#and also my angel saint always sends dream messages to me using the form of rei
whoever wants to hear about my unusual occurrence of the day, im gonma try n write it out now:.. Ok so i went on a walk,. had been walking for an hour or so but still feelin emo so i sat down on some grass. it was in a secluded spot on curved backstreet thats surrounded by buildings. so i am jst staring off into space & thinking to myself how this spot is kind of creepy becasue of how solitary it is, despite being in the middle of a bunch of infrastructure. suddenly this girl comes from behind me, she's talking to me in spanish. i didnt understand so she opened a translator app and we talked thru it for a while,, she was asking about where i got my angel tattoo which idek how she saw it cus its in a spot that wouldnt of been easily visible to her, especially as a passerby o.o we kept talking thru the app for a while.. she seemed concerned, n felt i am lonely ;--; then she said something along the lines of "ok gotta go now cus i have a long way to go. but dont be sad because life is beautiful ok?" , she walked away whistling..but what fucked me up the most is that as i turned to watch where she went, she literally just. got on a bike and rode back th way she came??? idk how to explain the way that street is set up but the whole interaction just made no sense idk how she even noticed me in the first place due to the buildings and shrubbery guarding me. her name was eva.. she seemed totally normal and chill.. it was just odd, like someone sent her to check on me or something? ppl talk 2 me a lot in public but this was like eerie and different idk usually an interaction doesnt leave me with so many questions as this.......
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chloeworships · 1 year
Last night I saw an Angel who came towards me with huge wings. He was wearing a white and gold Saints football jersey with the number 1 over his linen garments 😂 I had to laugh because I have never seen an Angel dressed like this before. He had a long tapered candle 🕯️ in his hands. He was walking slowly when he turned right and lit someone else’s candle. The Holy Spirit wouldn’t allow me to see who the person was. Then the Angel came and returned my Sapphire ring to me which I had taken off the night before. This was the ring the LORD told me to wear similar to the rings worn by the Clergy in the Catholic Church. This was also rumoured to be the stone placed in King Solomon’s ring and it was given to me to symbolize my leadership position within the Kingdom of God.
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This Angel was none other than my boo… my Guardian Angel AA Michael. Days leading up to this I felt the presence of an Angel and I saw orbs and flashing white lights. I waited patiently for more revelation. This morning, I was lead to this video https://youtu.be/4Qv659xSNdg
I have been seeing the #119 and this morning the Holy Spirit asked me to pull up Psalm 119 and look what I found… the Hebrew Alphabet AGAIN. Previously I did not know there were 2 scriptures with the Hebrew Alphabet.
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Now what’s interesting is the other day God came to me in a form of a statue of Zeus. If you’ve been following me for some time you will know that’s my nickname for God. Here in verse 36 David speaks of God’s STATUE’S meaning his LAWS.
SN: I had a terrible vision of something coming to New York. I saw the Statue of Liberty 🗽 more on this later.
So this is the message from the Sovereign LORD. Are you choosing to obtain wealth, fame and fortune and the Love of Money over following God’s decrees 📜 👀❓Because if so, you will not obtain the success you truly desire. You will always fall short of feeling as though you do not have enough.
In verse 34, David prays to God for WISDOM. We see his son King Solomon also prayed for WISDOM. Why? Because they understood having knowledge given only by God leads to wealth. It’s never the other way around.
What’s even more INSANE is Sapphire is known as the Stone of Wisdom which is why AA Michael gave back my sapphire ring 💍 as confirmation of this message.
Lastly, some of you could be putting your pursuit of money over love and this unwise especially since your wealth is attached to your relationship. Paul reminds us that Love is the greatest of all blessings. Without it we are nothing.
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It was God’s love for us that he sent his only son to die to save us. It’s time to find balance and put God, your family and those you love first.
Jesus reminds us in Revelations 2 in his rebuke of the 7 churches, specifically the church of Ephesus, that they have sinned against him and God since they have turned away from Love… from loving each other.
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Money is only a means to an end but you can’t buy your way into Heaven. Invest in God and he will invest in you. It is he that supplies all our needs (I had a dream about this. More details coming soon).
Don’t ask God for wealth. Ask him for WISDOM which will bring you more than wealth. You could win the lottery today but if you do not posses the wisdom to manage this large sum of money, then you will squander it.
King David didn’t ask God for money
King Solomon didn’t ask God for money
Queen Esther didn’t ask God for money
I didn’t ask God for money
We ALL asked God for WISDOM and because of this wealth comes.
In Proverbs 3 the King equates Wisdom with a woman which also confirms what God said about your wealth being connected to your spouse.
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Possessing wisdom will help you make BETTER decisions that will inevitably lead to wealth. So in your prayers to God, pray that he increase your wisdom and understanding.
Wisdom Gives Wealth
Is this all making sense now?
Thank you God for sending your Angels to deliver this message and for comforting me 😇
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wisdomrays · 3 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: What is the Primordial Covenant?: Part 2
Are there any rational proofs that the covenant really took place?
Some issues that are difficult to explain by reason. Yet the possibility of such things can be mentioned. In fact, we cannot object to what God has affirmed.
Essentially, the Almighty speaks to His creations in many ways. We also use different ways and styles when communicating with others. Apart from words, we have various outer and inner faculties, sentiments and perceptions, mind and soul. Sometimes we speak to ourselves in words audible only to our hearts and minds. Such speech is not utterance, but pertains to the soul or self. At times, we communicate with others using these non-verbal methods.
At times we speak, hear, and listen to conversations in our dreams. But those who are awake and nearby hear nothing. After waking up, we tell them what we spoke and heard. So this is another mode of speech.
Some awake people can see the pictures or tablets shown to them from the World of Ideas and speak to its inhabitants. Materialists do not believe in such things, and may refer to them as hallucinations. It does not matter; let them say so... But we know that one of Prophet Muhammad's distinctions was that he was granted vision of the such tablets, pictures from the World of Ideas and from other worlds, and that he conveyed to humanity what he saw, heard, and understood. So this is another mode of speech.
Revelation to the Prophets is yet another. We know that the Prophet was fully awake and conscious when the Revelation came. Sometimes he would be lying on the ground with his head on his wife's knee, sitting and leaning against a Companion's shoulders, while his knee was touching the knee of the Companion sitting next to him, or among a group of people. At such times, he felt, received, and experienced the revelation with its full weight, and conveyed the Divine message in its entirety. Those in his presence realized, from what they could see, that the Prophet was receiving Revelation, although they could not hear it. They could "hear" and understand it only after he communicated it to them verbally. It was as if the dimensions were different.
Another way of speaking is Divine inspiration. God inspires saints, and influences, imparts, or dictates something into their hearts in such a way that they can deduce something. When they guess, or speak or act, God makes them do or say just the right thing by His mercy. So this is yet another mode of speech.
Another way of communication from heart to heart, and from mind to mind, is telepathy. This method is defined as sending thoughts or messages to another person's mind by extrasensory means. Many scientists have studied this phenomenon in the hope of benefiting from it. The atheistic and materialist Soviet regime did sustained work on telepathy, no doubt in the hope of gaining a military advantage.
Based on the above, it is clear that God created numerous, perhaps unlimited, modes of speech and communication.
Returning to the question of "Am I not your Lord?" in the primordial covenant, we do not know how God asked this question. If it took the form of Divine inspiration to saints, it would not be correct to expect some kind of audible voice. If it was a question asked of the soul, certainly it would not resemble a question asked of the body or flesh—or vice versa.
The crucial point here is that if we attempt to evaluate what they see, hear, or experience in other realms with worldly criteria and measures, we will end up in error. A hadith states that the angels Munkar and Nakir interrogate the dead in their graves. So, to whom or what do they direct their quesitons? But whether they question the soul or the body, the result is the same. Though the dead hear the questions, others buried nearby and living passers-by cannot hear them. Even the most sophisticated modern listening devices placed in or near the grave will not detect anything, for it takes place in a different dimension. Some scientists have claimed that there are many more dimensions than just the three that are familiar to us. As place, context, and dimensions change, the mode of interrogation and communication must change and assume an appropriate form.
As the primordial covenant is between God and our soul, we cannot expect to feel and retain the influence of that instant in any physical way. Rather, we should expect it to be reflected in our conscience, as only our conscience and the inspirations that come to it can sense such a thing. Once, while I was talking about this issue, someone told me that he did not feel that question and answer of the covenant in himself. I replied: "Not feeling it is a difficulty for you. Try to solve it."
As for me, I felt it and remember quite well that I did so. If I am asked how I feel it, I say that it is by my desire for eternity, and by my infinite desire despite my limited, transitory existence. Essentially, I cannot know and comprehend God because I am limited. How can I comprehend the Unlimited, the Infinite, the Everlasting, the Absolute, the Almighty? But because of my endless desire and enthusiasm for the Infinite and Eternal, I realize that I feel it. I aspire to infinity and eternity, even though I am a tiny creature in a limited world in a limited universe; one destined to live for a while and then die; one whose range of views and opinions are expected to be fixed, confined, and narrow. Despite this I yearn for Paradise, the Vision of God, and the Divine Beauty. If I owned the whole world, my anxieties and griefs would still torment me. Because I have such aspirations, I say: "I felt it."
Our conscience, with all its subfaculties and sections, always tries to remain attached to God and never lies. If you give it what it requires, it can attain peace and tranquillity. That is why the Qur'an points out that our heart, which is a subtle inner faculty, can attain peace only if the conscience can attain it: For without doubt in the remembrance of God do hearts find satisfaction (13:28).
Such philosophers as Bergson, leaving all rational and traditional proofs aside, argue that the conscience proves God's existence. The German philosopher Kant said: "I felt the need to leave behind all the books I read in order to believe in God." Bergson refers to his "intuition," and his only proof is his conscience.
Yes, one's conscience is in agony if it rejects God, for it can find ease and satisfaction only through belief in God. If we really listen to what our conscience is saying, we will feel the desire for the Eternal and Abiding God. This feeling, perception, or quality is equivalent to the response of: "Yes, we bear witness thereto" to the question: "Am I not your Lord?" expressed silently within the human conscience. If we pay close attention, we can hear this voice, which wells up from the depths of our souls. To look for it in our mind or body is futile, for it already exists, latent and inherent, in every human conscience. However, it can prove its existence only on its own terms. Only those close to the state of the Prophets and saints, and who follow their ways, can see it clearly and make others see it.
Such matters cannot be proven in the manner of a simple, physical existent like a tree. However, those who listen to their conscience, who turn their gaze inward and observe what happens there, will see, hear, and know the primordial covenant between us and our Maker.
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Coming Home Chapter 2
Hello fuckers I know I promised this chapter yesterday but then I fell asleep because I was incredibly exhausted. So I'm posting it today because I deserve it Also, the song for the last chapter was Revolution Radio by Green Day, which no one guessed! I'll give you a hint for this chapter- it's very far off from Green Day or My Chemical Romance.
Title: Coming, Coming Home
Chapter Title: Cause I’m with you this time
Chapter Wordcount: 3333
Chapter Summary:
Cherri Cola settles into living with Dr. Death Defying and White Lily, figures out that someone actually cares about him, and makes some reckless decisions.
Warnings: implied/referenced past abuse, referenced past misgendering, light panic/anxiety attack, non-graphic/canon-typical violence and injury, uhhh i *think* that's it? (If you want to know what parts to skip, go to the end notes on AO3- I also put a brief summary of any important info in those parts. Stay safe!)
Taglist: @wishiwasthemoon-tonight @sleevesareforlosers @stressed-depressed-emo-mess @tasteofamnesia @dagger-queen​ @no-braincells-here @piratecherricola (message me, send an ask, or reblog/reply to one of my posts if you want to be added or removed)
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 AO3 Link
Chapter 1 Tumblr Post
(Actual fic under the cut)
It took a few months for Cherri to really settle in to living with the other two. He was younger than them, and lacked the shared experience of fighting in the Helium Wars. But all three of them had the shared understanding of having grown up too fast, the pain and weariness in the other’s eyes mirroring his exactly. Not to mention that running a pirate radio station and attempting to spark a rebellion did tend to bond people. Having each others’ backs in firefights, fixing the radio equipment together, and eating their meals as a group only aided that process.
So 109 WKIL slowly got off the ground, heading into the sky just as promised. Their transmitter was fairly decent, and so their range was large even if few listeners were tuning in right now. But the rebellion grew daily, neutrals and Battery City folk abandoning a more peaceful life under the hand of Better Living Industries for the wild world of a killjoy. White Lily spoke over the radio at least weekly, encouraging them to fight, to not let themselves be squashed under bli’s heel. 
“Power is not given, but taken. If you hate oppression, you better be ready to fight against the oppressor and give it everything you’ve got.” 
Cherri was sitting in his usual spot under the broadcast desk, making sure that all the equipment was running smoothly as White Lily spoke above him. Her voice didn’t have the deep, gravelly weight of D’s, but the fire in it was inspiring. There had always been something about White Lily that made people want to follow her, D had told him. Some spark in her spirit that kindled fires in others, bringing them together under her leadership. 
“Better Living may have bombs, and gas, and more ray guns than we can dream of getting our grubby little killjoy paws on. But we have something they can never replace: spirit. You can’t make a fiery heart with pills and white walls. They can take our bodies, shoot us full of plasma and throw us to the wolves. But they can never touch our spirit. Never. We will rise again, as many times as they try to throw us down.
"The spirit of the desert is something they can’t kill with any amount of laser beams. Any size of bomb, any number of exterminators. None of it will squash our spirit, and that’s what makes us invincible. As long as a single killjoy rises to fight, Better Living Industries cannot win. So get out there, crash queens! Get your vehicles, motorbabies. Angel kissers, grab your med kits, and kerosene saints, your matches. We’ve got a corporation to overthrow, and we’re not stopping at just nipping at their heels. Killjoys, it’s time to make some noise!”
She clicked off the radio. “How was that?”
“Good,” Cherri told her. “Inspiring. Makes you want to fistfight an exterminator.” 
“Oh good, that’s what I was hoping for.” Lily paused. “No fistfighting exterminators though, that’s a bad idea.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Oh yes I can,” Lily laughed. She was still grinning as she reached to help Cherri out from under the desk, a grin both achingly close and achingly far to one he remembered. There were days when she looked so much like his sister it hurt, not in her features but in the way she laughed and her teasing grin as she and D bantered back and forth. 
Cherri tried not to think about it as he pulled himself to his feet. “And how do you plan on stopping me?”
“Hmm…I think I shall tackle you.”
“Then what?”
“Make D lecture you nonstop until you fall asleep.”
Cherri laughed as they headed back into the house. "Good luck with that."
So far, they hadn’t had to move the van from its position in front of their home in Zone Four, but all of them knew it was only a matter of time before bli would be breathing down their necks.
“We have some time,” D said that evening. “Our signal will be hard to track, and we don’t have a wide enough reach to be a threat to Better Living Industries yet.”
“We’re getting there, though,” Lily commented, digging around for the last bit of power pup in her can. 
“True, we’ve got a lot more listeners now than we did before.” Cherri was already finished with his, playing with his dented spoon and reflecting the sunlight across the room idly. “It’s going to be hard to stay hidden for long, not when the other killjoys whisper about our station and spread the word between themselves.”
“The more people who know, the easier it is for Better Living to find us,” D agreed. “Of course, we need people to know so they’ll tune in, but we’ll have to be careful as we get larger.”
“Careful, careful, you’re always careful.” Lily leaned back in her chair, setting down her spoon. “I’m not saying we abandon all caution, but there’s going to be risks running a rebellion. A lot of the time, we’ll just have to decide if they’re worth taking.”
Cherri nodded, still examining the spoon. “And a lot of the time they will be.”
“Didn’t know you were such a daredevil, Cher.” He made to glare at Lily, but she went on. “You’re right though. Everything’s a risk, and we’re going to have to take a lot of them.”
“I don’t like that,” D put in.
“None of us do, except maybe Cherri the daredevil over here. But we’re doing it.”
“We’re doing it,” D agreed tiredly. 
“I’m not a fucking daredevil,” Cherri muttered. That was….mostly true. Risk for the sake of risk wasn’t exactly his thing, but risk for any other sake was. As long as only his life was at risk, it was a risk worth taking. He figured, at least.
“You’re pretty fucking daring, Cher.”
“Only risks that are worth it, though.” He pretended not to see the two older ‘joys exchange glances. 
True to their predictions, the rebellion grew. Their radio was a contributing factor, Cherri hoped. It certainly seemed to have grown in popularity as more killjoys entered the desert and more neutrals lay down their peaceful ways and took up arms alongside the killjoys. WKIL was something whispered about in killjoy circles, told to the newbies, the undergrads of the desert.
Cherri knew because he was the one who went and talked with them, the lesser-known face. Everyone recognized at very least the voices of D and Lily by now, the two radio speakers who rallied the rebels, but Cherri Cola was not a name whispered in legend yet. He was just a sixteen year old with a shitty ray gun and a bad haircut, which had advantages and disadvantages. 
One of the advantages was the ability to go talk to random people and be seen as relatively harmless, just a teen with a bright pink mask. There was nothing about him to suggest that he was an incredible shot with a ray gun or a dangerous fighter, not in the slightest. He wore oversized clothes and perpetually looked disheveled, so he had been told. And if you didn’t look too closely at his eyes, you wouldn’t even see the fire in them. 
So Cherri used that hidden advantage, appearing perfectly harmless to anyone who didn’t know him well. It was helpful for White Lily and Dr. Death Defying, since neither of them could go anywhere where there were a lot of rebels without being recognized.
And the rebellion grew and grew. Their voices were growing louder, their colors brighter even as Better Living Industries tried to squash them down. The spirit of the desert truly was rising, and a faint sense of hope had started to permeate the air. White Lily never promised that they would win. But she promised that Better Living Industries wouldn’t, so long as a single killjoy stood, and that was enough for most of the desert. 
They were teenagers, mainly. The bulk of the force that was forming the current rebellion was either teenagers, running from their pasts in Battery City, or twenty-something former soldiers of the Helium Wars, running from what they had done or trying to put it right. They were young and invincible, so it seemed. The reality that they could easily die doing this hadn’t sunk in for most of the younger population of the desert, intoxicated on freedom and the thrill of the desert.
D and Lily knew that reality all too well, Cherri knew. He knew they knew what all of them were up against, had watched death in their own right in the Helium Wars, had wrought it with their own hands. 
He knew what the consequences were too, a memory of bli employees in clean white suits coming to respectfully ‘recruit’ the person he loved most hovering behind a door in his mind. That door would remain closed, Cherri had decided. The past was the past- but he fought because of it anyways, knowing the horrors Better Living Industries had done.
Cherri might have been young, but he was no fool. He knew quite well that he could die, and he couldn’t be bothered to give a fuck, as Lily would put it. There were things more important than living to some grand old age, and this rebellion was one of them.
He would be lying to himself if he said that some part of him wasn’t in this for revenge, maybe a larger part than he was willing to admit. 
“If you take away someone’s world, they might just burn yours down,” Cherri muttered to himself, aiming his shitty old ray gun at the empty cans Lily had set up that day. Despite how long he had already been out here, they still hadn’t managed to locate him a better weapon. That was fine, he thought, he was deadly enough even without one, but D and Lily both insisted that it would be a lot easier for him with something that wasn’t outdated by at least three years. 
“What?” Cherri jumped as D came to stand next to him, aiming his own black and blue ray gun at the cans. “Did you say something, Cherri?”
“Oh, uh. Nothing.”
D shrugged, tilting his head to take aim. “You don’t have to tell me, I just figured I’d ask in case you were trying to tell me something.”
Cherri lowered his ray gun, glancing down. “I said if you take away someone’s world, they might just burn yours down.”
“Ah. True, and insightful.” Cherri didn’t have to glance over at D to know his face would be gently concerned. “Somewhat dark though, you could say.”
“Guess so.”
They were silent for a moment, apart from the zap of ray guns.
“Pasts are something to be forgotten here,” D said finally. “But if you need someone to talk to about yours, Lily and I will support you.”
“I mean it, you know.”
Cherri fiddled with his ray gun. “Yeah.”
“Just putting that out there.” D turned back to their target practice.
Despite D’s words, there was a silent agreement amongst the three of them that pasts were not to be spoken of or asked about. Occasionally, D or Lily would tell a few stories, mainly from their childhood. They rarely talked about the Helium Wars, only occasionally with each other. And Cherri said nothing about his past. Instead, he pretended not to notice the days when the other two flinched at any loud sound, and they pretended not to hear him cry out in the night, when everything was silent and there was no buffer against the memories. It was a courtesy more than anything, a way to keep each other from having to speak about their darkest times. Usually, Cherri appreciated that, finding it easier to deal with any hurt alone than worry about burdening the others.
Tonight, however, was different. No matter how much he tried to calm himself down, his breath kept coming too quickly and he couldn’t drown out the voices of his past. Worthless, never going to amount to anything…should be more like Samantha…your grades are slipping again…never going to be a boy…
Cherri shivered violently, even though the blanket was tucked safely over him, and climbed off the window seat he had been using as a sort of bed, picking up said blanket. It was cold in the desert at night, no use leaving it behind. 
It took him more rests of leaning against the wall and trying frantically to draw a single breath than he wanted to admit before he was down the hall to the room D and Lily had claimed. Their door was cracked open, but Cherri pushed it open a little bit further to see both of them seemingly sleeping peacefully as he stood in the doorway.
“Cher?” That was White Lily, lifting her head a bit from the mattress. “Everything okay?”
He managed to shake his head, and she gestured for him to come sit. 
“What’s going on, friendo?”
“Bad dream,” Cherri whispered.
“Ah. Those are no fun. Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Lily nodded as if to say that didn’t surprise her, and she looked dreadfully like someone he used to know in that moment. “Come on then, lay on down. D won’t mind if you elbow him, he gets up at ass o’clock in the morning anyways.”
Cherri was quite certain D would, in fact, mind, but he did as she asked anyways, settling down on the creaky mattress. Lily put her arm out in what was clearly an offer, but didn’t touch him until he rolled over towards her. When he did, she wrapped her arm around him fully, pulling him closer, and Cherri felt like he could breathe for the first time since waking up. 
Lily didn’t say ‘I love you’ or anything of the sort, but she did ruffle his hair and give him a quiet “Goodnight, Cher.”
And Cherri didn’t say ‘I love you’ either, but he leaned into her embrace. “Goodnight, Lily.”
True to Lily’s words, it was, in fact, what Cherri would qualify as ‘ass o’clock in the morning’ when D woke up and proceeded to wake the other two up while getting out of bed.
“Is it even light out?” Cherri questioned as Lily gave a massive yawn.
“No, which is why D’s being an asshole.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you up, Lil. Or you, Cherri.” He didn’t question why Cherri was there, much to Cherri’s relief.
“You did anyways,” Lily grumbled, but she released Cherri and sat up. “I guess it would be time to get up soon anyways.”
“Exactly,” D huffed.
Lily just yawn-laughed as she got up, and Cherri reluctantly followed the others downstairs. They had quick breakfast in the predawn light, followed by a bit of fussing around as they got ready for D’s morning broadcast, organizing all the news and things that had come in yesterday. Killjoys had started to send them news of the desert, to the point where they got almost as much from what people sent in/dropped off/radioed to them as what Cherri found out on his almost daily runs. It was starting to pass what he could find out on daily runs, really. But he went anyways because they still needed his info, and they needed to eat.
“Bye, Lily, D!” 
“See you, Cherri,” Lily hollered back. “Be careful!”
“I will!”
The three of them split the tasks that living in the desert and running a radio station required. Today, D and Lily were taking the radio station van to drive around and talk to people, encourage them to join the cause. Cherri was taking the motorcycle to get any news and see if he couldn’t grab some power pup from a supply truck.
He sped down the road, getting in position to raid the supply truck. A one-killjoy raid was a dumb idea, for sure, but Better Living Industries hadn’t started to arm their trucks very heavily yet, and Cherri was confident enough in his ability to think he could pull it off. This was a small one, anyways. The initial raid went off without a hitch- the driver and few accompanying dracs were dead before they had time to see the teenage killjoy who hurried down from the dune to pull out as much of the contents of the truck as would fit in the sidecar of the motorbike. It was afterwards that became the problem, as a full two cars of bli employees came rushing towards the site.
“Fuck,” Cherri hissed under his breath. He quickly assessed his odds. One teenager with a shitty ray gun and a motorcycle against what must be at least one scarecrow and probably at least eight dracs was not good odds, but he doubted running away would be any better. They would chase him down, and then he wouldn’t even have the advantage of his higher vantage point. Hiding wasn’t an option either, given that dracs would search the entire area, so Cherri crouched behind the motorcycle and got ready to fire.
When the first person hopped out of the car, Cherri almost swore out loud. Not a scarecrow. An exterminator. He was so fucked. 
Cherri’s hands shook slightly as he lifted the ray gun and aimed. He had to take down that exterminator as soon as possible, or he was dead. The shakiness proved his undoing, as the shot whistled past the exterminator, missing by barely half an inch and causing the Better Living operative to turn.
Fuck it. Cherri got out from behind the motorcycle and ran directly towards them, firing off shots indiscriminately. His best shot now was to overwhelm and confuse them. It seemed to be working, given that one thing they did not expect was a teenager in a bright pink mask to come running directly at them. In fact, most of the dracs froze, enough that he was able to get in a few good shots before they realized what was happening. One shot even hit the exterminator in the shoulder, but unfortunately not their shooting arm, leaving them perfectly capable of raising their gun to retaliate. 
Retaliate they did, and Cherri screamed as a shot hit him in the side. “Fuck! Fuck you!” He was shaking too hard to shoot back as the exterminator held up a hand, quite calmly.
All the dracs stopped, and the exterminator strolled casually towards Cherri. “Greetings, rebel.”
Cherri spit at their feet. 
“Rather rude of you, wasn’t that? I’m tempted to kill you here, you ill-mannered rebel scum.” They reached out and tilted Cherri’s chin up to look them in the eye, letting him see the cold fire that lingered there. 
“Get fucked,” Cherri spat out as they took his ray gun from a shaking hand and tossed it over their shoulder. 
“I do appreciate the suggestion, but I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want to live.”
Their ray gun was positioned at his neck, and Cherri knew he had a low chance of surviving even a stun shot to that spot at such a close distance.
“I would kill you now, ill-mannered rebel, but I think I’ll let you live for one reason and one reason only- I want you to go to that ‘Doctor D’ and his friend White Lily, and tell them they will not win. We will find the radio station you killjoys speak of, we know your precious leader is hiding out in Zone Four. So go, tell them. And pray you survive that shot.”
They shoved Cherri, and he stumbled away, ignoring the pain in his side as he climbed onto the motorcycle. He revved the engine, throwing it into action and barely caring if some of the supplies fell out of the sidecar. 
The exterminator watched him go with a cruel smile.
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading: Mon., May, 17, 2021
The Holy Virgin Pelagia (287)
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     The Holy Virgin Pelagia lived during the III Century in the city of Tarsis in the Cilician district of Asia Minor. She was the daughter of illustrious pagans and when she heard preaching from her Christian acquaintances about Jesus Christ the Son of God, she believed in Him and desired to preserve her chastity, dedicating her whole life to the Lord. The heir of emperor Diocletian (a youth adopted by him), having seen the maiden Pelagia, was captivated by her beauty and wanted to take her to be his wife. But the holy virgin told the youth, that she was betrothed to the Immortal Bridegroom, – the Son of God, and therefore she had renounced earthly marriage. This answer of Pelagia caused great anger in the imperial youth, but he decided to leave her in peace for awhile, hoping, that she would change her frame of mind. This same while Pelagia convinced her mother to send her off to her nurse who had raised her in childhood – secretly hoping to locate the bishop of Tarsis Klinon, who had fled to a mountain during a time of persecution against Christians, and to accept Holy Baptism from him. In a dream vision there appeared the form of the bishop – Klinon, profoundly impressing itself upon her memory. Saint Pelagia set off to her nurse in a chariot, in rich clothes and accompanied by a whole retinue of servants, as her mother had desired her to. Along the way Saint Pelagia, through some particular ordering of events by God, met bishop Klinon. Pelagia immediately recognised the bishop, whose image had appeared to her in the dream. She fell at his feet, requesting baptism. At the prayer of the bishop there flowed from the ground a spring of water. Bishop Klinon made the sign of the cross over Saint Pelagia, and during the time of the mystery (sacrament) Angels appeared and covered the chosen one of God with a bright mantle. Having communed the pious virgin with the Holy Mysteries, bishop Klinon raised himself up in prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord together with her, and then sent her off to continue her journey. Having returned to the servants awaiting her, Saint Pelagia preached to them about Christ, and many of them were converted and believed. She tried to convert her own mother to faith in Christ, but the obdurate woman sent a message to the imperial youth, – that Pelagia was a Christian and did not wish to be his spouse. The youth comprehended that Pelagia was lost for him, and not wishing to give her over to torture, he fell upon his sword. Pelagia's mother thereupon became fearful of the wrath of the emperor, tied her daughter and led her to the court of Diocletian as being a Christian and also the probable cause of the death of the heir to the throne. The emperor was captivated by the unusual beauty of the maiden and tried to sway her from her faith in Christ, promising her every earthly blessing and to make her his own wife. But the holy maiden refused the offer of the emperor with contempt and said: "Thou art insane, emperor, telling me such a speech. Know, that I wilt not do thine bidding, and I loathe thy vile marriage, since I have a Bridegroom – Christ, the King of Heaven. I desire not thy imperial, worldly, short-durationed crowns, since my Lord in the Heavenly Kingdom has prepared for me three imperishable crowns. The first for faith – since I have believed with all my heart in the True God; the second for purity – because I have entrusted to Him my virginity; the third for martyrdom – since I want to accept for Him every suffering and to offer up my soul because of my love for Him". Diocletian thereupon sentenced Pelagia to be burnt in a glowing red-hot copper oven. Not permitting the executioners to touch her body, the holy martyress herself – signing herself with the sign of the cross, went with a prayer into the red-hot oven – in which her flesh melted like myrh, filling all the city with fragrance; the bones of Saint Pelagia remained unharmed and were removed by the pagans to outside the city. Four lions then came from out of the wilderness and sat around the bones – letting get at them neither bird nor wild beast. The lions protected the remains of the saint until such time as bishop Klinon came to that place. He gathered them up and buried them with honour. During the reign of emperor Constantine (306-337), when the persecutions against Christians had stopped, there was built a church at the place of burial of Saint Pelagia.
The Monk Nicephoros (1340)
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     The Monk Nicephoros was the teacher of Saint Gregory Palamas (Comm. 14 November). Saint Nicephoros pursued asceticism on Athos in the XIV Century and left after him the profound spiritual work "The Wise Method of the Jesus Prayer".
All texts© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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John 4:46-54
46 So Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee where He had made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. 47 When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. 48 Then Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe." 49 The nobleman said to Him, "Sir, come down before my child dies!" 50 Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your son lives." So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. 51 And as he was now going down, his servants met him and told him, saying, "Your son lives!" 52 Then he inquired of them the hour when he got better. And they said to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him." 53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour in which Jesus said to him, "Your son lives." And he himself believed, and his whole household. 54 This again is the second sign Jesus did
Acts 6:8-7:5, 47-60
8 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. 10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. 11 Then they secretly induced men to say, "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God." 12 And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council. 13 They also set up false witnesses who said, "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; 14 for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.15 And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel.
1 Then the high priest said, "Are these things so?" 2 And he said, "Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, 3 and said to him, 'Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you.' 4 Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this land in which you now dwell. 5 And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his descendants after him. 47 But Solomon built Him a house. 48 However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: 49 Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the LORD, Or what is the place of My rest? 50 Has My hand not made all these things?' 51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, 53 who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it. 54 When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, 56 and said, "Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" 57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord; 58 and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59 And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." 60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not charge them with this sin." And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
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Here’s your message from the Angels for today – 27th June 2017
Today’s Card – Don’t Compromise
Hello everyone! How are you? It’s been very very very long since I last posted a reading. This time I promise to be regular like before. Well, some of you know that I was very ill, however by God’s grace and with the help of Angels I am back to doing my work regularly. It had been a testing time for me and I was determined not to lose faith. I was determined to get better and rise up… and God did not let down! He picked me up and healed me. Praised be the lord God!
So here I am again with today’s card that says ‘Don’t Compromise’. In this card we see St. Agnes of Rome, who was threatened and tortured but she didn’t renounce her faith. She is a patron Saint engaged couples, and she helps people to find their most suitable marriage partners.
This card is clearly indicating that you are probably being pushed beyond your limits. It’s time for you to step up for yourself and stand in favour of you truth and self-esteem. Do not compromise my dear, because if you be quiet now you may not be able to speak up later. This doesn’t mean that you become adamant and demand something that is not right or which is not yours. It means that you speak you say the truth and stand firm in your beliefs. Don’t compromise on your values or self-respect be it in any area n- your love relationship, marriage, career, home, health, and all other areas of life.
This may be a very difficult situation for you, however, you must remember that truth always wins. They say honesty is the best policy. So, if you’re loaded with more work than you can handle then speak up and say so or ask for help. In case you’re not happy in your relationship with your partner it’s better to talk about it and let your partner know how you feel instead of trying to please your partner or doing things just so that they may not be hurt. Being nice is good but if you’re trying to be nice when you cannot then you’re just poisoning your relationship which will wither with time. It’s better to set the right expectations and draw a line.
I’m getting a message that someone here is not able to say ‘NO’ and is suffering silently because of that. It’s time that you realize my dear that you must not do that which your heart says is wrong, and you mustn’t do something that you is making you suffer. For example – taking out time (all the time) from your very very busy schedule for a friend who isn’t even thankful and keeps distracting you or wasting your time. You know what to do in such a case.
Ah! I also get a message that someone here is not able to keep their promise to themselves. You’re giving in to distractions so that you can run away from the task that you have set for yourself. You may also be feeling that this work may not give you the success you’re wishing for, or that it’s just a far-fetched dream. Well you have to dream and then work towards it to make it come true. By doing things the way everyone does you’re simply smashing your dreams away. You’re compromising just to feel secure. Do what you have to my dear as there is never a better time than now. Take action now before the opportunities slip away and you regret it later in life.
I’m seeing greenery and open area here. This indicates that you need some fresh air. Have you been indoors too much lately? IT’s time for you to take a walk every day. I am also getting that it’s time for a break and a vacation. Let your hair down. Fresh air is therapeutic that’s why doctors suggest that patients must get some fresh air to heal. The oxygen in a green area gives lot of energy to the body and helps in healing faster. Moreover mother v nature has all the tools to heal us when we go and sit in her lap. She lovingly takes us in her arms and soothes us.
It’s amazing that I’m getting so many messages today. I just heard natural medicines! The Angels are asking you to resort to Ayurveda and Natural Therapy. For those who have not been able to get better health wise and medicines don’t seem to be working, it’s time that you look for alternatives which are naturally suitable to our bodies.
Health is coming up very strongly today. Do not compromise on your health and keep ingesting chemicals in form of packed or processed food. Check your eating habits and life style. It’s important that you quit smoking, cut down of coffee, sugar and fatty food. Ask the Angels for help and they will help you to overcome the cravings or even better stop the craving altogether!
My dear friend you need to take care of yourself and love yourself, as others will love and accept you only then and if you reveal your true self. Those who don’t like it are not required in your life. Do not be afraid ads the Angels are with you and so is God. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the doors will be opened unto you. Remember that if you are happy you can keep people around you happy. So do this for yourself and for your loved ones. If you need help of a counsellor ask the angels and God to direct you to the best counsellor and the one that you can afford to consult. Well a close friend who you can trust can be your counsellor for free. Take the first step darling and let heaven take care of the rest. I am sure you will come out victorious and happy.
I’m sending you lots of love and Angel blessings .
 For a personal reading you can book an appointment by calling +91-9910055918; +91-9910714397; +91-99582563117, between 10:30 am – 5:30 pm all days.
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