#my first naruto fic in years
aprito · 5 months
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"He stared at her black and blue neck, rage boiling inside him once more. How dare he… handle her like livestock. There was no respect in his attack. She was a speck to him. Even he killed Chika with some element of ceremony. And yet, Sakura… wanted Sasuke home, even after all he had done. Sasori was once again reminded of why it was so easy for her to take him under her wing last autumn… “You said that mercy is useless,” Sakura replied, catching Sasori’s attention once more. He looked back up at her, his doll eyes reflective and gentle. He did believe that… “Your mercy saved me,” he admitted, speaking slowly."
At the edge of my seat with every update of A Second Chance by @evartandadam. She just gets both the themes of the series and these two <3 Please give it a read if you haven't!
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edsbrak · 2 months
Milk Duds
“What was that all about?” Kiba asks, brows furrowed, trying to sneak some of Choji’s snacks.
“Um,” Naruto says, bending the truth a bit. “He paid for my food, just out of the blue. I wanted to thank him.”
“Oh,” Shikamaru says, expression twisted with suspicion. “I think that might have been Sasuke Uchiha.”
During their final year of high school Naruto and Sasuke meet, and everything changes from there.
SNS oneshot, 13k
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ruohosta-nauttija · 5 months
Holy shit i just experienced the most wellwritten naruto fic ive ever seen my brain doesnt even have words i tried ro compliment the authro but all my brain could come up woth was amazing and holy shit i have been my brain is completely in shambles
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calliopechild · 1 year
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
I wasn’t tagged by anyone, but I saw this from @plothooksinc so I suppose it’s your fault, friend. 😁 These are more or less in order of activity, from regularly picking at to 'oh I forgot about this one.'
Nightmare fic
Leosagi cuddle-or-die
2k3/Rise crossover
Separated AU
Face Man three-shot(?)
Answer the call*
Leaving the nest
Useful Kakashi AU
2k12 Showdown
2k12 Rat King fic
2k3 Prodigal Son AU
I am not tagging this many people, so following in the previous example--if you see this and you're interested, consider yourself tagged!
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bluegarners · 1 year
do i even dare open the file folder named "naruto" from 2016
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yupuffin · 1 year
Here's a typed-up excerpt from 14-year-old me's Naruto fic! Featuring two OCs (one of which is the narrator) and one canon character, plus others mentioned by name. My favorite things about this fic were the character dynamics and believable interactions even between OC&OC and OC&canon characters, and I think this scene is a solid example of what I enjoyed. I made minor edits for grammar and wording in places, but the vast majority of the writing is untouched.
The two of us went to check on things inside the Sound Village after Yuugure finished calling Greim. Yuugure had used most of his chakra practicing, and I didn't want to exhaust him, so we walked at an easy pace.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There was a lot of noise coming from behind a set of large doors, but that was true last time as well. It sounded like a group of people talking.
Yuugure leaned against a wall just as I heard a dull thud from farther down the tunnel, towards the entrance. I froze and listened, like an animal would. I heard footsteps; someone was coming.
"Let's go," I breathed sharply, heading as quietly as possible towards the echoing sound. I didn't check to see whether Yuugure was following me, though if he was, I was grateful for his silence.
I cautiously made my way to the entrance of the tunnel. At first I kept my distance from whoever was walking this way, in case they were an enemy. I had only half-expected to see Kabuto alone; either he had returned from the mission alone, or he had already been somewhere else in the tunnels. From the way he was headed, it seemed as though he had stopped somewhere else before coming this way.
I stood, thinking, unsure of hat to do; fortunately, Yuugure was there as well, and he stepped out to meet Kabuto from behind the corner. "So you're back," he remarked calmly.
"We had to cut it a little short," Kabuto responded quickly. He looked as if he might say something else, but he kept his mouth shut.
Since Kabuto already knew Yuugure was there, I didn't have a reason to be nervous, so I followed Yuugure into Kabuto's field of vision.
"Did something happen?" I asked, a little concerned.
For once, Kabuto hesitated before replying, his words slow and careful. "Nothing happened that involves you. Don't worry about it."
It was easy to tell that Kabuto was hiding something. He was either distressed, or he was formulating a plan. Or both.
"Nobody died?" I pressed, still not convinced.
Kabuto paused again. "Well, no. We achieved our goal, but..." He trailed off.
I persisted. "Where's Orochimaru?"
"Probably off checking on something."
I clenched my jaw. Why did Kabuto have to be so vague? Something must be bothering him; normally he was quite blunt. He didn't appear to be injured. and he hadn't alluded to anything being wrong with Orochimaru. Maybe if I asked him later he would be more open. After all, he had just been out on an intense mission; he probably needed some time to recover.
"All right," I concluded evenly. "Tell me if you need help with something." What was the most he could ask for? I doubted that he would return to his old, creepy self before the day was over, if something that occurred during the mission really troubled him.
I might have been wrong, though, because the hint of a smile alighted on his face. "Are you learning how to manipulate things from me?"
I froze. Was this an accusation, or a joke? Probably a mix of both. Either way, hesitating before Kabuto wasn't a good idea. "Yes, I think so."
This time I was sure he looked satisfied. "Good. That means I can trust you."
I exhaled, taking back my previous thought about his old self. He started to walk away.
I ran over my options; I could ask my question directly (I was too timid to do that), or I could wait until he told me himself (that was unlikely). Either way, I was stuck knowing nothing, unless I could think of something smart to say that would get me on his good side. But that was pretty much impossible, considering how perceptive he was.
He looked like he would ignore me for the rest of the day, but in the same instant that I thought that, Kabuto stopped.
"I can almost hear you thinking back there," he commented smoothly, turning back around. "Do you have something you want to say?"
I blinked a few times. And just as I thought that, too! I was convinced he could read my mind. But if I didn't answer, it would make him suspicious about trusting me (though I wasn't sure he really meant it the first time).
"Actually, yes," I responded, trying not to let my voice waver. "From the sound of it, Orochimaru is doing fine. And obviously, you're not hurt. It sounded like there was a problem with one of you during the mission, though."
At this point, it was hard to maintain my brave tone. "And that means... That means something must have happened to Kimimaro, right?"
Kabuto's expression didn't change, although he stayed silent for a moment to let his brain work. "You're learning fast. You make a good addition to our side."
He chuckled and then continued, his inflection more serious now. "Unfortunately, that's correct. Something happened just after we completed the mission, and he's not well. He won't be able to do any more missions for a while."
Saying nothing else, he continued down the hall and disappeared into the shadows.
"That was strange," Yuugure remarked from behind me.
I jumped; I had forgotten he was there.
"You're mimicking him, aren't you?" Yuugure asked playfully. "Except Kabuto's creepier than you are."
"He is creepy," I agreed shakily. I hadn't expected Kabuto's words to hit me as hard as they did. I thought it would just be something I shook off; on the contrary, my heart was pounding, and I felt vaguely nauseous.
"Something must have hit him in the head," Yuugure muttered. Then he met my eyes. "I thought you said that other guy scared you. Now you're acting like you're worried about him."
"It's... a little bit of both." I chose my words slowly and carefully.
Yuugure frowned. "I don't know what the two of you are talking about. Who is Kimimaro?"
I thought about how to answer. "I don't know."
"You have to know at least a little," Yuugure persisted. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be concerned."
My gaze fell to the floor. "I've only seen him. He doesn't know me."
"You said something to him at the clearing before they left."
"Well, he looked lonely. I couldn't let him leave without some kind of acknowledgment."
Yuugure looked exasperated. "We're going in a circle. This conversation is almost pointless."
I blinked. "Almost? What do you mean?"
His bright gold eyes were clear and knowing. "You argued with my statements. That means you care about him."
I opened and closed my mouth a few times, struggling to decide how to respond. "You're just as perceptive as Kabuto is."
"It's kind of obvious," Yuugure snickered, resting his arms on the back of his head as if watching the sky.
"Is that... bad?"
"I don't think so. Depends on how you look at it." His eyes didn't look focused on anything in particular. "You said you're from the Leaf Village, right?"
"Sort of. But does that make me the Sound Village's enemy?" I pointed to the band on my right shoulder. "Physically, I'm from the Sound Village. But historically, I'm from the Leaf. Does that make me a resident of both?"
"I think it does."
"That's good, right?"
Yuugure leaned his head back against his wrists. "It probably has its advantages." He closed his eyes for a few seconds as if to rest. Then he opened one eye and gave me a sideways glance. "You sure have a lot of questions."
I was going to reply, but before I could, he lowered his arms and smiled. "That's all right. I do, too. If I didn't have questions, I would never learn."
I kept my eyes down; my mind was elsewhere.
"So... it's not a bad thing if I make friends with people from this village? I'm going to see my old teammates in a month, but... until then..."
"You're a bit confused, huh?" Yuugure asked. "If I were you, I would be confused."
Unsure of what he meant by that, I didn't reply.
"I don't think it matters who your friends are," he continued. "As long as they don't try to hurt you or do bad things. But from the sound of it, it's hard to determine what things are bad things when you're a ninja. I wouldn't know, because I've mostly been by myself since I left the Shimmer Society two years ago."
At this point, I was thoroughly befuddled, so I stayed silent. Yuugure frowned at my lack of response, but there was a glimmer of playfulness in his eyes. "Am I thinking too far into this?"
"Um..." I shook myself off. "No. Thinking is good. It's just that... you're being a little confusing."
Yuugure grinned sheepishly and changed the subject. "Do you want to go train with me?"
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tossawary · 5 days
This is a very niche fic idea that I have no solid intention of actually writing, but... "Naruto" has more than a few self-insert fics and some of them are transmigrations into canon characters. Some of them are about OCs who do not want to be a ninja and are desperately trying to get out of it. There's usually some deliciously frustrating tragedy and horror about the brutal and inescapable military system of Konoha.
So, I thought that it would be kind of interesting to do an OC-insert into Sasuke, probably ultimately more comedic than angsty, as the OC tries to fail out of having to become a ninja, but then has to struggle against the fact that a civilian Sasuke would probably be expected to start a new Uchiha clan ASAP. (They probably have to concede to at least becoming a genin for the benefits of legal adulthood of some kind at 12 years old, even if it means being a part of the damn military.)
But even if the OC would personally love to be a parent someday, they cannot condone participating in what's essentially a breeding program for a new generation of Sharingan-wielding super-soldiers. Children who are probably going to be chewed up and spat out by Konoha someday too.
I think it would be neat to have a character treat the Sharingan like a genetic disorder that they don't want a child to suffer. I think it would have been interesting if canon Sasuke had also wrestled with the idea of letting the Sharingan die out. Fuck it, he'll adopt if he wants to be a dad someday. I also think it would be funny to have an OC-insert whose goal is to get a secret vasectomy (body autonomy!) without the leadership of Konoha finding out.
Sasuke, as soon as Sakura becomes a medical nin: "I need you to do me a huge secret favor and NOT be weird about it."
Sakura, also still currently a teenager: "You're asking me to CASTRATE YOU, AT HOME, IN SECRET, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT BE WEIRD ABOUT THIS?!"
(And there's the whole fucking issue of the "Naruto" universe having cloning, so, no, a vasectomy isn't a solid guarantee of getting out of this. But it might buy Sasuke a few years to figure out how to avoid the mad science route too if anyone tries to force marriage on him at any point.)
Even throwing aside the issue of children, even in an AU where the OC-Insert is cool with having bio children, I think it would be really funny to have a Transmigrator Sasuke announcing outright in the first Team 7 meeting that his dream is to retire super early and become a shinobi tradwife to a super strong ninja.
Kakashi: "...What?"
Sasuke, possibly talking out of his ass to troll his team and because he's already spitefully exhausted: "I said what I said. I'm the only Uchiha left to pass on my clan's techniques, so my dream is to be a stay-at-home ninja, supported by a super strong spouse who can protect my family."
I think this would break Naruto and Sakura's brains. ("Marry Hokage Naruto" is not the worst plan that a transmigrator could come up with, probably.) I think that this would be a super funny start to a Team 7 OT3 in which Naruto and Sakura become rivals for the position of Sasuke's shinobi sugar daddy/mommy. (Naruto doesn't consciously realize that he's competing for Sasuke's hand in marriage at first, but he gets it after a few years or so.)
Kakashi is... So Tired. Obito, are you seeing this shit??? What the fuck.
I know some OC-insert / SI-insert into Sasuke fics exist, I just think the funniest plot direction for a transmigrator in this situation would be to completely bail on both the "take revenge on Itachi" and "rebuild the Uchiha clan" dreams in the least macho ways available.
Also, what WOULD Itachi think of Sasuke abruptly deciding to give up on revenge and to become a house husband instead?
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uh-oh-its-bird · 2 months
There are so many naruto time travel fics out there but what I need SPECIFICALLY is an ANBU era team of Kakashi, Tenzo, Itachi, and Shisui getting flung into the founders era.
Like. Ok just looking from the political side of it that's;
A) 2 very young and VERY powerful Uchiha's (one of which is the future clan head!! Politics!!)
B) A very fucked up baby mokuton user who's still in the middle of being deprogrammed and can totally pass for Senju
C) The free wild card that is Hatake clan lore on top of having a stolen sharingan. On top of *that* him being the team leader of a team of kids who, in the time period context, should both be at eachothers throats and probably not be expected to obey the commands of someone not only from another clan but a way smaller one
Theres SO much potential there!! So many political implications in virtually ALL of the directions!!!!
Yk what as I'm typing this out I'm having ✨️ideas✨️ so let's make some story points to sort those out:
• I think itd be neat to have this happen like. A year? Ish? Before the massacre? So age wise, and full disclaimer I'm referencing Google and Wikipedia rn so I could totally be wrong, I think that's :
Kakashi (18)
Tenzo (17)
Itachi (12)
Shisui (15)
Could be wrong about the ages but honestly it's my world you're just living in it, so.
Then me going totally purely off of my own headcannons, were going to say they came in a about a year before Izuna died and place the founders ages as:
Madara (23)
Hashirama (23)
Izuna (19)
Tobirama (18)
Big fan of Tobirama being the youngest between the 4 but projecting the aura of someone as old as like. Idk, however old Madara is. Very funny to me, 10/10
• I'm personally a big fan of dogteeth kakashi so we're running with that all the way home. Also a huge fan of the "Hatake's are a distant, more feral cousin of Inuzuka clan" hc along with some sprinklings of "back in the day they had a bit of a Reputation(tm) for being a 'lill wild, and everyone generally tries to avoid them. Which isn't too much of a problem because theyre a very small out of the way clan from Iron, they just have a big reputation in contrast to their size.
In more modern times tho, along with (obviously) having dwindled down to a single depressed teenager, they've become a lot tamer over the years due to village life. Kakashi is a Hatake, 100%, but he is NOT up to the standards of this time. Which becomes a bit funny when people see him, go "oh FUCK it's a Hatake" and then start edging slowly towards the door like he's about to rip their throat out with his teeth. Meanwhile he's standing there like 🧍‍♂️"am I that ugly."
Give me a scene where, finally used to this reaction to him from the general shinobi population, the team starts to use it to their advantage.
"Give us the scroll or we'll let the Hatake off the leash to have his fun with you. He's been awfully hungry latley you know, hasn't had fresh meat in days"
Kakashi, feeling kind of stupid, gave his best growl.
It caused an almost immediate, embaressed flush to rise to his face, but he didn't let up. It sounded more like an almost pathetic puppy growl than anything to his ears, but apparently it was enough to convince the trembling enemy nin because he slowly lifted the scroll up in offering.
Wow. Now he couldn't tell if he was embaressed for himself or for this guy.
Probably both to be honest.
• So like. Itachi is the clan heir. That's big. That's important. Let's do something with that.
First off, I had a great time reading this one fic (tho I don't even remember what the fic itself was about now, oops) where a plot point of it was how Sasuke is just a walking stereotype of main house Uchiha. Like people look at him and they don't just go "oh that's an Uchiha." They go "oh fuck that's an UCHIHA Uchiha." He's so fucking painfully, obviously related to the very tippy top of the clan that anyone not blind can tell. It's in the way he looks, it's in the way he talks and treats those around him, it's in the way he fucking holds himself. You look at him and every other stereotype about the Uchiha clan is there in big, bold letters. (On top of that he's also a dead wringer for Izuna, which I'm such a sucker for and desperatley wish people would do more with)
So like let's give that to Itachi here because it's so fun for several reasons.
First off; Sasuke in this is like. Straight up a doppelganger of Izuna, just a few generations apart. They could be twins. Itachi, as I'm sure you are aware, is Sasuke's big brother. So let's take some liberties and say that Itachi could absoloutley pass as a blood sibling to Izuna and Madara.
He is however 12, so we're also going to say that the only people who get to make this connection is anyone who's seen the siblings when they were also at a similar age.
On top of that however he has the 'walking amalgamation of all the stereotypes of the main Uchiha house' so anyone who isn't blind will look at him and assume he's somewhere in the sphere of 'important main house person' tho who really knows how distant the relation may be exactly. No one !! That's who !!!
Second; He's the fucking clan heir!! What the fuck!! This bit would have the most impact after all the messy time travel reveals when things have settled down a bit, so it'll sit in the back pocket for a bit. Save it for some fun shaking up later down the line so we don't run out of all the fun reveals too fast and bore the readers, yk?
When it is brought up tho it'd be fun to maybe have some fucky Itachi and Madara mutual understandings of the way things work.
• So. Madara is like a bit of a scary bed time story to Uchiha children, right? Like. "Ooo make sure you don't get too obsessive or fall too deep into your grief and always stay loyal to the village or you'll end up just like Madara!!"
Something something Uchiha-Village relationships are tense as hell, something something Madara fucking over a lot of the clan with his whole. Everything., Something something scapegoat and old stories, something something 'people have probably been talking a lot more about how "god dammit this all started with Madara" in recent years.'
Now with that in mind let's take a look of what our time travelers think of Madara:
Itachi is a good Konoha soldier. Itachi (as has been very much fucking proven) would rather beat a possible problem before it even exists with a hammer till it dies an ugly bloody death than even RISK it blossoming into a proper problem. Itachi does not like Madara. Itachi personally, quietly thinks they should maybe wait till the village is formed then carefully arrange a little accident for him before he goes off the rails. He, even more quietly, maybe even thinks it would be a kindness. Allow him to be remembered well by the village instead of scorned.
Shisui I think is cautiously optimistic about him. He's the kind of guy who gives the benefit of the doubt, who weighs the options, risk and reward, but includes things like hope and compassion in his calculations. Yes, Madara was a uhh. Thing. That happened. But in every story his big blow up always come from one specific event; Izuna's death. So if they stop that from happening, wouldn't it secure both a better future for them and Madara? The history books never went into detail about Izuna, he doesn't know what he's like, but maybe his involvement in the future, on Konoha's side, could lead to even more profits for them long term. At the end of the day he's not against killing Madara (though to be clear, they are at first operating on trying to avoid all interactions with historical events and return home without touching things) but it'd be nice, to manage to get a happy ending for everyone. Unrealistic maybe, but nice.
Mmmm hear me out actually, maybe Shisui, after interacting with him a bit, finds that Madara reminds him of Itachi too. They definatley both have that "I would do unspeakable things to even dream of my loved just one more time" energy, if you know what I mean
Anyways; Kakashi and Tenzo are both neutral on Madara. Yes, they learned about how he betrayed the village when young just like everyone else, but they weren't getting the bed time stories and "do this and you'll end up just like him" warnings like the Uchiha's. They're possibly leaning into negative but are detached from the situation enough to just go "well he hasn't done it yet and his brother is still alive so he won't any time soon" and be done with it
• Now, on the the total opposite side of the spectrum you have Hashirama and Tobirama. People are brought up in Konoha to fucking IDOLIZE these guys. You can not tell me our team of time travelers wouldn't be at least a little awed to speak with them.
I think Tenzo would be the most wide eyed about Hashirama, both for the baseline "holy shit that's the Shodai Hokage" and also that fun juicy mokuton user imposter syndrome he has going on for him. That guys DNA is inside his body!!! Holy shit wait does that mean if someone did a blood relation test with them he might read as being related to him?? Fuck were gonna pocket that for now but like. Mmmmm potential.
I'd say Itachi is the most hesitant about Tobirama but again, village loyalist, so.
You know what tho maybe Shisui is the most hesitant about him (though still largely positive) he both def grew up looking up to him but can also see the anti-Uchiha policies people inact now with the implications that Tobirama would have approved of it. He doesn't know if he would, but like, he has to wonder.
Kakashi is probably the most normal about them (and also has experience in being close to a hokage (Minato) to know that at the end of the day they are painfully human) Don't get me wrong, he's still in some sort of awe! He might get a little lightheaded at the thought of seeing the God of Shinobi in proper battle, or the possibility to see the famed genius of Tobirama with all the different jutsu's he's invented. You can't tell me Kakashi didn't spend a little extra time reading about him when he was trying to make Chidori. Honestly I'm gonna roll with that and say he had a bit of a phase as a kid where he was a total fan boy. Maybe sprinkle in the good old HalfHatake!Tobirama hc to add some faint daydreams a lonley babykashi had after his father's death, about getting to meet him as family. Like cmon, little genius idolizing and projecting on some big history figure only to find out they're actually related? Can you say potential?
Anyways he did eventually grow out of the phase, probably got unattached to it all and lost interest after the whole "losing everything he loved" bit of his life. And at the end of the day, he doesn't have any real complex personal hang ups on the founders like the others do. Thus, most normal.
• And then my favorite most special boy, Izuna !! He's for sure the one they're all most neutral about. He's not actually taught about in the academy? There's probably some throw away line about him in some history books somewhere, but he died young and was quickly buried by the looming shadow of Konoha. The only real knowledge had about him in modern times is just a vague "Yeah he got killed by Tobirama which lead to peace being made but also lead to Madara losing his shit"
Poor Izuna he's the linchpin for it all but was left an unremarkable footnote of history. My boy deserves so much better
Tenzo doesn't actually even know who he is, that boy got bare minimum education under Danzo and Izuna was NOT included.
Itachi and Shisui mmmaybe have some small little fun fact here or there buried in stories from the older members of the clans but like. It's gonna amount to just "yeah he had a great katon" and thats about it.
I WILL SAY HOWEVER. Itachi sees him and instantly is that one PTSD dog meme. Sasuke is a BABY but holy shit Izuna looks exactly like he'd expect him to grow up as and it's making him FEEL THINGS. Also he's so bratty little brother coded !! He's an entire 7 years older than Itachi but Ifachi keeps fucking up and trying to big brother him it's embaressing.
And ofc Itachi didn't go into the first meeting thinking he'd see some weird older mirror version of his beloved baby brother who he misses and worries about very very much. So like. There's for sure going to be some conflict there. If their first meeting is a scuffle (which it probably will be) I think Itachi would keep hesitating to attack. On full run away mode. Which is probably for the best bc he shouldn't try to fight Izuna anyways honey he's like double your bodyweight and you're strong but you aren't THAT strong.
• Pointing back at both the 'Itachi does not like Madara and has quiet thoughts about how it'd possibly be in everyone's interest to just kill him' and the 'Itachi and Madara quietly bond over being clain head/heir during stressful times (w pressure from the elders especially)
I can see 2 outcomes of a potential bonding conversation with them:
1) They come to understand eachother better.
Madara wants to be on good terms, he looks at this kid and sees one of his brothers eyes and the others quiet determination. He can tell Itachi doesn't like him for some reason, and it's frustrating because he doesn't know why. He wants him to like him. He wants to be able to offer his hand and have it taken. It hurts, to be looked at with such suspicion from a face that has traces of Izuna's.
Meanwhile Itachi . . . Itachi looks at Madara and he sees someone who gets it. Gets it like no one ever has. It scares him. He looks up at this man, this horror story he's been told to fear becoming, and he sees himself. And this realization shakes him. It makes him think, makes him wonder. He's so, so sure of his loyalty to Konoha. More sure than he is of anything else in the world. But . . . But if something happened to Sasuke, if he had to choose—
And maybe it softens something in him too, along with the (honestly healthy) dose of fear. It forms a little crack in his shell, just enough to maybe, maybe let Madara through. Just a hair.
Or 2) we pull one of those "The conversation ends with them agreeing verbally but mentally they're on 2 VERY different notes."
Madara, nodding and looking at Itachi meaningfully: "Yeah it can be hard, but all we can really do is try to make the world a safer place for the ones we love. (To create Konoha, to keep my clan safe. Izuna safe. And now to keep you safe too.)
Itachi, nodding slowly: "Yeah. No matter how hard it is (even though I think I understand you more than anyone else Ive ever met) we have to try to make the world a safer place (by killing you in your sleep once Konoha is formed) for the ones we love (My clan. My village. Sasuke.)"
• Also pointing back at the 'Hatake warring clan era reputation,' the 'Tobirama is half Hatake' and also now pointing at Tobirama's title as the White Demon. Small thing but it'd be neat if there was some small throw away line that the nickname lowkey started in part because of the absoloutley terrifying reputation of the Hatake combined with Tobirama's own Everything(tm) like it just had some influence on how some view him. Give me Uchiha's making dog jokes ab him it'll be funny
• Ok but now the actual plot thoughts. Yeah I know I kept you waiting sorry about that.
So time travel! Probably due to a mission gone wrong. Some ruins or some ancient crumbling scroll that wasn't even supposed to do fucking time travel but was so old and corroded that it somehow managed to transform into a whole other seal by pure bad luck. Or good luck I guess, considering it could have just turned into a nuke.
Our favorite team of disasters are very very alarmed !!! What the fuck !!! Obviously they don't default to thinking time travel, but they immediatley know something is wrong. The landscape has changed, though the big landmarks are still there. The mission was complete anyways with no injuries so they just retreat to Konoha. Only oops !! It's not fucking there!!!
Queue alarm.
Shisui is the first one to suggest time travel because he's quirky like that. And there's a very easy way to confirm this theory.
(Also we're going to say that Konoha's location is a valley a few miles out from the Naka River that borders the Senju / Uchiha territories.)
This is convenient because that verification method involves checking in on where Itachi and Shisui know the old Uchiha compound should rest.
They do it in full stealth mode, the second they saw Konoha was missing Kakashi as team leader decided they'd treat the land as enemy territory. They all agreed ofc, for all they knew this WAS enemy territory now.
And, ofc, yeah!! There's the old Uchiha compound!! Being active!!! There are people there!!!
"What are the odds Fugaku-sama decided to have the clan return to their homeland for ahh, cultural enrichment?" Kakashi asked weakly.
"Time travel." Was the only reply he got from Shisui, whispered reverently as the boy vibrated with excitement on the branch.
Itachi just gave him a look, radiating a level of dissaproving disbelief that no normal 12 year old should be able to make. Kakashi would know, he was that not-normal 12 year old once.
From there they decide a no interference policy. Hands off guys!! They probably debate it tho, like, a good amount. They all have ✨️opinions✨️ except maybe Tenzo who's lowkey still in the middle of trying to learn how to be a person and is following Kakashi's lead 99% of the time. Especially since they're still in mission mode and this is like a super serious discussion and he really does know the least ab the founders overall.
They probably debate the merits of going to Uzushiogakure bc seal help but it's really far and they don't actually have like, just any leverage with them. They already decided not to fuck with the future so it isn't like they can trade secrets and warnings. At least if shit happens here they have some plausible deniability, being, yk, 2 uchiha's and a senju-passing guy with Mokuton. Kakashi's kinda fucked tho in that regard but he isn't going to be doing the party ANY favors with his clan heritage.
Which means it's time to potentially get desperate enough to interact with Tobirama !!! Which will inevitably lead to them bumping into a Uchiha patrol or something!!! I don't know honestly
• Anyways want Hashirama and Tenzo to interact. He has so many issues like holy shit. Let Hashirama give him the hug he deserves. I want him to violently adopt him. New brother acquired!!!
I said before but Tenzo is still reprogramming from ROOT. Let Hashirama impact that! Let him help! They can make flower crowns and photosynthesize together idk
Hashirama would be so happy to have another mokuton user, I think they should be able to sense eachother extra strong and like 'ping' off of eachothers chakra, it'll be fun
▪︎ I'm not thinking toooo hard about power scaling and this is fanfiction so a) don't quote me on this and b) for the love of all that is holy don't take my words as gospel
But for this fic specifically I'm ranking the founders and Team Ro, weakest to strongest (in a clean, fair fight head on w no time to prepare) :
Itachi (he's fucking 12 guys. But also he is like. FRACTIONS under Tenzo and Shisui. If he were 13 I'd let him be above or at the same level but like. He's 12. Cmon.)
Tenzo - Shisui (they're like JUST under the next 2 tho like seconds behind)
Izuna - Tobirama
Kakashi ( by the skin of his fucking teeth and the advantage that is his stupid amount of jutsu's and lack of self preservation)
Madara - Hashirama
And again that's not counting like. The specific situations, time given to prepare, potential dirty tricks they could play (I think the Konoha tricks would play a fraction dirtier than the others, who are slightly more used to big open battles vs the ANBU squad who does all sorts of shit in all sorts of places) plus like. Mental state and team ups.
Tenzo or Shisui couldn't take down Izuna or Tobirama but if they teamed up I'd allow it. Kakashi would get his ass kicked by Hashirama or Madara but he could survive a minutes longer than the others would
Itachi is doing his best
But like
He's 12 guys
I love him and he is terrifyingly competent but he won't win 1 on 1 with anyone unless he has some sort of advantage. Minus Shisui and Tenzo who he does have the advantage of regularly fighting, so.
• I think they do get to go back home in the end. It takes a ton of work tho and they probably do need to get Mito's help with it, Kakashi can show them the seal they got brought here with but it's an ACTUAL one in a trillion miracle it didn't fucking atomize them. So it needs a lot of touch ups
Anyways !!!
I have a little more rattling around in my brain but I'm really tired and also starting to think about other things now so I'm gonna stop here. Might come back and add to it later so stay tuned if you're into that
Full disclaimer I'm not gonna write this. I don't have the proper energy and it'd probably end up being too ambitious of a project if I tried. I'd love to see it happen tho, so like !! Big open invitation to absoloutley anyone who might want to take even a fraction of the ideas I've listed.
@ me if you do tho I wanna see the final product
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gffa · 6 months
Over the last week, I decided to go ahead with bookmarking all the fics I've recommended over the years on AO3 since I abide by tumblr poll results always (and man pour one out for all the fic that never made it to AO3 or has since been deleted, sooooo many gems lost to time!) and it was a bit more than the ~3,000 I was expecting:
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Hopefully, this will be easier than browsing the hundreds of recs posts I've made, since you can filter for any of the author's tags now! These are mostly focused on Star Wars and DC fandom, but I did my time in the anime mines and occasional tours through some TV fandoms or movies. You can dig into everything unfiltered and start your own filtering, or the bigger fandoms you'll find:
MAJOR FANDOMS: Each of these should have 100+ at minimum and, in the case of Star Wars, literally almost half of them are in that fandom. Look, Star Wars fandom might be a trash fire in a lot of ways, but it is ON FIRE with some good fic. (Older bookmarks not guaranteed to match my current sentiments, especially re: the Jedi, but they did catch my fancy at that point in time!)
STAR WARS: - All Star Wars -OR- All Star Wars minus the Obi-Wan/Anakin ship - OR- Nothing BUT Obi-Wan/Anakin
BATMAN/DC: - DC can sometimes be tricky, but you can do a Batman* search and get most of them (though, sometimes Nightwing* or Young Justice* or Superman* will catch some of the others). Honestly, though, you might want to just do a search for what character or dynamic you like and have fun from there, because otherwise you're getting a face full of my Dick Grayson Is The Center Of The Universe And I'm Making That Everyone Else's Problem agenda. ;)
MARVEL/MCU: - Marvel* will probably get most of the various properties, though you may want to filter for Defenders* or Guardians of the Galaxy* if you're interested -OR- Marvel* without the Thor/Loki - These focus a lot on the Thor* fandom if you want to witness the results of like 8 years of constant voracious reading in that fandom (Minus the ship), because, seriously, I read a LOT of Odinson family fic. - Bonus, just do a search for Maximoff* to find some really good X-Men: First Class-verse because, listen, I have been ALL ABOUT the Maximoff twins since long before the movies or MCU brought them over and I will DIE ON THE HILL of "Marvel, make Magneto their bio-dad again or I'm never reading another comic of yours ever".
TOLKIEN/LORD OF THE RINGS/SILMARILLION/HOBBIT: - Tolkien* -OR- Hobbit* -OR- Lord of the Rings* searches will turn up most of my Elf-hunting, I primarily focus on the Sindar Elves, but look I can't resist my problematic Feanorian faves or that I will die on the hill that Fingolfin is the best ever. (You have NO IDEA how sad I am that so much fic on Stories of Arda or FFNET is not easily bookmarked on AO3, sob. I externally bookmarked a few of the bigger ones, but sooo many shorter faves are missing from my recs tag.)
CLAMP: - X/Tokyo Babylon legitimately bums me out because it's not a huge fandom and yet so much of what was written was pre-AO3 and lost when CLAMPesque went down or was never brought over from Livejournal, yet this fandom (well, the Seishirou/Subaru pairing) still burns brightly in my heart.
MINOR FANDOMS: Ones that probably only have under 100 bookmarks (often around the 20-30 bookmarks range), but will at least give you a place to start! ANIME/MANGA: Bleach | Cardcaptor Sakura | Dragonball | Finder no Hyouteki/Viewfinder | Katekyou Hitman Reborn! | Kuroko no Basuke | One Piece | Sailor Moon | Madoka Magica | Naruto | Princess Tutu | Trigun | Weiss Kreuz | Yuri!!! on Ice
BOOKS: Chrestomanci | Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
DRAMAS: Nirvana in Fire | The Untamed -OR- Modao Zu Shi
TV SHOWS/MOVIES: Community | Game of Thrones -OR- ASOIAF | Good Omens | Hannibal | Highlander | The Old Guard | Our Flag Means Death | Stranger Things
VIDEO GAMES: Dragon Age: Inquisition | Final Fantasy 8 | Genshin Impact | Okami
BANDS: Arashi
All right, whew, that was actually a fun project, despite how much work it was to hunt down a lot of older faves to see if they were on AO3, hopefully you'll find this useful!
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moumouton4 · 1 year
I'm Looking For My Husband || Kakashi Hatake x reader
A/n : And here is a non requested fic. As always I take time to answer to requests but I spare time for my own imagiantion. So here is an idea I got a LONG time ago 😂
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : Fluff, heavy make out session, getting caught ??
Summary : You've just arrived in your husband's village to settle in, and once you've finished settling in, you set off in search of him. You meet Naruto, who helps you find him. Little does he knows he DOES know who your husband is
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 2193
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Kakashi Hatake was a man of many secrets. So few people knew who you were. Of course, there was Guy and Jiraiya, but otherwise no one else in the Hidden Leaf Village. The reality was that on one of his long missions he was paired with a ninja from Suna, aka you. You got along so well that you were entrusted with all missions concerning the common interests of your two countries. Over time, you grew much closer, and Kakashi ended up spending his rare vacations in Suna with you.
Of course, he was far, far from imagining that he would have the emotional capacity to open his heart to someone in this way, and to become romantically attached to them. But it happened, and when he realized it, it came as a shock. Without lying, he wasn't at all happy at first, wondering how he'd react if anything happened to you. Eventually, when all he could think about while lying on his bed at night was you and what you might be up to, and that spread to the whole day, he soon realized that his fear was not going to stop him from doing anything in his plan to keep you close to him.
And what a surprise it was when you told him you reciprocated his feelings fully. He thought he was going to cry, but he didn't have time to do so when he saw your face close to his. His body acted alone and he lowered his mask, letting you taste his lips. A few months later - knowing that you'd been working together for years - you got engaged. Before getting married in a hurry when your time off allowed it. Of course, Tsunade and Gaara - a close friend of yours - accepted the wedding, albeit inter-village.
Very few people knew about the wedding, and frankly no one could have guessed it, with Kakashi's ring hidden behind his protection gloves ( I myself practiced martial art but even in other sports rings are the first thing one has to take off but not here lmao ). And you weren't living in Konoha yet, but you will soon be. Yes, you'd chosen to move in with him rather than the other way round, knowing that the strong ties he had there meant you'd decided to follow him without following his decision to move to Suna instead, what a thoughtful lover he is.
So that's how you found yourself with a suitcase containing all the belongings of a shinobi, a straw hat on your head to protect you from the sun of Suna ( either you see this as a reference to One Piece or to the scarecrow Kakashi ;) )
However, there was a shadow over the picture : while you knew all the important points in the village, you didn't know the hell where your apartment was, though your ninja techniques enabled you to find it rather easily. Apartment check, Kakashi... not check. So you began to wander through the village under the curious gazes of ordinary inhabitants who didn't know who the hell you were, ninjas though knew since Tsunade preferred to tell them a ninja from Suna was going to settle there to save you from trouble with the police, thanks to her for respecting your privacy.
Suddenly a golden-haired boy you'd come to know, thanks to your now husband Kakashi, as Naruto, the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, leapt in front of you.
"Hello miss, are you new around here ? I don't remember seeing you before ? What are you up to ?"
"It's incredible to talk so fast" you thought "He's really as energetic as Kakashi told me and he looks taller than in the photo frame" you thought before speaking aloud "Wo we don't know each other, I've just moved to Konoha and I'm looking for my husband"
"Oooh he's from Konoha I see ! Well welcome then. Perhaps I can help you ?"
At these words you smiled "Yes, I'd like that", thinking it over you added "He's probably training, but I've no idea where exactly"
"I know this village like the back of my hand, I'll probably be able to find it easily dattebayo ! Follow me !" he shouted before starting to run in one direction before stopping and looking at you sheepishly "Let's take a walk instead, I'm sure you've come a long way"
( He could have asked your husband's name before running off 😂 )
You nodded, laughing "Indeed, walking sounds more restful" and with that you made your way to the training area Naruto had described to you. He did disappear for a short moment telling you he needed to talk to someone before leading you to the training areas.
A long stretch of open ground, with what looked like a man-made waterfall and a forest below. Speaking of sunken, here was your husband, reading his book on a wooden bench not far from the foot of the waterfall.
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Naruto, unaware of this detail, continued "Hey look there ! That's Kakashi sensei. He's going to help you find your husband. But as he's still reading his pervy book, we're going to have trouble moving him"
"Hhhh Jiraiya's books, they're pretty good"
"You know Jiraiya from where you come ?"
"Of course who doesn't ?!?” you said proudly before Naruto continued.
"Well then, you'll get along just fine" he said as he jumped off the waterfall, leaving you chuckling to yourself for a moment before you followed.
Even lying like that he looked hot.
"Kakashi sensei ! Kakashi sensei ! I have with me-"
"Naruto we are on a break, you'll start training again in half an hour" he said in a monotone yet commanding voice without lifting his nose from the book.
"But this lady is looking for her husband and I thought you might be able to help her"
Before he could even lift his nose from the book, you snapped back, "Can you even see daylight with that in front of your eyes ?"
The mere sound of your voice made him lose his composure, and he dropped his book, which came crashing down on his face as he struggled to get up from his lying position to look presentable, almost slipping in the process. As he finally managed to stand up, his book lay face down on the floor.
His dark eyes widened as he met your mischievous ones, a light red settling on his cheekbones, visible on one side of his face. He didn't know you'd be coming so soon "H-hey-"
"Kakashi sensei she's looking for her husband, that means she's no longer to be seduced"
"That's quite true" you said, holding back a laugh at the young boy's clueless state.
Kakashi smirked beneath his mask : "You're right, Naruto, her husband will probably do just fine. Go back to training, I'll help her"
"Ah, at last ! Good luck, miss !" shouted the boy before setting off for the training ground with a cheerful step.
Turning his attention back to you, Kakashi spoke more confidently, "So you're looking for your husband huh", bringing his hands to his hips.
Out of earshot, you seductively replied "Yes, I've had a long trip and I just need to spend some quality time with him"
"Oooh is that so ? "he replied, his voice dropping an octave as he took a step towards you, careful to keep his distance if anyone was watching. You hadn't yet discussed whether it was safe enough to make your relationship public. But living together, it would eventually come out.
He turned quickly, picking up his book and putting it in his back pocket. Then he raised his arm in the air, gesturing to another ninja a few yards away, before pointing at you. The other brown ninja, wearing a forehead protector, saluted you before giving Kakashi a thumbs-up, taking the time to give him a knowing look.
"Don't worry, that's typical Tenzo, he's always making funny faces" you chuckled at his words before greeting the boy. Then you started walking away from the training area.
"I hope you had a good trip. You didn't get lost on the way" he said, his voice much softer and giddier, with a joking tone, now that you were out of earshot.
"How could I have gotten lost knowing that my needy husband was always bringing me to Konohagakure to secretly spend time with me" you replied, making him chuckle nervously while scratching the back of his head.
The more you were walking and chatting the more he wanted to get close to you, he was itching to have his mouth pressed against yours. But in the middle of the village it was impossible. "Where are we going by the way this isn't the way home"
"No it isn't, we're a bit far from there. So I just thought- here" and with that he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you towards an alleyway out of sight.
"You just have to tell yourself it's an aperitif of what is to come" he said in a husky voice, lowering his mask before pressing his lips against yours, pushing you harshly against the nearest wall, his hands resting on either side of your head. Pouring into this kiss all the effect of the lack your absence has had on him.
"Ooh getting risky I like it" you said, wrapping your arms around his neck "What is going to come next ?"
"Keep this up and you might soon find out" and with that he grabbed your hips before lifting you up and as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He put his mouth back on yours, this time directly going to French kiss you ( French like me lmao ). His tongue caressed yours over and over again until your legs tightened around his waist.
That's when you both felt another chakra close to you. Its source was unknown to you, but the same could not be said for Kakashi. As he stepped back, Kakashi instinctively pulled up his mask, before gently placing you on the ground. As you gently resumed your breathing, your eyes lifted to the source of the chakra.
"S-sorry I didn't want to disturb you but Naruto told me earlier that she was looking for her husband I-I d-"
“Oooh so that’s were he went” you thought before exchanging a glance before kakashi interrupted him "Don't worry she found him"
Iruka's mouth opened and closed like a fish, his index fingers pointing at you and then at him repeatedly "you- erm eh ?" ( yeah that mean "You're married ?" )
You took a quick step before reaching out to shake his hand, "I'm Y/n Hatake. Kakashi's wife" you smiled widely, you've been dying since forever to say that. Kakashi under his mask was smiling too because he too was dying since forever to hear you say that. Hotter than any Icha Icha he has read.
Iruka stretched out his hand towards you, a genuine smile coming over his face which a few seconds ago had been totally embarrassed "Nice to meet you under that name" he chuckled nervously, still embarrassed by the situation before. Indeed, you have the brief opportunity to cross paths one day in the hokage's office during your travels on missions defending the interests of Suna and Konohagakure.
Suddenly as if he remembered with full force what he had stumbled on he spoke again " I-I-I'll leave you now, you're in good hands" "I bet she is " Kakashi said under his breath, as Iruka waved at you both before disappearing as fast as he appeared ( Naruto wasn't near going to hear the end of this, well I mean Iruka is going to slap the back of his head without ever telling him why )
Kakashi whose hands were encircling your waist from behind spoke up "So were were we my beautiful wife ?"
"We were about to go home because I'm not gonna get caught twice in the same day during my first day here"
"At least they'll know who you belong too" he chuckled a hint of possessiveness in his tone
"Well if I were the one hiding under a mask I'd say the same. But everybody sees my damn face so it's without me" you said as you made your way out of the alley "If you want it you'll have to get it" you said seductively before jumping and disappearing out of his sight.
For a second he was stunned, a smirk plastered on his face. Oh you wanted to play. Fine but should be careful because he is a hell of a player. You'd challenged him, so he was going to find you. He could still smell you trailing a track. Better be ready because he'll find you very quickly and he won't need to ask anyone if they've seen his wife. It's your game but here you're on his field. You won't be able to escape him. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🍩🥗 Again my requests are open 🥯🍮
A/n 2 : In the original version Naruto was supposed to think Y/n's husband disappeared and he was going to tell the whole village if they saw her husband. Y/n would have been so stunned by the way Naruto handles it she would have just followed to see what he was gonna do. At the end they would have eneded up at Tsunade's office and Kakashi would have been there and Y/n just goes : "Thank you for helping me" and she goes to stand next to Kakashi and Naruto is like 😃🤠🤡
But then I wouldn't have been able to add the French kiss scene 👀🤣😭
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
Could you do fic for Mark Webber with wife reader (no age gap)? She found a few of an old video when Mark slipped on the podium after finishing in second place at the Brazilian Grand Prix, the last race of his F1 career - Sunday 24th November 2013. And she teases him about it. Just something fluff and cute. Add something if you'd like too. Tag me later!! Thanks!! :))
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Mark Webber x Wife!Reader
Short and fluffy
Tagged— @amatswimming @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @67-angelofthelordme-67 @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithshouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @pear-1206 @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
You were laying in bed scrolling through Instagram reels waiting for your husband Mark to come to bed when you saw a video that caught your attention. The video was a podium celebration from the Brazilian Grand Prix back on November 24th 2013. The video started out with Sebastian spaying his champagne every first and then Mark and Fernando joining in.
Sebastian was off to the side spraying his champagne while Mark was spraying Fernando and laughing. Fernando scurried over into a corner trying to get away from Mark who sprayed some Champagne on his back before he turned away and slipped. You laughed out loud seeing Mark jump like nothing happened.
You continue laughing as you rewatch the video over and over. The video is hilarious and always puts you in a good mood. You keep watching the video and laughing until you hear the bedroom door open. You quickly hide your phone under the blanket and play it cool as Mark walks into the room.
"What are you laughing about?" Mark asks as he walks toward you. You smile and giggle a little as if nothing is wrong. You put the covers over your face and pretend like you were just sleeping. You decide to tell him the truth... "Oh, I was just watching one of the videos you have on Instagram."
"What video?" Mark asks as he lays down next to you. He wraps his arm around your waist and nuzzles his face into your neck. You smile and sigh, glad to be back in his arms. You decide to show him the video again and turn on the phone to show him.
"This one!" You say with a giggle as you hand him your phone. Mark grabs your phone and starts watching the video. He chuckles and rolls his eyes, but you can tell he thinks it's funny too. You keep watching together and laughing quietly as Mark nuzzles back into your neck.
"You know this video is almost 10 years old right?" Mark says with a slight grin on his face. You grin back and nod your head. "Yeah, I know. But it's still hilarious!"
"It is pretty funny," Mark says with a chuckle. He looks over at you and smiles. "I can't believe you watched it over and over. You're so funny." He gently squeezes your hip.
“Can you blame me though you just jumped up like nothing happened” you said smiling.
"Yeah, I guess I did." Mark chuckles as he gives you a little pinch on the side. "But it was better than falling flat on my face like Fernando."
“That’s different he was drunk”
“Hey, the floor was wet. I didn't mean to slip” Mark says.
“I don’t see Oscar slipping and falling” you say teasingly.
Mark leans in and gently kisses your cheek as he pulls you closer to him. "So why did you watch the video over and over? Were you missing me?" He asks playfully to change the subject. You lean into him and rest your head on his chest.
"Maybe I was missing you a little bit," you reply as you lay your head on his chest. He kisses your head and wraps his arms around you tight. "Good. I'm glad you missed me because I missed you too." He whispers into your ear.
You smile and sigh. You can feel his heartbeat through his chest, it's comforting. You slowly slip your arms around his neck as you melt into his embrace. You close your eyes and take a deep breath as you try to savor every moment of this moment with him.
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shanastoryteller · 4 months
I will never get over the whole gimmick where people read your fics in different fandoms and only realize they were all written by the same person (you) way later. I’ve kept up with your various HP (siat that monstrosity /lovingly), Naruto, NiF, MDZS, etc. works ever since I first found you a few years ago. I recently went down a Teen Wolf rabbit hole on AO3 (never watched the show but well), saw a fic I was interested in, glanced at the author name, and did a double take. It was your “hope is the thing with feathers” fic! For the record, I love it and I think it’s hilarious, but I had to immediately run to Tumblr just to tell you.
hahaha me either!! it really is my favorite thing!
thank you!!!
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Sleepy Babies
Kakashi Hatake x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Synopsis: Ever since Obito died, Kakashi has been staying the night. It was for comfort, but as the years went on it blossomed into something more.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
A/n: this is pure hurt/comfort and NOT smut, especially in the first two parts, as they are children, and it's supposed to be sweet and innocent. Some kissing is mentioned in the parts where they are 18 or older. The timeline of this story starts when they are 11 (when Obito dies). And apparently, that timeline is messy in the Fandom, so I'm just going to act like Kakashi, and the reader is three years younger than Obito.
Ps: This fic ties in with most of my other Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure fics (minus "Crawling Back to Me").
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- 11 Years Old -
A knock sounded on your window, causing you to jump off your bed in excitement. Running to the window, you smiled brightly at the boy that slowly was becoming your bestest friend in the whole world. He slid up the window and started to step into the room, but you shushed him as he landed a little too hard. "You have to be quiet. I don't want my parents to know I'm sneaking friends in here."
He nodded at that before moving stealthily towards your bed.
You giggled as he sat cross-legged on the mattress, eyes wide as he took in your room. Usually, when he would sneak in, it was way past the time you had to have your lights off, but his thoughts had been growing darker earlier in the night. Therefore his arrival was slowly becoming earlier and earlier. You didn't mind, though.
Unbeknownst to you, your parents, being trained jounin, had already known of his presence and stood outside your room.
"Do you want to play a game?"
Your muffled words came through the door, causing your mother to smile softly. Your father stood along the wall behind her, huffing and puffing at the idea of letting such a thing happen.
"I don't like that she's having a boy staying the night-"
"It's nothing romantic... They both lost their friends, and they need comfort we can't give them," your mother argued back. She wished she could give you this comfort but years of being a Shinobi made her numb to death. Your father grew quiet, finally realizing that he, too, couldn't bring you comfort, couldn't calm your nightmares like a father should.
"Fine... But I still don't like it"
Your mother smiled softly at your father before leaning slightly to get a peek inside the room. You were pulling out a deck of cards, face bright as you started to shuffle them.
"Have you ever played "Go Fish?" Genma taught me how to play a couple of days ago!"
Kakashi shook his head at that. You talked a lot, but he had grown to like that about you. It allowed his brain to shut off. For the voices to stop. All he had to do was focus on you, and he would feel calm. He really enjoyed this time with you.
"Okay so here's how you play!"
Time passed, and your father had gone to bed, but your mother stayed put. After about an hour of playing, you had grown sleepy; it was usually at this time that you both fell asleep. "I'm sleepy, Kashi. Do you want to stay the night again?"
Kakashi nodded at that before standing up so you could make the bed.
You climbed in first, arms stretching over your head as you yawned. He climbed in after you but stayed far enough away so you didn't touch. But you still both lay in a way that had you facing each other. "I hope you have sweet dreams, Kakashi" you whispered as your eyelids began to droop. Kakashi nodded at this before wishing you the same.
Your mother sighed sadly as you two fell asleep. You two should have been having fun in your childhood, not seeking comfort from one another over the death of a comrade... Over a friend. "Are they asleep?"
Your mother nodded sadly at that, tears streaming down her cheeks as she began to regret their decision to put you in the academy so early on. "We shouldn't have done this-" your father's hand touching your mother's shoulder stopped her statement, for they both knew that this was meant to happen.
"If she weren't in the academy, she wouldn't be the rock Kakashi needs... And if he weren't in the academy, he wouldn't be the rock she needs... The world is cruel, and this line of work is cruel... But they have each other."
Your mother nodded at that before standing up from her spot on the ground. She still regretted putting you in the academy so early on.
But she was thankful you had Kakashi.
It continued that way, just the two of you. He'd come over around six, sometimes you'd sneak in some dinner, and by nine you were fast asleep. As the years went on, you grew closer and closer. You felt happy for once, and he felt the same way.
But it didn't last long.
- 14 Years Old -
A cry sounded out into the night, causing you to sigh in exasperation. You were so tired. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. You don't know why you said yes to the third Hokage, but the minute you saw the baby's little face, you knew you couldn't say no.
So now here you were. Depressed and taking care of a newborn all alone.
Well, not all alone.
"I got this one" Kakashi mumbled as he sat up in the bed. You simply nodded at that, not having the energy or will power to answer him. You looked over at the clock and sighed shakily. 1 AM... You laid down at 9 PM and have yet to fall asleep. You felt sick to your stomach, the death of your parents was really doing a number on you.
Your eyes drifted to the wall before you once again zoned out. It felt like ages had passed before Kakashi returned.
He entered the room again before quietly sighing at you curled up on the bed, eyes staring intently at the wall. He understood your pain, probably better than anyone else. You jumped lightly as he dragged his hand through your tangled and ratty hair, "How much sleep did you get?"
It was only then that you realized Naruto was no longer crying. It usually didn't take Kakashi long to soothe him... Looking back at the clock you realized that only a couple of minutes had passed. You didn't get much sleep, the fact that time felt like it was passing so slowly showed that. "I didn't fall asleep" you muttered as you cuddled into the pillow. Kakashi let out another sigh.
You hadn't been eating. Hadn't been sleeping. You rarely took a shower or got dressed for the day. He was worried about you.
He's been through this before, and he almost didn't make it out alive.
Kakashi motioned for you to scoot over and you did so reluctantly. He climbed in and moved closer to you. He lifted his hand but hesitated, if he did this, it could ruin everything. Deciding that your well being was more important than his worries, he wrapped his arm around you before dragging you into his embrace. Your mouth dropped in shock against his neck. For years the two of you had been inching closer and closer, but you didn't expect this to happen.
You weren't complaining though.
A sense of security overtook every one of your senses. All you felt now was love as if it was your mom herself hugging you. Tears fell down your cheeks as you cried into him, you didn't know if they were tears of joy or pain, but they felt good. "I got you. It's okay" Kakashi whispered as he cradled you close to him.
You both didn't know it, but this moment would be the one moment that changed everything.
- 18 Years Old -
The bed shifted, and you sighed as an arm wrapped around you. "One of these days, I'm going to stab you with a kunai accidentally," you grumbled. Kakashi's chuckle was soft, trying not to wake the four-year-old in the room over. You turned in his arms to be face to face with him, delighted to see his entire face. Something few saw. "How was the mission?" you whispered as your fingers played with the collar of his dark shirt. You chanced a glance at the area by the window.
The ANBU gear leaned against the wall, the mask looking back at you almost mockingly. It was rare for him not to stop at his house before coming by; the gear in your room told you a million things. He was tired. He was done.
And another piece of him was ripped away.
"Bad mission?"
He nodded before inching closer to you, encouraging you to hold him. That's all he wanted; he didn't want to discuss it. Didn't want to tell you the number of people that died—the number he killed.
Why did he kill that many anyway?
His chest tightened at the number flashing in his mind - 15. He killed 15 people. He brutally murdered them. Men. Women.
All in the name of the village. Kakashi felt his stomach churn as he looked away from you; you would think he was a monster. You had a right to believe such things. He was a monster—a cold-blooded monster who hid behind a mask.
"Hey," your soft voice pulled him out from that dark corner of his mind. His eyes flicked back up to your sweet ones. He expected to see disgust written all over your face; he always did.
And you always surprised him. For all you had on your face was pure love. He could kill a million people, and you'd still care for him. You'd still love him.
"It's just a mask. It's not who you are"
He heard you, he did, but he couldn't process the words. He couldn't process the pure love given to him. How could you even love a monster like him?
"Kashi. Come back to me"
Tears flew down his cheeks as he moved into your open arms. He fought back his sobs by snuggling his face into your neck, but you knew better than anyone the pain he was going through. "You're a good person Kakashi. And I will love you no matter what..." he nodded at your words, teeth biting his lip as he continued to push down his emotions. He curled into you and pulled himself deeper into your embrace. All he wanted to do was be held by you. The emotional and mental safety you gave him was something he couldn't live without.
You slowed your breathing, hoping it would encourage him to do the same. Kakashi sighed dreamily as your fingers ran sweetly through his hair, playing with it like you knew he liked it. Your fingers managed to snag pieces that had dried blood. Usually you wouldn't have allowed such a thing and would have made him take a shower first before climbing into bed.
But this was okay, he needed you, and that trumped everything.
His breathing evened out, causing you to sigh in relief as he finally fell asleep into what you hoped was a dreamless state. You turned your gaze once more to the ANBU gear. At first, you loved him being in the ANBU as it made you feel safe.
But not anymore, not at the cost of possibly losing him.
Your grip around him tightened as you started to drift off; he would most likely not be here in the morning when you woke up. Yet you had a sliver of hope that he'd be by your side when your eyes opened.
Or be making breakfast at least.
- 21 Years Old -
You shot up in bed, chest rising and falling quickly as you gasped for air. It felt like someone was choking you and holding you underwater at the same time. "Y/n?" Kakashi mumbled as he started to wake up beside you. Tears were already falling down your cheeks when he was fully awake. He tried to touch you, to bring you back to earth as you fought off the nightmare surrounding you. You were dreaming of the incident again.
Of him dying in your arms.
"Hey, what's going on" Kakashi's whisper only made it harder to breathe, and you once again shook your head and shot up from the bed. You needed air, needed water, needed space. You needed something you just didn't know what. Kakashi was close behind you as you swung your bedroom door open and fled to the front of the apartment. He opened his mouth to ask again what you were dreaming about, but he knew. It was the same one you'd been having for months now. It would start innocently, you and Obito playing and having fun. Then it morphed into something darker. The ending was always the same. Obito always ended up in your arms.
But this time, it seemed like the ending was different. You took a sharp inhale as the cold night air shot through you, and finally, finally you began to come out of the haze the dream put you under. Kakashi leaned against the door frame, hesitant to touch you in case it would cause another breakdown. Slowly, you took in your surroundings. Everything was fine. It was indeed all a dream.
A strong arm wrapped around your shivering form. "Why don't we head inside?" Kakashi whispered as his lips pressed sweetly to your bare neck. You nodded at that, realizing it wasn't the village you lost.
It was him.
You turned in his arms. And your e/c eyes darkened as you gripped him tightly, "It was me this time wasn't it?"
You averted your gaze, embarrassed by your reaction to something as silly as a nightmare. He pulled you in closer before pressing a soft kiss to your nose. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm here with you. I will always be here with you" Your lip trembled at his words. Sure, he was no longer in the ANBU, but he was still going on missions. He had to. He was too important to the village.
But damn the village.
"Sometimes I hate this village for using you like a pawn" Your snarl caught him off guard. He looked down at where your fingers roughly pulled at the top of his shirt. Kakashi opened his mouth to interject and to make you take back the words, but you brushed past him before he had the chance.
- 26 Years Old -
As Naruto grew, the less and less you and Kakashi stayed the night together. But the incident with Naruto and Mizuki changed that.
You tossed and turned in your bed, legs moving as if trying to run somewhere. Kakashi brought his hand across the bed to cup your cheek as he scooted in closer to you. "It's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you two" His whisper somehow made it into your dream because you stopped thrashing around. Soft whimpers still fell from your lips before your eyes finally opened. Kakashi's Sharingan shone in the dark room, the redness of it calming every fiber in your being.
"I'm so scared of losing him Kakashi."
He nodded at that. Naruto was a target, they tried their best to keep him a secret, but the news was spreading fast. "No one's going to hurt either of you when I'm around."
You didn't say anything. Didn't need to say anything. He moved closer to press a kiss to your lips. It was sweet and soft, calm and reassuring.
It was everything you loved about him.
You gave him a sad smile as his thumb caressed your cheek lovingly, "I missed this. I missed you being beside me," you whispered. It was dumb to feel embarrassed. You had been doing this since you were 11, but it had grown into something more.
He meant more to you now. In ways, you could have never planned.
When you befriended that 11-year-old boy, you did so because you both shared a tragedy and could rely on one another for comfort. But as time went on, that friendship blossomed. Your eagerness to see him morphed into something akin to love.No no. It was love.
This was love.
"I love you," you breathed out shakily. You've said it a million times before to him, but this was different. This was real. You didn't just love him as a best friend. You loved everything about him. His lips curled up into a knowing smile before he once more pressed his lips against yours. Kakashi moved your body so that he was hovering over you, deepening the kiss that had once started out as sweet.
Both of you fought for dominance as the kiss got heavier. Before finally, he pulled away. Your eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and the way you were looking at him made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. "Guess what?" He started, causing you to lean in more in the hopes he'd say the words you wanted to hear the most.
"I love you more"
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venerawrites · 2 months
hi! could you write a naruto x reader fic where reader just moved to konoha and saw naruto being bullied and decides to help him? maybe they become friends after and naruto develops a crush on reader
thank you thats all!
author's note: my exams are getting near and I have not been super active lately, but writing this was a nice break for my brain and actually gave me a chance to recharge. I absolutely love Naruto and I am so happy I finally got my first request for him! I really hope you enjoy! x
warnings: none, but what was supposed to be fluff did turn into some light angst? (sorry, can't control myself); also gn! reader and characters aged to be over 18 towards the end;
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"It should've been you, freak!"
The words were followed by a shove to the boy's chest, but it didn't hurt nearly as deep as the statement said. In a way, Naruto agreed with what the other kid was saying - maybe it shouldn't have been him buried deep underground, instead of the dozens of innocent lives that were taken by the demon sealed inside of him. Maybe death is indeed the better option compared to his life filled with loneliness and being hated by everyone in the village.
"Just leave me alone!", his voice came out weaker than he intended to and caused nothing but laughter by the five boys surround him.
"Or what, whisker boy?"
Naruto opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it again, once no good comeback came to his mind.
What was he going do?
He could try and fight them like last time, but with five versus one, he was bound to lose again. He could also run… but with 3 of the boys being a few years older and already training at the Academy, they would surely catch him. Alternatively, he could just sit and a hope for a miracle to happ-
“Get lost.”
The little pebble you held in your hand flew toward the head of one of the boys, forcing him to turn around with annoyance written all over his face. It took a few seconds for Naruto to locate where the voice came from, but once he spotted you, his breath hitched in his throat.
Just like an angel, sent straight from Heaven, you stood in the middle of the street, eyeing all of the boys with an unimpressed expression and with one of your hands playing with two more pebbles between your fingers. You must have been just a visitor since the blonde boy was sure he would have remembered you if he had seen you before. His eyes fell down towards the front of your vest, where a small scorpion was embodied in gold.
A clan symbol, that's for sure. But which?
"Who the heck are you?", the boy you hit yelled, his palm still rubbing the sore spot at the back of his head, "Go away before we make you go away."
A loud scoff escaped past your lips and before he could react, you threw a second stone at him, this time successfully hitting his left eye.
"Ow!", he screamed, and a few of his friends immediately rushed to his side, checking if he was okay. Moving their attention to you, their bodies tensed, instinctively taking a fighting stance. Naruto, on the other hand, stood behind them, still unsure of what was going on.
"I give you exactly ten seconds to run before I make you go away", you mimicked their earlier words, a note of challenge in your voice. Your threat was met with nothing but laughter and you narrowed your eyes at them, your fingers reaching to the little pouch attached to the side of your waist.
"Ha, like you can scare us aw- OW!", with no chance to finish, the boy, who you assumed was the leader of the gang, was hit again, this time in his other eye, making him stumble back. Calculating the distance between you and the other males, you expertly threw the rest of the stones in your hand in their direction, hitting each one without a miss.
Before he could realise what was happening, Naruto found himself facing you alone, his bullies now running quickly down the street. They kept shouting some curses and threats back at you, their words mixing together and making it impossible to actually understand what were they saying. You didn't look too bothered about it either, your eyes boring into the blonde boy.
"Heh, t-thanks for that...", Naruto nervously murmured with a crooked smile, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. He was not sure if you were going to attack him next, but judging by your more relaxed stance now, he hoped not. Your face remained stoic, your eyes tracing his face and dirty outfit, the corners of your mouth twitching in disgust.
"You need a shower", was all you said, before turning around and starting walking towards your house. It took a few seconds for the blonde boy to assimilate your words, his head shaking once he realised that you intended this to be the end of your conversation.
"Hey! Wait!", he yelled, his feet hurrying after you, "What's your name?"
You did not stop, but your steps did slow down. Casting him a side glance, you raised an eyebrow at him in question.
"Why do you need my name?"
"Well, you know...", the boy trailed off, but your facial expression remained unchanged. Clearing his throat, he shoved both his hands in his pockets, while still walking next to you. He stayed silent for a minute, wondering how to word his thoughts. Did he actually need a reason to ask for your name? Was there even a right answer to that?
"So we can be friends! I assume you are new here, but that's okay because you can't have a better guide around Konoha than me and-"
"I don't need new friends", you immediately shot him down, your focus moving from him to the road ahead. The feeling of his curious stare burned at the side of your face, yet you refused to elaborate further.
"Well, I...", his movements stopped and he remained frozen in his place. The way you turned his offer down so quickly hurt more than he expected from someone he didn't even know. There was something cold and unfriendly about you and he couldn't decide if it was directed toward him, or if it was just who you were.
Have you heard about him and the demon inside of him already? You didn't look scared of him, but it was also clear you wanted nothing to do with him. Maybe you thought he was weak because of the way he let those kids talk to him?
"It's Y/N", your voice took him out of his thoughts and he lifted his gaze up to you. After seeing the confusion in it, you clarified, "My name is Y/N."
A small smile formed on his face and he closed the distance between you once again, reaching his hand toward you.
"I am Naruto", he shivered at the feeling of your smaller hand placing itself into his, "Naruto Uzumaki."
You nodded your head, despite already knowing well enough who he was. It has been only a week since you moved from the Village Hidden in the Rain to Konoha, but your parents had already made you aware of the rumours going around the village of the so-called "fox demon boy". Looking at the whiskers on his face, it didn't take long for you to realise it was him.
"The gates in front of the academy. Eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late", you instructed calmly, pulling your hand away from his grasp.
You rolled your eyes at his dumbfounded look.
"I could use a guide around the village", you shrugged your shoulders, before turning around once again, "But if you are even one minute late, I would leave."
Needless to say the next day was the first time Naruto actually showed up for something on time.
Two years have passed since the first time you met Naruto. Surprisingly for him and many of the other villagers, an unlikely friendship formed between you despite your contrasting personalities.
Naruto was like the sun - bright, positive, bringing light into everyone's life. Despite what others have put him through, he remained dreaming big, eager to prove himself as the strongest ninja in Konoha. While he still encountered unfriendly stares and was avoided by the majority of the kids, he radiated optimism and never shut his mouth about how one day everyone was going to admire him.
You, on the other hand, were... well, you.
Raised as the oldest daughter of the Doku clan, one of the few wealthy clans in Amegakure, your life drastically differed from the one of your blonde friend. Moving to Konoha after the political tension in your home village threatened the influence held by your father, your parents made sure to continue your comfortable life by purchasing a large compound in the outskirts of the Leaf Village.
Too busy to climb the social ladder, your parents have left you in charge of looking after your two younger sisters, thus never really giving you the chance to enjoy a carefree childhood. Sure, you were aided by the many maids who helped around the house, but having to constantly keep an eye on your siblings made you mature way quicker than expected. It was no surprise that even since your early childhood you developed a moody personality, your state of mind shifting only between annoyance and boredom.
Nothing really impressed you, nor could make you sad. Interactions with people were draining the little energy and patience you had left and you avoided them as much as possible, preferring to sit in your compound's garden by yourself, immersed in one of your many books about nature, plants and poison making.
Despite that, you were not heartless. So when you saw Naruto for the first time, being cornered by these five boys, you knew you had to intervene, despite having no intention to get to know him. But the moment you saw his expression after you made it clear that you were not interested in forming friendships, something inside you stirred with guilt and despite your better judgment, you decided to give it a shot.
You often wondered if that was a mistake, especially in moments like this, when Naruto was loudly complaining to you about the team he has been assigned in, pieces of the food he was chewing falling out of his mouth while talking.
"Can you believe it? Me and that teme in the same team together! This has to be a joke!", he moaned, stuffing his mouth with more ramen, half of which flew towards you, while he kept trying to talk and eat and the same time.
You looked in disgust at the small piece of noodle that rested on your sleeve, carefully picking it up and throwing it away.
"Can you stop talking with your mouth full?", you asked in annoyance, rolling your eyes. Naruto hummed under his breath but showed no signs of following your request. At this point he was so used to your grumpy comments, that often they went in into one ear and came back out of the other.
"And Sakura doesn't even pay attention to me, too busy to fawn over that duck-butt looking jerk!", he lifted the bowl in his hands to his mouth and obnoxiously slurped the remaining food at the bottom. You quietly chewed your chicken while you listened to his complaints.
The relationship between him and the Uchiha has been confusing, to say the least. Before being assigned to a team together, they rarely interacted, showing no real interest in each other. Since Team 7 was formed, however, they were constantly clashing with each other and turning even the slightest things into a competition.
"What do you think?", he asked you, face leaning towards yours, while his hands moved to grab the second bowl of ramen.
"About what?", you asked with a sigh, your chopstick twirling your food in a bored manner. Naruto rolled his eyes, stuffing a large piece of pork into his mouth.
"About Sasuke, duh!", he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I don't really understand how girls are always after him!"
You shrugged your shoulders in response.
"I don't think about him", was all you said, returning your focus to your food. Naruto glanced at you, his mouth opening to ask you something else, but his cheeks suddenly flushed red, and he closed it again. You noticed his weird reaction, but did not comment on it, leaving him to be the one to break the silence once again.
"What about your team? Are they nice?", he cleared his throat, surprising you with the sudden change of topic. While Naruto was extremely kind, he usually preferred to talk about himself and what was going on in his life, rather than show interest in someone else.
"They are alright", you put the last bit of chicken into your mouth, before pushing your plate away. Having only two other students in the whole class who were not natives of Konoha, it was no surprise they decided to pair you together, thinking that this was something you could bond over.
Luckily for you, both of your teammates were just as uninterested in forming friendships as you. Hisa, the oldest one in your group and originally born in Suna, was an excellent swordsman and pretty good in taijutsu, making him the front fighter of your team and in some way the self-proclaimed leader of it. He rarely talked, unless he was sharing battle strategies, preferring to rely on actions rather than words.
Mako, the other boy in your team, was the most timid and shy one in the team, yet somehow the most sociable. Born in the Village Hidden in the Mist as part of the Yuki Clan, he moved here when he was just an infant. He was the only one in your team that possessed a Kekkei Genkai, and while not master at it in any way, he was an extremely valuable addition to your team and probably the best sparring partner out of you three.
You, on the other hand, were the long-shot weaponry fighter of the team. Specializing in poison making, just like the rest of your clan, your skills lay in ambushing and immobilizing enemies from far away with the help of your poison needles.
While you still could handle yourself pretty well in hand-to-hand combat, even against opponents like Hisa, you rarely had to do that, your expert aim almost never missing your targets. You were also the only one in the team who knew basic medical ninjutsu, a skill which your sensei often encouraged you to pursue further, but you refused.
"Kami, sometimes it's exhausting to be your friend, you know?", Naruto groaned, unsatisfied with the short answers you kept giving him. He expected you to give him an annoyed look or even slap him on the arm, but was caught by surprise once your melodic laugh reached his ears.
This was the first time he has EVER heard you laugh.
"Could say the same about you", you shook your head, stealing a piece of tomato from his bowl.
Everything changed once Sasuke left the village, including the friendship you had with Naruto. His unjustified (to you) determination to bring him back completely baffled you and forced you to completely lose your temper once he told you he was leaving the village in order to get stronger.
"You are delusional", you hissed, crossing your arms in front of your chest, "You are leaving your whole life behind for what? To bring a traitor, who wants nothing do to with you, back home?"
Naruto's eyes hardened and his hands shoved the last bit of clothes into his backpack, not caring if they were about to be wrinkly. He had invited you to his place to share his decision with you and while he knew you were not going to agree, he did not expect you to react that harshly.
It was not a secret that you did not harbour warm feelings toward any of Naruto's teammates. The Uchiha was a skilled and powerful ninja, but too blinded by his own emotions and ego, to be able to appreciate the reality of his life. He thought he was better than everyone else and seemingly this also included you since he never missed a chance to jab at you or Naruto when he saw you together. You, on the other hand, also did not hold back, giving him the cold shoulder and making him feel just as small and pathetic as he was making everyone else around him feel.
Naturally, Sakura did not like you since you were treating Sasuke that way, but that hardly bothered you since in your eyes she was both weak and annoying. And while there were dozens of girls, just as obsessed and in love like her, there was something about her that made the ugly feelings of rage and jealousy burn inside your chest. Maybe it was the fact that Naruto always talked about how pretty and confident she was, or maybe it was the fact that you were more than convinced she did not deserve even a minute of attention from your best friend... you did not know what it was exactly, but there was a reason for you not liking her.
"It's not just that...", he sighed, taking a sit next to you on the bed, "I just... I need to get stronger. Even Kakashi-sensei agrees going with Jiraya would help me improve my chakra control and makes me a better ninja. One, that deserves to be a Hokage."
"What does Kakashi-sensei even know?", you countered, "His whole life he has always been here."
Naruto looked at you with his eyes full of regret and disappointment. His arm tried to reach out to you, but you quickly pulled away, standing from the bed.
"You are never going to be strong, Naruto."
"What?", he furrowed his brows, your words taking him completely off guard. The way you said that through gritted teeth and your narrowed eyes made you look like you were facing your biggest enemy.
And Naruto did not like that.
"You are never going to be strong!", you repeated, this time your voice raising, "Because you keep wasting your energy and efforts on stuff that don't matter. You keep chasing people like Sasuke and Sakura, who don't give a damn about you! You keep overlooking the people that actually care about you! People like me!"
You ended your rant with panting body and teeth biting into your bottom lip, stopping you from saying anything else that you knew you were going to regret later. You hoped that like many other things you said, Naruto wouldn't actually register your words, but unluckily for you, this time he was carefully listening.
"You care about me?", he repeated, his eyes boring into yours. Unable to face the consequences of your words, you stared at him for a whole minute, before slowly nodding your head.
"I...", he loudly gulped, a light rosy colour covering his cheeks and ears, "Like... Like a friend? Or.. like something else?"
The silence that followed his question made you both fidget uncomfortably in your places. You kept biting your lip, the metallic taste of your blood soon filling your mouth.
What was going on? Where has the control you usually had over your thoughts and words gone? You didn't know how to answer his question, without utterly and completely destroying your friendship.
"I...", for the first time since he had known you, Naruto saw you speechless. You turned your head, the pressure of his gaze too intense for you to handle. Taking a breath, you managed to gather your thoughts together and carefully proceed:
"Like someone who I want to grow and hopefully spend my life with in the future...", you explained, your voice carrying an unusual softness and vulnerability, "I... don't make me actually say it, Naruto."
You didn't know what you expected. Maybe for him to stand up and embrace you in a hug, telling you that he shares your feelings. Or for him to storm off, his normal reaction when he feels stressed and cornered.
It was a surprise, however, when you heard his voice right behind you.
When did he even got up from his seat?
"Y/N...", your name rolled out as a broken whisper out of his lips and you already knew that nothing good was about to follow.
"Don't!", you tried to stop him before he could put the final nail into your already cracking heart.
“You have no idea-“
“Don’t do that!”
“..what your friendship means to me”, he finished his sentence, laying one of his palms flat on your shoulder, "But I... I just don't see you that way."
You flinched away from his touch, eyes still refusing to meet his. Your heard him take a breath and it sounded like he wants to say something else, but thought better of it. Both of you stayed silent - him, because he was too scared to hurt you even more, you, because you desperately tried to control the building tears that threatened to spill out on your cheeks.
"There is nothing I can say to change your mind about staying, is there?", you finally said, the question sounding more like a statement. Naruto did not reply, instead taking a step back and returning to packing his bag.
Without another word, you bolted towards the door, promising yourself that this was to be the last time you allowed your heart to be vulnerable.
Naruto found himself surprised once he came back to the village.
Sakura was now an extremely strong kunoichi, the best student of Lady Tsunade. His friend, Gaara, has become the Kazekage and many of his classmates have already been promoted to the rank of Jonin.
It seemed everybody was growing and starting to cave their own path. And while he managed to catch up with pretty much everyone and everything during his few weeks back, he was yet to see you.
The blond Uzumaki would lie if he said he hadn't thought about you during his time away. He had... a lot. Your last conversation kept replaying in his mind, your bored face appearing in his mind every time he closed his eyes, sometimes even blessing him with one of these rare smiles he knew were reserved just for him.
Your words that day shocked him. Never had he imagined he would be the subject of someone's affection, let alone yours. You were always so reserved and composed around him, that it took him years to crack your personality, and even then, he was not sure you were fully letting him in.
Naruto was a confident being, which included his feelings. He was always sure of what he felt and why he felt it. Yet, he couldn't explain why you haunted his thoughts way more than his other friends, including Sakura. The crush that he thought he had on his teammate was now shadowed by the big question mark of who were you to him.
On one hand, you were his closest friend. You were also grumpy and pouting the majority of the time, but for some reason, he found that cute and often took it as a challenge to make you smile. You were very blunt, which sometimes hurt his ego, but he appreciated your honesty. Also, unlike Sakura, you never physically hurt him, even though he had to admit just your glare was often enough to stop him from doing whatever he was about to do.
On the other hand... well, he couldn't really think about something bad about you or your personality. Other than the fact that you reminded him too much of Shikamaru, by being constantly bored and finding yourself lacking the enthusiasm to do stuff.
"You can take Y/N out of the Hidden Rain Village, but you can't take the Hidden Rain Village out of Y/N" - Naruto often joked about you, saying that he finds your moody personality reminding him of these comforting rains, that makes you want to stay in bed all day and do nothing. You were never sure if that was a compliment or not, but with your friend having a more unique way of thinking, you never really asked him to elaborate.
After a few more weeks of not seeing you, Naruto decided it was finally time to knock on your door. Were you avoiding him? He has been out every day asking his friends about you, but they couldn't provide any information, saying that they rarely see you anyway because of how many missions your team was taking.
The door to the Doku compound opened and suddenly Naruto was tackled by two giggling girls. He landed on his bum and with a wide smile, he hugged them back, supporting their weight while both of them just hung on his neck.
"Naruto!", they both screamed in unison, "You are back!"
Chaya and Kaya were your two younger sisters, who were also Naruto's biggest fangirls. From the first time they met him when they could barely walk, they were constantly clinging to him, admiring him and even getting jealous if he had to leave them to hang out with you. The blonde ninja also enjoyed spending time with them, feeling them as close as if they were his own siblings.
"Hey, easy!", he laughed, carefully untangling their hands from his neck and crouching in front of them. He ruffled both of his heads, chucking once they whined he was ruining their hairstyles.
"Are you going to stay for dinner?" "I have this new ninja doll - do you want to see it?" "Are you going to tell us some stories of your travels?"
The two children bombarded him with questions and he kept looking between Chaya and Kaya, unsure who was asking what. Almost like she knew he needed to be saved, your mother showed up at the door, pushing the two girls back and giving Naruto an apologetic smile.
"Naruto, glad to see you! It's been a while."
"Lady Doku", the boy greeted, bowing his head, "It is good to see you too!"
Your mother stepped aside, a silent invitation for Naruto to enter and he took it without a second thought. Looking around, he was glad to see that your home was the same as he remembered it. Despite being somewhat scared of your parents in the beginning due to their reservations based on the rumours going around Konoha, your whole family has welcomed him and made sure he had a full stomach on more than one occasion. They also have paid for his ninja uniform in the past, as well as provide him with a warm bed in the spare guesthouse during the coldest months, when his apartment was freezing.
"Are you going to stay for dinner?", Lady Doku asked, leading Naruto to the dining room, "Y/N and Hisa would be here soon. They are just giving their mission report to the Hokage."
Ah, so that's why he hadn't seen you around! You were on a mission!
"Can't wait to see her!", Naruto smiled brightly, taking a seat at the dinner table, "I have been wondering where she is! I was going around the whole village trying to find her, heh!"
He took the glass of water in front of him and gulped almost half of it at once. He was nervous and he was sure your mother could tell by the way he was rambling and his voice went higher than normal. Still, she said nothing of it, instead turning towards the door, once your father entered the room with a huff.
"Are they here yet?", he grumbled under his breath, looking at his wife with an annoyed expression, "They have been giving this report for an hour. Are they writing it now or something?"
Your mother cleared her throat and gave him a scolding look, her eyes briefly moving to Naruto to show him that they were not alone. The man stared at her with confusion for a few seconds, not understanding what she is trying to say.
"What, woman?", a movement at the end of the table caught his attention and he finally turned around, only to see your childhood friend sitting awkwardly, giving him a small wave. Your father suddenly smiled, his mood improving drastically, and he went round the table, patting the blond boy on the back.
"Ah, the Uzumaki boy!", he laughed, squeezing his shoulder, "We were wondering when you are going to show up. Dinners without you have been dull, you know?"
Naruto smiled at his words and bowed his head to him as a sign of respect. Your father started asking him questions about his time away with Jiraya and what he had learned during this time, and the boy enthusiastically started to explain all the new jutsu techniques he mastered and all the adventures he had with his sensei.
Soon Chaya and Kaya ran into the room, almost tripping in their hurry of who was about to sit next to Naruto. Chaya, however, being the taller one, managed to beat her sister, which resulted in loud bickering and dramatic cries from Kaya. Naruto looked at them with a smile but was quickly brought back to the conversation with your dad, once he asked him about his future plans as a ninja.
"Girls, stop!", your mother sighed and rubbed her temples, "Kaya, just sit next to Hisa today."
"I don't want to sit next to Y/N's boyfriend, I want to sit next to Narutooooo!", she moaned, crossing her arms in front of her chest with a huff.
Hearing the word "boyfriend", Naruto's head suddenly whipped in her direction, his throat tightening and making him choke on his own spit. He started coughing and his fist made its way to his chest, hitting it a few times in an attempt to help him swallow. Everyone's eyes went on him and your father's heavy hand went to his back, slapping him so hard he was thrown forward, almost banging his head on the table.
"Hit him one more time and he may fly through the wall", your monotone voice sounded next to the entry and Naruto immediately lifted his eyes, his mouth opening slightly once he saw you leaning on the door frame.
You were taller and leaner than the last time he saw you, your long hair now sitting in a high bun on top of your head. A golden bracelet in the form of a scorpion, the symbol of your clan, shined on your wrist, partly covered by your long sleeves.
What didn't change, however, was the unimpressed look that you currently gave him. The blonde tried to offer you a small smile, but you had no reaction, other than sighing and taking the seat opposite him. Closely behind you was Hisa, your teammate, and what Naruto learned to be your "boyfriend".
"Naruto is here!", yelled Kaya, taking her seat on the table, not even acknowledging Hisa.
"Really? Wouldn't have noticed", you said flatly, your eyes boring into his. Naruto shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, suddenly feeling like a nuisance by coming to your house. Sensing the tension, your father decided to shift the focus on you.
"So, how was your mission? I thought it was supposed to be only a week and you were gone for a few", he lifted his eyebrow, motioning the maid in the corner of the room to bring the meals to the table.
"The mission did indeed finish in a week", Hisa finally spoke, his face stoic, "But I wanted Y/N to meet my family back in Suna. They are excited about a potential future union between our clan and the Doku."
"I bet there are", your father mumbled under his nose, rolling his eyes while taking a bite of his salad.
Naruto, who has been sitting silent the whole time and drinking his second glass of water in an attempt to calm his nerves, now spat the liquid forward, showering both you and your partner in water.
"A union?", he asked, his voice loud and squawky, "What? Between you two?"
"Why is that hard to believe?", you asked, your eyes narrowing at him.
The truth is you were anything, but happy Naruto was here tonight. You've heard from Mako that he was searching for you and that he grew up a lot, no longer the silly boy anymore, but a man. And you had to agree - laying your eyes on him tonight, a sudden rush of your old feelings hit you like a wave. The love you thought you buried deep inside of you, suddenly resurfaced and it made you angry.
Angry, because it was not fair to you, or to Hisa, or even to your family, who seemed so excited and glad that the blonde ninja was back into your lives. You couldn't help but feel betrayed by them, especially since both your mother and father knew how broken you were once he left the village.
"Well, I don't know...", Naruto's combative personality woke up in the face of your challenging words, completely forgetting he was surrounded by other people, "Maybe it is hard to believe because both of you are completely incompatible!"
"Naruto, you need to calm down!", Hisa's voice was stern, carrying a note of threatening in it. The blonde boy, however, completely ignored that, instead furrowing his brows.
"I am calm!", he grumbled, fixing him with a glare.
The whole idea of you and Hisa was just... wrong. How did you two even fall for each other? Both of you were introverted, silent, and cold individuals, who, by what he could observe tonight, had zero chemistry between each other. Even the way you sat with almost a chair distance between you was weird in his eyes, especially since he knew you had no problem with physical contact, his own arm resting on your shoulder countless times before, even in front of your mom and dad.
"Don't be mad, because I was there to pick up the pieces you left behind!"
Everyone looked at Hisa with surprise, even you. Never, for all the years you had known him, have you heard him be so aggressive and arrogant with his words. Naruto, also seemed shocked, but he quickly regained composure, a fire of rage burning behind his eyes.
"Shut up! You don't know anything!", he shouted, pointing his finger at your lover, "Hell would freeze before I believe she is with you because she likes you! Did you force her?"
His gaze shifted towards you, both of his brows lifting high.
"Did he threaten you? Blackmail you?"
"Don't be silly!", you scolded him under your breath, your cheeks now crimson red from embarrassment by the fact all of this was taking place in front your family members, who seemed invested in the little row by now, "Can we just eat our food in peace?"
"No!", it was Hisa who spoke first and you tried to elbow him, unhappy with his sudden confidence and eagerness to fight, but he paid you no mind, "Me and Y/N like each other. And Naruto needs to take his nose out of our relationship, before I make him to!"
You buried your head in your hands, casting a pleading look toward your dad, who actually seemed to be finding the whole thing amusing, judging by the small smirk on his face.
"Like each other?", Naruto scoffed, now glaring daggers at the other male, "A piece of cardboard has more personality than you, how could anyone like you?"
"Ha!", Chaya laughed with her mouth full, "That's true! Hisa IS boring!"
Kaya hummed in agreement, while both your parents tried to stifle a laugh. Your boyfriend, however, seemed anything but impressed by the comment and he looked at you, expecting you to defend him. You let out a sigh of annoyance, shrugging your shoulders.
How can you defend him from a fact that was true?
"Me and you. Outside. Now!", Hisa commanded, pushing his chair back and standing up. Naruto seemed to be about to do the same, when your father's voice boomed around the room.
"Sit down!", he said and Hisa reluctantly followed, his eyes still boring holes into Naruto's head, "Enough of your silly boy fight! Dinner time is family time, it is not an opportunity for you to show off in front of Y/N! Show some respect to this household!"
"Daaad!", you whined, wanting nothing more than the ground to open and swallow you. Both boys, seemingly hit by realisation of their behaviour after hearing your father's words, mumbled an apology before focusing on eating their food.
The whole dinner continued in silence, cut only by your mother who was desperately trying to lighten the mood by talking about some new market shops that opened in the village, but everyone else seemed to lack enthusiasm, choosing to remain quiet instead. Even your two siblings, who normally did not have their mouths shut, were now communicating only with glances with each other.
What was once a warm and welcoming home for Naruto, now felt weird for him to be in. So as soon as he finished his meal, he said his thanks and goodbyes, eager to get away from you and your boyfriend. Dozens of questions filled his brain and soon a headache started to form, making him rub his forehead in frustration.
What the hell has happened during these three years while he was away? He knew he hurt you that day when he said he did not return his feelings, but was it really that bad, that you felt nothing but resentment towards him now?
He was almost by the gate of your garden, when he heard your voice again.
"Why did you come?"
He turned around, finding with relief that you were by yourself. Your body language, however, was stiff and unwelcoming. You were ready for a confrontation.
"I wanted to see you", he admitted, not shying his gaze away from yours, "I... missed you."
A dry chuckle left past your lips and you shook your head. Making a few steps towards him, your sharp stare was focused on his blue eyes, searching for any signs of lies. You stood there quietly observing him, trying to gather your thoughts and clarify your own feelings.
Did you miss him? Of course, you did, every single day. Were you about to tell him? Absolutely no way.
"I am in love with you", he suddenly blurted out, catching you off guard. You took a sharp breath, unsure if he really said it or if you imagined it. Using your moment of shock as an opportunity to close the distance between you, he cautiously took one of your hands in his.
"I know I hurt you and I was dumb for not seeing what I had all along... But during these few years away, only one person haunted my thoughts. Only one person motivated me to do better, to grow into the man that they deserve, and to finally get the courage to admit in front of them and myself that I am utterly, hopelessly and crazy in love with them."
His hand rested under your chin, lifting your head towards him once you tried to look down, hiding your now blushing face from him.
"That person is you."
You let out the air that you did not even realize you were holding, his close proximity and the feeling of his touch on your hand making you feel almost like you were floating. You had the gather all of the courage you had left, in order to pull away rather than smash your lips into his.
"I can't."
Naruto looked at you with confusion, taking another step towards you, making you step back in return. He stood still for a few seconds, before pushing his hands in his pockets and looking down at his feet.
"You... You don't feel the same way?"
You stared at him for a minute, wondering if it would be easier to just lie and say "yes". Yet your heart begged you to tell him the truth, eager to be free of the weight of the feelings you have been carrying for years.
"The feelings I have for you would never go away. I have been loving you since we were children and I would love you till we are both old sacks of bones", you chuckled at your own words and suddenly the atmosphere between you felt lighter, almost like the old days. Naruto looked at you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"But I am with Hisa...", his smile quickly turned into a frown, "And things have changed. I changed... and I know you did too. No matter how bad I want to believe you, I think you need to really listen to your heart."
"But I have, I do lov-"
"Were you about to say that to me if I was not taken by somebody else?", your words were harsh and cold, but also true. Naruto closed his mouth, looking down. It is true his confession came out as a result of his jealousy tonight, but he was also confident in the fact that he did had feelings for you.
Or he thinks he does.
"I want you to be sure of what you feel", you said, now with a gentler tone, "Not telling me what your temporary emotions are leading you to believe you feel."
With slow steps you moved toward him, grabbing his face in your hands and pressing your lips against his cheek. He closed his eyes at the feeling, instinctively leaning towards the warmth radiating from your touch. He almost groaned when you let go, wishing it did last further.
He watched you walk back to your house, his own heart a mess. He knew he was feeling something for you, but perhaps it was not the right time now.
He still had to deal with the lingering crush he had on his teammate, which he couldn't even tell if it was there or not. He also still wanted to put all of his focus on bringing Sasuke back, something he knew you were not on the same page as him. And perhaps, he had to also accept the fact that he did miss the chance he had with you, and it was unfair for him to meddle in your new relationship.
There was no doubt that fate was about to bring you together someday, he had a feeling about it.
But now, it was just not the right time.
cc artwork: Raja Nanadepu
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 2 months
Could you recommend some SasuNaru fics?
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Alright, so here's a collection of some of my favorite, re-read worthy SasuNaru fics of all time. The list is bound to expand, but for now, we have these gems.
i'll let it grow wild in my veins by thunderpoint
“That’s good, right?” He feels somewhat out of his mind. It's a rush he's not used to, something he doesn't particularly like, and it leaves him wondering if this is what he should have felt when this whole thing first started. “When your future brother-in-law says shit like that it means that he approves of you, right? Fuck, I’m getting married to Uchiha Itachi’s little brother, Shika. What the fuck-” Shikamaru’s face twists, “Naruto-” The kitchen door bursts open, and Temari steps into the living room, gaping at them both. “Naruto’s getting married?"
Status: Currently Ongoing, 11/?
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn.
Thoughts: One of the best arranged marriage fics ever, the writing is amazing and out of this world, and if you haven't read this masterpiece what are you even doing with your life?
(You can also find the author on tumblr @thunder-point.)
2. everybody knows that you cradle the sun by Lyxxie
“Y’know—before mom passed—she used to tell me about my dad. She'd tell me the kind of person you wanted to end up with, someone you kept around. She'd tell me about opposites, about calming the other one down and bringing them back up, about how they'd do the same for you. She'd say that you wanted someone who remembered things about you, not just the big stuff. Mundane shit that doesn't need to be remembered, but they do anyway. She'd say 'keep those who chronicle your life because it's theirs, too'." OR: Naruto challenges Sasuke to a game of “who knows the other person better.” Sasuke panics when he realizes that he might be the winner because what in the actual fuck does that mean? He doesn’t know. Naruto tells him.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Roomates, College/University. Humor. Domestic. Explicit Sexual Content.
Thoughts: A fic I would sell my soul for. You haven't lived if you haven't read this fic.
3. Waiting for an Answer by KinomiAkai
After eight years of struggling, Naruto finally caves and confesses to Sasuke. But it's okay; nothing is going to change between them. Everything will be the same. ...The moment Sasuke stops bringing it up every twenty seconds, it'll be the same.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Roomates. Fluff, Humor, Idiots in Love.
Thoughts: Sasuke is an Asshole and I am here for it.
(You can find them on tumblr @kinomiakai)
4. It's All In The Kiss (And Bondage) by Dhampir (Dhampire)
Sasuke never looked at Naruto as anything more than an annoyance like all his other peers, but a kiss, and a little bondage, is about to change all that. Reddit Crack Fic Idea: After getting kissed in the academy and then attacked and tied up by Naruto, Sasuke realizes he has followed all the steps of the traditional Uchiha ninja courtship(An old process inspired by the kidnapping of a rival clan kunoichi). Sasuke feels really touched and starts acting like a Yandere, being really nice to Naruto in his withdrawn way and getting really mad whenever someone says something bad about Naruto.
Tags: Accidental Engagements, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff, Humor. Tsundere to Yandere.
Status: Completed, 11/11
Thoughts: Anything by this author is an absolute masterpiece, so do check out their other works! They manage to perfectly balance humor and fluff!
5. you and me, that's my whole world by cloudyheaven
“If you wanted me to be your Valentine this bad, you could’ve just said so,” Naruto said. The cheeky grin he was giving him made Sasuke want to kiss him again just to wipe it off his face. However, he wasn’t one to waste a good opportunity. “That’s exactly what I want,” he said, matter-of-factly. The grin fell off Naruto’s face. “Shit, are you serious?” The one where Naruto and Sasuke have been in an unofficial friends-with-benefits arrangement for months, completely unaware of their feelings for each other.
Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Jealous Uchiha Sasuke, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Valentines Day, Love Confessions.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: A perfect fluffy fic for grey days. Always makes me smile whenever I read it.
6. wear my heart on your sleeve by cloudyheaven
Sasuke coughed into his hand and simply looked down at his ass. Naruto followed his gaze and found another uchiwa sown on his left buttcheek. “Oh, this is ridiculous,” he said. “Wait, is this why people have been looking at my ass so much lately?!” He turned to look at his boyfriend again. “Is this why you have been staring at it more than normal?!” Sasuke simply avoided his gaze again. “Not like I need an excuse to look at your ass.” Or, how possessive boyfriend Uchiha Sasuke found a way to mark Naruto and make it sociably acceptable.
Tags: Established Relationship, Post-Chapter 699, Fluff and Humor, Fluff Without Plot, Soft Uchiha Sasuke.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Perfectly balanced fluff and humor fic by the godsend cloudyheaven.
7. all the small wild things by GreatLoversLieInHell
Naruto doesn't like to be touched. Sasuke asks him why. (To be loved is to be changed)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canonical Child Abuse, Touch-Starved Naruto.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: A fic that makes my soul ache. The author is simply amazing.
(You can also find them on Tumblr @greatloverslieinhell)
8. the vines that grow by GreatLoversLieInHell
After getting discharged from the hospital, Naruto returns to a home that’s no longer standing. Sasuke, who doesn’t do well in cages, flees the first chance he gets. Unmoored, unsettled, Naruto looks to his motherland for answers. Uzushio calls her son home. The road to Uzushiogakure is long, but Sasuke walks it with him. Sasuke, who looks at him, hungry. Sasuke, who sees him, wherever the light gets in.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-War, Uzumaki Naruto-Centric, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst With Happy Ending, Uzushiogakure | Hidden Eddy Village.
Status: Completed, 14/14.
Thoughts: I shall create a shrine for this fic one day, for the adoration is not nearly enough as it deserves.
(You can also find them on Tumblr @greatloverslieinhell)
9. A Thousand Summers More by bluelikeskies
Sasuke has seen a million sunrises, a thousand summers, but he has never seen anything like the way Naruto smiles at him, brighter than all those sunrises and summers combined.
Tags: Pining Sasuke, Soft, Prose, Mythical Beings and Creatures.
Status: Complete, 1/1.
Thoughts: Beautiful. Simply and utterly beautiful.
10. syzygy by glassedplanets
In which Sasuke comes home, an errand needs to be run, several people tell him things, and he realizes just what home really is, for him.
Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Reunions, Homecoming, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending.
Status: Completed, 6/6.
Thoughts: Ethereal, I adore the writing style of this author.
11. kiss me (under the moonlight glow) by ashmes
“You count what happened in the Academy as a kiss?” Naruto’s gaze snaps towards him so quick when he asks, “You don’t?”
Tags: Post-Canon, Post-War, Post Chapter 699, Soft.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: I would sacrifice anything for this fanfic. It is utterly amazing.
(You can also find them on tumblr at @sapphicvevo.)
12. Let me help you (this time) by Here_to_procrastinate
Sasuke really kind of loves his boyfriend and wishes the idiot would start looking after himself at least a little bit. ~ After the war Naruto can't stop helping everybody and is slowely but surely running himself into the ground. With a bit of help from others Sasuke tries to finally be what Naruto needs.
Tags: Whipped Sasuke, Jealous Sasuke, Everybody Loves Naruto, Fluff, Humor, A Bit of Angst, Post-Fourth Shinobi War, Protective Shikamaru & Sakura.
Status: 1/1, Complete.
Thoughts: Perfect feel good fic.
13. Overcoming Distance by Athqh16
It starts with a bento box. Black with a white cover and a red strap to keep it together. There was nothing actually pernicious about it except for the fact that the person who'd suddenly placed it in the middle of Naruto's lonely cafeteria table was his one and only rival, Sasuke motherfucking Uchiha
Status: 7/7, Completed.
Tags: Modern Au, Angst, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Friends To Lovers.
Thoughts: An absolute classic, I adore this!
(You can also find the author on tumblr @atqh16)
14. homeward by mnee
Sasuke returns to Konoha. Or, more accurately, to Naruto.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Chapter 699, Soft, Boys in Love.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: Utterly divine, it's so soft I want to cry.
15. a public display of affection by fiveandnocents
In the three hours since their arrival, Gaara has stumbled across them kissing no less than seven times. Considering that they are all ninja, he is very aware that this is no coincidence. Or, five times Naruto and Sasuke get caught (plus the first time no one was around).
Tags: 5+1 Things, Possessive Sasuke, Kissing, Post-Canon, Not Boruto Canon.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: This story could not be any more perfect.
16. The Way To A Man's Heart by littledust
Sasuke has no idea how to woo Naruto.
Tags: Fluff, Humor.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: Perfect fic for a pick-me-up. Makes me smile everytime.
17. the time traveler's husband by blind_io
Throughout his life, Naruto travels to different moments in Sasuke’s timeline. It changes them both.
Tags: Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe, Inspired by The Time Traveler's Wife.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Brilliant. Simply and utterly brilliant.
18. The sun is too bright, it hurts by waywardfacegarden
The first time Sasuke sees Naruto, they are six years old. Sasuke is not stupid, he learns fast, and there are three basic things about Naruto you can know after being five seconds in the same room as him: first, he’s noisy. Second, he talks a lot. Third, he’s annoying. Years later, Sasuke thinks the same, but Naruto is much more than that to him.
Tags: Childhood Friends, Enemies To Friends To Lovers, Everyone is Alive, Modern AU.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: chefs kiss Magnifique. Deserves all the kudos in the world.
19. i want you to want me (i'd love you to love me) by Aethelar
Five times Naruto kissed Sasuke and he left, plus one time Sasuke kissed Naruto and stayed.
Tags: 5+1, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: This fic is something to live for. It is just so beautiful.
20. Red or Blue? by ReleasedFromHisCage
Naruto took over his godfather's store so he could retire and creates a safe space for his regulars and one-time customers alike, mostly his regulars though. Sasuke Uchiha is one of these regulars.
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Mild Hurt/Comfort.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: It's everything I've ever wanted in a fic.
21. don't stay away for too long by kintou
With Naruto living there Sasuke's apartement has finally turned into a home. So what he doesn't quite get is that Naruto is here, in his pyjama's, telling him he's going to move out.
Tags: Modern Au, Roomates, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Breakfast.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: And they were roommates. Oh my god they were roommates. I am a puddle on the floor. This is simply too precious. It's not good for my heart.
(You can also find them on Tumblr @soft-fics)
22. Killing it by dawnstruck
A year after Jiraiya's death, a new Icha Icha volume gets published. Self-declared Number One Fan, Hatake Kakashi, grows suspicious, but keeps buying them anyway.
Tags: Humor, Mid Crack, Mind Angst, Kakashi POV.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: From the summary to the last line this fic had me hooked. Witty and charming and just the best.
23. The Color Of Your Heart by RedRemember
The Uchiha were blessed ninjas who possessed demon-like abilities and demon blood. Their race had been wiped out almost to extinction, but a survivor sat in Kakashi’s midst. Kakashi felt apprehensive about training such a child, not wanting to train a bloodthirsty creature how to be a better hunter. & “You’re experiencing your first heat.”, and “You’re an omega.” These were phrases his caretaker kept saying to him. Naruto felt extremely weak, but he understood one thing, and that was he would never be an alpha like Sasuke.
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Naruto, Alpha Sasuke, Personal Growth, Blood and Violence, Mating Bond.
Status: Ongoing, 7/12
Thoughts: When I tell you I hit that subscribe button so fast. Simply perfect. All my hopes wrapped into a beautiful fic.
24. Bouquet of hate by FoolishFortuna
Sasuke confesses his feelings with an unusual bunch of flowers. Humorous fluff!
Tags: Fluff, Flowers, Humor, Getting Together, Confessions, First Kiss, Sasuke's a Dick but he's adorable.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Hilarious, sweet and amazing - a perfect fic to cheer you up on bad days, sad days or just any day in general.
25. Bare by KinomiAkai
He's too bare. Too awake. Too used to the night and too desperate to leave it. Naruto's hand is a lifeline.
Tags: Sasuke POV, Love, Poetic, Romance, Ficlet.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Simply gorgeous, ethereal, beautiful. Short and Sweet. It's perfection to the very T.
26. Just kiss me, you idiot. by yes_iamafrog
Ino decided to have the annual New Year's Eve party at her house. Or: Naruto and Sasuke kiss at midnight on January 1st.
Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Pining, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff, New Year's Kiss.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: The sweetest way I have ever been destroyed.
27. i love chaos, i love toxic by minttens
Sasuke cannot handle the gossip that Naruto is in love with someone, and he makes it his mission to find out who.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Post-War, Jealous Sasuke.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: I'm gonna be honest, I cried. This fic is absolute perfection, someone please build a temple in it's name.
(Also, you need an AO3 account to read this fic!)
28. unforgivable by eloquentstars
Lesson one in Dating Uzumaki Naruto 101 is: Never get between a man and his food.
Tags: Fluff Without Plot, Modern Au, Cute, Tooth-Rotting Fluff.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Sobbing for the tragic ending of Naruto/Pizza, but Sasuke/Naruto are too cute for me to mourn too long.
29. Blue Oceans and Summer Suns by orphan_account
“Stop fucking lying to me.” He knows he isn’t, but it’s difficult for him to accept that it’s Naruto’s genuine feelings. “It isn’t a lie,” Naruto insists, leaning in once more to peck his lips as if to prove a point. He’s half on top of Sasuke now, who lays flat on his back staring up at him. “You should see yourself right now. You look as if you’re looking at something worth more than your own life.”
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Sleepy Cuddles, Smitten Sasuke.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: I’m, like, one hundred percent super duper unbelievably in love with this fic.
30. Inevitablity by Sanauria_Maldhun
Naruto's stressed and pining after a man who views him only as a friend. Deciding to get married to Ino isn't the best decision he's made (ever), given that they had been absolutely drunk while making such a declaration, but it's... a decision. Besides, what does he have to lose?
Tags: Background Sakura/Ino, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mutual Pining, Angst, Jealous Sasuke, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Status: Completed, 4/4.
Thoughts: It's like a cup of coffee/tea that perfectly hits the spot. I love this fic, I've re-read this so many times and it always make me feel. I love Ino & Naruto's friendship.
31. Armistice by surveycorpsjean
Sasuke is still here. Or maybe; love hasn't passed them yet.
Tags: Fix-It, Getting Together, Pining, Takes Place Three Years After The Boruto Movie, Where Naruto Gets Divorced and Sasuke never gets married.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: Best of the best. Like, the best.
32. speak now or forever hold your peace by frogsterz
Will the ceremony be over by the time Sasuke makes it back? Is the news even accurate? Maybe Naruto’s not getting married, he’s getting…carried, somewhere. On a palanquin. Or he’s getting buried. No, that’s worse. (Sasuke is convinced by a passing rumour that the love of his life, Uzumaki Naruto, is about to throw the biggest and most extravagant wedding ceremony in Konoha's history...but he's not the groom. How could such a disaster have happened to him?)
Tags: Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Sasuke Has The Emotional Intelligence of a Wet Loaf of Bread, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: These idiots, I love 'em to death.
33. symbol of the uchiha by humdrum_hummingbird
Sasuke can't sleep, which, even after the war, is pretty typical. Instead, he stays up and watches Naruto sleep, and tonight, like most nights, Naruto is wearing a shirt with the Uchiha fan emblazoned on the back. You can't really blame Sasuke for being a little possessive after everything they've been through.
Tags: Sasuke Returns To Konoha, Possessive Sasuke, Naruto is a Ray of Sunshine, Comfort No Hurt, Soft Fluff, Boys in Love.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: This is so soft and gentle and tender I'm crying.
34. Final Destination by chaosxxx
“The future is never set in stone. Even the smallest decision can alter its course. One action, be it accidental or intentional, can result in you meeting the love of your life! Or it can leave you alone and miserable… or dead. What I have here in front of you are the cards that show what lies at the end of each broad road.” There's a festival in Konoha, and Sasuke and Sakura visit a fortune telling booth. They just wanted a bad palm reading, not this disturbingly accurate nonsense! (SasuNaru fic. Pre-timeskip. Happy Ending)
Tags: Fortune Telling, Humor, Romance, Happy Ending, Confused Naruto, Pining Sasuke, Flirting, Cute.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: Everyone needs this fortune teller. Where can I meet her? Simply amazing and precious. Confused Naruto is just so adorable.
35. You Taste Like Coffee by itadakimasu
All Sasuke really wanted was his nightly caffeine fix. How did it turn into this?
Tags: Coffee AU, Barista!Naruto, Confident!Sasuke, Oneshot, Sexual Content, Cute, Fluff.
Status: Completed, 1/1.
Thoughts: Perfect, like a good cup of coffee. Kicking my feet giggling throughout the entire thing.
36. Curiosity killed a cat by LydiaClairvoyanne
Naruto realizes Sasuke behaves like a cat, and in his last attempt to make friends with the Uchiha, he tries to treat him like he would a scared, lone, traumatized, stray kitten. (I wonder what can go wrong with a plan like this.) (Nothing, the answer is. Nothing, because the plan works.)
Tags: Sasuke Behaves Like A Cat, Naruto Notices This And Treats Him Like One, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Sleepy Cuddles, Traumatized Boys, Soft Boys.
Status: Completed, 13/13
Thoughts: One of the best fics, it manages to give such a good character study without even trying. I love this fic, I would like to marry it.
37. in his arms by loverofgaydragons
Naruto was there the night Sasuke left Konoha.
Tags: Angst, No Happy Ending, Hurt No Comfort.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: I sobbed so hard while reading this. It's just so beautiful, it's so beautifully written, it make me choke on sobs, I had to clean my glasses due to the tears, it's amazing. A heartbreak that hurts so good I will let it continue.
38. Time to Smile by hinata22
Sasuke is on the verge of leaving the village forever. Naruto has other ideas.
Tags: Boys Kissing, Confession, Happy Ending.
Status: Complete, 1/1
Thoughts: If you thought the last one was sad, here's a happier version. I read this fic back when I didn't have an AO3 account and would desperately keep the tab open as to not lose it. This fic is heartbreaking in it's beauty and lifting in it's sweet moments. A blessing, this fic is a true blessing.
39. The Master Plan of An Uchiha Husband-To-Be by Watermelonsmellinfellon
Uchiha Sasuke is determined to marry his new best friend Naruto so he can share his family with the blond boy. He'll be the best husband ever and Naruto won't want for anything ever again!
Tags: Humor, First Crush, Pre-Relationship, No Uchiha Massacre, Fluff.
Status: Complete, 2/2.
Thoughts: Simply adorable, from start to finish.
40. Unrequited: sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't by KizuKatana
Naruto hates to hurt people's feelings. So when Hinata puts him on the spot about dating her, he doesn't want to come straight out and tell her he doesn't like her that way. Instead, he comes up with a poorly thought out idea to tell her he is dating someone already. All he needs to do to convince her is to show her a photo of the guy. He just needs to get a picture of someone so ridiculously hot she will know it's hopeless. He actually has someone in mind, a guy he'd had a one-sided thing for from his gym. Although, the guy is sort of an ass and probably wouldn't agree to posing for a picture. Naruto decides to ask him anyway. What's he got to lose?
Tags: Fluff, Unrequited Love Or Is It?, Humor, Cute.
Status: Completed, 1/1
Thoughts: Absolute blast, had a lot of fun reading this!
Aight, that's it for now.
119 notes · View notes
imgeekgirlfan · 7 months
Down The Road (F1 x Reader) SMAU Season 1
>> Down The Road 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
➡  Previous Part : (End of Season 1)
Taglist: @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @laura-naruto-fan1998 , @jpg3 , @tsukishimawhore , @minkyungseokie , @roseseraj , @bbhyuneee , @omgsuperstarg (If you want to be added in this fic, just tell me in reply)
A/N : Finally, we've reached the conclusion of the first season of "Down The Road." I feel deeply touched that there are still people joining in to read both the old and new chapters. I'm delighted that you've enjoyed the stories from my head.
I must confess that SMAU fics aren't really my thing because I tend to focus more on narratives. That's why I've included captions under every image. I felt that without these extensions, it would be quite frustrating for me.
One thing you might have noticed is that I didn't use chat format to narrate the first season. because I wanted the readers to have a sense of the mockumentary format from different perspectives and then piece it together. I feel that the chat format might destroy the mystery of the story. so I decided not to include it (However, in George Russell's part for Next Season, I thought I should add a chat element).
I'm still excited to continue this series. As long as I have inspiration and support from everyone, however, this fic consumes a lot of my energy. I've been consistently writing for a full month, with only about 4 hours of sleep a day throughout the week, to write these fics for you to read. and it's affecting my health significantly. So, I need to take a temporary break before I continue with the new story in Season 2, which is about Max Verstappen x Reader (spoiler: enemies to lovers). I hope you won't forget about me and will eagerly await Season 2.
note ; I would like to express my thanks to @missmarmaladeth a dear friend and lovely reader who diligently proofreads the fic before I publish it for everyone to read. and without her help, this fic would not have been completed. I am very grateful to her.
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Season 1 : ── ��𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐬 ── (Lewis Hamilton x Reader) S1 : E04 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
The 2024 Formula 1 season is more intense than ever, with three contenders for the championship: Y/N YLN, Max Verstappen, and Lewis Hamilton. Apart from keeping an eye on the new champion, what has everyone on edge is the rumor that Hamilton might retire. Is it true? Or is there something else we don't know? This is the final episode of Season 1, "Down The Road" that viewers must watch closely!
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Source : @F1
The championship has become the most closely watched position this year, with three drivers who can score points closely and have equal chances of winning this year. Will Verstappen maintain his fourth championship? Or will Hamilton succeed in claiming his eighth title? Or could it be Y/N who makes history as the first woman to win The Formula 1 Championship? So here are some of the main talking points heading to Abu Dhabi...
How possible is it for Y/N to beat the two best male drivers in the world? 
It's undeniable that Y/N plays a crucial role in propelling her team to be on par with Ferrari and Mercedes in terms of total points. However, defeating Red Bull, which boasts a superior engine, remains a distant possibility, especially considering her relatively limited experience in Formula 1, having just one year under her belt. This differs significantly from Verstappen and Hamilton, both of whom have already clinched world championships and managed the pressures on the track more effectively than Y/N.
There's another aspect to consider, and that's the complex dynamic between Hamilton and Y/N in their roles as mentor and protege. They share a close and highly respectful bond. Flashbacks to 2023 at Suzuka Circuit come to mind, where Y/N made a stunning debut by narrowly defeating Hamilton. The young driver received genuine congratulations from him. However, will he be as gracious if Y/N triumphs this season, especially given Hamilton's clear intention to secure his eighth world championship after missing out to Verstappen in 2021. Now that his former protege has become a formidable competitor, will the bond between Hamilton and Y/N come to an end?
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Source : @Motorsport
There are reports that Lewis Hamilton might be considering retirement after successfully clinching his eighth championship. 
These rumors began circulating after an interview during the United States Grand Prix 2024, where the seven-time world champion responded to media inquiries about his plans for the future, saying, "I have many things I want to do in the future. One of them is to start a family because I'm 39 years old now, and it's time for me to lay down some roots." 
While there hasn't been a clear confirmation from Hamilton, this is seen as a potential sign of retirement for one of this generation's greatest drivers.
And about the two prominent contenders who have a chance to vie for the World Championship, Max Verstappen and Y/N YLN, Hamilton acknowledges that both of them are formidable rivals with the potential to become the next world champion. However, Hamilton makes it clear that he's not willing to give up the championship for an eighth time easily.
“Their team has great engines, and it's clear that they also have talent. That's something everyone agrees with when they see them both racing in competition, especially Y/N. I hope to see her become the World Champion because, as the first woman in Formula 1, it would be a tremendous achievement for all of us to see a woman in that position. However, it won't be easy this year because I'm determined to secure a win as well, and I'm not one to give in easily.”
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Source : @SportskeedaF1
After the retirement rumors sparked significant discussion on the internet, Lewis Hamilton and the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team have remained tight-lipped about it. Nonetheless, fans spotted Hamilton in Italy before the upcoming #AbuDhabiGP race, He appeared to be enjoying some quality downtime with his family and friends, including several Formula 1 drivers like George Russell, Alex Albon, Y/N YLN, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Daniel Ricciardo, Max Verstappen, and many more. 
Additionally, there have been reports that Toto Wolff is also in Italy, and it's possible he might have a private meeting with Hamilton.
Certainly, the gathering of other Formula 1 drivers and the arrival of the CEO of the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team in Italy, especially on the brink of the race, only intensified the curiosity among fans. Up to this point, no one knows for sure what's happening in Italy, leaving fans with even more questions and speculation.
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Source : Formula 1: Drive to Survive (On Netflix)
In the show "Formula 1: Drive to Survive" Will Buxton, a Formula 1 journalist, has predicted the intense situation in Formula 1 2024 about the possibility of Lewis Hamilton's retirement and who might become the world champion this year.
"I'm sure that the decision to retire is a tough one for all racing drivers, including their fans," Buxton said. "I can't speculate on Lewis Hamilton's thoughts, so it's hard to say how he's thinking about retiring. But I'm confident that if he were to decide to retire for real, it would be a significant loss for Formula 1, and the FIA or the Mercedes team would likely not accept it."
“Lewis Hamilton is an icon of Formula 1, a fact that nobody can deny. Whether you like him or not, I believe this is the perfect time for him to create a legend as an eight-time Formula 1 World Champion”
However, Buxton believes that Hamilton's hope is not an easy matter, with both Max Verstappen and Y/N YLN having a chance to clinch the championship this year. Even though most people consider Verstappen superior, Buxton has a different perspective, stating that Y/N is a dark horse that every team should genuinely beware of.
“In the Formula 1 business, Y/N is an intriguing case. She comes from an unexpected background, not a ‘nepo baby’ or a wealthy family. She relies solely on her own abilities and has managed to climb to the position of world champion in just one year, something unprecedented in Formula 1 history. This is even more remarkable because she is a woman in a sport that has rarely given women opportunities over the past several decades. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her to come this far, and she will never give up, no matter what. I understand that not everyone may agree with what I'm saying, but I'm fairly confident that she has a better chance than Hamilton and Verstappen of claiming the championship this year.”
“Who will stand as the Formula 1 World Champion this year? Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, or Y/N? No matter who among these three becomes the champion, history has already been made.”
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Source : F1 TV (LIVE)
Narrator : “Y/N fiercely competed with Verstappen, but Verstappen exceeded the track limits, which led to a 5-second penalty, separating him from Hamilton and Y/N. It's evident that the championship this time is going to be a showdown between a former mentor and a former protege. It's bound to be a memorable conclusion for both of them”
“Oh my god, it's happening! Y/N has passed Hamilton and clinched the victory by a nose at the last second, just like it happened at Suzuka Circuit in 2023. And now, we've got the championship for this year!”
“A new page in Formula 1 history has been written right here. She is the first and only woman since the inception of Formula 1 to successfully claim the World Championship title. Congratulations, Y/N YLN!”
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Source : @F1
Although she appeared unwell before the race, causing concern for everyone, Y/N managed to defeat Hamilton and Verstappen in a momentous victory. becoming the first and only woman to secure the Formula 1 World Championship. This is a monumental achievement that will be etched into history. Congratulations to @Y/N 
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Source: Y/N twitter & instagram (update)
Important Announcement from Me
This is a difficult decision for me, but I need to announce a temporary retirement from being a Formula 1 driver to focus on the most important thing for me, which is building our family.
Lewis Hamilton and I have known each other for a long time since my days as a driver at the F1 Academy. Our relationship began with mutual respect. He is the only driver who has cared to involve women more in the world of Formula 1, and due to his strong support, I got the opportunity to compete in Formula 1 as a full-fledged driver, which is a significant achievement in this sport.
Throughout my time in Formula 1, Lewis Hamilton and I developed a close and strong relationship. He has become my idol, my mentor, my competitor, and my love. We always intended to keep these stories secret to maintain our privacy and allow us to focus on Formula 1 without distractions. However, being falsely accused by the media forced us to distance ourselves and go our separate ways. But strangely, the distance made both of us realize how much we love each other and how much we want to spend the rest of our lives together.
Lewis Hamilton and I had a private wedding ceremony in Italy, surrounded by friends, family, and other Formula 1 drivers. It was the happiest time of my life because I married the one I love and discovered that I had been pregnant for two months.
I know that my time in Formula 1 is limited. This will be the season's last race and my last race too. as I cannot devote my full attention to racing anymore because there is something even more significant that I must devote my life to: my child, who is about to be born.
I had intended to announce my retirement after winning a championship, but with support from my husband, Susie and Toto, my team, and my friends George Alex and Lando, I've decided to declare a temporary leave instead. I will return once I've managed everything.
Thank you for all the support and love you have given us.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton
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Source : @Cosmopolitan
This is truly the shock news of the year. If you're a Formula 1 fan, you've probably heard about the new World Champion of 2024, Y/N YLN. She has announced her marriage to the legendary driver, Lewis Hamilton, in Italy and revealed the good news that she has been pregnant for two months. This has left fans around the world amazed, since there were hardly any hints before!
Going back to 2023, Y/N YLN made history by debuting as the first female Formula 1 driver in decades. Besides her professional achievements,there was something else worth noticing: her close relationship with Lewis Hamilton. She revealed that he was instrumental in pushing for her inclusion in the Formula 1 world, and she deeply respects him as a mentor. However, fans have observed that they have something more than just a professional relationship because they often spend time together, leading to speculation that they are dating.
These speculations quickly vanished from the spotlight with the emergence of Latin singer Shakira, who had a romantic connection with Hamilton, and with the appearance of Úrsula in the Formula 1 Grand Prix,sparking rumors about a previous relationship between her and Y/N. Nevertheless, these stories gradually faded away, much like the story between Y/N and Hamilton. It's evident that they both tried to keep a low profile, and they've barely appeared together since.
Sources tell us that both Y/N and Hamilton actually dated back when Y/N was still a driver at the F1 Academy. Susie Wolff, Managing Director of the F1 Academy and Toto Wolff's wife, was instrumental in introducing them. However, the media scrutiny and their roles as Formula 1 drivers led to their separation and dating others. But true love never fades, and the distance only made them realize how much they love each other and decide to start their relationship anew. now even more private than before, determined to keep it away from the public eye.
The turning point in Y/N and Hamilton's relationship came when Y/N YLN discovered that she was pregnant before the end of the 2024 season. While it should have been good news, it left Y/N deeply worried. Hamilton, on the other hand, was overjoyed about becoming a father and promised Y/N that he would retire after winning his eighth World Championship this year. He further solidified this promise with a secret wedding in Italy, attended only by family, close friends, and fellow F1 drivers.
It seems like a romantic story, unless you consider that Formula 1 is all about competition and winning, and while Lewis Hamilton had his heart set on winning his eighth championship, Y/N wanted the same. She had to choose between her family and her own Formula 1 championship; ultimately, she chose to race. and won the championship while pregnant, outshining her husband.
However, the Y/N victory didn't affect their relationship, as they openly shared their feelings with each other. Y/N told Hamilton she didn't want him to retire for her and she would retire instead, but Hamilton disagreed because he knew Y/N still wanted to compete. So they both decided to continue competing in Formula 1. Hamilton still has his goal of achieving the eighth championship and retiring, while Y/N will take a temporary break and return to racing after giving birth.
The legendary sports couple is now expecting their first child together. Congratulations to the new power couple!
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Source : Formula 1: Drive to Survive (On Netflix)
In the final episode of "Formula 1: Drive to Survive," Y/N YLN, the reigning world champion, opened up about the behind-the-scenes of her relationship and rivalry with her husband, Lewis Hamilton, before she became the world champion and made history as the first female Formula 1 champion.
"Getting pregnant during the racing season was something Lewis and I didn't anticipate. It worried me a lot, and I had to keep it a secret because it could seriously affect my professional commitments in Formula 1." 
Y/N revealed candidly about the pressures she faced as the only female driver in this era, especially considering the high expectations from everyone since she had the chance to become the world champion. Thus, she chose to keep her pregnancy a secret from everyone initially.
However, Y/N decided to disclose the truth to Hamilton, as he is the father and deserved to know. This news brought immense joy to Hamilton, as he had longed for a child. This led to their decision to quietly get married, sharing the details with only those closest to them.
"Lewis is thrilled to become a father. He made me a promise that if he secures his eighth championship, he will retire and spend all his time taking care of me and the baby. I understand how important this win is to him and what it means for our family," Y/N said. "But I looked at him and thought, 'I'm sorry, honey, but I also want to be a fucking World Champion too.' "
Y/N's final competition at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix was her sole decision, which caused a great deal of anxiety among those who knew about her pregnancy, especially Hamilton, who strongly disagreed. Y/N admitted the heated debates that took place but emphasized that Hamilton knows her deep love for Formula 1, as he did. So eventually, he accepted her choice to continue racing. and this decision ultimately led to her successful championship win.
When asked about her future in Formula 1, Y/N revealed that she had thought about retiring and letting Hamilton continue. Still, she felt guilty about not listening to him and decided to compete for the championship. But Hamilton was supportive and didn't want her to retire. Finally, they both agreed to continue racing in Formula 1.
"I told him I would retire on my own because he deserves to continue competing. I've already won a Championship, and I have a child to take care of. But, as I mentioned earlier, Lewis knows how much I love Formula 1, and he doesn't want me to retire. So, we both decided to stay in Formula 1 until we can't drive anymore," Y/N said, concluding with a smile.
In the end, Y/N expressed her heartfelt gratitude to fans worldwide for their warm wishes for her family. She hoped that everyone would continue to follow and support her adventures in the Formula 1 world from now on
"I know that many of you have been following our story, and your comments and encouragement mean a lot to me. Now, Lewis and I are stepping into new and crucial roles in life beyond the racetrack, as parents and husband and wife. I hope you'll continue to support us in the future and look forward to the upcoming season with new, undisclosed stories in the world of Formula 1. Please stay tuned."
End of Season 1
Bonus : What if Lewis Hamilton is the one to announce his marriage instead of Y/N?
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(It's a joke meme I wanted to include in the fic, but never had the chance to use. Lol)
If you like it, don't forget to like and reblog for me.
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