#my biography
Wdym being hot and gay isn’t enough to get someone to let you drink their blood?? Like I’m homosexual and attractive!! What more do you want???!?!?!?!?!?,
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adornself · 1 year
sheetcakes, strawberry ice cream, heart shaped pb&js, silver jewelry, watermelon Arizona iced tea, thunderstorms, ringlet curls, red lipstick, tiger’s with bloody jaws, flash floods, vanity mirrors, fake diamond earrings, x-rays, pigtails, road rash, fruity shower gel, acrylic nails, stained glass from inside the chapel, shirley temples, poodles, white tights, candy chapsticks, lady bugs, butterfly needles and plastic tubes red with your blood, gumball machines
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seaworld1982 · 11 months
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OK better bio this time fuck
The name's Seaworld1984 or just call me Sea or Sea Bun
I'm 20, i bigender so she, they and he are cool, i'm a omnisexual, autistic, i'm a muitl fandom person so my reblogs are random fandoms im in, i have many ships but PLZ NO FUCKING PROSHITTERS HERE, i DO make art i just forget to post lol, i collect dolls and love playing on Ponytown, and making friends tho im shy!
i mostly just reblogs stuff so if you look forward to that then yay! i think lol!
kk bye!!!!
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
I’ve had a flash of insight, Re: my atheism
Going from theism to atheism is like learning to read.
Once I made that switch in your brain, I can’t go back. Just like how I can’t just see letters as their simple shapes, anymore, but always as parts of words.
And I can’t go back to feeling like the gods are beings separate from my own mind.
Background: I grew up within an anti-authoritarian branch  of a minority denomination of Christianity (Hicksite Quaker), and even then, my family didn’t actively practice the religion; I just sort of absorbed the ethos and philosophy (and studied the history, ‘cause I thought it was cool).
Which, by the time I was an adolescent, allowed me to slip easily into being a nature-focused polytheist (Before I learned that “Neo-Paganism” was a cultural movement). Both my parents were cool with this, BTW, and my mother was actively supportive.
When I moved away from home, I tried joining in on Neo-Pagan (Wiccan) holiday celebrations, for the social connections, but I was put off by the hierarchy and ritual. I went back to solo, silent meditation, Quaker style, but within a polytheistic framework.
Eventually, after some time with a thought experiment of wondering how our modern scientific understanding about Life and the Cosmos could be rephrased if the scientists who worked out our theories were predominately polytheist, instead of monotheist (Judaism, Islam, Christianity), I slipped easily into being atheist.
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sofiaflorina2021 · 9 months
Biographies About Me
I wish people will make biographies about me in the future. I'm waiting for it, I want to read their narrative about me.
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The internet at work is down so I’m going to write a short biography of myself.
This is my life.
I was born in Blacktown Hospital and I have a mother, father, brother, and sister. When I was a baby I enjoyed eating vegemite on toast and I was told I gurgled a lot.
I’ve always had cats as pets, my first cat was named Jason who was cute, and Siamese and used to jump up and steal my toast because he also liked eating vegemite on toast.
We were living in a different suburb for a short time and I attended my first year of school there but I only remained for a quarter of the year because we moved and then I went to a different public school in South Penrith.
My school uniform was blue and every season all the kids would collect different things, once it was football cards, marbles, yo-yos’s and people would swap them with other kids. I remember we all had silkworms as pets.
When I was a child I liked Strawberry Shortcake dolls as well as having a Cabbage Patch Doll.
After primary, I attended High School which I disliked. Our uniform was maroon and pink but I rarely wore it. I wore it on mufti day because I didn’t have the money to pay to dress in casual clothing I never asked Mum for the money because I just didn’t care.
My friends and I spent most of recess and lunchtime in the out-of-bounds area and we would sometimes get detention if we got caught.
I didn’t like sport and during sport, we had to wear a pleated skirt with bloomers underneath. My sister was at our school when I was in Year 7 but she left and went to a high school in Mount Druitt.
Our year had more students than previous years which is why we had demountable classrooms. The principal told us kids that the demountable classrooms we used were only for the short term but they were there for the entire time I was at school. The subjects I liked in high school were art and history.
My sister and I used to share a bedroom which we both disliked but thankfully my brother moved out of his bedroom and my sister and I were able to have our own bedrooms.
When I was a teenager I never went to the discos that the school held and that is probably because I didn’t want to be stuck in the same room with a bunch of people who made my school experience a living hell. I didn’t start going out to nightclubs as an adult until I was aged 20 and that is when me and my friends started going out more. The nightclubs we went to in our early 20s were good but I don’t think there are any good local bars for young people to go to now. I just remember we loved dance music, techno music which became popular during the 1990s and we still like it today.
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clarasboww · 2 years
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from: x
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
Forgive me for making yet another post about the French Revolution but one small detail that makes me laugh is when, as things started to go seriously wrong, one of Louis XVI's advisers tried to persuade him & Marie-Antoinette to get away from Paris and wait for things to calm down (the idea was "if you lay low and wait, the newly-created National Assembly will vote something stupid and lose popular support" which was a solid plan honestly.) But he was also like "whatever you do, DO NOT go East or South or people will think you'll get help from other monarchies to restore your power and that won't calm things down"
So the King was advised to flee to Normandy, which... is just a short ferry ride away from another monarchy. But that's completely different since it's England. To be fair to the English, the French monarchy had basically bankrupted itself a few years back to send millions in support of the American revolutionaries because it would be a shame not to take advantage of "perhaps the best opportunity for centuries to come to put England in its place" (actual quote by France's minister of Foreign Affairs in 1777)
—still I love the realistic approach of the King's adviser telling him, Sire you can't go near any of our borders rn, it'll escalate the situation, Parisians will know you're trying to get another country to help. Obviously you can go set up camp right across the sea from England though, that's fine since everyone knows the English wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire¹
¹ Perfidious Albion was like "aw no France is in turmoil and possibly weakened :) a shame :)" exactly like France re: them at the start of the US independence war ² they also thought well these backward french are finally following our glorious example and entering civilisation (parliamentary monarchy) ³ and only when the Girondins started being like "let's spread the French Revolution to the whole universe!!! or at least Belgium" did England finally decide "it's been a while since we last declared war on France actually" (but it was too late for Louis XVI) ⁴ That's not how footnotes work sorry. Trying to make my post look fancier
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laststandx3 · 22 days
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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the judgement OF paris
paris and ares!
listen. LISTEN. I'm so fucking obsessed with the Excidium Troie, especially in a longer discussion of Paris and personal/narrative agency, and also in the general realm of, hey! so a god looks on you favorably! you followed the right steps, you passed the test you didn't know you were taking, you obeyed the right rules, and now you have a favorable reputation!
now your life is no longer yours, whatever comes after will be bloody and ugly on a scale you could not ever hope predict. fucking RIP, paris. your character will be corrupted, you will cease to exist as you did before, you were doomed before you were born, this WILL come to pass whether you were aware that you were the instrument of destruction or not.
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Excidium Troie, trans. Muhammad Syarif Fadhlurrahman
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perplexingly · 1 year
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(from Arrested Adolscence by Erik Rebain)
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thatsrightice · 6 months
But [Rosie] was not very good at maneuvering a spindly British bicycle. As "airplane commander," Rosenthal was issued along with a good deal of other matériel, a bicycle for getting around the wide vistas of Thorpe Abbotts. He found himself heavily burdened by all this issue but somehow managed to get himself upon the cycle. He carried a load of gear in one arm, had draped his life preserver around his neck, and set off in the general direction of his quarters.
Rosenthal managed to do pretty well, for he got some distance away from the supply hut and was pedaling his uncertain way along a little dirt road. A shift in the load contributed to a series of unusual course changes which came to a sudden, damp conclusion as Rosenthal, newly issued supplies and bicycle plunged down an embankment into one of those charming little ditches that run along the picturesque rural English roads.
Lying in the water (which was not deep), Lieutenant Rosenthal felt there was only one thing to do in this emergency as he lay there, face up in the ditch: he inflated his Mae West. This was probably the only time during all of the Second World War that a member of the 8th Air Force was thus saved from British waters.
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— an except from Edward Jablonski’s Flying Fortress : the illustrated biography of the B-17s and the men who flew them
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drrav3nb · 11 months
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papers-pamphlet · 3 months
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Ignore how 1. Alexander wrote to John about André after his hanging and 2. John was a prisoner of war at the time. I uh,, just wanted to draw Laurens getting rizzed up by André too
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marcusagrippa · 4 months
anyway agrippa on his knees in front of octavian after the proscriptions. maybe a little covered in blood as a treat. twink has his hand in his hair. et cetera.
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asukvm · 2 months
Do you do requests? Because i would love to see Saintmoulins from you!! :3
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chat, how do you react when caught making out with your mortal enemy?
and yes!! I would love to answer more of your requests 🤲
(sorry for the late reply kind anon and thank you tehe<3)
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