#my baka misato life and just kinda like. the complications of being 29 yrs old and relatively unhealed
whoever wants to hear about my unusual occurrence of the day, im gonma try n write it out now:.. Ok so i went on a walk,. had been walking for an hour or so but still feelin emo so i sat down on some grass. it was in a secluded spot on curved backstreet thats surrounded by buildings. so i am jst staring off into space & thinking to myself how this spot is kind of creepy becasue of how solitary it is, despite being in the middle of a bunch of infrastructure. suddenly this girl comes from behind me, she's talking to me in spanish. i didnt understand so she opened a translator app and we talked thru it for a while,, she was asking about where i got my angel tattoo which idek how she saw it cus its in a spot that wouldnt of been easily visible to her, especially as a passerby o.o we kept talking thru the app for a while.. she seemed concerned, n felt i am lonely ;--; then she said something along the lines of "ok gotta go now cus i have a long way to go. but dont be sad because life is beautiful ok?" , she walked away whistling..but what fucked me up the most is that as i turned to watch where she went, she literally just. got on a bike and rode back th way she came??? idk how to explain the way that street is set up but the whole interaction just made no sense idk how she even noticed me in the first place due to the buildings and shrubbery guarding me. her name was eva.. she seemed totally normal and chill.. it was just odd, like someone sent her to check on me or something? ppl talk 2 me a lot in public but this was like eerie and different idk usually an interaction doesnt leave me with so many questions as this.......
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