#mutal ask
siredisco · 2 months
freemind... He starts the series as a very abrasive but harmless guy. Only experience with guns being watching Top Gun repeatedly. People don't react to his threats, so he makes them often and they don't mean a thing. He's late to work very often. People act like he isn't very good at his job. He goofs off at work.
This character stays pretty consistent for the majority of the first half of the series. Until the chapter Apprehension ends, he takes a while to stop thinking about the fact that he's killing people and that this is the first time he's ever interacted with guns. He's hungry all the time. He considers curling up in a vent and waiting to die and only doesn't because being hungry would be worse.
Then the ambush happens and he goes through the following chapters not really remembering what happened to him, fully willing to kill anyone and everyone he meets the moment he realizes that's adjacent to what he was doing before the ambush, and he's unbothered by the idea of mass murder. Violence ceases to phase him at all.
He is also an incredibly silly person throughout and. Probably has echolalia. He makes goofy noises, meows, beeps (especially when something has just beeped at him), jumps for joy on two occasions, garbles words horribly, likes repeating words until they blend together and barely sound like the originals, that sort of thing. Interestingly, that takes place primarily before the ambush. He's still silly afterwards, but. Different.
He is also horribly /tired./ I can see, as the series goes on, him slipping up and making more stupid mistakes just because he isn't able to think straight. He almost walks into a tripmine because he hasn't slept in two-three days. The last time he was awake for four days in a row, he thought frog people were invading his house.
There's a lot to love about him. I think about him a lot these days.
I have personal ideas that line up with what you said about the echolalia and noises. One of the parts I'm focusing on is the Apprehension/post-Apprehension change, because it's so interesting, especially in ways of coping mechanisms. I have some of my own little theories I'm going to write about (such as- I think he's physically fit but also may have a physically disability/some type of chronic pain. Purely because of his eye loss and drug use history. It's in my brain all the time as a human with chronic pain, but cannon is sorta different, so we'll see if it comes up).
He's my choice because of how interesting and complex he is as a person. His family relationships, his reactions (lack-there-of), the pirate episode (so important), and speech patterns/ how he talks to/ about others. It's all so. . . In my mind. All day. Your notes specifically get him more in brain, because they're so good and helpful because I don't have to time to watch every episode again for this (but I'm watching it congruently).
This is such a good view overall. The hunger part is something I brought up in a short answer I wrote for this same class a week~ish ago. I get to go crazy and this just provides me more food-for-thought. Yaay thank you.
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plantdadftm · 6 days
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My favorite thank you!!!! I love it!!!!
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peppiekorn · 26 days
help me afford groceries and rides to work
hi, i know i’ve made dono posts before and i’m sorry to ask for money once again. my older sister financially abuses me heavily, often making me pay for entire bills on my own when she has two teenage children in the house. she forces me to split bills 50/50, when i get paid pretty much half the amount she does. i got a raise recently, but she forced me to foot an entire 100 bill, so my funds were depleted entirely.
i am on food stamps, but it’s never enough because her children eat my groceries often .
i am in the process of getting ready to move in with a friend in a different state. but until then, i need to get to my job and afford groceries and get supplies to keep my dog safe . ( i need to get her a muzzle, a collar, and a new leash. ) i only have her because my dad passed away and left me her.
i am so sorry to ask for so much, but it’s only because i’m trying not to make multiple posts about this because i am extremely embarrassed.
$0 / $400
cashapp / venmo / paypal / commission post
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mishoarts · 1 month
I've been thinking about something,
How do you guys visualize me when I talk to you through internet?
Like-,, do you IMAGINE how I look like??
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valen-32 · 3 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck 👍
@magulayy bro ur art style is so fucking cool, props to the new castleaudios fanart + cool skeleton fella!
@frenchiefitzhere I looooooovvveeee the corollary series, genius for making it :-) (confirmed best mother figure)
@dollscircus hehehe I love ur ranger and Claire content you make them seem so silly (bcs they are)
@echovale052 bro ur my first ever tumblr mutal I love ur ocs sm they are wicked cool! (And in general ur so fun to talk to, make my day evertime!)
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garrandia · 1 year
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any day now
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freakdoodles · 6 months
Quickly shoves this in ur pocket and runs on all fours away
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Grabs you
Tucking you into bed gently and reading you a bedtime story
Thank you dear sock in law
Love ya goober/p
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mertylmylove · 2 months
How about this? Helbram's birthday is coming up soon (May 5th), do you have any thoughts, headcanons, or anything involving him?
Helbram headcanons💛🏵🌻🌼🐤
Author note💛🌼:Heyy and yes of course i got headcanons hope you like it!💛
Tag💛🏵: @overlyimmersed
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When it is his birthday he makes sure to remind everyone so they won't forgot his birthday.
It is his birthday has too only be about him only HIM nobody can take the attention from him or else.
This dude won't hesitate to shove thousands pieces the cake up his fat ass ,AND he still not full.
Helbrams wants many presents for his birthday because he dersves all of the presents in workd because he the queen.💅🏻
Helbram celebrates with everyone their a huge party ,everyone drinks until they past out.
Feel free to send more asks/request💛~
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Are people allowed to request more than one creature?
If so please consider sham hatwitch from the dragon quest series ^^
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Yes absolutely!!!That is 1000% okay as long as it doesnt become spam (my definition is like ~5 requests for 2 or more of the same guy in the span of 1-2 days)
Ok review time
From @spoofsies
Design; 9/10 - stub legs!! he's doing a little dance!!! He reminds me of lechonk from pokemon but that might just be me idk. One of my favorite character design tropes is "little guy hides under disguise"!! Also I love the hats scary face!
Purpose/Effectiveness; 8/10 okay i still dont know anything about dragonquest but i did a lot more research this time!! The wiki said that it was a monster with a low-level attack, making me think that it's probably one of the first you encounter in the game. Honestly this is really good low-level enemy design! It isnt that scary or imposing, but still enough to let the player know it is gonna attack you. Also wizard hat + using magic! We stan magic boars here!! From what the wiki also said it looks like it has other varients?? So as you go into more dangerous places you encounter more dangerous hatwitches?? That is actually really cool if it's true
Overall; 9/10 - this little piggy cursed your entire bloodline
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ur blog title just socked me in the stomach btw
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teehee :3
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siredisco · 3 months
This is for you
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#valve fam-dog
fuck. oh my god. valve.
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plantdadftm · 6 days
fav snack? :>
I am a chubby dude cuz I like food can't just pick one lol. I am a sweet treat guy major sweet tooth over here. Fruit, chocolate, and cookies are my favorites. Ever had a banana or strawberry and Nutella sandwhich ( I think nutella's on the boycott list right now for Palestine so chocolate chips melted with condensed milk works as well after it's solidified just a little bit )
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chaotic-tinkaton · 3 months
i hope this isn’t weird but it’s nice to see another adult fan of horizons on here and you seem very cool and i’ve been enjoying your presence in my notifications 🫡 chaotic tinkaton tumblr dot com my beloved
it's not weird at all! I agree it is nice to meet fellow adult horzions fan
aww that's really sweet of you!! I enjoy seeing you on my dash too <3
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godteri-takk · 2 months
long time no see
The legend, the hero, the absolute madlad! Hello! I've been seeing your art around a bunch you are slayyying the Hazbin hotel fandom like you're serving us the good soup, if you catch my drift! Not really that much in the fandom and haven't finished the show lol but you are poppin off fr!!!
Anyway whats up dawg! Seen the new season of Monster High??
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mistysaur · 2 months
runs up to uu and shakes uu
check out my current wip :3
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these lyts feel so silly so farrr I'm excited to see how they turn out
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kotikaleo · 8 months
*knock knock*
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