#my art has improved since this i swear
niinnyu · 1 year
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(July 2022) Keep you near.
A bit of a headcanon I had for Gojou's switch from bandages to a blindfold. The material of his headband does not look stretchy (which annoyed me a lot) so this reasoning kinda makes me feel better (hmm).
The idea being that after the events of jjk0, Gojou, grieving the death of his best friend (and having been the one to make it happen), uses Getou's old uniform to make himself a blindfold. The timing of the switch made sense to me. A way to still keep him close (although I also don't think Gojou would ruin Getou's uniform like that now but oh well).
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nightfallsystem · 6 months
i wanna draw but i know itll be bad so why try
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Round 1 - Side B
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firestar art by @kudos-si-do
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Kitty jesus, he believes in starclan which is the kitty version of heaven/god and yea. All the warrior cats characters except those outside the clans or those that are atheist believe in the kitty heaven and would irl be bri-ish and christian as hell so. The authors are all older british christian women and so the way starclan is written is like undoubtedly that.
The main religion in the series is extremely catholic coded. Most clan cats believe in Starclan and the Dark Forest(or heaven and hell). There is a set of rule they must uphold and follow, where following them leads to heaven and breaking them leads to hell. Their religious leaders are sworn to celibacy, and the punishments that "code breakers"(or cats who break the rules) face are extremely similar to situations people with religious trauma have gone through.
OP notes: apparently converted to avoid getting his balls cut?? Idk. The discord yet wild for firestar so I had to include him because it's hilarious hehehe
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incognitobobcat · 5 months
The Earthrealm Boys and Female!Reader who is laughing hysterically with the below poster involved:
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Warning: swearing (for the younger eyes) and subtle mentions of suicide and depression.
Johnny Cage
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“Ah! Hsbfhhdhwbhwjssnjjkiakkkk!!!!!!!” You cussed internally as the nerves of your fingers couldn’t take any more of you literally pounding sand, a big basin filled with hot sand, which was part of your Shaolin training. You were careful not to actually cuss in the Wushi Academy for obvious reasons.
“Looks like you wanna tell yourself to go “pound sand!”” Johnny called out to you, laughing.
You glared at him, blowing a lock of hair off your face before retorting, “You pound this sand, then!”
“Oh, no no NOOO!” Johnny laughed, “I’m good! I’ve had my fill of that!”
You groaned pathetically, not wanting to go on, as you have been doing that for the past half hour. You listened to your sore, red hands, waving them in the cool air to alleviate the pain.
Johnny beckoned you by waving his hand towards himself, “Hey, I’ve got a gift for you!”
Curious, you followed Johnny. He led you to a tree, where there was a large sign. The first thing that caught your eye was the wording inside a large circle in the centre that read “Bang Head Here”. You then read the rest of the poster before bursting out in hysterical laughter.
“It’s something for your noggin to get it off the pain. You’re welcome!” Johnny exclaimed before walking away.
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After a full day of training, the last task being crawling forward down several flights of stairs built on one of the downhill slopes as fast as you humanly can, all you wanted to do was throw up from the pain.
How you held it in was a miracle. You wanted to cry, and cry you did. You contemplated your life choice, which included joining the Shaolin, wondering why on earth you thought it was an excellent challenge to upgrade your skills, as it seemed brutal and unforgiving so far.
You found yourself walking down a trail lined with trees until you spotted Johnny’s “gift”. Your sadness transitioned to you being greatly amused as you walked towards it, chuckles intensifying to laughter.
Before you could stop yourself, you banged your head against the poster, not hard enough to hurt yourself, of course.
“Y/N! What are you doing??”
Your laughing subsided some as you turned to see Raiden walking towards you with a concerned expression. Your face softened a little.
“Don’t do that! You’ll hurt yourself!” Raiden chastised you gently.
You waved a hand in the air reassuringly, “Oh, don’t worry, I was just having a bit of fun with myself while contemplating my life choices. Look what Johnny got me! Isn’t that hilarious??” You gestured towards the poster nailed to the tree.
Raiden approached the sign and read what it said silently. Then he sighed, shaking his head.
“Johnny!” Raiden exclaimed in an exasperated tone.
“I think it’s the best!” You laughed hysterically, then held up both hands when you saw Raiden’s concerned face turned towards you.
“Not to minimize your concern, Raiden! I totally appreciate your concern! It’s just a little humour and fun in a stressful situation. I promise you, I’m not hurting myself!”
You appealed with a reassuring and apologetic look for worrying him.
Sighing, he relented, “Alright, I’ll let it go this time. But if you need to talk to de-stress from training, I’m here.”
You nodded appreciatively, “Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind.” You felt bad that your amazing human of a friend worried about you, though.
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Another day of gruelling training meant another day of extreme pain. It never seems to get better over time and you were frustrated as hell from what you perceive was a lack of improvement. It has been months since you joined, and though you had a martial arts background you were no spring chicken either.
In order to release yourself from any self-loathing, you need some senseless and random humour. That was how you you’ve always countered any “tragedies” (over exaggeration) of life; that or listening to Sum 41, Linkin Park, Rammstein, and the like, which was not allowed in a Buddhist institution. By the Elder Gods, you missed your music!
You headed to a wall where the “Stress Relief Kit” was tacked on, hidden from the masters as best as it could be. Sighing, you started head banging on it, repeating, “No…no…no…” in sync with each banging.
Without warning, you yelped as were lifted of the ground and were sent flying a few yards before landing on a soft patch of grass with a thud.
Confused, you scrambled onto all fours as you saw Kenshi walk past you.
“There are other ways to distress, Y/N,” he said with a stoic expression without looking at you. He continued to walk and he disappeared into the trees.
Out of all reactions, a bout of hysterical laughter hit you once you processed what just happened.
Kung Lao
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Whenever you were paired with Kung Lao as a sparring partner, you had so much fun. Even though Kung Lao had an ego, it was the kind of ego that a child has when he wanted to be praised for his attention-seeking antics.
He was an absolute riot. You didn’t know if lost more calories and got flat abs from training or from dying of laughter.
That does not mean that he wasn’t a good fighter. In fact, he’s got an awesome fighting style, even without the hat.
“Hey, Y/N,” he began, beaming, “You know that sign that Johnny gave you? Where is it?”
”Oh! It’s on a wall!”
“Go get it! I’m gonna show you something amazing!”
You quickly went to retrieve the letter paper-sized metal poster, then you handed it to Kung Lao.
You followed Kung Lao to where there was a long wooden plank of about an inch thick and six feet long that was held up on either side by stone pillars of around four feet high. Kung Lao placed the poster on the centre of the plank.
“Now, watch and learn, Y/N,” Kung Lao said with bravado and a grin. After taking off his hat and handing it to you, he stood up straight with his arms on his sides, closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then-SNAP! At lightning speed, he broke the plank in half with his head.
It happened so fast and you stared at him with jaws hanging open and wide-eyed. Kung Lao smiled at your reaction as he took his hat back from you.
“OMG!! Teach me! Teach me!!” You exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down and pumping your fists in front of you.
Smirking, Kung Lao took another plank that was leaning against a wall and set it on the stone supports. He then took the dented sign that now resembled a bowl and flattened it as best as he could before placing it on the centre of the plank. He gestured towards the plank.
“Your turn,” he said.
You eagerly stepped in front of the plank and mimicked Kung Lao’s stance and breathing before you have at it. You smashed your forehead against the wood with all your might and, no surprise, nothing broke.
“OW!” You screamed as you fell on your butt, laughing hysterically while massaging your head.
“Y/N, a word.”
You recognize the voice of who called to you. Uh-oh.
Liu Kang
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You clumsily scrambled onto your feet, trying to kill your hysterical laughter, but failing miserably.
You struggled to muster the most apologetic expression.
“Lord Liu Kang,” you greeted. Kung Lao, who was behind you, also bowed respectfully.
“Follow me,” the Fire God instructed.
You intuited the seriousness of the mood, so your laughter significantly subsided to a smile. You were led to a quieter spot of the area before Liu Kang spoke.
“Y/N, what is this I hear about you banging your head against hard surfaces?”
“Oh,” you began sheepishly, “It’s something fun that I have been doing to relieve stress. It’s for humour’s sake, I’m not really hurting myself!”
“While humour has its time and place,” Liu Kang began, “Further harming oneself as a joke to relieve stress has no place in training. There have been a few who have brought your behaviour to my attention. And, what is this “stress relief” poster?”
“Oh, Johnny gave it to me as a joke,” you quipped, slightly lighting up, “To lighten my mood!”
“Please retrieve this gift, Y/N.”
You did as you were ordered and handed the bent poster to Liu Kang who looked as it before sighing.
“I will have a word with Cage. In the meantime, I don’t want to see or hear about any more of this behaviour from you. If the intense training is more than you can handle, perhaps consider a break.”
“No, Lord Liu Kang. I will manage,” you replied, “I’ll bear it.”
Liu Kang nodded, “Good. One more thing, Y/N.”
You nodded expectantly, “Yes?”
“Don’t always follow whatever Kung Lao wants you to do. He has been training for far longer than you, and while his skills are indeed impressive, you are not yet at his level. The last thing we need is for you to needlessly injure yourself. It would be such a loss to Earthrealm. We need you, Y/N.”
Touched, you bowed deeply, “I apologize, Lord Liu Kang. It will never happen again.”
Smiling, the Fire God nodded, “ I trust that it won’t.”
He turned to walk away and you sighed in relief. As gruelling as Shaolin training was, you were glad that you didn’t get kicked out.
Sub Zero (Bi Han)
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You and a couple of trainees were taking turns sparring each other in the courtyard of the Lin Kuei palace, where it was unrelentingly cold. Not only do you have to train under hard conditions and get your human bodies used to it, you also have to endure the dead serious attitudes and moody atmosphere.
You knew that you and a few others would love to let loose and be yourselves, but that can only happen out of the sight and earshot of your battle-hardened seniors, especially the frigid Grandmaster.
Luckily for you, the two trainees who you were sparring with were somewhat like-minded in terms of a sense of humour.
“I’ve got something to show you!” You said to your mates in a sing sing voice. It was your break anyways, and you took advantage of the situation. Your mates looked at each other then back to you with quizzical expressions.
You grabbed your bag and pulled out a metallic Stress Relief Kit sign and held it up. It only took a few seconds before the two erupted in hysterical laughter, followed by yours.
“If unconscious, cease stress reduction activity?!” The first mate said, “I think that’s a given!”
“Where are you gonna put it?” Asked the second one.
“Here!” You exclaimed, pointing to the nearest wall. You held the poster in place at face level, “Go ahead! Try it!”
“Excuse me??” the second one said, “It’s your poster. YOU do it!”
“Yeah! You do it!” the first one said, taking your place in holding the poster against the wall, “Go on! Show us how it’s done!”
You stood in front of the poster, braced yourself, and then banged your head against the circle three times. The three of you erupted into hysterical laughter and you were high fived.
“What’s the meaning of this?!” Came a harsh and gruff voice.
It’s safe to say that the hysterics stopped and the three of you froze solid with horrified looks, turning gingerly to face your Grandmaster.
If looks could kill, all three of you would be shattered ice statues by now.
Bi-Han eyed the three of you coldly, then he saw the poster held against the wall by the first mate.
His scowl deepens and he growled before speaking, “The Lin Kuei is an elite of highly trained assassins and warriors. We have a reputation and an image to uphold! I do not tolerate foolish and frivolous behaviours that will drag the Lin Kuei name down to the level of idiots! Conduct yourselves with dignity or face my wrath! And dispose of that at once!”
With a last growl, he turned on his heels and stormed off in a dignified manner, muttering, “Bird brains!”
The three of you just stood there staring at each other with held breaths. You guess you wouldn’t be having fun for a long time.
Scorpion (Kuai Liang)
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It has been a few months since you became an initiate. Since the inception of Shirai Ryu, there was an urgency to expedite everyone’s training to get all of you where you needed to be, which is why the new clan was very selective of their initiates. Where time is if the essence, quality counts.
Since you had a friend who was accepted in first, she had dropped your name and were approached to become an initiate. You were lucky to have made the cut, since you had years of martial arts training.
While the training was held to very high standards, Grandmaster Scorpion was also fair and took into consideration a reasonable work-life balance. Because of the nature of your current profession, it only makes sense to include as much laughter as you can, while you’re still alive.
When you and your friend were still room mates back in college as international students, you had this one Stress Relief Kit poster for good laughs. Now that you were both initiates, that poster had found its way on the wall of your group’s designated dojo.
Everybody seem to have a great laugh out of it, but the most frequent user seem to be you, which put you and your friend in hysterics every time. That is why you got called into the Grandmaster’s office one day.
“Have a seat, Y/N,” Kuai Liang gestures towards the chair in front of the desk. You sat down, feeling anxious.
“How are you?” He began, looking you in the eye.
“I am well, Grandmaster,” you replied, slightly shifting.
“Is training going well?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Good,” he replied; then, “Is everything alright with you?”
Confused, you nodded, “Everything is ok.”
“Are you sure?” He held eye contact with you, expression serious.
Confused even more, you nodded, feeling uncomfortable.
“It has come to my attention that you’re engaging in self-harming behaviour,” Kuai Liang said seriously, “Your team mates report that this often happens during training.”
Your face softened, “Oh,” you began.
“They reported that you are “stressed out” and that the frequent banging your head against the wall to music of a questionable nature is catharsis,” Kuai Liang began, “If that is the case, that tells me that your mental health is affected to the point where I am concerned. Do you need to talk to someone, Y/N?”
The genuine concern in his eyes made you feel guilty and cornered like a child being questioned about bad behaviour by a parent or a teacher.
“Oh, no, I am fine Grandmaster,” you began explaining about the poster that you and your friend had since college, and that the poster was meant for nothing more than lighthearted fun.
After you finished, Kuai Liang kept eye contact with you, and you can’t help but feel like he was a human lie detector. He finally spoke.
“Y/N, the Shirai Ryu takes training seriously. We hold ourselves to high standards as we are now one of Earthrealm’s protectors. We also need to be vigilant as the Lin Kuei can strike us at anytime. Our bodies and minds need to be in top condition in order to withstand the stresses and dangers of this way of life. If you feel that you cannot handle the stress that being in our clan brings, maybe this is not the right fit for you.”
Feeling bad, you reassured the Grandmaster that you are able to handle the stress of training, and the poster, again, was a joke to help cope with stress. You are indeed fine.
Kuai Liang seemed to accept your answer, and continued, “It is imperative that we check in with ourselves and each other. Your team mates did the right thing by coming to me. Do not hold this against them. Also, be mindful that you’re in a different country and therefore you need to be sensitive to the culture and its nuances. Many people may not understand your sense of humour and may take offence at it.”
“I understand, Grandmaster,” you affirmed, nodding solemnly, “I apologize for my actions.”
“Good,” Kuai Liang nodded, “ You are dismissed.”
You stood and bowed with both hands clasped in front of you respectfully before exiting the office a changed person!
Smoke (Tomas Vrbada)
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Long before the above meeting with your Grandmaster happened, you were having just another typical training day, where part of it was spent training with your group, and the other half was either working out and honing your skills on your own.
You and your friend were sparring. Since it was just the two of you in your designated dojo, you whipped out out your iPhone and went through you play lists to play some music while training to hype things up.
“Oooh! That’s a good pick!” Your friend exclaimed with eyes wide as she hovered over you shoulder while you tapped the screen to select your music. You turned the volume up to a reasonable degree as rhythmic clapping started, shortly followed by the guitar riff, then the drums and the rest of the instruments.
At this point, you were both head banging to the music going, “Yeah!” “ I miss this song!”
“Wake in a sweat again
Another day’s been laid to waste
In my disgrace.”
The opening lines of Linkin Park’s “Given Up” were sung; hyped up, you each picked up your bo staff and worked on your technique and form taking turn as offended and defence. Sticks clashed seemingly in beat to the music as both of you eyed each other trying to read each other’s moves.
There were more clashing of sticks, grunts, cries, spins, evasive maneuvers, and deflections with your intense sparring.
You felt a hard whack at the back of your calves as your friend swept her staff at a low angle, knocking you on to your back.
As if on queue, you heard Chester Bennington sing, “I’VE GIVEN UUUUUUUUUP!” This elicited hysterical laughter from the both of you. As your friend helped you up, you leaned on her shoulder for support, struggling from laughter.
Your friend was far more skilled at the staff than you were, as so far, you’ve lost count of the number of times that she’s knocked you on your back.
“Aaaaaaaah!” you cried out, heading to a specific spot on the wall. You started to bang your head to
Your head banging was halted when your forehead suddenly made contact with something soft and warm.
“This again?”
You looked up and locked eyes with those of your Sensei, Smoke. The Shirai Ryu’s Second-in-Command had an amused look on his face as he placed his hand between your head and the wall that was home to the Stress Relief Kit.
Still in hysterics, you struggled to stand straight so that you can bow in greeting.
“At least you didn’t progress to the “unconscious” part,” Tomas chuckled, reading the poster, “And what an interesting choice of music to train to, Y/N.”
You managed to control your laughter enough to give an answer, “We miss this song from our college days.”
“You know,” Tomas began, “I have been noticing that you’ve been having a little too much fun with this.” He knocked a knuckle on the poster twice.
“It’s called catharsis! You should try it!” You quipped back.
“I can think of other ways that you can destress besides head banging against a poster on a wall to this kind of music.”
“What do you mean?” Your friend countered, “It’s frickin’ epic!”
“If you think about it, don’t you think that it’s counter productive to train hard to survive to music about giving up on life?” Tomas asked, “Are you Going Under?”
“What do you mean?” you asked, looking to your friend then back to him.
“You know, like, you want to stay in love with your sorrow, but God, you wanna let it go through “catharsis”?” He looked at you deadpan this time.
You paused for a minute before answering, “Aren’t you poetic, Sensei.”
You got a stare back in return, his expression still serious, but his eyes with a hint of teasing, which confused you.
“if you ever feel like you’ve tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter, my ears are open,” Tomas offered.
”Geez, I’m fine!” you protested, feeling more annoyed about being teased.
“You don’t have to hide. We’d rather you talk, rather than you walk alone on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.”
Something about what he said sounded familiar, then it clicked! That’s when your friend started howling.
“Oh! HAHAHAHAAA!! I see what you did! That’s very clever, man!” Your friend raised a hand to Tomas, which he returned with a high five.
Tomas cracked a smile, chuckling a little.
You shut your eyes in relief and laughed along. He had a sense of humour after all!
“I was, like, what’s going on?? Then, I’m like, “Oh, gotcha!!” You choked out.
“You’re fine,” Tomas lightly shoved your shoulder. As he turned to leave, he stopped and warned, “Y/N, being goofy is fine, just don’t overdo it. I might start getting worried, then I would have to have a serious talk with you one day if it continues. Remember, safety first!”
With that, he disappeared through a doorway leading to the next room.
Both of you were in high spirits and still giggling. It was a pleasure to see this subtle and humorous side of Smoke, which you hope you’d see more of.
**Can anyone guess what songs Tomas was quoting from? 😁😁😁
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A little while ago I posted about this swap AU, Candy Castle. I never did much with it since then and I never got to explain more of the characters, story, and mechanics of the AU. I have been planning and working on this AU on the side for a bit, to the point that the first post I made about it is VERY OUTDATED:
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Please don't look at it, cause I have changed a lot of the story, character designs, and my art has really improved since then haha.
I am hoping to finally get back to this AU project and expand/improve more on the story than what was originally shown in the old post. I'm almost done with all the current character designs, so stay tuned!
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But I wanted to change the AU name. I felt that only having the AU be themed around candy exclusively was very limiting, so it's gonna be themed around all sugary things now (I swear this is not just to copy Sugary Spire's whole shtick). It will now be called Confection Castle from now on.
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Ok guys hot take #2….
The new trailer for the physical release of sjsm came out yesterday and I have some…thoughts. First off….
I fucking hate the new models. Like holy shit.
But first I’ll start with what I do like, cause it’s not all bad.
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Beef demon looks- alright? I really like that they gave him goat feet and his hands look more creepy although I don’t get why his arms are so long. Also his big eyes throw me off. But not too bad.
Deer lord and Ringu also look alright and their gameplay seems to be the same. They do look a bit malnourished, but not too bad over all. Also we finally can see specimen 13 swimming in the water!!!!! Also we can see the ex-specimen 11 and spooper who look good! Specimen 3 looks the best and absolutely terrifying.
I am excited to see if they change some death screens or themes. That’s what I really want to know and I’m kinda hyped for a possible specimen 7 death screen and gameplay changes. Also the white cat looks cute!
Now for what I don’t like….
Now I already spoke about the parasite, and my stance still stands. They look god awful but I went into that in that previous post. Ben looks British and still looks super off. My issue is with specimen 2 and ESPECIALLY bab.
Specimen 2 is so god damn thin and they look elongated for some reason. They look so fucking goofy. Also his animation when he comes out of a puddle is so quick and looks like it cuts at the end. (But that could be an animation glitch so I’ll let it slide for now) Now bab has the worst case of being so fucking thin for no reason.
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Like damn bitch I didn’t know skinny people need representation cause WTF. Why is she runway model thin. I know she’s supposed to be a “mannequin” but holy shit I’ve seen mannequins at the mall less skinny than her. Not to mention her movement and model in general looks so weird and moves just as awkwardly.
They basically shattered all hope I had that they would try to improve the models but what I’ve seen probably will be final. Most of my complaints chalk down to the models and art direction. Mostly since we haven’t seen much gameplay, but it’s hard to mess that up. So I think it’s mostly just the models that suck fuck.
I swear they’re going to make everyone so skinny. I fear what the old man, taker, and some of the doll house characters will look like.
I just hope for more specimen 14 content at the least.😔
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marciaillust · 9 months
Hey! I just wanted to say I’ve been following you forEVER now, and that your art has been inspiring me since i was a teenager. I was wondering if you could share a little about your rendering process? How did you improve it over the years, what did you learn you wish u knew sooner, stuff like that?
(Thanks anyway, and definitely getting myself ur new comic)
Hi! oh wow thank you so much for the kind words!
My rendering process hmmmm.... I will try to sum up the thoughts that come to my mind as I'm writing this, though I might be missing some proper vocabulary
The first thing that surfaced in my brain is exposition within a picture. This is what the picture focuses on - things in the light, or things in the shadow, and how much details each of these two receive rendering wise.
It's basically like taking a photo with a phone - if you click on a bright thing (say, a window), the phone will automatically adjust the exposition and all the other bright things will be visible(lotta detail), but the shadows will become turbo dark (no details). Alternatively, if you click on a dark shadow, all the dark things will become visible (details) but the hypothetical window will become blown out and turbo white (no details). You can basically have one or the other but never both. (or I guess you can who am I to tell anyone how to make art yanno no rules up in this house)
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anyway, so for example, this pic^ focuses on the things in the dark, meaning everything in direct light receives no details.
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and this pic^ focuses on the light and so all the cast shadows are pitch black.
One other thing that I learned a longass time ago was that edges(and shapes) are arguably the most important part of an object within a picture. Clean edges immediately call for focus, while softer or vague edges allow things to fade in the background and communicate the idea of a thing rather than showing you the thing itself. On a related note note, clean edges also make work in progress appear about 25% more finished.
I guess this all has to do with contrast and contrast can be created in many ways - edges (soft/sharp), colours (eg. red fish in a blue sea), spacing (objects being grouped vs. a single object), the amount of detail per object etc etc etc. and all of these can be controlled to solve specific issues within a picture.
In short, if a thing is important aka the focal point, make it stand out - sharp edges, details, specific colours and a lighting situation that make it pop. And if a thing isn't too important leave it vague, communicate the idea of it rather than focusing on drawing it.
On the note of things being sharp, a thing that I always swore by is, if there are eyes in the picture those eyes better be d-o-n-e. Pristine. People will look at the eyes, eyes communicate 90% of emotion, the eyes are the it girl of the picture forever and always, nobody will look at the wonky foot, they will look at the eyes and judge the quality of the picture. If the eyes are shit the picture is shit. (I'm exaggerating but fr. eyes are a big deal.). They don't have to be turbo rendered or physically mad sharp but they need to be done. Whatever that means, take what you will from my word soup.
One thing that I've become a big fan of over the years is the concept of wear and tear. This has to do with texturing things in pictures and I looooooooooooooooove thinking about ways items are used in order to create bumps and scratches that can be featured.
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It always makes things look like they belong to someone?? It makes them real? Like the tip of that bone. that bone has been places. That belt has seen use. That bag carried things. Like yanno?? I looove things that chip and have nicks. Give me wood and I'll put a dent in it I swear.
And I thing the latest thing that I'm trying to incorporate within my art, though I haven't had much time or opportunity to do it in personal art because of work, is colour variation within each element.
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Like his face. His skin is obviously "beige" but you will see red, and blue and yellow and green in there too. Stuff like that yanno? I'm quite interested in taking this further in my future paintings. I'm still learning how to push what, where and how but ayyy issa journey I'll happily embark on.
And of course apart from all that it's the usual jazz, working on anatomy composition perspective doing it a lot over and over again babababababa and so on and so forth.
I haven't had much opportunity to paint since I started working on the comic last year but it had it own set of challenges for me. Linework is a completely different kind of rodeo and I've improved in different departments a lot and I'd be happy to bring those things into my paintings when I have the chance. I feel like I'm at a point where I know a lot more than what I've had the opportunity to put on paper, it feels exciting!
I hope at least some of my ramblings were of interest to you!! Again, that you for the nice message and have a nice day :)
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Just a random concept I thought of and wanted to share with you. Not a request by any means I just thought you might like this.
Cyno who likes to watch reader from afar never realizes that they're singing softly barely a whisper (since art is look down upon) until he heard them coming from the highest tree branch of the akademiya. Not knowing it was them he follows the singing to see reader singing their heart out while looking at the stars and moon.
Cyno will never be able to erase this from memory.. especially not when they looks beautiful. You always look beautiful and each memory of you that he has is locked in his brain but this.. is the most beautiful.
Maybe.. just maybe.. he can use this.. you a Scholar dabbling into the arts? How preposterous!! I guess no one will mind if he drags you into his office for this and "keep" you in order to "discipline" you after all.. who would object? So will you please sing for him and only him now that no one else can hear you and judge? After all, you don't want your punishment to get worse, right?
(Yes he's a yandere because dang it your blog is giving me so much yandere brainrot that Im about to start a writing blog just to post these concepts into fics-)
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The Akademiya itself was enough to cause you immense stress due to its ridiculous expectations and constant need to keep up and stay on top. If you weren't the best in your field of expertise then you might as well not be trying in the eyes of some important scholars. This alone caused you to lose infinite amounts of sleep but you never knew that you'd find an odd sense of comfort in singing of all things.
You were not the best singer out there but that didn't stop you from humming random tunes you could come up with on the spot as you did your daily routines, always mindful and cautious to be as quiet as possible even if you were alone.
Who knew what would happen if someone found out.
You worst nightmare came to fruition as the General Mahamantra himself called you into his office one fine morning, a deep feeling of fear engulfing your entire being as you sat in the chair across him, head down and arms pressed firmly on your knees, your knuckles clutching the fabric of your clothing. Nothing ever good came out of the meetings with the General Mahamantra, you were screwed.
He was going to have your head on a silver platter and there was nothing you could do to defend yourself.
Just as you were about to open your dry mouth to say something, the General Mahamantra raised his arm slightly, a knowing glint in his eye.
"Don't bother." he said. "I've already heard every excuse under the sun."
You gulped. You might as well throw yourself off the Akademiya rooftop once you were done with him. It would be better honestly, than to live in shame.
As if he read your mind, the General Mahamantra raised a single eyebrows and tsked.
"Don't even think about it. If you do something foolish to yourself I'll make sure to bring you back from the dead myself."
You wanted to cry. Why can't he just leave you be?! All you did was hum for Archon's sake, you've been a good person and scholar during your entire stay here-
"There is something you can do to improve your situation though." the General said suddenly, his piercing red gaze looking directly at you, almost as if he was swallowing you whole. If the situation were different you would even manage to make out that his voice sounded a little eager, if not downright excited. With a yelp you suddenly sprung up from your chair and nervously said:
"I won't sing ever again, I swear on my life! Please, please Sir, don't kick me out, I-!!"
He silenced you once more with a raised arm. Bitting your lower lip you sat back down awkwardly, embarrassed for causing such a scene. What he said though caught you by surprise.
"...Sing for me."
"Sir, I already promised that I would never-"
"Sing. For me."
A million thoughts ran through your head as you kept trying to make out his strange request. Well, demand.
Cyno sat on the edge of his seat, his heart beating like never before as he prayed that you indulge him. There was no way he would ever turn you in for this but you didn't need to know that. Your secret was his to keep, as were you. He was never sure how to approach you but when he heard you sing to yourself yesterday evening it was as if Celestia itself opened its gates for him and showed him the path.
He finally had you right where he wanted you.
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🍒 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @morigumy, @juuuuuj101010, @b10h4z4rd
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darknightsblog · 3 months
Hello! I think it is my first time posting but I really wanted to convey this feelings to you. I downloaded Dark Nights a few days ago and I swear I've been obsessed with the game since then. I can not stop playing it even though I already finished all the routes and got the achievements. I honestly hold this game so dear to my heart and I'm talking so much about it to my friends. When I read the news about a DLC and saw the art I was speechless. I think I stared at that page a whole day! I love so much how everything looks and can't wait for the full experience! It's the only thing I look forward the most this year. I also hope you're doing well and not pushing yourself too much, I can only guess how much work you're putting in, but please watch over your health as well!!
Secondly, I do have some questions. Will we get in the future some art of the characters in the form of like setting it as a laptop background or even phone background? And when the beta version is out, how can we sign for it? Or how would the whole process happen?
Then again, I thank you for your efforts and this amazing game and can't WAIT to play the DLC and see what it has the offer. Seeing the new routes include my absolute favs, I'm so excited for it!
Hi andee! Thank you for giving Dark Nights a try. It makes me happy that you enjoyed all of the game. Dark Nights is my first project, so there's a lot I can improve. I take feedback from the community at heart, so I hope the DLC will be a better experience. This year, I try to pace my workload. You're right about health is the highest priority. I plan to release some wallpapers for desktop & phone later. Perhaps some CGs that might be suitable. I haven't drawn all of the cast in their own theme yet. I'll get through it at some point.
A while ago, I released public applications for editor, proofreader and beta testing positions. Unfortunately, it's no longer possible to sign up for it. However, you'll get to enjoy the game fully polished upon its release. Anyway, I appreciate your kind words and I hope to hear from you again!
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chansshands · 10 months
Stray kids as cars
Author note: okay so, I think that this needs a little explanation, I grew up between cars and motorbikes because my grandpa used to work as a mechanic.
When I was little and even now I see cars as people, I swear I’m not crazy but there’s some cars that are happy, some cars that are angry, some cars that are sad, so I thought that it would be fun to write this thing.
I’ll probably do the same thing with motorbikes. :)
Interactions and reblogs are appreciated! expecially bc I put my blood and soul on this thread
You can find the maknae line here
Please don’t do stupid shit while you’re driving, drive responsibly and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE
I’m so insicure about my English, as I said it’s not my first language and I’m always scared to make mistakes or stuff like that, so if you find mistakes please let me know, I’ll be thankful and also my English will improve!
Tags: @ilevaar 💛
Expensive and fast
above $58.000
Black it’s THE color for this expensive baby
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Literally the leader of the road
You need a huge pair of balls to drive this beast
Has a passenger seat but you NEED to trust the driver in order to enjoy the trip, and if the driver was Chris, man I would sleep like a baby, he’s a responsible king and I love it.
Hand on your thigh, or YOUR hand in his thigh is a must, definitely he has blankets in the back seat in case you get cold.
Everyone has their eyes on this car.
It belongs to German highway (Germans highway has no speed limit)
very comfy you can do the naughty naughty things in it
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Once again expensive and fast
above $60.000
Cute and small but has a beast in it
0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds
Usually used for drifting, but if you drive this on the road everyone it’s going to be like OMG THATS A SUPRA
Purple/pink it’s THE color for this car
Comfortable as fuck but it’s only for two people, so that’s the right car to bring only your s/o in it
as I said it's small but nothing can stop the naughty naughty things
It’s a softie on the road but with the motor that it has, people it’s going to see only your butt cheeks hehe
Once again, belongs to the German Highways and Tokyo (you know Tokyo drift)
as I said It has a passenger seat but since I can’t drift (yet) I’ll let the driver do it
If Changbin was the driver his hand would be GLUED to your thigh and definitely has some good playlists to enjoy the trip and some good snacks
(Yes, he’s part of the snacks)
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once again this beauty it's expensive as fuck
this car is RARE
LITERALLY just for a few people, in fact there's only seven examples in the whole world
above $ 3.690.000 (yes, you heard it right)
When I say fast I mean it 0-100 km/h in 2.8 seconds, do the math if you don't believe me
red it's THE color for this car
look at it, mad as fuck LITERALLY a beast
it has a passenger seat but honestly I would rather be the driver even if it scared the shit out me
Hyunjin would let you drive it because he turns on when he sees that you’re able to drive a beast like this
If he’s the driver he want physical contact so you guys hold hands or both of your legs are straight on his lap
not too comfy for the naughty naughty thing
Since this car is rare you have to be careful where you drive it, but definitely once again belongs to the German Highway even if I would protect it with my life✋🏼
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(Don’t come at me I have expensive taste okay)
I mean look at this its Minho coded
Expensive and of course fast
This car is HUGE since it’s a suv
Above $230.000
0-100 km/h in 3.3 seconds
Black it’s THE color for this car
This bitch it’s fast, and I’m proud to say that this piece of art is made in Italy
Another car of my dreams but I’m still poor af
This car gives me such a big dick energy that I can’t even explain (so definitely Minho coded)
It’s big, spacious and comfortable definitely a place where you can do the naughty naughty stuff
This car belongs to the german highway (yes, once again) and the street of some fancy city like Monte Carlo or Courmayeur
I would love to be the driver of this piece of art but if I think about Minho hands-on-the-steering-wheel fuck it okay? He can drive it.
he needs to touch you so hand on your ties or locked in yours is a must
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I spent two days working on this so please don’t let it flop.
As always requests are open!🩷
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kingprinceleo · 4 months
Playlist anon-
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Have a sketch (sorry for the bad lighting)
Im going to go through your other aus fully to make my review of their playlists so it might take a while but I AM doing it (I really love your music taste), so here's the buffer sketch of my favorite boy (I love your design for him)
Seeing you has given me the inspiration to make my own au and practice the sonic style more (I hope you don't mind your art is a great interpretation tool for me since it includes necks but I swear I'm not copying your style 🙏🏽)
Also that saying of "to improve your art get obsessed with something" me @ vampire au
ohhhh !!! hes so good!!!! you ate up the mask tbh!!!! i still struggle with that thing !! and the hatching is soooo delicious omg please take ur time, (thank u sm!!!! eee) i am looking forward to it!! and tysmmmmmm i loveeee him 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (im so glad i spent so long working on him) and hell yeah!!! good luck and have fun!!! (and i dont mind at all as long as ur not trying to copy my style line for line you feel, general inspo is all fine and good!!!) thats really funny to me bc i dont give them necks....
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i only give them a "neck" if they are wearing chokers or turtlenecks or other high collar stuff LMAO (a majority of designs in vampire au have that so i understand why it seems like thats a normal feature DHFJD)
thats so true !!
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noodle-shenaniganery · 4 months
Hello! You can call me Noodle. I have Fox to thank for that nickname.
If you know why @bear-owo and @mentallyillanimal deactivated their accounts, I would appreciate being told.
If you live in the U.S.A. and are eligible to vote, for the love of god please grit your teeth and vote for Biden. Please. None of us can handle the wrinkly Cheeto any longer.
About Me
I am nonbinary and neptunic (or lesbian, if that makes more sense, though I’m also likely some flavor of aro/ace?), and go by he/they pronouns. Though, frankly, anything other than she/her pronouns are fine with me.
I am white, trilingual (Portuguese, Spanish, and English), and from Brazil. 🇧🇷 Oi, gente!
I am also autistic, and have *breathes in dramatically* social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and maladaptive daydreaming issues (it isn’t officially a disorder yet). I am able-bodied and have relatively low support needs.
As you may be able to tell, I don’t really have that good of a sense of what is and isn’t private, so I’ll probably answer any questions you may have! Ask away if you feel like it!
My special interests are: snakes, atypical psychology, Greek mythology, and Egyptian mythology. I also like horror as a genre, as well as art in general.
Some more specific things I like, though, include The Owl House, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Heartbreak High, Heartstopper, Young Royals, Gravity Falls, Red, White, And Royal Blue, Nimona, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Melanie Martinez, Sub Urban, Jack Stauber, and Evelyn Evelyn. Feel free to rant to me about any of these!
Since I am autistic, I struggle with social interactions and understanding things. I would appreciate patience.
If I make mistakes, please tell me! Also, I swear I am pretty much never trying to be rude, offensive, or insulting, even if it seems that way. If I say something wrong/bigoted/misleading, please let me know! If my blog isn’t accessible, please let me know how I can improve it (I try to include image descriptions on most of my own images, though unfortunately I struggle with adding them to others’). This is meant to be a safe space. :D
I love interacting with folks on here! If you ever want to send me a message, or an ask, or a vent, feel free to do so!
I reblog, like… a lot.
I swear occasionally. Not that often, though.
I don’t technically have much of a tagging system, though I do tag posts that involve someone needing help with “help help help” and asks with “ask ask ask ask”.
Terminology Stuff
To avoid misunderstandings, this is how I use certain terms (and honestly, the only ways they should be used):
Nonspeaking - Not able to reliably communicate through speech (long-term).
Nonverbal - Not able to reliably communicate through words (long-term). I know some people who cannot speak use this term, though, and I will respect their preferences.
Important post about this: https://www.tumblr.com/five-thousand-loaves-of-bread/712714609459593216/my-frustration-with-going-nonverbalnonspeaking
Delusion - A clinically recognisable belief held by an individual who cannot be convinced otherwise, even though the belief is objectively false.
Psychotic - Experiencing psychosis: experiencing things disconnected from reality on a clinical level.
Psychopath - Someone who has Anti-Social Personality Disorder (complex history, though).
Narcissist - Someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Do Not Interact List
I don’t really have a DNI list. Just like. Don’t be mean? If you send me something mean, I will likely not be significantly bothered by it.
I am not trying to start fights. If you are trying to start a fight, and not a genuine discussion, please leave.
I do not tolerate hate against my mutuals of any kind. If you are mean to them, respectfully, please get out.
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fortunesfavours · 4 months
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time travel in ten - sequential narrative collage piece done for my class, Artifact.
ramblings below the cut for those interested in the process/life update for friends who have noticed i've been gone
right lmao. i had two weeks to do this project and had a completely different idea that i just could not get myself to be excited about. emailed my prof in desperation, but it being like 10 pm meant that she was not about to respond. within 30 minutes, as it goes, i got struck with divine inspiration by whatever force of nature governs procrastination-induced genius, and i promptly spent the next 12 waking hours non-stop working on this.
my class, artifact, is a requirement for the foundation year at the college i attend. it centers around time-based media, ranging from the sequential illustration here to video later in the semester, and a bunch of other projects designed to get us thinking in 4d. artifact is the theme of the class - my peers are doing the same projects under a variety of different themes (tragically, haunting filled up too quickly and i missed out on enrollment in that one).
our first project was designing an artifact and doing a write-up of the story behind it. the girl to my left made beaded spiders members of a fictional cult carried. the guy across from me made an amulet of a long-dead god. you get the vibes. mine, which I still need to take professional photos of, is a pocketwatch that lets you time travel. cause, yknow. i'm me. it was gonna be about time travel.
i had originally intended to do a bunch of drawings of the watch's owner, building out her backstory and the world she lives in, and explaining why the watch exists,,,, then i couldn't bring myself to pick up the stylus. I just can't seem to find the energy for my usual digital art (sorry friends i miss yall i'm still here i swear).
here's the bit about my life so feel free to stop reading if you just care about the art 👍
I haven't drawn fanart or my ocs in months now, since last semester, and I miss it a whole bunch but right now that creative energy just. is not happening. i don't plan on abandoning it forever by any means, but p much everything i have is going towards school right now. sad as that is, i'm having so much fun, and i'm so proud of the technical improvements i've made. I've got so many things i want to create, mostly for my ocs. i still love crit role, but i've fallen of campaign three. i don't have the time, and the story hasn't been engaging me for a bit.
i've been really into dr who lately, and am eagerly waiting for the spare time to sit and watch all of candela obscura. i'm in a new dnd game. i've got friends! real life friends! irl friends who called me the wizard friend within a few hours of knowing me before i even opened my mouth about dnd lmao. i've discovered a new love of collage, and i've just declared my major in something unique to my school, a program called Studio for Interrelated Media. i'll be learning about illustration still through the extra electives i'll have room for, but i also get to explore printmaking in more depth, as well as event planning, installation, curation, and theatre work as well.
i miss being on here a whole bunch and want to be more active when i get more time. don't plan on abandoning this blog by any means. boston has been kind to me, and though i have had some Real Low Points, i've also been living the life i've hoped for since i was a kid. i'm good, really really good.
to my friends, ily, i miss you, and i hope you're well. can't wait to catch up on all yalls art and fic. sending all my love. <3
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how many tes games have you played, what was your first build/character in each, and why did you pick those skills/traits/etc?
Hi and thank you!
I've played admittedly not a lot of Arena. Its hard to get into due to its age 🧙‍♂️ Love Jeff Perrymans work on the game though!
I've played a good amount of Daggerfall! I played a bit of it ~13(?) years ago but it was the original version so like Arena it was super hard to both play and get into it. I was actually doing a classic "sword and board" play through via Daggerfall Unity just last year and was having fun until my saves got corrupted somehow 🥲
I actually touched Redguard for the first time this year but I'm holding off until I finish my current Morrowind playthrough 🏴‍☠️
Battlespire I've actually never touched despite owning it. Its weird because I've POURED over that games wiki and its actually my favorite old school TES game based purely on aesthetics and its designs. A full play through is on my to do list for this year!
All the old TES mobile games, shadowkey, Oblivion Mobile, etc. I have limited experience with. I've seen them IRL on friends phones back in the day but never got hands on since I actually didn't have a phone until later in Highschool. I think the internet archive has at least a few of them playable? I'd have to check, maybe it's worth checking out!
Morrowind...ahh morrowind :) its my fav TES game in terms of quests. My first play through was not a full one, it was at a friends house on the XBOX version way way back in the day. For my first REAL play through it was on my first gaming PC and I played an athletics focused halberd wielding orc who bonked people on the head 😂
Oblivion..This one PAINS me..I've only actually played though it entirely a single time and it was ages ago on the Xbox 360 and I played a...stealth archer 😵‍💫..It wasn't a meme at the time I swear! I just liked sneaking and archery! When I got it on PC, every time I tried setting it up with or without mods I had technical issues. I've mentioned it before but I absolutely loathe the bad draw distance and pop in that plagues even "ultra" settings on PC. OpenMorrowind on PC is a technical marvel. I wish they'd do something similar for Oblivion or port a stable version of Oblivion to PC. I really want to do a full playthrough again!
Skyrim. Fun fact I calculated it one time and I'm certain I collectively have 3,000+ hours in Skyrim over the past 13 years. Possibly close to 4,000 but thats from my Xbox 360 playthoughs and I don't remember the exact times for that. The base game is long worn out for me but god damn is Skyrim's modding community incredible. Thanks to mods, the game has remained fresh in various ways for the past 13 years and at this rate I'll probably add another 1k hours before TES 6 comes out 😁
ESO. I'm gonna be 100% upfront here. I got the game when it came out and had lots of issues with it. The game had a rocky start and I wasn't ever a big fan of MMOs to begin with. That said! Zenimax has done amazing things over the past 10 years and really kept that game alive with continuous improvement. I haven't kept up with it the past few years ago outside of the lore (and art) stuff but I think after I give the older TES games another go, I'll probably hop back in to ESO.
Legends. I've never played it! TBH don't like card games, Hearthestone, Gwent, etc. Legends doesn't have much going for it besides the art BUT BUT BUT...Legends art is fucking incredible 😍😍😍 Seriously, after Perhaps Skyrim's concept art, the various artists of Legends are my 2nd fav to look at. I can ignore the actual gameplay but I really wish we knew more about who actually has created all the Legends art. We only have hints such as studio names for vast portions of the art, or straight up ZERO sources for who made a lot of the core decks and original release era art. I keep my head on a swivel for that stuff because its so amazing and beautiful!
Lastly, TES Blades. I'm not a huge fan of the game since I don't like touchscreen controls (eg. I play Morrowind on my phone but with a controller). I've played a fair amount but never beat it since the controls are bleh and gameplay doesn't appeal to me a ton. Most of the stuff that interests me about blades is the armor designs and the fact it gives us a super small glimpse into the period between The Great War and Skyrim.
Sorry this went a Lil long but thanks for your ask!
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monkey-network · 5 months
Good Stuff: Hazbin Hotel
Welcome Back Friends, to the Show That Never Ends
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I will admit, while I'm a fan of her overall work, after seeing the pilot I wasn't into Hazbin Hotel. Not that it looked bad, just didn't appeal to me whereas Helluva Boss was more my speed. When the A24 pickup was announced though, I was intrigued because its lacking appeal didn't mean complete disinterest in its potential direction, you feel me? The future is alive now and a full series is finally here, blindsiding you with more shades of red than your blood stream. And you know, color me impressed that we truly got to this point upon the unbearable avarice of online chaos surrounding the creator that had its fair share of critics upon an Everest mass of pisstakers. But I'm not here to rummage all that, I just want to finally review Hazbin Hotel at long last.
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So let's start with the presentation
Maybe it's thanks to Helluva Boss, but I've always liked Viv's flair in design and color. Things get to stand out in a way that says yes, she owns it. This is the art of somebody who was THE regular at Hot Topic AND adjacent Spencer's, has an autographed Gir hoodie buried in her closet, probably read Revolutionary Utena or Rose of Versailles in school, and her dream was to bring that vision of her childhood to life. Vaggie I say is my favorite design wise, major pilot improvement where the red and black compliments her cream and grey colors. Can things all look busy and disoriented? Of course, never to an eyesore degree but there can exist... garish clashes, like you're wondering how the boarders no less animators were able to put some scenes together. Then again, it's the rare time I can say "I've never seen anything like this" for a cartoon and it actually means something.
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Needs more furries though, we can never have enough Broadway studded furry characters
Storywise, I think will be hard to follow unless you've seen the pilot, which is thankfully still online. Episode 0 I say better introduces the characters and whole initial feeling of the hotel's existence since Charlie introduces it to the citizens of Hell first. The structure of this season I was pretty lost on until I found that good ol' "Monkey connects it to another show to make his point" lightbulb. This is that kind of series that unravels as you go along, so if the first two episodes aren't your tea then you oughta drop this show, or not and "hatewatch" like the sodomite you'll become in your 40s. I was reminded of The Bear or Silicon Valley in that it's not about running the titular hotel but the characters getting it together before operations truly start. Charlie has her goal and deadline, and it's all a methodical stream of how bad or good things can turn out for everyone involved. It's story driven but more focal on the characters, if you follow. Speaking of which, let's finally talk characters... and how they're my biggest issue with this series.
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Except Nifty. I can never hate on gremlins
I'll say with the characters, it's NOT that their scripts consist "just of swearing and sex jokes". Whether or not the case, this is me we're talking about. El Superbeasto is my all time favorite adult animated movie, and the Hellverse is tamer by comparison. Won't knock points because humor is "subjective", but I'm never gonna act like I'm above the large swear counts or thinking of the nasty every other minute and beyond the first episode, they lessen the excess. The no shits given humor of Viv's work still feels refreshing.
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Trust me, nothing Adult has trumped the champ yet
My real issue is something I've realized for Vivienne's shows overall: she's not great at making... flexible characters, lack of a better term? What I mean is that when they work, they work purely in service of the stories, its gags, and it's hard thinking about them outside of their shows if we don't count the porn and memes. They're not static, but I think too symbiotic to the narrative. That's where the dominoes start because being inflexible means they have to be more compelling and if they're not, then the story falls apart. And yeah, Hazbin's characters aren't as compelling. I like them, but I'm not invested in them. The crux of this is that while the pacing can fly, none of the characters provide that snappy dynamic you would get with an ensemble. With Helluva Boss, you could throw Blitz and the crew in different scenarios and it's engaging enough just seeing them run amok. A pinchful of episodes and the Hazbin crew don't really do it for me beyond the occasional gag and piecing clues about them together. The musical numbers are great character moments in their own right, like everyone of them are actual bangers, but for only two an episode they are doing the heavy lifting. Again, it's that type of show where every piece comes into play one at a time, so it's conflicting where I want to be into this series but I'm not that into it.
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Charlie also makes it somewhat worth it; infectious enthusiasm is my kryptonite
I overall can't fit this show in a box, and I frankly didn't want to. You think I went into this cartoon cavalcade, radiating with juvenile fujo theater kid energy, about a bunch of sailor mouths that can sing gospel from heaven AND hell and have everything click? It's not possible, but that's what I can respect about this and Vivienne overall. This show doesn't posses a "fuck all of you" type feeling, but an "I want to do this, you can join or go" feeling. Not everything works, but it's meaningfully experimental in a way that somehow makes it meta. Like Charlie and the Satanic Panic Plaza, nothing about this should've functioned, this shouldn't have had any saving graces and got left obscurely on Youtube, but it could and many saw that regardless of how well they're able to express. Viv actually committed to seeing this through and this speaks a lot about creators who put in to an non-compromised vision.
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You could say, it's always about finding that one person who gets the joke
From the fractions of episodes I got to watch, I'm unsure if this is a hidden masterpiece or a disasterpiece of storytelling or if it's just okay. I don't know if the show's team can stick the landing, but the fun in her work has always been the journey. She put in the effort since way back for me to give her stuff a chance, to actually review Hazbin Hotel earnestly as opposed to belittling things which would've been easy. To conclude, with all its flaws this is enthusiastic, fascinating start to an otherwise predictably unpredictable year that's leagues better than the Velma series because I actually want to see where season 2 goes.
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I'm just glad this finally exists, regardless of the hell it took to get here
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elinoracia · 1 year
🐍Yule Ball🐍 // Sebastian Sallow x f!reader fanfic
"Hello everyone! This is my first ever fanfiction so don't hesitate to give me some tips on how to improve my writing (my first language isn't english). I also didn't really proofread because I wrote all of this at work (don't tell my boss pls)"
Warnings: Jealousy, Y/N putting herself down, fluff, a little cry session, swearing (censored), love triangle with Garreth (kinda), no NSFW.
Total of words: 3.5k, this is a very long fanfic so be ready ;)
Important informations:
- All characters are aged up to 18 y.o. or more ; 7th year - The reader's name will be "Y/N" = "Your name" and "Y/L/N" = "Your last name. - Y/H/C = Your hair color - Y/E/C = Your eye color - Y/H = Your house (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin) - This fanfic includes a drawing / sketch of the dress! (Following the time period when Hogwarts legacy is happening = 1890s) TW: I drew it myself lol - You can vote for the next fanfiction at the end of this one !!!
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° The Yule ball is coming very soon and even if you don't want to admit it out loud, you really wish a certain someone would ask you to be his date...
But now that Anne is being taken care of at Mungo's Hospital and agreed to see Sebastian again, he can finally see what he might have missed before. He was so obsessed by finding a cure for her that he never SAW you for who you really were. His gaze towards you has definitely changed... °
You were walking in the long hallways of Hogwarts, lost in your thoughts as your were admiring the wintery decorations between two classes. The Yule ball was in 2 weeks and the students were visibly excited for this event. But you were worried. Nobody asked you yet to be his or her date for that very special night. Remembering all the requests for the ball your friends got makes your heart aches, not from jealousy, but because you felt the weight of loneliness weighing on your shoulders.
The anxiety of your thoughts made your heart beat faster until a familiar gaze get you out of your head.
Garreth: Hello Y/N, may I ask what seems to be on your mind?
Y/N: Oh! You surprised me! Hello Garreth. And well... this is quite embarrassing.
Garreth: What could be more embarrassing than making all of your potions blow up in front of Mr. Sharp?
Y/N: Come on, at least you're trying to create new concoctions. Not everyone has that courage. And my problem is far more embarrassing! Can you believe nobody asked me to be their date to the Yule ball?
Garreth, who became really handsome with the years, looked at you with wide open eyes. He looked really shocked despite your ironic tone of voice. He struggled to keep his voice down.
Garreth: WHAT? B-but... How is that even possible? Don't tell me you are not attending?
Y/N: Well, I shall not speak too quickly on the subject. There are still two weeks left.
Garreth: I could have sworn that...
He was mumbling something you could barely hear. Suddently, he looked up to you and grabed your hand.
Garreth: Hum... We could always... well...
Then, out of nowhere, someone else snatched your hand from his.
It was Sebastian. He must have seen you from down the hallway. He looked really mad. But you could only admire how tall he became since 5th year and how hot he was when he was pissed. Your eyes met his and it made your heart race. He was still holding your hand.
Sebastian: Don't bother her Weasley.
Garreth: Well, if this isn't Sebastian Sallow. I was just about to ask a really important question to Y/N. So, if you could just leave us alone.
Sebastian: No, I don't think that will be possible. She and I have to go somewhere. It's for... our Defense Against the Dark Arts class! Miss Hecat gave us a big assignment we have to complete.
While keeping your hand in his, he led you as far away as possible from Garreth. He kept walking until he was out of sight.
Then, Sebastian stopped walking and looked at you. His gaze softened and he let go of your hand. You could see a slight blush forming on his freckled cheeks.
Sebastian: Don't tell me this absolute fool was about to ask you to be his Yule date. He just can't stop bothering you.
Y/N: I am not sure Sebastian... But it would have not been that bad.
Sebastian: What do you mean? Do you like him? Do you want to-
Y/N: Calm down! I just meant that... nobody asked me yet and it's reassuring to know that someone actually wants to go with me. Besides, even if he asked, I am not sure I would have said yes to his offer.
Sebastian: Oh. And why not? You keep talking about that ball for days now. Surely you want to attend it?
Y/N: I do. But not with him.
The words slipped out of your mouth. When you realised what you said, you couldn't help but but your hand on your lips. You just can't help but think Sebastian doesn't want to go with you or just anyone. You instantly regretted your words and you felt sick to your stomach. You just could not look at him in the eyes.
Sebastian: With who you want to go with then ?
Y/N: (You take a deep breath) Can we... talk about it another time ? Besides, I really have to go join Imelda and Poppy for my next class. See you later Sebastian.
You turned around without even waiting for an answer. As you were walking to your next class, you kept wondering why he suddently looked interested when you mentionned your wish to attend the Yule ball with a certain person. Oh Merlin, this boy made you crazy. Nothing seems to make sense in your head.
After your last class of the day, as you were heading to the common room of your House, someone stops you.
Ominis: You seem to have made quite the impact on Sebastian for some reason. He could not stop talking about you for the last hours.
Y/N: Hi Ominis. And well, he just asked me with who I wanted to attend the next ball. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Ominis: I thought he was not interested by the Yule ball. How unusual.
Y/N: Yes...indeed.
Ominis: Y/N, I hope that even thought I am blind, you are aware that I can hear the tone of your voice. What did Sebastian told you ? I am sure he went too far once again.
Y/N: Maybe not far enough this time...
Ominis: Do you want to talk about it ? I would not dare repeat your confession to Sebastian, you can trust me.
Y/N: I know I can trust you. Thank you very much Ominis. But it really is not something worth worring about.
The truth was, you were too scared to ask Ominis opinion on that matter. What if he knew Sebastian wanted nothing to do with that ball? What if he knew Sebastian asked someone else already? You did not felt ready to take that risk just yet.
Ominis: I understand. Have a great night Y/N.
Y/N: You too Ominis.
The four followings days were like every others. You attended your usual classes, you spend a majority of your time with your friends and mostly Sebastian. But he was not like his usual self. Something was troubling him but you couldn't understand what.
As you were walking out of the school with Poppy to have some fresh air, you can see from afar a familiar figure. It was Sebastian but... he was not alone. He was talking to someone.
Suddently your throat closes, your breath stops and your chest starts to hurt. He was talking with another girl... but most importantly, he seems to carry flowers in his hands.
He was giving her flowers.
Poppy looked at you and notice you were staring at them, completely frozen.
Poppy: Y/N ? Are you alright ? What is the matter ?
Y/N: Sebastian... he...
You could not contain the tears any longer. They were just flowding on your cheeks. Of course he would choose someone else. You were such a fool to think he even wanted to the Yule ball go with someone like you. He was just waiting to ask someone as fun and exciting as him to attend with him.
As you stared with tears in your eyes at them, at him, at the boy you loved, Sebastian noticed you and started walking up towards your direction. Without even controlling your moves, you bolted inside the school, leaving the poor Poppy behind, confused.
You ran to the only place you could think of.
The Undercroft
You sat on the cold floor, in this dark cave, and cried.
Y/N: If only I told him earlier! Now I just have to stand there and watch them be together and even go together to that damn ball! On Merlin I wish I never saw them.
You stopped your rant when you heard somone else enter. You quickly dried your tears and got up as fast as possible.
Y/H: Ominis, I was just-
Sebastian: Y/N ? Are you alright ? I saw you run away and I thought maybe something happened.
Y/H: Oh Sebastian. Well I...
You hate how much you still love him. You hate how much you'll have to pretend to support his futur relationship with this other girl. You just want him. Just him standing there, in front of you, makes you suffer. You are shaking and your hands are cold. Sebastian took notice of that.
Sebastian: Y/N ? What are you not telling me ? Did something happen ? Is it that damn Garreth again ? Or did y-
Y/N: Sebastian, I just needed to be by myself.
Your voice was so cold and emotionless. That took the poor Slytherin boy by surprise.
Sebastian: Did I... do something ? If I did, I am really sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings.
You wish he could stop talking and dissapear. It was just hurting too much. He took a step closer to your as a attempt to see the expression on your face to try to understand.
Y/N: I saw you. With the other girl. I was not expecting that but congratulations Sallow! It seems like you got yourself a date for the ball.
You were trying to smile as hard as you could and pretend you were truly happy for him. But why could you feel tears running down your face.
Sebastian: W-what? No she was just... Are you crying? Y/N why are you crying?
He could not understand why you were crying. He lifted up your head to see your teary eyes and gave you a warm hug. As tight as he could possibly hold you against him.
And you hugged him back. So tight. So close to you. You almost forgot why you were here, crying in his arms. You just wish he would never let you go.
As he took at step back to look at you again, he put his big hand on the top of your head.
Sebastian: Take your time. I am here.
Y/N: Thank you Sebastian.
Sebastian: Why would you ever think I would attend the ball with that girl? Utter rubbish !
Y/N: (you smiled gently) You offered her flowers. And you seemed very close. I just assumed.
Sebastian: Oh! Oh no the flowers!
Y/N: What about them ?
Sebastian: Well, they were for you but I think I asked someone to hold them for me as I was following you here. And I asked her to pick the best flowers for me so I could give them to you. She talked about Floriography. Apparently, a flower can mean something now.
Y/N: For me? What for ?
Sebastian: I guess I should just go for it then.
Y/N: Go for what ? I am confused.
Sebastian: Y/N, I know this might change everything. I might earase everything we built together since the first time I layed my eyes on you. But please, if I am making you uncomfortable by this confession, make me aware and I will never dare to bother you again.
But I love you. I love your soft Y/E/C eyes and your long and beautiful Y/H/C hair. But most importantly, I admire your strenght and your courage. You made me a better person. So, even if you decline my feelings, I shall always be grateful for what you have done for me. I know it was never easy to deal with me. But watching you grow and become a gorgeous and strong woman made me fall even harder for you.
You were taken back by his words. You struggled to find a good answer. Maybe you thought for too long about your answer because you saw Sebastian having a look of panic on his face.
Sebastian: I am so sorry, I should have told you in a better place than the Undercroft. I know this might be disappointing but-
Y/N: I love you too.
Sebastian: Y-you do?!
Y/N: I thought it was obvious. I am head over heels for you Sebastian Sallow. Since the day I beated you on that duel we had. Since the day you took my to Hogsmeade. Since... always. I wanted to go with you to the Yule ball. I only wanted you.
Sebastian: I... Oh Merlin! I understand now! I am so sorry I waited that long. Would you please make me the great pleasure to be my date ?
Y/N: I thought you would never ask.
As you were giggling, he cupped your face with his hands. He was so close to your face, you could actually count the freckles on his face.
Sebastian: May I kiss you ?
Y/N: Mh mh
As your lips touched, you put your hand on his chest. He was pulling you closer to deepened the kiss.
As you finally gently pull away from him, you watched his face. He was so red and obviously breathing really fast.
Sebastian: I...
Y/N: So...we shall see eachother at the ball then.
Sebastian: I cannot wait.
Some days passed and you were shopping with Poppy and Natty for a dress at Hogsmade.
As you were passing by Augustus Hill’s classy Gladrags Wizardwear boutique, you noticed the multiple dresses he was selling inside. You were so excited to pick the perfect dress.
Natty: I really want a red dress ! Or maybe a yellow one ! I really can't chose.
Poppy: I am wondering if they are selling purple dresses. I think I saw one on this hanger right there.
Y/N: I am still not sure about the color I want. Maybe one that represents the color of Y/H ?
Natty: Or maybe a dark green for you? So you could match Sebastian?
Poppy: That would be such a nice suprise! How romantic!
You giggled at the thought of Sebastian's reaction. Then, Natty looked at you with a sly look.
Natty: Soooo, you and Sebastian hu? Are you two together ? Is he finally your boyfriend ?
Y/N: Natty!
Natty: I am joking Y/N. Of course I know the answer. It is quite obvious.
Y/N: Well, to be honest he confessed and asked me to be his date but... He didn't ask me yet to be his girlfriend.
Poppy: Oh Merlin! No way!
Natty: Maybe he is keeping that special question for a special event.
You never really thought about it. You both were just like a couple. But he never officially asked you to be his lover. So, are you both really together ?
The followings days were really busy with all the preparations and the shopping you had to do. You were really happy with the dress you chose. It was green, like Natty suggested. A satin look with some really stunning matching gloves. Those were really expensive and it was showing.
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The day before the Yule ball, you received an owl from Sebastian.
His message said:
"My dearest, Y/N, This sheet of paper, though I should cover it with loving words, could never tell you truly how I long to see you again in your evening gown. I heard a lot about it from Natty and Poppy. Tomorrow, let's meet at the bottom of the stairs, after the big door. The room will be crowded but I will always recognize you among everyone. Unchangeably yours, Sebastian Sallow"
Y/N: How sweet of him. Maybe I should write something back. Let's see...
"Dear Sebastian,
Your affectionate letter was most welcome. I won’t tell you where I keep it, but I dare say you will guess that it is not very far from my heart. I need not inform you, for you know it well, that you have my entire and undivided affection, and that I look forward seeing you at the Yule ball too. I hope Poppy and Natty didn't tell you too much about my dress. I leave you the surprise of discovering it tomorrow evening. I love you. Ever yours, Y/N"
As you sent your owl on its way to Sebastian, you felt your heart speed. You wonder if adding "I love you" on your letter was maybe too much. After all, you were not officially a couple. But at least he knows how you felt.
The next day came very quickly and you could see all of the girls in your room jump out of their bed to get ready, apply their makeup and do their hair. Seeing them so anxious made you start getting ready early too. Some of them helped you to do your eye makeup.
As you were putting your heals on, someone taps gently on your shoulder.
Y/N: Anne!!!
Anne: I am so please to see you Y/N. It's been a while since the last we spoke to eachother.
You couldn't help but put your arms around her to hug her. You were so glad he was looking better.
Y/N: What are you doing here ?
Anne: What does it look like silly? I am attending the Yule ball!
Y/N: What a sweet surprise. Did you already talk to Sebastian? And with who are you attending?
Anne: No no, I'll see Sebastian at the ball, it's a surprise. And my date for tonight is Ominis. He asked me some days ago and I could not reject his offer.
Anne was already wearing her gown for the ball. It was a really beautiful yellow dress with puffy sleeves. She was wearing her hair down and a pretty red color on her lips. She looked very elegant and chic. You could see she curled her hair with rollers for the occasion.
Y/N: You are so pretty! I love your gown. Yellow really suits you.
Anne: Thank you. I heard you were Sebastian's date for tonight?
Y/N: Oh hum...well I-
Anne: Don't worry, I am really glad he chose you. He explained everything to me in his most recent letter. I am truly happy for him and for you.
Y/N: Thank you so much. It means a lot.
Anne: Do you want me to help you get ready? Do you need help with your corset?
Y/N: Yes please.
Anne helped you putting on your dress. As you were ready, she went on to join Ominis.
You felt really nervous. You were hoping not to trip or step on Sebastian's toes during the dance. You had to be perfect for your futur boyfriend !
You got out of the common room and started walking towards the hall. A few people were also on their way.
You arrived in front of the big doors, opened them and stood at the top of the stairs, admiring the crowd of people already there. You were trying to scan the room to see where Sebastian was.
There he was, at the bottom of the stairs, also scanning the room. You called his name and he turned his head in your direction. His eyes widened. He could not stop looking at you as you descended the stairs.
Y/N: Good evening Sebastian. You are really handsome tonight.
Sebastian: Wow
Y/N: *giggles* I'm guessing you appreciate my outfit.
Sebastian: You are shining tonight. You are the brightest star in the sky. I am at loss for words. You've never been more elegant. Y/n: Thank you so much Sebastian.
As the music started playing, Sebastian led you to the middle of the huge ballroom. He looked like he knew what he was doing. He was leading the dance.
Y/N: Where did you learn to dance? You are a very good dancer! Sebastian: I have my own secrets Y/N. And you are not bad yourself. *grins*
He had one hand on your hip and the other was in your hand. One of your hand was on his chest. He kept looking at you in the eyes and smiling. His gentle brown eyes in yours felt like you two were the only one in the room.
As the dance came to an end, Sebastian and you kept dancing until your feet hurt. After that, you went to join Ominis who was standing further away.
Ominis: Ah there you both are. Are you having a good time? Sebastian: The time of my life. Ominis: The night is still young. Something else might be happening tonight. Sebastian: What do you mean by that?
As he asked that question, a gentle hand tapped his shoulder.
Anne: Maybe I should have helped you instead. You didn't flattened your hair properly. Sebastian: Anne!
He turned around and hugged her. He looked like her was holding her a little bit too thightly because Anne's face turned a reddish color.
Sebastian: Would you do me the honor of granting me the next dance? Anne: Only if your date agrees. Y/N: Of course! Please do. I'm going to take some fresh air in the meantime. It's really hot here!
As you went outside, you noticed how beautiful the sky was. There were so many stars tonight. Amit would have loved it. You were the only one standing outside. You lost yourself in your thoughts remembering how handsome Sebastian was tonight.
Garreth: who would dare to leave his date alone on such a special evening?
You did not hear Garreth approach. You felt silly standing there all alone.
Y/N: Oh, Hello Garreth. You always catch me wandering in my thoughts. And I just wanted some fresh air. Now i'm starting to think it might be a bit cold outside. Garreth: Oh! Where are my manners, please take my suit jacket. I don't want this pretty face to catch a cold. *he puts his suit jacket on your shoulders* Y/N: Thank you very much. You look really dashing tonight by the way. Garreth: You really look like a princess. You know, I have to admit something. Y/N: I surely hope it's not about a potion again. Garreth: No, not this time. But to be honest with you, I really wanted you to be my date for the Yule ball. I guess Sebastian was just quicker to invite you. Y/N: Oh. Garreth I am so sorry. Garreth: Please don't be sorry. But I do have a question. Dare I? Y/N: Please tell me, it's the least I can do for you. Garreth: Are you and Sallow a couple? Y/N: Oh... well no. Not really but- Garreth: Finally something I could beat him to.
Garreth quickly turned his face towards yours and put his hand behind your head. Everything happened so fast but...
He was kissing you.
He was almost rough with the kiss. Your eyes were still opened as you were trying to realize what was happening. But even before you had the time to do so, the kiss ended abruplty.
Garreth didn't even have time to answer when Sebastian pushed him hard enough for him to fall heavily to the ground.
I was not good at all. You had to stop him before he starts anything he might regret later.
Y/N: Sebastian stop it! Leave him alone, it was just a misunderstanding. It's not his fault. Let him go! Please...
Sebastian turned around to look at you. I made you shake with fear. You had chills down your spine. The he looked at Garreth again.
Sebastian: Get the **** out of here before I make you suffer a fate much worse than being crucioed.
As Garreth went back inside, Sebastian got closer to you.
Sebastian: As for you, you have some explaining to do. Y/n: I sincerely apologize. I think I gave him the wrong idea but I never wanted to... I never wanted anything with him. Sebastian: I know. But what made him think he could kiss you? Y/N: Well... he asked me if we were together. I simply told him the truth. You never asked me to be your girlfriend. I was about to tell him we loved eachother but he just kissed me before I could explain the situation. Sebastian: Oh. So I guess it's my fault for not asking you to be entirely mine clearly. I apologize for losing my temper. And I apologize for this confusion. I'm not used to romance and relationships. Y/N: I'm sorry... I wanted to talk to you about it for some time but I didn't have the courage. Sebastian: You are the thing I dread the most in myself, Y/N, because I love you so much that I can’t trust myself. I’d die for you, give up all my power for you. I’d give you my soul in an instant, even if it meant I had to spend eternity in torment just for one moment with you as mine. So please, will you be my girlfriend? Y/N: In my eyes, nothing would be more precious to me than to be yours. Of course I want to be girlfriend.
The end.
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