kunrendeotaku · 4 years
Marco Vs The Forces of Evil Preface
Hello everyone! This will be my first post here, just to say what I'll be focusing this blog around. I've recently started writing a fanfiction titled Marco Vs The Forces of Evil. I know, I know, not exactly the most imaginative title-I'm sure a quick search can find another dozen with the same name.
However! I feel it is fitting. This will be a total rewrite of the series from episode one, with Marco as our only viewpoint character. Note! This will be rated Mature, as I intend to write what I believe is an acceptable series of events when not run through a Disney filter.
So far, I have twelve rather short chapters done, about 1500 words each on average. I aim to post a new chapter daily, after the big dump of all I currently have here. You can also find this story on several other websites, though I personally recommend reading it on Archiveofourown.org, as it has most of my author notes. Should you enjoy it, I also have a discord server you can feel free to join to chat with me and ask any questions you might have about the story! I'd love any feedback anyone is willing to give, as this is my first fanfiction and all of it will help to make future chapters higher quality :3 Links below, and chapters to be posted shortly!
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it's been a while take some tomco kids
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I tried <Xd
Like what you see? What about buying me a Ko-fi please?
-mod Zeth
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the-jolly-jester · 7 years
Svtfoe AU Mvtfoe
AU Idea!
Queen Moon is the one crystalized for trying to break the peace treaty between monsters by attacking toffee.
Years later the current queen is Eclipsa. Working hard to keep peace between monsters and mewmins
Meteora is a very rule abiding proper princess that has trouble controlling her monster powers, she gets sent to earth to learn to control her monster powers and learn how to be a kid.
Not sure of the design but i’m making her wand rock themed.
Now to work on the other characters to make them fit into the story!
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addude · 6 years
Okay I ask you what scenes in Seraph story that you would like to see turn into fan art but what about your other story. What scenes in the Prince Marco story would like to see get turn into fan art?
Hm, that’s kinda hard to say. I’m honestly not much for visuals it’s my weak points. I would love to see someone draw up Seraph’s personal scissors.
Maybe something like that scene with the girls in those Disney princess outfits. Still not sure if anyone realized they were dressed in princess outfits. 
Maybe something from the battle tournament. Maybe something with those flash backs to Seraph as a baby.  Then I also know something is coming up at the end of the dance arc that might spark some ideas.
As for the Prince Marco story. There is that scene at Brittney’s party that was inspired by Sailor moon and Tuxedo mask.  Maybe something about the dark future, that chase on the time wheel.  Or really any of Marco’s unique spells.
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I guess its time for tomco kids huh
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Not so new *coff coff*
Yugi, Prince of Darkness and Atem, King of Darkness
-Mod Zeth
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Mokuba vs the forces of evil au
Mokuba is Star.
Rebecca is Marco.
Seto is Queen Moon.
Atem is Eclipsa.
Mai is Meteora.
Jounouchi is King River.
Yugi is Globgor.
Marik is Lutor.
Bakura is Toffe.
Rishid is Dennis.
Isis is Lady Avarius.
King Seto rules over the Butterfly kingdom along with his husband Katsuya Jounouchi.
Mokuba Kaiba is the little brother of King Seto Kaiba, the undaunted.
Mokuba is sent to Earth so he can learn certain things and hopefully become more mature.
He is taken in by the Hawkins family, and becomes best friends with Rebecca.
Rebecca is a genius, book smart, and is good at fencing.
Also the demon prince Noah, is Mokuba’s ex boyfriend.
Wacky adventures happen ofc.
Marik keeps trying to get Mokuba’s wand.
Then Bakura comes into the picture.
Atem, son of Aknamkanon the monster craver, fell in love with the monster prince of darkness Yugi, with whom he later had a daughter that they named Mai.
Vivian Wong is Mina.  
The Magic High Commission is formed by Anzu=Hekapoo, Mahad=Glossaryck, Pegasus=Omnitraxus Prime, Mana=Rhombulus and Shada=Lekmet.
Also Seto and Jounouchi have a baby son, Jaden, but he’s way too young and not likely to be considered a probable heir to the throne unless Mokuba doesn’t have any children of his own.
More later…probably(highly)
-mod Zeth
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kunrendeotaku · 4 years
MVTFOE Chapter 2 pt 2
I ask, running up to yank her away from the fountain. “Open up!” I immediately order the girl, gesturing at her mouth. She blinks at me, then shrugs and opens her lips. I check her teeth for any signs of dangerous chipping, then let out a sigh of relief when she has perfectly healthy chompers. “Don’t chew on metal! You could permanently ruin your teeth!” I immediately start lecturing the poor, clearly uneducated foreigner on the dangerous things people do to their teeth every day, from candy, to chewing on ice, and more. Halfway through, Star says “Ohhhh….you must be the Safe Kid Skeevy was talking about! Hi Safe Kid! I’m Star Butterfly!” She beams those perfect white teeth at me, and I sigh, realizing that as usual my lectures are being ignored. I rub my hand over my face, and gesture for Star to follow me. “First of all, I am NOT the Safe Kid. My name is Marco Diaz, and I-oh, watch your step, loose tile.” I snag the (definitely muscular) arm of the girl and slide her away from that nasty trip hazard, then close a locker that was recklessly left open. After a few moments, I continue ranting a little, Star still skipping beside me. “I don’t know who told you about that, but I am definitely a misunderstood bad boy. I love danger and taking risks! I could use a bit more, to be honest.” I realize at this point that I’m not exactly being a great tour guide, but hey-I’ve gotta introduce her to me first! Can’t have her thinking- “Ohhh, a bad kid huh? Man, I know about that.” Star says, blowing a raspberry and casually waving a hand I now notice is carrying some weird toy wand. “As for more danger, sure! Ferocious Butterfly Transformation!” Star yells out some weird incantation and points her wand at a nearby butterfly. I blink, a bit uncertain what she wants from me here-should I play along with her imagination? Just as I’m thinking that, the wand begins to glow a bright pink, before zapping out a laser beam at the butterfly. The small insect transforms into a giant monstrous version of itself the size of a small truck, and gives a weird scream/hiss/roar right into my face. It has teeth-why does it have teeth? The monster flies away from us and snags another student from the ground, who lets out a scream as he is flown off into the distance. I of course am pretty much in shock, and the only thing I can think to do is throw a questioning/accusing look at Star, raising my hand in the direction that the monster disappeared to. The blond girl lets out a nervous giggle, pulling her wand up to begin nibbling on it (damn you plastic is bad too!). “I, um, whoops! You said you wanted more danger, right? Well there it goes! That kid is, uh, probably dead though.” I just blink at her, before finally finding my voice. “WHAT WAS THAT?!” I yell at her, throwing my hands out in frustration. Really, what the hell? Was that magic? Is a movie being shot? I’m nowhere near interesting enough for a prank show, and I don’t see any cameras. Star suddenly lets out another million watt smile, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. I’ve noticed that she rarely ever isn’t moving. “Oh! That was a spell I made up, with my wand here!” She says, pointing at it. “You see, Mister Bad Boy Diaz, I’m a Magical Princess from another Dimension!” The girl twirls her wand in an arc over her head, a rainbow following in its wake. Little creatures seem to spawn, that look ever so cute, at least until the whole thing catches fire, burning most of them to a crisp and catching a nearby tree on fire as well. This is my final straw, way past my breaking point of weirdness. I give the girl my biggest smile, pull my hood up, and say “W-well that ends the tour! Good luck!” Before turning and dashing away. School isn’t over, but considering the fire quickly spreading across the school grounds, it’ll probably be ended early anyway. I hear her screaming out “Bye New Friend! Bye bye! See you later!” As I go. It only makes me run faster away from the weird girl who can summon rainbows and monsters that kidnap people.
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kunrendeotaku · 4 years
MVTFOE Chapter 2 pt1
Chapter 2
As I’m walking to the Principal’s office, wondering whether or not I should have asked for a hall pass before leaving, I see the man himself with a chest under his arm. Principal Skeeves is a short, round guy with a head so shiny he -has- to wax it. Pair that with glasses and a weird french looking mustache, and you have the guy who runs Echo Creek highschool. He seems to be chatting with a girl I’ve never seen, who is staring intently at a water fountain. “Ah! Marco Diaz, just the person I wanted to see. I needed the safest, most reliable kid in the school for a special task: This is Star Butterfly, our new foreign exchange student. You’re responsible for showing her around and teaching her what she needs to know.”
I’m still blinking in shock at the news that I wasn’t called out for my Bad Boy behavior (thank god, NO ONE MUST KNOW ABOUT THE LITTERING) when Skeeves plum runs off, muttering something about all fifty flavours. I sigh, then take a closer look at the new girl. My first impression of her is that she seems intense and excited, a bundle of energy wrapped up in a cute dress that my finely tuned eyes can’t quite make out the material of. She has a massive waterfall of blond hair that goes down to her knees, and seems to be almost the size of the rest of her body. Bright blue eyes, weird heart shaped sticker things on her cheeks, and an athletic build complete the picture. She’s not exactly bulky, but she clearly works out-kinda like some of those cheerleaders who get biceps from lifting other people all the time?
Still, more important than her weird look is that she is currently poking the water fountain in confusion. I start walking her way, figuring she might need some help figuring it out (some European countries are third world enough not to have running water, right?) but before I can get there, she figures out which button to press. Unfortunately, that clearly scares this ‘Star Butterfly’ girl, but instead of doing the understandable thing and flinching back, the crazy girl starts biting the stainless steel fountain. “Whoah whoah whoah! What the heck are you doing?!”
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kunrendeotaku · 4 years
MVTFOE Chapter 1 pt1
Chapter 1 My name is Marco Diaz. I am a fairly normal kid, unfortunately. I have a pretty boring life in my safe little town of Echo Creek, fourteen straight years of nothing particularly exciting happening. I have a few petty rivals, a girl I like, a wonderful family, a girl that kinda scares me, straight A grades, kickass martial arts, and as of today… something cooler than all of that combined. This is the story of how I met my best friend, Star Butterfly, and the trials and tribulations we went through as we introduced each other to our respective worlds. It all started a week into Freshman Year at Echo Creek High. All of the students were coming to the realization that High School will not be some magical upgrade to our lives, we were the same people we were in Middle School. Just as awkward, boring, or in the case of some people, amazing as ever! I’m leaning against a set of lockers in the perfect place, and I see the girl of my dreams rolling by. Jackie-Lynn Thomas, a breath of fresh air in this boring little town. She’s amazingly cool, does dangerous stuff like skateboarding (even down the school hallways…?) and I even heard she’s had her ears pierced like, a dozen times! I give her my trademark cool guy (or so I like to think) nod and a nervous smile, my cheeks burning with what I’m ashamed to admit is the blush that rises every time I see her. I take the opportunity to check her out as she rolls by, returning my nod with a confident wave. She has wavy blonde hair with an aquamarine streak that matches her eyes, and freckles showing how much time she spends out in the sun. She looks like she was born to be a surfer, but as far as I know she only skateboards, in spite of the ocean not being that far off. A long sleeved green and white shirt hugs her curves, and the blue jean shorts she prefers inform the whole world that she’s developed something closer to the body of the woman she’ll be than most of the rest of the freshmen class. I feel my breath come back to me as she finally rolls out of sight, and relax against the perfect locker spot I’ve had planned for years. Once my face finally cools down, I look at the nearest clock to ensure I’m keeping to my schedule. I wince-as usual, I had spent a bit too much time on the ‘bask in the wonder of my crush’ part of the plan, and I have to dash to our first class. I manage to slide into my desk just as the bell rings, and start emptying my backpack to have all my stuff prepared to take notes perfectly, as I always do. Some people try to only note down what is most important, if they take notes at all, but I like to write down everything I see and hear and then organize it by importance later. Being a straight A student takes a lot of work, you know. I’m ready to go before anyone else has even shaken off the morning funk, and I take some time to observe the rest of the class. Of course, first and most noticeable is our teacher, Miss Skullnick. While we have specialty teachers for some courses, like computers and workshop classes, our High School is small enough that all the general education courses are taught by her, at least in Freshman year. Which is...unfortunate to say the least. She’s obese, incredibly ugly, and despises her life. I honestly don’t really blame her-I certainly wouldn’t want to deal with High Schoolers for thirty years straight, though rumor has it that most of her bitterness revolves around her inability to get a date.
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kunrendeotaku · 4 years
MVTFOE Chapter 1 pt 2
Behind me, I notice most of the people I’ve been paired with throughout my entire experience in school, from preschool til now. Justin Armberg, the closest thing we have to a popular jock type, as he was the school quarterback throughout middle school. Lars Vanderdud, the absolutely huge wannabe bully. I squint my eyes at the tub of lard, then motion that I have my eyes on him. Brittney Wong, the rich bitch queen bee of the cheerleading squad. A dozen or so blank faces that I only vaguely recall, then my ‘friends’ for lack of a better word-Janna Ordonia, Ferguson O’Durguson, and Alfonzo Dolittle. I only really like the latter two, Ferguson being a giant round ball of fun and Alfonzo being probably the nerdiest kid at the school other than me. Janna, however….scares the crap out of me. She’s a troublemaker who’s been sticking to me like glue since the start of middle school, and constantly does this weird flirting/fucking with me hybrid thing. I’m terrified to know if she actually likes me or just enjoys seeing me flustered, and so I do my best to avoid her.
Then, of course, best of all, the girl I’ve been crushing on since I stopped thinking of cooties as a thing. Jackie-Lynn Thomas, who looks absolutely adorable staring blankly at the wall and pondering death by boredom, like most of the class. I blink myself out of my daze, and glance towards the front of the room as Ms. Skullnick finally seems ready to begin the lesson. Unfortunately for me, all my preparation for note taking goes to waste as the intercom crackles to life and calls out “Marco Diaz! To the Principal's office, please.” At first I begin panicking-what could I have done wrong? I rush back through my past few days in my head and think that the only thing they could have found is me missing that trash can with a crumpled up paper and leaving it there! Oh, sweet lord, Marco Diaz is a lawbreaking litterer!
After my mini-heart attack, Ms. Skullnick tries to hurry me along. “You heard him Mister Diaz, get out of my classroom.” I immediately stand up, dumping all my well organized supplies back into my backpack, when a thought strikes me-this is an opportunity! Perhaps now is a good time to talk about me, your dashing and handsome main character. I’m about average height, latino, constantly wear one of my dozen identical red hoodies and black jeans, and I have a little beauty mark on my cheek. As for my reputation in school, well… if you haven’t noticed already, i’m not exactly a rule breaker (other than that awful littering!). Pretty much everyone knows it, but rather than leading to me getting a reputation as a stand up guy, I’m known as the Safe Kid. Considering how much I despise the boring nature of Echo Creek, being the literal poster boy of it being safe and risk free grinds my gears like nothing else.
So, I take any chance I can to try to break away from that reputation. Chances are, uh, rare, but this Principal visit is totally a rule breaker move! I smirk at the still dreadfully bored looking class, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and regaling them all with a pair of super cool Marco finger guns (trademarked). “Oh ho ho, ‘Safe Kid’ Marco Diaz getting called to the Office? I wonder what I could have done? Maybe I’m not as safe as everybody thinks, Hah! Bad Boy Marco, out.” I flip my hair, knowing that my performance for the class is spot on. Most of them are even smiling! I totes had the intended effect. Of course, as I leave, I have to scootch aside the garbage can as it was in the walkway. Someone could trip!
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