#my babies are on the road to looooove (luna who?)
agena87 · 9 months
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The second time Wolfgang and Malcolm met; when Mal went to sign up Joy for some art classes. The little girl had already shown some talent for drawing and painting, even at the young age of four, and expressed her desire to learn more to become an artist when she grew up. Mal, being the awesome dad that he is, never refuses her anything (though he tries not to spoil her). When going to meet the art teacher, Malcolm actually didn't know the name of said teacher, he just had been told by Max that there were courses for kids on the week-end at a certain art studio, and that it was the best teacher in town who held them. He was pleasantly surprised to see Wolfgang there, since he had been on his mind since their first meeting at Lucas and Max's wedding. Wolfgang was just as happy to see Malcolm, who he had found quite nice and interesting when they had talked during their first meeting. He was even more happy to see Malcolm wearing a more casual (and quite fitting) outfit (Luna hadn't been at Mal's that day, and hadn't bitch at him for wearing "hobo clothes"). Both men (well, a man and a Wolfie) ended up speaking for two hours while Joy explored the studio. And Mal left with the promise of a future coffee (friendly) date with Wolfie.
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libevosis · 7 years
BASICS: Hi friends! I go by Lee, 18 (just turned!), she/her, and I live in GMT.
ACTIVITY: I’m about to be a second semester senior who has already gotten into college, so I’d say my schedule is freeing up! I’m in one other rp right now, so I’m really available.
A LIL SOMETHIN’ EXTRA: Well, you asked for it so sorry if I ramble ahdjsjajwh. I love listening to throwback bubblegum pop music like some good old Justin Bieber (even though I know he’s a terrible person), but I mostly listen to the radio, but having the aux cord in my car is like my favourite thing? for tv, I love unbreakable kimmy schmidt and I used to love teen wolf but it went so downhill! I don’t really have that many fun facts about me other than the fact that I’ve been to over 47 different countries!
* CHARACTER NAME: Luna Iskander
* CHARACTER AGE: twenty-one
* CHARACTER OCCUPATION: Intern at Maddox Calderón/Socialite
* CHARACTER SECRET: she’s having an affair with Stella’s father which originally started for personal gain, grow her own connections, and attempt to find company secrets.
* FACE CLAIM: Cindy Kimberly
“You’ve welcomed a beautiful and healthy baby girl!” the voice bounced off the walls of the room along with the cries on a frigid December 31st. What better way to spend New Years Eve? Born to a Spanish mother and an Indonesian father, Luna took her first breath in the pristine hospital room in Barcelona, Spain. She wasn’t a particularly special baby, no, rather one that was born into an exceptional family. The Iskander family has always found a life of luxury and can trace their family back to the times of the Silk Road - an impressive feat that not many can brag about. The Iskander’s have since evolved from the Spice Trade to owning some of the most successful restaurants across the world whether it’s a steakhouse or a simple diner, just look for the iconic Iskander logo. However, the success and riches come from both sides of the family. Luna’s mom is a well sought after dermatologist, so it was only time that their family relocated to the diverse City of Angels, where supply could meet demand. Seven years after moving there, all members of the Iskander family were able to pledge allegiance and finally receive citizenship in the United States.
Cinnamon. The nickname was a stroke of genius on Stella’s part but also perfectly encapsulates everything that Luna represents. Sweet, yet spicy. Familiar, yet exotic. Being an only child, the Iskander’s pretty much let Luna have free reign on how she lives her life. Either that, or they act like they’re blissfully ignorant. She has always been a partier ever since she hit high school, but has always known her limits. She’s not exactly the designated driver, but she’s also not the one who’s struggling the morning after to even get out of bed. She always walks with a purpose, a little pep in her step, always taking things on the high note because why should she preoccupy her brain with things she can’t control? Why would she flood her brian when negatives when science proves that optimists live healthier and better?
She has a little bit of a superiority complex. She likes to adapt and do activities in unconventional ways, but she also likes to be on top. Fighting for the top spot has always kept her life interesting - this is especially the case when she secured an internship at Maddox Calderón. Considering that her family makes a fortune from their own business, she figured, why not gain a little leg up in one of the most successful investment banks in the nation? And along the way learn a few things that maybe she could use some connections for her own personal gain - sure it’s not the most conventional way to grow your social circle, but it works - and that’s all that matters. At first, she just saw working there as a slight chore - it was monotone, an office job, something that was completely out of her realm, but it was all going to pay off in the end, at least that was the plan. There was a time when she was doing the same things, every day, until she sat in a meeting with bosses themselves and a certain sparkle caught the eye of Mr. Maddox.
Ordinarily, she wouldn’t go for a man that could be her dad - after all - he did have a daughter that was her age. However, an adrenaline junkie as herself couldn’t help it, her body craved the excitement of sneaking around and being pampered. For Luna, the adrenaline rush reminded her of being back in high school when she didn’t have to act like a ‘real adult’; it was a feeling and freedom that she missed. She never minded working in the shadows in this way, in fact, she’s on track for a promotion and a real job (even if it is something as small as being a secretary), which is just a perk considering the fact that she would never be obligated to work. For a while, it was a win-win situation: her parents were proud of her and she was getting extreme perks from the job.
Luna has always been an equilibrium, balanced between all things seemingly good. Sometimes she can be impressionable, especially if “fun” is in the sentence: “You had me at fun,” is a common catchphrase. Whether it’s her alluring looks or radiant personality, Luna always seems to attract attention from anyone as if the iron in her blood was a strong enough magnet to pull people in. She always offers to keep your life interesting and has always expressed a sense of wanderlust. You can find her pondering about life whether she’s sitting on a park bench of downing the drinks that another guy bought her at a club. She realises that there’s something larger and perhaps that’s just the religious side of her coming out.
* she graduated university early because she planned on taking a gap year to travel, but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to intern
* she’s really intelligent, but she doesn’t always apply herself. she’s adapts really quickly and learns better through feel rather than just reading it
* she has like 3 different goPros because she has to chronicle her vacations
* she’s beginning to grow a following on instagram even though her feed is pretty eclectic. sometimes she can be really minimalist, and then other times she’ll go for loud floral prints
* she can barely survive in the cold, so when winter rolls around in New York she’s wearing like 13 different layers. she’s much more of a warmth person, but will vacation in places that are cold
* her favourite colour is red - any shade
* she likes to banter with people and is rarely ever serious, except maybe professionally because she has to built her credibility
* she’s indulgent, but not necessarily flashy about it. she actually hates it when logos are too big or people are just blatantly showing off what they have
* she loooooves spicy food and also has an incredible sweet tooth. clearly her metabolism is super fast
* her favourite movie is the princess bride because it’s a mix of everything she likes in a movie
* on the other hand cannot watch movies with dogs because she either can’t stop squealing or gets too sad
* she has to sleep with at last a small lamp on - she cannot do complete darkness. if she’s in complete darkness, she has to be holding someone’s hand (probably... she’ll swallow her pride and do it)
* she loves childish gambino, especially sweatpants because it’s just her speed and the lyrics are so clever in her mind
It was a mistake. It honestly wasn’t supposed to happen: Luna was merely taking advantage of the opportunity that was given to her. She never intended to hurt anyone, especially not anyone close to Mr. Maddox, but it’s known that too much cinnamon can choke you. Too much of Luna could prove lethal. Mr. Maddox was and is in too deep, however he wanted to keep it away from his family - as any smart man would - and Mr. Maddox more intelligent than most. It seemed that their plan was bulletproof, Luna’s family was rich enough to the point where if Mr. Maddox had bought her anything and she wore it, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that she bought it for herself. On top of this, Luna found herself among a few hookups and semi-serious relationships here and there to throw scent off of the trail. Sometimes that only fuelled the secret fire as it only left Mr. Maddox jealous when she brought a plus one to whatever gala they were invited to.
Luna had few run-ins with Stella, whether it was passing glances, the occasional small smile, or simply just walking past each other inching out of Mr. Maddox’s office. She never thought that Stella suspected anything and never had reason to believe that she did. When Stella first disappeared, Luna reassured Mr. Maddox that it was simply just something that young girls did: they wanted to explore he world without their parents holding them back. She was always a comforting touch when Mr. Maddox seemed so tense, and with the growing amount on his plate it was to the point where Luna thought it was inconsiderate that Stella would just vanish into thin air. It was definitely adding some unnecessary grey hair, at least in her eyes. When the amount of time grew uncomfortable, Luna became worried: could part of this possibly have been her doing? And then there was a bing - ring - ting - whatever - that woke Luna up in the middle of the night. It was Stella and she knew. Not even that, she was willing to blackmail.
Behind closed doors was something that Luna never knew, something that Mr. Maddox never sought to share with her: he didn’t want to worry the fountain of youth in his life. Stella found out. Mr. Maddox, although intelligent in so many aspects, can sometimes be at fault with technology. Stella first noticed the credit card statements: Mr. Maddox was buying glorious things and lovely items, but Stella could never seem to pinpoint such items on her mother. That was the first strike. Second, although Stella never saw her father much, when she did Luna was never far behind. As if that one late night that Mr. Maddox promised to have dinner with Stella could’ve gone more wrong - he had to cancel because of “work”. Late nights in the office can consist of many things. Third, despite being one of the most secure investment banks in the world, Mr. Maddox sure didn’t know how to turn off notifications on his laptop. While Stella was sending an email one day, a little notification popped up on the top right hand side of the screen: an image. Although the name wasn’t explicitly Luna, the pictures never lie. Knowing she had the upper hand, Mr. Maddox had to bend to the will of his daughter in order to keep his pristine image of the “perfect family” to the public.
Luna now realizes what is at stake. Stella, already not having a good relationship with her parents, appears relentless at this time: not stopping for anyone or anything. Sometimes she shakes her head and wonders how she could be so foolish - how she could be in so deep. Her secret doesn’t just affect her, but it seeps into Mr. Maddox, his wife, and the entire company. It could potentially be devastating if Luna were to ignore a task that texts demand her to do. But this is the life she chose. If you live by the sword, you die by it. She wanted her life to be interesting, didn’t she?
I’m sorry about this strange format? I found this so late and I’m about to go to out, but while I sleep the submit is gonna close, so I had to throw this together and I’m super tired ughhajsjs! I’m about to board a plane to go back home, so!
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