#mustafa fe
merimerz · 11 months
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day 10: storm
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novakaiserart · 4 months
FE Awakening AU; Purple Serpent House
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Following this post, here's the second house
As the Halidom' southern neighbor, tensions have been high between the two nations. Alongside this, internal conflict is never ending as well. The country is divided by Grima's followers and regular folks. The cult has a huge reach over anything that happens in the Theocracy and as such, they're involved in just about everything. A harsh land praised by their expertise at magic and the dark arts, as well as renown for many, many mercenaries and thieves roaming the land, Plegia is plagued by many stains on it's name.
Ezra: Eldest son of Gangrel and Aversa, he's seen some shit. Upon learning at a young age that his parents' marriage was purely political to appease the Grimleal, Ezra grew a profound hatred for the cult. He holds many of his father's beliefs, but refuses to swear by his ways. He enrolled in the Academy to spy on the neighboring countries.
Elisabella: Youngest daughter of the pair, she's the splitting image of her mother in almost every way. Unlike her brother, she has no aversion to the Grimleal and wishes to join them once she graduates. Tensions between the siblings are high and they've been growing apart more and more as the years go by.
Marc: Youngest son of Robin and Henry, he's like a mini version of his mother. Usually calm and collected, he adores discovering new things and partaking in Morgan's weird antics. He admires his oldest sister and his parents above all else and strives to impress them every step of the way.
Morgan: Youngest daughter of Tharja and Darean, Morgan is quite energetic. She adores pulling pranks on her loved ones. Despite her and Marc being cousins, they were born on the same day by some miracle. She enrolled coincidentally without telling him at the same time.
Noire: Tharja and Darean's oldest daughter, she's timid and quiet. She detests violence and detests the dark arts even more. Coming from a long line of extremely powerful shamans, Noire is struggles to learn any dark magic and it is unknown whether she was born with Crests.
Vincent: Only child of Gaius, he was originally born in the Halidom. Though, shortly after his birth, his mother passed away. He's been roaming the continent ever since with his father, eventually settling in the capital of Plegia to pick up odd jobs to make ends meet. Wanting to make a name for himself, he enrolled in hopes of grabbing some powerful people's attention.
Alice: Oldest daughter of Robin and Henry, she's her father's treasure. She lived a relatively cozy life, with her parents' stand in the Plegian army. Though she's not much of a fighter, she enrolled to keep an eye on her cousins and brother.
Maryam: Youngest child and only daughter of the Great General Mustafa, Maryam is following in her older brother's footsteps by enrolling at the academy. She dreams of becoming a renown general, just like her father. Her ambitions are only met by her feisty personality.
Crest of Rashidi: May collect a random item upon waiting.
Crest of Fugara: Doubles might of Dark Magic.
Crest of ???: May inflict poison on an enemy after attacking.
Ohhh boy, I had to make up so much stuff for this lol. Enjoy Henry and Gaius' fanmade children. Few references hidden here and there, kuddos to you if you can find them
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id fuck the shit outta mustafa ngl
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
Mustafa tells Robin...
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But also the pose I drew them in made me think of this jvjdjdd
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It was a request to draw something for fire emblem. The "Link, you're autistic" image lmao
Refs >:3 shs
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fefuckability · 1 year
Qualifying Round: Poll 4
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Feel free to post your justifications in the tags/comments!
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oatsmealdotcom · 2 years
I think if Mustafa told Henry that Gangrel threatened his wife/kid, Henry would've curse o'clocked him out of existence. And then Mustafa is king!
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fevotinggauntletreal · 11 months
FE Miniboss Battle Round of 16 - Match 4
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info and propaganda under the cut
Class: Swordmaster
Appears in: Genealogy of the Holy War - Chapter 4
Choice quote: "It's been a long time since I've seen such darling villainy anywhere! It's almost enough to turn a weaker stomach."
she has exactly 0 plot relevance. frankly there doesn't even need to be a miniboss where she is in the chapter, she coulda been a generic unit! however: she is i believe the only enemy female swordmaster in the game, and she is hot as fuck. no story relevance in any way; absolutely slays. she is killing it.
Class: Berserker
Appears in: Awakening - Chapter 10
Choice quote: "… You were there when Emmeryn spoke, weren't you? So be it! Those of you unwilling to fight are dismissed! (…) I will accept the blame for your actions today. Now go!"
no propaganda submitted.
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felikatze · 1 year
Base game Awakening is, on the surface, very black and white. But only on the surface and fandom has a VERY big problem with that, I find. I feel like there's implications historical Ylisse has done War Crimes and Emmeryn has to cope with knowing this and that her people probably still would War Crimes the Plegian people at the drop of a hat, regardless of cult association or not.
YEAH. both chrom and emmeryn bring up their father being Exalt McWarCrimes. the war found in the game is just War 2. When Gangrel talks shit about emmeryn just hiding away in ylisstol after ylisse ravaged plegia, he is still talking shit about her, but also voicing legitimate grievances. but when she retorts that she had to rebuild ylisse first, and just had neither time nor ressources to help plegia, that's also true.
everything that happens is just unrest left over from the previous war. it's questionable if the grimleal would've risen to that much power if political instability made religion a great rallying point for a broken country. plegia was the defending party in the previous war, and it's reasonable that a lot of people want retribution, and feel their crimes against ylisse are justified.
it mainly comes down to how the issues are dressed up. chrom questions himself and his purpose, yet the people he fights against are always without a doubt portrayed as villains. going back to gangrel, his behavior is so over the top ridiculous that it ruins the good points he makes. validar's motivation is also incredibly weak, and i don't think it would've taken much to prop it up. he could've aimed to revive grima to secure the political power of the grimleal, which took a big hit after the previous war decimated a lot of them. having an actual god to show, and being the person who revived that god, would net him a shitton of influence, not just in plegia, but the entire continent. grima could be a force of revenge for the plegians, finally striking back at ylisse.
but instead the villains are all just zany tropey bad guys. chrom can be as introspective as he wants about killing people, the only boss people actually feel bad for killing is still mustafa and nobody else. depth for some of the other bosses comes from henry's supports of all places. In his ricken support, he talks about how some of the bosses were actually his friends. That's interesting! How do Henry and Tharja feel abandoning their own countrymen? Both of them were part of Gangrel's forces!
This is just a huge FE problem in general. It's where story and gameplay clash. in order for there to be gameplay, there need to be people to fight, and that can't always be justified in the story. So very very often, between big story moments, there'll just be Random Brigands who LOOOOVE burning down villages for fun. fucking. binding blade does random brigands better through its own thief characters. hell, there's two recruitable brigands. through supports and story stuff, it's incredibly clear that the brigands exist because of war profiteers and lycia's rampant poverty, especially in its capital of ostia.
avenues for depth in awakening tend to fall flat, but the implications are still there. I'm particularly mad about Aversa's spotpass thing. Like yeahhh she didn't do any of this of her own volition she was just brainwashed :) fuck off man.
and before that, she's also just a cartoonishly evil puppet master. she wants to revive grima.. why exactly?
basically all chapter bosses besides VERY few of them are so unremarkable. they're just Random Bad Guy who you don't need to feel bad for killing. three houses attempted to do an all sides view, and it. hm. it sure tried. all around, the series is hesitant to ever let the player question if what they're doing is right. the player always needs to be the hero. that's why you have so many varieties of brainless zombies to slaughter en masse, generic bandits who Deserve To Die, and devoted soldiers who cannot be reasoned with.
though, tbh, the moments where you feel like shit for playing the map are the fucking best. ch23 of binding blade, you are so cool thematically. and like, everybody remembers mustafa! it works!
that was a long tirade. i think i've made my point. maybe.
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airlock · 8 months
CYL8 Nerding - Internal Bottom 10
y'know, last year, the least voted character in CYL had just 2 votes to his name, so I thought this might be the first year we ever see a character get 0 votes!
this did not happen -- our least voted character this year has 1 vote. fucking incredible. anyway, shall we go all-in on this year's biggest losers?
AKANEIA #1: Dice, also Roberto (3 votes) #3: Reiden (6 votes) #4: we all still think of Luke as a small fry (11 votes) #5: Frost (13 votes) #6: Malledus (16 votes) #7: Boah (17 votes) #8: Roderick, also Belf, also Ymir (18 votes)
VALENTIA #1: Tatarrah, also Garth (3 votes) #3: Dolth (4 votes) #4: Barth, also Jerome (6 votes) #6: Grieth (7 votes) #7: Halcyon (11 votes) #8: Slayde, also Blake (15 votes) #10: Marla (16 votes)
JUGDRAL #1: Danann (3 votes) #2: Scipio (4 votes) #3: Hilda, also Halvan (8 votes) #5: Sandima, also Alva, also Perne (10 votes) #8: Munnir (11 votes) #9: Tristan, also Deimne, also Safy (12 votes)
ELIBE #1: Lundgren (6 votes) #2: Zelot, also FE7!Murdock (8 votes) #4: FE6!Merlinus (10 votes) #5: Desmond, also FE6!Murdock (11 votes) #6: Hellene (14 votes) #7: Barthe (18 votes) #8: Saul (19 votes) #9: Fargus, also Durban (20 votes)
MAGVEL #1: Riev (8 votes) #2: Hayden (11 votes) #3: Rennac, also Vigarde (13 votes) #5: Dozla (26 votes) #6: Fado (28 votes) #7: Caellach (33 votes) #8: Orson (41 votes) #9: Natasha (42 votes) #10: Tethys (43 votes)
TELLIUS #1: Muston (1 vote) #2: Bertram (3 votes) #3: Daniel and Jorge twinning it the FUCK up (4 votes) #5: Hetzel (6 votes) #6: Kasatai (8 votes) #7: Bastian (10 votes) (I'M ONE OF THEM. YOU ABSOLUTE DASTARDS--) #8: Ludveck (12 votes) #9: Izuka (13 votes) #10: Numida (14 votes)
YLISSE #1: Cervantes (14 mustache hairs) #2: Validar (16 votes) #3: Phila (17 votes) #4: Kjelle (24 votes) #5: Flavia and Basilio sitting under a tree, F-I-G-H-T-I-N-G (25 votes) #7: Mustafa, also Excellus (31 votes) #9: Brady (33 votes) #10: Yen'fay (37 votes)
TMS#FE #1: Teru & Garrick (8 votes) #2: Kuen & Excellus (11 votes) #3: Chikaomi & Lon'qu (12 votes) #4: Chouten & Pheros (13 votes) #5: Nobu & Gangrel (19 votes)
HOSHIDO/NOHR #1: Tarba (7 votes) #2: Zhara, also Lloyd (8 votes) #4: Fuga (9 votes) #5: Llewelyn (11 votes) #6: Funke (12 votes) #7: Senno (15 votes) #8: Hans (17 votes) #9: Daichi (24 votes) #10: Arete, also Kumagera (30 votes)
FÓDLAN #1: Tomas, also Gwendal (4 votes) #3: Lonato (5 votes) #4: Pallardó (6 votes) #5: Aelfric (8 votes) #6: Ludwig aka Duke Aegir (9 votes) #7: Solon (11 votes) #8: Kostas (12 votes) #9: Volkhard aka Lord Arundel (13 votes) #10: Grégoire aka Count Varley (16 votes)
ELYOS #1: Hyacinth (38 votes) #2: Seforia (68 votes) (god dammit I knew I should have voted for her--) #3: Saphir (74 votes) (I DID VOTE FOR HER THOUGH YOU ABSOLUTE--) #4: Lindon (97 votes) #5: Morion (142 votes) #6: Bunet, also Zephia (158 votes) #8: Marni (187 votes) #9: not Marni (201 votes) (ie Madeline btw) #10: Vander (215 votes)
ZENITH #1: Ganglöt (50 votes) #2: Hel (69 votes) (nice) #3: Ótr (77 votes) #4: Nótt (88 votes) #5: Freyr (91 votes) #6: Ylgr (94 votes) #7: Múspell (116 votes) #8: Reginn (121 votes) #9: Letizia (122 votes) #10: Gustav (148 votes)
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omgkalyppso · 9 months
19, 20, and 21 for the fire emblem asks please!
o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o Thank you for the ask! adskfjhalkd You really picked The Hard Ones, it looks like.
19. Come up with an idea for a new FE game!
Hm. What story elements of these games do I like? asjdgfajsdhg
I want to play a dragon again, is that allowed? Oh, and a bit like Esc/aflowne. How about Fire Emblem: Ancient Knight?
We have a village of manaketes, dragons in the sky, humans on the ground, and maybe 6 characters introduced. The protagonist, two of his friends (red and green knight coded), his sister who is a queen or high priest or something, a short old man who is mostly there as exposition, and his uncle who is a red dragon so we know he's probably going to be evil.
It's the protagonist's birthday, twenty or a hundred, pick a fun coming of age for a manakete.
You can train with your friends ahead of a ceremony where you'll be granted a Special Dragonstone because of your association to your sister, you can explore the temple where tales of a great manakete of ages past defeated three great armies to protect your people. This manakete had some symbol associated with themself, and their powers of divination. They foretold that one day, some thousands of years from the time of their prophecy, that a dragon would have this same symbol upon their face at the time of their coming of age, and would spell the doom of their kind. The champion of the past often lamented that there was nothing they, themself could do to stop it, and so they spent all their many years bringing their people to prosperity.
Your sister confided in you that when your uncle was born that many suspected he would be the one to portend this fate, but it hadn't been so.
Your friends will ask if you're worried about it.
And well, you should be. You have your ceremony and this symbol either glows in the air or marks itself on your skin, and your uncle in an effort to save your people will try to take your life. Your sister will sacrifice herself to save you, pressing Her Dragonstone into you (mouth, open wound, magically into your chest? whatever we're comfortable with), and when you take a step, the earth around you falls away. You can hold your friends to you as you go, you watch your uncle dive into the blackness after you.
And then we're several thousand years in the past. Help the leader of some country make peace with the local manaketes while fighting off invaders, preparing for the armies you know will come / that you prophesize, realizing that you are the ancient knight, and that the greatest of your enemies will attempt to crush you with the aid of a red dragon.
One of the outposts you find is a volcanic, harsh territory, and here you recognize the shapes of the temple where you were once a boy. Where you will build your altar and rest your heart / Dragonstone after your passing, for yourself to find. Your people were never doomed, you have no idea what they're doing without you. Given the opportunity, would you go back? Who would these people, and generations of your kind have to look to, if not to you and the legends you're capable of.
At least one big failure because tails get embellished in history. You don't always know what the future will bring.
You can change your class, but only manaketes can see through the fog of war and maybe some other neat tricks.
20. Any ideas for crossovers or aus?
I still want something like an awakening sequel if I'm honest. With as few as possible character references or cameos. I just want to go back to Ylisse and Plegia and find out the future of the Taguel people!
That's not really an answer. Um. Fates AU where the time travelling trio have plot relevance.
21. Characters from different FE games you would like to see interact? How do you think it would go?
I'd like to see Panne interact with someone from a beast race whose people are thriving. I liked @recurringwriter putting Virion and Lorenz in the same orbit, they make good friends / rivals. I'd like Mustafa and Nader (and Seteth) to sit down for tea. I'd like Eir to meet a bunch of the three houses cast, I sometimes think of her x Lorenz.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Regarding the “Awakening's a toxic male fantasy” anon, more specifically their “no good people die as a result of Chrom's war, only bad and/or ugly ones” point; did they forget about Mustafa and Yen'fay?
Mustafa only fought Chrom because he knew Gangrel would kill his family if he didn't, tried to convince him and his army to surrender, promising to do as much as he could to ensure that they'd be treated well while in captivity, gave his own soldiers the chance to leave if they didn't have the heart to fight anymore after Emmeryn's sacrifice, promising to take the blame for himself if they did, and his last words are him begging Chrom to spare his soldiers, a request Chrom very likely ignores due to how angry he is at that point in the story; how is that not the game showing that good people are dying as a direct result of Chrom going on the offense against Gangrel and Plegia?
Ditto for Yen'fay; the guy was forced to watch as his country and parents were butchered in front of him, had to throw away his honor and pride in order to obey Walhart due to Excellus using Say'ri as a hostage to keep him in check, spending years working for someone he hated and doing things that went completely against his moral code, all in the hopes that Say'ri might one day grow strong enough to take down Walhart, hopefully killing him in the process and causing her to spend the rest of her life thinking of Yen'fay as nothing more than a coward who bent the knee to Walhart immediately just to save his own skin, instead of a leader who knew he was outmatched against an overwhelming force and did what he had to do to ensure that Chon'sin still had some chance of recovering and beating back Valm, which would have broken her spirit had she found out after killing him, which is what exactly what happens when Excellus snitches on him to Say'ri after she's already killed him. If Chrom hadn't chosen to aid Chon'sin and go to war against Valm, Yen'fay, a good and honorable person, might not have had to die, so that's yet another hole in that argument.
As for their “you only kill men from the enemy side and only recruit women from the enemy side, with the reason for said women's recruitment being that they hadn't found the right man yet” point; while it's true that every boss in the main chapters (aside from Aversa IIRC) that you fight and kill is a man, that's more to do with the fact that men, for admittedly stupid reasons, are seen as the expendable gender in a lot of fiction, especially video games, and are first on the chopping block whenever IS needs a throwaway boss with little to no characterization that only differs from actual faceless mooks due to having a unique portrait and name, and that only exist due to franchise tradition requiring that most chapters in FE have a souped-up enemy stronger than the rest of the army that you can kill, optionally or not; at best, i can see said tradition being misandric, but not misogynistic.
The recruitment point is objectively wrong tho. The only enemy defectors in base Awakening are Henry and Tharja, and Tharja only joins because she doesn't think Plegia's going to win the war and doesn't want to die fighting for a cause she doesn't believe in nor thinks she can accomplish, not because of anything to do with Chrom or Robin; at worst, her obsession with Robin comes out of nowhere and is never explained despite said obsession becoming one of her defining gimmicks after she joins the party, but that's an issue with bad character-writing, not anything to do with gender, especially when she's just as much of an obssessive stalker towards a female Robin as she is towards a male one.
If we bring Spotpass into this discussion, things get even worse; the male-to-female ratio in terms of enemy recruits skyrockets from 1-to-1 (Henry and Tharja) into 4-to-2 (Henry, Walhart, Gangrel and Yen'fay vs Tharja and Aversa, the latter of which also doesn't join because of a man). I'll be good faith here and assume that they're ignoring DLC, but it's still funny that the argument is wrong on such a foundational level if you take Spotpass into account.
For the one good point made by anon, i do agree that it's fucked up that Awakening doesn't acknowledge the fact that Chrom just leaving Plegia to fend for itself after invading it and killing it's king is a pretty dickish thing to do, especially when he could have just annexed the country at that point and at least tried to stop it from falling into chaos until Validar took over, but then people would have just criticized Awakening as promoting imperialism for daring to suggest that an impoverished, war-torn country ruled over by corrupt politicians only interested in their own self-benefit might need a lot of outside help to recover from it's horrific conditions and can't solve every internal issue alone, so it was damned if they did and damned if they didn't for IS.
Nothing to add, I haven't played FE13 in a bit, so I can't really say much. Interesting points!
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mygainyear2024 · 3 months
Day 79 Heading to the desert
Today we start our private four day tour with Mustafa from Colourful Morocco Tours, Marrakesh to Fes. I had another terrible nights' sleep with a consistent headache so I may have missed some interesting sights as I couldn’t keep my eyes open 🥴 Mustafa said I missed “road”. But what I saw out the window was really interesting, a photographer's dream. I did ask a couple of times to stop to take pictures of green doors in Boumalne Dades, near where we are staying, but either it got lost in translation or Mustafa doesn't understand my obsession with doors! He said "you'll see a lot"! But I wanted to take pictures of the best ones!!
First stop was a picture opportunity of the High Atlas Mountains, which we drove through.
Then onto a local argan co-operative where Rose and I tasted argan oil with bread, interesting, a bit tasteless really, we also tried the local honey and almond butter with argan, which was very good. We purchased lip balm and hair masks.
Next stop the famous Aït Benhaddou which was used as a site in films and tv series such as Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiator, Game of Thrones and the Amazing Race Australia 6! Our guide said that all residents left the ksar and moved to a neighbouring area and the original Unesco town is used for business, although we did not see it thriving as many businesses are still closed due to Eid public holidays. Rose declined the walk to the view point at the top 😳
I had the best chicken pastilla at a nearby restaurant, with icing sugar and cinnamon on top, and not fried and we also tasted Moroccan olive oil. It does have a different flavour to the Italian oil I'm used to, but it is still good. I have asked Mustafa if we might pass an area to buy some. It is usually harvested late in the year, so let's hope they are not sold out or closed.
On to Ouarzazate and the Atlas Movie Studios. We decided not to spend an hour inside the studio but had a look from outside.
We drove through the Valley of the Roses, which I imagine is spectacular in May (so for those looking for travel tips, I'd definitely recommend adding this to your list at the right time of year). I asked if we could stop at a co-operative to view the products, but sadly they were closed too. Mustafa also didn’t stop so I could take a picture. I’m going to be more assertive tomorrow 😂
What has been noticeable, when I was awake, was the quality build of all the mosques in every village compared to the state of the village itself. In some small places there was a mosque on either side of the road. Mustafa said the government pay for the mosques to be constructed. And the storks and their huge nests are here as well, using the mosque as home.
Overnight we’re staying at Sultan Dades which overlooks the city of Boumaine Dades. It’s quite windy. They have an unairconditioned gym! While I was in the gym Rose went with Mustafa and a friend of his to find vapes, I just asked for water 😂
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hi to chrom hater anon i'm a professional chrom enjoyer
if you get deranged enough about awakening i think chrom is a very well done character :) he's ignorant but well meaning which meshes in interesting ways. he's not overtly prejudiced to the plegians he knows personally but still *generally* prejudiced because of his upbringing.
additionally in discussions of the ylisse-plegia war he tends to focus on how ylisse came away from it because that state of ylisse is what shaped his formative childhood years (seen particularly in his feelings about emmeryn's early years as exalt). this is UNDERSTANDABLE but still an extremely DEEPLY FLAWED and naive stance when doing politics on a larger scale, which chrom is incredibly ill-prepared for. it's a very childish view of a large scale conflict.
chrom's propensity for violence is a trait that actually deeply fascinates me. he has intense admiration for emmeryn's desire for peace yet he has a very short temper in tense situations (seen in basically all of chrom's interactions with gangrel), and he tends to lash out easily at anyone he views as an enemy. he admires peace but sees no other means to achieve it than violence. isn't that interesting. the implications here. like, he's the inheritor of the falchion, he's the only son in his family, in all likelihood it was expected that HE would take the throne and continue his father's war, but he was so young when the exalt passed that the crown went to emmeryn instead.
it really seems like emmeryn intentionally kept her siblings away from politics, which results in BOTH of them being naive in vastly different ways, with the expectation that she would always shoulder the burden of the crown yet left all the bigger a void when she died.
mind, intentionally being raised to behave this way isn't an excuse either. it's ultimately still something chrom, as an adult, SHOULD examine critically. this is, in fact, a character flaw, and i think its great.
you can then of course do nice little compare and contrast at the shitty dads, i.e. chrom's dad vs validar. robin's first act as an awakened god is murdering validar. robin became the monster everyone saw them as, the one their father thinks they were born to be. it's a neat lil nature vs nurture comparison if you really get into the depths of grima-ology (hi grima ✌️ mutuals).
to dig more into points the chrom hater anon makes.
"chrom is transphobic for killing excellus" do you hear yourself. excellus was an enemy commander. chrom has no personal grievances against the commanders other than they are part of the army with the known intent to raze ylisse.
SAME WITH ROBIN BURNING DOWN THE BOATS. THEY ARE AT WAR. IF ROBIN DIDNT DO THAT THEY'D ALL GET KILLED. they would have to fight the valm forces ON FOOT and BE KILLED VIOLENTLY because they are vastly outnumbered. it would be weird if he WASN'T at least happy about this.
he could stand to be regretful about the massive loss of human life but honestly hashtag robin warcrimes W.
"chrom makes sure to only recruit white ylisseans" i think this is just dev colorism actually. like you know how robin's dad (who is evil) is brown, but robin (who is good) is white? and how that makes no sense and robin should logically also be brown? i dont think chrom would've turned down if like, mustafa joined him. it is simply that intsys was still in their racism era (which is, tbh, only really ended with engage, like, cmon, look at literally all of FE, this isn't a chrom flaw, it's a FE being racist flaw.)
same with the sexism things actually FE is just homophobic and sexist a lot so all the characters are also by extension. this is called doylist analysis
Chrom tells Aversa "One person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions" Chrom is a hypocrite i hope this helps. additionally what aversa is doing is "help the dark god literally causing the apocalypse rn" whereas the sacrifice/save robin choice is "doom people in some hypothetical far off future" which is FAR less personal than "all of humanity RIGHT NOW".
TLDR: the real chrom enjoyers know about his character flaws and love him anyway because it's nice flavor to chew on
also never insult my beautiful daughter lucina ever again. she is deeply compelling even if she is narratively underutilized. anyone who calls themself a chrom fan and hates lucina is a faker and will not survive the winter.
also learn the difference between flaws of the story's writing and flaws of the character otherwise everybody in awakening is sexist.
anon you should read chrom/grima fanfiction unironically we fucking love tearing this dude to shreds for his flaws. this has all been a ploy to say that. chrom is naive and selfish and hypocritical and i love him very much he is my wif e :)
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cchiroquesblog · 5 months
El genio del antiguo egipcio ¿Qué es esta pirámide para ser una de las siete maravillas del mundo? Te lo estoy diciendo
No es sólo la forma de la pirámide, longitud o tamaño lo que confunde a la gente y deja que muera y conozca sus secretos… Hay otras cosas que son importantes conocerlas para saber lo poderosos y genios que son los antiguos egipcios.
Una piedra en la pirámide pesa entre 2 toneladas y 15 toneladas 🔺 El número de piedras pirámide es de alrededor de 2 millones y 600 mil piedras 🔺 La altura de la pirámide es 149.4, el rascacielos tiene unas 48 capas 🔺 🔺️El peso del granito en el techo de la habitación del rey pesa 70 toneladas Bueno esto salió arriba imagina 70 toneladas 😳 🔺 La altura de la pirámide es de 149,4 metros y la distancia entre la Tierra y el Sol es de 149,4,4 millones de kilómetros ¡¿Es posible que esto sea una coincidencia?! El lugar de la pirámide está exactamente en el texto en relación a los cinco continentes 🔺 🔺️El pasillo de entrada a la pirámide se refiere a la estrella del Polo Norte y el pasillo interior se refiere a la estrellas de poesía yemení Sabes que 🔺️Si pones un pedazo de carne en la habitación del rey .. La carne se seca y no cae mal 😐
🔺️Si pones una maquinilla fría y la dejas por cierto número de horas, vuelve nitida otra vez 🔺️ Si colocas cualquier planta de plántula dentro de la pirámide, crece más grande de lo que crece fuera de ella 🔺️Los alrededores de la pirámide tienen la misma altura = 3,14 La habitación del rey y su ataúd tienen una sección perímetro cada uno a la altura es el mismo resultado 3.14
¿¿¿¿¿Es todo esto una coincidencia??!!
La pirámide más grande para el sistema astronómico se encuentra bajo la estrella más grande en el cielo 🔺
🔺️La pirámide fue iluminada por la noche porque fue pintada con un cierto material que refleja la luz y el fondo de la pirámide, además de la grandeza de los antiguos egipcios en colocar rocas extendidas a la corriente del Nilo construida en el suelo por la dinámica) Clásico influenciado por el movimiento de las rocas para mover el agua subterránea en su centro y resultando en el movimiento generando energía eléctrica para hacer que la pirámide se ilumine igual que un neón. 🔺️ La Gran Pirámide fue un centro de energía positiva y todavía estaba conectada al mundo de la astronomía Los antiguos egipcios creían en un mito que dice (la sabiduría fue enviada por Dios desde el cielo en el lugar de la pirámide) 🔺️Sabías que las columnas de Abu Sanbel fueron encontradas tallas de aviones, submarinos y micro dibujos como el esperma de un ser humano a pesar de ser un ser microscópico preciso que puedo ver a simple vista como el faraón supo esto ..
🔺️ No hay ni una sola evidencia de que los antiguos egipcios usen magia .. Solo una leyenda del mago Habesha grabada en las columnas .. 🔺️Los planes y entrenamiento del viejo ejército egipcio comenzaron por el joven que insultó al rey Qadesh y dijo que no podemos tomar Egipto excepto en el rey de este joven .. Y reunió a todos los países asiáticos con él para atacar Egipto… La inteligencia de Egipto en el Reino de Qadesh, sabe cómo estar emocionado por lo que piensa el Rey de Qadeh… En ese momento, la doctrina militar egipcia era sólo para defensa, no para ataques. Y el primer centro de defensa y campamentos del este del Sinaí en lugar de llevar la creencia de la defensa a la ofensiva, fue a Asia y derrotó a 23 ejércitos y al rey de Qadish. Del episodio del programa Secretos de las Pirámides, Ciencia y Fe, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud
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fefuckability · 1 year
ROUND 1: Mustafa vs. Gerome
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gundemarsivi · 10 months
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Mazhar Müfit Kansu
✍🏻 Yılmaz Dikbaş
Atatürk’ün bir elin parmakları kadar az devrimci arkadaşlarından biriydi Mazhar Müfit Kansu.
1872 yılında Denizli’de doğdu. Bundan, günü gününe tam 75 yıl önce, 12 Kasım 1948’de İstabul’da öldü.
Ölümünün 75.yıl dönümünde devrimci Mazhar Müfit Kansu’yu kısaca tanıyalım:
• Mülkiye Mektebi’nden yani Siyasal Bilgilerden mezun oldu.
• Gelibolu ve Edirne liselerinde Tarih ve Matematik öğretmenliği yaptı.
• Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerinde kaymakamlık ve valilik yaptı.
• Erzurum’da Mustafa Kemal ile tanıştı. Atatürk ölünceye kadar yakın arkadaşlığı sürdü. Erzurum Kongresi’ne Bitlis Delegesi olarak katıldı.
• Sivas Kongresi’nde Hakkâri Delegesiydi.
• Ziraat Bankası Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği yaptı.
• Son Osmanlı Meclisi’nde Hakkâri mebusu oldu.
• Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 1., 2., 3. ve 4. dönem milletvekiliydi.
Meclis’in 1. döneminde İçişleri Bakanı larak görev yaptı.
• İstiklal Mahkemelerinde (Bağımsızlık Mahkemeleri) başkan oldu.
• Mustafa Kemal ile birlikte olduğğu zamanlardaki olaylarla ilgil özel notlar tutmuş olan Mazhar Müfit Kansu, “Erzurum’dan Ölümüne Kadar Atatürk’le Beraber” adıyla, anılarını bir gazetede yayınladı. Bu anılar 1960’da, Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafından iki cilt olarak basıldı.
Mazhar Müfit Kansu anlatyor:
Erzurum Kongresi yapıldığı dönemlerde Mustafa Kemal ile arasında şu konuşma geçiyor:
“Mazhar not defterin yanında mı?”
“Hayır paşam.”
“Zahmet olacak ama bir merdiveni inip çıkacaksın. Al gel.”
Mazhar Müfit Kansu aşağıya gidip elinde not defteriyle döner.
Mustafa Kemal konuşmayı sürdürür:
“Ama bu defterin, bu yaprağını kimseye göstermeyeceksin. Sonuna kadar gizli kalacak. Bir ben, bir sen, bir de Kalem Mahsus Müdürü Süreyya bileceksiniz, şartım bu…”
Elbette Mazhar Müfit bu şartı kabul eder.
Atatürk “Öyleyse tarih koy” der..
28 Temmuz, 1919 Sabaha karşı.
“Pekâlâ, yaz” diyerek devam eder.
“Zaferden sonra Hükümet biçimi Cumhuriyet olacaktır… Bu bir. İki: Padişah ve Haneden hakkında zamanı gelince gereken işlem yapılacaktır. Üç: Fes kalkacak, uygar milletler gibi şapka giyilecektir.”
Bu anda kalem Kansu’nun elinden düşüverir. Mustafa Kemal’in yüzüne bakar. O da onun yüzüne bakmaktadır..
Kansu, Gazi Paşa ile zaman zaman senli benli konuşurdu. Mustafa Kemal sorar:
“Neden duraksadın?” der.
“Darılma ama paşam, sizin hayal peşinde koşan taraflarınız var” diye cevaplar Kansu.
Atatürk güler.
“Bunu zaman gösterir, sen yaz” der ve sürdürür:.
“Dört: Latin harfleri kabul edilecek”
Kansu, Mustafa Kemal’in sözünü keser:
“Paşam yeter yeter…” der
Mazhar Bey. Biraz da hayal ile uğraşmaktan bıkmış bir insanın davranışı ile:
“Cumhuriyet ilanını başarmış olalım da üst tarafı yeter” der…
Daha sonrasını Kansu’nun cümleleriyle dinleyelim…
Defterimi kapattım. “Paşam sabah oldu. Siz oturmaya devam edeceksiniz, hoşça kalın” dedim. Yanından ayrıldım. Gerçekten gün ağarmıştı. O anda olayların beni nasıl aldattığını ve Mustafa Kemal’i doğruladığını ve Mustafa Kemal’in beni nasıl bir cümle ile yıllar sonra susturduğunu tarih önünde açıklamalıyım…
Aradan yıllar geçmişti…
Çankaya’da akşam yemeklerinde birkaç defa:
“Bu Mazhar Müfit yok mu, kendisine Erzurum’da şapka giyilecek, Latin harfleri kabul edilecek dediğim ve bunları not etmesini söylediğim zaman, defterini koltuğunun altına almış ve bana hayal peşinde koştuğumu söylemişti” demekle kalmadı, bir gün önemli bir ders daha verdi.
Şapka devrimini açıklamış olarak Kastamonu’ndan dönüyordu. Ankara’ya geldiği zaman da otomobille eski meclis binası önünden geçiyordu. Ben de kapı önünde bulunuyordum.. Beni yanına çağırdı ve şöyle dedi:
“Azizim Mazhar Bey, kaçıncı maddedeyiz? Notlarına bakıyor musun?”
Önceden randevu alan Müfit Kansu, Vahdettin ile görüşmek üzere Dolmabahçe sarayına gider.
İlk söze başlayan Vahdettin olur:
“Heyeti Temsiliye benim tacı saltanatımın pırlantalarıdır. Allah sizden razı olsun, vatan ve milleti ve saltanatı ve hilafeti kurtardınız. Mustafa Kemal Paşa hazretleri inşallah afiyettedirler, İstanbul’u teşrif etmeye¬cekler mi? Kendisiyle mülakata hasretim.”
Müfit Kansu şaşırmıştır. Heyeti Temsiliye tacının pırlantası mı imiş? Paşa ile mülakata hasretmiş! Onun için mi hurucu sultana karşı çıkan, asi, bâğî diye idamımıza fetvalar çıkartmış ve Kuvayı Milliye’nin imhası için elinden gelen bütün mel’aneti icra etmişti! Şöyle böyle bir cevap ile mukabelede bulundum. Fakat bu derece mürai ve yalancı bir padişahın karşısında bulunmak doğrusu nefret ve istikrahımı bir kat daha arttırmıştı. Nihayet: “Beyefendi, düşmandan memleketimizi kurtarmak için ne gibi çare düşünüyorsunuz?” dedi.
O zaman Bursa henüz Yunanlılar tarafından işgal edilmemişti. Ben de: “Efendimizin Anadolu’ya ve hatta Bursa’ya kadar teşrifleriyle mesele hallolunur.” dedim.
Buna cevaben : “Ne suretle?” dedi.
“Çünkü halk padişahlarını başlarında görürse bir kıyamı umumi olur ki, düşman buna mukavemet edemez.” dedim.
Fakat bu sözüm Vahdettin’in hiddetine neden oldu.
Sert bir tavırla ayağa kalktı :
“Beyefendi, ecdadı izamımın payitahtından bana firar mı teklif ediyorsunuz?” demesi üzerine: “Hayır, milletin ve vatanın bu sıkışık ve zor zamanında ecdadı izamınız gibi milletin başına geçmenizi teklif ediyorum.” dedim. Ben de bunu galiba biraz sert söylemiş olacağım ki Vahdettin cevap vermeyerek başını sağa doğru çevirdi ve denize bakmaya başladı, ben de kapı hizasında duran Yaver Paşaya baktım; bir işaretle mülakatın son bulduğunu, odadan çıkmak lazım geldiğini anlattı.
Odadan çıktım…
Değerli Dostlar,
Atatürk’ün yakın arkadaşı devrimci Mazhar Müfit Kansu’yu ölümünün 75. yılında sevgi, saygı ve özlemle anıyorum…
Yılmaz Dikbaş
12 Kasım 2023, Pazar
0532 233 31 52
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