#my favorite Scottish scientist
erichalk · 4 months
My Flying House Headcanons!!
(I hope you like it because I tried to make them as accurate as possible)
-Actually I have no idea what Justin could be descent of yet
-Angie and Corky are both of Scottish descent
- They all live in the USA lol
- Angie and Justin are around 12/14 years old. Corky is 4 or 5. Prof. Bumble is around his 40s. SIR has no age, but is adult coded - probably around his 30s then
- Justin, Angie and Corky go out a LOT and basically the whole town they live in knows them
- Justin and Angie both really like sports (mostly basketball) and they play together almost every day. They don't really let Corky join them anymore though because, the last time they did, that goddamn baby was able to break the neighbor's window = D
- Even after they were able to get back to the 20st century, the kids still visit Prof. Bumble pretty often. Maybe they even end up traveling somewhere else... next stop: ANCIENT GREECE!
- Ok this has something to do with their travel to the New Testament — I REALLY like to think that Jesus was very well aware that the children were from the future because, y'know, He is Jesus
- SIR really likes listening to jazz, blues, bossa nova... all that stuff!!! he is a man of culture <3
- Prof. Bumble loves anything that is astronomy related. Planets. Stars. Blah blah.
- Whenever SIR gets extremely angry or nervous he begins to glitch. A lot
- Justin and Angie are not dating, BUT they do have feelings for each other and absolutely hate admitting to it lol. I'd say it's more of a childhood crush thing, nothing serious - they mostly love each other as friends
- Continuing the previous topic, all best friends have their ups and downs I guess... that's why Justin and Angie occasionally fight over the stupidest motives ever (sometimes Corky joins in somehow).
- Ironically enough, Professor Bumble is really really good at cooking (this is canon actually but-); man even owns a recipe book. Sure he burns some stuff now and then but who cares? Also he hates admitting to knowing how to cook because he does not want to look too "casual" since he's, well, a scientist.
- SIR's writing looks all cursive and fancy I think that's comedic sorry
- Since SIR works on solar energy, he may feel more tired at night — Although, there are times where he is able to stay up until morning.
- SIR just- shouts random proverbs from the Bible out of nowhere. Okay most of the time it's because he feels like giving a lecture to Prof. Bumble for whatever reason (and Bumble does not care at ALL)
- Professor Bumble likes using his... intelligence to build some really random stuff that are basically useless. For example a machine that peels bananas =^D
- Justin owns a cereal toy collection. It's still kind of small, but he's proud of himself B)
- While they were in the New Testament, I like to think that SIR would tell bedtime stories to the children so they could fall asleep :^]
- There were times when Angie, Justin and Corky stayed up until morning sun playing and doing random stuff... like a slumber party! And doodling/writing random things on SIR's face while he is asleep! YAY!
- Angie and Justin are like super best friends. Listen let me insert the Spongebob and Patrick dynamic into my favorite characters
(Will update if needed)
(some of the) Headcanons that include my OC — B-888 — !
- Both SIR and Bea act like parents to the children while they're still stuck in the New Testament.
- Bea often gets super mad at Prof. Bumble because he is really irresponsible with the children lol. She knows that he cares about them though but oh well
- Bea probably had to knit some clothes for the children me thinks. LIKE shirts with their names and cool patterns that stuff lol--
- Also also Bumble, SIR and Bea would kind of work like a trio...?? THAT WOULD BE COOL me thinks part 2
- YES Bea and SIR are dating but they mostly act like best friends. SIR likes calling Bea his "wife" tho
I'm too embarrassed to continue this one I'm sorry for making you cringe let me be happy 💥
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king-casino · 1 year
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I made a merc self-insert!!! Yeah i know realistically I wouldn't be able to run around on a battlefield because of the whole....well....disabled situation. But let me live in my fantasy world.
MEDIC: i feel like at first they would butt heads because they both wanna be the smart science guy, but they become friends after a while. And all the other mercs are like "oh god oh fuck". In the middle of the night you can regularly hear a pair of manic laughter and screams coming from either Medic's or Scientist's labs.
HEAVY: I think that they're friends by association. Since both Scientist and Heavy are friends with Medic, I reckon they hang out a lot. Scientist will rant about chemicals and experiments to Heavy, and Heavy will rant about his guns. And maybe they talk about how hot Medic is O///O
SCOUT: ADHD solidarity. Maybe Scout is kinda scared of Scientist, but they have fun. Maybe they read comics together (Scientist having to read them out loud). They probably talk music together. Scientist prefers garage rock (until the punk scene started), but they're open to listen to Scout's favorite Tom Jones songs.
SPY: Spy probably thought Scientist was just gonna be another insane idiot in the beginning, but was surprised at how intelligent they can be. Scientist will let Spy talk about his butterfly knives to them. I think that Spy probably respects Scientist to a reasonable degree. Scientist thinks that Spy is kinda a narcissistic prick, but so are they so it doesn't matter all that much.
ENGINEER: Southern solidarity. Scientist is from Georgia, more southern than country like Texas. When the both of them hang out, it's like a southern echo chamber. They'll use terms that make no sense to the others, and share family recipes. Engineer probably worries about Scientist, seeing how they're a young adult (even younger than Scout) with mental/physical health issues. Scientist sees this as kinda patronizing, but tries to be civil about it.
PYRO: Pyro IS NOT allowed in Scientist's lab. The last time they went in there, the base exploded. But Pyro and Scientist are friends. Scientist will draw with Pyro and play with them. Scientist also finds Pyro to be an interesting psychological subject to study. But Pyro doesn't liked being asked all those questions, so usually they just hang out and have fun together
DEMOMAN: BEST. BUDS. They love blowing things up together, and they love talking about chemicals together. Scientist's stepsister is Scottish, so they have a bit in common in that department. Scientist isn't actually old enough to drink, so when they hang out, Demo is drinking and Scientist is smoking. Weed, that is. They would never smoke a cigarette as long as they live.
SOLDIER: Soldier doesn't like them all that much because he thinks they're a commie (probably because they are). Scientist has tried explaining to Soldier what communism actually is, but Soldier just yells about Scientist's "commie tricks". Nevertheless, they hang out a lot. Scientist likes to play with Soldier's raccoons, and Soldier just likes having someone to talk to who doesn't treat him like he's crazy or stupid.
SNIPER: Most of the time Scientist is "too much" for Sniper. But he likes to hang out with it when they're chill. They like to sit outside together with their sketchbooks and draw. Sniper's better at animals and Scientist is better at people. They also like to do archery together. Sniper also just might like Scientist because they never, not once, made a comment about him being Australian and looking like he does.
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hergrandplan · 26 days
nina! for the fic ask game: 📥 🌝💻
Thank you so much for sending these <333 (also every time I see your username I get reminded that I want to rewatch Agents of Shield)
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
I mean, like any writer I love any comment BUT right now, it has to be You're the risk I want to take. That's my proudest work so far, and I was kind of scared of posting it because I knew people were excited about it, and I was afraid to let them down, but the support has been overwhelming and every time someone comments I'm just glad I didn't stay up until 1 am on a Sunday night for nothing. also bc every comment so far has been so unbelievably sweet <3333
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Lol it's the way I almost sent you this one. But that's a tough one, because honestly, when it comes to Young Royals I don't really feel the need to write for any other character than Wille and Simon. Don't get me wrong, I love fics that center around other characters; August is really interesting to read about, and I love Felice, but I don't have the urge to actually write for them? Though, out of all YR characters, the one I'd be most inclined for to write would probably be Felice, so maybe at some point?
Edit right before I posted: ACTUALLY I'd love to write something about Fitz someday. My favorite Scottish scientist with brain damage and his wife that taught me the true meaning of hurt/comfort <33333
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
Yep! I do absolutely. I love researching fics, to be honest, and even though I don't always stick to reality, it's good to know how far from reality I can deviate and still keep it realistic. I think, so far, my deepest dive has been using google streetview to walk from one place in Stockholm to the other, to see if the characters could feasibly make that walk in 10 minutes, because Google Maps said it was longer.
ask me about my fics <3
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello! , if it is not a bother I was wondering if I could request number 9?
I’m mixed but am white (Italian, German, African American, Scottish). I currently reside in California but I moved around a lot in childhood from Maine to Massachusetts. I am neurodivergent with recognized depression, and anxiety. I play guitar, listen to music, doodle occasionally, play video games, write, study herbology, and love to engage in theoretical discussions about science and/or spirituality. My favorite colors are forest green, black and ice blue. I love all music except for trucks and drugs country music. I’m especially fond of Blondie, Hozier, The Buzzcocks, The Toy Dolls, No Doubt, Colter Wall, and 1950’s crooners. I love action films and noir films (James Stewart, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra..) I enjoy learning about history and where traditions come from, as well as herbology, and quantum mechanics. I love reading comics. I also enjoy watching Rick and Morty, South Park, and The Simpsons. I have both ear lobes pierced but rarely wear earrings, I also have my cartilage pierced. I want to get a tattoo of a horse for someone who was close to me, and a tattoo of Yellowstone National Park because my father would take me nearly every summer when I was a teenager. I am a natural brunette and tend to dye my hair whatever color I feel like, currently it’s “Starry Night.” A blueish black with highlights as it fades out. I have hazel brown eyes (they change color if the light hits them right and makes them a pretty ember.) I have a marking nearish my left kidney from a kidney stone procedure.
I apologize if I added too much, or if it is too much.
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ah i hope this wasn't too obvious of a pick but i truly think this is so right! and don't be sorry, this was perfect 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok so first of all, the three states you've mentioned are all ones, for the most part, that i (as a non-american) associate with nature, especially maine and california for the forests and trees. so you have a connection with plant life
depression and anxiety, i feel ya on that one, and i think ivy would too? she takes on quite a burden and deals with it in a solitary fashion. i think he worries and fears stem from the world being cruel and unforgiving, mostly humanity, and that's true of a lot of people with anxiety or depression
your creative energy is so obvious, and i think that's something ivy would appreciate. gentle music, beautiful art, anything you could gift to her that came from your soul and was made organically. given that she's definitely the kind of girl who sends immense amounts of flowers for every gift, all grown by her of course, it makes sense that she'd love to receive a "home-grown" gift in return
pam is a scientist, and she's deeply spiritual at least in the sense that she's open to feeling nature and healing powers, so she'd be up for a debate on the subject, or even just long nights discussing it with you in depth, especially if you both agree or can offer some information or insights the other hasn't ever considered before
your favourite colours remind me of those precious dark sky spots within deep forests, where nature is untouched and you can see the stars clearly because there's very little civilisation around you. a perfect spot for spending time with pam, and the fact that your hair matches that is so neat!!
the crooners and the noir films are giving off so much romance and lovey-dovey vibes and i can't think of anyone more deserving of some genuine romance than ivy. i think along she'd be interested in older things, from a nostalgic point of view in relation to the aesthetics only, given that gotham is her home
ok so history, herbology and science are all very pam things! it's almost perfect, like you were made for each other! traditions, especially relating to preserving and appreciating nature, are close to her heart. and someone on the same intellectual level with her with regards to science would mean she has someone to talk to about those things, meaning she's not as alone anymore
a tattoo of a park??? are you kidding me? nature tattoos would be an exceptional edition to your already perfect self, and she'd appreciate it to no end. same with the little mark on your body from your procedure, anything that makes you unique and natural and a piece of art. and your eyes changing colour from the hues of the earth and of wood to the sun and the flowers would have her completely enamoured
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finnleyandsillys · 8 months
Nate, Hailey, Natalie, and Nick!
Nate is from the 50's 60's. His protagonist Samuel worked for an undisclosed space and physics exploration corporation as a physicist. Given the time around the space race. Both them are Southern and in (well we're) lavender marriages.
Hailey is from the early 2000's Late 90's. Her game is about a man named Simon who has severe schizophrenia. She's a voice in his head that continually tells him not to take his medication. By that he can't tell the difference between reality and hallucinations. She tells him to kill something that's trying to "hurt" him, having him kill a police officer, his own therapist, a doctor, and most of the other patients at the mental hospital he was admitted too. Hailey is also southern but Simon is French. He moved to the US when he was 12. Think of Hailey as like a more aggressive sadistic embodiment of the love bug virus. She loves killing Simon in all sorts of ways and then will make out with him after
Natalie is out favorite Aussie woman. She was a sentient Al made to work a science lab. Once she was put in charge she immediately gassed the facility killing all but her favorite scientist, Sarah. But to keep Sarah safe she copied and uploaded her conciseness to to a virtual world which was completely a ruined city. Sarah is German and Natalie is obviously Australian. Sarah ends up falling in love with Natalie even if she had trapped her in a virtual hell, she had her reasons.
And lastly, we have Nick- He is... interesting to say the least. His idea of a game is every time you boot it up you never know what you're playing. One time it could be a fun pixel drawing game the next a gory first-person shooter. So his game is cohesive yet madness. His protagonist is Sage and She really doesn't mind. She finds it all thrilling and that keeps her sanity and entertainment alive. Nick and Sage are besties. Like really good besties. Nick is totally gay and laughs like a schoolgirl. Sage bullies him for it. Nick is Scottish, and Sage is British
Can you tell who's game I haven't worked out yet?
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My Ravenclaw MC’s Lore/introduction
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Gideon Theodore Crowther
Born: May 31st, 1875, A Gemini
Height: Approximately 5 feet 10
Patronus: Weasel (Quick-witted,spontaneous, playful, and intuitive. But they can also be a bit chaotic)
Wand: In thirteen inches and three quarters, Dragon Heartstring core with swishy characteristic, Sycamore wood touch
Boggart : Dugbogs(ironically yes)
Favorite Classes: Astronomy, Flying class & DADA. Beasts class is almost on his list.
Favorite Beasts: Niffler, Hippogriff & Jobbernoll.
Best Friends: Amit Thakkar, Samantha Dale, Pearlie Roan (Hufflepuff MC) and Garreth Weasley.
Gideon was born into a family that was half Jewish and half Scottish. He comes from a well-to-do family in Glasgow.
Gideon's parents are both muggles. Nonetheless, they saw this as a gift and sought a way to get their son into Hogwarts at such a late age.
Gideon's father, Luther Edwin Crowther, is a scientist in the British government at the time, while Gideon's mother, Freida Rosemary Crowther (Riverdale), is a well-known violinist who works at a Glasgow theatre. But then they went missing so it was Gideon’s uncle Rowen who took care of him. He hadn’t really heard from and known what happened to his parents.
Professor Fig on the other hand is one of his parents' good friends from a muggles reading/research session, which is why he has been Gideon's mentor and has taught him some rudimentary magic before starting school.
Gideon includes a exceptionally elevated demeanor and a brilliant intellect. He is exceptionally clever, observant and adaptable with a part of things. Not surprising, he isn’t a much talkative guy, ambivert is his motto and he has no doubt for that. He can be a accomplice in wrongdoing, a solid companion and a better than average men.
In any case, Gideon can be a small bit “cold” in some cases, which doesn’t cruel he doesn’t care around people and what they feel. He is more additive, and it is difficult for him to express his feelings most of the time because of his hidden insecurity; he does not want to exhibit his worry and weakness to the people he loves about and adores.
Some may perceive him as playful and difficult to approach, but Gideon is a very sweet and compassionate person on the inside, also if you know him better he is literally very playful( in a good way)person.The “cool” outside is only armor to keep him safe from harm. He is probably the sweetest Ravenclaw you’ve ever seen, regardless to his strapping appearance.Surprisingly, Gideon can be a troublemaker sometimes. (Shh
Hopefully there will be a part 2 👀 or more in-depth profile with our boi Gideon! Have so many background story for him inside my head but I just need to organize them more ugh
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
How about Hi-Fi Rush?
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this amazing game.
Also to anyone who hasn't already: Please check out this game, it's half the price that all other new releases but it has an engaging story, fun and unique gameplay, entertaining characters, awesome artstyle, and a kickass soundtrack, not to mention a whole load of post game content. If nothing else, at least check out a playthrough of it online.
3 male characters I love:
Chai, I mean look at him. Peak Babygirl material. Plus, Robbie Daymond's performance was just so damn good.
Macaron, love his design and his soft spoken nature.
Zanzo, I love me a good ol' mad scientist. And I mean... Making him a walking JoJo reference and Todd Haberkorn's performance just makes him ten times better.
3 female characters I love:
Korsica, just... M-Ma'am... A tall, strong lady with a Scottish accent who could easily crush my spine???? Yes, please.
Peppermint, just how many cheeky hacker girls is Erica Lindbeck gonna voice? Either way, I'm not complaing because they're all amazing.
808, She counts, let me have this! Because c'mon... Robo kitty who tags along on your adventure, plays air guitar and does martial arts. I don't need to say anymore.
3 romantic ships I love:
Ehhhhh, I don't really have any ships, I like the group as a bunch of friends. Although, I saw Peppermint trying to slide up closer to Korsica in that ending cutscene and honestly, I don't blame her.
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Chai and Peppermint, I mean they are literally just bickering siblings and even though Chai is two years older than Peppermint, he still gives off such annoying little brother vibes
Macaron and CNMN, the fact that Macaron built CNMN as an psychology advice robot because he was lonely is so sweet, and then so funny when CNMN is so blunt and nonchalant about everything.
Chai and Korsica, I just love their relationship because it starts with him annoying the hell outta her and then it ends up as her desperately trying to make sense of what goes on in his head when he doesn't plan for anything.
3 favorite moments in canon:
I'm a little cautious of spoilers since this game is still quite new so I'll be vague:
Literally every boss battle because the music slaps, they're so much fun and most of all, the banter between them and Chai is hilarious.
CNMN's big moment, I just love how even during the action, they're still drawing their changing expressions onto their face.
Chai's Grand Plan
3 favorite headcanons:
After listening to him complaing about it, Peppermint finds a way to download new music on Chai's MP3 player despite it being in his chest.
808 does all the regular cat stuff, including stuff like sitting at the door and meowing but then walking away when someone opens the door for her, etc.
Peppermint teases Korsica about her password literally just being 'password' when she's, y'know, the head of security.
3 least favorite things about it:
I honestly can't think of a single thing I disliked about the game.
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ear-worthy · 4 months
TIL Climate Podcast Latest Season: Answering Climate Critics
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What would you say if I told you that science geeks from the science geek capital of the world, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recently launched season six of its highly entertaining climate podcast called TIL Climate?
You're probably saying, "Season six? Where was I for seasons one through five?" You can check out their archives and then strap in for season six.
 TIL Climate positions itself perfectly: "Climate change is confusing. This award-winning MIT podcast breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it’s impacting us, and what we can do about it. Each quick episode gives you the what, why, and how on climate change -- from real scientists -- to help us make informed decisions for our future."
In each 10-minute episode, host Laur Hesse Fisher speaks to an expert from the MIT community to break down a clear, focused question related to climate change. 
The podcast is part of a broader ESI project called MIT Climate, a community-building effort built around a common web portal where users can share climate change-related projects, news stories, and learning resources at MIT and beyond. MIT Climate is intended to draw individuals and groups working on climate issues at MIT closer together, and eventually become a platform for worldwide, science-based learning and engagement on climate change. You can see a prototype of the portal at climate.mit.edu.
“We named the podcast TIL Climate after the popular Reddit hashtag TIL, which stands for Today I Learned,” says host Laur Hesse Fisher. “We hope to signify that these episodes are accessible. Even if you have no prior knowledge of climate science or policy, after 10 minutes you know enough to start being a part of the conversation.”
“There’s a lot of information out there about why climate change is happening, how it will affect human life, and the solutions that are on the table. But it’s hard to find sources that you trust,” says Fisher, who is also program director for ESI. "There are still a lot of jargon and technicalities that you have to wade through. We’re trying to solve that problem."
 Season six began in late March with a trailer that announced, "this time we’re doing something a little different. People all around the world write into our team with questions about climate change. So this season, we’re working with scientists and experts at MIT and beyond, to answer those questions in language we can all understand."
What MIT doesn't say is that the questions seems to be posed by climate deniers, who live in their own bubble, where climate change is a hoax to force them to buy LED bulbs, electric cars, and stop eating red meat. They listen to the Congressman who, a few years ago, brought a snowball into Congress to "debunk" climate change.
In my initial review of TIL Climate I lauded the hosting skills of Laur Hesse Fisher. She's an incredible host. In season six, Fisher is at the top of her game. I don't know if there's a spring training for podcast hosts like in major league baseball, but I believe Fisher must have been practicing because she has hit hosting home runs in every episode in this season.
My favorite episode is "Do wind turbines kill birds?" because this is a constant refrain from Trump supporters who listen to Trump complain about wind power because the Scottish government built a wind farm next to his golf course there. 
In the beginning, Fisher asks that question about killing birds and answers it by saying that wind turbines kill about 100,000 to 700,000 birds a year. Then, taking a breath, she says, "But don't stop the episode here because that's not the whole story."
"The whole story" includes a solution to reduce bird deaths by painting one fan blade black, which has reduced bird deaths from wind turbines by 70 percent.
Fisher and Howland explain that birds are killed by the millions by high-rise buildings with birds smashing into them. The biggest threat to birds? It's cats, who, by one estimate, kill over a billion cats each year.
In the episode preceding that one, the MIT scientists debunk the misinformation spread by Texas Governor Greg Abbott that wind turbines freeze up in cold weather in 2021. As MIT professor Michael Howland explained, wind turbines operate efficiently in places as far north as Norway and Alaska. They simply need to be winterized, which the Texas government failed to do.
The episodes on hydrogen energy is especially eye-opening because the understanding of how it works is low, comparing "green" hydrogen to hydrogen from natural gas.
What I enjoyed in the last season and still today, even more so, is the treatment of climate change in the podcast by experts on each episode.  These smart people offer information cleanly and without proselytizing. These experts often explain the tradeoffs and ambiguity inherent in climate change initiatives. 
Some people will never be persuaded. Facts don't matter because climate denialism is woven into their worldview. For those people who heard Texas Senator Ted Cruz earlier this year cast doubt on climate change because "It was cold in the winter," and thought that made sense, TIL Climate is not for you. Yet. 
For those who trust what their senses tell them about a hotter, more unstable world, listen to the TIL Climate podcast. 
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parasitescholar · 1 year
Weekly Recommendation: The Soulless Series
So listen. When I first looked into Rem's past career I found some stuff. Most of it I was not really interested in. However Soulless grabbed my attention and didn't let it go. I read the graphic novels and shortly after I read the books they were based on. And the sequel series. And then I read the graphic novels several more times until I decided to buy them on Ebay. These books were out of print before I discovered them, and the copies I have are from libraries, you can see the crossed out bar codes.
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If you want to read them you can find them on Libby, the app that gives you access to so so many books. (Literally the library but in your phone fuck audible this shit is free and has waaaay more selection) or on free manga site of your choice. The art is just fantastic. Rem really knows how to do black and white. The balance of tones makes it feel rich, deep blacks and grays contrasting in a way that brings real depth. As a manga style adaptation there is a little aside at the end of the books and my favorite is the one where they make Biffy all spiffy (listen its technically spoilers but it's so cute looook)
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Okay I have made my feral admiration clear. What is this actually about? Victorian London except vampires and werewolves are real, and have adapted to the delicate play of manners that is so important to British society. The world building on this point is honestly fantastic. Our main character has the ability to nullify any supernatural abilities with her touch, and she is over everyone's nonsense. Pragmatism rules her every move, but she keeps getting caught up in nonsense anyway. Okay I'm not selling this. Woman in fancy dresses solves the disputes of: foppish vampires, frequently naked werewolves, scheming steampunk scientists, a lesbian in a suit who keeps flirting with her (which she is arguably down for), her truly awful family, the most badass Scottish woman who leads a pack of werewolves despite being human and also old, and the vampires living along the Nile.
The world building in this series is just wonderful. Why does every British building have a coat room? Because werewolves are coming in and out, and they need a place to change! My favorite is the vampires. Vampires come in hives, centered around a queen, and with humans acting as drones. Only the queen can make new vampires, and her and her small group of turned are surrounded by hopefuls, who provide blood in exchange for the social clout being associated with the vampires gives and the possibility to one day become immortal. Also they swarm when in distress!! And it is great! The way all the supernatural stuff works is just so fun and well thought out. I haven't even mentioned the second series really, which is all about Alexia's daughter, who not only nullifies the powers of supernaturals but takes them for herself. Sorry dad, shouldn't have touched me I am now a baby wolf running around causing havoc. I love the Custard Protocol books as well (with that name you've gotta), though I've never gotten through the last one. I guess after the high of a comphet lesbian getting together with her lioness (she turns into a lion!!! And then is just so cool and casual about the fact her tits are out when she turns back) love, I couldn't bring myself to care about the affairs of awkward heterosexuals. But it does take place in Japan so you might like it. This is too long, but I could talk about this series for days. If you read it please please tell me so we can chat about our favorite parts. In summary: Soulless is a series full of humor, romance, Victorian London and supernatural creatures. The graphic novels are exquisite and the series continues past them in increasingly inventive and fascinating ways. Go read both!! In either order tbh. Okay byeeeee.
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the-peregrins-trove · 2 years
Mathematical modeling
This was an essay I have written for a math course in college. It wasn’t supposed to get this way too personal, but the essay’s rubrics led me to it. I still wondered what my teacher thought of this one when he read this. I reckon it was second-hand embarrassment. However, reading this after seven years was an advice from a sophomore college student to an adult in her mid-20s.
Martha, my little sister, would usually chug her favorite drink from her cherry pink liquid container. It resembled a towering plastic mug with a straw of the similar shade and material sticking out of it. It was a post-birthday gift from her godparents just recently. She admired it real well – cleaning it even without me doing it for her. Then, she would constantly tell me about how astonishing it was. “It’s so cool, Ate. The cold water that I just put in would not easily go warm even when I place it outside the refrigerator,” she said with pure hype. Then I wondered why. I asked her to hand it over to me and I observed it intently. It was a familiar structure – a design of two flasks positioned one within the other and a gap between them. It was actually a vacuum flask commonly known to most households as the thermos.
“How does it do that?” She asked. She’s quite the inquisitive mind – asking questions about how certain contraptions like this worked – probably the reason why she aced her sciences at school. The thing is, her question of how reminded me that the world is full of phenomena. The phenomena that attracted many astounding inventors and scientists alike to model these situations and finding explanations to such. These scientists would also model these situations, modify it, and answer the problems in their line of work – eventually answering the problems of society too. Like this vacuum flask for instance: to answer for those who wanted cold lemonade on a summer’s day and warm brewed one-hundred percent Arabica coffee on a winter solstice for lengthened periods of time.  
“Your mug tries to stop heat outside from going into it. That is why your water stays cold,” I answered my little 4th grade sister’s question the simplest way possible from what I’ve learned about insulators and heat transfer from previous knowledge. The gap between the two flasks that is moderately evacuated of air (or near-vacuum) actually serves as an insulator to prevent heat transfer by conduction and convection. At least that was what I knew of. I then wanted to research more about this contraption. And boy was it getting a little bit more interesting.  The thermos spoken of was actually an invention of someone by name Sir James Dewar. He was a Scottish chemist and physicist. His study in the field of cryogenics (one field in physics in the study and behavior of certain materials at low temperatures) greatly influenced the invention of this device. Side track to other of his discoveries was also the invention of liquid hydrogen – the coldest substance ever made during his time. Cooling gas like hydrogen to a point wherein it would liquefy was actually pricey during his time and he needed to find a way to prevent it from evaporating. One news article about the history of his invention stated that he built boxes insulated with cork, hay, and newspaper to keep the liquid hydrogen cold but none of these kept it cool enough. It eventually led him to designing a double-walled brass chamber, removing the air from the gap between the two walls to create a near-vacuum void. As he placed liquid inside the flask, the temperature stayed the same because air molecules cannot serve any longer to transfer heat from the surroundings to the liquid inside the chamber. This idea by Dewar led to greater inventions. His idea was modified and modernized to be used as storage for super-cooled gases to gear up space rockets. These modern Dewar chambers can actually keep cooled gases cold for three years! This was one of the greatest innovations and applications of Dewar’s idea.  
From this simple idea, many applications served its purpose today – including Martha’s mug. Now, I’ve been thinking: What could have been done by Sir Dewar to be able to engineer this vessel for keeping gases cooled? My hypothesis: he could’ve modeled it. He was a physicist and a chemist after all (close to being a chemical engineer when both fields are combined), so he could’ve quantified the amount of heat loss and gain and used ways to modify this chamber so that the amount of heat loss and heat gain would equate to zero. This kind of reminded me of the modeling exercises we had in class about energy balances. I’ve read more about his vacuum flask contraption and was aghast (in a seemingly good way) by the way heat transfer by convection, conduction, and radiation in the flask could be analyzed by math and physics through thermodynamics. Generally, everything in the flask – from the heat capacity of the material to the temperature of the liquid stored to the specific heat – is quantified and modeled!  
I then sat down on my chair and contemplated. I declared, “Math is a language too.” Epiphany capsized my sentiments on mathematics knowing that it can actually be used to translate a lot of phenomena. Mathematical modeling and mathematics in general changes the development of the society and the world. And in fact is a great impact in our lives.
Contrary to the previous paragraph, I’d be honest. I hate math, actually. And you’d be wondering now why I took up engineering. It’s normal for me anyway. I took up engineering, specifically Chemical Engineering, for the purpose of trying to appreciate the mathematics more. Many people actually think illogically of me after notifying them that I took it up because of my hatred for mathematics and my love for Chemistry. If you’d see my grades right now on my record, I barely had passing grades for all my math courses. So I couldn’t say I excel in my mathematical ability but am just good enough. Ever since I encountered the subject and idea of it, I’d shun it.
Even answered the portion that says “Least favorite subject” in the slam books of my friends when I was younger – Math. Probably this loathing attitude on the subject led me to failure in most of my exams to date. To evaluate my mathematical ability now, I can’t make up the standards of a good engineer – one who has the passion to solve problems quantitatively.  One afternoon at a mall, along a stand of the Famous Belgian Waffles, sat me and my dad. It was the 2nd of April, a Saturday. We ordered two waffles for each and talked about some of the things I’ve been struggling in my life as a chemical engineering student. One of which is my struggle in this differential equations course. My dad’s a wise guy. And practically one of my life coaches. As I opened up my problem in the math course, he retorted, “Why do you have to force yourself into it when you don’t have the passion to do it at all?” I then took note of the word passion. Many people would scare me that the practice of chemical engineering is the hardest among all disciplines. But in my case, I guess not. It’s not that it isn’t difficult for me; it’s just that, I lack the passion to get myself to appreciate it.  
He then elaborated one of two things: first about the Seven Basic Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen Covey and emphasized on the second habit which was: “Begin with the end in mind.” I remembered my instructor mentioning about this during the first week of classes but I didn’t practically mind it at all. Now that all has come to pass, I regretted not putting into heart this essential habit. I didn’t have an end to this in mind at all and allowed myself to just roll with it. And go with the flow. “You did not begin with the end in mind,” were the words my dad said. I was in on a sermon this time after having thoughts of shifting to another discipline that is more appropriate for me. Flashback to the time that this didn’t happen yet, I had several drawbacks. When it comes to improving in my mathematical ability, I failed. Though I had garnered some skills from the past courses in the field of engineering mathematics, one thing I failed doing is this – task management. This course was a breeze to some because they managed their tasks properly. As for myself, I never did spend time in doing the most important thing in this course – practice. I do practice at some points in this semester but once I can’t answer a certain problem in the Succeeding with Differential Equations textbook, I tend to withdraw from doing more practice. I had my mind set on doing what needs to be done but when there is a hurdle along my way, I retreat. I surrender. I easily gave up on certain circumstances and my dad evaluated that the attitude of surrender wouldn’t make me become successful one day.  
Second thing he elaborated about was the nature of result. “Intention plus mechanism is equal to result,” he said. I then thought about it: What was my intention? What was the thing that I did to add up to my intention? Or did I have any intention at all? Did I do something about it? I did have my intentions, yes and that was to be able to model and solve problems and use the mathematical tools to be able to do such. However, I stumbled upon a block when I did not do anything about it at all. If I did, only a minimal amount of it. After roughly four months of compromise, I reap no good result. I failed miserably in the formative assessment of my understanding and modeling with problems.
My dad delivered a long sermon about the things I failed to do this semester and particularly this course but these were what remained in memory after finishing the last of my snack. The last thing he said to me was, “Read a lot of books. I regretted doing this when I was younger but I believe I’m not too old for reading. It would really enhance your knowledge and guiding principles…” This was one thing I also regretted doing – reading books. I recalled reading in the syllabus Read Zill and Wright pp. so-on-and-so-forth. But I disregarded it. I guess if I have read more, I would understand better.
But I think he didn’t only mean supplementary books for studying but also inspirational books like some of John C. Maxwell’s, Stephen Covey’s, and Harold Sala’s. And above all the daily guiding principle found in God’s word, the Bible.  
“…and don’t forget to apply what you have read in your life.” Not only did he mean the inspirational books but even the textbooks found in the library. So far, I believe this is the best concept of modeling – translating what you have read into practice.
Regrets and realizations. I did have a heavy load of both. Though this would probably be the end of this semester, the heavy load that I have right now would be a continuing schema to this lifelong learning experience. And Stephen Covey calls it the seventh habit: “Sharpening the saw”.
0 notes
bearsuitrecords · 2 years
Eamon the Destroyer – "A Small Blue Car – Re-made/Re-modelled". Review from DMME.NET
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A fresh approach to a Scottish pastiche master’s vehicle finds him on the road to obscure raptures. If you invite friends over for a playdate and tell them to bring along some toys, rest assured: quite a lot of your own things may get ruined yet combining of everyone’s favorite trinkets can produce interesting results. That’s exactly what happened when Eamon The Destroyer asked kindred spirits to have a field day with his "A Small Blue Car" album soon after its issue, which led not only to the record’s Eno-esque postmodernism in sonic terms but also to wondrous deconstruction of the source material. On the one hand, this was not a positive turn of events because, even though the original recordings’ complex collages allowed creative input from his fellow artists, their remixes removed the elemental intimacy Eamon’s aural mosaics exuded; on the other hand, there’s fresh conceptuality in the reshuffled order of tracks, where a few were approached more than once to shine a light on different, mutually incomparable facets of those cuts. However, when juxtaposed with prototype pieces, new numbers reveal a lot of alluring details. Still, it’s not the outsiders’ sophistication that must impress the most here – a spectral operatic voice brought into the sinister whoosh of “Slow Motion Fade” by The Moth Poet nails the album’s intent in less than 90 seconds – but The Destroyer’s guests’ unique ability to retain the composer’s persona in various settings. Set aside the sweet schizophrenia of “The Conjuring Stops” as Andrei Rikichi, who embosses this cosmic throb with melodic strands, is simply an alter ego of the musician hidden behind the Eamon moniker, yet take, for instance, “Silver Shadow” where Yponeko replaces his strum ‘n’ shimmer with washes of musique concrète and Ryota Mikami shrouds his vocals in psychedelic swirl, while Société Cantine locates chamber grandeur in “Tomahawk Den” to expand the piece’s electric adventure. And while Stricknice searches the story of “Humanity Is Coming” to find the number’s groove, John 3:16 discovers spacey drama in there – all unlike the probes into “My Drive” performed by three sound-scientists which see House Of Tapes add haze and heavy riffs to acid folk, Michael Valentine West pour dynamic ambience into the raw pastorale, and Hanali unleash a tribal rhythm. More so, the soft, if effervescent, reframing of the fabulous “Nothing Like Anything” by Like This Parade caresses the listener’s ears, its pseudo-orchestral treatment by Senji Niban will stress how impeccably the coherence of “A Small Blue Car” is preserved here. Here’s a vehicle that’s able to run in every make, in every guise and with every trim: an all-terrain type of transport to carry passengers beyond the pale. Dmitry M. Epstein DMME.NET https://dmme.net/eamon-the-destroyer-a-small-blue-car-re-made-re-modelled/
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flusteredbard · 3 years
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Do I main horizon because I’m good at playing her? Absolutely not.
Do I main horizon because I like hearing her funny little voice lines? Yes, yes I do.
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web-spinning · 2 years
kind of piggy-backing off of the other anon, mercs with an s/o who’s a demon ?
A / N- It is done. Hope you like it! I figured out a demon would be a bit badass, yes?
And another thing, my inbox is clean again, and holidays start tomorrow. You all know what that means c:
TW. Ask to tag.
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- he is scared of you at first, 
- but you both grow close as he realizes you're not a blood thirsted abomination like most sources tend to say, 
- he likes to get into trouble, and you're the one to get him out of them, 
- much like with the angel, the fact that a cosmic being fell in love with him makes him special, 
- let's not forget, he will compliment every single demonic feature of yours, to make sure you don't feel bad about yourself around all humans, 
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- he probably met you trough Merasmus, 
- I imagine you would be Merasmus' roommate before Soldier, and you would sometimes come by to visit him, getting along with Jane in the meantime,
- he will put plastic horns on his raccoons to make you cheer up when you're sad, 
- " Here cupcake, Lieutenant Bites looks just like you!", 
- he wanted to make a necklace of human ears, but he was scared it wouldn't impress you enough, 
- oh also, you do not want to tell him that demons don't come from America...please, 
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- this firebug doesn't know what a demon is, 
- but nonetheless, they love you! You can tell, because they invite you to tea parties twice a week, 
- in their Pyrovision, they don't exactly see you as you really are, but they can clearly see your demonic features, 
- they love every and each of them, and will make sure you know,
- you're the only person that doesn't seem to be scared when they give you a bucket of candy! Which translating to ours, the bucket is actually full of human organs, 
- you're also not scared of the fire, which makes them love you even more, 
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- this Scottish lad never been happier than by your side, 
- throwing granades while by his lover's side, that's live for him, 
- he wouldn't be a DeGroot if his mother didn't have to meet you...she likes you a lot, and will teach you how to cook all of Tavish's favorite meals, 
- he's also very jealous of how much alcohol your body is capable of taking, 
- however, he also has bad days...ones when he feels like a true abomination, like a real cyclop, 
- and you're there to remind him he's not a leviathan, every single time, 
- usually ends up with him sleeping in your arms with dried tears on his cheeks, 
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- he's very impressed by your strength, 
- you remind him of the people back from the cold end of his home country, 
- he loves getting words of reassurance, and he will definitely give you ones too in return, 
- the two of you will spend hours, clumsily laying down and telling each other stories about defeating different creatures, 
- " That's how I killed the bear." 
" Reminds me of that time I was haunting for that one Kikimora...", 
- sometimes, he will tell you those stories while you can't sleep, to make you a bit calmer, 
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- he doesn't know how to deal with it at first, 
- he must've spent some sleepless nights thinking about what to do with this little problem of his, 
- then he kinda accepted it, 
- he still doesn't understand the whole demon thing, Dell's just happy to have you, 
- you are also often welcome to help him with his projects! Although, don't use the teleporter, 
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- you probably met him while he was selling his soul to the devil, 
- something just sparked, you were fascinated about this mad scientist, 
- long story short, you decided to take a closer look at his work on Earth, and broop! You both fell for each other, 
- perhaps you're the one that helped him push those 8 extra souls into him, 
- feel free to use the surgery tools if you need them to end some bastards, 
- he would probably get you really deep into the whole mercenary business, 
- at the end of the day, you both are just two evil lovers who like doves, 
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- someone help this man, he couldn't admit his feelings towards you for months, 
- but he finally manned up enough to do it, and as he was about to confess to you...you confessed to him first, 
- you both still laugh at that, 
- unlike with Scout and Pyro, you're the one who gives compliments, 
- he will tell you a lot about Australia's fauna and flora, and in return will patiently listen to you telling him about the creatures of your kind, 
- taking the opportunity of the fact that you don't need as much sleep as him, he will often stay up with you at the roof of his camper, stargazing together, 
- during those stargazing sessions, he most likely falls asleep in your arms, 
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- one time this snake managed to sneak into a high prestige meeting...of the council of your people over the underworld,
- he was quickly kicked out, but the fact that he was brave enough to do that made you interested in you,
- soon, you met him again in another one of those " high prestige " meetings, and that's how it started,
- he will often invite you to dates, even tho Badlands don't offer much fancy restaurants,
- sometimes just being in his room is enough,
- he uses too much pet names,
- la malfaisance, le fleau, mon mechant prince / ma mechante princesse /ma royaute, and more. 
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gordiemeow · 2 years
tag some mutuals you want to get to know better!
thank you @toothlessdudebros for tagging me 🥰
favorite time of year: winter! combo of playing winter sports growing up + hating the heat
comfort food: mashed potatoes or rice porridge
favorite dessert: pie & cheesecake 
things you collect: doc martens, buttons (like, regular clothing buttons), vinyl, recipes, concert t-shirts
favorite drink: dr. pepper or almost any kind of tea
favorite musical artist: this one is super hard because i listen to so much music??? the last few weeks it’s been either thank you scientist or billy squier or the shins, tho (but it’ll be something different soon, lol)
last song you listened to: alone down there by modest mouse
last movie you watched: a really bad hallmark romance movie... so bad i don't even remember the name...
last series you watched: star trek: strange new worlds
series you’re currently watching: star trek: discovery & m*a*s*h (am i usually rewatching m*a*s*h? yes. but in my defence it's a great show)
current obsession: been obsessive about learning all the ways to make different kinds of shortbread the last month and a half (scottish shortbread is my fave, i think)
a dream place to visit: machu picchu
a place that you want to go back to: japan - went on a business trip before, but it was still way more fun than anticipated, so i’d love to go back on my own time
something you want: a funnel cake (going to the state fair tomorrow, so at least this wish will be fulfilled)
currently working on: my mental and physical health? lol, but no i guess mostly on a few fanfics, a couple crochet projects, and a lavender honey english shortbread (going after attempt #3 today… previous two attempts were edible but not ideal)
tagging a few people (but any of my mutuals are welcome to do this! please!!!) — @appalamutte, @songsandswords, @natashastarkk
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scalproie · 3 years
Pick a favorite TF2 merc? Or do all 9, if you're feeling it.
Oh Im gonna do all 9 lets fucking go.
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So this guy. Not to accidentaly Meet The Scout but i dont even know where to start with him. Dont let the fact that hes the youngest of the mercs distract you that he is Just Some Guy and I mean this with the most affection I can. That one post wasnt lying, he CAN be any white guy you want him to be. I think Ive met at least 5 scouts in my life. Anyway the best thing about scout is how people draw him in their respective style because this little boston man has the range, babey. 5/10. I know in my heart it should be a 4 but he gets an additional point from me because I like him and he has daddy issues.
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Funniest character ever and also really wholesome somehow if you read the comics, has a yell as iconic at the tom one from tom and jerry. doesnt really look that bad either tbh. 7/10 He Makes Me Laugh.
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So the suit on itself is cool af and I like how in the... tf2 timeline [citation needed] everyone else goes from "oOooOOOh the Pyro is SO scary" to "This is everyone's little sibling now". 5/10. Schrödinger's attractiveness. But dont get me wrong the Pyro is so fucking cool.
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8/10. I love heavy. REALLY love how actually wholesome he is with his friends and family in the comics. He has the looks yeah sure but he most importantly has the SMARTS
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Okay objectively. Demo is the handsomest of the mercs. Like you know that one scene in the mann vs machine trailer where the camera focus on his face for a second while hes preparing to aim at the oncoming robots? Yeah. Also he's scottish and that add an additional point. 9/10
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So first you look at engineer you're like "oh this is a fun little texan guy who sounds nice in both sense of the word, he's polite and everything. How silly looking he is with that hardhat and those googles :)" and then BAM he takes THOSE off and you're like "oh this is a pretty little texan man😳 AND he's polite."
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(Note that he also get a beard at one point but I cant show it because ive already reached the picture limit)
anyway 8/10, short king babey.
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It is with a heavy (heh) heart that I must say that Im immune to this man😔. I know he mightve kickstart the whole "evil scientist" business in terms of general vibes and batshit insanity but I cant get into it. He IS cool but im blaming overexposure. Still extremely fun when played off with others, but alas not for me. 6/10
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What he lost in attractiveness he made up in relatability when I found out he was 26 (and not 28 like I thought he was). He's not pretty, he's my friend sniper :) I could play smash bros with him during a party. He wouldnt go at parties tho and I respect that. Incredible voice tho👌. 6/10, additional point because the way he's drawn in the comics gives him A Vibe.
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This mf. Listen do I think he's pretty? No I dont. But in typical spy fashion he tricked his way into being my fav because I am physically incapable to resist a good father & son drama and a solid chuck of his character resolves around that. We've all had whiplash during the sudden serious "I've always been proud of you" moment in those usually silly af comics don't lie. Expiration Date was about spy being a dad to scout for 2/3 of it. I like that he's an asshole who cares. I like his character and his role of one straight man of the team. Unfortunately, out of my trio of dilfs, this is the One Certified Deadbeat(tm). 8/10, petite pute💖
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helenarlett-rex · 3 years
Helen Arlet’s Favorite Cryptids
#7 The Fresno Nightcrawlers
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This is a new one for me that I only just recently learned about. I don’t even know how I missed these guys before now... But I’m instantly fascinated with them. They are just so weird and cute. And we have multiple cases of them caught on video?! I love this already!
Do I believe in them?
Well I’m new to the whole Fresno Nightcrawler scene, but for now I’m going to have to say no... I’ve watched the videos of these guys and I’m trying to figure out what they actually are, but weird alien creatures isn’t at the top of my list. The first video could very easily just be a guy in a sheet. I could see how that could be done. The second video that was captured of them almost looks more like puppets to me, but I just can’t figure out how the puppeteering would have been done... Either way I’m fascinated by it. Who knows... Maybe I’ll change my mind as I delve deeper into it.
#6 Snallygaster
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I honestly don’t don’t know a ton about Snallygaster. I know it’s the signature cryptid of Maryland and I lived in Maryland for a short time... so I guess I have some attachment to it that way... I know he’s a big tentacle dragon and he looks pretty cool... But that’s about the extent of what I know. I haven’t taken the time to do research on him yet. I think honestly, I just really like the name. Snallygaster... That’s just fun to say. Say it with me... Snallygaster...
Do I believe in him?
Not at the moment, but then I haven’t really looked into this guy yet so I haven’t seen what kind of evidence is out there to support the belief of such a creature. I just look at the pictures of him and I feel like if such a thing existed, we’d probably be hearing about it... a lot... like every time he swooped out of the sky and snatched someone off the street...
#5 The Wampus Cat
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It’s a big cat with 6 legs. And it might possibly be a shape shifting woman. That’s pretty cool. Plus she’s also the signature cryptid of my home state of Tennessee. I may not exactly like certain things about Tennessee, but I’ve still got to show some loyalty to our state cryptid. Funny thing is, despite the fact that I moved to Florida when I was very little and grew up there, even then I knew about this thing and heard about it all the time. We actually believed there was a Wampus Cat living in the woods there in the town I grew up in. I even knew an old man who had claimed to have been attacked by it. So the Wampus Cat has always been a part of my childhood.
Do I believe in her?
Debatable... Do I believe in a shape shifting cat woman with six legs? Probably not... But Tennessee has a lot of panther sightings. People see panthers, especially black panthers, around here all the time. And the thing is... officially there are no black panthers (or any other kind of panthers) in Tennessee. Officially, Tennessee doesn’t have any kind of cat larger than a bobcat. Black panthers, which are just a variant of jaguars, are extinct in the United States. But people still see them here all the time. It’s just kind of a known fact they are here regardless of what anyone else says. So hey... Maybe that’s just the Wampus Cat? *Shrugs*
#4 The Van Meter Visitor
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The Van Meter Visitor is super interesting because it’s one of the few cryptids that is really hard to disprove, and yet, hardly anyone ever talks about it. It’s one of the more obscure cryptids out there to the point where I’d bet nine out of ten people reading this list have never even heard of it before. And you may be thinking, it’s a big pterodactyl with a horn on its head that shoots light... How is that hard to disprove? But when you think about it, this isn’t just some random cryptid with a few isolated sightings by a couple random people who may or may not be trustworthy. An entire town saw this thing. In 1903 the Van Meter Visitor terrorized the entire town of Van Meter, Iowa for days before they tracked down its nesting place and then the whole town showed up to shoot it and it’s mate(?), which they in fact did. Yeah, the creatures vanished into the mines after being shot at and were never seen again... so there’s no body... But it doesn’t change the fact that an entire town saw these things multiple times, lived in fear of them, and then finally shot them. So regardless if you believe it was a pterodactyl that could shoot light from its horn, there was obviously some kind of creature terrorizing the town of Van Meter that October in 1903. And the fact that it was so widely sighted just makes it really interesting to me.
Do I believe in it?
Like I said. Something terrorized that town that week. I believe that much. Was it a spotlight pterodactyl? I’m open enough to consider the possibility... But I’m also open enough to consider the possibility that it was something more on the normal side and it being 1903 people just didn’t know what they were looking at. We can’t really rule out mass hysteria as a possibility.
#3 The Jackalope
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I simply love Jackalopes. I’ve thought they were awesome ever since I was a kid. I even used to love those creepy Jackalope videos they used to run on America’s Funniest People (Remember that show? Don’t feel bad if you don’t...) There’s just something weirdly captivating about the idea of a vicious rabbit with antlers.
Do I believe it in?
Well, despite the fact that I have an “I believe in Jackalopes” patch on my jacket, no, I don’t actually believe they exist. I’m a reasonable enough person to understand the history of Jackalopes and know where it came from. I wish they were real, but I know they aren’t.
#2 The Flatwoods Monster
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The Flatwoods Monster is equal parts cute and creepy, which is really cool. She’s nowhere near as popular as Mothman, despite the fact that they are both West Virginia cryptids, and that’s kind of a shame. She certainly has one of the coolest designs of any cryptid. And her story is pretty interesting too. It’s one of those cryptid stories I still sit and ponder over.
Do I believe in her?
Not exactly...? I’m highly skeptical of aliens. Now did something happen in Flatwoods, West Virginia on September 12, 1952? Yeah. Something clearly happened. And the reports are strange enough that I can’t quite figure out what exactly happened... But as for the monster herself, as cool as she is, it’s more likely that she was just an owl in a tree that a group of people panicking in the dark mistook for a giant alien.
#1 Nessie
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Of course Nessie has to be my favorite. She’s my home girl. Okay... Nessie is Scottish and I’m Scots-Irish, with more Irish than Scottish, but it’s close enough. I’ve still got some Scottish in me. Plus she’s like, a big dinosaur, so we have that in common as well. And Nessie was the first cryptid I ever truly believed in so how could she not be number one on my list? I love this girl.
Do I believe in her?
I’m going to say yes. There is totally something down there. There’s enough evidence at this point that it would be harder to convince me there isn’t something down there. We’ve got scientists who are now saying she’s a big turtle, and I guess that’s possible... probably more possible than an actual plesiosauria... Although I haven’t seen a ton of evidence to support the turtle idea yet... But whatever you want to think she is, I certainly think there’s something down there.
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