#my alt
miqojak · 9 months
Reason resigned Dark seasons' design
Spring's promise of sun is honored When winter's weighed down on us
Visions in white Raw fury in flight
Clear as diamond, yet fragile as ice My heart is racing
- Return to Oblivion (Shiva Eden's Refulgence Theme) Shadowbringer goes Rock
An edit of a clip I made a while back of an Au Ra I've wanted to make for a while, now. Details below the cut!
So, I realized that the first version of this I shared had the mouse cursor pop in for a few frames, and I got annoyed, so I went back to edit that out...and ended up having a hard time fixing it since there's audio, and I can't just remove those frames at the point at which the mouse came on screen! That said, I ended up making a better version of what I was trying to do the first time! (Microsoft Clip Champ is actually really good - especially considering how shit most Microsoft stuff is. I've found I don't even feel tempted by their premium plan, either, with how much good stuff is free.)
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risrielthron · 10 months
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Bri and Bubbles by SZ_Draws on Twitter
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otherworldseekers · 5 months
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Actually leveling Noloty again means I definitely had to get her the Metian set.
New glam:
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zeehva · 2 years
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Ar'huna Sol'ekhi by the amazing @avannteth-art
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teo-linh · 1 year
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕴𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖘
ɪᴄᴀʀᴜꜱ ɪꜱ ꜰʟʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜɴ  ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴄᴀʀᴜꜱ' ʟɪꜰᴇ, ɪᴛ ʜᴀꜱ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʙᴇɢᴜɴ
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damien-ward · 2 years
Alaric Hastings Cameos
Decided to make a cameos list for my alt Alaric the same way I did Damien last year!
[Damien cameos Cata-BfA] [Damien cameo in Shadowlands]
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1) The first cameo for Alaric is after the player wakes up in Duskhaven as a worgen. Either by exploring around, or just doing the questline, the player will eventually come to Crowley Orchard where they will find a worgen standing by a barrel of apples working on them. Approaching Alaric to speak with him he will say:
<Alaric sniffs at the apples and then the air>
“Can you believe this feeling? Is this as overwhelming for you as it is me? This ‘curse’... I can smell everything, hear everything, and I feel like I have the power to take on an ogre. I feel so alive.  I was going for a run to get used to, whatever we are now... but decided to stop for a bite to eat when I smelled these apples.
<Alaric looks over his shoulder and then back at you>
Just be careful of that woman over there. That’s the Lorna Crowley, you know Darius Crowley’s daughter. She threatened to shoot me and I am not even sure what I said in response I was in awe of how beautiful she was... Do you think I have a chance? Of course not who am I kidding. “
This first introduction to Alaric shows a few things. First, that he finds the worgen curse to be exhilarating. Second, he likes apples. And third, Alaric has a crush on Lorna Crowley.
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2) Continuing through the Worgen starting the zone the player will eventually end up in Stormglen Village where they investigate what happens. The player then is sent into the Blackwald where they find Tal’doren with a bunch of feral worgen awaiting to undergo the ritual. Just outside of Tal’doren the player can encounter Alaric for the second time, kneeling by a tree, approaching him and talking to him he will say:
“I can’t. I can’t try the ritual again.
<Alaric slams his fist into the ground>
“The druids say we must remember and come to terms with what we are. Learn to accept the beast within. Last thing I can remember was being attacked by the worgen and fleeing Stormglen Village with my parents... and then nothing until I woke up in Duskhaven. I don’t want to remember what happened between there. I’m afraid of what I will learn happened.”
This cameo shows Alaric survived the Forsaken attack on Duskhaven, the shattering caused by the cataclysm, and made it to Stormglen Village and found his way into the Blackwald. During that time he has apparently tried the ritual but was unable to complete it as he refuses to accept what he may have done while he was a mindless worgen. It also gives some backstory that he was from Stormglen and was there when the worgen began to attack Gilneas. He was bit during the attack and eventually turned before being caught and given Krennan’s potion in Duskhaven.
The player will not see Alaric again in the worgen starting zone.
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3) Next time the player will see Alaric is if they quest in Duskwood. Along the road in a little camp the player can encounter Alaric with another Gilnean and some Night Watch. He will be standing guard with a crossbow. If talked to he will say:
“When I heard of the worgen here in Duskwood I decided to leave Darnassus to come here with my fellow Gilneans to help, I never thought the situation was this bad. Feral worgen run rampant here. 
<Alaric pauses as he reminisces before laughing for a moment>
Growing up I always thought I would just be a fisherman like all the men of my family, although I always wanted to be more, and here I am. I train every day to get better with my crossbow, well when I am not out here helping gather ingredients for Mr. Harris’ salve. I’m hoping to start taking bounties and jobs from Darkshire soon, though I try to be careful when there I imagine they’d be a little on edge if I were to ever lose control and transform. I’m still trying to learn to control when I shift, it’s been a slow process.
This cameo reveals quite a bit about Alaric and gives a few more hints into his life and story. First, it shows that after seeing him struggling with the ritual he was apparently able to finally able to complete the ritual. He survived the Battle of Gilneas, and subsequent evacuation to Darnassus. He then decided to tag along with his fellow kinsmen who came to Duskwood to help the feral worgen. 
Second, this reveals a bit more of his backstory, his family was known for being fishermen and that he planned to become one himself despite dreaming of doing grander things. Which he now sees himself as doing. 
Third, since coming to Duskwood Alaric has begun to train using a crossbow, which he uses to help protect those who go out and collect ingredients for Oliver Harris. He trains hard and hopes to become a bounty hunter soon as a means to make money. He also has gotten new armor to wear while out in Duskwood to help protect him from undead and feral worgen.
Finally, Alaric hints that he still cannot fully control when he transforms, partly because of how much he struggled to complete the ritual, and he has been working to gain better control so he can shift at will.
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1) The next time players can come across Alaric is in Dalaran during the events of Legion. If the player goes into the Underbelly they can find Alaric sitting at a bar occasionally drinking a beverage. Walking up and talking to him he will say:
“You should try some of the drinks here they are delicious. I’m waiting for a contact to meet me for the details on a bounty and started sampling some of the drinks. Though I wouldn’t recommend drinking too much, this area is known for fights breaking out.”
This cameo shows that since the players last saw Alaric he has achieved his goal of becoming a bounty hunter in the years between Cata and Legion, even acquiring new armor. He also apparently has acquired a taste for alcoholic beverages. Alaric’s dialogue is also a playful reference to the Underbelly being a PvP area.
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2) The second time the player can encounter Alaric is if they play a Hunter, after arriving at the Trueshot Lodge and completing the quest to recruit Lenara to train archers Alaric will show up at the lodge. He will appear over by the Fletcher vendor and if approached and talked to he will say the following:
<Alaric picks up an arrow and examines it before placing it back down>
“Hmmm, I’m trying to find the right kind of arrow to take on demons, they are a bit different from what I am accustomed to hunting. Can’t have these so called Illidari I’ve been hearing about showing me up. I mean come on, demons hunting demons?..... We’re just going to ignore the fact I’m a worgen who hunted worgen for years. Anyways.”
<He goes back to examining arrows>
The biggest thing to glean from this cameo is that Alaric was among the archer recruits who joined the Unseen Path. This cameo is also meant to show Alaric has a bit of a lighter side as he jokes about demon hunters being demons hunting demons despite him doing essentially the same thing in Duskwood.
Battle for Azeroth 
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1) The player can encounter Alaric in Drustvar. Just outside of Falconhurst in a graveyard they can find Alaric holding a strange Drust artifact. There is also a crow hovering beside him. If the player walks up to him Alaric will say the following:
“Huh? This strange artifact seems to attract the animals around here and put them under some kind of spell. They do as their commanded. What kind of magic is this? It must be the same thing affecting the people of Drustvar. 
<Alaric puts the artifact into his bag>
And here, I thought my previous lover was a witch for joining the Veiled Hand... this Heartsbane coven is something else.
The second cameo actually reveals a few things in Alaric’s story. First, Alaric came to Drustvar to help kill the monstrosities made by the Heartsbane coven. Second, Alaric finding the Drust artifact and having the crow hover near him is to show how he ends up being able to control a flock of crows to do his bidding. It’s basically the IC explanation for his Murder of Crows ability. And finally, he mentions an ex-lover joining the Veiled Hand. This is a reference to the rogue artifact quest in Legion where members of the Night Watch joined the Veiled Hand and end up being killed. 
Alaric’s lover was among them, something he isn’t too upset about as he obviously did not agree with the Veiled Hand as he fought the Legion’s forces.
Alaric’s cameo in Shadowlands is different from the rest in that it is the first time players can receive a quest from him. Once the player hit level 60 they are eligible to do the quest.
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Level 60 quest: Dead Man’s Bounty
Upon reaching level 60 the player will find Alaric in Stormwind, in the Dwarven District specifically. He will be seen leaning against some crates with his Crow companion, Damon. Approaching him and talking to him begins the quest:
“Shoo.Go away. She isn’t going to stop and talk with you here.
<Alaric gestures at the crow to fly away>
  🗨️ Everything okay?
If the player selects this option Alaric will respond with the following:
“Yes, everything is fine. I was just trying to get Damon here to go away. I saw this beautiful Draenei woman the other day talking with some of the refugees, and I was hoping to talk to her as I noticed she walked through her on her way to visit the refugees. But I doubt she’ll stop and talk with a bird just flying here. 
<He shakes his head before shrugging his shoulders>
Oh well. I was hoping she could be my Light in the darkness that is Duskwood, alas it wasn’t meant to be. But since you are here would you care to help me out? Someone put out a bounty on a certain undead in Duskwood, they want the ghoul dead as it is, or was, a family member of theirs and they find undeath to be a mockery of their loved one. If you wish to help meet me in Raven Hill.”
 Accepting the quest Alaric will then walk away to make his journey to Raven Hill, and the quest progresses to the next part. Making their way to Raven Hill the player will find a note on the table inside of the tent by the camp fire. It is from Alaric and tells the player that he was told the undead they are looking for was seen in the area and that he went ahead to scout in hopes of tracking it down. This progresses the quest further and leads to the next step which tells the player to find Alaric.
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Heading north along the side of the cemetery the player will eventually find Alaric with a few undead he has killed. Talking to him will progress the quest and he will say:
“There you are! I found the ghoul we are after, Allen Davidson, he was traveling in a pack with several other undead. I killed some when I found them initially and well...
<He looks at the bodies around him>
Here are the rest. But Allen got away, headed up north somewhere. If you hurry you should be able to catch him, the bounty said to bring back his pocket watch as a sign that the job is done so be sure to grab that from him afterwards. Good luck. ”
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After finishing speaking with Alaric the player will find Allen Davidson north at a little cabin, he will be digging at the ground. He has more health than your average ghoul. Once he his killed the player can loot him for his pocket watch, and on the ground where he was digging there is a mound that can be looted for several items that sell for gold. Returning to Alaric the player can complete the quest and he will say the following:
“You got the pocket watch? Excellent. You did good, I really appreciate the help things have been crazy in Duskwood since whatever went down in Northrend. I’ve been doing my best to try to keep the undead threat contained, but it’s difficult. Maybe I’ll see you around.”
This completes the quest and the player is rewarded: 100 gold, +500 rep for Gilneas.
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After completing the quest the player can find Alaric back in Stormwind talking to a Lightforged Draenei. The two will be chatting by the fountain before walking off, eventually disappearing.
This final cameo/questline reveals a few things about Alaric’s story. First, Alaric still has his crow he found in Drustvar. Second, he has a thing for Draenei, you could say he likes the waggle. And finally, since the Lich King helm was shattered he has spent a lot of his time in Duskwood dealing with any remaining undead running rampant. Only taking short breaks to stop in Stormwind to resupply, and trying to talk to his Draenei lady friend. 
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saszor · 28 days
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Tutorial for drawing characters with cleft lip! Sorry that it's mostly unilateral-centric but it makes up the vast majority of resources and photos. Still tried to get tips for drawing bilateral clefts in though.
Keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People 👍
If you draw any characters using this feel free to tag me!
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their-we-go · 3 months
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and i'm going to.
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sailing-ever-west · 5 months
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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miqojak · 1 year
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Deer hunter, waste not your arrow on the hare.
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To note, since this keep getting tagged as 'jackalope' - this character is not a jackalope, and is not based on one! Jackalope don't have deer legs, after all - I'd have given her more anthro rabbit legs, if the concept was to make a jackalope. It is simply faun/nature-spirit inspired, and looked good on a viera with spotted ears. (She's also not here to steal your whiskey, lol!)
So in dipping my toes back in the water (after being confined to the couch with my injured foot for a week...) I updated an Au Ra (not pictured here - I need outfits for her!), and finally put together this deer/Viera concept that's long lived in my head. I love her! But I doubt anything will come of her, outside of screenshots.
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risrielthron · 10 months
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Sister Kaylira Androsiel by LordM on twitter When you make an npc for an event and then suddenly fall in love with the characterization and actually start playing/rping them.
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yeehawpim · 7 months
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thinkingabout-girls · 5 months
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damien-ward · 2 years
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Two sides to Alaric
Credit goes to V. Valentine who made this
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trudlejack · 7 months
(+part 2)
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saszor · 20 days
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Tutorial for drawing characters with Down syndrome!
DISCLAIMER... Please keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. It's more of an overview of features that are common in people with Down syndrome, not meaning to imply that every person with DS has all of them 👍 thanks.
If you draw any characters using this feel free to tag me!
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