#my eyebrows need to be done
shima-draws · 5 months
AAAAAAAAAA WAIT WAIT if you finished wci then i gotta know how you felt during judge and luffy's final conversation when he starts listing all of the qualities he thinks are sanji's worst and then luffy waves him off w/o responding and is like 'wow why did he say all those nice things abt you?' and sanji's so bashful abt it
UGLY SOBS GODDDDD I cannot believe he actually said that 😭 I love that what traits Judge sees as “failures” Luffy sees as complete successes surrounding Sanji’s character. And he was so adorably oblivious too Judge was just shouting at them and Luffy was like “Okay yeah and he’s super pretty and he has nice abs and a cute butt, what’re you so mad about?” LMAO
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platinum-roulette · 3 months
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My hand slipped
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cinewhore · 2 months
Hasn’t dawned on me yet that in under four weeks i will be in an entirely different continent…
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allthegothihopgirls · 6 months
i HATE taking my piercings out. worst thing ever. im not me without a bunch of metal in my head
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kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield for Magic Radio
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americanedpsycho · 24 days
it is the weekend.
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imminent-danger-came · 8 months
Okay so, if LBD was "I will completely demolish this system to build a new one", and Azure was "I will use the system for my benefit to improve the system", what do we think our new antagonist will be
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arom-antix · 1 year
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@fishshit I lied, here's the design rant
Original illustration
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takami-takami · 1 month
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HI I did my makeup and went to a concert in da park and I saw a bat on the way there and also a black cat ^-^ selfie hour
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gouinisme · 2 months
i undertand that i use makeup as an art medium and a hobby so i shoudn't feel guilty for wanting to buy art supplies but also buying contour or an eyebrow pencil although i don't use those in my regular makeup feels like a fucking crime
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naavispider · 2 years
A couple of things I noticed from my last rewatch:
- when Neytiri fires the first shot when the kids are captured by the recoms in the forest, QUARITCH GOES STRAIGHT FOR SPIDER and reaches his hand out to SHOVE SPIDER DOWN OUT OF TJE LINE OF FIRE plz god help me
- I’ve always noticed this but haven’t really seen anybody talking about it - Spider totally has an Australian accent when he runs out of the shack saying “I’m just going to the village!”
- When spider is captured he is covered in mud from the fall down the bank, like, he is so dirty. But in the next shot of him throwing the chair around he is… clean. I thought this was probably just a continuity error BUT: spider doesn’t have either of his two armbands on in the interrogation scenes, which adds credence to my new theory that that he likely had a SJOWER at the rda before Quaritch talked to him/he went in the mind machine
- Lo’ak calls Quaritch vonvä when he shows him his fingers which the subtitles translate as ‘buttholes’, but wiki says can also mean ‘dickheads’ (I find this satisfying)
- the exopacks that Sec-Ops use are sleeker than the ones the humans at the Omatikaya stronghold have , there is a smaller, less obvious canister (which I GIESS must be for oxygen although that is disputed). The Cet-Ops masks and exopacks have the rda branding under the chin and also no visible signs of a canister in the exopack (their exopacks are even sleeker and fit into the backs of the lifejackets)
- the RDA takes Spiders knife off him when he is captured and we never see it again, which fair. BUT, for some reason Spider has his bow with him when they climb the mountains to get the Ikran 🤔 as if they kept his pokey little bow safe for him 🤔
- Lyle WAINFLEET. he is a great man. Clever, witty, tactical minded and LOYAL TO A FAULT. it was HIM who noticed that Kiri had four fingers, and thus was an actual bargaining chip. It was HIM who managed to scoop kiri out of the water when the rest of the kids had escaped, again, leading to Quaritch actually get some leverage back over jake. It was HIM who stayed behind in the bridge to babysit spider when Quaritch went out on the tulkun hunt. It was HIM who sounded so defeated when they thought Quaritch had fallen to his death… It was HIM that took Quaritch's tags from around the dead human's skeleton and kept them safe while Quaritch was not in the right frame of mind... I could go on. Lyle wainfleet has a crush on Quaritch and Quaritch knows it but ofc they NEVER speak about it , just get on with their lives x
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angeltism · 2 months
ohh I should go back to researching the piercings I wanna get..
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volfoss · 10 months
Cordelia faceup take 3 :3
So the second attempt did not even MAKE it online because I wasn't happy with it. The sealant and paint just were not cooperating with me and the pastels were too pigmented. On a whim I wanted to work on it this morning and mixed up a really good pastel color for her blushing, which then inspired me to wipe the old faceup and start fresh :)
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^ the boring steps of well. White as fuck -> painted the right color to match the body. This image is showing how it's slightly off from the head cap (which I painted during the initial faceup) but it DOES match the body really well.
My first step with the faceup was starting by using a pale watercolor (peach color pretty much) to map out the moles on the face, and then another sealant layer before I started blushing. The peach watercolor isn't the permanent color for the moles but it helps me map things out (same thing I do with the eyebrows, starting with a lighter color and then building up the color/adding watercolor pencil hairstrokes on top. Or at least I should because some dolls have such thin eyebrows that I have to do only acrylic. But that's besides the point)
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^ much more subtle blush color than I can normally achieve with her :) normally it's MUCH too dark but I feel this really subtly brought some life to her face and some warmth (which I always love to add to my dolls with yellowed resin as I prefer leaning into how it looks instead of trying to use cooler colors to counter balance it)
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^ added more blushing here, and added the eyebrow vague shapes and slightly more color added onto the moles to help them not blend into the blush as much lol. I wanted her to have a youthful and happy appearance so the flush is helping to me :). The brows were VERY faintly done (to the point idk if they will survive the sealant lmao) and the moles were touched up slightly, as well as the color on the lips more built up. I promise the brows will get darker it's just scary right now bc of how pale the resin is, if I make ANY mistakes it will show up unless I use a super light pastel. And if I have to redo the faceup well. I'll have to repaint the entire head all over again. So I'd rather build up slow and careful than too fast and make a mistake (although I'm sure I'll make plenty of those the further I get lol, esp since I'm doing a lot of this on nearly 24 hours awake <- not a good time to rely on my hands to be steady sadly)
I went a bit silly watercolor mode but I added some pink to the lips (to mix with the more orange-peach pastel color underneath) and added some medium brown on the moles to do their final highlights. Continued to work on the brows and next layer will be the pencils on them, pencils on lips (since the color underneath is pretty much perfect for what I'm going for). And then the eyeshadow time <- dreading this
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^ sideways image bc I stay silly okay. And also far too sleepy to edit it. I've committed to doing this all in one go at this point (at the very least to get to a passable basic faceup). This is not a good idea. Just to be clear. I'm very sleepy.
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^ eyebrows and lips done :) also did the waterline, I'm really happy with this. Atm unsure if I want to do a ton of pink eyeshadow or what but I think I will add the freckles next and then try everything on the doll to see if I need it. It was one of the features I rly liked about the original faceup so. Honestly unsure. Do firmly think the lips look a lot better here because well. The first attempts lips were supposed to be pretty natural looking and didn't really end up that way. Very happy with brows even if they're not symmetrical because I think for whatever reason everything is clicking on this faceup like by FAR much more than other times. We will see how it progresses tho lol.
With everything put together, it confirms I do def still want to mess with the eyeshadow but due to the physical symptoms I am stopping for the night. Tomorrow tho? Silly style (eyeshadow and eyeliner and probably freckles and gloss on the lips. We will deal w that later tho)
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^ eyeshadow layer one and thankfully going at it on a day where I'm much more awake is helpful. I need to keep building it up as both my sealant method + just how pastels work can take some of the color away but I think it's all coming together. Mainly I want to have a darker layer of pink on her eyelids, as I think that'll look nice, and then I have to do the eyeliner <- dreading this step the most of all I fear. At some point I also need to add freckles which I think is also quite scary. For me, I've done a faceup with all over freckles (Theo's) and was happy with it, but I want these just on the cheeks. And I think hand painting them just doesn't look as good as using the brush flicking method. So I have to also figure out a way to cover the areas I don't want freckles on.
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Eyeshadow layer 3 or 4??? + freckles. They will not tell you that toothpicks really work well for freckles but they do. I'm going to seal this layer and then keep working on eyeshadow and eyeliner but I'm nearly done :) I might go in after a couple layers of sealant and do the brush method to kind of add the very small freckles in but using a toothpick is a million times easier than a brush (for me at least. But I have very shaky hands so). I added some light pink paint on the eyelids to emulate a slight color change and then did an even lighter color, blending it together with a wet paintbrush. I am hoping to be able to get the eyeliner thinner than the light pink color but we will see :) so far happy with it since I did want a very vibrant pink on the lids :) unsure what ill do with the eyeliner color (I did a copper/gold combo to make it be a bit more natural looking for the first time but i dont think it popped enough so we will see :))
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Ended up on deciding on black eyeliner but here's it done :) the watercolors on the lips still need to dry and I need to gloss stuff properly but that will be in its own post once she's all back together :)
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famewolf · 4 months
just scheduled to get a couple of helix piercings on my left ear, with a friend!! there six piercings that I want in total but I've put it off for ages due to money and other circumstances ... but it's happening ... im soooo excited
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feeling-kinda-sad-ngl · 4 months
walking the stage in less than 12 hours 😧
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hojbjerg · 1 year
city have spent 1.3 billion euros in 6 years personally I think half of that should be given to me for literally no other reason other than I want it
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