#my favorite part so far are probably the scanned pages because i love writing dialogue for the belcher fam so much
golden--doodler ¡ 8 months
Here are all of the panels that I have of my Bob's Burgers comic featuring my OC, Alexis, thus far (I've shared the first few, but I have more now)! Work on it has been slow going because making a comic is hard. And yes, I know that it looks inconsistent because some of the pages were drawn digitally and a few were drawn on actual paper that I scanned into my computer (I wanted to experiment with different looks for the characters, which is why, and then decided to go back to digital).
I hope y'all enjoy what I have so far!
I also just realized I somehow forgot to draw Bob's mustache so you get cursed mustacheless Bob-- 😭
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fizzyhosh ¡ 5 years
Chapter Six
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Summary: Remus likes things predictable, orderly, and punctual. His comfort-zone is compromised when he meets (Y/N), a girl who is indifferent, spontaneous, and not outwardly friendly. Despite their obvious differences, he can’t seem to stay away from her, even when they aren’t working side-by-side at the most boring job on the planet.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: OMG WHAT A WILD RIDE! I’m so happy y’all have stuck with this story until the end! It’s been a slow af burn but the final part is finally here! I hope you all love it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it! Shout out to @swellwriting and @fortisfiliae for being my betas for this last part, go give them a follow!!
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1. a strong covering holding the pages of a book together.
1. (of an agreement or promise) involving an obligation that cannot be broken.
As expected, Remus went straight to his room when he got home and locked himself in to avoid James and Sirius. Well, more specifically, he abruptly walked inside the apartment, taking in short, shallow breaths that James recognized as 'panic', ignored the guys as they asked a million questions, locked his bedroom door behind him, pushed his small dresser in front of the door like a barricade, and fell on his bed to cry.
He felt like a five-year-old but didn't care. He royally messed up. He switched back-and-forth between crying silently, his shoulders shaking from the massive sobs, and letting the exhaustion take over and falling asleep.
When he woke up after a few hours of this routine, a soft knock sounded on his door, followed by a concerned, "Rem?"
Remus ignored the voice, his back to the door, until he realized who it was. He rolled off the bed and dragged his feet to the wood separating him and Lily. Shaking his head at how dramatic he had been, he nudged his dresser out of the way and cracked open the door slightly, looking down at the girl.
"Hey," she said with sweetness laced in her voice. No wonder James was in love with her. Two words had been spoken and he already felt a little calmer. Her eyes flickered down to the dresser and she frowned. “Did... you barricade the door?”
"What are you doing here?" Remus mumbled.
"James told me you've been in your room since you got home a few hours ago. Can I come in?"
"I'm not particularly fond of the idea of guests right now."
"Let me rephrase that, then. I'm coming into your room so we can talk."
With a deep sigh, Remus stepped slightly to the right, allowing just enough space for her to walk into the room. Lily pushed past him, unbothered that he was dramatically pouting and sighing as a way to tell her he was annoyed by company. She knew. She didn't care. Lily sat on his bed, crossed her legs, and waited until he joined her—which took a few moments because he was dragging his feet still—before clearing her throat. "Spill it, Remus."
Remus shook his head. "It's nothing-"
"I don't appreciate it when you lie to me. I'm trying to help you because clearly you're spiraling and when you spiral, it's never good. I can't help you if you don't let me."
So he did. He told her about the girl at the bookstore and how he visited the library because of her and how that day, she found out and was repulsed by him.
After Remus finished, now having more tears on his face than before, Lily sighed and pulled him into a hug. "Even though she has a boyfriend, I felt like we were getting somewhere. Maybe not romantically, but I felt comfortable around her. She was starting to become one of my best friends."
"Have you talked to her?"
"No," he said as he pulled away from her. "And I'm not going to. I don't want to scare her more than I already have. She's probably already blocked my number."
"I highly doubt that. She was probably just caught off-guard because she didn't know you liked her, but I don't think she's going to call the police on you anytime soon."
Remus didn't say anything.
"You don't have to come to my party tomorrow. I'm sure you didn't want to anyway, but just saying, I won't be offended. I know you like to watch movies when you're like this."
"James is still trying to get me to go."
"In that case, you are officially uninvited to my party. Now he can't make you go because I won't let you in at the door."
Remus smiled lightly. "Thanks, Lily. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
The redhead smiled brightly and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Rem. Don't think too hard about Y/N or you'll overthink it again. Just talk to her at work on Monday." She stood up after squeezing his shoulder and left without another word.
Thanks to Lily's kind words and even kinder act of uninviting him to her party, Remus was able to stay in his room and wallow from dawn to dusk the following day.
He did, however, bravely decide to send a text to Y/N, just to see if he was still blocked. If she responded, maybe he could see how she was feeling about everything and panic accordingly.
To Y/N
Sorry about yesterday. Hope you can give me a chance to explain myself better.
*Message Delivered*
He sighed and set his phone down, close enough to feel the vibration if he got a text back, but far enough away that he wasn't obsessing over it.
He glanced at the book on his nightstand and frowned. It was the most recent recommendation and he actually was interested in it when Y/N described it to him. He leaned over and picked it up, resuming from where he read last, which wasn't far from the title page.
It was a book he heard a lot about, being a classic novel and all, but had never felt the need to read. It was pretty good. Being a period piece, it forced him to focus on what the words were trying to say instead of worrying about Y/N and what she was doing. She had mentioned that today was her anniversary, so he really didn't want to think about her and her boyfriend.
"Moony?" James tapped on the door and Remus grunted in response. The door cracked open and James' head popped in. "We're leaving soon. Get ready."
"'M not going," he mumbled, pulling on his bottom lip as his eyes scanned the words on the page.
"Yes you are. Put your book down."
"Are you my dad now? I'm not going. Lily uninvited me anyway."
"What? Why?"
"So you couldn't force me to go."
"Oh, come on, she told us about what happened. Sirius and I agree that a party will help you get your mind off Y/N."
"Honestly, James, my mind was off her until you said her name. Besides, parties don't do that for me."
"Because you don't get drunk enough. Here's the thing. If you come, you can get hammered and forget everything and I'll look after you to make sure you're safe. I won't touch a drop of alcohol."
"Yeah, until you ditch me to woo Lily."
"I can multitask," he said with a smile.
"I'd much rather wallow in my room until the manager of the library fires me for not showing up to work. Unless Y/N recommends she fire me sooner."
"No. I'm not going to let you just sit here feeling sorry for yourself. You liked a girl and she rejected you? Suck it up. You weren't and aren't a stalker. All you did was visit a public place often while you built up the courage to talk to someone. You've done nothing wrong and if she thinks you have, she has to deal with the fact that she turned down a brilliant bloke like you."
Remus stayed silent as James stared at him. After a few moments, he groaned and closed the door, leaving Remus alone. James was never very patient, and he didn't want to yell at his friend, so he figured it best to leave before he could.
It was nice being home alone. He was able to wander into the kitchen and get food for the first time since he got home, without the chance to getting interrogated by his well-intentioned but stubbornly nosy mates. He kept his book in his left hand, worried that if he took his eyes of the difficult-to-understand dialogue for even a second, he'd start thinking about all his problems again. He navigated the pantry with his right hand until he found a water bottle and a row of crackers.
After plopping on the couch with his new snack on his lap, Remus was able to settle back into a faster reading pace, his brain no longer fighting to multitask.
His eyes flicked over the edge of the book to read the name that popped up on his phone screen. He had an incoming call from James. When the notification went away, his phone told him he had already tried calling twice and Sirius had called once. It wasn't until Lily's contact picture popped up that he answered the phone, knowing it had to be serious if she wanted to call as well.
"What is it, Lily?"
"It's James. You gotta come."
"I already told you I'm not going to that bloody party—"
"Mate. You have to come."
Remus heard shuffling before Lily's voice replaced James'. "Remus. You are invited to my party. Now come. I mean it, you'll be sorry if you don't."
"How's that?"
"There's someone here you're going to want to talk to."
"Are you lot trying to set me up?"
"No, Remus. It's her. She's here."
"Get over here."
She hung up and Remus slowly lowered the phone from his ear. It suddenly felt like he wasn't in control of his body as he stood up and changed his clothes, making sure he looked presentable. He ran around the house looking for his shoes, his favorite jean jacket, and his wallet and keys. A million questions raced through his head as he drove to Lily's house.
Why hadn't she texted him back? That meant she didn't want to see him, right?
In that case, why was he driving to see her? Maybe she did want to see him? Why would she go to Remus' friends' party if she had no intention of ever seeing him again? Probably because she thought he wouldn't be there because he ranted about how much he hated parties.
Also, why wasn't she on a date with her boyfriend on their anniversary? Or maybe this is their date? That's a pretty lousy date.
Remus' hands shook as he pulled up to the house, parking on the curb and taking a moment to catch his breath.
In all of Remus' life, mostly in the last five years of being friends with James and Sirius, he had only been to four parties that had no real occasion. These were the kind of parties that would get out of hand quickly and therefore were the kind that Remus despised. Unfortunately, Lily's party had no attached occasion -- no birthday, Bar Mitzvah, wedding, baby shower or anything remotely party-worthy was happening.
It had been an hour since the party started which meant it was definitely going to be crowded inside. How would he ever find Y/N in that mess of people?
As he walked across the lawn to the front door, he made a plan. Or, attempted to. Maybe he should act like he'd been there the whole time so if he happened to bump into her, he wouldn't seem like he'd been stressing for the last 32 hours. Or he should say screw it and search every corner of the house for her?
As soon as he opened the front door, Lily and James were by his side and all logic and planning had left his brain.
"Where?" he asked simply, not waiting for pleasantries.  
Lily gestured to the back porch with her head and James pat his back. "You got this, mate. I think she might have been looking for you."
Lily smacked his arm. "Don't tell him that! You might get his hopes up, you absolute buffoon."
James cleared his throat. "Right, sorry."
"I'll see you guys later," Remus said as he brushed past them and pushed his way to the back door. What was he going to say? What if her boyfriend was there? Remus would have to just ditch right? Either that or get his face pounded in by some bloke he'd never met.
He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his unruly hair. As soon as he stepped outside, it was quieter, although there was still a fair amount of people outside. He instantly spotted her, sitting alone—bless the heavens—with her back to him.
He slowly walked up and stopped when he was a few feet away from the outdoor furniture she sat on. He cleared his throat and she turned slightly.
Whatever reaction he expected from her when she saw him—anger, horror, grief, sadness—was replaced with a look of nonchalance.
"Took you long enough to get here. What sort of friend is an hour and a half late to their best friends' party?"
Remus was taken aback but took advantage of the fact that she didn't seem pissed at him. "The sort that despised parties?"
"Then why are you here?"
He took a seat next to her, leaving enough space so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. "I could ask you the same thing. I was told that you were here. And I wanted to see for myself, I suppose."
"Well whoever told you that was telling the truth."
"So, why?"
"Why what?"
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be celebrating your anniversary with your boyfriend? Who, by the way, still doesn't have a name."
Y/N paused before shaking her head. "And he'll never get one. Because we broke up."
"What?" Remus stuttered but tried covering up his shock. He looked at her, as she continued to look out at something in front of her.
"Yup. About five hours ago, I think. I remembered your friend Lily was having a party so I wandered around until I found it. I knew around where you lived and figured she couldn't be far."
"Why didn't you just... ask me?"
"Oh, my phone broke. Well, it got smashed by a less-than-thrilled ex-lover of mine. He doesn't take break-ups too well apparently."
Remus frowned. "That explains why you didn't answer my text. Unless you're mad at me and wouldn't have responded anyway...?"
"Why would I be mad at you, Remus?" Y/N sighed, similar to a disappointed mother.
His eyebrows knitted together as he played with his hands. "Well... you know... I was a creep?"
"No you weren't," she said sternly as she finally looked at him. He had forgotten how her gaze made him feel, as this was the first time she looked directly at him since he had walked outside. His insides became jelly and he didn't know where to put his hands. Why did one person have such a powerful stare?
"I wasn't?"
"No. All I've heard tonight is how terrible of a person you are and I'm sick of it."
Remus frowned again, more in confusion. He hadn't said terrible things about himself to her, so who had?
"From my ex-boyfriend, by the way," she mumbled, like she could read his mind.
"Oh. You... talked about me?"
"You're why we broke up." She looked back down at her hands and his eyebrows rose.
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"No you're not. I know you hated him."
"I never met him."
"That doesn't matter, does it? You still hated him."
"You're right. I hated him a lot. And I don't hate people, like, ever. Just strongly dislike usually."
Y/N smiled at her hands and Remus cleared his throat.
"So, how did I cause a break-up?"
"Well... it was what you said. About how you wouldn't have gone to the bookstore so much if you had known I had a boyfriend."
"How so?"
She took a deep breath. "Your rant about how you pretty much came in as often as you could just to see me did weird me out at first, but then I thought about it. It really was sweet that you were so nervous to talk to me. So I broke up with that guy, he yelled at me about how you were being a stalker. I hated how he talked about you. You’re the cause because no one, not any of my ex-boyfriends, had ever done something as romantic as what you had done for me."
"Uh, that was romantic to you?"
She smiled and looked at him. "Hear me out, okay? The speech alone was romantic, but the actual acts were far more heart warming. I mean, come on, Remus. You didn't know a single thing about me but you wanted to get to know me. You said you couldn't even focus on your movies, which I know is a big deal."
Remus' cheeks flushed and he opened his mouth to speak, or more likely stutter, but she wasn't done.
"My last boyfriend never even held the door for me. I had to plan our own anniversary, for crying out loud. He only asked me out in the first place because he knew I hadn't dated anyone in a while. He knew I was completely available and alone. But you? You still wanted to be my friend after learning about my boyfriend. All the guys I've dated in the past haven't cared about getting to know me. They've just wanted to date me and if I was taken, they'd ditch. You knew when to ask me if I was okay and you didn’t pry into my life, though I could tell you wanted to, because you respected me. You gave me advice that no one else has dared to give me because you knew I needed it. You're a genuinely kind guy, and I don't care what people say, but that beats a bad boy any day."
Remus cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter. "Who said I'm not a bad boy?"
Y/N scoffed and smacked his chest. "Shut up."  
He went back to his normal slouch and smiled at Y/N shyly. "I'm glad you didn't interpret my intentions wrong. Would've been nice to know how understanding you were before my 33 hour breakdown, but I'll take what I can get."
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"It's alright. So we're cool?"
"We're cool," Y/N said with a bright smile.
She scoffed. "Friends? After we both have given long speeches about how we fancy each other?"
"That was your idea of an 'I like you speech'?" he teased. He liked it perfectly.
Y/N laughed. "Okay how about this? Remus Lupin, I like you a whole lot. You're kind and incredibly cute and the moment I first met you, I thought you were the biggest dork I'd ever seen. Thank you for helping me realize how big of a dick my boyfriend was because I feel like you and I clicked instantly and I've been able to tell you anything. I like you a lot."
"You said that twice. Ow, sorry! No need to hit me! Y/N L/N, I like you a whole lot too. I'm glad you finally realized how stupid your boyfriend was and I promise that if you'll have me, I'll treat you better than you can imagine. You're insanely adorable and hot at the same time, it's a bit annoying, really, and I've been my happiest when I get to be around you."
Y/N smiled widely and her cheeks warmed intensely. Remus leaned down, placing his hands against her cheeks. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before leaning down and kissing her sweetly. He'd been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he was ecstatic to finally be kissing the girl he pinned after for so long. Their lips moved together in sync, trying to forget the rollercoaster of emotions they had each felt that day.
When they finally pulled away, neither of them could stop smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
She bit her lip. "Only if you promise to continue showing me good movies and reading my books."
"Of course. That's a binding agreement we have."
ALL: @coolepowersthings @elfenbensord @flowercrownchic @portkeys-and-prose @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @siriuslyimmoony @bluemadcnna @the-apple-princess @vulpecula-minor @chlorineaddiction @puppycat714 @alyenaaa@marauderskeeper @oceanaged @knreidy1 @sirus-hufflepuff-padfoot @heartbeats-wildly @sarcasm-slytherin-sass101 @sly-vixen-up2nogood
REMUS: @harrypotterimmaginaa @finnofamerica@stateofloveandvedder @gryffindorprincess379 @onthebroadway@serenefreakgeek @wolverinesbeer @ceruleanrainblues@knowledgeisthebomb @havecourage-darling @sleep-i-ness @j-brielmalfoy@asktheanimagus @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @blubmachine@aheadfullofsherlock @quicksilver21 @unsureem02 @lallanas
Binding Tags: @wolverinesbeer@ceruleanrainblues @the-apple-princess @acutelittlehufflepuff @oceanaged@coolepowersthings @elfenbensord @blubmachine @fortisfiliae @wolfenbeck @stylespowus @mamapuritysan @golddustcoven @rochelle-the-ravenclaw@marauderskeeper @marauderwolfstarjily
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literarilymanga ¡ 7 years
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Hello! I was lucky enough to have more interest in webcomic features than I thought. Today’s interview is with Merriam Hayden. Read it after the cut! 
Me: Hello! Would you share a little bit about yourself as a creator? 
Merriam: Sure! My name is Merriam Hayden. I went to college to study animation and did comics during that time because making a comic by myself was more feasible than pumping out animated shorts by myself.
Merriam: I'm a Lesbian in the Midwest as well.
Me: Could you give a short summary of Wrong Hand?
Merriam: Wrong Hand is the story of Lefty, who in a world where your Soulmate is determined by woman having marks on their left hand and men have matching marks on their right hands, has his own hand mark on the "wrong" hand. After meeting his Soulmate, Miles Write, Lefty learns more about "wrong handedness" and how there's many different ways of being "wrong" handed. The Wrong Hand is also the name of the bar where Miles works.
Me: Could you introduce the readers to your characters? Merriam: Lionel "Lefty" Rogers is the main character. He's a soon-to-be college grad who majored in accounting. He likes to play the Ukulele, but has no interest in pursuing music as a career.
Merriam: Miles Write is his Soulmate. He works nights at the Wrong Hand bar and days at the coffee shop called the Sun Dollar. Unlike Lefty, he's much more outgoing and open about his "wrong" handedness (even though he passes as "right" handed) .
Merriam: Sunni Syde is Miles' coworker at the Sun Dollar and a photographer. She dated guys in her early college days, but found the experience unsatisfying. She started dating women instead and found it much better. She's known to hang out at another bar called the Blue Cherry.
Merriam: Aura Easy is Sunni's soulmate and a detective. She had previously dated a girl when she was a teen, but they had a falling out. Aura is the one with the "correct" hand mark on her hand, but is much more butch than Sunni.
Merriam: Melanie Blanc is a blank handed woman who runs the Wrong Hand. She's not interested in dating or sex herself, but is always supportive of other Wrong Handed people who dream of meeting their Soulmates.
Merriam: Teresa Slater (deadname Theodore Slater) is a transwoman who realized she was trans much later in life and is roommates with Melanie.
Merriam: Sam Uno is a nonbinary comedian who always wears gloves and treats everything like a joke.
Merriam: Those are the main recurring characters.
Me: Who is your favorite character—and why? 
Merriam: Ah man picking a favorite of my own characters is like picking my favorite child. if I have to choose I think I'll choose Sunni. She's very cute and very passionate about what she wants to do with her life, which is to be a photographer even if she has to work half between a coffee shop and sometimes weekends at her father's restaurant (Eggbert's, it's a breakfast place).
Me: Who is your least favorite character—and why?
Merriam: Chad Prickson. This character is not the most evil villain in the world or anything, but he's engineered to be an absolute jerk to everyone. He's Miles' previous ex, rich and self-centered, who treats people like garbage.
Me: Can you offer insight into how you’ve developed your story and your creative process over the years? 
Merriam: Okay. Wrong Hand actually started off as a thing I vaguely kicked around in college a few years ago. A good friend of mine were talking about the concept of Soulmate stories and how'd we do them. She took a more fantasy/serious route with it and I wanted to go for a more lighthearted comedic thing. However, I didn't give it too much thought beyond three characters: Lefty, Miles, and Ms. Blanc. Miles originally worked at the Wrong Hand and ran a hot dog stand. However, my senior year of college I did an independent study. So, I decided to revisit this idea as an animated short. My teacher at the time suggested I change the hot dog stand to a coffee shop and of course I had to come up with more characters to flesh out the world. Sunni and Teresa and Sam wouldn't exist in this world without the short being made. It's not the best in the world, but it took me a year and I had to do it by myself. And I kicked the idea around with a good friend of mine (different one) and he helped me beef up the characters and come up with backstory. We even decided to have the setting be a fictional version of Minneapolis with Lefty growing up in Duluth. Having someone I can bounce ideas off of actually helps me a lot, too.
Me: What is your favorite part of the creative process? The least favorite part? 
Merriam: Honestly, I really love planning and world building and writing stories--dialogue  especially because I am really funny so I'm great at coming up with dialogue. My least favorite is thumbnailing because it's very tedious and slow and sometimes I can breeze through a page and know exactly how to lay it out and sometimes I get stumped by things. I do depend on thumbnailing because I would be lost while making pages without them, but making them can feel like a chore sometimes
Me: The idea of soulmates being determined by their hand marks is really intriguing. Are you going to go into the concept in more detail? Or are you going to focus more on the “slice of life” experiences?
Merriam: Slice of Life is the main focus of Wrong Hand, but I do also want to explore the idea in detail. Love and Free Will are major themes in a lot of the stories too because it's not like people haven't been falling in love or marrying people who aren't their Soulmate. And sometimes people actively do seek out their Soulmate and sometimes they don't.
Me: Is there a significance to each of the character’s colors?
Merriam: Not particularly, no. I just decided that if this was going to be a mundane world I wanted to give it a visual style that stood out. Part of me wishes I had put more thought into it, but not really. Lefty and Miles are blue and red. Sunni and her family are pink. There are two characters, Jacques Trooper and Zelda Worm, who are blue and pink and are kinda the token straight couple who are friends with Lefty, but other than that I didn't put much thought into the characters being a particular color.
Me: How have readers reacted to your characters and story thus far? Are there any challenges that you’ve had to overcome when working on Wrong Hand?
Merriam: Mostly I had more challenges with technical stuff while working on the short. Though as far as content is concerned the overall response has been super positive and people relate to Lefty and get a lot of the little snap shot comics that revolve around him having problems with his identity as a "wrong" handed male because his hand mark is on the "girl" hand. I haven't gotten into a lot of other characters backstories or hangups yet though, so we'll see how people respond in the future. Me: What do you want readers to take away from your story? 
Merriam: I want them to take away that love may be complicated and life may complicate love, but it's definitely something worth seeking out and cultivating. Not just romantic or sexual pursuits, but friendships and familial relationships as well.
Me: You mention being lesbian. How has your sexual identity influenced your story?
Merriam: Well Wrong Hand is basically a not-so-subtle metaphor for being some kind of queer. some wrong handed characters are gay, some bi, some trans, some nonbinary. All my work has some kind of LGBT slant to it because so much media made about or for people like me is either super obscure or really depressing and I want to create hopeful and happy stories even if I do touch about the less savory aspects of things (have plans to touch upon things like how conversion therapy and things like that work in this world, but I do want people to come away from my work feeling good about themselves). 
Me: Who is your “intended” audience? 
Merriam: My intended audience is anyone who wants to find LGBT content that's hopeful.
Me: Do you plan to pursue other mediums for your story (like print or podcast)?
Merriam: I hadn't considered a podcast. I would love to print a physical copy of the comics someday and, of course, something animated. Like a feature film or even a series! I think an animated series would be awesome.
Me: Do you have any advice you want to share with other artists and writers? 
Merriam: Lists are useful for planning a script and having a specific notebook/journal with comic stuff is a good idea.
Me: What are your tools of the trade? Any special software? 
Merriam: I mostly use Clip Studio Paint because I can animate with it as well as do illustration. I don't have a specific kind of pen or paper I use for roughing out pages though. I usually draw the pages out traditionally first and then scan the pages to pretty up in Clip Studio Paint.
Me: When does Wrong Hand update?
Merriam: I like to update it at least twice a month, but right now my current day job makes updating on the regular hard. I've worked out getting a more regular schedule though so I'm hopeful that I'll get back to updating more frequently.
Me: Where can readers access your comic? 
Merriam: Tapastic and Comic Fury. I have a longer story planned that I'm currently working on  and I'll probably start posting the single pages on Comic Fury before Tapastic.
Me: Anything else you want to share? Shout outs? 
Merriam: I love my friends and I love all the people who read my comic.
Follow Merriam for more art and life updates on her Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. She’ll also be attending Planet ComicCon, Smallville ComicCon,  and TopCon. Merriam may also be at Kansas City Comic Con, but is not sure yet. 
Be sure to also check out yesterday’s interview with Micah, webcomic artist for Roommate from Hell, if you haven’t already! And if you’re interested in being interviewed or sharing your thoughts on comics or related media, be sure to comment on this post, send an ask, or send me a message! 
Have a great Sunday night! 
(This post was adapted from a Twitter interview.)
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