#muzan is here too.
demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Here are at Gurenge's last use, and I am lip-syncing with passion as the credits roll.
--If this episode comes in three parts, it's setup for their big movie announcement, Muzan's slaughter of the Lower Moons, and Tanjiro Tanjiro-ing all over the place. The only one immune to getting Tanjiro'ed is Genya... for now. Your time shall come, child. Soon.
--The Infinity Fortress gets its first appearance and hearing those twangs of the biwa is sending my brain back to those sounds playing at the Infinity Fortress display at the Gotouge art gallery. It really is a cool setting, though... I am... I am so not ready to see animated everything else which happens there.
--Hate to say it, but the CG is kind of rough on Muzan's flesh and I hope that'll get improved on before the big showdown with Muzan.
--These scene should be used in corporate training courses about power harassment, complete with discussion afterward about how how each Lower Moon was harassed in a different way.
--Very interesting that the Lower Moons, at least according to Kamanue, have never been gathered. Maybe not that group of them since Kamanue has joined, anyway, since they keep getting plucked off. That said, in the Spider Sister filler, they made mention of being able to escape Mt. Natagumo when Rui is called away by "that person" and I had assumed this was a meeting, but I guess not. Muzan just liked Rui's company??? Or maybe he was conducting meetings but felt like bullying Kamanue and didn't invite him.
--Enmu really does make such an entrance as a character, we learn all we need to know about his personality through this scene. He also makes a great display of how Muzan's blood has such a pronounced effect on those who are already demons, too.
--I wonder if Rokuro was alive just long enough, like Wakuraba, to see Enmu receive Muzan's blood, seeing as he had just begged for that blood.
--Nakime really just lets Enmu go "plop"
--And Muzan's arm really did belch after eating up a Lower Moon.
--Back to Tanjiro & Friends, at some point they moved out of the hospital and got to stay in a regular Japanese style room together with futon! They really do just live here now.
--Something I liked but forgot to note in the previous episode is that the title card being Kanao's name had a chrysalis design, implying that she's not yet ready to spring forth as a butterfly. Awwww. <3 But here Kanae's prediction totally comes true and Ufotable left no question of the exact moment Kanao fell in love. To do that, though, they had her standing instead of sitting, and therefore had to sacrifice the part when Kiyo startles her and she falls off the engawa. Tee hee, oh well.
--I feel like I've already done extensive analysis of these scenes with Tanjiro and what they mean to Aoi & Kanao, so I'll move on and say "HAHAHAHA Tanjiro moved out of Genya's way and Genya STILL bumped him." Genya, with Himejima's influence, is probably mentally reciting sutras and doing his darndest not to turn around and break Tanjiro's arm as payback. Growth, in more ways than one.
--No, no, back to Kanao a second. You know something that hit me really hard the other day? All that stuff she says to Douma about how he doesn't actually feel a thing? KANAO WOULD BE THE ONE TO KNOW, WOULDN'T SHE.
--So, Shinobu recommending Tanjiro (& Friends) to accompany Rengoku on his mission is an anime filler moment, and it's really sweet that she is so supportive of Tanjiro's growth as a Corp member (unlike a certain Water Pillar we all know). However, then we get her flat-out telling Oyakata-sama about how Tanjiro's father used a Breath of "Hi" of some sort, and Oyakata-sama's "Oh?" is so very obviously meant as "ohhhhhh???? As in the original Breath, Sun Breathing? That must be while Muzan targeted him, ohohohohooooo, ooohhhhhh~"
--Oh hey, speaking of filler giving us more character interactions, who could that be out at the Butterfly Mansion?
--Giyuu, what business brought you out here? My newfound inner GiyuShino shipper wants to poke and tease, but I suppose I could also poke and tease him for just being curious about the future Water Pillar's progress. Sure, maybe he was out there on Pillar business or something and leaving because Shinobu wasn't there, but Ufotable really just made this whoel interaction as a way to provide a nice bookend to the beginning of the series--
--and then they just up and make Giyuu disappear
--he's gone
--Giyuu... why
--It's daytime. There's no demons. Why can't you just walk like a normal person.
--Speaking of having to deal with someone who can't act like a normal person, Inosuke. Inosuke and Tanjiro. Poor Zenitsu, it is his turn to hold the brain cell but it's hard to do that when you already have your hands full keeping your country bumpkin friends from getting arrested.
--Inosuke really flat up quiets Zenitsu by planting his hand across his face.
--The image of Inosuke posing with the swords down his pants will forever be burned in my mind, but the SOUNDS. I forgot about these sounds he makes.
--I've always loved how Zenitsu takes a moment to ask Tanjiro a serious question about Nezuko's welfare, which not only makes me happy because I love Tanjiro & Zenitsu friendship, but it's a clever device for Ufotable to wrap this "determination" themed season up by giving us a well-deserved flashback to some of the greatest Kamado sibling moments to remind us of their bond.
--We also really needed because we've hardly seen Nezuko lately and perhaps have forgotten what she looks like.
--On my first watch, I was so hooked by this point, and very saddened about having to wait for more Kamaboko trio interactions especially--that train platform scene left me pining for so much more of them. I wanted more so bad, but didn't want to read the manga because it didn't look appealing to me. But I... I wanted more... and I peeked at the Wiki... and ran into spoilers... and sooner or later got back into Tumblr... AND FOUND MORE SPOILERS.......... and I sure didn't last long before the binge-read began.
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illholy · 9 months
You can't power work away from SUKUNA
█ 𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 ,     i will always love you ⤿ anonymous.
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There's only so much rancid energy her little body can take ! Let her TRY.
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loveoaths · 2 years
god damn. each sentence on ubuyashiki’s wiki is sadder than the last.
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nejiverse · 1 year
Douma, Akaza, Kokushibo
In which Y/n sees everyone again after a long time. Based on the scene in the infinity castle. Fem! Reader
cw: nothing really, our boys here have a soft spot for y/n, suggestive if you squint really hard, reader is upper rank 2 and everyone else is pushed down a rank except for Kokushibo
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850 words
"Where's my Y/n-chan~", Douma whined, looking around the infinity castle.
"Your Y/n?", Akaza clicked his tongue. "She doesn't even like you".
Gyokko nodded to the corner. "She's over there taking a damn nap", he shook his head at her hopelessness. "Upper rank two my ass".
Douma looked at where Gyokko was nodding towards where he saw Y/n, who was sleeping in a fetal position with her hands tucked against her chest.
Douma snickered with a hand up to his mouth. "I know what'll wake her up!".
The blondie approached her and squatted down.
His hand gripped her jaw, gently squeezing her cheeks which caused her mouth to fall open.
He proceeded use his index and middle finger to prod her mouth open before sliding them into her mouth.
Douma giggled as Y/n furrowed her brow as he stuck them all the way to the back of her mouth.
Once Y/n felt his sharp nails graze her throat, he eyes fell wide open, only to be met with Douma's sultry smirk that she knew all to well flashing down at her.
Y/n bit down hard on his two fingers. Really hard. To the point where she bit them off.
"Ouch Y/nn!", Douma frowned albeit his fingers regenerating immediately after.
Y/n sat up and let out a yawn before observing her surroundings. Everyone was here now except Muzan. She stretched her arms up, making her kimono fall off her shoulders a bit.
"You're so mean to me!", Douma sulked.
"Oh my sincerest apologies lord Douma!", she exclaimed, standing up and clasping her two hands together. "I'm not sure what came over me, but I should know my place", she inched towards the man, her chest against his and her eyes locked on his own, a pleading look plastered on her face while Douma looked down at her in amusement.
"I'd do anything for your forgiveness!", a grin slowly grew on her lips as she relaxed her eyebrows. "...Is what you would've wanted me to say, right?".
She laughed and backed away from him, the fact that his smug look was still plastered on his face annoyed her. "I'll leave that to your cult members".
Douma narrowed his eyes. "Got quite a mouth on you, don't you? Someone should teach you what to do with it".
Gyokko scoffed. "I can't even tell if they're flirting or arguing".
Y/n decided it was best to ignore Douma's comment and her eyes brightened upon seeing Akaza.
She enveloped him into a hug that made him unsteady on his feet, a blush immediately coating the apples of his cheeks.
"Akaza! Long time no see”.
Douma folded his arms childishly as Akaza looked at him with an overconfident, smug look as he spat his tongue out. Everyone knew Akaza was her favourite.
Despite this, poor Akaza was still weak to the touch of any woman.
“Oh yeah, I got you a present”, Y/n reached into her kimono, Akaza averting his gaze at anything else he could find.
She lifted his arm from his side and opened up his palm, placing the box into his hand.
“Open it! Open it!”.
When he did just that, he blinked at her. It was a hairpin.
“Are you sure this is for me?”, he sweatdropped.
“Of course it is! It goes with your hair colour so I got it for you”, she took it out of the box and stuck it in his hair.
Akaza smiled sweetly moving to stand behind her smaller figure. He took the hairpin out of his hair and put it in hers.
“I appreciate it but I believe it’ll look better on you”.
“Aw but lord Akaza, it suits you! It really brought out your eyes too~”, Douma burst out into laughter, holding his stomach.
“Don’t piss me off”, Akaza seethed between his clenched teeth. Suddenly, Douma’s bottom part of his face was destroyed by Akaza’s fist.
Douma smiled as his face regenerated. “Whoa! That was some punch! A bit stronger than before, would you say, lord Akaza?”.
The same fist Akaza used to hit Douma was severed by Kokushibo.
“Akaza”, he spoke. “You always go too far”.
“lord Kokushibo!”, Y/n bounced happily around him.
Kokushibo turned his head to her and brought his hands up to her chest, fixing her kimono so that it was up over her shoulders again.
“You shouldn’t let your kimono slip down like that, you’re a lady”.
She placed her hands on her hips. “Alright dad”, she mocked before smiling again.
“Aw it’s like a family reunion seeing all of you again!”.
“W-where have you been all this time?”, Hantengu asked.
Y/n hopped onto Kokushibo’s shoulders, patting his head which took the demon’s by surprise at the fact that he was allowing it.
“It’s a secret”, she brought a finger up to her lips.
It was evident that Muzan had arrived when Kokushibo lifted Y/n down and teleported back to where he was sitting originally.
“Family reunion over!”.
Masterlist :)
a/n: also the last episode was a damn masterpiece, as an anime only for demon slayer i was genuinely scared nezuko was gonna die 😭
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plaguechyld · 3 months
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"You can do it, angel... There we go, so pretty all for me."
God those words ruined him every time you said them. His legs shook like a newborn fawn as you pumped your fingers in and out of his precious little pussy, occasionally spreading his wetness around.
"HNYAH-! [N-Name] please pl- MNGHHH!♡~ 's too MUCH!!" he cried over and over again, arching his back as you tended to him so sweetly. It was really too much, he's going to die! He swears on it! If you could just listen; oh god what are you doing now-
"[N-Name], [N-Name], [NAME]!~♡" he swore he could see stars once you started moving them faster, pressing right against that nice spot nestled deep inside him.
Slick dripped down his quivering thighs, pooling on the sheets below him as his hands scrambled to hold onto anything, anything at all.
"HNGAHHH!!!~♡" he fucking squeals when your fingers make him squirt, his release drenching his thighs and your hand. Oh the poor baby is shivering, eyes shut tight as his hands ball up into tight fists, gripping the sheets as if its the only thing keeping him alive.
"Pleashe- P-PleASEEE~" oh but you don't stop at his desperate little pleas, no. You keep going, thrusting your fingers deep into his little pussy as he wails and squirms, crying about how its just too much.
"Hush, baby. You got yourself here, this is your punishment." All he could do was sob and beg for your mercy.. But it didn't look you'd give in anytime soon... ♡
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CHILDE, DR. RATIO, Dazai, Xiao, NIKOLAI, Neuvillette, Chuuya, Dottore, Pantalone, Kaveh, KAEYA, Muzan, Obanai, AVENTURINE, Zhongli, your favs...
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Hi! If youre still doing requests, i have kind of an odd ask , but maybe some of the upper moons' reactions to meeting Muzan's wife (reader). I also really like whipped!Muzan so maybe the other demons' reactions to seeing the demon king doting on his wife. Thank you very much :)
Hi Anon! (^○^.) I actually love this request, so thank you for sliding it into my askbox ♥
Honestly I love a powerful man - especially a powerful villain - who's just absolutely in love with their wife (♥ω♥.) and would do anything for them, it just brings me joy.
Anyway! I'm rambling abit, but here is your request! I hope I've done it justice (^ω^.) Please enjoy!
Come again to request whenever you want cause I'm always open.
Muzan Kibutsuji being whipped for his wife + Upper Moons Reactions - Headcannons:
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You know those types of men that are just unmovable pillars of stone - who look like they were carved from the finest marble by the hands of angels - who are always impeccably dressed with a voice of icy poison and just command your attention?
Who turn to the softest love-struck mush when with their wife
yeah, that's Muzan Kibutsuji with his wife (aka. you)
The finest meals, clothes and jewelry are yours with a click of his fingers - all done to make you happy, to see you smile
Anything that you mention briefly - doesn't matter if it''s a book or a holiday - its yours by the end of the day
Just one smile and a fluttering of your eyelashes has muzan on his knees - a singular pout of your lips has his mind running wild
You just have to breathe and Muzan's heart squeezes, breath stuttering in his chest as he looks at you in adoration
You could ask for the world and he'd give it too you on a platter
Muzan worships you
Each touch from you is a blessing to his skin
Each kiss sealed into him
Each word of love that falls from your lips make him drunk to hear, each sentence thick with a love that leaves hearts in his eyes and his heart thumping wildly
He wants to wear you like a brand - each mark you leave on him (bite marks and all) are worn with pride - and you (and only you) get to touch and mark his skin in such sensual ways
Under his wedding ring, his finger holds your bite mark, something that he begs you to do each day - with love-struck tears pricking his eyes - and it always makes him feel like he's properly yours
"My Love," He purrs with a voice a think velvet "My wonderful wife, my moon and stars, I love you for ever and always" and he kisses you so softly
Sometimes you have to stop this man from wearing matching clothes with you - "But Beloved,"he whimpers with a face liked a kicked puppy "I want us to match" - because he will absolutely wear a matching couples outfit
Other days he just likes sharing the same colour palette
When you worship him by placing soft kisses to his skin - his wrists, knuckles and faces - Muzan feels like he's on cloud nine
Upper Moons Reactions:
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When the upper moons first met you, it was by accident - pure accident -they'd been summoned and it just so happened that it was when muzan was just in the midst of kissing you and bathing you with compliments
Kokushibou doesn't even blink and just stands in position like a trained guard, this sight has been something he's accidentally stumbled upon a couple of times before and honestly it makes him miss his wife
Because this isn't the first time he's met you but rather the fifth, the first actually time he met you, you were incredibly respectful of him and actually treat him nicely - you became tea drinking buddies - so he quickly came to like you
Douma/Doma genuinely shrieks - like an honest to god scream - before quickly going to make fun (not a good idea) about how loving Muzan is and, "Why don't you treat us this way Muzan-sama~ You're breaking my heart~"
Akaza looks away from such an intimate scene with respect since it felt wrong to look upon his lord loving his wife - although his heart does ache for some reason when looking at such a perfect loving scene
Hantengu starts sobbing while apologizing anxiously - actually very jealous at how loving the scene is, he wants a wife and to dote on someone
Gyokko simply proclaims it as artful and simply leaves it as such
Daki Blushes a deep crimson - it makes her want a husband to dote on her so much
While Gyutaro simply sighs before looking away - much like kokushibou and akaza in respect - with jealous crawling up his ribs at such love, he wants somebody to dote on and love him so romantically
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reticent-writer · 9 months
back to the half demon half human reader thing: this time, upper moons? i think it would be cute
Demon slayer masterlist
Baby demon - hashira
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Muzan walked into your room. You haven't made a noise since he put you down for a nap.
He found you staring at the flower themed mobile. He cooed at you as he picked you up.
He had you in his hip while he took a walk around the castle letting you see each demons domains.
You babbled as you played with the buttons on his best.
"My Lord I didn't know you had a kid." Douma commented, seeing him walk by.
"I Don't."
"Please stop pulling my hair." Kokushibo said while grabbing your hands that were tangled in his long locs. You were standing on one of his legs while he was sitting.
Once he got a hold of both of your hands you started to dance
"Da Da Da" You babbled.
"Yeah, that's right dada. Can you say it?"
"Da da... Dadaa."
"Yeah, I'm dada." His blew raspberries into your cheeks.
You giggled and squirmed.
He knew you were a half demon from the start.
You were presented to Douma as a present from one of his followers, you're unique like him. Visually different (I was thinking something like an albino or vitiligo) but still adorable to look at.
"Aww you look so cute Y/n!" He exclaimed as he took you from his follower's arms. You had on an outfit identical to his with a matching hat.
You giggled as he tickled your stomach before sitting you on a soft pillow next to his own.
You always sat next to him and his followers came and visited.
"Do you want your binkie?" Akaza tried to calm you down but nothing was working.
He tried feeding you, cradling you, swaddling you, putting you down for a nap and more.
You would not stop crying.
There was one thing they he hadn't tried yet but he was too embarrassed to do it. Your screams were enough to drive him to do it.
He sung to calm you down.
It worked.
"Ready or not here I come." Daki took of running to find you.
You giggled, not so quietly, as you watched her run around while you were hiding behind Gyotaro.
"Gyotaro where did they go?" Daki whispered as if she didn't know you were behind him. He shrugged cause you to giggle harder.
"GOTCHA" She exclaimed and tried to reach around her brother. You screeched and tried to run but she caught you and threw you in the air.
Guess who's my favorite
Who was your favorite
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
So unfair!
How the fuck do these 4 fine ass mfs get animated and no one's writing smut of them? I'll do it then🤦🏾‍♀️
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Warnings: female bodied reader, lots of Degrading, 5 some, Dacryphilia, blood kink? (Just their sharp nails but not too much blood or deep cuts), MEAN DOMS (a little soft dom on Aizetsu part), squirting, humiliation(?), oral sex, rough sex, anal sex
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"Hantengu please come out from the corner it was just a small vist from "that man" it's okay" you spoke in a gentle tone trying to calm him down while resting your hand on his shaking body.
"EEEEKKK!!! nooo! That man must've been so angry with me! He looked so mad!" Hantengu panicked and you tried not to laugh since muzan always had a resting bitch face. "You know you have clones right? Just send them to look for the spider, lily, " you said, which made the little old man turn your way with teary eyes and nodded.
When you first met Hantengu, he was hiding in a bush under a tree with just enough shade to cover him from the sun. Your first thought was to help this poor old man with an "allergy" to sunlight and help him to your house for the time being with an umbrella to sheld him from the sunlight. Later that day, you found out you actually rescued a demon, but luckily enough, Hantengu didn't try to kill you. In fact, he now lives with you and makes your home his. It was scary at first because this demon could kill you at any time, but he was always to himself but didn't mind having a human around.
The only difficult part was his clones since each one had their own personality and were much bigger than Hantengu, so dealing with them wasn't exactly the easiest. Whenever it was his turn to search for the spider lily, one clone would stay with you to make sure you wouldn't dare tell any demon slayers an upper rank was living at your house. Only this time, the most bitter clone was in charge of keeping his eye on you.
"Human. Bring me a human here now I'm staving, " said Sekido. You turned your head and looked at him with disgust. "For the last time, my name is y/n. If you can't say my name, don't ask for shit. It's night time. Go look for someone yourself, " you said, preparing your own food. "You stupid human if I go out there and eat you know those slayers will fine us," he said, looking at you furiously.
"Then that's not my problem now, is it?" You smirked and went back to your cooking. There was a moment of silence when you decided to turn your head again to check on Sekido when you noticed him look away quickly with a slight blush on his cheeks. You scoffed. "Were you checking me out just now?" You grinned.
"Absolutely not. All humans are ugly to me, so there's no way I'd be checking you out. " Sekido kept his head turned away from you with his arms crossed. You always had a thing for teasing Sekido since it brought some amusement, and it was way too quiet in your house with just the two of you.
You took off your kimono and put it to the side leaving you in your sarashi and skin tight shorts, Sekido growl "what the fuck are you doing? Put that back on" he said "it's my house and I'm making soup. It gets really hot and stuffy in here. What? Is the 200 year old demon shy to see a half-naked human?" You chuckled at how mad he got but in reality he was trying to relax himself from his cock growing any harder which frustrated him even more and you made it more difficult then he could imagine.
Once your food was done, you bent down searching for a bowl "Hey you want soup too?" You asked, shaking your hips a little."Oh wait, you demons can't eat normal foods since you'll just throw it up," you said and stood back up. "Can... you...!" You felt Sekido standing right behind you, and you turned around with a nervous smile."Heh heh... I went too far this time, huh? " You said, hoping he won't kill you, but you tried to stay calm.
"Put on your kimono. Now, " Sekido said with aggression in his voice holding your kimono in his fist. "You know it's been touching me this whole time, right?" You said bending over a bit more to make your ass rub against his cock and giggled "I can already tell through your clothes it big" you grinned and turned to face him "if you want to fuck me just say so" you said and hopped on the counter and pulled Sekido with your leg to close the gap between you two "no shame in that right?" You grinned, wrapping your arms around Sekido.
"Tsk." Sekido grabbed your hips and slammed his lips onto yours, kissing you deeply and forced his tongue in your mouth. He pulled his pants down just enough to expose his cock and grabbed a handful of your ass as he grinds himself over your clothed pussy. Deep grunts and heavy breaths came from Sekido as he broke the kiss and ripped off your shorts and sarashi right off your body. "You wanted to taunt me just for this? look at you, all wet just from kissing" he said rubbing his two fingers over your hole and then your clit making you mewl "what a slut you are. You should be fucking greatful I'm going to fuck you, being the worthless human you are" Sekido said breathlessly as he rubs his tip over your hole "fuck me please, i need you".
"Huhh? What's going on here?" Urogi opened the door with a cocky grin "wow you both sure are some freaks aren't ya?" Karaku tried to hold back a laugh while aizetsu just looked at you two in the act and turned his head away blushing. "Fuck off. Y/n was pissing me off this is punishment" Sekido said and you giggled "aw that's the frist time you said my name" you said as Urogi and Karaku aw'ed too making Sekido more furious. Sekido picked you up from the counter about carry you to your bedroom "that's not fair for us to do all the work and you just get to fuck y/n... y/n can we join too?" Aizetsu asked softly with Karaku and Urogi wanting to come too.
"Sure why not. That's only fair" you grinned
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"Ngh! Haa haa your still so fucking tight. Even after I've came in you twice" Sekido groaned holding onto your hips thrusting his cock inside your filled up pussy. "Mhm too bad you can't see her fucked out face" Urogi caresses your face with his cock in your face "crying already?" He said and wipes your tears with his thumb "We're just getting started" Urogi smirked starts slapping his tip on your lips "open up and suck my cock like a good whore" Urogi said
You sat up as much as you could to level yourself to his cock while behing fucked by Sekido and grabbed his cock in your hand and started sucking it as much as you could and moaning on it. "my cock to big for your mouth y/n? I'm sure you can take more then that!~" Urogi grabbed your hair pushing his cock further down your throat making you choke a little but after some seconds you got use to his size and began to bob your head"that's right keep sucking~ I'm so close- fuck!" His head went back as he thrusts in your mouth.
After a few seconds both Sekido and Urogi came and pulled out a moment after. Sekido sat back as Urogi wipes his cum off your lips "we'd fuck you more but we can't be too gready now. Time to make two more demons cum got it?" He held your face making you look at him and you nod. "Good slut" Urogi smirked and tapped your cheek twice before moving away.
"You look so pitiful and weak right now. I don't think you can handle two more demons, y/n" Aizetsu said taking off his clothes and helped you sit up "no Aizetsu I can take it~ I'm fine I want more~ I can handle more" you bit your lip getting needy "of course you can but this time your gonna have two of us at the same time Kay?" He winked, and you knew what he went "haa what a pain... you have to stand up, but your legs are probably all weak and useless, aren't they?" Aizetsu asked as you shook your head and stood up with wobbly legs "it dosnt matter since you can hold onto our heads" he said holding your hips and then spread your ass cheeks open "w-wait Aizetsu are you!-" you gasped at the feeling of his tounge on your hole and as you were about to bend over Karaku caught you by the hips "Don't pass out on us yet, gonna fuck you real good" he smirked and started licking your clit.
Your moans grew louder from how sensitive you were from Sekido and Urogi. You couldn't help but cover your mouth in some embarrassment. "Don't do that" Aizetsu spanked you hard on your ass and you yelped "I want to hear you moan like the whore you are or eles this won't be fun at all" he said and went back to preparing you. "I was planning on not being so rough, but since you're so shy to let us hear you, I guess I'll have to go all out, huh? Do you want that? To be fucked stupid hmm?" Karaku asked fingering you and you could feel his smirk as his tounge flicks faster on your clit and you nodded whimpering from the pleasure.
After being prepared Aizetsu laid on his back and helped you on top while holding your hips looking at you shyly "your pussy has probably adjusted to our sizes so I'm going to slide right in" he said and as he puts his tip in you go down on it causing you both to let out a moan. "Ass up," Karaku spanked you and grabbed your ass "that hurts! Your nails are too long, " you whined, feeling his nails dig in your skin."That's a lie, y/n... your pussy is throbbing on my cock from that feeling" Aizetsu said
"Heh not only are you a whore but you like a bit of pain too? I could get use to this" Karaku said and slowly pushes himself in your ass making you let out a loud moan. The two demons then started to thrust their hips, making your whole body move. "You're gonna squrt for us this time, got it?" Karaku digs his nails into your hips, making you bleed a little."You didn't squirt before," he pants thrusting harder, "and that was so underwhelming. Be a good whore and make a mess on Aizetsu cock won't you?".
"Sekido was right, you're still so tight~ i-i don't think I'll last much longer" Aizetsu let's out soft moans and whimpers "but I'll try to just to see your slutty pussy squirt on me. I want it so bad~" Aizetsu said and moves his free hand to your clit and rubs it while sucking on your nipples. "T-too much! Aah!! It's too much, " you whined with tears streaming from your face from the pleasure that turned Aizetsu on ever more as he thrusts his hips up harder and faster making you scream in pleasure from him hitting your spot.
"That's right~ That's the voice I wanted to hear," Karaku pants, thrusting harder, making your skins clap, hitting your other gspot in your ass. Karaku slips two fingers in your mouth and whispers in your ear "look at you going stupid on our cocks~ you're so tight and cremaing all over Aizetsu's cock. So fucking sexy~ fuck I'm gonna cum inside this ass" Karaku said as he lifts your leg and thrusts faster in your ass. You could only reply with whoreish moans leave your lips getting close yourself
"Y/n y/n~ oh y/n fuck~ gonna cum inside you- ngh mhm~!" Aizetsu whines as his head fell back on the pillow and grabbing your waist as he came. "cumming- Cummings!" Karaku choked "Me too! Aahh!!!" You both came and this time you squirted just like how they wanted you too. After your intense orgasm your body collapsed on Aizetsu.
They pulled out, and Aizetsu rubbed your back. "I underestimated you. It looks like you are capable of handling 4 demons but I want you to do that again" Aizetsu thrust two fingers in your leaking pussy making you squeal "looks like the others aren't done too" he kisses your chin as you turn around to see the three demons with stiff cocks again "think you're ready for more?" Aizetsu asks and you nod
"Good girl~" Aizetsu said kissing your lips
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kalinysu · 1 year
💮 Hello, I was wondering if you could do a muzan × reader where they're married, so he's the demon king and she's the queen, and they have been together way before he was a demon, so he turned her. She's also pregnant, and he won't allow her to go on missions anymore. I would like to know if he would keep her by his side or would he lock her in her room. She can also walk in the sun. Please take your time. 💮
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏. — Muzan x F!Reader
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Gentle Muzan with slightly harsh words, stubborn reader.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Very cute request! I’ve never written for Muzan and a pregnant wife, so it should be fun. Might rewrite, this was a little lazy 😭
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“Darling, please lay down.” Muzan said with a sigh. You two had been going back and forth all night, and you were keeping him quite busy, busy enough to the point he had to ignore his other tasks and focus on you in the moment. “Stop!! Don’t you have any missions for me to do?— I mean, I can’t just lay here for 8 months straight.” You said, trying to sit up and get out of bed.
Muzan kept you away from the other demons, well more specifically Douma. He was far too handsy with you even if you were of a higher status and deserved just as much respect as Muzan. He preferred keeping you locked inside of his room when he couldn’t have you near him, such as when he worked on experiments or had meetings with the ranks. You were too distracting and required every of his attention, which he was willing to give when you two were alone and he wasn’t busy.
“Woman. Lay down, now.” Muzan said, furrowing his brow a bit. His hands were placed on your shoulders, occasionally switching to your waist, trying to be as gentle as possible with you even if his words weren’t. He let out a exhausted sigh, getting into bed with you. He then wrapped his arms around you, holding you just firm enough so you couldn’t get up from the bed. “Missions—“ You said, still trying to free yourself from his grasps. “Darling, I’ve made it clear that i’m not letting you go on any missions while your pregnant, go to sleep.” He said. He was right, besides, you hadn’t slept in days, but you wanted to do something, anything but be in this room.
“Let go—stop it! Stop!”
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Muzan eventually had to lock you up inside of your room, not allowing you out at all. He had practically began to neglect you after the first few days of staying by your side. He did bring you human flesh to eat sometimes, and spend short amounts of time with you before going back to his work. If you got into too much trouble while on your own, he’d have Kokushibo or Akaza watch you. And they watched you like a hawk. They treated you as if you were a human, and any minor injury would be treated majorly.
Muzan wanted to be near you, but he just had too much to do. Today though,Muzan had come to check on you while you were asleep. But when you heard the door open, you forced yourself awake. You felt Muzan pull the blankets over your body completely, before placing a hand on your shoulder. “Muzan..?” You mumbled, turning over to look up at him. He gave you a small smile, before getting into bed beside you. “Upper 1 told me you were crying today. What’s wrong?” He asked, and you could barely believe it. You were about to slap him, but he had caught your wrist. He was just about to lecture and scold you, but you had burst out into tears before he could.
He didn’t know that this was also just your hormones affecting your mood, and thought you were just sad. “Darling, come here.” He said, sitting the both of you up and pulling you closer, allowing you to cry into his chest. “Y-you barely ever stay with me anymore!!” You sobbed, gripping his shirt. “My love, you know I have things to do..” He said, gently stroking your head. He was being honest, but there was another reason. He wasn’t sure how to take care of someone he actually cared for who was pregnant, so he resorted to locking you away to keep you safe and away from others.
“My apologies. I’ll take you with me from now on, how’s that sound, hm?” He asked with a smile when you finally calmed down a bit, tilting your head up to look at him. You sniffled, before nodding, wiping away your tears.
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thetreefairy · 10 months
Call me dad
warnings: suggestion of forced turning, reader refuses to call Muzan dad, the upper moons are scared, reader is tied up, reader is tied up. GN reader
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Reader hated Muzan with a burning passion.
They hated how Muzan got angry when they didn't call him dad.
They hated how his anger was never directed towards them.
It made Reader feel like they weren't justified in their anger. But what they hated more was the forced cuddle time.
"I hate this." Reader mumbled, Muzan was having a meeting but since it was at the same time as cuddle time. Reader had to attend, they were tied up unable to leave his lap. It would feel domestic if Reader ignored the restraints.
The upper moons tensed. Muzan turned to Reader with sharp yet concerned eyes. "Are the restraints too tight?"
"I don't want to be here." Reader mumbled. "It's too loud., Muzan"
"Is it?" Muzan mumbled. "How sensitive you are, my dear but it's dad remember." Reader rolled their eyes. "Don't worry, I'll punish those pests for disrupting our cuddle time."
Reader scoffed and mumbled: "I think they should be rewarded instead."
Muzan's grip on them became stronger. "Don't say such foolish things unless you want confinement." Reader couldn't help but chuckle. "And you say I am sensitive Muu-zan~!"
It felt like a victory every time he got pissed, the upper moons terrified faces made it all worth it. "It 's dad, preferably papa." Muzan hissed.
"Oh, it is now?" Reader hummed with a grin. Muzan dragged his nails on Reader's shoulder. "It won't be when I die."
Douma looked up scared, the other uppermoons looked at Reader with wide eyes. "Are you threatening me with your death?"
They grinned. "Well, it is the one thing you can't control." Reader whispered in his ear for dramatic effect. "Is it? Perhaps I should turn you now."
Reader's eyes hardened. "As if you would." Muzan didn't want to turn them until they were an adult". But the more Reader opposes him, the more he wants to turn them. "Oh, I will."
Their young demon self would need guidance and would be under his full control. And he could command them to call him papa.
and he will take that opportunity gladly
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flametrashiraarchive · 10 months
Succor 2
Muzan x GN!reader
Content warnings: oral sex, anal fingering, prostate milking, profanity, Muzan Kibutsuji.
Part 1
Follow up drabble to Part 1
Taglist: @hiraethsdesires @verose-tb @blamedbisexual @tsukiran
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Muzan was livid. One of his upper ranks had fallen for the first time in more than a century, and the remaining demons of his so-called elite class were nothing more than pathetic fools, serving him with nothing but disappointment. 
He let Gyokko's severed head plummet to the platform below, taking grim satisfaction from the wet thud it made when it landed. Hantengu yelped in fear, Akaza flinched, and Douma’s perpetual smile faded. Nothing could quell Muzan’s rage. Nothing. 
"Muzan," you whispered from beneath his desk. He hadn’t known you were there, and your sudden appearance was nothing short of disarming.
You were his most depraved and alluring creation; a demon who was repulsed by the consumption of human flesh, but who garnered strength from Muzan's own fluids. And what strength it was. His breath caught as your hand slowly worked its way up his thigh.
Surely you couldn't still be hungry? You'd already sucked him dry not two hours ago.
And yet, as the fools groveled below, whimpering apologies and empty promises, your hands went to the fastening of his trousers and deftly undid it. 
"Stop that," he hissed through his teeth, glowering at your pretty face. "Cease at once, you infernal slut. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a mee–"
A shuddering breath escaped Muzan's throat as you took out his cock and used the very tip of your tongue to tease his opening. 
Oh he could have torn your head off for such insubordination, and perhaps he should have, but as his knees buckled and he was forced to brace himself on the edge of his desk, he couldn't bring himself to stop you.
He fought to regain his composure as your hot, wet mouth surrounded his rapidly hardening cock and he tried to keep his voice level as he addressed the upper ranks. “I’d advise you all to act with more urgency from here on out. I suppose you’re not entirely at fault for your inadequacies.”
You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock and the veins in his forehead began to throb. He raised his voice once more to address the demons. “I’ve been too lenient with you because you’re upper ranks.”
He chanced a look down at you, and immediately regretted it. You gazed up at him with tears shimmering in your eyes as his dick grew to tease and nudge the back of your wretched throat. Oh, you were an abomination, a vulgar disgrace to demonkind, but he could not walk away from you. For all his power, he was devastatingly weak when it came to you and your depraved mouth.
He had to end the meeting.
“Gyokko, once you’ve confirmed that information to be true, you are to head over there with Hantengu at once."
No sooner had he finished speaking than a partition closed the pair of you off from the upper ranks, and he could finally let loose the growl caged behind his teeth. “You will be the death of me,” he hissed. “How many times must I feed you, my greedy slut?”
You simply sucked him harder in response. 
"Curse you." His legs trembled beneath him; his weakness and helplessness only adding to his fury. 
“Oh, fine, you licentious leech,” he snapped, putting his hands on the back of your head and thrusting into your mouth. 
He pumped his hips, brutally fucking your face as you gagged and drooled over his cock, your eyes rolling as your tongue lapped at the precum weeping from his slit. With every thrust he reclaimed a little more power, a little of his tattered dignity. His toes curled inside the butter-soft leather of his shoes as exquisite pleasure built and spilled over.
With a grunt he unloaded down your throat. Your greedy tongue lapped at his cum as a deep groan burst from his throat. “Yes… swallow it all. There. Now I truly have nothing left to give you. Leave me be.”
His eyes widened as you yanked his trousers down entirely, exposing his backside. 
“What are you– Oh I should destroy you,” he groaned as heat prickled along his cheeks and the top of his chest. He released his grip on your head to try to pull his trousers back up. “How dare you, how–” 
His blood-red eyes widened. Your strength was truly astounding as you stood, catching him off guard and spinning him around before you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back onto the desk. The song of smashing glass and falling equipment drowned out his gasp. 
“You dare–!” Muzan’s protest died on his tongue as you slipped your finger past the barrier of his lips and laid it flat on his tongue. His pupils narrowed to reptilian slits as indignation and arousal battled for dominance. He could bite your wretched finger off– in fact, he should have, but he found himself simply moaning around it as you lowered your head to take his cock into your mouth once more. 
He licked the underside of your digit as his eyelids fluttered.
“Mmhh–” he sucked your finger, biting back a mewl as you pulled it free from his lips. “What are–” His body tensed as your finger delved between the plush cheeks of his ass, circling his hole, lubricating it with his own saliva. 
You simply raised your eyes to meet his frantic gaze. 
“You aren’t… fffuck.” His head lolled back as you continued your ministrations, your moan reverberating around his cock as you pushed past the taught ring of muscle to finger the soft flesh within. 
He was helpless then; eyes wide, mouth agape around a silent cry, chest heaving as you fingered his hole. 
“Damn… you…” he choked out, voice cracking as he lifted his legs higher, allowing you to press deeper. You hit a spot deep within him which made him see stars, “Oh… ohhpleasepleaseplease fuuuck…”
You seemed obscenely pleased as his cock started to weep, and you greedily swallowed down every drop which spilled out of him. Never in over a millenia had he been treated with such disrespect and made to feel so utterly helpless. He whined as he bore down on your degenerate fingers, furious as hot tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
Bringing up his arms to shield his face from your gaze, Muzan let his tears soak into the sleeves of his shirt as he rocked his hips, fucking himself on your fingers, taking you deeper.
"More, curse you. Another."
You obliged your king's request, pushing another finger past the barrier of his hole, scissoring them to widen him. His eager body responded to your touch, allowing you to push deeper and massage that exquisite spot deep within him.
His cock erupted onto your tongue as you milked him, pulsing pleasure and heat consuming him as he choked out your name. On and on, the pleasure consumed him, seemingly never ending. His mouth fell open, his lips drawn back to expose his fanged teeth as his groans turned to frantic whimpers. “I can’t I can’t I can’t I don’t… Gods, curse… you… I… oh fuck oh Gods please. Please. Please~”
His orgasm exploded then, sending sparks of scalding pleasure shooting throughout his body as you groaned in satisfaction, your wicked tongue lapping up every drop of his seed. His hands grasped at anything he could find, tearing pages from his notebooks and sending vials of ingredients flying from the desk.
“Mm,” you crooned as he lay on the desk, gasping for air, his body still pulsing with the aftershocks of your torment. “Such a good master, cumming so much for me.”
His crimson eyes widened at your praise, a muscle in his jaw leaping as he bit down the whine pressing at the back of his throat. “Silence.”
Forcing a deeper breath, he placed a hand on the back of your head and flexed his fingers in a muted show of affection. "Mmh… curse you." 
You were by far the best and the worst demon he had ever created, and in that moment, he would gladly keep you by his side for eternity. 
Thank you for reading! If you liked this, you can check out my other fics on my masterlist
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myslutwritings · 11 months
Hello could you do uppermoons with a S/O who has anger issues?
ofc! thank you for the requesting:)
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➤ Uppermoons reaction to a S/O who has anger issues
including; Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu & Urogi
not proof read
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Muzan Kibutsuji
• He believes the way you act is childish whenever you’re angry/upset.
• A little bit hypocritical of him considering he potentially has slight anger issues himself but after all he is a demon so he assumes it’s normal. Doesn’t really think much of it tbh.
• If you’re the type to have frequent outbursts/tantrums when you’re angry i feel like he would just ignore you until you’ve calmed down.
• Not the best at comfort. Affection isn’t his forte.
• Once you’ve calmed down a bit he’d return to comfort you in his own way.
• His way may not be as affectionate but it’s his way of showing you he cares.
• Muzan isn’t a softie (obviously) he’s very intimidating and downright the embodiment of evil so his way of showing affection is not ideal.
• But he cares though (more than you think)
• As your relationship progresses and you open up more about your own mental issues and needs and how you prefer to be cared for whenever you’re having an episode he’ll try to be more understanding!!
• Muzan still isn’t all that used to it but he tries just for you.
• Sometimes finds it amusing when the smallest little things piss you off though..
• He’ll chuckle under his breath at your little childish out bursts which only adds more fuel to the fire.
• Might bring you one of his victims so you can take your anger out on them because he assumes it’ll soothe down your nerves
• He’s never met someone like you and your emotions are pretty powerful. It makes him wonder how powerful you’ll be as a demon if he were to turn you into one. He prefers you as a human though because of the power imbalance.
• Fights may occur frequently between y’all due to you accidentally taking your anger out on him sometimes (god help your poor soul)
• Don’t worry! He won’t kill you.
• Usually he is very calm whenever you’re angry but if you just lash out and take everything out on him he’ll get pissed too.
• Whenever you two are some arguing you guys kind of just forget it ever happened and he just holds you in his arms or makes you sit on his lap to see if that helps you or not.
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• Kokushibo here sorta gives off this semi-calm vibe in my opinion? However, whenever he is angry it’s fucking terrifying.
• Whenever you’re upset he will sit you down so the two of you can discuss it.
• Like Muzan he will probably chuckle if you’re mad over something so tiny.
• However, unlike Muzan he isn’t toxic about it.
• He’s still a demon though so don’t expect it to be perfect.
• If you tell him what’ll make you feel better then he’ll do it in a heartbeat.
• You need a hug? okay! You don’t want to be touched? that’s fine too! he’ll give you the space you need until you’ve calmed down.
• I feel like he is the type to grab you firmly by the shoulders and tell you to calm the fuck down.
• Or maybe he’ll stare at you menacingly until your anger subsides..
• He’s the voice of reason whenever you’re upset over something ridiculous.
• If you’re mad for an entirely different reason (that’s valid in his eyes) is when he’s more caring and affectionate. (then again, in his own way)
• Kokushibo is quiet. He is not all that vocal unless he’s fighting demon slayers but whenever he isn’t on a mission he gives the “quiet kid” vibe.
• Koku embraces you and strokes your hair if you cry when you’re mad.
• If you’re the type to break things whenever you’re mad Kokushibo dislikes that sort of behavior. Isn’t a fan of extreme loud noises. He will get you to stop by manhandling you. Doesn’t usually raise his voice at his precious s/o no matter how mad they are.
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• My fucking god.
• This little shit finds it cute
• Will tease you. (finds your anger issues entertaining)
• Human emotion is just so strange!!
• Fun fact: Douma actually feels emotions around you. However, it’s still somewhat foreign to him and he still has major difficulty understanding human emotions. (please be patient with even tho he is a menace)
• If you talk to him about it more he will surprisingly understand you. This surprises you because he doesn’t understand any of his followers half of the time. (You special frfr)
• Don’t expect the teasing to stop entirely though.
• He thinks mortals are so endearing when they spark with such intense emotions over the stupidest of reasons!
• It doesn’t matter how pissed off you are. This mf will only continue to think it’s adorable and tease you relentlessly which boils your blood to the maximum level..
• Blud DEADASS gets confused when you snap at him for it.
• “Ehh?? why are you mad at me?!” (He’ll whine about it)
• Douma is a complete menace. Knows exactly what he’s doing.
• Once he realizes “Maybe they don’t actually like it when i tease them..” he’ll tone it down a notch.
• Still somewhat teases you though. That isn’t going to go away permanently but he will tone it down only for your sake!
• Similar to Muzan, he will laugh at you when you get mad over something little/stupid.
• And like Kokushibo, also the type to manhandle you if you’re out of control. (Smiles the whole time while handling your feisty ass)
• However, he is still sweet so if you sit down and talk to him then he’ll do anything he can to make you feel better! After all, you’ve always been there for him so he must return the favor!
• Whenever you cry when you’re mad Douma forcibly pulls you onto his lap and peppers your face in kisses.
• If you’re going on a rant about something that made you angry he’ll definitely shut you up by kissing you if he grows bored/tired of listening to you.
• He is a slave for you so he’ll let you take your frustrations out on him (New kink unlocked)
• Always finds your emotions very intriguing. How can a human feel so much?
• If there was a certain someone who triggered your anger issues Douma will just eat them! He won’t let anyone hurt you<33
• Or he’ll maybe let you kill them to help you feel better.
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• Akaza is beyond caring and understanding of your anger issues!
• Akaza is very worried about you! Will want to communicate with you immediately about this.
• He listens to everything you have to say.
• Does get a little taken aback by your outburst though. you’re like a volcano.
• He’ll politely ask to hug you if you’re the type who wants to be touched when you’re angry to help calm you down!
• Offers to give you a massage as well.
• However, if you want space then he’ll gladly give you that as well!
• Will occasionally check up on you, asking you if you need anything.
• Whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
• If you want to break things when you get angry he will find objects for you to take your anger out on.
• If you’re a demon and you get heated he might find it hot when you’re mad. He’ll watch with pride as you fuck the shit up out of one of the demon slayers!
• I feel great pity if anyone caused you to get angry. This man will ANNIHILATE a village worth of people if they’ve hurt you in any way. (He’s super overprotective)
• Overall 10/10 boyfriend! will always be here for you and help you during your episodes:)
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• Like you, he too has a very short temper.
• Okay, i feel like he is definitely the most understanding out of EVERYONE.
• Sekido’s anger issues are SEVERE (just like yours)
• He honestly relates to you.
• Sekido is scary enough but the two of you combined? All hell will break loose.
• The other clones are terrified of you both 😭😭
• And if you’re a demon that’s a whole different story..
• You guys are a power duo and definitely go on killing sprees together whenever y’all’s anger is out of control.
• All though he’s the one who truly understands you he isn’t the type to communicate about it nor provide you with any ideal comfort.
• Sekido’s way of showing affection/comfort is just letting you stay mad until you’ve calmed down or just shit talking with you about whatever made you mad
• He will listen to you and understand. Bro will be mad FOR you in any situation that ticked you off 💀
• It makes HIM even more infuriated whenever someone pissed you off.
• Will kill them INSTANTLY for you and will not give a shit if you protest.
• Y’all scare the shit out of the other clones. (and each other)
• Have i not mentioned the both of you have the strong tendency to take y’all’s anger out on each other?
• It’s crazy.
• The sex is great though so it’s fine! (y’all have hate sex)
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• Like Douma, he’ll tease you relentlessly
• This mf prolly gets horny from seeing how ANGRY his s/o gets.
• He’s honestly surprised at first.. he thought you were innocent.
• Karaku has to deal with Sekido all the time so he isn’t scared of you.
• The only difference is that he finds you cute/hot when you’re mad.
• Bro will probably offer you head to make you feel better. He is the pleasure demon after all so he’ll do anything that’ll pleasure your angry little self!
• Steamy make-out sessions 😍‼️
• The type of mf to fuck the anger outta you probably (Or he’ll let you fuck him)
• He will also tease you and laugh at you though (He is a jerk like that)
• He teases you WAYY more than he does sekido
• He will baby you if you start to cry when you’re angry
• Now, do not be mistaken. Karaku DOES care but his way of providing comfort is rigged with his sadistic personality.
• You remind him a lot of Sekido just less intimidating because you’re his partner.
• Will hype you up if you destroy shit when you’re mad. He can just replace them anyway so it doesn’t matter
• Sometimes doesn’t understand when you only grow more angry with him when he hyped you up or when he teases you. Humans are so funny to him.
• if you were a demon he’d probs get even more turned on if you just slaughtered the hell out of the person who made you angry.
• Karaku will lend you his fan that he uses so you can destroy more things with it while you’re mad!
• Would love, love, LOVE to see you take down anything in existence with his fan.
• He isn’t the best communicator but he’ll hear you out whenever you’re venting.
• He doesn’t have anger issues so he won’t truly understand. But he’ll be there for you so that’s good, right?
• Still capable of sweetly comforting you! He will hug you and pepper your tear-stained face in kisses (Still picks on you though)
• With all that aside, Karaku messes with you still and that’ll never end. Unlike Douma he won’t ever stop teasing you nor level it down a bit despite your protests.
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• This pussy bitch is scared.
• Bro cries because of you
• He strongly dislikes yelling and overly violent behavior. (Is not too fond of loud noises basically)
• He is scared shitless of sekido. so when he founds out you get as angry, if not more angry than sekido himself Aizetsu is going to be petrified at first.
• Aizetsu may be a demon who devours people but out of all of the other clones he’s the most soft.
• He is usually calm, tends to give silent reactions but whenever you’re angry and yelling his mind is at war. He’s scared but also worried for his s/o at the same time.
• On the verge of a panic attack on the days/nights you’re mad.
• Will be scared if you have dramatic outbursts
• The one to watch you silently, on the verge of an anxiety attack as you flip the fuck out over whatever angered you.
• Aizetsu won’t judge you if you’re mad over something small. However, he will definitely be confused though. (Why are you angered by something so meaningless?)
• BUT!! despite your ballistic behavior and immature tantrums you’re still his beloved s/o! Aizestu will still do his all to ensure you’re protected and safe from harms way at ALL costs!!
• Aizetsu probably trembles whenever you scream a bit too loudly (It always surprises him because he never knows what’s going to set you off)
• When he first found out about your anger issues (Which was completely out of the blue because you’ve never told him before) Aizetsu is a tad bit disappointed you never told him prior.
• Eventually he will get used to it (sorta) and as he does he will feel guilty for not comforting you properly in the past.
• Aizetsu will let you lay your head on his lap as you vent/rant about what pissed you off.
• Aizetsu is still fiercely protective of his beloved s/o. Will unalive whoever upset you.
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• You and Urogi are the complete opposite
• He is positive and joyful while you’re negative and cunning.
• Whenever he witnesses you having an episode he will immediately bear hug you.
• Attacks you with kisses and laughs.
• Doesn’t really understand but he will listen to you!
• Like Karaku he will probably tease you only to immediately regret it because you won’t let that slide 💀
• Tries to ask sekido for help or the other clones. (Doesn’t get any)
• He’s not scared of you like Aizetsu because he deals with Sekido’s burning rage on a daily basis
• Urogi tries his hardest to keep his S/O in a positive mindset!
• Not the greatest at advice giving but (kind of) an excellent listener.
• He’s usually very hyperactive and talkative but whenever you need to vent/rant then he’s all ears and won’t interrupt you!
• Will wrap his wings around you in a protective manner if you want to be spooned by him.
• The type of man to take you out whenever you’re upset to get some fresh air.
• Probably will offer you sex to see if that’ll make you feel better 😭
• I feel like Urogi would be clingy so if you ask him for space it’ll be hard for him because he just wants to make sure you’re okay!
• Sometimes he finds it attractive when you’re angry
• a/n: I don’t know what else to put here (LMAO)
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that’s about all! i hope you enjoyed reading<3
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lovelybrooke · 11 months
The way things were before (Platonic Yandere Muzan x reader)
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This was inspired by the last episode of the latest season where we get some Muzan lore. This is kinda my first time writing real angst so tell me what you think. Keep in mind this is based on the anime and I haven't actually read the manga.
Check out my other works here: Masterlist.
Ever since Muzan was young, one emotion he always felt was anger. It stuck to him like a tumor, destroying him from the inside out.
He felt anger for his illness that prevented him from having a real life. He felt anger for having to be tested on by doctors nearly daily. He felt anger that people looked down upon him as he grew weaker and weaker. But more importantly, he felt anger that nothing changed. He never got better, he never got stronger, no matter how much time went by.
As he aged, and his illness got worse, Muzan accepted the fact that his anger, his hatred for everyone would never leave him.
That was, until he found you. His beautiful, wonderful child, the only thing that could quell the rage inside of him.
You weren't his biologically, no, but that didn't matter to him. Before he was too sick to leave his bed, Muzan found you orphaned living on the streets and took you in. Ever since, you've been repaying him by taking care of him.
"Father, it is time to take you medicine." There you were, right on time. Muzan refused to take his medicine from anyone else, even his most notable doctors.
He was too weak to sit up, simply moving his head to acknowledge you, watching as you sat down in front of him. Muzan didn't complain as you moved his head so the medicine could travel done his throat more smoothly.
Once done, you lay his head back down, putting the small bowl down next to you, blessing him with a kind smile. "How are you feeling today father?" You question.
"I'm doing fine now that you are here, my child." You giggle, the smile reaching your eyes. A small smile graces Muzan's face at your happy demeanor. Even if it is only for a second, Muzan is happy.
"Oh, I almost forgot." You gasp, "The doctor has new medicine for you, he wanted to give it to you himself."
Muzan let out a childlike groan, rolling over to face the balcony. It was beautiful outside, but Muzan couldn't help but feel annoyed. The sun was too bright, the wide was too strong, the birds were too loud. Even the thought of having to interact with his doctor for a second caused his blood to boil.
You roll your eyes at him, "Father, you have to take your medicine, the doctor knows better than me." He does move to face you, but you could tell he was annoyed.
"The doctors are incompetent." He moves back on his back; his brows cross in frustration. "They have been treating me for years, but here I remain, trapped in by bed." He laments.
You frown at his words, looking away from your father with sorrow. You remember a time when he was still healthy enough to spend time with you, your favorite days being when he would grow flowers with you, teaching you about their meanings and medical uses. But now, just standing was enough to strip him of all his strength.
You've been forced to watch as your father grows more resentful for the people around him, hating his doctors, maids, even gardeners for simply existing, being able to live the life he most desperately wanted. On days where his illness is at his worse, he mumbles about wanting to destroy them all, something you assumed was delirium caused by the medicine.
Even though your father has changed, you still love him, and you can't help but see him as the carefree, happy man he was when you were younger, even now. It's why you so desperately want him to get better, so that maybe you could go back to the way things once were.
"Father, I promise they just want to help." You try and talk some sense into him, though his resolve doesn't budge. You sigh, "it would make me really happy if you let the doctors give you the medicine." You put emphasis on the word really, in hopes it would motivate him. To your luck it did, Muzan moving to face you, sighing at your pleading face.
"Fine." Was all he said, feeling warmth bubble up in him as you smiled. You leaned down and hugged him the best you could.
"Thank you, father." Muzan smiles, happy once more.
You haven't visited you father in days, him forbidding you from entering his room a few days after he took the new medicine. You didn't mind though, it probably had some bad side effects, so you left him alone. Though, you couldn't help but question whenever he ordered for a worker to enter his room, especially when you swore, they never left.
Today was the final straw, you had to see your father. Workers had been disappearing left and right, and you knew your father was not going to be happy about it if you kept it from him.
As you get closer and closer to your father's room, a stench more disgusting than anything you've smelt before entered your nose and caused you to gag. You would've thrown up than and their if you didn't cover your mouth quickly.
The smell only got worse as you slowly crept towards the door, it nearly becoming unbearable. You swallowed down you fear as you knocked at the door. You could hear the faint sounds of crunching, like someone was chewing on something tough which made heartbeat against your ribs.
"F-father, are you in there." The chewing stopped and your heart sank. Your hands shook as you heard someone move towards the door. Slowly, the door opened, revealing your father covered in blood. He smiled down at you creepily, a stark contrast between the horror that covered your face.
Muzan moves to cup your cheek in his hand, blood smearing on your face. He could hear your fearful breathing coming from your nose as you inhale and exhale in rapid succession. He rubs your cheek, trying to calm you down as you look into his room, seeing the mangled-up bodies behind him. Your breathing became even more erratic at the sight, Muzan simply sighing with a frown.
"(Y/N), you don't understand-"
"You killed them, father." You whisper, backing away from him.
"I am much stronger now; I can protect you." You shake your head, tears streaming down your face. What was he talking about?
"You killed them." Your repeat you back hitting the wall. Muzan was directly in front of you, looking down intimidatingly. For the first time in your life, your father scared you.
"I had to, my child." He answers, his voice calm, but you could sense his annoyance. "It's the only way I can remain strong."
You don't say anything as he moves closer, hugging you into his chest as your world went dark.
It's been years since that day.
Your now older, more aware of the situation you're in. You father was now a demon, forced to consume humans in order to live. You realized quickly it was from the medicine the doctor gave him, and you curse him everyday for doing so.
He took your home from you, forcing you and your father out of your village. He took your life from you, forcing you to remain hidden with you father. Most importantly, he took your father from you, him now a husk of the man he once was.
Along with the myriad of strange side effects, your father couldn't go out in the day, the sun causing him immense pain, one of the only few things that could hurt him.
You learned to treasure the mornings, them being the few hours away from your father. While he was busy learning all he could about his aliment, you were trying to maintain the image of a normal human being. Working, socializing, anything you could do to forget about the atrocities your father committed when the sun set.
You wish things would go back to the way they were before.
"-N)? (Y/N)?" Oh, you were in the hospital, getting blood work done. You look over at the doctor in front of you, him attempting to get you attention.
You've been feeling terrible for the past few days, constant headaches, hot flashes, soreness. You could barely move without pain. You got blood work done, now waiting for the results with anticipation.
"I just wanted to ask you a question before giving you the news." His voice is solemn, not giving you a good feeling. "Does your family have any history of illness?"
You want to answer yes, but that would we wrong. You're not Muzan's child, so you shouldn't have inherited his illness. "No, my father was plagued with illness years ago, but he's...better now and I'm not his child biologically."
The doctor nodded, looking away dejectedly. When his eyes finally met yours, they were serious, "You've developed a rare blood disease." You heart sinks, but the doctor continues, "I suspect about a month or so is what you have left."
You could feel tears in your eyes, but surprisingly you didn't feel all that sad. Ever since you were young, you've accepted the fact that you would die, it's something you've learned from your times on the streets. The doctor continues talking, but you don't hear a word, to busy wondering how you're going to tell Muzan.
"Father, I'm home." No response, but you know he heard you.
On your way home, you accepted that you weren't going to tell Muzan. You knew if you would, he would try to turn you, and you couldn't accept that fate. To you, even death was a better fate than becoming a demon.
You slowly make you way up to your father's study, knocking on the door before entering. Like most days, your father is hunched over his desk, books and papers strewn about.
He doesn't acknowledge you when you enter, even when you move to stand beside him. You take a look at the scientific papers, not understanding a single thing about any of them. The only recognizable thing was the blue spider lily that for some reason was crucial to father.
"How was your appointment?" He doesn't look at you, flipping through pages of a book.
You sigh, shaking your head, "It was fine. Apparently, I was overreacting." You let out an awkward laugh. Muzan nods, before moving his attention back to his book.
It's like he was consumed by this flower, it was the only thing he cared about. You missed you father, even though it's been years since he's felt like one. In a way, you feel like death would be more welcoming than the life you have now, one that is consumed by fear for the man your supposed to feel safe around.
You left without telling you father, silently hoping you wouldn't see him in the morning.
Your hopes were not answered.
It's been week, but death does not come, all that greeted you was endless pain.
Your father found out when you collapsed one morning, and while he was mad you lied to him, he was livid when you refused to be turned into a demon. He's never yelled at you before, it surprised you when he screamed and threatened you, but you didn't change your mind.
In the end, your father was forced to watch you slowly succumb to your illness. You attempted to brighten his mood by framing the situation as repaying you. You took care of him, now he is doing the same. The only difference being you won't make it out in the end.
"Father, do you remember when I was little," You murmur to him; you voice raw and quiet. Your room was dark, blocking out any light so you could barely see your father looking at you. "You used to grow flowers with me." Your giggle sounds almost painful, but the smile on your face was one Muzan had nearly forgotten. "I'd get so sad when mine would die."
He doesn't speak, he can't, "Then you'd tell me not to cry, because death is normal for all living beings." Your voice is getting quieter as you speak, but he doesn't acknowledge it. "You were trying to comfort me about your death, I didn't know that at the time."
Muzan wants you to stop talking, he hates the pain in your voice. "I wish we could go back to the way things were before." You said, before finally going quiet. Muzan hears your breathing stop before letting out a sob.
It's been over a thousand years since your death and ever since then, Muzan has been filled with anger.
Anger for this imperfect world that took you away from. Anger at you for refusing the life he could've given you. Anger at himself for making your last few moments miserable.
He doesn't know who to blame for his misfortune, but he knows that if he lets anger consume him, he'll find someone to blame.
Muzan chooses to remember you when you were younger and at your happiest. When he's alone, his mind often wanders to these moments, when you were just a child, so small he was afraid anything would hurt you. He never let you out of his sight, wanting to protect you from the world.
Though in the end, he still lost you.
Since the day you died, Muzan was filled with rage. And he will continue to be until the day he sees you again.
He just wishes things would go back to the way they were before.
A/n: I don't even know if this counts as Yandere but whatever.
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yuki2sksksk · 9 months
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❝ 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛. ❞
Some drabbles below. Anyway, I am trying some style and colour testing. I put baby Hakuji and Tanjirou in cool and calming color while Akaza in a bright flashing colour to bring out the contrast in it.
I tried making Tanjirou looking soft and reminiscing memories of the past,
While having Akaza staring in perplexed with his all sensory going haywire because of the painful memory that Tanjirou reminds him of that he can't even remember; so hence frustration and confusing resulting to being alarmed and angry.
(Without colour)
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Based on the manga panel;
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It's the way Tanjirou expression that gets me. He looks at Akaza in a pitiful, sympathetic gaze that is not in an insulting nor looking down on way. It's more like Tanjirou thinks;
" What happened to you? "
Tanjirou recognizes the belief Akaza has rooted from something, an event happening in his human life. In some way, I think Tanjirou has an idea perhaps of why Akaza has such belief, despite the disagreement he has for it.
Even if he has hatred for Akaza, he wonders how could such villain starts as a small pure baby. What happened? What happened to make Akaza turning out like this?
Tanjirou is mostly a forgiving person but when it comes to Akaza, I don't think he will ever forgive nor forget what the demon has done. But remember that Tanjirou is understanding, sympathetic and empathetic.
He doesn't know what happened but he always wants to understand the demons he fought because he knows that they were once humans too. That they had humanity at one point. The real villain here is Muzan and Tanjirou reminds himself of that often. He would never blame the other demons, holding onto the hope and possibility that not every demons wanted to become what they are.
I think the time spent before Tanjirou can meet Akaza again allows the boy to learns more of his enemies. He's met Gyutaro and Daki (Ume), he's met Hantengu...time has allow his heart to slowly toughen and soften, to ignore the seek for revenge in the beginning.
And when Tanjirou meets Akaza again, the hatred comes but so does the pity and sympathy. With bits of sprinkle a question,
" What happened to you? "
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doudouma · 4 months
hey there!! I hope you are doing well! I was reading your one headcannon dad! Douma x child! Reader and I was wondering if you could do a “continuation” where Muzan had to babysit the child. Make sure to take care of yourself and drink plenty!!!! :)
“douma has a WHAT!?” pt2
muzan babysitting doumas child!(reader)
read part one here!
this is a semi pt2 of dad!douma! muzan having babysitting doumas child, hm? this will definitely be interesting〜 (reader is also still 2-5, from part one.)
there are no warnings, my dear lotus.
reader is gender neutral.❀ 〜
a/n : hello, im doing quite well! thank your for the reminder, dearest! be sure to take care of yourself, aswell〜
ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚
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hmm… would muzan even want to babysit doumas child?
no, but for the sake of douma getting his mission done, maybe killing some hashira plus him potentially finding the blue spider lily? yes.
he doesn’t even like douma, he’s one of his least favorite upper moons. but after all, douma is still a uppermoon. upper moon two, if you will〜
which means he has advantages that lower kizuki and demons don’t!
muzan would definitely negotiate with douma on why he has to babysit his child. they’re not his! but douma is just so persistent…
“muzan-sama〜! can you please babysit my child for me? while i go on my mission? it’s far too dangerous, i can’t risk losing my precious baby!”
“why? whatever happened to “uncle akaza”? they aren't mine, and certainly isn’t my responsibility. you should just be a better father and just protect them.”
“muzan-sama, please? i’ll give you my beautiful eye in return? akaza-dono is out somewhere. they’re just a baby to me, i don’t want them to be traumatized for what they'll witness. see how cute they look? i promise they won’t cause any trouble〜 they'll spread joy onto you〜 something you may need〜”
💢“go. and be quick. i don’t want to babysit any longer than i have to, for i have more important things to do. i have no use for your eye, either.”
now it’s just you and muzan.. muzan and you..
he would most likely sit you off in a corner and let you doodle on blank papers.
while he finishes up any work he has. and of course looking off into the area you’re in, making sure you’re not causing any trouble〜
for some reason he decides to head your way? he doesn’t even know why, he just does.
when he sees that your actually drawing pictures of landscapes and sceneries, he’s impressed?!
(yes, you are a still toddler. only cool readers over here.)
he asks you questions about your drawings, and listens carefully through your speech impediment.
now that you’ve caught his eye, he moves you closer to where he’s working, at his desk. (congrats, you got promoted from the corner to near his desk!)
out of his old man habits, he starts rambling to you about flowers, and your little self just listening, occasionally asking questions.
it seems like.. the two of you are bonding over flowers, hm? how cute♡
it seems like you’ve got knowledge on flowers yourself, so muzan proceeds to asks you,
“at any point in time of your doings, have you seen a flower thats in deep blue of color? a blue spider lily?”
whatever your answer was, he decides to keep you closer to him.
not only because you could help him find the blue spider lily, but because… well…
now he sort of favors you♡
not your father. but you. he will never admit this either, for you’re still the offspring of douma.
when he finishes up with his experiments for the moment, he turns to you and sees that you’re bored.
he would find something else for the both of you to do. taking a stroll!
he picks you up, and carries you around asakusa, and any nearby beautiful forest, while the both of you still talk about flowers, or anything your toddler brain wants to talk about〜
after around a couple of hours, the two of you return back to the castle. and what’s that, a little smile on muzans face?!
gone, as soon as you look at him, though.
he sees douma, and quickly shoves you into his arms.
“oooh, my baby〜! did you miss papa? i thought of you the whole time! oh, how much i love you♡! muzan-sama, thank you so much! i know my little one wasn’t causing any trouble, right? what did you two do?”
“they were fine. and that’s none of your business, your child is back to you without harm. there'll be repercussions the next time you make me babysit, now leave.”
muzan doesn’t have any love for children. let alone, almost anyone.
overall, he actually didn’t mind babysitting you! not only we’re you easy to handle, but you’re intelligent.
youre fun-filled toddler personality probably what was needed to cheer muzan up, even for just a minute♡
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ooo〜 this was so cute, i really loved to write this! somehow, i finished this relatively quick once i started it. once again, thank you all for your patience, my precious flowers❀ 〜
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tojifile · 6 months
@Muzan Kibutsuji . . . (^^#)
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Tags: husband!muzan, emotionally dependent reader, f!reader, violence, suggestive, manipulation, muzan is taller than you, mansplaining if you squint, huge daddy issues, toxic relationship
A/N: Thinking about husband!muzan and his wife who’s emotionally dependent on him. She’s a huge crybaby but Muzan loves how dependent she is on him. He loves the dominance he has over her. THIS IS FOR WOMEN WITH DADDY ISSUES WHO WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE OF IN THE MOST TOXIC WAY IMAGINABLE. The relationship and everything is super toxic but I love those and honestly, red flags get me going! (I am a bad example of what you should do with your life, do not copy) Merry Christmas Eve to my ho ho hos! 🎄
p.s. an anon just requested for a Muzan’s wife runs away after finding out so that may be after this, just know that I love toxic relationships with guys like Muzan :)
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husband!muzan who only goes out at night. He tells you he has a skin condition that started when he was a kid. There was no known cure, so his “company” constantly tries to find information on possible cures for people with the same disease.
husband!muzan who seemed like the perfect partner, dotting on you, always buying you gifts. He’d buy you things that reminds him of you which made you all the more attached. You loved his attention and how he constantly babies you.
husband!muzan who you caught consuming a woman during a stroll. It was already past 7PM but you decided to go out for a walk. Everything was good, the streets were bustling with different kinds of people, all smiling and happy—that was until you got to a rather secluded area.
You heard loud cries coming from a narrow alley. The screams lured you in. At the back of the alley was where you saw your husband—Muzan Kibutsuji, devouring a helpless young woman. He immediately sensed your presence and turned around.
He swiftly got in front of you and covered your mouth with his palm. “Hello, my love, I trust you enjoyed your evening stroll?” He spoke, his voice dripping with an eerie yet sweet, confusing feeling. You only looked at him with teary eyes in response.
husband!muzan who tries to reason with you but he didn’t even need to say anything. You still wanted him.
Such a shame that you had to find out about his secret, “Kibutsuji-kun..” was all you could mutter after he removed his palm from your mouth. You then started to cry in his arms as he caressed your hair, calming you down. God, he was so sweet towards you.
A few lines of blood dripped down the corners of his mouth. He looked down at you with a soft smile on his face. His suit and pants were stained with the blood of his victim but that didn’t bother him.
Most—no, all of his past wives would’ve been crying and yelling about how much of a liar and monster he is and/or running away. But here you were in his arms, you cried because you didn’t know how to react. You were scared that he’d leave you because you found out his secret.
husband!muzan who is happy to know that you’ve truly submitted yourself to him. He loves the feeling of being in control. It was adorable, the way you melted into his arms, even after you saw him consuming another human being.
husband!muzan who promises to never hurt nor leave you. He just loved controlling you a bit too much. It got him excited, knowing that he comes home to such a cute little human wife who he doesn’t have to hide his true form from.
husband!muzan who then escorts you home while holding you by the waist. Telling you about how you shouldn’t go out at night without him. He doesn’t want other demons to mistake you for a lowly human.
husband!muzan who was just really turned on by the events. As soon as you got home he had you on the bed, kissing you softly. He didn’t even have to use force with you. You were just so happy to submit to the man who gave you affection.
husband!muzan who sometimes lets his fangs sink in your skin. Just for you to tremble and whimper under his touch. He loved it when you would cling onto him and he loves the little noises you’d make whether it be from pain or pleasure.
husband!muzan who tells himself that he’s only staying with you and treating you like this because you’re a valuable asset, one that could keep his facade going.
husband!muzan who slowly submits to your affection genuinely, especially after that night.
husband!muzan who always makes you feel safe and taken care of. He might be the demon king but he can’t let his wife be let down. Muzan Kibutsuji was too much of a loving husband to let that happen.
husband!muzan who treats you like a child that needs to be guided. He can’t have you forming your own thoughts now, right? That would corrupt your innocent little mind. He couldn’t let you turn against him now that he was so attached to you.
husband!muzan who loves to pamper you like a little doll. He loves the idea of using you over and over. Although he doesn’t understand why he’s so attached to you, he just lets it happen. You were still a benefit to him anyway.
And finally.. husband!muzan who has you numb every time he’s had a bad night. Getting you to do nasty things with him, knowing you’re always so needy for his attention.
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