#muto final
dynamitekansai · 1 year
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mpwma · 1 year
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Today is/was Pro Wrestling NOAH Keiji Muto Grand Final Pro-Wrestling "Last-Love"! The37Kamiina (Mao, Shunma Katsumata, Yuki Ueno and Toui Kojima) vs. Tetsuya Endo, Hideki Okatani, Yuya Koroku and Takeshi Masada! Should we cover the show?
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startheskelaton · 3 months
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Okay here it is fully I forgot to post this here T-T
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eobardthawneallen · 8 months
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Happy 27 years of YGO! and Me! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 🍰🎉
[I.D: in chibi style all the anime yu gi oh protagonist are there, looking at the camera.
from left to right Yusaku is smiling with his mouth closed, he is doing a peace sign but the back of the hand is facing the front.
next to Yusaku is Ai in his soltis form, he is smiling with mouth open, he is rising his hands wide with palms open.
in front but between Yusaku and Ai is Astral, he is holding a purple balloon. he is smiling with an upside down triangle mouth. he is looking towards Yuma who is to his side.
Yuma has a 3 mouth and is chewing something, he is holding one piece of cake and with the other a fork.
by Yuma's side is Yugi, he is holding with both hands another dish with a piece of cake, but this one has 2 light blue lighten candles forming the number 27. he is smiling with his mouth open.
Behind Yugi is Judai, he has heterochromia, he is smiling mouth closed, a hand is putting on a party hat, and the other on one of Yugi's shoulder.
then by Yugi's side is Atem with a "v" smile, he has his arms crossed. he is doing a peace sign, palm down.
in the back is Yuya, is jumping to appear, he is doing peace signs with both hands.
Yusei is in front of Yuya and next to Atem, he is smiling showing his teeth, he is holding a piece of cake in one hand and a frok in the other.
in front is Yuga, smiling.
then, by his side is Yudias holding a plastic cup with one hand and the other is on his hip.
some details, Yugi and Atem are wearing the clothes from dsod, in Atem's case the hologram's ones. Yudias is in his warrior/dueling form, everyone else is using their regular clothes. cake is dark purple bread, middle is light blue, icing is pink, the border is double color of light blue and purple with little white stars. the party hat and cup are blue with pink and blue stripes. Background is purple, there is colorful confetti and some balloons. END ID]
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We'll finally decide who has the absolute BEST multicolored hair!
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On the left, we have Yugi Muto (and Yami Yugi) from Yu-Gi-Oh!
On the right, we have Marina Ida from Splatoon!
(yes her tentacles count as hair we are far past the time to have that discussion)
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Pazuribe did it again! New Year MuSan! 🥹🥹
Two cute couples celebrating New Year, I'm sure nobody is gonna try to kill their date, righ? 🥹
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The prettiest pretty ever! I've been told for people that have the japanese pazuribe version that Sanzu doesn't like crowds so Mucho let him took a rest 🥹 (My MuSan heart is going to explode)
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Excuse me, the way that Sanzu is looking at Mucho? I'm melting here 🙈
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Why is he so pretty? Why can't you two stay like this having cute dates forever? Why liden films stole us his glorious pink hair? Why is Mucho so boyfriend material? So many questions!
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Also, the lotus means things, right? @just-sp-in-inginthevoid sure you know why the lotus, enlight me, please! 👀
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Also, he's complaining because Mikey wants to paint on his poor pretty face! And no idea of what else he's saying, but clearly there is some beef with Takemichi happening 🤣 (What a surprise, Sanzu being a hater)
But...The way Sanzu says "taichou" and apologizes to Mucho and how they talk to each other... I'm dying 😭
(Baby Haru don't do what you are about to do, you'll regret it! It cheesecake together and be happy with Mucho's warm love! Have a coffee shop together! I'm begging you! 🥲)
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willowparkfanclub · 10 months
obsidian made me grin like an idiot for an hour oh my god. the whole story of personal growth and finding love and learning from your mistakes and still being who you once were but wiser and happier now.... my heart is so full
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defiant-art · 4 months
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me and my fav yugioh character solomon muto x3
selfship taglist! <3 @garden-of-seraphim @selfshipper @kaibaspuppy @sunstar-of-the-north @gideongrovel @sweettoothselfships @sequids
let me know if u want to be added or removed!!
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businesstycoon27 · 1 year
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Cycling downtown
Thought the fresh air would pick me up
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chaoscheebs · 25 days
It's Midnight, Cinderella, chapter 4
(Chapter 1) - (Chapter 2) - (Chapter 3) - (Chapter 4) - (Fic Tag)
Unfortunately, once again, Yugi did, in fact, stall on actually talking to someone that night. It wasn’t entirely his fault this time, he swore! His grandfather needed help at the store when he got in and it slipped his mind! He totally didn’t lose to the anxiety built up from dealing with years and years of absolute bullshit in his personal life that is the background noise of his life! He absolutely wasn’t deliberately staying away from LINE or anything! Really!
… oh, who was Yugi fooling; it certainly wasn’t himself, that was for damned sure. Tonight, he promised himself. Tonight he would pick up the phone or go on LINE or whatever and pick someone to talk to. Hanasaki, maybe? He at least didn’t have any sort of personal grudge against Kaiba that he knew of, so he could be neutral on this…
Whatever, he’ll work it out when he gets there, he thought. At least his Tuesday was going better than yesterday, or at least was quieter. No news is good news, he guessed.
This is hell, Seto Kaiba thought. If hell actually existed, this was it.
Even through remotely accessing the computers of the company to find the guest list, he still had no luck in acquiring it. His best guess it it was probably on some secretary’s laptop that’s conveniently shut off and therefore offline and aggravatingly unavailable. So here he was, relying solely on his memory and waiting for people to reply to their damned e-mails. So many people and so many damned e-mails. Worse yet were the people he knew wouldn’t answer their e-mails over something “trivial”, so he had to call them. As if he didn’t have to deal with enough phone calls before this whole mess.
When Seto finally finds this man, he is going to have some words with him about this bullshit too.
From the couch, Mokuba tore his eyes away from his phone, looked at his brother, and sighed. Seto knew exactly what he was thinking and said, “For the tenth time, I’m absolutely certain it wasn’t just Yugi. Yugi’s far too goody-goody to do any of this.”
“I didn’t say a word,” Mokuba replied, rolling his eyes. “I was just wondering why you’re so hung up on a dude that ditched you, is all.”
“Why?” Seto hesitated, trying to piece together his thoughts. “I suppose… I suppose it was because there was a sincerity behind his words, a certain openness that doesn’t quite mesh with the sudden departure.” He picked up his currently cold cup of coffee, but didn’t drink; instead, he gazed down at its contents. “Something seems off about all of this, and I don’t like it.”
“So you have to get to the bottom of this.”
“So I have to get to the bottom of this.”
“I see… Have you considered talking to Yugi?” Mokuba asked. Before Seto could affirm once again the man was not, in fact, Yugi, Mokuba raised both his hands to stop him. “What I mean is, Yugi makes indie games on the side, right? Maybe he can help you track the guy down, or at least the guy the guy came in with.”
Setp paused, thinking for a moment. “… that’s not a bad idea. I’ll take it into consideration if my current leads turn up nothing.”
“Or you could just ask him while you’re waiting for replies; not like you have anything else to do at the moment,” Mokuba pressed.
Really, why is Mokuba so fixated on Yugi lately, Seto wondered. Maybe it was because Yugi seemed stressed out about something yesterday and he’s worried? Mokuba’s too kind for his own good sometimes, at least when it comes to Yugi. Mokuba could have worse friends than Yugi and his weird gang of nerds, though, Seto supposed.
“Just gonna ignore that, huh?”
“I’m not desperate enough to get help from Yugi just yet.”
Another loud sigh and roll of Mokuba’s eyes. “Then I’ll just text him.”
“There’s no reason to get him involved in all this just yet,” Seto said, perhaps a little more forcefully than he intended. He absolutely wasn’t thinking about how on edge Yugi seemed yesterday and was saying this to avoid adding more stress to whatever’s going on in that man’s life. Really. This decision was entirely rational and not influenced by weak emotions.
Mokuba grinned at him. “Why, are you worried about him~?”
“O-of course not!” Seto said. “Why would I care about him beyond what he can do for the company?”
“Because he’s the closest thing you have to a friend~?”
“Do I look like a man who needs friends?” Seto said, scowling.
“Well, you’re wrong,” Seto huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. He could feel the burning sensation in his cheeks and ears betraying him already, but he was telling the truth, damn it.
“Mm-hm,” said Mokuba, unimpressed. He tapped a couple things on his phone and added, “By the way, that order should reach him by tomorrow.”
A wave of the mental equivalent of keysmashing washed over Seto, forcing him to bolt up out of his chair. “How do you—”
“Shared account, remember? Something something ‘you are not buying anything unsupervised after the snake thing’ or whatever,” Mokuba said dismissively, with a wave of his hand.
“A snake is a living creature and you can’t just try to sneak one under my nose because you thought it’d be cool—”
“I’m going to be 18 soon, you won’t be able to stop me—”
“And who is going to take care of it while you’re out of the house? The maids will revolt—“
And as such, the conversation was thoroughly derailed, any thought of Yugi long gone in the wind.
The mystery man was absolutely Yugi.
Short and thin? Check. Blond? Until at least through Friday, check; it was a charity stream goal that Yugi and Jounouchi would be blond twinsies for a while. Makes horror games? Definitely check. In a one-sided rivalry with a man who uses dragon cards? The checkmark on that could be seen from the KC space station.
And if his brother’s description wasn’t enough to make Mokuba suspicious, Yugi’s behavior yesterday clinched it. Pretty much anyone who had the same information Mokuba had could connect the dots between that description and Yugi’s anxious fit.
Unfortunately, however, his brother was not “most people”. Mokuba should be surprised Seto had such a rose-colored view of Yugi after everything, but he really, really wasn’t. That man still had troubles to this day telling apart what was Yugi and what was Yugi’s other self and it was kind of depressing to watch, to be perfectly honest. It was also painfully apparent straight-up telling Seto it was definitely Yugi was not getting through to him, either.
So, he had to play this carefully. Make a suggestion or two to his brother here, get one or more of Yugi’s friends involved there… Just slowly build up pressure on Yugi, because if Seto wasn’t going to believe his adorable, charming little brother, the only real option is to drag a confession out of Yugi. And if that doesn’t convince Seto, well… Mokuba will just figure out where to go from there, then.
His big brother doesn’t latch onto just anyone, after all. Mokuba isn’t letting this opportunity to expand Seto’s world even a little go if he can help it.
Anyway, speaking of involving Yugi’s friends, Mokuba had some texts to fire off. Best case scenario, maybe Mokuba will get to see an exciting stream tonight. Worst case, this was one of the people Yugi can’t push away or lie to, so shit will still get done, and that’s the most important thing here.
He was really, really hoping for the exciting stream thing, though.
“Sorry, slept like shit, can’t do the stream with you tonight, I won’t be entertaining. :(”
That was how the first message Jounouchi’s had from Yugi in days went. He read it over again, frowning. He had messaged Yugi back asking if he was all right, but all he got in response was an “I’ll be OK, I just need some rest,” followed by a sticker of Dark Magician Girl cheerfully giving a thumbs up.
Jounouchi laid back on the floor, looking up at his phone as he jumped over to a different set of DMs. Man, he really should get some more furniture—it wasn’t like he didn’t have enough now stashed away to afford it—but the nagging thought of “what if you NEED that money for something important?!?” refused to go away, even when he was in a better place now. It sucked, really, but what’cha gonna do?
Anyway, furniture wasn’t important right now. It was worrying enough that Yugi went radio silent and still wasn’t exactly chatty—he always goes Clam Mode when he’s upset over something and doesn’t want to bother anyone—but then he got these other messages from Mokuba saying the guy was anxious enough that even the kid’s shithead brother noticed.
Seto-fuckin’-Kaiba. Showing concern for someone that ain’t his brother. What in the actual fuck was going on in Yugi’s life right now?
He was about ten seconds from calling off the stream tonight and going over to check on Yugi when his phone rang all of a sudden, startling him and causing him to drop the phone on his face. He recovered quickly enough, however, and scrambled to pick up the phone, revealing a familiar number on the screen. Huh, maybe this’ll get me some answers, he thought. With a flick of his thumb, he took the call. “Yo, gramps, how ya doin’?”
Back at home, Yugi, face down on his pillow, not exactly asleep but not quite awake, with a certain mask of deep, royal blue staring down at him from the headboard of the bed, remained blissfully ignorant of the gears set into motion out of sight.
At least until tomorrow, anyway.
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mpwma · 1 year
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Today is/was Pro Wrestling NOAH Keiji Muto Grand Final Pro-Wrestling "Last-Love"! Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori and Gedo) vs. Tokyo Gurentai (Nosawa Rongai and Mazada)! This is Nosawa Rongai's retirment match! Should we cover the show?
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shions-chin-scar · 2 years
Mucho bringing Sanzu to his own favorite cheesecake place in order to gain his trust is genuinely so funny. Literally tried taming him with food like a feral animal. And it worked.
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bode-rook · 2 years
At the end of every Yugioh episode Yugi is like “hey thanks for your help saving the world today Kaiba, wanna go to Taco Bell with us?” to which Kaiba replies “with you losers?? No way, come on Mokuba let’s go home” and Mokuba is like “bye guys, see you at D&D tomorrow!” and Yugi and the gang wave back and Kaiba thinks to himself how his little brother is WAY too good to be hanging out with those dweebs but he doesn’t say it out loud because despite being functionally a villain, he loves his brother more than his own life and would never intentionally hurt his feelings. As they walk off into the sunset Mokuba says “hey Seto, can we go to Taco Bell?” and Kaiba, who immediately forgets every word Yugi says that doesn’t pertain to his special interests, says “Sure.” End theme plays.
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Quick Toughts - Phantom of the Opera - Broadway - March 6, 2023
The main trio was Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine and Paul Adam Schafer
For those unaware, this performance was Laird’s last day with the Broadway company and his last performance as the Phantom. 
Every time I see Nehal Joshi’s Andre I just appreciate new details of his performance. Like he awkwardly bump into Meg during Hannibal Rehearsal on two separate occasions and then after the number was over he had a conversation with Meg (presumably to apologize). When Andre is introduced to the company, he gives a courtly little bow. I truly love those details.
Okay, I’m not gonna talk about anyone else now. The rest of this post is going to exclusively focus on Larid. 
There is an old school quality to the way he moves. There is an inherent graceful, yet somewhat non-human about the way he moves.
The way he said the first ‘sing for me’ during the title song??? It was so deep and resonant. It made me sit up straighter in my seat. 
The intense eye contact with Christine during “I have brought you’ only for him to break it during the ‘my music’ bit.
The man was vocally batting 1000 on this performance.
The way Laird’s Phantom would flinch when Julia’s Christine got close to him (right before the line ‘turn your face away’ and a second one!!!! right before the line ‘let the dream begin’).
Laird may have the fastest STYDI crawl I’ve ever seen? It was so unsettling, like he didn’t have any control of his limbs (but also somehow he did?
“a ToAD, madam? Perhaps... it is you... who are ... the toad.”
The quiet, whispered “stop” when Raoul and Christine are singing during All I Ask of You reprise hurt.
When the Phantom pops out in ‘Before the Performance’ scene, Laird knocked over the little table (maybe another chair?) that was in box 5 lol.
I think Laird’s Phantom wanted to go in for a kiss during the proposal. The way Julia’s Christine unmaksed him you know she did it to make him stop.
Laird get really in Julia’s face, shoving his deformed side during the line ‘an eternity of this...’
Oh god, his Phantom got so sad when Raoul said the line ‘why make her lie to you...” almost like he truly hated himself for what he was doing and was about to just about to let them go but them Julia’s Christine reaches out to touch his back and his resolve just hardens. The way he then just tossed away the veil he had been clutching was almost cold-hearted.
The ring return hurt. He is so happy for a moment. When Christine breaks her hand from his grasp, he lets out a sharp gasp of pain. When he finally lets out a second I love you, Christine is long gone and Laird said it in such a child-like way.
When Raoul and Christine are sailing away, singing, Laird’s Phantom almost relaxes, when he hears Christine sing.
I’m used to Ben’s Phantom singing the final line to the audience, so Laird directing the first half of that iconic line to the disappearing figures of Raoul and Christine was a nice old-school touch.
I did cry, but surprisingly at the line “it’s over now...” I think it really just hit me that Phantom really is closing and I am rapidly approaching my final visit :(
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universestreasures · 1 month
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Inferiority Complexes
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As far as my YGO DM muses go, Yugi & Mokuba are not only the youngest of my current line up, but are also the two who possess heavy feelings of inferiority regarding themselves and someone they care about a lot / look up to. With that comes shaky self-confidence and high self-doubt. However, how their feelings manifested, the intensity of those feelings, and how they are eventually overcome are different, and I want to go into that in this post (prepare yourself it's gonna be a lengthy one)
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So, let's begin with Yugi, whose feelings are pretty blatant in the text (both anime and manga wise) and are a big part of his character growth / central arc. Yugi, unsurprising to anyone, feels a sense of inferiority to Atem, someone he looks up to and sees like an elder brother. So, when did this all start?
Well, pretty much as soon as Yugi figured out there was 'someone or something else' who shared his body and was the one doing the majority of the big feats in terms of the plot (Manga wise that's Death-T and Anime Wise that's in Duelist Kingdom). Atem always appears as a source of strength for Yugi when something is too tough for him to handle emotionally or physically. Even when he was unaware that Atem wasn't just an alternate personality of his but in fact his own person, he still was very much aware of the strong presence taking him over in times of adversity. And that fact...made him feel so weak and pathetic in comparison, that he Yugi Muto, wasn't strong enough to handle whatever he had to face.
This fact of him feeling like the 'lesser Yugi' damages Yugi's own low amount of self-confidence that he had even before completing the puzzle. He's never seen himself as anything special, partially due to his own humble nature. Even after the main story is done, he still feels that way. That low self-confidence leads to self-doubt and needlessly beating himself up for being so 'weak' to the point there are moments he gives into what others, such as Marik, have said about him only being Atem's 'vessel' and nothing else. As if that is the only thing he is good for, that he is the 'weaker' Yugi.
Sometimes he even questions if he should just 'vanish', that everyone would be better off if he wasn't there or that people would prefer Atem being around over him. We see this in the anime when Anzu is dueling in the Noa Arc, Yugi thinking that she is calling out for Atem and not him.
But it is Atem, along with the rest of Yugi's friends, who help him through these complex feelings, Atem especially. He teaches Yugi about strength and courage, a trait Yugi has had all along inside of him that he was unable to truly see. For example, he stood up to Ushio to defend Jonouchi and Honda even before Atem appeared, to stand up to a bully and protect people he called 'friends'. That kind of strength, the strength of kindness, is Yugi's strength, and it is through seeing Atem and teaching that fact to him, along with the encouragement of his friends, that allows him to really see it for himself.
This is why Yugi takes steps, such as during Battle City, to prove his own strength to himself. He wants to prove he isn't as weak as he thinks he is, to use what he's learned from his partner and stand on his own because he knows one day he will have to. This is done mainly through his battles with Otogi in the manga, possessed Jonouchi in both versions, and Yami Bakura in the Dark RPG. They were battles Yugi had to primarily or entirely fight on his own. And those battles showcased Yugi's own unique strength that wasn't just 'an inferior version of Atem's' or even a 'copy', which is shown well through Yugi's own unique deck he used against Yami Bakura.
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This all cumulates in the ceremonial duel, where Yugi proves his strength and truly is able to overcome his insecurities to fulfill his last mission as Atem's vessel / partner. And he takes as much pride in that victory as he does sadness, for it was the last step in his journey. After that fight, he no longer sees himself as inferior to Atem, but rather his equal. For he knows that duel was evenly matched, and if he didn't predict Atem's final plan to win, he would have lost.
Lastly, he gets to prove to everyone who did believe those negative thoughts he had about himself to be true in DSOD, such as with Kaiba. Kaiba at the end acknowledges him as a true duelist, and that meant the world to Yugi. It really helped cement that new found self-confidence of his, especially because Kaiba has always been someone Yugi's respected and was Atem's rival.
Overall, Yugi's inferiority complex is a key part of his character arc. It is something he overcame with time and the support of his loved ones, and I for one as a Yugi mun cannot be more proud of my boy. I'm sure Atem is proud of him too, as we can no doubt see by the end of their duel and I suspect he felt when seeing Yugi again in DSOD.
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As for everyone's favorite little bro, Mokuba feels a sense of inferiority to Seto, which isn't probably that surprising considering how he views his big brother and just what his brother has accomplished. Unlike Yugi who developed his feelings in the midst of the story, Mokuba's feelings have been pretty much a part of him since he could remember. Though, they are just as deep-rooted and potent as Yugi's, if not more so.
Mokuba's feelings began when he first developed his admiration for his brother. Seto was a genius, a capable young boy most would consider a prodigy. From Mokuba's POV, everything his brother was able to do was impressive, be it from grades, to ideas, to his talent for gaming. This feeling was probably shared by their parents and many other adults, to the point I am 100% certain Seto was a prime adoption candidate who probably refused if they did not want to take Mokuba too (which I imagine most if not all did not). And while he felt no feelings of jealousy to his brother for all that praise or attention he got (jealousy is a feeling Mokuba's never felt towards Seto ever), he did sorta start to see himself as...lesser in comparison.
Though, this is Mokuba 100% being unfair to himself. You must keep in mind Mokuba and Seto are 5 years apart in age, and Mokuba was only 5 and Seto was 10 when they were dropped off at the orphanage. That's a huge gap in terms of development, and Mokuba had not gotten as much life experience as his brother or time to learn and hone any really major skills (because I do think Mokuba is a fast learner when he puts his mind to something and is very motivated, similar to his brother).
But this reality goes over Mokuba's young mind (and it still does, even after knowing the logic). After all, if his brother can do all those things, surely he can too, right? So it must be an issue with HIM. It's part of why, more often than not, Mokuba sees himself as a burden to his brother, that his own lack of 'competence' or 'specialness' holds him back. He blames himself for them not being adopted by potential nice families who wanted Seto and not Mokuba, because if he was just 'better' than they surely would want both (even though that's not at all how that works, but again, little kid logic).
This is why, even at a young age, Mokuba tries to prove himself and can often be reckless. We see this in Death-T primarily in canon with him wanting to challenge Yugi (which was also motivated by getting his brother's approval), but I imagine he did this with just about anything he tried to do. He wanted to sorta 'catch up' to his brother, even though there was never a 'race' between the two of them to begin with.
These feelings of inferiority intensify after they are both adopted by Gozaboru. I imagine Gozaboaru, much like other parents, only really was after Seto. He had no interest at all in Mokuba. Why would he when Seto was the one to be the heir?
I imagine Mokuba didn't get the same harsh treatment his brother did from Gozaboru, because it was almost like he wasn't 'there' to begin with. Mokuba was isolated from his brother I imagine through a lot of their childhood, so he wouldn't be a 'distraction'. Sure he got educated too (I imagine he was just sent to regular school much like we see him in the manga going to), but it was not anything special. It was more like 'good enough' as opposed to anything extraordinary. And he was no doubt compared to his brother constantly, whether it was by staff or by people at school. That only made what he was feeling worse and led to both beating himself up needlessly (like Yugi does) and contributing to his nightmares at times.
On top of all of that, as Seto and him (manga wise anyway) got further and further apart, he sorta got the vibe from his brother that Mokuba was no longer 'worth his time'. He wasn't anything attention-grabbing anymore, hence leading to Mokuba's early manga actions (because I 100% think everything from the first Capsule Monsters game to his match with Yugi in Death-T was all to get Seto's attention and not his true nature. Why else would he just suddenly change personality traits upon Seto's loss, when he didn't get mind crushed?).
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Even after repairing his relationship with his brother post Manga Duelist Kingdom, his feelings of inferiority were not addressed (he hasn't brought them up to Seto directly before cause he doesn't like to burden his brother and it's hard to talk about for him) and only grew as his brother accomplished more and more. He almost like saw himself at the bottom of the hill with his brother at the top, with the distance being too great between them. That distance was indeed one of his motivators for him to start working harder, to start taking a more active role in Kaiba Corp, and to start honing his gaming skills without the use of cheating.
So, with all that said, how does Mokuba overcome these feelings? Well, aside from working hard as I mentioned, I imagine it will be a slow process that is helped by both his friend squad and his brother. Mokuba's Buddyfight friend group (AKA my Gao, Tasuku, Suzuha, and Akatsuki) are the first real friends (outside of Yugi's gang) he's made that see him as NOT Seto Kaiba's brother but rather his own individual. They constantly lift him up, support his efforts, and are there for him. They've done a lot for him personally to feel like he's worthwhile and that he's not as 'weak' as he thinks.
As for Seto, any kind of praise or showcase of being 'proud' of him helps. This can be done in many forms, including being given important tasks at Kaiba Corporation, such as running things in his absence post-DSOD until he returns. I do imagine if Mokuba ever told his brother about his feelings, that Seto would tell him something along the lines of that he doesnt' need to feel that way or that he should not compare himself. Being seen in such a way by his brother would help greatly, along with I imagine if Mokuba is able to beat him in any sort of game and his brother expresses that he did 'good'.
In conclusion, I do not think it will be till Mokuba is an adult that those feelings he has will completely go away (I imagine they pop up every now and again too, like any deep-rooted feeling). It is only after having stood on his own two feet, having proved himself, having gotten that approval from those around him, and having probably bested his brother in a game that his view shifts from being 'lesser' to that of an equal, a true Kaiba in his own right (something he didn't have to 'earn' btw but he thought he had to). And I hope to get to explore that journey of growth through all my threads!
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