#my favorite part is gemini
captain-k8kat · 11 months
So far, I don't like lies of p as much as I like bloodborne, though that's not saying much because I love bloodborne more than any other game. Lies of P is still a really excellent game.
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bevioletskies · 2 months
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kongthap & atom + favorite moments (in no particular order)
“If I kiss him now, he won’t know. All I can do now is…”
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passionfruitmango · 28 days
I really think after i finish this pour, im gonna start taping and gluing shit to some of the dried ones I've done. Junk canvassing essentially? Like a junk journal but bigger. Someone in my astrology group said something like that recently and I really love it because a journal doesn't feel big enough for me either! I do have a junk journal I've done some pieces in, but even those are interactive and flippable and extend past the borders of the page.
But yeah I want to rebeautify these finished pieces because acrylic pour seemingly always looks better wet! I know with my last one I didn't use enough glue (needed to pick up more, didn't wanna leave just wanted to paint 😂) but I also use dollar store acrylics which definitely dry down darker, so a lot of vibrancy is gonna be lost regardless with the materials I'm using. Oh well, I can express myself using whatever materials I have on hand 💖
I should really give these images their own post that isn't just me gemini mooning but I just want to share the comparison of the wet pour with the dried pour! The dried pour I'll use for some physical art, the wet pour pic I'm hoping I can use for some digital art once inspiration strikes there again!
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elysiansparadise · 10 months
Love Languages & Astrology
I think that nowadays we are very aware of love languages, and to be honest, the topic has attracted my attention for a long time. I decided to make this post in which I connect some placements with the 5 love languages.
Before we start, what are love languages? Where does this theory come from?
In 1992, a book written by Gary Chapman was published, which established the five love languages ​​that we express both for friends and couples [in general loved ones]. I was reading that there are people who say that there are 7 love languages, personally I limit myself to talking about the classic five, which are: Words of affirmation, Acts of service, Gift giving, Physical touch and Quality time.
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Words of Affirmation
🤎Those with Leo placements are very likely to have this as the main love language, and they constantly need verbal reassurance. They are aces at flirting, so the best thing is for their partners to be flirtatious too. Many of them value and treasure compliments, especially regarding their efforts and abilities. 
🤎Gemini Venus/Moons or Venus in the 3rd house are said to have this and they have the gift of speech and can easily move others. However, in their case it does not only apply in the sense of compliments and words of encouragement, they need fluid, heart-to-heart conversations with those they love most. They like having constant and stable communication, they are not fans of people who talk a lot to them one day and don't answer the next. 
🤎People with Moon in Air signs are usually the kind of people who save letters and read them on various occasions, favorite messages from that special person and love to talk for hours with their special people. For them there are no awkward silences or boring conversations when it comes to those they love. They will ask many questions and want to get to know their partner in every way. Many of them may love receiving or writing poetry about those they love. I must say that it is something I have seen very frequently in Libra Moons.
🤎With Venus in Air signs they make the native excellent at making friends with people, it will be easy for them to communicate their appreciation, feelings and thoughts with those they love. For them, having their partner be open with their emotions and thoughts is crucial. They love that their partner makes them feel loved with sincere and touching words. They like people who are skilled with words, who show them off and compliment them to the point of making them blush and the best part is that they are also very capable of having this effect on others.
🤎The Pisces placements + Air placements combo makes a person very accurate with words. These natives understand what to say to cheer up, motivate and make others feel better. They are romantic, expressive and very creative with their comments and ways of showing affection. They love that their partner has this expressive and open side, someone who frequently reminds them that they love them and how special they are to their life.
🤎Those with Neptune in the 7th house or conjunct the 7th house cusp makes the native love to love. Everything that encompasses love, from the beginning, flirting to the relationship. They are true romantics and regardless of the placements they have, they tend to become very expressive once they are in a relationship. They treasure the comments and details that their partner has with them.
🤎Similar to the previous point, thanks to Neptune energy, the aspects between Venus-Neptune, especially those of close orb, mean that while the native is in love, their poetic side comes out. A classic passionate romance in which letters are written or the most tender things are said. They will seek to communicate affectionately with their partner, know their dreams and motivate them verbally.
🤎Natives with Moon-Mercury aspects feel the need to say what they feel with transparency, so they will feel better and more comfortable with those who do the same. The Moon represents emotions, Mercury represents communication, so feeling strongly about someone [whether friendship or romance] makes them want to say it, either to the person in question or shout it to the world depending on the signs involved. They love calling their partner and friends affectionate names.
🤎When there are Mercury-Venus aspects or Mercury and Venus are in the same sign, it causes the native to be very verbally expressive in their relationships. They will love the details such as letters, good morning messages, motivational texts or small reminders. The beauty of these aspects is that they will love giving them as much as receiving them, which makes the relationship reciprocal and balanced in this aspect.
🤎The aspects between Mercury-Chiron make the native have the gift of gab, that ability to say the most comforting words at the ideal moment. But... what about them? What happens when someone says something nice or appreciative about them? It stays in their minds for a long time. Many people focus on Chiron as wounds, and while it does represent that, it also represents healing, so the words and comments can be of great help to these natives.
🤍 How to make them feel loved? Tell them you love them and how important they are in your life. Send them a message and look for ways to maintain active communication. Compliments and cute pet names. Ask them about their day. Make them know that you notice the small details. Appreciate the things they do for you. Don't raise your voice. A good flirting session. Express your emotions through words.
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Acts of Service
🤎Although they may seem somewhat reserved, those with Virgo Sun, Moon or Venus are the kind of people to do small, meaningful things for their partner. These people notice the things their partners struggle with and help them with it. They are naturally observant and attentive to these details, they will love giving their partner massages, helping them understand or do things that they consider difficult. They appreciate that their friends and partners want to help them, even in small things. Despite being very autonomous and having problems asking for help, they treasure the moments in which they are helped or cared for in some way.
🤎The placements of Pisces Sun, Moon and Venus are not far behind, as they will actively and a little more directly seek to make clear their love and willingness to help those they love. Although they may be somewhat shy at first, they like their partner to feel cared for and seen by them, choosing to look for ways to remove or reduce emotional burdens from the people they love. Did you have a difficult day? They will listen to you. They will see your emotional needs and will want to attend to them. These placements can have a tendency to ignore their own needs at times, so the fact that their partner notices them and does their best to talk about or do something about it leaves them perplexed.
🤎People with Cancer or Capricorn placements are naturally very caring, they will look for ways to support both emotionally and practically those they love. Do you feel stressed? They will be there to support and guide you the best they can! Many times it is normal to see them as this supportive, mom or dad friend, likewise, they like those they love to relax and have a good time. They will be very attentive and observant, they will appreciate their partner's efforts and may even celebrate them as their own.
🤎Those with Moon in the 1st, 6th or 12th house are people who commonly have this love language. Moon energy makes them very caring and reliable and being in these houses makes them very oriented towards pampering their partner through actions. They have very subtle gestures like playing your favorite song or artist in the background, or always giving you that candy that you said you liked so much. They love helping those they love in every way possible. They will remember perfectly what you tell them and will always keep in mind what you like or prefer.
🤎When you realize that someone has Venus in the 6th house, prepare to meet the most attentive person. They will constantly think about how to make you feel better, they are the kind of people who will bring you snacks during a study session, who will remind you to drink water or those who, if they see you cold, will give you their sweater. They will try to do many things for you even if they are small because for them it is the small details that matter. They will plan dates and activities so you have a good time.
🤎Having the 5th/7th house ruler in the 6th or 12th house makes the native have this love language with their partners, especially with those they have long term. At the same time, it can indicate attracting partners with this same love language. Many of those I have met with this overlay tend to particularly enjoy cooking for their partner.
🤎Having both Saturn and Moon dominance/strongly placed in the chart can cause showing love and affection through acts of service. They tend to be a little less verbal when it comes to communicating love, and may prefer to demonstrate with actions how much their partner or friends mean to them. They are very warm people deep down but may have trouble feeling like they can open up. No matter how busy they are, they will always make room for your special ones and to support them as much as possible.
🤎People with Moons ruled by Mercury [Gemini or Virgo] take their time to learn their partner's preferences, either by being as observant as they are, or by asking them directly. They like to let their partner know that they pay attention to them and are willing to help them in every way.
🤎People with Moon-Saturn aspects know how to take charge of a situation, take the weight off your shoulders and give you comfort in the process, but keep in mind that they would also love for you to do the same. They like the idea that their partner listens to them, understands them, and looks for ways to help them lift the burdens. Feeling the support of their partner through this way is everything for them. From a young age they are very independent, but deep down they enjoy the idea of ​​being cared for and helped.
🤎Having aspects between Moon-Neptune make the native a naturally altruistic person who looks for ways to help their partners and friends, and for them to alleviate their discomfort or help them relax and take things more calmly motivates them a lot. They are willing to do a lot for their partner and are moved to see when their partner is equally willing to help them. They are through thick and thin with them.
🤍 How to make them feel loved? Show that you love them through actions, words do not satisfy them. Help them when they are working or very stressed. Bring or prepare a snack/meal for them. Do housework or any kind of work together. Help them with a project or task. Give them emotional support after a difficult day. Listen to them. Ask them what you can do to make them feel more loved.
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Gift Giving
🤎This is a very common love language in Earth signs, due to their serene, reserved and practical nature. Many of them love the idea of ​​showing through details how much they love their partner. They are always attentive to what their partner says, what draws their attention and what they seem to like to know how to cheer them up if they want to surprise them. They tend to be people who take their time to verbalize what they feel and show their most emotional side, but they will look for more tangible ways to show their affection.
🤎People with Capricorn Moon, Venus or Rising usually opt for this love language. Many of them may find it difficult to verbalize what they feel or be very emotionally open at first, but they will never want to make you doubt the love they feel for you. They will get something you want no matter what it takes. At the same time, they will appreciate that you have those kinds of details with them, that you remember them out of nowhere and give them a detail. They will want to give you the world and will love it if you have the same mentality as them. They love to spoil their love ones and make them happy or smile with it. 
🤎With Taurus Moons, Venus or Risings we find people with a giving nature, who will not be afraid to invest a lot in a good gift. They are very generous people with those close to them and usually give a lot of themselves to invest in their relationships. Just as I mentioned in the first paragraph, they will look for practical ways to show their affection, but also romantic ones. Roses, dates with gifts, chocolates, everything that is classic when it comes to dating someone. They look to give gifts that surprise and delight their partner, so they look forward to anniversaries, birthdays or other types of celebrations that make them look for something to give.
🤎In the case of Virgo Moons, Venus or Rising they are also amazing for making handmade gifts, cards, or things they make from scratch. They are very perfectionist people and do not give random things, they put a lot of thought into what to give to their loved ones. While they will appreciate a detail, it is more meaningful to them if the person took the time to get to know them well enough to give a thoughtful gift. They tend to prefer practical gifts that they can put to use [clothes, accessories, perfumes, things related to their hobbies, skincare products, etc.]
🤎Libra Venus represent this love language well because Venus is in its domicile sign. Similar to Taurus Venus, they put a lot of emphasis on the charm effect in their gifts. Libra Venus will focus on everything, especially that the gift looks good, from the gift itself to the wrapping that covers it. They strive to make beautiful and meaningful gifts and are not afraid to make them from scratch or spend a lot of money on them.
🤎Water risings will want to have a partner they can provide for and a partner who provides for them in the same way [or perhaps a little more]. This is due to the earth element in their 7th house, being the house of the couples that we attract and represent a little how we act in relationships, it tells us a lot about what I mentioned in the first paragraph. 
🤎Having Jupiter in Taurus or Libra makes natives have that spontaneous desire to give gifts to the people they love, just because. They will show their gratitude with gifts and show that you make them happy by having gestures with you. Gifts can easily put them in a good mood and they can easily attract partners who provide for them.
🤎Venus in the 2nd house can be very obvious. This is because the 2nd house rules our expenses, what we usually use our money for, these people will love to give gifts to show their affection to their loved ones, they will love to spoil them in every way and give them things that really excite them. Likewise, they will value the details that their partners have with them. Giving gifts on special dates is crucial for them, and even on dates when something in particular is not celebrated.
🤎I think something beautiful happens with Cancer/Moon in the 2nd house and that is that they give incredible gifts, they put a lot of time and effort into the gifts for those they love the most. They are the kind of people who remember that conversation from months ago in which you said you liked a certain brand of chocolate, they will get it for you. It should be added that they deeply treasure the gifts of others, no matter how small they may be. They tend to prefer gifts with a strong emotional charge [something that reminds them of the time they met, something they have liked since they were children, or something you have made especially for them such as cards or crafts].
🤎Those with Moon/Venus aspecting Jupiter are naturally generous people, they love surprising their loved ones with spontaneous gifts and often choose to give details when the other person is feeling bad or sad as a way of showing support and affection. They usually choose to give food, snacks, sweets or things of a more tender and emotional nature.
🤍 How to make them feel loved? Give them small details like flowers or cards. Give them something they need, that they really like, or that they have wanted to buy for a long time. Give surprise gifts, even if there's nothing in particular to celebrate. Give them something that reminds them of their childhood or some happy memory. Accompany your details with notes. Listen to them to find out how to give a gift that excites them [i.e. ask them about their favorite chocolates, brands they like the most, or accessories they like to receive the most].
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Physical Touch
🤎When it comes to this love language, I think we can talk about the influence of Mars and Moon. Having Moon and/or Mars dominant or highly aspected can indicate a desire to touch, feel, and be close to your partner on many levels. Mars rules sexual desire and intimacy, while the Moon shows affection and different types of intimacy and closeness.
🤎Cancer Moon needs to feel that closeness with their partner, whether emotionally or physically [preferably both]. They love gestures of tenderness. They sense when their partner needs a hug or a caress, they are very good at reading their partner's needs, for this reason, they will feel delighted with a person who is similar in this aspect. Even if it's a silent hug, the warmth they feel makes them feel safe.
🤎Aries Moons also tend to prefer physical contact, they usually have some problems talking about their emotions, so the way they best express themselves are actions, and what better than a reassuring, warm and spontaneous hug. They have the quality of revitalizing their loved ones with their hug, and they themselves may even feel more motivated after having those they love close.
🤎Those with Moon in the 1st house are people who need closeness with the people they love. They are people capable of expressing all their love through hugs and caresses, and they also give a feeling of security to those they love with their simple embrace. They have a need for constant contact with what they consider special.
🤎Mars in the 1st house is also quite common in those with this love language. Their strong and independent appearance makes them seem defensive [and they tend to be on some occasions] but it is until they really find someone who brings them well-being and joy that they will seek. the slightest excuse to hug, hold hands or kiss that person.
🤎Those with aspects between Mars-Moon can be distant with other people on a physical level, but when it comes to their partner they forget this completely. You will see them looking for the minimum interaction to feel close to their partner, to hold their hand, caress their hair or simply sit next to them.
🤎I have noticed this preference in fixed signs. Many of those I know with fixed Moon, Venus or dominance tend to express their affection better physically, even if they are not usually like that at first, with those who earn a special place in their heart they are very loving and affectionate. In particular Leo+Taurus, Scorpio and Taurus Venus. This is because those with fixed energy take very seriously the task of maintaining in their lives what they value or what took them time to achieve. It is not usually easy for them to trust, so once they do, they want to maintain, protect and love, giving as always their all.
🤎Have you ever seen a Taurus Venus/Venus in the 2nd house in love? It's the cutest thing in the world. These natives usually surprise their partner with hugs, tickles, kisses and all kinds of contact. They enjoy the idea of ​​holding hands with their partner, kisses on the neck, massages and in general feeling, touching and enjoying their partner in every way. A mixture of tender and soft touch with the perfect cunning to make your touch something sensual.
🤎Something interesting happens with the sister sign, Scoprio Venus and Venus in the 8th house. I have met countless people with this placement and I have to say that they do not usually admit or show that they have this love language. These people are incredibly selective, it is difficult to completely win their heart but above all their trust, however, once you do... hold on tight. These people love having their partners close, kissing them, making them feel all kinds of physical sensations.
🤎In general, having a stellium, Moon, Mars or Venus in the 2nd or 4th house makes the native more likely to have this love language since these houses, differently or not, are related to attachment and closeness, things that go hand in hand when it comes to physical touch. Both houses make these placements need physical proximity and constant physical reassurance.
🤍 How to make them feel loved? Hold their hand when you go on dates. Massages after a long day accompanied by kisses. Kisses on the forehead. Spontaneous hugs. Cuddles on the couch/bed. Caress their hair. Move the hair that crosses their face. Let intimacy be a priority. Respond happily to their spontaneous hugs. Long hugs. Sleep cuddling/hugging. Spooning. Public displays of affection. Sit together, and if it’s possible next to each other. 
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Quality time
🤎Saturn can be an excellent representative of this love language. Although it does not have the reputation of being the one who gives the most romantic influence, it can show a high level of commitment. It's the ruler of time, so everything related to giving its time, which it considers precious, to a person is because it truly loves them. It is common for those with a strong Saturn [dominant Saturn or a heavily aspected Saturn], lots of Capricorn or Aquarius placements to have this love language.
🤎When someone has Saturn in the 5th house, they usually enjoy their time alone. They are very selective with the people who they let see inside them and what they are passionate about, so when they invite you to do activities with them, tell you about their hobbies or plan things with you, I can tell you that you have an important place in their lives. They may even be able to do new things just because you like them, they will seek to get involved in things in which you invest your time. 
🤎Something similar happens with Saturn in the 7th house, and these natives highly value their time alone, whether to work on themselves or do things that they consider important. When they meet someone, be it a friend or partner, with whom they feel understood, accepted and loved, they may have difficulties verbally expressing what they feel, but they will show their love by doing activities with you, spending time with you or looking for any excuse to see you even for a little while.
🤎Having Moon/Venus in Capricorn makes the person have their priorities well planted in their mind, they know what they want in their relationships and important ties and what they want to achieve on a personal level. If they feel that with you they have a high chance of stability and a strong and lasting bond, they will look for ways to include you in their life. Dates in which they let you see the deepest sides of them and in which they will want to know a lot about you.
🤎Moon/Venus in Aquarius feel that they need to be alone to a certain extent, to be able to fully dedicate themselves to themselves and their hobbies. One of the ways in which they realize when they begin to feel a lot of affection for someone is because of the desire to be with that person, to do things, even the most mundane, with them. It’s very likely that they will say no to plans to spend time alone, so the fact that they consider wanting to spend a lot of time with someone is a sign of a love that is growing.
🤎Saturn in the 2nd house can also show this, since the 2nd house talks about what we value and Saturn is time. These people are very constant with their interest and they like to do things that let their loved ones know the love they feel, likewise, they like that their special person also gives them time. They value small details such as good morning messages, or those that say something reminded their person of them.
🤎Libra Moons can be added in this part as well [perhaps it is because Libra is the sign in which Saturn is exalted], but I have noticed that these natives are very creative when it comes to planning dates or making plans with those they love. They take the time to get to know their special someone and plan things according to the common tastes of both of them. Many times, due to their open-minded nature, they can make plans to put a smile on their person. 
🤎Having the Moon in the 7th house shows a person who needs to spend quality time with their partner, even if they don't say much, the presence of their special one can be comforting. For them it is significant for the simple fact that it is someone they love dearly. 
🤎The aspects between Saturn-Moon make these people invest a lot of their time with those they love, it is something that is born to them. They take the time to want to get to know their special person well, they care a lot about knowing the deepest and most personal side of them. They love to see them smile, learn about their childhood and learn about those sides that they don't easily show to others.
🤎Those with aspects between Saturn-Venus will always have their partner as one of their priorities, they are very dedicated to the relationship and highly value the time they both dedicate to each other. They love planning dates and going out with their partner to many places. That you give them your time and attention makes them feel very appreciated and happy, since it is in the nature of Venus the need to be appreciated, plus the influence of Saturn, through time together. 
🤍 How to make them feel loved? Make a day for them where you do activities together that they like. Don't use your cell phone when you are with them, give them your attention. Organize outings with them. Make eye contact. Send them messages occasionally. Movies date or any kind of date at home/intimate date. Listen to them when they talk to you about their hobbies or interests. Be interested in them, their past, their plans, their dreams. Have deep, meaningful conversations.
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astrowrld300 · 3 months
Astro Observations
Pt 2
It's so unreal how well Taurus placements can cook. Especially if there's Cancer in the big three. Taurus suns also have natural green thumbs
Cancer suns with Gemini Venuses are in constant conflict between they're ego and what they actually desire for love
This is definitely becoming common knowledge on the internet but all Libra placements that are personal and not generational are gay to some extent. Something about the scales allows them to go both ways I don't know . Depending on the placement and degree, it might make them uncomfortable, or the may proudly embrace it. But personal Libra placements can definitely go both ways
Cardinal signs are obsessed with each other, even though they're so toxic for each other.
5th house and Leo placements really love music. Leo rules the 5th house which is all about music, creativity and fun. So these natives really feel it.
Having your sun in the 11th house is a beautiful placement and creates a selfless person, but its the only placement for the sun to not be about "I" anymore. The sun is all about ego and self, ruled by Aries, but the 11th house is all about the collective, friends and the "greater good". Your ego is also heavily influenced by the collective and how you insert your self into the world.
Taurus moons have round/visible nostrils. They all have a green thumb for cooking as well
Aquarius suns and moons have very square shaped jawlines. Both the men and women.
The best sun+rising combo I've ever seen for Aquarius suns has to be Cancer rising. The blend is really heavenly and harmonious, the Cancer really softens out the Aquarian features perfectly (talking about the women idk about the men). This is only physical though
The best combo for Cancer suns definitely has to be Virgo in the big three. Either in the moon or rising, Virgo gives Cancer this snatched look that blends perfectly with the bone structure of cancer suns. (I'm also mostly referring to women here I don't know about the men) Although physically pretty, the combo creates a super insecure individual
Travel is such a big theme in the lives of natives with personal 9th house placements. It almost becomes the focus of life if there's a stellium.
Having your moon at 17 degrees (a critical Leo degree) makes you hella dramatic with your feelings. They're still valid, but you come off as a drama queen when feeling them.
Cancer suns are just as insecure and attention seeking as Leo when underdeveloped. Even though they're not sister signs they're ruled by the sun and moon, so essentially they are each other inside out.
Pisces is represented by the fish and the suns usually have big/swelled features and look a little bit like fish. Virgo placements have sharper/more defined features and Aries placements have prominent/tighter features.
Neptune aspecting Venus is a very underrated beauty indicator for transits and natal charts
Sagittarius rising are blessed with good luck in life since their chart ruler is Jupiter, the planet of luck. They also have hips on the larger side since Sagittarius rules the hips
Capricorn rules the skeletal part of the body and the native suns really have that skeleton bone structure in the face
Moon conjunct Rising is one of my favorite placements synastry placements for friendships. They are each other inside out and understand each other without words.
The most underrated house for the moon imo is the 9th house. The moon does really well here, there's a natural optimism and lightness to their feelings and emotions. I think this is from the influence of Sagittarius and Jupiter. They're also really funny people naturally and have a kind of intelligent humor
Cancer and Taurus placements are such big foodies. They also know how to cook very well and genuinely enjoy getting fat over other signs. Obviously all signs have the ability to cook, but Cancers and Tauruses make that home cooked comfort food that tastes like the feeling of your mom carrying you to bed.
5th house moons never feel emotionally fulfilled unless they're feeling some kind of fun or pleasure in life.
Taurus suns are the definition of work smarter not harder
Aries Mercuries are so smart especially if the sun is in Taurus or Gemini.
Geminis are known to talk with their hands and Italy's rising sign is literally Gemini...
You can always tell someone is Somali from the size of their forehead and the countries rising sign is literally Aries
Venus in the 8th house natal and synastry is that kind of ride or die love
Capricorn sun men actually think people what to hear their life lessons/lectures. It's really corny but they genuinely think they're helping. They also care so much about their rep but will never admit it. It makes sense because they rule the tenth house which is the house of popularity and is associated with our public image and rep. So obviously when Capricorn is in the sun, planet of self, their ego is closely tied with how they're perceived by others.
Scorpio moons are low key delusional but it's okay you guys had a rough childhood/relationship with your mother
The sexual attraction is crazy when you have the same mars sign as your partners rising sign (example. Leo mars-Leo rising) or if you have your mars opposite to their mars (example. Leo mars-Aquarius mars)
Aries moon women in red or leopard print is so perfect
Your gonna love the sun sign of whatever your rising sign is since the sun will naturally embody all the traits that you admire and will effortlessly be everything you want to be portrayed as.
Taurus risings, suns and moons look like bulls
Cancer venuses can lowkey hold down gemini venuses, it’s really harmonious for friendships. Not as compatible relationship wise because cancer venuses really don’t mess with how gemini venuses love. The love languages are just too different but when there are no constricting boundaries and it’s more of a playful friendship this pairing really works
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pathologicalreid · 5 months
don't say nothing | S.R.
gemini part two
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: smut (18+ mdni) content warnings: softdom!spencer, "good girl" (you can tear it out of my cold dead hands), alcohol, fwb, oral fixation, consent, idiots in love, praise kink, gun violence, jealous spencer? unprotected pinv sex, word count: 3.73k a/n: posting smut twice in a row who the fuck am i?? anyways, everyone's favorite idiots in love are back. i used the song don't say nothing by del water gap to provide me with inspiration.
part one
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please say something, cause I've been growing lonesomer each day
Penelope threw her arms up in frustration as you walked through the front door of O’Keefe’s, “I was beginning to think you were ditching us.” She got up from the booth, letting you slide in so that you were next to the wall – across the table from Spencer.
Things with him were as awkward as ever. The two of you were like a rubber band getting stretched, every time the tension became too much, you snapped and ended up in bed together - or in the academy showers, but that was just the one time. Looking at him now, the rubber band felt taut.
“I took the liberty of getting you this,” Garcia announced, a broad smile on her face as she pushed the glass toward you.
Raising your eyebrows, you eyed the beverage suspiciously before taking a tentative sip. An undetermined liquor slid down your throat as you tried to hide the distaste from your expression. Penelope had a taste for sweet, sugary drinks, it was the main reason she usually ended up puking first at girls’ night.
Spencer noted the look on your face, discreetly sliding his glass of water toward you. Thank you, you mouthed to him, earning a slight smile in return. “So, where’s this friend of a friend that you’re trying to set Y/N up with?” Luke asked, standing at the open end of the table.
In your periphery, you saw the smile immediately drop off Spencer’s face. Feeling his eyes on you, you shifted on the supple leather of the booth and looked over at Penelope.
“He said he’d show up later,” she said, lifting her own glass to her lips and sipping out of the straw.
That was enough for you to know that it would never work between the two of you. You needed someone who was punctual. Someone who wouldn’t ghost you at the last moment. Huffing, you sat back in the seat, wondering how long you’d have to stay out before it was socially acceptable to go home.
You took about thirty minutes before asking your teammates to let you out of the booth under the guise of needing fresh air. Luke asked if you wanted to move out to the patio, but you waved him off before walking out the front door.
The spring air kissed your skin as you avoided pedestrians until you made it to the outer wall of the bar, leaning against the cool bricks and sighing.
“Are you alright?” Spencer asked, walking out of the bar, and approaching you.
Avoiding eye contact, you watched people’s shoes as they walked by – heels, sneakers, sandals. “I’m fine, Spence,” you answered simply as your heart begged you to meet his hazel eyes.
You closed your eyes as he reached out, gingerly placing his hand flat on your ribcage. “You had a close call last week,” he said matter-of-factly, referring to a shot you had taken to the chest while on a case last week.
Shrugging, you opened your eyes again, “I was wearing my vest, barely even hurts anymore.” Spencer had been on sabbatical at the time, but he still came to visit you during your overnight stay in the hospital. You were left with a gnarly bruise to the ribs, and Emily had benched you for two weeks.
Tired of your refusal to meet his eyes, Spencer hooked a finger beneath your chin, lifting it until you could make out the gold of his eyes. He looked through the window of the bar, checking for something before he tugged you further from the glass. You didn’t have the time to ask him what he was looking for before his lips were on yours in the alleyway.
Spencer Reid had a habit of kissing you like you were a last meal, with open, messy kisses that made your lovelorn chest ache.
“Garcia’s friend didn’t show up?” He asked, pulling away from you just enough to get the words out.
Shaking your head, you reached up a hand and threaded your fingers through his hair, “Nope.” You cocked your head to the side as the two of you fell into your familiar pattern, “I’m glad I didn’t agree to the date. Could’ve been a fatal blow to my self-esteem,” you told him while thinking of a good way to navigate your current situation.
He also had a habit of making your mind go blank when his lips were on you, and you almost lost it when he groaned against your mouth, “His loss.”
Your breath hitched when he used his knee to part your legs, placing an agonizing pressure on your sex as you resisted the urge to grind on his thigh.
“Hey, Y/N?” He murmured in your ear before pressing gentle kisses on the side of your throat.
Humming, you bit your lip, “Yeah?”
Detaching his lips from the soft skin of your neck, Spencer pulled away to look at you, “Thank you for not agreeing to the date.”
Your body slouched against the wall, “I can’t do this again,” you confessed. The words slipped out of your mouth too easily for it to be a lie, even if you never meant for them to come out.
Spencer took a step back, removing himself from you entirely, “What do you mean?” He asked, watching as you frantically smoothed down the front of your dress and caught your breath.
“Why do I keep doing this to myself?” You muttered helplessly, once again averting your eyes from the man standing in front of you. Taking a shaky breath, your heart pounded so violently in your chest that you thought it might burst.
Catching out at you, he firmly placed his hands on either side of your waist before you could walk away from him. “Baby, what are you talking about?” He asked you urgently.
There it was again, baby. It was like a key in a lock, causing everything to pour out of you. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Isn’t that funny? You’re there, haunting my every move, and none of me occupies even a fragment of your mind.”
Recognition flashed in his eyes as he processed what you were saying to him, “It’s me?” He said, hazel eyes flickering over your face.
“Of course, it’s you, Spencer,” you said exasperatedly, afraid of years of longing coming out in a random alleyway in the district. Tears pricked at your eyes as you silently pleaded for him to say something.
Bewilderment was pasted on his face as he opened his mouth to speak, shut it, and then opened it again. “The person. Your one person that you’d say yes to. I’m your one.” He clarified, trying to get a hold on the situation.
Nodding miserably, you reached up and placed your hand over your heart as if you could staunch your bleeding heart, “You’re my one, and every time we’re together, you’re thinking about someone else.” It wasn’t an accusation; you knew he had feelings for someone else. He had told you just as much at Dave and Krystall’s wedding. Two months ago. Wiping underneath your eyes, you gathered whatever was left of your dignity and walked away from the situation.
As you walked back to your car, you were vaguely aware of people staring at you. You knew that you had played just as big of a role in your own destruction as Spencer had, maybe even more. You never should’ve had sex at the wedding, but you had sought comfort in one another.
Fishing around in your purse, you pulled your keys out, only for them to be scooped from your hands. “Hey!” You shouted in frustration, gaining the attention of passersby as they wondered whether or not they needed to call 911 or stay out of a lover’s quarrel. Shooting daggers at Spencer, you refrained from stomping your foot in frustration lest you look like a petulant child. “Give me my keys, Spencer,” you insisted, holding your hand out impatiently.
“Not until you talk to me,” he responded. He was out of breath, meaning he had run to catch up with you – a feat in and of itself.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, “There’s nothing left to talk about, Spencer.”
He took a moment to catch his breath before looking around, “There is everything to talk about. I have to talk to you.”
Weighing your options, you reached out for your car keys, which he let you take, and unlocked the car. “Get in,” you offered halfheartedly, wiping your cheeks before getting into the driver’s seat.
Silently, you started the drive, taking a right onto the next street. “This isn’t the way to your apartment,” Spencer observed anxiously.
You shook your head as you turned on your turn signal to merge onto the highway, “No, it’s the way to yours.”
Residences had been off-limits during your illicit affair, but each member of the BAU had the ability to get to each other’s homes. It was more of a safety concern than anything else. Since you’d never been to Spencer’s apartment before, you needed him to guide you through the lobby and up the stairs. To your chagrin, he did that by taking your hand in his and having you follow him.
Looking around once he unlocked the door, the first thing you noticed was that the space was so… Spencer. From the green walls to the stained-glass window to the piles of books, it all just seemed so fitting for him. “Sit,” he said with an authoritative tone as he made his way back to the kitchen, returning with two glasses of water.
“What do you want to say, Reid?” You said, leaning back in an armchair as you looked over at him, taking calculated breaths.
Disappointment filled his eyes, “Don’t call me that.” There was something in his eyes that resembled fear, but you couldn’t quite place the reason.
Narrowing your gaze, you tilted your head to the side and feigned ignorance, “Everyone calls you that.” You challenged, even though you supposed it wasn’t true.
“You don’t,” he responded simply. It was true, over the years you had never called him Reid. Dr. Reid and Spencer Reid, yes, but never just Reid. To you, he had always been Spencer or Spence. “When you do it, it feels so… impersonal. Detached.”
You blinked, not expecting him to have said that. Your relationship with Reid had always been personal. From back when you were just friends to whatever miscellany of emotions you had now. “I didn’t mean for it to be,” you admitted defeatedly, fiddling with the buttons on your cardigan. Although maybe you had intended to detach yourself from the situation by referring to him with a name that felt less personal.
In your periphery, you saw him looking dejectedly at you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes. “Will you please look at me?”
Swallowing thickly, you closed your eyes, “I can’t.” Your voice was no more than a whisper as you admitted the truth, one look in his eyes, and you’d break your heart even worse.
“At first, I thought it was easier for me to just say I was interested in someone else because I was under the impression that you were interested in another man,” Spencer told you candidly. “My idea was that I could keep you close to me until you felt ready to move on, and that would just have to be enough.”
Staring blankly ahead of you, you reached out to grab your water from the coffee table, taking small sips as you struggled to digest what he was saying to you.
You shut your eyes tightly at the vulnerability in the room, opening them to find Spencer knelt in front of you. “What I didn’t realize was that a fraction of you would never be enough, not for me.”
Burying your face in your hands, you avoided his eyes as the gravity of his admission weighed down your shoulders. “Spence,” you begged. He needed to stop. He was toeing the point of no return.
“I am so devastatingly in love with you,” he admitted. “I didn’t know how deeply it ran until the wedding, but I just couldn’t get myself to let you go.”
Spencer pried your hands off of your face, revealing teary eyes. You let your body slide off the chair until you knelt in front of him, knee to knee. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his.
Quickly, he wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling your body flush against his, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you answered, surprised at how easily the words rolled off of your tongue. Taking your time, you slung one arm over his shoulder, reaching the other up so you could put your hand in his hair. You relished in his groan as you tugged lightly at the strands.
You couldn’t help the whine that passed through your lips as he pulled away from you. He got to his feet before helping you up, and once you were standing, his lips were back on yours.
Leading you to what you assumed was his bedroom, you felt your blood heat up as he pushed your cardigan off of your shoulders. As you reached up to undo the buttons on his shirt, you grinned against his lips.
Sat on the edge of his bed, you parted your knees and pulled his shirt from where it was tucked into his pants before fumbling with his belt buckle. Disconnecting your lips so that you could look at what you were doing, he took the opportunity to duck his head and take your earlobe between his teeth. As he nipped at the soft skin, goosebumps spread where you were bare, leaving you in need of more. More of him.
Once you got his belt undone, you made quick work of the button and zipper on his slacks, sliding them down over his hips and ass while his hands made their way up your dress. “Spence,” you said breathlessly, trying to push his pants further down. Understanding your plea, he stepped out of them entirely, kicking them to the side.
Spencer drew away from you just enough to tug your dress off of your body, tossing it off to the side and gently guiding you so that your back was flat against the mattress. You watched in anticipation as he pulled his t-shirt off, the movement allowing for the tip of his cock to peek over the elastic of his boxers. “You’re so pretty,” he muttered, the softness of the words taking you by surprise, “Always so pretty for me, baby.” He gently traced his finger over your bruise as a shadow of worry crossed his features, but it was gone as quickly as it showed up.
His words spurred you on to pull at his underwear, trying to take them off, but you simply didn’t have the arm span to do it on your own. “I wanna touch you,” you confessed, “Can I touch you?”
“I need to be in you,” Spencer answered, pulling his boxers off before kneeling in front of you, eyes widening when your legs fell open. Expertly, he hooked his fingers in the sides of your underwear, dragging them off in one swift motion and leaving the both of you completely bare.
Your mouth parted when his hand reached your wet heat and two fingers entered you tantalizingly slowly. “I thought- ah- no touching,” you complained. It was a halfhearted complaint because really, there was nothing to be bothered by.  
Reaching down, your hand grabbed his wrist, trying to slow his ministrations. “You’re so responsive for me,” he murmured, continuing to move his fingers in and out of you and watching in fascination as your hips bucked off of the mattress involuntarily.
“Fuck,” You said, screwing your eyes shut as that all too familiar knot started to form in your lower belly. “Spence, baby- I’ll…” A low whine escaped your throat as he withdrew his fingers from your core. “Spencer,” you said in frustration, opening your eyes to see him inspecting your slick that had been left on his fingers.
Like a rehearsed routine, he placed his hand in front of your face, prompting you to incline your head forward and wrap your lips around his index and middle finger. As you swirled your tongue around his fingers, he watched you with an undying interest. “Good girl,” he muttered, the praise causing your sensitive cunt to clench around nothing.
Taking his hand back, you looked down as he used his now free hand to line his cock up with your entrance. Laying one of your hands at the side of your head, he used his other hand to intertwine your fingers before he pushed into you. Instead of tossing your head back like you normally would, you looked up at him, watching as he hilted himself in you. “Spencer,” you whispered.
“Are you alright?” He asked, checking in with you as he placed his free hand on the other side of your head.
You nodded quickly, “It just feels different this time.” Your heart clenched at your own admission. You weren’t using each other as an escape anymore.
Spencer hummed in understanding, leaning down and pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “I love you,” he whispered, “I love you so much.”
Your breath hitched as he tentatively thrust in you like he was testing the waters. “I love you,” you responded in kind, your voice higher than usual.
The response was enough encouragement for Spencer to keep going, he tucked his face in the crook of your neck, gently biting the skin as he set the pace. Small gasps escaped your throat every time his hips met yours.
As usual, your sounds spurred him on, seemingly trying to make you as vocal as possible, he used one hand to reach up and grope your breast. While his fingers pinched at your nipple, you wrapped your legs around his torso, locking your ankles together behind him. He lifted his head, moving his lips against yours in hurried, messy kisses that only aided the knot building in your stomach.
You didn’t have the capacity to warn him before you came undone beneath him, your orgasm coming over you as you whined into his mouth. Your walls clenched around him so tightly that Spencer had a hard time keeping his pace before it became too much.
Sighing contentedly as he filled you, you ran your hands down his back as he continued working through both of your orgasms. You whimpered as he continued fucking his cum into your oversensitive hole until your head went fuzzy, “Spence.”
He stuttered to a stop, staying inside of you for just a beat under he pulled out, causing you to flinch as you were left empty. “Are you alright?” He asked, still breathing heavily – not that you were faring much better.
Nodding, you blinked rapidly as your lungs tried to catch up with the rest of you, “I’m perfect,” you answered dazedly.
Spencer smiled at you, “You are. Perfect, that is.” He sat next to you on the bed, placing a hand on your bare hip, affectionately dragging his fingers over the skin. “You need to go pee,” he said suddenly, furrowing his brows at you.
You couldn’t help it as you erupted in a fit of giggles, resulting in an adorably confused look from Spencer. “Sorry, it’s just you telling me that I need to go pee – it’s funny,” you told him, biting your lip to muffle your laugh.
“Have you not been peeing after sex?” He was clearly appalled as if the idea of you not peeing after sex was abhorrent to him.
Rolling your eyes, you propped yourself up on your elbows, “Of course, I pee after sex, Dr. Reid,” you put extra emphasis on his honorific. “And I will pee just as soon as I’m sure my legs aren’t going to give out of me when I stand up,” you explained to him, reaching out and placing a hand on his knee.
He looked at you seriously, “You know, there are some studies that say the sooner after sex you urinate the less likely you are to contract a UTI.”
“Oh my god,” you said, “Don’t say the word urinate at me while I’m naked in your bed.” You complained, clambering up and making sure you were steady before you walked to the ensuite.
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Later on, you were laying in bed next to Spencer, your head was resting on his chest while he kept you tucked into his side. You flinched as a phone started ringing, you sat up and looked around for your phone. Please don’t be a case, you silently hoped as you searched the sheets for your phone.
Once you finally grabbed it, you saw Penelope’s contact flashing across the screen. Swiping the screen, you put the phone up to your ear, hearing loud music on the other end of the call. “Hey, Penny,” you said, smiling as Spencer reached out and pulled you back into him.
You adjusted your t-shirt over your skin, having made Spencer go out to your car for your go-bag so that you could have clean clothes to sleep in. He slipped his hand under the cotton of your shirt, placing his hand flat on your bare skin. You tried to greet Penelope again when she doesn’t respond.
“Hey!” Her voice chimed in through the speaker, “Where’d you go? Jason just got here!”
Frowning, you pulled your phone away and looked at the time – just past eleven o’clock. You sighed, letting your body meld into Spencer’s, “Tell him that someday he’ll find a girl with equally as atrocious time management skills as him.”
You heard some rambling on the other side of the call, and wondered how many members of the BAU made it out this late. “Okay, but where are you?”
Humming, you peered up at Spencer who had, unsurprisingly, pulled out a book to read before bed. “I’m right where I need to be,” you told her earnestly, wondering if she could hear your voice's smile as Spencer kissed your forehead softly.
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tagged, if you asked for a part two: @donttrustlove @jumpingjackalope @bippityboppityboob1tch @makingbloodbaths1 @sammyreidslut
@evvy96 @mus3y @nnab @basicallynotbreathing @hell0kitty11
@tatilolz @radioactiveinvisible @lamentis-10 @k-corbett @discotitsposts
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1K notes · View notes
a-d-nox · 11 days
astro hypothesis: dress for the occasion
everyone is always mentioning to dress like your venus sign. recently, i have seen a lot of tiktoks where people are like dress like your crush/boyfriend's venus sign to look like his dream girl. and i was like what about dressing for the occasion? which brought me here! grab your venus persona and take a look at the houses.
5h - prom, dances, dates, and clubs
5h cancer (4°, 16°, 28°) and/or 5h moon: elegance is key. you might be drawn to long, flowy gowns with shimmery fabric. something light but glowy! often the fabric is dark (black or midnight blue) or slivery/white. a sweetheart neckline or off the shoulder cut tends to look beautiful on these people. often you are drawn to semi-sheer fabric as it adds some mystique to your appearance.
5h libra (7°, 19°) and/or 5h venus: light pastels or ivory are likely to grab your attention but a plain white or black dress is likely to give you that elegant/timeless look that you want most in pictures to remember your day (otherwise, you might take pictures in a colored dress and turn on a black and white filter). you want the wow factor! so a-line, a ball gown, or fit-flare dresses might be your go to look. a floor length dress is likely a must for you. silk, satin, chiffon, and/or organza are likely on the tags of these dresses even if you don't know what these materials are by the naked eye. dresses with a sweetheart neckline or off the shoulder sleeves are likely to make you feel elegant. you may like very simple accessories - plain earrings, a dainty bracelet, small pendant necklace, classic heels, etc. a v-neckline, bateau, or strapless design is likely to fit your elegance same could be said about a low back dress.
5h aquarius (11°, 23°) and/or 5h uranus: you are likely to be drawn to the blue family (sky, sea, ocean, water, turquoise, etc.). iridescence/holographic/shimmery material might draw your attention in a store. you often go for something very atypical in the store (might be from seasons ago - its likely the last of its kind). something a-line, flowy, and/or high-to-low might be of interest to you - the cuts of a dress bring interest to your favorite parts of yourself (example, maybe its a two piece dress). something high neck or off the shoulder is likely of interest to you as well. a loose braid and/or waves might be all you need to finish out your look.
7h - wedding attire
7h aries (1°, 13°, 25°) and/or 7h mars: as a bride you should be wearing pure white. nudes or off-whites aren't likely to hold your attention anyway. grab the pure stark white. it is likely that reds are going to be an accent of this wedding - roses, nail, polish, bridesmaid dresses, etc. but if you aren't in the wedding party, go for the red whether its a fiery red or a deep burgundy, its the way to go! no matter if you are the bride, the guest, or a member of the wedding party - you should opt for a fit flare dress or mermaid silhouette. or be really dramatic and go for a deep slit, a plunge neckline, or something backless! the devil is in the details too so things like careful beading, sequins, or embroidery should be something critical to your look (if not the fit and/or the drama). alternatively, minimalism/modernism might be something you enjoy for your look.
7h gemini (3°, 15°, 27°) and/or 7h mercury: as a bride, you might lean towards ivory or whites with an undertone of some color (like a blush). you don't tend to go for the traditional white color, in my experience. if you are a guest or in the wedding party it is likely you will find yourself in soft pastel colors! movement is of the utmost importance to you so opt for a-line or flowy gown. you might also enjoy wearing things that are asymmetrical - the hemline might be high to low or you might like the one shoulder strap design. these people also like details in their dresses whether it is lace, embroidery, beading, ruffles, tiered skirts, or glitter - the options are endless. chiffon, tulle, or organza might be the fabrics for you because they are light and breathable.
6h - everyday clothes and workwear
6h pisces (12°, 24°) and/or 6h neptune: soft fabrics like cotton, silk, or jersey in gentle, soothing colors such as ocean blues, seafoam greens, lavender, and soft pinks. loose, flowing clothes like maxi skirts, wrap dresses, or wide-legged pants that move gracefully. style would likely be bohemian and free-spirited, incorporating layers, delicate patterns, or subtle prints (florals, paisley, etc.). clothes would be cozy and easy to wear—think oversized sweaters, soft cardigans, and flowy blouses. might like jewelry that is delicate, handmade, seashells, pearls, and/or celestial themed.
6h libra (7°, 19°) and/or 6h venus: these people have a natural sense of style and an appreciation for their appearance. outfits would likely be classic, well-tailored pieces in soft, neutral tones like blush pink, dove gray, cream, and pastel blues. the fabrics would be light and luxurious - like silk blouses, cashmere sweaters, or satin skirts. well-fitted blazers, A-line skirts, and or high-waisted trousers make them look polished and graceful. they effortlessly blend comfort with sophistication. everything else is minimal yet thoughtfully chosen - delicate gold or silver jewelry, a stylish handbag, etc.
9h - graduation and religious events
9h taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) and/or 9h venus: elegance, luxury, and comfort ("it has pockets too!"). a sleek, well-structured dress in an earthy tones like emerald green, soft brown, or blush pink. the fabric might be luxurious, like silk, satin, or velvet. a silhouette would likely be timeless and flattering - a wrap dress or an A-line dress that cinches at the waist, emphasizing femininity and grace is well suited for this placement. delicate embroidery or subtle jewelry accents. understated but beautiful accessories, like a simple gold necklace or pearl earrings.
9h leo (5°, 17°, 29°) and/or 9h sun: bold, glamorous, and attention grabbing. vibrant colors like gold, fiery red, or royal purple. the fabric might be something that shimmers or catches the light, such as sequined, satin, or metallic materials. a silhouette could be daring and statement-making, like a fitted flair dress, a high-low hemline, or an off-the-shoulder design. ruffles, a thigh-high slit, or an open back, ensures all eyes are on them. accessories would be bold—think large, sparkling earrings, a dramatic statement necklace, etc. yes, realize what my sub-header is for this section.
9h sagittarius (9°, 21°) and/or jupiter: it's never just one graduation or church event and thus never just one dress/opportunity. the dresses would likely have a regal, flowing quality to it. jewel tones like deep sapphire, royal blue, or amethyst. flowy, A-line, and/or empire waisted dresses that gives a sense of movement. fabric might be lightweight and ethereal, like chiffon, tulle, or silk. intricate embroidery, beading, etc. accessories would be tasteful but luxurious, like a delicate gold bracelet or a jeweled hairpiece.
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520 notes · View notes
harmoonix · 3 months
Astrology Observations
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She comes from the favela
Hills of Santa Teresa
Underneath the Redeemer
And the sun in the sky
🌴 - Pisces in your big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, and Mars) make the native to be a big dreamer! Their dreams and spiritual world is endlessly beautiful 🥰🥰
🌴 - Why do I have a feeling Libra and Cancer placements cry at happy endings?? Is their energy right there! They don't like when good things end 😀💔
🌴 - Sagittarius Placements especially Venus/Mars/Mercury so blessed, these planets give a tropical aura to the native 🦋🦋🦋
🌴 - Taurus/Pisces/Libra Placements need to live artistic lives, life is poetry, life is art, life is music, you are a muse in your own world 🪭🪭
🌴 - Jupiter/Saturn in the 9H or at 9° 21° degrees are blessed with very good knowledge! They're always the wise one in the group! 🏛🏛
🌴 - If you have multiple aspects to your Sun, you can often have personality disorders lime bipolar disorder! Always in a change of a mood💣💣
🌴 - Those with fewer aspects to planet Mars in their chart don't get angry that fast. They're more calm and peaceful 🦭🦭
🌴 - People always say sister signs belong together, yet here I am a Capricorn biatch always getting in arguments with Cancer placements!! I got enough!! No hate to cancers tough!! Everyone is different 😊🫶🏼
🌴 - 2025 will be a very changing year for me omfg😭 I will have Scorpio Rising in my solar return next year! If I'm gonna make it out alive I will make more solar return observations
🌴 - Imagine having a favorite planet in your birth chart and that planet is being the one with the less aspects 😭😭? Sun is my fav planet and I have like 3 aspects this is bullshit already
🌴 - People with Venus - Mercury aspects are appreciated for their voices! You have a very beautiful one!!👏👏
🌴 - When you have Saturn in late degrees like between 20° to 29° usually means Saturn has to finish something in this life💞
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🌴 - Moon in your 8H and Moon in Scorpio natives are the first ones to heal you! Usually, when you have people around you with those placements, it means you need healing💆‍♂️💆‍♂️💆‍♂️
🌴 - Venus in the first degrees between 0° and 10° need to focus on themselves first! You should always be your biggest priority
🌴 - Mercury at 9° and 21° is so talkative, and they always speak so fast and jump from subjects to another
🌴 - Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces in the 2H usually become addicted with the thing they buy/spend money on
🌴 - Moon in the 9H is a very beautiful placement to have if you love traveling around the world this placement gives you the chance to do that (Moon at 9° 21° too)
🌴 - It is known that people with Capricorn/Aquarius Placements have beautiful legs! Take care of all your body parts in order also in order to love yourself take care of your body
She come from the favela
Ask me 'e aí beleza'
🌴 - My Mom has her Venus in the 5H and she loves to do a lot of sports, she is so hard to beat at any ball game like she always wins 😭😭
🌴 - Moon in your 10H or at 10° 22° degrees can indicate your feelings are exposed to the world or the people around you! And you may be afraid to show them your true feelings
🌴 - Saturn in water signs always make sure to not speed the natives healing process! It always comes with the time
🌴 - Aries/Gemini and Leo Placements are possibly the most curious people you will ever meet because they learn things everyday
🌴 - Moon between 5° and 10° can be the most active moon placement when they're surrounded with things they enjoy
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🌴 - Juno asteroid between 10° and 19° degrees can indicate a spouse who's gonna teach you a lot of things
🌴 - Lilith between 20° and 29° is usually when Lilith feels the most powerful because she feels like she can run the world, is empowering
🌴 - Capricorn and Pisces placements can find comfort in isolating themselves if they actually need it!
🌴 - I don't think there is someone who can understand Aquarius Moon natives feelings better than themselves, because is their inner world after all
🌴 - Not an astro observations but since this post is targeted around travelling, there is a legend that says when your soul is in love with a country/place is probably because there is someone waiting for you in that place or country Do you think it is true guys?)If the theory is true my soulmate is living on the other side of the globe 🤡🤡🤡
🌴 - If Gemini or Mercury sits in the 6H you probably like to talk or to spread awareness and warnings about specific things like maybe a conflict or a war or any other crise
🌴 - Sagittarius Mars can have a good accent when they try to speak a foreign language it work if your Mars is also in the 9H or at 9° or 21°
F A V E L A 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your Pluto sits in the 11H or at 11° 23° you can attract envy from people around you especially friends are the first envy targets
🌴 - Saturn/Capricorn in the 12H can feel so tiring! Is usually because it is a very deep placement to have for the 12H topics make sure to rest
🌴 - I love how ambitious are natives with Saturn in the 6H or Saturn in Virgo/Saturn at 3° 15° 27° degrees, they really make the job done
🌴 - In my opinion Saturn really loves the middle houses like 5H/6H/7H/8H because it teaches the native hard lessons through learning where in other placements Saturn will mostly do lots of practice with the natives like the 1H or 2H
🌴 - Saturn in Aquarius/Saturn in the 11H/Saturn at 11° 23° will teach you how to value your true friendships and in the same time to learn how a friendship is suppose to work
🌴 - Lilith in Sagittarius/9H and at 9° 21° Most times can end up losing their faith or beliefs or simply changing them! (This can not apply to everyone)
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🌴 - In the Vedic astrology placements in the 9H and 12H like Venus, Moon or Sun can find their spouses usually a bit more later in life
🌴 - In the Vedic astrology your nakshatra plays a big role in your personality, appearance, beauty, which one is yours? Mine is in Chitra 🫶🏼 find your nakshatra here! You'll need to do a nakshatra calculator first
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🌴 - Aries Sun/Moon and Rising natives are so naturally charming, I swear their faces play such a big role in their beauty, especially the eyebrows
🌴 - I think is easier for mercury in fire signs to call and tell you everything instead of writing messages, I think they wanna say it face to face
🌴 - Moon and Sun can be introverted in the 2H/4H/6H/8H/ and 12H because these planets usually are more mysterious in those houses
🌴 - Jupiter in Virgo/6H and at 6° 18° have so much luck when they're looking for a job! It might actually be manifested into your subconscious
🌴 - If someone has their Jupiter in the same sign as your Venus, they can be so much into you without realizing it is something that grows over time
🌴 - Virgo Moons think more logical than others because they loveee to keep it in order, everything has their own time in this space
🌴 - If you have your 11H connected to the 8H your *fake* friends may want to use you for money, take care of such people (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 11H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 8H)
🇧🇷 Deep in the colors and the streets
Lost in the funk favela beats
Prisioneira 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your 7H is connected to the 10H can indicate your spouse can be the breadwinner and the provider in the relationship (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 7H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 10H)
🌴 - Your 7H Lord/Ruler and its aspects can also tell you a lot about your spouse and your relationship with them.
🌴 - Mars in the 1H/3H/10H tend to really be turned on easily, I swear they're always there ready for something to happen
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🌴 - Chiron in Virgo can indicate someone who may be very controlling and strict even with themselves but also with other people
🌴 - Virgo south node can indicate someone who worked in the favor of service and devotion in a past life
🌴 - I honestly love the trio of the natives with horns like Aries Taurus and Capricorn?? Horn creature - like are so beautiful!!
🌴 - Saturn in the 1H natives are more comfortable being alone than with people who stress them 24/7
🌴 - Leo and Cancer placements usually have very shiny skin, or their skin color might be really pretty (it can be any skin color) it will just make your appearance charming
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
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Canção riso e dor, melodia de amor
Um momento que fica no ar
Damn this post took so long, but it ended so good! Let Venus to bless the aether! 💞🦋 Harmoonix
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vivmaek · 11 months
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This was originally going to be another roast. But tbh, my heart has been feeling heavy the past few months. I'm sure some of you can relate, especially with all the events currently occurring in our world. So, I decided to focus on what I love most about certain placements in an effort to spread a little positivity.
✿ Aries Moons stand up and fight for the people they care about. They won’t let their friends be belittled within their presence, they have your back. They’re the first to speak out on injustice and will take action to make things right. 
❀ People who have Gemini in the 8th house ask questions that matter. They invoke deep thoughts within other people and are unafraid to explore topics that are uncomfortable or taboo. 
✿ Those who have a Moon Sextile Venus aspect know how to make others feel loved. They pay attention to their loved ones, and give each and every one of them the special attention that they deserve. These people are relationship builders. 
❀ Libra Venus, how does it feel to be god's favorite? These types invoke good feelings in other people. They’re so sweet and have hearts of gold. Good friends and romantic companionships are easy for them to find because their affection comes from a place of authenticity. 
✿ People with Saturn in the 7th house wait for what's right for them. They take their commitments seriously and don’t play around with people's feelings. They respect their romantic partners. Their firm boundaries lead to successful relationships. 
❀ Walking earth angels have a Sun trine Neptune aspect. They have a divine presence and they don’t get tied up within their own ego. People look to them for spiritual guidance. They uplift the souls of others. 
✿ Aquarius Mercurys aren’t afraid to evoke controversy. Sometimes this is needed in the world. If there's an elephant in the room, they’ll point out the obvious. They formulate their own unique thoughts, and are not easily influenced. 
❀ People who have their Moon placed within the 4th house know how to make a home. As someone who was raised by a person with this placement, I truly reaped the benefits of this. They keep family traditions alive, or even start new ones. They understand the importance of family and act as the glue that holds everything together. 
✿ Those who have a Uranus trine Ascendant aspect make life more interesting. Without them, the world would be a boring place. There is no one like them, and they cannot be replaced. Their quirky nature is endearing. They are such a breath of fresh air. 
❀ Taurus Mercurys are so level headed that it has a calming effect upon the people who surround them. They take things slow and are not quick to jump to conclusions. Within group projects or endeavors, they are at the heart of it. People can depend on them. 
✿ People who have Uranus in the 10th house prove to others that you can lead an unconventional life and still find success. They don’t follow the rules, and don’t rely on tradition for stability. They inspire others through their free spirit. 
❀ When someone has a Venus sextile Saturn aspect within their birth chart, they make relationships that last a lifetime. These people are loyal friends and they know how to maintain the longevity of a relationship. They show up for people when needed and they never make a promise that they can’t keep. 
✿ People with a Gemini Venus teach other people how to have fun within relationships. They love innocently and there are no strings attached. They make their friends and loved ones feel like a kid again when in their presence. Their lighthearted approach to love is comedic, they live life as if it were a rom-com. 
❀ Cancer 1st housers are quiet leaders. They approach life with a healthy level of confidence. As a leader, they still treat their subordinates with the respect they deserve. They don’t forget about the little people, and are attentive to people who are struggling. 
✿ A Saturn trine Neptune aspect allows the native to grow significantly when faced with opposition and challenge. They understand the importance of spiritual lessons, and go out of their way to right their wrongs. They don’t lose sight of what they’re working towards, and won’t lose their sense of morality once they achieve success. 
❀ Libra Moons remind people how important it is to incorporate pleasure into life. Working hard means nothing if you don’t stop and appreciate the benefits you’ve gained. Having an appreciation for the little things doesn't mean they’re materialistic. 
✿ Uranus 7th houses maintain independence within relationships and don’t lose sight of who they are. They are not going to change who they are just so a relationship can function. They march to the beat of their own drum, you can dance to the music or move along. 
❀ People with a Mercury trine Ascendant aspect bring humor into this world. Of course, they’re incredibly smart and their academic skills are impressive. However, they still don’t take themselves too seriously and are full of witty remarks. They share the best memes and are always in the know. 
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heartlilith · 11 months
Astrology Observations
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 2
🔮I'm not sure if it's my Neptune or Uranus in the 1st but over the years my physical features have changed on their own... when I was a toddler I was blonde, in middle school my hair started turning red, then high school it was auburn and now it's dark brown. Same with my eyes; when I was young they were dark blue and now they're green.
✨If your Moon/Venus/Ascendent opposes or squares Saturn/Neptune/Pluto or you have Neptune/Saturn/Lilith/in the 1st house (and probably more aspects) then it will never matter how beautiful or attractive you are because you'll never view yourself that way
🔮The sign on your 5th house cusp is usually the sun/dominant sign of your favorite artist; whether that's music, art, fashion, or literature (there's other aspects that can determine this but I relate to this the most)
✨I've met a lot of Aquarius, Pisces, and Virgo placements who are vegan/vegetarian (esp sun, moon, 2nd house, 6th house, and 12th house placements)
🔮Earth dominant people find animals very therapeutic
✨OPINION: I look at Mars signs as the type of vibe people give off, of course the rising sign plays a part in this as well but once you get to know someone I believe this becomes more and more apparent (unless Mars is in their 12th house ofc)
🔮OPINION: Sagittarius/Gemini/Capricorn placements are the funniest out of the zodiac - Sagittarius because they're outrageous and dramatic, Gemini because they're quick and witty, Capricorn because they're super sarcastic and have that dry humor
✨Aquarius placements have a lot of people who love them but they feel like no one truly *gets* them... they get a bad rep for always trying to be "different" and "unique" but they feel this in the worst way which leads to them becoming very lonely
🔮It takes a lot to get Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Aquarius/Capricorn placements mad but once you do you're f***ked
✨Cinderella definitely had Venus in the 1st house, Saturn in her 4th house, and Jupiter in the 7th house
🔮Lilith in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th house attracts a lot of gossip
✨Lilith in the 1st house means you're your own worst enemy
🔮Lilith in the 4th house can indicate being a single parent
✨Lilith in the 12th house can indicate being a mistress or the male equivalent
🔮Juno through the houses can give more insight on what partner is right for you;
Juno in the 1st house; independent partner who wants to show the world they love you
Juno in the 5th house; a fun, creative and optimistic partner
Juno in the 11th house; a best friend, popular and friendly partner
Part 1
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mellowellez · 11 months
astro observations air signs🌬️
🦋gemini suns/mercury people are so funny and comedic it’s my favorite trait about them honestly
🦋gemini venus people can get easily bored in a relationship if it’s not fun or interesting
🦋aquarius rising have this outgoing and humane attitude about them that i really just appreciate they are all about equality
🦋aquarius suns I feel like do the most out of pocket and extraordinary things lmaoo but I respect it they aren’t afraid to be themselves
🦋every person with libra placements I’ve seen or met is ridiculously and utterly gorgeous Ik that’s pretty obvious since they’re ruled by venus but still
🦋libra risings have this approachable and caring nature that makes people love them
🦋libra moons are the real indecisive ones but yet the most creative
🦋gemini moons are so hard to keep up with but luckily as a mutable dominant I keep up with them and their ability to be really changeable
🦋aquarius moons can be really emotional and sensitive people they just are afraid of showing vulnerability because they don’t want people thinking they are “weak”??! But some have no problem showing it if developed
🦋aquarius venus are not the type to be held down or restricted of their freedom in a relationship they want both respect,trust, fun and freedom in a relationship
🦋libra venus can be very passive aggressive in love and indecisive while dating someone but they will love extremely hard
🦋gemini mars are so witty and quick with comebacks/compliments etc.
🦋3H placements tend to overthink and analyze everything they’re pretty much interested in ANYTHING that has to do with communication , gossip etc.
🦋aquarius mars can have a pretty eccentric and futuristic approach to their goals and ambitions they will do anything to achieve it
🦋aquarius mercury people can be so weird or interesting when they talk plus they have really cool and eccentric voices🩶
🦋libra mercury will ask for others advice/opinion on something before making a decision or even forming their own opinion on something but for the most part they are independent thinkers
🦋libra mars are all about being diplomatic and friendly when approaching or talking about a topic/goal they most likely optimistic about the results
🦋gemini risings have impeccable taste and style they always experiment with their clothes/makeup or outfits
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bevioletskies · 2 years
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tinn & gun + favorite moments (in no particular order)
“My turn. If we become close friends one day, what would you like me to know in advance?”
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black-lake · 7 months
astro observations 12
heyy here are some of the things i found out lately while i was wasting time
🎠 An aries moon and capricorn sun man, I always find this mix intriguing. Can give off the vibes of a character straight out of a webtoon, or a fuck boy that’s just visibly toxic. Either way I find them so incredibly magnetic. They possess strong fiery auras and usually have a rebellious streak to them. If they act out of their shadows they can be arrogant, insensitive, disloyal and only chase after the physical. 
🎠 Initially I wondered why eminem doesn’t give me libra sun vibes at all, then I looked a bit deeper into his chart and realized that he’s just textbook uranian, he even looks like an alien and acts like one at times. He got sun conjunct uranus, aquarius moon, mars conjunct uranus, and uranus square nn. He was born to be a rebel. 
🎠 He’s one of greatest rappers to exist and it’s worthy to mention some of the aspects that indicate his unique talent for rapping. First of all mars conj uranus is known to give unique talents, so that’s that. In this case sun and mars conj uranus granting him a natural rhythm, quick thinking, and unique expression. But the supersonic speed doesn’t come just from that. What’s interesting is that his ability to be a fast rapper and master lyricist is amplified by pluto also being in libra, conjunct his mars and pallas, fueling him with anger, intensifying his capabilities with determination, and heightened mental control and intelligence. Saturn is also in an air sign (gemini), indicating speed and intelligence. This gives rise to a grand air trine, linking his powerful stellium of sun, mars, uranus, pluto, and pallas in libra, his moon in aquarius, and saturn in gemini. The stars really aligned there making him the rap god huh.
🎠 If you know eminem's story you'd know that he had a tough upbringing. From a difficult mother and absent father to being an outcast bouncing between schools and sketchy neighbourhoods, the only white kid in a black community, being bullied by gangs, and even beaten up till he drifted out of consciousness, then dropped out of school. Makes me think it's why he keeps his bodyguards with him all the time! He was left with nothing and a daughter to provide for, encountered racial prejudice in rap contests for being white, despite these obstacles, he rose to become the best-selling hip-hop artist and earned recognition from rappers as one of the greatest of all time. Leads me to the next obs.
🎠 Heavy uranus/aquarius or 11°, 23° can easily become misfits without trying to. They’re constantly put in new environments, places where they’re the only ones of their kind, like a white kid in a black community, a foreign in a mostly local area, the new kid in school. There’s always ‘something different about them’ that people pick up on even if it was as early as elementary school. Which may get them outcasted or bullied. Their experiences at times lead them to hate school and drop out. 
🎠 People with these placements have something special to offer the world. It may seem like obstacles are constantly put in their way without them doing anything, but it’s their path unfolding. So they can wake up from their conditioned states and break from the status quo. The more that happens the more they realize who they are. 
🎠 Here’s why I think those that got capricorn north node can be the best fathers or the child’s favorite parent. It’s part of their destiny to be a caregiver and a good example for their children and they have the biggest hearts when it comes to caring for them and protecting them. They desire to give their child what they themselves may have lacked in their youth and shield them from the pain they experienced. Their child is their inspiration and reason to keep going in a way.
🎠 The biggest two examples I can give, Eminem singing mockingbird (one of my favs) for his daughter Hailie. He often mentions her in award shows, and did a whole diss track (killshot), in 13 minutes btw lmao, just because MGK made a tweet about his daughter. The other example is Travis Scott singing goosebumps for his daughter Stormi on stage and bringing her to his concerts. She has always said that her fav parent is her dad. Anyway, don’t mess with these ppl’s kids they’ll go after you to the end of the world. 
🎠 Men with mercury conjunct saturn have deeper voices, speak slowly and eloquently like they’re a 50 year old even if they’re 25. They are very grounded, have a methodical way of thinking and are wise beyond their years. Also masters at dodging questions.
🎠 I’ve seen it a lot and experienced it myself having an aries stellium. Women with a lot of aries or mars placements can often feel like they’re more cute, youthful and sexy in a cool way rather than the typical feminine way. They often have toned bodies, smaller chests and a lot of masculine qualities that trying to appear too feminine can feel fake to them. 
🎠 People with north node in capricorn can feel like they've been robbed of the success they deserve. It's giving the vibe of a musician that has worked so damn hard on their album and received public success but no official awards, then released another album and did it again and again and still haven’t gotten a grammy. I mean grammys are scams but ykwim. Along the lessons of success and accomplishment, there's also a profound lesson in patience and self-validation, a focus on recognizing one's worth from within rather than seeking external validation.
🎠 I noticed that aries, gemini, aquarius and capricorn placements or heavy mars, mercury, uranus and saturn can prefer skirts over dresses or just wear pants all the time.
🎠 Those with uranus-neptune in pisces really brought back the love for anime, manga, webtoons, cosplay, colourful cute aesthetics, dreamcore, surrealist aesthetics and art. They just got a dreamland vibe to them and it’s quite fascinating to see.
🎠 I have north node in leo and I'm starting to look like my 5 year old self, no joke, connecting to your inner child can do that. Looking at my childhood photos stirs up emotions within me. I often find myself reminiscing and yearning for that carefree time when I was simply myself, devoid of societal pressures. Plus, I can't help but notice after fixing my fucked up teeth I got my child smile back. I feel like I'm in a journey of rediscovery as I start to recognize that childlike spirit within me once again.
🎠 Those with sagittarius, libra, taurus, gemini, leo and aries placements have the most beautiful smiles omg, like it does something to your heart. Please keep smiling it really brightens up this world. I mean I can fit all the signs here I just love when others smile. 🥺
🎠 Mercury opposite pluto, these native can say exactly what would get them mocked or bullied. They keep starting the wrong fights for the wrong reasons. They could get triggered of people who communicate better than them. Their lesson lies in improving their communication skills, cultivating tactfulness and diplomacy, and learning to reclaim their power in a psychological manner rather than resorting to mindless verbal confrontations.
🎠 Mars conj/opp pluto can at times experience violence early on, in school or their neighborhood. They experience a lot of obstacles constantly, inner and outer pressures that they may feel like giving up. These challenges ultimately instill within them greater resilience and determination to pursue their goals. Many martial artists and athletes have this aspect, seeking an outlet to channel the intense anger they experience.
🎠 People with aries north node really go from one battle to another without a break. Leaving behind their need to compromise and avoid confrontations can be challenging but is the very thing that brings those battles. Eventually they will find themselves needing to defend themselves alone with no support, fighting back relentlessly no matter what and stop compromising to keep the peace. They will gain this sense of self assurance and bravery to face anything in life.
🎠 I know someone with a lot of saturn oppositions, aquarius sun and stellium opposite saturn, capricorn moon and aries nn. This person has always been underestimated by their parents and always felt like an outsider. They had controlling parents that imposed so many restrictions on them. They also were targeted in school for having a funny and likable personality. Being their aquarius mc and aries mercury bestie I saw their potential and encouraged them to fight back even if it meant making a scene. They eventually built up the courage to stand up for themselves no matter how alone they are. But they also have this wisdom to know when to pick their battles and when to ignore things and let them go, which I look up to.
🎠 People with a lot of chiron conjunctions or oppositions have a heart of gold. Real angels on earth that have been through it. They have so much compassion and understanding for others because they’ve been hurt in many ways. They know what it feels like to be wounded by life and have tremendous amounts of empathy for that. They have sensitive souls and their presence alone can make others feel seen and heard. I appreciate these people a lot, like thank u for existing. 
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martian-astro · 6 months
Solar return observations- Part 3
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(the artist is @eb_hua on twitter)
Saturn in 10th is a frustrating placement (my mom had it last year and basically with this you feel financially helpless, you keep on trying and trying but nothing works, but the good thing is that 2-3 months before your next birthday, you're gonna hit the jackpot, so don't worry too much) (my sister also has it this year)
I have noticed that in every solar return chart that I've looked at, the chiron was in conjunction with the north node and it has happened way too many times for me to call it a coincidence. (do you have it as well, let me know) (according to my observations, the house that it's in represents the area where you'll experience pain but also by the end of the year, you're gonna be able to deal with the themes of that house in a better way, am I making sense??) just let me know if you have any questions about this placement, I think it's very common
The year in which you have a gemini AC, you will focus a lot on building your professional network, a lot of communication, short distance travel and improving your relationship with your siblings, if you have any. (my sister has it this year and her master's will end on 29th April, she has applied to many places for a job and she's also coming to visit me, I'M GOING TO MEET HER AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS😁😁)
Mars in 12th indicates a low libido, a very exhausting year in general, if you also have sun in 1st then... It can be pretty bad (it's like you KNOW that you need to stop procrastinating, but you really can't help it, so you look calm on the outside but your brain is like AKDHSGHSKGSKJDJK)
Jupiter in 10th in aries is a REALLY GOOD placement. (you get the courage to go after what you want, especially in terms of career) and if Jupiter is Trine/sextile with saturn, then it's even better
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Uranus in 5th can mean having flings with people that are not your usual type. (one of my friends came to Italy this year, and the first thing she did was hook up with an Italian guy 😭😭, she's Indian)
Aries in 2nd is an impulsive shopping placement (if you have it and you think you need something, you don't) (one of my friends had this last year and he bought a hat for €150...... Yeah. He has saturn in 2nd this year and he's finally facing the consequences of his actions)
I know that saturn in 8th is associated with difficulties in sex and intimacy but there's another side to it (a lot of my friends have had this, and they became really mature about sexual matters, like if they were previously very into the hook up culture then that year they were more cautious and had this "I'm going to have sex with the person who I genuinely like or love" mentality)
This is very shocking but I looked at the solar returns of all the married couples I know and the year in which they got married, NONE OF THEM had a 7th house stellium 💀💀. For men, I didn't notice a pattern, but for women, 90% of them had Venus positively aspecting saturn (mostly, Trine and sextile but 2 had a conjunction)
My favorite solar return placement has to be mercury conjunct Jupiter, if its happening in capricorn or virgo, then you're really precise and direct with your words, a very leader type aura for that year. If it's in libra, then good for flirting and talking to your crush, there's a high chance they'll fall for your charms. If it's in pisces, then it's your sign to start a cult.
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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crazilust · 3 months
My thoughts on these placements
based on my last lover. PSA: this might be biased. don’t take it TOO seriously, it’s mostly for me to purge this relationship. LETS GOOOOOOO !!
1. Gemini rising
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Have you ever felt hella special to someone and then you see them interact with someone else and you’re like “oh. i’m… i’m just another one of their friends.” this is what it feels to be around a gemini rising sometimes. most of the ones I know, are either extremely popular, know alot of people or at the very least just hang out regularly with a bunch of people (might just be colleagues and not necessarily friends but they’re often surrounded). And they have this way of making you feel special, and funny and entertaining but most of the times, they’re the ones controlling the discussion and the flow of it.
when it came to my ex, he knew so many people and every person he was interacting with, he knew a little detail about them, and it made the person care so much about him. Even though he didn’t as much. Somewhat flimsy, it’s hard to know a Gemini rising’ true intentions with you.
2. Sagittarius sun
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Sags don’t have the best reputation in my book, and he certainly didn’t help the stereotypes. The thing with Sags sun that I find hard to understand is the constant lie they have between who they truly are and who they want to be. It’s a constant battle of “don’t look too hard into my flaws bc soon enough I’ll be this grandiose super star and therefore you can forget about the awkward nerd you have in front of you.” Most of them are nerds, truly. But they hate it. As opposed to Aquarius sun’s desire to be different and their ability to stand on their two feet even tho they’re being outcast, a Sag sun’s deepest fear is to be seen as the weirdo they are. (that unfortunately they associated with being a loser)
If you’ve never been close with a Sag, you’ll be the first to deny this claim. “What?? The Sag I met was THE life of the party! No weirdo here.” or “The Sag I met was a boss ass btch, she had everything under control and very educated!!”
And that, my friends, is what we call a front. Sure, they can be the life of the party, usually very keen on getting their diplomas, but if you don’t know them, that’s the only part of them you’ll get to see cause it’s the part they deem acceptable.
I’m not even gonna comment on the commitment issues, cause yall… you know it already lmao.
3. Virgo moon
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Nobody hates an underdeveloped virgo moon more than they hate themselves. So critical, judgemental and harsh. They notice absolutely everything that you do and instead of going to you and confront you about the issue, they’ll keep it in, and throw it back to your face the minute it’s convenient for them (when they effed up). Very hard to love because they simply can’t accept that you love and accept their own flaws. I remember my ex asking me litteraly all the time “How can you love me if I’m not as pretty as before” (it was in his head, he was just as cute) “How can you love me if I don’t have a job?” (He had lost his job for only 2 months at that point) No matter what I’d say, he couldn’t believe that I loved him wholeheartedly, no matter what.
Sometimes, when I look at a virgo moon, unevolved ofc, all I can see is pain. Virgo is an already hard sign to have imo (sorry!) but in the moon placement, it’s just sad. These natives are so harsh on themselves and accept no help whatsoever. And if you do try, they’ll do everything to push you away and trust me, one thing Virgos do is succeed.
4. Libra Mars
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As a scorpio mars, libra mars is not my favorite placement. But as I checked my vedic chart and I do, in fact, have a libra mars, I hate that I understand why they act the way they do.
They care so much about everything being perfect, everyone getting along and most importantly being at peace with the ones they love. The cliches are true for a reason, they dislike conflict and yes, are passive agressive but it’s because they don’t want to lose the people they love with petty drama.
So they don’t say anything, and they accomodate even tho that one thing irritated them and then when you confront them about something, they bring you everything you’ve done wrong for the past six months. That’s the part I hate, ofc, but I also hate that I get it.
I get it. They’re the biggest people pleasers and when they don’t say anything about something that upsets them, they actually think they’re doing it for the greater good. They obviously analyse everything you’re doing wrong, but they don’t mind not saying it cause they’d rather be at peace with you. So how dare you don’t do the same for them?
That’s the mentality. Unfortunately for them, it brings bigger conflict because then you feel betrayed they never said anything to begin with. UGH.
SPEAK YOUR MIND, Libras of any placements actually <3
5. Sagittarius Mercury
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If you consider yourself soft, delicate, sensitive, do not date a Sag mercury. These people are ruthless. As friends, I find them hilarious and fun to be around, but as lovers I would never do that to myself again. Just never <3. They are very blunt (which doesn’t mean they won’t lie! We’re talking about a Jupiter ruled sign here yall), but in a way that won’t make you feel good about yourself. They’ll often use humour to attack you and then use it as a shield the moment you call them out on it (i.e : It was just a jokeeeeee!)
Gives very good advice, I’ll give them that. I think sometimes I can have a little bit of tunnel vision and with Sag mercuries, they’re able to tap you on the shoulder and be like “Have you consider this tho?” in the most casual way and you’re like “oh.. no. yes. you’re right”
6. Aquarius Venus
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If you love the friends to lovers trope, you’ll just love dating an Aquarius venus because that friendship-like relationship will be the foundation of your dynamic. Everything feels fun, the complicity is at an all time high.
But the commitment.
Now, I’ve read multiple times here that Aquarius venus is actually very committed to the person they love when they like you. Well, I guess I wasn’t his person cause I only felt the commitment phobia.
Anyways, I still loved the dynamic of the relationship, but I can’t lie, it didn’t feel serious at all.
Well that’s all for me, today. Love yall!!
Remember, these are the big 6 of my ex so it is biased nothing to take too personal but if it applies and resonates, great💛
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cazshmere · 17 days
Some of my favorite synastry aspects and house overlays that I’ve experienced <3
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🎀✨
🎀 mercury trine mercury synastry - OMG mercury synastry is SO SO important when it comes to both friendships and relationships. I have a sag mercury and whenever I talk to other fire sign mercury’s, I feel SO heard and seen fr😭, they genuinely match my freak (mentally). Not a single dull moment with these people 🤣🫶🏻
🎀 mars in the 1st house synastry (esp when I’m the house person) - okay now HEAR ME OUT😭🙏, yes the mars person can be super ANNOYING but for some reason I enjoyed them annoying me 💀💀💀 does that make sense? It was them irritating me and me pretending to be annoyed but secretly turning away and smiling/blushing cause I lowkey enjoyed it😭👀. Playful bullying core fr
🎀 sun opposite sun synastry - okay this is not everyone’s cup of tea cause it probably depends on the sign but as a sag sun I LOVE gemini sun’s (mostly the women, the men are uh…💀) anyway my best friends are all gemini’s and I absolutely love and adore them🫶🏻🫶🏻😌
🎀 mercury in the 1st house synastry - okay this synastry felt so awkward and comfortable at the same time😭😭. It took ages for me to talk to this person but when we did speak it was sooooooo easy. Also somehow we always accidentally bump into each other or touch each other 💀
🎀 mercury in the 6th house synastry - there’s something very comforting in knowing that this person will be consistent in your life. Talking to them daily will definitely become a habit and they’re literally a part of your routine and you can feel like your day isn’t complete without talking to them😭🩵
🎀 mercury in the 8th house synastry - oh my this synastry was really really good, the house person understood me inside and out and that was scary and comforting at the same time. I had this with my ex and he knew me a bit TOO well which got concerning honestly 💀💀. But either way I could happily express my point of view and never feel stupid or dumb to share stuff with him and he always understood and reciprocated my energy.
🎀 mars opposite moon synastry - goddamn😭 this synastry is spicy for sure🥵👀. Lot of banter and arguments for “fun” (I blame my aries moon for enjoying this synastry lol). I had this with one of my classmates and he would try to tease and annoy me for no reason, we always butted heads💀. Also there’s a lot of jealousy involved in this synastry but hey it was exciting so🤭😋
🎀 venus trine mars synastry - come on everyone knows how attractive this synastry is! trines are obviously not as intense but the attraction is OBVIOUS, you can’t NOT notice each other! Lots of eye contact too😋. They might not be your usual type but you still find them attractive nonetheless 🤭👀
should I post my least favourite synastry aspects and overlays next?😋 lmk
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pic and banner credits : @/heavenurl
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