#my foxian beloved
moomoomooing · 11 months
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aldertree-g · 2 months
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attack on @/tatsumeru on artfight!
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vryarts · 2 days
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feixiao dood just to get some ideas on paper
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 month
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A warm smile etched onto the pink haired foxian's face as he watched his beloved eat the meal he had prepared meticulously, his fingers still twitching lightly from the constant chopping and grinding of meat but his hard work had paid off in the end. Jiaoqiu was blessed to hear all the little noises that came out of your mouth, the satisfied hums and light little hiccups were like gospel to him, irreparable, satisfactory, necessary.
He reaches for his own utensils, still monitoring you carefully from the corner of his eye, never once letting the mask of a carefree gentleman slip off.
His beloved was the personification of every dark and sinful desire Jiaoqiu had ever had. The broken heart which he was still mending started to beat once more in the presence of his beloved, as if it finally found its long lost voice and sprung back to life.
The feeling, my, it was exhilarating. For ages now his one true desire was to cure anyone he ever could, to rid people of all of their pain and suffering, to hold their hand in their darkest hour of need and tell them in his sweet voice that all will be well and that he will heal them -
However, time was a cruel mistress. And Jiaoqiu, was all too familiar with its icy cruelty. It wasn't fair, just how much was he going to suffer? Even if he was not aware of it at times, Jiaoqiu was still just a person. One single person in this wast cosmos, a flickering flame of a soul which was threatening to give into the darkness like the weakling that he always was....
And then, he met someone. Someone who became precious to him, someone who allowed him to just... Breathe. To let loose, every once in a while. Someone who he just loved to be fussy about, a person so singlehandedly tailor made for him that it was practically too good to be true. He loved being by his beloved's side, watching over them, taking care of them. It felt good having someone all for yourself, someone who you didn't need to share with anyone -
Much like a house of cards, everything crashed down once he found out that he was getting ahead of himself. He had not made you his quite yet, even if in his mind there would be no other who could fill the empty black void in his heart.
A sharp thorn in Jiaoqiu's side was this absolute pest of a Cloud Knight, a person so singlehandedly determined to take you away from him, a knight so caught up in his own valor and glory that he had failed to notice all the subtle changes around him.
The devil was always in the details. No one ever paid attention to those little details. And Jiaoqiu, the cunning fox, could be a truly terrifying devil if he felt threatened.
Jiaoqiu watched you bite into the meat, the lightly pink centre catching his eye as his smile turned slightly wicked. His gaze lowered down towards the fresh juices which dripped from the meat and onto the pristine white plate, a happy smile on your face.
You inquired about the source of the divine meat for the entirety of the afternoon but Jiaoqiu would always give you non answers or simply dodge the question.
Jiaoqiu loved you. He loved you like no one before. He loved you so much that his heart would stop beating if you ever broke it. His love was deep, dark and wast like space itself.
And you had indeed formed a little crack on his bleeding heart. Not enough for him to do something truly drastic but... It was enough for him to be angry. Angry at the thought that you had allowed this knight into your personal space. You don't need that fool, you already have Jiaoqiu. There's absolutely no need for that frivolous little knight to even be breathing the same air as you, Jiaoqiu was more than capable of taking care of you all on his own.
He had made it his mission to steal back the air the knight had taken from you. At the back of his head, Jiaoqiu could still hear the sickeningly loud crunches of the endless pile of bones, the messy table which reeked of blood and putrid, his snow white hands tainted with the sticky crimson liquid as he hacked and chopped and cooked.
In the end, he was going to teach you a lesson, even if you were not aware of it. Please, be gentle with him. Do not break his heart anymore than it already is. Jiaoqiu is a sensitive and sweet man, he has no desire to be rough with the object of his affections. And yet, even he knows that a small dosage of tough love, as he likes to put it, was more than necessary from time to time.
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notpixl · 14 days
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Anyway back with more Feixiao-
Drunk Feixiao HCs
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GN!Reader as per usual. Just enjoy taking care of your Drunk Foxian GF😗
This was actually going to be a drabble taking place after the animated short... but I don't want to sit there trying to write a conversation 🫠
Unless people here actually want that then feel free to yell at me for it 🥲
> Laying on the floorboards with a foxian is one thing to worry about. But if it's Feixiao and she's drunk? That's three things to worry about.
> She's not going to let go of you anytime soon! You remind her of her... beloved! Your scent, your figure, your... charming looks... it's all too familiar...
> Miraculously, you managed to get out of her grasp! Congrats! Now you'll have a whining drunk foxian, begging to just hug you for a second!
> Will flirt with you with no filter. The most down bad she's even been for you. Expect cheesy pick-up lines that make you wanna pinch her cheeks and record it for blackmail (in a playful way of course!)
> She'll bawl her eyes out if you say that you're taken. Who'd dare to take you away, even?!
> Sometimes she'll stay silent, looking at your lips as you raise brow at the sudden change in her behavior. Slowly, she walks towards you, tightly grabbing your shoulder before-
Fainting on the couch.
> She does look adorable when you carry her Bridal Style to the bedroom, though.
> Don't even bother to switch out her clothes. You know what happened last time.
> You might have to cover up your neck and shoulders when you sleep... though I doubt that'll stop Feixiao from giving you numerous hickeys... or do something even more vulgar instead...
> When she does wake up in the morning... she'll nervously laugh at the scratches and bite marks all over you... but will make it up by kissing your forehead and snuggling back into your embrace. Who cares about today's meeting anyway?
> You'll pinch her ear when you see that she's five hours late for the meeting.
(I'll probably come back with more since I'm in the middle of 2.4. Anyhoot, I hope you enjoyed the drabble 🙃)
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! ─ Hello Qi! I hope I am able to get this letter in before the cutoff 😖 May I send a love letter to yan!Jing Yuan, and have him address a Foxian!reader w gn nicknames?
To my dearest Scoundrel,
You are quite the terrible influence my dear general, are you aware of this? How am I supposed to resolve this trade agreement with our fellow Xianzhou flagships in a timely manner, when you have more or less conditioned me to take naps during most hours of the day?
Truly despicable of you really. And on top of that, your "parting gifts" you left on me are still very tender; very distracting from my work. Efficiency and diligence, I fear will be strangers to me during this trip.
Regardless, I hope you are doing well and are not causing to much trouble for the commission during my absence. (Please try to not stress Fu Xian too much, I don't need further distractions from her blowing up my phone because of your shenanigans.) Maybe if you are on your best behavior, I might even give you a reward. Perhaps even something of your choosing if you are especially well behaved~.
Before I sign off and leave you to return to my work, I have sealed a gift for you. Consider it...my own unique "parting gift" to you until I return to you. Which I know in our vast lifespans will be over before you know it my beloved.
-Sincerely, your sleepy vixen
(Enclosed in a small red and gold box, is a simple blue collar with golden accents and filigree with a note that says "wear it until I come back ;)" )
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Sub! Jing Yuan, no gendered terms for reader, Jing Yuan calls you "my tranquility", unhealthy obsessive relationship from Jing Yuan, lightly implied drugging, mentions of reader topping and edging Jing Yuan, quick mention of biting and blood, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: You have quite the roster of guards at the door of your hotel room huh? Looks like nothing's going to slip past them if they were chosen by Jing Yuan himself! ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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As you return to your temporary quarters after sitting through a particularly arduous trade meeting, you’re alerted by your guards assigned to you (by none other than Jing Yuan) about a suspicious delivery left for you while you were away.
Inspecting the box, a laugh escapes you when you catch the ink paw prints of a lion stamped haphazardly on both sides of it. After explaining that this was a personal delivery from the Xianzhou Luofu’s Dozing General, it seemed to dissolve any remaining apprehension your guards had and they handed the box over to you. Thanking them for dutifully carrying out their work, you step into your room.
Your room is spacious, ridiculously so. Why would one person need such a massive room for themselves? It’s the kind that only a general could manage to procure. The open sliding window leads to a balcony that showcases the bustling lively environment of the streets below and a cool evening breeze fills the room. Settling down on the edge of the bed, you set the box in your lap.
Upon opening up your delivery, it seems that Jing Yuan had prepared a pair of gifts in return for you. The first of two is an intricate small glass spray bottle set within a satin-lined box. The small tag tied around it says, “Some of the fragrance that I often use. For you to spray on your pillows when you sleep. :3”
Spritzing a fine mist onto your wrist, the scent of your lover wafts from the area; not too strong such that it’s unpleasant for your keen sense of smell, nor too faint that it’s hard for you to pick up. The fragrance is soothing and familiar, a thoughtful gift that will no doubt improve the quality of your sleep, as evident from the yawn it draws out from you.
The second gift you retrieve from the box is a soft sleep mask in your favourite colour. Sliding it over your eyes, you find that the fabric is smooth against your skin and the mask manages to completely block out all light, fully blacking out everything. The elastic strap isn’t overly tight but secure enough that it ensures that the mask doesn’t slip off too easily. Perfect for tossing and turning. 
Finally, laid at the bottom of the box, is the reply from Jing Yuan, concealed in an elegant envelope. The quality is top-notch and flawless, and it’s sealed securely. Running your hand over the envelope, you feel the crest of the Cloud Knights embossed lightly on the surface. You break the seal and remove the letter contained within. 
His handwriting is steady and dignified, each and every brushstroke on the page graceful. At the end of his letter, is his own name seal, stamped in red ink. Jing Yuan’s reply reads:
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“For my dreamlike haven,
My apologies, it seems that Mimi got its paws on the box while I was out of my office and left a couple of paw prints on the sides. Sigh, you should’ve seen how much ink I had to clean off the surfaces, truly troublesome. Perhaps it knew that the box was meant for you and wished to leave something for you as well, haha!
I have to admit, Mimi is not the only one missing you, my tranquility. I find myself looking over to my side to ask for your wise input on things, only to realise that you’re away. Fu Xuan laughs at me whenever I do this. :( 
It's just not the same to take afternoon naps without you by my side. Nothing is as comforting as your warmth in my arms, or for me to jokingly complain about the tips of your furry ears tickling my nose when we cuddle together. My slumbers are no longer restful when I can’t spend them with you, my tranquility.
The things I would do to have you next to me again. Are the marks and scratches I left on you still visible, my tranquility? Judging by how the ones you left on me are fading, I assume my parting gifts left on you are doing the same. Would you let me mark you up again, and won’t you extend the same generosity to me too? I yearn for your searing touch, my tranquility, for your fangs to pierce my skin and bring forth the vivid red beneath. Whenever I close my eyes, the only thing I can see is you, as if you linger in my every thought and dream.
Speaking of dreams, it seems that lately, my dreams have taken quite a raunchy turn. The starring role for all of them is obviously, you, my tranquility. You’d have me pliant and satisfying your every whim. In one, you had me bent over my office desk, fucking me hard as I rocked back against you. In another, you were edging me mercilessly, over and over again, until I could do nothing but beg helplessly for my release. That look you had in your eyes still sends a shiver down my spine. I’m hoping that soon, you can help turn these dreams of mine into reality.
Additionally, thank you for the collar, my tranquility. I’ve taken the liberty of adding a charming little bell at the front of it, I think you’d find it quite endearing. (And perhaps deserving of a reward? :3)
Do take care of yourself, or else I might just have to come and do it myself, haha. I’ll try to be on my best behaviour but no promises! I miss you dearly, my tranquility, come back to me soon.
Your rascal of a general,
- Jing Yuan -
P.S. Remember to use the fragrance on your pillows and the sleep mask!”
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Rising from your seat on the bed, you pack everything back into the box before stepping into the shower to… cool off after reading Jing Yuan’s letter. In the bathroom, you find yourself relaxing as the water patters on your skin. Your ears flicker slightly whenever they pick up noise from beyond the locked door. A shout from the busy streets below, a soft sigh and the tinkle of a bell, the water splashing onto the floor around you.
Whilst clothing yourself, you lift your wrist to your nose and sigh when the scent of Jing Yuan has expectedly, (begrudgingly), been washed off. However, when you return to your bed, the scent of him still lingers, one that wasn’t here before. 
Your heightened foxian senses can just about make out where it’s concentrated the most, and it points towards your pillow. It’s saturated with the smell of him, to a disconcerting degree. Lifting it up, you’re greeted with the sight of the usual red ribbon he has tied around his hair.
The world falls silent around you.
He was in your room.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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pigeonpeach · 28 days
A casket for one but a grave for two
Jingliu x dead foxian fem reader
Random drabble because i haven’t written in too long!!! This isn’t edited so please excuse me if it suck!!!
Also warning: reader is dead :(, desecration of a corpse/ gravesite (Its not sexual) but jingliu misses her wife and digs up her grave to celebrate what should’ve been their anniversary, angst
The night is young, the moon is full land vibrant. Its bright pearlescent colors match what remains in the casket Jingliu digs up, its lid its released as the stench of death washes over. The swordswoman doesn’t falter though, the smell of a skeleton is better than the smell of the battlefield. They’re still dressed in the beautiful hanfu she saw them in. When flesh hung on their skull, a constant pink would linger on their cheeks. They used to smell of the ocean with sea themed perfumes, their hair was always well kept, she’d run her fingers through it when stressed. The hair has since fallen off. But Jingliu isn’t herself anymore. She knows that. Something grows within her. Those cursed yellow leaves climb out if her throat with a heavy and hurtful cough, as if the roots of the ambrosial arbor grew within her lungs and tore at her veins. This day was one tragedy already, years ago, her beloved having passed in wore. Their death… the cause is starting to blur. Jingliu wonders if this cursed disease will rid her of everything, her love, her life, the memories of her wife… What had she done to deserve this cursed fate? She fought valiantly, she held her ground, and the aeons or whoever wrote the details of fate decided to play the cruelest joke on her. That her beloved would lay alone in the ground, and she would be unable to join them… not anymore. Perhaps it was the pain of the roots and leaves growing, perhaps it was the anger and homicidal reaction that drove to such extreme. In her worst moments in life, her wife was there. The sight of her alone would ease tension, her hands would work into her shoulders and her voice was the siren’s call. But she’d never hear it again, she’d never see her again. The mara cannot revive, at least that she knows of. Yingxing’s corpse had been fresh when Dan Feng committed that sin. But there is no muscle ontop of the bones, it’ll do
“Tonight is lovely isn’t it?” Jingliu held the skull of her lover in her hands with the gentleness and fondness she did in life. “Today.. today would be our 40th anniversary..”
“Actually it would be our 100th.” Jingliu could hear her say that in her head.
“It doesn’t matter the number. What matters is just how much we love each other right?” She peered into the skull, trying to mentally piece the flesh onto the bone, the eyes into the socket, the hair into the skin, but it was blurry. She felt a surge of distress, no.. she couldn’t forget. She can’t forget her. She couldn’t protect her to the end the least she can do is firmly protect her memory. Jingliu hissed in pain, clutching her head as it began to spiral with thoughts. A storm brewed, a flame ingited, a endless stream of water filling the room (metaphorically), sowing thd seeds of a rage and berserker that could cause her to further fall into the trap of mara.
“Jingliu~” a voice called, a siren’s melody that cleared the air in a instant. The night was quiet now. Nothing made a sound. Not the heliobi roaming in the gardens, nothing. But the silence didn’t feel threatening, she couldn’t explain it. She looked back at the skull. “Fight as you’ve always had. That is my wish. Do not let my death hold you back.. save them.. for me.. please..” Jingliu’s wife’s final words to her acted like a slap as she held the skull to her chest.
“I avenged you dear.. Hoolay.. he is locked away.. tortured for eternity.. never will he be able to hurt your people again.. you didn’t die for nothing.. I promise you.. I did it..” Jingliu wept silently, staring at the moon, as if to pray.
“I love you.. Jingliu..”
“I love you too, for eternities and centuries.. my love will never die even if I someday become a wretched beast.. I promise even then will your voice be my medicine…” Jingliu pressed a kiss to the skull, her lips only meeting hard snd cold teeth. She laid back on the ground, the skull on her chest, wanting to enjoy this peace for a little bit longer
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harusaki-hugo · 11 months
Beloved Heart
Pair: Jing Yuan x gn! nine tail fox! Reader
Fandom:Honkai!Star Rail.
Tags: Fluffy, seriously reader have fluffy nine tails, married couple , romantic, they already a lovers? Wow, Jing Yuan like playing with reader tail, Reader is a badass who always kick Jing Yuan, Yangqing about to get adopted.
Extra: yeah, I play both Genshin impact and Star rail. But in star rail I maining Qingque instead of IL Dan Heng or Blade (they mostly weakness breaker lmao).
"Are you sure you can carry all of that?"
Jing Yuan asks as he looks down at Yangqing who is carrying books and documents that the boy insists that he can carry all of it. Nodding his head seriously Yangqing smiled at the general, "Yes! I can do it!"
The general nodded his head, "Very well, but be careful." With that, both of them start climbing up the stairs but due to the huge amount of documents and books he's carrying Yangqing almost stumbles on the steps as he can't barely see it.
"Ah!" His eyes widen when he misses a step causing his whole body to tilt backward, Jing Yuan turns around when he hears Yangqing yelp but he is too late to realize that the boy now falling down the stairs.
"Yangqing!!" The general tried to reach out for him but missed by an inch, Yangqing closed his eyes as he expected the pain to come but instead of a hard, cold floor, he fell on top of something..
"... fluffy?"
It's almost like a soft bed, no, almost like he lying on top of clouds with how fluffy and soft it is. And on top of that, the thing that he fell onto smelled nice.
"Oh my~ are you okay?"
Yangqing snaps open his eyes when he hears a voice, he moves around and realizes that the one that broke his fall is nine [color] tails underneath him. He quickly scrambled away when he realized that he had just fallen on top of someone's tails.
Getting back to his feet, Yangqing turned around to apologize to the tails owner when he saw that all nine tails shrinking before revealing their owner. "Oh dear, better be careful next time~" It's a foxian, who has nine tails, something that he had never seen before.
You chuckle softly when you see the awed in the boy's face, watching his eyes flicker towards your fox ears and your nine fox tail behind you.
"Yangqing! Are you okay?!" Jing Yuan calls out for the boy as he rushes down the stairs, looking at Yangqing with a concerned expression and when he sees that his apprentice is fine he lets out a relieved sigh.
"Thank you for help-"
Before he can finish his words you suddenly raise your leg and kick the general in the stomach causing him to double over in pain.
"Eeeeeeeh?! General!!!"
Yangqing quickly rushes toward his mentor's side to see if he is okay.
"Hello, darling. I heard what happens to Luafo when I'm gone." Those words cause Jing Yuan to let out a chuckle as he straightens up his body to smile at you.
"My love, you're finally back. how's your work?" Jing Yuan's smile widened as he spread his arms wide open before approaching you.
"as usual." The general wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body before he leans down and presses a small kiss on your lips.
Yangqing let out a gasp at this as his cheeks heated up at the public display of affection or more correctly the general kissing someone.
"General...who..who is that?"
Both of you and Jing Yuan look at Yangqing before the general introduces you to him.
"Ah, Yangqing. let me introduce yourself to my beloved spouse." He told the boy your name before he moved to your side, one arm still on your waist.
"Spouse...eh, you mean!! You two are married?!"
Yangqing looks at you and Jing Yuan with wide eyes causing you to chuckle softly. The boy then quickly bowed his head and introduced himself to you.
"My~ how cute you are." You lean away from Jing Yuan, much to his dismay, and approach Yangqing. Grabbing his hand you smile gently at the boy before suddenly saying;
"You can always call me [mama/papa]!"
This causes him to look at you with disbelief eyes, "w-w-what?!" Jing Yuan let out a small laugh before patting the boy on the shoulder.
"Then he need to call me father?"
"W-wait, general?! Eh? Huh?!"
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jymwahuwu · 30 days
had a bad day with driving..but it's okay because I will think of Jiaoqiu who soothes your social anxiety and stress. who takes your stress away with only the feeling of his hands as he moves down to your thighs. he loves you dearly, please do trust him when he says your taste is the most divine taste that he's ever had. be peppers your thighs with kisses, allowing his pheromones and scent to arouse you as well. he tries his best to take his time, he really does. but then he acts like a starved fox and ends up diving in. he keeps you there, savouring your taste and moans and the alike. your thighs work as good ear warmers for his Foxian ears.
..even if you struggle and try to push him away since he has been at it for far too long. but it's okay. he'll take care of all of your aches and soreness in the morning. just let him taste the one thing he still can. Jiaoqiu..my beloved Foxian who deserves so much..eugh..eugh..my brain brain no work. but I'm hoping that Jiaoqiu comes home for me..I must win 50/50..
Sorry, knowing you had a bad day, I wanted to hurry up and reply but still late!! Yes, Jiaoqiu is willing to relieve all your stress and social anxiety. He actually doesn't like socializing with too many people, useless socializing 😔 Once he knows that you have had a bad day, he will find ways to comfort you. (Starts by taking you to eat hot pot, spicy or not as you choose. If you shed tears because of the chili, he wipes them away too.)
Then it’s time to relieve stress in bed. Your mind may be tense, prompting you to recall unpleasant events. His hormones affect you quickly. Pleasant and comfortable, tempting you to change your mind and tempting you to love him more. You reached out and touched his fox ears, which were fluffy, and his big soft and smooth tail was wagging. He kisses you several times every few seconds, from light kisses to deep kisses (faintly, seeing his sensitive ears twitch). Jiaoqiu will also bury his head between your thighs. Your thighs are warm, letting his ears rub against them. And he focused on rubbing your sensitive areas and drawing out your orgasm, even though your legs were shaking and sore.
"N-no more…" Your hands gripped his pink hair, pushing, while he just smiled and promised that the next orgasm would be the last.
Also wish you get him to win 50/50!! The warmest fox husband!! 😘🫶🫶
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hematomes · 1 year
Oh it's fine ,I was just really curious about what's up with them ,you don't have to explain if you don't want to :D
I DO WANT TO IM JUST GONNA NEED TO ORGANIZE MY THOUGHTS and struggle with the sources bc i just grabbed bits of lore from other shippers 😭 most of their lore, if im not mistaken, comes from the passerby of wandering cloud relic set. keep in mind im also only referring to the english translation so it could be slightly different in the source material
but basically they were very closely involved with each other in the past. dan heng made matching bracers for both him and blade, as stated in the hand relic:
"A slender yet strong hand once wore the other bracer. That owner, whose sharp spear glinted with a cold light and flourished like shooting stars, once sparred with the unnamed. That owner also once shared company and drinks with the unnamed, the two of them simply gazing at the moon with no words exchanged. However, in the end, it was also this person who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed, turned the beloved into a monstrosity, and pushed all into an abyss of eternal hatred and remorse."
the owner is dan heng, while the unnamed/beloved is theorized to be blade. im insisting on the theorized part because it could be a third-party; some people mentioned jingliu, who was jing yuan's mentor, but it doesn't exactly correlates as she isn't mentioned anywhere else in the set + i think there's a lightcone mentioning that she went mad after losing her sister? don't take my word for it tho. another interesting thing is that these bracers allowed them to communicate telepathically <3
now the "turned the beloved into a monstrosity" is also important, because it's theorized that dan heng turned blade immortal, which is why he's banned from the entire planet. this comes from blade's intent for revenge/"three must pay the price" cutscene, + the head piece lore of the relic set:
"Epiphany struck him like lightning. The curse of immortality still raged on, and the grudge of past misgivings never died out. HE was now the newborn flower on this once-dead branch."
now there's a moment where blade just wanders aimlessly before he's found by the stellaron hunters, and he's still pretty much out of it and closer to a wild beast than an actual person. however, the body piece says this (as he is with the stellaron hunters):
"In hazy memories of the olden days, he finally made up his mind to gift his bosom friend with his hand-made jade flask, only to realize with a shock that the person he longed for was no longer there."
"bosom friend" is theorized to be dan heng, and blade's intent to give him a hand-made gift to be a response to the aforementioned bracers. it's also interesting to note that "bosom friend" is kind of an outdated term for lovers, or at least someone you have deep feelings for
that's all i can say without diving into leaked information (including story spoilers) but. the way i see it, they're former lovers - and dan heng turned blade immortal against his will, perhaps as a desperate attempt to keep him forever by his side.
a deeper look into the theory/timeline: the vidyadhara race is known to "reincarnate" (like bailu says when we meet her), which is why they're truly immortal in a sense, because their cells rejuvenate completely (as opposed to the foxians for ex) and they actually die. so dan heng could have sealed away his actual dragon self in a way. as it stands, he doesn't remember anything - he just saw blade in a nightmare once, and considering what blade says it's understandable that dan heng is pissing himself.
however i don't believe that blade wants to kill him for good, or that dan heng is actually traumatized/suffering from ptsd. it looks more like guilt, that you can't even explain because you're unable to remember what you did. it's a matter of interpretation for now. i also believe that dan heng will in fact have to "die" to have his dragon unsealed, so.
anyway i really love them. blade isn't out there out of pure hatred but he feels hurt and betrayed (by someone so close to him, too!!!), because he's forced to live and probably so, so tired. dan heng isn't just scared and helpless, but also devoured by a guilt he can't exactly explain. they have such a complicated relationship, and chalking it up as abuser x abused is not only reductive but blatantly wrong. i strongly believe that, once unsealed, dan heng could literally fold blade in half with one hand <3
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pinkrose05 · 6 months
chcharacter opinion bingo on my favorite hsr ice boys
yanqing & misha
I think we should put these two on a team and call it "ice ice baby".
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Look at my little dudes!!!
1) Misha is a recent favorite of mine, even though I had my eye on him since he first showed up in leaks. He's just a sweet little nerd doing his best and chilling around.... well, and also having a crapton of foreboding story implications, but shhhhhhhh don't worry about it!
His character stories and animations are insanely adorable also. I love this little guy and I wish him much happiness and peace (and also maybe a visit to the Express at one point)!
2) Yanqing!! My beloved idiot who I've been missing since he stopped showing up every patch!!
I'll admit I didn't care much for Yanqing before the game's release.... but then I got him as my first 5 star on day 1, and he immediately stapled himself to the fave list! This dork and his funny flying swords carried me for a solid 2 patches, and are still chipping in every now and then when refrigeration is required!
Gameplay aside... I'm honestly really sad about how his character is handled most of the time. There are highlights like the end of his companion mission and his segment in Foxian Tale of The Haunted, but otherwise, Yanqing is there for the sake of being there, or he's there and acting unusually out of character to prop up someone else. It's really annoying, honestly. Messes up what would otherwise be very great scenes for Yanqing and everyone else involved. I'm glad they're starting to depart from that (see once again: Foxian Tale. God, I loved his part in it so much).
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starcurtain · 2 months
I’ve been absolutely going through it for the past while because I’ve been trying to write fic for the first time— acknowledging the alien nature of HSR characters is just too fun to give up.
I’ve been a big fan of the idea that there’s some generic baseline “human” that most characters are pretty similar to, or direct are offshoots of (like how the vidyadhara and the luofu’s longlife humans were both just generic humans pre-aeon intervention), while some characters are completely disparate alien species (avgin my beloved,,, how I wish for them to be uniquely strange and also crepuscular).
I'm sorry you've been going through some difficulty but I'm glad to hear you're writing fic! I think everyone should get to have the crazy experience of trying to bring a plot bunny to life in a fic. I hope your fic writing goes well!
And yes, I love the individual quirks of all the different races in Star Rail. Personally, I think they should all be weird and alien! Give me Topaz's people being able to survive on two hours of sleep or something; Foxians over here with an irresistible urge to pounce on things that move fast; if it gets too cold, Dan Heng gets all fuzzy-headed...
I hope you will share your fic with me when you post it!
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dustyskies747 · 3 months
Oooo new oc time OOOOO
Idk how to put the info below the picture it won’t LET ME so information first then picture!
Fandom/Series: Honkai Star Rail
Home: Xianzhou Luofu
Race: Foxian
Age: I um, actually don’t have a good understanding of the foxian/ xianzhou life span in general or when they’re considered adults 😅 she’s the foxian Equivalent to a human whose like 28!
Job: healer at the Alchemy Commission/ Jing Yuan and Yanqing’s personal healer
Path: Abundance
Affiliation: The Alchemy Commission (but not Sanctus Medicus)
Relationship status/ partner (if applicable): In a relationship with Jing Yuan
Just a general (haha get it?) blurb (think of it like the little information tab!): For those looking to find Shenjiu, one of the Alchemy Commission’s top healer, they always tend to find her amongst one of three places in the Luofu when she seems to be missing from the commission. The first, a small little food stall generally considered a ‘hole in the wall’. Her coworkers telling others “it’s her favorite, she always gets the same order. There’s even a rumor she requested Bailu to write her a prescription for her favorite ramen at precisely 12:30 PM so she can use it as an excuse to take her lunch breaks on time” (though if anyone asks Shenjiu herself she skillfully doges the question with “my prescriptions are my own business no?”)
The second is a particularly secluded spot with a perfect view of the Ambrosial Arbor. Though worship of Yaoshi is banned on the Xianzhou Shenjiu has never once doubted her choice in following the Aeon of Abundance. As such when she has a moment to spare she’ll sit in view of the Ambrosial Arbor tree, taking a moment to simply breath and speak to the Aeon she holds so dear to her heart. A few people have found this behavior suspicious, why would someone go out of their way to view the Arbor and speak to it? But all Shenjiu has to say in response is “as a healer I try to be in tune with nature, this helps me and clears my mind”
The third, and most common place she can be found, is wherever General Jing Yuan is. The pair have been together for quite some time so Shenjiu takes a moment when she can to visit her beloved. The activities she performs on these visits vary from making she he is actually awake, making sure he is not overworking, playing a game of Star Chess, helping take care of Mimi or, when Yanqing is also present, helping in combat. More often than not the people find Shenjiu clinging onto the general’s arm, talks ranging from dinner plans to the newest sword yanqing has been looking at,her tail wagging happily as she walks.
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 4 months
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a very lil' promo while I sort out how to make a full one eventually
acr3ss-the-cosmos - An indie, private, and selective HSR multi-muse rp blog ft. Yukong and my beloved Foxian oc, Chenhua! Penned by Renni (she/her, 27, EST). Read the pinned post before following, and please leave a like or reblog if you're interested in interacting!
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There was this tag I read on AO3 a while back that said "Jing Yuan loves too equally and it causes problems" and it hasn't left my mind since.
Because he does love too equally.
He loved Dan Feng and Yingxing with all his heart, both of them. Loves them, I should say (depending on the interaction/dynamic), because he hasn't gotten over them.
He cherished Jingliu and her teachings like nothing else, even though they didn't grow close. I think that'll always be a deep regret of his. He misses her. He misses her a lot.
He adored and admired Baiheng and would ask her to be his wings. He sees her shadow in every newly fledged Foxian pilot that graduates from training in the Sky-Faring Commission.
Yanqing is his son, and I don't really need to say much more there. He worries for him. Worries far more than he lets on. He wants to give Yanqing the best life, help Yanqing reach his highest potential, and it's difficult because he's doing it entirely on his own and can't dedicate his entire being to Yanqing's growth. I don't think it's too bold to say that Yanqing entering his life was one of the best things to happen to him since his world fell apart.
He loves Yukong, too, as his friend and equal, for she reminded him so much of his younger self and of Baiheng as well when they first met, and he mourns with her and for her, as her lifespan is coming to an end within a few short decades and they both know it. Her eventual passing will leave a deep hole in his heart.
He loves Bailu the way a parent would; he sees parts of Dan Feng in her energy and chiding tone. She will never know how important she is to him.
And how does one stay in a position they do not enjoy for centuries upon centuries, if they do not love their people and their home with all their heart?
He could very well retire; Fu Xuan is right there and chomping at the bit to take up his mantle, but Jing Yuan stays right where he is as a pillar of the Luofu out of sheer love; the love he has for the Alliance, the love he has for the people, the love he has for his equals, his child, his friends, his mentor, his beloveds. He stays for them, even if it rips him apart. No matter how tired he is, he stays for them, because he can't bear to watch everything he loves, everything that holds his memories, fall apart if he's not there to guide it, legacy be damned.
Jing Yuan loves too equally, and it causes problems.
There's only so much of your heart you can give away until you have nothing left for yourself, after all.
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notpixl · 11 days
Feixiao takes care of you!
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Y'all didn't even leave crumbs it HASN'T EVEN BEEN A WEEK 😭
GN!Reader, as per usual. Maybe some made up stuff since I haven't made it to 2.5's story yet ☹️
> You?! Sick?! Injured, even?! That's two words she doesn't like being paired up with you!
> Holds Jaioqiu by the collar or on a call. He's her only hope in having a chance to save you.
> You've only caught a cold? Or that it was just a minor cut? That's good! She doesn't want anything way worse than that!
> Spoils you like a child when you're in a bedridden state like this. A bath? No worries! Some food? She'll bolt towards the nearby store, even checking out everyone's groceries to speed things up! It isn't called a General Store for nothing!
> But when everything's settled and it's just the both of you laying in bed... she silently hugs you, almost trembling.
> You're her bundle of joy, bringing her these newfound moments in life since all she's ever known before meeting you... was the battlefield.
> And seeing you in a state like this... breaks her heart.
> But her worries would ease away when you ruffle her hair with a small smile on your face.
> She stays silent for a little while before breaking a smile as well.
> Yeah... maybe... maybe things will be better tomorrow.
> Her embrace tightens, leaving you with an adorable looking Foxian as she soon falls asleep with a smile on her face.
> And even if your illness is gone she's sticking with you like Gum! That way no one will harm her Beloved!
My ahh is running out of ideas and I feel like the end was rushed 😭
At least I managed to feed you guys with something before I leave again 🥲
Gimme requests or smth BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH-
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