#my first ask!!
chaotic-tinkaton · 3 months
i hope this isn’t weird but it’s nice to see another adult fan of horizons on here and you seem very cool and i’ve been enjoying your presence in my notifications 🫡 chaotic tinkaton tumblr dot com my beloved
it's not weird at all! I agree it is nice to meet fellow adult horzions fan
aww that's really sweet of you!! I enjoy seeing you on my dash too <3
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How would you feel about lily and Evan. this is specifically so that Evan can take her last name and be Evan Evans. also after thunking abt it they'd be so cute together
Hsbsiebsid, I literally love that scenario sm
their relationship probably starts as a joke (bc of that last name thingie) but at some point evan actually falls in love and he's just like: "fuck."
they would be adorable. you're so right.
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dewywrites · 5 months
op ur doing the lord's work with writing isaac garcia fics i appreciate u SO MUCH ur amazing and cant wait to see what comes out next
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH this is my first ask ever and you have no idea how much this means to me!!! i saw this and i genuinely lit up and started smiling at the notification. im truly truly thankful you enjoyed what i put out. its crazy to me that people actually like my silly little thoughts i have abt stuff i like! on another note, i said in a comment that i was going to release my next thing on friday and its already the week after that. midyear exams are coming up, and i never got around finishing it. i only have 1/4 left and i promise it should be finished by saturday at the latest!! (hint: it has to do w/ the school play)
once more, thank you. its my first time to be sharing any form of my writing with the world online (even if its just x reader stuff HAHA) and you've seriously given me so much confidence and motivation to continue to do this
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I read your blog about finishing The Big Bang Theory. Just want to ask what did you watch first? Young Sheldon? Or TBBT?
I just got curious cause almost all of the YS viewers I knew preferred Paige for Sheldon, which is opposite to you cause you were so digging with Shamy (Like I am ☺️)
Hello! Thank you so much for your comment and ask! You are my official first ask, my friend (and fellow Shamy shipper!)! 😀🎉🎉🎉Congrats! And thank you! To answer your question, I watched Young Sheldon first. However, I do not understand why anyone would prefer Paige for Sheldon over Amy. I love Paige as a character, and I think she is perfect as Sheldon's "first crush", so to speak, but they're kids! They have so much growing up left to do at that point in the story, and Paige is struggling with a lot of deep and heavy stuff. She is lightyears ahead of Sheldon in emotional maturity at this point. In that way, she is worse off than Sheldon in many ways - as Sheldon unceremoniously reminded her haha. She is just a regular girl with a genius brain, probably even smarter than Sheldon. She feels like an outcast and that there is no where she belongs. It is so sad! So, yeah, Amy Farrah Fowler is Sheldon's soulmate. I was aware of TBBT throughout the years and already knew they had a fantastic love story (through osmosis, I guess!). And of course Amy makes a narrative appearance on Young Sheldon, so I do not see how anyone could not love Sheldon and Amy. They are absolutely perfect in every single way! 🥰 Thank you for visiting and for your question! Please feel free to chat any time! I'm all about SHAMY! Haha. They've wrecked my life!
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vinluco · 2 months
Who up maxxing their headroom :)
she max on my headroom till i edison on her carter
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confused-sorcerer · 6 months
helko I am a definitely totally 1000% not not licensed wizard, I offer you a mystery gift in exchange for a bag of sawdust and 4 rats, my friend needs it for something idk what he even does with it anyways this mystery gift is very mysterious if you don't have a bag of sawdust or 4 rats 3 copper would suffice
Oh neat! I have 2 copper and 3 rocks! Will that suffice? I think the rocks are from the ditch I woke up in if that sweetens the pot!
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komodia-art · 5 months
Hi! could you draw a Sinistea? please
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Tea is served!
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utaxnanami · 1 year
Asking this since i'm not sure how you feel about headcanoning things but... how would you headcanon Danny (Ghostface) reacting to a Las Plagas infected Leon during a match and the aftermath? Does he help Leon get rid of the Las Plagas or he get infected too? Actually.... would a Las Plagas infection in the realm be worse than the Blight maybe?
OK so I am answering this on my way to Uni, so I'm sorry if this is a bit rushed.
First of all I feel honored you would ask me that since I have only written one Ghostleon fic so far and secondly I am still relatively new to the RE fandome ( roughly since September last year) and I'm making my way slowly though the games. I have played RE4 only once so far and don't know how the Las Plagas work 100% yet.
In regards to headcanons I don't have much sadly. I have planned to write a Plaga!Leon in dbd fic to explore the subject myself (hopefully before the remake drops).
Depending on when the Entity would snatch him up into her realm ( either a newly infected Leon who doesn't know what's happening to him or a close to the end of the game Leon who is close to getting cured) I think things could all go very differently.
In regards to Danny, since Leon is possible a new survivor and there is no connection between them I think he would be curious about this new guy that either is a survivor with a ticking time bomb or a possible new killer.
There sadly isn't a cure in the Entity's realm or at least that's what I believe so poor Leon will forever suffer with the Plagas now and will have to learn to live with that. So lots of angst potential, maybe guilt over leaving Ashley behind.
This is all the time I have to answer this now, might come back later to add to this
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sonofthedunes · 10 months
So excited to hear you’re prepping your first imagine!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Some friends and I have been debating this and would love to know your thoughts: do you think Luke can handle spicy food?
Also do you think there’s a certain outfit/hairstyle that makes Luke’s brain go *brrrrr*?
hey anon! thank you so much for your questions! let’s see…
1. Does Tatooine have inherently spicy cuisine? To some extent, yes. Is that the way Beru cooked it? I doubt it :p I imagine Luke handles spice pretty poorly in his first years with the Alliance, but over time he develops a tolerance. If he ever went on Hot Ones it might kill him, but he doesn’t mind a little kick now and then.
2. As we all know Luke is a boobs guy, so anytime he can see a bit of cleavage is more than fine by him ;) he also like flowy fabrics and dark colors, maybe with a matching necklace or hair clip: something simple but elegant, that wouldn’t distract from a lady’s natural beauty (him and his “all women are queens” lookin ass). In terms of hair he’s a bit less picky, but he is fond of when his partner wears it loose so he can thread his fingers through it, or perhaps loosely braid it himself.
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bookfaery · 1 year
What’s the best you’ve performed for cock?
In person I haven'r performed for cock at all so far lol. I helped a couple of men cum chatting with them if that counts
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mug-of-shark · 2 years
why thank you! ^w^
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drangercore · 2 years
Hi! Your bookbinding is beautiful! I was wondering, do you have to proofread for spelling/grammar before binding?
Hello! Thank you so much! To answer your question: You don’t necessarily have to proofread before binding. You can simply copy the text from its source and leave it as is. 
I personally like to proofread especially since I’d reread the story once I finish binding; removing the errors just make the reading experience more fluid. Whenever I typeset, I end up skimming the fic anyway, so might as well check for any grammar errors as I go. It does take some time though, so it’s really up to you :)
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montalbanosbaldhead · 2 years
obsessed with your url and icon. got a real good laugh about it. also yeah you're right. bi salvo
Thank you! Glad to make someone laugh
When I first made it my icon wasn't really a headcanon but I'm starting to actually believe he's bi (because all characters are bisexual until stated otherwise imo)
(Also the url was an idea by the amazing @quacquiapulia, so thanks to her lol)
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koobiie · 1 month
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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lokh · 1 month
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communication is key 💪
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andi-o-geyser · 10 months
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a full SAGA of chaos choices at the diner in the centre of your mind
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