#also the name eva was crazy because for a big part of my walk i was thinking about
whoever wants to hear about my unusual occurrence of the day, im gonma try n write it out now:.. Ok so i went on a walk,. had been walking for an hour or so but still feelin emo so i sat down on some grass. it was in a secluded spot on curved backstreet thats surrounded by buildings. so i am jst staring off into space & thinking to myself how this spot is kind of creepy becasue of how solitary it is, despite being in the middle of a bunch of infrastructure. suddenly this girl comes from behind me, she's talking to me in spanish. i didnt understand so she opened a translator app and we talked thru it for a while,, she was asking about where i got my angel tattoo which idek how she saw it cus its in a spot that wouldnt of been easily visible to her, especially as a passerby o.o we kept talking thru the app for a while.. she seemed concerned, n felt i am lonely ;--; then she said something along the lines of "ok gotta go now cus i have a long way to go. but dont be sad because life is beautiful ok?" , she walked away whistling..but what fucked me up the most is that as i turned to watch where she went, she literally just. got on a bike and rode back th way she came??? idk how to explain the way that street is set up but the whole interaction just made no sense idk how she even noticed me in the first place due to the buildings and shrubbery guarding me. her name was eva.. she seemed totally normal and chill.. it was just odd, like someone sent her to check on me or something? ppl talk 2 me a lot in public but this was like eerie and different idk usually an interaction doesnt leave me with so many questions as this.......
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Rise!Turtles Playlists Part 1
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author’s note: this is PURELY indulgent and also based on what I’ve got on my own crazy playlist, all fun no deep meaning <3 I’ll do five songs each to start! If you don’t know/haven’t heard of any of these songs give them a chance!!! I like to think I have good taste lol!! so after Mikey and Donnie I realize the song limit is ten so this will be part 1, part 2 shall have Leo and Raph
let me know your favorite playlist, should I make more? hope you guys enjoyyyy~~~~
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I picture his playlist title being something like ‘the jams’ or ‘chillest songs eva’
3005 by Childish Gambino, (rap, pop, chill) definitely in his art/graffiti room creating art with this in his ears. Such a vibe, he’s definitely singing/rapping his heart out, to this one and all the rest of his songs even if he forgets the words he’ll just hum until he gets to a part he knows
Blow by Kesha, (pop, upbeat) is there any explanation needed for this one? Yes? Okay. This is the song he gets down to, if he had to walk through a door or have a theme song, guaranteed this one, obviously the chorus part, it’s just perfect
Island In The Sun by Weezer (alt?, rock? chill) is another song to show how diverse his music taste is, he’s eating pizza to this, or just chilling around the lair, the guitar gets him going though
Hype Boy by NewJeans, (kpop, upbeat) he’d definitely listen to K-pop, he’s down to listen to any kind of music as long as he can connect with it, just has to be good, definitely learns the dance routines to all kpop songs he’s into, but mainly picked this one for the title, he’s such a ‘hype boy’ for all his brothers
Midnight City by M83 (edm, upbeat) is definitely in his ears as he’s swinging around New York City. The bright lights, flashing by as he’s chasing after his brothers or possibly a low level crook (hence he doesn’t feel the need to take off his headphones) He definitely feels like he’s in a movie when listening to this one, a hero movie where he’s the main character
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okay so I remember one episode from the 2018 show, his music taste sounded like a lot of edm, other than that i think he might listen to these… playlist name? ‘Donnie’s Picks’ or ‘Booty Shaking Tunes’
More Than Survive by Will Connolly, (broadway, nerdy) So my reason for this is because I’ve noticed a couple of fics saying Don would definitely like broadway/musicals so boom (it was originally gonna be Sexy by Kate Rockwell but i thought this fit in better) other than it being a musical, it’s super cute, about a nerd in high school wanting to do more than just survive, Donnie would probably find this one funny, he is proud of his nerdy-ness
Howlin’ 404 by DEAN (kpop, r&b dark) maybe Mikey put him through the kpop rabbit hole but instead of pop he goes for more of the r&b artists, if he gets annoyed or aggravated this one’s a big contender, solely in his earbuds
Lost by Eden Project (edm, upbeat) if I had to choose a song similar to the one from that one episode, it would be this one because of the edm qualities BUT I think this one actually sounds good (no offense Donnie) like Mikey I can see him listening to this out on the city rooftops, movie worthy soundtrack, main character vibes
Fantasy by Mariah Carey, (pop, upbeat) the booty shaking part of his playlist, definitely a banger, but still embarrassed to have it, this will not be played in the lab but most certainly in his earbuds at max volume
The Scientist by Coldplay, (alt/indie, chill) Other than the most obvious reason being the title, it is a great song because Coldplay is amazing, definitely puts this on if he’s in a mood, gets him through rough days, this can definitely be played on surround sound speakers in his lab
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sasa-gay-yo · 4 years
Just Us (Chapter Ten: Request)
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← Chapter Nine 
“We only have a bag of flour to give you this time.” He handed me a bag smaller than any ones they had before. I knew this might be the last time they would give me anything for my bread, so I took it without any word, but not without a nasty look. The cloth tied around my mouth hid my frown from him as I looked down at the small bag that even had a hole in it. This wasn’t going to make more than twenty loaves and I knew I was quickly running out of my own supply. I had tried to use my extra money to stock up as harvest came, but the price of wheat flour was so ridiculous, only the government could afford it. They bought most of the stock themselves and were hiding it. This small bag of flour was probably scooped out of a big box as they laughed in tricking me. 
I walked out the doors of the stock yard, pausing as the soldiers carried out another covered body on the stretcher. I wondered if I could recognize the person if they showed me their face. I had started giving the people my own names and using the interactions I had with them to guess their positions in Shiganshina. Some refugees were nice and would have a conversation with me while I ate my allotted rations on the edge of the stage they set up. It was a precaution so the refugees couldn’t run and push over the food stand like they had done a few months previous. It happened on my day off, so I wasn’t there to see it happen, but the next day, a stage had already been built with stairs that forced them into single file lines. If they pushed each other, the Garrison now had an above view to punish and hit those who forced themselves in line. 
I had conversations with some children and taught them a hand game from my youth to pass the time. Some of their parents would talk to me too, if they were young, and ask about the situation outside of the stockyard. Since violence had increased outside the barracks, they easily found a scapegoat and restricted the refugees to only the stockyard. It had no effect on the violence, but it seems the citizens of Trost found comfort in having someone to blame for the slow downfall of humanity. 
The trio never talked to me. Their grandfather always greeted me with a smile in line and I would give him the four loaves of bread for the children. The boy, Eren Jaeger, would get into fights with the guards more and more, but he would always be pushed to the ground or saved by the girl. It reminded me so much of myself. Was he getting beat up because it was something to do? Maybe it was the only thing that would make him feel something throughout the day. I desperately wanted to approach them and talk to them, but I never was able too. As soon as I would spot them, they’d disappear to some place in the stockyard and the smaller children would crowd around me to play the “clapping game” as they called it. 
Everyday I walked home alone, knife gripped in my pocket, I thought of what I would say to Eren Jaeger if he ever was thrown on my doorstep. He probably wouldn’t care for the pity of an older woman who had no relation to him. He also probably wouldn’t care about my time in the Underground and how I thought he acted like I did. I had made a game plan and everyday would go over it and tweak some parts. I’d have the trio help me make bread, talking to them about anything. Slowly, I’d tell them I was an orphan and maybe find some relation with them. The only adult figure around them seemed to be the grandfather and that made me wary because of the situation they came from. Their parents were no doubt killed by titans. 
I took the cloth off of my mouth as I got far enough away from the stockyard and took a deep breath of the slowly freezing air. It was going to get cold again, but the farmers had predicted a nicer winter than last year. We’d be lucky to get any snow this time, but it was better because they could chance growing more late winter crops. I decided that for the end of the year, I might as well open my shop and keep the tradition of year-end and winter pastries, hoping people would buy even without the fresh fruit. Another motivation is that some of my supplies were going to go bad and I didn’t want to lose more money than I had already. People like something sweet when they’re going through a bad time, so I’d hope they’d want my sweets. 
“Eva! Eva! Eva!” I looked up and saw Elias running towards me, paper in hand. He had a growth spurt over the summer and fall months, and now he was almost to my chin. His hair was also much too long, but he wouldn’t let me cut it because apparently the other boys at school also had hair like his. During summer and current late fall, I had taken them in pretty much everyday, commissioning them to make bread with me and giving them a few slices. Since Wall Maria had fallen, their parents had gone a bit crazy and so had a lot of other people in Trost. The Order of the Walls had grown into a huge following and not just a tiny cult anymore. They were going to build a church soon in the city square and the kid’s father was too busy with that to care for the proper needs of his children. I mended their clothes, helped them with homework, and even let them sleep on my couch when they got a little too full after dinner. Their parents didn’t even notice their absence when I brought them back home. 
“Yes, Elias?” He pushed a piece of paper into my hands and I saw the hundred percent he had gotten on the spelling test we had worked on together. I was awful at spelling, but I knew enough to help him. We would use flour, spread out on the table, to practice spelling words. This past list was increasingly difficult and I had to even look at it again a few times. 
“I got a perfect score on the spelling test!” his smile beamed up at me and made me stop thinking about the year-end and the refugees for a few seconds. 
“I’m proud of you Elias. You practiced hard for this.” He started following me back to the café and I knew he probably would want to come in and do his homework on Levi’s table. It was funny that Elias had such an unconscious affinity for him. His favorite toy was still the horse, he would sit at his table and do homework, and he started drinking tea because I refused him coffee. When Elias sat at the table doing his homework, it helped to fill the void that was left. 
Levi hadn’t returned in four months, almost five this coming Monday. The only thing I had was the button down and two letters he had sent before his work consumed him. I was waiting on a reply from a letter I had sent maybe three months ago. I knew that he was still alive and right outside of Trost, but only cadets would come in and out for refugee security. Everyday, I would hear them open the gates a six and I would open the window of my apartment, hoping to see him on his horse. I’ve probably watched the Scout cadets come into Trost so much, they must know my face by now. 
I missed him. 
Elias grabbed my hand unconsciously as we walked and broke me out of my thoughts for a second time. It seemed that there were three reasons I woke up everyday. The refugees, the kids, and the Scouts. It’s good that I had things to live for now. 
“Can I do my schoolwork in your café, Eva? There’s a lot of people over at Daddy’s house today and June’s at the bookstore.” June had recently got an apprenticeship at the book binder’s shop as he had no sons to pass it down to. I had given him the recommendation and once he saw the knowledge June had about books, he accepted her in. She was mostly selling books to people, proving her worth to the book binder, before she got to learn the secrets. Sometimes she would bring back broken books he had given her and think of the ways she would fix it. I was surprised at how close she actually was in her guesses. However, her new job had left Elias to fend for himself and grow up now without his sister at his side. He would play with friends, but once they had to go home, he was by himself. I was happy to indulge him in anything he wanted to do since I was alone too. We’d be lonely together. 
“Of course, Elias. We can go pick up June when she’s finished too.” That was good enough for him and he ran ahead, turning right out of the alleyway to get to the door of the café. I wonder who would fill my days once Elias was old enough to gain an apprenticeship. Jonas would be off somewhere delivering, the kids would be gone, and Levi would be on some expedition. Maybe I’ll get a cat.
“E-Eva?” I turned the corner and stopped walking to survey the scene. My stomach instantly dropped and I felt like I wanted to throw up. Why were these two here? Elias looked up and the tall, blonde man, instantly recognizing him. Their faces didn’t seem distressed and they were just leaning against the wall of the café, horses tied to the wooden posts. He can’t be gone, I would have felt it.
“Miss Evylnn Flynn?” He was the first to speak up and Hange kicked herself off the wall, wagging her finger at me. 
“I knew you were lying to me! Both of you!” They weren’t sad or upset. He had to be fine, but why were they here and not him? I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed to not see him behind Erwin’s shadow.
“Miss Flynn, we would like to have a word with you in private?” Erwin gestured to the door of the café and I swallowed hard. Was I in trouble? Why is the Commander here to talk to me in private? 
“Elias, you can go up to my apartment and do your school work on my desk. I’ll come up and get you when I’m done talking to the Commander.” Elias looked back at me, his eyes whimsical. He was pretty much meeting his hero and I was pushing him away from it. Erwin looked down at the boy and smiled. To pay him for listening, I’d ask Erwin to talk to Elias. If he had time to come and talk to me personally, he could spend five more minutes to entertain Elias.
“Can you do that for us, Elias? I promise it won’t take too long.” He nodded rapidly and Erwin reached down to fluff his hair. As soon as he was done, Elias ran up the stairs to my apartment, shutting the door with a slam. I’d have yelled at him if I wasn’t in this situation. My heart was speeding up and, if they could, my palms would be sweating. 
“Miss Flynn?” Erwin turned and gestured to the café door again. I nodded once and walked over, unlocking the door and leading them both in. What could they want? My mind was running through a hundred scenarios. Most of them ended with something happening to Levi. The other popular answer was that I was somehow in trouble. 
Once the door closed behind me, I got the nerve to turn around and smile at them. Hange’s presence made me slightly more comfortable, but this was the first time I had met Erwin. His energy was completely overwhelming and even if he looked nice, you could tell the amount of power he had. It was like the positive version of Levi. 
“Can I get you two anything to drink?” I whipped my hands on my jacket, looking to the floor. 
“Do you have any juice? I’m so thirsty, I barely had time for lunch!” I smiled a bit at Hange and walked over to the icebox I had. The only consumers of the juice were Elias and June, so it was nice to give it to someone else. 
“C-Commander?” I asked, silently cursing at my stutter. How was he more intimidating to me than Levi had ever been? He smiled at me and nodded before sitting down at the center table. I picked out another glass bottle and took one for myself. Hopefully they liked orange.
They both were just staring at me, waiting for me to come and join them. I handed them the juice and paused for a few seconds before sitting down. They both seemed so relaxed and I was exactly the opposite. My hands were fidgeting under the table and I dare not look at Erwin. Levi would probably yell at me for how shy and weak I seemed to them. Hange even downed her juice and let out a big ‘ah’ as she slammed it down on the table while we sat there. Only then, I realized the thin film of dust on the table. If Levi found out I sat his Commander on a dirty table, it would be over for me.
“Miss Flynn-”
“Eva. You can call me Eva. If we’re going to be seeing each other multiple times, it’s better to be one first name basis.” He smiled a bit, probably to calm me down, and continued. 
“Well, Eva… I don’t know how to begin this conversation, but I believe I can start by asking you what your relationship with Captain Levi is?” I blinked and looked at Hange. She was leaning forward, smiling at me, expectant at my answer. Had they found out? Was there a reason Levi might have told them about us? What if there’s only suspicion and I’m the one who outs us because I wasn’t careful? Was Erwin trying to intimidate me off of a hunch Hange had? 
“Why are you asking?” I wasn’t going to give them a straight answer. Erwin smiled a bit, a genuine one this time, and put one hand up.
“We have no ill will with the conversation. Both Hange and I are just curious about the situation our Captain may be in. The way you answer, however, might lead to some concerns.” Well, that makes me not want to answer your question, Commander. I took a sip of my juice before sitting up straight again. If we were to have this conversation, it would have to seem like I was being truthful. My hands were still shaking as I sat them on my lap.
“What has the Captain said?” Hange almost jumped out of her chair.
“Barely anything! I’m aching to know how Levi is when he’s with you! Is he a cuddler? Does he know nothing about relationships?” My eyes widened at her answer and it made me believe that he had to have said something to them. But, why? Did they back him into a corner?
“I’m sorry to disappoint, but the Captain and I are only friends. I haven’t seen him in over four months since I closed my café.” Hange leaned back in her chair and laughed crazily. I was starting to see what Levi meant. 
“I appreciate the loyalty you have to Levi’s and your private life, however, he has already informed us of you two’s relationship. We are only finding time now to come and visit, but we’ve known for a month.” I choked on my juice at Erwin’s words and wiped my mouth, swallowing hard. 
“He… did?” It was squeak and that got Hange laughing even more. So, how did they know if they were being truthful? Erwin nodded and handed me a handkerchief from his coat pocket. I thanked him and wiped the leftover juice off my hands.
“He believed it best that, as the Commander, that I know about your existence for various reasons. Hange also happened to be in the room because she is the only person who has officially met you and vogue for your personality. I had no idea about your visit to the Scout Headquarters until yesterday and that is a security risk.” I nodded and tried to calm down my racing heart. It was… interesting to finally have someone know about our relationship. Especially the Commander of the Scout’s. It was also concerning that the one who gossips the most in the Scouts also holds that information. Levi had told me how Hange revealed weekly who was having sex with who during boring meetings. 
“May I ask, what were his reasonings?” 
“As Commander of the Scout Regiment, I am the first line of defense for my soldiers. I pledge to protect them as best I can within our job description. This pledge of protection goes to their families and loved ones as well. I believe it to be Captain Levi’s intention that you are also under this hedge of protection concerning this period of political and societal unrest we are currently experiencing. He told us about a recent mishap you had with the refugees in Trost.” 
“Oh, yes, that makes sense.” He shifted in his chair and pulled out an envelope from his jacket. 
“Another reason is that I have personal services that deliver mail much faster than the average carrier and much more secretive as well. Currently, the Scout’s are being monitored for reasons I cannot reveal to you. He believes, and I concur, that if your existence is publicized to the government, you could be used as bait or a bargaining chip. Some in the government are not happy with Captain Levi’s placement and rank in the Scouts and the repercussions of his past come back to haunt him. If not now, sometime in the future.” I took the envelope off the table and recognized Levi’s wispy handwriting. A response to my letter. This made my heart sing with joy. He hadn’t forgotten to write back, but he was pushed in a difficult situation that didn’t allow him to. I shouldn’t have doubted him so much.
“Did the monitoring begin around three months ago?” He nodded and I noticed Hange was looking between be and the letter. She’s very curious about Levi’s private life, and I couldn’t blame her. I had been that interested in him as soon as he walked into my café. 
“There is information that the Scout’s have been given that can be perceived as a huge security threat if society gets wind of it. I also agree with the government’s judgement on that and am trying my best to limit security breaches in the Scouts.” That’s when the real reason they were here hit me. It wasn’t to deliver a letter and oogle at our relationship. I was a security threat to them. I was in trouble. My mind went back to the night Levi and I had before he left. Had he told them about that too? How much has he said?
“I see. That is why you came here today, I assume.” I looked him right in the eyes and he didn’t seem to have any anger in them. I remembered Levi and I’s conversation about Erwin. I wasn’t going to know at all what he was thinking until he specifically told me.
“I have known Levi enough to build trust with him. I trust him with information that is top secret and dangerous for society. If certain things get out, it could cause riots and more civil unrest as the expense of the Scouts. Levi has told me that you support the Scout’s endeavors the most out of any branch of the military. I hope that the support you have for us also translates into loyalty.” He didn’t blink, waiting for my response. 
“He hasn’t told me anything of that nature, Commander. The only thing he has told me is that he cannot morally support whatever the Scout’s are doing at the beginning of the coming year.” Hange seemed to let out a sigh of relief and I even saw Erwin sit back an inch. I understood why they might be on edge about that. They have no idea how Levi is when he is with someone like me and I am someone who frequents the refugee camps. 
“Yes, that seems to be a common theme among our officers. However, we do not have the power needed to fight back against orders directly from the government. I hope that once the plans reach the public ear, your support of the Scouts and Captain Levi doesn’t waiver. It would be a shame for the Captain to have a good thing leave him for something that he didn’t have a choice in.” I took another breath and noticed my heart was slowing down. I wasn’t going to be thrown in some dungeon and tortured for the information I don’t know. That made me feel better about this conversation. 
“Now, I must plainly state the requests we have for you. They shouldn’t be unreasonable, but I will say this is the first time we’ve had someone of Captain Levi’s rank be involved with a normal citizen. I think you can see why we have the need to be cautious and explain common Scout things to someone who isn’t in our place. You could be a security threat if you do not know proper protocol.” That was only slightly demeaning. 
“Yes, Commander. I do understand the need for me to know what I can and cannot do or say.” He smiled again and it amazed me the duality he had. He made you feel welcomed with his smile, and then completely intimidated with his status and demeanor. 
“As you are in a relationship with someone who is given classified information on a daily basis, it can be possible for it to easily slip out of Levi when he isn’t thinking. We ask you not to repeat anything you hear from Levi, even if you disagree with it. There may come a time when people you know are involved or put in danger by the operations of the Royal Government, therefore I’m asking you to bear some of the pain of a Scout officer in these situations.” 
“It seems you’re setting me up for the coming year, Commander… or at least you have a situation in mind currently.” Hange smirked and pointed at me. 
“You’re smart, Eva. I can see how you might last around Levi’s.” I wonder what they think Levi and I’s interactions are. They probably don’t think I’m the one who makes him suffer with my words more than he does me. Imagine if they knew how much I made their Captain blush. I smiled thinking about it. 
“The next request. As I extend my protection to you, I request you do the same to Levi and any Scout who is in need of assistance. Captain Levi was once a wanted man, and the government could easily turn their back on him if they deem it worthy of their agenda. There might come a time where you will have to shield or protect Levi or members of the Scout Regiment from the Royal Government. I’m best stating that, as someone in a relationship with the Captain, you may need to lie and commit treason for his or our safety. You are a part of the Scout Regiment now, and that is some of the responsibility that comes with it.” I sat there and thought that one over. It was a huge request, but not one that would easily deter me from Levi and the Scouts. I thought of the Garrison soldiers kicking down Eren Jaeger everyday, or Mitras not dispatching any MPs or food supplies to the districts struggling to stay alive. If I knew it was for the better, I could easily betray them. I owe nothing to the government.
“You don’t have to accept this right awa-” I shook my head and stopped him. 
“No, I can do that. The government has never done anything for me. I can easily betray them for a cause and people I believe in.” This made both of them smile instantly. 
“Levi was right, your loyalty and regard seems to be astounding, Eva. I believe he has found a fine woman to be with.” I looked down at my hands, trying to hide the blush with my hair. I don’t know why that compliment hit me the way it did, but people admiring our hidden relationship made me happy, I guess. Especially the Commander. It wouldn’t happen much more than this, so I should savor it.
“Am I able to make requests, Commander?” I looked up at him again when my blush subsided. 
“Erwin. You can call me Erwin, and I will try my best to accept them. If it is something I cannot do, I will have to refuse. Our positions of freedom are very different, Eva.” I nodded and took another sip of my juice. There has been something bothering me since Levi and I had talked about Erwin. 
“If you are asking me to put my life and reputation on the line for the Scouts and Levi, I must request that equally. I understand you cannot predict the outcome of expeditions, and I know we both know that Levi won’t die simply because of that. I’m specifically asking for you to protect him against the government.” He crossed his arms and I still couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“I don’t think I know what you mean, Eva. You can’t be asking me to commit treason for one soldier? I am unable to do that.” I shook my head at him and formulated my next sentences. I also had a specific scenario in my mind. 
“If the government asks something of Levi that would lead to his certain death, no matter how it will help society, I want you to do everything you can to protect him from that fate. Refuse his service. Discharge him from the Scouts. Anything it takes. I know he’ll take it, no matter what they give him, but I want to be selfish for him. He’s too valuable to humanity to be lost in such a simple manner. ” 
“It seems you’re setting me up for something, Eva… or at least you have a situation in mind currently,” he mimicked my words and it made me smirk a bit. We could play the same game with each other. It felt nice to be able to be on the same level with him right now unlike the last few minutes. We were bartering back and forth. I was in my element. I could never match his strategy or intelligence, but I knew how to make a deal. 
“Secondly, give him more breaks. Every time I see him he’s tired and complaining about the amount of paperwork he has to do. I haven’t seen him in person in almost five months because of whatever you seem to be planning. At least a monthly break. You know how he gets when he’s overworked.” This made Hange laugh again and I noticed then how quiet she had been throughout Erwin’s requests. It made me think how intelligent she was as well. All the officers must be. She had her quirks, but she knew when to be serious.
“That… that is something I cannot promise you. I can try my hardest, but when we are as busy as we are now, I cannot let anyone slack off because their family requested it. You must see I have to be fair about it.” I frowned, not liking that answer, but I knew he wasn’t going to change that. I was being more selfish than I could be right now. I even had one more, morbid request to get through. This one was one that I had thought about over the last few months. What if. 
“Lastly, if Levi does die, I want you to tell me directly, Erwin,” I looked up, locking eyes with him to make sure he knew how important this request was, “I won’t believe any random cadet or Garrison soldier who comes to deliver the news and I won’t believe it if I don’t see him come back with the rest. I’ll make up excuses and scenarios. I want you to tell me personally that he’s finally gone and let me go get his things from the HQ. If it comes from you, I know it’s true. It doesn’t have to be in person, a letter would suffice, but I want it directly from you Erwin,” my eyes were pleading for him to accept, “Can you do that?” He looked back at me after thinking for a few moments. 
“Yes, I can do that, Eva. However, a letter can easily be copied and someone can steal my signature. If I do send you something… I’ll send it along with my bolo tie,” He pointed to the green orb on a cord around his neck,  “I can’t assure how quickly the news will come, but you will be the first civilian to know. This request, however, I have no anticipation of needing to do any of this.” I nodded, accepting that answer. We both had equal confidence in Levi’s ability.
“Thank you… Erwin.” I sat up and looked to Hange, waiting for her to say something. She had been leaning more and more forward as I talked through my requests. She wanted to say something, but wouldn’t interrupt her Commander for it. 
“Oh, it is my turn! I only have one request for you and then a ton of questions to ask you! Is that okay? I know you have the kid to take care of. By the way, son? Brother? Who is he?” I held my hands up and shook them ‘no’ when she said son. 
“He’s just a boy I watch because his parents don’t. I take care of him and feed him. He has an older sister, too.” 
“Ah,” Erwin nodded, “Captain Levi also told me you take kids off the street and give them a second chance. Is he one of those children?” I raised an eyebrow. 
“No, he has a home and family. What else has Levi told you about me?” I didn’t know we were just giving out information about each other to people. Hange answered my question again. 
“You own a café where he gets tea. It’s your past caretakers café. You were given it after he died. Uh, what did he say about your character? He said you’re fiercely loyal, which is definitely true, and that you’re very charitable, hence taking care of the kids. He didn’t say it all nicely like that, but I think you can guess how he said it.” 
“He said something to the effect of ‘She has this awful part of her where she puts all her faith in anyone and takes in brats to give them a second chance’, which, I understand why Levi sees that as a bad thing, but I find it nice to be charitable.” It made me laugh for the first time, Erwin trying to mimic Levi’s tone of voice.
“My request!” Hange hit the table, like she just remembered that she had one to give. I wonder how crazy this one was going to be. 
“I’ll try my best, Hange.” 
“My request is that you make him happy,” My heart skipped a little when she said that and she continued after she heard no protest, “We don’t know much about him or the way he thinks, but we do know what he’s been through. The expedition before he met you, his two friends from the Underground were eaten by titans when he wasn’t there to save them. He was getting so temperamental and would blow his lid at anyone just like that when we came back. No one could blame him, he had just lost his friends to titans and he found out that he didn’t even need to. There are a lot of details, but I’ll leave that to Levi. Anyways, we needed to get him out of HQ, so I recommended this café because I think your strawberry turnovers are excellent! After he came here, he started to change. Mellow out as much as Levi could. All the officers started wondering why he’d changed so rapidly and we thought he was sneaking out to go drink himself to death. Then, I saw you at the year-end festival with him. I knew then it was you, and think of the amazing confirmation he gave me when he kept requesting me to go get you after his injury!” I felt tears well up in my eyes for some reason. I remembered how he looked when he walked in: tired from death. I didn’t know it was the death of his friends that made him that way, and here I was trying to tease him over some tea. I was such an idiot. 
“I think you’ve made Captain Levi feel something he’s never felt before. He still acts the same towards us because he has to keep up this façade, but with you, I’m sure he’s completely different. Actually, he has gotten more relaxed around the cadets and makes them run a bit less. Slowly, your impact is breaking into his everyday life. So, my request is that you keep doing that. He’s a broken kid, but he’s found someone to heal him. That’s what he told us you do, isn’t it?” The way Hange was looking at me, I just wanted to cry then. I don’t think anyone’s ever said something like that to me. She’s putting me at such high regard for something that I so desperately want to do for others. It was a confirming moment telling me that I was doing something right. 
“I-I promise, Hange.” Her smile grew bigger and Erwin slowly stood up, signaling her it was time to go. I stood up too, but held my hand up to him.
“I have a last, small request for you, Erwin. That little boy, basically as Commander of the Scouts, you’re his hero. He’s starting to have this obsession with them ever since I got him this toy. If you could just talk to him for a bit and tell him about the Scouts? You know, minus the bad things?” He huffed once in laughter and agreed to do it. When I yelled to call Elias down stairs, he almost fell on his face when he tripped on the kitchen door. He looked up at Erwin expectantly. 
“Elias,” I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him forward, “This is my friend Commander Erwin. He knows how much you like the Scouts and can tell you about it if you want…” I trailed off at the end, but Elias had already ran up to Erwin, looking up at the man three times his size. 
“How big is a titan?!” I smiled as the two blonde haired boys sat.
Hange came over to the counter where I was sitting and hopped up there with me. I didn’t mind and made room for her, staring at the interaction that was happening in front of us. Elias was even showing him the toy I had bought. 
“So… What does Levi think about the kids?” She so badly wanted to prod Levi’s brain and find out how he ticks, but she’d have to do it through me. Now that they knew everything, I’d guess I’d tell her a little bit. 
“Levi bought him that horse. Elias doesn’t know it, but Levi said he wanted an eight year old boy to have what he wanted at that age. He’s only talked to June once I think, but he helped her win over some boys in her class. I don’t think he could tolerate Elias’s questions as much as Erwin is doing right now though.” She nodded.
“When you two have kids of your own, I think he’ll like them a bit better than he does other people’s kids.” I choked on the air and coughed loud enough that both Erwin and Elias stopped their conversation and looked over at us. Hange just waved them off and patted my back. Kids? He hasn’t even kissed me yet. 
“Hange, we’ve only been together for a few months, and for most of them I haven’t even seen him.” She shrugged and gave me her crazy smile again. 
“I don’t know, you two seem pretty compatible. Now, I haven’t seen you interact, but from what I can tell, you like each other enough. I’ve never seen someone hang around Levi as long as you have. Mark my words, you’ll have cute kids. I want to help name one!” I gave her a crazy look, willing her to stop talking about the topic. Imagine if she mentioned it to Levi, how irate he would be with her. I can’t even talk about sleeping in the same bed with him. 
“Hange, we’re not-” Erwin stood up and patted Elias’s head again. Thank gods they were done. I don’t know if I could deal with any more of Hange’s future visions and questions. Is this how Levi feels with me?
“Hange, it’s time for us to get back. We have another meeting soon and Levi’s waiting to reprimand us for coming here when he said not to.” She puffed out air like she wanted to continue our conversation further, but hopped off the counter and walked to the door with Erwin. 
“It was good meeting you, Eva. I’m sure we will have many more of these in the future.” 
“Bye, Eva! Bye, Elias! Don’t worry, Eva, he’ll be home soon! Hold on a bit more!” Hange screamed as she walked out the door behind Erwin. I could still hear her gossiping as they got on their horses and rode off back to HQ. 
“Eva, why did they want to talk to you?” Elias broke the silence as I stared at the door. Home. He’ll be home. Was I home? 
“Elias, can you keep a secret? A super, super top secret that no one else can know?” His eyes widened and he nodded over and over again. 
“Yes, I can. I promise!” I smiled down at him and ruffled his hair a bit more. 
“Even Erwin doesn’t want you to tell this secret to anyone.” That got the boy more excited to know, and I knew it would keep his mouth shut. 
“I promise! Tell me, tell me, tell me!” If Levi had already told two people, I guess I could too. What’s the harm in telling an eight year old boy? 
“Captain Levi and I are together.” He pulled a weird face, sitting down at the table and pulling out his school work. His excitement immediately dropped away.
“That’s it? I thought it was going to be a fun secret, Eva.” This little boy is incredible. The first person I tell, and he could care less.
“You’re the only person in Trost who knows, Elias. It is a fun secret!” I tried to defend my relationship in front of the eight-year-old. I guess he was picky on which Scouts he liked. 
“Eva, can I have some juice please?” I gave him an annoyed look as he completely skipped over the subject. I should’ve told June first and not a little boy who still thinks girls have cooties. 
“No, you can have it after you finish your homework.” He groaned at my payback and shifted back and forth in his chair. I didn’t waiver and decided to ignore his pleas in favor of reading the letter I had been anticipating for months. 
His handwriting was so nice and I wondered even who taught him how to write so well in the first place. My handwriting was awful because the orphanage had a limited budget for pencils and teachers. I could barely read cursive and only used it to sign my name. When I told Levi this is a response to his first letter, he had laughed at me in his reply, but wrote it all in print for me. Even his print was perfect. It made me annoyed, but they were pretty to look at in addition to their contents. They weren’t love letters by any means, but they were nice to receive and imagine what he was doing. 
Dear Mara (This one doesn’t seem to fit your face, but it’s the only one I could think of), 
As you requested in your last letter, for some reason, my daily routine: 
4 AM - I am either up or wake up from an hour or two of sleep to take a shower. The water pressure is the best at this time as no one is taking one.
5 AM - I make myself tea, now, it’s the peppermint you sent me. I thank you for that, but now my tongue can’t stand any other flavor that’s not on par with it. I’ll light a candle and do some light paperwork and plan the morning workout for the cadets, waiting for the sun.
6 AM - The cadets have 30 minutes to get ready in full gear and come to eat breakfast until seven. I eat early, limiting the interactions I have with Hange as she’s loud in the morning. 
7:30 AM - Training starts with a morning run and workout. They might do hand-to-hand after or work on ODM. Whatever I feel like sitting and watching that day, I make them do. On the days when they’re getting really annoying, I’ll make them practice ground maneuvers since it’s hard to kill titans with no trees. Recently, we’ve been starting to go over formations for the mission I can’t tell you about. 
12 PM - We eat lunch, and recently it’s been bad. The food shortage has hurt our stock and I know the Garrison probably laughs at us as they get to eat meat. We ran out of meat last week.
From then on, the cadets have classroom work to do to memorize our signals and formations. I usually do more paperwork and we have officer meetings over and over again until dinner at six. After that, surprise, paperwork again. We went to the capital to get talked over again last week, so that was a break in my routine, but other than that I do paperwork until my eyes hurt, then I’ll go make more tea and take some biscuits from the canteen. Sometimes there are small disputes I have to settle, cadets to discipline, or one-on-one meetings with Erwin. Recently, he’s asked me if I want to create a Special Operations Team with the best Scouts for the next mission and beyond. I’ve been studying and reading over the files of each Scout. Maybe, you can help me form the team if I come across any trouble picking, but it’s not like there are many to choose from. 
I plan to tell Erwin about our relationship soon. During our meetings in the capital, my position is always questioned and threatened by the four heads of the Royal Government. If they find out about any weakness, not that you are weak now that I’ve trained you, they might use that against me. If I tell Erwin about you, he can give you certain protections. Other than him, I have no intention of telling anyone else and it hasn’t seemed to come up in regular conversation. Hange always has something off to the side to say about you, and I suspect she knows something, but she keeps quiet around others. If she doesn’t keep her mouth shut, you might not hear from her again. Perhaps I will tell my Special Ops Team since trust is needed for a team to work, but that won’t be for another few months or even a year.
You asked me if I needed anything and currently, I would like a bit more tea, if possible. I’m limiting myself to three cups a day since my tea leaves are dwindling. I’m struggling without you and your tea, but I know you can’t ship yourself here through the carrier system. I was right about the cuddling… I miss it and it does make it difficult to try and sleep, knowing a much more comfortable option exists. I won’t go on more because I don’t miss your teasing. Hopefully, I will see you in the next month's time, but right now, it seems the Royal Government is about to monitor us. Going back and forth to you might harm you, and I won’t risk that. It’s helped, this feeling of missing you, by the cadets used for refugee security. It’s been reported almost everyday that a light-brown haired woman, no older than 30 with light green eyes leans out a window about a café with a red lettered sign and stares at the Scouts coming in during the sunrise. I knew right away it was you. I hope you’re getting enough sleep and not being irresponsible with the amount of hours you work on the refugee’s bread. 
I must now go to another officer’s meeting in Erwin’s office to discuss something boring. I’d rather be helping you knead dough for a thousand loaves then sit in his office one more time. 
My questions for you: Has the Garrison brought those brats you said to sponsor over yet? Have you decided to open back up the café? Has the girl gotten her apprenticeship? Have you told Jonas that if he touches you one more time while I’m going, I will break his fingers? You said you might cut your hair, is this true? Have you yet? 
Till your next letter and next delivery of twenty grams of peppermint tea, 
Captain Levi
Chapter Eleven →
Chapter Masterlist
xx Everyone say thank you to MAPPA for Levi and Armin’s faces <3
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luca-moreno · 3 years
Look. Marie is probably gonna have my balls for this but listen. I'm going to say the thing everyone else is thinking but doesn't have the guts to say. Think of it as 'tough love' if that helps at all. Okay. Here we go.
Kiss him. Or shut the fuck up.
-sincerely the Berlin collective
(helpimsosorry) (thisisahotmess) (justlikeLuca) (alsolong) (sorry) -- Thurman and Braun eye Luca, currently wrapped up like a burrito on the floor of the observation lounge. Thurman nudges him gently with his boot. “You alright in there, Moreno?”
“Lemme alone,” comes the muffled response. “I’m dying.”
They look over at Harris and Davis, perched together on the couch while the stars swirl outside. They wear matching raised eyebrows but it’s Braun that asks in a lowered tone, “What’s wrong with him?”
Harris doesn’t bother to look up from the datapad she holds in her hand or the obnoxiously loud Blasto game she’s playing. Davis leans over her shoulder, offering advice that Harris steadfastly ignores. 
“He’s freaking out about the thing again,” she shrugs.
“The thing?”
“The thing.” 
“Oh.” Braun nods sagely then exchanges a confused glance with Thurman.
“What’s the thing?”
Harris pauses the game to look up and Davis snatches the pad out of her hands. “Wait. So you guys haven’t heard?”
“Heard what? The commander’s had us running drills for the past twelve hours. Where the fuck were you two on it, by the way?” 
“Oh my god,” Davis grabs Harris’s arm then cackles before returning to the game. “They don’t know.”
Thurman rubs the back of his neck and squints, suddenly uneasy. “Not the…”
“No! Not the… other thing. This is the phoenix thing.”
“Oh.” Thurman walks away, immediately bored. 
Braun, however, leans his big frame closer. Blue eyes sparkle curiously. “What phoenix thing?”
The Blasto game starts up again and Harris snarls in exasperation, then half clambers over Davis to reach it. “Will you shut that thing off?”
“I’m dying,” comes another muffled moan from the floor that everyone ignores. “In case anyone cares.”
Braun reaches down to pluck the datapad from between the two squabbling girls and lifts it out of their reach. Harris snarls. “Hey!”
“Braun, give it back!”
“Someone tell me what’s going on. Why does Luca think he’s dying?”
“Hurricane planted one on him then ghosted,” Davis informs him helpfully. “He’s been lying on the floor crying about it for two days.”
“Boo fucking hoo,” Harris bitches, crossing her arms tight across her chest and pouts dramatically. “’A phoenix kissed me.’ We should all be so lucky.”
“Or not,” Thurman mutters from the doorway. 
Braun slowly lowers his arm, but Harris isn’t satisfied with that and half climbs up him to reach the datapad he’s holding hostage instead. “Ah. That thing.”
“Yeah. That thing.”
There’s another moan from the floor.
Isaac knows it’s going to be bad when Davis shows up on the doorstep to his quarters and deposits Luca into his care with an eye roll and not a single word.
He leads Luca, burrito blanket and all, towards the couch.
“Luca,” Eva sits up quickly, tucking her book away. “Are you sick?”
“I’m dying,” Luca mumbles as Isaac plants a hand on one shoulder and guides him down onto the couch. He tries to catch Eva’s eye as Luca flops face first down onto the cushions.
“Do I need to call Dr Lyons?” he asks carefully.
Luca’s is reply is muffled and pathetic. “No.” A pause, then. “Two doors.”
Eva’s lips twitch as Isaac visibly relaxes and he sighs inwardly, thinking of the quiet evening he was hoping to have and the shower still calling his name after a long, dragging shift in the CIC. But he’ll always make time for Luca.
“Do you want to talk about it, son?”
There’s another heavy sigh from the blanket. “No.”
Isaac waits a beat for Luca to say more but when it’s clear he’s not going to, he clears his throat lightly. He’d put credits down that this has something to do with Phoenix Roosevelt and Luca’s very obvious, and possibly unrequited crush. Where did this fall in the handbook? He wonders briefly to himself if he’s not above getting Miller to handle it. 
And he would, if it wasn’t Luca.
Eva touches his hand and motions her head towards the shower. I’ve got this, she mouths. He doesn’t take his eyes off her.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it, Luc?” he tries one more time. 
A pathetic moan is the only response he gets and Eva hides her silent laugh behind her hand. “Go,” she says softly. “I’ll talk to him.”
Isaac glances between the prone shape beside her and his private, glorious bathroom and decides since there’s no immediate danger, he’s within his rights to take Eva up on her offer.  
Plus, Eva will get more out of him anyway.
“Alright,” he nods gratefully then offers Luca a conciliatory pat on the shoulder as he slips away.
Eva brushes a hand over Luca’s curls and mentally counts to ten, except that she only gets to three before Luca is rolling over and suddenly pulling himself upright. 
The blanket pools around him and his hair sticks up in wild disarray around his face. 
“Okay. I lied. I’m not dying and I do want to talk about it.”
Eva nods. “Alright.” ”Uh. So you know that thing… that I told you about… that happened?”
“The thing?”
“Yes,” Luca half glares at her, wondering if she’s teasing him. She is, just a little, but only because Luca’s angst over a simple meeting of mouths was a delightful distraction from her own worries. ”The thing.”
“Ah,” Eva says knowingly, her lips twitching. “The thing being the kiss. With a capital K… With Ben.” 
Luca’s mouth works silently for a moment before he groans and slumps backwards. 
“The Kiss. Yes. Well, I mean… I think it was a kiss. There was a definite-“ Luca closes his eyes and puckers his lips dramatically before moving on, “-but I don’t know. I mean… We were working out, he was trying to teach me stuff but then we fell and I thought... well, maybe I was dreaming, like maybe I had slapped myself with the staff and I didn’t realise it? Or maybe I hit him too hard and I rattled his brain and he didn’t really know what he was doing... Or, maybe it was just an accident-“ 
“You think he might have accidently kissed you?”
“Why not? It happens!” He eyes her shrewdly then. “Right?” 
“I wouldn’t know,” she says carefully and Luca pauses to snort ungracefully before continuing. 
“The point is,” he goes on, getting really warmed up now. “It must have been bad, right? The kiss? I mean, he charged away. Like… an actual charge, Eva. Biotics and all, he was that keen to get away from me. Just. Poof. Gone. I’m surprised my eyebrows didn’t get singed-“ 
Eva laughs. “You know it doesn’t work like that, Luca.” 
“Shh, not important,” he waves that pesky fact away dismissively but then he falters and gives her a mock growl. “– and stop. I’m trying to have a moment here, and you’re ruining my dramatical meltdown.”
That causes her to muffle her laughter into a cushion she’s forced to snatch up from the couch. One of the pretty sparkly ones she had eyed off on Asteria and Isaac had bought behind her back to surprise her.
“I’m sorry,” she says formally as she schools her face into something suitably serious and lowers the cushion to her lap. “– please, Luca. Continue.”
He huffs. “Well. No. Now I’ve lost my place. Thanks a lot, I was really working up to something there.”
“The kiss?” she prompts, trying not to laugh again.
He spins, then flops dramatically down beside her. “Eva,” he whines her name like a toddler begging for a treat. It’s enough to make her sigh. “What do I do?”
“Maybe you could... Hmm. I don't know... No. It’s too crazy. You wouldn’t want to know about it.”
“What? What is it? Is it another one of your funky breathing techniques? Some asari thing? Can it read minds?!”
“Well, it’s very complicated. But it just might help you.”
“What?! Tell me. Eva!”
“.... you could try talking to him.”
Luca is aghast and horrified all at once. “NO?? Why would I do that?”
“It has to be better than…” she waves a hand and eyes him critically. “Whatever this is.”
“A crisis, Eva. This is a crisis. Of epic proportions. On a scale of one to reapers this is.. I dunno, what's worse than reapers trying to wipe out the entirety of galactic civilization?” 
Eva doesn't want to think about that last part. “Well, I think it’s sort of sweet if you ask me," she says instead. "Ben’s nice. He’s not at all what I expected. And he obviously cares about you. Why else would he be trying to hit you with a stick to make you better in combat?”
Luca makes a strangled sound halfway between a snort and a cackle. “He just doesn’t want to have to carry me back to the LZ over his shoulder when a dragoon gets me. I bet he could too.”
Eva has to bite the inside of her cheek not to laugh at Luca’s dreamy expression. “I’m sure he wouldn’t even break a sweat.”
Luca seems tremendously interested in that mental image for a few seconds before he falls back into his funk. He tucks himself in against her and she can sense he’s working up to something entirely new. 
“What did you do?” he asks after a minute, quiet and subdued. “You know, with the captain?” 
Eva smiles at the memory in spite of herself. “Well, hmm. For starters… I guess I kissed him back.”
Luca scrambles up and gathers up a cushion to hug it to himself as he slides her a sideways glance. 
“Yeah? And did you teleport out of the room immediately afterwards?”
Eva can’t help it, she dissolves into giggles and Luca whacks her gently with the pillow.
He picks up his faithful blanket and hauls it over his head until the only thing that she can see is his curls. 
“This is so stupid. I’m so stupid. I’m just gonna pretend it never happened.”
“Luca. I’m sure it’s fine. It’s just a kiss. It’s a good thing. I don’t understand. I thought this was what you wanted?”
His head peaks up, eyes dark pools over the blanket’s trim. “I don’t know. I mean… yes? But also… no? Yes. Um. Definitely yes? No… Oh, no.”
“Now you’re confusing me. What is it that you actually want, Luc?”
He grows very quiet for a moment and Eva allows him to sit with his thoughts. He was getting better with his focus. The meditations he’s been doing with her in the quiet off hours are definitely helping.. at least she hopes.
“It is… I think. I just… I don’t want to mess it up, Eva,” he says, his voice small. “I really like him. He’s my friend, so it’s not just… well, you know-“
He does something with his eyebrows that has her wanting to laugh again, but she stifles that urge in case he whacks her with the cushion again, “-but he’s just… He makes me feel… I don’t know. Like I’m capable of important things even though I’m not special like him... or you…”
“Because you are, Luc. Don’t sell yourself short.” 
“I know that and I’m not. I mean. Not really. I’m just… How can you want something so badly but be so scared to reach for it? It doesn’t make sense... but then what if you do… and then everything gets all messed up and then you don’t even have a friend anymore and things get all weird and awkward and plus I know he's still missing them and I can’t-“ 
Eva feels the ache inside her as she reaches for him and tugs him into a hug, effectively cutting him off before he spirals once again. He leans into her miserably, his soft hair tickling the side of her jaw. 
“Luca,” she says it on a sigh, because this… this hits too close to home and how can she encourage him to give himself over to something that might be so beautiful… but has the potential to hurt so much too?
He snuffles lightly into her chest. “I need someone to send me a sign,” he mutters. “Something from the universe to tell me what to do.”
He’s barely finished saying the words when his omnitool beeps with an incoming message. He pulls away to read it and she lets him go. 
“Huh? What the… Why is Ajax mess- ohfuck-“ 
“Well,” Eva laughs at his horrified expression as she reads the scrolling text over his shoulder. “I guess that’s your sign, Luc.”
Ben opens the door to his quarters and the first thing Luca does is grab his shirt and pull him close. Except, that’s not actually what happens because Ben is more solid than he looks and Luca ends up losing his balance and falling into his chest with a small grunt instead.
Ben catches him with a confused look. “Luca?”
“Um. Look,” Luca starts, hands still tangled in Ben’s shirt, close enough to breathe him in and see the way the vanguard’s eyes glow in the low light of the hallway. “So... there’s a million things I want to say and all of them are probably stupid, but… you kissed me and I don’t know what that means and I can only hope it means what I want it to mean, but if it doesn’t mean what I want it to mean then that’s okay too and I hope this doesn’t change anything because I really like being your friend but just once, just once, I want... to.. do.. this...” Luca traps Ben’s face gently between his palms... and kisses him. 
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misstvirus · 3 years
I decided to put this on tumblr so I could hide spoilers from Twitter and full explain why I gave Resident Evil 8 the score 5/10
These are my opinions and my personal review of Resident Evil Village. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I am in no way saying that anyone’s experiences or enjoyment of the game are invalid.
Please excuse me - I had a hard time trying to put my thoughts in order. This is a game summary and commentary after the first few paragraphs.
I first discuss the graphics, music, etc but it turns into me basically explaining the plot so I could express my dismay at the end. Skip to the last few paragraphs to read my mental nerdy breakdown.
The gameplay, graphics and mechanics are perfect. Each installment since of series since Resident Evil 7 - has improved. The game mechanics while in combat such as switching weapons, healing and guarding are smooth, it’s damn near perfect. The Duke brought a lot of nostalgia and memories of Resident Evil 4’s Merchant. I enjoyed being able to interact to upgrade weapons, buy supplies and sell treasures. The games over all aesthetic, atmosphere and attention to detail. Each location was beautiful and you can see the love, sweat and dedication put into the game. The music is there, it is eerie at times but it’s not as memorable as other installments of the game. Resident Evil 7 had its featured title song, “Go Tell Aunt Rhody” - Resident Evil Village’s “Yearning for Dark Shadows” was not as heavily featured and did not get the hype like it’s predecessor.
Resident Evil Village had a good story (please note this is my thought strictly AS A REVITALIZED RE GAME BEFORE THE CHRIS REDFIELD SEGMENT). The story starts by continuing with Ethan and Mia Winters after the events of Resident Evil 7. I knew Capcom moved in a different direction and accepted that as long time RE Junkie that although it’s from the same universe - they would not be the same type of games. Chris Redfield’s end game appearance in RE7 and a few Easter eggs were the only MAIN (not DLC content) links to the previous RE installments. The new set of villains and interesting tie-ins to village folklore story was a great way to foreshadow the events to come. The village and story behind Mother Miranda and her reasoning for creating the big baddies because wanting to bring back her dead child were good and had this been a stand alone or continuation WITHOUT TYING THE GAME INTO THE RE UNIVERSE I would have liked it fully.
The game starts with Ethan and Mia Winters, a new baby, Rose and are Having marital issues not dealing with Louisiana/RE7 events and Chris Redfield shows up and kills “Mia”. Chris’s team takes the baby and Ethan and knocks him out. When Ethan wakes up in wreckage of a van, without his baby and dead drivers. As Ethan wanders into the woods and makes his way to the village. He discovers something is killing the people and meets up with a group of people who worship Mother Miranda and quickly die by monsters. These monsters are called “lycans” who are products/monsters of the Cadou mold similar/same thing in RE7. Ethan finds himself apart of weird meeting of all five villains - who stole baby Rose and want do some weird shit.
Tada! Ethan has escaped and ends up in Lady Alcina Dimitrescu or “Tall Lady” “Vampire Mommy” castle. You are confronted by her and her three daughters Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.
Let me step in to rustle the jimmies and ruffle the feathers of the Lady D hype group. What you see in the previews is what you get. No more, no less! There is nothing special and there are no redeeming qualities or mentions past notes in game files of Lady D outside your castle encounter. The story isn’t based around her, she’s just a tiny part in a larger story plot 1 of 5 villains/baddies. The daughters are overly sexual and have the most cringe worthy dialog. I love me some sexy characters and villains but the daughters were just so cringe. They could’ve AMPED up the horror with them and created a stronger scare factor but dropped the fucking ball. They were not creepy or scary and brought nothing to the story with delivering lines about wanting to “consume Ethan’s manflesh” “not stale as mother said - tastes so good.” Also to be noted they were not actually vampires but bioweapons. Lady D being a good result to the mold “Cadou” and the daughters the result of the Cadou and mixing of insects. You kill the daughters, get chased by Lady D who eventually mutates into a flying tentacle bat-dragon and it’s done, she gone. Sorry to fuckboys who thought she was bigger player.
After Ethan beats Lady D, he grabs a yellow flask that’s apparently filled with the juice and parts of baby Rose - and each of villains has one of these baby-juice boxes. Ethan will have to collect them all to be able to put Rose back together.
Next visit is House Beneviento. This was the scariest of all five villains and village locations in my review of the game. It reminded me of a Silent Hill installment less a Resident Evil installment - the use of light, sound and overall paranormal factor did bring in a successful horrifying portion of the game . The mutated baby chase was comical yet creepy. You have to hide to escape it and you ended up playing hide and seek with possessed dolls. The entirety of House Beneviento will definitely give you an uneasy feeling. Donna, the woman controlling a doll named Angie is another baddie who you later learn is mentally unstable and uses her abilities to manipulate plants - to cause hallucinations to create the creepy doll house scenario. (Oof it’s hard for me to stay on track). Part 2 of 4 of Baby Rose - which yes it what your game objective says.
Next Moreau, a mutated fish man - gives Ethan the Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 game play feel - having to complete actions while some oversized bioweapon is looming around and can take you out with a misstep, like falling in the water or moving too slowly. Moreau did not gain any abilities with the Cadou mold, basically his body wasn’t compatible and he just mutates uncontrollably. Mentally slow, weak and kind of a sad story. Ethan runs into Chris Redfield who tells him to stay out of it and than runs away. Ethans fights Moreau and gets another baby juice jar.
Next Ethan faces off and explores a laboratory with Karl Heisenberg - a bioweapon who can manipulate metal (think a less cool and weakly motivated Magneto). He one of the last big baddies - and motivated by being essentially rejected by Mother Miranda. He is the most stable reaction to the Cadou mold. Before Ethan and Heisenberg face off - Chris Redfield comes in - to reveal he was not the bad guy Ethan thought in the beginning of the game. Mia wasn’t Mia but in fact Mother Miranda in disguise- who was attempting to steal the baby Rose which she ended up doing anyway because Chris’s team wrecked with the baby. At this point I’m say FINE WHATEVER, I guess this works
Chris goes into kill Mother Miranda, we the audience discover the BSAA is now not what is used to be. Chris isn’t affiliating with them and his team hides away from them as they attack. BSAA gets struck down attempting to kill Mother Miranda’s mutation - a megacyte squishy organ (that’s keeping her alive and immortal). Chris puts a massive bomb on big Miranda squishy thing and discovers that Lady Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Moreau and Donna Beneviento are all attempts to create a perfect vessel to bring back her own dead child Eva, who died in 1912 of the Spanish flu. It is revealed Eveline, the RE7 little girl mold baddie wasn’t another failed attempt. Miranda has turned baby Rose into baby juice to use with the Cadou mold in a ceremony to bring her dead child back.
AND drum roll please - we find out Ozwell Spencer, founder of Umbrella and the progenitor virus the big Daddy of it all was in cahoots with Miranda at some point in his youth and supported her crazy ass research but had his own stuff going on. WHY?! WHO KNOWS? NOT ME! WHY WAS THIS PUT IN THE GAME. To piss me off? Yes. Chris has also discovered Mia is still alive in jail cell for what reason? who knows? And Mia reveals that Ethan is special!
Cue black screen, Ethan awakes to see to Eveline - the mold baddie from RE7. Eveline explains - that Ethan has been dead and died back during the events of RE7. Jack Baker had killed him and dragged him into the house. So he was dead the entirety of RE7 - That explains why Ethan is constantly dismembered, beaten and walking the mold keeps him alive. Ethan will not survive much longer because his missing heart but is determined to bring back his baby. Weakly he carries himself to fight Mother Miranda with Chris. Mother Miranda performs her ceremony with the baby juice boxes and out comes not Eva (her baby) but Ethan’s baby Rose.
They fight and Ethan kills Miranda, carrying Rose off to Chris but that missing heart is the end of Ethan so he takes the trigger for the squishy bomb and pushes Chris away and sacrifices himself for his daughter. Chris boards a helicopter with Mia and baby and the body of a BSAA solider. Ethan blows himself and the Miranda squishy up. The BSAA soldier turns out to be a bioweapon and Mia is distraught at Ethan being for reals dead and Chris is annoyed and directs the pilot for BSAA Europe HQ. Credits Roll, now we see Adult Rose (baby juice reborn as mold human) visiting her Dads grave it’s apparent Chris has been training her and her bodyguard (?) pulls up and they argue and she goes all combative on him. It’s implied she’s not normal since she was DUH she was turned into baby juice and put back together with Cadou mold they drive off - apparently you can see a ghostly Ethan in photo mode - I don’t know I don’t give AF enough about The Winters family and this game at this point
The End
5/10 - Story (read below)
9/10 - Everything else
- Katie’s Dismay and Final Review and Rating-
Graphics: 9/10
Setting: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Game Mechanics: 10/10
Story: (pre Chris Redfield tie in): 7/10
Story: (post Chris Redfield) 4/10
As a modern game, it was great, exceptional. It checks all the classic horror boxes but isn’t the scariest entry, Resident Evil 7 was a much more scary game. The story is why my rating is slow and it’s based on my biases and years of following the story.
STOP! Don’t want to hear my angry ranting? SKIP THE REST
THE ANGER OF a grown ass Resident Evil Fan.
They should’ve omitted the entire BSAA story and BSAA bioweapon-man and not included those notes about Spencer and Umbrella. This game was solid as a next installment and sequel to Resident Evil 7 until they decided they wanted to tie the original Resident Evil storylines into the new story.
When Capcom decided to breakdown and rebuild the franchise, it was a blow because so many storylines were unfinished. I understand they needed to keep evolving and I was blown away by the result. RE7 was not and did not feel like an old RE Game but it was new and it brought back the horror and fear the RE Games early installments were known for. A new RE for a new generation!
But TO ME PERSONALLY - The positive thoughts and opinions I had of RE7 are sullied by Resident Evil Village. Why try to tie it in as an after thought after such a successful overhaul? It’s a slap in the face! Capcom has created some of the best characters in video game stories just to say fuck them for this overhaul but WAIT WE REALLY LIKE CHRIS AND THE BSAA STORY LINE LET’S BRING IN THE OLD STORY NOW.
Fucking NO.
I don’t know what’s worse reading that fucking note from Spencer or the BSAA bullshit.
So now one has to say... WHAT happened to all of the characters who worked for BSAA or worked with affiliates of the BSAA? Chris goes on his own way - Now what? What happened??? There’s nothing explaining what happened between RE5 and RE6 to RE7! They failed to create that bridge. If they had established ANYTHING in RE7 it would be easier for me to swallow.
If you want to overhaul and change the series FINE but don’t back peddle now. Don’t try to throw it the last few minutes of the game with some lazy writing and a vague cliff hanger just leaving it like this.
And of course one could think - “maybe they will make a new game, maybe another sequel?”..... BUT HAVE Y’ALL seen what’s happened at the end of every RE game since RE4???? We are finally getting a Netflix series in 2021 to fill the time after RE4!!! That was 16 YEARS ago! So how can crazy ass fans like myself really expect them to fix the plot holes?!
My theory is that - in between RE7 and RE village They were working on the RE2 Remake and the RE3 Remake and it was if someone at Capcom finally asked - “If all these new RE players are going to play RE village - don’t we need a way to connect these stories????”
And someone jumped up in a conference room and replied. “FUCK IT LETS JUST TIE IN SPENCER AND THE BSAA IN THE LAST 10 MINUTES!”
I have cried, laughed and loved these games my entire life. Some of my major life events happened because of this series! I have followed every game, collected merchandise, gotten tattoos and met the most amazing people because our mural obsession over this series. That’s why it hurts me that’s why I’m tear it apart so viciously and also why I keep playing. There’s always hope that someone will fix the plot holes and finish the stories that lured in the older RE fans and I will always hold Capcom to a high standard and expect them to do right by the fans. I’m not speaking for ALL older RE Fans or ALL fans and I’m definitely not gatekeeping the fandom. This is how I feel - I’m grateful there is a new generation breathing life into RE but I’m screaming a warning - BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUPS - there’s a strong chance your favorite characters new or old aren’t going to get an ending or be reduced to a brief snippet in a file you may not not find.
Happy to those who loved it, condolences to those who are pissed off like myself
I’m annoyed but I’ll power through!
Happy 25th Anniversary to my longest obsession!
RE Verse coming in the summer, the Netflix series and the remake Live Action Movies.
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Burned Part 24
Summary:  Alfie Solomons is in need of a secretary. Tommy Shelby mentions a young woman in need of employment. From there the two step into a dangerous dance together.
Part 23: 
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           “Fucking hell, Tommy, you really need glasses don’t you?”
           It took Alfie a full breath to realize he hadn’t been shot and was still very alive. He heard the bullet zip right by his ear but never made contact with flesh. “You’ve gone blind or have you got the shakes now?”
           Tommy didn’t say a word, instead, he simply waited.
           “Alfie?” Louise came running out of the cottage only moments later. She was holding her gun, ready to shot Tommy Shelby if need be. But she was relieved to see both men were still standing and unharmed.
           “It’s alright, Louise, I was just showing Alfie this new pistol,” Tommy called back to her standing on the dunes.
           Alfie’s wife looked irritated. “Well, I don’t appreciate you both firing off without warning. The baby is trying to sleep.”
           The Jewish gangster became choked up and couldn’t speak. He simply stared at her standing there with a gun in hand.
           “Sorry, we’ll keep it down.” Tommy nodded and fiddled with his gun, letting the last bullet left in the barrel to fall out into his palm.
           “Breakfast will be done soon, Alfie.” Louise continued. “Come inside when you’re done.” And with that, she returned inside.
           Tommy walked over and placed the bullet in Alfie’s hand. “See that? She would’ve come out and shot me for what I did to you.” He explained in a low voice. “Then, what’d you think would happen, aye? I’ve got a family of fucking animals, ‘ccording to you.”
           Alfie was speechless, something he seldom was. His fingers curled around the bullet in a delayed response.
           “Arthur isn’t dead.” Tommy continued speaking as he returned the gun into the inside of his coat. “Luca Changretta is. Whatever you’ve done, you did it to protect her and your son. I can understand that. I would’ve done the same thing. You’re retired now so we can put this matter to rest. I can mentor Ollie, if you’d like, let him work your bakery back up. That’ll be the end of fighting between the Blinders and the Jews. But if I hear you’ve been involved with the business again, I won’t miss.” Tommy said firmly. “Trust me when I say Louise would much rather have you around for the time you’ve got left. Because you don’t know how long you have. Could be years. Years that you would be better off spending with your wife and boy.”
           Alfie slowly pocketed the bullet as if he were accepting the terms of Tommy’s new lease on his life. “You’ve got more planned, Tommy?” He asked.
           The Blinder reached for a cigarette. “I do.” He answered curtly. “Business you won’t want to be involved with, too legitimate for your liking.”
           Alfie nodded and sighed. “Done with doing all the dirty work, aye? Think you’ll get tired of it, mate.”
           “Well, until then, I’ll be alright. As will you.” Tommy held out his hand to shake.
           The other man obliged.
           The walk up the dunes was much longer than it appeared. Alfie kept his palm wrapped around the bullet in his pocket. His heart was still beating unbearably fast. He’d nearly gone through with taking his own life via Tommy Shelby. According to plan, he shouldn’t have been walking back up to the cottage.
           But Tommy was dead on. Had Louise seen Alfie bleeding out in the sand, she would’ve shot him without hesitating. Whether it be because of a broken heart, revenge, or in fear she and Teddy were the next victims. Then what next? The Blinders would be after her for killing their kin. Alfie felt stupid for not even considering retaliation from his wife. Without question, she would seriously injure or kill anyone who attacked her family.
           Things were just as he’d left them. The moment he walked out the door assuming he wouldn’t walk back. Louise was finishing up in the kitchen and Teddy was still fast asleep in his bassinette.
           “Honestly, sometimes I wonder about that man.” Louise huffed. “Shooting a gun when he damn well knows Teddy is up here. Scared me half to death, I thought he’d killed you!”
           Alfie felt like he couldn’t breathe. He was overwhelmed with the feeling of happiness. Being given a new lease on life with the woman he loved. “It were my fault.” He excused weakly.
           “Hmpf, men and their guns.” She shook her head and placed two plates down at the small breakfast nook.
           He smiled and hugged her. “You’re lovely.” He murmured softly and kissed her cheek. There didn’t seem like any other route he wanted to take. He thought disposing of himself would be easiest for everyone involved. But perhaps Tommy was right. Louise kept him stronger and kept him fighting. With her, by his side, he had a chance of living out at least a few more years. Maybe even a bit longer without the stress of the bakery on his shoulders. Still, it didn’t matter if he dropped dead the next day. As long as he knew he was going peacefully with Louise. For so long he assumed he would die by the sword, die by the lifestyle he so viciously pursued. But maybe cancer was just a bigger sword. A bigger battle he had to face. And he had faced so many battles with Louise by his side. What was one more?
           Retirement was a lot easier when you had a growing baby to raise. Alfie was sure that if they didn’t have Teddy he’d be driving himself and Louise crazy with boredom. He had grown into the role as a family man and by Hanukah, he felt perfectly comfortable as a father.
           They hadn’t been back at Camden together since Louise gave birth to Teddy. It was nice to be in the countryside or on the shores in Margate but it was also lovely to be back with family and friends. Back to the place where Louise and Alfie fell in love.
           Ollie’s house sparked with noise when they saw Alfie enter with a little bundle in his arms. He smiled and nodded. “Alright, alright, start the bidding at three pounds, who wants him first?”
           “Oh, Alfie.” Louise sighed and rolled her eyes at him auctioning over their baby.
           Tante Raisa managed to get a hold of Teddy first. She cradled the baby close and whispered soft Yiddish blessings to him. “Alfie, such a handsome boy!” She exclaimed while Alfie took his wife’s coat. “You both must be so proud.”
           “What’s the name then?” Ollie walked over with two of his kids hanging off his legs. “Alfie Jr?”
           His former boss laughed and shook his head. “Louise wouldn’t let that one happen. Theodore Solomons. We call him Teddy.” He answered and looked fondly at his son in Raisa’s arms.
           “But we gave him a Hebrew name as well,” Louise added with a smile. “Tovi.”
           “My good,” Alfie explained the meaning of the name.
           Raisa smiled warmly and touched Teddy’s cheek. “I’m sure he’ll bring you a lot of good.” She turned. “Eva, come see the baby!” She exclaimed.
           “And he’s not our problem for the rest of the evening.” Alfie teased and wrapped an arm around his wife’s waist. She smiled and allowed herself to be tempted away by Vera and Evelyn. Alfie watched as she happily fawned over Evelyn’s engagement ring. Ishmael had finally proposed once he got a substantial cut from Alfie’s retirement.
           The small apartment was full of good spirits and warm hearts. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood and reflecting on the year. After the meal, Ollie stood up to make a bit of a toast.
           “I just wanted to say another congratulation to Evelyn and Ishmael for their engagement. It’s about time.”
           Ishmael’s face turned red but he smiled and wrapped an arm around his fiancée who looked overjoyed.
           “And Alfie and Louise. Who knew a little boy would be the thing to make him retire.” Ollie joked.
           Louise laughed softly. Teddy was fast asleep in her arms despite the celebration around him. She glanced over and half expected Alfie to be there but she didn’t see him. Frowning, she scanned the party in the parlor to find her husband. Still, there was no sight of him.
           “Alfie?” Ollie realized the man wasn’t in the room either. “Did he step out?”
           Louise sighed. “Shay, will you take Teddy?” She handed the baby to Ollie’s wife before stepping out of the apartment. The winter air was a big shock after being in the warm company of family.
           She shivered and pulled on her coat, wrapping it tightly around herself. The streets of Camden were empty; most were inside celebrating the holidays. The apartments lining the streets were all lit up, casting a glow over the freezing, gray streets.
           There was only one place Alfie would be in Camden. So she began walking down the lane to the bakery, which wasn’t too far from Ollie’s.
           The doors were still as heavy as always when Louise pushed her shoulder against them. She was relieved to see her husband standing in the center of the bare bakery. His heavy black coat and wide-brimmed hat making him the largest thing in the room.
           “Alfie?” She spoke quietly so she didn’t startle him.
           He turned and smiled weakly. “What’re doing here, love?”
           “You came up missing and I assumed you came here.” She walked over to him, her heels clicking loudly across the concrete floor and echoing. “Ollie was toasting you.”
           He chuckled and ran a hand over his beard. “That right? Well, glad I wasn’t there. Don’t usually like being called out like that.” He shrugged sheepishly and held out a hand to her.
           She took it and let him pull her close, burying her in his warm layers. His scent had changed after his retirement. No longer did he smell like rum on a daily basis. Instead, he had taken on the scent of Margate, even if he didn’t realize it. Louise inhaled softly and relished in the comforting scent of sandalwood. She closed her eyes and pressed her cheek to his chest. Alfie kissed the scarf covering her hair.
           “What are you thinking?” She asked quietly. It was so strange being inside the bakery again. It didn’t feel like the same place now that it was so empty. It felt like a ghost town without the shouts of the bakers, sounds of heavy boots, the loud clanging of machinery, and the occasional barking from Alfie. The building had lost its soul. But it didn’t make her sad; it only made her nostalgic in a way.
           “First met you here, didn’t I?” He murmured. “Right out there, standing like a lost little flower.”
           She smiled and looked up at him. “With a few missing petals.”
           He nodded and ran a thumb down her cheek. “This is where I fell in love with you.”
           Louise gratefully leaned into his touch. “Mhm…”
           “This is where I killed that fucking terrible excuse for a human.” He grumbled and subtly glanced over to the spot where Daniel had finally fallen after stabbing him.
           Louise hardly even thought about her ex. Barely even considered him her late husband anymore. He was simply a man she had unwittingly fallen for and learned the hard truth of life. She didn’t want to waste time thinking about him when she had such a beautiful family in the present moment.
           “And I thought I lost you for good because of what I’d fucking done.” He sighed quietly. “Just thought it would make things better.”
           “I know.” Louise murmured softly. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
           He shook his head. “Lou, all I’ve ever wanted, right, was for you to be happy.”
           “I am happy.”
           A chill rushed through the drafty building and Alfie tightened his arms around her to keep her warm. “Maybe I don’t know what’s best for you. Everything I’ve done…”
           “Alfie,” She touched a finger to his lips. “What’s really on your mind?” Sometimes it was much better to interrupt his long rambling speeches because they were merely words that covered up his true thoughts.
           He took a deep breath. “I’m scared of leaving you.”
           “You’re not going anywhere, love, you’re right here.” She grazed her knuckles over his beard.
           His throat tightened. “What if I only have a few months left, Louise?” He whispered. “Hardly enough time for Teddy to even remember me fucking face.”
           “I would never let him forget you.” She insisted firmly. “I know we have more time together, I can feel it. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon. And no matter how much time we have left, I’ll be taking care of you, right by your side the entire time.”
           He dipped his head down and touched his cheek to hers. “I’m scared.” His voice was weaker than she’d ever heard it. “Lou, I’m so scared, don’t want to leave you and Ted.”
           “Sh, it’s okay, love.” Louise held him close in the center of the bakery. “Whatever time we have left we’ll make the most of it. I’m just so glad you’re here with me now. You're allowed to be scared, I am too. But in the end, we'll all be okay.”
           Alfie nodded and realized Tommy made the right decision for him. “I’m glad you’re here with me too.” He held his wife. His beautiful wife. The woman who had given him his son. It was one thing to wait for Death to arrive and take him by the hand, it was another to turn his back to the devil and focus on the things he loved in the living world.
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Tag list: @vehement-care​ @kimmietea​ @eleventhdoctorsangel​ @fire-treasure-iii​
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Sooo.... Here we go! If you’re wondering what is this crazy girl doing writing these long ass posts about episodes of a TV show that aired a year ago... Well, I explained everything here, I also analysed the Trailer, I know that in the website it looks like the first clip, so if you’re wondering why it doesn’t match, that’s your answer.
This is gonna be full of spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 because it’s impossible for me to watch it and not add all of that baggage, sorry. I’m going to do this clip by clip because I think it’s the most organized way of going about it, although I also thought about doing character by character... If you think it’s better that way, let me know. I’m also going to compare it to the OG and the other remakes and, no, it’s not because I think Skam España is the “superior remake” or whatever people call it, it’s because they are so different in so many ways it’s difficult to compare. 
So, after all of that, we get the first clip, with Jorge, Lucas and Eva hanging out on the stairs after a day at the swimming pool, I love that they tease each other, they feel like an amazing group of friends, none of them feels isolated until Eva and Jorge start kissing and Lucas just leaves because no one likes being the third weal.
I really like how they make Lucas feel part of the group, it’s not Eva and Jorge and Jorge and Lucas, it’s Lucas, Eva and Jorge, but Eva and Jorge have sex with each other.
I don’t have too much to say about this clip, it’s a nice introduction to their dynamic, with Jorge always trying to reason with Eva and to reassure her by saying that everything is gonna be OK wile teasing her and making her laugh and Eva being scared and allowing herself to believe Jorge.
In this clip we get the mandatory slow motion walk of the Ingrid character, Inés in this case, and she at least just looks at Eva, with so much superiority she’d make an elephant feel small, but she doesn’t insult her or show her the finger. What a good way to start the school year!
Here we meet the boy-squad. I love that we get introduced to them in the first season, they all have such a chaotic energy, laughing at Hugo’s bad luck and making plans for the next big party.
I really like how much they actually wanted Eva to go to the concert, and that, if you think about it, they probably got the tickets before her and Jorge started dating, so it’s not that they didn’t tell her but that they didn’t think about her that way, not yet.
I also really like how understanding Eva is about all of this, she doesn’t get mad, she just basically accepts it and encourages Jorge and the boys to go and have fun and not worry about her.
I feel so much for Eva here, it’s really relatable how out of it Eva seems, she knows these boys, they all know her, they like her, but she is not part of the group, she isolates herself and doesn’t participate in the conversation, she tries at the beginning, but she can’t help feeling that these are her boyfriend’s friends, not hers. I love how this clip ends with the boys being loud and blocking her form their little circle without realizing it and with her being quiet and accepting it.
Here we get the introduction of faux-Noora, but it’s not what I love the most about this clip. We get so much information about Amira in the background, people whispering about her because she hasn’t worn the hijab ever before and they think it’s weird. I love that we get this bit of info and that we see what our hacker queen must go through every day.
About Lara I’ll only say how relatable this whole thing is, I have a friend who says that you have to choose carefully who you talk to on the first day of school because you’ll never talk to them again and to be weary of people who come and talk to you on the first day because they’re probably just looking for someone to explain them the dynamics before they find their real place within the school/work environment/whatever.
I love when Skam posts clips like this, just the character in their room, doing absolutely nothing. She is scrolling through Instagram and eating some crackers. Her mom tells her to get off the phone and that she’s going to work. Nothing else happens, Eva wonders if she should follow Lara on Instagram and she doesn’t.
¡Ay...Viri…! We meet her in this clip, when Lara still seems to be Noora and is being nice and asking Eva how to get to her next class. Viri comes so full of energy, with so many propositions and ideas, she just comes on too strong, bless her soul, she tries too hard to fit in and it shows. We see Cris for the first time here and I love how they state that Viri is new in school and doesn’t know anyone. This is a change from the OG that I didn’t understand until season 2.
And then in comes Alejandro. Can we all just stop a second to appreciate how corny all of this is? The fact that the second Eva says his name is Alejandro, Alejandro by Lady Gaga starts playing? How Lady Gaga says Alejandro the second Viri mouths Alejandro? Like, did they have the song playing on set so that she could nail the timing? How Alejandro looks right at the camera when the song ends? It’s all so amazingly corny and cheesy and right out of one of my daydreams about the moment I’ll meet the love of my life. It’s cringy and gold and I love it.
I think on the 14th of September of 2018, if you listened closely, you could hear the screams of all the confused and angry fans. I remember how I felt after watching who I KNEW was the Nora equivalent hanging out with Inés, it was devastating, I didn’t know what was gonna happen next, little did I know that with Skam España it’s always better to expect the opposite to what you’re used to.
I love how, here, Eva goes to Inés and tries to apologise, doesn’t ask for things to go back to the way they were, just for forgiveness and admits that she’s made a mistake and is so sorry that she’s hurt her and that it wasn’t her intention to do so. I really like how BRUTAL Inés is. She’s so hurt and has a reason to be so, even though we don’t know what the reason is I think that here we realize so much more than in the OG that it’s Eva’s fault, both because she says so and because she is completely understanding of Inés behaviour.
But, poor baby, she basically just lost the only friend she had in school, then went and tried to fix things with an old friend and finally it all backfired and she’s left alone.
You know what I really like about Skam in general? How they make you understand why characters do what they do, so, even if you don’t agree with their actions, you can’t make them the bad guys of the story, because situations are never black and white. 
CLIP 7  ➡ All for you
Okay, let me just begin by saying that I love how they stablish the girl squad in the background even before we know they are the girl squad, like they are part of the high-school, we see them getting in and out of class, moving around.
Jorge is so sweet. That’s all I have to say, like, the way he notices that Eva is not OK? How he tries to get the truth out of her??? Just heart eyes everywhere, I honestly think he’s the sweetest Jonas of the bunch and Eva is probably up there for being the clingiest Eva, but I love her.
CLIP 8  ➡ End of the year trip!!!
Here we discover Eva’s love for pizza, I can relate. And I love that she’s not mad at Jorge for being out with his friends and, even though she is jealous she is not there, she understands the situation and still tells Jorge to have a good time and means it.
Also here is the first time we see something that’s become sort of a recurrent theme in Skam España, the “I post on Instagram pretending that everything is alright and that I’m having the time of my life when I’m dying inside”.
CLIP 9  ➡ Hungover
So this is a clip that changes with its second viewing, I was so sure Lucas was jealous at Eva because she was kissing Jorge and, don’t get me wrong, I still think that he’s jealous, but more at the fact that they can be out in public and kiss and no-one will bat an eye than at the fact that Eva is kissing the boy he likes.
Also, if you want a sign telling you that you need to get some friends ASAP, sitting alone on a Saturday watching your partner play football, or whatever they play, with their friends as you sit alone on the bleachers eating Cheetos should do the trick.
Oh, and I love Jorge, have I mentioned that? How supporting he is? The way he encourages her and tells her how amazing she is while teasing her and making her laugh is amazing, I’ve never had a relationship like this, but I’m pretty sure being with someone who’s self esteem is as low as Eva’s is right now must not be easy, but he does it with such an ease, he loves her so much he’ll support her through thick and thin and he’ll be by her side for whatever she may need as long as she wants him to.
Also, Eva not being mad that he forgot that they where supposed to hung out together is something I have conflicting feelings about because, OK, you shouldn’t put on a show and scream and all of that, but it was important to her and she doesn’t say anything because she’s afraid that she’ll lose him if she does, she should have made it clear that she was hurt and that it was okay, for this once, but that she hoped it never happened again because she was counting on spending the day with him and now her plans are ruined and that’s not OK.
So I think this clip shows how much Eva depends on Jorge, so much so that she won’t stand up for herself for fear of loosing him, and that’s sad, but also so fucking relatable. And I’m not blaming Jorge here for forgetting it, I’m sure that to him the “I’ll be all yours” comment was just not as important as it was to Eva, he should’ve remembered though, and Eva should’ve shown him he hurt her.
CLIP 10 & 11  ➡ Shitty meeting
That meeting was painful to watch, but can I just state how much I hated Viri during that first season and how much she’s changed and improved, like here she is: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting so you’re weird” and now she’s all: “I don’t get you and you don’t follow the society’s way of thinking or acting, but you’re my friend and I’m here for whatever you need”.
I also love the little hints they drop here and there about Amira and her hijab being a new thing, like how she says she’s planning on buying a burkini and Cris is all like WTF? But then Amira looks at her like saying, are you my friend or what? And Cris is all like, OF FUCKING COURSE AMIRIS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER, so she ends up supporting her.
And Nora’s introduction, I think it’s amazing, and I was so FUCKING confused on my first viewing, like, girl, she’s literally called Nora so she MUST be Noora, but, then, who the fuck is Lara? Little did we know…
I’ve also noticed how much Amira’s changed, she’s so closed of and defensive in this episode, both clips, like she is not sure whether the girls will accept her or not, so she puts up this wall between them to guard herself and is brutally honest, maybe even cruel. Looking at this clip now feels so weird, because this is not the Amira I know now, the Amira I know is quiet, and loving and caring, and loves to talk about her religion and her culture, and is always ready to help her friends, or to fight for them… It really takes me back to what Skam really is about, loving one another and creating safe spaces where we can grow and become who we are meant to be free of prejudice.
Final thought on this clip, I really, really, really hate Cris’ make up here, like, girl, WE are supposed to be the clowns here, not you.
CLIP 12  ➡ The weirdos
So, Eva and Nora, I love their friendship, the way Nora picks up on the fact that Eva is NOT okay, and asks her if everything is alright a couple of times before she leaves???? Heart eyes everywhere.
Also I’m going to use this to address the criticism about Nora’s introduction, honestly, I don’t remember where I saw it, it was more than a year ago, but it basically said that it was the least gay out of all of them and I’m like, WTF???? People, aren’t you tired of being queer-batted? Because I am, I’m so over queer-batting, and that you’re asking for it is weird. Because, if they are not meant to be anything more than friends, I’m grateful that they don’t have any kind of interaction that could be considered as “gay” (although I don’t really know what a “gay” interaction actually is, I guess I would already have a girlfriend by now if I did, instead of sitting in a coffee shop writing very, very, very long Tumblr posts about things no-one really cares about).
In defence of anyone who likes Noreva, I get it, we are all starved for good wlw representation, and on the original the only thing remotely close we had to that was Noora and Eva’s friendship during the first season, but here we’ve got Cris and Joana, so having Eva and Nora be just best friends is totally fine by me.
The clip ends with a heartbroken Eva watching as Jorge laughs with Inés, I don’t know. I have nothing to say about it, other than the fact that I’m glad I’m no longer 16 and have better communicating skills and higher self seem than Eva, not that I did at 16, I was an absolute mess at 16, still am, in a different way.
Sooo... This took longer than I expected,  if I’ve said anything you don’t agree with, tell me and we’ll chat for a bit😘
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Digital Love: Part 2
Admin Destiny here 💜 ! I’m sorry I haven’t written in so long. I’ve been terribly blocked. Admin Eva did such a good job with that Jimin request that I wanted to steal it to continue it for a part two. I hope you enjoy! 
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When Jimin said who he was, you didn’t believe it. Then he sent you a video of himself saying your name and repeating things you’ve only told your virtual friend. Jimin was your virtual friend!
He was also kind enough to buy plane tickets for you to see him in Korea and finally meet in person. You are so nervous you’re sweating. You had to tell the sweet old lady beside you that you’re afraid of heights because you couldn’t see how you could explain traveling long distances just to meet someone. But it’s not just anyone, you remind yourself. It’s Jimin. And the rest of BTS, of course. Taehyung knows you’re coming but no one else. That should be fun. 
You finally get to their apartment building and are at their door. You message Jimin to let him know that it’s you, not just some crazy. But maybe you are. Only time will tell.
“Ahhhh!” Jimin opens the door, hugging you.
You can’t help but blush because...duh. Tae is also right behind him and you’re heart starts to pound. And the most embarrassing part is that Jimin can hear it because he hasn’t let go of you yet.
“Taehyungie is looking at us, isn’t he?”
You give a shy nod. Just when you think Jimin is going to comfort you, tell you it’s alright, he does the exact opposite.
“Come meet my friend!” Jimin says, pulling away.
Tae walks over with a little smug look on his face. Jimin told him that he’s your bias, you just know it. These two really are punks. But also the sweetest beings on earth.
“Hi! I’m Taehyung! Jimin has told me a lot about you!” he exclaims, giving you a hug as well.
Finally, you are able to get passed both puppies and enter the apartment. That’s when the others see you. You couldn’t even process all their faces before the words started flying.
“Really, Jimin? How much did you think this through?” Namjoon shouted.
Unsurprisingly, the other boys were concerned about Jimin inviting a complete stranger into their home, especially someone he met online. From what you could catch during the fight, they all had good reason to not trust you, even more than you had imagined.
In 2015, when things were just going their way, the innocent Jungkook made a friend online. He told them a few secrets and got really close to them. One day, he invited them to their house. Which was fine until they returned and cut a few of the members’ hair to keep as mementos.
“Do you not remember how I had to wear a hat for months? You did, too!” Yoongi reminds Jimin.
You feel absolutely terrible. Jimin isn’t able to argue with any of his hyungs and the few things Jungkook is saying hurt the most because he was the main victim last time. He would glance at you periodically and your heart would drop every time. You had to do something. So you do. Something stupid.
Everyone stops and looks at you. Now the spotlight’s on you.
“It’s not all his fault!. I’m the one who was pressuring him to know who he was because I was suspicious. Me visiting is...well...a little much I know but that’s just Jimin. A little extra with a big heart. And what you’re referring to was, what? Five years ago? Are you all really going to hide yourselves away? Don’t you want any future relationships?”
That stopped you. Jimin and you hadn’t spoken about what you were, but you hope the boys also think about platonic, as well as romantic because that’s what you meant. Anyways, you made your point.
Taehyung was the first to smile, though this one was also smug. The others slowly nodded in approval. Eventually, Hoseok came forward and shook your hand.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Hoseok!” The cutest hope around.
Soon followed by the others, things called down. Well, sort of.
“Jimin is your bias, not Mr/ Worldwide Handsome?” Seokjin asks jokingly. The best tension and icebreaker as always.
“Actually, I’m her bias,” Tae tells everyone proudly. So that’s what he’s been waiting for.
This starts the most adorable argument ever. Jungkook is trying to show me his muscles, Hoseok is acting cute, Jin is telling me a joke, and Tae is just plain flirting while the other three are laughing. Jimin, of course, has already fallen to the floor and hasn’t bothered getting up. Namjoon and Yoongi are still worried. I mean, the others could be too, but they won’t give any signs. You just have to be yourself and show them that they have nothing to be concerned about.
After long hours of hanging out with the boys, you and Jimin go into the kitchen to get some snacks and are finally alone.
“Thank you for coming all the way out here. I know it was a lot,” Jimin says.
“It was you who bought the ticket. I just used it. Thank you, by the way.”
He smiles shyly and looks at the ground. You really should have seen it coming.
Jimin leans in and kisses you softly on the lips.
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evangclines-blog1 · 5 years
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what  if  we  ......  pretended  this  was  a  good  intro  .....  aha  just  kidding  .....  unless  ?  i  was  just  gonna  link  to  all  my  stuff  but  ...  ur  girl  wrote  a  lot  and  i  don’t  wanna  be  cruel  and  force  u  all  to  read  everything  JDBWBDJBWJ  so  here we  go  !!   <3
( VENUS, PARK SOOYOUNG, CIS FEMALE, SHE /HER ) guess what, EVANGELINE RHEE has just landed in cannes with their private jet. they are a TWENTY-TWO year old socialite, who spends much of their time & money UPDATING THEIR SKINCARE ROUTINE. i think their family is in the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY and their net worth is around 10B USD.   
first things first ... i’m gonna drop some links in case u want to read everything i wrote at 6 am the day the submit closed bc im stoopid like that <3 
here u can find her full bio, stats, extended stats, and hcs ! the hcs are definitely the most fun to read so i recommend going to that page hehe
into the summary we go !
BACKSTORY:  suicide mention tw
eva’s dad is a movie producer and her mom was the beautiful woman he met at a train station <3 her parents had a very whirlwind romance, very love at first sight, very passionate and intense type of relationship literally everything you see in hollywood ? they had that ! they got married after only a year of knowing each other and had eva soon after 
thats when things got not-so-picturesque /: after having eva, her mom entered a pretty dark depression. eva’s dad ( who had been aware of his wife’s mental health and even warned by her family against doing anything crazy like getting married and having a whole baby so fast ) was kinda in denial about everything. eva’s mom still had her good days, but the bad days were really bad & when eva was only two years old her mom had an accident & passed away 
so while eva’s dad was grieving, he sent little eva to new york city to go live with her grandma !! eva adored her grandmother more than anyone else. she was a retired jazz singer, and a lot of what they did together was sit around and listen to old records <3 eva lived with her until she was five years old & that’s pretty much the only childhood she can remember since her mom died when she was so young !! 
when her dad brings eva back to france, he’s doing a lot better. he’s back to producing movies and throwing parties and being a part of society again ( things he had stopped while he was grieving for his wife ) and he even found his own form of “medicine” which was simply the company of beautiful women ! most of them were young actresses he met through his work, all of them were gorgeous, and they all adored little eva <3 
eva adored them right back ! they taught her stuff she imagined all mother’s teach their daughters: how to dress well, how to smell nice, how to get people’s attention, what makeup to wear, how to do your hair, how to speak so everyone hangs on to your every word, etc. she was still a little girl but she was absorbing all these lessons like a sponge, & it’s a big part of why she’s so obsessed with her own femininity and why she’s got this mindset about being beautiful inside & out in order to feel balanced. 
none of the women her dad brought home were ever at her house for more than a week. her father, who had been a notorious bachelor before eva’s mother, seemed incapable of falling in love again. that was his first and maybe only lesson to eva, which was how to break hearts, which is something else she absorbed & carried with her as she grew up
as eva grew up, she kinda became obsessed with trying to imagine what her mom had been like. no one in her family liked to talk about her, especially not her dad, but she knew she looked just like her and she was kinda always trying to fill in the blanks. but then one christmas her dad let it slip that her mom’s death hadn’t been an accident at all, that it had been on purpose. that was kind of the turning point for eva & she just kind of....stopped trying to re imagine her mom after that just kinda wanting to let her rest /:
she also went through a phase of doing stuff just because she could. she’d flirt with people’s boyfriends, she’d make strangers fall in love with her, she’d date people just to break up with them suddenly, etc. she kind of realized just how much she could get away with, but more than that, just how far people would go when they fell in love. she was obsessed with that, but also kind of jealous of those people just because she’d never felt that kind of soul shattering love for someone before and she really does want to </3 while she’s never been in love before, and while she does get bored of lovers easily, she still feels a type of attachment that is sometimes so strong she’s not willing to let the other person go even if she’s being selfish by hanging onto people she can’t get serious abt /: thats just life sometimes......whore rights !
 goes by eva, never evangeline. her grandma has always called her angel, and so that nickname has also carried over naturally
libra sun AND moon babey ! read abt it here
wears euphoria makeup to do groceries
 moved from paris to new york city for college to attend columbia university. double majored in english literature and business management. 
created what she called the “manhattan group” in reference to the bloomsbury group, which was a group of associated english writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists in the first half of the 20th century ( that included writers like virginia woolf ) duringher freshman year. although meetings were supposed to be about discussing literature, it mostly became a place to drink warming champagne, flirt, and gossip. eva hosted the events & meetings off campus inside her loft. the manhattan group only lasted her freshman year though, as rumors of all the underage drinking and “cult-like behavior” persuaded her to drop it. that, and the fact that more than one member had fallen in love with her and things were getting quite tense. 
she never carries a lighter because she likes the way more than one person will offer her one if she asks for a light <3 
it’s a famous rumor that eva once spilled her drink on her chanel mini-dress at a charity gala and stripped down to her lingerie in front of everyone. it would have stayed a rumor if it wasn’t for the instagram story that went up of her only her underwear. 
she has a house phone in her nyc loft that only a select few people ( minus the strangers she’s given the number to while drunk ) know the number 
has a three year old black cat named june that she brought with ehr to cannes <3 
is the proud owner of a black maserati despite being an infamous bad driver. no one in their right mind, especially not her friends, would ever trust eva to drive.
it’s rumored she once snuck onto the yacht of a ceo to a fortune 500 company, only for him to find her in nothing but a bath towel eating chocolates while flipping through his playboy magazines, and that he was so taken with her instead of pressing charges he decided to name the boat after eva.
once spent a whole day walking around paris in a cheap pink wig and calling herself yvette. nobody could figure out why. eva often pulls stunts like this on a whim.
believes 2 is an unlucky number and is very superstitious about it, as that is the year her mother died. fully believes her twenties are cursed and is actually looking forward to the day she turns 30 just to escape the 2′s.
leonardo dicaprio once made a pass at her during the after party of a movie premiere she was attending.
during full moons, eva always has sex with the windows open. even if it’s winter, a window will be cracked open. this is one of her many personal superstitions. 
has a collection of old love letters, mixtapes, and presents past suitors and secret admirers have gifted her. while she cannot remember the origin of quite a few of the objects in her collection, she is attached to them still.
owns a replica of the famous cross necklace filled with cocaine that kathryn had in cruel intentions.
literally i basically just copied most of my hcs page im a clown i cant do summaries...
ok so personality wise ? shes a flirt. a whore, if u will. yes thats a personality trait now. literally if ur breathing shes flirting doesnt matter who u are doesnt matter if ur married if u have 10 kids doesnt matter like she will flirt....does not know how to open her mouth without flirting 
big on aesthetics /: believes everyone should get manicures like if ur cuticles are showing shes gonna gag . get help <3
not good at being held accountable for her actions. she’s not really the type to be malicious on purpose, but since she really does play with ppls feelings a lot it’s inevitable she’s gonna hurt someone but if u bring it up shes just gonna be like .. me ? at fault ? u must have the wrong girl i’m angel ...
likes 2 play games JSBDWBDJW clearly....matters of the heart are her fave kind but she also likes doing kinda ridiculous stuff for fun just to see how ppl are gonna react, also likes to do stuff just bc she knows she can usually get away with it 
loves skin care like she will be ur dermatologist ( self appointed ) she will gift u a moisturizer she will get everyone to do facemasks with her u cannot escape it ...
has trouble being alone but won’t admit it / doesn’t even really realize it ??? like it is... very rare u will ever find her sleeping alone or spending a whole day in just her own company 
not shy.....at all like JBSJDWBJDW she could use some shame but she has zero unfortunately 
despite being a whore....she is a HUGE romantic like whew she is obsessed with old love songs & is always playing them on her record player she loves to slow dance <3 she often gives ppl her fave poems ( usually poems abt sex ), she loves getting roses, loves kissing ppl on the cheek when she’s wearing lipstick, & she likes to leave ppl voicemails like ... shes really living like she is the main chara of a romance movie and everyone else is extra #5 most of the time... 
idk what else to say im sure shes gonna evolve once we start rping bc that always happens to me but....for now.....this is the end ! *cue feel special by twice*
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Just Ride (Chapter 1)
A/N: Hello there, friends!
I have started too many series for my own good (and right when I am having finals, so bear with me my lack of presence her; also again not in the best mood, but I honestly wanted to write this so so much so here I come!
I want to start with thanking @sojournmichael with whom I have been talking about this concept and she is absolutely the sweetest person ever (and most caring and she is a truly angel and I can’t believe that people like her exist because she is everything you need during a bad day, completed with wonderful wrting skills!). So if you liked this, please give her account a check out, since there are a few more headcanons about this concept here (and they are better written than the ones here!).
This concept starts from the fact that my family is very into  MOTO GP (not me), but I was forced to watch a race once and I immediately saw all this very young bikers and my heart immediately went to Jim and I had to write something about him!
Also I am not a professional about this so ignore all the technical mistakes (I will try for the next chapter to do better, thanks to my sister knowledge, the true MOTO GP stan, so if you find something that doesn’t match, let me know and I will do better) (Also Eva: sister said that they have teams, but as in the bikers have like maximum two other bikers in their stable).
Also (P/N) stands professor name!
SUMMARY: Your life as a mechanic of an excellent MOTO GP stable is hard enough, but what you didn’t know is that having Jim Mason as your professional biker makes it all much more difficult... but isn’t the challenge what makes everything better?
WORDS: 3,1 K.
WARNING: None (except Jim being a little asshole, but I love you all the same, babe) (also bad MOTO GP knowledge should be counted as a warning?).
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She had stumbled into professional biking thank to what looked like a quick way to make money right after she had finished her engineering degree, with the highest of grades and the congratulations of all her professors.
Which made her believe that would be out and aloud in some secret astronautic project, somehow, thinking about how that was the only name to make her name known.
Instead she found herself in a male only setting, not only extremely competitive, but also eternally looking down at her.
She had had somehow made a name for herself at her university, with her high grades and her tough exterior, avoiding any kind of exterior expression of her own inner state.
She had been the bitchy girl who knew every answer, and she had upheld to that reputation, but when she walked in the first stable, she had ever been in, she felt a strange feeling of uneasiness, probably from being out of the academic habitat.
She had tried her best to avoid being tripped over in the sudden rush of people running around with piece of engine or of tires.
She was thankful that the previous leader engineer had caught her, looking like a fish out of water and smiling as a loving grandpa.
He had taught her anything he knew about professional bikes and the home and family of the stables, and slowly she had warmed over the possibility of staying there and take over the role od lead engineer in the future, which had happened that year actually.
There had been so many parties because both the lead engineer and the professional biker of MOTO GP of her stables were moving out, the first one retiring and the second moving to superbike, which was just a tiny step before retirement in the professional biker career.
She honestly would miss the biker, a nice kind of the old ones, who knew that his mechanics were right, no matter what happened on the road and didn’t get mad at them, except when they teased him and it was a nice workplace for her to work with.
But she would miss even more dearly the previous lead engineer, her old teacher and to say she was full of tears at the party in his honor was an understatement, since she spent half of the time in his chest, hugging him tightly and asking him to stay, just for another season, for her to get used to missing him, and the fact that he was leaving.
“… oh little girl, I am going to miss you too, but I am old and terribly behind with times, this team need a young man, a strong one, someone who isn’t afraid to try something provocative, and I am sure you are that person” he had kissed her forehead before moving away “… also I believe you can’t be growing with me always over your shoulder, like a damned raven!”.
And he had made her giggle, but now she was back to her old self, the self-conscious engineer in a room full of people, outside the stables, in the yearly reunion, where they talked about how the year would go, and would give them some news, alongside the name (finally!) of the new biker for their time.
They already knew that her professor had actually asked her to stay as the leader engineer for the following year, and although she had expected some protests there had been none; everybody knew she deserved the job, having made a name for herself and not just simply the professor’s legacy.
She was also a very headstrong woman, who had gotten in a few fights with the other mechanics (mostly because apparently they had an hard time accepting a woman as a colleague, which they had quickly got over with her glaring and besting them at getting a bike engine), quickly having developed the nickname of “general (L/N).
She was sitting on the left of the CEO of their biggest brand (so he was the one who made most of the decisions), meanwhile on her left there was her new assistant, an old friend and a trusted mechanic, although she wore normal clothes (a pair of black pants and a white blouse with a simple leather jacket, formal enough for the important meeting) so nobody could truly understand her role and this made her nervous.
She was used to appear almost invisible with greasy hands and a tight polyester tracksuit, also covered in dirt and grease, so to be that “feminine” it made her feel vulnerable and exposed.
She rubbed her arms and hid her hands inside the arm of the leather jacket, shrinking herself.
She had been perfecting her mimetic skills till the door, swung open and their new biker’s manager, walked in, almost waltzing, meanwhile a figure set down on the other end of the door, partially covered and hidden by it.
But she knew immediately who he was, something that happened when you worked as a mechanic for so much: you learned that details were what made everything perfect, and if you watched everything long enough to capture them you would immediately knew what was wrong.
And what was wrong with this one was that his name was Jim Mason and he had officially almost dropped out of the professional biking system because of drug abuse, after he had been caught high before a race, which had prompted the “light” suspension of one year, and the constant testing of his blood and urine in order to prove he wasn’t under the effect of drugs anymore.
He had been lucky because no other evidence had been found on him and no other similar events had happened, plus it was a light drug they had found with him, so the big guys of the MOTO GP circuit had agreed for his license not to be revoked if he proved to be sober and if the drugs were out of his system for at least six months.
But to make him move onto the MOTO GP stage was a crazy move.
Because, not only Jim Mason was an addict, he was also one of those bikers she liked to call “stuntmen”, those crazy assholes who thought it was fine to drag the poor soul of an engine to hell and back and leave the bike destroyed by the end of the race (and most of the time even before the end of the race…) and to get on each mechanics’ nerve.
She honestly thought it was such a bad idea that she immediately wanted to jump up and say how wrong of an idea it was, but then the manager introduced Jim in great fashion, who walked in as fiercely as a victorious conquistador, with a smirk on his face, not even a little surprised by the smile of shock everyone seemed to have for him.
He was a stuntman, but he was a damn well popular stuntman; he knew how to talk his way out of everything alongside generally being described as a “lovable dork” by many of his fellow riders and friends (she wanted to know what the hell his mechanics thought of him, but…) and the fact he was easy on the eyes, helped… a lot…
There was this half legend about how he had gotten out of the original punishment, thank to a smirk and a good word.
And now that she had him in front of her she got exactly why those rumors were being spread: he was gorgeous with what she liked calling ocean eyes, clearly blue, but so deep and tortured, hiding a lot of horrible creatures behind them, regrets and passions.
And she wanted to dive into those troubled waters.
She immediately pushed herself back, immediately turning to Russel, her assistant, who smirked at her giving his approval of the new biker.
But was she seriously the only one who thought he was trouble?
He didn’t approach her, probably her pissed off aura not being the ideal environment to actually start a conversation, but just as she thought of having managed to avoid him for the entire evening, Jack, the manager, approached her, getting Jim by an arm, meanwhile he was talking with the CEO, eyeing her swiftly as if to say “YOU TWO NEED TO MEET”.
-Jimmy, let me present you, our new leader engineer, (Y/N) (L/N), the best pupil of (P/N), I hope you will have your best time together- he clearly wanted them to have a nice memory of their first meeting, but (Y/N), as Elizabeth Bennet, already knew what she thought of “Jimmy”.
He was an arrogant cocky boy, a dangerous bet for their stable, but she had no actions on her part or other properties for her to have some decisional power; no matter the fact that she fixed their engines.
She still held out her hand, and Jim held it back, but he made the mistake to just move his eyes down her body, clearly examining her as if she was just a body and not a mind; the first strike to her humor.
-(P/N)? Are you sure he isn’t already in senile state? I didn’t think that he would choose somebody like her…- and not only had he thought she was inferior for reasons which were unknown to her (she thought it was better not to investigate) and he had spoken about her as if she wasn’t there.
-You do realize that after what you just said I could very easily unscrew a few nails of your bike on your first race, right? – she knew she was being straight up petty and lowering herself to his level, which was highly unprofessional, but…
She got his attention and now he looked at her shocked, as if to say: “she can’t do that, right?”.
Oh, she could, instead.
Jack, laughed it all off, as soon as he understood that the climate was a bit tougher than what he had expected, clearly wanting to dissipate the tension:
-…oh, (Y/N) is so funny! The funniest! – he even slapped his leg to accentuate the entire act, clearly trying too hard, which prompted her to just smirk harshly at Jim, one last time, before moving past him.
-See you on the circuit, Jimmy Boy-.
It was the first race of the year and it was an hour before the MOTO GP race started, which meant she was checking out the bike one last time before everything started, all alone, only with the bike in an holy ritual she found herself to have comfort and peace, no matter the anxiety and the high expectation which happened outside of that room.
She touched the bike, remembering the biggest and best suggestion she had gotten from her professor, feeling it reeve up under her hands, in a loving way, caressing each part of the engine, the nails, the gaskets and the brakes.
It was a wonderful feeling almost as much as having a human baby in her hand, but a bike didn’t break, it if you made it fall, which made her feel a lot better.
Something was knocked over and she almost lost the grip on the bike, before turning around to glare at whoever interrupted the ritual, knowing it couldn’t be no one from her team since everybody seemed to know about her ritual, and nobody dared to interrupt it.
But it was Jim, which explained so much and made her immediately turn around to the bike, not giving him an ounce of attention, the exact same behavior she had had for his entire staying, only listening to his opinions on the bike, and most of the time ignoring them just because it was what she considered “annoying adjusting whines of a primadonna biker”.
He seemed, instead, to look out for her, a lot, probably because he had understood how the entire situation worked, realizing he had chosen the wrong person to mess with.
But the more he searched for her, the more she avoided him.
-Is something troubling you? – she made the first move, without facing him, instead reaching for a tire iron, to set down some loose bolts.
-Just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be making good faith to that old promise about loosening my bolts- he tried to make it seem like it didn’t bother him, clearly opting for a warm approach in order for them to bury the hatchet.
-I am a professional- “unlike you” she wanted to add, but if he was trying to make an attempt at doing this, she might as well as try to sound better for him -… and I wouldn’t kill anybody-.
-And here goes my plan to get my trusted mechanic to eliminate my enemies- he laughed, heartedly something she immediately found loving, alongside those ocean eyes and she dared turning around, although she didn’t meet his gaze.
-… I am sure you will kill them on the race- she replied -… I mean metaphorically, not literally, please don’t do anything reckless-.
She didn’t know where the last part of that discourse came from, knowing perfectly “reckless” was Jim’s second nature, but still… she might have slowly started caring a tiny bit for him, although he was still a pain in her ass.
-I will try my best- he promised, holding out a hand, clearly asking for her to trust him.
-… sorry I have my hands still dirty- she didn’t trust him still, at least not before his first race as a MOTO GP champion, but he didn’t seem disappointed by her shooting him down, which prompted just a shake of head.
-Don’t worry, you can hold it after I won this-.
-Which part of “don’t be reckless” didn’t you get? – but she was smiling although the harsh tone of her voice, and he just turned, holding up his hands as if to say “I am done here”.
And she went back to her bike.
He had won.
Not a clean won, but a spectacular one since he managed to rise from his sixth place, at the start, which prompted him to reach for the third place and when the riders in front of him, the favorite ones, ended up battling for the first place and crashing with a thrilling move, he had become the first one, keeping a swift pace till the end of the race.
But she had also seen the tense way he tried to keep hold of the bike, uneasy on it and terribly insecure, but thankfully he had been generously helped by the hands of the Fortune, so she waited till the end of the game, after he had been on the podium and the press conference, to talk with him, catching him just before moving to his trailer.
He immediately beamed at her, but she just shot him down with a harsh glare.
-I did…-
-You were lucky on the circuit- she replied instead, a harsh glare on her face: she would have to work on her bike for at least a day after what he had done to it, terribly ruined by his reckless behavior, pushing it to its limits, and moving over to them -…Rossi and Lorenzo let you pass because they underestimated you, but it won’t happen in any other days, meanwhile about Marquez and Dovizioso… you were very lucky; what happened was that nobody was expecting you, so they didn’t come prepared, but now they will count your presence and analyze you for every flaw, so from now on… no reckless behavior, you listen to me-.
-You are just a mechanic- he muttered, a bit taken aback from her discourse.
Clearly, he had become used to all those people smiling at him and telling him how great he did, that he didn’t understand a harsh critique of his style.
-Yeah, that means I work on your bike, and right now the suspensions are broken, I will have to work on the engine because it overheats too quickly and don’t let me talk about your tires…- she had never had any kind of things like this with her previous biker, not because he didn’t race like it mattered, but because he knew perfectly the difference between reckless driving and careful racing style -… and I know what this means: you need to develop a tactic and understand the bike…-
-Are you offering help with all those critiques or…? – he was clearly not on his best mood and annoyed by her thoughts but at the same time he was making an effort to understand her point of view, which was… nice.
It made her blush.
-I … - she wasn’t in the mental state to be anything else than critical -… meet me in the stable in five minutes-.
She was wearing a looser version of her tracksuit (a t-shirt, already full of grease and other things and a pair of loose pants), meanwhile Jimmy had changed into his usual appearance, a jeans jacket instead of the leather one.
He seemed surprised when he saw his bike, open in different pieces, only recognizable by the number on top of it, and the colors around it.
-What does this mean? – he asked, confused.
-Want to crash your bike? Well, then you are going to help me put it back together- she replied, smirking, before passing him an iron tire, prompting an even more confused face -… the more you know about these things, the more you will understand the telltale signs of overworking a bike-.
He immediately nodded, still a bit surprised by her approach and sitting down himself next to her and the “bike”.
-… is that a Miyagi way of teaching me not to mess with your precious bike? – he asked, although smiling, lightly meanwhile she instructed him on how to use the iron tire, he held so tightly in his hand.
-It’s a (L/N) way to teach you to be a better rider, Jimmy Boy, now move your ass, we need to be finished before dinner, you have a party to attend-.
He seemed even more shocked by this admission, but then moved to do what he was expected to be done, tightening bolts and nails.
-… are you coming to the party? – he asked, meanwhile keeping his eyes on the work, meanwhile she overviewed his work.
-Do I look like the kind of person who goes to parties? – she replied, meanwhile adjusting his grip on her hand, much larger than hers, but also clumsier than hers -… also after you are done here, I will keep on working here, you have another race in two weeks-.
-Two weeks, (Y/N)! - he uttered, calling her for her first name since they had met, making it sound so jovial, as if they were two best friends, just working on a bike, meanwhile his hands weren’t in hers.
-… and you have two weeks to learn how to drive, so this needs to be ready by tomorrow-.
And that is all for today!
Let mw know what you thought about it (I really hope you will like it, because I had tons of fun writing it and now I will go back to watch “Dumpling, write two reviews and then maybe start a new seris about Duncan (set before “A Relief For The Stress)!
Any feedback is welcome!
Love you, lovelies!
See you soon!
Heco Hansen
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Northside Serpent: Part 7
Request: Yes / no
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night (Request are closed)
Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Word count: 3205
Warnings:  Nothing  
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Summary: You’re Kevin Keller’s little sister when you’re mom left to go to war and your dad started cheating (I’m making it so he’s been cheating since season 1) You started rebelling; dying your hair, getting a nose piercing, tattoo, and hanging out on the southside.
A/N: It’s here! Finally, sorry it took so long! I just keep getting sick :(
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
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Christmas had past and the Black Hood had been caught and everything seemed to be great! My dad wasn’t working too late anymore so he was spending his free time with Kevin and I but also with Mrs. McCoy. I wasn’t saying anything to him, just silently judging him for being so stupid. Break was over and it was time to go back to school I texted Sweet Pea a good morning like I always did now and began getting dressed. I put on an off the shoulder skull sweater, ripped skinny jeans, converse, and a beanie. I straightened my hair and then put on some makeup; I did a black smokey eye with some lashes and a dark red lip just to give my outfit some color.
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I walked downstairs and saw Kevin sitting at the table eating some eggs and toast and my dad was at the counter cooking. I sat down since it was still early and smiled at Kevin.
“Morning!” I said and my dad turned around.
“Morning, you seem to be in a good mood today.” He said turning back to cooking.
“Well, it was a great break.” I said with a shrug. Dad placed a plate in front of me and I dug in.
“Any reason in particular it was a good break?” He asked sitting down with his own plate.
“Just spending time with friends.” I said with a smile.
“Your Southside friends?” He said with a raise of his brow. I sighed and nodded.
“Can we please not do this?” I asked.
“Fine, we’ll talk about it later.” He said sipping his coffee. I got up and placed my plate in the sink and so did Kevin.
“Have a nice day at school!” Our dad called out as we left.
We were at school and Kev and I were talking to Betty when Archie and Veronica walked in making out pretty much. We smiled at them as they joined us.
“Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down.” Principal Weatherbee said and everyone in the room gasped.
“And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, including this one.” He said and everyone started talking.
“Okay, guys, let's not overreact.” Veronica said loudly and I looked at her suspiciously. Since when does Veronica care about the Southside? Weatherbee continued but I stopped listening. Some Southsiders are coming here! My friends could be coming here!
“Wait, what does that What does that mean?”
“It means Jughead’s coming back…” Betty said.
“Betty are you ready for that?” Kevin asked.
“Of course… We’re fine…” She said sounding slightly unsure. Kevin gave her a knowing look.
“But why is this happening now?” Archie asked.
“Who knows. It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand. And in the meantime, let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood. Who's in? Hmm?” Veronica said happily. I looked at her and everyone confused.
“Y/N’s friends with the Southside, maybe she could help.” Betty suggested with a smiled.  
“Yeah Y/N/N! You’d be a big help!” Veronica said with a smile.
“Uh, yeah, sure…” I said with as much of a smile as I could. Something wasn’t right…
After school, Kevin and I went home and our dad wasn’t home yet so we did our homework and got dinner ready. Just as we were finishing our dad walked in.
“Well, something smells good!” He said with a smile on his face.
“Y/N wanted to make dinner.”
“Ah, trying to butter me up so I won’t tell you to stay away from the Serpents that’ll be going to your school?” He asked as he sat down. I placed the plates of food down and simply smiled.
“Dad I’ll look out for her.”
“I know you will son.”
“I can take care of myself ya know.” I said rolling my eyes and sat down.
“Your judgment is clouded, so no you can’t.” Dad said.
“They’re not bad people!” I said annoyed.
“They’re school was closed down because of drugs and gang activity…” He pointed out.
“Whatever, I’m not getting into this.” I said and popped some mashed potatoes in my mouth. Kevin changed the subject and we had a relatively pleasant dinner. Kev and I placed the dishes in the skin and went up to bed.
The next day I woke up extra early to get dressed since I was going to be seeing my Southside friends today and show them around. I wanted to dress a bit sexier since Sweet Pea was gonna be there. I put on a lace bralette, a plaid skirt, a pair of black heels with spikes on the back and my leather jacket. For makeup, I did a gray and silver eyeshadow with winged liner and a sexy red lip. I cured my hair just a small bit so it was a little wavy and smiled at myself in the mirror.
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I walked downstairs and Kevin was the only one down there (Thank God). He looked at me when he heard me enter the kitchen and his eyes popped out of his head.
“What are you wearing!?” He shrieked.
“Shut up! Keep your voice down, I don’t need dad waking up to see me like this!” I whisper-yelled at him. I walked to the counter and made my tea.
“You can not go to school like that!” I rolled my eyes and faced him.
“Kev, I’m not changing so either you can drive me to school or I can walk.” I said making my way to the door. He grabbed his bag and then me and dragged me to the car. We got in and the ride was silent until we got there. I got out and before I could walk into school my brother stopped me.
“Why are you dressed like this?” He asked.
“Because Kev, my boyfriend is coming here today and I want to make a good impression.” I answered with a smile.
“Your boyfriend!?” He asked, eye wide. I forgot I haven’t told him yet…
“Surprise?” I said with a shrug.
“You’re dating Sweet Pea now!? Since when?” He asked slightly freaking out.
“Since Christmas eve…” I answered looking at the ground.
“Are you crazy!? If dad finds out your dead!” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“Which is why he won’t find out and you won’t tell him.” I said looking him in the eyes.
“Please Kevin?” I begged, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
“Fine…” He sighed giving in and I smiled.
“You’re the best big brother in the world you know that?” I said kissing his cheek. We walked into school and saw Veronica and Archie standing behind a table with papers on it.
“You owe me…” Kevin said just before we reached them.
“Hey guys, the new students should be here any minute so just relax.” V said with a smile. The two of us stood behind the table and we all talked until they arrived.
A couple moments later and a bunch of Serpents walked in lead by Jughead, Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea. I smiled at them and they smiled back but their faces quickly changed once Veronica started talking.
“Friends.” She said with a smile.
“On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school!” Toni gave me a look that seemed to ask if this girl was for real.
“To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale.” She said and I had to hold back a laugh.
“Stand down, Eva Peron!” Cheryl’s voice boomed through the halls.
“Here we go…” I said and rolled my eyes. Cheryl and Reggie were walking down the stairs towards us followed by some Vixens and Bulldogs.
“There's the school spirit I so fondly remember.” Jughead said sarcastically and crossed his arms.
“Cheryl. No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party.” Veronica said annoyed.
“Wrong, Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school.” Cheryl said standing in front of us with her arms crossed. I balled my fist annoyed that she still thinks that of them.
“Listen up, Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please, do us all a favor, and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways.” Josie whispered something to Kevin and I was about to say something when Toni Stepped up to Cheryl.
“Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?” Toni growled and Cheryl stepped close.
“Happily, Queen of the Buskers.” Cheryl growled back.
“Okay Guys, everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?” Archie asked stepping in the middle.
“You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass.” Reggie said stopping Archie.
“Happy to finish what was started.” Sweet Pea said with a smirk and I stepped in between them.
“He’s not worth it Pea.” I said pushing him back slightly. Sweets looked down at me and smirked when he saw what I was wearing.
“Careful Y/N/N, those snakes might bite you.” Reggie said and I turned to face him.
“And what if I like that?” I asked with a smirk of my own.
“Well if you just want someone to bite you, I could happily help you with that.” Reggie smirked walking closer to me, Sweet Pea growled and Fangs and Jughead held him back. I was liking this side of Sweets.
“You couldn’t handle me.” I said smirking and gently touched Reggie's jawline. Sweets grabbed my waist and pulled me to him and glared at Reggie.
“Let her go Snake!” He growled but before anything could happen Principal Weatherbee walked out.
“That's enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone, let's get to class. Now.” He said with a bit of anger.
Jughead walked off with Sweets, Fangs, and Toni. I went to go with them but Reggie stopped me.
“Traitor. Better reconsider who you stand with.” He whispered to me and I just rolled my eyes and shoved him off me.
“If you really think I’ll pick you over them you’re as stupid as you look.” I said and walked off to the student lounge. When I walked in Fangs, Toni and Jug were sitting in chairs around the coffee table while Sweet Pea sat on the couch next to my brother. I sat in between them and Sweets put his arm around me.
“Looks like we’ll be seeing each other a lot more.” He said smirking and I smiled back.
“I guess we will.” Kevin elbowed me and I glared at him. Before I could say anything to him Josie and Veronica walked in.
“I don't think we've properly met, Veronica Lodge.” She said holding out her hand to Toni.
“Of the Park Avenue Lodges.” Jughead said holding his pinky out and I stifled a giggle.
“Toni. Topaz.” T said shaking her hand.
“Oh, like the purple-colored gemstone. Love it.” Veronica said with a smile.
“And I'm Josie McCoy. Formerly of the Pussycats, now just Josie. And this is Kevin.” Josie said pointing at my brother.
“And I guess you all know Y/N.” She added pointing to me.
“What's your name?” Kev asked.
“Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs.” Fangs said smiling.
“Your last name's Keller, right?” Fangs asked.
“How did you know that?” Kevin asked and looked at me.
“Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time.” Fangs answered and Kevin got a bit uncomfortable.
“And you’re Quinny’s brother.” He added and they all looked at me.
“Quinny?” Kevin asked confused. Before anyone could answer an angry Weatherbee walked in.
“You guys! Yes, you, come with me.” He said and we all looked confused.
“Now!” He shouted and we got up to follow him. We walked into the hall where he stood next to Reggie and on the ground was a snake painted over the Riverdale High seal.
“Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?”
“This is what they do, Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf.” Reggie said sounding a little too happy.
“My God, Reggie, could you be any more transparent?” Veronica asked annoyed.
“Effective immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets.” Weatherbee said.
“What?” Jug said.
“Are you kidding me?” Sweet Pea asked annoyed.
“No more Serpent jackets! All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear? That's all.” We all walked away annoyed and Reggie had a smug smirk on his face.
Once school was over I went back to the Wyrm with them and sat on a stool next to Toni while Sweets place an arcade game.
“I can't believe you guys don't even see it.” Jughead said and Toni looked at him shocked.
“Weatherbee is profiling us. Tellin' us what to wear. What's next? Brain implants controlling what we think?” Toni and Sweet Pea scoffed and I laughed a bit.
“Jughead, you sound like a crazy conspiracy nut.” I said taking a sip of my drink.
“A school closed down.” Toni said.
“A crappy one.” Sweets added.
“Yeah, and now we're at a better one. The computer lab and textbooks-”
“And toilets that flush.” Sweets butted in again.
“Getting transferred to Riverdale High is the best thing that could have happened.”
“Maybe ever.”
“So, if I have to take off my jacket, 8:30 to 3:00, Monday through Friday Hey, I'm down with that.” Toni finished taking a sip of her drink and Jughead looked at them shocked.
“It is the best thing that could have happened, I mean I get to see you guys and my boyfriend more than just weekend and after school!” I said moving to sit next to Sweets.
“Yeah and If I have to take off my jacket to see my girl more than you bet your ass I’m doing it.” He said and kissed my head.
The next day at school the Serpents had no jackets and I had to cover Sweets tattoo with makeup. We were hanging out in the student lounge when Jughead walked in wearing his Serpent jacket. We looked at him shocked.
“Oh, hey, guys, what's up?” Jug said going to the vending machine.
“Take it off.” Reggie said annoyed and when Jughead ignored him he got up. The four of us got up as well.
“Take. Off. The. Jacket. Rat boy.” Reggie said more annoyed.
“Oh, Reggie. I don't think you know what this jacket means. Because you have no sense of honor. Or history, - or loyalty.” Jughead said.
“‘That’s it!” Reggie growled and tried to rip the jacket off him, Sweet Pea and Fangs sprang into action and Toni held me back from helping them. They started fighting one another and Toni and I shouted trying to stop it. Principal Weatherbee came in broke up the fight then called us all into his office.
“You all have a week's detention for fighting. But I made myself clear to you, Mr. Jones.” He said making a step closer to Jug.
“Take off that jacket, right now, or you're suspended.” He said.
“Please, Jughead, just -”
“Then I guess I'm suspended.” Jug said cutting Veronica off and walked out the office.
“All of you, to class.” Weatherbee said with a sigh.
“Miss. Keller, you don’t have detention. From what I saw you weren’t fighting.”
“Neither was Toni!” I said confused.
“Not from what I saw.”
“But she-”
“Y/N, just stop.” Toni said with a sigh.
“Yes, Mr. Weatherbee.” I said overly sweet. We all walked out of the office and I grit my teeth.
“Unbelievable…” I said annoyed.
“Babe relax, it’s what we’re use to…” Sweets said pulling me into him.
“It’s so stupid.” I said crossing my arms.
“Trust me, we know.” Toni said with a small smirk and rolling her eyes. The rest of the school day went fairly normal and so did the night. Our dad was working late so Kevin and I did our homework, ate, then went to bed.
The next day the Serpents were all dressed in Riverdale High uniforms and honestly, Sweets looked kind of hot in his. Sweet Pea, Toni and I were talking when Jughead walked in not wearing his Serpent jacket.
“What the hell? Guys?” He asked sounding so done with everything.
“Guys Weatherbee gave them to us. Said he understood that not every Southside student had the means to purchase Riverdale High acceptable clothes. He thinks this will help us fit in.” Toni explained with a sigh and an eye roll.
“Where's Fogarty?” Jug asked.
“He wouldn't wear the uniform, so they got rid of him, suspended him.” Sweets said also sounding defeated.
“So our choices are conform or be cast out.” Jughead said and the two Serpents nodded.
“I’m sure this will blow over in a few days, just let everything settle down.” I said trying to comfort Sweet Pea. He looked down at me and smiled a little.
“Besides, I think you look kinda hot.” I said winking at him and walking off.
The next few days were a little rocky but Jughead managed to get everything under control. He started a club for the Serpents to have their own place in school and I was allowed to be a part of it since they thought of me like family.
“Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Swords and Serpents Club.” Jughead said while peeling an orange.
“Which is what, exactly?” Toni asked with a scoff.
“Like I told Fogarty to lure him back to dear ol' Riverdale, we are a gaming group. Sanctioned by Mr. Weatherbee, himself. Where like-minded students can meet and concoct world-building, role-playing scenarios, inhabiting fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures.” Jughead said and I laughed.
“No, but really?” Toni asked with a slight laugh.
“It’s a club, for you guys.” I said while standing in between Sweet’s legs.
“A safe haven where we can be Serpents, during school hours and under everyone's noses. We're not shedding our skins. We're lying low, in the tall grass.” Jughead explained further. Everyone looked at each other and smiled.
“Y/N will be helping us laying low.” Jug added.
“At your service!” I said taking a bow. Sweets chuckled and shook his head.
“Alright Quinny!” Fangs fist pumped. I laughed and Sweet Pea pulled me closer to him and nuzzled his head in my neck.
“I wouldn’t want my friends to leave me!” I said with a smiled.
“Yeah right, you just don’t want Pea to leave.” Fangs said wiggling his eyebrows. I smacked his shoulder and everyone laughed.
Tag list: @54fangirl @southsidehufflepuff @xrosesareredx @cvvlxx @skeletalwolfcat @demigodofthesun @depressed-octopods-art @nalayrene @yourfavouritefuckup @staygoldsquatchling02 @sataninsatin @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke @dark-night-sky-99 @aframeofbones @fly-slytherin-queen @jojokoko0717 @nixdunbarhale @wanderlust-and-poetry @theyouthfulmoon @seasiren96 @nixdunbarhale2
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of ghosts, ghouls and strange things
It began as an ordinary Octobers day in the week leading up to Halloween.
Anshee had a feeling it would not remain an ordinary day for long, though she didn't say anything to anyone about her concerns. This close to the day the veil between the worlds of the dead and the living was the thinnest, strange things had a habit of happening. Usually they were small, like Bram suddenly losing his craziness and becoming almost meek...which might not actually seem small, considering Bram's craziness was a large part of who he was.
Taking past experiences with Halloween and the week leading up to it as a warning, Anshee got up from where she had meditated in lieu of sleeping and walked towards the kitchen cautiously. Perhaps she was overreacting, but the memory of the incident with that ghost determined to stop her ex-husband from killing himself made her wary.
Whatever it was, she hoped it wouldn't take too much time to deal with. Kiandre, the boy she'd met when the older people in the Cs had decided that she spent too much time at HQ (what did they know?), had somehow managed to get her to agree to meet him at the GRC for something.
When she turned a corner and was in the kitchen, her feeling was proven correct...at least she thought so. Bram, bleeding eye sockets clear to see, was perched on the table. Audrey was looking through the cabinets for some reason. Adone was sat in one of the chairs with a gun on the table in front of him. Eva was standing near Audrey, one of her arms linked with Wren's as they talked quietly to each other (they had become close after the latter's death). Florence was nowhere to be seen (she was probably off traumatising someone...)
Normally this wouldn't have been strange, they usually did stuff like this.
No, the strange thing was that Anshee couldn't see through them. She'd always been able to see through them, that was part of what made it easy to tell who was a ghost and who wasn't without needing to see them do ghost stuff.
Today, they all looked relatively solid. Bram sometimes went intangible, often when he pulled a concentrated face.
"What?" she asked walking over to them. "Going on?"
Bram, as he usually did, elected himself as the spokesperson for the ghosts. “We think, though we are not entirely sure, that we have somehow managed to become...almost alive?”
That...really didn't answer her question all that much.
Audrey closed the cabinet doors with an aggravated huff. “He means that we are solid and, though we haven't proven it, we might be visible to people who are not mediums.”
“Ah,” was the young medium’s reply.
Distantly, she could hear the sounds of people heading towards the kitchen. Well, this could go two ways. Either it went okay or...it went badly. Very badly.
She sighed and sat down in the chair next to Adone. Florence dropped down from wherever she had been to sit opposite her.
As predicted, not even 2 minutes after she sat down, David  came into the kitchen followed by Lily,  and promptly paused at the sight of the Ghosts.
“Who…?” David began but Anshee cut him off, a look of annoyance on her face as she was forced to speak normally.
“These are the ghosts that follow me. Bram, the one without eyes. Adone, the one next to me. Audrey, the one by the cabinets. Eva is by Wren who i’m sure you’ve met before. Finally, Florence is the one sat opposite me.”
“Got to be honest, I thought you were lying about the ghosts,” Lily stated from the background, her arms crossed as she took in the group of ghosts, the theme song of ghostbusters playing in the back of her head.
“The incident with the pillows and the thing with the lights during that time we watched horror movies, you really thought I did that?” Anshee raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Okay so I was a little freaked out by that,” Lily admitted before continuing, “But I thought it may have been some elaborate prank you all pulled on me.”
“That time we all went to the park and I let Bram possess me, you didn't think it was strange that i suddenly started talking with a male voice and going intangible?”
“I uh....,” Lily couldn’t find an excuse for that one. But still the brawler just wouldn’t believe that ghosts actually exist. “Ok, so that was weird.”  
“I feel offended that you didn't believe in us. And after all that effort I put into messing with you,” Bram turned his face to look at her, somehow able to tell where she was even though he didn't have eyes.
“Look, it doesn’t matter if we believed in the ghosts or not, we need to figure out why and how we can now see them,” David said, trying to get them all back on track.
Anshee shrugged. “This close to Halloween, strange things always happen. The fact that the ghosts are now visible to non-mediums doesn't even rank into the top five strangest things that have happened to me over the years.”
“So as we get closer and closer to Halloween, are more strange things going to happen?” David asked her, he wanted to ask about the other strange things that had occurred but decided not to pry.
“Probably. Three years ago, I had to deal with the ghost’s personalities being flipped around. As it got closer to Halloween, their personalities got even more weird. Then, as soon it turned into the first of November, they were all back to normal.”
“So we have to deal with them until the first of November?” Lily asked the others, looking around at the group. When she realized the answer was a yes she sighed, grumbling under her breath “Great, just great.”
“Trust me, the feeling’s mutual,” Bram responded, smirking slightly.
“Flo thinks it’s fine,” the child-like ghost giggled out from behind her hand, hiding her trademark twisted smirk.
“Well, I don't,” Audrey huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “How am I supposed to do my snooping if I’m visible?” the ex-reporter turned around to face the group fully, revealing her permanently wide grin in the process.
“Wait….snooping?” David’s eyes went wide, Did this ghost follow the members around just to get good gossip on them? If that was true then she probably knew about how much of a nerd he actually was.
“Yes, snooping. I’m a reporter,” a shadow crossed her face briefly and the wide grin seemed to become slightly sad. “Well, I was anyway.”
She seemed to read David’s train of thought. “Whilst I do sometimes follow the members around, I do have more interesting things to do with my time.”
“Like what?” Lily asked, actually curious to what ghosts did in their free time. It wasn’t like they could go to an arcade or bar.
Audrey shrugged. “Like look around for spirits that have the potential to become a problem if left unchecked. I also snoop around various criminal hideouts, that's always fun. Nothing like coming face to face with someone who would try to kill you without a second thought but can't because they can't see you to remind you of the fact that you're dead,” surprisingly, she didn't sound bitter as she said that, just matter of fact.
Florence giggled without reason, as she was known to do, and smiled innocently at the non-mediums.
There was a sudden scream as Ellis rushed in, tripping over his own two feet. He froze in the doorway, blinking rapidly. He’d been screaming because he was a hyperactive eight year old with nothing to do. It was only logical to him to run around screaming. But… he didn’t know what to do with this, honey brown eyes big in surprise.
Anshee sighed. Looked like she would be explaining, yet again, what was going on. Why couldn't it have been a normal day? Oh yeah...Halloween week.
Out of the corner of his eye, Adone noticed that Florence had hidden her mouth behind her hand and had somehow produced a bunny doll from somewhere. Inwardly, he sighed. He was the only one who knew about what she did to the boy who had just arrived and knowing her, she was bound to repeat it unless she was reeled in. Besides, the rabbit was always a sign of bad things to come.
“Florence,” the young girl froze when Adone pinned her with an unamused look. “Whatever you're thinking, don't.”
“Who, me?” she tilted her head to the side innocently. Adone wasn't fooled. Actually, none of the ghosts were fooled, neither was Anshee. They had all spent too much time around the girl to be fooled by her cute and innocent act.
Before any of the non-mediums that were already there could ask what they were on about when they told the ghost named Florence to not do something, Lain and Parker walked into the kitchen.
This will forever remain incomplete...mostly because I’m no longer really close or in touch with the people who sort of wrote this with me.
@writersloth @strawberryspaceship @rmorada @rosella1356 @editedandwrittenbyhannah
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the melodramatic beginning of my climactic end
There are, quite honestly, about a million other ways I had hoped to gain notoriety... and by a million I mean, like, five. Six, tops. Looking back, avoiding my own inevitable would’ve been easy – a literal push; a click, a tap, the fucking pushing of a fucking button (sorry, potty mouth). All I had to do was keep my mouth shut; keep my shit private just as I always had. I had worked so hard to get where I was – where I hopefully still am – and while some people may have deserved at least some part of what they got, some were just the worst kind of collateral damage. To the latter: you will never know the extent of my regret, nor the level at which I now self-loathe. To the former: I’m still sorry, even if you do suck a little.. I know, I know I’m getting ahead of myself. On that note, I suppose I should start from the melodramatic beginning of my climactic end – my self-imposed downfall, my very clumsy swan dive into public humiliation. Here goes; try not to hate me too much.
Oh, I’ve changed the names of people and places, but the rest is - unfortunately - the truth. 
“Well, it’s over! It’s done!” Judy, very melodramatically, intoned while frantically waving her arms, “Edgewood has officially gone to hell in a handbasket!” I have only just walked into the back door of the bakery and tea house the two of us own together, but I can already tell it’s going to be one of those days – to be fair, most of them are. “Well, don’t stop now, give me all the dirt!” I know I’m baiting her, but it never stops being fun. “They robbed my silverware tree!” she offered by way of explanation – the “silverware tree” as we now call it, is the tree that we are forced by the town of Clydesville to have blocking our front door because we live in Tree City USA. We decided to make it festive by hanging all of our gold-plated silverware that was too pitted for use (we are fancy, after all) and everyone had already come to terms with the simple fact that we might as well just throw that silverware in the trash, because once it was out there it likely wouldn’t stay very long. “Well, don’t let them ever say we don’t give back to our community.” Being flippant probably isn’t the best approach to the situation, but we are nothing if not sassy here. “Thanks for taking their attack on my decoration seriously” she sighed “I guess I should just be thankful they were careful not to trample my english garden while they robbed me blind.” “You’re right, I’m sorry, I should’ve taken this more seriously” I held up my hands in a placating gesture, “more importantly – who had bets on it lasting less than a month?” Before she even had time to feign offense, the victor was ready to claim their spoils. “That would be me!” the victor in question being my friend, and co-worker, Lawrence; or as we all prefer to call him, Law, “E-e-easiest five bucks I eva made!” he took the time to not only grab his prize, but do a somewhat embarrassing dance while doing it, “Ooh, wait, give it to me in singles – I WANNA MAKE IT RAIN.” “Five singles isn’t enough to make it rain, Law.” I retorted knowingly – honestly because we have tried to do it countless times, and failed miserably. We have the slow-motion videos to prove it. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was your personal mission to rain on EVERYBODY’S parade today, Kat. Don’t let me stop you, want me to tell you about my hopes and dreams so you can shoot them all down while you’re at it? Yeesh.” He and I have been friends for so long, this type of back-and-forth is just par for the course. As a matter of fact, if I’m not mistaken, we are actually cousins. It is Wayneswood County, after all, literally everyone is related. “As long as your so-called hopes and dreams don’t involve proposing to yet another girlfriend, I’m pretty sure I’ll be supportive of them” I know it’s a low blow to hit so early in our little game, but I really do have a reason for coming in to the store today. You see, Law is what we call a ‘habitual proposer’ – he’s been engaged to four different women (only married to one) in his ripe, young age of twenty-eight. “aye-aye-aye, kick a man when he’s down, why don’tcha?” he pounded a closed fist over his heart in an attempt to make me feel bad. “I’m not saying I didn’t know it wouldn’t happen, but I just thought people would be nicer. I should know better than to place any expectations on humanity anymore. Oh, well – at least I’ve got more silverware to hang up. No more soup ladles, though, the dredges of society apparently needed to serve some broth.” Judy interjected, still trying desperately to hide her disappointment. “That or prepare a whole lot of crack!” I jovially added, making a show of shrugging my shoulders and forcing a tight smile. “Prepare. Prepare?” oh, here he goes “Uh, excuse me, yes Geeves” Law was getting into it now, affecting a posh accept and holding his pinky in the air “prepare us crack, good sir, make it our finest vintage!” “Soooorrrrryyyyy I don’t know all the hip drug lingo, friendo. I must’ve missed that issue of Street Youth Monthly.” Admittedly, my joke’s weren’t always the cream of the crop. After receiving looks of pity for my attempt at being pithy, we fell into our daily routine of treading water and getting through the daily deluge of afternoon teas, ladies having lunch, hipster parents trying to force their kids into liking fancy things and the general public needing sweets to keep calm and carry on. “Our 2:00 afternoon pushed to Wednesday, and changed their reservation time to 1:30.” Judy explained – at the end of the day we all sit down and compare calendars, make notes on scheduling, and make sure we haven’t over-booked ourselves too terribly much. “Okay, perfect. I got a form submission for a 12:00 highest on the 26th.” I added, looking over my most recent crop of e-mails. “Hmmm” Judy furrowed her brow in concentration, “No, that won’t work, we’ve got a party of 15 at 12:00 for a Bridal Shower Tea, see if they can move to either 11:00 am or 2:00 pm. Those are the only availabilities.” “I’ll go ahead and e-mail them.” I responded, tapping a few keys to bring that promise to life. “We will need someone on June 9th, we have that big pastry order for the store anniversary at Belk.” Judy flipped her calendar, and for the first time I truly realized how close to the end of May we were. “I also have a wedding that Friday, so we will definitely need to schedule a lot of help because I’ll be down for the count just filling those two orders.” I’m the Pastry Chef, so I shoulder most of the actual baking responsibility, but I always make sure that only I do the wedding cakes. I’m very, very particular about the wedding cakes. “Can do. Law, can you make yourself available?” “Already planning on it, boss.”  My friend was nothing if not dependable. “Y’all know I ain’t got shit going on otherwise.” “Thanks, my dude. Did you buy your tickets for the Front Bottoms yet?!” we had only been talking about going to see them for, oh I don’t know, a million years now. I needed him to stop dragging his feet and commit to going with me already. I hate going places by myself, especially Asheville. “ohmagod, do you want me to buy the tickets in front of you? Do you want me to purchase the gahdang tickets right frickin now so you can watch and make sure I do it, MOM?” like I said, the back and forth never stops with us. “actually that would bring me great pleasure.” I said, a smug smile taking over. “FINE.” He yelled, while pulling out his phone with more dramatic flourish than I probably deserved. After a few enunciated taps, he announced he had indeed purchased the ticket (showing me the text for proof) “You’re driving my ass there I hope you know. And buying me a beer – Wicked Weed is right next door and I’m not about to take on a buncha teenage FB fans without some liquid assistance.” “I’ll do you one better – I’ll buy you a PRETZEL to go with your beer.” I’m feeling very magnanimous, obviously. The day ended as does every other – with our tiny crew barely holding it together, and counting down the last five minutes like we were in Time’s Square watching the ball drop. Unfortunately for me, though, keeping up morale until 5:00 wasn’t going to be my biggest problem of the day.
The drive home was especially short for me, considering I lived less than a block away from the shop. Yes, I choose to drive - you haven’t been on these mean streets at 3:00 am. I put my little Honda in park, and tried to get all the groceries in one go, something at which I seemed to be failing miserably. Reaching for my key, usually hanging from the tiny cupcake keychain my boyfriend’s niece got me for Christmas a few years ago, I was shocked to look down and see nothing more than a broken bead chain. Sonofa – “NOOOOOOO not again!!!!” I whined, loudly. Cute it may be, practical it was not – I had lost my house key more times than I could count at this point during our five-year stint in our little Edgewood home. Micah’s car was here, though, so I could at least just bang on the door until he let me in. “MICAH! MICAH I KNOW YOU’RE HERE, LET ME IN YOU PUNK.” -bang bang bang- -bang bang bang- “I SWEAR TO CHRIST IF YOUR’E SLEEPING THROUGH THIS I’M GOING TO MURDER YOU. YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET THIS DOOR OPEN” -bang bang bang- At this point, my hand was starting to hurt desperately, so I decided that –naturally- the best course of action was to begin kicking the door. However, one can only punch and kick a door for so long before one decides one looks like a crazy person and the neighbors start peeking out their windows. I pulled out my phone to begin the task of calling him until he answered, but after the fifth call of incessant ringing, it started going straight to voicemail. Huh. I mean, that’s probably nothing right? “Hey, it’s Micah, I’m either busy or just can’t get to the phone right now – either way, leave me a message and I’ll call you back… or I won’t. Later. Beeeeeeeep” “Micah, what the hell? I’m sitting outside, freezing, alone, getting really shitty looks from our very terrible neighbors, I lost my key – again. Yes, I know. Your car is here, so I don’t know why you’re not, but I guess just let me know whenever you can. I love you.” A knot began twisting in the pit of my stomach – our relationship would never be described as “stable” or “healthy”, a fact that my friend who was currently going to school to be a therapist (whatever that’s called – therapy school? Therapist school? How-does-that-make-you-feel school?) was always very quick to point out. “If someone really loved you, they wouldn’t make you feel this way.” “If he really loved you, he would make you a priority.” “People in healthy relationships don’t end up crying on their friends’ couches this much.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. We started dating when I was young – honestly, no frontal lobe development whatsoever – and we got way too serious way too quickly. What would you do if you were 19 and your boyfriend’s mom made you promise to take care of him on her deathbed? Yeah, that’s right, don’t judge me; maybe I should’ve left years earlier, but sometimes the hardest thing is to do is scream for help when your lungs have filled with water. So, I sat there. I sat on that porch for five hours and twenty-seven minutes and you can bet your ass if my watch counted seconds I would know those, too. Finally, the darkness was punctured by a harrowing halogen beacon, said beacon not being attached to any car I immediately recognized, but at this point a literal prostitute could’ve been driving him home and I wouldn’t have cared – the need to urinate was all encompassing and entirely overbearing. A slow roll, the sound of the door opening and quickly closing, a decidedly female voice offering promises of meeting again soon; the soft crunch of glass-flecked grass from when he accidentally broke two of my solar lights but never bothered to clean it up, the rattle of keys being removed from the same front, left pocket in which they always rested. “’bout time.” I slurred – admittedly, at some point during my wait I had decided to crack into the beers I had purchased earlier. And by “crack into” I mean “drink all of”. “jesus!” micah whispered, jumping back and assuming what I can only imagine was meant to be a defensive position, “Kat? What are you doing out here? Christ, you scared the SHIT outta me!” “Oh, no… are you slightly inconvenienced? Oh, oh, no… I would hate for your date to end on a sour note.” “Date? Oh, seriously, Kat? Really? You’re gonna get mad about me for hanging out with an old friend?” Micah’s mood immediately turned, and I knew it could only be headed in one direction. “Don’t bring him up.” I warned “For fuck’s sake” he huffed “so you’re free to throw my female friends in my face whenever you want, but I can’t bring up your so-called… what is it that you call him?” he asked in a mocking tone “best friend forever? Your little bestie? Bestie Bitch?” “Seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Besides, that’s different.” I argued – the same argument we’ve had time and time again. “Oh, I do know what I’m talking about. I don’t give a shit that you guys have been friends since you were in diapers or whatever you want to claim – that guy is in love with you; he would be at the front of your line, and you know it.” He sneered “God, Micah, when are you finally going to admit that you’re unhappy? When will you stop trying so desperately to make ‘us’ work?” I pleaded, practically on my knees – because, damn, I was druuunk. “When will you?” I can’t explain what happened next, because never in my life have I been that person – the one who is strong enough to walk away, the one who can say no. I can only thank the Stella gods for giving me the distinguished courage to stand up – for, arguably, the first time in my life – and have the self-respect to finally walk away. “Now.” I blinked, suddenly realizing what I was saying, gathered what remained of my groceries (that I hadn’t eaten or drank) and stood up, ready to take the first step. Ready to make a move solely for myself, without worrying about someone who had never spent a day worrying about me. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Back up… what?” Micah kept doing this ‘I can’t believe this is happening’ blinking and head shaking combination, probably unsure what to do in a situation where I wasn’t a complete pushover, “say that again? I had to hear you wrong.” “Now.” I said again, much more forcefully, “I’m done. You’re done. We’re done, that simple. I’m leaving – I’ll, uh, come back sometime to get my stuff. I’m taking Penelope and MacGyver.” “You’re serious? Oh, you sweet, simple little bunny… just like that? Just… done? Where do you think you’re gonna go?” he had turned condescending, and I was not there for that. At. All. “I told you to stop calling me that, you ass. I’ll find somewhere to stay – so many people have been begging me to leave you and offering their homes as shelter, it’s not me I’m worried about.” “Well leave your key, I don’t want you sneaking back in here and taking my shit.” Oh, Micah, you always were unnecessarily paranoid. Looking back, it was probably the drugs I didn’t know you were taking. “I lost my key – if you answered your phone, you’d know that.” “Are you sure you can’t stay – we can talk this out?” “There’s nothing to talk about, Micah. We’re done. Now, get the hell out of my way, I’m leaving.” “You can’t drive, you’ve been drinking… you have to stay.” He had a point, and I’m honestly super terrified of breaking the law, but before he had even finished his sentence, I had my phone out and was halfway to dialing the only person I could consistently rely on. “Kat, baby? What’s wrong?” he answered – he always answers. “I’m sorry, Phoenix, I know it’s late… I just” oh, no, the tears. The tears started happening. “I don’t give a shit what time it is – you can call me day or night, you know that – you just never call.” His voice had taken on a tender quality, probably in response to my sobs. “I, uh, I… ah, fuck, can you come get me? Please?” “Absolutely, where are you?” “Ho-“ Micah cast a harsh glare in my direction, “… um, Micah’s house.” I corrected myself – this place hadn’t ever really been my home, anyway. “… is that a new place, or a new name for an old place?” I could hear his hesitancy – I didn’t know how to approach this situation, how could I expect him to? “It’s the same address… just a different situation.” I didn’t really want to get into it, considering Mr. Glarey McGlareson was still shooting eye-daggers at me. “Give me ten minutes.” “Don’t speed.” I attempted to sound stern “Kitkat, I’m coming to pick you up from what I can only assume to be your now ex-boyfriend’s house, I’ll be there in ten minutes or I owe you a bag of chips.” “I’m timing you.” “You’d better.” “Well isn’t that just precious – you’re moving on mighty fast there, Kitkat.” Micah sneered as soon as I hung up on Phoenix. “Seriously? Don’t. Just, don’t. I’m not the one who got dropped off by another woman.” I warned, but it was hollow – honestly, whoever she was, call that bitch up and I’ll thank her myself for being the impetus for this conversation. Micah decided it would be better to not wait with me, and I couldn’t have agreed more. He told me he would call me when he felt comfortable with me getting my stuff – I told him I would be by to get my cats by the end of the following week. He snorted some semblance of an agreement, walked up the two-steps to the small porch, stalked through the front door and ended the entire conversation with a slam. Nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, Phoenix’s truck pulled up in front of the 1940s bungalow I wouldn’t sleep another night in. How magnificent. “Jesus, P, how fast did you go?” “What do I need to load? What’s the game plan?” he clapped his hands, rubbing them together like he was either about to do some manual labor or concoct a dastardly plot to take down that do-gooder, Dudley. “I’m sorry, game plan?” I asked, still pretty tipsy, considering. “Yeah – let’s get this done, move you out. Why wait?” “Well, for one, it’s like three in the morning. For two, this wasn’t planned and I haven’t even packed a single shred of anything. I’m not ready, I’ll just come back.” “What’s in your hands?” confusion echoed across his handsome features. I mean, sure we’re only friends, but I can appreciate a good lookin’ guy, you feel me? “What?” I looked down, because honestly I had kind of forgotten, “Oh, groceries.” I shrugged. “That bastard let you go to the grocery store before he broke up with you?” “Hey! Who says he broke up with me?” “Kat, girl, it’s you…” head cocked, twinge of guilt, but ultimately not a wrongful assessment “Yeah, well, ya girl grew a pair tonight. My bitch ass left his bitch ass.” Sassy really isn’t my forte, but I gave it a go. “Oh, now I need to hear the full story.” Behind my head I heard a window crank open, that particular window was in the kitchen which looked directly out over the portion of the front yard in which we were currently standing. Phoenix and I both turned from the intruding noise. “Seriously, guys?” Micah deadpanned from the window – his hair was askew, his eyes red, and a cigarette was hanging from his lips “DON’T SMOKE INSIDE” Phoenix and I yelled in unison, looking at each other and giggling like schoolgirls “Yeah, my house, my rules, now seriously fuck off.” And with that little nugget, he stalked off to probably watch porn right in the living room because apparently the house was now a lawless land. “I really hate that guy” Phoenix noted “I really know you do.” “What were you thinking?” he whined “I have asked myself that every day for the past 5 years.”
The drive to Phoenix’s house took decidedly longer than nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds, probably because we took back roads so we could listen to music longer – something we had always done. There was always singing, usually dancing, and more than a few times there were tears. After minor protest, he helped me carry in my groceries. Unlocking the door, he flicked on the light to reveal the home he had been pouring his heart into renovating for the past two years. The coffee table was new – he built it. “Just put the groceries on the counter and I’ll help you put them up.” He whispered “Thanks – I would say we could just toss them and start over, but these are kind of my only worldly possessions right now, and I’m a little attached.” I whispered back, because duh. “I understand – it’s hard to not get attached to…” plucking a random box out of my bags, “tender whites popcorn.” He said, still whispering. “Hey, P, did you get a roommate?” “Hell, naw, why?” “Why are we whispering?” “Ha!” he laughed, louder now, “in my head we were sneaking into one of our parents’ houses. God, sometimes in my head we’re still teenagers.” He was clearly reminiscing. “I wish things were still that simple.” I released on a sigh “Well, do you wanna sleep or talk?” he was never one to tiptoe around the delicate “Honestly? Sleep. I promise I’ll give you the full story over the coffee you make me in the morning “God” he snorted “you will never change, huh?” “Here’s hoping.” “Wouldn’t want you any other way. The guest room is made up, you know the way, I’m hitting the hay. If you need anything, keep it to your damn self because I’m sleepy. Love you, bestie.” He gave me a quick hug – because even after being friends for most of our lives, neither of us was particularly physically demanding “I love you, too, P. I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks for saving my ass, again.” “Anytime, KK.” We parted ways, him walking to his master bedroom, and me walking to the guest bedroom situated directly across the short hallway. He paused at his door, and looked back at me “Kat?” I paused, and turned as well, “yeah, Phoenix?” “…welcome back.” “Where had I gone?” “Nowhere good.” The pain was obvious on his face “You’re not wrong, bestie. You’re not wrong.” “You’ll get through this.” “I always do.” “I’ll be right here.” “… you always are” I added before finally closing my door. I guess, in a way, I was back. Like waking up after a deep sleep riddled with nightmares, full of monsters and shadows holding you down and filling you with a sense of inferiority. I suppose, in some small measure, this was one of the first monumental moments of clarity in my fog-riddled existence. I only wish I had stayed up my upward trajectory, stayed full of hope and happiness, kept the lightness of losing a boyfriend-sized weight. Ah, well, I wouldn’t have much of a story to tell then, now would I?
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Chapter 29- Girls Need Love (Part 1)
Honestly, I'm tryna stay focused You must think I've got to be joking when I say I don't think I can wait I just need it now Better swing my way 
Girls need love too (yeah) Girls, girls need love too Girls need love (let me tell you something) Girls need love (girls need loving too) Girls need love too
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I was sitting in the hospital bed with my 2 week old baby girl Zoey, breathing in and out and rubbing her back. After 26 hours of labor, i finally had her and she instantly got sick, I freaked out and they decided to keep the both of us in the hospital. Being so stressed out about Giselle’s disappearance, cause my beautiful baby girl trouble. So, here I am, making sure that she is good.
Most of the family, thinks that I got inseminated, but I actually know the baby’s father. We were never serious, it was a one night stand, he had someone else and I planned on raising her by myself, but I think it is a factor to consider.
The last few months with my family have been absolutely tiring. With Dominic and Katie, Dominic and Giselle, Jeremiah and Olivia, hell, even X and Kam. I’m just tired of my family. Sometimes, I wish I was the one that ran away from everything, because everyone expects me to be strong for them, when I’m barely holding on for myself. Another reason, why I am in the hospital. My doctor has me admitted until my due date. Which is soon. I just want to have to  take care of my beautiful daughter.
“Knock, Knock.”
I turned and looked up at the door, and it was my baby’s father, with Flowers and a teddy bear.
I slightly smiled, “I didn’t expect you to be here.”
He sat down the gifts, kissed my forehead and a sleeping Zoey’s as well,  
“I wouldn’t miss this, she is sick. It’s my first child too.” He said sitting down
I nodded, “Are we gonna talk about how we are raising her?”
The look he gave me, told me to explain more
“Last time, we actually talked, you didn’t want to be involved with her because we had a one night stand. You have a life, you had a significant other that you wanted to get back with, and a child would complicate that.”
“I feel bad about saying that, I want to be involved in her life. I’m going to be there for her, just as much as you are. Co-parenting is fine by me. It works perfectly with Eva, and her moving into my house.” He spoke
“You asked her to marry you? Even after?”  
Listen,  I don’t want you to think that I can’t get my own man, that’s not true at all. I’ve known Jaxon Navarro-Hernandez since high school, and we’ve been friends ever since. At the time, He had broken up with his girlfriend of 4 years Eva, and we went out drinking, next thing you know, I wake up and we’re both naked in my bed. Now, we’ve had sex before, not while he was with his girlfriend of course, but it wasn’t a big deal.
Not until, I found out that I got pregnant, and he wanted to marry his ex. I was just the rebound. So I respected his wishes of not wanting to be involved, but now that he wants to, and he’s getting married, it may complicate things.
He nodded and smiled, “Yeah, she said yes. I want her to meet you Liz, she’s a great girl, and if this is going to work, I want you both to get along.”
I tucked my hair behind my ear, “I don’t know Jax, but I’ll think about it. Now back to the baby having your last name, you have two.” I laughed.
“Well, in Hispanic culture, the first last name is the father’s and the second is the mother’s.”
“Which one do you want included in her name?” I asked
“What’s her name?”
“It’s Zoey Kahliea Boudreaux”
“How about Zoey Kahliea Boudreaux Hernandez”  He smiled.
I laughed, because he thought his last name was going to be last.
“Jax, I love you but don’t get it twisted, whatever her name is going to be, it’s going to be Hernandez Boudreaux. And I’m not shifting on that.” I spoke sternly
He just put his hands up, “Hernandez Boudreaux it is.”
And he smiled.
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With X and I going to therapy, I feel that our relationship was just getting worse. We were always arguing and now it was even in front of the girls. I don’t feel that he’s cheating on me, but I do feel that I can’t continue this relationship. Even after I fought for it for so long.
Don’t get me wrong, but I just, can’t be around Xavier anymore. He’s not the man that I have fallen in love with all those years ago. I’ve talked to our marriage counselor about it, and she told me that I should express my feelings to him, but I can’t.
How in the fuck am I supposed to tell my husband that I miss his infidelities. His mistress. 
 I miss his mistress.  
I never thought that I would miss him cheating on me. But he’s around the house now, he’s trying to control everything and help to “parent” the girls but I can’t.
Maybe it’s because I haven’t had sex in a long time. But everything about him just irritates me. I don’t know when and what point drove me to this, it’s just hard.  
And, to top it all off, X thought everything was getting better! We’ve gone out on more dates, he’s spending more time with me. I don’t know what it is, but it has to be me, because I’m absolutely miserable.
Explaining this all to my therapist, made her start clapping.
“Why are you clapping, I’m trying to realize, why I am feeling this way.” I said frustrated.
This isn’t something that I should be rejoicing about.
“You finally realize that you don’t need him to be happy. You thought that once the cheating stopped that you would fall in love with him all over again. You had a fantasy in your mind. When in reality Kamryn, you just need to become your own person.”
After therapy, I thought about what she said, and highly considered it.
I walked into the house, which was a mess by the way, I sighed and walked into the kitchen, and saw X and the girls.
“Hi Honey.” He said kissing my lips.
“Hi Mommy,” The girls said.
“Hi, how was everyone’s day?” I asked
The girls started talking, but I couldn’t really focus on what they were saying, because X came behind me, hugging me and kissing my neck, and every kiss felt like hot lava on my skin. It made me uncomfortable.
We had dinner as a family together, then the girls went to get ready for school the next day upstairs. X and I were cleaning up the kitchen and living room, when I saw the envelope in my purse, I thought it was no time greater, than the present.
“Hey, X, can we talk?” I said, grabbing the envelope
“What’s up, K?”
“How is everything going for you? You know with the therapy, individually and together?”
“It’s pretty good, I think we are getting to where we used to be, you know? You?”
He nodded, “Of Course.”
“I talked to my therapist today, and I came to the realization, that I have only been your girlfriend, then wife, then a mother.”
“I’m not understanding Kam?”
I sighed, “I realized that I don’t know who I am, besides it being attached to you, and I would very much like to have an identity. So I went to see a lawyer today.”
“You want a divorce?” He asked, sitting up.
I shook my head, “No, I just need some time to find who I am. I need to love me and fix me before I can love and fix us. I want a separation. For awhile, everything will still be the same, co-parenting, therapy, abstaining from sex, but, you can’t live here. I’ll stay here with the girls, but I need you to move out.”
He moved out the next day, and  
I was never so happier in my life, than I was when I saw the Uhaul drive away from my house.
I’m getting me back.
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I was finally out of the hospital! And I was back home, with my man, living my best life. Until I heard about what’s going on in my family. Kam and X are separated, Giselle is MIA again, Lizzie is in the hospital again. I don’t know what’s in the Boudreaux genes but honey we are a hot ass mess.
I couldn’t worry about them so much, when I had company. Olivia came over looking for Andre, but we started talking.  
“So, I heard that you broke up with Jordan? I thought he was forever.” I said mocking her.
She started laughing, “I thought he was… Is it fucked up that I’m grateful that Katie did what she did?”
I looked at her like she was completely crazy. That girl has caused us so much trouble, for no reason, and Olivia almost died, and she’s grateful.
“Yes, you need to get checked out by the doctor.” I said laughing
“I mean, if I didn’t get shot, I wouldn’t have lost my memory. I would’ve stayed with Jordan, probably married him, I would’ve even had his baby.” She said looking into her glass.
“And? What was wrong with that?” I asked, fully knowing the answer
“He’s not Jeremiah. Me losing my memory took me back 4 years, I woke up not knowing of any wrong doings, I just knew I loved him. Can you keep a secret?” She asked me
I nodded my head,
“My memory came back, the night Sage bought me those items in the hospital.It came back an hour before she brought me those things. I remembered everything. The cheating, the pain of me signing divorce papers in labor, but I also remembered how I felt every time I saw Jeremiah. I was lying to myself.”
“That you love J?” I asked,
“Yeah, and I want him back. Am I crazy?” She said
I screamed jumping up and down. “I KNEW IT!!!!! RACK OWES ME 5 GS!”
She looked at me like I was crazy, “I’m not crazy, you are, what the hell you talking about Rose.”
“In the hospital, Rack told me the story of why he can never see you or Lei in the hospital, and how much he hates Jeremiah. and he was all like ‘They’ll never get back together. So I’ll never forgive him’ but I was like ‘You never know’ so we bet! AND I WAS RIGHT!” I explained, cackling.
“Yeah, that’s why I came over to talk to him, I need him to be okay with this.” She explained.
“Look, I love your brother, but he’s as stubborn as a damn goat. If you’re happy Liv, he’ll be happy for you. He’s just over-protective of you.”
She nodded, and before she could respond, Rack walked in the kitchen,
“Hey baby” he said kissing me on the lips, “Hey Livie, you wanted to talk?” He said kissing her on the cheek
“Yes, let’s go to your study.” She smiled.
They both started walking to the study, and she looked back at me, so I mouthed ‘Good Luck’
Knowing my baby, he will blow up, the fact that he dislike J that much and now he’s out 5 gs. He’s gonna be pissed. I chuckled to myself and continued to cleaning my kitchen.
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Dominic has been coming to the jail, at least twice a week, since finding out about the baby. Since Giselle disappeared, he’s been stepping in for her with my doctor’s appointments and situation. I’m not complaining at all because, it’s heaven to me.
Do I know where Giselle is? No.
Do I really care? No.
All I know and care about is my daughter and Dominic. I know he’s distracted by Giselle leaving with his kids, but honestly good riddance, you know I love Angelique with all my heart, but now he has more time to focus on our child. Which didn’t happen the first time.
I needed Dominic focused, but I also needed to know if Giselle planned on coming back. So, during phone time, I decided to call her, she’d answer being that it’s the prison and she, unfortunately is my Emergency contact due to me being pregnant.
Like I predicted she answered:
“Kaitlynn? What’s wrong did you have the baby? Why are you calling me.” She quizzed
“Where are you? and are you coming back? I need Dominic focused on us, and not you, but right now he’s focused on you.”
I could literally hear her roll her eyes.
“Worry about yourself Kaitlynn. I’m with my children and we are fine for the moment.” She spoke with such hate
“Don’t act like you hate me.”
“I’m not, I actually do hate you. I wish they would’ve given you the death penalty before they found out you were pregnant.”
I shrugged like she could see me, “Oh well, I’m having his baby, and you can get over it.”
“Is that all you wanted? Calling to harass me about Dominic?” She asked
“Yes, and the fact that I am due in a few days.”
“Bye Kaitlynn. Please don’t call me again.”
And she hung up.
“Rossi, you have a visitor.” The guard told me.  
I smiled, expecting Dominic as always, but my smile dropped when I saw my mother.
“Alexxandra,” She sighed disappointed
“Mother.” I said quietly sitting down.
“I don’t know what’s worse, having a pregnant daughter in jail for capital murder, or having a daughter who was a mistress.” She scolded, standing above me.
“Mother, may I ask why you are here?” I asked
“You have been very bad Alexxandra, your father and I didn’t raise you to be like this, manipulative, vindictive, in jail. We are highly disappointed in you.”
I just hung my head low, I was the little girl being scolded by her mother all over again. There was nothing I could do about it, or she would’ve whooped my ass. An’Dreanna Katherine Jones-Rossi doesn’t play.  
“Even though, we are disappointed in you. I don’t want to see my daughter die. Because as soon as you drop your baby, they will kill you.”
“No, they want my lawyer-“ I started to speak, but she interrupted me
“He’s fired. Your father and I have gotten you a new lawyer, and have talked to the DA.”
I looked up surprised, but knowing my mother, it’s always a motive
“After you have your baby, you will take an insanity plea, and get moved upstate to a nice psychiatric hospital. You were experiencing pain from the loss of your son, your ex and his daughter. You will cry to the judge and say that you regret everything you did, but you didn’t know what you were doing, that you don’t want your daughter to know you as that monster that tried to kill her father.” She spoke, she then slapped papers in front of me.
“In exchange for what mother?”
“The fact that I’m saving your life, I want your daughter’s first name. After me, but you will sign that contract saying Dominic has full parental rights to the baby, AND you will let Giselle adopt her and raise her. You will see the baby, twice a month starting from the time she is 1 until she is 18, it’s her decision the day she turns 18.”
“Hell no. I will not.” I threw the paper across the table. She picked up the papers and put them in front of me again, this time she slammed a pen in front of me too, making me jump and she sat next to me.
The look she gave me, I knew she wasn’t playing with me.
“Alexxandra, it’s either this, and you sign this paper now, because once I walk out this door, the deal leaves with me, and you will never see your daughter again, you won’t know her name going into the electric chair, you will never see her grow up, and Giselle will more than likely raise her even after you are dead. Do you really want to test me?”
I looked at her, I didn’t want to sign this.
“Last time Alexxandra, sign this paper, live, get to know your daughter, let her know you or don’t sign the paper, die, and the only time you will see her is when you birth her and they pass her to Dominic, the man you shot. This is your only chance.”
Tears falling down my face, I knew she was right. So, I signed the paper.
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wanderingtrash · 7 years
Unfair Affair - Part 2
A/N: Since you guys loved part 1 so much heres part 2! Thank you so much for all the feedback (: It really encourages me! Enjoy!
(Y/N) shivered as she held her coat tighter around her body. The air was cold. The weatherman calling for a bit if snow in the afternoon but saying that the coldest it would get was in tbe morning.
(Y/N) was wearing her typical work outfit. Her blue hospital scrubs. Her hair up in a messy bun. Which everyone told her she made work.
Walking on the hopsital she smiled waving at her fellow co-workers. Who loved her really. She was so sweet. Sure she had her defensive side. But that was reserved for people that crossed her.
She slipped off her thick coat and walked inside the break room. Where (Y//N) sae her friend Eva. Eva was a skinny brunette. Her personality was protective. Almost as if it was her nature. (Y/N) loved that about her.
Eva was the only person that knew about (Y/N) and Harry. (Y/N) of course made her swear to not tell a soul. Eva didn’t like Harry. Not one bit. She had made that clear to (Y/N). She called him selfish. Because that’s what he was to Eva. He was leading (Y/N) on. Hurting her. But he didn’t care because he had his perfect house wife at home.
“Hey girl!” Eva said as (Y/N) came into view.
“Hey!” (Y/N) responded. She placed her bag down and hugged Eva.
“How was your day off yesterday?” Eva asked smiling as she watched (Y/N) grab her small bottle of hand sanitizer and squirt a bit on her hand. The scent of pomegranate and peach filling her scenes.
Shrugging (Y/N) pulled out her phone. “It was normal. Did a bit of this and that” She said biting her lip. A new message notification from Harry coming into view.
‘Good morning Baby Girl .x’
Smiling momentarily she put her phone down and looked at Eva. Who had an almost disappointed look on her face. “You were with him weren’t you? Eva asked raising her eyebrows. (Y/N) frowned looking down.
“So what if I was?” She responded weakly.
“(Y/N)…You can’t keep doing this to yourself love. What are you getting out of this huh?” Eva whispered, placing a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to talk about this. My relationship with anybody is my business. I’m sorry Eva but it doesn’t concern you” (Y/N) plainly said. Slipping her phone in a pocket that was on her shirt. “I got to go do some check ups” (Y/N) said clipping her name tag on her shirt.
Sighing Eva shook her head. What was the point? Harry already had (Y/N) where he wanted her. It made Eva upset to see (Y/N) put up with him like that.
“See you at lunch” Eva waved with a roll of her eyes. But smiling a bit as she watched her friend grab her clip board with a smile on her face.
(Y/N) was grown enough to know what’s good for herself.
(Y/N) walked out after placing her bag next to Eva’s. She did her normal routine. Went to check up on patients staying from the night before. She loved her job. It was one of the thimgs thay distracted her from all her problems. Mostly because it was her dream job.
Or maybe it was because she was too busy to think about Harry.
She waved at one of her co-workers as she saw he had just come in for the day.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He yelled. His name was Ben. A cute guy sure. He had blue grey eyes. Brownish short hair. Making girls around the hospital swoon over him whenever they saw him. Or whenever he talked to them.
“Ben” (Y/N) smiled as she signed someting on her clipboard. A buzz from her phone making her take it out.
’I think I left my black tie over at your place’ The message from Harry read.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Hey. What are you doing for lunch today? I’m only asking because there’s this new place that opened down the road” Ben asked smiling at her. Ben always liked (Y/N) he thought for sure someone as beautiful as her would for sure have a boyfriend. But he didn’t see a ring on her finger. Nor did he see any guy come to see her. So he thought he’d give his shot at a chance.
“Um. I’m actually having lunch with Eva. Sorry. She’s been bugging me about this new restraunt she wants to order from.” She said with a small smile.
Sure Ben was cute and sweet.
“Oh” Ben simply said. Scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Of course she wouldn’t want to do anything with him. His cheeks got pink frok shyness.
Sensing his embarrassment (Y/N) let out a small giggle. She didn’t want him to feel that way.
Surely they could have dinner togethere as friends right?
“What about dinner? I can do dinner or sure” (Y/N) said, playfully bumping her arm with his.
Ben nearly jumped from the place he stood. His heart rate elevating. Did he hear her correctly? Realizing he hadn’t responded to her yet he laughed.
“Y-yeah! I can do dinner” He stuttered. “What time is good for you?” He asked nervously.
Thinking for a bit (Y/N) pursed her lips. “Say about 7:30?” She asked him.
“Yes that’s perfect” He smiled biting his lip.
(Y/N) unclipped her pen from her shirt and wrote down her number on the corner of a blank piece of paper. Tearing it she handed it to Ben. “Here’s my number for if anything happens” (Y/N) said checking her watch.
She had 5 minutes until she had to meet Eva for lunch.
Ben took the paper with the brightest smile (Y/N) had seen all day. It was cute really.
"I’ll pick you up at 7:30 then” Ben addressed her smiling.
“I’ll be ready by then” (Y/N) said with a nod. “See you Ben” (Y/N) smiled at him before walking away to the lunch room.
(Y/N) didn’t know why her heartbeat was beating heavier but she didn’t mind the feeling.
She kind of welcomed it.
Remembering the text Harry sent her she quickly responded.
‘You can come pick it up at around 6’
(Y/N) hadn’t told Eva about her dinner plans with Ben. She knew that Eva would make a big deal out of it even though they were just going as friends.
So when (Y/N) got gome at 5:30 she hopped in the showers. Letting go all the frustrations of the day. The warm water relaxed her muscles. Tension slipping away with every fall of the water om the skin.
When she got out it was 6 pm. Turning om some music (Y/N) slipped on an over sized t-shirt and a pair of panties. Sitting at her vanity to do her make up.
Try by P!nk playing.
Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame.
Where there is a flame someone’s bound to get burned.
(Y/N) knew ger situation wasn’t the best. She fell in love with a man that could probably give two shits about her.
She didn’t get it.
Did he love the thrill or did he really care?
Her thoughts were interrupted in the midst of her doing her eyebrows by thr doorbell. Finishing her last eyebrow she turned the music down.
She took her time walking down the stairs.
When she reached the door she braced herself. Not only because it was Harry but also because of the cold.
Turning the door nob there he stood.
He was wearing a black suit. He wasn’t wearing a tie yet. Guessing he was wanting to wear the one he had left.
Harry smirked as he saw what she was wearing. Her perfect thighs being exposed under the over sized tee. “Hey Princess” He said walking inside.
(Y/N) mentally smiled to herself. Something about him calling her pet names made her feel special.
Like she wasn’t the mistress.
“Hi” Was all (Y/N) managed to say to him. She walked to the living room with Harry trailing behind her. She had placed the tie on her wooden coffee table so she wouldn’t misplace it. Grabbing it she handed it to him.
But Harry wasn’t just popping in for his tie.
“Going somewhere special?” Harry asked raising an eyebrow. His smirk turning into a small frown.
“Yes actually” (Y/N) said folding her arms. “Going to dinner with a co-worker” She shrugged.
“And you? Going somewhere with the wife?” She asked him with a roll of her eyes. He was way too dressed up to be going home straight after.
“Yeah. Was invited to a dinner party with Gwen” Harry told her. His frown stayed on his lips. He was acting selfish not wanting her to go out. But he couldn’t help it.
“Lovely" She pursed her lips as she said the words. Then let out a saracstic smile. Truthfully it hurt her. How he would just casually tell her he was taking his wife out in public. Like he wasn’t ashamed of Gwen. But he was ashamed of her.
"Is that all? I need to be getting ready” She carelessly told him. “I’ve got a life too”
Harry glared at her for a second. He wanted to ask her if this 'friend’ was guy but he hestistated.
“I’ll be going now then” He told her. He stepped closer to her and lifted her chin up with his finger. Pressing a small kiss to her lips.
(Y/N) let him. She felt a sting in her heart. It was the small gestures that made her go crazy.
He only got to linger in the kiss for a moment. Before (Y/N) turned her head.
“Bye Harry” Is all she said.
“Hey. I’m not done talking to you yet” Harry said with an angry tone. “I cane here to give you someting as well.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.
“I saw someting today at Tiffany’s while I was out with Gwen.” He opened the box and a necklace came into view. (Y/N) was in awe.
It had a medium sized 15k gold diamond in the middle. It hanged on a thin silver necklace. “Reminded me of you” He said getting closer to her. “So delicate. Beautiful. And a sight for sore eyes” Harry whispered to her. His smirk appearing on his face again. The deep dimples forming on his cheeks.
“Oh My God Harry” (Y/N) managed to squeek out.
Harry went behind her. Grabbing the necklace he placed the box down on the coffee table. Parting her hair to the side he reached his hands out with the necklace in them. Putting the cool delicate item on her neck. Clipped it on and smiled turning her around with his hand on hers.
(Y/N) quickly hugged Harry and kissed his cheek. “Baby I love it so much” She said excitedly. A smile on her face.
Did he really think about her while he was with Gwen?
Harry laughed and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. “M'glad you love it Sweetness.” He kissed her for a moment. (Y/N) savored the kiss. She tasted champagne on his mouth but she didn’t mind it. She enjoyed the fruity taste.
Harry pulled away checking his watch. “Shit. I’ve got to go Petal.” He kissed her one last time. A quick kiss.
Grabbing his tie he smirked at her omce again. Proud of himself. He made her cold attitude toward him change in an instant with his thoughtful gift. “You can show off your little piece off to your date.” Was all he said before leaving.
Leaving (Y/N) standing there speechless. And with a $500 necklace.
Ben had showed up just as he said he would at 7:30. He was wearing a cute white suit that complemented his eyes. His hair was slicked back.
He constantly completed (Y/N) on her choice of attire. She had gone for a simple make up look. Her hair was lose and free. She went with long sleeved dress. If was black and showed off her curves perfectly. She also wore the necklace Harry had gifted her. She felt ashamed that she wore it while going out with Ben. But she couldn’t help it. It was beautiful and she wanted to show it off.
Ben considered himself lucky. Just to even take her out was something to him.
As the two finished their meal (Y/N) smiled. Ben was a nice guy. He was genuinely asking about her and about her hobby and interests. Something she rarley got on dates with guys she went out before.
As Ben excused himself to go use the restroom (Y/N) pulled her phone out from her clutch. She went to her twitter and an article from an LA gossip magazine caught her eye. The front shoed a picture of Harry and Gwen walking into a restarunt with a few friends behind them.
But that’s wasn’t the only thing that caught her eye.
Around Gwen’s neck was the visible sight of a necklace. Not just any necklace.
The exact same one Harry had bought her.
(Y/N) felt herself stop breathing for a second. Tears stung her eyes. Her vision was cloudy. The only thing (Y/N) could think was 'Don’t expect to get treated like #1 while playing the role of #2’
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