#my bell is THE most jealous bitch and there's a reason i gave her green eyes
nanobyting · 2 years
Hey hope you are healthy and happy. not sure how your prompts work. May I please request the "you look like you were jealous" with Adler and Bell but Bell is the jealous party???
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green eyed monster. (nsfw-ish but its bell imagining someone else sleeping with adler) || subtle smut sentence starters (not accepting)
oh anon you picked the best person to be jealous
They were in that room together again. Park and Adler. She wanted to know what they were saying - what they were doing. Why did they close the blinds? What could they possibly be talking about that they had to be away from everyone else like this? What did Park get to know that she didn’t get to..? 
You’re a spy, Bell, but let’s keep it outside the building, not inside. Understand?
No. No. She doesn’t understand when it comes to him. Park would approach Adler with a hushed voice, say she needed a word with him, and he’d always give Park this odd look in his eye - like he didn’t even want to talk, like they’ve had whatever conversation this was a hundred times already, and yet - and yet - he’d take her to the back room and they’d shut the door and close the blinds.
Sims and Lazar never batted an eye about it. They even tried to keep Bell away from that room, especially when she looked like she was about to just press her ear against it.
“She’s too young for him, isn’t she?” Bell asks as she fidgets in her seat, biting her thumbnail and bouncing her leg rapid fire underneath the table. Her eyes were set on that damn door.
Did he have Park on her knees? Was she choking on him? Was he marking her? Smearing his seed on her face and messing her makeup?
“Who is?” Sims asks in return, glancing to her while Lazar contemplated his hand. The three of them were playing Rummy. Trying to distract Bell, but she was hardly paying attention - no, somehow, she could play the game, barely give it a glance as she played her cards - but her eyes were still on the door and her mind was still thinking of impossible scenarios.
What if he had her bent over the desk? What if he was enveloping her? Would he call Park a good girl? Say that Park is better than her? That she’s useless and all he really needed was Park?
“Park,” Bell says and Lazar finally glances to her and barks out in laughter, his hands slamming against the table with a loud bang.
“Don’t tell me you think Park and Adler are a thing,” Lazar snorts in his fit of uproarious laughter.
“No,” Bell lies as her fingers clench around her cards, imagining Adler leaning over Park’s naked body while he was still fully clothed and had her legs spread. “I was just - she’s too young for him, first of all.”
“They don’t really get along outside of the workplace,” Sims says. 
Are they biting and scratching each other? Is it just stress relief?
“What - so you’re saying Adler would go for someone that young?” Bell’s eyes are wide, in the way that Sims knows he has to answer carefully or else Bell will have another episode where she gets so lost in her head and only Adler can really pull her out of those.
“I’m not saying anything,” Sims retorts, “but -”
“But - ”
The door opens.
Bell’s head whips towards it and sees -
Park coming out first. Perfectly pristine. Makeup still intact. Not a single hand laid on her. She looks annoyed. She glances at Bell and frowns, then turns away to go to her station. What’s her problem?
Then - her heart hammers and she sits up straighter - Adler comes out with his eyes downcast towards the manila folder in his hand. Not a single hair out of place. His clothes weren’t wrinkled in any such way that implied he had taken it off or bunched it up. There were no lipstick stains to be seen. He was relaxed, but in a way that she knew he was paying attention to everything around him.
She knows that he knows she’s staring at him, waiting for him to look at her. Everything is so calculated with him.
It feels like forever before he closes the folder and tucks it away safely in a drawer with a lock. Then, he looks up and scans the room before his gaze finally lands on her.
He regards her for a minute.
Tilts his head.
Reaches for a cigarette in his jacket.
Bell immediately stands up, slapping her cards down on the table just as it was her turn and Sims groans at how she had won with that hand - but she doesn’t care about winning a card game. She hurries over to Adler, green eyes peering into those sepia sunglasses of his. She thinks she can see the hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips.
Adler hums and motions for her to follow him outside as he lights his cigarette. She follows like a dog, lapping at his heels, being taken outside as if they were going for a walk.
The cold air hits her and she realizes she’s forgotten her jacket inside, but the door is already closed behind her and she doesn’t want to leave Adler after he’s called her. She hugs herself and stares at him as he blows out a puff of smoke into the air.
He doesn’t say anything until she’s shivering.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
She lets out a soft laugh. “I left my jacket -”
“Not that,” Adler interrupts, finally turning his head to look at her and she feels the warmth of his gaze and stops shivering right then and there. “You look like you were jealous.”
She blinks, surprised. It isn’t often he calls out when she’s jealous - not like this at least. He usually laughs at her when he notices - when he mentions his ex-wife and her demeanor shifts; suddenly asking if he loves his ex-wife still, if they keep in touch, if they - if they - There’s something threatening in his stance - as if - as if he wants to know what made her jealous because - because he wasn’t around? Does he think that she was jealous of - of something other than him?
It makes her knees buckle at the thought. To even think that Adler, too, was jealous just because - just because she was and he wasn’t sure what made her so. So - does that mean nothing is going wrong with Park? If he hadn’t even thought about how going into that room with Park would make her feel?
Bell grins, sheepish and giddy all at once and she notices how it makes Adler’s fingers twitch around his cigarette.
Or - or is he just checking on her? They’ve been friends for so long. He’s rejected her at every point. No, of course he wouldn’t be jealous. What did he have to be jealous about? She’d often say she’d do anything for him. How she’d give her whole life for him. Her loyalties for him would never be so easily broken. Then, she upsets herself - how could he get jealous when he knows how she feels and -
His hand cups her chin and lifts it up - when did her gaze fall? - and she naturally leans towards his touch.
“I was,” she breathes, the air rattling her rib cage as her heart was already threatening to punch through it, “I was jealous.”
“... Park.”
Bell tries to turn her head away and she gasps when he tightens his grip on her chin and keeps her face still. “Because - because you and her - you two always go in that room and I don’t know what you guys are talking about and you close the blinds and it makes me think that you - that you - “
“That I?”
Her bottom lip quivers as she pouts up at him, but his expression doesn’t change from its usual nonchalant aloofness; though, she swears that he seems amused now. His thumb presses down on her chin and forces her mouth to open.
Flustered, she tries to pull away and slap at his arm, but he adjusts his grip then to grab her jaw and pulls her forward as he blows smoke in her face. He squeezes and it instinctively makes her gasp, breathing in the smoke - and she pushes on his chest because she quit smoking and he knows that.
“Finish what you were saying, Bell.”
Her cheeks harden against his fingertips as she clenches her jaw, looking up at him pitifully. He only loosens his hold on her when she finally speaks - mumbling, really.
“That you two were..” She huffs harshly. “That you two were having relations.”
“... Relations,” Adler repeats incredulously.
They’re both silent and he squeezes her jaw again.
“Agh, that you two were fucking!” She shouts, her hands gripping Adler’s wrist. He’s stunned for a moment, especially with how upset she actually seems about this.
Adler finally snorts in response and he looks like he’s trying to hold back from laughing. He lets go of Bell’s face, lowering his hand, and her own hands follow after it as they continue holding his wrists.
“You really need to get your head out of the gutter, Bell,” he says, and she keeps her eyes downcast as her cheeks burn. “Imagining your co-workers having sex?” He mockingly clicks his tongue.
She doesn’t say anything, sulking as her fingers loosen around Adler’s wrist to only holding onto his sleeve like a petulant child. She can feel his gaze burning into her as he continues smoking.
“Park isn’t my type anyway,” he says after awhile, making her peek up at him.
Bell seems to brighten up at that, just a little bit, as she quickly shakes her head. “I - I was just telling Sims that Park was too young for you.” 
“... Young?”
Bell stares at him.
Stares into him.
He finishes his cigarette and drops it on the ground to grind it under his heel. “Let’s head back inside,” he hums, turning her around and ushering her back inside.
“You’re shaking like a leaf, kid. You should’ve gotten your jacket.”
“Let’s get you some warm tea before you head to bed.”
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ravennm84 · 4 years
Hey everyone! I’ve been writing this new story for the past couple of days, and am planning to take a break for a while after this. My husband and I are expecting our first child next week and will be focusing on her. For that reason, I decided to give the class some sugar, as we all need some goodness in the world. I’ll be back when things settle down, but until then, Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!
It was just an average conversation. Alya was sitting at her desk before class with Lila since Marinette was late again. It was very pleasant until the italian girl said something… wrong.
“After I saved Jagged’s kitten from being run over by the plane and he wrote that song about me, we kept in touch.” Lila tittered away, without a care. “He ended up mentioning how he wanted a pair of special glasses for his tour, so I made him those Eiffel Tower glasses that he loves so much. Next thing I know, he’s bragging about me to all his friends and they’re all asking me to make things for them too. I ended up making a website and going by the alias MDC. Isn’t that amazing?”
Alya hadn’t had a chance to answer as Marinette came rushing into the room a second before the bell rang and Mme. Bustier began her lesson. Although whatever the teacher was saying was practically ignored by the majority of the class that had heard Lila’s claim. 
Because they knew.
They had been there when Marinette had made those glasses for Jagged Stone for the work experience day at Chloe’s family hotel. They knew that Marinette went by the acronym MDC for the initials of her name. Max, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Kim, and Alya had all helped Marinette set up her website and model her designs a couple months ago, while Lila had been traveling… 
She’s a LIAR!! They all thought at once.
During the next break, Alya quickly set up a group chat with everyone but Lila and Marinette.
FoxyJournalist: You all heard that, right? She’s lying about being MDC, but that’s Marinette!
DJTurtle: So not cool, doesn’t she know that we were there? Is this some kind of joke?
MightIllustrator: Don’t think so, she’s still bragging about it back here.
GothicBeauty: @DJTurtle Agreed, not cool.
Rocker’n’Pink: I can’t believe it! I just emailed Prince Ali to see if he knows her, because if Lila’s lying about this…
BigTeddy: …
SmolTeddy: …
TrueBrain: …
Da’Strongest: … Crap
Sk8Grl: … I second that Crap
FoxyJournalist: Emergency meeting at my place tonight! We need to figure all this out!
DJTurtle: Agreed.
TruQueen: We’ll be there too. I don’t like Dupain-Cheng, but I HATE Rossi.
MissRed: I’ll bring snacks.
By the time class started again, everyone had agreed to meet up after school. The hard part, as it turned out, was shaking the liar, who practically latched onto their group and wouldn’t let them be. It was Mylene you finally came up with an idea, mentioning that they were going to the homeless shelter to help feed people and clean the facility. Lila suddenly remembered that she already had plans and couldn’t come help them, before turning to walk home.
Once she was out of earshot, Alix turned to the other girl with a smirk. “Good going, how’d you know that’d work?”
Mylene shrugged. “I was thinking earlier about all the times she talked about charity work but always made excuses to not come with us when we were doing it. I figured she’d do it this time too, and I was right.”
An hour later the entire class; sans Marinette, Lila, and Adrien, who was at a photoshoot, were gathered in the Cesaire apartment. Everyone had their phones or tablets out, looking up everything that Lila had told them since coming to school. And what they found was anything but comforting.
Connection to Jagged Stone due to saving a kitten: lies, according to articles about his one and only pet for the past 17 years, Fang the crocodile.
Connection to Prince Ali via Go-Green charities: lies, according to Prince Ali himself when he responded to Rose’s email, plus he didn’t do green charities, instead focusing on children’s charities.
Secretly dating Adrien: lies, confirmed when Adrien called Nino back during a break and let it slip that Lila was only his friend and that she made him uncomfortable at times because of how clingy she was.
Every single thing they looked up about Lila turned out to be a lie. And although they couldn’t prove it themselves, that likely meant that all of the diseases and injuries that she’d claimed to have were probably fake too. Meaning that they had been buying her lunch and giving her money for charities, and the money was probably going straight into the liar’s pocket.
“By my calculations, when including all the lunches and food we bought for her, money we donated for charities she wasn’t involved in, and tickets for events she attended with us; Lila Rossi has scammed close to €1,000 from our class. All of which we are not likely to get back from her.” Max groused as he typed away on his tablet.
Alix scoffed. “At least all we lost was some money and a bit of our dignity. I’m pretty sure Marinette went through a lot more than us. Heck, that liar tried to convince me last week that Marinette ruined her homework and said ‘if only she understood what it was like for someone to do that to her’ like she was trying to get me to destroy Marinette’s homework as revenge. I didn’t do it, but I let her copy my homework so she wouldn’t lose any points.”
Juleka’s pale complexion went stark white. “She kept telling me how Marinette was only friends with me so she could get close to Luka and make Adrien jealous, and that I was really trusting to let someone like that near my family.”
“When my headphones broke, she told me that she’d seen Marinette messing with them earlier,” Nino told them, his voice laced with guilt as he remembered giving his oldest friend the cold shoulder for days after that.
Alya’s head dropped into her hands as she struggled to hold back tears. “That liar almost had me convinced that Mari was nothing but a jealous bitch who was out to get rid of her since they both had a crush on Adrien. I can’t believe how close I came to buying that bull.”
“And then there’s the expulsion,” Rose added, her voice quivering. “She was accused of stealing, assault, and cheating on that mock exam. Even though Marinette was reinstated, that kind of stuff doesn’t just disappear from someone’s record. What if that keeps her from being accepted into lycee?”
Everyone went pale at that. Although most turned red in the face a moment later from rage for their friend.
“We can’t let her get away with this!” Kim growled as he began pacing the room.
“But is there anything we can really do?” Mylene asked with tears in her eyes.
When the blonde heiress chuckled, sitting off to the side of the room, everyone turned to glare at her, but she wasn’t phased by their looks. “And this is exactly why I decided to come here. None of you have any idea how to deal with someone like Rossi. I, however, have dealt with those types of people multiple times.” The glares ceased, realizing that Chloe was probably right. 
“One of the best ways to get back at her, would be to use her own lies against her. Do it in a way that the only way out of it is to admit that she’s a liar. And while we do that, we completely tear down the empire that fake HBIC is trying to build, maybe get her expelled like she tried to do to Dupain-Cheng.”
The class stared at her in surprise, not expecting the former hero to actually be useful in this situation. But what she said…
Alya shook her head in surprise. “I never thought I’d say this, but it sounds like you’re the best option. Please, tell us your plan.”
The smirk Chloe gave them, almost made them feel sorry for what was about to happen to the liar.
The following morning when Lila came to class, she saw everyone fawning over something on their phones or tablets. Curious, she stepped next to Alya and looked over her shoulder to find that she was looking at the MDC website. 
She smirked for a second before plastering an appreciative, yet shy grin on her face. “I see you found my website, what do you think of my designs?” 
“Gurl, they are gorgeous! I can’t believe you made such intricate clothes and accessories!” Alya gushed as she continued looking through the pictures until she stopped on a design that she had modeled for Marinette, although, like all the other photos, her face wasn’t shown. “And this one here! It’s like a total dedication to Rena Rouge. Make no mistake, Ladybug will always be my favorite, but Rena’s power is really awesome too.”
“I’m glad you like it!” Lila smiled, she was about to go into describing how she was inspired by the design when Alya asked her something surprising.
“Do you think I can have it? Pretty please?”
Lila came up short, not having expected this. “Well, you can just order it from my website-” she began saying, only to stop when Alya’s expression dropped.
“I don’t understand. You always say that if we need anything to just ask you, and you have this dress listed as in stock on your website, it would be nothing for you to just give it to me, right?”
“And you even told Marinette the other day that if she were a real friend, she wouldn’t mind giving us free pastries whenever we ask, right?”
“R-right! I’m just surprised that you would be so interested in one of my designs. I’ll bring it in tomorrow!”
“Thanks gurl, you're the best.” Alya gushed before giving Lila a hug that actually kind of hurt. 
Hurrying back to her seat, Lila resisted the urge to curse as she got onto the MDC website to order and overnight the dress to her apartment. Luckily, the mail normally arrived before she left for school. And doing this would help her convince everyone she was the designer MDC.
Lila’s newest lie about being MDC wasn’t going as planned. Sure, she got a lot of praise and people wearing her designs, but it was costing her. Every time she brought in an item that she’d had to buy and overnight to her apartment to give to one of her classmates, another would practically demand another item that was listed as available on the MDC website. A hat for Alix, a hoodie for Kim, a shirt for Max, a dress for Rose, it went on and on. And when she tried to say that she couldn’t, they would say how Marinette would never do such a thing and then start to question what she told them. This left her no choice but to buy everything they wanted herself and give to them. 
Sure, it made her lie all the more believable since she was able to deliver the items they asked for, but it was beginning to clear out her savings. At the rate she was going, she was probably MDC’s best customer.
Then came the day when the MDC website began offering custom orders. Alya asked Marinette for a couple sheets of paper from her sketchbook and a pencil before handing it to Lila. “Gurl, I’ve been wanting you to do something custom for me for weeks, but I wasn’t going to ask since you didn’t have it listed on your website and I didn’t want to take advantage of you. But now, I can tell you exactly what I want and I can even record your process for my blog! Isn’t that awesome?”
Lila gripped the pencil until it nearly snapped. She could barely draw stick figures and she was pretty sure Maribrat knew that, not missing the smirk that the goody-two-shoes was sending her direction. “I would but, oww! My arthritis has been acting up all day and I can barely hold a pencil.” She whimpered pathetically as gingerly gripped her left wrist.
“But that shouldn’t be a problem,” Max spoke up smiling kindly at her. “After all, it’s your left wrist that has arthritis and you’re right handed.”
Shut up, you stupid nerd! She thought, struggling to keep the scowl from her face. “You’re right, but I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to draw something out before class starts.”
“But, Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale have commented on your website how you are really good at doing fast concept drawing for your designs. So, it shouldn’t take you too long to come up with something to start with.” Rose commented, her high voice grating on the liar’s nerves.
She was trying to think of another excuse when Chloe began laughing. “You can all stop the act, I think we’ve played it out long enough.”
To Lila’s surprise, the majority of the class nodded before their eager, friendly faces turned to scowls and angry glares as they looked in her direction. Unsure of what else to do, she started faking tears as she looked around the room. “Why are all of you looking at me like that? I haven’t done anything wrong. Did Marinette say something? You know-”
“Cut the crap, Lila! We did our research weeks ago and figured out you’re nothing but a lying bag of nothing.” Chloe cut her off as she stood from her desk and smiled cruelly at the girl. “You really messed up when you started claiming you were the MDC, the rising star of fashion. Everyone in class knows that’s Marinette.”
Unable to help herself, Lila’s head whipped around in shock to glare at the french-asian girl, sitting shocked, but a little smug at her desk. “Is that what Marinette said? She’s lying!”
Alya scoffed this time. “You know, there may have been a point when we might have believed you, but not this time. We were all there when Mari gave those glasses to Jagged Stone and then had her design his album cover. Max and I helped her set up the MDC website. And Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Kim, Max, and I were the ones that modeled the designs posted on her website.”
Lila glared at her. She knew when the jig was up, and there was no point in wasting her energy on her worthless classmates anymore. Still, she couldn’t help but be angry at them. “Well, you all better have the money to pay me back for all the stuff I bought you! Or else I’ll get all of you in trouble with Mme. Bustier and M. Damocles. If you can’t tell, from the time I got Maribrat expelled, I’ve got them both wrapped around my finger.”
“Actually, you can consider all this repaying us.” Max grinned that annoying, calculating grin at her. “Everything you bought was equal to or of similar value to all the lunches we bought you, tickets for events that we covered, or money we donated to your supposed charities, which I’m 96.8% sure was actually your own bank account.”
She growled at that, about to let out a tirade at all of them when Chloe laughed again, gaining her attention again. “Well, all that was to pay back the class, but you’re still not even with Dupain-Cheng or me. I’m sick of seeing your ugly face and hair-don’t in here every day and decided to do something about it. So, I had Daddy get a hold of the Italian Embassy for a meeting the other day. Imagine how surprised and angry they were when the ambassador’s assistant started talking about how incopitant Ladybug and Chat Noir are, since they couldn’t defeat the akuma that had forced her daughter’s school to close for months.”
Lila’s tan skin paled quickly as her head whipped around the room, looking for an escape, but Ivan and Kim were guarding the door. 
“The woman was even more surprised after mentioning which school it was and Daddy told her how it was my school. Then I mentioned a girl that had been out of school for the time the assistant had mentioned, and that she claimed to be in the kingdom of Achu via Embassy funds. The Ambassador wasn’t too happy about what he was hearing and cut the meeting short. Although I did hear her mention that she was planning to speak with the principal and her daughter’s teacher. Speaking of, I wonder why Mme. Bustier is so late for class?
Seconds later, the door Ivan and Kim had been guarding burst open, revealing a very angry Damocles, Mme. Bustier, and a woman that had a strong resemblance to Lila. Without a single word, the woman stomped forward, grabbed Lila by the arm, and began dragging her out of the room. Lila tried to pull free as she pleaded for her mother to listen, but the woman didn’t say a single word as the door closed behind them, leaving a very upset Mme. Bustier standing at the front of the room.
The news quickly spread around school before lunch how Lila had done, and was likely to be expelled for truancy, bullying, lying to the staff, and trying to get Marinette expelled. If that hadn’t been bad enough, an akuma had come fluttering into the courtyard just as the two Rossi’s had been leaving. Lila had pushed her mother away in an effort to catch the akuma, only for a yo-yo to smack her hand to catch it, snapping two of the liar’s fingers in the process. 
Seeing that, M. Damocles had no choice but to call the police while Ladybug and Chat Noir stood guard over Lila, with Alya recording everything from the moment she’d seen the akuma entering the courtyard. Lila screamed and raged as the police handcuffed her and took her away. Ladybug recommended using a facility outside of Paris, as they had witnessed her willingly going after an akuma.
The class never saw Lila again, although they did hear that she had been deported back to Italy and was dropped in a high security prison’s deepest, darkest hole to be forgotten by the world after being convicted for aiding a terrorist. Granted, none of them had expected that when they had set out to get even with Lila, but after seeing her willingly go after an akuma for revenge, they were glad she was gone.
The class had also profusely apologized to Marinette for not believing her, as well as keeping her in the dark about their plan to expose Lila. Marinette accepted their apology, but admitted that she had been starting to figure it out after Lila kept ordering from her website and her classmates ended up with the ordered items. Then, when she had mentioned her theory to Adrien, he’d shown her the group chat and admitted that the class had planned a way to confront and expose Lila. So, she decided to trust her friends and let their plan play out, using the money Lila had spent to buy more supplies and make matching ‘thank you’ gifts for her friends.
And that’s it! I hope you all enjoyed this bit of class sugar. With all the salt out there, I really needed something sweet and this seemed like a good way to do it!
@2confused-2doanything @7-sage-7 @aadnrsstar @abrx2002 @awkwardromances @bayball @babylovebug18 @botanicalfoxx @back-cats-and-broken-mirrors @caffeinetheory @cheshire5210 @chocolateherringtacofan @city-of-all-tunas @classycollectorreviewworld  @corabeth11 @chocolatechipcookiesandcamembert @darkened-flame @delightfulcookiesrecipespizza @fandom-trapped-03 @ghostmaster @iamblinkmarvelarmy @interobanginyourmom @izang @jesussavedevenme @kazedancer @kitten12113 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @lilypotter2018 @lunataravler @maskedpainter @ miraculouslydumb @nerd-nowandforever @ola-is-dead @pandacatxd @plushbookworm @plz-excuse-my-inner-ravenclaw @pheonix-biach @raiderofthelostbooks @ramos123 @rowanrouge @rowanyx @ren121 @seesea22 @seraphichana @sashakoi @shypeacekitten @tazer6787 @that-girl-sakea @thecrazyfantrollshasmoved @the-smallest-kittenz @tishwinchesterannabethjackson @t1dwarrior-of-earth @ulmban @with-forward-motion @wonderbat91939 @zoiechance
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Yeah, I’m done
I got in this prompt in November, if I remember right. I didn’t really look at it because… What the hell is a fall out fic?!!! I thought maybe it meant Lila exposed but I’ve done quite a few of those. However, I don’t really think I ever focused on it too much; usually, I stray to all the wonderful things Marinette does without them. This came from someone anonymous so It's not like I can just ask the sender… SO I decided to wing it.
Marinette could honestly say she had waited a very long time for Lila to be exposed as the liar she was. Over a year in fact. A very long fourteen months.
           If Marinette was honest with herself, she would also add that she stopped waiting for any reason other than the fact she hated lies about… seven months, three days, and seven hours ago.
           Why did she remember that so well?
           That was the moment Marinette stopped trying to save everyone. Don’t get her wrong; she was still Ladybug. Ladybug was still a kickass hero. She did her job better than ever before.
           However, Marinette decided to take a step back, breathe, and let the chips fall where they may.
           Her fellow students, her once friends, had been trapped in the spider web of Lila’s tales; awestruck and utterly hypnotized into believing everything the Italian girl had to say. Even the ones about a girl most had known their entire lives.
A bully, they called her.
A selfish jerk.
A jealous bitch.
           Her! Marinette! The girl who had done so much for them; had gone to bat for them more times than she could count, and obviously more times than they could remember.
           Slowly, one by one, her friendship with each and every member of the class withered and died until there was nothing left but ashes.
           It was then Marinette realized some things weren’t worth saving.
           Marinette had no trouble forgiving them; it was who she was. But she promised herself she wouldn’t forget.
           And if they could treat her like this, after everything, that she didn’t want to be friends with them anyway. Not now, not ever.
           When Marinette stood up and announced her resignation from being Class President at the end of the prior school year, the entire class cheered. Like they did when Chloe was forced out of office. (…That only broke Marinette’s heart a little.)
           The bluenette changed her number the day after school officially let out for summer. It wouldn’t matter, she knew. She doubted they’d even realize. Most hadn’t so much as texted her in months. Unless they needed something; a favor.
           But Marinette was done with favors. Done with free commissions that no one ever seemed to realize cost her an arm and a leg; the fabric was expensive, art supplies for banners were expensive, designing was time-consuming. She was done with any free babysitting. She was done to bring in free sweets on big test days or when the class had a hard week prior. Marinette was done fundraising for class trips and events Bustier would exclude her from at the behest of the rest of the class for her “poor attitude” and “negative energy”. She was done with planning birthdays, making special presents, when no one in class even bothered to wish her a happy birthday.
           And most of all, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was done fighting for people who didn’t fight for her. She had tried for months and months to get them to listen to her and what did she get in return? Deemed a green-eyed Liar! As far as she was concerned Lila and Chloe could have at it; do whatever they wanted.
           She didn’t have a single friend in class.
           They weren’t her concern anymore.
           It took about a month into the new school years for the class to really understand that. Lila had originally voted in as class president, and had feigned a few tears while thanking the class for the honor but had declined due to being too busy. So Alya was voted in next.
           Alya handled the first two birthdays, Ivan’s and Alix’s, really well; she decorated their desks, gave them a birthday card. However, the usual tray of baked goods that were usually brought in for every birthday never showed.
           When Alya inquired if Bustier had forgotten to order the cupcakes, the teacher had looked confused.
           Marinette tried not to smirk as she sat in the back of the class, pretending to look over her sketchbook.
“I’ve never ordered any before,” Bustier said. “Marinette always did. She was class president. It was her job.”
           The two looked back at Marinette; expectant looks on their faces.
           The Asian girl snorted. It was never the class president’s job. Chloe never did it in all the years she ruled the class with an iron fist. Marinette had done it because she had been their friend. And she didn’t order them. She bought the ingredients and made them herself.
“It’s the job for the new class president,” Marinette corrected and watched Alya’s face fall. Normally, at that point, Alya would try to ask Marinette for a favor; for Marinette to do it instead.
           However, the glasses-wearing girl had taken to ignoring her ex-bestie as much as she could.
“Fine!” Alya huffed. “I’ll do it myself.”
           The next thing the class realized had changed was when Bustier announced, “Maybe it’s time we start planning for any class field trips?”
           Alya had nodded earnestly, and started making outrageous plans for all the trips the class could take; one to Paris Disney world, another to England, New York, L.A, and so many other very costly ideas.
           Ideas, when Marinette was Class president, she would’ve quickly shot down as being impractical, expensive, dangerous, impossible, and any whatever other reason she could think of so the class wouldn’t get their hopes up.
           Alya did no such thing.
           Marinette just shook her head, and let her ex-friend dig her own grave.
           The announcement happened in the morning. Alya had stayed behind when the bell rang for lunch to talk to the teacher and had blatantly glared at Marinette as she said so
           And Marinette knew exactly what Alya was planning on talking to Bustier about.
           Sure enough, at the end of the school day, Bustier had made another announcement; in front of the entire class.
           Marinette really hated how unprofessional the teacher was.
           Bustier made it clear that, once again, Marinette was excluded from the class trips that year until her behavior changed. This caused half the class, specifically Lila and Alya, to send her smug looks.
           Marinette had nodded, “I understand, Miss Bustier. I can’t say it won’t be a relief not to have to help fundraiser.” The smug looks didn’t entirely disappear but a few faces looked confused instead as if they didn’t realize that meant Marinette wouldn’t help. “I always hated all the planning it took,” And doing all the work, she didn’t add. “Fundraiser after fundraiser. Coming up with the budget, making reservations, clearing it with the school board, clearing it with the parents, getting chaperones, actually raising the money.” She gave a fake sad sigh. “Oh well. Hope you guys have a blast though.”
           Then it came time to plan for the first fundraiser. A bake sale.
           Marinette had nearly fallen out of her chair laughing when Alya brought it up. Because the bluenette had always hated doing bake sales as she was the only one who ever brought in any baked goods. It was like the entire class thought that just because Marinette lived in a bakery it would be easy for her to get all the food needed.
           It wasn’t. She made most of it herself and bought the rest with her own money.
“So who’s going to bring what?” Alya asked. She looked straight at Marinette and seemed to wat for the bluenette to speak. Only for Marinette to raise an eyebrow as if daring her to ask. Alya looked surprised for a moment before she seemed to remember that Marinette wasn’t going to help out. “We’ll make a list.”
           No one said a word.
           Marinette leaned back in her seat, with a smirk on her face. Alya had said they needed to raise at least $2,000 for the bakery. A highly unrealistic goal. Marinette had only ever raised $423 from a bake sale before.
“I can bring in cookies,” Alya offered once the silence and confused looks continued. “Anyone else? Nino?” She asked her boyfriend.
           Nino’s eyes went wide, “Uh, I usually just play the music.” Alya glared at him. “But my mom has a killer blondie recipe. I can ask her to make some.”
           Alya nodded, “Sweet. Rose?” And then, one by one, Alya called on each member of the class to see what she could force them to bring.
Even though all but one person in the class promised to bring something; it still wasn’t enough. It wasn’t a very big class. Theirs were the smallest in the entire school which was why new kids always got stuffed with them. In addition, flyers and a banner still needed to be made to promote the fundraiser.
It was clear as she looked at the list that Alya knew they were in trouble. And again, her eyes went to Marinette, a little bit more pleading now. Marinette just shook her head and started sketching a new dress.
She was done with always coming to the rescue.
Marinette didn’t go the bake sale. However, she heard about how much of a disaster it was from Aurore, her new friend from Mendeleiev’s class.
Half the food was burnt and overpriced. The flyers were terrible. And then it rained halfway through.
Suffice to say, the fundraiser was a bust.
And so were the fundraisers that came after it. Never once did the class meet their goals; though admittedly, their goals were never realistic, to begin with.
Marinette knew for certain by December that there was no way the class was taking any of the “oh so amazing trips, and it’s such a pity you can’t go, Marinette” they had planned. Or any good trip for that matter.
It took months for the school board to approve big trips; weeks to approve small ones. Paperwork needed to be filed with detailed plans ready to present. If a big trip got approved, and then for some reason, they couldn’t go and decided to do a smaller trip instead, new Paperwork would need to be filled out. The new trip would need to be approved. It wasn’t like Bustier could take the class somewhere without permission. And if it wasn’t done in time, there would be no trip.
In late October, Marinette posted a flyer on the class board, and around the school, promoting her new website. It got curious glances but only Adrien asked about it.
Adrien, who was neither enemy nor friend, but a neutral party who refused to get involved. His version of the high road, Marinette guessed.
“What’s that?” He asked. “You starting your own business?”
           Marinette nodded, “MDC designs. I designed a bunch of clothes over the summer and got a few friends to model them; Aurore, Marc, Luka,” Juleka looked up at the mention of her brother “Kagami, Ondine, Claude Mireille; and a bunch of girls from the fashion club. People can choose the premade designs already promoted on the site and I can send it to them in their size. Or they can contact me for a custom piece; dresses, scarfs, nearly anything really. That’s a lot more expensive, though. Not at much as it would’ve been, say last year, but now that I’ve stopped doing free commissions, I could lower the price.” She said the last sentence louder than polite but she wanted the entire class to hear.
           No one in class blinked twice at her statement. However, Marinette knew they would.
Adrien nodded happily, “Cool, that’s kind of what my dad did in the late 90s when he was starting out. Computers were like barely a thing he said.”
           Marinette couldn’t picture a time without computers or her smartphone and couldn’t imagine a life without the internet. She shivered at the thought. “Aurore’s become really well known as an Instagram model. I gave her a few outfits in exchange for her promoting my stuff. She even got a few of her model friends to promote my clothes as well. It’s going really well. If the trend continues; I was thinking of doing a live, online, runway show. I’ve already been scouting places.”
           That got some envious looks. Whether it was because Marinette was doing so well or because others would be used as her model, she didn’t know. She didn’t care.
           Marinette was done caring about every stupid little thing.
           The blond just nodded with enthusiasm, “You’re a great designer. I’m sure you’ll be a hit in no time.
“Hopefully, rather than later,” Marinette smiled. “It’ll go even better when Nadja promotes me on her show. I just have to babysit Manon for free for five random days of Nadja’s request that she could request … any time.” It had been a steep price but Marinette had been willing to pay. “She’ll even promote my runway show if I ever have it.”
           The first time someone, Mylene, realized just what Marinette had meant when the drama club inquired to her about getting more costumes for the school play and she had no one to turn to. She took one look at commission prices for local tailors for custom pieces and nearly threw up. Marinette’s website, while still expensive, was a much better deal. Still, Mylene couldn’t afford it.
           Nino needed a gift for his mom and remembered how much she loved the scarf he got her last year. He thought it was a good idea to get her something similar. But then he remembered Marinette had made the scarf. And Alya would kill him if he bought anything from Marinette’s website. So Nino settled on something small.
           When the school dance came, for the first time the majority of the girls in class would have to buy their own dresses. They came from a store, were cheaply made, and were not nearly as amazing as the ones they previously wore.
           All in all, it wasn’t the greatest year for Bustier’s class. Midterms had taken a heavy toll. It tense and everyone was clearly frustrated. So were Marinette’s friends from other classes. So during Lunch, Marinette surprised her table with delicious baked goods as a pick me up. The ones she normally would’ve brought just for her class.
           Marinette pretended not to notice the hopeful looks on her classmates faces when she walked by with the iconic light blue Dupain-Cheng bakery box. And ignored the crestfallen looks on their faces when she headed them out to just her friends.
In April, it was clear that the trip to New York had fallen through as they didn’t have enough money. Alya had to rush to get something small approved before the end of the year; a trip to the local amusement park. Marinette didn’t laugh when Alya announced it to the class who looked really bummed all their hard work didn’t pay off. She didn’t even blink twice. It had nothing to do with her after all.
           In May, the truth finally came out. It happened on a Thursday.
           Lila had forgotten her lunch bag at home. Her mother brought it. Lila’s eyes went wide at seeing her mother and she did everything she could to get her out of the class as soon as possible.
           Rose asked Mrs. Rossi, “How the meeting in Achu went?”
           To which Lila’s mother replied, “A what now? I’ve never been to Achu.”
           Marinette had merely leaned back in her seat to watch the fireworks.
           And it was beautiful.
           It was an even bet as to who had the bigger meltdown.
           Mrs. Rossi: when she learned just how much her daughter had been lying; to her, to the school, to her classmates, and basically everyone she met since moving to Paris. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time and it caused a lot of trouble in the past which was why they had to move to France. Mrs. Rossi was quick to refute any rumors about celebrity meetings, traveling around the world, and ever meeting any royalty. And that Lila had no medical issues whatsoever and didn’t participate in any charity organization.
           Lila: she had nearly been Akumatized when her mother started to reveal the truth. Luckily, Ladybug had been nearby to catch the little butterfly. (Marinette had just left to the bathroom, not that anyone had really noticed). The hero refuted ever knowing Lila outside of stopping her akuma forms.
           And Finally Alya: who had burst into an angry rant and furious tears at being lied to. It was another near akumatization. Alya had to be physically restrained from attacking Lila once the realization hit her about her blog being discredited for lies.
           A lot of the class yelled and made accusations but no reaction was nearly as extreme as the other three. Lila had taken advantage of her classmates for almost two years. They carried her books, remade plans so she could be included, took notes for her, threw parties to celebrate her newest accomplishments.
           However, Marinette noted, not one of them mention the friendship they had destroyed because of their belief in Lila. She shouldn’t have been surprised.
           The bluenette had long since realized she wasn’t ever as important to her ex-friends she once thought.
           The entire class was still angry the next day. Lila didn’t show so vented to each other.
           Marinette still sat in the back of the class, content to come up with designs to present to a nice lady who wanted a killer dress to wear to her sister’s wedding, and let the class deal with its own drama.
           Unfortunately, some people didn’t get a clue.
“Marinette,” Adrien said brightly. Marinette fought not to look up at the sky and ask god why. “What do you think about the Lila situation?”
“I don’t really care,” The bluenette said. “I was done with the whole thing a while ago.”
           Suddenly everyone remembered Marinette was there. Marinette who swore Lila was lying for months. Marinette who they had ostracized and exiled. Marinette who they had ignored. Marinette who had once been their friend.
           Rose gasped, her hand over mouth, tears welled up in her eyes, “Marinette! I’m so sorry,” She cried.
“I can’t believe we were so mean to you,” Juleka said.
“Dudette, I had no clue what I was thinking,” Nino said.
           More apologies came, each one more heartfelt than the last. Alya had been last. She looked like she had been stabbed from the pain her face. Eventually, the glasses-wearing girl cried, “I’m so sorry girl! I’ve been the worst bestie ever. I should’ve believed you over Lie-La.”
           Marinette looked at her classmates, shrugged, and said, “Okay.” Then she went back to looking working.
           That was it. However, clearly by the silence that came from the class. They had been expected a bigger reaction. Tears of joy and relief. Happiness to have her friends back. Anything but they got nothing.
           Alya frowned, “Didn’t you hear us? We’re sorry. We should’ve trusted you, we know that now. We’ll make it up to you, we promise.”
           Marinette sighed but shook her head. “No. Thank you. I don’t need you to make it up to me,” She said. “I don’t want you to make it up to me. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing.”
“But, but…” Rose looked around for help. “We’re friends again.”
“Yeah,” Adrien said brightly. “It can go back to the way it was.”
           At that, Marinette put down her pencil. She gave the class a hard look. “Let me make this clear because I have no intention of repeating myself: we are not friends. None of you,” She gave pointed looks to her ex-friends, the longest to Adrien and Alya. “Are my friends. You were mean. You called me names. You spread nasty lies about me because Lila told them to you. You excluded me from all class activities; despite the fact that last year I did the majority of the fundraising, the planning, and the work. You hurt me. Things will not go back to the way they were. I don’t trust you. We are not friends. And we will never be friends again. No amount of apologies will change that.”
           Alya went to protest, “Girl, we’re-”
           Marinette interrupted her, “Just move on. I have.” Then put her headphones in until Bustier managed to get control back over the class. As far as Marinette was concerned there wasn’t anything left they could say.
           That didn’t stop them from trying.
           No one in the class seemed to believe that Marinette, their everyday Ladybug, wouldn’t forgive them. Lila had been withdrawn from school and no one knew what happened to her. And without Lila’s presence, the class was sure Marinette would have no problem moving on from the drama the Italian girl had caused.
           They never even considered the fact that Marinette had never been angry at Lila. She hadn’t been happy at her lies. But she had been furious that her friends had fallen for them so easily, particularly the ones about the bluenette.
“Hey,” Alya said brightly stopping in front of Marinette’s desk the following Monday morning. She thought Marinette just needed the weekend to calm down. “All the girls are planning a slumber party at Rose’s on Friday, you in?”
“No,” Marinette said firmly. “I’m busy,” She offered politely.
           And she would be “busy” every time they wanted her to do something.
           Too busy to go to all the parties she had been previously excluded from. Her ex-friends still hadn’t realized Marinette had never wanted to go after she realized they just weren’t worth it anymore.
           Too busy hanging out after school. Or go to Adrien’s photoshoot. (Alya just wouldn’t understand that Marinette was so done with her crush on Adrien.)
           Too busy to help with the school play.
           Too busy to watch Kitty Section preform.
           Too busy to go play video games.
           Every day, every moment they could; her ex-friends were trying to pressure her into being their friend again, hanging out with them again, forgiving them. They just wouldn’t take no for answer.
           Honestly, Marinette was just done with their antics.
           Particularly the incessant need to make sure Marinette was on the “big” class trip; as if they believed if Marinette went it would make up for everything.
           Marinette made it clear she really, truly was way too busy to go some random beach trip. She really did have plans and she couldn’t back out of them. They were too important.
           But her ex-friends kept bringing it up, with Alya leading the charge, over and over again. They didn’t care what Marinette wanted at all. And once more, Marinette was reminded why she was glad they weren’t her friends anymore.
Eventually, once again, they got the teacher involved. Bustier had so “nicely” announced in front of the class, that Marinette was more than welcome to go on the class trip with them and that they looked forward to coming along.
And as far as Marinette was concerned that was the final straw.
“I’m good,” Marinette said. “Seeing as my behavior hasn’t changed. I think its best I don’t go; right Miss Bustier? That was what you said? And obviously to you thought it was a good reason.” She reminded the teacher. Bustier flushed a pink color at being called out. “It wasn’t like you, an adult woman, caved into peer pressure from your students and a childish need to avoid confrontational situations.”
           Silence from the class. No one had expected Marinette to react as she did. In their minds, she was still their “everyday ladybug”; the nicest and sweetest girl in school. The idea made Marinette scoff. Where was that mindset when Lila got ahold of them?
           The bluenette glared at the teacher, the woman who should’ve never let the Lila issue get as far as it did; never let Marinette be ostracized and bullied. “I mean, you called me out in front of the entire class to tell me I couldn’t go. Not the first or last time, by the way, you did something so… crass. Not the most sensitive way either.”
“Well, I think-” Bustier had tried to say but was cut off.
           Marinette wasn’t going to let her have a word in, “I’m so glad I started to record lesson last year, for you know notes? You know after that expulsion incident? I worried about what I’d miss. It made it so easy for my parents to understand why I was excluded from class events because they could watch it. I mean I have months and months of video evidence they just… loved. They got to see exactly what this class is like on an everyday basis, and exactly how you run it. So did our lawyer, who seemed rather interested in my school. It turns out that physically harming, via tripping or pushing them into walls as you walked by just hard enough for it to hurt. Or destroying private property; like a phone, spilling water on a laptop, or sketchbooks filled with work for commissions. Or verbally bullying someone. Or sending horrible texts daily, all of which I saved and printed out, can be considered harassment. Which is illegal and the perpetrators involved could face criminal charges as well as be sued for the destruction of said property and for emotional ramifications I suffered. But a teacher would never let anything like that happen in front of them so it wouldn’t be on any of the videos I have, right?”
           She let the words fill the room. Bustier had paled dramatically and looked ready to faint. The rest of the students who had taken to bullying Marinette instead of ignoring her looked sick. Marinette had no sympathy for any of them. They got themselves into this mess.
           Marinette shook her head, “I asked them to chill for now because you’re the teacher. You did what you did for a reason. It’s not like you’d shirk your responsibilities on the class representative. Or force some poor student to be a model example and mediator for all class issues. Or god forbid, cater to the bullies and blame the victim; allow one of your students to be verbally and physically harassed daily. The videos I have surely would never show anything like that; let alone prove it in a court of law… No matter what my lawyer says. But again, you don’t have to tell me why.” Marinette already knew why after all. And she was so done with Bustier. “You had to have had a good reason. Otherwise, I would have to take this to the school board. And a judge in a court of law. And see if you can explain it to them. Maybe I’ll even send them to my mom’s best friend Nadja so she can put them on her show and the world can see too. And we can find out what everyone thinks of you and your teaching methods.”
           The threat was clear to all.
           Bustier better back off. Or Marinette would make her back off.
           The teacher only had to slip once, and she was done for.
“Enjoy the trip,” The bluenette smiled cheerfully, in a way that reminded them eerily how she used to smile at them when Marinette was still their friend; still their “everyday Ladybug”. But instead of bringing warmth as it used to, all they felt was shivers. “It might our last one altogether. After all, who knows where we’ll all be in September. May be separated into different classes. Or different schools. With the way Damocles expels students with no procedure whatsoever, you never know. Or have a new teacher. We can only guess. I think its best if we just… leave things alone. With the way things are, if you push, you might get pushed back… right off a cliff.”
Marinette was done playing games.
           When the class left for their “big” trip, Marinette had finally let out a sigh of relief. Next, she was so transferring to Mendeleiev’s class.
           She was done with Bustier’s class.
           While the students of Bustier’s class were playing at the beach and plotting their next move to get Marinette to forgive them, Marinette was fulfilling one of her biggest dreams.
           The bluenette did have for her online runway show. She had spent weeks and weeks promoting it on her website. Aurore, some of the fashion club, and other rising Instagram models walked the runway in Marinette’s new line. Jagged hosted. It hadn’t been Marinette’s idea, but Jagged complained to Penny when Marinette turned him down the first time and Penny talked to Marinette.  
Chloe made a deal to her mother to watch the runaway show to review in exchange for Chloe being one of the models. Again, Marinette expressed concerns but couldn’t turn down the chance of Style Queen seeing her clothes.
Marc helped designed the runway; to give it an artistic, futuristic, edgy look. Claude brought in a smoke machine and his laser machine that the used for his short films to make everything really pop.
Clara Nightingale let Marinette use her music as the runway music. The superstar performed a song during the show and promoted it on her social media feed in exchange for a few custom pieces and Marinette getting Ladybug to do some selfies with her. (Tikki had to be bribed with an entire tray of chocolate chip cookies, and to be left alone with the TV in Marinette’s room for the night; something about finally catching up on Game of Thrones.) Marinette was quick to agree. Though Jagged had been in a huff until Marinette agreed to let him close out the show.
           The world took notice, albeit mostly because of Jagged and Clara. But Audrey, the Style Queen herself, had raved about how cutting edge it was. She claimed that an underground, exclusive, fashion show was the new big thing in fashion. The clothes were marvelous too. All in all, MDC’s runway was exciting, sophisticated, and fresh, just like her new line.
           Not long after Style Queen’s review posted, the orders had come flying in on her website. Everyone who was anyone seemed to NEED to be seen wearing the MDC brand.
           Marinette had smiled ear to ear for the rest of the weekend. She looked forward to what the future would bring.
           It was a new day.
           Which was great because…
           Marinette was so done with yesterday.
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Class Fight (p.1)
pairing: teen!dandy mott x teen!reader
word count: 3,303
warnings: language, jealous dandy, slightly au!dandy, all characters are 18
part 2 part 3
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It was the first semester of your Senior year. The first month of school had flown by, and the Fall dance was just a few weeks away. Your small group of girlfriends was anxiously awaiting for their crushes to ask them.
You weren’t particularly concerned with this. The dance fell on the one Saturday of the month where you had to accompany your mother to some stupid Tupperware party. It was the newest trend in American dining, and your mother needed you as her plus one. It wouldn’t hurt to miss one dance… right?
Your best friends Winter and Zoe were excited, but they were devastated you couldn’t come. You always went with them as a trio.
“Are you sure you couldn’t cancel?” Winter asked while you washed your hands in the bathroom sink. The school day was over, and you planned on accompanying her to the diner for greasy food and to catch up on homework.
“I already promised her weeks ago,” you said, drying your hands. “There’s still prom?”
Winter nodded in understanding, and you both knew it was the end of that discussion. Zoe came out of the stall, her face flushed and hair tied back. She looked clammy.
“You alright in there?” Winter asked her as Zoe took a disposable cup and drank some water.
“Kyle asked me to the dance!” Zoe replied breathlessly. You and Winter both congratulated her, and Winter asked why she looked so sick.
“I just got overwhelmed, you know? He came up and asked me right as I put my books away. I didn’t think he was going too, he never brought it up before-.”
You followed them out as Zoe recanted the story of how Kyle asked her. The halls were mostly cleared now as kids scrambled to leave as soon as possible.
“You’re riding with us, right?” Zoe then asked you, raising a neat eyebrow at you.
“Yes, Dandy probably left already.”
The girls both smirked to themselves, but you ignored it. You were used to it by now.
The thing was, Dandy Mott was the best looking guy in school, in your opinion. You had never attended a public school in your life, but you knew those boys could never compare. Dandy was from the wealthiest family in your private district, and with his looks, girls were all over him.
However, he was quite the character. 
Dandy didn’t necessarily associate with a particular group of kids. He was reticent and didn’t bother with any clubs, but he was quite attuned to the drama program. He was also known for his temper if things didn’t go his way, but age matured him, mostly. You were one of the few people who he actually gave a damn about in life. You attributed that to knowing him before school. Your grandfather was a business partner with the Mott family, where your family name found their wealth, and how you two were friends.
You weren’t bothered by the unwanted attention you got from girls attempting to weasel their way into your circle for the chance to talk to Dandy. Most of them gave up quickly, and that was that. Plus, you had Winter and Zoe as your protectors. They weren’t afraid to kick a bitch in the vagina if they overstepped the clear boundaries you had set for yourself. Dandy trusted you, and you weren’t about to fuck that up.
Plus, his mother, Gloria, was continually trying to set him up with girls in other parts of town. 
You climbed into Zoe’s new car, buckling your seatbelt and glancing across the almost deserted parking lot. You spotted him instantly, sitting in his car and staring right back. You slowly raised your hand, giving him a wave. Dandy slowly reciprocated the action, and you swore you saw him smile.
You spent the evening with the girls, eating dinner and trying to explain the symbolism in the required reading in English. The football team had finished their practice and were crowding what few booths and tables were left. You tried to block out their raucous laughter, loudly asking Zoe to read your theory to see if it were plausible. 
Winter had noticed the Quarterback, Jason, occasionally staring at you as he chewed his burger. Your back was to him, so you had no idea. She didn’t say anything, instead watching him from the corner of her eye, figuring he wouldn’t approach your table. 
“I just think it only makes sense to me,” you told Zoe, scratching your head. “I can’t concentrate with the boys screaming for no reason.”
“I think it makes perfect sense. You did misspell authority, though…”
You laughed to yourself, glancing around the diner as Zoe fixed your spelling. You were so distracted, you misspelled simple words. 
“We should get ready and go, it’s getting stuffy in here…” Winter commented, closing her English book. 
“Just a moment!” Zoe said excitedly, scribbling down in her own notebook now.
You had started gathering your things when both Zoe and Madison looked behind you, looking a mix of concern and amusement. You glanced behind you to see Jason Dean, smiling down at you. His dark hair covered his eyes, and he pushed it back.
You had no idea what to say. The last conversation you had with Jason was probably in fifth grade when he commented that women were weak while helping you carry boxes of school supplies, and you accidentally dropped a massive box of markers on his foot. He cried for an hour. 
“y/n,” he addressed you. You glanced at your friends who were eagerly watching you with their faces hidden behind their textbooks. Winter’s was upside down.
“Hi, Jason,” you responded, hearing the confusion in your voice. You listened to his friends giggling behind you, and you wondered if this was a joke. 
“I haven’t seen you in a minute,” he said cheekily, and you nodded. “You look good.”
You quickly looked him up and down. Jason was muscular but not bulky, and he was definitely a whole foot taller than you. He grew into his facial features, and he was a handsome guy. You assumed he was just talking to you on a dare, so you finished putting your things in your bag. Zoe and Winter didn’t budge, still pretending to read their books.
Jason realized you were dumbfounded at his statement. He quickly backtracked, “I just wanted to say hi. I’ll see you around.”
You bid him farewell, turning to your friends who were having a hard time concealing their laughter. You heard Jason’s best friend, Matthew, call him an idiot and what sounded like a smack on the back.
“y/n, you have a boyfriend?” Zoe asked, smirking at you.
You glared, standing up as they shouldered their bags and grabbed their books. “You know perfectly well I don’t speak to him.”
“I bet he wants to ask you to the dance.” Winter grinned at Zoe, who nodded in agreement as you stepped into the cold autumn air. 
“I’m not going either way.” you mumbled, and the girls dropped it until the next morning. 
You didn’t think it was that big of a deal that the Quarterback tried to talk to you at the diner a few nights before. All the students who were present spread gossip like wildfire. You ignored it. You knew they were just children speculating what it could mean when it probably meant nothing. 
Zoe and Winter never brought it up again, and you were relieved that your friends didn’t dwell on it for too long. You loved that about them. 
It was after lunchtime when you sat in your History course, going over the notes for the test. You heard Jason and a few of his friends pile in, laughing and making comments under their breath. They took their designated seats in the back, and you felt eyes on the back of your head. 
A group of popular girls across the room started to giggle, and you glanced up to see Dandy walk in, his nose up and sauntering to the seat directly behind you. You wondered why he didn’t acknowledge you, but you didn’t dwell on it long. Dandy was often absent from any social interaction. 
Your teacher began the class the moment the bell rang. She decided to go over the notes an extra day and postponed the test. You were mildly disappointed but knew the material well, so you decided to doodle in your journal. One of the girls in the front occasionally popped her gum. 
Ms. Strode was talking about World War II when you felt something hit your elbow. You glanced over and saw a balled-up piece of paper. You glanced around to see most people were either frantically jotting down notes or not paying any attention. You picked it up, assuming it just needed to be passed ahead.
However, you read your name in neat cursive and opened it under the table.
Would you go to the dance with me? - Jason
You read the short invitation a good ten or so times before you could comprehend what he was asking. While the teacher wasn’t looking, you peeked over your shoulder to see him staring at you. His buddies were hiding their own smiles, but you didn’t see any malice behind it. Was he serious?
Of course, you’d have to decline. You already have an engagement. You promised your mother. You already declined the evening with your two best friends.
You didn’t send a note back, knowing it would be too distracting trying to pass it. Dandy would never try to give a stupid message.
However, Dandy had been paying attention and had managed to read the note over your shoulder when you laid it on your pencil case. He became green with envy, closing the book he hadn’t been paying attention too in the first place.
You hardly spoke a word to him this year. He wondered why that was. Dandy was very particular who he said too, and gave any sliver of his precious time. You were a comfort to him and probably didn’t realize that. Dandy knew he couldn’t seem desperate for your affection, or at the very least, your attention. He had hoped you’d be waiting for him in his car after school like the previous years before. Did he do something to upset you? Were you too good for him?
Dandy spent the rest of the class staring at the back of your head. He knew that wasn’t the case. Perhaps it was his behavior that steered you away. Of course, he liked being friends with you, but maybe it wasn’t enough. He was a loner who enjoyed his alone time. Dandy heard what people said about him. The general consensus was that he was doing everything right. 
When the class was dismissed, he hung back, watching as you quickly gathered your things and paced out the door. 
“Tough blow, man!” he heard Matthew say.
“She’ll come around.” Jason replied, his tone snarky. Dandy watched as they walked out of the room, his brows furrowing as he debated on taking the high road and asking you to the stupid dance himself. He wouldn’t go willingly. His mother, Gloria, needed him to be involved as much as possible. To keep up appearances, of course. Not for Dandy’s own goodwill. 
Dandy trailed out of the class, seeing you across the hall at your locker. Winter was beside you, somehow talking and applying lipstick at the same time. He stood off to the side, not minding all the bodies bumping into him and temporarily panicking that he’d yell at them.
This is it, Dandy thought. It’s a war, whether Jason Dean knew that or not. 
Jason approached you the following day and asked if you’d mind talking to him at lunch. You hesitantly agreed, catching Zoe’s eye as she hugged Kyle before going into her class. She smiled at you, and you gave her a hesitant one in return. 
He definitely matured through the years. Jason was interested in you, and you felt comfortable talking to him through the entire lunch period, even catching yourself laughing at his sense of humor. Dandy played with the apple in his hands, glaring daggers at the back of Jason’s messy head. Winter noticed from her spot at your usual table and nudged Zoe, gesturing for her to look. 
“He looks pissed.” Zoe giggled, and Winter nodded in agreement. 
“I think Mott is going to kill him!” Winter said, stabbing at her steamed broccoli.
“Shouldn’t we let y/n know?” Zoe asked.
“I think she’s about to figure it out.” Winter said as Dandy stood up, heading directly to the table where you were sitting with Jason. Zoe and Winter fell into a hush, shoving food into their mouth and intently watching what was about to unfold. 
Jason saw him approaching first and paused, sizing the other guy up and down. Jason was bigger than Dandy in height and muscle tone from being an athlete, but Dandy wasn’t lanky either. You turned around, shocked to find Dandy staring down at you. 
“y/n,” Dandy nodded at you, ignoring Jason.
“Dandy, hi!” you said, genuinely happy to see him. “How are you?”
“I’m decent.” he said, smiling a little. “Could I have a word?” 
You glanced at Jason, who seemed timid, but he nodded. You stood up, promising Jason you’d be back as you followed Dandy out to the hallway. Multiple eyes followed you, and you heard the whispers starting as the door swung shut. 
“How are you?” Dandy asked now, looking down at you. His dark hair was neatly gelled and had a slight curl. 
“I’ve been good. I haven’t heard from you in a while…” you said.
Dandy nodded, “I could say the same. I assumed you’d come back around soon enough.”
You felt he was hurt by your absence. Dandy looked bothered, and you felt terrible. However, he was capable of approaching you as well. Which is what he thought he had to do. 
“Is everything okay?” you questioned, hoping his mother was doing well. You hadn’t seen her all Summer. 
“y/n, you know you’re one of the only people I care about in this stupid town,” Dandy said, glancing towards a teacher walking to the lounge. He gave you guys a questioning look but didn’t comment, disappearing into the next room. 
You weren’t sure how to respond to that, so Dandy continued, “Which is why I think you shouldn’t go to the formal with Jason.”
You frowned, “How do you know he asked me?”
“The whole school knows!” Dandy retorted, and you remembered. “I think it’s a bad idea.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m not going either way.”
Dandy looked surprised, and you saw the relief in his eyes. He laughed a little, his fingers drumming against his leg. “Oh.”
“What, are you jealous?” you asked, laughing at him. Dandy tried to hide his laughter, but it didn’t work. The quiet hallway was filled with your giggles.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Dandy said, and you were saddened to hear the bell ring. Dandy straightened up, the smile leaving his face as kids filed out of the cafeteria and the surrounding classrooms. Kids stared at you and whispered, many laughing and wondering if you were now a couple. 
Jason slowly walked in your direction, but you didn’t want to say goodbye to Dandy. You were ashamed that you had avoided him for so long. You missed him. Dandy glanced behind you, his eyes sharpening as your new suitor waited patiently, his hands in his beige jacket. 
“Be careful around him.” Dandy whispered to you before he disappeared down the hall.
You approached Jason, who gave you a soft smile, “Am I missing something? Are you two together?”
You shook your head, a light smile on your lips, “No. We’re just friends.”
“Oh…” Jason nodded, “Look, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry if I freaked you out the other day. We don’t have to go to the dance together, but-.”
“Oh!” you gasped. Jason frowned, giving you a quizzical look. “The dance… I forgot,” you lied. “Uhm, I’m actually not going. I have other plans…” you said.
Jason looked defeated but took the rejection gracefully. You promised you’d sit with him again tomorrow, and he visibly cheered up at that. You ended up having to sprint to your locker for your books after saying goodbye, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Dandy’s warning. 
“Be careful around him.”
The Friday before the dance went to complete shit.
That morning you ate your breakfast slowly, listening to your parents argue in the kitchen over a business deal your mother thought was a bad idea. Your father was greedy and looked towards the top dollar than what was best for the business and the family. 
If that wasn’t bad enough, Winter fell sick and couldn’t go to school. You had to wait for your father to finish getting ready before he could drive you. You were ten minutes late and got a verbal warning; you never got in trouble at school. You had three tests in a row, and by lunch, you were about to rip your hair out.
Jason was nowhere to be found, so you sat with Zoe. She was worried that Winter would miss the dance but was happy that she’d at least have Kyle if Winter canceled. Kyle came and sat with you guys, his shaggy blond hair wet from the downpour outside. 
You were anxiously looking around the cafeteria for any sign of Dandy. He had missed a few days of school, citing a fever when you called his house and spoke to his maid, Dora. You wished him well and knew he’d pull through fast. Plus, you saw his car this morning when you got dropped off. 
“They’re going to cancel the dance if more kids fall ill,” Kyle said as he ate a burger. Zoe glared at him, telling him to look on the bright side of things. 
“What? I am!” Kyle replied, smirking at his new girlfriend.
“I’m sure they won’t cancel.” you placated Zoe, who beamed at you. “All the parents who gave money will be pissed.”
You ate most of your lunch when the principal walked in. The room immediately quieted as he observed the tables before landing on you. He walked to you briskly, and you felt your heart racing as he approached. 
Am I getting detention? I’ve only been late once!
“Ms. y/l/n, could you come with me?” he asked politely, smiling at you, Zoe, and Kyle.
You nodded slowly, bunching up your trash and placing it on the tray. Zoe told you to leave it, and they’d take care of it. You quietly thanked her and followed Principal Harmon out, struggling to keep pace with his long, thin legs.
“Is everything alright, sir?” you asked. Now wondering if your parents died in some fiery crash or if you failed a class. 
“There’s been a disturbance outside this afternoon,” Harmon replied, his voice grim. “With Mr. Mott and Mr. Dean.”
You were shocked to hear this. You were silent during the rest of the trek to his office. When he opened the door, you saw both boys sitting in chairs. They both had packs of ice on their faces and sheepish expressions.
“What were you thinking?” you hissed to them as Mr. Harmon gestured for you to take the empty seat next to Dandy.
“Well, now that y/n is here, I think you both owe her an explanation and an apology.” 
Jason and Dandy shared a look. Dandy now looked pissed, and you could only imagine what lead to this. 
Oh, I have a pretty good fucking idea.
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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ksj-com · 5 years
Request #1
One Night, Two Parties
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- Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
- Genre: Highschool!AU, Enemy2Lover!AU, smut
- Warnings/Tags: (kinda) slow burn, alcohol mention, drug mention, party competition, flashing, partying, arguing, rough kissing, hickies, neck kissing, wall sex, rough sex, protected sex, fingering, slightly drunk sex, shirtless Jungkook
- Word Count: 6,015 words
- Summary: You and Jungkook have been popularity rivals for two years, and you don’t want to admit it’s just because you’re jealous of how easy he can make friends. You’ve been planning a party for the past week now only to find out that Jungkook has a party happening today as well. This is your time to show him who’s boss at this school by having a competition on who has the most people at their party.
|| To read Jasmin’s story with Namjoon, click here ||
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     The sound of chalk on the board made the palm you were leaning on more and more comfortable by the minute. Equations with unknown meanings sprawled across the green slate in front of the classroom. The teacher has his glasses drooping to the brim of his nose; he was so in-the-zone that he wouldn’t even glance back to the class to explain what he was writing. 
     On the other end of the room, your eyes were beginning to become out of focus as you daydreamed about tonight. Maybe you’ll get plastered enough to bring someone in your room tonight and get freaky. The imagination of your mystery man slowly pulling your sticky clothes off and kissing all over your bare skin made you purse your lips together to keep yourself contained. Sex wasn’t a huge part of your life like some of the girls that you went to school with, but you couldn’t help the occasional daydream. Especially under the circumstances, it being the last and most boring class of the day.
     A piece of paper bounces off your head from behind and snaps you out of the fantasy you built inside your head. Knowing exactly who it was, you roll your eyes and ignore it. You close your eyes to hopefully catch a few zzz’s before class ends. Another paper bullet hits your head, making you annoyed enough to turn around. The boy sitting behind you, Yoongi, passes you a note. His face was clearly just as annoyed as yours from his note-taking being disrupted. You grasp the paper and open it up to see what’s inside.
     ‘You ready for the banger tonight? My house.’ You read the words written in terrible boy handwriting. You look around behind you to meet eyes with Jungkook. He smiled deviously at you in return to the scowl on your face. He really thought he was going to take tonight from you and be smug enough to invite you to his own party? Not happening.
     You flip the paper over to write your own note for him to see. The anger pushing through the pencil a little too hard seeing how it broke under your fingers when you were done writing. ‘Too late. People have been knowing about my party since the beginning of this week. Parents are out of town and everyone’s getting fucked up. Best party of the year for sure.’ Being satisfied with what you wrote, you turn back around and hand it to Yoongi to pass to Jungkook. Yoongi makes sure to show you how you’re being annoying by rolling his eyes before passing the note back to Jungkook.
     You turn back around to be slapped in the face with the gibberish written all over the board. Calculus was a bitch and you’ll regret not copying down the notes later, but you didn’t have the energy to care about it right now. Surely someone else will send you pictures of the notes over the weekend for you to copy down anyways.
     Jungkook didn’t hand you back a note until after the bell rang. You were placing your notebooks back in your backpack while Jungkook slid the note on top of your desk. You immediately unfold the paper to read ‘We’ll see about that then.’ You look up to see him by the door looking back at you, him making a throat cutting motion and a wink before walking out the door. You roll your eyes and sling your backpack over your shoulder. Yeah I guess we will.
     There was always a tension between you and Jungkook ever since he was new sophomore year. He instantly made friends from doing absolutely nothing other than being slightly attractive, at least that’s what every girl here thought. On the other hand, you were popular from actually being involved in extracurriculars, still having a social life, and not being a bitch. You couldn’t help but feel a bit envious at how he showed up out of no where and took your spot in people’s lives. It’s now senior year and your feelings for him haven’t changed. You both hated each other.
     “I just can’t believe he thinks he can ruin my party by throwing his own, like, I swear he goes out of his way just to ruin my life!” you rant as you looked at yourself in the mirror. A light green, skinny strapped, cropped tank top with a high waisted black skirt that ended at the middle of your thighs. You looked at yourself proudly. Playing sports and being active kept you in shape and you had a pretty set self esteem, so wearing tight clothing didn’t bother you. You had already freshened up your makeup, applying some dark nude lipstick as well. To complete the look, you let your straight hair fall around your shoulders.
     “Listen, I think you’re a tad over dramatic. Yes, it was a dick move to plan a party when he probably already knew you were going to throw one, but who cares? We’re gonna be loaded with shit that I doubt he will be, so who’s house is everyone gonna choose? Yours,” your best friend, Jasmin, crosses her arms while meeting your eyes in the mirror. She always knew how to cheer you up and make you confident in anything you weren’t. She was your ride or die to say the least. You’ve known her throughout your highschool years, and unlike most of your close friends, she’s always been by your side. “Now move bitch, so I can see how I look,” she laughs and pushes you aside.
     She fluffed up her blonde curly hair, inspecting her blue eyes and freckled face. You watched her; she was absolutely gorgeous. “Plus, I doubt he knows anyone over 21 around here to get him anything he wants like we do. Hobi should be coming any minute now to give us our deliveries,” she shrugged, her step brother was always willing to plug anything you guys wanted for your parties. Although she was right and comforting you, the thoughts in the back of your mind couldn’t help but resurface.
     “You’re right. I guess I’m just over thinking it,” you watch her. The roles now switched as she looks at her outfit now. She turns around with a smile planted across her face as she approaches you.
     “So...your eyes set on anyone for tonight?” she wiggles her eyebrow. You can feel a laugh rise in your throat as your unrealistic daydream replays in your mind. She must have noticed your cheeks flush when you told her no one because she didn’t believe a word you told her. “You’ll get a little frisky when you start drinking anyways, so I guess I’ll find out what you’re getting all red about later,” she jabs your side.
     “You’ll see that I’m only looking to have a good time with myself and my best friend, AKA you,” you lie to her and yourself. You didn’t want to admit that you wanted to catch someone’s attention tonight— not anyone in particular, but having people scan your body up and down gave you a thrill. Even if you wanted what you said to be true— it wasn’t. Since Jasmin could read you like a book, she could tell it wasn’t true either.
     “Mmhmm... okay (Y/N). Should I bring up the last time we had a party? After that drinking contest, you had no problem basically fucking that guy Jin in the middle of everyone dancing,” You pushed your fingers in your ears to make the story stop. God, you were such an embarrassing drunk sometimes.
     “Okay, fine. What about you? Who are you going for tonight?” You ask, watching her jokingly lick her lips.
     “Namjoon,” her voice straining while saying his name in a low tone. You couldn’t help but laugh at her poor imitation of him. But after your laughing fit, her answer finally set in making you scrunch your nose.
     “Going for a straight edge tonight? Changing it up I see,” She hits you lightly and just as she was about to reply, the doorbell buzzed throughout the house. You both exchange looks before heading towards the front door. 
     Hobi stands at the front door with booze hugged to his chest. You always had the hots for him while being friends with Jasmin, but you both decided he was off limits for you. You didn’t want to put Jasmin in an uncomfortable situation if something was to ever happen, even though you doubt it would ever anyways. “Well are you just gonna stare, or are you gonna help me carry these all in? There’s more in the trunk,” he scoffs and steps inside.
     You and Jasmin walk out to the open trunk. You both see the heaping amount of boozes from different assortments of Svedka, Bicardi, Vodka, Fireball, Smirnoff, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Jack Daniels, etc. Not only were there bottles of liquor, but there were bags of joints and blunts. Thankfully, that was all there was since you didn’t feel like being the reason someone became addicted to coke tonight. 
     “Hell yeah,” you and Jasmin both say in unison before everyone empties everything out of the trunk and aligning it on your kitchen counters. Red cups were in stacks next to the liquor and the weed was spread across the table.
     The party started at nine and the clock was just passing eight. You both thanked Hoseok by paying him back and started pregaming when he left. You guys didn’t want to get too fucked up before the party actually started, so you both made sure to snack while drinking a little bit. It was safe to say that you felt a little tipsy, heat resting on your cheeks constantly and you feeling a bit more giggly than normal. You greeted the people that walked through your doors, slightly shouting over the music playing. It was already 9:30 when you realized how little of people showed up. You kept telling yourself that more people will show up later, but it really started to bother you when people began to complain about it.
     You agree that something is off and look out your window to see Jungkook’s house filled with people inside and outside. Him living across the street from you made it even more of a smack in the face at what was happening and you weren’t just going to sit and let it happen. You drag Jasmin out to your front porch, visible to everyone flooded on Jungkook’s front yard. You, having had a few drinks already, came up with an idea that your sober self would probably look in disgust at. You whisper your thoughts to Jasmin and she agreed with no hesitation.
     You both shout and wave your arms to get people’s attention. Once everyone’s eyes were on you two, you followed through with the plan. “Before you spend the rest of the night at Jungkook’s, make sure you know there’s a better party across the street,” you both shout and raise up your shirts. With no bra on for the both of you, your breasts flash everyone outside. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, nervous from the reaction you would receive. Luck was on your side tonight as everyone cheered and began flooding towards your house. People inside noticed the movement from everyone outdoors and followed, figuring there must be a reason a big crowd was leaving. Thank god.
     You were sure to greet everyone and tell them where everything was while they all walked in. Casually glancing over to Jungkook’s house to see if he was going to walk out as well. Sure enough, a couple minutes later Jungkook walks out bare chested and confused. What a meathead. He locks eyes with you and you take the perfect moment to mimic the same throat cutting motion he gave you earlier today. Clearly annoyed, he shakes his head and heads back inside his house.
     You eventually slide yourself with the crowd of people coming inside. The smell of marijuana faintly covering the room. Not a lot of people gravitated towards it to your surprise, most people already having a vape in hand. Either way, the room had a slight fog in the air. You planted yourself in the kitchen with the drinkers having shots. You join them only having a few for yourself since you were already tipsy. You were smart this time and there was no way you were going to let yourself get black out drunk. Jasmin was the polar opposite as you, she didn’t care and you were more of the ‘mom friend’ to her.
     She was out dancing like an idiot to Kodak Black, she was clearly already drunk. She jumped around aimlessly, people around her looking equally gone. You laughed as you jumped in next to her to the music. Smiles were on both of your faces and you were having a blast. On the corner of your eye, you saw Namjoon join Jasmin from behind. She grinds into him when she realized who it was after you gave her a wide eyed look. She looks at you with a giant grin on her face as you watch Namjoon’s hands grip at her waist. You gave her a secret thumbs up and scan the room to try to find a guy to do the same with. Your eyes stop on Jungkook.
     You approach him and stand in front of him while he dances. “Your party so boring that you had to join mine? Last time I checked you weren’t invited,” Your face twists as you watch him having a good time in your house.
     He scoffs, “Last time I checked most of these people weren’t invited to your house either, but here they are.”
     “Well they aren’t assholes like you are!” you shout, the alcohol coursing through your veins making it difficult to hold back what’s really on your mind.
     “Isn’t the alcohol supposed to make you a less uptight bitch?” He shoots back with disgust on his face.
      “How about you just get out of my house? My party, my rules,” you cross your arms with a look that could kill someone.
     “Gladly,” he taunts. He stops dancing and looks at you. The music abruptly stops causing everyone to start complaining. You whip around to see Taehyung, one of Jungkook’s minions, have his hands around the cut cords of your stereo. “Party back over at Jungkook’s! There’s actually music playing over there!” Jungkook cups his hands around his mouth to project his announcement. You bite your cheeks to hold in the tears while you watch everyone follow Jungkook back over to his house. 
     Once the house was basically empty, you rushed over to the cut up cords. You felt your stomach drop at the sight of the damaged equipment that wasn’t even yours. You look around for Jasmin to help think of what the hell to do in a situation like this, but she wasn’t in the room. Now that the house was silent from no people and no music, the sounds of moaning were muffled from the walls separating you both.
     “Gross,” you mutter to yourself as your focus turns back to the cords. You were so screwed. This was your dad’s stereo and you had no idea how to replace it by the time they came back home. You didn’t have the money nor do you know where it’s even from. Your body started to boil, you frustrated at the fact you couldn’t even look at the cords without three other versions of it twirling around your vision. How could Jungkook go that far just to take all those people back?
     Before you could process what you were doing, your feet were stomping over to Jungkook’s house. The music blaring outside of his house. You could call the cops on him to throw back a little bit of the ‘going too far’ medicine, but you threw a party too and didn’t want to risk it. Hot humidity hit you when you stepped into his house full of people. Pushing threw the sticky dancing bodies, you finally make it to Jungkook. He stood behind a bar handing drinks out to people. You yank him aside to a room away from music so you could both actually hear each other.
     “What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t you think cutting cords from an expensive ass stereo is a little too far for a fucking party? My parents are gonna kill me and here you are having a good time not giving a damn about what damage you just did to my house! Such an inconsiderate asshole!” You push him roughly while screaming into his face.
     He doesn’t hold back when he pushes you back with the same force, making you stumble on your feet a bit. Now it was his turn. “Do you really think I give a shit about what your parents are gonna think? Hell, I would actually love to see their reaction, see you get grounded and cry about it like the baby you are. You have despised me ever since I moved here, even though I haven’t done shit to you. You make everything a rivalry when I’m just trying to have a good time. You have to ruin everything by needing constant validation that you are the most important one in this school when, in the end, no one gives a shit,” his words burn into your body. “And the worst part of it all is no matter how much I want to hate you, I can’t. You never leave my mind,” his voice drops as he tries to raise his hand to your face.
     You scoff and smack his hand down. “How drunk are you to try that cheap shit on me? I’m not going to run into your arms like every girl here. Just because you can smooth talk your way into every girls panties doesn’t mean I apply.” you watch his face twist with rage and embarrassment.
     “Who the hell do you think I am? I don’t manipulate anyone for sex and I wouldn’t do that to you. Why do you hate me so goddamn much, (Y/N)?” His voice is so loud that you wouldn’t be surprised if everyone would be looking when you both walked out.
     “I don’t hate you, I just- I-“ your mind was spinning. Why couldn’t you be sober right now to put together a proper sentence? He slowly walked towards you, your eyes drifting down his bare chest. Toned and shiny from the perfect amount of sweat. Snap out of it. You’re drunk. “Just pay me back for the stereo,” you push past him, knocking his shoulder aside.
     After pushing your way through the party once again, the air was a nice relief. You took a deep breath of the crisp cool air to try to cool your adrenaline from the argument and confusing words Jungkook just told you. You figured that he hated you just as much as you hate him, but now that you think about it, how could you say that when you don’t really have that strong of a dislike for him? Yes, he was annoying in every way possible, but it’s not really his fault that your friends started to gravitate more to him than you. At the end of the day, those friends weren’t really your friends if they left you.
     Your thoughts stop when you reopen your front door to reveal how big of a mess the short lived party created. You groan into your hands, but suck it up to grab a garbage bag. Empty cups, crushed chips, spilled drinks, a puddle of unknown liquid scatter the floor. You inspect the thick cream color liquid with disgust. Puke, maybe?
     You started at one end of the room picking up and cleaning your place. Your mind went back to how undeniably good Jungkook looked as he was approaching you. The dimness of the room carved out the ridges of his abs and glistened on his sweaty high points. You kept telling yourself that he was only average for the past couple years, but you couldn’t deny that the thought of his looks now made your body tingle. You couldn’t understand if that was Jack Daniel’s making you soft for him or if you’ve finally have come to realize he’s really not the villain you have made him out to be.
     You never leave my mind. But, did he mean that in a good way or a bad way? He didn’t leave your mind either, but that’s because you always complained about something he said or did. So was that the same for him, or did he mean something else?
     You snap up when you hear someone’s feet slap the hard floor. Jasmin waddles her way over to the fridge for some water. Her hair tangled and frizzy while one of her shirt straps draped past her shoulder. “Where did the party go, hm?” Her words strung together, making her voice barely comprehendible. Her eyes watch you lazily as she filled up her cup. The mascara crumbling off of her lashes.
     “Jesus, look at you. I’ll tell you all about it when you’re able to understand what I’m saying,” you watch her roll her eyes at your comment.
     She slams the water in her cup, not hesitating to refill it up. She licks her lips, “so what were you and Jungkook talking about? Saw him giving you those ‘fuck me’ eyes before you walked over there.”
     You snort a laugh. “Excuse me?” You face was sour, yet your cheeks speckle with heat.
     “God, you’re so boy-stupid (Y/N),” she shakes her head and disappears with her second glass of water.
     “Says the one who only makes a move when she’s plastered!” You yell for her to hear with a joking smile on your face.
     “Hey! Rude!” She replies, fumbling up the stairs as she tries not to spill.
     You shake your head and laugh, resorting back to picking up your mess of a house. You notice a broken bottle on the floor, glass pieces pointing dangerously upward. Wiping the sweat off your forehead, you grab a broom to sweep up the pile. But, the sound of a door bell stops you in your tracks.
     Jungkook stands at the door looking down at you while you stare at him with furrowed brows. “Yes?”
     “Need some help? Kind of partied out,” he leans his arm on the door frame. “Here, by the way,” he digs in his pocket and gives you a roll of money.
     “Where did you even-“
     He interrupts you by saying, “Listen, I’m sorry about the stereo. You’re right. It was too far.”
     You look up at him to see if he was joking with you or not. You never thought you would hear the words ‘you’re right’ come from his mouth, but he was serious. You stuffed the money in your pocket because, hell, you needed it. Although he was being weirdly nice right now, you didn’t want it to be ruined by inviting him in. Who knows if another argument would fire up? “Well, thank you. I don’t need any help though,” you blow a strand of hair out of your face.
     “Suit yourself,” he turns around and begins walking back. Head down and hands in pockets as he steps down your front porch steps. 
     You chew at your lip while watching him. Maybe you should let him in to see what has been going on with him tonight. What’s the worst that could happen? You guys have already been ‘worst enemies’ so it wouldn’t be anything new if it was back to that after tonight. “Wait!”
     He turns around, only being at the bottom on your steps he looks up at you. His eyes scan down your body as you stand there in silence. Fuck, what do I say now?
     He spins on his heels and walks back up the steps. You gulp as his figure approaches you. He looks at you with the same look in his eyes as earlier, yet this time he crashes his lips on yours. The force makes you stumble back, so you both are inside the house now. He kicks the door closed behind him and pushes you against the wall next to it. Your mind is spinning at the turn of events, yet you really didn’t want to stop it.
     He pushes his lips against you roughly as his hands rest at your waist. You would have never thought the fantasy you daydreamed about earlier would end up being Jungkook, but here you were, not having a single problem with it. Your lips matched his when you both found the right rhythm. Your hands travel from his chest to being wrapped around his neck giving him the opening to feel you up. His hands stop at your breasts over your shirt giving them a squeeze.
     “I guess this answers my question about if you thinking about me all the time was a good or bad thing” you disconnect your lips with a smirk.
     He looked down at your lips while you spoke, both of you out of breath from the adrenaline pumping throughout both of your bodies. “Shut up,” he laughs breathily. Your mouths meet again, passion filled with each touch. His tongue licks around your mouth causing the kisses to become a bit messier and impatient. You tug at his bottom lip, releasing a quiet growl when it snaps back.
     You could taste the liquor on both of your mouths while you kiss. The sweet and bitter linger that each kiss provided made you never want to stop. Your hands claw through his dark brown hair, tangling each finger against his scalp. Every slight tug made a groan rise from his throat.
     Once he was done being teased, his hands gripped your ass. The yelp that came from your lips caused a smirk to spread across his face. He watches you squeeze your eyes shut from the pleasure. Lust filling his hooded eyes. He licks your lips before dipping to attach himself to your neck. Your eyes flutter while your neck cranes back, begging to be touched. A moan escapes your lips from him sucking the tender skin. The care of hiding hickies from your parents currently eliminated by his lips gently kissing the marks.
     You wrap your leg around his back side and pull him closer. His rock hard dick pushing against you cause your breath to hitch. He’s still focusing on your neck as his hands feel you up again, yet this time he’s under your shirt. His fingertips glide over your sensitive skin and stop under your bare breast. He draws back and bites his lip when he forgot that you weren’t wearing a bra. You whine for him to continue touching you by arching your chest towards him. He palms both of your breasts, squeezing them lightly dragging over your nipples. You whimper from the sudden and quick feeling of him touching your sensitive nipples. The feeling shooting throughout your body.
  ��  One of his hands leaves your breast and travels up the inside of your bare thigh. Going up your skirt and stopping on the outside of your underwear. “Tell me you want it— that you want me,” he looks at you. 
     Talking during sex wasn’t really something you’ve done before. With that being said, you haven’t really been in a lot of sexual encounters to begin with. Your cheeks flush and you look at him shyly. “I want you,” your voice coming out softer than you would have liked.
     He tries to hide the smile that threatened to come across his face, so he brushes his nose over yours before connected your lips with him. This time the kiss was soft and sweet, almost innocent. The lust reappears when he makes you gasp by pulling your underwear aside to rub around your pussy. You gripped onto his hair as you moan uncontrollably in his mouth. You were already wet from before, but now you were drenched.
     “So wet for me? I thought I’d never see the day,” he whispers in your ear. All you could pull out of your mouth was another moan as his rubbing became rougher. Two of his fingers trail down your folds and wiggle into you inch by inch. Curling and pumping in and out of you at an unforgiving pace. You whine as you grind down into him and grip his shoulders. While he pumps fiercely into you, his other hand pinches and gropes your breasts. His breath is hot against your skin, watching you so vulnerable under his touch.
     “I want more,” you pull your lip in between your teeth. He pauses to meet eyes with you, batting your lashes playfully. He pulls your underwear past your hips and down to the floor. You step out of them and watch him unzip his jeans. He lets them fall to the ground around his feet after pulling a condom out of his pocket. His dick rises from the lack of restraint the jeans provided causing your legs to squeeze together from the excitement. You watch him pump his length a few more times before sliding the condom on.
     “I didn’t know that the famous Jungkook practiced safe sex,” you giggle. You honestly didn’t care since you were on birth control but it’s better to be safe then sorry.
     “I didn’t even know the famous (Y/N) had sex to begin with,” he glances up at you with a smug smile.
     Barely, you thought to yourself. You stayed silent since he already started to cease the space between your two bodies. You pull your shirt over your body, leaving you with just your skirt on. You begin to tug it down, but his hands stop you. 
     “Keep the skirt on,” his voice raspy. You could feel his dick resting between your legs. You couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. You weren’t usually the one for casual sex; you figure that’s all this really was. In all honesty, you hope it isn’t. He could tell the uneasiness on your face when he asked,” Are you sure you want to?”
     You nod eagerly. Fuck it, even if it was casual his dick will probably be bomb given the massive size of the thing.
     “Just tell me if it ever hurts or anything,” he kisses your forehead and trails his lips to your lips once again. One of his arms wraps around the back of your thigh to lift, completely exposing yourself under the skirt. He keeps your leg lifted as he slowly slides in your impatiently dripping pussy. Your eyes screw shut, the delicious stretch has your hands latching back on his hair. “Fuck...you’re so tight baby,” his breath stutters. Despite the dirty actions, you feel your heart skip a beat at him call you baby like this. Your feelings for him have completely changed since the beginning of the night, and you hope he won’t crush you when you finally begin to grow feelings for him.
     He pushes and pulls at a constant pace, enjoying every bit of you while doing so. The heavenly tug your fingers give his hair while the suction of your pussy, wanting to keep him in while he pulls out, almost makes him want to let go right now, but he doesn’t want to blow this opportunity. The opportunity to show that he can make you feel something other than anger. He wanted to show you that you guys could function together without wanting to shoot each other’s heads off. Of course, sex wasn’t going to make you realize everything he wanted you to about him, but it was a start given the circumstances of tonight.
     His kisses are the only thing holding you both from screaming each other’s names. Wet sounds and slapping skin hid the sounds of the moans you both made in each other’s mouths. His free hand snakes around your waist to hug you against him creating a friction every time he pounded inside of you. The friction against your clit made your eyes roll back while your walls clench around him. You could feel your core ignite as each stroke hit blissfully against your spot. As you felt yourself grow closer, your arms pressed up against the wall trying to hold something that wasn’t there. Your moans became higher in pitch, almost as squeaks. His fingers dig into your skin from him trying not to release his load. As if you thought he couldn’t get any deeper, the hand on your back drops down to your ass to pull the cheek. His strokes rise into you, causing your body to jump up every time.
     He growls before lifting your other leg under his other arm, guiding you to now wrap both of your legs around his waist. His hands hold you up below your ass along with the force of being pushed against the wall. He slams into you as he holds you in place. It was obvious that you both were going to reach your high any second now. Your moans barely even making it out of your throat as you watch him. The sweat on his forehead making his messy hair stick to it and his adam’s apple bob as he groans over and over again— music to your ears. You felt yourself explode from pleasure as water floods on the floor below you two. Your tight clenching pussy drives him over the edge as he fills the barrier between both of you. You hug him close as you bounce on his dick to ride out both of your highs.
     Your legs reached the ground again, immediately shaking from how weak they feel. You both look at each other panting with wide eyes. You both can’t believe that just happened. He’s still inches from your face and his hands glide up and down the curve of your hips.
     “I guess this means we don’t hate each other anymore right?” he chuckles, but the look he gives you when he meets your eyes is telling you that he’s hoping he’s right. 
     You pull away from his stare to pull your shirt back on, so he takes the moment to pull his pants over himself as well. “That might be something I have to think about,” you wink at him to be a tease.
     “Do you have to think about us going on a date sometime?” He loops his belt around his waist, acting casual about what he just said.
     “What?” you freeze in disbelief.
     “You. Me. Dating. Squashing this beef we’ve had for, I don’t know how long. I’m over it. You’re a great person minus the ‘hating me’ part and you’re beautiful...like seriously,” his hand combs through his tangled mess. 
     You laugh from being shy from compliments. “I would love to go on a date with you,” you look down at your feet. His smile grows. “On one condition, we don’t throw parties on the same night anymore.”
     “Silly girl, we’ll be throwing one party together from now on, duh.” he boops your nose. You both spend the rest of the night side by side at the party. Brushing off everyone’s shocked faces whenever he pulled you into a kiss.
     Who would’ve known you’d end up being head over heels over the one you once thought ruined your life?
Requested by: @penguinkyung
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marshmallowmalfoy · 7 years
Colors Of The Girl // Draco Malfoy // Pt. 4
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Pairing: Reader X Draco
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 1000 something
Summary: You feel insecure and inferior because Draco has been getting a lot of extra attention from other girls, and he makes sure to cheer you up.
A/N: Let me know if you want a part 5! Sorry, it took so long to post, I’m also writing a new fluff called Ink thicker than blood that I think you’ll like. I’m sorry that this one is so short :( But better short than not at all right?
Feel free to make requests!
Warnings: Swearing, insecurity
“You’re so funny Malfoy!” Tracey Davis, a Slytherin girl giggled to Draco. He hadn’t noticed you watching him and his partner from across the room. She placed a hand on his arm, smiling flirtatiously.
“That’s kind of you to say, Tracey.” He’d become much kinder since you’d been together, to other Slytherins at least. He smiled at her. You feel like he never smiles when he’s around you. Her smile was as pure as her blood status. You felt dirty watching them… you felt dirty for your own status.
“I was thinking… Perhaps you would like to join me sometime to study in the library? I’d make my day to be able to spend more time with you.” She flipped the page of her book slowly, in a measly attempt to be seductive. He smiled and continued with his work.
“I thought you had good marks, Tracey. Are you falling behind?” He hadn’t noticed you looking yet.
“No.” She answered bluntly.
“Well, I’d love to join you,” Now, he did not notice that you had got up and left the class, white hair streaming behind you as you walked out in a frenzy. “But I have to get my marks up, and I already have a tutor.” She seemed quite upset, looking around the room for who he may be talking about. He looked to where you were once sitting to find you missing, but thought nothing of it.
You were quiet the next day as you sat in the Slytherin common room with Draco and his friends. You watched the waters of the black lake swirling through the windows that lead out there.
You thought for a moment as you stare. What would have happened if Draco hadn’t been sitting right where he was now that night? What would have happened? Your attention was snapped away from the dark waters as a screeching laugh penetrated the relatively quiet environment.
“I love it! You’re so clever Malfoy!” Pansy shrieked, swatting at his chest flirtatiously. She was sat on the arm rest of the couch where he was resting, even though there were open seats all around.
“It’s only true, I’m not being clever at all.” He laughed and looked at you, and you stared back at him blankly as he smiles happily at you. You just looked away from him and stood up, wishing for nothing more than the stern cover of a book within your grasp.
“Bye-bye freaky deeky.” Pansy muttered under her breath. You heard it, and you looked at Draco, who said nothing, only gave you a sad side glance.
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He watched you leave. He said nothing.
“That wasn’t cool Pansy.” He finally spoke. She looked at him with a shocked expression, her eyes wide as saucers and her jaw on the floor.
“You’ve got to be joking Malfoy. Filthy quarter blood bitch shouldn’t even be hanging around with us! Why are you even her friend!?” Pansy laughed in a defensive way.
“That’s enough!” Draco shot up from where he was sat, turning to look at Pansy, “You’re terribly nasty Pansy, it’s annoying. You’re becoming annoying. And we all know the only reason you dislike Y/N so much is because you’re jealous of her!” The room was silent for a moment, then Blaise spoke.
“Malfoys right P. Y/L/N isn’t so bad, I don’t get why you’re so against having her around.” His voice was filled with caution, knowing very well that this could cause Pansy to snap into a fit of hysteria.
“Y/N.” Draco snapped you out of your daydream as he said your name and squeezed your hand. “What’s wrong love?” His words made you tear your eyes away from his beautiful gray ones.
“Nothing.” You muttered under your breath, pulling your hand from his. Looking back over to Katie Bell.
“You can’t lie to me Y/N. I know you’re jealous, your hair’s green, tell me what’s going on.” Draco followed your gaze to the Gryffindor table, though he wasn’t sure what you were looking at. He looked back at you, and your eyes were fading to blue. “Oh come on Y/N, let’s get you out of here okay? Then we can talk.” He laced your fingers together as you stood and you grabbed onto his arm.
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He escorted you quickly out of the dining hall, all the way in silence to the room of requirements where the two of you sat down on your couch and you cuddled up against his body, he put his arm around your body. He’d been the sweetest thing to you ever since the night in the Astronomy tower, which was weeks ago. In fact, as you think of the time, you two would soon have to part. You’d go home… if you can call it that… and he would as well. You’d ’ve separated for the entire summer. You, stuck in the Muggle world and him staying here. He’d most certainly find someone more beautiful, someone thinner, or perhaps who has more going on in the places he likes. He would leave you behind for someone better. Someone like Katie Bell.
“Darling?” He interrupted your train of thought, tucking a loose strand of blue-green hair behind your ear. “What’s going on?” His words pulling your attention back to him. “You aren’t yourself, you’re quiet.”
“Why are you even with me Draco?” Your words were soft as you pulled your gaze away from him once again. 
“What?” His voice was filled with shock and dismay.
“Why are you with me? Draco, you said it yourself… I’m a filthy quarter blood.” You sighed, “Not to mention Pansy was right, I’m sure you’d rather kiss a pig than me. Or maybe… I don’t know…” You paused for a moment and looked gently into his eyes, “Katie Bell… Or Pansy… Or… Tracey Davis.” His eyes filled with sorrow, but you continued, anyway, “Your family would never accept me. I’m a disgrace. You should just give up on me now Dray, I’m serious, I’m not worth it. I’m-”
“-Stop right there Y/N.” His eyes seemed angry now. “You listen here because I’m only going to say this once.” You weren’t scared, but you became worried of what he was going to say. “I don’t want Katie Bell, I don’t want anyone else. I wouldn’t care if you were a mud- a Muggle-born wizard.” He breathed out, “I want you because of who you are, not what you are, or what you look like. You, by the way, are much prettier than Katie Bell. You’re prettier than any end every girl in this school, hell, in the whole damn bloody world.” You smiled and giggled a little as you held back tears, “Y/N Y/L/N, you are the one I want. You and only you.” He leaned in and kissed your forehead lightly.
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The Most Dangerous Game
"Oh yes," her voice was the faintest of moans in my ear, "just like that."
I honestly didn't know how I got here. Sure, I could tell you all the points that started my evening off and how they eventually lead here. But as for how it all happened, I had no idea. I had come to the bar to forget. Not really that it ever worked but persistence has to count for something, right? It all started after a long, long day.
"Hey Rob," I called out to Robert Pakam, owner and proprietor of Hunter's Den, the small bar that I frequented more than I liked or should. Still, it was a nice atmosphere. Rob was a fair man, beer was cold, food was good, and it was a pleasantly crowded place. Nothing crazy loud, even on weekends when Richard Jackson, I had gone to school with him, what? Christ, must be pushing fifteen years now, and his motley band played on the small stage. It wasn't my favorite of listening, blues or country tones, but still it was enough to give Rob some extra money and kept the old coin-operated jukebox in the corner from dying, not from a lack of effort on its end though. Rob was always bitching about it not working but I had yet to make the mistake of suggesting an upgraded sound system, I had seen the results of that particular line of stupidity.
I went over to my usual haunt. A back corner that I could watch the entire building, bathrooms were on the far wall, bar on my left and main entrance on my right. T.V. was a bit too close for comfort, but, there wasn't much I could do about it and the small hit to my hearing was worth the hold I could maintain on my sanity. I sat heavily, tired, I hadn't even bothered to change. All well. Fuck what everyone else thought, Only thing that may make anyone twitchy was the bulletproof vest, and that wasn't coming off. Likely not for a month. I shivered in memory but forced a smile for Rochelle, Rob's daughter, she helped her Mom and Dad run the small place. I didn't think it was struggling, it was full most of the time and most people talked about the brew that Rob used from local places. I was sure it was a good bet that if Rob decided he liked your beer suddenly the locals would like it too.
"Galactic Space Dragon IPA," Rochelle's baby blues twinkled at me and I raised one in return as she set the tall frosted glass in front of me on a small napkin already saturated with condensation. The liquid inside was a light hue of gold. Dandelions on a hot afternoon. Yeah, that color. It looked filled with carbonation and the head was a brilliant white foam. I had always tried the newest thing on the menu. Why the hell stick to the same thing if you aren't sure you're going to die tomorrow?
I took a long sip, savoring the fluid on my tongue, rolling it around before swallowing. "Very carbonated." I murmured, it felt like a soft drink going down more than beer. I took another sip, "it tastes nearly like grapefruit on the first taste before it mellows out." She was nodding, she enjoyed sampling the local things with me, though only recently had she started asking what I thought of them. Beer had been beer, cold, refreshing, good on a hot day. But, as I forced myself to focus on it more, each did, in fact, have its own variety and I could start to pinpoint what I didn't like in certain ones instead of simply discarding the whole company. "It's smooth though."
"Yeah, and it almost has a chocolaty taste to it." she paused for a moment, "mind if I catch a lift after work?" I was usually around until closing anyway, "don't exactly want to bug mom and dad, it's supposed to be their anniversary tonight." I nodded at her before I took another sip, focusing. It had a rich taste, a little sweet. I wasn't quite sure if it was chocolate-like but it was a complex variety of flavors, not quite unlike chocolate, though I was leaning more towards coffee. Someone called and Rochelle rolled her eyes and I tracked the man as she placed on that fake smile of customer service. He was a regular, farm hand, Warren if my memory was good. Which it was, but Warren had never been one to stand out in any way other than being a stuck up jerk so I had promptly put him out of my thoughts. Becca waved as she noticed me on her way out of the kitchen. I lifted a hand in response, not quite a wave but I didn't do well with the idea of drawing attention to myself.
I had just comfortably finished my beer and was people watching, the sleepy townsfolk a comfortable distraction I allowed myself. I recognized a few familiar faces. Joe, Tom, and Brady. Three old men that came every dinner; bangers and mash with mushy peas, with a pint to wash it all down. Monday through Saturday. They were so predictable I was sure I could set a nuclear clock to their consistency. Arrived at six thirty exactly and left an hour and a half later on the dot, and got incredibly grumpy if they were held up for any reason. They had caused so much of a fuss that Rochelle actually stepped in to run the till for the three of them if Rob or Becca were busy.
"There you are," I smiled at Becca as she came over with a massive plate. I already knew the contents though she spread it before me with a grand flourish. "We were getting worried when we hadn't seen you around. Worried you had finally met a bear that was bigger and meaner than you."
I grinned at the comment, though I was exhausted and the smile took a lot out of me. "Impossible," I picked up my silverware, "we all know how grumpy I am, I send them whimpering back to their mothers." Becca laughed, and thankfully, left. I wasn't feeling sociable. It was too tiring to pretend all the time that I was normal, that I was just one of the guys. That I was a big game hunter that traveled all over the globe for the next big thrill. Rochelle had been all sorts of bothered until I showed her picture of me on my last holiday a few years back with an elephant, a small dart sticking out of its body. I did enjoy a good hunt, and the more vicious the animal the more cunning, the better.
That's why I didn't hunt strictly the four-legged variety.
I took a large bite of the roast beef almost moaning at it. Fuck, Becca made an incredible plate of food. It took everything in me to not devour the entire spread, instead, I ate like a civilized, if not educated, man. Roast beef, yorkshire pudding, gravy, green beans and a few of Becca's to die for cookies. She had swatted me the once I had accidentally said that colonial blasphemy inside her domain, within these four walls they had erected a wonderful, and proper, English Pub, complete with flags and a picture of Queen Elizabeth the Second. It was, different, that was for sure, especially for being in the middle of nowhere, but I had found I enjoyed the small haven. They were good people, and that was rare to find.
Rochelle supplied me a glass of water, I knew better than to drink to excess, even now, the beer was affecting me more than I wanted it to. Blasted schedule and not eating regularly. Hell, I didn't even remember the last time I ate. Thirty hours ago? I took a long draught of water, draining half the glass in a long swallow, doing my best to dilute the alcohol. I knew better than to even lose a single facet of control. I wanted to drink, I wanted to promise oblivion, and I knew myself well enough that if I got lost just enough to convince myself to buy a second, there was no stopping me after that. I did not need a repeat experience.
I looked up at the bell at the door and looked at my watch, 7:37 flicked back at me. I looked up and frowned at the unfamiliar figure entering, a tiny, vivacious blonde that I immediately pegged for someone passing through. She had a quick and easy smile her eyes flashing, though they did wander about the room with the slow deliberation of one that knows more than that quick smile intended to put forward. Rob greeted her and spread his arms as if showing her his entire establishment. My guess, she asked where she should sit. It was pretty relaxed around here, find yourself a spot and sit there. Rochelle will be with you, or if you wanted a drink, ask Rob.
Much to my surprise, and distaste, she made a beeline for me. What the shit? She smiled, forcing me to smile back or seem rude and that wasn't what I needed right now. "I'm Brianna ." She offered me her hand and I shook it. Her skin was soft, warm, despite the cool spring air. It felt slightly oily, freshly lotioned. It smelled of peaches.
I forced my smile, not outwardly reacting at all to the twitch that had just gone through my entire body. "Judd." I didn't bother with the last name as she hadn't either. She sat, not asking for my permission. Rochelle came over, her blues not quite as friendly, her smile a bit forced. Brianna asked for fish and chips and a coke. Rochelle sent me a look and I was pretty sure that she was jealous of my uninvited guest and wanted an excuse to move her. I gave her a smile, just the twitching of the corner of my lips but she backed off leaving me to look at my guest. "So," I fucking hated small talk, it was useless and served no purpose in all the damn universe, "what brought you here?"
"You looked lonely," she shrugged as if this were a statement of fact and not a very different answer than what I had been expecting. "I thought that I could sit with you. You did have an empty chair." I did, and I couldn't exactly fault her logic. We passed it in amiable small talk, though I let her do most of the talking while I just listened. Brianna was an intriguing young woman. She had recently started her own business and I had every confidence that she could make it and I made sure she knew it watching as she delicately sipped at her drink.
I let her eat in peace, talking around a wedge of pie I had asked Rochelle for. It felt like I should, otherwise I would just stick out more. Brianna too got upset with me for killing animals needlessly until I showed her the picture and explained the hobby I had, that I played off as a job. What was with women and killing animals? Christ, I was glad I was single. The time went by quickly. The sunset lighting the entire inside with brilliant hues of orange, red, and pink before fading into darkness. Rochelle kept us topped up with drinks. We had switched to ice water and I listened to her tell me about her line of products. I asked the odd question here or there but I was more of a listener so I let her talk as much as she preferred.
Finally, I made the move to get up. "Please," Brianna smiled courteously, "let me." I wasn't going to argue. The only thing better than food I didn't have to cook was food I didn't have to pay for. I allowed her to cover it, waiting on her before we exited the building. We talked for a while more, well, she talked and I listened to her as I puffed at a cigar. I wasn't really the smoking type but after a large meal there was nothing I enjoyed more than a large cigar to aid in digestion. I indicated her car, a sleek little Mazda sports car, it looked like a clown car because of the size of it. It didn't take much to figure out it was hers. "You taking off tonight?"
She nodded, "I need to get to Minot in the morning, still a few hours to go."
I looked to the sky and back to her, "Be careful, deer like wandering the roads at this time of night and they'll likely walk away laughing when you total your car." She laughed good-naturedly and bid me goodnight as she stepped into her car and watched her pull out of the parking lot.
I leaned against the wall, watching the smoke on my exhale curl on itself before vanishing as it worked its way towards the heavens. I listened to the family inside work at final cleanup, Rob calling out and asking if there were any more fives in the other till. It all faded to general background noise, familiar and comfortable, as I watched the stars starting to peek through a haze of clouds and glow defiantly. I heard her approach. "I would have thought you would go off with your pretty blonde there." I raised an eyebrow at the hostile tone and looked over to see Rochelle approaching me, she looked, pissed, but as she approached, I saw the glistening in her eyes, I could hear her breathing a bit harder than normal, she wasn't angry. She wanted to be angry, she was hurt.
"She didn't appeal," I spoke honestly, bluntly.
"No one talks to someone for three and a half hours without being interested." She snapped. She had been paying attention.
"I wasn't talking all that much, I'm pretty sure that Brianna there could have a conversation with your hat rack and enjoy it just as much."
Despite her best efforts, Rochelle laughed. It was a small laugh, but I knew I had taken the edge off her fury. "I hate you." I shrugged and followed her to my rental car. I opened the door for her, the very picture of a perfect gentleman. I walked around the car and got into the driver's side and pulled out of the lot and followed her quiet directions. "So, why didn't you go with the blonde?" I looked over to where Rochelle say, a petite, beautifully curvy brunette with kind chocolate brown eyes. She was the very definition of girl next door kind of beauty, that sedate sort that most of the world would overlook but a select few would see, and worship the ground she walked on. She had wide hips, a pristine, soft body that begged to be lavished with tongue and mouth. "She seemed like your type." Her words were a quiet statement, so full of hurt that I looked over at her.
"And what," I kept my voice calm, "pray tell. Indicated to you at all that she was my type?"
"She had nice legs, her hair was a nice style," Rochelle's was a mass of curls that almost seemed to bounce with her every step, "she talked to you constantly." I waited but it seemed like that was going to be it but I barely caught one final comment, a whisper, a pained flicker of emotion that came from her soul. "She's not fat like me."
I didn't react to the comment, I wanted to, but I figured that this poor girl got too many people that brushed her off. "You're not fat," were so easy to say, or some other excuse. And I had my thoughts that Rochelle had been told every single one of them. No, she wouldn't take simple placating. Besides, I wasn't good with talking. I wasn't a poet that had the right words for any situation. I was me, and fucked if even I knew what that was. "Take a left here." she sounded subdued and upset. Maybe I was supposed to say something?
I pulled up in front of a small home, it looked to be an RTM, small, but with a neatly painted fence and small flower pots along a railing. It was clean, well kept, and sedately beautiful. Much like her owner. I opened the door for Rochelle and breathed in, letting the calm of night wash over me. I followed her to the door, not entirely sure why. It wasn't like we had had a date or anything, she had asked me for a ride home. Simple as that. Still, this felt, right. And as a man that survived by his instincts, I followed them. "Thank you," she looked up at me, her eyes swallowed by the moonlight, looking almost black, but I could still see tears in her eyes. It nearly killed me. "I'm sorry I was an inconvenience."
Seizing the moment I leaned in, grabbing her hair and locking her in place, I was either going to get slapped or she was going to return this. I kissed her, I wasn't exactly a great kisser, I can be honest enough to admit that, but I kissed her, doing my best to show her, without the hated words, that she wasn't the fat one. She gasped into my mouth and I slid my tongue inside, pressing her against the door, locking her between me and it. I savored the taste of her, I devoured her, and to my relief, she kissed me back. Her entire body was soft, warm, welcoming. I pulled back, my breathing was hard and it sounded harsh to my own ears. "I don't think that you ever asked me my sexual interests."
She blinked up at me, her eyes hazy. "W-what?"
"You." The answer was simple and deadly. I wasn't attracted to anyone but her, and her naivete to my very deadly world was a hell of a handicap, hell, it may get her or I killed. It's why I had convinced myself I couldn't like her, why I couldn't even imagine the fantasy of her over me, all that deep brown hair thrashing my chest as she rode me, her eyes flashing with her lusts, and the way her soft skin would feel against mine. I couldn't give myself that fantasy, and I knew it was stupid that I had just kissed her, that I had just bridged a gap that I had kept her blissfully unaware of. And now, now it was too late. I kissed her again, not knowing what else to do, nothing else felt anywhere near as perfect as the way she wrapped her arms around me with infinite care and hesitation.
"If I'm dreaming," her words were soft, just like her, "I'm going to smash my alarm clock when it wakes me up."
I smiled, I couldn't help it and breathed in her ear. "You, Rochelle Pakam," I nibbled her ear, "are my dream." She was, and this was all kinds of stupid and I was never stupid. Ever.
She opened the door, it was a small town, no one locked their doors. We would have to remedy that. She was shaking, she looked about ready to pass out. I kicked the door behind me and locked it before coming to her. "Gorgeous," the word slipped out before I could stop it, "you need to breathe."
She nodded and took long deep breaths if I wasn't so concerned she would pass out I would have found it amusing. "Sorry, I just, I can't," she was floundering and it was adorable, "I can't believe you are here, and you want me."
"Want has nothing to do with it," if I had my way I would never want this perky, beautiful, voluptuous brunette, I wouldn't come back half hoping, and half dreading if she found someone else to be with, "I need you." Her mouth parted, and again, because I couldn't seem to stop myself, I kissed her. I pulled her to me this time, making sure she wasn't pressed against something hard and unforgiving, she would be pressed against me, and that was where she would stay.
Whoa. That's a thought.
She dragged me through the house, our lips only parting to breathe, to pull our shirts over our heads, and, once, when I tripped over the coffee table making her giggle wildly. Finally, when I felt like I wasn't going to take much more of her fondling me we made it to the bedroom. I gave her a firm push, watching her fall onto the bed with a short gasp, looking up at me with lust in her eyes. "What about the lights?" She sounded hesitant, "Aren't you going to turn them off?"
Uh, no. Was she out of her mind? Seeing her lying there with every inch of herself exposed for me was enough where I could feel my sanity starting to slip. "No." It came out as a feral growl as I walked towards her. "I want to see every bit of you."
"You really are too perfect."
Yeah, precious. I was all kinds of perfect, perfectly stupid. I came over her, kissing up her calves, her thighs, over the soft wonderful body with kisses and touches I hoped that I could memorize and hold close because there was no way I could let this happen again. Ever. I swallowed a nipple into my mouth smiling to myself at her moan of satisfaction and pleasure as I started toying with her body. Hell, it had been so long since I had been this domestic with anyone that I was surprised I remembered how to. I flicked her nipple with my tongue, smiling as her whole body tightened beneath me, she tasted exquisite.
"Oh, gosh." Her refusal to use profanity was amusing and yet strangely erotic, I wondered if I could ever get her to say something naughty during sex. Now, was definitely not the time to try. I needed her, this too much. I positively devoured her, driven on by her hands helping move my head where she wanted me, and by following the moans. She was extremely responsive, it was wonderful really, and it drove me crazy. I kissed over her skin, feeling how hot and slick she was on my fingers, more than ready, more than eager. It was all too much. "Please," she sounded like she was terrified, "don't wait, I don't want to wake up too soon again." Holy shit, the fact she dreamed about this, us, was. Holy shit.
I groaned, I couldn't stop myself, as much as I wanted to make this perfect, because I couldn't come back. I slid into her, not even knowing what was going on, what had happened or why I had let this all happened, why the fuck wasn't I using a condom? Everything slipped away as she pulled me down to kiss her, her legs wrapping around my hips and her tight wet pussy clenching down on my cock. I almost came right there like a desperate teen. That, would most assuredly not do.
I pinned her hands above her head, watching with a feral smile as her eyes flashed, widening, and feeling her clench down on me. "Stay." I could barely get it out past a snarl as I thrust into her. My eyes couldn't stay locked to hers anymore, I watched, hungrily, as her breasts heaved up and down. It was erotic beyond any fantasy I had hoped of. Watching her pale and succulent skin beneath my tanned one, watching her curves press into the muscles of mine. It was so erotic.
"Oh, yes," her voice was the faintest of moans in my ear, "just like that." I thrust into her harder, desperate for her softness. I could feel my hips crashing into hers with the wet smack of flesh on flesh, the primal stacatto of lovers, and unfortunately, this wasn't going to be a long performance. "Oh, I am going to cum!" Music to my ears, "I'm going to cum!" She wrapped her legs tighter around me, pinning me in place as I came with her, hard, my entire body shuddering and shaking. Our cries entangling in the room as sensual as we were bound. I collapsed onto my forearms but she pulled me down even more, lying my head to her breast. Her fingers running their way through my hair in soft delectable motions. "That," I breathed, "was incredible." It seemed like such a trivial word, but again, not a poet.
"Stand up, very slowly." The voice was coy, flirty even and I looked over to see one Brianna in the doorway. I felt Rochelle stiffen but her fear kept her from crying out.
"Shh," I kissed her lightly on the lips and winked, "it'll be okay precious."
"Big talk for someone who is a dead man." I stood, slowly, fully naked, and turned to face Brianna, her eyes were cool, her smirk not reaching her eyes as she pointed a small Glock at me.
"I knew I should have stayed in my bulletproof vest." I sighed. "Shows how little I know." I smiled at Brianna and watched as it unnerved her. "So, who sent you?"
"You killed my brother you bastard!"
I raised an eyebrow. "Stephan was your brother? My deepest apologies, if I had known that that level of crazy ran in the family I would have taken you all out." Her eyes flared, her smile tightened as she clenched her teeth and she moved the gun to point at Rochelle who whimpered.
"Any more smart talk and I'll blast the fat bitch's brains out." She was shaking so badly she really might do so damage by accidentally pulling the trigger.
"You just made two fatal mistakes." She looked at me, her eyes cold, fearing nothing, well, chalk that up to a third, always be afraid that someone bigger and meaner exists in the world. "One, you ruined an amazing night. And two," my muscles tightened just slightly, "you took the gun off of me, that was your only chance." I launched myself forward and knocked her back with me, ignoring the sting of pain that came as thunder exploded in the room, dark spots danced in my vision as I connected with the small body and sent her to the ground. I heard Rochelle scream, I saw the blood and I smiled even more down at the terrified face of Brianna as tightened my hands around her neck. "And you do not call her fat."
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Another Life Lesson.
Why? Why did I do this? If only I learnt it from the first time, but no really I am just a stupid little girl. This is me just telling myself how dumb I am. Why do you ask? Well, let me take you back. Lets just say it was just another life lesson and once again I was the stupid idiot that decides to make the same mistake twice.
So it all began with this girl I had a crush on back in elementary school. She was the girl I only had eyes for. She had amazing long, straight, flowy, black hair that always smelt like vanilla. Especially when the wind would blow through her hair. Vanilla was the scent that made me attracted to her the most. Lets not forget her eyes, oh she had beautiful green eyes that would sparkle in the sunlight even in the dark they would sparkle with the moonlight. This amazing girl I'm mentioning her name was Stella. Stella was a good childhood friend, well was. The reason we aren't friends anymore is because I fucked up, I was just a stupid little girl, however back to the story.
I went over Stella's house for a sleepover one night when I was 12 I decided to tell her how I felt, but that all went south. She told me she was not into girls and she didn't know what to do about it. I told her not to worry because it wasn't worth the thought, however on the inside I was rather cut deep. I already knew that I didn't have the chance but I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I was already experiencing different feelings and weird emotions that I never thought existed at the time, but she supported me and told me that it was okay. So we continued to be friends.When we reached the age of 17 my feelings for Stella would never leave and I was scared, to tell her again only because I knew what happened the first time. She was my best friend how could I tell her again that the feelings never went away. I couldn't help myself anymore. When I went over Stella's house I was sitting on her bed. Waiting for her to come out of the closet, because we were both getting ready to go to this big end of year party. "Do you think I would look good in this dress" Said Stella, in my mind I wanted to tell her you look good in anything, but I couldn't she would feel weird about but instead I told her that she looked great. “Hey Stella, do you think I should go to Lydia’s party in this outfit” I asked curiously, “Hmm, I’m not sure, maybe try this dress on.” said Stella. As I looked at the blue dress the first thing I thought was damn, that would suite Stella more than me, but I couldn’t argue with Stella, she is rather a stubborn bitch at times. I was rather okay with that. So I took the dress and went to the bathroom. I hung the dress on the back of the bathroom door and I kept doubting myself. I knew it wasn’t my style at all. I’m more of a jeans and T-shirt type of girl with some nerdy and lame pun. So I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. There is nothing wrong with trying something new right? I can’t help but hold my breath and try the dress on.
Once I got the dress on I slowly walked out and looked into the mirror. I knew that this was defiantly not my style, I just wanted to put my clothes back on and hide under my Leviathan beanie. “Oh my god, Tessa you look amazing, I knew it would suite you.” “Stella are you sure? Like I don’t want to go to Lydia’s party looking weird...” “No you look amazing, I could kiss you right now” Said Stella. I paused for a moment, did she really just say she would kiss me? I was questioning myself, should I make a move? What should I do, play it cool. All I could think is my heart pounding straight out of my chest and the butterflies in my stomach. I just stared at Stella in her green eyes, they look so cat like from the makeup she was wearing. I couldn’t help myself and quickly leaned in and gave Stella a quick peck on the lips.
Stella’s eyes widen with shock. “Stella I’m so sorry..I didn’t mean it,” I just ran out of the room and went straight to the bathroom. Blushing red like a tomato and slowly getting an anxiety attack, what have I done. Why did I do that? All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. “Tessa, are you okay?” said Stella with a sad voice. I didn’t answer I couldn’t I felt so embarrassed that I kissed Stella without thinking. “Tessa please open the door, so we can talk about what happened I don’t want to talk to you through the door. Tessa please.” I slowly began to open the door with a tear dropping down my face. “Stella I’m so sorry” as I began to sob quietly. “Honestly its okay, I know how you feel about me, I’ve known about it for so long.” “Yeah only because I told you when I was 12″ “No it wasn’t just that, I’ve known for a really long time. Especially when I was 15, I knew the feelings never went away. At first I thought it was weird but then I began having feelings for you too.” “Please Stella don’t mock me.” “No really Tessa, I really feel this way towards you.” I didn’t know if Stella was telling me the truth or not. I was feeling lost and confused because I knew she was straight, I was always there for her dead beat boyfriends, not to mention I was highly jealous of them because they got to be with Stella and I couldn’t. 
“Please come to Lydia’s party. Its going to be the party of the year, just come with me please.” Stella slowly leaned in and kissed me again. Not just a peck an actual kiss. This was my first real kiss and it felt amazing, I felt like I was in a dream, because all I could smell was vanilla from her hair as I kissed her soft lips. She tasted just as I imagined, vanilla and from this day it was the most happiest day of my life. I finally gave in and decided to go to Lydia’s party.
Once we arrived everyone was complimenting on the dress I borrowed from Stella, Stella was absolutely stunning like always. All I was thinking was the kiss we had in the bathroom. Every time I was thinking about the kiss my heart would pound out of my chest and the rush of butterflies would fall behind. All I wanted to do was just hold her hand. Why can’t I? I slowly grabbed Stella’s hand and she walked away, she didn’t want anyone know that she had for me. All I could think to myself why can’t you show your feelings towards me. Are you that embarrassed by me? I started to walk away from Stella. I went to find the closest couch and sat down by myself with a drink in my hand and watched Stella from a far. He hair falls perfect behind her back and her smile just lit the entire room. I knew I was just in the deep end, while I was thinking about Stella. I drank the last little bit in my red cup. I have no idea what was in it, it just tasted like cheap wine. I stood up and walked straight in the middle of the room and kissed Stella like she kissed me in the bathroom. Stella eyes widen and slapped me in the face.
“You disgusting bitch, what do you think you’re doing? I’m not a big lesbian like you” Stella shouted at me. I started to cry at Lydia’s party in front of the entire school. I was not expecting that at all I felt so embarrassed. “Talk to me don’t just stand there, you have some nerve trying to make moves on me.” “Stella I’m sorry, I thoug-” “You thought wrong, I’m not into you like that Tessa you big lesbo” “Stella, wha-” “Don’t even bother coming back to my house” shouted Stella, I just ran out of Lydia’s house party and went home. My face drenched in tears my mum saw me and tried to talk to me but I didn’t acknowledge her and ran straight into my room and took off Stella’s dress. I put on my pyjamas and went straight to bed. I didn’t understand why she would humiliate me the way she did in front of the whole school. Why is this even happening to me?
I pucked up the courage to go back to school the next day. Stella did not acknowledge my existence. I tried to return her dress to her but everyone would stand in front of her and tell me to go away and not go near her. I felt more alone than ever. Everyone was sneaking messages in my locker and texting me how much of a lesbian I was. I tried my hardest to pretend that all these messages didn’t exist. As the bell rang the girls that told me to get away from Stella, began to stalk me all through the school and eventually beat me up and broke my nose. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I tried to stay strong but I really couldn’t anymore.I continued to be bullied everyday and Stella who I thought was my best friend and childhood friend supported me no matter what.
However from this day on I wish I was here to tell you this story in person, but the bullies got the best of me. This was just another life lesson for me.
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