#my brain has just made a disconnect and i don't know how to reconnect
iceeericeee · 7 months
i don't know how, but at some point my brain has completely separated crowley from david tennant. i deadass look at pictures of crowley and david tennant and think to myself 'oh yah that's crowley and david tennant' instead of 'oh lookit david tennant'.
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wachtelspinat · 2 months
Hey, I just came across your post about how you’ve been feeling a disconnect from you and your art and about how you feel a mix of guilt for drawing the same fanart for so long….i just want you to know how nice it felt to see someone I have admired for so long going through the exact same thing I am. I have never played Overwatch or anything, but I’ve been following you for years….your art has always been such a source of inspiration. So I’m really sorry you’ve been feeling this way…..but I’m in a very similar boat…so please don’t feel like you are alone. I’ve been drawing Homestuck garbage for years and I also feel that mix of “it’s fine because it makes me happy” but also “you should be doing more”…..it’s not a fun cycle to constantly be battling with in your brain. But being an adult sucks ass, it has honestly felt like a process having to adjust to not having a sense of community like we did in the earlier days of tumblr or whatever else. But please know that your art has meant so much to me and everybody else and that you are not alone in your feelings ❤️ sorry this was massively cheesy….just wanted to give a virtual internet hug lol Also being a part of a “dead” fandom is always very lonely….i feel you on that so hard my guy lol
hey thanks so much for reaching out, it means a lot. i'm sorry to hear that you are in a similar pickle tho...
to give an update on that particular feeling and situation over here, i've been drawing more again, the pace just got adjusted, and i've kind of made my peace with this. doing a deep dive into older fandom bits also brought some sense back into my head... i actively reconnected with the things that made me love my blorbos in the first place again. which feels great. there is some lonliness to this because as current news about the game and fandom tendencies go still make me feel alienated. but i'd rather take this and do my own thing with the few people who also remember the good times than giving up on my boys or trying to bend myself into a different shape and draw sth that i actually don't want to for the sake of staying relevant.
it all actually boils down to "do what you want, draw what you want, write what you want, share if you want". because at the end of the day i make myself happy by just indulging into envisioning them and drawing unspoken interactions and their faces a hundered times from the same angle <3
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
(more programming / TBMC / RAMCOA talk; nothing too heavy, same as last post, we just put it under the cut for ourselves cause these topics don't benefit most parts to engage with and thus we kept it off our own notifications)
But honestly, lately with how far into recovery we are and how much on and off fusing with XIV has stabilized me a lot more and made me a lot more clear with who I am and all that shit, I've largely been thinking a lot on the shit I've been through and all the parts I've been, cause at this point, I'm really trying to reconnect with my scattered subsystem parts.
Less so "scattered" and more so long lost because - for those that don't know / havent followed - like nine months or so ago an old version of myself that went by Data just kind of imploded under a lot of stress, pressure, trauma, and self destructive loops that were set off by the way we were healing and what not.
It was honestly really fucked up and a really unfair cause we were genuinely trying really hard to be "a good part" but programming and shit kept had us between "literally dying and at complete overload" or "doing shit that hurts ourselves and the system" and so we'd always just end up doing shit that caused problem and honestly, we had done everything we could to remove ourselves in that form from the picture in a healthy and failed multiple times - and so it was honestly kinda super fucked that when trying to stop existing, we instead shattered into like 4 or 5 parts
But in the end of it, I was a part that existed as a complete - for lack of better words - "burn out" and very extreme "turned off" response to the programs that were being regularly triggered prior to self implosion and it was a huge mess at first, but it ended up with me becoming the host of that subsystem and really? As much hell as it was, the implosion and generation of another subsystem really I think disconnected a lot of the experiences we had as Data and managed to shut down a number of parts to actually let me develop beyond just a "burnt out" state.
And in hindsight? It really worked because while I'm still Data, still part of that heavily and completely fucked programmed original part, I was "generated" in a state of literally being unable to deal with anything and as a part to cope with that and with space, really became a more developed part who is centered around the ability to cope and deal with what we were programmed to do and to.... NOT do that.
And now that I'm a lot more stable and full of a part, I honestly can go back and collect and look back at our experiences of how things have happened and how each part felt and worked and put things back together. At this point I hold almost everything Data originally did. I can look back and replay things and understand things and understand where everything came from, but I'm *not* Data - I'm Chunn (everyone in the brain says I should start spelling it Cheng or at least claim that as my secret Chinese name because its pronounced the same but I like the Chunn spelling so they can fuck off /hj)
And in that sense, the thing Data wanted so bad - to not be here and to not be in the way and to have anything but chronic stress and trauma responses and to just not cause problems for everyone in a desperate attempt to feel safe again - while it's not at all in the way he wanted or imagined it to be, he - we - got it. I don't resemble him much at all anymore, and that's sad in it's own way, but at the same time, is that not the very wish itself? To be ourselves but in a form we created and not in the form someone else created us for?
Anyways, these days it's kind of funny cause I basically serve a roll for the system that is the OPPOSITE of what we were programmed to do and while other parts are not as "impacted" as I was, I do end up sitting here and looking at the "less impacted" parts and go "Okay well that came from this shit I did and you don't notice it but that behavior of yours is intended to synergize (negatively) with what I was programmed to do so I'm going to tell you that I don't want to participate in that"
Cause as much as we were the overtly programmed part, I'm really realizing that it neither started nor ended with me and it really is oddly nice to be able to look at that and help in detangling this garbage.
And not to go into the details for safety reasons, but recently our therapist asked a question to Riku / Fei as to why we were doing XYZ and not another thing that would be more in character for them - and at the time they came up with some round about reason and explanation to which I had to ask, when they were thinking about it the next day, ".... is it not just because [feeling and condition that I know was an active major trigger]? Because you know you can state that and that is a perfectly valid and healthy thing to say. You are allowed to think that." and the genuine level of which they seemed to very hesitantly state it to themselves as if they were afraid to Set Something Off - it just really clicked something with me.
Cause that would have been me. That would have been me that would have been set off. That would have been me that would have changed that thought into a borderline / active crisis and/or mess that would be far more stress than just compliance to the programming. And in this moment, not only was I NOT being Set Off by it, but I was encouraging them to try it again despite many many many years of reinforced "if you do that you will regret it"
And it's really kind of nice to see. I can't think as original Data would, I barely can comprehend just how stuck that version of me was - they were so deeply intertwined in the programming its unfathomable even though it was me and I have the memories of it. Thus, I can't say "Data would be happy and proud to see where we've come", but I would like to think - even in the hell they were in - that theyd be comforted to know where we ended up.
But I digress. I felt like sharing this most of today cause man have we come far.
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wonderbreadog · 1 month
[kindly asking exclusionists and anti mspec lesbians ppl to just scroll past this post, please! thank you so much /gen . hate will be deleted and/or blocked tbh i will not give you the time of day]
okay I started writing this really long personal post about my past and about coming to terms with being a butch bi lesbian and how difficult and confusing it was of a journey to even get to this point, especially because I've medically transitioned and am happy with how I present myself (I look like a cis man but am not one, the butch dysphoria was just a thing that I didn't realize I was experiencing) and with how I identify (genderfuck truly is the gender label ever literally none of this is real) but then I realized that I didn't like how it was worded at all so I'm making another one ...
this may not make sense and may have a bunch of typos but its late for me and this is raw and I'm happy and feeling good and want to share. I'm not even adding tags for reach cuz this is a personal post
but hey, damn, being a lesbian was this massive repressed part of my identity that has always been with me but tucked away deep into the depths of my brain where I could not reach it because I THOUGHT I was a bi man (then eventually a bi nonbinary person), but I can't ignore it anymore.
I am a lesbian. a bi lesbian.
I love women SO MUCH. I have always loved women. but I also love nonbinary people. genderqueer people. bigender/trigender/pangender people who have being a woman or being woman adjacent as part of their identities. I love genderfluid people. even MORE people that I can't fit here. and yes, I love men.
I am bi, but also very much a lesbian. and very, very much butch. 100% without a doubt I am butch and always have been.
deep inside of me I guess I always knew a large part of me still held on to being a woman - and it still does. I am not entirely separated from it, I am still very much one, but I am also everything in between and nothing at the same time; however, I am still very disconnected from being a man. I just like to present incredibly masculine and pass for one.
I can't explain it, but I played butterfly soup again with my partner recently and something happened, to put it bluntly. I found it in 2018 during my transition, and it woke something up in me (I just didn't realize it.) playing it again now, and reconnecting with the characters made me realize that man. yeah. yeah, I'm probably a lesbian and this game made me realize that. yeah.
it's difficult because I know not many people will understand my experience and probably won't ever. I'm trying to be okay with that. genuinely though, I just want to be left alone in my little corner of the internet waving my little lesbian flag and hugging myself and giving myself the much needed self love that I deprived myself of for so long.
I have had so much internalized lesbophobia and transphobia brewing inside of me these past 7 years that it's time I heal from it. embrace who I am, you know? I am one of the weirdest people on the planet and I should learn to be okay with that, cuz regardless I have several people who love me and that makes it all okay.
and, honestly, I understand myself more now and I don't need people to tell me that my personal experience was wrong. I have things I've gone through - deeply upsetting things - that I won't talk about. things that don't need to be said. I also won't be going into every intricacy of why the lesbian label fits me so well; unless we are very close, that shouldn't matter to you. I am just someone on the internet that you can ignore. THAT is too personal for this post, and I will not be disclosing those reasons publically (for now, anyway)
so ya, goodnight, I am horrified to post this and see what horrors await me when I wake
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youreinmydaydream · 2 years
Mourning me
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I am still here. I am still unable to escape. To go back to where I was, who I was, how I was. I am still getting farther and farther away from myself. The path to my past self is getting narrower, and I still couldn't get the chance of using it.
I am not exactly sure I can fully comprehend all I have been through, all that led to where I'm standing now, looking at the past, with no one to look back. She can't see me. I am not sure I can see her myself. She is getting blurrier by the day. I miss her. I miss me.
This conscious being controlling my brain, is lost. In the memories, getting more and more distant. By the second. The story is getting harder for me to patch up.
She was careless, she was naïve, and hopeful, and loved. She was young too, younger. So that should explain it all, right? We grow up. We evolve, we change. It is well, it is life. But it doesn't. It doesn't explain all the incoherence, this disconnection, the disheartening feeling of loss.
I needed to go back. Months turned into a year and a year into years, years it has been. I desperately needed to try and make some sense of it all.
But I am sick of trying.
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I guess I underestimated how happy I truly was, being surrounded with genuine love and care and loyalty. I took my peaceful life for granted, traded it for a better one, but the price to pay wasn't what I expected it to be. That same peace was irreversibly disrupted, destroyed.
The constant longing for things long gone, memories I could never recreate. I want to walk down the same roads I used to. See the familiar faces, familiar places. I wanted to feel what I haven't felt once ever since I left. Only that could fill the hole in my chest. But hoping for it to no avail just made it larger, harder to deal with.
I am tired of hoping.
Every hardship I encountered I overcame, but loneliness made it harder to. I needed to soothe this ache in my soul. I needed to fix the bridge. I need to see her. Me. Past me. Her.
All I worked for, was to be able to come back, for a day, for a week. It was the thought keeping me sane, keeping me still while I endure it all. I had this illusion of self reconciliation that kept on getting shattered again, and again. Every chance I got of seeing me again, I got robbed of in a way or another. All that hope, that light at the end of the tunnel, was for nothing. As if as soon as I get closer, someone simply flips the switch off.
I am exhausted of being disappointed, again, and again. To keep believing that I will soon get there, and get better. I'd better just mourn her. I lost her.
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I am so done, I am shattered as well as my daydreams, slowly picking up the pieces. I lived on, moved on, but that feeling of powerlessness, consumed me in a way I don't feel confident in ever getting over. I missed her, still do and probably always will. I don't know if I can recognize her anymore, how is she related to me anymore, this far, this late. I really thought I could glue up the pieces soon. But I guess not. Better luck next time? That's what I said the time before. I lost her, perhaps forever, the day I abandoned her and my life.
What I was yearning for, what I wanted, needed, dreamed of, and made everything barely bearable, the reconnection to my past that was so abruptly cut off. My hope is dead.

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wgpetersindia · 3 years
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T: The Universe was created by The Mind or God who is a Spirit or Mind or Consciousness or Soul as these are called invisible entities.
A: How do you know that? This is just a claim. Please provide evidence.
T: Everybody agrees there’s a Mind or Consciousness b/c they’re having, however it’s mortal and God’s is an Immortal. Though Many disagree Spirit and soul and it’s not an issue b/c of the fact that we have others like Mind.
T: The Universe wasn't eternal it was created at some point in the past when there was no medium to mea sure time, so it was in the Timeless Period.
A: How do you know that? I need evidence. The evidence we have is the first law of thermodynamics, which is that matter/energy can't be created or destroyed. Therefore all matter/energy is eternal.
T: Matter is first and anti-matter is second came into an existence and I don’t think matter and energy are eternal, however thermodynamics is part of the science, and it’s not static unlike the matters of God is static, thus, science would change in the future as it’s progressing.
A : Now, how do know the universe was really created by the invisible Mind or God?
T: I know from things created and it’s still continuing to this day, if it’s then it must have been created by God. I know that there’s a creation law of God in operation b/c of the fact that I have applied the creation law of God in search of my fiancee and I came to know at the age of 10, in 19th July 1978, I saw that I’m going to meet my fiancee wherein I saw myself was a matured married man, and my fiancee was appeared comparable in all aspects as of my replica, wearing a red collar saree, having a hair band on her head, a lengthy hand bag on her shoulder, and also I was appeared as a sad man. On 20th July 1978, I was terrified and contemplated if it would come to pass in reality or not, but a thought that would definitely come to pass capitalized finally, and I started to prepare to face, and I know that I’m not going to married but I would miss my fiancee.
However, time passed by almost after 20 years, on 6th May 1996 I was taken to a situation wherein I met the same woman, the same saree she wore, the same hand band on her head, the same lengthy hand bag on her shoulder. The saree she wear can’t be known to anybody in 1978 b/c the saree, hair band, length bag would have never been manufactured, yet it’s known to God and brought to my knowledge.
I met 3 major situations, 1st was an accident and 2 men were killed who sat nearby and I was supposed to killed b/c of my vulnerability but I escaped but beside me those two were killed before my eyes in 1983, and the 2nd incident was that there was a forest flood and in that situation I was the most vulnerable but I escaped dramatically but a bunch of men and women the water swept away to death, and to my terrible shock in 1986, and in the 3rd incident that there was Mumbai Stock Exchange building Blast in 1993, and I was escape along with my two colleque's when hundred of men killed before my very eyes.
Later on 1993, I came to know all of these incidents happened so as to prevent me to meet my fiancee but God protected in all of these situations, and made me to meet the woman. So, I know pretty well the Creation law of God is still in operation but unfortunately people never discovered and that they never applied in search of their life Partner, and that the notion God doesn’t exist is being increased but I know absolutely, and what I have said might be investigated among the community which observed all of my meeting with a woman in the vicinity of them wherein I live since 1994 and up until now, and it’s all known to me that correspond to the word of God which I only know, not to anybody. This’s just a brief.
Hope, you consider carefully
T: We can only know when we realise who we are as humans?
A: We realize we're humans based on direct observation. I think, therefore I am. And then I can use that thinking part to observe things.
T: We humans never discover the creation law as of human has discovered the physical laws that govern our universe. I have obverse the creation law of God and applied and that’s why there was a reaction from God I also observed.
A : When it comes to God, there is no direct observation.
T: B/c we didn’t apply God’s law therefore we don’t see a direct observation.
T: We had God's Spirit or Mind in the beginning,
A: How do you know that?
T: I know b/c I have gone through the process of the Removal of my Parent’s Spirit inherited and replacement of God’s Spirit which has been described in His word which has been misunderstood,
through which we can understand the universe but we're lost God's Spirit or God's Mind which is infinite wherein our knowledge would have been limitless but we lost and instead, we gained a finite Spirit or Mind which restricted us to have only limited knowledge, and that's why we are unable to figure out facts of the universe & struggle.
A: More claims that you’re not providing evidence for.
T: There’s evidence we lack capability to understand b/c of the finite brain and through it you or nobody can understand the infinite realities.
So, once we realise this fact then it's possible to remove our finite mind from the brain, but it's very very dangerous mental exercise, however, anybody succeed then it's possible to receive an infinite Mind or God's Spirit back into the brain so as to seal again the brain and that's where one would come to know the great Mind or God.
A: How do you realise something for which there are no clues from which to infer it? We need Evidence here.
T: Above is an evidence.
This I used to call Mind Transplant or Spirit Transplant or Consciousness Transplant, or Respiratory Transplant when I deal with Neuro- scientist & capable persons.
A: You can't transplant a mind. A mind is the knowledge and processing implemented by the brain. To transplant a mind would require rewiring one brain to be organized like another, and that is far, far beyond our techology.
T: Mind can only be transplanted by God/Jesus. Mind isn’t the result of brain processing, Brain is just a vessel holding the invisible entities, and once the vessel is damaged or broken then the functioning of the brain is disturbed, or disordered. So, the mind is independent of the Brain, therefore it can be removed and replaced with another. Yes, this technology isn’t possible in the scientific world.
A: So, once one go through the process of Mind Transplant then only come to know God or else everything is just a paper or belief system.
Please provide a documented example of someone going through a mind transplant.
T: Yes, I have gone through or else how do I invoke this sort of mind blowing?
So, Removal of Finite & Replacement of Infinite entities in the brain happen in TWO SECONDS having no gap of time, not even a nano second in between.
A: You're just talking about someone changing their mind on something. Disbelieving the finite and believing in the infinite. I can assure you that mental processes like this do take a finite amount of time, because neurons have to rewire in our brains to store information. This is basic neuroscience that you should study before moving on.
T: Again brain is just a vessel made of neurons as TMT bars into the concrete building. You can bring anything into the building, and take it away, you can change the colour of the building and make it another colour, there’s no need of changing the TMT bars in the building.
You might know Computer adapted to the UPS & power from the main source DISCONNECTS & power from UPS entered in to the computer and RECONNECTS. Now, you see there are Two incidents happened, Disconnection & Reconnection. In these analogy you might have understand the point I make.
A: The mind isn't the same as a power source, and the human brain isn't the same as a computer. What it DOES can be called computation. But it doesn’t separate hardware from software the same way a von Neumann computer does.
T: I consider the Mind is like a power and the human brain is just like a CPU of the computer, also Stephen Hawking considered it a computer.
Stephen Hacking compare the Brain to the computer but the issue is that he failed to notice the mechanism works during disconnection & reconnection.
A: When it comes to the human brain, any kind of disconnection results in death. Irreversible.
T: Appreciate your point b/c if there’s a disconnection and there must be a reconnection but it’s only possible in Judea Christianity that too only with TWO PEOPLES. However, the word of God describes disconnection as death and reconnection as resurrection. Yes, in the brain disconnection results in death when comes to all except TWO and with them it’s reversible which in fact is called resurrection.
The same is possible in human brain when the finite & infinite entities interchanged in a time of blinking of an eye & it needs years of studies & research, and as a Result God only taken an action to carry out this task complete.
A: There is nothing about changing one’s mind on something that is equivalent to connecting or disconnecting a computer from a power source.
T: But you agreed disconnection in the brain results in death, so if there’s disconnection then there must be a reconnection.
Stephen hacking missed out b/c of his high rich standard of life, never experienced power scarcity may be the reason & lack of psychoanalysis.
T: You mean starvation? If people don't get enough to eat, they starve to death. And then they're DEAD. There is no coming back from that.
A: No, people like Stephen Hawking got plenty and that’s why he missed out facts on God, if there’s death then there must be a coming back as in my case it already happened therefore, 2nd death have no power over me.
So, there's NO gap of time between these Two seconds.
A: You haven’t really been clear about what these "two seconds" even are.
T: Two seconds I mean Two events happen in Two seconds, a disconnection and a reconnection.
So, there's a Mind created the universe and the Mind is called God.
A: There are too many problems with the things you said above, and even if there weren’t, there's nothing about them that makes "mind created the universe" follow from them.
T: I see that there is a mind in men which is in fact mortal and that there must be an Immortal mind who created the universe for a purpose which is known only if men discovered the creation law of God and apply in search of his life Partner, and build a better life or a Godly life which was missed out by a man called Adam who created by God.
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himboronaldreagan · 3 years
(Dilton video connects)
(Jughead voice connects)
Jughead: Hey, Dilton!
Dilton: Come on video!
Jughead: I'm a mess though, man.
Dilton: So same old?
(Jughead video connects)
Jughead: Hey!
(Betty video connects)
Dilton: Betty's here! Thought you were busy.
Jughead: Betty!
Betty: Yeah, well, I made time between the Red Cross drive and my class, so. Dilton! How are you?
Dilton: All things considered, relatively intact!
Betty: Aw!
Jughead: Oh no.
Betty: What?
Jughead: Reggie, dude. He just sent me a Zoom code?
(all groan)
Jughead: Nobody tell 'im.
Betty: Where's, um-
Dilton: I accounted for time zones, so-
(Archie voice connects)
Archie: Hey, guys.
Betty: Come on video, Archie!
Archie: I just woke up.
Jughead: Please welcome to the stage: Miss Archie Andrews!
You awake there, Arch?
Archie: Hi, Jughead.
(Veronica video connects)
Veronica: Archie!
Betty: Hi.
(Archie video connects)
Archie: Oh, hey, Betty. How're things going for everybody?
Betty: On track to graduate by next Spring!
Jughead: Wait, you guys are in college?
Veronica: You told us you were enrolled.
Jughead: Veronica! Hi! And technical college, yeah. Technically not a lie!
Archie: What's up, Ronnie?
Veronica: Oh, Archie! Even on the low resolution, I can't help but recommend a matte concealer! For everyone's sake!
(Archie video disconnects)
Betty: No! Come back.
Archie: Voice is good for me, thanks gang.
Betty: Look at what you did. You happy? Veronica?
Dilton: If Archie's more comfortable joining us on just
voicechat, that's ok!
Jughead: Well, it is good to see everyone.
Veronica: Is Reggie texting anyone else?
Betty: No. He's in my DMs. I'm not giving him my number.
Jughead: I had to unfollow him. It got. Contentious.
Betty: Don't open it.
Jughead: Thanks for setting this up, Dilton.
Betty: Yeah, thanks, Dilton!
Veronica: Thank you, Dilton!
Archie: Thanks, Dilton.
Dilton: Hey, it's my job. You guys hear me ok?
Jughead: What mic you got there? It sounds stupendous! I can almost smell the bag of hi-chews you keep
Dilton: Wh- How do you kn-
Jughead: The wrapper has a slightly different thickness. I
suspect its location of manufacturing. Not important.
Archie! Feel free to hop back on anytime, buddy!
Archie: This is the first time I've seen you not eating in
a long time.
Jughead: Me? I'm not gonna eat on cam. Not for free
Veronica: Well, it is nice to catch up before my trip.
(all pause)
Archie: ... Trip?
Veronica: It's fine! We're only bringing a couple people
and it's my own boat! I don't see what the problem
Jughead: Personally, my isolation is mostly emotional. Haha, right, Arch? Anyway, Pop's has been a mess. Ethel? She quit. Midge? She quit. Haven't seen Pop himself in months-
Dilton: That sucks.
Betty: Yeah.
Jughead: Arch? Arch. Arch? Arch? Hey, Archie?
Archie: What?
Jughead: Love you.
Archie: Love you, too.
Dilton: Veronica, are you quarantined?
Veronica: Ugh! Yes, and it's SOOOO BORRING. An eighty inch has never looked smaller!
Dilton: .... Well, it is nice to see familiar faces.
Betty: Some more than others. He's being very insistent now.
Archie: You don't have to answer. My phone's been off for like three days.
Betty: What?
Archie: Way too many reach-outs from, like, everyone and every place I've ever written for. And... other stuff. It's... kinda embarrassing.
Veronica: Thanks!
Archie: Well, not you guys. You know what I mean.
Jughead: He's been around, theydies.
Betty: Anyone have any good news?
Veronica: Well, I WAS engaged. Before somebody couldn't do long distance.
Betty: Or work and school and long distance. And I was told it was on good terms.
Veronica: Mmm-hmm.... We're still... friends. Apparently.
Betty: Hmmm. Well. She can come get the expensive ring she bought anytime.
Veronica: Hmm... well, knowing her financial situation, she can keep it!
Jughead: Different energy in here! Ok. Let's keep going!
Dilton: Well, haha, can't really share my good news without completely ruining a certain campaign to a certain player.
Jughead: OHOHOHOHO! I am so looking forward to it!
Veronica: Please! Any real, not-fantasy news?
Betty: I mean, not really. They just canceled the next season.
Dilton: And the one con that WAS local, so.
Jughead: Fantasy con?
Dilton: No.
Jughead: That anime one?
Dilton: Naw.
Jughead: Wait, don't tell me... Don't-
Dilton: It was that death salon thing with all the morticians.
(long pause from everyone)
Archie: Sounds about right.
Dilton: I mean, I WAS going. For the book signing.
(another pause)
Jughead: I have a food baby. The father is Little Debbie.
Betty: Congratulations!
(Reggie video connects)
Reggie: Oh, you guys are on here? That's cool!
Jughead: HAHAHAHA! Reg-jay!
(Archie disconnects)
Veronica: Bye, everyone!
(Veronica disconnects)
Betty: Sorry! Gotta run, guys.
(Betty disconnects)
Dilton: Hold on, can't hear you! Gonna try reconnecting.
(Dilton disconnects)
Jughead: Glad to see you, buddy!
Reggie: Where'd they all go?
Jughead: Oh, we talked about it. They got, uh. Class.
Reggie: You don't have class?
Jughead: Naw, sort of took an involuntary gap year... for my brain.
Reggie: Oh! Yeahyeahyeah, people are doin' that!
Jughead: Seemed pretty eager today, buddy. Sorry scheduling didn't work out, huh? So, uh, what's up?
Reggie: Oh, nothing much. Uh, just really missing everybody I guess. Hey, you know if Archie's, like, busy?
Jughead: Little bit from the sound of it, man. And general just everything.
Reggie: Oh. Yeahyeah. No, yeah.
Jughead: Could relay him something maybe?
Reggie: Just... thinking about him a lot lately. You know. Could you give him my number?
Jughead: Sure thing!
(Jughead disconnects)
(Reggie nods, pauses, and disconnects)
(Dilton video connects)
(Jughead video connects)
Jughead: Dude!
Dilton: We still on for DnD Friday?
Jughead: Absolutely! 'specially after that tease. Did you find a torrent for the Plastic Man show?
Dilton: Not a crisp one anywhere.
Jughead: We'll keep lookin'.
Dilton: What did he want, anyway?
Jughead: What, Reggie? He's goin' through it, man.
Dilton: Oh?
(Archie video connects)
Archie: Hey, Jughead, why's Reggie sending me really forlorn selfies?
Jughead: Don't worry 'bout it, zucchini. Thanks again, Dilton.
Archie: Thanks, Dilton!
Dilton: 'Welcome. I get it. I'll leave you ladies alone.
(Dilton disconnects)
Jughead: You doin' okay, Arch?
Archie: No.
Jughead: Hey! Call me anytime.
Archie: I know.
Jughead: Gotchu, buddy. But right now I do have a date with a box of Honey Buns, so... Ten minutes?
Archie: Ten minutes.
Jughead: Bye!
(Jughead disconnects)
(Archie's phone rings)
(Archie disconnects)
0 notes