himitsutsubasa · 1 year
I started reading orv in part because of you
Congratulations or I’m sorry for your loss, whichever is more applicable.
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runaway-timeout · 1 year
Song Tag
Tagged by: @midnightisquiet
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people
R- rie y llora (celia cruz)
U- unfaithful (Rihanna)
N - nothing matters (the last dinner party)
A- animals (the cab)
W- w.i.t.c.h (devon cole)
A- about damn time (lizzo)
Y- you’re so fucking pretty (the regrettes)
T- this is me (greatest showman)
I- if I hated you (fletcher)
M- Misery Business (paramore)
E- ella y yo (aventura don omar)
O- one in a million (Aaliyah)
U- unsaid emily (Julie and the phantoms)
T- temporary bliss (the cab)
I know my taste is all over the place but I got a song for every occasion
@mustardprecum @harrynochill @poetry-protest-pornography @andromxche @violentcheese @fridakahloblvd @1stbonesfan
Also if you’ve been following me for a while I definitely recognize your name so please do this if you’d like ❤️
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quitebizarre · 2 years
Tagged by @mustardprecum
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am not.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I think when I watch GDT's Pinocchio on netflix end of last year. That film had me sobbing. At least I think that's the last time I cried...
3. Do you use sarcasm?
Oh absolutely.
4. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Face, I guess? Though I pretty much immediately look away because aisyfbdixhcsj eye contact 😬
5. What’s your eye color?
6. Scary movie or happy ending?
Love a happy ending, especially if it can make me cry. But sometimes ya just want a tragic ending too, ya know?
7. Any special talents?
I can draw and I'm good at rerooting and repainting dolls. I am slowing getting better at making doll wigs too, I guess.
8. Where were you born?
UK (🥲)
9. What are your hobbies?
Walking in the woods, doll repaints and miniature painting, watercolour painting
10. Do you have any pets?
I had pet fish when I was a kid but nothing ever since :( 
11. What sports do you play/have played?
I did karate when I was younger. But then work and college and then uni got in the way so I had to stop.
12. How tall are you?
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
Art was okay, food tech (except my teacher fucking sucked), media studies
14.  Dream job?
I do not have a dream job because I don't want to work.
Tagging: @eyesupmarksman @clockworkclown91 @phynali
Don't feel like you have to do it ❤️
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mustardprecum · 5 months
Thanks for finally giving me context to what mustardprecum means... Never really thought about it but it should have been obvious.
Now everything makes sense.
Tumblr media
it narrowly beat out mustardbukkake~
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krissielee · 2 years
Tagged by @mustardprecum <3 
1. Are you named after anyone?: Nope! My mom wanted to name me Laura, after my grandmother--which would also have made me a 13th generation Laura Lee which would’ve been kind of awesome--but my dad didn’t want me named after her. Then my mom suggested Krystal, but my dad didn’t want me named after a rock. So they altered it further and here I am! Fun side note: my middle name was also going to be Kathleen, and my last name also starts with a K, so I am very happy my parents realised that was a few too many K’s in a row!
2. When was the last time you cried?: I cried ... recently. I don’t even remember what about, but I got hit with nostalgia and cried. I think I was reading a book where the MC’s mom is gone and I missed my mom.
3. Do you use sarcasm?: Noooooo, never! lol
4. What's the first thing you notice about people?: Smile.
5. What's your eye color?: Light brown
6. Scary movie or happy ending?: Yes
7. Any special talents?: Probably. What sort of talent are we talking about? I have perfect pitch on the flute, which is kind of awesome. I play the accordion? I tap? I can fence? I can recall a lot of random trivia?
8. Where were you born?: California
9. What are your hobbies?: Writing, video games, reading, watching movies, knitting
10. Do you have any pets?: Two dumb old puppies that I love with everything and two guinea pigs we took in when my niece needed to rehome them somewhere they’d be loved.  
11. What sports do you play/have played?: I don’t sport now, but I have fenced in the past, and I did dance for a while. Also I went curling once and I would absolutely join a league if I had time and money
12. How tall are you?: 5′5″
13. What was your favorite subject in school?: Well, when I hit college and got to take anthropology and ASL, I’d say I hit my stride. Ended up getting degrees in both of them, among others.
14.  Dream job?: Acting. Not even necessarily anything big, just enough to keep me living comfortably. Otherwise, something where I don’t have to deal with people, since working at the high school has made me never want to teach ever again lol
Tagging @machtaholic, @trekkiepirate, @frost-pink, @thisbirdhadflown, and @laissezferre, if y’all’d like!
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neonponders · 3 years
22. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone do in public?, 39. What non-sexual touch affects you the most?, 81. What books influenced you most as a child?
22. What's the weirdest thing you've seen someone do in public?
I'll never forget my middle school art class.
This girl next to me is chewing gum and decides that she just started chewing it, so it shouldn't go to waste, but she doesn't want it anymore. The guy across from us watches her put it. On. Her. Pencil. Eraser, before he offers to take it from her.
Pre-chewed gum.
With pencil eraser shavings in it now.
I will never forget the sight of them passing it to each other across the table we shared. Nor the look of comical astonishment and disgust on the teachers face lol Considering he was a bald man with a handlebar mustache, it was just the weird icing on a gross cake.
He was also the coolest teacher in that school and didn't deserve that nastiness in his class lol but hey, twelve year olds.
39. What non-sexual touch affects you the most?
Okay. I have a bad back (thanks parents) but I also low-key injured myself a couple years ago (piriformis muscle + sciatic nerve pain), AND too much sitting and too much standing just wreck my lumbar lol I do a little yoga/physical therapy every morning and some evenings to deal with it
(which is a pun because the problem is in my butt muscles, but my lower back compensates for it), so if someone just hugs my lower back
OoOoOoOoOohHHHHHHHH. Just, like, hold up the weight of my torso off my pelvis and I'm puddy. Yes, god. It's to the point where I'm so sensitive that just a hand on my lower back makes the squirrel in my brain do back flips.
81. What books influenced you most as a child?
Two words:
I had no business reading those books at age 10 LOL but parents threw a middle finger up at movie ratings and I absorbed the Interview with the Vampire movie into my bloodstream. I'm pretty sure whatever style of writing that I have can be directly traced to those books. I am forever obsessed with vampires, feral love of the most moronic kind, and the occasional murder spree. As a treat.
Get to Know Me Ask Game ~
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gothiethefairy · 3 years
someone linked me a couple posts from your blog so I went ahead and just followed you to cut out the middleman. The quality was as advertised so I continued to follow.
oh jeez, wonder what were the posts lol
were they bad shitposts i made? probably lol
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thedeviljudges · 4 years
Thoughts on the new Animaniacs?
i don’t have hulu so i haven’t watched any of the eps and i’ve yet to find links for it lol but!!! i did watch the trailer ages ago, and the new song, and i really love the animation of it. like, it looks modern but still a throwback, and i’m happy they didn’t go full-out redraws and stuff. that’s one thing i genuinely hate about the cartoon/animation industry is that they’ve really done away with that 2D effect that imo makes it look more natural. idek if that makes any sense at all, but these look exactly like the original except less grainy. plus, it really does look good. it’s the perfect show to really address the nonsense of today’s world, lmao.
can y'all send some asks that are like “thoughts on ______”
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prettyboyporter · 4 years
what were contooters like in the 80s?
A *what* now? lol
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runaway-timeout · 2 years
Tagged by the main one @mustardprecum
1. Are you named after anyone? My middle name is from my great aunt who passed before I was born
2. When was the last time you cried? When I had to drop my favorite aunt at the airport.
3. Do you use sarcasm? It’s my third language
4. What's the first thing you notice about people? Eyes maybe smile
5. What's your eye color? Dark brown
6. Scary movie or happy ending? Depends on the time of month if you get my drift
7. Any special talents? I’m really good at making connections with the random facts I have floating around in my head.
8. Where were you born? Pennsylvania
9. What are your hobbies? Reading and writing for the most part
10. Do you have any pets? 3 birds, two dogs and cat. The cat is my baby! 
11. What sports do you play/have played? I have the coordination of Bambi on ice
12. How tall are you?: 5′4
13. What was your favorite subject in school? History hence what I’m majoring in
14.  Dream job?: I do not dream of labor.(<- same, but if I could get paid to just look things up and not interact with the public, *chef’s kiss*)
I tag (with no pressure!) @harrynochill @midnightisquiet @andromxche @actuallylorelaigilmore
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
Hello friend, I hope you don't mind if I dive right in, as I would love your thoughts on Richie and Eddie running into each other in the parking lot of the Jade Orient and Richie getting one look at Eddie's big ol' eyes before shoving him onto his knees between their parked cars. Eddie's memories aren't entirely kicking in, but kneeling in front of Richie gets the muscle memory going iykwim
Hi honey!! Oh it’s been ages since I last spoke to you! Oh man, okay, I am like literally obsessed with this, to the point where I kinda wanna write a ficlet based on it? 
Imagine that Eddie and Richie get to the Jade at the same time, when the others are all still inside, and they don’t remember each other exactly, but they’re hit with sense memory and all these intense feelings, and before they can even say anything to each other, Richie’s pulling him into a dark little alcove, and shoving Eddie to his knees so he can unzip his jeans and take his cock out. Eddie has no idea what to do but he opens his mouth for Richie, trembling as Richie pushes his huge, hard cock between his lips. Richie fucks Eddie’s mouth right there, outside the Jade, forcing his dick as far as it can go before Eddie’s gagging. 
He does it with a hand in Eddie’s hair, setting the pace as he fucks his hips hard against Eddie’s mouth, until the combination of Eddie’s big brown eyes and the tight heat of his throat has him coming. Eddie swallows all of it, like a good boy, his eyes watering at the corners, and Richie feels another lick of heat go through him at the way Eddie licks a drop of come off his bottom lip. He thinks about dragging the sweet little guy off for a quick fuck in his car, maybe driving back to the town house and getting him in his bed. But then the fog clears and he realises he doesn’t even know this guy, what the fuck is he thinking. He tucks his soft dick back into his jeans and smiles. “I’m Richie,” he says. The pretty man blinks up at him before struggling back to his feet. “I’m Eddie,” he says. And at the back of his head Richie thinks, “Hi Eddie, thanks for blowing me and swallowing my come. Can I come in your ass next time?”
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hartigays · 5 years
you seem like a sweetheart and I just now considered offering to be your 'boyfriend' for the extended family
(not @ me deleting my posts before reading this ask on accident bc i stay deleting posts when i get Too Personal sometimes) ANYWAY i just now considered accepting this offer you are braver than any us marine ilu
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queerbloodyangel · 5 years
☕️ Bill Hader's teeth
OOOOOH.....sir daddys teeth bro listen my first thot immediately was “i want him to bite me” so like. thats just my onion my feelings my single braincell is h*rny on main 
Send me a ☕️ and a topic and I’ll talk about it
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neonponders · 3 years
okokok here is a list of random things: goblet from the dollar store, empty vape, "sobriety?!", overnight rescure. What is the summary for a Harringrove you would write based on these things?
First off:
your 👏🏻 user 👏🏻 name lol incredible.
And maybe it's just the month we're in, but this sounds like a Halloween situation haha I would turn it into a hyper-modern, tacky werewolf fic.
Like Billy uses a wolfsbane vape to stay clear headed but it runs out. Steve's shopping with Dustin for last minute Halloween stuff and puts together a cheap vampire outfit from the dollar store: cape, plastic fangs, and a goblet to drink punch out of.
Alternatively, Dustin is the dungeon master ("Finally, Steve!") for their Halloween campaign and he really wants to play it up. He leaves the dollar store with plastic jewelry and the goblet, thinking he'll look like a medieval crime lord.
Maybe Billy discovers that someone tampered with his vape ("If I get preached at about sobriety one more time, I'll froth at the goddamn mouth.") and now has to get through an unbearably social event while being keyed up.
Halloween. On a full moon. Woof.
And everyone's out and about. So much noise and smells around him. It's like the Fourth of July for the poor hounds in the neighborhood, only it's just him, and he has to take his damn stepsister to her friends' little board game thing.
Fast forward to Billy getting a rare whiff of Steve Harrington. Between his vape, the rest of the moon calendar, and Steve's deodorant, his nose is locked down.
But not tonight.
And Billy does have all night.
Operation: Rescue Steve fails.
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thedeviljudges · 5 years
Billy softly singing Thunderstruck by ACDC to pregnant Steve's belly bump
yISSSSS, billy’s baby is gonna have good taste in music, or at least that’s what he says. steve kinda finds it annoying sometimes because really, billy? this again? and billy just smiles and keeps on singing. steve gets used to it - not because he actually likes it, but if it makes billy happy and it lets the baby get used to billy’s voice, then steve’s certainly not going to stop him. rag on him for his music taste? yes, but he does it outta love.
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prettyboyporter · 4 years
ugh, god you're so cute. I'm gonna fuckin DIE because you're so cute
STOP IT. I LOVE YOU. <3333333
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