#my affinity for mariah never tires
aquariasmoon · 2 years
Beymas: Brittle Wolf
Here is my entry for Beymas! Sorry it's so late I literally left it up to the last minute because I am a disaster 😅🤦‍♀️ Anyway thanks to @parfaitkiwi for organizing this!
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He felt nervous now handing over the small box, suddenly extremely self-conscious about the little figurine delicately wrapped up inside. The secret Santa seemed like a fun idea until he had discovered who his partner was.
Lee would have taken anyone over any of the members of that team. He was surprised they were even taking part in the first place, no doubt strongarmed or subtly blackmailed into it by Mr Dickenson. A pale hand took the box from him but Tala continued to stare at him with little to no expression, it was creepy. They stood in silence for a few moments, Tala holding the box but making no motion to open it. Simply holding onto it without a word like he didn't quite know what to do with himself either. Well, at least Tala seemed to be as uncomfortable as him in this situation. 
“Aren’t you going to open it?” Mariah huffed crossing her arms finally getting tired of watching this whole awkward exchange. Tala’s eyes flicked up to look at her for a moment before looking down to study the small box in his hand. Much to Mariah's annoyance, he turned his attention back to the room as he surveyed what everyone else was doing. Opening and giving gifts to each other, not a single hand was empty even that of his teammates who had split up to hand off their own halves of the exchange. 
Lee felt a lump in his throat, Tala dragging this out more than necessary was just making this exchange a thousand times more awkward than it already was. Part of him just wanted to rip open the box and shove it in Tala's face to get it over and done with but now, finally face to face with him he suddenly felt his gift was ridiculous. Its homemade nature suddenly felt embarrassing.
Tala seemingly tired of Mariah’s fussing opened the lid, tucking it under the base as he moved aside the layers of tissue paper that seemed silent in the uproar of the festivities around them. Pale fingers plucked out the small wooden shape pulling it up in front of his face to inspect. Lee swallowed and looked away self-consciousness taking over him. 
The figure was small, only about nine centimetres or so, carved from a solid chunk of wood. When lee had drawn Tala’s name he had no idea what the other man would want. At least if it had been Bryan he could have got a knife and been done with it but the elusive captain of the Russian team was straight up a mystery to him. He had looked all over at many things nothing even remotely caught his interest. He could have phoned it in with something generic but at the same time, his pride would never have allowed that. 
It had finally come to him when he was fussing over it trying desperately to rack his brain for an idea. He had been sat down whittling away at a small piece of wood, a calming hobby he had picked up the past few years. If there was one thing Tala seemed to care about it was wolborg, all of the bladers had a fondness and affinity with their bitbeats, so it was a safe bet. 
His first attempt was pretty but wrong. The beast was sat down tail wrapped around its body, the best sort of pose for this kind of craft, it made it strong and solid leaving no small parts that could easily snap. But the more he looked at it the more it didn't seem right. The wolf looked passive, almost friendly nothing like wolborg or its master. 
His second attempt was better. The figure was standing up but again it didn't seem right, its head was looking up and while not passive anymore its body language didn't convey what he felt it should. It looked more like a pet dog looking up at its master definitely not the feeling he got from wolborg.
On his third attempt he had thrown his normal techniques out the window and just went for it. The beast's body was in motion, twisted like it was about to start running after its prey, its legs each in a different position sprawled out and separate from the others. The wolf's head was pointed down but not in submission as its mouth was open and growling showing off its large fangs. Its tail up and alert just like the beast's signature embedded icicles that seemed to almost form wings on it’s back. It looked dangerous and wild just like it should, unfortunately, this left the figure itself extremely fragile. Pretty much every detail on this thing was a weak point, only a small amount of pressure would snap it in multiple places. It felt right however, compared to the other two while it wasn't as pretty or aesthetic but it felt truer to the actual beast.
He had no idea why he had even put so much effort into this, and now he all but regretted it.
“It’s beautiful, thank you” 
Lee almost couldn’t believe his ears, he expected Tala to scoff at the thing or at least make a smart little comment as the redhead often did. He looked up seeing Tala with an unreadable expression on his face, Fingers delicately turning the wolf over in his hand looking at the small details Lee had carved into the wood grain.
“Uh I-...You're welcome” He mumbled out, suddenly more embarrassed than ever but under that, he felt a little smug at actually getting some kind of approval from the redhead. Mariah clapped him on the back and said something about wanting to give her own gift now before promptly dragging him off. He couldn’t help but look back at Tala, he was still turning the small wooden figure over in his hands with an almost faraway look in his eyes. 
Lee would never understand that guy.
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earnmysong · 3 years
Okay, this has probably already been pointed out somewhere but I just noticed it:
In Encanto, Mirabel’s glasses are green. None of her other family members wear green — except for Bruno. It’s his color, thematically. And Mirabel is the first one to see him (in a long time.) Mirabel is the only one who sees Louisa’s power failing, who sees the house’s magic cracking. And she sees it all through glasses the same color as her uncle with the gift of prophesy!
There’s no point to this ask other than my appreciation of color usage in this film. But I think you’ll share my joy at this discovery!
listen, my darling friend, any and every ask about ‘encanto’ needs no other point because it deals with this adorable and veryyyyy meaningful entity that delights me to my core! HOWEVER, with you coming to me with this assertion, the relevance quadruples! you’re totally the first person i’m discussing this with, so. THANK YOU. 
i have/had that same thought about mirabel’s glasses - them helping to ‘see’ everyone’s true nature/what they’re burying by virtue of the fact that they’re mundane/normal/necessary objects rather than magical ones ... honestly, i’m beyondddd thrilled to have a first mate on this theory! [although, as you said, i’m sure there are more of us, if we look!]
the color aspect hadn’t dawned on me at all, but you’re absolutely correct! IT’S PERFECT, AS ARE YOUUUUUUU. 💚💚💚💚💚
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earnmysong · 3 years
For the drabbles, Chenford please. And maybe 30 and/or 47.
#47 can be found here! I like it too much to try and capture greatness again! Also? 'Ladybug' in Spanish? Mariquita! And this covers a headcanon request from a while ago. the OG one was ixnayed due to my lackluster feelings toward it ... In addition, because i’ve just realized it’s her birthday, this is dedicated to the ever-terrific @semperlitluv - whom i dragged into these two with me!
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“Is that blood?”
The music spilling out of Lucy’s phone might filter the sound from Tim’s impromptu interrogation, but? When she adds his tall, frozen frame filling the doorway - not even relaxing enough to realize his booted foot has stopped mid-step - to her lip-read of his final, frazzled word, and the fact that his normal tan has paled considerably? She turns immediately, following his stare to figure out why he’s basically as beside himself as he’ll ever be.
Michaela’s waving wildly, her entire palm a stunning shade of crimson.
Which grants Lucy the ability to trace the exact path Tim’s theory takes in this four-second span. “It’s paint, it’s paint!” she rushes, eighty-sixing the song in a hurry. “C’mere, baby.” Reaching for deceptively-decorated fingers, she scrubs her toddler’s hand clean with a damp paper towel. “You think we gave Daddy a heart attack, Mick? Looks like a close call to me!” She mouths You okay? at him over their daughter’s head.
After a similarly silent Yeah, he thumps his chest a little, like he’s waiting for a revival, earning a delighted giggle from the chair next to which he comes to stand. Leaning his elbows on the newspaper-topped island, he gives his chin a place to rest. “What’re we up to, ladybug?”
Mickey only points excitedly at him a few times in a row without speaking, leaving her father very confused.
“Wanna show him?” Lucy encourages.
Mickey practically vaults forward at the suggestion, Tim loosely gripping the fabric at the back of her dress to guarantee she won’t tumble while pursuing her treasure: a single egg carton slot, inverted, splattered with a familiar dual color scheme, and dusted with about a pound of glitter. “It’s me!” she proclaims proudly.
“The most beautiful bugs ever!” Tim pats her craft on the spot with the least sparkle before bending to hug his girl fiercely. “Both of you!”
Angela calls Tim that night, yelling down the line at him: “You let Lucy and Mickey convince you to debut on TikTok? I should’ve received advance notice! I didn’t emotionally prepare!”
“I’m in three seconds,” he defends, laughing. “They sing, not me. I’m a glorified prop master at best.”
“You were complicit, TB, it’s documented. Deal.”
Pulling up Lucy’s account - fromboottobradford - Tim knows what he’ll find: he’d signed off on the director’s cut. His camera operator hat had carried more weight than his pop-up intro.
On-screen, he narrates ‘… the love-bug crawls right back up and bites me!’ touching Mari to his face and - secretly - praying that the dazzling darling had dried. Then Mickey and Lucy steal the spotlight, running through a whole sequence set to: “She can’t help it, the girl can’t help it. You got me trippin’ stumblin’ flippin’ fumblin’…”
i enjoy this little snippet immensely, so it’s also been added to with hope in your heart (you’ll never walk alone) as Part xii. You can read/leave some love here, if you feel so inspired!
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earnmysong · 3 years
Decided to watches "Witches of East End" on Hulu because I wanted something autumnal and spooky that wasn't heavy (and this is soapy af but I love it) and who shows up but TIM BRADFORD.
He plays a hot, rich doctor who is part of Doctors without Borders, and is engaged to one of the main characters. His hair is much longer and I didn't recognize him for a hot second. It's weird!
oh my god! i vaguely recall hearing that [probably here, via the chenford fandom fam], but never really felt inspired to check it out. should i change my stance? how is it so far?
oh my god, squared! not!tim bradford's fiancee is channing tatum's ex, aka nolan's towel-clad neighbor/wedding date! the rookie: keeping former costars in each other's professional orbit! and the other sister was jj’s fiancee on american dreams, which tiny e also watched!
i know eric winter because he guest-starred on wildfire, one of tinier e's tune-ins. anddddd he did a hallmark holiday movie once with jodie sweetin! [i tend to remember the ones starring mildly famous people - leann rimes, kellie pickler, stephanie tanner in real life - a little better ahahaha!]
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earnmysong · 3 years
⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐
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m, my darling! the feeling is wholeheartedly reciprocated! thank you for humoring all of my bouts of fannish glee, actually checking out my obsessions and then joining in with them, and truly being one of the kindest, most supportive people! i’m beyond blessed to know you!
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earnmysong · 3 years
the stupendous @semperlitluv - who i will be owing for a long while yet because she actually took my incessant yammering to heart and got stuck in the lucy/tim vortex with me! much 💕, dearest! - requested i expound on the following! if @pasmonblog, @megalong, @cashewdani, @firstaudrina, @somethingaboutsewing, or anyone else wants to, feel free!
name/nickname | erin or e
gender | female
star sign | living that 🦀 life
height | 5′
time | ~9pm
birthday | 7/11
favorite bands | paramore, haim, vampire weekend, jack’s mannequin
favorite solo artists | ingrid michaelson, sara bareilles, sam hunt, kelsea ballerini, all the broadway babiessss 
song stuck in my head | miranda lambert’s ‘bluebird’; me? liking a miranda lambert song? WHAT IS LIFE?
last show | ‘the rookie’ - SORRYYYY, IT BASICALLY ATE ME
last movie | i watched homeward bound on disney plus for the first time since i was tiny; IT STILL FREAKING WRECKEDDDDD ME
when did i create this blog | 2012
last thing googled | ‘can kaitlyn dever sing?’ because, in ‘dear evan hansen’ it’s sort of a necessity 
other blogs | nope, not a one; this is the one and only e
do i get asks | yesssss, actually, even though i still sort of fall over when i do ahahahaha! i’ve gotten the occasional request to chat about schitt’s creek or lucy/tim or winterwitch [wanda/bucky]. i also get some requests for moodboards and i once had a very nice person ask for a playlist
why i chose my url | it’s a song lyric that i thought was pretty - ‘...claim that stage / and earn my song...’
following | 209
followers | 234 - I have more followers than people i follow now? FUN :D
average hours of sleep | 7; thanks to virtual teaching and lexapro; i used to clock in at about four
lucky number | 7 or 11
instruments | my voice, i guess? not that i sing well at allll; i simply enjoy doing so!
what am i wearing | a LOCALS ONLY SoCal surf tee and star-printed leggings
dream trip | i’d love to go to russia or norway; GIVE ME COLDDDD
favorite food | pasta, chocolate chip bagels, chai lattes
nationality | american
favorite song | sara bareilles’ ‘let the rain’ OR ingrid michaelson’s ‘be ok’
last book read | david wright’s biography, ‘the captain’
top three fictional worlds to live in | i would follow the roses anywhere, jed bartlet’s/matt santos’/sam seaborn’s america, the MCU
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earnmysong · 3 years
Well, you know I have to ask you Chai in return! Also… Earl Grey?
favorite color combination: i'd probably say pairing a lighter color with a dark one, my most-revisited being light pink and black. my bedroom walls are ballet and my light switch plate, poster frames, and comforter are black. i'm a contradiction personified!
whether i like my middle name: it's fairly run-of-the-mill mundane, but it's my NY-based grandma's middle name as well, so. i enjoy that aspect because she's fantastic. i just wish my mom hadn't been terrified to stick me with florence [said grandma's first name] because that's much less one note!
thank you for these inquiries, darling!
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earnmysong · 3 years
19, 20, 27, 32, 36 for the song asks!
sure thing, friend!
my favorite song from a movie | there are a lottttt of songs i enjoy immensely that have been used to excellent effect on a movie’s soundtrack ... but if we’re talking songs written solely for their given movie? it’s an honest, unbreakable tie between ‘anyone else but you’ from juno and ‘i won’t say (i’m in love) from hercules.
my favorite song(s) from a musical | WHYYYYY, MARIAH? *ahem* top five? TOP FIVE. #idowhatiwant
 ‘i have confidence’ - the sound of music 
‘on my own’ - les miserables
‘out tonight’ - rent
‘it won’t be long now’ - in the heights
‘dancing through life’ - wicked
one song that starts with each letter of my name |
E: ‘everywhere’ - fleetwood mac
R: ‘raised on it’ - sam hunt
I: ‘i go blind’ - hootie + the blowfish
N: ‘nothing without love’ - nate ruess
a song i associate with the color yellow | ‘banana pancakes’ - jack johnson
my favorite song i’ve heard live | ‘be ok’ - ingrid michaelson [while this video’s from youtube and wasn’t filmed by yours truly, this is the exact concert i was at, so. \o/!]
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earnmysong · 3 years
when your impossibly amazing, incomparably perfect interweb amiga @semperlitluv comments on every installment of the fic you wrote for the favorites you’ve been screaming at her about ... and also screams back at you with the same highlights you have for them? and then?
The fact that I could hear the characters saying all the dialogue in this fic!
what more can you ask for? N O T H I N G G G
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earnmysong · 3 years
I’ve not watched the original Roswell — will the new one make sense if I jump right in?
yep yep! you’re good to go, i’d say! if, like me, you were an avid viewer of the original, there are some lovely parallels and updates and changes. BUT the framework of the story stays, and this version is in no way a continuation of its predecessor!
as i told my informant after watching an episode and a half: 'it's the same, but different, and i'm dyinggggg!'
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earnmysong · 3 years
⚡🌊✨💖⚡☄️If you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄️ go and send this to 10 people who make you happy or someone you think might need some cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄️ If you get it back then the better 🌊💞💖⚡✨❤️
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thank you muchly, my darling! happy fridayyyy and cheers to the weekend!
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