#mx au
clownwix · 1 year
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Happy Holidays ☃️
Hyungwon and Changkyun went out to the village to get some bungeo-ppang to share ❤️
21 notes · View notes
mymoodwriting · 2 years
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Electrocution, Nightmares, Kidnapping, Heightened Sensitivity, Blackmail
Words: 6.3K
Chapter Ten
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
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“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
    Hyungwon lifted you up off the floor, setting you down on the couch. Your vision was fading in and out, but you were desperately trying to grab onto Hyungwon. You wanted answers, you wanted to understand what was happening. He merely took your hand, squeezing it tight.
“Relax. I know you have a lot of questions, and I’ll answer them when the time is right.”
“… you… lied…”
“Sh, we’ll get to that later. Let me go fix the power, you stay here and relax.”
    Hyungwon pulled out a case with his wireless earbuds, putting them on you. A soothing melody soon filled your ears and began to calm down despite the situation. You didn’t know how or why that worked, but it did. Hyungwon watched you for a moment, petting your head.
“I am a programmer, just not for computers.” He kissed your head. “I’ll be right back.”
    You vaguely felt something cold around your neck, knowing it was Chae again. You thought you’d be electrocuted again, but since nothing happened you figured he was just monitoring your vitals. Hyungwon eventually disappeared from view, and you were left alone. You had no sense of time anymore, but doing your best to stay conscious despite feeling exhausted. You didn’t know what would happen next, but you just wanted to get out of this. 
    Changkyun was surprised to get a call from you, for the most part you texted. Still, he answered, but he got nothing from you, instead the call was immediately disconnected, and there was no follow up text to explain the call. It worried him, and he just had to check in on you. He wanted an excuse to do so for a while now, so he made his way to your place. He rang the doorbell, only to realize it was off, and when he tried the door he found it open. Now he was very worried, carefully opening the door and stepping in.
    The house was eerily quiet. There was a possibility you were out, but you preferred being home, especially since you were recovering. As he made his way in he became aware of the body on the couch, although before he could say anything he saw an orb flying straight at him. He brought his hands up to protect himself, seeing the orb wrap around his wrist, and then he screamed from the electricity. Changkyun collapsed to his knees, having a moment to breathe in before another wave of electricity hit him.
“Fuck!” Changkyun spoke through grit teeth. “Code black… 0024…”
    The wristband snapped off and collapsed to the floor, returning to its original shape and blinking a few times before shutting down. Changkyun took a few deep breaths before going over to you. He could see you were not all there, taking out the earbuds.
“Y/n… y/n, are you okay?”
“Chang… what… how…”
“What happened? You called and-”
“Chae… Chae he…”
“Out of commission. What-”
“Leave… we have to… leave… Hyungwon…”
“What? Y/n, I-”
“Okay, okay, can you walk?”
“It’s okay, I got you.”
    Changkyun helped you to your feet, having you wrap an arm around him. You managed a few steps but it was clear you couldn’t walk. He didn’t hesitate to pick you up in his arms, getting you out of the house. He had many questions but he wanted to make sure you were alright first. He got you into the passenger seat of his car, glancing back at the house for a moment before driving off. You were grabbing your head, trying to regain your senses.
“Y/n, what happened?”
“A lot…”
“Where do you want to go?”
“Uh… your place… he doesn’t know you…”
“Okay, I can do that.”
    The drive was silent, and Changkyun kept an eye out to make sure you guys weren’t being followed. He got into the parking garage for his building without issue.
“How are you feeling?”
“Weird… my head… but I am better…”
“Good. Let’s get you to my apartment.”
    Changkyun helped you out of the car. You could walk a bit better than before, you still leaned against him for support, but you stayed on your feet the whole way before collapsing on his couch. He got you some water, helping you drink since you still hadn’t regained your strength.
“You good?”
“Why… why did you show up?”
“You called, but… you didn’t answer… I was worried.”
“So, what happened?”
“I’m not entirely sure…”
“Well, can you start by telling me why you had that AI with you? Didn’t you return it?”
“Kinda… Chae snuck out to be with me…”
“And you didn’t say anything!?”
“Not like NexGen kept a good eye on its assets.”
“Still, you know he shouldn’t have been with you.”
“I know… we just wanted a proper goodbye… except he didn’t want to leave me… I tried calling you but he… attacked me…”
“Yeah. I was attacked too, I had to use the reset protocol.”
“The what! You reset him!”
“I had to!”
“You… you… no…” You took a deep breath. “A copy of his code exists in NexGen… he’s not entirely dead… if that was truly him…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chae… I think he was hacked…”
“Hacked? By who? Only a handful of people know he exists.”
“You told him!”
“Not by choice! Chae revealed himself to him and… he was working with Hyungwon… they attacked me…”
“Your boyfriend… hacked Chae… once he learned about him?”
“Maybe… could have happened before… Chae did set us up…”
“That… that’s kinda weird…”
“I feel so stupid. He was too perfect to not have some ulterior motive.”
“You can’t blame yourself over something like this.”
“He was just using me to get intel from NexGen.”
“You don’t know that.”
“What other reason does he have to be with me? He attacked me today. Either way I need to check my access history, see what information he got his hands on.”
“Your credentials don’t have access to NexGen servers anymore.”
“We were dating for a long while before I was kicked out. Do you think you can pull up my history?”
“I should be able to. Just give me a few minutes.”
    You were starting to feel better, although your stomach growled, reminding you that you hadn’t eaten yet. You managed to get up, heading over to the kitchen and seeing if you could find something to eat. It had been a while since you were at Changkyun’s place, but he still kept his snacks in the usual place. He came over to check on you after a while.
“You seem better.”
“I am feeling better, still a little dizzy, but it’s fine.”
“You want me to order something? You could probably use some real food.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Your favorite?”
“Yes, please.”
“Alright. But I do have to say… shouldn’t we call the police here?”
“We can’t. We’d expose Chae and we have enough problems as it is right now.”
“So, how’s it going on your end?”
“Good. I’ve accessed your credential records, going back a few months. I figured it’s best you look them over, since you’d be able to tell what’s out of the ordinary.”
“After you get some food in you.”
    Changkyun ordered some food and the two of you sat down to eat. It was a nice quiet moment, making you wish the circumstances were different. After eating you sat down with Changkyun at his home work station. You started glancing at your access history, double checking your memory to make sure this was you. It took some hours, and a few breaks in between, but you went through everything, yet nothing was amiss.
“This was all me… if Hyungwon hacked Chae, and through him he could use my credentials to get information… but he didn’t… Chae doesn’t have access on his own to the servers, does he?”
“No. None of the AI have credentials, they’d have to use someone else’s to gain access.”
“If he didn’t use my credentials to get intel…  then why get close to me…”
“Maybe there’s something else.”
“Me? He doesn’t care about me, he…. I don’t even know what he was doing to me these last few weeks…”
“He doesn’t need to access the servers to get intel. You were the head programmer at NexGen for years, your mind is the server.”
“Getting access to the servers, even through you leaves a trail, but if he just gets close to you and stuff, surely he could get you to tell him all kinds of things. Even if he has to resort to force in the end.”
“I’m so fucken stupid.”
“You’re not. He played on your insecurities and-”
“I should have seen this coming. Even lately with Chae… Chae… I need to look at his code.”
“His code. We can look it over and see when he was hacked and what was changed.”
“But what does that have to do with any of this?”
“I think Hyungwon hacked Chae when he was with me, but Chae is the reason we met. It could be a coincidence, but it doesn’t feel like it. If Chae was compromised before we met, then we have a leak.”
“A leak?”
“Only a handful of people know Chae exists. If he was hacked before leaving the company then there’s a problem.”
“That doesn’t really matter. I mean-”
“Can you get me his code?”
“I… it’s not on the servers. It’s a secret project, so the code is kept on an external hard drive in the lab vault.”
“As the head programmer you can access that vault without really explaining yourself to anyone but the CEO…”
“Are you asking me to steal NexGen property!”
“No, just make a copy and bring it to me…”
“Changkyun… I just want to know if I ever knew Chae… the real him… or if I was being manipulated from the start.”
“… I can get you a copy tomorrow.”
“Yes, and don’t say thank you. I could get caught.”
“I trust you.”
“Yeah, although… I have to ask you something.”
“Did you modify its outer shell?”
“What? No, why?”
“That AI may be advanced but its shell was still that of a prototype. It should not be capable of electrocuting people.”
“I… fuck, I never thought that maybe he modified him… do you have Minhyuk’s number?”
“He was with me for the drone testing. He knew about Chae and told me he designed his outer shell. He also fixed it after the accident, if there was some modifications he’d know.”
“But then why didn’t he say anything?”
“It probably got buried with the truth about that day. I’ve needed to speak to him about that for a while.”
“Well, I don’t have his number but I can look at his personnel file and you can call him up tomorrow.”
“Okay. That works.”
    You fought with Changkyun for a while over who got the bed. He insisted you take it, since you definitely needed to sleep well. In the end he was right and you took his bed. He seemed rather comfy on the couch anyway. You thought sleep would be hard but to your surprise you fell asleep quickly, definitely needing to rest. Although it wouldn’t necessarily be good.
    You jolted awake, disoriented by your surroundings and panicking. You fell out of bed, screaming from the ache, attracting attention. Changkyun burst in, wearing nothing but his briefs, getting you on your feet. You screamed at him and tried to get away until you realized it was him, starting to remember where you were and with who.
“Deep breaths. You’re okay.”
“… aish…”
“Something like that.”
    Changkyun got you to sit down, wanting to make sure you were alright before he started getting dressed. You averted your eyes, even though you had already seen most of his naked body by now. You obviously didn’t have a change of clothes, but you didn’t see it necessary to change just yet. When he finished dressing you both stepped out. You plopped down on the couch, still dealing with the dream. There wasn’t anything specific haunting you, but this lingering feeling of dread.
“Shall I make breakfast or do you want me to go out and get something?”
“I’m curious what your cooking tastes like so I’ll give it a try.”
“The Changkyun special, coming up.”
    While he cooked you went to his work station. It reminded you of your own, and things were more or less the same. You used his credentials to look up Minhyuk’s information, jotting down his number and putting it in your pocket for later. You went back to the living room, trying to figure out your next move. You turned on the TV, but were immediately overwhelmed by a loud ringing noise. You covered your ears, trying not to drown out the sound. Changkyun had heard you scream, rushing over to figure out what’s wrong. You couldn’t really vocalize over the ringing, merely pointing at the TV. He turned it off, but that didn’t change much for you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
    Changkyun grabbed your arm but you screamed and shoved him away, his touch feeling strange and painful. His concern only grew but he was suddenly distracted by a knock at the door. The sound was incredibly loud for you, causing you to collapse on the floor. Changkyun wanted to help, but the knocking continued and it was not helping you at all.
“I’ll be right back.”
    Changkyun rushed over to the door, opening without checking just to make the noise stop. Although as soon as he saw who was on the other side he was surprised.
“We have a warrant to search your apartment.”
    Changkyun didn’t have much time to process as three officers made their way into his place, followed by Hyungwon. He immediately grabbed the other, his confusion turning to anger.
“The hell is this?”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m just-”
    Your scream caught their attention and the two rushed to you. The police officers had been trying to approach you but the result was panic. Hyungwon rushed over to you and pulled you into his arms. You screamed at first, unaware of who this was, but you began to calm down. Their touch wasn’t painful, and their presence alone seemed to calm down all the noise. Once you regained your senses you could see who was holding you.
“Im Changkyun you’re under arrest for the abduction of-”
“Wait what!”
    The words of the officer drew your attention, but Hyungwon pulled you back into a hug, holding you tight and whispering in your ear.
“Relax, you’re safe, you can rest now, for me.”
    The edge of your vision began going dark, a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over you and pulling you under. You could vaguely make out what was happening, seeing Changkyun getting cuffed. Your eyes met for a moment before everything faded to black, Hyungwon’s words following you into the void.
“We’ll talk later.”
    You groaned as you began to regain consciousness. Your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the light, then you took in your surroundings. You didn’t know where you would wake up, but finding yourself in the hospital isn’t something you had considered. At the moment you were alone, but soon the door opened and Wonho came in.
“You’re awake.”
“What… what happened?”
“You passed out from shock. I can’t imagine what was going through your mind. We’re all glad we found you.”
“What… no, where’s Hyungwon?”
“He’s speaking to some detectives right now. He’ll be here in a bit.”
“It’s okay y/n, you’re safe.”
    It was obvious Wonho wasn’t going to listen to you, and at the same time you weren’t sure how to explain your situation. Before you could even make an attempt Hyungwon came in, and so the doctor excused himself. You swallowed nervously, watching him approach your bedside with a smile on his face.
“How are you feeling?”
“What did you do… where’s Chae?”
“That’s not important right now, what is, are the detectives who want to talk to you. Obviously you’re recovering from everything, so things might be a bit hazy, so let me jog your memory.” Hyungwon pulled out his phone. “You were kidnapped by your supposed friend.”
“Excuse me! I-”
    You stopped when Hyungwon showed you a video. It was you, at home, speaking with Changkyun. There was no audio, but it seemed the conversation didn’t go well as Changkyun attacked you, ultimately knocking you out and then carrying you out of the house. You watched on in horror, all this framed as security footage of your place, and dated yesterday.
“How… what did you do!”
“What any good boyfriend would do after finding his girlfriend missing, calling the police.” Hyungwon stated. “Then acquire the evidence to get a search and arrest warrant for the culprit.”
“You… you-”
“Did what was right. I do hope you’re starting to remember, or something worse may happen to your friend.”
“Changkyun finally confessed to you, but you rejected him and he didn’t take that well, did he?”
“Why… why are you doing this…”
“Are you going to tell the police about the super secret project that attacked you?”
“He always had a crush on you, everyone saw it, except you. Are you ready to give your statement?”
“What do you want?”
“We can talk later.”
    Hyungwon got up, stepping out for a moment before returning with two detectives. They asked how you were before asking you to recollect yesterday’s events. You glanced over at Hyungwon who had taken your hand, giving it a little squeeze. You didn’t call the police for a reason, and now wasn’t the time to complicate matters. So you told the story Hyungwon had relayed to you. Of course there were a few questions you couldn’t really answer, and when that happened Hyungwon had no problem sending the detectives on their way.
“… why are you doing this…”
“That’s complicated, but I have your best interests at heart.”
“You’re lying. You attacked me and-”
“I didn’t want to, but it was necessary. Things wouldn’t be like this if that idiot hadn’t shown up.”
“He didn’t kidnap me… he didn’t hurt me… you did… how-”
“I’m very good with technology. If you’re worried about him, don’t be. He can be charged with assault and abduction, spend a few months in prison, if you press charges of course. You could always settle outside of court and he’ll walk free.”
“Why frame him to begin with? I wasn’t going to tell anyone what happened…”
“I was worried about you. You’re off your meds, and you saw how bad that got in just a day.”
“Since you’re better now, we can get you discharged and go home.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Shall I call up the detectives and give them another reason to hold Changkyun?”
“Are you threatening me?”
“I’m doing what’s best for you.”
    Before you could say something else Wonho came back in. Now that you had given a statement and seemed better Wonho went over your condition, stating that you were well. You could be discharged if you wanted, but he actually wanted to run some tests. Since you were here and well, it was best to check on your overall condition. Hyungwon suggested coming back later, but you said it was better to get it over with now, since you were here. He knew why you wanted to stay, but it didn’t matter if you didn’t figure out a way to leave without him.
    You went with Wonho to get some tests done, doing whatever to drag things out and trying to think of a solution. You did ask about being discharged, and were told that given your situation and recovering condition, they wouldn’t actually release you unless someone was there to take you. Obviously the answer to them was Hyungwon, but not for you. That meant you couldn’t leave alone, and the only other person you would call was currently being detained and investigated for your supposed abduction. You were starting to feel hopeless.
    After some tests you returned to your room, relieved to find it empty. Although you knew it wouldn’t last, and you were running out of time. As you made your way back to bed you realized your clothes folded on the chair to the side, suddenly remembering something. You went through your pants and thankfully found the piece of paper with Minhyuk’s number on it. There wasn’t a phone in the room, Hyungwon hadn’t given yours back, not that it worked anyway, but you knew where you could get your hands on one. You made your way over to the reception area, asking a nurse if it was alright to use the phone on the counter. 
“Is this Minhyuk?”
“Who’s this?”
“I don’t know if you remember, but I’m y/n.  We met when we were testing-”
“The police drone! Oh my, are you alright? I never got a chance to check up on you after the incident. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m fine. I’m still recovering but I’m much better. I was calling because I was hoping we could meet and talk. If that’s alright with you?”
“Yes, of course. I can make some time this afternoon.”
“That’d be great.”
    You gave Minhyuk the name of the hospital and room you were in, telling him you would explain that when you met in person, but that you were alright overall. You thanked the nurse and made it back to your room, finding Hyungwon there. You didn’t say anything to him and just got back in bed.
“Did the tests go well?”
“Then I suppose we can leave. I’ll-”
“Wonho said some test results will be done in a couple hours, and I said I’d wait.”
“Ah, okay then. Shall I go down to the cafeteria and get you some food?”
“Alright, I’ll be back in a bit.”
    Hyungwon gave you a kiss on the cheek before making his way out. You’d have some moments of peace, but it wasn’t going to last. Either way you just needed to hold out until Minhyuk arrived, and hopefully then you’d have a real chance. You did eat when Hyungwon brought you food, wanting something besides what the hospital provided you. Eventually Wonho came by to tell you how your recovery was going. It was a relief to hear that things were going well, although he did note that you had recently had some strain on your nerves. Hyungwon quickly chalked it up to stress, but Wonho suggested staying overnight for observation. It was a relief to hear.
“You don’t have to stay.”
“I wouldn’t want you to sleep alone.”
“You can sleep on the chair.”
    A while later you finally got to see Minhyuk again. He brought some flowers with him, along with some snacks which you actually enjoyed. Of course Hyungwon was quickly on the defensive, wondering who this person was.
“I’m Minhyuk. I’m one of y/n’s coworkers, well former coworkers, from NexGen.”
“You’re from NexGen?”
“Yes. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Uh, Hyungwon, can you actually give us the room?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I want to talk to Minhyuk about some things regarding NexGen, but the NDAs, you know.”
“If you talk to him you’d be breaking them. I don’t see why I have to leave.”
“I work for NexGen.” Minhyuk explained. “So she’s not technically breaking the NDA by speaking to me.”
“Ah. I see.”
“Can you give us the room?” You asked. “I’ll let you know when we’re done.”
“Of course. I’ll be right outside.”
    You offered a smile as you watched Hyungwon leaving. Minhyuk set the flowers down and pulled up a chair.
“How have you been? I heard you were alright after the accident, but I had no way to reach you to check in.”
“It wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I did need to spend a lot of time in the hospital and do some physical therapy, but I’m alright. What about you though? Didn’t you examine the drone? What happened to it?”
“I did an initial examination but before I could properly finish it I was told to let it go. That the program was at fault, and that was the final report.”
“So you weren’t even allowed to properly investigate…”
“I’m sorry. But why are you back here now? You said you were better?”
“That’s… this is gonna sound crazy, but bear with me.”
“Chae attacked me.”
“Sh, hold on. Chae attacked me and he was working with Hyungwon. I don’t know what they want, or why they did this, but I had called Changkyun earlier and he came to get me. Yet, Hyungwon framed it as if I was kidnapped, and now he’s being held and Hyungwon won’t leave me alone.”
“Why would Chae work with him? What the hell are they doing?”
“I don’t know… I think Chae was hacked, and I thought they used my credentials to steal information from NexGen, but I checked my access history, and there’s nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Did you tell the police this?”
“I can’t. I’d expose Chae, and break all these NDAs and just… things are already so hectic. I’m not going to make this worse.”
“You’re practically being held hostage right now.”
“I know… and I need your help.”
“Given my condition I can’t leave alone, but you could take me. The only problem is-”
“Who… have you spoken to the police?”
“Yes, they were here earlier.”
“Was one of them detective Sohn?”
“Sohn? Yeah I think so, why?”
“He’s a friend of mine. I think I know how to get Hyungwon away from you.”
“Yes, but we need a good reason.”
“Uh… what about a proper background investigation? We haven’t been dating that long, and given my career I am a person of interest…”
“That’s good. I can make a call, and I’ll come back in like an hour. Is that good?”
“It should be.”
“Okay, just stall him for a bit.”
    Minhyuk said his farewells and left. A moment later Hyungwon came back in. He was obviously upset over being left out of the conversation, but there was nothing he could do.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah… as expected NexGen buried everything about the accident…”
“So he doesn’t know what happened?”
“I’m sorry to hear. What happened to you was unfair. Maybe we should fight this, surely we can figure out some way to do so without breaking your NDAs.”
“Since everything is all done, we should get you home. I’ll get your discharge-”
    Hyungwon stopped as his phone rang, seeing the number and then answering. He stepped out for a moment, and you waited anxiously, hoping Minhyuk’s plan would go through. When he returned he seemed a bit annoyed.
“What’s wrong?”
“The station called. They have a few follow up questions for me. I don’t know how long it will take, but when I get back I’ll discharge you.”
“Take your time then.”
“Shall I stop by to pick up dinner on the way back?”
“That sounds good.”
“Okay. Get some rest okay, for me.”
    He kissed your head again before leaving. You lazily waved, feeling a yawn coming on. If everything was going to plan Minhyuk would be stopping by soon, so it wouldn’t hurt to take a little nap. You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes, snuggling against your sheets.
“Y/n… y/n! Wake up!”
    You lazily opened your eyes, a blurry Minhyuk in your vision. He helped you sit up as you yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Min… when did you get here?”
“Like five minutes ago. Hyungwon is gone, so we need to go.”
“Right… right…”
“Are you okay?”
“Just really… tired…”
“Alright, can you get dressed?”
“Okay. You do that and I’ll get you discharged.”
    Minhyuk left and you wound up leaning against the headboard, dozing off again. It felt like an eternity but when you opened your eyes again Minhyuk was there.
“Did they give you something?”
“No… why…”
“You’re not dressed.”
“Sorry… just…”
    You managed to stand with Minhyuk’s help, taking a moment before getting your pants on. You sat back down as you put your shirt on, Minhyuk getting a wheelchair, knowing you weren’t going to get far without it. Even if you were half asleep, you were glad to be leaving the hospital. Of course there would be consequences, and you had no idea what else Hyungwon had on Changkyun, but for now you needed to get away from him. You didn’t need to tell Minhyuk where to go, he just took you to his place. You were a bit more awake by the time you arrived, but you still plopped down on the couch.
“How are you?”
“I’m okay. Thanks again. I know we’re not really friends, but I appreciate your help.”
“I owe you big time for that accident. This is the least I can do.”
“So you really don’t know what happened?”
“Uh… well…”
“NexGen told me to stop the investigation and scrap the drone… and I did… scrap a drone, but I had to know what happened.”
“Wait, you did investigate? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“If NexGen knew the truth, they surely would have silenced me. And I wasn’t sure how you’d react in the hospital.”
“Fair, so what happened?”
“It wasn’t your code that caused the malfunction, or the hardware.”
“There was some sort of interference.”
“Interference? You mean… someone hacked it?”
“Pretty much, but that’s not the worst of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“The testing facility is locked up tight. Signals can’t go out or get in. Which means-”
“Someone from the inside messed with the drone…”
“You said Chae was hacked…”
“So Chae… purposely messed with the drone… to attack me…”
“When I first discovered this nothing made sense to me, but if it was Chae… that does fit.”
“How many knew of the test that day?”
“Your test was scheduled, therefore anyone in the facility could potentially find out, but only on the day of the test itself. To make a sudden attack on you though… it’s highly unlikely. Especially considering they had to hack into your code. It was practically brand new. To hack it and reprogram it so fast, I can only think of one person capable of doing that.”
“Fuck… but why… I don’t understand any of this…”
“Well you can’t really talk to Chae… or Hyungwon so…”
“Wait, what about his shell?”
“You designed Chae’s shell, it was a prototype one, right?”
“More or less. The base design was, but considering he had to venture out with you he was given some upgrades to be more durable.”
“But could he hurt someone? Like electrocute them?”
“Uh, no, that’s not in the design at all.”
“And when you needed to fix him after the accident, did you notice any modifications on him?”
“No… well, I didn’t fix up his shell per say. It was pretty damaged so I had to transfer him over to a whole new unit and modify that one. Again, nothing on him being able to electrocute someone.”
“So Hyungwon modified him after the accident… what about his code?”
“I need to look at Chae’s code, I need to know when…” You sighed in frustration. “You can’t access his code and I’m back to square one!”
    You laid down on the couch and screamed into one of the pillows. You felt like you were going in circles and there was no way you could get out. You needed evidence of Hyungwon’s misdeeds before you could go out and point a finger at him, but you had nothing. Minhyuk gently pet your back, trying to sooth you.
“Would it help if I told you I did have access to Chae’s code?”
You shot up. “What?!”
“Not the whole thing, but… some of it…”
“What do you mean?”
“I… it wasn’t really a transfer… but I had to copy over Chae’s code… and I didn’t tell anyone… and I still have the busted orb so you could-”
“Access that copy of his code! Minhyuk you’re a genius!”
“One problem though…”
“The orb is in my lab… at the testing facility…”
“I… shit… and you can’t leave with NexGen tech… ugh…”
“Well… I could sneak you in…”
“No, Minhyuk, that’s dangerous. You could lose your job.”
“You nearly lost your life that day, and I couldn’t reveal the truth about it. If this can help us… hurt NexGen in some way, get you justice in the process, it’ll be worth it.”
“If you’re up for it we can go right now. It’s late, so there won’t be many people there right now.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“More than anything in my life.”
“Okay, let’s do this.”
    You were a bit nervous about this, but Minhyuk told you he would take care of everything, so for you to just sit back and relax. Even if you were once the head programmer for NexGen, not many knew your face, you still covered up though, just to be safe. When you got to the main entrance, Minhyuk showed his ID and said you were his girlfriend and he wanted to impress you. The guard seemed to understand and let you guys through. You were just glad that part was over.
“This is my lab, and here’s-”
    You took the orb from Minhyuk, holding it close, unable to stop the tears from flowing. It wasn’t really Chae, but a part of him really, and the closest you could get. You wanted to believe you at least knew him for a while, before someone messed with him, but now was the time to find out the truth.
“Are you alright?”
“I will be. This version of Chae goes back a few months, so it’s only a couple of months old really and-”
“Chae… his code… Chae is nearly two years old.”
“What?” You questioned. “He’s only been with me for a few months.”
“You’ve only known him for a few months but he was created a long time ago. At first he stayed in the main lab to make sure his basic functions of learning were operational. Then he was transferred over to Changkyun.”
“Wait, Changkyun actually had Chae for a while?”
“Yeah. He was supposed to help Chae learn and grow, but eventually an email was sent out suggesting more human interaction would help. Thus being transferred over to you, since being outside the company would allow him to further mature.”
“Changkyun never told me any of this…”
“He wasn’t too happy about the transfer idea, although I think he was the one who first suggested it…”
“I… that’s not important right now. I still need to figure out when he was hacked. With this we can at least do something.”
“Alright. Well, my setup is yours to use. I’ll go get some snacks.”
    While Minhyuk was away you got to work. You still knew how NexGen tech functioned, so it wasn’t hard to gain access to Chae’s code as you needed. You had never seen it before, but you were truly amazed as to how far he had come.
“So… how would you know his code was modified?”
“They’ll be a signature.”
“A signature?”
“A marker to indicate who and what changes were made. It’s basic for all my codes, and since Chae is technically my design that will be present. Hyungwon probably doesn’t know that so the signature will read as unknown, but I will still know what happened.”
“So how do you find the signature?”
“There’s some code hidden under the main stuff that keeps records of changes, like memos, for every week. I’ve started from the most recent memo and have been working my way back, but so far everything seems normal… which is great, I think…”
“So his code wasn’t modified?”
“It doesn’t seem like it… I suppose Hyungwon could have simply taken over Chae to do things instead of messing with his code. That would be easier.”
“That does sound easier. You’re a great coder, so tryna mess with your stuff would be hard.”
“I suppose but I’ve only looked at the memos from when Chae was with me. If he was modified before I met him… it means there’s some sort of leak in NexGen.”
“A leak? But wouldn’t this be all over the news by now? AI technology is still a dream to many.”
“Exactly why this whole situation is confusing me. Every logical move to make here… isn’t it… so what the hell is going on.”
“Well if the goal isn’t NexGen or Chae then-”
“What? What does he have to do with this?”
    You stared at the screen with wide eyes, reading the same line over and over again, as if you got it wrong. Minhyuk looked at the screen but he wasn’t entirely sure what got such a reaction out of you.
“Changkyun… modified Chae’s code…”
“What? How do you know?”
“His signature is right here… from a few months before Chae was transferred over to me…”
“… what did he do?”
“He… he turned off… Chae’s safety programs…”
“Safety programs? What do you mean?”
“The programs put in place to make sure Chae follows the laws and doesn’t break them, so he doesn’t hurt people…”
“So he… modified Chae’s code… and no one else…”
“I need to talk to Changkyun.”
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bebestay · 10 months
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doodle-girl · 1 month
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I feel like everyone who follows me/casual fans of DOAI have probably been so lost by what's been absolutely flooding their dashes for the past week or so, so here's a meme that I think pretty much sums up what fucking madness we've collectively spiraled into 👍
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maarcyeen · 8 months
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has anyone done this yet
continuation: [x]
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remmicreates-mlb · 1 year
i adoooree your art and if you still are doing some requests: id love to see you draw any of @bigfatbreak’s au characters!! im sure they’d look amazing in your style
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I love @bigfatbreak ‘s au and character designs, especially Nekydallon’s. :)
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hellcifrogs · 6 months
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More OCs!! Junko AU this time!
1st pic -> Class Graduation Photo! Lando, Vasco and Viola make a team. Shikari teams up with older Ino-Cho sisters and their teacher is Lando's dad, Orland.
2nd -> Ex teammates meet again for a new mission. Adults now, but stay silly. There's a reason Shingo likes to work solo. To no one's surprise Irene has the biggest crush on Kaito, has had it since genin days, Kaito is clueless, but happy to work with her again.
3rd -> Chomari has some things to complan to the Hokage. Everyone is unhappy with the current system, some people are more willing to take action than others, some have less to lose. Dante hopes he can help.
4th -> Doc Gossip~ Are they discussing a patient? Are they planning for murder? We'll never know~
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callmegaith · 5 months
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"Have you seen the White Rabbit?"
Spitballing scenarios and ideas with a friend of mine and we made this psychedelic Alice in Wonderland inspired AU thing and this is a little scene with Mx. Oryx, my Rusty Lake sona :D
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The adult married babes are here!!!
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Half pass means he gets one kick less than the usual three in the butt.
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Changkyun As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
When you and Changkyun get a couple tattoo, he will love to touch it and take cute pictures of the two of you together. He will even set your couple photos as his lockscreen, and he will smile widely every time he opens his phone. He will be so proud of your couple tattoo, and he will love to show it off to everyone. He will tell everyone how much he loves you, and he will always be grateful for the special bond that you share. Your couple tattoo will be a constant reminder of your love for each other, and it will bring you closer together. It will be a symbol of your commitment to each other, and it will be a source of happiness for both of you.
He will set his photos as your lockscreen without you knowing it. and once you open your phone and you will see his face smiling back at you. You will be surprised and touched by his gesture, and you will know that he loves you very much. He will do this because he wants to be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. He wants you to think of him every time you use your phone. When you see his face on your lockscreen, you will feel loved and appreciated. You will know that he is thinking of you, and you will feel closer to him.
He loves to send you cute texts, asking you about your day and telling you how much he misses you. He will often start his texts with "How was your day, baby?" or "I miss you so much." He will also tell you to take care of yourself and to eat and rest. He knows that you are busy, but he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. He wants you to be happy and healthy, and he will always be there for you. His texts are always full of love and affection. He will often use pet names like "baby" or "honey" to show how much he cares about you. He will also send you pictures or videos of himself to make you smile.
He will prepare a date with you, making sure that he doesn't mess up. Even though you've been together for more than a year, he will still be nervous. He will want to make this date perfect for you, and he will want to show you how much he loves you. He will start by planning the perfect location. He will want to take you somewhere that is special to both of you, or somewhere that he knows you will love. He will also plan the perfect activities, making sure that you will have a fun and memorable time. On the day of the date, he will be so nervous that he might even be shaking. But he will take a deep breath and remind himself that he loves you and that you will love the date. During the date, he will tell you how much he loves you and how lucky he feels to be with you. He will also let you hear a song that he created for you. The song will be a beautiful expression of his love, and it will make you feel so special. By the end of the date, you will know how deep his feelings are for you. You will also know that he is the one for you.
He will give you sudden hugs everywhere when he feels like he wants to. This man will be so soft only for you. Sometimes, he will hug you from behind when you are cooking in the kitchen. Other times, he will hug you from the front when you are sitting on the couch watching a movie. He might even hug you from the side when you are walking down the street. No matter where he hugs you, you will feel his love and affection. He will hold you tightly and squeeze you gently. He will whisper sweet nothings in your ear and tell you how much he loves you. You will melt in his arms every time he hugs you. You will feel so safe and secure, and you will know that you are loved. Changkyun is a soft-hearted man, but he is only soft for you. He is strong and protective with everyone else, but he is gentle and loving with you. He knows that you are his soft spot, and he cherishes you more than anything in the world. If you are lucky enough to have Changkyun in your life, cherish him. He is a rare gem, and he will love you unconditionally.
Every time he sees you, he greets you with his lovely smile and says, "Miss me?" He knows that his smile makes you blush, and he loves to see your face turn red as a tomato. Changkyun's smile is one of the things that you love most about him. It's so genuine and heartwarming, and it always makes you feel happy. He is a truly kind and loving person, and you are so lucky to have him in your life.
This man is smart, you will wonder how he can be so smart. He reads you like he reads a book. He understands you and all your problems really well. You don't need to hide anything from him, he'll know right away when you're not in good condition. He can tell when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. He can see the changes in your body language, and he can hear the changes in your tone of voice. He knows you better than you know yourself, and he always knows how to make you feel better. He is always there for you, no matter what. He will listen to you when you need to talk, and he will offer you his advice. He will never judge you, and he will always be there to support you. You are so lucky to have him in your life. He is a true friend, a loving partner, and a wise advisor. You can always count on him, and he will always be there for you.
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lu-naticart · 5 months
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these guys ✨
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clownwix · 2 years
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Witch Minhyuk and his very large dog familiar named Jooheon ✨
Minhyuk cast a spell on him that makes him a bit larger than a normal golden retriever. When they aren’t flying for travel, he uses that spell to make him as large as a horse 🐶
MX Witch AU
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cupophrogs · 7 months
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Reposting the Poppet kisses!! @clownsuu @koifsssh @thelone-copper @ashchoo @g4l4ctical @popsiskull @chimeracarnival
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doodle-girl · 16 days
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Happy one month, sitcommies 🎉
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maarcyeen · 8 months
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based on: [x]
continuated here: [x]
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mrmxhamato · 7 months
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Ah gotta go help Jayd settle the kids since Case got classes tomorrow. Her guys have our recent halloween.
Casey didn't think he was cool enough for a costume and Jayd couldn't finish their red fox costume.
My little man and princess look so good! Lou's first Halloween and Annie's fourth.
Kids got so much candy I swear to pizza supreme....
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