#don’t chase the rabbit
gunslinginnhogtyin · 8 months
"Don't chase the rabbit" - Kairi (i sent one before this, you can answer one/the other or both if you so choose! <3)
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past. // @as-above-rp
Butch freezes in the midst of tip toeing past his father.
“Have ya finished cleanin’ the stables?”
Butch nods and his father glances back at him, bushy brows furrowed.
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“I can’t hear yer head rattlin’, boy.”
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“…Yeah, Pops, th’ stables’re clean. Can I go play with th’ baby cows now?” The child asks hopefully, wringing his hands nervously.
“Now, there’s plenty more work t’be done ‘round here… ‘sides, those fella’s are gonna be food soon enough. Best not to get too attached.”
Butch frowns at that.
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“Don’t go tellin’ him things like that.” Butch’s mother, Beatrice, scolds as she enters the room, holding a large bowl of eggs she had just collected from the chicken pin.
“Don’t raise yer voice at me, woman.” Ernest sneers.
“Ain’t no one raisin’ their voice, ya bull. He’s six. F’he wants t’play with the cows, let ‘im.”
Butch smiles to himself, happy his mother is on his side but that quickly changes when his father snaps.
“Don’t tell me how t’raise my son.”
Beatrice sighs and rolls her eyes, making her way into the kitchen. “I really don’t wanna do this right now…”
“Do what? Yer th’ one pickin’ fights! You want that boy to be a WIMP!”
“Oh my lord, Ernest, honestly—yer overreacting.” Beatrice huffs tiredly, setting the eggs on the counter.
“Tch, I don’t expect you t’be showin’ ‘im anythin’ useful, anyhow.” Ernest walks over, gripping Butch’s arm and dragging him along as he walks out of the house. Butch stumbles along but doesn’t hesitate, knowing what would happen if he displayed any sort of resistance towards his father.
“Why don’t we play with the horses instead? I’ll show ya how to ride. Yer old ‘nough to learn by now, anyhow. And it ain’t a useless skill like cookin.”
The little blonde blinks in surprise and in an instant, he’s grinning excitedly. His Pops never wants to do anything fun like that; in fact, the last time he had asked, he got yelled at! He’s practically skipping alongside his father now.
Crossing the field, they come to a stop by a fence where a couple of saddles rested on one of the posts. Releasing his sons arm, he grabs one of the saddles and holds it out for Butch to take.
“You’ve seen yer ol’ man saddle up a horse b’fore. Go on.” The child reaches out to grip the saddle but when the weight of it is released by his father, Butch tumbles to the ground with it.
“G-Gosh, this’s… heavy! I don’t think—“
“F’ya wanna ride a horse, ya gotta put its saddle on! Pick th’ damn thing up.” Ernest says sternly, scowling down at his son. When his father took that tone, that’s when the fun was over.
While Butch watches his father wander off to retrieve one of the horses, he struggles to pick the saddle up. The thing weighs just as much as he does! When all is said and done, the six year old had managed to heave it onto his back, his legs wobbling with each step he takes towards the horse Ernest had led over.
“Go on.” He urges.
With trembling legs, Butch reels back and gives his best throw which actually isn’t all that great because the saddle comes crashing down on top of him, causing him to topple over with a yelp.
“Can’t ya do nothin’ right?”
Hearing a heavy sigh come from his father, he suddenly feels a lot lighter as that saddle is lifted off of him and fastened onto the horse, his father complaining all the while.
“If yer mother didn’t treat ya like a sissy, ya might actually be good fer somethin. When I was yer age…” Ernest continues to gripe on as Butch brings himself back to his feet.
He staves off the feeling of having the wind knocked out of him and moves closer to the horse, gripping the saddle just as his Pops had finished fastening it on. Then, he attempts to pull himself up onto the horse, struggling a good bit since he barely comes up past the horses mid section. He falls over more than once, losing his balance or his grip every now and again. After hearing some more chiding from his father, he manages to hop and climb his way up onto the large stallion, all by himself!
“I did it!” Butch exclaims tiredly but excitedly, carefully taking the reigns.
“Yeah, yeah—that’s th’ easy part.” His father comments with a scoff.
Giving a tug on the reigns, the horse begins to walk. A smile had found its way back on his face; he was doing it! He was riding a horse all by himself! He couldn’t wait to tell his Ma when he got back to the house!
The child’s excitement is cut short however when the horse suddenly begins to act up, as if it had been spooked by something. Neighing loudly in agitation, the stallion jerks about and thrashes, Butch hanging on for dear life and screaming all the while. Unfortunately he’s not able to hold on much longer, his fingers slip when in one rough motion, the horse bucks hard and he flies off, hitting the ground with a crack.
The moment he hits the ground, a jolt of pain runs through his body—his arm more specifically. Taking a deep breath in, the child clutches his arm and cries out, writhing on the ground in pain. Looking around frantically through blurry tears for his father, he finds his silhouette standing some ways away, just watching.
In another moment he sees his mother storming over to his father; he can’t hear any yelling over the sound of his own crying but he knows that’s what’s happening. A push, a shove, a slap, and a punch later, his mother is at his side, scooping him up into her arms carefully but quickly and rushing towards the house. He can hear his heart beat pounding in his ears and suddenly everything goes black.
When he comes to, he finds himself in his bed. His arm aches and he quickly takes notice of the splint holding his arm in place. Luckily his mother is at his side, easing his nerves with a soft song and brushing her fingers through his hair.
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kayawolfhorse · 3 months
Last night I had a dream in which I wrote a 3L desert duo fic and overall it was pretty serious and dramatic but the part I remember the most clearly is
GoodTimeWithScar whispers to you: this desert is doing some cocomelon shit to me
You whisper to GoodTimeWithScar: ?
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reifromspace · 8 months
Anybody else thinking about this universe’s spindly little fire starter and wondering if he’s alive and if we will get to see him?
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septnautical · 7 months
Hybrid Creation Logs
RR-001 and SE-002
(AN: Hello friends! I’m getting back into writing stuff and while rereading older stories (and fixing a lot of stuff like how I used to write Henrik’s dialogue, yikes!) I realized I absolutely hated how little info I gave in the original creation story of how the boys were made and met- they didn’t even have their designation numbers back then!! So!! It’s revamp time!! Starting with Chase and Jack and - a bit more from the white suits too :3)
To: Grant Xander, 4546B Xenobiology Research Team 213
From: Xeno Research Division
Subject: RE: Experimentation Grant
Proposed: Experimentation of humanoid -fauna hybrids using DNA from dominant species of 4546B and DNA samples from deceased Altera crew member, Sean Mcloughlin.
Good luck with your experiments, team. We look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. Please send regular updates and logs.
-Alterra Xeno Research Division
Notes from Dr. Cynthia Goodall, regarding growth of Rabbit Ray human hybrid RR-001:
It has been about 8 months since RR first emerged from his egg. He has made tremendous progress and his growth factor has been outstanding. Despite it only being months… mentally the subject is processing information and even speaking to other scientists at the level of a 4 year old human child. It is extraordinary to witness. That means mentally each month he is maturing about half a year. We are providing him enrichment and lessons to help accelerate his growth. Vitals are all good and he is quite active. No predatory or omnivorous traits to be seen so far- despite the extra fauna we have supplied in his tank. He actually likes to race the other fish and has even been found singing to them, despite low exposure to his mother species. Perhaps linked to instinct? Further research required on that point…
However, I am a bit worried. For the past couple weeks he seems to be more tired and lethargic. We make sure he has exposure to the sun through the top of the tank and artificial sunlight is provided. So, not a seasonal issue… again maybe further research is necessary. I hear there’s already talk and work being done on another hybrid… perhaps that might give me some answers.
Notes from Dr. Grant Xander, regarding growth of Sea Emperor human hybrid SE-002:
It has been 3 months since SE-002 emerged from its egg on 07-02-2227. We didn’t think it could be possible… that’s why we tried with RR-001 first. A more readily available DNA to procure. Though, the sea emperor population has increased exponentially since 4546B’s rediscovery about a century ago.
However- we should have tried this much sooner… SE-002 is a marvel. The fauna it interacts with seem to love and adore it, much like a king with his subjects. The whole tank has been more energetic and lively, with SE-002 playing and laughing throughout the day before tiring itself out to collapse into a sleeping heap. Usually the other fish circle around it.
It has been documented the Sea Emperor while held in the Primary Containment Facility seemed to be able to pacify predator and prey alike within its tank- to see a similar phenomenon with a half human is unlike anything we have seen… we are unwilling to try to see if SE can truly pacify a predator at the moment but perhaps after more growth from the subject. It is healthy and happy.
It seems to be growing in the same manner that RR-001 had. About half a year or so within a month mentally and physically- at least by human standards. By now, SE-002 mentally seems close to a 2 year old child. Maybe younger… unlike human toddlers though- they are not helpless. It seems the hybrids are able to swim almost right away- and find food quickly. Though, it seems they do need help at the beginning- they very quickly learn what they can find themselves provided it’s planted for them in the aquarium. Until about 2 weeks after hatching- it seems the hybrids behave more like their mother species- i.e. fish-like. They had a vacant far off stare and were driven by food and providing for their needs. They had trouble gripping things with their hands and would often run into objects with little grace. At this stage, a small personal aquarium is the safest option. Then, there is this… spark. It's like the human part of their brain has caught up and starts to develop milestones much like a human infant. Imitating smiles, babbling, gaining control of their hands, eye tracking. Thank god that Alterra has mastered the childhood development programming that we all grew up with on our own planets- they have been essential in ensuring we can provide correct education to the hybrids as they mature. We are not childcare providers… I don’t think any of us quite expected this experiment to result in… something so… human? Ironic, I know. I think we all expected something a bit more… easy to document and understand. And perhaps it is- just from a parental perspective instead of purely scientific. It was harder to understand what exactly we were seeing when observing RR-001… until one of our crew had a child. Then, we started to see the connections, even if the hybrids are growing more rapidly than human infants do.
I do hope this accelerated growth has a plateau however… Maybe human maturity? Perhaps, they will be like Terra canines- growing at a fast mental rate within the first years then stagnating after adulthood. We can only hope… if the hybrids grow so rapidly and it only leads to faster expirations… then this experiment might be considered a failure and waste of resources. I don’t want that to happen. I believe this project has so much left for us to discover…
Especially with SE-002. Even if it’s been a century since the curing of the infamous Khaara bacterium- it is still present here on 4546B. Just- much less deadly and easy enough to cure. Like the common cold, really. However… we saw in the Sector Zero Levithan… Khaara has a chance to survive and mutate- which we are all well aware of. History could very well repeat itself as we put ourselves into the grand roles of the ancient Architects. So… SE-002 could be the key we need should any disaster strike. Once stable enough, we should be able to see if he can provide any Enzyme 42 samples like its mother species.
Personal notes: …I’ve started to call him Jack… Jackaboy. I can’t help it. He looks so much like him when he was younger. Almost makes me miss home. But, I can carry a piece of my Jack with me this way. It’s unprofessional, I know. Unnecessary attachment… but SE-002 has an irresistible charm to him and zest for life. Just like Jack. I believe my brother would be honored.
To: Grant Xander
From: Cynthia Goodall
Subject: Hybrid Interaction, Urgent Matter
I am deeply concerned for the well-being of RR-001 at the moment. Subject is showing signs of depression and is not as active as he once was. I believe SE-002 is showing signs of being healthy and active. Perhaps we should combine our efforts and house the hybrids together for observation and socialization? I believe this could negate any negative impact from perceived isolation. Many fauna here are highly social, especially the rabbit rays. I think RR-001 could really use a friend. Please advise.
- Cynthia
To: Cynthia Goodall
From: Automated Response Line
Hybrid Tank integration: APPROVED
-Grant Xander
Xander walked down the bright white corridors of the lab, holding SE-002 in his arms. The little sea emperor had his arms wrapped around the scientist’s neck as he observed the base with wide curious eyes. They sparkled as they passed windows showing the ocean beyond, bright with fish and glowing fauna. It wasn’t too different from SE’s tank but…. It was so big. It seemed like it went on forever.
“Hey Xander? Where are we goin’ again?” SE-002 asked.
Xander chuckled, “I thought I told you Jackaboy! Today, you’re going to meet a new friend. Someone who could really use someone as energetic as you.”
“Oh yay!” Jack smiled wide, “I like making friends! Is it more fishies??”
“No, lad,” Xander laughed, “It’s another hybrid. Just like you.”
Jack gasped, his eyes widening and sparkling. “Wooahhh! Really?? Someone just like me??”
“Well, he’s a different kind of fish but… very similar.” Xander smiled. “In a way… you two are like family. Brothers, really. I think you’ll like him. You two can be together from now on.”
“Yay yay yay!!” Jack cheered, bouncing up and down in Xander’s arms. The scientist shook his head with a laugh, “Save some of that excitement for RR, Jack!”
Soon enough, Xander strides into the main lab that housed RR-001. Dr. Goodall looked up and beamed at seeing SE-002. She walked over with a bright smile.
“Hello Xander! SE-2! My… look how big you’re getting!” She cooed. Jack shyly hid behind Xander’s neck but did attempt to wave.
Xander chuckled, “You remember Dr. Goodall, don’t you, SE?”
Jack shook his head. Cynthia smiled. “Well that’s alright. I’ve only really seen you in passing. But, I watch over RR-1 so… now that you’re joining him- we can all get to know each other better, hm?”
Jack looked a bit nervous and clung tighter to Xander, digging his little fingers into his white coat. Xander pats his head. “I’ll be around too, Jackaboy.” He whispers. “You don’t need to worry.” Jack slowly nods.
Cynthia gives him an understanding smile then gestures towards the hatch at the end of the large aquarium tank in the room. “Ready to meet RR, SE?”
Jack nodded again and smiled, his tails flicking to show his excitement. “Yes…!” He says quietly and the doctors smile. Dr. Goodall opened the hatch and Xander gently lowered Jack into the water. He smiles and ruffles Jack’s hair, “Go have fun, lad. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Jack beamed, “Okay! Bye Xander!” And then the little sea emperor rocketed off deeper into the aquarium to explore.
RR-001 was lying in the sand in a hidden corner of the tank, hiding behind some of the long creepvines. He was too tired to go swimming around today… he was hardly getting any sleep. And there was this- hole in his chest. It ached. More than the needles and small tests the doctors did on him. But… different somehow. He didn’t really have a word for it. And he didn’t want to deal with Dr. Goodall’s attempts today… she had been trying so hard to make RR act happier. Saying he wasn’t himself. Maybe he could see that… but he just didn’t have the energy. She did seem to mention a… surprise for him though? He couldn’t remember what… maybe a new fish for him to attempt to eat. He didn’t really like eating them though… made his stomach churn.
Suddenly, the vines he’s hiding behind are split apart by hands and a similar looking face to his pops into view.
“There you are!” The doppelgänger shouts with a smile. RR screams in turn and backs away, curling his tail up as close to him as possible, squeezing himself between the rock and the glass of the tank.
“W-W-Who are you?!” RR squeaks in a trembling voice.
The other hybrid grins, his teeth sharp but his expression is friendly. “I’m SE-2! But I dun really like that name. Xander calls me Jack and I like that sooo much more! So you can call me that!!”
“…j…Jack…” RR repeats. “Okay uh… h-how did you find me? I… I thought it was really good at hiding…”
“You were!” Jack laughs, “But I could hear you over here.”
“Really?” RR says with a tilt of his head, “…I didn’t think I was making any noise-“
“You didn’t tell me your name!” Jack interrupts, spurring forward to sit on the sand in front of RR. The rabbit Ray mer tries to scoot back again but he’s out of room. He looks at Jack with wide eyes.
“Uh… I… I’m RR-001.” He says slowly. Jack makes a face, raising an eyebrow.
“Your white suit doesn’t call you anything else?”
“…white suit?” RR asks.
“Oh- that’s what I call the doctors sometimes. Especially if I dunno who they are. They all wear white all the time!” Jack laughs.
RR finds himself chuckling too. Then his face falls. “…my ‘white suit’ hasn’t really called me anything. She gives me… nicknames? I think she called them? Like sweetie and love and stuff but… I don’t think those are… names. Usually, she just calls me RR.”
“Well that won’t do!” Jack exclaims, “s’not fair for me to have a name when you don’t! Besides- you don’t look like an RR to me… that’s a dumb name!”
RR makes an offended noise and slaps his tail against the sand. “Well! It’s the only name I know! M-Maybe I think Jack is a dumb name!”
“No you don’t. You think it’s cool. You’re kinda jealous.” Jack says simply, looking at RR with a strange, almost knowing expression. RR finds himself shivering. “H-How do you know that?”
“Mmm… I can feel it. Coming from your head, like- you’re saying it but not through your mouth.” Jack shrugs. “Dunno how I do it. I just know. So! Let’s think of a real name for you!!” He smiles brightly.
RR looks at the other hybrid nervously and curls up some more. “I…. I dunno how to… do that though…”
“We can figure something out! C’mon!” Jack says, grabbing RR’s hand and pulling him out of his hiding spot. RR makes a noise of protest but is eventually pulled out into the light, squinting his eyes and covering them up with his other hand. Man… how long had he been hiding in the dark…?
“Woahhh! You’re so much bigger than me!” Jack exclaims, looping around RR to look at him. “And your tail looks squishy!!” He pokes it and RR exclaims and pulls it back. “Hey!”
Jack’s head pops up under RR’s wing, almost looking like he’s wearing it as a hat. He giggles and nuzzles around in it. RR finds himself laughing without meaning to, pushing the other hybrid away. “Ah s-stop! That tickles!”
Jack pulls back up and giggles, swirling his tails around. “Sorry!! I just haven’t seen anything like ya! You’re a… a… oh what are they called?”
“…a rabbit ray.” RR supplies quietly, “that’s what Dr. Goodall says the RR in my name is. Rabbit Ray, RR. The 1 is because I was the first. That’s why you’re 2- you’re next.”
“Oooh!” Jack nods, then flicks his tails towards RR and giggles. “Well! I’m a Sea Emperor! Xander tells me they’re really special and junk. But, I dunno- you seem pretty special too!���
RR finds himself flushing. “You… you really think so…?” He asks, fidgeting with his hands.
“Yeah!” Jack says enthusiastically. “You were made first! That’s super special! That makes you my… brother- I think Xander said!”
RR’s eyes widen, a light coming into them that wasn’t there before. “…a… brother? Like… a… a family?”
Jack grins more and nods, “Yeah! That must be why we look alike, right? Xander and his brother also look alike but I’ve only seen pictures on the PDAs-“
RR finds himself laughing dazedly. “Y-Yeah… I guess so…”
Jack smiles at him and then twirls to look at the tank. “Alright then! Let’s look for your name then cuz I ain’t calling my brother a dumb letter name!”
After a few seconds of looking around Jack hums and then turns back to RR. “Before I came here, what did you like to do? Like- your most favorite thing to do!”
RR flicked his tail and played with the end of one of his wings. He eventually shrugs. “I… I like to swim fast- race with the other fish and try to chase them…”
“Oh! I like that!”
RR looks up and cocks his head, “like… what?”
“Chase!” Jack exclaims with a bright smile. “I think that sounds more like you than RR!”
“C…Chase…” RR tries out. It feels weird but… right. Slowly he smiles warmly at Jack, the biggest smile the tinier hybrid at seen from him.
“Yeah… Chase. I… I think I like that too.” Chase says. Jack yells in excitement and goes to tackle Chase in a hug. Chase startles, stiff in it as first. But, slowly he experimentally wraps his arms around Jack and… oh… that… that felt really good. Suddenly, his eyes feel wet and he makes a choked noise.
Jack backs up and then looks at Chase with concern. “Oh no! Why are you crying??”
Chase wipes at his face and looks at his hands in confusion. “I… I dunno…” he then laughs, “I think… t-they’re cuz I… I’m… happy…?” He laughs a bit louder and pushes his hair back, “y-yeah…! That feels right. I… I’m happy.”
Jack grins and grabs Chase’s hands, “Good! That’s really really good! C’mon! We can play now!” He starts tugging Chase through the water. “I wanna see how good you are at chasing, Chase!” And Chase can’t help but laugh and follow after him.
The two played all day long, Chase more lively and energetic than the scientists have seen in months. So, when the ocean water dimmed around the base and the lights turned off in the lab- the two were exhausted.
Chase swam over to his usual sleeping spot and splat down, ready to curl up in the warm sand and pass out. But, then he startles as he feels Jack crash down next to him and then sleepily curl up into his side, under his wing.
“Uh… Jack? What are you doing…?” Chase asked quietly.
“Gettin’ comfy….” Jack yawned, pressing his face into Chase’s side.
“Oh… um… why here?”
Jack blinked opened an eye and Chase now notices that they kinda glowed in the dark like his tails. Jack snorts out a tired laugh. “The fish in my tank never let me sleep alone so… I'm not gonna let my new brother sleep alone. Seems too lonely…” He yawns again and closes his eyes. “Dun wanna feel lonely again…”
Chase feels a grip on his heart and… that ache in his chest that had been so persistent seemed to fade. He chuckles softly and curls up so his wing is properly over Jack like a blanket and curls his tail around the tinier merman. “Okay…” He suddenly felt a surge of protectiveness flow through him as he looked down at Jack’s tiny body, how he breathes softly and relaxes into the sand. If there were predators around… he wouldn’t be safe.
Chase finds himself scooping up Jack to rest against his chest as he hugs him tight to himself. Jack is mostly asleep but just hums with a slight smile and curls some of his tails around Chase’s waist.
“…I’ll protect you, little brother.” Chase whispers, pressing his cheek against Jack’s hair. “We don’t have to be alone anymore…”
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livinginmybasement · 1 year
i have spent a lifetime rescuing and taking care of house rabbits and not that anyone asked but they are the most chase davenport-coded animals out there and yes i will be explaining !!!
extremely smart but also so so so fucking stupid
super-sensitive hearing in particular but also other senses
small and kinda fragile but with some very kickass self defense abilities and also very good at maneuvering themselves quickly out of situations
literally the most dramatic creatures ever when they’re upset with you
weirdly neat and tidy?
in conclusion chase is a house rabbit that is all
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taliscat · 2 years
Jerv-o question for you. What is his relationship with drugs. This tends to come up a lot for the character so I’m very interested in your take. I hope you feel better soon :^)
My Jervis uses psychedelics to make special tea that cause mild to severe hallucinations. These teas are often given to his victims but he also drinks some himself from time to time. It’s an easy escape to Wonderland.
If I were to make a comic, it’d revolve around this aspect.
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noona96n · 2 years
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0lympians · 4 months
guys my dog has to be put down so this is for him <33
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void-tiger · 5 months
…yeah I’m beginning to think all the resources are just BAD, Actually.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 8 months
"Don't chase the rabbit.”
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past. // @werexcat
Being a couple of outlaws, it wasn’t uncommon for Butch and Darlene to find themselves in all sorts of trouble, especially considering the fact that Darlene was a witch, an attribute that seemed to attract otherworldly outsiders and dark magic.
This time however, they had walked right into the belly of the beast with a plan mapped out. They had snuck aboard self proclaimed Pirate Queen Bonaccorso’s ship in hopes of locating a specific cursed item they had suspicions she was harboring. Bonnie was seemingly unaware of its magic, having a nasty habit of hoarding treasure of all kinds just for the hell of it. If it was shiny and looked valuable, she made it hers!
Upon entering the ship through an open porthole, the twosome quietly sneak about the ship, Darlene muttering something about their plan before they’re abruptly cornered by three pirates, presumably apart of Bonnie’s crew. Darlene acts quickly, knocking the three pirates off of their feet with a blast of purple magic; she hops over the heap of men and Butch follows suit as they race down the hall and down some stairs below the deck in search of the treasure room. Darlene could feel the room pulsing with magic so it was easy to pinpoint where on the ship it was located.
When they finally come to the door, Butch jiggles the knob to find that it’s locked. He’s not ready to give up just yet though, removing one of his guns from its holster and blasting the knob a good few times until it’s a busted piece of metal hanging from the door. Then, he pushes his way inside, Darlene looking less than pleased with the display considering the attention it could have attracted.
The room is HUGE on the inside, baring piles and piles of sparkling gold and treasure. Chests sat about randomly, colorful jewels and bright diamonds sticking out amongst the gold. The room was quiet, almost too quiet…
“Next time, use your lock picking skills, yeah? The whole ship probably heard that racket.”
“It’s called makin’ an entrance, Dar. Relax.”
Darlene takes a deep breath to calm herself, huffing out some air afterwards. “Butch, hon, I need this, okay? It’s for my book… my life’s work. This could be…the breakthrough I’ve been looking for.”
Butch’s teasing smile had long disappeared, the urgency in his partners voice seeming to relay how important this was to her. With a quiet nod, the cowboy begins to dig in a nearby pile in search of the object despite not knowing what exactly it was supposed to look like. Some of the gold he pockets as he goes about searching and Darlene takes to doing the same, searching in a pile of jewels she had been drawn to.
A little digging and she comes upon a diamond studded glass dragon statuette, a seal plastered across its chest. It was practically seeping with magic. As she snatches it though, it seems heavy for some reason… giving it a pull she finds another being attached to it; buried in her own treasure, seemingly awaiting the twos arrival, a red haired woman grins maliciously up at Darlene with jagged teeth, a golden one standing out among the others. With a startled gasp, the witch takes a few steps back as Bonnie rises from the gold she was buried beneath.
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“Looking for this, ay~? I should’ve known yew punks’d try n’ steal me treasure!” The pirate barks, the sound of gold coins and jewels shifting and clinking against the wooden floor boards as she steps out of the pile. “I ain’t got no mercy fer thieves!”
Almost immediately, with determination in his eyes, Butch tosses that lasso of his, his rope tightening around the treasure in her hands and he gives it a yank! Unfortunately, he’s unable to catch it time and it crashes into the floor, shattering upon impact and some sort of dark smoke escapes its confines and seems to evaporate into thin air. Holding up the rope now, a shard of glass dangles pathetically as Butch stares at it, gritting his teeth. Shit.
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Darlene and Bonnie both gasp at this, the witch giving Butch a punch on the back of the head.
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“S-Sorry—I just… I was tryna help…” Butch grumbles, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
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“Sorry doesn’t cut it! Do you know how valuable that was going to be for my work!? Ugh! Sometimes I think—…. I don’t NEED your help!” The witch snaps maybe a bit too viciously, earning a pathetic look from Butch.
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“…As enjoyable as it is t’ watch ya kick yer pet around an’ all, I do believe those hands of yers belong to me, filthy thief!” With a snarl, Bonnie appears to begin transforming into a beast—a dragon.
“Find somethin’ valuable and let’s get the hell outta here!” Butch shouts above the dragons growling, and the both of them take to racing around the room, filling their pockets with whatever they can get their hands on. Bonnie breathes a wall of fire that Butch narrowly manages to avoid and Darlene uses a blast of magic to knock the dragon off balance before grabbing Butch’s wrist and racing out of the room.
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A wretched scream of frustration escapes the beast as she loses sight of her prey, “You always were a COWARD, Darlene! It’s just like you t’RUN!”
They’re almost cornered by another wall of Bonnie’s henchman but after taking a detour down one of the many hallways, she manages to locate the porthole they had snuck in through and makes her escape, flopping into the sea below with flailing arms. Butch follows suit, nearly losing his hat in the process.
“Well that was a disaster…”
“Yeah, thanks to you!” Darlene splashes her counterpart with water before turning her body and beginning to swim her way to shore. The cowboy shields his face but follows shortly after, keeping some distance between them since she was clearly seething.
“Listen, Darlene… I… I didn’t do it on purpose.” The witch remains silent, staring ahead, the only sounds that could be heard being the waves in the water and the distant screeching from Bonnie’s ship as they grow further away from their closest call yet.
“I mean. I did, but It wasn’t s’posed t’hit th’ ground. I just—“
“But it DID, Butch. If you didn’t act so recklessly all the time, I would be—…” A heavy sigh follows her words as she trails off. Nothing else is said between them as they reach land, the witch taking to wringing out her hair and then her clothes. Butch does the same.
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concoulor · 1 year
and that’s not even really getting into their prey drive my dog literally has a body count
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sassygwaine · 1 year
everyone involved in the production of annihilation must have had frequent ketamine parties
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fueledbysano · 1 year
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it has been raining for days on end, which also meant that your boyfriend had been fucking you nonstop. stay dry, they said. but he kept your pussy wet, full, and sore.
“one more, sweetheart, I know you can take more~" you've been at it like rabbits, but he is still insanely horny! with your mind airy and drool falling on your chin, you could only nod in response to his invitation.
“ah— don't stop!” he had just shoved his dick back inside of you, but you're already begging for more and provoking him further.
“Fuck, you have such a tight hold on me, you don’t even know.” he exhaled, rolling his hips, your tits sticking to his chest as the sweat from his abs warmed you, his hips piston faster, needing more.
“nghh~ [ Y / N ]~” he cried into your shoulder, hips desperately chasing for release as he rut so deep into your pussy.
“all mine~” he whimpered, fingers clawing with yours and pushing your body deeper into the mattress.
his thrusts keeps getting deeper and static fills your head. you can't think. he grinds, fucking and speeding up the pace, his finger rubbing your clit in agonizing, sweet circles.
“Ugh,” you pant, kissing him hard as you climaxed for the nth time. your pussy is extremely sensitive, yet throbbing, clenching on emptiness when he pulls out to lay you on your stomach.
"I'm not done with you yet..." the sheet falls from his shoulders, baring you to the cold air brought by the rain outside.
— [ TR ] Hanma, Baji, Shinichiro, Rindou, Kazutora, Kakucho, Mikey, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Wakasa, Sanzu.
— [ JJK ] Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Yuta, Suguru.
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♡ mdni banner by @ benkeibear!
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I just ..don’t understand men… sure, you wanna dip, that’s fine… but why would you then, a week later, send me a picture of a dog, that you ‘thought I would appreciate’ ????? Is this just an in that you’re using to try and talk to me again? Is this just a head fuck? Did you just see a dog and think ‘hm misha would like this’ but with no intention of any follow up? I just..I don’t understand… and also… don’t read it and not reply????
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kaaaaaaarf · 11 months
So I watched that episode of Our Flag Means Death where Ed finds the bunny and thinks it's a wolf and thought, what if Remus was a wererabbit and Sirius had no idea? Anyways, have a drabble.
Here I Am (a rabbit-hearted boy)
Hogwarts Era. 654 words. Wererabbit Remus. G.
Remus' floppy ears twitch unhappily. He had been so careful—so careful not to let his friends see the monster he becomes every full moon. He thought he was sneaky, when he made his way out of the castle before dinner—after the other boys had already left for the Great Hall, but here is Sirius, standing above him with wide eyes. He'd seen the whole thing, the whole transformation—running into the clearing before Remus could even shout at him to stop. Before his body bent and twisted violently into a monster.  Remus' tiny body shakes in fear. Finally, after an impossibly long moment, Sirius seems to come back to himself. "R—Remus? Are you—you're a werewolf?"  …I'm a what now? 
"I thought maybe you were upset about Snape ruining your Potions final when you didn’t follow us down to dinner, so I came back to find you and saw you sneak out of the castle. I decided to  follow you, but I didn't think...Oh my God. You're so...so...cute."  Remus' nose twitches in a way that he thinks sufficiently expresses his shock and distaste. He’s not cute. He’s fearsome! An abomination! Sirius, unafraid, crouches down and strokes a gentle hand over the tawny fur on his back.  Okay, well Remus doesn't hate that.  Sirius scratches behind one floppy ear, and it makes Remus’ back foot twitch. Sirius smiles. "Are you a friend, wolf? Merlin, wait til I tell James about this! Our Moony—a real bloody werewolf!" and then as quickly as he’d appeared, he's gone, running off back toward the castle. It's just as well, Remus is dangerous like this. As much as he would love some company on the moons, one bite is all it would take and he could turn Sirius, too. He couldn't live with himself. Remus has just finished snacking on some grass, and is just about to hop into the underbrush to play chase with the rabbits of the Forest, when Sirius comes running back, this time with James in tow. Great. "See James! That's Remus, he's a werewolf!"  James, who is bent over trying to catch his breath, looks up at him like he's stupid. "That's a rabbit, Sirius." "No...I saw him transform—that’s Remus. He's a werewolf." "At best that's a wererabbit." He looks down at Remus, his face twisted in thought. "Sorry Remus, just a sec. Sirius—" he looks back up at the other boy, pinching the bridge of his nose. “—have you ever actually seen a rabbit before?" "Well, not precisely...Grimmauld is in the middle of London, not exactly teeming with rabbits and the like." "Babbity Rabbity? Surely you've read Babbity Rabbity at least." "I'm pretty sure Babbity Rabbity would never make it into the Black family library. Not macabre enough." James sighs. "Okay well, I’m telling you that's a rabbit." James points down at him, and Remus twitches his nose, hoping it conveys how tired he is.  Sirius stomps his feet, insistent. “But his last name is Lupin, not Lapin! He's Wolfie McWolf, not Bunny McRabbit!” “I’m pretty sure his name has nothing to do with which were-animal decided to take a chunk out of him, Sirius!” Remus tries to hop away while they’re fighting, but Sirius spots him and scoops him up into his arms. “Oh no you don’t! Come on Remus, I’ll sneak you back into the castle—get you something to munch on. What do rabbits eat, anyway? Hay? Flowers?”  Human flesh.  “They eat grass and, like, carrots. Good call though, better get him inside before an actual wolf spots him. Come on, Remus.” And that’s how Remus finds himself, a few hours later, in a soft bed, snuggled under the covers with Sirius’ hand gently resting on his furry back. He supposes being found out isn’t so bad, and if he wakes up in the morning—human again, Sirius spooning against his back, he thinks that might actually be even better.
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seungfl0wer · 2 months
*Run Rabbit*
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Primal Play, Breeding, Hair Pulling, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Sex Outside, (P In V), Reader called Bunny. (not proof read)
Kinks: Primal Play + Breeding
˚ ༘♡Master List (Here) for the 1K Event
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Your boyfriend has invited you to go camping for the weekend with him. A nice peaceful area he has found, nestled in the woods a small cabin by the lake. The place was beautiful and at night you could see the stunning stars sprinkled across the sky. You had already set up everything and were just relaxing by the fire as he cooked some meat over it.
The two of you sat there just talking about everything until Minho left out a chuckle. You tilted your head as if to ask him what he was laughing at and he pointed. You squinted your eyes to see two rabbits chasing on another the bigger one mounting the other. “Ah to have the thrill of the chase” he said almost too nonchalantly. Staring at him for a brief second “hmm” you said eyes locked on him. “What? Don’t think it’d be fun for me to chase you through these woods like a little bunny running from a mighty cat?”
He was meeting your gaze now smirking at the way your eyes almost lit up at his words. “Yeah? And does it end in the big ol cat eating the rabbit” you teased. “Something like that. Something will probably get eaten in the end” he shrugged. You choked on your spit at his comment, you could feel yourself becoming turned on as you played fantasy’s in your head. “Bunny” he said his voice almost teasing “I’ll give you a minute to run as far as you can.” The devilish smile that was plastered across his face made you almost moan.
“And if you catch me?” You say tilting your head again. He breathed in letting the air out in a sigh “then I’ll fuck you like the little rabbit you are” he chuckled. You stood up looking at him with a smile “you gotta catch me first kitty cat.” You teased. You were ready to bolt out of there before Minho spoke “before I start the timer you remember the safe word right bunny?” He said already eyeing you up. You nod “mhm.” You said in almost a hum. “Good you better get going I hit the timer a good 10 seconds ago” he said with a laugh.
You didn’t even hesitate running through the woods looking everywhere for a place you could hide. You heard Minho yell “Oh bunny” your brain going fuzzy realizing the time was already up and he was on the hunt. You ran past a tree with a red mark realizing you had already passed it. You were going in circles. You could hear twigs snapping as Minho ran through the woods in search for you. You didn’t know if you wanted to hide because the chase excited you or wanted to be pounced on from how turned on you were with all of this.
A twig snapped again sounding too close for comfort this time. As you started to run again you could hear Minho behind you “bunny” his voice almost growl running close behind you. You bobbed and weaved through the brush trying to lose him. You looked back quickly and saw he wasn’t there which made you slow down a bit. You were trying to catch your breath before you hear another twig break this time directly behind you. Before you could even react Minho had his arms around you, he manhandled you to the ground.
He moved you into position ass up in the air head down in the dirt. “Dirty little rabbit gave me a good chase.” He growled gripping your hips nicely as he pushed his body down onto to whisper into your ear. “Did the stupid little bunny really think she could out smart the sly cat hmm?” He chuckled an almost villain laugh. “I’m gonna fuck this rabbit stupid. Gonna show her why little bunnies shouldn’t mess with big scary cats.” He said voice husky, he was gripping your thighs hard rutting into you as he talked.
“My pretty little bunny” he said moving his body back to smack your ass hard. You let out a whimper your core aching from his touch, from his hot words. God you needed him, you needed him so badly it almost hurt. Minho on the other hand his brain was so foggy. The scenario running through his head as he felt his animalistic desires taking over. He felt as if he just caught his prey and was ready to completely devour you. The glint in his eyes was almost unnerving but fuck was it ever so hot.
He had no thoughts in his head other than ‘breed bunny.’ His body was almost on fire from desire and so was yours. Everything felt hot felt like a movie scene or I guess a porn scene. Minhos hands yanked down your sweats, ripping the pretty little lace panties you had on before pushing his fingers into you. The feeling of having something finally inside you made you moan so heavenly. Your wet cunt dripping around his digits clenching around them.
He chuckled that same villain like chuckle “you’re so fucking desperate aren’t you” he said his free hand coming down hard on your ass. “You’re such a filthy little animal” his voice almost a growl at this point. He pumped his fingers in and out of you stopping abruptly pulling them out. You let out a loud whine at the loss of them feeling so empty now. “I’ll give you another minute to run hmm?” He said his tone teasing. When you didn’t move though he smirked “no? Rather stay here and let me fuck you senseless? Gonna be my little toy to fuck hmm?” His words made you groan in response “y-yes” you stuttered out.
Minho bit his lip hard, he pulled his pants down quickly his cock sprang up smacking his stomach. He wasn’t super girthy but was very long. You always joked he had a pornstars dick which almost inflated his ego of course. He aligned himself to your entrance rubbing the head between your folds hitting your throbbing little nub. The sensation made you moan you were so sensitive wanting just to be touched at this point.
Minhos eyes were locked on the way your juices wet his cock making a mess of it. He let out a low groan before he put the tip to your entrance pushing fully in, in one swift motion. He let out the most lustful moan as his balls slapped your wetness. You almost screamed at the feeling of being so filled so fast. He didn’t let himself adjust long before he was pounding into you. His hands gripping harshly at your hips nails digging deep into your skin.
The strewn of ‘fucks’ leaving his mouth started to mumble together, and you? You were such a moaning mess under him drool trailing down your chin. He let another harsh smack to your ass before moving his hand to in tangle in your hair gripping it hard pulling your head back. “This wanted you wanted? The big Cat fucking you like a rabbit in heat hmm? Wanting nothing more than me to fuck you hard like this?” He spat.
You groaned in response but it wasn’t good enough for him “Are you too stupid to talk? Use your words or are you just a dumb little bunny?” He hissed pulling your hair harder. “Fuck- Mm-Min yes- want-“ your words were almost incoherent at this point already so fucked out of your mind. He laughed in response “you can’t even speak properly to fucked out already?” He said this time he didn’t wait for a response. He let go of your hair pushing your head back down as-well as your body, keeping your ass in the air though.
The new angle let him get even deeper he watched as his cock disappeared and reappeared in and out of your sloppy cunt. You could hear him mumbling to himself ‘what mess, so wet for me’ he said ‘gonna cum deep and breed you good’ his voice was almost a whisper and a growl combined. It was so fucking hot. He left a smack to your ass again smirking at the big red print he had made. His movements were becoming a bit erratic, he could feel his high coming. Not wanting this to end just yet he pushed deep into you before stopping his movements.
He reached his hand down to play with your neglected clit rubbing harsh circles over it. He moved his body against yours once again sucking your shoulder and neck harshly. He loved marking your body letting everyone know you were taken. You were taken by him. And only him. The feeling of you being so stuffed, him now biting your neck harshly and his hand moving so perfectly against your clit was too much. Your legs started to shake it becoming harder for you to stay how you were positioned. Minho growled against your skin “stay” he staid feeling your legs become wobbly.
“Min- close- please” you moaned the drool dropping down your face now. The feeling of your walls clenching around him made him start to move. His movements were slow at first before he quickened them groaning against your ear now. “Cum on my cock while I pump you full, gonna breed you so good. Gonna fill you with all my cum- gonna-“ his words stuttered as his high was approaching “gonna make fill you till I know your pregnant with all my kittens” he said bringing his free hand to grip around your throat moving your head to kiss you sloppily.
Sucking hard on your tongue exchanging moans teeth crashing into each other. You felt your legs almost give out at the last hard thrust of Minhos burring his cock deep inside you before releasing all his hot cum. You could feel his cock poking at your stomach feeling all of his hot liquid fill you to the brim. His hand that was still playing with you clit moved faster as your high came along just as quick. Your high washing over you as your cunt gripped him perfectly. “Ah- fuck-“ he moaned out at the feeling “your cunts gonna suck every last drop out of me” he said body shaking at the feeling.
“Y/n” he moaned into your ear he wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him as you came down from your high both of you trying to catch your breath. Once you two came down you could feel him still twitching a bit inside you. His arms lazily wrapped around you his head in the crook of your neck as he kissed you softly. “Ugh fuck” he groaned out. “What?” You said breathily. “We’re gonna have to walk the whole way back” he whined. You chuckled a bit “yeah guess so.”
He smiled against your skin “I’ll give you a minute to get back or we’ll just go for a round two if I catch you.” He chuckled a bit. “Minho, I don’t even think I can stand right now.” You teased. “Well better try before I start the counter again.” He said kissing your neck. You were gonna call his bluff but you could feel his cock become hard again. “If I make it home before you catch me we are taking a nice bath.” You bargained. He nodded “fine but you better start running I already started the timer.” He said with an evil grin. This little asshole I swear.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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