lunar-realms · 1 year
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Casual reminder I fully subscribe to the "elves have droppy ears" when they're young headcannon and I 100% extend this idea to my demons who also have pointy ears.
Therefore; Faelen had droopy ears. Ian, Kuro, Shiro and Cerelia all had droopy ear tips.
(Have teenage Faelen with a bonus baby Ian in the upper left corner who just lost his first tooth)
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ladykakata · 11 days
I'm genuinely cringing at the Byron scenes, folks, but it just makes one point so entirely clear to me;
Mickey is only completely comfortable around Ian and speaks to him in a way he does not with anyone else.
Mickey throws up the macho front and tops literally everyone else he meets, yet when Ian pokes at this uber-dominant front by quipping "said last night's bottom", Mickey immediately nonchalantly replies "Whatever, liking what I like don't make me a bitch". Mickey has literally attacked and made fun of people for being bottoms himself, and stated outright to Ian that he was glad to switch from being a top with Ian with the same casualness.
Mickey would not share a giant bed with Byron, the one-night stand he immediately moved in with with his trash-bag of belongings, but is more than happy to share Ian's far smaller bed in the shared bedroom with the Gallagher brothers. He habitually steals food, but he also fetches food for Ian and complains far less when Ian asks him to do something compared to the almost-insulted reaction he does with most people.
Mickey is violent and hot tempered, he is KNOWN to attack people with very little provokation, even people who don't exactly pose a threat. Yet Ian has gotten this close to his face and insulted him and Mickey doesn't raise much of a hand to him. It was only with extensive and very triggering taunting that Ian got Mickey to attack him in one of his bipolar swings, and he really had to needle him to get him to lash out. Even then, Mickey forgave him rather damn quickly.
Mickey is not a doormat, despite some comments I've seen suggesting that. He doesn't let Ian do what he wants all the time. The entire Bipolar arc had him acting as the sane man compared to Ian's changing moods and being the voice of reason. Ian is the only person Mickey even remotely listens to, and strangely, it was only Mickey who finally got through to Ian that he deeply needed professional help and was constantly nipping at his heels to keep him on the right path.
It's going to be a part of a word-vomit post I want to write later, but Mickey to Ian represents stability and Ian to Mickey represents comfort and acceptance. Mickey can be his intensely messy, awkward, socially inept and emotionally stunted self and Ian still loves him anyway.
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fairy-orchid · 7 months
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"So hold me this one last time" ✦ DPR Ian ✦ Seraph
@asiandramanet ✦ March Bingo ✦ Animation
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sci-firenegade · 1 year
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I was compelled to do this.
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ssluggart · 4 months
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my contributions to the sonic magma tonight with @guiltypandas and @alvalorenzz :]
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sluttygallavich · 1 month
Galladrabbles: radioactive
This week's @galladrabbles is based on the prompt "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons, courtesy of @jessij1997.
I'm breaking in, shaping up Then checking out on the prison bus
“With all the blood?” Ian splutters. “And— and the fucking needles and shit? Jesus, Mick, what the hell were you thinking?”
“The fuck was I suppose to know the warden was gonna let me check out on the prison bus?” Mickey runs a soothing hand up Ian’s jaw. “Fuckin’ missed you…”
Ian immediately softens, letting Mickey kiss him as he guides them towards the bed.
“Shit—” Ian pulls away sharply. “Do I gotta worry about your jizz being radioactive now?” 
Mickey smirks, falling back and pulling Ian down on top of him. “Only one way to find out, big guy.”
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2k17-xanax-girl · 27 days
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00sgoth · 2 months
i love writing spice it's one of my favorite things to write. but my problem is that unless i'm familiar with the other persons style (read their spice, written it with them before etc etc), i have to sit here and think about how far i should go.
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movietonight · 7 months
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My favourite bits from "why are you asking me this" by The Fence
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brittsekland · 2 months
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Kim and Mandy Moon featured in the Daily Record, 15th March, 1975.
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lunar-realms · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog.
FULL NAME: Duke James Ian Sandalius Robtrie (Duke is his title, not a name)
NICKNAME: Sandglass, Silly Lizard, Heartlight (from @cfmanymuses‘s Namira)
ALIASES: the King’s Assassin/Pet (he’s not particularly fond of it anymore)
HEIGHT: 5′ 8″
ZODIAC: I never picked an official birthday, but demons don’t really have zodiacs.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Demonic (including a special dialect known simply as Sand Demonic)
HAIR: Depends on his mood. Fluffy, sandy brown when happy, flat, black when upset, in between when neutral, red tinged when angry/upset.
FACIAL HAIR: sometimes he has a bit of stubble or a mustache, but he’s usually clean shaven
EYES: Dark brown-gold, turns fuschia with cat slitted pupils when tapping into his demonic strength and abilities EXCEPT his dragon form which has gold swirling eyes
SKIN TONE: Olive-Tan
BODY TYPE: Lean and underweight (at least he’s not malnourished anymore courtesy of Namira)
VOICE: Mid-range, smooth voice though it is often soft and meek from centuries spent as a servant. 
DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous though he favors his left
POSTURE: Rigid and tense, always seeming to be on high alert or submissive, especially towards authority figures he recognizes (ie: Kings/Queens and Nobles, simple guards or “police” are lower in the totem pole in his eyes)
SCARS: Too many and he spends quite a bit of his power to hide them. He’s most self conscious about the claw gauges on his chest over his heart
BIRTHMARKS: He has a white symbol over his left eye and eyebrow, commonly seen on Sand Demons and unique to his family
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: The birthmark over his eye and his pointed ears and teeth.
PLACE OF BIRTH: He was born in the manor his family owned.
SIBLINGS: An older sister named Emily (deceased)
PARENTS: Kozmotis Robtrie and Duchess Robtrie (I...should think of a name for her) (both deceased)
OCCUPATION: Servant and concubine to King Lucifer though in one verse he’s a traveling bounty hunter with Namira
CLOSE FRIENDS: Mia (fellow servant and mother figure), Balthazar “Bill” (soulmate from his main verse), Namira (fiery elf who stole his heart in his DnD verse)
FINANCIAL STATUS: Slave/poverty (he doesn’t have anything to his name outside what his master has given him)
CRIMINAL RECORD: All other murders/crimes sanctioned/forgiven by his position as Lucifer’s puppet, though his most notable act was that he murdered Malacine, the Crown Prince of Hell, at his wedding on King Lucifer’s orders so that his master would remain king and Hell would have reason to go to war with Heaven and the Grim Reapers,
VICES: Desert flowers, lizards (he loves them), water/swimming, sweets, violence (he’s a demon...he thrives in the bloodshed)
LOVE LANGUAGE: Giving gifts, physical affection, words of affirmation.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: Ian is most often the submissive partner in a relationship, not really knowing any other way to behave, but he is very dedicated and devoted to his partner. He will go to the ends of the earth for them if they asked. He’s very supportive and surprisingly quite cuddly and playful when allowed. 
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: This Life is Mine / Love Like You / ADDICT / Use Me Up
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Reading, sparring, playing with sand
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: He’s more analytical and literal so... I think that’s more Right Brained, but he was more Left brained when he was younger and allowed to be creative and curious.
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: -100. He has absolutely no faith in himself or his abilities unless his king has told him otherwise. He gets much better later, but... initially, good luck convincing him he can stand on his own two feet.
Tagged by: I stole it from @cfmanymuses
Tagging: Whoever hasn't done this yet! It's a great post to get really in depth with your character and to allow others to learn things about them too, so I recommend everyone steal this from me and give it a shot.
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ladykakata · 1 month
"Why does Ian not believe Mickey loves him after everything they have been through?" Because Ian has a mental illness, and mental illnesses tend to lie to you
"But Mickey loves him"
He knows that. He genuinely knows that. But, again, his brain is lying to him. I don't have bipolar disorder, but I do have other conditions, and I can say 100% that when your brain doesn't work correctly, it tends to flip out and think people hate you. Or that people won't like you when you're having an episode. It convinces you that you are a bad person, that you are unlovable, and circumstances outside your control can just compound that. Ian IS loved, his best friend is his older brother Lip, he has friends and colleagues that respect him and even followers for a while. But he also grew up in a home with a largely absent mother and an abusive father* who mentally, emotionally and physically lashed out at him. Those circumstances just make the inherited risk factor he has coming from Monica even worse.
Mickey is hurt and confused that Ian thinks like that. Has he not proven time and time again he's fiercely, deeply in love with his redhead? He sure has, and he's demonstrated so many vurnerable parts of his psyche to him. So to hear Ian suddenly question his love for him, when Ian MEANS it to mean 'are you sure you love all parts of me, including the parts that are unwell?', it just feels like a slap in the face. I let you under my skin, man, how much will it take to prove it?
It's neither man's fault. And thankfully Ian realises that no matter what, he loves Mickey and can't do without him, and Mickey is just as willing to get back together. Neither are bad people in this regard. Both are entitled to their feelings. I just feel that, for all the praise Mickey's character gets, not enough people really pick up on the side-effects of Ian's disorder, including that horrible little feeling that no-one really likes you and they're just being polite/they are lying to you.
(*I mean Frank. I KNOW technically Clayton is Ian's biological father, but Ian rejected this information and Frank seems to have forgotten it as well to put things back the way they were. If everyone is keen to throw that information away and never bring it up again, I see no reason to split hairs either)
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Eleceed minor characters appreciation post!!!
(read: me fangirling over characters who, imo, need more screentime)
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Like. I would literally die for this kid. Can we just adopt him?? And keep him in Korea with us forever?? His family clearly doesn't deserve him! And I feel like Jiwoo is probably the first person who has ever shown any concern for him and has been nice to this douchebag...just...please adopt him into your found family Jiwoo!! (also fuck you Duke!! how dare you hurt him, you lowly mob boss!!!)
I NEED him to make some friends who genuinely care about him!!! I also want Jiwoo to give him a bear hug. He needs one.
Next up is Kang Suman!!!!!
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Do I even need to say why this man is the definition of perfection?!?!?!
He is the only sane person in the Kang family and the way he held Jiwoo protectively after he was tortured?? and the way he tries to look out for his nephew as best as he can?? Literal perfection.
Next!!! Him!!!!!
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Muse is the CUTEST member of Frame. Fight me.
It was like a flip switched in my mind the moment he took his mask off. It's the eyes, I swear. He just looks so trustworthy; not to mention how well he treated Jiwoo from the very beginning (granted he was just being polite but damn!! we love a man with good manners!!)
And Jiwoo definitely won him over after his fights. I LOVE how genuine his concern was for our main boy!!
He also definitely made the best first impression among all the Frame members!!!
Next up!! The superior Patrick sibling!!!
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I am that meme "I've only known this punk for one chapter but if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone and then myself."
Like, come on!! The way he said "You're so kind that I'd feel bad for ignoring you" to Jiwoo?? and just the whole vibe of his character?? I Love Him. Far more than his brother, definitely!!
The moment he was leaving I was like "Nooo invite him to your gang Jiwoo!!!" He'd be such a fun addition to our idiots!!!
And lastly...okay hear me out...
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Now I know that Roist is kind of an asshole and he definitely DID NOT make the best first impression BUT!! the way he disses and insults Duke? Gold.
Also, let's be real. At least he asked to meet and fight Jiwoo in a not-very-civil-but-at-least-it-wasn't-an-ambush kind of way. He isn't the best but not the worst either. (And his name is so...fun to say!! ...Idk I just love it!!)
And I loved how surprised-but-also-kinda-pleased he looked after seeing Jiwoo kick Duke's ass.
Bonus? He's Kayden's fangirl!!!
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Look at him!! He looks like he's two seconds away from going sparkly-eyed and squealing like a high schooler with a crush lol!!! He is the president of Kayden's fan club!!! This side of him is so cute!!!!!
(Add him to the list of Potential Future Hyung?? Idk I just Love this psycho!!)
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sci-firenegade · 10 months
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On set colour pictures from The Daleks (part 2)
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cherrylng · 4 months
Guitar Princes - Part 3 [STYLES Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Ian McCulloch leads Echo & The Bunnymen. His childlike face and up-turned hair with a pouty expression really captured the hearts of 80s UK-loving girls.
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Green Gartside, the face of Scritti Politti, was extremely popular in the 1980s. He is still active with his gentle voice and ability that Miles Davis and others would recognise.
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The Prince of Neo-acoustic music is this man, Roddy Frame of Aztec Camera. The atmosphere that hasn't changed from his boyish first period to the present is amazing! He is also an excellent guitarist.
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Charlie Sexton, aka Charlie Boy, made his solo debut as a boy prodigy at the age of just 17. He has had a long and successful career, recognised by Bob Dylan and others. But he was still beautiful! pic: Koh Hasebe
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Johnny Marr is currently the guitarist for The Cribs. He looks like a reliable guitar brother, but back in The Smiths days he had such a sensitive vibe.
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Bernard Butler, who wielded his glamourous charm alongside vocalist Brett Anderson during the Suede era.
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The Reid brothers Jim (left) and William (right) of The Jesus and Mary Chain, were the ‘Feedback Princes’. They broke up and resumed their activities in 2007, but they are no longer princes!
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This is Extreme's Nuno Bettencourt, the electric prince of the metal world. With his exotic face, rich black hair and exceptional technique, he has risen to the status of guitar hero.
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Rich Robinson (left) of The Black Crowes shows a completely different personality backing his wild frontman brother Chris (right).
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Einstürzende Neubauten frontman Blixa Bargeld. Also played in Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. pic: Koh Hasebe
Guitar Princes Part 1 Guitar Princes Part 2 Guitar Princes Part 4
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The Arts Lobby, formed in early 1988 to fight Section 28, the UK law prohibiting "promotion of homosexuality" by local authorities. Pictured at a press conference, lan McKellen, Jane Asher, Maureen Lipman and others. 25th January 1988. Mirrorpix🌺🌺🌺
Via @ladyjaneasher on Instagram🌺
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