#the bee guy
vaspider · 5 months
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The bee guy is getting his own baseball card.
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laststandx3 · 26 days
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dragonsorceress22 · 4 months
Audio testing has revealed this to be a swarm of bees!
Quick, call the bee guy! (AdoptAPet.com)
Nova needs a forever home!
Nova is a 9 month old classic tabby – male, neutered, and microchipped.
Nova has Feline Coronavirus which is contagious to other cats. Some cats can kick the virus, but Nova cannot. He needs a safe home where he no longer has to be isolated. Other pets and people totally okay! Only cats are at risk.
Nova has all of his claws but he has never tried to claw the couch or curtains – he likes his scratching post. He is playful and active, clumsy, doesn’t mind being picked up, and will happily sit in laps when he’s tired of playing. He’s social and friendly and loves open windows.
Nova will come with a nice carrier, all of his toys, a couple cat beds, his scratching post, and a few blankets and towels, and all his medical history.
Nova has dietary restrictions. As a symptom of his virus Nova has digestive difficulties, so his dietary needs are sort of high maintenance but his current regimen is working well for managing his symptoms and letting him live a normal kitty life.
Please share this as much as possible so we can find Nova a safe and loving home!
Nova's Adopt A Pet profile
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ohposhers · 3 months
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i think as a society we do not appreciate how epic vector is enough
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beesorcery · 6 months
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happy 18th birthday to neil and his tunes
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wasyago · 8 months
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welp, didn't manage to get everything out before season 10 started, but i gotta post it one way or another so here we go! heard there was a fandom swap game going on, wanted to do a couple promts of my own :D
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kezhke88 · 1 year
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Crowley's smug little head wiggle and smirk is definitely one of the top 10 best things of this season.
Look at them go.
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teampuppycat · 1 year
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puppycats entire existence is so funny when you really think about it because like that’s literally a gown ass man
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squidthesquidd · 4 months
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Shout out to Bumblebee(/sys) who drew this. king shit right here fr
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tokyozilla · 7 months
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melouthechalk · 11 days
chipi chipi chapa chapa
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ok people who is here: @tibbycaps @aresonist @vexdraticc @hopepetal @applestruda and @cherrifire wont tag anyone else under bc holy kittens there's a lot
I DREW AS MUCH AS I COULD.... OH MY GOD.... and Phil as breeze too lmao (i tried)
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i know so many people here...oh my god... this is tragic.....
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cubbihue · 15 days
Hey uh. Am I misinterpreting something or have you been implying that the entire changeling situation sucks for more reasons than “bad things happen if the changeling gets caught”. Like am I misinterpreting something or are you saying it’s directly terrible, at least the process, for the godkid???
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Fifth Consequence of becoming a Fairy: Alterations of the Soul.
The child's body undergoes Physical Changes to become a fairy, but they also undergo a metaphysical change as well. The soul must be adjusted, shaped, broken and remade. These changes allows the child to accept magic into their body, and handle any disruptions in time or perception.
Their soul is transformed into their proper Fairy's Crown, and the child would have officially become a True Pixie! Yippiiiie!!
Thankfully, this part of the process is painless! Or, well, more like Timmy fell unconscious during it. Though Timmy says he sometimes feels strange moments of loss. Like an essential part of himself has been ripped away from where it should be.
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swangrave · 22 days
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the scarmobile... but with no scar ?
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bumblingbee1 · 5 months
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If Dutch Van Der Linde has 0 haters, I'm deceased
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bumbleboa · 6 months
I just want you to know that I LIVE for the way you draw Law. Like, you capture his energy so well, I need to violently shake him like a chew toy
Anon, I am so glad you like how I draw him and that you think I capture his energy well! That's such a nice compliment.
Here, have a Law from my files for that:
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Working for some designs of an AU of mine, in which Charmy and Cream, now 15 years older, are the new heads of the Chaotix Detective Agency
Here's our two main characters 🐇🐝🔎
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