#my favourite thing about Caspian is his grandpa
HI i am having Thoughts about your necromancy au and i need to talk about it. i was trying to convince my sister to read it so that i could have someone to talk to about it. but then i realised. yknow who definitly also has Thoughts about YOUR necromancy au? you. feel free to delete this ask i just wanted to ramble(about the later chapters specifically)
Call this my toxic trait buttt I dont think Rae did anything wrong in raising his mom from the dead. LIKE why the fuck shouldnt he?? His mom(and grandpas) didnt deserve to die, why the fuck should he let them, when he HAS the power to bring them back?? like??? Also not Momboo being a massive bitch telling Isla her son deserved to die. LIKE GIRL. i know you have issues but that is NOT how you talk to a grieving mother. ABSOLUTELY DESPICABALE behaviour. ALSO im pissed off at Fenris, Caspian and Aax. Like not them confirming Rae's worst fears when he actually tells them about Momboo and sends HIM away. and blah blah blah its their magic reacting badly but they dont even TRY to sympathise with him. Als.o like Fenris you are literally dating another necromancer. You cannot give Rae shit for being a necromancer without then applying that to your BOYFRIEND???
ALSO funny how when Rae raised HIMSELF from the dead, taht didn't trigger their magic or whtv, but when he was revived by Momboo it DID. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 (I dont think this will go anywhere but. thats beside the point.) Actually wait no maybe im onto somethign here. Maybe its because momboo fucked him up while reviving him!! maybe she did this on purpose!!! wait no i think im wrong. whateverrrr im being silly 😋
i cant wait to see how other characters react to Rae's new situation. I think(hope) that Athena and Jamie will still eb on his side.... actually maybe not. But i will hope.
At least Rae has Isla, even though everyone thikns hes a monster(THE EPIC PARALLELS ARE REAL) at least his plan didnt fail and his mom;s alive. slight consolation.
If i was Isla i would be HOSTILE to the afformentioned people (Fen,cas,aax momboo) if the situation gets resovled and doesnt end with Rae's eternal death. Hell id be hostile the entire fucking time. I want to see ISla kick someones shit for Rae because how DARE they call her son a monster for saving HER. do you think that would cause her guilt though? since she kinda maybe sorta ruined her sons life? that he ruined his own life to bring her back?
OKAAY ANYWAY thats most of my thoughts. can you tell that Rae is my favourite character no matter the universe? Can you also tell how unwell i am about this au? i think about it..frequently.... again feel free to delete this i just needed to share my thoughts ad feelings with SOMEONE
I also have so many thoughts about my necromancy au, it's just rotating in the back of my brain 24/7. I'm really hoping this all makes sense.
I agree with you, there's very little reason that Rae shouldn't bring his family back and Momboo's reaction (while coming from a place of trauma and fear) was unreasonable. However, I raise this to you, Rae is dead, he can not age or die. At this moment with how it stands he is going to watch Isla grow old and die, if he brings Raemond and Everett back the same thing will happen. He brought Isla back and he's going to loose her again and why would he be any better at processing his grief. Necromancy can not stop old age.
As for what happened with Momboo bringing Rae back and then Aax/Fenris's magic reacting badly to that, I have so many thoughts about it bc it's also how I imagine magic working in this au. I'm going to try to make this make sense.
I imagine that everyone's magic inside them is like a well, you can take water out of it (to perform magic) and more water will flow in to replace that lost water. You can deepen the well to increase how much water can be taken out of it without it running dry (strengthening your magic) however, if you try to deepen the well too quickly then parts of it might cave in (think exercising without warming up leads to hurting yourself, you try to perform too much magic that you're not ready for and you get weaker because you pushed yourself too far). The thing is is that you don't want your well to collapse or run dry. Rae bringing back Isla caused both to happen. When Momboo brought him back she just refilled his well with water so he could rebuild his well (bring himself back to life because Rae relies completely on his magic to live, other people can survive their well of magic being emptied but he can't). Because of that there was life magic in a well meant for necromancy, it was like dumping a bucket of muddy water into a mountain spring, and it will take days for Rae's magic to replenish and wash out the life magic. Fenris and Aax sensed the life magic in him (magic that wasn't supposed to be there, magic that was wrong for who Rae is) and it set alarms bell off in their heads because that's Rae's body but that's not Rae's magic that's reanimated his corpse. That's what Len's magic and reanimating the hordes felt like, that was a necromancer's magic filling bodies not meant for that form of magic.
The same thing didn't happen when Isla or Centross were brought back because they are both necromancers and so is Rae. That is necromancy magic filling wells meant for necromancy. I don't think Momboo felt as much "wrongness" with bringing Caspian back either because of a combination of Caspian not having magic and Momboo being a life witch.
Rae being called not human is a correct statement because he's dead, he's a corpse that's walking around. He's an abomination/unnatural because he's "living" off of magic that is nothing like his own.
Rae is an abomination, he is a monster. He is both Len (the traitor, the monster, the original sin) and the hordes (the horror, the grief, the terror) that marched on cities. He is a reanimated corpse with the singular goal of bringing his family back no matter the cost.
This is not because of what type of necromancer he is (because there are types, I just haven't been able to talk about them yet), he brought Centross and Isla back with both of their desires being completely separate from his own. He has no control over them. His situation is a bit more like Len and the horde which Len has/had complete and utter control over. Rae didn't have enough magic to bring himself back to life completely (hence the no heartbeat/breathing/just being alive) but he did have enough magic to bring himself back as one of the "mindless undead" which have singular goals according to the necromancer who raised them, his goal being bringing his family back. He's not being rushed into doing that/given the illusion of free will because his "soul" inhabits his body since it was reanimated. Think of it like Rae's soul/ghost is possessing his body, if that helps, but ghosts usually are formed with some goal in mind like revenge, in Rae's case that goal is simply bringing his family back.
Anyways, I could keep talking about this but I feel like I'm making less and less sense as I go on. I'm always happy to answer asks about this series bc I am unwell about it. I hope this made sense and I'm glad you're enjoying the series!!
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ang3l0fde4th4ndd0gs · 17 days
This Little Life Of Mine Chapter One:
Words: 1779
TW: Some violence, some swearing
“Coming in hot on your left.”my dad, Sam calls over the radio into the headset that sits in my ears.
“Had no clue, Pops.”I retort as I slam the gas pedal at my feet, making my motorcycle lerch backwards as the number on the dashboard climbs quickly from a steady 28mph to nearly 90.
“No need for sass today, kid.”Steve reminds me gently.
“Sorry. Didn't realize you were the one-”a gust of wind passes me as the car Sam warned me about speeds past, bringing my remark to an early stop.
It takes one hell of a hail Mary maneuver to dodge the car on my motorcycle. I barely manage to pull into a side street as my heart pounds in my throat and my hearing reduces to a loud screeching ring.
How the hell does this always happen? I wanted to go see some friends of mine in Queens but as always, I got caught up in some high speed chase.
The bike makes a loud metal clang on the concrete as I get off of it and catch my breath. I didn't exactly intend to let go of it so carelessly but my hands had begun to shake from the adrenaline rush of nearly being pancaked between two trucks.
“Looks like they've passed you by for now, AJ. But it won't be long before they're itching for a round two.”Bucky says over the radio, the sound of my dad's voice bringing me back to the moment.
“What do they want from me this time? Blood, some sacrifice? Liquor? Money?”I reply, annoyed and still breathless as I pick my bike up and prop it up on the kickstand.
“Always to weaponize you. You know that.”
“Lucky me then.”I groan.
If it were to ever cross your mind that a life like this is fun, I implore you to think twice about it. It isn't fun to be the child of six of the most sought after men in the world.
HYDRA on my ass twenty four seven is the least of the violent shit unfortunately. I also have Jedi who follow me around and get a tad bloodthirsty when I'm near them. Comes with the title of being a Mandalorian. They believe you exist to get revenge on them for their travesties against my people. Being the son of the Green Arrow seems to bring more gold diggers than problems. At least Oliver can hide his identity a little better.
It's the Avenger part of my blood that seems to be the exact middle ground. Bringing nerve-wracking bike chases and lots of trouble you never expected to see.
Hello, my name is Sirius Caspian Andrew James. Or AJ. This is my wild ride. As you may have noticed, I said the six most sought after people. I have ten parents total. So you may be thinking “What gives?”
To tell you how I ended up in this shit show, you’ll need to open your mind to one thing:
My life is no picture of perfection. It's one great big joke of a broke down mess.
My biological parents are Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. You may be thinking “Well that isn't possible. They're both men.”
I repeat. Reality isn't real.
Tony was born a female and raised as a male because my grandfather was a bit of a power hungry lunatic. Steve always knew that having worked rather closely with Grandpa Stark. So Steve and Bucky protected Tony when it mattered the most and eleven months later, they had their worst nightmare.
When I was three, Steve and Tony married Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, as well as each other of course. They're my favourite little polycule. I had a good life until I was 8. That's when all hell began to break loose.
Quite literally.
September 12th, 1998, just under a month after my 8th birthday. The world is crashing. It always was. But to conspiracy theorists, this was worse.
Which brings us to parent number five. Lucifer Morningstar. Satan, Lucifer, Lightbringer, The Fallen Angel. The Devil.
Really, Luci is a trip. He owns this strip club in LA called the Luxx. He accidentally let me into the building that September 12th while my family was on a vacation to California.
He freaked out of course. “Oh my god how could I even be a fad- Who’s is it??? Who didn't tell me??” Kind of freak out.
Turns out he had some sort of deal with my dad Tony that if he could keep me safe for a month, Tony would finally consider and offer that Lucifer made him before I was born.
To all of LA I was the Devil’s son for 2 years.
My little sibling Bugs has always called me “Dick Bait” because of that stupid deal.
Long story short about that little deal. Lucifer wanted a date, Tony said no because he was pregnant with me and knew that Lucifer would probably be an awful influence. But I suppose it worked out. Lucifer turned out to be a great dad. They had Bugs when I was ten and Lucifer was over the moon.
Finally after four years of being in LA so Bugs could remember where they came from and Lucifer had time to wrap a few things up, it was suddenly 2002.
Back to New York we went. I'm 14 years old just starting high school with my two childhood best friends Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker.
Life was good. Before I fucked it up again.
I got bored at the Avenger's tower while my parents were in a meeting and fucked around with one of Tony’s gadgets. Some sort of transportation device that took people to other dimensions that the TVA uses today.
Enter Oliver Queen. The hellish, brooding, grumpy, Tony Stark doppelganger who wanted revenge for his father's death and wanted me to help. What a pain in the ass, right?
I was with him for ten years, posing as his only son before Tony came and got me. Oliver fucking Queen made me into a celebrity. And of course, a menace. Everyone was enamoured with me by the time I was 21 years old. I was an actor and a vigilante alongside my dad Oliver. Under the alias Silver Sage, I did more crime than saving. But Tony stopped at nothing to bring me back home. Turned back time, even, but forgot to wipe my memory when he did.
Being 24 and famous to being 14 and a highschool nobody would give anyone whiplash.
Most of my other parents seemed to show up with no warning or even any huge event. Jack Sparrow was a washed up pirate that showed up at my aunt Sarah’s doorstep which my parents took in and rehabilitated. John Price was an ex-marine who raised me for 3 years to be a soldier before he was drafted again after I had become an avenger, May Parker was my best friend Peter's aunt who took me in after declaring that I needed some female influence in my life.
The last three are far more recent. Last 4 years or so.
My last parent is the most recent, however. Din Djarrin. The infamous Mandalorian. Child of the Watch, fugitive of the Bounty Hunter’s guild, Saviour Of My Ass.
He was certainly a special case. He rescued the child I had sworn to protect after I jumped universes again during my junior year in Oliver’s world. I nearly burnt down the cantina he was in trying to save him and Grogu from one wild attack and an attempt to kill the child.
As gratitude, he was stupid enough to take me under his wing and train me. He’s out doing his bounty hunter shit with my little brother Grogu more often than not now but we’ve stayed in touch since everything happened but he comes back every few months to say hello and give me some weapon that was made for me in the armory.
But enough of my rambling. Back to your regularly scheduled shit show.
A bullet whizzes past my ear as I turn my head to look which street I brought hell to.
“Cheap shot.” I laugh dryly as I look down the alleyway to see a group of knock-off TVA soldiers standing at the end of it.
“Sirius Caspian Andrew James, you’re under arrest.”the most dressed up soldier says, clearly trying hard to sound authoritative.
“Oh come ON.”I laugh. “You guys seeing this shit? God, the Trojan Horse would have been more subtle. Neon orange on retired SWAT suits? What are you? Broke 20 year olds trying to pay your tuitions to art school? At least be a bit more discreet.”
“This is no time for games, young man. I said you're under arrest.”
“What for?” I give the group of soldiers a playful smirk. “Did someone tell you they'd pay millions if you got a bite of a super soldier?”
“We are the TVA.”the same soldier says, sounding slightly annoyed with me now. “You have violated the rules of the sacred timeline.”
I can't help the god-awful snorting laughter that escapes me. “First off. No you are NOT. The TVA doesn't carry guns. I should know I used to be an employee.”I take one of the small daggers and a small coin-sized detinator from my belt holster and spin the knife around by the ring on the end of it. “You are a group of idiots who were paid off to grab me. Hmm. Sounds fun. But I've got things to do.”
With that, I set the small detinator on the blade of my knife and toss it toward the six wannabe soldiers.
“Bye, bye, bye.”I giggle as I hop back on my bike, release the kickstand and take off, the explosion going off behind me.
“What the hell were you thinking?!”Sam scolds me over the radio, the sound blasting in my ear.
“I was thinking that I hate posers and that I would like to take Gwen and Peter to lunch before we start school tomorrow.”
“We're superheroes. Heroes don't kill, Sirius.”
“Heroes don't kill heroes, Sammy. Heroes kill idiots who try to fill their skulls with bullets.” I take a sharp turn toward the restaurant I told my friends we should meet at. “I’ll see you all when I get home. Love ya.”
I turn off my radio with a simple click of the headset in my ear and park my bike out by the front door of the small cafe.
Author's Note: I kinda wanted to play around with my alter ego here lmao. I had fun with this chapter but I wanted to know what others thought is all.
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pinkniz · 2 years
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