#my colleagues don't need to know what I'm laughing at fuck those guys
lorienlady · 1 year
Anyone who was suffering from cringe during the latest episode of Dungeons and Daddies needs to learn that cringe is dead so they can become free. It was fantastic and hilarious and I personally ascended to another plane of joy, sorry that you were too weak to join me.
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deoll · 1 year
hiii dolls <33 i think it’s my first actual draft that made it as a post in a long time so enjoy!! self-insert, gn friendly!
Scaramouche x Reader || One Bed Trope
"I'm fucking sick of this. No you listen to me, do you know who I am?'' he throws his fists against the wood. What a rowdy guy, if he keeps this up I might be the one who'll get fucking sick of this fiasco.
"I'm sorry sir, most of our rooms are unfortunately taken and our staff is overworked due to this blizzard. Could you be a little patient until we check to see what we could offer you and your colleagues?" the woman at the front desk appeared to be distressed, managing a phone at her ear with her shoulder, trying to write some notes down at the same time. Scaramouche is not having it. If it were any other day perhaps I wouldn't be this easily irritated, but unfortunately my cheeks are scarred by the cold wispy wind, I can't feel any of my fingers due to frostbite, I haven't eaten anything, tired as hell and most importantly in a need of a shower. He's not helping my condition in the slightest, not that he ever did. Not that I would want him to, but that doesn't mean that I want him to worsen it.
"..Do you even know who you're talking to? I don't care how you manage your goddamn hotel, you must have 4 rooms for Tsaritsa's Harbingers. What kind of pathetic unorganized team do you even have here that a snow storm is all it takes for this whole place to-" (Y/N) puts their hand on his shoulder, making him stop mid sentence. "I'm sorry for my partner here he's just tired, please do what you must." I pulled him back and talked with the polite lady in front of me. Unfortunately, Scaramouche did not appreciate that. I could feel him fuming behind my back, his eyes could cut if i were to turn and look at him. Fortunately I don't, trying to contain an upcoming chuckle at how ridiculous he looks right now. Insufferable fucker.
"Now now comrade-" Tartaglia tries to put his palm on his hat and almost instantly having it waved off by him. "that's no way of treating a woman! Did nobody teach you that as a kid?" he gleefully laughed, as he usually does in his off work moments. What a guy...will anyone ever understand him? He goes from idiotic happy go lucky guy to a minimal quiet death sword in such a short amount of time. Matter of fact, we're coming down from a mission where he mercilessly tortured five millelith guards for intel on the latest operations managed by the Liyue Qixing. Who knows what goes on through his head while he chooses what to say or do. He might be smarter than anyone in our team if he's acting this way deliberately. Maybe he learned this is the safest way to operate within the Harbingers. Fake.
"You're being childish again Balladeer.." Arlecchino side eyed him, tired of his shit as usual rightfully so. Her elegant form always stuns me. She, like Childe. hides her true thoughts so well that all you can see is a put together act constantly. "Yeah? Let me be childish then, at least i'll have somewhere to sleep tonight, you can stay in the lobby for all I care." Scaramouche turns, ready to get into yet another argument. "Will you stop? We're all tired and your attitude is only agitating us further-" I turn to face him, ready to snap when the lady so kindly cuts me off this time.
"We have 3 rooms available for you, please make your way to room 47, 48 and 51 on the 2nd floor" I heard that and I almost ran to the elevator without another word, without actually letting the information settle in and comprehending it. Everyone turned to look at each other. "Lady I don't know if you're blind or those badly cut bangs are in your eyes but as you can clearly see there's 4 of us." Scaramouche storms to the front desk once again. The young woman looks at him with a sour face, done with his shenanigans. "That's all we can manage at this time, what else would you want from me?" He snarls at her. "Well if you found 3 then you can find another one you-"
"ENOUGH." I pulled him by his sleeve. "Thank you ma'am. We'll manage, have a good one!" I took the keys from the counter and dragged Scaramouche all the way to the elevator, the rest tagging along.
".....Can we do rock paper scissors for each room?"...Childe. "No." I'm glad we all agreed at least on that.
"..." The elevator reaches the 2nd floor. We get out, look at each other and unbeknownst to the rest of us, Arlecchino walks away towards room 48 with a key in her hand. "See you all tomorrow." I look baffled in my hand to notice a 3rd pair of keys missing! When did she even..
"....Can we do rock paper scissors now ?" "..No" I'm glad he agreed. "There's no need for that, I think you and Scaramouche should team up for tonight" I said, crossing my arms against my chest. "What?! Why would you throw me under the bus with him ?" Scara snapped at me, offended at the idea of spending the night with his friendly comrade.
"Hey now you're breaking my heart haha...what does that mean haha.." Scaramouche turns to him, "You snore, you stink, you're taking all the bed to yourself, never flush the toilet, eat all my food, get ridiculously drunk before you go to bed, uncomfortably touchy in your sleep-" "OKAY comrade. We get the point now." Tartaglia reaches out and takes a key out of my hold, winking at us."Ohhh I get how it is, okaay alright then haha~ I'll let you two have your moment for tonight" He smiles and walks away mumbling "..I'm not even that loud when I snore.."
"..." The only thing we can hear is the wind whistling forcefully through the windows along with Childe's rapid pace towards room 47. My hand is still around his sleeve, I could've let go a long time ago but I didn't. I figured it would be uncomfortable letting go now so the only rational thing to do is to go along with it. And so I drag him to...our room, for tonight.
"What are you doing? Are you really just letting him get away with it? Aren't you gonna put up a fight for the room?"
"Well, why aren't you? I'm fine with it, I don't care that much. I just want to eat, shower and go to sleep." His eyes widened for a bit and next thing that I knew, he pulls his hand back. "I never said I want to bunk up with you." "...You're right, you didn't. And to that I say, you sadly don't have a choice...so you either bunk up with me or you can go sleep in the lobby next to your dear front desk lady." He's frowning at me now, distaste all over his face. With that being said, he takes the keys from my hand and starts walking towards room 51, leaving me behind. I rush to his side trying to keep up in fear he would lock me out, which would be completely in his character. I definitely wouldn't call us friends, we bicker more than we bond. Not that I wouldn't want to bond with him, he's simply unapproachable, and I genuinely think that's how he wants to be. He's doing it on purpose. It's not like I never tried to get him, but you can't crack open someone who doesn't want to be cracked and vulnerable. Reason why I sit back and watch him be an angry insufferable jerk.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through his mind as well, what made him act like this, respond to life this way. I wouldn't mind if he let me in for once, if he let me listen. I wonder when was the last time someone listened to him, when was the last time he felt heard.
"Why would I want to sleep next to a bitch with a bad bob" I laughed at his comment, "You're ruthless. Poor girl...you went all in on her bangs too you criminal." He snarled, "She should've had that coming, how do you leave your house with your bangs looking like that" opening the door for us, we entered and I immediately felt my shoulders relax, letting the comforting aroma of clean laundry fill me in. Without any words I plop down onto our bed. "Get down loser, you're stinking my bed." I chuckle, "That's the point jerk, so you'd sleep on the floor." moving my hands up and down taking as much space as possible, smiling. It feels kind of...peaceful. These back and forths with him, they feel so natural. "I'll go ahead and bring our stuff in here, do you want something to eat?" I rise up on an instant, my stomach making an unpleasant sound. Would he bring me something? He cares enough to ask? "Actually I'm really really hungry right no-" the door closes. Did he just?...no. No, he's evil but not this vile. I take back everything I just said about feeling peaceful. With a huff I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom, there's no reason to waste any more time so I'll just take a shower.
With that being said, I undress and fix the water just right letting it run down my body after such a long tiresome day. It's always nice how hotels give you everything you may need for a bath, except for clothes. I realized as I'm now out of the shower that I don't have anything clean to wear. Just in cue, I hear the front door opening and closing once more. "(Y/N)? Are you in the bathroom?" No...Oh Archons not like this.. "Yeah...Did you bring my stuff as well?" He laughs, "Your stuff? Why would I bring YOUR luggage." He's got to be kidding me. I roll up a towel around my form and furiously get out of the bathroom. There he stands, laughing in my face with both of our luggage and what looks like some take out? Standing in the middle of the room looking dumbfounded, I ask him "You also bought...food?" He looks at me like I said something stupid, "Well yeah, I'm hungry." That's when it clicked. Yeah right he is...a puppet with no need of food, being hungry. I smiled at him softly without another word and looked through my stuff to get dressed. "I finished showering, the bathroom is all yours if you need it." Scaramouche was confused but let it go this time "Will go shower too then" And so he did.
While he was busy showering I prepped the whole room, unpacked everything including our meal. He quietly opens the door and for a moment just stays in the doorway looking at me puffing the pillows. What a silly girl he thinks. Putting in so much effort, he feels something fill in the void inside of him. It's...nice, warm, peaceful
"..Do you wanna go to sleep?" He looks at me, nodding. Looking at him now, he's acting strange. Almost sad but at peace, quiet, tranquil melancholy. Must've hit a nerve without wanting to. He looks in need of comfort but I feel hopeless, I brought him back something he hadn't thought in a long time...I triggered him. He gets in bed while I turn the lights off, suddenly it hits me. I realize it in that moment how intimate this feels. How raw, how vulnerable. I climb up in bed on his opposite side. The bed itself is not tiny but I guess due to the snowstorm outside we're laying pretty close to one another, our backs touching.
It's quiet, as tired as I was before proved to be useless now that I'm standing next to Scaramouche, so many unspoken words kept me wide awake. And then it happened. He broke the silence "I once convinced myself that humanity doesn't deserve kindness. I had a lot of trial and errors and every one of them proved that they're all doomed by their own selfish needs anyway. Humans don't deserve care. And still I find myself contradicting that in my mind." His voice is calm, relaxed and yet so sad. So simple yet it hides details that I may never learn. On impulse I turned around and hugged his back gently. He tensed up but just as quickly relaxed entirely in my arms. "It takes a lot of courage to try again, to trust again. To want to care, even if you know there's a chance it won't be fruitful. It means that at core, you want to give and help unconditionally. It means there's a lot of love within you Scara, including for humanity. That's powerful." For a second I feel him shaking in my arms and with that, I felt my heart breaking. He turned around facing me, "I feel like I want to care for you" I opened my arms, smiling at him "Then do so. Allow yourself to feel that way!" and so he does, he allows himself to be held. Not too long after, I feel him holding me instead, playing with my hair almost enchanted by my figure. His fingers are gentle, his palms are cold and yet I've never felt a warmer hold in my life. "You're not on your own anymore. I already care for you in ways you don't even know. You're being cared for." I feel his arms tightening around me. "..I won't ever forget this, do you know that? These exact same words may as well haunt me one day." I look up at him, "Or bless you. The risk for vulnerability is high, but the reward is always worth it. Don't cage yourself in fear Scara. Live." I felt his head fall on top of mine. He fell asleep while I was talking! This guy...and just like that, the big ruthless Balladeer fell asleep in my hair.
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strawberyslut · 1 year
I know that by saying this, I am essentially alienating all of my followers, but I have grown so tired of men and their near constant condescension. Like I understand that you were raised to see yourself and other men as the smartest people in the world, but talking to me like I'm fucking stupid is getting really old. You treat me and every other woman around you as stupid, unfunny, hysterical, emotional things that are below you, lesser. Not as peers, colleagues, partners, or even equals; in some cases, I feel you see us more as commodities or property. Something you can flaunt and show off at the work Christmas party while you pretend to be a loving or supportive husband, then immediately behind closed doors, you'll go back to treating us and our passions as silly and insignificant. We always talk about the 50s housewife who was expected to vacuum the house in heels every day, raise the children, and still have dinner ready by the time her husband got home from his "stressful" office 9 to 5, the thing is that we haven't really seemed to get past that, so much as it has just adapted to a modern world. Women will work the same as a man, get paid less, (so he may pay more in rent or mortgage, just so that he can feel superior or like breadwinner but she's still working) and is then expected to do the laundry, clean, take the majority of child care chores, make appointments, do paperwork and generally keep things functioning while the man gets to relax after work, or god forbid, maybe do some handy work. Yet all of that work will be diminished because that's what women have been raised to do for decades. When men are asked to step up and do those things, they throw a complete fit because they see it as "women's work" or beneath them. It's so commonplace that so many women don't see it or make excuses for it. My coworker was telling me about how her husband threw a fit the other day because she had plans with her friends for the evening, which meant he had to watch their son AND cook dinner for him. He just couldn't believe that she hadn't made dinner that morning for him to heat up. Mind you, this woman has a full time job and he's a farmer (not to say that's easier work, but this is in the middle of summer, they aren't planting or harvesting right now) and he had the fucking balls to suggest that she should have just made dinner in the morning (whilst getting their child and herself ready). And when I pointed out how absolutely ridiculous that was and said that she should talk to him about it, she laughed and said, "Oh, you know how hard things like that are for guys." I just sat there thinking that they only act like that because no one has knocked them on their ass and showed them how wrong it is. If you are a man reading this, I ask you to really evaluate the things you think, say and do around women because you do things like this without even realizing. You are always so quick you argue that not all men are like that and by doing so you are proving my point. You are arguing that I am wrong and generalizing all men or that I'm simply foolish enough to believe that every single man on earth is like that, but by arguing that you are taking my words in bad faith and showing that you really do believe I am dumber than you. I am not less intelligent than you, I'm also not smarter. We need to realize that every single person on earth is just as smart, but has simply learned from experiences other than are own and trying to act better than just makes you look like an ass.
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myhiddenarchive · 2 years
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MOONS OF MADNESS | Shane Newehart & Declan Delapore
I don't know if I've posted anything about this game before so I'm going to correct that mistake right now. Moons of Madness is one of my favorite scifi horror games. It's simple and to the point and, for that, I love it. FANBOY TIME: I am in love with Shane Newehart and Declan Delapore. And I will list the reasons why:
Shane is fucking adorable. Just look at his FACE! And it's his BIRTHDAY!
Look at Shane's HANDS!!! They're so manly and large and blunt and I just want to FEEL THEM ON ME, OKAY?! I just really need that. Lord, what I would let Shane do to me with hands like that. I bet they would feel so good in all the right ways.
Declan is a ginger HOTTIE. Look at him, folks! He's like an American Eagle model that got shot into space and landed on Mars! He's fucking gorgeous and I will die upon this hill!
Even though the only time you actually see Declan is at the end of the game (and it is fucking TRAGIC what they do to my boy), the radio conversations between Shane and Declan is adorable and sweet and I JUST KNOW THAT THEY'RE FUCKING, OKAY?! I just know it. They're all sweet with one another and I can't help but believe that they've fooled around. Why??? They're stuck on Mars for months on end and they're good friends. Plus, there's no chance that one of them is going to get pregnant, so there's that.
I just love them both so much and DID I MENTION SHANE'S HANDS???
Shane is fucking adorable. Just look at his FACE! And it's his BIRTHDAY!
Look at Shane's HANDS!!! They're so manly and large and blunt and I just want to FEEL THEM ON ME, OKAY?! I just really need that. Lord, what I would let Shane do to me with hands like that. I bet they would feel so good in all the right ways.
Declan is a ginger HOTTIE. Look at him, folks! He's like an American Eagle model that got shot into space and landed on Mars! He's fucking gorgeous and I will die upon this hill!
Even though the only time you actually see Declan is at the end of the game (and it is fucking TRAGIC what they do to my boy), the radio conversations between Shane and Declan is adorable and sweet and I JUST KNOW THAT THEY'RE FUCKING, OKAY?! I just know it. They're all sweet with one another and I can't help but believe that they've fooled around. Why??? They're stuck on Mars for months on end and they're good friends. Plus, there's no chance that one of them is going to get pregnant, so there's that.
I just love them both so much and DID I MENTION SHANE'S HANDS???
UPDATE: 19 JAN 2023 [Read updated notes below!]
I am completely convinced that Shane and Declan are involved in an intimate relationship. Lukas and Volkova seem to be very close, and Commander Wilcox doesn't seem to have much time for interpersonal connections. So, I'm just going to call Shane and Declan's relationship that of more than just colleagues. They are romantically connected to one another.
They either meet up at Shane's outpost or at the Communications Tower where Declan's habitation unit resides.
I honestly wonder what their first time sleeping together was like. Declan would have smuggled in a bottle of vodka and was more than happy to share it with Shane. At first the night would have started off innocently enough. You know, just two guys taking swigs from the bottle, slowly losing themselves to the potent alcohol. They soon scoot in closer to one another, laughing and telling embarrassing stories of their college days.
Then their kissing! Looking back, it is unclear as to whom initiated the kiss, but what is clear is that they both respond positively! It starts off as gentle kisses, Shane's large hands cupping Declan's handsome face as their lips part and reconnect over and over again. The vodka has lowered their inhibitions and elevated their buried desires. Soon those gentle kisses become more aggressive and passionate, the sounds of desperate hunger filled the small sleeping quarters.
Shane winds up on his back. Declan straddles him, his heavy weight a comfort that Shane didn't know he needed until right that very moment. Mars, you see, can get so very lonely.
[Author's note: I'll write more soon but I have to head off to work now. No one is probably going to read this anyway so it doesn't really matter I suppose.]
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ruralbi · 2 years
dear diary, i feel better but oooooh my god it's not lookin good for ya boy!!!! summary? my best friend told me he doesn't love me AGAIN
i'm like bro quit reminding me if ur gonna constantly be in my house havin me suck ur dick. life is hard out here :(
however he built a garden shed for my parents, shelves for my garage and he promised me he'll make a pantry and shoe rack for underneath my stairs when he comes back on saturday. he's gone to work until then... he'll be back saturday with hopefully money, cause we're starting to b seriously depleted. i need to up my game with someone else if i ever want to b a house husband, cause this bitch aint ever gonna support me.
he can't even jack me off, i don't think he's abt to shell put 400e a month for me to keep house.
my therapist is there like there are different ways to tell someone you love them. he does love you. look at all the work he does for you. yeah well he also does the same for half his friends and he doesn't regularly tell THEM he's not in love with them. like literally i know someone can be very deep in the closet and denial, i've been there. but at some point u just gotta accept that he's just not that into you. what gave me the hint? the multiple times where he's said that he doesn't love me romantically, just as a friend that is fun to fuck.
btw this post sponsorised by the builder who made his first appearance at the house ever since he decided he was getting sober.
apparently it didn't last a week, but he hasn't been here in months due to the awkward happenstance where he declared his (drunken) undying love for my flatmate (his colleague) while he has been fuckin me. unfortunately that's a deal breaker for both of us i think, he's barely made eye contact for the whole visit. i'm very like :/ we could've had a good life together :/ about it.
nobody can stand him, he's all alone in his house, in serious need of nurture? i'm a very patient, very home oriented sex enthusiast. your loss honey. you'd rather b in love with my flatmate who's only ever thought of you as a weird colleague, ur fuckin loss. i don't get what's wrong with me ://// why don't men want me (it's the faggotry)
frankly i haven't seen my gay dad in months either and at this point he wouldn't even b able to berate me for bein a slut i've been so faithful to my idiot best friend. i need to update my bullshittery.
options r perfectly fine guy that 1) is my coworker 2) that i'm not in love with 3) i think is mildly annoying
or a 56yo dude who is trying to drown me in compliments and just yesterday drunk texted me at 2am that he'll "take care of me" (he did text again in the morning to apologise).
fun fact abt this guy : people warned me to b careful cause he was homophobic but in the end he jumped in my bed one night he was staying over to not drink and drive. he did very much try to fuck me. he didn't have a condom and i'm not abt that life so i just sucked his dick and did some intense nipple play??? he's very sensitive it was cute. oh and we did intercrural, and he talked abt knocking me up!! during the dirty talk!!!! that was a new one :') maybe he really was homophobic before and he's only ever been with women and he didn't bother to update the dirty talk. but also that's weird dirty talk for a one night stand regardless of gender??? anyway i gotta admit that i did laugh a lot abt that afterwards. like have at it bro, u can try all u want.
he's been drowning me in compliments ever since abt how i'm the most gentle soul and so beautiful and kind and if only he was 30 years younger he would treat me like i deserved etc. i think he's just hoping that i'll suck his dick again but i heard he has a girlfriend (AFTER the dick sucking) and once again, i'm not abt that life. and also he's old enough to b my father and totally closeted to the point that other friends of ours warned me of his homophobia so ://// not great not great. sorry honey but thank u for the compliments i seriously need those rn
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No More Secrets - Part 1
Summary: You and ya Bestie move to Bludhaven looking for a fresh start. It is totally cool and you SO don't have a crush on him.
Charcaters: F!Reader x Dick Grayson
Words: 800
An: This is the intro, It's not super long, because it's a fucking intro? This story has 7 parts and I'm hoping to update regularly, because I'm still in fucking lockdown. Also how cute is my moodboard? I love the neon.
Warnings: Do you need to be warned about the swearing? I probably should've done that before. Either way, I swear. Alot. Get the fuck over it.
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"Happy 3 month anniversary," the women cheered, clinking their glasses together. You were out after work with your colleagues, today marks 3 months since you and your best friend moved to Bludhaven for a fresh start. You were excited to get away from the lavish Gotham lifestyle of a socialite and he had just started a new job in the police department.
“How are you enjoying your new found home?” Jodi asked.
“It's good, life's a lot less hectic here,” mostly because no one gave a shit about an heiress in Bludhaven and you had managed to hide under a false name and a wig. Stars help you if anyone found out who you really were, it felt like forever since you'd had actual friends and not people just leeching on you for your trust fund. “We haven't really had any trouble, our building is in a nice area.”
“I wouldn't call it a nice area,” Delphi laughed.
“Well, it's as nice as we can afford,” you lied, waving your hand around. It wasn't. But it worked well to hide you in plain sight, surely a secretary and a cop couldn't afford to live in a huge fancy building, not that you wanted to. The last thing you both wanted was to be reminded of home, where everything had to be a show.
“So, tell us more about your roommate,” Amy asked, “you barely talk about him.”
“Dick? He's cool, we've been friends since we were little,”
“And he's way hot,” Delphi chimes in, “I saw him when I dropped off those files the other week.”
“Where did you guys meet?” Harriet asked, sipping her cocktail.
“At a party. I think I was maybe 10?” you know you were 10, Dick was 12 at the time. Your fathers were friends, your father being a large business holder in Gotham and so was Mr Wayne. Your father insisted you come along to the fancy gala, even though you hated those events. It was just an excuse for him to show you off and for you to talk him up to all the gross old men who attended. The gala was extravagant, but you were more taken by the handsome young man whom you danced the night away with.
“And there's nothing going on there?” Jodi laughed, not totally believing that you guys were just friends. “Both of you are hot, what's the issue?”
“No issues,” you smiled. They didn't need to know about your love for your best friend or that nothing had happened, besides one small kiss a long time ago. “We're just really good friends.”
“Maybe he's a secret weirdo,” Amy joked.
“Definitely,” you joined in the laughter. You had known Dicks secret since he snuck into your room when you were 12. He told you about his secret identity, it was the main reason you agreed to move. He needed to get away, start fresh some place. With that pinky promise of only truths between you at such a young age, you couldn't deny him a friend to move with.
“You need a man,” Jodi laughed, “and if you not seeing Dick I think I know the perfect guy,”
“Oh yeh?” You raised your brow at her.
“Totally, I was walking home the other night and this guy came up behind me and tried to grab my bag-”
“You want me to date a mugger?”
“No, babe let me finish. So this guy was trying to grab my bag, when this mega hot dude jumped down and attacked him. The mugger ran for the hills," you didn't like where this was going, "the guy, told his name was Nightwing and fuck was he stunning. His dark hair was falling all over his face, he had these blue eyes that looked like they were sparkling, his outfit was so tight I could see the creases of his juicy ass when he turned around," that little shit," when he smiled at me I nearly fainted," he's gunna get it,"he was so charming, he even tried to get my number, then he winked at me and left in a blink," he's so dead.
You started to see red. There was only one moron in this city that could've been, and you were going to kill him. "Excuse me ladies, I think I've had enough for tonight" you downed your drink, standing up. The women all booed you, as you gathered up your things and headed outside. The chill of the night did nothing to ease the fire in your veins.
Pulling out your phone googling Nightwing, you needed to be sure. The first article held a picture, blurry and grainy as it was you knew it was him, had to be. Fucking little shit. You knew what he looked like, even in a dark photo. Getting his number up, you dialed.
Ring… ring… fucking answer… ring..voicemail.
“Hello Mr Grayson, something has come to my attention,” you seethed, “we need to have a little talk. I'm going to be home in 30 minutes, you better be waiting for me when I get there.” You cackled after hanging up, this was going to be an interesting night.
{Part 2}
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mistaeq · 4 years
Guido Mista: Just For Fun?
TW // nsfw content !!
Sssooo... this had to be a fic due on Mista's birthday, but I got killed by work and assignments and stuff, and could never manage to finish, but tonight I took a little time and concentrated on it properly before it was really TOO late. Enjoy~ ^_^
Guido Mista having a SPICY time with a neutral!reader
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It felt so good. Damn, it felt so good. You weren't even sure there was love for you, by his side. But you wouldn't have stopped him for any reason. The gunslinger had come to you to tell you about Bucciarati's orders for the day. You had to show up at Passione's headquarters in a couple of hours, so, just for the sake of not getting bored in the meantime, you invited Mista in your house to have a chat. Unfortunately, or maybe luckily, the two of you seemed to have other plans in mind.
The things about the man exploring your body with his gaze, wasn't new to you. You'd been noticing this before, at work, outside, and in general. And it wasn't like you weren't interested in Mista's attention, you just couldn't help but thinking that having relationships with colleagues wasn't the best choice you could make. Little did it matter in that moment, realizing the two of you would have had to make up a believable excuse for your late arrival at Passione's headquarters.
"G-Guido!" bringing your thoughts cruelly back to the present, the gunslinger thrusted inside of your spent hole for one last time, without either of you coming. It had been a strong thrust, without mincing words, not slow and definitely not gentle, rough enough to hear you raise your voice for him. You just liked this thing about Mista being so mercilessly rough, and you couldn't tell you weren't expecting something like this from a man like him. You had stayed still until you felt his shaft come out of your sensitive body. And despite that, you had remained folded on the bed, because you knew him, Guido Mista would have never let you in peace so easily. Oh, he still had so much to do, with your body, after so much time of waiting and pushing it back.
Just in general, he liked to insist and keep going, starting from the most absurd and almost useless things, in any situation, like telling everyone about the fact that Narancia - he had told about it at least five times, once for every Bucciarati Gang ​​member, him and Narancia excluded - had once scared him late at night during a sleepover by his house. The truth is, if we really want to keep a solid and actual comparison, that Mista guy's brains almost worked like his good companion's, Narancia. He probably soaked up some parts of his behavior, too. The most messed up ones, if I'm allowed to say that.
A kind of soul of the party, without them the boredom used to make itself easy to be felt, or in any case it made his absence noticed when nobody laughed or joked, but sexually speaking, to stay in the italian area, there is a valid and comparison with the loud mess you can find in Naples's markets and squares, too. People screaming, people yelling, someone laughing and a neverending music you don't even know where to locate. Oh, and food. Plenty of food. Don't ask an italian to skip a meal, folks. You were now being Guido's three course meal, rather than a snack.
You felt yourself being touched in a way that was anything but chaste by the strong hands of the curly, dark haired boy. It was the representation of a proper Gold Experience, to finally see the hair hidden under that hat of his, and you had to admit that sinking a hand inside of it was amazing. Plus, it perfectly represented his explosive personality. Mista's eighteen years of age - by now - surely influenced his amount of stamina and strength, he had arms that deserved the respect for which they had been designated by his genetic make-up, evidently. As if some foreplay and ministrations were necessary, after the previous hellish - or perhaps heavenly - hour in which nothing else had happened, other than the young italian roughly and ferociously pushing his length into your body, you felt his long and calloused fingers enter your needy hole, not so much time to waste and not many premises to make. Oh good lord.
"Guido..." your soft voice moaned, bending your head forward, then forced to pull it back up when you arched your back due to the sudden but perfect points that the boy's experienced fingers dared to touch.
"Right here...? You want it right here?" he teased. Oh, he had fun teasing. All the gunslinger wanted was to hear you beg for him to give you the pleasure you needed, and he knew where to touch to get you ruined for him. His fingertips grazed against a special spot, once, twice, and he laughed it over, looking at you curling up your fingers everytime, little moans coming out of your throat, your hands gripping on the bedsheets. "Damn tesoro, you're so sensitive..." he said in his hateful, proud, signature mocking tone.
"...O-Oh my god, Guido... this might be the third time you do it... right there..." but that sentence did not last long, considering the gunslinger's intentions, who bent down to use his experienced tongue where before only his fingers were. Fuck that guy and his stupid attitude. Fuck his behavior, fuck his warm tongue, penetrating your needy hole along with his fingers, leaving you speechless and breathless every second more. At least a dozen times, surely, you insulted him, cursing and groaning under the wet and beautiful contact of the boy's lips and tongue as they worked on you. You would have lied, if you said you hadn't dreamt of this before.
Given the position you were now in, when you were too quiet or too noisy for your dirty lover's liking, the size of Mista's hands came in handy, to spank you and startle you enough to react and oblige to his will. He wasn't very gentle, as a sexual character. Let's say that he enjoyed leaving his masterpieces incomplete. Like that orgasm of yours which was very little time apart from exploding, for example. When he withdrew his hands and tongue drom you, you couldn't hold back from complaining... probably too much for the man's liking. "F-Fuck! I was so damn close..." you squealed, disappointed, and let your tongue speak for yourself, shivering because of the current emptiness of your hole. "Why have I chosen to have sex with you... I could have paid someone from the street... or maybe a colleague of yours... hm?"
You had gone too far. At those words, you felt Guido grab your hair in a tight grip. Not too much to seriously hurt you, but enough to fuel your arousal even more. You can't say you haven't obtained exactly what you were looking for. "Excuse me, or better... excuse you, do you mind repeating what you just said, cara/o?" Damn, that turned you on so much. Obey him. Just obey him. You thought, until the brat part of you took over.
"N-no... I ..." you slightly turned towards him, and unexpected as it was, but incredibly hot, his member was right in front of the tip of your nose, right now. You stared at it, bouncing in front of you. Average length, but interesting girth, nothing to say. A good one. You wouldn't have minded to choke on it. "Nothing... I said nothing."
"Nuh-uh, I heard you, little fucker." he pulled you closer to him, his leaking tip now grazing on your cheek, leaving a slightly humid trail behind it. Mista's grip on your hair tightened. "Repeat for me, will you...?" he cooed, faking a soft and calm tone of his voice. Then, he clenched his teeth. "What could you do, you said?" For a split second, you thought about how Bruno was probably waiting for you at Passione's headquarters, and there you were instead, with Mista's cock hanging in front of your face.
"Nothing. I couldn't do anything..."
"Good. That's what I like to hear." with a further squeeze he made you moan and cry out, taking the opportunity to push his leaking member into your mouth. You felt yourself suffocate, Mista had no small one at all, to be completely honest, he was far from it. And you madly liked him, not only for that, also as a person. On a psychological and personal level. Nice, funny, serious when needed - maybe-, and absolutely beautiful. How many people would have sold their soul to the devil, to spend a single night with Naples's forbidden dream - or at least he said so. He probably made it up for his own self-esteem -? He also tasted good, to be honest. Details like those were important, too.
You soon understood that the only way to not to feel too bad with his strength and stamina, was to go along with his desires seriously, and thanks to this little thought that for an hour now had been helping you with Guido's sexual cravings, you brought a hand to the man's member, to help with your hands your work on him. You saw him start to move his hips towards your mouth and back, that choking sensation intensified even more due to the fact that Mista's hips thrusted forward as you bent down on him, yet as much as your eyes could water and tear up, the man's proud moans only hinted at how much it actually excited him, to see you struggle and choke on his length. "Dammit... don't give me those teary eyes... I'm gonna fucking cum." And, deep down, it was a good fuel to your own arousal. But you wouldn't have dared to tell Guido, or you would have made him brag for ages about it.
His movements got to a sudden halt, when the gunslinger reached his high, in the depth of your throat, as his own breath hitched with yours. "Fuck, y/n...!" It was very deep, and due to the choking sensation, your soft face already had two hot, heavy and salty tears running down your cheeks, not really from pain but from exertion, that guttural effort you usually make when you have to throw up, when you yawn and when you cough. Every action that, even if minimal, brings the eyes to that moist, thing layer that, straining even more those feelings, makes it become tiring and uncontrollable tears. You felt Mista's warm cum run down your throat. Still, you took the chance to taste it properly. It was so good. Another thing you wouldn't have told Guido.
It was a different sensation, compared to when you swallowed it down yourself. Or at least it was, in other experiences you had, but you were wondering if it wasn't Guido's presence, making you feel in some sorts of ways. Anyways, by swallowing down yourself, you were fast enough to not to feel the need to cough. But this way, the warm fluid flowed dramatically slowly, along the walls of your throat, down, while you only wondered when you would stop feeling it moving in your lower neck and upper chest. The satisfied look on Mista's face, who was now approaching you again, after having pulled his member out of your tender mouth, spoke by itself, and said a few simple and easily interpretable words on the line of "You will feel this warmth also somewhere else, soon." and perhaps you weren't even really complaining about it.
Even if you hoped for it to not to be that intense and strong. Too bad it would have been such, but Mista knew what he was doing, so you just chose to let him do his thing to you. "...If you do want it, it is." oh. The fact that he made sure you were still agreeing to it, caused a weird warmth to pop up in your chest. Dominant Guido was a good Guido, but respectful Guido was the best version of him. You just smiled, and quickly nodded. Of course you wanted more. You felt your legs get grabbed and opened by strong and calloused hands, you were still ready and sensitive for him, despite all the times you had come for him that evening. And despite all the times he had denied you an orgasm.
He slipped his hard length inside of you without hurting your sensitive hole too much, or maybe it was just you who were already too used to keeping that damned neapolitan inside of your body, for that night. And you thanked God for it, otherwise it would have been quite painful. A beautiful pain, in any case. First thrust, Mista groaned very loudly, clenching his teeth. One day you'll complain to him, about the fact that he'll be expecting too much time from you to dedicate to having sex. "But you can stretch your muscles like this," he'll insist, looking for a bright side or a diversionary way to respond to your grip on him against the wall. You held on the bedsheets and bit your lower lip, keeping a moan from coming out.
Second thrust, even stronger. You began to even pull on the bedheets because of the gunslinger's cock, grazing just on the right spots, the spots only him could brag about being able to find so quickly. Maybe you would have ruined or ripped your own bedsheets. Just maybe. Worse than that time when Narancia and him had decided to become the funny people of the situation, and by folding and shredding Pannacotta's bedsheets, they made some table doilies. Afterwards, Fugo didn't really want to punish them too much, to be honest. Just enough to cause the two of them three or four displaced fractures, but obviously Bruno and Leone wouldn't let him do that either.
Third thrust, Guido had started seriously moaning on his own breathy groans. He sounded like he had started to chuckle on his own voice, and that... well, that was kinda hot. "How... How do you keep on being so tight after all of this... you're just like I dreamt... or even better, I say..." you felt your arousal reach the stars, when you realized Mista had been dreaming of you. Well, you would have lied if you told him you hadn't been dreaming of him as well. But all you could do in that moment, was moan and chuckle with him. He was such a funny man, after all. You thought of that time when, together with Giorno, he had well thought about ordering a dick-shaped pizza for Abbacchio's birthday, the package labeled "For a pissing goth". How were you thinking of this while having sex? Oh my god.
Fourth thrust. You were now trembling, along with moaning. "Fuck, Guido... just like that..." you begged, clenching your teeth and not only. "Make me cum, please..." He was being so damn strong, Mista, in that moment, but thinking about that little, big, funny part of his personality, from the vicissitudes with the Gang - although he almost never admitted to be guilty of those - to his iconic tetraphobia, the fear of number four. This is why, he was pretty fast to thrust inside of you an essential fifth time. And the thrusts that appeared so strong at first, seemed now softer, slower. Slower. And frenzied, because of his own climax approaching him.
"Y-Y/n... cum now...! Fuck... cum for me." How could you even think about resisting to it? You let go and rode your high, followed by him. Witnessing such an intense pleasure and feeling of being filled in such a good way from the neapolitan gunslinger, your body trembled and shivered, your hands scratched and caressed the perfect and imperfect skin of the shoulders of Guido Mista, who, filling you with what was left of his tiredness, he let go and collapsed on your sweaty body. "Thank you... damn... thank you." in that moment, you really hoped he hadn't just took an occasion to have sex or to empty his balls. But your fear disappeared when he lay his head on your chest and let you sink a hand into his dark curls, which were sticking to his sweaty face.
For a while, you stayed there, hoping he wouldn't drift asleep. You wanted to understand what all of that meant for him. Because it genuinely meant a lot for you. You had been waiting for that. All you had to understand was if Guido had been dreaming of you to just get a piece of your ass or a piece of your heart. "Bruno's waiting for us, Mista..." you whispered, but your body language fooled you. Your voice sounded like you wanted to get up and get to Passione's Headquarters, but your legs wrapped around the man's waist told another story.
"I don't really care, if I really have to be honest." the gunslinger mumbled, with a sleepy voice. "I'd go there to just look like a mess. I can't possibly focus on anything else, after a good lovemaking." oh you liked the sound of that. You giggled, that was a hilarious answer, but mostly you chuckled out of joy.
"Lovemaking, huh..." you repeated, stroking his soft, curly hair once more. "So it meant something to you." at your words, you saw Mista's eyes widen and his head get up from your chest. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I... I was lowkey scared you just wanted to get a good time with my ass and let go."
"Me? Just get a good time with your ass?" he pretended to be deeply offended and pouted, making you giggle again. You didn't even mean to express that much joy, but you just felt your heart replenish with feelings. "Who do you think I am? I'm a gentiluomo, I'd never just use a babe like you for sex and nothing more. I'm... a responsible man and shit." yeah, that's just the answer a responsible man would give. But you were satisfied and happy. And amused.
"You know what, Guido... let's just stay here and rest. Bruno can wait." Maybe it was too early to talk about proper love, but you would have had a lot of time, to talk about it.
That is, if Bruno doesn't kill the two of you first.
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v-velvetykisscs · 3 years
Safety Net
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Note: here’s the update after two months. I’m so sorry, I’ve been going through personal stuff and school has been stressing me out like crazy. Hope you like this !!
Chapter 2:
My heartbeat is ringing in my ears. I watch the figures in the passenger seat attentively, whilst inhaling deeply and exhaling once again. 10 minutes have passed inside of this car, and not a single word has been spoken by Historia or either of the people in the driver and passenger seat. My palms are moist and a warm rush passes through my body. I dig my nails into the soft, damp skin of my palms. My eyes divert to the window of the car, following the fleeting street lights with my eyes before screwing my eyes shut. I'm going to be sick. This dread has formed a coiled-up knot in my stomach, I fear it'll travel up my throat and out.
"What is this?" I state firmly.
Historia turns her head away from her black ballet flats to look at me, rigid strands of her golden hair falling onto her face. Her eyes widen and her eyebrows furrow. She purses her lips as she looks away from me.
I stare furiously into the rear-view mirror.
"Who are you guys?"
The man in the driver's seat, pushes his glasses down onto the bridge of his nose and makes eye contact with me. His dark, thick eyebrows are relaxed and his chocolatey eyes pour indirectly into mine.
"So she didn't tell you."
I've seen those eyes somewhere.
"No, why would I be asking?"
As if on cue, he stops at the red light, turning around slowly.
"She's a feisty one, Krista."
He sports a light brown messy hair-do and leather jacket as a replacement for the white shirt, brown waistcoat and black bow tie.
"What the fuck?! I recognise you, you're the bartender I spoke to back there."
"I'm Jean, Sugar Cube." he smirks, quirking an eyebrow.
I spare him a glance before waiting for the other to speak.
"And I'm Armin." A shorter, skinnier man speaks quietly before turning to give me a small smile. He has short, straw-blonde hair and dusty blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you, although this doesn't answer my question."
The red-light fades to green and Jean turns around and pushes the pedal, resuming his driving.
I focus on Historia again, waiting for her to give me a response.
"I swear I was going to tell you-"
"And I was there to make sure that she would, but when I realised you ran into trouble, I got my baby ready for a swift escape." Jean intervenes.
"Who do you work for?"
"I work at Yeager Corporations, Jean and Armin are my colleagues."
"And where are they taking us?"
"The HQ. It's the safest place at the moment." Armin butts in promptly.
"You obviously don't know the first thing about me but I would definitely feel much safer within the walls of my house."
"I'm sure anyone would, but right now we need to make it to HQ, where the boss will know what to do."
I eye the pair as they slam the front doors of the vehicle and walk to either side of the car to prompt the doors open for us.
I huff, snatching my messenger bag up from the floor, reaching for the door handle. I hold onto it. Jean notices and frowns a little. He speaks loud enough for me to hear him through the glass with a muffle. "Allow me." he insists. I let go of the door handle and wait for him. He moves to the side and I step out of the car. "Thank you" I fix the neat rows of cars parked opposite us instead of making eye contact.
Historia falls behind and walks besides me.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Because there's more to it."
"God you sound so morbid. Look, I've covered your ass more times than I seem to recall, so nothing you do shocks me. I know you better than anyone else."
"But this is different."
I pause.
"Different how?"
"We're nearly there, ladies."
"Alright Jean."
She wobbles forward as she tries to walk faster than before to avoid resuming our conversation. I glance at her injured foot; her ankle is bruised and battered with purple and blue. It looks as if it's swelling. I move up next to her and hold her arm, putting it gently around my shoulder to support her. I look away from her. There's an elevator. The boys pause and we walk a few more steps. Armin's finger skims over the numbers. He pushes the button. After a while, the metallic doors slide open smoothly.
Stepping out of the lift, Armin strides forward, his shoes clunking somewhat gracefully onto the white marble tiles. Jean follows quickly behind, not wanting to be the one left behind to tail the group. He puffs his chest out, straightening his posture to make himself seem taller and more intimidating. He turns and gives me a side smirk, but I scoff and roll my eyes, not allowing myself to associate with that heathen. Historia places a hand on your shoulder almost comfortingly, ushering you to follow behind Armin and that cocky bastard Jean. I exhale defeatedly, having no choice but to follow along and play their stupid little game. Historia whimpers, her ankle still being in moderate pain and currently untreated. This left her hopeless at the back, hopping along and trying to keep up with everyone else's paces. I check back on Historia every so often to make sure she's okay, and the lift door shuts, leaving only the cityscape lights to illuminate the room. I think to myself for a moment, how blindingly bright it must be here on a sunny day, the room being mostly white, and white being a reflective colour. Is that why mafia bosses wear sunglasses? I guess we'll never know. Focusing myself again, I turn back around to face the backs of Armin and Jean, whispering to one another, Armin occasionally glancing back at me.
"So.. where are we going?" I ask, feeling quite awkward being sandwiched between these weirdos. There was no response from either of them. Only the low chatter and the monotonous sound of a few keyboards typing away filled the silence. In fact, they both stopped whispering and continued to walk. I narrow my eyes, balling my hands into a fist and beginning to pierce my skin with my nails.
"Hello? I know the two of you aren't fucking deaf." This was a bold move from me, adrenaline rushing through my body as my anger levels continued to rise, them both still ignoring me. These fuckers. I look back at Historia hopelessly, asking for assistance with my eyes. She just stares back blankly at me, trying to keep her own balance whilst walking, leaving me to debate whether I should just throw a tantrum in the middle of the workroom, there and then, oblivious to the consequences.
"What the FUCK is this." I raise my voice this time, close to a yell. They both stop and look at each other, then turning back around to me. The sound of Historia's shoes stopped behind me. I gulped, looking up at the two of them. "Our workroom." Armin would finally reply, scarily calm.
Jean intervenes "It's our condo. We make business here, We drink and eat and socialise. No need to get so worked up, you little lemon. We're nearly there."
I let a short, humourless laugh escape, pulling my lips into a horrid smile. Jean smiles, unbothered by my sour attitude. "Bye Hitch!" Jean exclaims, waving at someone; a woman, in chunky, leather Dr. Martens black boots, red fishnet tights, a red lingerie silk dress with a khaki green jacket. She's carrying a black duffel back over her shoulder. She waves back at him with her free hand, smirking. "You have a goodnight" he says to himself. We make a right turn, down a corridor, past white office doors with plastic plaques. We walk past a red haired man, sliding a piece of paper with printed lettering through one of the transparent plates. "Still on prep duty I see, Floch." Jean blurts as he passes the man.
"Shut up Horseface." he retorts bitterly, sparing a quick glance at me before returning to his job. A few steps away sits a nameless mahogany door. Armin takes a nimble step forward, knocking on the door softly. When no one responds, Jean twists the door handle, leaving the door ajar. He slips through and we follow. The room is illuminated by a dim light dangling from the ceiling, above a round, oak table. The table is littered with playing cards, 3 cans of coke and 3 open packets of potato chips on the surface, crumbs splayed all over. The space smells of cheap lavender diffuser. Two people are sitting at the table, simultaneously turning their heads around to look at the commotion. One of them- a woman- with long brown hair, tied back in a dishevelled ponytail and beige skin, has potato chips crumbs on her face. Her chocolate eyes widen at the sight of us. The other, a man- has a buzz cut with prominent, light green eyes that mirror the woman's expression.
"Oh- Jean! We didn't expect you to pay us a visit. Otherwise I might've thought about saving you some of these." The woman admits, her tone guilty as she looks down at the empty, open crisps packets.
"Oh spare me the apology Sasha, these things have a lot of calories in them anyway. I was hoping you'd know where I can find Jaeger."
"Jaeger? He should be in his office, working late." The man adds.
"Thanks Connie."
Connie nods, craning his neck and swinging his chair back, his hands holding the table as he gazes at me curiously.
"Who's this?"
"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I respond before Jean can
Sasha laughs loudly, seeming to have heard that.
We've now walked back to the main lobby and steered towards a set of a coiling staircase. I pause at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing Historia's arm gently. " I'm not letting you go further in the state you're in." I eye Armin, his eyes already fixated on me. "Will you please take care of her?"
Armin nods sharply, walking towards Historia.
"Y/N, I'm okay-" She begins, but I turn around beginning to walk up the steps. "Lead the way" I ordered Jean. At the top, Jean saunters over to a pair of opaque double doors. Next to those are 3 velvet cushion chairs. I stare at him as he brings his fist up on the door, to knock gently.
I gulp.
"Come in." a voice from within says clearly, with a neutral tone.
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All You’ve Got Is Gold Part 1
FandomAU!: Billy Delaney/Cormac McNamara x Female OC
Warnings: Slight NSFW, mostly steamy fluff.  Guys this ended up being long as fuck.  And it’s really only chapter one. Or Part 1.
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Jeanie leaned over the bar at Ewan's to pour herself another whiskey, ignoring the bartender as he chastised her. "C'mon lass, don't the wee ones file in to the grounds tomorrow?"
"Wee?" she gulped around her swallow. "Ewan, they're pubescent. You know me though, I like to have a bit of a glow every new semester. That way the parents think I'm truly invested in the well-being of the brats." Jean waved her glass around in the air. "Ok, not brats. Most of them are well-behaved and genuinely interested in learning. Not like the little bastards in America. I'd have 40 to a classroom back there. Saint Fergus barely has 40 students in the entire school."
Ewan took it as a sign and gave her a generous pour one more time, "Heard you cannae keep any professors for the pay. But your husband-"
"EX. As of last spring," Jean corrected.
"EX-husband found some new blood in a few of his University students."
"Aye," Jeanie imitated the Scottish brogue with perfection. "They're all in the corner over there with Dr Purves now."
She had half a decade to assimilate to the culture of the small, boring town just outside of Aberdeen where she followed Gordon and married him without any family or a job. He became head of the Physics and STEM department at the University of Aberdeen, working on projects and female students alike. Jeanie, having abandoned her Master's in Education, was really only qualified to student-teach at a local boarding school. Before long, lack of interest and the economy drove the numbers down to four or five dozen and a position of Headmistress open. At least it was a place to live and an existence that kept her mind off everything else.
"I would say don't look now, because here comes one of his students, but my darling who can keep their eyes off him." Ewan pointed behind his friend with damn near literal hearts in his eyes.
Jeanie glanced over her shoulder as a young man, early 20s? She couldn't tell. But he approached her at the bar. Her first glance became a double, and nearly a stare. Embarrassed, she whipped her head around quickly and blushed in Ewan's general direction. "Sweet Virgin Mary," she exhaled under her breath.
"I normally go by Delaney, but I suppose in certain company Mary will do," a soft Irish lilt.
Jean slow blinked as the bartender broke into a cheshire grin. She took a deep breath and turned towards the man now beside her and held out her hand. Blood pulsing in her ears because.. he was stunning. "Brave of a Celt to set foot in the land of Picts. Even braver for him to be in the presence of the biggest asshole in all of Scotland."
"Well from what I've heard she's more of an Ice Queen than an asshole," he squinted before smiling brightly. Green eyes sparkling in the low light of the bar. "Your.. partner put me up to it anyways. You know, say the bit about the ice. Sorry," he blushed but still held on to her hand firmly. "I've heard you're rather pleasant from the others. Just aloof as it were"
"EX!" Ewan and Jean exclaimed together, and the young man blinked responsively. "No sorries. Cold-hearted bitch is what some of the 6th years call me when I confiscate their illegals. Headmistress Jean Turner, but the two friends I have call me Jeanie. Drink?"
"Just one? I'll take 5. I have to catch up with the others." He hooked a thumb at the group of obnoxious men groping the female students who hung off of them as if they were celebrities. Taking what he was offered, chugging it quickly and shuddering. "Billy. Delaney it is. Well occasionally."
Jeanie and Ewan watched as he basically pounded every shot placed in front of them. Squinting off and on, as if he was trying to adjust to the ambiance. "Is it hot? It's hot in here. God I hate people. Those people. I will never fit in with the misogynists and knobs who prefer rugby and football to actually learning about the world." He pulled at the collar of his sweater before taking it off and draping it over Jeanie's chair. He wore a striped tee shirt underneath "Sorry. Sorry. I've got my nose in tech and books and maths algorithms most days. I forget how to socialize, so I really just want to blend in with the norms."
"You.. are.. fit." Ewan sputtered.
Billy snapped back to attention, his mind having drifted off to the same group Jeanie's eyes kept staring at. "What?"
"He's saying you are fucking fit, mate" Jeanie gaped.
"My body? I'm not really certain about that. I'm rather spindly wouldn't you say?” he shrugged while his cheeks flushed profusely. "My arms? Is it my arms? I swim. Clears my head from all the clutter." He was rambling now.
Jeanie and Ewan started laughing. "Relax! we're taking the piss, love. Your every move is being scrutinized. Now why abouts did Dr Purves send you over here? Surely he has fucking with me on his mind. Not unusual, humiliation has always been the name of the game."
Billy made a gesture that resembled adjusting non-existent glasses. He immediately dropped his hand and pulled a tenner out of his pocket. "To melt the ice, Gordon said. He gave me ten quid to hit on you."
"One of his students. What a lovely parting gift. I guess you're worth the loss of the house and the car," Jeanie stood back slightly to properly size him up.
Billy bit the entirety of his bottom lip, furrowing his brows, "I reckon you're worth more than a tenner to sleep with."
Jeanie blinked a few times, head tilted to the side to make sure she heard correctly. "SEX?!" she laughed, unable to help herself. "I don't exactly know what all of this," she waved her hand down his body, "would be doing even in the vicinity of sleeping with this," pointing to her own.
Confusion came over his face, "Am I supposed to be.. Is there something wrong with you that I don't notice? I, I can be kind of oblivious to loads. I think, really, Gordon goaded me into coming over here for my benefit as much as his amusement. I don't have too much experience, but you seem quite lovely you know. Your hair is," brows furrowed again but in thought, "Nicely red in this lighting. Reminds me of my friend from Ireland. Hannah."
Jeanie pinched the bridge of her nose as Ewan audibly guffawed from beside her. "Saints preserve us," the Scotsman said between gasps for air. "Donnae if you are taking the piss now, bloke, or are you really this bad at pulling birds."
Billy grimaced, the entirety of his face beet red. "Honestly, I never make it this far. I guess they usually pull me and I let them?" He started to fan his face, "seriously,,how fucking hot do you keep this pub?" His forehead bent forward to rest on the metal and wood counter of the bar.
Ewan covered his mouth and ruffled the curly head in front of him. "What a wee babby, Dr Purves sent into the lion's den. You just drank half a bottle of my best whiskey and mortified yourself in front of my favorite woman in this whole country. Maybe you ought to drink some water and have a sit for a few. We'll give you something to take to the bell-end in the back."
Jeanie and Ewan's eyes met, and she bit back a smile before leaning over to wrap an arm around her husband's latest protege. "Oh Ewan, I don't think it should be only a story. Why not give the evil genius a bit of a show. Right now he can see Mr Delaney is headed towards a spectacular crash. Im embarrassed. Mr Delaney's embarrassed. You're without very expensive whiskey. Gordon will never let anyone live this down for the semester."
She put her mouth near Billy's ear, "Ten quid is worth SOMETHING. Don't you think? Just look at me." He obliged quicker than she expected. Emerald eyes gazed upwards at her while the heart banged wildly in her chest. "What comes next?"
"I reckon I ought to put my arm on your waist. Right?" his voice now low in her ear and a hand slipped around her hips to draw her as close as possible.
No further guidance was needed as the liquid courage kicked in. Billy stood up and took Jeanie's face in his large hands before he drew her into a rather passionate kiss. Hers instinctively buried in his hair, their tongues dancing as the thought he hustled her entered the back of her mind. How was it that just a few minutes ago he looked ready to vomit at the thought of trying to come on to anyone, not just her. Now he was kissing her like they were Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Jeanie’s back slightly arched as Billy dominated her personal space with his height, a hand dangerously on the curve of her backside.
Ewan held his own face, eyebrows lost in his bangs as he watched the two of them go at it for well, he lost time. Glancing up he noticed just about everyone else in the pub was watching too. Gordon positively green with envy and turning purple with anger. Ewan saw him lean to a colleague and mouth, "That wasn't the fucking deal."
"Job done you two," he cleared his throat and practically shouted to break them up.
Jeanie's mouth was cold as it kissed the air. Billy had stumbled backwards a bit, mouth turned down ever slightly in a whoops motion. He walked, swayed really and floated by every single patron, including the group of men he came in with earlier. Fingers pulled at his bottom lip before he passed a devilish grin over his shoulder in Gordon's direction.
Jeanie and Ewan gobsmacked, but pleasantly amused, looked at one another. Mischief in their eyes as Jeanie noticed Billy's sweater draped over the bar. "Mr Balderston, I think I have a grad student to visit this week. It seems Mr Delaney might need his sweater because the Scottish nights get awfully cold."
Orientation came and went, and the students seemed to settle in quicker than normal.  Quite possibly because this was the lowest attendance in the school’s 150 year history.  They had been in danger of shut down, but Jeanie was informed that first Monday by the Board of Directors that an anonymous group of donors had decided, against their wishes, to purchase the school.  Even if no students came back the following school year, or they were down to only 15 or 10 or 5, Saint Fergus would remain open for unknown reasons.  
To say she was relieved was an understatement for Jeanie.  Much needed repairs were being made, and someone had come to put together a state of the art security system.  Which really confused the faculty and dwindling staff.  Who would steal anything from this junk heap?  Even their books were falling apart.  Except they weren’t.  
By the end of the first week, the girls in their dormitories and in the hallways were abuzz with brand new Literature and Maths books.  They were suddenly interested in Oscar Wilde and Pythagoras.  Jeanie watched as three 4th years sat in the windowsill and audibly cracked open their copies of “The Happy Prince,” stars in their eyes.  
“Have you ever seen anyone as good looking as Dr McNamara?  Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll pay attention to anything else but that voice,” she held her book against her chest.
“Oh c’mon Siobhan.  It’s all about the eyes.  I don’t think I’ve seen anything like them.  Proper green.  If he sticks around, I’ll tell Daddy to talk to all of his barrister friends. Get them to enroll their kids here next year.” 
The third girl was clearly in a daydream out the window, “All I heard today was blah blah blah ‘important in oratory history of Ireland’ blah blah.  Lemme tell you, he can give me an oral exam any day.”
Jeanie cleared her throat and the students jumped nearly a mile high.  “It would do you girls a kindness not to sexually harass our newest teacher at Saint Fergus.”  The smallest hint of a smile on her lips.  “Honestly, how is it that I'm headmistress here and have no bloody clue who this mysterious Dr McNamara is?”
“Well rumor has it, Miss, that he bought the school.  Dr Purves hired him for a project at the uni, and he asked to be right in the thick of the school.”  Siobhan shrugged.
“What do you mean?” 
“Oh he’s installing the security system and having a new science laboratory built,” the daydreaming girl chimed in.
“I thought it was a grad student that was teaching here this semester?  Have any of you heard the name Billy Delaney?  I’ve been looking for him the last week or so, but I can't find him in Aberdeen housing.  I’d like to return his sweater.”  Jeanie’s face flushed pink, and the girls all cast a knowing grin in her direction.
“Has Miss got a crush herself?” Siobhan teased.  “There’s no student teachers this year, but did you say Billy Delaney?”  
“Yes.  Does that name sound familiar to you too?”  
The girls stood and handed Jeanie paperback books one by one.  A stack of them, young adult novels that had grown incredibly popular the last few years.  A stone wall with a glowing green and gold light graced the cover.  “A Green Pool of Light: Emerald City to Oz  Book 1” blazed across the top in that standard stereotyped font that represented all things Irish.  The daydreaming girl, Aila Jeanie would come to find out, opened her copy and ran a finger down the page.  “Yeah, he’s like a gender bent Hermione in these books.” 
Jeanie frowned and flipped through the pages.  The girls all started to laugh, not mean-hearted but in the way kids do at adults when they become lost in the world of anyone under 20.  “That’s Dr McNamara, Miss Turner, and he’s living in the Boys Dorms.”
Jeanie blinked a few times, too many times in disbelief.  The girls dissolved into hysterics and headed off to their next set of classes.  Things maybe just got a bit easier but harder at the same time.
Jeanie stared incredulously at herself in the mirror.  When exactly was the last time she showed up to any man’s room wearing only a coat and her underwear?  Or well, a sweater in this case.  She waited until the school was dark and quiet, she couldn’t risk one of the students seeing her dressed this way.  On her way to do a dance of seduction.  No, that’s humiliating.  This was all humiliating.  
What in the hell am I  even doing? She thought.  But it was too late, her legs carried her into the halls and across the floors and up into the West Wing where the boys slept. Tip-toeing quick and stealthy to the only source of light on this side of the school.  
Jeanie took a deep breath and knocked on the open door.  His back was to her, sitting with one foot up on the chair, a knee drawn up to his chest in the most awkward of positions.  His dark head was bent over an abundance of little digital boxes spread across a desk that he tinkered with under a magnifying glass.  Several computers and laptops spread around the room running codes attached to various projects simultaneously.  Lost in his work, he ignored her.
Sighing heavily, Jeanie knocked louder this time.  She raised one hand up the door frame, leaning in the most tempting pose she could muster at 11pm on a Thursday.  His head popped up, and he only glanced over his shoulder in her direction before going back to his work.  
“Well took ye long enough to find me, Miss Turner.  Wanna see what I’ve put together for the school?”  he queried without paying any attention to her attire.  
Jeanie felt the bile rise in her throat.  How in the hell was she ever going to feel better about herself when this man wouldn’t even acknowledge her?  Was it too late to just slip back down in the shadows and melt away like she never existed?  Still she took a breath and made her way to the desk and stopped directly behind him.  She bent forward over his shoulder, her hair brushed against his face and neck.  There was a nearly inaudible hitch in his breathing as she picked up one of the boxes.  Did she make him nervous?  Good, she thought and chewed her lip to prevent a smirk sneaking through.
“Well Mr Delaney.  Or is it McNamara?” She studied the box carefully and poked at it with her nail.
“Doctor” he interjected huskily.  He was nervous.  “I’ve got a PhD,” he corrected.
“Are you even old enough for a doctorate?!” she retorted.
“I’m 24, thank you very much.  I suppose that’s quite young to have several PhDs, but I don’t really keep track.  If it makes you feel better, I'm also a chef. Cooking is just science after all,” he said almost dismissively.    “Oh, That is L.I.S.A. you’re holding.  Large-scale Interface Security Application.”
Jeanie snorted; she couldn't help it.   “Do you mean an alarm system?”
“No it’s a specified security application that only I know how to program and,” he caught himself.  “Yes.  It’s an alarm system.”  He rolled his eyes and gently took the machine back from her and placed it amongst the others.
“If you're working with Gordon on some kind of secret project, why are you teaching Literature?” Jeanie launched into everything without really meaning to. “You know Dr Delaney or whoever the hell you are, several of the girls brought to my attention that there’s a character in those young adult novels written by Hannah O'Flaherty. “A Pool of Green Light?” They are quite popular with our 1st-4th years.  You're Billy Delaney aren't you?  That’s why you gave that name in the pub the other night instead of your real name.  That being Cormac McNamara, am I correct?”  She placed her hands on hips hidden in the mass of wool and cable knit.  
"Delaney is part of my last name. Hyphenated.” once again correcting the headmistress.
 "Don't see much of that in men" 
"Well it and my brain are about all my parents left me,” he moved to face his chair towards Jeanie and abandon his project. 
 "Well I bet they're proud of you, Cormac. Or Billy.  Whatever.” she waved her hand dismissively.  “You lot discovered.. what's it called?" 
"Dimensional Dark Matter Transport with the possibility of Inter and Temporal" 
"I mean, Portals. Or to put it in tv nerd terms: Beam me up Scotty" 
"Precisely!” Cormac exclaimed and stood up excitedly.  “And your ex-boyfriend-" 
“Yes, husband.  Well couldn't have been good at it if he's your ex.” He bit a finger absently, staring off towards the ceiling.  Then snapped back to attention quickly,  “Well he wants to find a way to make it.. Portable. Not just in plotted locations around the globe. And my business partners, em Hannah and Brett if you will, would like it privatized. Dr Purves, he wants the highest bidder." 
"Military?” Jeanie blanched at the thought.  Then her voice drifted off, “So the books ARE real.. You three are real.  Hannah hid the stories in plain sight for the entire world to discover"  And for the first time, she noticed a framed photo on the vast desk.  A trio of happy young people: red-headed girl, pretty with large blue eyes.  A floppy haired, tan surfer type.  And a tall, lanky boy with oval glasses and severely parted hair starting to curl.  Jeanie took the frame and traced her fingertip along the glass. “Sarah, Zack and Billy.  This is like finding out Harry, Ron and Hermione are living, breathing people.  And here you are, in my school.”
"I could show you if you want but.. Miss Turner, why are you only in a sweater?" Cormac stepped back and lifted his glasses and put them back down. He took them off hurriedly as if he was embarrassed to be wearing them.  Turning once more to face her "Is.. Is that MY sweater? You're only in. Jeanie, Where are your pants?" 
"Well I planned on seducing you Mr.." 
"Doctor" -
Jeanie sighed as if she had been defeated, "DOCTOR Delaney-McNamara" 
"Well Ive mucked that up I suppose,” a deep crimson set across his ears.
" I mean you can have your sweater back,” Jeanie arched an eyebrow seductively. Pulling the sweater over her head to reveal only a pair of her nicest black panties and bra underneath.  Nothing else.
"Thank you it's quite my favorite-" Cormac’s eyes widened when he noticed the headmistress in front of him wearing nothing but lingerie.  He squinted briefly while scratching his head.  “Oh.. Jeanie. That’s..” his voice drifted off lost in shock.
Ignoring the embarrassment growing in her chest, Jeanie crossed her arms over her chest.  “Why in the hell did you take your glasses off?”
“Oh, em.. Hannah always tells me I’m far more attractive without them.” he shrugged.
“Just like how Clark Kent is only slightly, by a molecule,” Jeanie pinched her fingers together, “less sexy than Superman with his glasses" 
"But his glasses are fake,” Cormac ignored the obvious joke.  “Right now I can just see shapes. Lovely, curved shapes! but only shapes." waving a hand in her general direction again.
Jeanie sat down on his bed without the sweater, to protect her now she just decided to go with her original plan. She crossed her long legs and leaned back with one hand back on the mattress. "Ok give us a look with the glasses on, Delaney.. Mcnamara?" This was frustrating.
"No, I reckon I'll have the kids call me Cormac" his hands on thin hips as he glanced upwards in thought
"Yes, erase that line of authority between yourself and 11-15 year olds. Don't underestimate them, Billy.  Or Cormac.  Or whatever.  You are probably the smartest professor Saint Fergus has ever had, but you’re handsome.  My girls will eat you alive" 
"I wouldn't go that far!" he was exasperated for some reason. 
"You have five PhDs and can’t even legally rent a car in America yet," Jeanie pointed out. 
Cormac waved her off dismissively.  “No!  Not the smart or genius part.  That is true,” he agreed without pretension. “It’s the handsome part,” he rolled his eyes in frustration.  
“Look McNamara, I can’t tell if you’re being humble or an asshole.  Your constant squinting and inflamed cheeks are ruining my perception.”
"Inflamed.." he touched his face  "It's rather distracting. You in your.  I may realize now that's your intent. I'm not really NEW to this, uh women coming on to me. It's just not always quite so forward?"
 "Had I known you were a doctor of  Quantum Mechanics, my approach would be a little less intense. 10 quid or not, you were the one kissing me last night." Jeanie got up off the bed "Ill go, but can I take your sweater with me? The students don't need to see this" 
"Oh, em do ya have to? You're already here, and I'm sure quite lovely to look at." 
"Cormac put your glasses on" 
"Really?" he was adorably confused "I would have to take them off if we-" 
"Have sex?" 
"I didn't mean to imply- I've never really-" he nervously put his glasses back on. Then started fiddling with his hands and chewing on one. 
"No fucking way!” Jeanie sat up quickly “But you're-" 
"Oh please don't say hot." 
"I am not completely virginal, I'll have ye know! I've done tings. SEXY tings. I've put my mouth and fingers in places on a woman. I'm just picky about where I’d put my penis."  
Jeanie’s amused now, she can’t help it. An eyebrow raised and a laugh ready to escape because he's pacing around and gesticulating wildly now. "Are.. are you getting more Irish?" 
"MAYBE I AM!" he shouted louder than he meant to, then unexpectedly pulled his shirt over his head.
Jeanie laughed at the absurdity now. "Cormac. Or Billy, whatever you are more comfortable with." She kneeled on the bed coming to the edge of it. "We don't have to do this. I'm not asking you to justify your virginity; that your business. It’s a patriarchal construct anyways to make us feel like we have to engage in sexual activity.  Then when we do, we’re trash.  It’s a no-win situation for anyone. I LIKE you. We have all school year to get to know one another better."
“I think Dr Delaney-McNamara, but Cormac works just fine for you” his tone all at once softer and deeper.  
There was a weird electricity in the air, which very well could have been the obscene amount of tech equipment in the small dorm room.  It could have also been that the atmosphere switched so fast from mortification to that moment your body knows something is going to happen.  Jeanie’s head began to swim when she realized the young man in front of her was unbuttoning his jeans to step out of them.  
“Bloody hell...” was all she could utter before he wrapped her up in his arms.  
Jeanie’s hand on Cormac’s hip and the other tangled in his hair as they found themselves in another kiss.  Mouths dancing together.  She sat back and pulled him down so that he was laying completely on top of her now.  His skin was hot almost like a sunburn.  Somewhere, in the back of her mind, Jeanie thought maybe a literal electricity had settled in him from using the portals so often all these years. Their tongues pushed back and forth, she realized his body began to feel similar to one of those static glass balls.  The kind you press your hand against and every single hair on your body raises?  It was strange and exhilarating and comical all at once. 
The thought was fleeting though because Cormac’s lips made its way down Jeanie’s neck.  The breath caught in her throat as he bit softly before trailing to her chest.  His large hand gripped the flesh of her hip, snaking it around to grab at her backside before settling it between her thighs.  The other struggled to unhook her bra while in their current position, his annoyance eliciting a giggle.  
Managing to roll them so that she was on top now, Jeanie deftly reached behind herself to finish the job.  Her breasts free, Cormac took one in his mouth.  His tongue was warm against her skin as he began to suck and lick at a nipple and the flesh around it.  Alternating between each hungrily, hand still lost in between her thighs.  A  finger began to trace the fabric of her panties.  
Audible gasp now, as Jeanie fumbled to reciprocate any way she could.  Kissing his forehead?  or rocking her hips against his hand, she began to float outside of her body. What was she doing?  Trying to feel wanted after all of this time?  Maybe give the other adults something to gossip about over the weekend.  Attractive new professor, the benefactor of Saint Fergus, fucking the boss his first week in.  Jeanie was his boss, but also his subordinate?  Because Cormac, with Brett and Hannah, owned her livelihood now.  
“What a fine mess we’re in, Delaney,” she managed amongst the new spate of kisses.  
Ignoring Jeanie’s frank statement, Cormac took to nibbling her throat again. Exchanging now for harder bites, just enough to let her know he had the upper hand. Fingers deftly pumping rhythmically with the pulsating of her body. He found that part of her with ease. The button Gordon never could without neon arrows. 
“I walked through an alien portal at sixteen and made one of the greatest scientific discoveries none of us can talk about,” That Irish lilt heavy in her ear. “A fine mess has been the last decade of my life, Ms. Turner.”   
There was almost a reckless abandon as Jeanie unexpectedly came. She cried out; it echoed off the dorm walls briefly before Cormac clamped a hand over her mouth. Their eyes both wide before they lost themselves in a fit of giggles. 
Lying beside each other now on the bed, Jeanie felt self-conscious while Cormac absently twirled a finger in her mass of red hair. She felt his green eyes staring as she traced the infinity symbol with the tip of a nail on his chest. Their breathing patterns quickly marched in time together.
“Not sure why I have a gut feeling your timidity was a fucking game,” Jeanie spoke without a hint of anger. More like curiosity. 
“Only just a little. I am far more capable of handling people in small doses.  There's a  certain anxiety hanging around the average university student. I finished undergrad in a year and graduate school in another. Never really fit in with most people my age. I thrived in a boarding college like this one. Never more than 15 children a class. Miss Murphy let me do as I please because I kept mostly to myself, even when she and the others were strangely codependent on my brain.”  
Cormac’s eyes still trained on Jeanie while he spoke. “I didn't mind. I DON'T mind. My tinkering and projects work bloody fantastic now!” he exclaimed with pride. Those long fingers combed through Jeanie's hair. His gaze became nostalgic, “I transferred my AI tech into the lab at Aberdeen.  There's my  personal version.  She's asleep right now,” he chuckled, gesturing towards the wall of monitors. 
Jeanie grimaced, “She?!” 
“Oh yes! SILVIA! I suppose she'll become LISA’s big sister.” 
“You invented a primitive android.” her response was incredulous.
“No no. SILVIA was a lie detector I installed artificial intelligence in to play ch-..” Cormac caught himself. For the hundredth time that evening, “I suppose. Yes,” he tapped a finger against the soft dimple in his cheek. 
“You suppose!” Jeanie reeled with laughter once more.  
Cormac’s face flushed pink, “You know what I did to you was just basic anatomy that’s easily taught by reading a damn book. I reckon you'd be interested in what else reading has taught me about a woman's body.”
And so it began. 
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Why do we like this clown so much?
Change the "we" for "I" and you get an usual tag I use whenever I post my content in Tumblr. And it sounds funny at first but whenever you start diving into that phrase, the deeper it becomes. So, I finally have decided to share my thoughts about this strange but wholesome attraction to this deeply flawed character. It's not something I usually do since I don't know how to write down my feelings properly and also in english so please forgive any typos (I'm from Chile so don't be surprised lol).
So...Why do we like this clown so much?
Why was it that a character precisely designed to scare and to disgust the fuck out of us ended up unchaining a series of feelings that shouldn't have taken place in a beginning?
Let's take a look at the background: Joaquin Phoenix was cast as Arthur Fleck/Joker in 2018. The first image of him as the aforementioned character revealed a deeply disturbed man. We knew the plot. A man driven to insanity after a brutal history of abuse, creating concern in people if the upcoming film would inspire real life violence. Incel violence and mass shootings, more specifically.
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(the image in question)
As 2019 arrives, the two trailers generated so much hype that media needed to fuel its concern about it. Since it wasn't your typical comic book film, media basically bombed our minds making us believe this film was going to be a total disaster, an excuse to cause harm to others among other nonsense, as if the film would justify everything Arthur would do in the film, eventually. As the release date is closer, the film receives thunderous applause and unanimous praise from critics. At this, fans rejoiced and expressed impatience to watch the film.
October 5th.
People left the theaters amazed, shocked and genuinely moved by the inhuman treatment Arthur received in the film. The fear media tried so desperately to infuse in us with all the incel bullshit and such turned out to awake one of the most positive, best feelings in humans:
The word that so gloriously cleared away any dark thoughts or actions not only proves media was wrong but it turned out to ridicule it in way nobody will forget: Hundreds of people advocating for mental illness, calling out to the kindness that could change a person's bad day and questioning how politicians and rich people are indifferent to social problems proved how much as a society we have changed in comparison with the one shown in the film.
However, since we are on Tumblr, I'll get straight to the point and try to explain why the fuck does this clown has us dying out of love and compassion (and lust).
I. Background.
As nurturing as we women are for a biological matter, we see a man deprived of a good job, is on seven different medications, working like a slave to sustain his ill mother, putting aside his own health and well-being to look for her, struggling to make his dream of being a comedian despite everyone stepping on him, underpaid and treated like a freak for a disorder he did not ask to suffer, which makes it impossible to be indifferent to all the horrible ordeal that eventually will reach the limit of what he can tolerate without going insane. It is impossible to not say or think, at least, that someone (even if it's just one person) should stand for him just as it is impossible not to feel the need to throw ourselves at him to shield him from people who hurt him or simply offer him our shoulder whenever he has had a bad day, specially when he learns he was sexually assaulted by his step father.
This horrid behaviour terrifies newer generations because they get a taste of what being a social outcast was like more than thirty years ago in comparison with today, where there's more acceptance and treatment for mentally ill people like Arthur. We see in him someone who could have been saved with a proper education and emotional support instead of descending into madness as a criminal. Others simply saw themselves being treated like him at some point in their lives and couldn't help but put themselves in his shoes.
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II. Personality.
There's something called "attraction by proximity". It is the explanation to the eventual love you feel whenever someone doesn't catch your eye at first terms of physical attraction but his/her personality does attract you. This happens to be the base of this situation. His shyness, introverted nature, tenderness and innocent desire to make people laugh and put on a happy face awake some kind of tenderness we cannot resist. This combined with the gloomy background increases our understanding (but not justifying) of the bad decisions he'll eventually take during the course of the film. This traces a line of harsh, almost hurtful contrast of the violence he shows later on the film. Once again, it is not justified in any way but it is certainly understandable.
III. Appearance.
Arthur Fleck is unconventionally attractive.
This happens to be a plus for most women. He is out of the male beauty standards (no abs, not too muscly or particularly tall), which makes him even more unique. It is precisely the fact that he's not a model one of the reasons women love him. He could easily be your man next door or your colleague or the guy you always see but never dare to talk for fear to bother him Because it's about proximity. Arthur looks like your common neighbour. He's not meant to be your typical desirable male protagonist at all.
... And yet.
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Jesus Christ, he's so fucking hot I can't even---
It's not about how beautiful his green eyes are, his long slender fingers, his hair or his smile only. It's the charm behind it.
Another "magnet point" is the way he dresses. I know he's impoverished and his wardrobe tend to be repetitive but it is so unpretentious, so simple that is hard to not fall for. The modesty of the shirts, ironed trousers reminds us of a mature man deeply withdrawn into himself, love starved and longing to be seen and loved by others, like a war veteran who still fights the most important war: with himself. Is someone who needs to be listened and understood.
He's also brought back the old gentleman outfit, white shirts, red/yellow vest, red suit and elegant dancing moves and the retro style of the film boosts this attractiveness.
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People keep comparing him with the previous interpretation of Joker (Leto's) whose costume appealed to young women with a tattooed, gangster, mumble rapper crazy-guy wannabe which didn't connect with the audiences (young people in general). This supposedly was to match or even have a sexy, tormented and desirable villain like Marvel's Loki. We all know how that story ended but it's the link for the next point below.
IV. Transformation
This is a particularly strong point considering how much we loved to watch the process of this weak, powerless, forgotten caterpillar into a beautiful and visible butterfly that will gracefully stir its wings for everyone to see its colours.
When Arthur transitions to the Joker, it's so cathartic to see taking revenge on those who wronged him (even when we're not supposed to root for him) like seeing his shyness fading away into a vivid confidence when dancing half naked in the bathroom, or witnessing him making way to make his name known to people in Murray Franklin's Show:
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Adding to this newly gained confidence, there's another turn on: the way he walks.
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At the beginning, his pace is hunched and limping, displaying his submission to violence, which makes the viewer more satisfied to see his broken yet beautiful soul turning the past pain of his existence into art: he lets music guide his moves as a way to tell the world he's a new man by cutting most of the sick, evil roots that harmed him, that he's invincible, that no one can stop him. Watching this cathartic display of euphoria was the most iconic scene in the film, following his speech at the TV and the inevitable meltdown that caused Murray's death.
Going to further appreciation, even his clown make up is beautiful. Why? Simple. The combination of colours, shapes and the intimidating glare just embellishes even more the character.
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The dark blue triangles in his expressive eyes makes the light green colour to highlight, specially in dark backgrounds, giving the impression he's piercing your soul whenever he stares directly at the camera. Same can be said about the red smile and emerald green hair. They boost an already intimidating look.
The cold and warm colours paint a picture of a man full of intense emotions, mirroring it in a simple yet masterful artistic way.
Another interesting point is the way Joker dresses. Usually we had almost every single live adaption of this character in purple coat, hat, etc. But this particular version is not following any comic, which gives more freedom to creativity and once again, out of the standards of what we could have expected.
Red is a colour related to passion, action, love, strength, motivation and excitement. As for yellow, it indicates freshness, happiness and enlightenment and finally, green. Green is renewal, growth and regeneration. Colours that represent a new stage in his life, a mirthful chapter at last. We finally get to see our battered, always humiliated protagonist (or hero) descending into madness, but finally free from his repressed man who held his soul captive like a bird to fly away, to never come back. An insanity that despite being his downfall, turned out to be his ticket to freedom as he walks to the light in Arkham Asylum dancing at the end.
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Ladies and gentlemen: behold the film nobody asked... But the film we fucking deserved.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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427 notes · View notes
papergirllife · 4 years
Chasing The Flames
Chapter 8 : The Pull of The Heartstrings
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Jeno opened the door of his dorm to hear all the boys gathered around the living room, hollering like they won the lotto.
" What's with you guys? "
" We're happy for you, hyung. "
" For what, Chenle? "
" You just came back from the photoshoot with Y/N. There should be some progress. " Renjun questioned with curious eyes.
" Not telling. "
" Yah, stop being so secretive to us. "
" I'm respecting Y/N's privacy Haechan, something you would never do for us. "
But Jeno couldn't help but smile at the events that taken place today as he retreated back into his room.
As he finished showered, Renjun came in the room with a smirk on his face.
" You and Jaemin should be grateful to me. I invited Y/N to have a cook off with Chenle and I on Friday night. "
" She agreed to come? "
" Yup. You guys get to spend more time with her as long as the both of you help out for dinner, this is a win-win situation."
" Thanks man. "
" You guys better be serious about Y/N. She's a nice girl. "
" Yes, boss. "
" I'm actually surprised you're so into her. I thought Jaemin was the one that wanted to bring her into the relationship. "
" I was actually jealous of her at first, because of the attention she was receiving from Jaemin. But then after I spent some time with her that day, I realised that she's really a special one. "
" I don't know much about polyamorous relationships, but I'll still support the decisions that the both of you make. "
" Thanks, Renjun. "
Jaemin ordered a pizza for the both of them to share as Jeno got back later than their dinner time.
They were watching a movie on TV, the others being focused on the plot, but Jeno being lost in his thoughts.
" Is something wrong? " Jaemin whispered.
" No. I was just thinking about what happened today. "
Jaemin snuggled up to Jeno, while taking a huge bite into the pizza, making Jeno coo at him.
" Is there something about Y/N's that's bothering you? "
" No. I enjoyed every moment with her. "
" Then why do you look sad? "
" I'm just confused with my own feelings. How can we love each other but still potentially love another person ?"
" Maybe it's because we never dated any girls before. So we crave for one in our life. "
" But we've never shown interest in other girls. Why Y/N? Why did you like Y/N among all female friends and colleagues we know? "
" I don't know. My first impression of her was that she was a diligent assistant of Mr Kang. Then when we started talking to her, I was hooked on by her shy demeanor. Then I realised that she had a great personality, she's friendly and quirky and so easy to be around. She doesn't treat us like idols, she sees us as human beings. Whenever I'm with her, I feel a sense of freedom or escape."
Jeno nodded at what Jaemin said, connecting the way Jaemin described Y/N to recent events.
" After Y/N, we won't be adding new members into the relationship, right? "
This made Jaemin laugh and nearly choke on his piece of pizza.
" Jeno ah, let's just focus on getting one girl at a time. Plus, if Y/N accepts us, I don't think she'll accept another female in the relationship. Just because we're bisexuals, doesn't mean she is. "
" I'm just checking, because I definitely won't have time for three people. "
" Good to know that my Jeno is a loyal man."
" Chenle, how many times have I told you to get that thing out of the way? "
" What do you mean that thing? It's my sole physical entertainment other than video games. "
Jeno was being stressed about Y/ N coming over for dinner.
On the other hand, Jaemin was busy cleaning the kitchen from the mess Jisung had made from his midnight snack.
Jaemin although didn't show his nervousness as Jeno is, still feels the stress of the expectations he wishes to make for Y/N.
Although all the guys think that Y/N's quite smitten with the both of them after hours debate of what they had experienced from both their alone time with Y/N, Jaemin still wants to take things slowly and start off as good friends.
Y/N seems raw towards the feelings that they think she's feeling for them, so Jaemin and Jeno have decided to make only minor advances and let her sort out her feelings, if she does have feelings for them.
' I hope she does. ' Jaemin thoughts to himself.
Jaemin looked towards Jeno's direction and saw that Jeno's disassembling Chenle's indoor basketball court, dumping it back into its box.
After finishing up with the kitchen, Jaemin checks the fridge a second time to make sure that they had stocked up on groceries for tonight.
Jaemin was about to clear away the take out on the dining table when Renjun stopped him.
" I'll do it. Go take a shower and get dressed."
" Thanks. "
When Jaemin got out of the bath, Renjun pushed Jeno to wash up.
" Shouldn't I shower after cooking dinner? "
" You have to smell and look clean for
Y/N, you can just take another one layer in the night. "
" Any clothing advice, Injunie? "
" She thinks you look cute in pink. "
" You're the best. I can kiss you right now. "
" Save that for Jeno and Y/N, or I'll kick your butt. "
" How do you get so much information out of her? "
" Because we text often. "
" Oh. "
" Why? Are you jealous? "
" I'm just surprised. "
" She's from my home country, she says I remind her of home. "
" That's nice of you. "
" She doesn't have many friends, she reminded me of the time when I first got here. "
" I'll go check the whole place again. "
" Don't be so nervous. "
" I'll try. "
When I got there, Jaemin was waiting for me outside the dorms.
" You didn't have to wait outside for me, it's cold, you would've gotten sick if I wasn't early. "
" I know you're punctual. Plus, it'll be embarrassing if you went to the 127 and WayV's blocks. "
" God, I can't imagine. "
" Why did you bring groceries? "
" Just in case you guys don't have any. "
" Of course we do, we just bought today. I'll help you take those. "
When Jaemin grabs the bags from my hands, I could feel electric shocks up my fingertips, making my cheeks warm in the cold air.
" Thank you. "
When Jaemin opened the door, the first one to greet you was Donghyuck.
" Long time no see, Y/N. Hope you didn't miss me too much, 127 needs me. "
" There's not a day that goes by I don't hear bullshit coming from his mouth. "
" I thought you'd be used to it by now. "
" Yeah, but I thought he would've behaved more with guest around. "
" What are you saying? Y/N isn't a guest, she's like family. Right Y/N? "
" Whatever you say, Hyuck. It's good to see you. "
" Nice place you guys got here, I like the kitchen too. It's bigger than the one I have. "
" You can always move in, Y/N. "
" Yeah right, Lee Soo Man would be on my ass. "
" Chenle! You look so cute with those cat ears. "
" Don't mind them, I lost a bet to Jisung. Come check out this gun I won in pubg."
Jeno walked out of his room when he heard the commotion going on outside, beckoning Renjun to follow.
" Y/N, you're here. Then let's get this started."
We gathered at the kitchen to get ready for the mini cook off.
" Okay, who wants to be in my team? " Renjun looked at everyone expectantly, but had a shock when he realised no one wanted to be on his team.
" I'm picking Chenle and Hyuck. Y/N, you can take Jeno and Jaemin. "
" Hyung, that's not fair. Both your teammates cook often. But Jeno doesn't cook at all, Y/N noona's team is having the losing end. "
" Jisung you are the judge, so go to your room and play games while we cook, no peeking. "
Renjun was giving Jisung the stink eye while everyone of us laughed at their interaction.
" Okay, so what are we cooking? "
" I was planning on cooking sweet and sour pork cutlets and salty egg minced meat steam egg. Sounds good?"
Jeno and Jaemin nodded enthusiastically, hurrying to gather the ingredients as I listed them down.
" Wait, what's salted egg? I don't think we have that in the fridge. "
" Don't worry, Jeno. I bought them at the wet market today, it's in the bag. "
" Got it. "
I made the batter for the cutlets as they break the eggs into a bowl with the minced meat.
" Jaemin, stir this batter. I'll handle the egg. "
I broke two salted eggs and cut the pieces of the yolk into tinier pieces and put them into the bowl of egg, stirring it to space out the ingredients.
When it was ready, I began to steam the egg at the stove.
" Remember Y/N. One stove per team. "
Renjun was looking at me with a smug look on his face as he oversees the two of his friends cooking.
" I see you're making Korean food. "
" And you're making Chinese food. What a way to win Jisung's stomach, but I'm confident he'll love my cooking, he always did. "
" That's because he never ate my cooking before. "
" Oh it's on Y/N. "
The both both of us went back to our respective sides.
Cooking with Jaemin and Jeno was fun, the way Jaemin laughed at Jeno for trying to get the pork to stick to the batter.
I stepped away from my teammates to take a photo of both of them frying the cutlets.
' They suite the domestic theme that's going on here. '
Wait, what am I thinking? God, I need to focus on making the sauce or I'll lose to Renjun.
When we were done, Renjun was arguing about something with Hyuck. While Chenle was coping on cooking alone.
It was one of the funniest sights ever.
Jaemin, being the observant person he was, realised that we haven't cooked the rice.
" Need help? "
" It's just rice, I can handle myself. Go rest on the sofa with Jeno, be with you guys in a bit. "
When I got to the sofa, Jeno had took off his apron to reveal a tight fitting white t shirt.
His muscular built was evident under the thin layer of cotton, I never realised Jeno had such a good built, it was truly a sight to behold.
" I really like your new glasses. "
I had to bring up a topic to distract from Jeno, he's Jaemin's boyfriend for fuck's sake.
" Thanks. You look nice too. "
" It's just a sweater, nothing nice about it to me. "
" The mint colour, it matches well with your hair colour. "
" Thank you. "
I looked away from his gaze, scared that my cheeks were as red as I feared.
" Y/N? "
I looked back at Jeno to see that he was holding a box of chocolates.
" This is for you. As a thank you for cooking dinner. "
" Thank you, I didn't know I'll be receiving any gifts from anyone in Korea. Thank you so much. "
Even though it was just a box of chocolates, it made me happy. I don't have any other friends other than my boss, these guys mean so much to me.
" I'm glad you liked it. "
Jeno placed his hand on my knee as a friendly gesture, but my body acted as if it was the best feeling ever.
The warmth coming from his palm was addicting.
My thoughts were interrupted when Renjun announced that dinner was ready and hollered Jisung out from his room.
We ate dinner with a carefree chatter. I asked Donghyuck about him and Mark balancing the upcoming promotions and them expressing their excitement in working with me again.
" So Jisung, what do you think are the best dishes here? "
" The dishes that I've never ate before today. "
" Have kids they said, they'll be lovely they said. "
" Oh come on, hyung. Don't be too sad about losing to Y/N, Jisung always liked new things. "
" Let me introduce you to some thangs. "
Jeno shut Chenle up with a slice of beef within the second he finished the verse of 127's new song.
" Sorry, he's always been like that. " Jeno said with apologetic eyes.
" Don't worry, Hyuck told me everything about Chenle's crush on Taeyong. "
" Everyone has a crush on Taeyong hyung, ask Jisung. "
" The both of you are weird, case closed."
After dinner, we decided to watch a movie.
Hyuck and Chenle settled on some horror movie called Polaroid.
All of us were wedged on the sofa except for Chenle and Jisung who settled for sitting on the carpeted floor.
I was happily munching on my oreos when a sudden jump scare caught me off guard.
I basically jumped into Jaemin's lap when it happened.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. "
" It's okay. It's called horror for a reason. "
He put his arm around my shoulders.
" There's nothing to be scared of with me around. "
Even though he meant that to be flirty, it still warmed my heart.
From then on, my attention was no longer fully on the movie in front of me. I started noticing little details of Jaemin tonight.
The way his pink sweater matches so well with his fair skin and the feeling of his broad shoulders whenever I leaned onto them.
The scent of Jaemin's cotton fragrance reminded me of waking up on my comfy bed, everything about Jaemin tonight makes my heart soft.
I barely noticed that the movie ended as Renjun announced that we were going to watch a drama that he wanted to watch for a long time.
I always got sleepy during dramas as they just aren't my genre of movies, and this time was no exception.
The only difference from this time and all the other times was the warmth and support I had beside me as I dozed off to slumber.
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knylinphd · 5 years
kyojuro x fem!reader | cold
kyojuro rengoku x reader
female reader
Kyojuro can't help but fall in love with the new ice pillar, even though she keeps giving him the cold shoulder.
no warning
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          (Y/N) had been a pillar for a few weeks when Kyojuro realized she was very interesting. At first, he had thought it was admiration. Indeed, she had amazing breath techniques, and ice wasn't a common element to use. And the fact that her haori was quite psychedelic, fitting with the ice pattern, was making her catch his attention even when he didn't mean to look at her. And oh, how beautiful she was. He didn't know if she knew how pretty she was.
Actually, he didn't know much about her, because everytime he would try to talk to her, she would give him short answers and not try to discuss more. But throughout time, it became his habit to try to make her talk more to him, and even turned his common sentences into flirty ones -he noticed it had more impact on the pillar. And today was no exception.
''(L/N)-san, good morning ! How are you today ?'' Kyojuro asked. ''Fine.'' The ice pillar simply answered. The man actually sat next to her to take his breakfast, and she didn't even shrug. ''Oh, don't give me the cold shoulder ! We're fire and ice ! We should mix !'' He said, a smile on his face. ''It would melt.'' The girl replied. Kyojuro gasped. ''It would melt only if my fire's stronger than your ice ! Does that mean you think I'm stronger than you ?!'' She only rolled her eyes, but the man took it as a compliment, still.
This discussion was usual between them, it was like an habit. But as it was quite obvious that the flame pillar liked his colleague, his friends just wanted that weird barrier they had between each other to be done with so he could finally ask her out. ''Why do you even like her ?'' Obanai asked. He wasn't one to talk, but he was quite bored right now and he had been annoyed by Kyojuro staring at (Y/N) training the future pillars for 10 minutes straight.
          ''How did Shinobu befriend her ?'' The flame pillar asked, not even answering the previous question. ''They both have the same kind of personality, I guess. But (L/N) doesn't wear the same weird smile all the time.'' Kyojuro nodded, still thinking it would be nice to see her smile, fake or not. ''I guess I'll ask Shinobu about (L/N), then.'' He replied, his eyes not getting off the ice pillar.
        ''Come on, who do you think is the most good-looking pillar ? Shinazugawa ?'' An obviously drunk Shinobu asked (Y/N). It was a girls night, and the 3 pillars were all tipsy. ''Why do you say that ? Cause he's one of those I talk to the most ?'' The ice pillar replied, Mitsuri nodding at the same time as Shinobu. ''No... Uh ! I really don't like him, but I think Rengoku is the most handsome one. His looks are very special.'' She replied, making her friends laugh. ''He catches the eye !'' Mitsuri said.
         ''You act so much like you don't like him but you really do.'' Shinobu replied. And with that, they all started to argue about how annoying the flame pillar was-or wasn't. ''You know what ? I'll be your wingman.'' Mitsuri said. ''For fuck's sake, why do I need a wingman for ?!'' The ice pillar asked, very irritated. ''So you can be with Rengoku ! Don't you like him ?'' Shinobu asked, that horrifying smile on her face intensifying. ''I told you ! So many times ! I don't !'' (Y/N) replied. ''You say that because deep down, you don't want to like him.'' The girl with pink and green hair said, a pout on her face.
        It made her friend sigh. ''He's everything I despise.'' She said, a bit quietly. ''Always yelling for anything, making a big deal out of everything, he's like an annoying version of Tengen ! And I don't even like Tengen that much !'' The ice pillar kept going for so long, it was just too obvious she actually liked him.
       That's why some days later, as all the pillars were having a dinner party, Shinobu and Mitsuri made the two pillars sit next to each other. And awkwardly, it made the flame pillar blush. Maybe because he hadn't planned this, since he usually was the one sitting there. But here, it was Mitsuri who had told him to sit there, and it was maybe also because (Y/N) wasn't wearing her usual clothes but something a bit lighter.
         ''(Y/N) ? Why won't you say something nice to Rengoku, now that you have to be forgiven for being cold all the time ?'' Shinobu asked, her smile creeping her friend out. ''You have to be forgiven for anything ?'' The flame pillar asked, his confidence back. ''I... really like your eyes.'' She said, not even looking at him. However, when she felt him staring at her, she turned to stare back, now that she was mad at him again. Shinobu was happy now, wasn't she ? (Y/N) could be her usual self !
         ''Why do you never fucking blink ? Aren't your eyes supposed to be all disgusting and stuff ?!'' She said, furrowing her eyebrows. ''I do blink.'' The flame pillar replied, quite calmly. ''No you don't !'' (Y/N) replied. ''Does it scare you ? You seem quite tense about it, I can blink if you want to.'' He said, but she only groaned and turned back to her food. ''First, you think I'm stronger than you. And now, I'm scaring you ! You really appreciate me, after all !'' He said, laughing. Way too loudly.
         ''I don't !'' The ice pillar replied, obviously annoyed. ''Come on, you're my favorite pillar ! Your breath style is the coolest one ! And I think you hate me only because you're scared that I can overpower you.'' He said, reading her like a book. (Y/N) opened her mouth, not finding anything to say, and only stuffed it with food so she could focus on something else. It only made Mitsuri and Shinobu laugh, which made her angrier than she already was.
        To tease her even more, Kyojuro asked, a grin on his face : ''Do you really think I'm the most good-looking pillar ?'' The girl's eyes widened, looking quickly towards her friends before turning her gaze to the man. ''OH MY GOD !'' However, out of the blue, some music was being played. It was a dinner party, after all. ''Do you want to dance ? Or are you scared that I'll be a greater dancer than you ?'' Kyojuro asked, offering his hand. 
         The ice pillar gasped, arching an eyebrow at him. ''I took dance classes for 8 years. I think I'm much better than you.'' She replied, taking his hand as a challenge 'only'. Mitsuri applauded silently her flame colleague at the gesture, and he smiled back at her. ''See how much I could learn about you if you were talking to me ?'' The flame pillar asked, his smile never fading. Nonetheless, it looked like a sad smile, this time. (Y/N) simply hummed as a reply, watching his steps as he tried to dance in synch with her. At first, she didn't care much about it.
         However, as he was stepping on her feet for the 26th time, the ice pillar decided to give him a lesson. ''You're not doing it good. Watch my feet. You have to step forward first, then on the left. It's a loop. You looked like a guy who knew how to dance, but apparently I'm really much better.'' She replied, actually escaping a faint smile at the struggle her colleague was going through. ''Oh, I get it now ! Thanks !'' Kyojuro said, now looking back into the girl's eyes, smiling.
        ''See how much I could learn from you, as well ?'' This time again, she simply hummed. ''Why don't you talk to me ? Is it really because I'm 'too much' ? Because you're really scared of me ? Because if we associated fire and ice during our missions, we would be sure to succeed.'' Kyojuro said, this time taking a very calm tone. It shocked the ice pillar, her face heating up. ''You are... really loud, indeed. But I'm not scared of you at all !'' She replied, making the man laugh. ''Well, if I calmed down with you until you're comfortable enough, will it be okay ? Cause I know you're quite loud when you hang out with the girls. I guess you just need to warm up a bit to the person you're talking to.''
         He was right, so she nodded. But she noticed a really small detail. ''Did you do a pun with the 'warm up' and the fact that you're the flame pillar ?'' Kyojuro laughed -quite loudly, he coughed after he realized it- that she had noticed it. ''And perhaps, we'll even go to dinner only together ? Don't worry, I'll take you somewhere fancy. I know you said I was the most good-looking pillar here, and I believe you've noticed how much I've been staring at you.'' He said.
        ''Calm down. Maybe then, I'll eat with you alone.'' She replied. ''We'll be the embodiment of 'someone will die -of fun' !'' He said, after gasping. It actually made (Y/N) snort. ''What the hell does that even mean ?'' She asked, smiling when he saw the weird face he was doing at her reaction. ''It means that you'll warm up to me and stop being so cold !'' He said, referring to their breath styles once again. ''If making you calmer meant making you say puns all the time, I don't know if I actually prefer you loud.'' She said, making Kyojuro laugh once again. He had finally broken the glass, and he couldn't be happier. She was finally opening up to him.
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pixie88 · 4 years
Bad Decision
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Chapter 4 - Our Little Secret.
A/N: Queen B fanfiction. I’m currently editing and adding all  my FF to my new account. All being added to my pinned masterlist on my profile. Let me know if you would like to be tagged! 
Find previous chapters HERE under Queen B - Our Little Secret.
Word count: 1757
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Some adult language & Angst
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Pixelberry.
Pairings: Ian x MC - Lyla.
"Lillian, I can explain" Ian tells her "How can any explanation make the fact you are sleeping with a student make this right? Ian, this is wrong on so many levels! Do you not care about your career?" she asks him.
I close the door, Ian turns to me for help "Lillian, I understand this looks bad but I promise this isn't how it started. When we first met I had no idea he was my professor nor did he know I was his student" "So when you did find out why didn't you stop it Ian?" Lillian asks him.
"Lillian, I tried, but the more I denied myself the more I wanted. I love Lyla, I'm even moving to a different university, so I can be with her without any repercussions" " So, you tried? It doesn't look like you tried very hard Ian! What do you two fuck between classes? I bet Lyla is an A class student in your class she has to be considering she's fucking her professor. Ian, how can you be so reckless?" Ian face turns to annoyance.
Lillian, Stop! I will not have you talk about or to Lyla like that! Yes, I have been reckless, but that is from my own doing!" Lillian face soften "Ian, I'm sorry! I just don't want this to blow up in your face and end your career you worked so hard for" (Lillian is right, I can't let Ian risk his career for me. At least not while he's still working here).
"Ian, your sister is right, maybe we should cool it until you start your new job. I can't risk you losing everything for me. So, I think it is best that you find a new TA for the rest of your time here. I'll see you in class." I put the graded essays on the small coffee table.
I go to leave the room, but I feel an arm on my shoulder "Lyla, No! Don't do this!" I turn to face him, his eyes are sad "Ian, I don't want to, but we have to," I see Lillian giving me an agreeing nod to the side of Ian.
"We can still carry on in secret, no one will know" his eye pleading with me (I have to tell him about Poppy) "Someone found out!" I tell him, and he pulls away "You're lying! You're just saying that, so I agree to take a break." "Ian, I wish I was, but I'm not. Poppy found out about us she had photo's of us. She was going to use them to blackmail me, but I managed to delete every copy she had and burn the paper ones. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I didn't want you to be a part of my mess" he gives me those puppy dog eyes I can't resist.
"Lyla, You should have told me. We could've dealt with that together" I smile "As much as I love you being my knight in shining armour, this was my mess" "No Lyla, It was our mess. You should've told me." he cups my face.
"I know, but so we don't have this problem again, I think we cool it just until you no longer my professor!" he lets go of my face, turns away from me and takes a seat behind his desk.
"Ian, I know it must be hard, but it makes sense and it's only for a few weeks. I think what Lyla is doing is very noble" she smiles at me.
"If that's all Lyla you may go. I'll get a new TA sorted from tomorrow." he doesn't look at me. I leave his office deflated. (Get a grip 8 weeks aren't that long).
2 Weeks later, I have only seen Ian in class I avoid being the first one there so it isn't awkward or at least any more awkward than Ian has made it. Ian avoids my eyes in every lesson and ignores me around campus. He got a new TA 2 days after I told him to get a new one.
I'm not sure Tony seems up to the job as Ian stressed when ever he's around. Ian's class has ended and I'm getting my stuff together to leave when I hear "Ian! It's so good to see you again" I look up to see Lexi approaching Ian's desk at the front of the class.
I hear his husky tone as I make my way to the end of the aisle to leave the classroom "Lexi, you're early" I reach the door when I hear her reply, "Oh, I thought maybe we could have a few drinks before Richard and Annie arrive" (Argh I need a drink and also a bath tub to drown Lexi in).
I send a quick text to Zoe asking if she was free tonight, but she has a lot of studying to catch up on so would probably spend the night in the library.
(Looks like your on your own tonight Lyla).
After I head home to change I found myself outside The Base Lounge a new club that opened last week. I make my way inside and take a seat at the bar and order a passion fruit martini.
After I don't know how many martinis I pull out my phone. I want to text Ian but I shouldn't, but I go against my better judgement.
[Hi Ian, I hope yuo are having a dreadful time on your date with Lexi!]
[You* Whoops]
PING (5 Minutes later)
[Lyla, I am not on a date with Lexi. We are just having dinner with a few colleagues.]
I laugh nearly falling off the bar stool.
[I bet that's not how she sees it. Now you're free for the making.]
[Wait that's still not right taking*]
PING (3 Minutes later)
[Lyla, No one is going to take me. You said it was for the best!]
[That was sober Lyla's idea. She's stupid!! I dom't like her!]
PING (2 Minutes later)
[Lyla, Are you drunk?]
[Well duh! Come on progessor you have a degree. I thought that was obvious!]
PING (1 Minute later)
[Maybe you should get your friends to take you home to sober up!]
[ Haha, I would but Zoey was busy]
PING (50 seconds later)
[You're by yourself??]
[You know for a professor you are pretty dumb. Of courses I'm by myself if Zoey isn't here. I'm going to walk home after I have been for a pee. Do you know this place has shared toilets! I know it's new but that's just weird right?]
PING (30 Seconds later)
[No need to shout. Well text shout haha. No I'm fine. I can walk. I'll see you in class tomorrow]
I hear my phone continuously ping and ring, but I ignore it and I make my way out of the club. I start walking in the direction I think my dorm is in.
(I feel like I've been walking forever, everything is spinning, Oh no I'm going to...) I run over to the nearest bin and puke. Once I've stopped I clean myself open with a tissue I have in my bag. (Not my classiest moment) "Are you ok?" I look up to find some guy with long black hair staring at me.
(Oh my god, I have hair envy) "Wow, I love your hair!" He smiles "Thanks, but are you ok?" "Yes, I am fine frank you, I mean thank you" "Are you on your way home?" I look at him confused.
(Oh god, he's one of these weirdos that bury young girls under his driveway) "STRANGER DANGER!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I move away from Mr. Perfect Hair. "Stay away from me" he seems shocked "No! Look, I was just checking you were ok. I did mean to scare you" I still back away from him.
"Keep away from me," I shout at him again. I hear a car pull up, the headlights light us up I turn I can't see who it is but because the light is blinding me but I soon recognize the voice.
"Lyla, there you are" Ian comes into view "I've been looking everywhere for you!" he turns to Mr. Perfect Hair "Can I help you?" Ian asks him. "I was just checking she was ok when I saw her throwing up in the bin over there then the mad cow started screaming stranger danger. She's fucking nuts mate." (Everything after that happened in slow motion) Ian squares Mr. Perfect Hair straight in the jaw.
He runs off and Ian takes my hand and leads me to his car.
He gets into the driver's seat, he seems angry "Are you ok Ian?" his jaw tenses "Ian, I said are yo..." "I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, LYLA!" he shouts, "Excuse you!" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout, but you have no idea how worried I was about you!" "Ian, I'm ok!" "You might not have been! Why would you put yourself in danger like that?" "I wanted a drink and no one was free, Plus I was jealous!" I turn away from him.
"Jealous?" he asks I roll my eye "Yes, jealous of Lexi being able to be seen out in public with you and just in your company," he looks over to me with soft eyes "Lyla, This was your idea. I was happy to keep seeing you in secret, but you decided it was best." "Now I don't think it's best. Ian, I miss you," he quickly looks over to me with a smile before returning his eyes to the road.
"I have to admit I've missed you terribly, but you need to figure out what you want!" "Ian, it's you! I want you. I can't wait 6 more weeks, it's killing me now" I see him smirk.
He takes my hand and pulls it to his lips before placing a small kiss against my knuckles "I want you to, Lyla. But if we are going to do this we need to be careful, very careful! No one can know!" "Of course!" "Not even Lillian!" "Ok, but if we are trying to be careful for the next 6 weeks I don't think you should be seen dropping me at my dorm" "Where shall I drop you home?" I grin.
"At your place Professor!" I wink.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 5.
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Imagine Reader/Katsuki Bakugo
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It has been a long time since I last watched or read BNHA but I have found myself really wanting to write some of these because of tiktok. So, please, forgive me if I take some stuff out of the anime context. Also, there has been a long time since I last wrote something in English. Forgive me if I make some mistakes.
Context: You are a new student in class, your quirk is regenerating (just like Deadpool) underneath the school chlothes you always wear a special long sleaved shirt with turtleneck that fully covers your body, because it is full of scars from the regeneration.
Your personality is a defiant one.
From enemies to lovers kind of fic
Everyone is wondering where did you come from in the middle of a semester, but you can't reveal this secret. You have been keeping it to yourself and everytime people try to approach you, you make up an excuse to quickly leave.
Until this day, in which your P.E. class demands you to go through a very dangerous obstacle course. Everyone has done it and you are the last one. Nobody has ever seen your quirk in action so everybody is anxious to see how you go. Bakugo pretends not to be interested, but he watches you out of the corner of his eyes.
Aizawa approaches you and tells you not to disappoint him. You nod and go ahead. Nobody can barely see your movements, you are too fast for any of the obstacles to hit you, even the big logs that hit most of the students. "So fast!" you can hear Denki saying while you hop from obstacle to obstacle. That is how you learned to be, because using your quirk is just a last resource to you, once it always leaves you scars.
In the las obstacle you notice that you miscalculated and a log is going to hit you right in the chest. You hear everybody screaming as you hug the log and let it take you with its balance. You can feel your insides crush and spit some blood on top of it.
Iida and Midorya try to hush to help you but Aisawa stops them from doing it. It seems like he knows your quirk (of course, he is the teacher... or is there something else to it?)
Even Bakugo is now watching deeply impressed as you hop on top of the log and backflips from it to the finish line. Your uniform is kind of wrecked but your blouse is intact, so is your chest. "Wooooooow!!!!" You hear them screaming as you wipe the blood from your mouth. Momo, Mina, Sero and Denki run towards you, excited to hear how the hell did you do that, Midoriya comes through the middle of them telling you that you NEED to tell him about your quirk, he has a notebook in hands. The others are clapping. Except for Bakugo, he has crossed his arms over his chest and has a repressed angry look.
"What's up with that? That was not impressive at all."
"Ahn... you tied in time, bro" Kirishima answers.
You hear a big explosion, and somebody screaming "WHAT THE FUCK?!", everyone around you is pushed down to the sides and now the only view you have are those raging red eyes amongst the smoke coming towards you.
"I WANT A REMATCH, NOW!" He screams with a finger pointed right to your face.
You feel kind of impelled to accept, he is looking at you, chin up, as if he is better then you. Who the hell is this boy?
Actually the way he always acts like he is better then everyone else has already caught your attention in these recent days. You see how awfully he treats his friends, he is always so loud and curses all the time. Yeah, you definately don't like this guy.
You are about to say yes, but you feel Aizawa's cold look at you. Damn it!
"I am not interested." You answer, hitting his finger with a smack.
Bad choice. You can feel the heat coming from him increase as he seems ready to jump on top of you and blow you out of existence.
"BROOOO, calm down" Kirishima comes between you. "Aizawa is not diggin' it, bro."
Bakugo stares at you as if he is going to sunddely jump over Kirishima's head and kill you with his bare hands(he probably could, you can feel it), but you stare back at him and even show your teeth a little. He gets kind of impressed with it, but gets back to his angry expression. He turns to the side and goes away stomping his feet and almost literally exploding with rage.
"Hey, ahn... y/n... that was really amazing! Don't mind him, this is his way to show he was impressed" says Kirishima with the most friendly smile, before going after him.
"Kaachan is really that way you will get used to him." Midoriya says. You can feel he is ashamed.
"Who does that motherfucker thinks he is?" You say as the others around gasp.
"You don't let him hear you say that." Denki says in the thinniest voice.
You leave, also stomping your feet, that boy made you angry. Everybody stares, as they did not expect you to react like that.
A few days go by. Every time yours and Katsuki Bakugo's sight cross people can hear both of you growl.
You have been competing in every single activity you face: from who gets better grades to who arrives first for lunch.
There are romours going on about your quirk around the school. Some say you might have invincibility, others, that you have some sort of superspeed. No one is right. You are as misterious as when you arrived, but now people know that you really hate Bakugo. And he hates you back.
"I didn't think he could hate someone as much as he hates you." Kirishima says to Midoriya as they watch you and Bakugo have a desagreement on who arrived first at the vending machine.
"What? Kaachan doesn't hate me... was that how it looked like when he was picking on me?"
"That what it WOULD look like if you fought back." Tsuyu answers.
"Listen here, you brat, I was already choosing my drink, you can't just come and put your money ahead of me!" You say as you punch the vending machine.
"What did you just call me?! Anyways, you were TOO SLOW, I wouldn't wait." He smirks at you, pressing the number of the last Coke in the machine.
"This Coke is mine!" You answer, infuriated.
"There is some Pepsi, still."
"Son of a..."
You lean towards him to take the Coke from his hands. All of a sundden the can bursts and the drink spills all over your face as Bakugo laughs.
"Ok, it is all yours." He says, cleaning his hand in your already sticky uniform.
"Ok, that is it!" You say, and jump onto him, punching his face as you both fall on the floor.
"OH SHIT!" You hear someone scream as you punch Bakugo as hard as you can, alternating hands.
You hear people coming towards you, but you don't see them arrive, as Bakugo explodes you from off of him. You fly to the other side of the common room, falling on a table that breaks with the impact.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, ASSHOLE" you hear him screaming from the other side of the room.
You smell burnt meat. It is you, he hit you right on the chest, your shirt is ruined (if you are a female or wear a binder, it is not burned, don't worry, no tiddies out). There is a huge burn that goes from your chest to your chin. You stand up cracking your wrist and putting yourself in a fight pose.
"That is it, you fucker." you hear everyone gasp when they see the burnt slowly desappearing under a brand new skin layer. "You're dead."
You pick up a foot from the broken table and run towards Bakugou, he makes two explosions agressively on you, but you don't care. Half of your face and your hips get burned in a deep flesh wound and are quickly healed by your quirk. You hit him hard in the face with the wood. He bumps into the wall and falls sitten.
"What the fuck?!" He exclaims, watching you finish your healing process.
You are about to hit him once again, and he is about to explode you one more time, but nothing comes out of his hand and you feel the piece of wood being taken away from your hands.
"Ooooh, shit..." you hear the others saying and see them stepping away.
Aizawa is standing behind you, his eyes are furiously shaking and he is holding your piece of wood. You probably woke him up, as he is in full pijamas.
"Oh shit." You say slowly stepping away.
Being responsible for washing everyone's P.E. uniforms and cleaning the room for a whole month didn't sound like too much of a punishment for breaking the common room and almost killing a colleague. But... you had to do it with HIM.
"Are you gonna sweep or what?" You complain when you see he is barely doing something to clean the classroom.
"You are the one used to using a piece of wood" he says leaning against a desk you had just put in position.
"You will see where I am gonna put this piece of wood if you don't help" you answer putting the broom over your head in a threatening way.
"Let's see how many times I need to blow you up before you die!" He answers opening his hands wide besides his hips.
You are ready to start a fight when you remember Aizawa talking to you: "you should not be so fast in disappointing the last family you have." You put the broom down and sigh.
"Quitter." Bakugou says, leaning against the desk once more and putting his hands in his pockets.
"Aizawa is my uncle, you know." You say, getting back to swapping. "This is why I got to come to the academy in the half semester."
You notice he is shaken by the news, but he plays it cool.
"Why are you telling me that?" he says.
"Cause this is the only reason I don't beat your motherfucking ass." you answer.
"Ha, as if." he says smiling in a maniac way. "It took me 200 explosions to beat the shit out of Kirishima. Your quirk is similar to his in a certain way, there must be a limit. Of explosions you can take."
"I can do a whole lot of damage before my quirk starts to wear off." You answer, putting the broom aside. "But I tend to doge attacks, because..."
You open the shirt of your uniform, making Bakugo step back surprized, even more so when you open the zipper of your special suit. Bakugo's face turns from a bright red to a pale white as he lays eyes on your body full of scars. You have all kinds of them, big, small, one specially big that goes from your hip to the beginning of your neck.
"What the f..." he seems to swallow his mean words. "So... things leave scars on you."
"The more I use my quirk, the bigger is the possibility of leaving scars."
"I bet you get into lots of fights." he says, opening smile with the side of his lips.
"Those are mostly from the accident when my parents died." you say, head down with a frown.
Bakugo stares at you kind of embarassed, not knowing what to say. He takes a step fowark, slightly reaching to you.
Then, you start to laugh.
"I'm kidding, dumbass!!!" You say, bending foward, cleaning tears from your eyes. "Yeah, I get into a lot of fights."
"You... you..." Bakugou is startled, but also angry. He doesn't know how to react.
"You should see your face! You were totally soft over me."
"You were totally soft!"
Bakugou threatens you with his hands wide open, but you keep laughing at him.
That is when the door opens.
You and Bakugo turn to see professor Mic, absolutely atonished. At first you both think he has gotten you about to start a fight, but then you realize, what it actually looks like. Your shirt is open, Bakugou's hands are aiming at your chest.
You both scream. Professor Mic also screams.
Part two here:
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linphd · 5 years
mustard x villain!reader | all the good girls go to hell
mustard x reader
female reader
Mustard finds himself very into the new girl the League wanna recruit.
warning : graphic
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My Lucifer is lonely.
Standing there, killing time,
can't commit to anything but a crime.
Peter's on vacation, an open invitation.
           Dabi could create fire and control it, sure. But the League, still, was interested in (V/N). She could spit fire, but she was able to control it enough to act like bombs, to concentrate a ball of fire on a finger so it could be very tiny but still maybe more powerful than when she would spit it normally.
                Toga was happy that maybe another girl was going to join them, such as Mustard. At 13, you start to think about girls and stuff. And he really didn't want to end up with Toga. ''How can you be a villain at only 13 ?'' Spinner asked, before the mission started. The girl simply frowned, and didn't answer.
          Still, it was known that she was following Stain's ideal ; heroes being heroes only for the fame or for the money was making her sick. The worst of them was Endeavor. Being number one hero but mistreating his children and being an asshole ; that's not quite heroic.
Animals, evidence,
pearly gates look more like a picket fence.
Once you get inside 'em,
got friends but can't invite them.
           For the mission, she decided to go alone. Indeed, she wasn't the type to team up, League or not. Still, Mustard decided to follow her, not really caring if she would notice him or not -he just wanted to see what she could do.
The League wanted to attack a whole group of students from a random hero school. They didn’t succeed in killing those U.A students and All Might, so they had decided to change their plan and attack another school instead. They were at a training camp, and most of the teachers were there. Nice way for (V/N) to show what she could do.
Actually, (V/N) used to want to enter a hero school. But with everyone who kept saying her quirk was evil, she just decided to be so. ‘The demon’ because she was spitting fire, that’s what they used to say. Now, they just don’t say it anymore, because she just burns them before they get the chance to.
Hills burn in California.
My turn to ignore ya.
Don't say I didn't warn ya.
‘’(V/N), not so fast ! I wanna go with you !’’ Mustard finally said ; she sure was fast. She didn’t even raise an eyebrow nor stop, she simply hid somewhere to have a great view on a group of students. ‘’Stop ignoring me ! I’m not that fast ! Why don’t you wait for me ?’’ The boy continued. Yet, she was still ignoring him, preparing some little balls of fire. She was spitting and keeping the spit in her hands, creating some tiny balls.
‘’I could be a great help ! My quirk is a gas that makes people faint, that’s why my name is Mustard ! Why is your name (V/N) ? It’s not your real name, right ?’’ This time, she rolled her eyes. ‘’Stop talking ! They’ll notice us. I don’t need your gas, I’m trying to prove to your friends that I’m able to fight with them, so stop following me around !’’
Her voice was beautiful. But she was actually mad enough for Mustard not to tell her that yet. ‘’I’m just saying... I’m here if things get out of hand. I have guns, too.’’ He showed her, and the girl only nodded. ‘’My name is (V/N) because you don’t need to know my real name. I don’t need to know yours, hm, Mustard ?’’ This time, he was the one who nodded. ‘’It can get pretty gore and disgusting. If you throw up, don’t say I didn’t warn you.’’
All the good girls go to hell,
'cause even God herself has enemies.
And once the water starts to rise,
and heaven's out of sight,
she'll want the devil on her team.
Mustard knew that people used to consider (V/N) a demon, the devil, an evil child. He heard it when Kurogiri and Shigaraki talked together. He simply sat, ready to shoot someone with his gun, but decided to stay and watch the girl fight. That’s when she threw the balls. From everywhere. Touching everyone. Immediately, the students yelled in pain, their skin being torn apart, being ripped off.
‘’That looks like Hell.’’ Mustard said. ‘’Everyone will go there, anyway.’’ (V/N) replied, which made the boy smile. She seemed to warm to him. She kept walking, not caring about the students suffering from hideous pain. Their screams actually caught the attention of two teachers, but what could they do anyway ? (V/N) took a deep breath, and spit fire -it burnt some trees in the process. The teachers were a bit burnt only, since the fire wasn’t concentrated and was spread everywhere -she didn’t have time to do better.
Mustard thought she was going to hate him, but he spread his gas ; the teachers were now out, and the students weren’t yelling anymore. That school wasn’t famous like U.A anyway, and was at the opposite side of Japan. Nobody would think of the League of Villains.
My Lucifer is lonely.
Look at you needing me,
you know I'm not your friend without some greenery.
Walk in wearing fetters,
Peter should know better.
(V/N) simply groaned, but didn’t look that pissed at the boy. She kept running, Mustard slower than her, but still following. She kept throwing fire, burning every piece of flesh she could find. When Toga arrived, she burst into a hysterical laughter ; she really enjoyed the scene. ‘’We’re done. Shigaraki is waiting for us !’’ She winked at Mustard when she noticed him ; surely she knew he had been waiting for another girl to join the League.
When everyone was back to the hideout, it was time for (V/N) to get ‘employed’. However, she was really a fucking nasty brat. ‘’So, are you gonna join the League ? You had fun, right ?’’ She giggled at Kurogiri’s question. ‘’What do I get in exchange ?’’ Dabi blinked a few times. ‘’What do you mean ?! You’re the one who wanted to join us in the first place !’’ Shigaraki exclaimed.
‘’Well, it seems like I’m the one who killed the most people.’’ Dabi was about to say something back, but she immediately cut him off. ‘’Did I stutter ?’’ Maybe it was because she was 13 that she was having an existential crisis or something ; but she was annoying almost everyone. ‘’I’m not your friend without something in exchange.’’ She kept going.
Your cover up is caving in.
Man is such a fool,
why are we saving him ?
Poisoning themselves now,
begging for our help, wow !
Kurogiri sighed. ‘’You get to leave here with us. And you’re getting paid. Don’t ask where we’re getting the money from.’’ She thought for like 5 minutes -it was making Twice insane- before agreeing to join them. ‘’But I get to sleep with the girl.’’ She said, making Toga squeal in excitement. Mustard really wanted to sleep with her ; but of course they weren’t going to leave him when there was another girl (V/N) could share her room with.
After one week of being a member of the League, the girl was getting used to her new ‘job’. However, she was grumpy when Mustard and her got called for a mission ; they needed to help Dabi and Twice who had fucked up somewhere. Apparently, Dabi’s quirk got a bit out of hand because of Twice, and now they were stuck between heroes who had noticed them. ‘’Fucking dumbasses.’’ (V/N) muttered.
Hills burn in California.
My turn to ignore ya.
Don't say I didn't warn ya.
When the two teenagers arrived, Mustard simply used his gas, making every heroes unconscious. ‘’You both are stupid, why are we even saving you ?’’ Mustard giggled at the girl’s comment, while Dabi insulted her. Twice was blabbering two opposite things, but everyone was used to it. ‘’I told you you couldn’t take over all those heroes by yourself, and now you’re here begging for us to help you...’’ the girl said, before spitting fire, to burn the unconscious bodies of the heroes.
Mustard stared at her, and even through his mask, his colleagues could tell. ‘’Why are you staring that much ? You like the new girl ?’’ Twice said, giggling. The boy jumped, embarrassed. He kept repeating that no, he wasn’t, but Dabi decided to tease him as well. (V/N) was still burning some bodies anyway, she wasn’t close to them to hear.
‘’You’re 13, she’s 13, you’re being hit by puberty, you have fucked up hormones. Get the girl, Mustard, nobody will tell you anything.’’ Dabi grinned, making the boy gasp. ‘’You guys stop ! I just like her quirk ! I was looking at how the bodies were turning into ashes !’’ The black-haired man rolled his eyes. ‘’Sure. Even with this mask on, we could tell.’’ Mustard was about to reply, before (V/N) came back. ‘’I’m done. We can go now.’’ They followed her, Twice laughing.
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