
“I hate you,” Steve muttered darkly.
“And fuck, baby, how you kept your cool with that pig? That was really fuckin’ hot—,”
“I hate you,” Steve repeated. His hand petting through Billy’s hair didn’t match the hate in voice at all, and he was fine with that.
“Shucks,” Billy drawls out, his grin going up on one side. Turning into a lopsided smile. A real smile. Steve’s heart fluttered around inside his chest. “Keep showing off like this, you’re going to make a guy fall in love!”
Steve cracked his mean mug with a cloud-soft laugh, his eyes crinkling around the edges with it. He couldn’t stay mad, not even when he’s trying.
He pulls Billy down by a fistful of hair into a blistering kiss. Without shutting him up, Steve might start confessing shit Billy wasn’t ready for.
Not yet, at least. Maybe a couple more sunset swims and he’ll be ready
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jennrypan · 3 years
I rewrote the part where Scourge and Sonic have that "Just like me convo" so it can fit my au of them.
Fiona cheating on him with his anti didnt make Sonic angry..
Fiona actively lying to him didnt piss him off, maybe annoyed him..but it didnt piss him off.
What did piss him off however was how she antagonized Amy and Tails, and how she seemed to preen at the slightest attention Scourge gave her..because she wanted someone to protect her..someone to care about her, he didnt know..and what set him off was how she slapped Tails away, mocked him for crying and all to impress his anti! 
"What the hell Fiona!?" 
Sonic snapped, though this just caused the vixen to roll her eyes before she looked at him..god her attitude was grating his nerves,
"What?" She mused as if she didnt just slap his best friend for no reason,
That ..that made him scowl, and without warning he moved- he wanted to actually..throw her, her attitude annoyed him, her disregard for his friends pissed him off- he hadnt accounted for Scourge actually protecting her, as when he moved..so did the green hedgehog and before he could touch Fiona a fist crushed into his cheek causing him to let out a sharp grunt and lose his footing for a brief minute, instantly turning his attention towards Scourge..he still had that same sleazy smile..taunting. 
"Bad move, blue." 
Scourge drawled out, and Sonic just clicked his tongue watching as Scourge slowly paced around him..hes been itching to fight him for who knows how long..that much Sonic knew, but Sonic just hummed,
"Oh so you can help other people besides yourself, I was beginning to worry you had no redeeming qualities!" He stated sounding visibly amused, 
Scourge just scoffed lowly, "Please, thats not a redeemin quality, raise your standards." He sneered, and without warning he ran forward..and the fight began.
Amy had since charged at Fiona but Sonic could barely focus on that as Scourge kept matching him blow for blow..only thing was Scourge was a lot more violent..a lot more aggressive.
It wasnt everyday Sonic worked up a sweat fighting an opponent as not many people matched his speed..Shadow and Metal were the only ones..now Scourge had been added to that list of people that seem to want to kill him for no reason.
"Jeez its hard to believe someone so bitter could be me, like damn dude, did your favorite jacket get discontinued?" 
Even during this fight Sonic didnt stop being taunting, as he landed on top of a rock- narrowly avoiding being kicked into a tree, watching as Scourge turned towards him, his eyes were surprisingly still shielded by his shades but Sonic could still feel him glaring at him, 
Scourge moved again and this time he successfully swiped Sonics legs from underneath him and when Sonic fell the blue hedgehog instinctively moved to the side as Scourges fist came crashing into the floor were his head had previously been,
"Lets see you keep makin jokes when I break your fuckin legs." Scourge hissed- despite his words he sounded delighted by the thought, pleased with the thought of hurting him and hes use to this from Shadow and Metal, they were both assholes who worked with Eggman on their worst days and they just genuinely didnt like him that much but Scourge? Theyve only met three times before this and he didnt remember antagonizing the male enough to make him want to hurt him that much-
Scourge charged forward once more and Sonic quickly moved to the side, arm pulling back before he crashed his fist into the side of Scourges face as he had done to him earlier..knocking the shades from his face which caused his anti to pause briefly, glancing down at the shades for a millisecond as they landed on the floor, cracked and lopsided.
That millisecond was soon forgotten as Scourge retaliated..his body moved lower and his leg rose before he kicked Sonic straight in the chest causing the male to grunt, stumbling back at the force but the kick wasnt enough as Scourge had soon punched him in the stomach,
"God- I still got a few more jokes- first, those shades were lame anyways- not a joke but a fact!" 
Sonic stated quickly, jumping out of the way from Scourge once more as the male just growled,
"Im not takin shit from someone who thinks 'Way past cool' is a thing people actually say!" Scourge retorted, 
"Hey people said it before!" 
"No ones ever said that shit before!" 
It went on like this for what seemed like a few minutes with both of them arguing with each other, Sonic just wanted to see exactly why Scourge was going out of his way to hurt him- even trying to actually break his leg if he was given the chance..the rage was so weird..he knew antis were different but he didnt expect his anti to be so..angry,  so violent- his anti seemed more like a very verbal Shadow with the way he kept attacking him, 
"Ya know being an asshole isnt as rewarding as ya think it is right?" 
Sonic questioned- grunting when he got into a tree, thankfully avoiding Amy as she chased Fiona around still, she had tried to help but Fiona kept distracting her.
"Pfft, its more rewardin than wastin my time saving a buncha useless dicks who dont deserve it!" Scourge replied, sounding amused by the sheer thought of saving someone else...Sonic couldnt imagine not wanting to save people..yeah sometimes he thought some people didnt deserve it but still, 
"Youre still a Sonic! Still me- you should want to at least try and help people!"
"Why? Cuz thats what you do?" 
Scourge just laughed and without warning he moved forward..punched him in the stomach, then his chest- he didnt wait for a retaliation as he kicked him into a tree, he found with the purpose to bruise and scar while Sonic fought to distance and distract-
His head spun for a split moment, the wind knocked out of him, 
"You dont get it! Rulin people with fear and hate, is soo much better than tryna be some glorified saint!" 
Scourge stated, his eyes were blazing..the rage was back..he looked nothing like him right now..something was off, Sonic didn't like how unhinged he was,  how cruel- 
"That isnt true, and it never will be."
Sonic declared and Scourge just sneered at him, laughing, fist pulling back as Sonic quickly moved from his spot, his knuckles slammed into bark instead of Sonics nose,
"When you finally realize not everyone deserves to be saved, when you see how much more freein it is to be above people than to depend on them- you'll be like me, all it takes is one bad day, one bad situation and you'll see that." Scourge hummed out, side stepping as Sonic went to kick him, only to have his leg grabbed and he was forcefully thrown down, causing him to grunt lowly, and without warning Scourge stepped on his chest, Sonic could only stare at him for a brief moment before he just grinned- 
"Thats where your wrong dude, a bad day doesnt just make someone a villain..but a good day? A good day could change a lot, all it takes is someone showing you an ounce of kindness, someone showin you the love you never got and you'll be like me, a good person..maybe even a hero." He stated, grinning.
He expected another mocking laugh instantly, expecting Scourges foot to press down but for a brief minute..the green hedgehog paused, eyes widening ever so slightly, and for that minute Sonic was sure he got to him..he knew deep down Scourge wasnt evil, he could just show him he didnt have to be like this, he could help him..he didnt know anything about his anti besides the fact something was severely wrong with his mental state and he took too much enjoyment in hurting him but he knew he wasnt evil.
Then.. the green hedgehog just smiled, his expression hardening as if it hadnt changed in the first place, 
"How naive." 
He sneered and that slowly shattered Sonics hopes of getting through to him..he just dismissed his words-
"Not naive..hopeful." Sonic retorted, moving his arm to grab his ankle but his foot had moved towards his neck and Sonic jolted- the malice in his eyes was so..floundering..he could never imagine that look on his own face.
"Same thing." Scourge stated dismissively, and Sonic didnt get the chance to reply as a blur of yellow and brown crashed into Scourge, pushing the older teen to the ground successfully allowing Sonic to sit up instantly,
"Get away from him you bully!" Tails screamed, Sonic heard Scourge cursing and soon Tails was thrown back, causing Sonic to quickly move to catch him.
"Thanks bud." Sonic murmured, staring at Scourge who just fixed his jacket- appearing inconvenienced as Fiona neatly landing besides him as Amy ran up next to Sonic, "Stop running you coward!" The pink hedgehog hissed, Scourge just plucked out a warp ring from his jacket, just smiling at Sonic.. His smile was so..mean looking, it was too sharp..too fake,
"Til next time blue."  
Was all Scourge said in a sing song like voice as he let Fiona into the portal first and he followed quickly after just as Amy chucked her hammer in their direction, who she was aiming at specifically he had no clue.
"Dammit! Stupid! Assholes, ugh!" Amy screamed, storming over to snatch her hammer up,
"Theyre such bullies! Why did I even like her!" Tails exclaimed, Sonic just frowned before he sighed quietly, glancing from Amy to Tails. 
"Lets just go, theyre gone now, might as well enjoy the peace." He stated with a simple shrug, giving them a small smile, the smile made Amy visibly melt while it comforted Tails slightly, the young pink hedgehog was at his side instantly, clutching his arm- which he allowed for the time being while Tails was a little slower to approach him, still dejected.
He knew his anti despised him but he'll never get the reason why, and unfortunately..Scourge was too far gone to talk down from whatever path he was taking..the friendly route was no longer an option.
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aceresources · 3 years
Crash Evil Dead MC Book 2- Memes Part Eight
Feel free to change the gender to whatever suits your muse. WARNING Language, Violence, Drug mention,  and NSFW themes including sexual innuendo.
“No, it’s apropos of my tendency to throw motherfuckers through plate-glass windows.” “Should I be taking that as a warning?” “You fuck over my sister, yeah.” “Your sister, I’m finding can fight her own battles.” “Christ, she’s got a temper.” “That run in the family too?” “You mean other than you?” “I could take you out there. How long you gonna be in town?” “Still a smartass I see!” “Closest thing you can do is order iced tea and dump some sugar in it, but it ain’t southern sweet tea.” “I never could slide anything past my big brother.” “Yeah, and don’t you forget it.” “This place making you any money?” “Hell that’s some nice pocket change.” “You always were a flirt.” “It’s Sunday, isn’t it? Don’t I always fry up some chicken after church on Sunday?”   “Please tell me there’s cornbread?” “What kind of fool doesn't have cornbread with their Sunday dinner?” “Sorry, ___, but not showin’ up at the club with my own sister riding bitch.” “Come on, girl. I don’t mind you wrapping those long thighs around me.” “Well, shit darlin’ I haven’t seen you in years. Give me a hug, gal.” “He was a good man. We’re all gonna miss him.” “Yeah we never hear him coming. He’s a sneaking son of a bitch.” “Has a habit of appearing and disappearing like a fucking ghost.” “I seem to remember no guy was good enough for your sister back in the day.” “We got your rooms at a hotel.” “All right but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “I don’t know how he’s going to get through this.” “Come get your Goddamned cat back!” “You planned this didn’t you?” “The whole time you were planning to dump that damn furball on me. What’d I ever do to you?” “I thought you left that shit in the cage?” “You know I’m gonna give ‘em hell right?” “Take somebody with you and take care of it. I’m tired of dicking around with this son of a bitch.” “You gonna spend all day giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to that bottle?” “You gonna start this crap again?” “Night after night sitting in this corner?” “___, I know you lost a lot and all of it in a short amount of time.” “Don’t need a recap of my life, ___. I’m the one livin’ it.” “I just hate seein’ you this way, ___.” “Then don’t watch.” “___, this cant’ go on. You’ve got to pull your shit together.” “___, I got this tonight. Why don’t you go home and-” “___, I need this. I need to do something other than go home to that empty loft.” “You’re not sleeping. You’re not eating. You’re back on all these damn pills again.” “Can you get off my back?” “Well maybe I’m not as strong as you.” “You were when you first came home.” “You were stronger than I ever seen you and it was because of him wasn’t it?” “I should have never told you anything.” “Someone has to talk some sense into you because you’re being unreasonable.” “That man loved you. Everything he did was for you.” “___, you didn’t even know thew man.” “I know what you’ve told me.” “Maybe he needs to get laid.” “Yeah, but there’s only one woman he wants.” “We’ve got another problem to deal with.” “Christ, another bar fight?” “You should have been there.” “He threw this poor son of a bitch through the window and the guy didn’t stop rolling until he was halfway out into traffic.” “And then he threw his barstool after him for good measure.” “The time back home didn’t help?” “He just needs time baby. That’s all it just takes time.” “He needs her, babe.” “Has he tried to contact her?” “I don’t think so but I’ve seen him reject some incoming calls the last couple of days. I think maybe it’s her.” “He’s not gonna listen.” “Promise me you’ll try.” “Got nothin’ to say to you, ___.” “Get out of here.” “No. We need to talk.” “I want nothing to do with you, ___.” “___, please. I just want to talk to him. I need to make this right.” “You had something good.” “You fucked it all up. You. Not him.” “Give me a minute with him?” “That an order?” “If it needs to be.” “What? What do you want me to say here?” “I want you to pull your head out of your ass.” “You got feelings for this woman. I’ve seen it. You’ve admitted it.” “It’s not done. She was standing outside your door. That doesn't say done to me.” “Give her another chance, ___.” “Your life is shit without her.” “___, people are capable of change. I’ve seen it.” “Some people are capable of changing more in a one day than others are in a whole life time.” “___, we turned her life upside down.” “You cut through all her bullshit, stripped away all those barriers, got her off the pills.” “She fucked up, ___. And she realized it.” “She was standing down there willing to admit it.” “You too big a man to accept a fucking apology?” “Christ you’re stubborn.” “You know there are damn few women, quality women like her who would have anything to do with men who live the kind of life we live.” “___ wanted you regardless.” “She’s drop dead gorgeous, smart, sexy as hell, willing to put up with you, and she makes us all laugh.” “What’s not to love?” “What in that equation isn’t worth a second chance?” “Weren’t you the one not too long ago warning me off her?” “Yeah, well I was wrong.” “She’s the whole package, ___. That’s hard to find.”
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s-udarshana · 6 years
∞ I need something fun to read.
Tumblr media
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
“Raeynn bloody Blackthorne. Goin’ to assume since you’re showin’ her to me that it means she’s still alive an’ kickin’ - not that I’d doubt it about her, in all honesty. She an’ I got a…somethin’ of a raw history, if y’ catch my drift. Haven’t been that way for a real long time now considerin’ I think we’ve both moved on from th’ situation, but…won’t lie. Real woman right there, she is.”
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
“She an’ I had our fun quite some time ago, an’ t’ be fair, th’ last we talked wasn’t exactly somethin’ she was willin’ to reconcile on so quickly. Nothin’ that would brew up some bad blood between us though, or at th’ least, I’d hope. She’s off livin’ her own life now, an’ I’m livin’ mine. Won’t be as crass as t’ say romance don’t seem like her kind of thing, but…truth be told, by now, I’d be more surprised if she ain’t already found someone as bad as her to settle with. Wouldn’t mind seein’ her again, though, that’s for certain.’
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
“Back-to-back with fists raised an’ blood in th’ corner of our mouths? More or less. She’s good for it when it counts, an’ ‘m sure when you strike th’ right vein in her that’ll extend a lot further than a fight. Don’t think I quite found that yet, though.”
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
“We were good company with each other, in all honesty, though we didn’t spend all too much real time together. On top of all that, she’s Ala Mhigan - an’ though she ain’t of th’ sort to up an’ move back to th’ motherland, that don’t dilute the salt in her veins, not a single onze.”
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
“Like I said, mate. We had our fun together. T’ be honest…she came t’ me first.” The hyur just leaves it at that with a little smile.
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
“That one just seems sort of obvious, it does. Bodily occupations aside, don’t really think she’d up an’ care much for more any further than we’ve already gone. Passive woman, that one.”
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
“Like I said - good company, an’ more or less reliable, long as you get on her good side - an’ believe you me, that’s a slice about th’ side as a mammet’s hand. Feel free t’ tell her I said that, too - somethin’ tells me she’ll agree with it a great deal.”
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you…
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Natear Drabble: Start of... Something
          After Natsu unlocks his Second Origin, Ultear decides to give the Dragon Slayer more of a "reward" for helping Crime Sorciere out during the Games. Too bad her lust gets the best of her, and Natsu's control goes out the window when they get going~...
                                        ** WARNING: Smut Ahead **
            Ultear smirked impishly as the Dragon Slayer knelt on the ground, panting. He’d just gotten through getting his Second Origin unlocked, and he looked about ready to keel over. Yet Ultear knew of Natsu Dragneel’s reputation fairly well; he was already a tank to begin with. This sort of powerup would have lesser men comatose by now, but he… He was still conscious. And still coherent, at that.
            Time to put that stamina to the test.
            “So… the procedure is finished.” Ultear mused innocently as Natsu struggled to get on his feet. She made no move to help him, as she knew he would whine about not needing assistance.
            “Y-Yeah…” Natsu drew in a shaky breath, finally managing to stand up to his full height and look her in the eye. “Thanks.”
            Ultear offered a closed-eyes smile at his heartfelt gratitude.
            “It was no trouble. Although…” She trailed off purposefully. As expected, he raised an eyebrow at her.
            “’Although…’ what?” Natsu tilted his head and scrunched his nose. He was picking up a really weird vibe from her.
            “Well… I was just thinking, what are you going to do to repay me?” Ultear tapped her chin and gazed at him expectantly. Of course he spluttered in bewilderment.
            “Repay you?! This was for us helpin’ you guys at the Grand Magic Games, wasn’t it?”
            Ultear pouted at how quick he parried her question. Her eyes then lit up mischievously.
            “You have a point… Well. How would you like an ‘additional’ reward for your trouble?” At his inquisitive gaze, she further added in a purring tone, “No one else will receive it~.”
            Natsu’s brow furrowed as his frown deepened.
            “What kind of ‘reward’?” There was a note of suspicion in his voice. Ultear hummed before taking a step toward him and leaning deathly close to his face. So close that he could feel her hot breath on his lips.
            “Oh… a very special reward. One that I’m sure even Gray would be jealous of, if you accepted~.” Ultear pulled back slightly and winked. She then turned on her heel and walked a few feet from him, shaking her hips as she did so. Natsu wasn’t sure why, but he felt oddly… interested in that hip-shaking.
            “Wh-What kind of reward?” Natsu repeated his question with eyes that were wide open now.
            Ultear hummed once more and placed one hand on her shapely hips. She didn’t turn around to face him quite yet.
            “I seem to recall a rather rude comment in regards to ‘crossdressing’. Now, I will go the extra mile to prove to you that I am, without a doubt, a woman; but in return, I expect you to acknowledge that every time we meet up in the future. Sound fair…?” Ultear slightly turned her head back to look at him, and Natsu caught a dark twinkle in her eye. He was pretty damn sure he knew where this was headed now, and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to take their… ‘relationship’ this far. They’d only met each other a handful of times, damn it.
            “Uhhh… Don’tcha have to work on Gray next? Or, uh… Lucy and Wendy?” Natsu asked, bathed in a cold sweat. Ultear smirked and shook her head.
            “I don’t have to get to all of you tonight.” The Arc of Time mage reasoned. “We have tomorrow if need be. Besides, no one else is around, you see?”
            Ultear turned around and gestured vaguely around them. And Natsu knew full well she was telling the truth; even Meldy wasn’t around anymore, from what his senses told him. They’d probably headed back to the cave.
            “… W-Well… I still don’t know.” Natsu took a step back nervously as Ultear leisurely stripped off her cloak and tossed it to the side. Oh boy, now he had a full view of her body. Those large breasts. That slim abdomen. And those legs… Damn he could not tear his eyes off those thighs. ‘I am not a pervert… I am not a pervert… She’s just showin’ off… I am not a pervert…’
            Natsu chanted this to his head, but to no avail, honestly. Ultear could tell his eyes were transfixed on voluptuous figure, and she couldn’t help digging the nail in deeper.
            “Do you remember what they felt like…?” She asked with a slightly wistful tone. Natsu twitched and looked back up at her face so as to avoid staring at the… rest of her.
            “R-Remember what felt like?” He asked nervously. To his ire, she began to fondle her breasts suggestively. Damn it. So that was what she was driving at…
            “Hmhm. Don’t play coy, dragon-boy. You remember~.” She groped her breasts firmly and let out a borderline erotic moan. And then she turned her lustful gaze back on him full force. “… Want to feel them again? Without the clothes in the way?”
            Natsu’s twitching intensified.
            ‘Yes.’ He silently deadpanned, remembering the impromptu hug he’d given her earlier, his face smushed up against her breasts, before mentally slapping himself. No! He wasn’t perverted, damn it! He had… to remain… strong. He’d been surrounded by pretty girls since joining Fairy Tail. Why was this one suddenly piquing his interest? ‘… Maybe because she’s flirting with me?’
            Natsu’s face became blank as that thought struck him. It was true enough - Erza, Mira, Lucy, Cana… none of them had, one-on-one, flirted with him. Ultear did. She was doing it right now. Natsu had no resistance for this kind of thing. Sure, being surrounded by bombshells at Fairy Tail, he wasn’t “turned on” by seeing the likes of Lucy naked, for instance… But if the girl – or rather, the woman in question had a personality that was anything like Mira’s, and a body to match, Natsu had to admit he couldn’t stop being… a little perverted. No, not perverted! M-More like… he admired the feminine curves. Yes. That was it.
            … Damn it. He wasn’t tsundere, either! Befriending women who could kick his ass didn’t have a hidden meaning… Maybe he just liked strong women.  
            Ultear sexily strode over to him again, that playful smirk never leaving her lips.
            “Come now… Nat-su-kun~.” Ultear purposefully dragged out his name. She leaned toward his ear and purred. “I’m begging you to play with me~.”
            Natsu felt his self-control slipping, but he wasn’t gonna let it go without a fight.
            “Wh-Why me? I wouldn’t have pegged me as your… type.” He finished lamely, though, his face flushed as she placed a hand flat on his chest.
            “Why would you think that…?” The Arc of Time mage tilted her head at the Dragon Slayer curiously.
            “W-Well, ya seem closer to Jellal… or the Stripper.” Natsu grumbled as he turned his head away. “I figured you’d be more annoyed with me than anything else.”
            “Ohhh, I wouldn’t say that at all~.” Ultear chirped as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, intentionally placing his head in her cleavage. “You are very interesting to me. Whereas Jellal and Gray are cool, calculating, and intelligent, you possess passion and spirit. Your indomitable will is your greatest strength. And what's more... your type reminds women of a thing called 'honesty'.“
            Natsu full-on blushed as his head was pressed into her dirty pillows. Damn it, this wasn’t like Erza’s one-armed hugs to the breastplate at all. He actually kinda enjoyed this experience because these breasts were soft, yet firm. … And now Little Natsu was standing at attention from the sensual experience. Great.
            “… You really want this, don’t you?” Natsu mumbled from within her cleavage, and Ultear smiled at the small stimulation that brought her.
            “More than you do, apparently~.” Ultear hummed tauntingly. Natsu rolled his eyes. Ohohoho. If only she knew. His dragon instincts were going haywire, begging him to ravage her. He’d never experienced this much lust before; clearly, Ultear knew what buttons to press.
            For a very brief moment, Natsu’s shoulders slumped miserably. Erza and Lucy were gonna kick his ass for bein’ a pervert… But damn it, he wanted some sweet payback! Without saying a word, Natsu raised a hand to cup one of Ultear’s breasts and give it a good squeeze. Caught off-guard, but far from displeased, Ultear managed to stifle her moan before she let too much enjoyment seep out. Wouldn’t want to make things too easy for her little dragon.
            “Hmhm. So you’re not the prude that Jellal suspected you to be. I knew I liked you for a reason~.”
            Natsu grunted stubbornly and continued to bury his head in her boobs.
            “Just ‘cause I don’t chase tails like Gildarts doesn’t mean I don’t know how to ‘appreciate’ women.” Natsu brought up his other hand to grope her other breast, but Ultear caught his wrist and forced him to raise his head to look at her with her other hand lightly grabbing his pink locks.
            “Patience, little Pyro. I want to give you your reward the right way.” With a wink, Ultear took a few steps back and slooowly brought up a hand to the zipper located at her neck. Natsu growled impatiently, eliciting a giggle from the dark-haired beauty before she smoothly pulled the zipper down, past her breasts and down to her stomach. She stopped there for the time being, shamelessly leaving her girls out in the open air and relished the way Natsu was ogling them with his eyes. That globular flesh… those heavenly mounds… They weren’t the biggest tits Natsu had seen, but damn if they weren’t a fine pair. Works of Art, with a capital ‘A’. Smirking once more, Ultear needled him some more. “Oops~! Guess I’m not wearing underwear. Better come get me before I change my mind about this reward.”
            She didn’t miss how the pink-head was beginning to salivate. For Natsu’s part… he didn’t even bother to question if that meant she wasn’t wearing any underwear. He was gonna personally look into it… Yep. By now, those instincts of his were kicked into overdrive, and Natsu just didn’t care if he was thinking “pervertedly” anymore.
            “Haaah~!” Natsu cried as he lunged forward and cupped Ultear’s left breast with one hand, experimentally squeezing it and just loving the feeling of it in his hand. He didn’t really know much of anything about sex, but he’d be lying if he said Gildarts and Gramps hadn’t tried to impart “wisdom” to him about it. Thus, he knew some of the basics, but he was still very much a novice.
            … Right now he didn’t care about any of that, though. He had two new toys, and he was gonna play. Grasping the other boob, Natsu groped that one harder and succeeded in getting a small erotic moan from the voluptuous beauty. Yet the Dragon Slayer knew he could do better than that, and started alternating his groping between the two. It proved mildly entertaining for the both of them for a few moments, but then Ultear grew impatient and shoved Natsu’s face directly in front of her left nipple.
            “Stop playing games and use your mouth already!” The dark-haired woman growled. Natsu quirked an eyebrow in confusion, but shrugged and gave the nipple an experimental lick that sent a shiver down Ultear’s spine. His eyes brightened as he liked the new sensation, and the Dragon Slayer placed his mouth over the nipple, swirling his tongue around the nub before sucking somewhat greedily. Ultear moaned at how rough he was being, but she was even more shocked as he multitasked and used his left hand to play with her right nipple, pinching it with his fingers and sending her into an even greater euphoria than before as the nub hardened under his magical touch.
            Ultear grinned pervertedly. Oooh, this dragon could learn quick. Not only was he rough, but he was as hot as the element he wielded. This applied not only to his magical hands, but his mouth and tongue, as well. Any lesser woman might have grown weak in the knees from this stimulation alone, but Ultear craved more… much, much more. After the Dragon Slayer alternated what he was doing to each of her breasts, Ultear pulled his head up by his spiky pink hair, eliciting a groan of protest from him before his mouth was captured Ultear’s hungry lips. Clearly, Natsu hadn’t been expecting her to be so voracious, but if his own passionate response to the lip lock was any indication, he was very much not against it. Due to the eagerness they both exhibited, their kisses were far from clean and timid; on the contrary, they were very wet and sloppy. And with Natsu surprisingly being a natural with the tongue – the unnatural heat it pulsated with not helping her side of the ‘war’ – Ultear found herself moaning loudly and longingly as they exchanged saliva and spit. What made it even more unfair was that while her arms were wrapped securely around the Dragon Slayer’s neck, his hands were roaming all over her bountiful chest and pleasuring her to the point that her eyes were rolling to the back of her head.
            Natsu Dragneel had no experience in the art of sex, this was very true. But he made up for it sooo easily by being a quick-learner. You could just tell he was very, very “hands-on”.
            After a few minutes, Ultear could feel herself reaching her first climax with her little dragon, and she couldn’t be happier to let all of her sticky juices out, absolutely soaking the inside of her tabard-like uniform. She was just full to burst with about a decade’s worth of pent-up love juices, and Ultear was going to make this adorable Pyro slurp up as much as he could stomach. Her eyes fluttered briefly for a moment as she regathered her wits about her and pulled away from the Dragon Slayer’s hungry lips, eliciting another impatient growl from Natsu before she raised an index finger to those fiery lips.
            “That’s enough feeling me up. It’s time for the main event, and you had better ravage me~…” With a seductive wink, Ultear extricated herself from the increasingly irritable Pyro before she pulled down the rest of her zipper and then yanked the garment down her thighs. Seeing a problem, Natsu was all too quick to help her take off those annoying boots so that she could remove the garment completely. Ultear rolled her eyes as she was knocked on her ass in the process, but it was so worth it to see his eyes rake over her nubile body in all its naked glory. Sure, the pale skin had some scars littered all over it, but the lower part of her body was just as much eye candy as the upper part. Natsu didn’t think the scars took away from her beauty at all; if anything, they enhanced it. Even her unshaven pussy was laid bare for his eyes to hungrily take in, and before he knew it, Natsu was on one knee in an effort to get right down to “business” – mainly, discovering what pussy tasted like. The smell of her first climax flooded his nostrils, and that’s why Natsu was eager to find out what it tasted like.
            Alas, Ultear was still the boss.
            “Hold it. Take off your shorts.” She commanded, to which he grumpily complied. As he stood back up and yanked his drawers down, Ultear’s eyes drank in his cock. She’d never seen another penis up close like this for comparison, but she’d wager that it was on the larger end of the spectrum… Hmhm. This would be fun~. She cooed, “Well, come get me then~.”
            Not needing an invitation, Natsu knelt back down on the beach and hovered directly over her vagina. To start, he stuck a finger experimentally into her core finding the insides to be wet and slippery. He idly noted Ultear biting down on her lower lip to suppress a moan at having his burning digit penetrate her, which garnered a mischievous grin from him. Slowly, he started to pump his one finger in and out of her, making Ultear’s breath hitch and making her gasp as her chest rose up and down at a slightly faster rate.
            ‘C’mon, we can do better than that!’ Natsu lightly berated himself, inserting a second and then third finger into her folds in quick succession. Ultear’s eyes widened at how casually he tripled the stimulation she was receiving. At this rate, he was going to make her cum in a matter of moments… And indeed, that’s what happened as he sharply increased the speed he was pumping his fingers in and out of her. Ultear held out for as long as she could, but she couldn’t fight it forever, and soon her core tightened around his hot digits as her back arched in ecstasy and she coated his hand and face in sticky, sweet-scented fluids. The second orgasm was even better than the first…
            Natsu had to admit that he liked this part. Licking his face clean, and especially his three fingers that were thoroughly coated in Ultear’s cum, Natsu idly looked into Ultear’s eyes before grinning madly. Ultear was about to stop him from having another “turn”, as she felt it was time to pleasure him, but the Dragon Slayer was quick to press the advantage while he still had it. Parting her folds, Natsu then stuck his head as close as possible and speared his oral muscle into her core. Immediately, Ultear’s back arched again, and she let out a very pleasurable moan. She had no plans to let him keep doing as he pleased, as Ultear was still insistent that she was in charge, but damn it… that tongue… It was too good. Far better than being pleasured by fingers… But Ultear had a feeling that the best ecstasy was still to come.
            All too soon, waves of pleasure hit her like a freight train, and this time Ultear screamed as she let out a thrice-damned orgasm.
            “Natsuuu!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs, dousing the Dragon Slayer in even more of her juices, point-blank at that. But Natsu didn’t seem to mind as he eagerly lapped up her sweet nectar. Ultear panted as she watched him do this, and she quickly found her will crumbling. She was going to play around with him for a while longer, but as he sat up and her eyes fell on that huge piece of man-meat, she couldn’t help wanting nothing more than to have it inside of her already. Unable to restrain her lust, Ultear barked in a demanding tone. “Natsu… I want you to take your cock and stick it in already. No more playing around!”
            As he watched her huff impatiently, Natsu smirked mischievously. But Ultear was ready for him this time, and she shoved him harshly on his back before climbing on top and straddling his waist. Taking matters into her own hands – or to be more precise, his cock – Ultear steeled herself for the pain to come. But as she was sure that it would hurt quite a bit, the Arc of Time mage was equally sure that she would be feeling the bliss she had yearned so long for. So with a fierce determined gaze, she impaled herself on his cock, ultimately slowing down the insertion partway, as she cried out in agony. Though she did succeed in getting that ‘burning rod’ inside…
            “Ultear?!” Natsu called out distressfully. To his relief, the dark-haired woman’s face calmed down after a minute or two, and she gazed down at him lustfully. She knew it would feel good to have him inside her, but not this wonderful! It was like she had been stabbed by a burning steel rod, except the pain was fading away into pure pleasure.
            And Ultear knew how to reach an even higher euphoria.
            “H-Help me move my h-hips…” Ultear grunted before flashing him a reassuring smile. Natsu was happy to oblige, though he still looked concerned as brief glimpses of pain could be seen flitting across her face.
           "Damn, Ultear, you feel so tight...!" Natsu growled, grinning ear to ear. Like he'd been doing since they started, Natsu started off slowly and clumsily, but he learned to read the rhythm through his instincts as Ultear rode him. Her breasts bounced up and down slowly, and sped up as Natsu yearned for more of the "good feeling" that was building up in his nether regions, the tightening of Ultear's walls around his throbbing member, the smell of her arousal.
           Natsu wanted it all. And even though he could feel himself getting tired from the exertion, he wasn't going to let anything stop him from experiencing these new sensations. The more he dug into her, the faster he made their rhythm, he could feel something building up inside, and he wanted to let it out. Ultear started this, but he was damn well gonna finish it~.
           As for Ultear, she knew what was coming. She could finally feel him nearing his first release, and by the looks of it, it would be all he would manage for that night. The Second Origin had taken a lot out of him, and she'd been amazed they'd reached this point, but she had every intention of giving him the complete "additional reward". She owed it to him for sating much of her lust.
          "Hold tight! You're almost there!" Ultear panted out as she could feel herself reaching another climax; this one she'd ride out with him, and she wouldn't let him pull out...
         "It's... coming, Ultear!" Natsu groaned, moving her hips as quick as he could, pumping his cock in and out, in and out. Ultear managed the rest, wanting this just as much as he did.
        "YES, NATSU...! HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" She shrieked with animalistic pleasure that rivaled his own. "NATSUUU!"
         With one last grunt, Natsu released his burning seed, thoroughly coating the inside of her womb. Ultear's inner walls clamped down on his member, and his release sent her over the edge as she experienced the most powerful orgasm of that evening, as well. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue rolled out of her mouth all too happily. Any other time, she would have berated herself for giving such a reaction - except she literally could not control herself. Natsu's sperm was swimming about in her womb, and it was blazing hot like it was molten lava. Furthermore, their combined climaxes were drawn out as much as possible, and she lost track of how long they were at that euphoric peak. A mixture of their cum was leaking out onto the sandy beach.
          All good things come to an end, though, and both mages were left breathing raggedly at the end of it all, sapped of energy. Ultear was in better shape, though even she was feeling fairly drained from the experience. It made her very curious about how long Natsu could keep that up, if he hadn't been pushed to his limits already with his Second Origin unlocked.
         One thing was for sure: She would be finding that out later. Not even the mighty Titania would stop her from having another go~.
         "Hey, 'Tear...?" Natsu asked with clear exhaustion. She couldn't stop her heart from skipping a beat at the caring look in his eyes. That... wasn't just lust. Ultear was sure of that. "I'm gonna sleep for a while... We definitely gotta do that again sometime... 'kay...?"
         His peace spoken, Natsu closed his eyes and rested. As he did, Ultear smiled and continued looking down at his prone form, not moving to stand up just yet. Instinctually, she moved a hand to brush some sand that had gotten onto his face, though that turned into a gentle caress. This was an activity sparked by lust, but Ultear couldn't help but wanting to experience this again and again... hell, to just be near the Dragon Slayer would be enough for her. She'd never felt so warm...
         "We will~. After the Games are over... maybe then." Ultear whispered as she very reluctantly pulled him out of her. Without thinking, she brought her now cum-drenched fingers up to her mouth and gave his cum a lick.
          ... Would she even be able to wait that long?
         Note: I'm definitely not used to writing this kind of stuff.... But I gave it a shot, and finally, after months of mulling over how I wanted to finish it, I did so tonight~.
       ... There's not a whole lot of Natear stuff. Even less of Natsu x Sorano. >__> But still~. I feel just a little more bad for Ultear because of how she didn't get a resolution in canon. She needed a dragon to warm and comfort her after being around Blueberry for 7 years~...
        Back to more serious story stuff for now, but I'll probably be back for a Natsu x Sorano smut piece at some point... :P
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prolificpoisons · 5 years
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
“Ohhh, let’s see...” Jovi hummed, easing back into a comfortable. lounging recline in her chair. “I mean, I ain’t really gone at the whole ‘in love’ thing before, so this s’is jus’ me playin’ ideal hypotheticals here, yeah?” She wrinkled her nose, her arms folding loose in front of her so that her fingers could idly drum on her arms while she mused. “I mean, s’really hard to say. I would think showin’ love would vary based on -whom- ya love, righ’? I mean, I know this s’is kinda impossible, but let’s say the person I loved didn’t drink. I wouldn’t be able to share that with ‘em, even iffin’ it’s the way -I- show love. I would have to play on what they like. So...” She paused, her head tipping from side to side, “I guess what I am sayin’ is that I would show someone my love by knowin’ ‘em. Givin’ enough of a shit to -care- to know. Normally, I don’t invest that much in the proclivities of others... But I’m bettin’ iffin’ I loved someone, I would wanna know what makes ‘em tick, and how to give ‘em everythin’ they desire.“ She paused, panning her sights to the one asking the questions, “That, or I gotta real messed up idea of what loves supposed to be. Otherwise, I would do what I do with everyone, and jus’ lob drinks and good times at ‘em!”
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Thanks for the ask @kelcrowrunner !! ))
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thecrowranger · 8 years
Kai and Jason and Tommy-a mmpr fic/drabble
Summary: When Jason and Tommy meet Billy’s cousin Kai, they find someone who seems scared of his own shadow and perhaps hiding some not-so-nice memories. But is he stronger than he gives himself credit for, and can they get him to open up and not be so frightened all the time?
Slight Pokemon crossover, featuring my muse Kai from @monsterpokemoon . TW: ptsd, gangs
Long post, obv.
Billy knew surprisingly little about the cousin who had come to live with him and his parents. What he did know was that his cousin Kai had been born in Japan while his parents had been staying there for a few years teaching English. Their jobs paid so well that they'd stayed.
Sometime around age 12, Kai had disappeared. No one knew where he went, and he'd been presumed dead. Four years later he'd turned up, and had been shuttled off to his relatives in Angel Grove. As a result, Billy didn't know what to expect of his cousin. His parents had told him what Kai had told them-that he'd been forced into a gang, made to do some things he didn't like, and had several scars. Billy had also been warned that his cousin was extremely jumpy and easily startled-his parents had called it 'PTSD'. Of course he knew what that was-Billy knew most everything that could be called scientific.
But he hadn't told his friends what little he knew. The only thing he had told them was that his cousin Kai was coming to live with him, and even though they'd never met until now, that Kai seemed nice and he was looking forward to having him around. It was nice having someone else around to hear about all his science experiments, after all.
Kai, meanwhile, wasn't sure how he'd like this arrangement, though he'd been wanting to have something resembling a normal family life ever since it had been taken away from him. School sounded terrifying-but it couldn't be half as terrifying as gang life, could it?
** Kai soon found out the answer to his question about school. Billy had helped him find his locker and then moved off to head to his own. Kai had just about finished putting his things away when it happened.
"Hey. New kid."
"Hey Bulk, what if he ain't a new kid?"
"Of course he's a new kid Skull, we haven't seen him around here before."
Kai suppressed a sigh and turned around. He about jumped when he saw the leather-clad figures before him; they reminded him of that all-too-recent gang part of his life.
"Bout time you turned around. I'm Bulk, and this is Skull. Since you're new around here, I figured I'd share a couple of the rules around here with you."
"Er, that's all right, I think I could just ask-" Kai began.
"First rule is, all new kids have to carry my stuff." Bulk tossed a large backpack at him. Kai was forced to attempt to catch it, but it was far too heavy for him, and he ended up falling over.
"What do you have in this thing, rocks?" Kai complained, trying to push the offending bag away from him.
Bulk and Skull both burst out into raucous laughter, which didn't help Kai at all. "We're gonna have to toughen you up, new kid," Bulk said. He advanced toward Kai, intending only to take his bag and be done with his amusement for the day, but that wasn't what Kai saw.
What Kai saw was someone advancing towards him, and it brought back a memory of a time on a boat far away, with advancing figures and nothing good in mind. "No! Stay away from me!" He sat up and backed away.
"Aw come on, I ain't gonna hurt ya, I just wanna-" Bulk stepped forward again.
Kai let out a strangled cry and backed away further, then found himself running into someone's feet. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he said. "I didn't mean to!" He looked up rather pitifully at the figure, who was dressed in red.
"It's okay," came the voice of the other. "I got you." Strong but gentle hands helped him to his feet.
"Bulk, what do you think you're doing man?" The voice came from another boy-this one dressed in green. "Picking on new kids?"
"We were just showin' him around and stuff," Skull said.
"Yeah, I was gonna show him the ropes," Bulk added, pausing to pick up his bag.
"He threw his bag at me," Kai muttered. The glare Bulk gave him caused him to back against the stranger in red, who put a reassuring hand on his arm.
"It's okay," he said. "No one's going to hurt you."
Oddly enough, Kai believed him-though he found himself shaking somewhat. "
"Why don't you two go buzz off and bother someone else before you get yourself into real trouble, huh?" the one in green remarked.
"C'mon Skull, let's go," Bulk said. "Maybe we can rob a nerd of their lunch money before class." The two turned and left,leaving Kai alone with his saviors.
"T-thanks." He got a good look at them finally; both of them had dark hair and brown eyes, and from the looks of it, worked out. Jocks, he thought. Great, they probably thought he was a pathetic loser. "I'm s-s-sorry, I'm not really this much of a loser-it's just that-"
"You're not a loser." That came from the one in red.
"No one deserves to be treated like that," added the one in green.
"I'm Jason," the one in red said. "And this is Tommy. Guess you're new here?"
Kai was pleasantly surprised by their responses, but didn't want to make a big deal of it. No sense in making himself look even more pathetic, never mind their reassurances. "I'm Kai," he said. "I moved here to live with my aunt and uncle. My cousin Billy goes to school here too. He should be back any minute-"
"Oh, you're Billy's cousin?" Jason asked. "He said you were coming. It's nice to meet you."
"Kai!" Billy came around the corner, books in hand. "Oh, I see you've met Jason and Tommy."
"He also met Bulk and Skull," Tommy said dryly.
Billy winced. "I'm sorry; I should have warned you about them."
Kai managed a shrug. "It's all right; they kind of startled me a little-" Boy howdy was that an understatement-"but I've met bigger bullies than those two."
No one said anything to that, though Jason and Tommy did shoot a questioning look in Billy's direction. Billy said nothing, though his eyes suggested that there was a lot of weight in what his cousin said.
Jason spoke first. "So, um, Kai, where's your first class?"
"Eh? Oh I have my schedule right here..." Kai headed back to his locker and grabbed his things before turning to hand a sheet of paper to Jason.
"Oh cool, you have the same schedule I do," Jason replied before handing it back. "I'll walk with you to class."
"Thanks," Kai said. "I appreciate it." Why did that make him happy for some reason? ** Things did get a little easier. Kai met Billy's other friends Zack, Trini, and Kimberly over the course of the day. Luckily for Kai, Bulk and Skull found other ways to amuse themselves that didn't involve bothering him. It didn't occur to him that Jason's presence might have had something to do with it; Kai was just thanking his lucky stars that his cousin's friends had turned out to be some really nice people.
Kai's awkward moments for the day weren't finished, however; phys ed brought a whole new problem in the way of changing. He didn't want everyone in the locker room staring, and the only one at school who knew about them was Billy. He pondered this as he glanced idly over at Jason and Tommy. They'd helped him before-maybe he could trust them. "Um, guys? Could you do me a favor?"
"Sure man, what is it?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah, go ahead," Jason added.
"Um," Kai lowered his voice to a whisper. "Well I have these really bad scars on my back and I kind of don't want everyone staring so could you maybe block everyone's view while I change?" His face reddened.
Tommy and Jason exchanged a look, and both nodded. "Of course," Jason said softly.
Kai put his back to them while he changed; he realized that meant they would be able to see his scars, but he didn't want to see their faces while he changed. It was awkward enough changing in front of people as it was withough seeing their reactions along with it.
Both Tommy and Jason couldn't help but stare before exchanging further looks with each other.
"What happened to you?" Jason asked.
"Who did this?" Tommy asked. It was obvious the deep scars were from some kind of whip.
"That isn't something I like talking about," Kai replied as he finished changing. "My family knows about them, but not even they know just how. Maybe I'll tell you someday." He couldn't believe he'd just said that.
Neither Tommy nor Jason knew what to say to that, so instead they remained silent and filed out to see what phys ed would bring for them today. The period started off with the typical series of laps. They were pleasantly surprised to see that Kai almost kept up with them.
"You keep that up and you'll pass us both," Tommy joked. "You ever run track?"
Kai shook his head. "Nah. Just used to running," he said. Then he frowned. "I mean-well, never mind."
Once again Kai's new friends exchanged a look. If their new friend's remarks weren't so cryptically serious they might have found all that look exchanging funny. Instead they cast Kai a look of concern, which he seemed not to notice.
Their second surprise came when the rope climbing exercise came. Most people hated it, and few save Tommy and Jason could even make it up the rope all the way. Kai, however, managed to make his way up with relative ease and back down again, albeit somewhat awkwardly.
"That was pretty awesome man," Jason said.
"Yeah, good job," Tommy added. "You must work out or something, right?"
"Not really," Kai admitted. "I do a lot of swimming though...I dunno if that helps. And I have done some rock climbing. That's not quite the same, but it's climbing."
The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully. When school ended, Kai left with Billy to meet their friends in the park later. The cousins had started their homework when a strange gurgling sound followed by screaming interrupted them. Kai, of course, jumped at the scream and looked up to find several strange gray creatures running around and chasing people before heading right for them.
"Kai, stay back," Billy warned. To Kai's surprise, Billy began fighting the odd creatures, and wasn't half bad-but there were far too many.
When Billy was grabbed by three of the creatures and slammed against a tree, Kai stood up. His voice was a bit shaky, but he said, as bravely as he could, "Stay away from my cousin."
One of the creatures turned to look at him quizzically. "No Kai, stay back!" Billy yelled.
Kai shook his head. "You're my family. I can't let them hurt you." He touched something on his belt, and what appeared to be a small ghost with a skull for a face popped out. "Duskull, Confuse Ray," he said. "And be sure not to hit Billy or any people around here."
"Dus..." was all the creature said before emitting what appeared to be a low-pitched sound. One could see the outline of what appeared to be sound waves in the air. All three creatures holding Billy stopped and let go, allowing him to fight them off.
Kai's Duskull then turned and did the same with the other gray creatures. All seem to stop and stare in confusion before starting to attack each other.
"Kai, what is that?" Billy asked as he kicked one of the creatures against a tree.
"It's a Duskull," Kai replied. "What're those?"
"Putties? What kind of name is that?"
Billy shrugged, grinned slightly, and went back to knocking putties around.
"Shadow Ball, Duskull," Kai said. The creature then began emitting dark balls of energy towards the putties. Between that and Billy's fighting, the group of putties was defeated and soon disappeared.
"Are you guys okay?" Jason and Tommy came running over to them.
"You're late," Billy scolded before brushing himself off. "We're fine, thanks to Kai."
"No, you and Duskull were pretty amazing," Kai replied. "Thank you, Duskull; take a break, okay?" The creature nodded and disappeared back into its spot on Kai's belt.
"That's gotta be the weirdest looking pet I've ever seen," Jason said. "Um, no offense. It was pretty cool."
"It's technically called a pokemon," Kai explained. "They're a lot like animals, but they have all sorts of special abilities. I got this one in Japan. It's a Duskull-a kind of ghost. He won't hurt you, though. And um, Billy, you probably shouldn't mention him to your parents."
"Yeah, I'm not quite sure how we'd explain that one," Billy said.
"So you brought him out to help Billy?" Jason asked.
"Well yeah," Kai said. "He's my cousin, and he's been nice to me. Why wouldn't I?"
"Were you afraid?" Tommy asked. "Those putties are pretty crazy-looking."
"Er, maybe a little," Kai admitted. Another understatement. "But I'm not gonna not help someone who's been nice to me if I can, especially if they're family.
"Pretty cool if you ask me," Tommy said, grinning over at him.
Kai blushed. "Thanks."
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