#(had to channel my inner step dad for this one )
gunslinginnhogtyin · 8 months
"Don't chase the rabbit" - Kairi (i sent one before this, you can answer one/the other or both if you so choose! <3)
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past. // @as-above-rp
Butch freezes in the midst of tip toeing past his father.
“Have ya finished cleanin’ the stables?”
Butch nods and his father glances back at him, bushy brows furrowed.
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“I can’t hear yer head rattlin’, boy.”
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“…Yeah, Pops, th’ stables’re clean. Can I go play with th’ baby cows now?” The child asks hopefully, wringing his hands nervously.
“Now, there’s plenty more work t’be done ‘round here… ‘sides, those fella’s are gonna be food soon enough. Best not to get too attached.”
Butch frowns at that.
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“Don’t go tellin’ him things like that.” Butch’s mother, Beatrice, scolds as she enters the room, holding a large bowl of eggs she had just collected from the chicken pin.
“Don’t raise yer voice at me, woman.” Ernest sneers.
“Ain’t no one raisin’ their voice, ya bull. He’s six. F’he wants t’play with the cows, let ‘im.”
Butch smiles to himself, happy his mother is on his side but that quickly changes when his father snaps.
“Don’t tell me how t’raise my son.”
Beatrice sighs and rolls her eyes, making her way into the kitchen. “I really don’t wanna do this right now…”
“Do what? Yer th’ one pickin’ fights! You want that boy to be a WIMP!”
“Oh my lord, Ernest, honestly—yer overreacting.” Beatrice huffs tiredly, setting the eggs on the counter.
“Tch, I don’t expect you t’be showin’ ‘im anythin’ useful, anyhow.” Ernest walks over, gripping Butch’s arm and dragging him along as he walks out of the house. Butch stumbles along but doesn’t hesitate, knowing what would happen if he displayed any sort of resistance towards his father.
“Why don’t we play with the horses instead? I’ll show ya how to ride. Yer old ‘nough to learn by now, anyhow. And it ain’t a useless skill like cookin.”
The little blonde blinks in surprise and in an instant, he’s grinning excitedly. His Pops never wants to do anything fun like that; in fact, the last time he had asked, he got yelled at! He’s practically skipping alongside his father now.
Crossing the field, they come to a stop by a fence where a couple of saddles rested on one of the posts. Releasing his sons arm, he grabs one of the saddles and holds it out for Butch to take.
“You’ve seen yer ol’ man saddle up a horse b’fore. Go on.” The child reaches out to grip the saddle but when the weight of it is released by his father, Butch tumbles to the ground with it.
“G-Gosh, this’s… heavy! I don’t think—“
“F’ya wanna ride a horse, ya gotta put its saddle on! Pick th’ damn thing up.” Ernest says sternly, scowling down at his son. When his father took that tone, that’s when the fun was over.
While Butch watches his father wander off to retrieve one of the horses, he struggles to pick the saddle up. The thing weighs just as much as he does! When all is said and done, the six year old had managed to heave it onto his back, his legs wobbling with each step he takes towards the horse Ernest had led over.
“Go on.” He urges.
With trembling legs, Butch reels back and gives his best throw which actually isn’t all that great because the saddle comes crashing down on top of him, causing him to topple over with a yelp.
“Can’t ya do nothin’ right?”
Hearing a heavy sigh come from his father, he suddenly feels a lot lighter as that saddle is lifted off of him and fastened onto the horse, his father complaining all the while.
“If yer mother didn’t treat ya like a sissy, ya might actually be good fer somethin. When I was yer age…” Ernest continues to gripe on as Butch brings himself back to his feet.
He staves off the feeling of having the wind knocked out of him and moves closer to the horse, gripping the saddle just as his Pops had finished fastening it on. Then, he attempts to pull himself up onto the horse, struggling a good bit since he barely comes up past the horses mid section. He falls over more than once, losing his balance or his grip every now and again. After hearing some more chiding from his father, he manages to hop and climb his way up onto the large stallion, all by himself!
“I did it!” Butch exclaims tiredly but excitedly, carefully taking the reigns.
“Yeah, yeah—that’s th’ easy part.” His father comments with a scoff.
Giving a tug on the reigns, the horse begins to walk. A smile had found its way back on his face; he was doing it! He was riding a horse all by himself! He couldn’t wait to tell his Ma when he got back to the house!
The child’s excitement is cut short however when the horse suddenly begins to act up, as if it had been spooked by something. Neighing loudly in agitation, the stallion jerks about and thrashes, Butch hanging on for dear life and screaming all the while. Unfortunately he’s not able to hold on much longer, his fingers slip when in one rough motion, the horse bucks hard and he flies off, hitting the ground with a crack.
The moment he hits the ground, a jolt of pain runs through his body—his arm more specifically. Taking a deep breath in, the child clutches his arm and cries out, writhing on the ground in pain. Looking around frantically through blurry tears for his father, he finds his silhouette standing some ways away, just watching.
In another moment he sees his mother storming over to his father; he can’t hear any yelling over the sound of his own crying but he knows that’s what’s happening. A push, a shove, a slap, and a punch later, his mother is at his side, scooping him up into her arms carefully but quickly and rushing towards the house. He can hear his heart beat pounding in his ears and suddenly everything goes black.
When he comes to, he finds himself in his bed. His arm aches and he quickly takes notice of the splint holding his arm in place. Luckily his mother is at his side, easing his nerves with a soft song and brushing her fingers through his hair.
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icebluecyanide · 1 month
Alex and his anger in Scorpia (2005)
I decided to make a collection of all moments of anger (or lack thereof) from the book.
Alex had to know what had happened fourteen years ago. Discovering the truth about John Rider would be the same as finding out about himself. Because, if his father really had killed people for money, what did that make him? Alex was angry, unhappy … and confused. He had to find Scorpia, whatever it was. Scorpia would tell him what he needed to know. (p. 14)
The tiger was watching him. Alex had twisted round, his hands behind him, his legs bent sideways, in the act of standing up. The tiger's front paws were resting on the desk. Neither of them moved. Alex knew that the door was too far away. There was nowhere else to hide. A surge of anger flooded through him. He should never have come in here. He should have been more careful. (p. 66)
Bitter anger shivered through him. Was this the destiny that Yassen Gregorovich had promised him? Had he come to Venice simply for this? The sirens were still howling. The water had covered the first two steps and was already lapping at the third. Alex cursed, then took several deep breaths, hyperventilating. When he had forced as much air into his lungs as he thought they could take, he toppled over and plunged head first through the hole. (p. 75)
“You're not answering my question,” he said, trying not to get angry. Mrs Rothman seemed friendly enough but he already knew that she was very rich and very ruthless. He suspected that he would regret it if he got on the wrong side of her. (p. 128)
Alex felt hatred welling up inside him. It was stronger than anything he had ever experienced in his life. He wondered if it would be possible to live an ordinary life again one day. There seemed to be nowhere for him to go. Maybe it would be better for everyone if he just took one more step. He was already standing on the very edge. Why couldn’t he just let the night take him? (p. 186)
“We have chosen the one person in the world who - we think you'll agree - most deserves to die. It is someone you have every reason to despise, and we hope that your hatred and your anger will drive you on, removing any last doubts you may have." (p. 188)
“Why did you do it?” he demanded. His voice had become a whisper. He was trying to channel the hatred through him, to give him the strength to do what he had been sent here for. (p. 229)
“If you’re saying my father was so evil, what do you think that makes me?” Alex was trying to will himself to shoot. He had thought anger would give him strength, but he was more tired than angry. So now he searched for another way to persuade himself to pull the trigger. He was his father’s son. It was in his blood. (p. 231)
He held the gun steady. He let the hatred take him. And fired. (p. 232)
“I don’t hate you,” Alex said. It was true. He felt nothing. (p. 272)
It's interesting to see how Alex starts the book already angry (and confused) at MI6 for their lies/because of his inner conflict about his dad being a killer. Scorpia deliberately try to stoke that anger by sending him after Mrs Jones, but when she confronts him about his dad killing innocent people, he struggles to hold on to his hatred/anger (and we learn later that even when he pulls the trigger, he can't bring himself to aim at Mrs Jones). And in the aftermath of the failed assassination he's more numb and exhausted than anything else.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 11 months
Timeless - II (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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A/N: Hi besties! Lil early birthday treat from me (I'm hoping to write part three on my birthday but we'll see) with part 3!
pairing: Lt. Robert Floyd x reader
warnings/content: no warnings, extra cute Bob. mutual pining, OC's mom meddling but it's cute, Bob swears like once.
word count: 1.8k
one - two -
The Taylor home was practically humming with noise as your family prepared for Thanksgiving festivities together. Your mother was in the kitchen, channeling her inner Food Network tv personality as she made the holiday meal. Your younger brother was home from college, and your teenage sister had brought a friend over for the day to meet everyone and watch the hours-long football marathon that began early in the afternoon that day, following the thanksgiving day parade. Just as the Commanders were taking on the Cowboys, your doorbell rang. Despite there being several other people in the room with you, you appeared to be the only one able to hear it ringing. You sighed and rolled your eyes as you stood up to answer the door. In your doorway stood Bob, in a football jersey and jeans, a casual look that you remembered well from high school. He laughed softly as you answered the door, a warm, friendly smile on his face.
“Hey Krissy, Ma sent me over to see if your folks wanted any pies, she made these apple pie tarts and she made enough to feed the entire naval base, but I don’t think they’d fly back with me very well.” He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head, “Although, I’d love to show Hangman what a real apple pie tastes like. He swears the ones in the store are the same thing. You’d think being from the south, he’d know better.” He laughs again, his cheeks blushing as he speaks about his current life. 
“Hangman? Your friend’s name is…Hangman?”
“No, it’s a callsign, all of us have one. His real name is Jake. Then you have Bradley who goes by Rooster, Natasha is Phoenix-”
“Ok then, what’s yours?” You raise an eyebrow with your arms folded across your chest.
“Bob. I got kinda confused when they asked me when I first started…so I told them my nickname and it stuck. Although now if you ask Hangman, he tells you it stands for “Baby on Board” because I’m the youngest out of the team.” He shakes his head laughing softly before looking up at you, his deep cobalt blue eyes meeting yours. God, you could get lost in those eyes for hours. 
“I’m sure my mom would appreciate them, she’s sort of up to her eyeballs in cooking right now. I think she’s aiming to compete with yours for who can make the most food,” you laugh as you step aside to let Bob in, “Come on in, we’re just watching football, Ma’s banned us all from entering her kitchen.”
Bob laughed and walked inside your family home, the home he was so familiar with as a child, where you’d play hide and seek in the different rooms, sipping lemonade on your mother’s porch swing on the veranda out front, sneaking treats upstairs to your room when you were little, hiding while you devoured them way too close to dinner time. Helping you sneak in through your bedroom window late at night after a party you weren’t supposed to be at, driving you home in his dad’s beat up old pickup truck that had a habit of always getting stuck in the mud. 
Your house hadn’t changed hardly at all since your family moved in all those years ago. A coat of paint here and new furniture there and that was about it - it was almost identical to how it was when Bob was inside it last. The time he’d taken you to prom because your date canceled on you the day before. Bob had seen you crying at school and was comforting you the entire drive home that day, and he had offered to take you, because he hadn’t found a girl he’d like to ask yet. Part of you felt like Bob just felt bad for his best friend and didn’t want to see you upset, but the other part of you had hoped it was because he wanted to ask you.
“Bobby Floyd, how’re you doing? ‘Suppose we should be calling you Lieutenant now, shouldn’t we?” Your dad’s booming voice echoed through the house as he greeted Bob. Bob smiled warmly and nodded his head once as he spoke.
“I’m great, Mr. Taylor, and just Bobby is fine, I don’t really use the rank outside of work. We both know my Mama wasn’t going to be calling me Lieutenant when I got home,” Bob let out a hearty laugh as he turned to greet your younger siblings, “Wow, Megan, haven’t seen you since you were about 5 or 6, you must be like, 16 now? And Nate, Ma said you just graduated college? What did you end up going for?”
As Bob played catch-up with your dad and siblings, you quietly excused yourself to the kitchen where your mother was. You noticed your mother’s sly smirk on her face as she kneaded the pie crust she was working on.
“I hear Robert’s come to see you?” she hummed as she set the crust in the baking dish, trimming the edges as she spoke, “That was awfully sweet of him.”
“Mama, don’t start,” you warned quietly, shaking your head, “I told you, I don’t think Bobby feels that way.”
Your mother sighed and wiped the flour off her hands onto her apron, shaking her head. She gave you a pointed look. “Kristen Taylor, you know that Robert’s had eyes for you since he was six years old - don’t think that he’s changed his mind.” 
“What makes you so sure? What are you, an expert in how he feels now?”
“I may not be, but I’m very good friends with someone who is. And she tells me that Robert specifically asked how you were doing and if his mama had seen you recently. You don’t ask about a girl after 10 years unless you want to see them, Kristen.” Your mother laughed softly as she put the pie in the oven. After a moment of silence while you tried to wrap your head around this new information, your mother shook her head.
“Kristen, his mama and I just want you kids to be happy. But let’s face it, he didn’t come here just to see if we wanted some extra apple pies. And his mama did not “accidentally” make too many.”
“How did you know why he was here?” You laughed and raised an eyebrow as you folded your arms across your chest, watching your mother intently as you awaited a response.
“I can’t reveal all my secrets to you now, can I, Kristen?” Your mother smiled warmly as she looked towards the doorway. You followed her gaze, turning around to face Bobby, his cheeks turning pink as he stood in the entrance to the kitchen, leaning his hip against the door frame. He pushed his glasses up on his nose, a nervous habit of his for as long as you’d known him, and smiled.
“Hi Mrs. Taylor, you look lovely, Mama wanted me to come by and see if you wanted some apple pies…but I’m guessing she called you ahead of time to tell you?” He laughed awkwardly, obviously having heard the last half of your conversation.
“She did, Robert! And congratulations, it sounds like you’ve become quite the accomplished Naval lieutenant while you’ve been gone. Your mama’s been filling me in on what you’ve been up to. She’s very proud of you, but I’m sure you know that already.” Your mother nodded her head as she smiled. 
“I do, m’am, she’s very glad I’ve come home for a few days. I don’t get leave too often now with everything going on back on base, but I try to come home when I can. Last few years we just went to Texas and met halfway at my brother’s house in Austin. This year though my brother and sister have brought all the little ‘uns up here, so poor Ma’s got all 3 of us kids up here, plus my brother’s two and my sister’s two, and their partners. It’s a bit of a full house. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad to escape when she asked me to come by.” He laughed softly, “I love my nieces and nephews but boy, do they know how to tire you out.” 
“I can imagine! Actually, while you’re here, could I steal you to help Kristen for a moment? I need the serving trays brought down from the attic, but I can’t trust Nate to carry them without dropping one, and Megan’s terrified of going up there,” your mother laughed as she discreetly shot you a smirking glance. 
“Oh, I’d be happy to, Mrs. Taylor. Krissy and I’ll get them down for you.” Bob smiled as he took your hand playfully and went off upstairs with you. It felt just like old times, his hand leading you up the stairs to the attic where the two of you used to hide and play in as kids. You’d turned it into a clubhouse of sorts for the two of you growing up, a sanctuary away from the chaos of having a big family and school work and chores - a place for just the two of you. 
Bob sighed happily as he looked around the attic. The two of you had so many memories of being in here together, and for you, it felt like they all came flooding back at once. 
“God, I haven’t been in here in years,” he said as a soft chuckle escaped his lips, “Remember that time you hid up here when we ate all of your mama’s apple pie she’d baked for the school bake sale? She was madder than a wet hen, and we thought hiding up here would be the smartest choice. Then, sure as shit, she found us laughing and covered in apple pie filling.” He laughed again, shaking his head. “We both got grounded for that one, I think that was the first time my mama ever had to ground me, and it was because of you in the first place!”
“Hey, I didn’t make you eat it,” you laughed as you held your hands up innocently. “I just encouraged you to join me. Not my fault that you did.”
Bob shook his head and smiled thoughtfully at you, his eyes meeting yours once again. You hadn’t noticed how closely you two were standing to one another until now, your bodies only a few inches from each other, close enough to feel each other’s body heat radiating. You instinctively bit your lip - your own nervous habit, and Bob gently stroked your cheek with his hand. He pulled you in closer and smiled softly. 
“God, I’ve missed you, Kristen.” He said as he gently wrapped an arm around your waist, his other hand still gently stroking your face, “I really, really missed you.” 
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hypergamiss · 6 months
I feel so drained all the time bc I’m living in my toxic parents home. Thanks to the economy, and my binge eating issue, it’s been a struggle to save money. I get in arguments all the time with my mom, especially regarding how chill she is with my troublemaker younger siblings versus how my sister and I were raised. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so full of rage on how unfair things are. I listened to her two years ago when I could’ve transferred colleges, but she (and dad by extent) guilt tripped me into staying home, and wasting my money on online classes that went nowhere. Due to depression I began binge eating, it’s the only thing that makes me feel better tbh. I’ve wasted sm money, and my teeth are messed up due to all the sugar.  /: I feel stuck. I know I should be trying to move forward but I feel so depressed, no $ for therapy tho of course. I know I’ll regret it but I can’t seem to move forward. The anger keeps me in place. Could go into detail about how I wasn’t allowed to do anything in hs or even make friends, even community college I went to a super small one w no opportunities. I had sm ambition, sm drive, all feels like it’s been argued out of me. I’m tired of my words being misconstrued, of always being seen as a selfish bad person. I’m just done with it all. I want to give up sometimes, just throw my hands up and say f it, and keep binging, keep wasting $, and not caring about anything. But a tiny part of me does want to improve which is why I’m messaging you. 
Toxic family dynamics mixed with a crappy economy is a recipe for burnout. But here's the thing: you're still here, and that tiny spark wanting to improve? That's your inner warrior, not ready to give up! Try looking at things through this lens:
Your Parents are NOT the Economy: Yes, things are tough, but focusing on how they guilt-tripped you won't open a savings account. Let's ditch the blame game (for now) and focus on what YOU can control.
Binge-Eating as Rebellion: I get it. When control is taken away, we sometimes find it in destructive ways. That sugar rush is a temporary middle finger to those unfair rules. But girl, your teeth and your temple(body) deserve better!
Channel the Rage: You want to give up? Fine! But instead of giving up on yourself, give up on caring what they think! Use that anger to fuel a job search, create a hustle, literally ANYTHING that screams, "Screw you, I'm taking my life back!"
Tiny Steps > No Steps: Therapy is out of reach for now, but there are free mental health resources online. Even just journaling out that rage is better than letting it consume you. You are much stronger than you think.
"Selfish" is the New Self-Care: Remember those ambitions? It's time to be ruthlessly selfish about reclaiming them. Not the kind that harms others, but the kind that says, "My dreams matter, and I refuse to let them die here."
It won't be easy, and there may be slip-ups. But even posting this shows you're not fully down for the count. Dust yourself off, get scrappy, and use that anger to prove everyone (including yourself) wrong. You deserve better, and sometimes, the only way out is through.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 years
Years ago, I had a dream (sometime during mid fall 2008) of me seeing through a man's eyes as a woman after saying outloud one day "I wonder what it's like being a man". Know that when I had this dream I had forgotten all about the man whose eyes I was seeing through, even so far as what he looks like. I remember seeing a dark barn and being inside of a room inside the barn. In this room I recall seeing a dark stained mirror on top of a dresser. I remember as the man I was a lot taller than myself (I am 5'4"), wearing a darker blue grey jacket, having lighter brown hair that was slightly spiked up, green eyes, light skinned, and wearing jeans.
I also recall seeing a wooded area at night time and slight fog but not much. I recall on multiple occasions in this dream seeing a woman with longer reddish brown hair that was slightly wavy wearing a greenish jacket and a white shirt with jeans. At one point I remember her going towards me for a kiss and having to lean down a little to kiss her back. At one point I recall us approaching a black car, then at another her wearing a bra and taking my shirt off as the man... then I woke up as things were starting to get interesting (REALLY?! Bad timing ha ha). I remember as this man having a lot of thoughts things like "I know a lot of women are attracted to me but do any of them like me for me?". I also remember getting a very powerful urge "to find my soulmate" coming from him. My own personal thoughts interjected in this dream and I found myself wondering "Why is this man behaving or thinking like a horn dog when his inner thoughts show he is a very romance driven man that really wants to find his soulmate?"
It was only recently (February 2023) that I learned who it was I was seeing through (Jensen Ackles). The episode of Supernatural that was being filmed when I was seeing through his eyes in this dream is Supernatural Season 4 Episode 10 "Heaven and Hell". I looked on some older interviews of his and even some more recent ones, and what I saw and heard in my dreams seems very consistent with what I was experiencing. One interview I found of him was him saying a personal goal of his is to find his soulmate, and to have a family of his own. He also admitted he likes romance more than sex because "you can do more fun things" or something along those lines. Not sure if he still feels this way or not, but this line of thinking is consistent with what I was hearing in my dream.
If these anti Tumblr posts have any truth to them, all of this seems consistent with what I was hearing in this man's thoughts in the dream and also explains the inconsistency between his thoughts and actions even to this day. It also seems that the way his life has played out and is going now greatly differs from how he envisioned his life. It does seem he became what he feared (becoming too Hollywood and losing himself), I do hope he finds himself again. I am also hoping with me sharing this experience, perhaps people may try to look past the surface and see what's behind those eyes.
Random note: I've made some other videos in the last couple days on my YT channel (will write more about them here shortly), and saw an image of a rainbow 30k feet above ground which looks like a rainbow ring randomly show up on my Facebook newsfeed. I mentioned the bifrost in one of the videos I uploaded onto YouTube last night (2/26/2023). A couple years ago, the plane I was on did go through a rainbow ring literally to everyone's amazement. Last summer on a Monday Loki gave me a divination reading saying "This upcoming trip to Myrtle Beach is a big step towards your rainbow bridge". He mentioned it again the next day when I saw 2 plates one right after the other "K3y" and "Step fwd" (NOT making this up). On Saturday, I received a gift of rainbow socks from my son's dad at the beach I am wearing in this video. Big step towards my rainbow bridge eh, Loki? Is this a big coincidence or is there something more going on here?
Let me know your thoughts, thank you for reading this longer post if you've made it this far!
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jalapenobee · 2 years
No what-if’s
Let me ask you a question. If you had a bowl of chewy pasta drowned in watery cheese like passengers on the Titanic, would you eat it? What if the bowl was only warm? What if there’s an overwhelming smell of Clorox and rubbing alcohol that's making you lose your appetite? No? Good.
Keith’s thoughts exactly. Although he’d already eaten half of it, so not exactly. But very close.
He fidgeted in the scratchy, over-bleached hospital sheets and lifted a cautious spoon of “mac and cheese” to his mouth. Disgusting. But it’s food, so might as well swallow. Besides, it’s not like it’s going to make him throw up later. Not like that at all. He’s got other things to worry about.
Ring-ring, ring.
Ring-ring, ring.
He looked up from the half eaten, half inedible food, annoyed and confused as to where the buzzing sound was coming from. His eyes rested on his ringing phone, which was sitting on a side table that had been pushed over next to his bed. He sighed, picking up the call and putting whoever it was on speakerphone.
“Hello?” The word was slightly slurred from the hospital mac n’ cheese. Keith set that aside for when the call was over.
“Hey, it’s Lance.”
“Oh hey Lance. You’re on speaker, by the way.”
“Alright. I just left my house, I’ll be at the hospital in half an hour.”
“Okay, cool. You better be wearing a sweater though, it’s raining.”
“Um… I’m not?”
“Go back and put one on. It’s cold.”
“I’ll be fine, Keith. I’m practically immune to rain and cold weather.”
“Lemme tell you a story, Lance. Once upon a time there was a president. He was only president for 30 days. Know why? Because he gave the longest speech ever in cold weather without a proper jacket. He got pneumonia and died.”
“How does that relate to this?”
“Put on a sweater or else you’ll get pneumonia!”
“I won’t get pneumonia, relax.”
Keith scrunched his nose and channeled his inner Shiro. “Go. Back.”
“Fiiiine. But don’t ever use Shiro’s dad voice again.”
“No promises.” Definitely no promises.
Lance huffed and hung up the phone. Keith was right, it was kind of cold. His fingers felt numb and shook slightly as he fumbled with his keys to unlock the door to his family’s house. Veronica gave him a weird look as he stepped inside.
“I thought you just left?”
“Yeah, but it’s still raining so Keith’s making me wear a sweater.”
She nodded, amusing herself with the thought of her confident, loud brother being so submissive to Keith. Bonus points to Keith for being smaller than Lance. “Figured.”
After getting one of his brother’s sweaters from the coat rack, Lance headed back out, sending a quick text to Keith as he got in the car, which he also “borrowed” from his brother.
they-call-him-the-tailor: i got a sweater, leaving now
do-you-know-the-mullet-man: okay, see you soon
pidgeon-of-the-sky: keep the pda off the group chat
To be honest, Lance hated the hospital.
He hated the crying, sobbing, wailing noises from all floors, signifying a death. He hated the doctors with emotionless faces and tired eyes. He hated its aura, the stiff, cold, empty, one slicked in sanitizer and medicine. He hated that there were people there, some fighting for their lives, and he hated that there were people who gave up trying. What he hated the most was all the illnesses, attacking people who he believed didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t fair.
But nothing’s ever fair. Lance figured that Keith knew that firsthand.
Even so, he’d live at the hospital for that mullet.
After ten minutes spent walking through dim hallways and sidestepping masked doctors with stern faces, Lance finally stood in front of the door. Room 246. Finally, it's like the one room Lance always struggles to find. It might as well be moving across the hospital. That’s a possibility.
Anyway, Lance knocked on the door and listened until he heard a voice say, “come in.”
He could see Keith waiting for him as he pushed the door open, sitting upright on the hospital bed with an empty bowl beside him. He’d have to remember to take that to the cafeteria when he left if no one else did.
“Hey, doing okay?”
Keith nodded and managed a small smile through chapped lips. “Yeah. What about you? Are you still wet from when you didn’t have a sweater?”
“Nah, I’m dry now. What did the doctors say about the tests?”
“The results came back pretty good. The therapy is working, but really slowly and only a little bit.”
Lance walked over to Keith’s bed and sat near the edge of it. “That’s good to hear.”
The two sat in silence for a minute before Lance realized they’d been sitting in silence. Even though he was the chatterbox, Keith usually started the conversation. He squinted at him now, trying to catch his eye, but Keith was too busy staring off into space. Yup, something was wrong. The question leaked out of Lance’s mouth before he could stop himself.
“Is everything okay?”
Keith’s head snapped up to see Lance’s eyes locking with his.
“Lance. Look around. Hospital. Boyfriend with lung cancer. Who’s about to hurl quote-on-quote mac and cheese in two hours. Do you think everything’s okay? Are you seriously asking me if everything’s okay?”
Lance rolled his eyes. “Other than all that.”
Keith hummed an assurance that came out a little more strained than he liked.
Which wasn’t enough for Lance. “Are you sure the test results are good?”
Keith sighed and flopped back on his bed. No use denying anything now. “The test results are fine. But I’ve been here for a year and a half now. Is there really… any chance that I’m going to… survive?”
“Of course there is.” Lance scooted closer to Keith. “Don’t think like that. You’re going to live. You’ll be fine.”
Keith squeezed his eyes shut and forced them open again in an attempt to subdue the tears he felt coming. “But what if- what if I don’t make it?” His voice was cracking and reduced to a whisper. He kept his eyes on the ceiling above him.
“No, no, no, no, no. I know you. You're strong. You’re going to make it.” Lance moved forward and cupped Keith’s face in his hands, forcing him to look at him. “No what ifs, okay?”
He planted a soft kiss on Keith’s forehead.
“No what ifs.”
1,095 words
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 33
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*Warning Adult Content*
Amille Laurent
I had always thought my inability to speak and my apparent disposition or lack thereof would lead to me having no one to love, to hold or live this life with, how wrong was I.
I had wanted a perfect love story for my dad and be content with just being my father's overly pampered child.
I guess it didn't work out like that.
I got my own epic love.
He loves me, he cares for me, he's a teddy bear and he understands me after I explain things about three times and he's huge.
I mean yeah... I mean he's huge and most of all he's my mate.
His wolf is my best friend and I'm in love with them both, as cheesy as it sounds.
I couldn't be happier.
"How do you even know?" Camryn argued as we stood in the baby section of the large shop we were in.
We were looking for a congratulations you're pregnant sort of present for dad, of course I doubt he even knew he was pregnant.
'I just know okay, don't read into it,' I argued and he scoffed.
"Well I'm not about to go through this whole damned aisle if you don't tell me swordfish," he was pouting and trying to throw a cute tantrum.
'Okay, calm down boy-scout, I'll tell you,' I tried but inevitably he knew I wasn't going to tell him because he would be doing it on me so he can find out if he scored.
I had suspicion but that was secondary.
"No you won't," he grumbled like the neanderthal he was, and he knew me so well.
'How do you know that?' I demanded using my phone and he snickered.
"I know it because you don't want me to..." he paused as I set my eyes on him intently, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"Okay fine cup-cake," he groaned and I laughed taking his hand and we walked down the aisle checking for more options.
I hadn't revealed to my mate that I could physically speak now, even my own family didn't know.
Because I knew they would make a fuss over it but for Camryn I wanted him to know, today, that's why I had planned our picnic later of course it wasn't much of a surprise since he carried most of picnic stuff and put them in the car.
I still had another surprise or two.
"Finally found you," Dean was heaving.
Orlando was almost fine, Maxine was more or nearly fainting as they all stood in front of us.
"What's wrong?" Camryn demanded but Orlando stepped in.
"No nothing, they're just being dramatic," he mused as he came forward.
"We just needed the Alpha's signature on these, finalized documents on territory expansion and the building of that Arts building where wolves will learn to channel their inner rage into something useful, like paying art," he explained with a wink my way and I couldn't help chuckle as I left Camryn's side and moved to hug Maxine.
She was now alright after the whole incident.
We both had gone through therapy and it had been truly helpful.
I also hugged Dean who rumbled like a cat.
'How are you?' I asked.
I knew he was going through something after finding out Orlando was indeed his mate and also that his mom had fallen in love again and after so long, the expectancy that she would get back with his dad was there but now it seemed it wasn't, he hadn't taken it well but he was adjusting well.
"I'm getting better every day, aside from Orlando molesting me every two seconds, horny bastard," he grumbled and we both laughed as Max nudged me.
"So you're gonna do it?" she asked and I couldn't help notice how her golden skin was practically glowing.
She had been up to something with my younger cousin but that was their business, for now.
'I am, it's time and since Carter along with Alpha Lincoln and Carter's mate arrive tomorrow, it's good timing, they will be breaking bones.' I excitedly replied.
"Can you be less excited about us all getting our asses whooped," Dean grumbled and I laughed even more so.
'No, not gonna happen,' I replied just as I felt my mate behind me.
'Put me down tyrant,' I yelled in his mind but he just laughed showing me off like a prize he had won.
"Never," he roared.
"You take this, pay for it, go to the house, there are art supplies there, and a printer, you're going to make this, the prettiest congratulations you're having a baby onesie, if you don't, ten laps each," my neanderthal ordered before smacking my ass eliciting a moan from me which made me blush and the others chuckle knowingly.
"Chocolate-mousse, control yourself we're in public," my mate reprimanded and I rolled my eyes, he was the one cause of my outburst.
'You're the one doing it,' I argued as the others just waved us off.
"Ten laps," Camryn yelled when we were a distance apart making me groan whilst I was still over his shoulder and our friends no family, were now laughing.
I was mated to an idiot who was parading me in large shop over his shoulder and growling at everyone who came close and yet, I really found it endearing and a turn on that he didn't care who was there.
I was his first and that would never change.
Camryn groaned as he kissed me, body almost crushing mine as his seed warm and thick coated my walls over and over again.
I was used to how huge he was and the feeling of how it felt like the first time every time, with the lack of excruciating pain.
He knew how to make me cum over and over too, until all I felt was unexplainable bliss.
He was good at that.
We continued our tongue clash until Rha-Es was satisfied with releasing control over their body but not his member that was still in me until he was satisfied no seed would spill out, werewolf tendencies.
I knew sooner than I had anticipated I would be showing signs of possible conception.
I didn't know exactly what was going on in me but I knew... I just knew.
After he was completely flaccid and still seeming like he was semi-hard my mate finally slumped down next to me on the blanket we had brought and held me to his chest.
"You please me so much, my love," he whispered with hooded eyes.
"That's because I'm in love with you, Camryn Tyrant Summer," I replied, not with the link or my cell-phone but with my own voice and his eyes popped open, his whole form sitting upright.
"Did you just... did I hear?" he questioned bewildered and I nodded.
"Amille, that's... you're amazing," he whispered as his large arms engulfed me.
I could feel his happiness pouring through me because of our bond.
His wolf as well and then I felt tears on my shoulder.
"Camryn," I whispered and he just sighed.
"I never thought I'd love anything or anyone as much as I love you, voice or not you're amazing, you're perfect and you're resilient. I'm so grateful that I get to have you as my mate. That I get to be blessed with you in this life and next ones. I promise mate, you complete me," he finished as we both cried, that had been the most beautiful thing Camryn had ever told me yet I felt it was true for me and I let him feel it through our bond as we both calmed down.
"I love you Amille Laurent and I know one day very soon, you'll be a Summer," he rasped out and as we parted I looked at him questioningly.
"What are you planning?" I question and he shook his head in refusal.
"Nothing at all my love," he replied and I snickered dropping the sheet that was wrapped around both of us.
"So you won't tell me?" I asked straddling him and rubbing myself on his hardening member which certainly made him groan.
"No. I..." he paused as I held his now hard cock and slowly I inserted myself but not all the way.
"You sure?" I asked again and he looked positively wild, almost at breaking point.
"Please, short-stack, please my mate. Just all the way in, fuck," he groaned and growled.
"Tell me," I asserted.
"Yes, I'll tell you just stop torturing me, I'm going to ask dad for his blessing to marry you, fuck yes," he yelled as he also thrust up and his member went all the way in, I'm sure the whole forest heard him since we were actually in the woods, a beautiful sunset painting the sky as my mate and I made love all over again.
"That was the best sex of my life," Camryn confessed as he slumped down on his back... I was still impaled by his member laid on his chest.
"So you want to marry me?" I asserted and he nodded caressing my cheek and his fingers running through my hair.
"I want everyone, human and werewolf alike, to know you're mine," he whispered and I simply smiled, he was a dead set romantic yet I was all for it.
"One last surprise before the sun's truly set, go get that veiled mystery painting in the car," I told him after we were good on completely separating.
"Yes dear," he replied then went off to the car which was close by and brought the painting over.
We both sat down wrapped in the sheet again as I tore off the cover of the painting and a visible gasp came from Camryn.
"Is that the day you and Rha-Es had that heart to heart?" he asked and I nodded. 
"It's so life like, so real, you captured it so well," he mumbled and I chuckled.
"That's because I lived it and I wanted it like that, you're not just my mate, he is too," I stated as Camryn's eyes glowed green for a moment.
Rha-Es knew, as our fingers entwined and we both were happy to stay in this moment with Camryn being fascinated more and more with the painting.
We weren't perfect but we had each other and we would do anything for each other.
"So you want to stay here a bit longer? The fireflies are coming out," Camryn mentioned and I nodded.
"As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we are," I replied and he held me closer, the fireflies making our moment last a lifetime.
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thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Open Wounds - 9
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: uh...no.
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You sat the box on the floor at your feet and contemplated your choices. You could bust the lock but then you’d have to fix it. The logical choice would be to pick the lock but you didn’t have your tools on you. You glanced at the window at the end of the hall. It wasn’t directly connected to the fire escape but it was close enough you could climb over. Shit.
You opened the window and leaned out to eye the distance you needed to travel. Eh. There was a ledge. You’d be fine. You climbed up to balance on the sill before transferring to the narrow ledge. You slid sideways a few feet before leaping the remaining distance. A clang reverberated from the impact of your feet against the metal of the fire escape.
It was unsurprising to find your window unlocked. Your dad was always on your case about locking the windows. You slid it up and climbed inside. Anger flared through you as you straightened. The apartment was empty. Completely and utterly vacant. You flipped open a few cabinets and checked a few drawers but you knew what you’d find. A quick survey of the rest of the apartment found it empty as well.
You left through the front door, leaving it open as you went. It wasn’t as if there was anything to steal. You tapped your foot in irritation as you rode the elevator to the main floor. When you reached the front desk, you dropped the box on the counter with a thud. “Where’s my stuff, Jerry?” you asked the guard/agent that was on duty.
“Oh, Miss Coulson, it’s lovely to see you.” Jerry was polite to a fault but you really weren’t in the mood for it.
“My stuff?”
He cleared his throat. “Several men showed a few hours ago with orders from Director Fury. They packed everything up.”
“And you didn’t think to call me?” Your voice had more snap than you’d intended. This wasn’t Jerry’s fault.
“This is a SHIELD property. Orders from Fury,” he answered with a shrug.
“I’ll be back. Watch my box.” You stepped outside and around the corner so you could make your calls.
Fury was first.
“What the fuck?” you said when he answered.
“Coulson. What can I do for you?” He sounded completely indifferent. Unbothered.
“You can tell me why you moved me out of my apartment with no warning.”
“That apartment is SHIELD property. As you are no longer an employee of SHIELD, you are no longer entitled to the residence.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Standard is thirty days to relocate, Fury.”
“It’s a courtesy, not a requirement.”
Angry tears pooled and you swiped them away. “That was my dad’s home for over twenty years. You could have warned me.” Your voice had taken on a softer edge. As much as you hated to admit it, this hurt. Him pitching a fit was one thing. This was another.
“Your dad is the reason I’m doing this. He would have wanted you to stay where I could keep an eye on you.” He sounded so reasonable. So caring.
“Fuck you, eyepatch. And your little assistant, too.” You knew none of this was directly Maria’s doing, but she had your number. She could have called. Besides, you always liked to channel your inner wicked witch. “Where’s my shit?”
“Basement. Now that you’re aware, you have until the end of the day to remove it from SHIELD property. Anything left behind will be discarded.” His voice had turned cold again. Sharp.
“You know what you never understood, Fury? I was part of SHIELD because of my dad. When I lost him I stayed because it my family was there. Then you all lied to me. Again. I’m over it, and I’m over you. All you’ve done is assure that I will never come back.” You hung up without waiting for a response.
Shit. Now you had to find somewhere to stay. A hotel would get you by for a few days but what were you going to do with your stuff? Wade would let you stay with him but it was Wade. You loved him, but even you had a limit when it came to him. Matt was an option but he had a giant neon sign outside the window of his apartment. It didn’t bother him for obvious reasons but you hadn’t slept worth shit the couple of times you stayed there.
That left Nat and Clint who were at the tower. Stark had offered for you stay as long as you wanted. You wondered if he meant it. Glancing at your phone, you realized you didn’t have his number. After a moment’s thought, you called Nat.
“Hello, младшая сестра. (mladshaya sestra – little sister – Russian)
“I need to talk to Tony. Can you take your phone to him or have him call me or something?”
There was a small pause. “Sure. What’s up?”
You groaned. “I’ll fill you in later. Right now I’m too pissed off.”
“Got it. Here’s Stark.”
“Hello?” the billionaire’s confused voice came over the line.
The corner of your mouth kicked up. “Hey, Tony.”
“Ah, Coulson Jr. What can I do for you?”
“Fury kicked me out of my apartment. Can I stay at the tower until I find something else?”
“He did what?” He sounded so indignant that you couldn’t help but laugh. He’d known you for two days. “Yeah, of course you can stay here. For as long as you need. Anything else I can do for you?”
You sucked in a breath. “I don’t suppose you have a truck I could borrow?”
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You had Jerry take you to the basement so he could unlock the storage area where your stuff was. After he did, he handed you a small key. “For the weapons cabinet at the back of the unit.”
“Thanks,” you said with a nod. “My friend said he’s sending a couple of guys with a truck. Send them down when they get here please.”
“Of course, Miss Coulson.”
You followed him with your eyes until he disappeared. Then turned to the mess that surrounded you. It wasn’t that things were unorganized but the stacks of boxes were completely unmarked and all the clothes from the closets were still on hangers and laid across the top of the boxes. You dug out a box and pulled your knife out and slit the tape. Everything was just dumped inside. No care was taken with packaging or placement. Son of a bitch. They better not have broken all your shit or you were going to be pissed.
Digging carefully through the box you discovered the contents of your junk drawer plus some photos that had been in the living room. In other words, they had literally just tossed shit together. That meant you were going to have to take all the boxes to sort and repack on your own. Leaving them for now, you moved over to inspect the furniture.
Neither you or your dad had been big on fancy furnishings. In fact, you were pretty sure he’d purchased his favorite big leather club chair when he’d moved into the apartment. It was old and worn and comfortable as hell. Frankly there wasn’t much worth saving and you could afford to replace it later with the death benefit you’d received from SHIELD for Phil.
You moved to the weapons cabinet but heard a commotion from the stairwell before you could open it. You turned your head to see if you could place the sound when a voice called your name. “Where you at, Junior?”
Why the hell was Tony Stark here? You stuck your head out of the storage area and took in the group gathered at the foot of the stairs. The Avengers had come to help you move. “This isn’t exactly what I pictured when you said you were sending a couple of people.”
He grinned and shrugged. “They volunteered.”
You returned his grin and motioned for everyone to join you.  “Well, thank you. This was unexpected to say the least.”
Everyone stood at the opening and took in the sight before them unsure of where to start.
“All the furniture stays except the brown club chair. Take the clothes and boxes. And please be careful with the boxes. I don’t think they wrapped anything. I’d like to break as little as possible.” Your annoyance was clear in your tone.
“Maybe we should repack it before we move it,” Nat suggested.
“We don’t have time. He only gave me until the end of the day and giving what a prick he’s been I’m guessing he meant five o’clock.”
“What the hell crawled up his ass?” Bucky asked, drawing your attention to him. You’d been studiously trying to avoid his gaze.
Clint snorted. “She quit. He’s throwing a tantrum. He’s worse than a damn toddler when he doesn’t get his way.”
You smiled. He was right. “I need to empty the weapon cabinet. I’ll put that stuff in my car.”
“I’ll help,” Bucky immediately volunteered.
You hesitated before agreeing. “Sure, Barnes. Come on.”
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ariendiel · 2 years
“ do you dance? “
It's taken me so long, but I'm finally writing some prompts again! Sorry for taking ages, Debby, but hope you like this one🤍
Noah x Inès – Rated T – 839 Words
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This wasn’t exactly how Noah had imagined this bank holiday, with skies as dark as night and that rumbled ominously. They’d planned on going to the park, but those plans felt too risky now with the promise of rain lurking on the horizon.
While he didn’t mind having to spend the day inside with his books, there were two others that were much more disappointed by the turn of events. The twins were–as usual–a handful, and while Inès had kept them occupied most of the morning so he could get some writing and reading done he knew he’d soon have to step up and help. Having their dog, Comet, to tend to as well didn’t exactly make things easier, he knew that very well.
Not long after the twins had been born he’d decided to stay at home full time, focusing on his role as a newly established author and letting Inès fully embrace the career of her dreams. It’d been an easy decision to make, and he hadn’t regretted it a day since. Still, he knew Inès wasn’t quite used to the madness and how exhausting it was to deal with the twins all alone, but he appreciated the effort she put in to allow him some time to himself as well.
Leaning back in his chair, he smiled as the sounds of laughter filtered through his office door and the soul music playing in the background. Yes, there were days he missed the library, but if he was perfectly honest this was the life he’d always wanted.
He stretched while standing, arms above his head and pushing towards the ceiling. That had to be enough writing for one day.
Making his way to the living room, Noah came to a halt at the sight that met him. In the middle of the room stood Inès, wearing one of his suits judging by how she was drowning in it, her hair tied back and a fake moustache attached to her upper lip. She looked utterly ridiculous. 
I love this woman, he thought, smile widening.
“Ahhh, I see a fair maiden has decided to join us,” Inès announced upon seeing him, giving him a wink while the twins giggled uncontrollably.
“Maman, that’s not a lady,” Iris said after a moment, eyeing her father critically. “That’s daddy.”
“Ah, she may not quite wear suitable attire for our party, but that is the fairest maiden of this land I assure you.” Waving her hand, Inès gave him an encouraging nod and Noah quickly straightened his back. He knew what he had to do.
“Oh my apologies.” His usually so deep and velvety voice was screwed up a few pitches, and he curtsied to his audience. “I shall go and get changed at once, of course, your highnesses.”
Noah was a dad on a mission now, and he was quick to head upstairs to their walk-in closet, knowing exactly where Inès kept her dresses and which one he wanted.
Did it fit? No. Was it flattering? Also no. But would the silk gown make Olivier and Iris happy? Yes, and that was enough. He found the one pair of heels he had (from the gender-bend party Chelsea had hosted that one time), before going to the twins’ room and grabbing a toy tiara.
Not-so-gracefully walking downstairs, he had to duck slightly to get through the doorway and grinned upon hearing his kids' laughter again. Looking ridiculous alongside his wife was worth every second as long as it was accompanied by those smiles.
“I apologise for being late,” he said with the sweetest little laugh he could manage, realising he was channelling his inner Hannah with the way he nearly stumbled in front of them.
“You look so pretty, daddy!” Olivier was wide-eyed and grinning. Even Comet was eyeing the tall man in the sparkling dress curiously.
“Why thank you,” Noah curtsied before turning to Inès who was struggling to hold back her laughter.
“Do you dance?” She placed an arm across her waist and bowed deeply to him, a short chuckle escaping her. “My lady.” She straightened and pursed her lips, making her fake moustache bounce up and down, and the twins laughed with glee.
“Oh my, the handsome prince asking me for a dance?” Noah sighed and fanned himself before curtsying deeply for her. Still, even when bending his knees he remained taller than her, his broad shoulders straining against the tight fabric of the dress that wasn’t even zipped shut.
Inès got up on her toes to place her arms in the right position for a waltz, even though the music playing was some Disney song he’d heard on repeat about a thousand times before. 
“I love you, stardust,” he murmured softly while she tried to guide them in a clumsy dance. Her in the oversized suit, him in a too tight dress. It was perfect.
“Love you too,” she smiled up at him, “and you do make for a lovely princess.”
“For you and the kids, I’ll be anything.”
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Alrighty, back again for part 2 of the haikyuu dads brainrot featuring Osamu! 😊
Contains unreasonable use of emojis and swear words, osamu appreciation and atsumu slander
So in this version, YOU are the step-parent. But how did this happen?🤔 Well it all starts when a man loves a wo- I'm just joking. Long story short, Osamu has a daughter and the mother is not in the picture, which means that its time to go bag yourself a dilf 😏.
Picture this. You have recently arrived in Japan from overseas and you don't really know many people here so you're a bit lonely. But never fear yn! Food cures everything! 🤗 One Google search later and you've got yourself the address of a nearby Onigiri shop (gee, I wonder where this could be going 🙄). Go forth to stave of the oncoming depression with yummy snacks! So it's raining, because of course it is, and you are walking your way down the street when you nearly run right into a small child.
There is a little girl sitting on the side of the road, holding a jar up to the sky and watching it fill with water. Hello small child "Are you okay😮? What are you doing🤨? Where are your parents😨?" Good questions, no normal child is sitting on their own in the middle of a storm collecting rain, especially on the side of the road. Thankfully this small child does not appear to be a demon in disguise. "Oh I'm collecting rainwater for my potion!"😊 shes a witch yn, start running also this is absolutely not based off something that i did as a child shut up
Well thats one question answered i suppose. "Where's your mom?" (its you yn, you're her mom now) "Oh I don't have one of those" You: 😬 "Whose taking care of you then?" She smiles at you. "Oh yeah, my uncle Atsumu! (😐) Dad asked him to take care of the shop and keep an eye on me while he ran some errands" (atsumu what the fuck, do your job right for once🙄). She gestures towards a storefront nearby and low and behold, it is the famous Onigiri Miya which you had set out to find. But by now, you have forgotton about your onigiri. You, in the few minutes you have known this girl, have bonded with this girl and you are about to go and find this 'Atsumu' person and give him a piece of your mind for not taking care of his niece.🤬🤬🤬
Holding her jar of rainwater in one hand and her left hand in the other you walk into that store ready to pull up and beat a person up. Unfortunately you're too late for that. A tall blonde haired guy is curled up against the wall crying as an almost identical, yet somehow infinitely more attractive man is hitting him with a broom.
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(this is what it looks like in my mind)
"SAMU I SWEAR I ONLY TOOK MY EYES OFF HER FOR A SECOND" "YEAH?! WELL-" "WHICH ONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS TWO IS ATSUMU?"😡 The beating ceases as you square up preparing to fight whoever you need to to protect your (yes thats right your, you've already planned on signing the adoption paperwork😏) child. She peaks out from behind you legs and points at the blonde bitch. "Alrightly, ATSUMU, listen to me now. WHAT KIND OF IRRESPONSIBLE IDIOT DO YOU NEED TO BE TO LET YOUR NIECE OUT OF YOUR SIGHT? SHE WAS ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD WHEN I FOUND HER, WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED! I'M GONNA-" (channel that inner mother bear instinct and fight him🤬) You finally finish your tirade and begin turn to go, still holding onto osamu's your child's hand (fairly sure that could be kidnapping).
"Do you need a husband?" (yes😳) Cue your head whipping around to look at the other guy who just blurted that out. He really took one look at you screaming at his brother and protecting his daughter and said yes 😊, I want that. Now we all know that timeskip Osamu is a fine man who deserves to be appreciated, so you are genuinely considering this offer as you let go of Osamu's daughter who runs over to hug her father. Atsumu and you awkwardly stare at each other while they reunite and snuggle. After the hugs are over (i wanted one too but fine 🙄) Osamu offers you some onigiri on the house, so casually you'd almost forget he just proposed marriage. You accept of course and after a few more dirty glares at Atsumu and a promise to return soon, you go on your way, heart a bit brighter then it had been before. (damn really? sappy shit?)
This was way too long im sorry not really
I can't even with these 😭 please the little girl collecting rainwater is so wholesome 🥺 and beating Atsumu 🥰🥰🥰 it gives me butterflies! You seriously nailed Osamu! He'd be such an amazing dad and husband. Atsumu gives such uncle energy I can't 🥲 and that fact that Osamu beat him with a broom 😫😫😫😫
Pls the sweating and use of emoji's ✋️ I deeply appreciate all of this!!
Would you happen to have anymore 👀👀 because I'm kind of addicted to these right now!
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wcnderlnds · 3 years
safety pin the pieces of our broken hearts / bucky barnes x reader.
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Description: After Steve went back to the past you’re left with the job of looking after his best friend but it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Word Count: 1358 Warnings: None. i dont think so anyway. A/N: Okaaay here we go!! part one of a Bucky series. So, uhhhh, Tony Stark is alive in this because I refuse to live in a world without him and he’s the reader’s dad for... reasons that’ll come to light later on. i’m going to v loosely follow The Falcon & The Winter Soldier ok thank you pls be kind this is my first time writing Bucky.
It felt like you’d been sat in the boring old waiting room for hours when in reality it had barely been forty-five minutes. At least your wrist was getting exercise with the amount of times you were raising it to check the time on your watch. Only fifteen more minutes to go then you’d be able to leave that dreaded place. Time seemed to drag on, the people around you irritating you more and more. It was getting to the point where you were about to stand up and yell at the woman who was tapping her fingernails against the wooden arm of the chair. Luckily, Bucky came out of his therapy session with a scowl on his face — the usual look he wore after a session. He gestured his head towards the exit to which you quickly followed him out.
“How’d it go?” You asked as the two of you walked back to the apartment you had pretty much been forced to share.
When Steve had told you his plan he knew that someone needed to take care of Bucky when he was gone and he’d bestowed that duty on you. Unfortunately, you couldn’t refuse no matter how much you’d wanted to. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Bucky because you did — you were friends or at least friendly with each other. It was more so the fact that you knew taking up that responsibility would hurt your father who just so happened to be none other than Tony Stark himself. He still held a grudge against Bucky for killing his parents — your grandparents — and you didn’t blame him but you also didn’t share the same feelings as your father. While Bucky had done some terrible things, that hadn’t been him. That had been the Winter Soldier. In your mind, Bucky and the Winter Soldier were two different people. Poor Bucky had been brainwashed into doing all the awful things he’d done and now he was living with all the guilt and memories of things that he’d had no control over. It had taken some talking with your dad but he’d decided that maybe having someone close to Bucky could at least make sure he didn’t slip again. That also meant daily updates to Tony so he could make sure you were safe. So, you and Bucky had a small apartment in New York. It wasn’t ideal but you were making it work as best you could.
“Same as always,” he shrugged his shoulders. “Wants me to talk to more people or something.”
“You know you should. Sam keeps asking me about you since you won’t answer him.”
“Don’t want to talk to him. Don’t want to talk to you most days but I have no choice on that one.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to ignore that because I know you don’t mean it and you’re just grumpy. Maybe consider at least texting Sam so I don’t have to be bombarded by him.”
“No,” he simply stated. “I’m taking a walk.”
Before you could protest, he was gone leaving you feeling grumpy now. You knew Bucky wasn’t in the best place right now. He was trying to make amends for all the things the Winter Soldier had done and he was processing the fact that Steve was gone. Not to mention the fact that Sam had given the shield away. That had been the one thing that had sent him into a deep pit of moodiness. At this point you were used to it.
With a sigh, you stepped into your apartment, throwing your jacket on the couch. Bucky was definitely going to give you crap for that later but you didn’t care. Letting out a heavy sigh, you threw yourself down onto the couch. Before you knew it, your eyes were closing and an unexpected nap took over you.
“Seriously, (Y/N)?” Bucky’s voice woke you up. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hands to look over at your roommate who had your jacket in his hands. “We have a coat hanger right there.”
With a huff, he placed your jacket on one of the hooks and headed for the door. Your brows furrowed in confusion. Hadn’t he just got back? How long had you been asleep? “Didn’t you just get in?”
“No. I’ve been back three hours. You were just channelling your inner sleeping beauty over there,” his hand was on the door knob. “I’ve got a date so I’ll be back later, I guess.”
“A date?!” You asked sounding far more shocked than you wanted to.
“Don’t even make a comment. I’m leaving.”
And yet again before you could even say anything he was gone. Bucky was going on a date? That was new. Maybe he was taking his therapists advice after all. As happy as you were that he was trying to give himself some semblance of a normal life, it stung a little bit that he seemed to rather spend some time with anyone that wasn’t you. It was probably because of Tony. While Bucky was friendly with you he always seemed to keep his distance. He never really let you in — he never really let anyone in. Most nights you were both either sat in silence watching a movie with the odd comment here and there or in your own rooms. Conversations never went any deeper than small talk. It was something you badly wanted to change. You wanted to be to Bucky what Steve was but you knew nobody would ever fill his shoes. All you could do was try to be there for Bucky despite how he was adamant he didn’t need anyone.
It was with that thought that you stood up from the couch to make your way to your room with your phone in your hand. After sending a quick text to your dad to let him know the latest Bucky update, you changed into your PJs and got into bed.
It was the loud sound of the TV that woke you the next morning. A tired yawn passed your lips as you made your way into the living room. After a stretch, you finally saw the scene in front of you. Bucky was sat on the floor, glaring at the TV with a clenched jaw. It was then that you finally saw what had him so upset. John Walker was Captain America. John Walker was claiming Steve Rogers was a brother to him. The anger bubbled up inside you, too. Without thinking, you made your way towards Bucky and the TV. After placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, you switched the TV off.
“Don’t torture yourself like that, Buck,” you said softly. It broke your heart when you noticed the hint of tears forming in his eyes but you knew he wouldn’t let them fall. It was angry tears — you didn’t blame him one bit.
“Don’t call me Buck. Only Steve can,” he shrugged your hand off his shoulder and got to his feet. “This is all Sam’s fault.”
“No, it’s not! He did what he thought was best.”
“How is giving the shield away what’s best? Steve trusted him with that and this is what he does with it? Give it to them so they could give it to... him? If he was here right now....” Bucky seethed making his way to his room with you following him.
“I don’t think you understand,” you started but was stopped when Bucky spun around to cut you off with a bag in his hand.
“I’m off to find Sam so pack a bag because I’m sure you’re going to have to follow me like the little lost puppy you are so you can send updates to that paranoid dad of yours,” a glare was shot your way before his attention was focused on stuffing clothes into his bag.
“Okay...” you said quietly. His words hurt you but you knew he was angry with Sam and the new Captain America, not you. There was no use in fighting him right now. So without a word, you made your way to your own room and followed suit.
Guess you were off to see Sam.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
Requested by: @theshyprincess “Can I get a spencer James getting married and smut biracial if I’m not bothering you I really like your writing”
A/N: decided to do this in hc form, hope that’s cool? And it’s been my thing lately anyways lol. Hope you like this one! I also hope I channeled Spencer well 🙃
WARNINGS: light smut + some curse words ofc!
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We all know Spencer takes the world on his shoulders; when his finds you, you become his world
You meet freshman year in university, specifically on the football field and decided to invite him to a sorority party because what’s the best way to start off your freshman year? A little party never hurt nobody
Except it did, things got rowdy resulting with a huge ass knot on your forehead and losing consciousness for a few minutes
You expected Spencer to dip like any other asshole dude would have but you were shocked that he actually came to your aid and walked you back to your dorm even tho you had a “big ass egg” growing from your forehead
You could laugh about it a little then, but more so now
He actually asked for your number before you departed, even tho you thought you majorly screwed whatever this was up but he wanted to see you again and you were more than happy to oblige
It was instant friendship with a touch of flirtations but you knew that he recently got out of some heartbreak from his senior year of high school and you had no choice but to respect that he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now
Day by day you became the best of friends spending majority of your time together while also getting to know each other’s outside friends and family, you became each other’s family
It was end of sophomore year where Spencer decided he wanted to give it a go but it was your turn to be leery since you watched him go through some girls but he never flaunted that in front of you, yet you always knew
You didn’t want to be his last option
“You could never be that, y/n. You’re so much more than what you think I think of you.”
Words of affirmation is definitely Spencer’s love language and he had no problem saying how he felt about you
He openly admitted that he was confused at first, trying to fight with his inner self on taking your friendship into the love zone. He’s always gone the friendship route first before it turned into romance—well maybe not with Kia but his past two relationships he did
He was not only confused but nervous and you made him work a little bit to get a date from you but you didn’t hold out for too long since you felt Spencer was your person
You took things slow but you still felt like friends except now you held onto each other a little longer and touches seem to burn now but you liked it, really liked it
Senior year is when he proposes, he’s actually the second out of his group of friends back home to get engaged...JJ was the first and actually went through with the marriage after one drunken night in vegas with some girl who was studying physical therapy
Sure it’s only been two years but like your grandmother always says, “when you feel a pull in your heart whenever they’re not around, they’re the one baby.” And your grandparents got married only after knowing each other for four months. Every love is different
You were a sappy mess and Spencer found it humorous while slipping the ring on and embracing you, “we not doing that. Save it until the wedding, huh?”
And he gets a few nice whacks to the chest but he can take it ofc as he’s kissing you so gently
It’s a private moment and you wouldn’t have it any other way
A year and a few months after you graduate, Spencer gets drafted into the NFL and you’re still searching for a job you majored in
You’re both living apart with you going back to your hometown in Arizona and Spencer in Cali. Things aren’t easy but you’ve been planning your wedding and it feels like Spencer is just saying he’s okay with everything which is frustrating. You don’t want to do this alone and you need to find a place to live together, you didn’t want to live with Spencer’s mom and brother as much as you loved them. You were both adults and needed to take the wheel
Yet it always felt like Spencer was busy planning on putting further distance between you since he was secure in his career and you just felt stuck
That caused a riff between you two but Spencer didn’t like that silent treatment bs. You were gonna talk to him one way or another
Once you get through it, which you definitely do!! it’s pure heaven and you couldn’t be happier
You get married at a banquet hall
You both have a lot friends and family that’ve invited
Your best friends + sibs are your best men, bridesmaids, maid of honor
Spencer leaves a chair open for his dad up front with his mom and brother 🥲
Initially you were going to have your guests pick whatever seat they wanted and just have your immediate family have the front areas but you knew that would probably end up hectic with the strong personalities you had within your friend and family group so you kept it traditional. Your family/friends on one side and spence’s family/friends on the other
Memorable wedding, you were gorgeous and he was so handsome. You loved when Spencer got dressed up, it did something to you and you couldn’t wait for your honeymoon
It wouldn’t be anything over the top like The Bakers tried to gift you with, you just wanted something simple but nice with the man you loved
You were going to Palm Springs the next morning!!! Spending the night in the hotel
You were going to hold out even longer until the night you reached your honeymoon destination 😌
Spencer wanted the both of you to write your own vows and you sure didn’t know how you would compete with this guy. Spencer James always had a way with words!!!
He ofc had you a sobbing mess again but you knew it was never about out-showing the other
when you seal your marriage with a kiss, his hands rest securely on your hips with your hand cradling his jaw and you’re all smiles as the hall fills with cheers
“I love you, Mrs. James.” He’s got that smirk of a smile on his lips and love in his eyes
“As do I, Mr. James.” And you can’t wipe the smile from your own lips even if you tried
One thing you both know how to do is party so the reception goes on for awhile, until about 3 am even tho you both have to be on the road by 10 or a little later since check in isn’t until early afternoon
You’re both so giddy you can hardly sleep but you eventually do, you in your dress + Spencer in his dress shirt but he’s lost the tie and loosened his pants
Since Palm Springs is a 2 hr drive you’re reminiscing on how you basically taught Spencer how to drive and look at how far he’s come now with the rental you’re both using for 4 days and 3 nights
“so it’s my fault you don’t know how to instruct?” Which leads to harmless bickering over spencer’s road trip playlist
it’s been agreed that you each had an hour to play your playlists then for the left over minutes you’d listen to the radio once you got to your destination
your airbnb is REAL colorful and modern, not exactly your tastes but nonetheless it was your getaway from home. You were used to the desert while spencer? Not so much
“the hell was that?” Spencer is dodging and weaving especially if they fly
“looks like fire ants.” keep your distance.” “Why do you know what that is?” “I get stuck watching discovery channel with my dad when I can’t sleep and he’s always up. I saw one episode about them and we don’t want to mess with those bastards.”
you don’t do much with the rest of your day there, just enjoying each other’s company in the air bnb
You decide to shower while Spencer is ordering y’all your dinner from grubhub and deciding what you’re going to watch on firestick that you bought with you
you tend to take long showers so you’re just about done rubbing shea butter into your skin when Spencer announces that the food is here through the door
when you step out you’re on a mission with your silk robe, bustier, and garter
although you kept your own values of saving yourself until marriage—while Spencer was way more experienced you didn’t feel as nervous to get intimate with the man of your dreams
but that changed the moment his set his eyes on you
“what’s this?” He smirks, popping a fry into his mouth
You’re playing coy as your skin shines, leaning over to steal one of his fries. “My pajamas.”
He’s amused but definitely turned on, “oh aight, so that’s just the norm for you now?”
“I could change.” You pointed back to the where the bathroom sat
“I ain’t say all that, Mrs. James.” Spencer blinks then lifts his head upwards, “c’mere.”
And you move to sit on his lap with excitement even tho you think you hide it pretty well. You’ve always pictured how this would be and you knew from stories from your cousins and friends that half of them didn’t have the most romantic experience...
You didn’t need the rose petals and candles but you knew Spencer was a romantic at heart, plus you had plenty of time to see what was up his sleeve and knew this wouldn’t be the only time as of tonight. You were hoping!!!
“Are we starting dinner?” You ask, wrapping an arm across his shoulders but his eyes are set only on you
“I’m hungry for somethin’ else right now,” his nose presses against your beating throat, “and it just walked in here, looking good enough for this appetite.”
Now he’s kissing on your neck and when he gets to that sweet spot behind your ear he’s got the confirmation he needs but he needs to hear you say it. And he asks with his eyes which you reply with a dip of your head
Now he’s got his hands underneath your thighs, locking your legs around his waist for you and he’s off to your temporary bedroom
He’s always so gentle with you, even when he’s laying you down on this bed
“I promise the next time we do this, I’ll make the place look special for you.” He says into your neck and your nod as you feel the weight of him against you
You’re gasping for breath before he’s been fully touched you yet, “we still have the tub and a couple of days.”
He breathes out a laugh, “that we do. That we do.” Before your lips are brought back together
You know you are loved with the way Spencer touches you and speaks to you even in your most intimate moment
He builds you up before he gives himself all to you. It’s something you heard about, SEEN and knew it was crucial but you didn’t want to put too much logic in this moment. You don’t think you can even think straignt with the way you’re on fire for Spencer rn
And he’s know that but he needs you to be patient, he knows how to take his time. And he should know what he’s doing...he does
He’s seeing what your body likes, he’s watching his face even when you begin to whine for him
He knows when you’re truly ready even when you’re begging
He gives you your first climax with his mouth and you know you need more because you knew how much you loved his lips but you loved them even more now
“even better than I imagined,” he says with a lick of his lips from below before pressing a kiss on your abdomen and you’re still seeing stars
“you okay up there?” He asks. He’s always seeking reassurance from you. That’s too important to him, you’re too important to him
You have to say it as your vision slowly starts to splat back to normal, “I need you i-in— but there’s heat pooling in your cheeks. You’re a bit shy now as you’re getting in your head wondering how you must have sounded or looked in that moment of your first climax but it didn’t seem as if Spencer was disappointed. He seemed just as happy to please
He knows what you need. He worked with your body up to this moment
So he’s kissing up your body, slow and soft. He looks into your eyes before he glances over to grab his wallet from the night stand to grab protection
you didn’t think this far ahead but part of you wanted to know if there was a difference without, ofc you knew the risks without and you had forever to try so you made no comment about the choice to use protection
You wanted to do the honors, and so you did
You were surely in awe to be this close and personal with something you get to have for a lifetime
“Careful, something might fly in there.”
You can’t help but you roll your eyes and snort as Spencer places a kiss to your cheek before he reaches up to lock your hands together and up over your head, your wedding bands contrasting against the bright orange walls and your shea butter skin
“I’m ready.” You whisper, your eyes shifting from Spencer’s deep brown eyes to where your bodies would connect
Spencer hums as he keeps his eyes on yours before lining up, he has to free one of his hands to guide
and your mouth falls open with a slight arch in your back
He doesn’t move right away, he needs to be sure
when you lock both legs around his hips, tugging him closer than close to you, fully allowing him in your space, you then squeeze your hands tighter together, never wanting to let go
Spencer James was all you ever needed and you were more than thrilled to continue this journey of life with him
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dettiot · 4 years
the fly on the wall
Leia Skywalker frowned and tilted her head to one side. “But I don’t understand. We’re right. Why should we try and hide it?” 
“It’s not so much a question of hiding,” her “aunt” Satine explained, setting aside her datapad. “In a negotiation, you can’t lock yourself into the mindset of being right. Because then, you’ve undermined your ability to think strategically, to look for alternate solutions that would be pleasing to both sides.” 
It was really nice of her aunt to offer her this internship on Mandalore, to give her some practical knowledge of government. Leia had been considering standing for election as Princess of Theed, but since she hadn’t been able to participate in Naboo’s Youth Legislative program, she knew she had to have some government experience to stand a chance in the election.
Leia wrinkled her nose, then smirked at her aunt. “Why can’t we just yell at them and tell them we’re right, they’re wrong, and they should just shut up?” 
Aunt Satine let out a soft, undignified, but very her snort. “As much as I know you’re being deliberately obtuse at the moment, Leia, it is tempting.” 
A quiet knock on the door of the inner office made them both look up as one of Satine’s aides walked in. “Excuse me, Duchess, but Master Kenobi wanted to know if you had a moment.” 
Leia felt a leap of excitement. She hadn’t seen her uncle Obi-Wan in months, since he was on some kind of long-term mission to the Outer Rim. And it was always fun to watch him with Aunt Satine, since everyone knew they were in love despite how they acted. 
“For Master Kenobi, I have a moment,” Aunt Satine said regally, before standing up and very carefully smoothing down her dress. 
Grinning, Leia stood up, too, channeling some combination of her mother and her aunt for her outward appearance, even though on the inside, she felt like her father and Aunt Ahsoka did when they were teasing Uncle Obi-Wan. Because seeing Uncle Obi-Wan with Aunt Satine always led to teasing, since they refused to tell anyone that they were actually in love with each other and had been for years.
There was a gentle brush against her senses in the Force, the same calm, composed presence that said ‘Uncle Obi-Wan’ to her, and then he stepped into the office. And Leia felt her mouth drop open. 
Because . . . Uncle Obi-Wan looked like a wreck. 
His hair was messy and falling into his face, his beard was shaggy, and his clothes--he was practically naked, in a pair of tight-fitting pants and a sleeveless undershirt. His muscles rippled as he walked over towards Aunt Satine, who was staring at him. 
“Ben, haar’chak!”
He gave her a lazy smile. “Hello there, my dear.” 
And then he leaned in like he was going to kiss her! Here, in the middle of the Duchess’s office, he was actually going to kiss Aunt Satine and Leia couldn’t wait to tell Luke what he had missed!
But Aunt Satine spoiled it by putting both of her hands on Uncle Obi-Wan’s shoulders and halting his forward movement. “Ben, what in the name of all the ancestors are you doing?” 
“I would think it was obvious,” he said, tilting his head and giving Aunt Satine what had to be a come-hither look. Leia had never seen one in real life, not really, but--but that was definitely a look that said come hither.
What was going on with Uncle Obi-Wan? He didn’t feel like he was drunk or anything like that--so why was he being so affectionate with Aunt Satine, especially in front of Leia? 
Leia opened her mouth to say something, but then Uncle Obi-Wan straightened up and started saying something in Mando’a that made Aunt Satine’s eyes go wide. 
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome--”
“What are you doing?” Aunt Satine interrupted, staring at Uncle Obi-Wan.
He looked at her for a long moment. “You don’t want me?”
“That’s not the point, Obi-Wan,” she said, still staring at him. “Just . . . why now?” 
From the way Uncle Obi-Wan was looking at Aunt Satine, Leia really wished she wasn’t in the room now. This . . . this was private. 
Uncle Obi-Wan took Aunt Satine’s hand in both of his. “Because I missed you. Because it’s silly for us to continue with this pretense. Because saying the words doesn’t change the danger we exist in. Because when I die, I want to die as your husband.” He paused, looking at her, and his eyes were so soft and warm, in a way Leia had never seen before. 
“Because I love you.” 
There was a queer, sudden explosion of feeling from Aunt Satine. Almost like . . . like she had never heard Uncle Obi-Wan say that before. Which--which couldn’t be true, could it? 
Without taking her eyes from Uncle Obi-Wan, Aunt Satine said, “Leia, please forgive me for cutting short your lesson today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yes, Aunt Satine,” Leia said quickly, scrabbling to get her datapads and get out of the room. 
And as the door closed behind her, she could hear Uncle Obi-Wan saying those words again. 
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome . . .”
The aide who had announced Uncle Obi-Wan was standing in the outer office, tears in her eyes. When she saw Leia, she sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry, Miss Skywalker, it’s just so romantic!” 
“What was he saying?” Leia asked, hugging her datapads to her chest. 
“Master Kenobi is so good to the Duchess,” the aide said, smiling. “To think of a jetii reciting the Mandalorian marriage oath!”
Leia blinked. “Marriage?”
And with that, she took off for her room to get her comm link. She wasn’t sure who she was going to tell first--Luke or her dad--but she couldn’t wait to share this piece of news!
My Star Wars Fic Masterlist
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Desire and Will
This is the most popular fic in my "Aang/Katara Missing Moments" series on AO3. This is the first time I'm posting it to tumblr.
Summary: With Aang still having trouble letting loose with his firebending, Zuko asks an alarming question:
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Words: 3,944
Read on AO3
Katara was awoken by what was, to her, the scariest sound in the world: the sound of Aang in pain.
"OW!" she heard him cry out, and she wrenched her eyelids open and rolled to face where his voice was coming from. There, she saw Aang still laying on the ground where he had been sleeping, rubbing his backside like it had been kicked. Towering over him, fists clenched and face scowling...was Zuko.
A jolt a fear cut through Katara's still half-asleep mind as she reached over for her bending skin and flicked it open with her thumb. She was ready to fight, ready to—
"You're burning daylight!" Zuko barked at Aang, "Get up! Twenty hot squats, now!"
Katara's sleep fog finally cleared and she remembered why Zuko was here in their camp. She remembered their whole reluctant arrangement to have Zuko teach Aang firebending, and the nerve-wracking few days they had disappeared together and apparently danced with dragons.
Katara groggily collapsed back onto her pillow, too tired to even growl at Zuko that the rest of them didn't have to train to defeat his evil dad, thankyouverymuch, so maybe bark his orders more quietly at absurd hours in the morning.
Aang seemed to be feeling the same way, because he just moaned in response. Zuko squatted down next to Aang and pointed out into the canyon that contained the Western Air Temple, where the sky was already turning blood red.
"You see that? That's sunrise, Avatar. That's the sign of a firebender's inner strength coming to life with a new day." He grabbed Aang by the shoulder and started shaking him, "Can you feel it, Aang? Can you feel your inner fire starting to reignite?"
"No," grunted Aang plainly.
Katara was remembering more now, and becoming more annoyed. Right, what had Zuko said to her at the north pole? "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun?" of course it made perfect sense that on top of being cruel, bloodthirsty monsters, firebenders were also something far worse: morning people. Ugh, did this mean that Aang was also going to be a morning person from now on?
"Well we've got to fix that," said Zuko, and he practically dragged Aang to his feet and started pushing him off towards the courtyard that they used to train, that jutted out from underneath the rock overhang so they were actually in the sun. With their sleeping area quiet again, Katara tried to go back to sleep, but now the knowledge that Aang was off with Zuko, alone, at the other end of the temple was nagging at her brain. It wasn't like she thought Zuko would suddenly attack him or something; she had accepted by now that this wasn't some kind of absurdly elaborate plot against them—mainly because she didn't think Zuko was clever enough to pull off something like that. But still, whenever she thought about Aang with no one around him but Zuko, she found that she...didn't like it.
After a few minutes, she accepted that she wasn't getting any more sleep, so she got herself up and started making her way in the same direction Zuko and Aang had gone. As she was rounding the last corner before the courtyard, she started to hear their voices.
"So if my firebending wakes me up with the sun, and my waterbending keeps me up with the moon, when exactly am I supposed to sleep?"
"You slept for a hundred years, isn't that enough?"
Aang laughed, but Katara recognized it as his uncomfortable laugh. Aang never liked being reminded of all that time he wasn't there for the world, which Zuko would know if he wasn't such a heartless jerk and a terrible teacher. The fact that he barely knew Aang and had no way of knowing what he was uncomfortable with was entirely beside the point.
Katara decided to not announce her presence and instead leaned against one of the stone pillars within the shade of the overhang, while they were out in the increasingly bright morning sun. She was far enough away and in enough shade that they were unlikely to notice her, but if they did happen to look her way then she could plausibly deny she was snooping. She didn't like the idea of leaving Aang alone with Zuko, but she still realized hovering would interfere with them. Aang was always trying to impress her and Zuko was still visibly terrified of her ever since she threatened to kill him the day he joined their team (which she definitely didn't take any pride in).
Aang and Zuko finished their warm-ups and faced a target at the far end of the courtyard, a few wooden logs they had haphazardly nailed together in the vague shape of a human.
"Okay, let's see if that trip to almost get eaten by dragons was worth it," said Zuko, "set your stance..."
Aang positioned himself in a sideways battle stance in opposition to the dummy.
"Now, control your breathing…"
Aang drew in a deep breath and slowly released it.
Aang punched his right first towards the dummy, and a single fireball erupted from his knuckles, traveling about 10 yards to the dummy, briefly engulfing it in flames before dissipating. After the fire and smoke had quickly cleared, Katara saw that the dummy was slightly singed, with a few spots glowing orange for a few seconds before cooling down. Katara could feel the heat of the blast from where she was standing.
Zuko, however, didn't look impressed, "Well that was...certainly better, I guess."
"You guess!?" Aang incredulously asked out loud, and Katara incredulously asked in her head at the same time, "Come on, that was the biggest blast I've ever made!"
"Yeah, and if you were any other novice, we'd call that a really promising start. Heck, you might even be called a prodigy. People would be saying you could become a master in just a few years."
Aang's shoulders slumped in disappointment.
"But we don't have a few years, obviously, so sorry, but we need to find a way to fast-track this."
Aang threw his hands in the air, "Well what more can I possibly do!"
Zuko frowned and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Well to be honest, I think you're still being too timid and restrained. You're certainly doing a lot better than before our trip, but I still sense a lot of energy in you that you're not letting out."
Aang looked confused and started to get defensive, "Well of course I'm holding a little back, I'm trying to stay in control! Jong Jong said that firebending requires constant discipline or fire will destroy you. He didn't even let me shoot fire, he had me try to stop a bit of fire from growing, and when I didn't listen to him—" Aang managed to cut off his own rambling and managed to take a deep breath and closed his eyes, "that was when I burned Katara."
Zuko's face cycled through several different expressions as a lot of things suddenly started making sense.
"...Oh," was the only thing he could say.
Aang continued, "I hated that version of myself, even more than when I've gone into the Avatar State. After that, I promised myself I would never firebend at all!"
Katara tried to keep track of all the different emotions she was feeling. She was touched by the fact that Aang cared about her so much that the memory of hurting her still got him to be this upset, annoyed at him for being this worked up over something that happened months ago, she had long since forgiven, and was really not important in the context of their mission, and guilty that her getting hurt and the way she reacted had caused him this much heartache, even while she knew that she hadn't really done anything wrong.
Zuko sighed, raised his hand, and after a few seconds of hesitation, lightly patted Aang's shoulder in the most awkward, panicked "there-there" gesture Katara had ever seen.
"Look Aang," said Zuko, "I can't speak to what this 'Jong Jong' guy taught you. Maybe his way is better, I don't know, but it sounds like it takes a lot longer, and we don't have the luxury of being patient and deliberate about this."
He pulled on Aang's shoulder and turned him around so he would stop looking at his feet in self-pity and look his teacher in the face again, "The people of the world don't need their Avatar to be a wizened sage right now, they need a stick of dynamite."
Zuko took a few steps away and tried his best to pretend to be a wizened sage himself, "I can only teach you how I was taught, and I was taught that even when it's not fuelled by anger and rage, all firebending is still fuelled by strong emotion. When teaching me about the elements, my uncle said—let's see if I can get this right…"
He started rubbing his hand on an invisible large belly, stroking an invisible beard, and speaking in an old man's raspy voice in his best impersonation of his uncle.
"Fire is the element of Power. The people of the Fire Nation have Desire and Will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want."
Aang chuckled at the impression, his mood clearly improving, while Zuko looked really impressed with himself. Katara wouldn't have been surprised to learn that this was the first time in his life the dour prince had made someone laugh.
"See what I mean? Remember what we learned with the dragons. Fire is Life. And passion for life is what fuels firebending. You need to stop thinking like a monk and use your passion."
Aang didn't look frustrated or dejected anymore, but he did look puzzled.
"Um...okay," Aang said, thoughtfully scratching his head, "How am I supposed to do that?"
Now it was Zuko's turn to get frustrated. He hadn't anticipated one of his jobs as a teacher being having to explain how to feel things to this guy. That was something he was not qualified for.
"I don't know," said Zuko, not hiding the annoyance in his voice, "just think about it. Try to recreate those emotions when you're channeling your energy for your bending, and it might make your firebending more powerful. Hasn't there ever been something you...desired? Coveted, even? Something that you needed to have or to win more than anything?"
Katara almost laughed out loud, boy are you barking up the wrong tree.
Aang spent a few seconds earnestly considering Zuko's question, "I don't think so. My people believed that worldly material possessions were meaningless, and attachment to them was the source of suffering. We didn't really have anything beyond what we needed and a few toys that we shared. I played games with all my friends, but I didn't really care much if I won, I just tried to make sure everybody had fun."
Katara was grinning at what an unbelievable dork the mighty savior of the world was.
Zuko, however, groaned and dragged both hands down his face, "Yeah, of course you did." It seemed to Katara that this was the first time Zuko was having to relate to someone who was actually a good person.
Aang just shrugged at Zuko's exasperation, "Sorry, hotman."
"Stop calling me that!" Zuko thought for several more seconds before his eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers with an idea, but then immediately looked like he regretted having the idea, and started looking deeply uncomfortable.
"Hey...can I ask you a personal question? It's going to sound weird and unrelated, but just trust me, okay?"
Aang raised an eyebrow, "Uh….sure?"
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Aang's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, his face turning bright pink, and Katara's heart seemed to stop in its tracks.
After what seemed like an eternity, Aang finally found his voice again, but all he could manage was a weak, "Uh...what?"
"Just bear with me for a second," pressed Zuko.
"Um," Aang squeaked, "Yes. Yes I have." and his face moved past pink into deep scarlet.
"Okay," breathed Zuko, "Now, I know I'm sounding like a gossiping school girl, but I promise I'm going somewhere with this. Ugh."
He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, like this conversation was physically painful. "Tell me about your first kiss," he finished in a too-deep voice, very transparently overcompensating.
Katara was positively screaming inside her own head, No Aang, do not, under ANY circumstances, tell him about your first kiss.
She felt like her heart and stomach had completely removed from her body. She refused to believe that these were the circumstances where The Incident between she and Aang was finally getting verbalized. Aang hadn't even bothered to talk to her about it yet, there was no way he was going to spill it all to Zuko. The fact that the main reason Aang hadn't talked to her about it was the fact that she had been avoiding him non-stop was entirely beside the point.
Katara started running through a hundred scenarios to try to find some way to stop this conversation. Should she rush in and pretend to be sick? Say that they're under attack? Just stay hidden and bloodbend them both unconscious? But before she could decide on one, to her horror, Aang started talking.
"Well," Aang began, his cheeks still red, "it was back at the Southern Air Temple—"
All of Katara's panic seemed to instantly vanish and be replaced with confusion.
Wait, what? Why is he telling him that? Katara thought, We barely knew each other at the Southern Temple….Does he THINK we kissed at the Southern Temple? I guess that would explain a lot. Did he hallucinate or something while in the Avatar State—
"—and she was part of a visiting caravan."
"We got along really well while she was there, she was really good at all of my favorite games, and while we were saying goodbye she just kissed me."
"By the time I realized what was going on, she just giggled and jumped up on her bison."
Katara was simultaneously feeling unbelievable relief that her big secret wasn't being talked about and unbelievable white-hot fury at Aang. She had just spent several weeks believing that her first kiss had also been Aang's, and now she finds out that she's just the latest? Latest of how many? Exactly how friendly had he gotten with those fangirls on Kyoshi Island? She was two years older than him, by all rights she should be on at least equal footing with him in this mess between them, who gave him permission to have more experience with kissing than her? The fact that he had never once told her that he had never kissed a girl before was entirely beside the point.
But Katara cycled through all these thoughts in just a split second before calming herself down and realizing that she had no reason to care about this. What did it matter if Aang had kissed some girl a hundred years ago? It's not like she thought of Aang that way. Aang had clearly just misunderstood her platonic affections. It's not like she had ever seriously thought about kissing him (especially not during some of the more recent times she had kissed him on the cheek). In fact, she doubted that even he had given any serious thought to kissing. He just had a little crush and the intensity of the moment got to his head. So this is fine.
It's fine.
Seriously, it's fine.
It's completely fine. Whatever she was feeling certainly wasn't jeal—
"Wait, she kissed you?" Zuko interrupted Aang's rambling and yanked Katara back to reality, "I asked you if you had ever kissed a girl."
"Well you also asked me to tell you about my first kiss!" Aang yelled with his hands in the air, frustrated again, "Which one is it!" He was clearly angry that in his panic he had revealed an embarrassing story for no reason.
Zuko put his palms up defensively, "Okay, okay, sorry, bad wording on my part. So, to clarify: have you ever kissed someone else? Have you ever been the one to take the initiative?"
Katara's heart started racing again. Why couldn't Zuko get distracted and drop this?
"Um…" Aang's face had been red before, but now all the color seemed to drain from it and he looked like a ghost, "...yes. But I don't think dwelling on that will help fix my problem. In fact, it's kind of a downer, actually."
"Why, was she an airbender too?" Zuko asked. He supposed dwelling on a girl he had feelings for that had been killed a hundred years ago would be counterproductive in fueling Aang's inner fire.
Despite how angry she had gotten at Aang's kissing experience, Katara now found herself hoping this girl was another airbender.
"No," Aang responded, rubbing the back of his neck, "this was after I came out of the ice. Pretty recent, in fact…"
No such luck.
"Okay, so what's the problem?" asked Zuko.
"Well...it didn't exactly work out well for me. She didn't really kiss me back."
Katara scowled, well that's not fair, she thought with more than a little bitterness. It's not like she had a chance to. You're not allowed to act upset if someone doesn't kiss you back when you spring a kiss on them with no warning and then fly away before they even know what's going on. If he hadn't been so dramatic and used his actual words then she would have—
Katara let out a gasp of fear at where her train of thought was leading her. She would have….what, exactly? If she had known the kiss was coming ahead of time, what would she have done? Let him down easy? Told him to focus on the mission? Thrown him into the ocean?...or would she have kissed him back?
Certainly not.
Perhaps if they tried again wow where did THAT thought come from?
Meanwhile, back in reality, Zuko was waving away Aang's concerns, "That doesn't matter. Don't think about anything that happened afterward. Just bring yourself back to that one moment, where you overcame caution and went after what you wanted. Set your stance."
Aang faced the dummy and resumed his fighting stance.
Katara couldn't help but inch a little closer away from her "hiding" spot. Now that Zuko had stopped pressing Aang for details and was doing his job, she felt like she could observe with a nervous curiosity instead of outright panic.
"Now," instructed Zuko, "take a deep breath, close your eyes, and picture this girl, how she looked in that moment."
Aang's eyes closed and drew in a breath.
Katara swallowed hard. At this moment, there was no more uncertainty about Aang. He was thinking about her, in that way, right now. And that knowledge made her hold her breath and made her face get a little warm.
"Try to remember how you felt immediately beforehand. How she made you feel. Try to recreate how your heartbeat was affected. It's starting to get faster and harder. How your breathing changed—remember, it's your breath that creates energy in the body for firebending. Yours is getting shallower and more intense. Remember how your stomach muscles reacted. They're tensing in anticipation. Now, in your mind's eye, make your move and kiss her, and at the same time….STRIKE!"
Aang punched his right fist towards the dummy, and his hand exploded.
There was no whoosh like with the previous fireball, but a roar as a conical wave of fire erupted from Aang's knuckles, completely enveloping the dummy 10 yards away and continuing onward to blast past the outer railing of the stone courtyard into the vast expanse of the canyon. And to Katara's alarm, it kept going. It wasn't a single blast but a continuous, monstrous stream of fire easily 15 feet wide at its biggest and so hot that Katara had to turn away and shield her eyes.
Several seconds later, the flames finally died down and Aang blinked his eyes open, looking equal parts proud and terrified of himself. The wooden dummy….did not exist anymore. There was no way to tell if Aang had burned it to ashes or simply blasted it backwards into the canyon. The previously white stones that made up the part of the courtyard that had been in front of Aang were now blackened and cracked.
Zuko had reflexively thrown up his arms to shield his face, stumbling backward. He was still sitting on the ground, eyes widened to the size of Appa's, and his mouth hanging open in shock. He sat there for several more silent seconds until Aang gave an awkward cough, then his face split into the biggest grin Katara had ever seen on him and he started cackling with delirious relief and excitement.
"All right!" Zuko exclaimed, jumping to his feet, "Now that's what I'm talking about!" he loudly clapped his hand on Aang's back, who had returned to looking embarrassed.
"No, don't you clam up again," warned Zuko, "hold onto that feeling. Come on, I'll show you how to make a flame whip."
Katara slinked backward away from her pillar and began a very undignified scurry back to their sleeping area. The fire had long since dissipated, but her face still felt hot and flustered, and her stomach felt like it was doing somersaults. Her mind was filled up by the same three words, repeating over and over again:
I did that.
Thinking about her made Aang able to do that. She could no longer simplify things by telling herself that this was just a confusing crush he had let get to his head. For most of the time she had known Aang, the thought that he would have any….desires like that for anyone simply didn't compute for her. He was too selfless, too kind, too pure. He was a monk for crying out loud.
But what she just saw Zuko coax out of her sweet, innocent friend was….not pure. Had he had this inside of him the entire time? And what brought this out of him was thinking about her. Thinking about kissing her. As much as she tried to deny it, when she thought about this power she had over him….she liked it. She was now able to see Aang in a new light, and at least consider the possibility of being more than friends with him.
But she still fought against it, because that realization was absolutely terrifying.
Katara shook her head and splashed some of her bending water on her face. She resolved to keep doing what she had been doing: focusing on their mission. She could sort out all this confusion when the war was over.
If the goal was to help Aang defeat the Fire Lord and end the war, then naturally they all had an obligation to assist Aang with his bending in any way they could, right? So she supposed it couldn't hurt to give Aang the occasional extra-tight hug now and then. Purely for training purposes, of course.
After all, she thought with a slight smirk as she arrived back at camp, everyone else still sound asleep, what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't give my student the attention he needed?
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 3
<Previous Next >
7. Secrets
Oh how the dirty laundry was hung out to dry in the week after the Agreste Mansion fire.
Apparently, the corpse of Gabriel Agreste’s wife was kept preserved underneath the mansion. Which, of course, brought on all the questions of how and why she was there, followed by questions pertaining to Gabriel Agreste’s sanity and even more questions as to why he did it.
Unfortunately, the only person who knew was dead.
Early reports said that it was likely he suffocated in the fire. However, the coroner’s report came out recently saying that there was evidence of an altercation: a fractured arm, a few broken ribs, and a cracked skull. Due to the autopsy report, it was suspected Gabriel was dead before the fire broke out. However, with the crime scene as they knew it had been burned to the ground, along with any clues that could have lead to a more solid answer.
Marinette, Alya, and Nino had done everything they could to reach out to Adrien, but he refused. “Sorry, I just need some time,” was his go-to excuse. His other being, “I’m not feeling great.”
Nino hated it, but he still wanted to be a bro and respect Adrien’s wishes. Alya would have had no problem going over, busting down the door, and forcing a check-in, but Nino kept his girlfriend in check.
Egged on by Alya behind the scenes, Marinette decided that she was going to do that.
Well… maybe minus the “breaking down the door” part. She’d just insistently knock.
With a bag full of baked goods and a container of soup, she headed over. She’d been experimenting with this soup for his birthday, trying to replicate a recipe from his favorite café to surprise him with. But she thought now would be a good time to share it with him. Chat had even given it a good mark in his own way, so she was sure it would make Adrien happy.
Upon arriving at his new place—the address had been the one thing she’d been able to drag out of Nino—she knocked a couple times before waiting. When he didn’t answer, she knocked again. If he didn’t answer after this one, she’d give him a call.
However, she heard the lock on the door click and put on her best smile. “Hey, Adri—Oh, my gosh, how’d you get that black eye?!”
The expression he gave her clearly stated he didn’t want to talk about it while also regretting worrying her. “Don’t tell Nino. Or Alya. Please.”
“What happened, though!”
His lips pursed, curling downwards at the edges. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
She nearly stamped her foot on the ground because that made two of the most important men in her life who refused to let her in. However, she couldn’t force anything. Instead, she asked, “Are you okay?”
He opened his mouth, but words seemed to catch in his throat for a moment. “I will be.”
With a sigh, he reached out to pat her head. “I appreciate that you care, Marinette,” he began. “But really, don’t worry about it, okay?”
She didn’t want to give him time. She wanted to fix it. She wanted to be able to do something, anything, for her boys. But she couldn’t if they kept keeping secrets like this.
With a sigh, she relented, unable to do anything else. “Okay.”
He stroked her hair, and if she wasn’t so damn worried, her heart might have fluttered at the action. “Thank you,” he said before pulling his hand away. “So, was that the only reason you came by? To check in on me?”
“It was either me or Alya.”
His smile was sheepish. “I’d rather have you. Alya scares me.”
His grin seemed weary, but it was still enough to put Marinette at ease and a smile on her own face. “She’s pretty pissed. Nino’s also really worried about you. Maybe you should give him a call.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, and only then did she realize the hand he’d been so good at hiding behind the door this whole time was wrapped heavily in bandages
He jumped at her voice, taking a step back, but Marinette was quick. She grabbed his arm before he could hide it again. “How’d you get this? Oh, wait, ‘you don’t want to talk about it’?”
He groaned. “I got into a little argument with my dad last week, came home and hit the wall. I don’t think I broke anything, but it still hurts.”
Marinette sighed. “Damn it, Adrien. Why didn’t you tell us? We could have been there to support you.”
Adrien turned his head away, refusing to look at her. “I… I just needed some time alone, okay? There was a lot on my mind. Please, just drop it.”
“Okay,” she caved. He was already talking with her now, as opposed to pushing her away again, so she would meet him halfway and stop arguing. “Do you want a croissant? Maybe some soup? Or you’ve got a sweet tooth. Maybe a cookie?”
Adrien looked somewhat surprised by the change of subject, but soon, he relaxed in relief. “I wouldn’t mind a cookie.”
She gave him a smile, one she had to force a bit to be brighter than it was. “Okay. I thought you would.”
8. Princess and Knight
The knock on her balcony door could only be one person.
Rather, one cat.
With a grin, Marinette rushed to answer her trap door. “Chat Noir. How nice of you to come see me.”
He looked rather stoic. “I’m not ‘Noir’ anymore.”
“You’ll always be Chat Noir,” she gently countered. “You just happen to look a little different at the moment.”
He sighed, clearly not wanting to continue their conversation. He then handed the bag in his hand over to her. “Here. The clothes you leant me. Washed and clean. And a little extra ‘thank you’ gift for your kindness before.”
“Oh,” she said, looking at the bag. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to get me anything.”
Chat just shrugged.
Looking at the bag, Marinette hesitated to take it. She had wondered if Chat would appear before her or if he’d just drop the bag and run. Now, she feared he’d bolt the moment she took the bag from his hand, and that was the last thing she wanted.
Impulsively, she reached past the bag to grab hold of his wrist. “Come inside for a minute. Let me get you some cookies for the road.”
His brow scrunched together, showing his hesitancy.
She shot him her best smile, going as far as batting her eyes at him, a technique her friends had forced her to learn a few years ago in an attempt to get Adrien’s attention. “Please, Chat? I’m sure you’d like a treat?”
He sighed. “Thank you, princess, but I’ll decline.”
“Aww, really? I can’t convince you to stay a moment?”
“Wow. That was cold.”
Chat stood, trying to remove her hand from his, and though he was trying to be firm, he wasn’t being overly forceful. “I came to thank you, not to linger on your kindness any more.”
“But what if I want you to linger in my kindness.”
He scoffed. “Why would you bother?”
“Because I care about you?”
“You barely know me.”
Oh, kitty, I know you better than you could fathom. “So?”
“So, I took advantage of your kindness once—”
“Do it again.”
The words that came so easily out of her mouth had clearly startled him. Frankly, they surprised her a little, too, but those words also allowed her a moment to crawl fully out of the hatch and stand right before him. “I don’t mind. In fact, I want to.”
Chat looked at her, exhaustion lingering behind the stoniness in his eyes. “Princess, you’re killing me here.”
She tightened her grip, leaning closer. “Good. Maybe I can offer you a little break away from your world.”
“Who said I needed one?”
“You’re still white, and you’re not in a signature smile. I dare you to tell me I’m wrong.”
His brow furrowed, eyes hardening, yet he didn’t pull away.
And she wasn’t going to surrender, either.
The stare down lasted a good many seconds, neither moving or backing down.
“Are you trying to seduce me, princess?” he eventually asked, the slightest edge of teasing in his tone while the corner of his lips quirked upwards.
Her heart could soar at the sight. “So what if I am?”
He flashed her a fake roguish grin, leaning closer in what she quickly realized was an attempt to coax her backwards. “I’d say there’s only room for one flirt in this town, and it sure won’t be you.”
She stood her ground, knowing that if she wasn’t careful, she’d fall right through her trapdoor. Which was likely his plan and why he’d just started flirting. She knew him too well by now to know his flirting was a cover-up. Always had been, and always would be.
That didn’t mean he couldn’t also wreck her heart when he stopped the flirting and pulled a genuine romantic gesture. It always wrecked her heart when he stood with his heart bared to her. And maybe over time, those gestures built up love for him in her own heart. And maybe that’s why she stood here so adamantly now, unwilling to let him go.
“Oh?” she flirted back, trying to channel her ‘inner Chat’. “How would you know? Maybe I’m better.”
“I doubt that. This cat has worked hard and purr-fecting his technique to make the ladies swoon.”
She hummed. “You pull out all the stops on Ladybug, don’t you?”
It was as though she’d doused him with cold water, because all teasing disappeared in an instant.
Her regret level was high, but at the same time, she wasn’t even sure what she’d said to change the mood so fast. “Chat?”
He sighed, pulling away and shaking his head. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s clearly not nothing,” she countered.
“It is,” he firmly stated. “And don’t think otherwise.”
Biting her lip, Marinette wracked her brain for how to possibly coerce him into talking. “Something wrong with Ladybug?” she asked, reaching out to grab his other hand. “Because I haven’t see—”
In a flash, Chat ripped both his hands from hers and cradled his left hand close to his chest.
Her gut sank. “You’re hurt?”
He grit his teeth. “I’m fine.”
His ears sank in shame for a moment. “Let it go, Marinette,” he snipped, already taking steps backwards and away. “I’m fine.”
“You’re clearly not. What happ—”
“Does it get tiring?”
His eyes took on a hard edge to them, and that was the moment she knew she screwed up. “What?”
“Trying to weasel into my business,” he challenged.
“How was I weaseling?”
“I’m a grown man. I don’t need you mothering me.”
“Well, I wouldn’t if you weren’t hurt.”
The moment those words left her mouth, Marinette regretted it. Instead, her consequence was watching Chat’s expression harden, eyes glinting like the edge of a knife.
“Who do you think you are?”
She flinched at the harshness of his tone.
“You’re not Ladybug,” he hissed. “We barely know each other. Why are you so damn worked up over me getting hurt?”
Because I am your lady, dammit! But she couldn’t say that. And without that, she wasn’t fully sure what to say. “Can’t I care about you at all without my motives being questioned?”
“I don’t need your help, Marinette!” he shouted. “So, stop trying to fix things and let me take care of my own business! You don’t have any idea what I’m facing—"
“Of course I don’t! You know why?” Marinette felt something snap in her at his words, and her own feelings came tumbling out before she could stop them. “Because you’re a knight with a martyr complex who thinks he has to bear the weight of the world alone on his own shoulders. I’m no princess, Chat, and neither is Ladybug. So why is it impossible for you to let either of us help you? Do you not trust Ladybug to help you? Do you think she’s incapable? Do you hate working with her that much?”
“I love her more than you could ever imagine!” he shouted, shocking her so badly she had to take a step back to steady herself. “She is incredibly strong and capable, and don’t you dare do her the injustice of stating otherwise. But that is exactly why I’m keeping her out of this. What I’m facing is personal, and it’s something I need to do on my own. You wouldn’t understand and don’t even try to. You’re an outsider here, Marinette. Stop trying to pretend you’re the superhero here and micro-manage everything about someone you don’t even know!”
And with that, Chat whipped out his baton, and Marinette was left watching a white ghost float over the rooftops of Paris, further and further away until he finally disappeared.
9. Blanket
The night wasn’t chilly, but she still had a blanket draped over her shoulders as she stood out on her balcony. It had been a week since the little altercation between her and Chat, and she regretted so many things she said and how she handled the whole situation.
Chat was hurting, and while she had been prying, she’d also gone against his wishes to do so. He had shut himself off, and instead of just being a safe spot he could land with no questions asked, she’d pushed and pressed and prodded any way she could to get information out of him. In her defense, she had only wanted to help as well as try to keep her cat around so he wouldn’t run again.
But a trapped cat doesn’t submit easily, she supposed. Especially one with as much fight in them as Chat Noir had.
So, she wanted to apologize, even though she knew it was unlikely he’d come around again. And who knew if she’d see him again. He said he’d see Ladybug at least one more time to give up his miraculous, but she didn’t want to wait until then to see him again. Though, the longer she stood out here on the balcony with no sign of Chat on the horizon at all, she thought that might be her only chance.
If it was, then she had to be careful not to squander it. Let this be her lesson, and let it be her only one because she really couldn’t afford to make a mistake on her last chance.
“Marinette,” Tikki said, flying up to rest on her shoulder. “It’s past midnight. You should really come inside and go to bed.”
She didn’t want to, but there really wasn’t any other choice. Chat wasn’t coming, and she knew it. “Okay.”
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winter break pt I
Summary: You come home for winter break and pick things up with your neighbor. Continuation of farewell.
Pairing: AU Negan x reader (female, named Eddie)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men.
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“Jesus fuck” you quickly shuffled inside your front door escaping the cold air outside. You had hands cupped over your mouth, blowing warm air into them. 
You’re father tossed your bag by the staircase as you turned the corner to the kitchen. 
“Ayyy she’s back!” Negan said with a mouthful of chip and guac that he preparing. 
“Hey” you waved at him before your mom swooped in to give you a tight hug. 
You embraced her, “Hi mom! Missed you.”
“You have no idea!” She replied before releasing you and holding both your cold hands. 
“Hey, Frankie this the one?” You heard a fimilar voice coming from the steps. 
It was Diana, holding the velvet green table cloth your family used every year around this time. 
She gave your hands a squeeze, before attending to Diana. 
“Yes, that’s the one” your mom answered, reaching to take it from her. 
“Diana this is Eddie, you’ve always just missed her”
“Diana is Negan’s girlfriend” your mom added. 
“Very Nice to meet you honey” she said smiling and giving you a soft handshake “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
I’m sure you have 
“Nice to meet you too” your cheeks flushed red. Luckily that could easily be explained by the weather. 
You glanced over at Negan who was sipping on his mug to cover his smirk. 
“What time is this game on?” Your dad indirectly asked Negan flipping through the channels. 
“Uh, I think 7” he responded 
“Oh, we got a good two hours then.” 
“Alright, I’m gonna go get cleaned up. I’ll be back” you announced. 
“Need help with your bag?” Your mom asked not wanting you to do a thing while you were here home. 
“Nah, I got it” 
“I’ll help you Eddie” Diana offered
“No no no it’s okay” you tried to deflect her help 
Your words had to effect as he picked up your duffle and gestured with her arm for you to go up the steps first. 
You walked up the steps, heart pumping extra hard, in sync with your steps. 
On the last step the tip of your shoe caught the edge of the step and you tripped. Your quick successive steps prevented you from falling. 
“Whoa, watch it!” Diana laughed trailing behind you, duffle over her shoulder. 
“This is my room here” you walked in first
Diana set your bag down on your bed looking around the room, at your drawings pinned to your wall. 
You began taking off your winter coat. 
“I got you” Diana snuck up behind you, helping slip your arms through the sleeves 
Feeling her close behind sent tingles from your neck to your toes. 
“Thanks” you responded while she reached in you closet to put it on a hanger. 
You shuffled through your closet looking for a clean shirt. You landed on a thick black tee. 
You stared at it momentarily and turned to Diana. 
“I’m gonna change...” you hinted that you needed some privacy  
She reached for the hanger in your hand, “So, change...”
You reluctantly gave up the article of clothing. 
It felt like an eternity reaching for the hem of your shirt before pulling it through your head and shoulders. You immediately had goosebumps, partly due to the change in temperature, partly because you were in front of Diana for the first time in months and already topless. 
In the time you undressed your upper half Diana was standing behind you again. You became aware of her presence when she pulled your hips back into hers, lightly grinding. 
She gently bit your upper trap as she nibbled towards your neck. You turned your face towards her. Once your lips met her tongue slipped into your mouth. 
It was far too short. You sighed through your nostrils as Diana removed herself from the kiss, leaving you hot and bothered. 
“Get dressed” she said handing you your un-hung shirt. She softly patted your hip before stepping out. 
Fuck. Fuck Diana. Fuck Negan. Fuck Christmas. 
You hated how they could cleverly peel back your layers until you were nothing but nerves, reacting to any stimulus, seeking pleasure. In less than 5min with them you were already pent up, release on your mind. 
I’ll be quick - no there’s not enough time, you began debating with yourself, just do it. You’re wasting time. They’ll know - no they won’t. 
Fuck it. 
You locked the door and took care of yourself. 
You headed back down right in time, as the table was now set up for dinner.  
Negan and Diana were seated together across from your parents, your father in front of Negan and your mother across Diana. You sat the head of the table. Between your mom and Diana. 
Dinner felt normal despite the secret affair. 
You updated everyone on your semester and future plans. Negan cracked jokes with your dad, you added zingers to them. Diana asked questions about you, her attempt to get to know you was executed perfectly. She knew how to work a conversation. 
Diana occasionally brushed her leg onto yours. Turning you on, you to shifted in your seat every time. Amusing her. 
“You alright honey” your mom asked, noticing your movements. 
“Uh, yeah, my back just a little locked up from the flight” 
“Maybe Diana can help you out. She’s a PT y’know” your mom offered Diane’s services. 
“No no wouldn’t want to mooch of her. I’ll be alright” you responded
“It’s no problem Eddie. I can loosen you up just say the word” she said before taking a bite of her food.
“I’ll be fine” you kindly reassured them.
Conversations on conversation led to Negan and Diana making an announcement. 
“With Eddie graduating this year, you fine folks celebrating 25 years of marriage, we want to add to the good” Negan started.
“You’re pregnant?” Your mom jumped to conclusions excited for her friends. 
“Your are outside your mind” Diana laughed chugging the remainder of her wine. 
“No not that” Negan led to the announcement, “We’re getting hitched”
“Yay!” Your mom hopped of her seat give Diana and Negan a hug, almost putting both of them into a choke hold. 
“Congrats man” Your dad shook Negan’s hand across the table and raised his glass to Diana before taking a sip
“Congratulations guys” you smiled, genuinely happy for them 
“Thanks Eddie” the couple said together 
“So what do you say Klause, plan my Bacholeor party?”
“Fuck yes” your dad grinned happy for his buddy
“Wait does this mean I’m your best man too?”
“I wouldn’t do that do you haha! My brother is, but he can’t plan for shit” 
Diane and your mom having a conversation of their own. 
“Frankie, it would mean so much if you were one of my bridesmaids?” 
“Of course” she accepted. 
“You guys decided on a date?” Your mom asked 
“We’re thinking in late May of next year”
After dinner you all were scattered in the living room watching the game. 
“You said you’re studying graphic design right Eddie?” Diana asked during halftime
“That is correct”
“Do you mind if consult with you regarding invitations?”
“Yeah, no problem. Do you have some ideas in mind?” you asked
“We do. Let me get your number before I forget”
She handed you her phone.
Later that night you were about to crawl into bed when your phone buzzed on your night stand. 
It was an unsaved number. Diana’s surely. 
It was 2 short clips. 
The first clip was Negan’s legs splayed on his bed, Diana between them sucking his dick. 
Good thing your volume was on the lower end because the next clip was the backside of Diana with Negan plunging in and out of her from behind. This clip was a little longer with Negan slowing down to show is entire member exit her and shoved himself back inside. 
That was the last of it. Until you saw three little dots. 
The next message was an image of Negan’s cum dripping out Diana’s entrance. 
You could feel wetness beginning to pool between your legs. 
Three little dots 
- You could’ve been here if you didn’t take care of yourself earlier 
- Goodnight sweat heart
How the fuck did they know?
The next morning, once your folks left for work you barged into Negan’s back door. 
“What the fuck!” he yelled from the kitchen, “You scared the shit outta me kid!” 
“YOU what the fuck!” You were frustrated, emotionally and sexually. 
“Hahaha, didn’t enjoy the show last night?” He asked nonchalantly as he continued prepping steak in a type of sauce. 
“You can’t do that! What if I opened it in front of my parents?”
“What are you really mad at? That we sent it? Or that you weren’t invited?” 
Shit. I don’t know. You thought to yourself. 
“That’s what I thought” Negan responded to your silence.
“Well, I’m here now” your impulse taking over. You walked to him and palmed him through his black jeans. 
“Woah, Eddie...” he said softly moving his hips away from your touch, hands still in the bowl, drenched. 
“I’m— I’m cooki—“ he stopped, removed his hands from the bowl and rested his wrists against the counter as you pecked your lips over the rough fabric of his pants.
“Fuck. You really wanna do this right now?”
Your eyes staring up at him, you nodded. 
You stood up and pulled him by his waistband toward the living room, Negan tried to stop at the sink first to wash his hands but you yanked him away. 
You plopped him in the couch and got between his knees. 
“Diana won’t be happy if I dirty this couch” he gestured at his sauce covered hands “she picked it out”
“Then don’t” you challenged his self-control
“And you better not touch me with those dirty hands either”
You undid his belt buckle followed by his button and zipper. Negan helped you by lifting his hips of the couch while you slid his pants to his ankles. His hands slightly in the air, careful not to stain anything.  
His semi-hard member rested against his thigh. You started at his inner knee, licking and kissing your way up. You could feel his quads tense up. Once you were a peck away from his shaft your mouth went to his other inner thigh, pressing your soft lips against his hairy skin. 
“Oh Eddie, you don’t want continue what you’re doing” he warned you. 
“Or what? You won’t fuck me again? You won’t have your wife eat me out again?” you retaliated, in hopes to get him to realize he can’t resist you either. 
You took the head of dick on your mouth. Swirling you tongue around it. 
Negan’s head leaned back, finally having enough stimulation, “agh! fuck!”
You eventually started sucking him mid-way, stopping at his tip every so often. He would frequently lift his hips trying to get more of himself in your mouth. 
“You want me to go deeper?” You popped off him and pumped him slowly. 
Negan looked at you with some rage but also desperation. 
“Yes” he said reluctantly. 
You slowly put his member entirely in your mouth. Having good control on your gag reflex. Negan taking notice. 
“Not gagging I see. Did your little whore ass get some practice this semester? How many guys did you ask to suck off? How many got to come in that pretty little mouth?”
You continued to take him all the way. Then you deep throated him and held yourself there. 
“Oh fuck, mhmm” Negan’s orgasm building. 
You slipped off him all the way. Viscous saliva linking his dick to your lips. 
You brought yourself to the brink again. Holding that position. 
“I’m close” Negan breathed out quietly “and you’re gonna swallow all of it.”
You removed yourself. 
“Actually” you said wiping your mouth “I think you can take it from here. Or I can text your wife to finish for me.”
Negan took a frustrated breath trough his nose. 
Still on your knees, hips resting on your ankles, you stared at him briefly, giving him a in a what-now-? look
He swiftly took his shirt off, staining it with his hands, but he used it as a barrier between his sauce-covered hands and your hair. 
He sloppily guided your head and mouth to his member. You didn’t expect this to take this turn, but it turned you on.
You felt the urge to gag as his dick was entirely in your mouth. You tried to control it. 
“Breathe” His words helped you control it a little longer.
A few gags slipped out as he continued to hold you in place. He began talking dirty to you. 
“Not so experienced now are we”
“Choke on it you little slut” 
“You never know your limit do you? Or do love crossing lines?”
His comments built your own arousal.
Negan was on the brink of orgasm. 
“I’m gonna cum, baby” He held your head in place while his hips began thrusting upwards.
His depth became more shallow the faster he thrusted, and you appreciated the decrease in restraint he had on your head.
On his last thrust he pushed deeply and firmly brought your head down. You felt his pubic hair brush your nose.
“ughhh!” he gritted as he came. 
“Swallow.” He ordered as his orgasm subsided 
He slowly released the pressure he had on your head, letting you come off him. Simultaneously gulping the warm liquid. 
“You swallowed it all?”
“Say ‘I swallowed all your cum Negan’” he firmly cupped your chin. 
“I swallowed all your come Negan” you spoke through your restricted jaw. 
“That’s a good girl” he released his grip. 
“Now go upstairs and shower. Diana will be home any minute now, and she’ll want you clean” he said before pulling his pants up and walking to the kitchen to wash his hands. 
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