#my friends started watching naruto and i remembered how much i love him
faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
Trying to match the obsessive vibes mafia Lando had in part one (which is absolutely excellent) I personally think their first meeting wouldn't be as much of a coincidental meet cute as he makes it seem. Basically, he saw her and stalked her to find info so that he was attractive to her from the first moment. Then she starts "coincidentally" running into him everywhere. If she works at a coffee shop or something he always tips her extremely well to show how good he could take care of her. Just my thoughts.
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“A name to a face” — Dark ex mafia Lando Norris x reader
part one part two part three part four part five part six
Word count 2k
Warnings — angst kidnapping reader being locked away.
Tagged— @bethanymccauley @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @67-angelofthelordme-67 @bblouifford @bbtoni @biancathecool @barcelonaloverf1life @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @entr4p3 @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @cinderellasmissingshoes @ironcowboycopnickel @jvpiterzs @jeffs77 @llando4norris @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @moss-on-tmblr @mrsgeorgerussell63 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @regalbanshee @strugglingyetvibing @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @toasttt11 @the-ghost-lovwr @tallrock35 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @crispysoup318
There was no escaping from Lando. He had you locked away from the rest of the world and there was no hope. After 20 minutes of trying to pry the window open, you gave up. Sliding down the wall you sat there wishing you could go back in time to stop yourself from agreeing to that date with Lando.
That was a naive thing to think. When Lando wanted something he’d do anything to get it even if that thing was you. With no hope and no real chance of escaping from him, you were stuck and it was only a matter of time before you had to depend on him.
*Flashback to when you met Lando*
You weren’t paying attention. The conversation you were having with your friend was more important than paying attention to where you were walking.
Your friend was telling you about her latest hookup and how he was, according to her, the greatest lay of her life.
You rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed by her story. In truth, you were secretly a little envious. Your own love life had been nonexistent lately. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been on a date, let alone had a decent hookup.
As you were lost in thought, you abruptly slammed into something hard. The impact knocked the wind out of you and you stumbled backwards, nearly losing your balance. You looked up to see what you had run into and froze. A pair of piercing blue eyes were staring down at you.
The man you had run into was, without a doubt, the most attractive person you had ever seen. He was tall and lean with tousled brown hair and a cocky smile. He was wearing a faded t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms and jeans that clung to him perfectly.
He looked you up and down, his smile widening a bit as he took you in. "Sorry, love," he said, his voice smooth and easy. "I didn't see you there."
You swallowed, speechless. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his presence was overwhelming. "It's... it's fine," you managed to stammer out. "I wasn't paying attention."
The man chuckled, his eyes still on you. "No, you were too busy listening to your friend rattle on about her latest conquest," he said with a wink.
Your cheeks flushed, caught off guard by his observation. You looked over at your friend, who was now looking between you and the man as if she was watching a tennis match. The man noticed her reaction and chuckled again. "No need to look so embarrassed, love," he said, his eyes flickering over to her for a moment before returning to you. "I won't tell anyone what you two were talking about."
The man giving one last wink walked away from the two of you. You watched him walk away, unable to tear your eyes off of him. He sauntered away, his casual confidence drawing your attention.
Your friend tugged on your arm, pulling you out of your trance. "Oh my god, he was so hot!" she exclaimed, fanning herself dramatically. You snapped out of your daze and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he was," you said, still watching him as he walked away.
Your friend nudges you playfully. "You should have asked for his number," she teased, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
You felt your cheeks flush a bit. "I... I don't know," you stammered, feeling a bit flustered. "He was definitely out of my league. He was way too hot for me."
Your friend rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on," she said, giving you a playful shove. "Don’t be so hard on yourself. You're gorgeous and you can have any guy you want."
You smiled weakly at her words, but you still had doubts. The man you bumped into had seemed so carefree and confident, he was probably used to having girls throw themselves at him. There was no way he would be interested in someone like you.
Oh how wrong you were…
*present time*
It had been hours since you saw Lando. He was true to his words and kept you locked away from the world. After what felt like hours of being alone in the room, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. They stopped outside the door and you heard the sound of metal against metal as Lando unlocked the door.
The door opened slowly and Lando stepped into the room, a neutral expression on his face. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, looking at you.
"Hungry?" he asked, his voice nonchalant. You looked at him, your stomach grumbling at the mention of food. You hadn't eaten since this morning and the hunger pangs were getting worse by the hour.
Lando saw the look on your face and chuckled. "I take that as a yes," he said, pushing himself off from the door and walking over to you. He picked up the chair that was beside the bed and placed it in front of you before sitting down. He leaned back in the chair, his legs stretched out in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked completely relaxed and at ease, a stark contrast to your tense and nervous demeanor.
"I've got food downstairs," he said, his eyes roaming over you. "But I thought we could have a little chat first."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, waiting for him to continue.
Lando leaned forward, his arms resting on his thighs as he looked at you intently.
"We need to talk about what's going to happen going forward," he said, his voice soft but authoritative.
"I know you're not happy about the current situation," he continued, his gaze not budging from your face. "But believe me when I say you're going to learn to love it eventually."
You wanted to argue with him, to tell him that he was crazy and that you would never love being locked away like a prisoner. But deep down you knew it would be pointless. Lando had already made up his mind and nothing you said would change it.
Lando saw the resignation on your face and nodded, satisfied. "Good," he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You've already learned the first lesson."
He leaned back in the chair again, his arms resting behind his head. "I have rules," he said, his tone turning more serious. "And if you want things to go smoothly, you better follow them."
Your heart sped up at the mention of rules. You had a feeling they were going to be strict and probably unreasonable. "What rules?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"First rule," Lando said, holding up one finger. "You will not try to escape. I've taken all the necessary precautions to make sure you can't leave, but I don't want any stunts."
"Second rule," he said, holding up a second finger. "You're never leaving this room unless I say so. I've got guards on watch at all times, so don't think you can slip past them."
"Third rule," he said, holding up a third finger. "You are not to talk to anyone other than me. No calls, no texts, no emails. You are mine and mine only, and I won't tolerate any distractions."
Your heart sank at the last rule. He was completely isolating you from the rest of the world. "What about my family? My friends?" you asked, panic creeping into your voice.
"You don't need them," Lando said, his tone cold. "I'm all you need. They can't take care of you the way I can."
"And the fourth rule…" Lando said, holding up a fourth finger. "Is probably the most important rule. You are mine. You belong to me. I own you. Every part of you, body and soul."
"You belong to me, and me only," he continued, his eyes scanning your face. "You will not talk to other guys, look at other guys, or even think of other guys. You're mine completely."
The possessiveness in his voice sent a chill down your spine. It was like he didn't see you as a person, but as an object that he owned and controlled. And deep down, you knew it was true.
Lando leaned back in the chair, studying you. "Understand all the rules now?" he asked, his tone deceptively casual. You nodded, feeling completely resigned to your fate. There was no point in resisting or arguing. Lando had you completely in his grasp.
Lando smiled, satisfied with your compliance. "Good," he said, standing up from the chair. "Now come here." You tensed up at his command, but you knew better than to disobey. You stood up and walked over to him, stopping a few feet away. He stepped closer to you until he was mere inches away. He reached out and ran a hand through your hair, his touch gentle but possessive.
"You look perfect like this," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your face. "Completely under my control."
It had been a week since you bumped into the mystery man as your friend called him. There was something strange about him that you couldn’t understand but it made you want to know more about him. The only problem was you didn’t know where to look for him.
Lando on the other hand was completely obsessed with you, he had made it his mission to figure out who you were. It wasn’t hard Lando had clocked a camera above your little interaction so all he had to do was go to the local police station and pull the footage and run your image through the database to find out who you were.
Lando walked up to the front desk, he knew how to charm his way through anything and he was about to test that theory. "Hi there," he said, flashing a charming smile at the young police woman behind the desk. "I need a little favor."
The woman behind the desk raised an eyebrow, clearly not thrilled by his advances. “What kind of favor?” she asked, her tone wary.
Lando leaned casually against the desk, still sporting his charming smile. "I need to get access to some security camera footage," he said, putting on his most innocent expression.
The woman eyed him skeptically. "And what exactly do you need the footage for?" she asked, her suspicions clearly not eased.
Lando chuckled, his confidence not wavering. "Let's just say I’m doing a little investigation of my own," he said, his voice low and smooth. "There was this guy who robbed me of something very important and I’m trying to track him down. I have a good idea of what he looks like and I’m hoping the security cameras in the area can help me identify him."
The woman seemed to soften a bit at Lando’s story. "That’s rough,” she said, sympathy in her voice. "But I can't just give away camera footage to anyone who asks. There are strict protocols."
Lando’s smile never faltered. "Of course, I understand that,” he said, his tone reassuring. “I’m not asking for you to just hand over the footage. I just need a quick look to see if anything useful is on it."
The woman paused for a moment, clearly contemplating the situation. "If it’s just a quick look, I suppose it couldn’t hurt," she finally said. "But I’ll have to stay with you to make sure you don’t do anything funny with the footage."
Lando chuckled, feigning offense. "Me, do something funny? You wound me," he teased, enjoying this little game. "I promise I’ll be on my best behavior."
The woman rolled her eyes but seemed to be lightening up a bit at his charm. "Alright, let’s go then," she said, standing up from the desk and gesturing for Lando to follow her.
Lando followed the woman through the station, still wearing his charming smile. He felt a rush of excitement, knowing that he was finally about to find out who you were. The woman led him to a small room with two computers, clearly the room they used for reviewing security camera footage. She gestured for him to sit down in front of one of the computers and took a seat next to him.
The woman must have noticed the intense focus on Lando’s face as he watched the footage, his eyes never leaving your figure. “Find something?” she asked, watching his facial expressions intently.
Lando snapped back to reality, realizing he had been staring a bit too intently. He quickly composed himself and looked at the woman with a charming smile. "Yeah, I think I did," he said, his voice betraying none of his true emotions. "I think I know who the guy is. Thanks for your help, love."
The woman raised an eyebrow at the “love” comment but decided to let it slide. “You’re welcome,” she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Just make sure you use the information appropriately.”
Lando chuckled, standing up from the chair. "Don’t worry, I have only the most noble intentions,” he said, his tone dripping with confidence. “Thanks again, love." With that, Lando left the room, his mind racing with thoughts of you.
Lando smiled to himself as he left the police station, a sense of satisfaction filling his chest. He finally had a name and a face to go along with it. The chase was on.
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detectivestucks · 7 months
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Yandere Tobi/Obito x F!Reader
Summery: Obito found you paying your respects to his memorial and an obsession with his first love's best friend blossoms. Soon he finds that he will do anything and everything to protect you, his delicate peach.
Warnings: Stalking, Violence, Kidnapping, Fingering, Nipple play, Unprotected Penetration, Virgin Reader, implied threat of suicide.
Word Count: 9.7k
Author's note: Yes, I know the timeline is a bit altered, it was a creative decision. Deal with it. :)
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Itachi and Kisame remove their hats as they return to the hideout looking slightly worn out, presumably from battle. They had just finished scoping out the Leaf in search of the nine tails jinchuriki and Itachi’s little brother, Sasuke.
“Did everything go okay?” Pain asked
“Yes, we ran into my former captain.”
“Itachi had it covered but the copy ninja's annoying boyfriend started attacking and then some shinobi we couldn’t see sent shockwaves into the ground that sparked a small tsunami.”
“It was at that point we thought it best to retreat. We know the jinchuriki is still located inside the village. There was no need for further engagement.”
Obito felt his chest constrict. Shockwaves...he knew that jutsu. That was the trademark of Rin’s best friend. That was a jutsu unique to you. But you had left the village a long time ago. When had you come back? 
Itachi being the only one among them who knew Tobi’s identity, quickly noticed the shift in Obito’s stance. The rest of the group, completely oblivious to the insignificant comic relief, did not notice as Obito exited the room and hurried towards the village. 
Rather than scouring the Leaf hunting for you, he waited at the one spot he knew you’d come, the memorial yard. Sure enough it only took one evening to catch you bringing lilies to your best friend’s grave. Obito cried with you as you shed tears for your friend but then you did something he didn’t expect, you stopped at the memorial stone to pay your respects to him. 
“Obito, I wish you knew how much I cared for you. You didn’t deserve what you got. You were too good for this world.” You dragged your fingertips along his name, tears streaming down your cheeks as you remembered the boy you loved as a child.
You…cared for him? He was… too good?
Obito felt a pang in his chest. You were just like her. So kind and sweet. Always seeing the best in people. Even poor retches like him. He wanted to thank you but he didn’t want to scare you.  Instead he let curiosity get the better of him and followed you home. He watched you through the window as you did your nighttime routine. Seeing you at peace alone in your home brought him contentment. He  snuck up to the window’s sill to catch a closer view as you got into bed and drifted to sleep. It brought him comfort to see you rest and he took that comfort with him as he finally returned to the hideout.
The next day, plans for tracking the other tailed beasts including the three tails had Obito feeling emotional. Itachi caught how stiff ‘Tobi’ stood during the conversation and soon after caught him leaving the hideout to go see you. He found you at the training grounds running drills with Kakashi’s team.
“Y/N-sensei, I wanna learn a new jutsu!”
“Now Naruto, I am under direct orders from Kakashi to work on chakra control drills with you three. A new jutsu will be no good if you don’t have a way to command the chakra to execute it.”
“When will Kakashi-sensei be better?”
“He’ll be better soon Sakura, don’t you worry.”
Obito sat in the trees watching you for a few hours until the jinchuriki kid was done pestering you. He was such a nuisance but you didn’t lose your patience even a little. The same could not be said about his teammates which seemed to only bring you amusement. When you were done you walked over to the memorial stone and gave your gratitude to your fallen comrades before heading home. 
You were so much like her. Beautiful and sweet as a peach. The way you cared for and nurtured others, it took a hold of his heart. He could watch you all day and never get bored. You were his light in the darkness of the Akatsuki. 
The next day he went out with his partner on their mission. While Deidara requested alone time so he didn’t need to suffer Tobi’s presence, Obito used kamui to visit you. Carefully watching from a distance till you fall asleep. Just like he did every time he visits you. Following the same ritual as before. He’d enter your home and play with your hair, stroking it as you slept. Some nights he would lay with you and breathe in your scent while you were none the wiser. It was in these moments that he knew he needed to protect you. His delicate little peach. No one in this cruel world would bruise you. He would make sure of it.
One evening while you were paying your respects to your friends, a jonin he didn’t recognize approached you. The man brushed your hip and backside and you pulled away as he asked you on a date. The audacity of the man to think of romance while you were mourning your lost comrades. You had told him no and he left but something told Obito it wasn’t over. This was clearly a man who needed to be stopped. 
The next day the man came to you again and held your hips while he asked to take you on a date, a little more forcefully than before. You had declined his request once more and politely pushed his hands off of you before turning to walk away. He had called out to you but before he could say anything further Obito had dragged the man into his void. The shinobi looked around bewildered. Obito growled at him from behind his mask.
“The lady said no” 
“Where the fuck am I?!”  
“A place no one can hear you scream so don’t give me a reason to bring you back here.” If the man could see Obito’s face behind the mask he surely would’ve wet himself. But instead in a facade of bravery he hurls insults at Obito
“A fuckin coward relies on tricks. Be a man and show me your face.”
“My face is none of your business, as for tricks, I have none, just superior prowess.” Obito makes his voice thick and deep, tapping into Madara’s tone of intimidation. “If I see you bother her again it will be the last time you speak.”
His facade is broken and his throat bobs as he swallows his pride. “Fine, no pussy’s worth a fuckin death threat.”
“Good, now that we understand each other, you may go.”
Obito materializes the man back in the village while he teleports himself over to the tree outside of your home. He spots you walk up to your door and head inside. He yearned to be the one greeting you, welcoming you home,  rather than outside in a tree. You should come home to his loving face, not a room of darkness. 
Instead he waits till you are sound asleep to touch your hips where the other man had touched them. He replaced the man’s predatory touch with his loving one. You rolled into him, your subconscious nestling into his presence. He held you, almost falling asleep from your intoxicating pheromones as they lull him into a state of bliss. When he was sure you wouldn’t wake, he slipped his body out of your bed, replacing himself with a pillow as you searched for his comfort. 
His thumb brushed over your forehead before he disappeared from your home. His beautiful peach ripe for the picking.
While masquerading around as Tobi, Obito couldn’t help but feel lonely and isolated. His thoughts of you began to consume his mind. Every opportunity he had to visit you, he took. He had disappeared so often that the Akatsuki almost forgot about him, not that they were complaining about taking a break from his annoying persona. 
He noticed that you and Kakashi had become close. You were always assisting with his young team and visiting the cemetery together. Obito didn’t like this one bit. Kakashi would pluck his sweet peach from him. But he had to remind himself that Kakashi did keep you safe when you joined his team on missions. He took care of you when Obito could not. Though that didn’t dull his need to claim you, take you as his own. The feeling was intensifying, swelling every day. 
He found himself hunting down every man who so much as looked at you. Kakashi was the only man who’s affection he let slide…even though he was the one who made him the most angry. Maybe it was his sentiment for his old friend. Maybe it was his fear of Kakashi’s skill. Either way, he let him be, not wanting to catch the copy ninja’s attention. 
The remaining miscreants were hunted without mercy. Sometimes he couldn’t help the bloodshed that was inevitable. He was unable to restrain himself, when it came to his peach, there was no limit to what he would do to keep you safe. If they showed no remorse for their predatory stares and their greedy thoughts he would gladly hear them scream before stopping their hearts. A trail of blood secretly followed you but it was all in your delicate name.
He kept tabs on everything you did, especially when it came to your missions. He had to ensure your safety. Recently learning some of the details of one of your upcoming missions, he knew he’d have to keep special watch over you. It was a dangerous mission with Hidden Mist shinobi that had been under consideration to join his troupe. He couldn’t risk history repeating itself and no longer cared if Deidara or Itachi figured out what he had been doing with his spare time. Even though you would be joining Kakashi on this mission, it wasn’t a guarantee of your safety. He already knew that too well and he must protect his sweet peach at all costs.
He stalks your group as you travel through the woods, earning him a side eye from Kakashi who knew something was up but couldn’t quite pin his finger on who the lurker was. You asked him what was wrong but Kakashi refused to say anything, not wanting to tip off a watching Obito that he knew they were being followed. 
Nice try Bakashi, but I already know your tricks.
Soon you came across your target. As predicted they put up quite a fight. You and Kakashi made a remarkable team fending them off. Your mission was to capture them for intel but the confrontation with the targets escalated to the point that elimination was deemed necessary. Obito was impressed by your strength. You took on three of them at once, knocking them down with your earth style shockwave. You manipulated the magnitude, where the earth would fracture, where it would cave in, and even where it would snap up. It was an impressive jutsu but it was not foolproof. He watched you closely, ready to intervene if it ever became too much. He watched you so closely that he hadn’t noticed the back up Mist shinobi that had been summoned. Kunai thrown from the trees flew at you as you went to weave more hand signs. You lept out of the way but still one caught your leg and the other grazed your thigh.
Before Obito could even breathe he was in front of you, mangekyou in place, murder in the front of his mind. His stance was so protective, you didn’t doubt whose side this unknown stranger was on for a second. You simply pulled the kunai out of your leg allowing the blood to flow freely before going on the defensive. 
When a second wave of backup came, you did what you could but you were overwhelmed. Kakashi and his team could not keep up with the stampede of attacks. The fear for your safety caused Obito to snap. He went on a homicidal rampage, annihilating the entire group with gruesome bloodshed, bringing both yourself and Kakashi to a halt. 
In your stunned transe you didn’t catch the shinobi who snuck past your blind spot and stabbed you in the chest. When Obito turns to slice down the man he sees you clutching the kunai. In the span of a single heartbeat he dropped his weapon and pulled you into his void, bending over you in a state of panic. 
He stole your body from the battlefield so quickly Kakashi almost missed it. Kakashi finished off the last of the Mist shinobi, making certain that the life of the man who attacked you would drain by his hand. He stood up in alarm asking Naruto and Sakura if they saw who the man was that took you away. Neither of them did and Kakashi instructed them to search the nearby area for you.
Obito’s hands shook over you as he went to remove the knife, holding pressure where it once had pricked you like a pincushion. You had no idea where you were or who this man was. You had just watched him slaughter nearly twenty men to protect you immediately before his abduction. You would have been terrified if you didn’t have a more pressing issue to tend to.
“My peach, how do I help?” 
In your state of confusion you thought you misheard him. He must have you confused with someone else. You feel your consciousness begin to slip as you speak.
“Do you know…medical…ninjutsu?” it came out as a whisper.
“No” he whined
“I can do that.” 
Obito goes back to the scene of his crime. Bodies strewn all over the field. He felt accomplished to see them sprawled out and covered in red.
“Hey you, girl”
“Me?! What did you do with Y/N-sensei?!”
“She’s safe. You know medical ninjutsu?”
“Meet me over there.” 
She looked at the masked Obito with severe skepticism. He nodded at her and walked away, swirling out of sight as he did, stepping into his void to retrieve you. 
He lifted you up, supporting under your shoulders and knees. He held you close, his entire body tense with worry but somehow gentle. He felt so warm as you were growing cold from your wounds. Despite the horrors you saw him commit, you laid your head against his chest as he carried you back outside to a sheltered spot behind a few trees and a bush where Sakura was waiting.
He laid you down and instructed Sakura to do what she had to while he eagerly watched. Sakura gave him sideways glances many times when she felt she could afford to risk the distraction. Who was this terrifying murderer? Why did he have a fixation with you? After twenty minutes Sakura lowered her hands, panting from the amount of chakra used.
“She’s healed?”
She nods, “She’s healed. The major damage at least.”
“Thank you”
He scoops up your body and retreats back to his void as Skaura shouts at your disappearing figures. 
You were out cold, resting for nearly a day when you woke up in a makeshift bed in a dark endless room filled with large gray blocks. 
“Where am I?”
You scan your surroundings but it hurts too much to move. The mysterious masked man suddenly appears in the room causing you to jump, quickly followed by you grabbing your chest in pain. 
“Careful Peach” he says as he rushes to your side, falling on his knees beside you.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” you inquire with eyes screwed shut in pain.
“Because you are my delicate Peach. I need to take care of you.”
“I’ve been taking care of myself just fine, thank you.” you say through clenched teeth, feeling the pain radiate over your entire chest. This man was clearly insane. Despite how he took care of you, you knew you were in danger.
“I wouldn’t call your current condition ‘just fine’, Peach.”
He feels your forehead, looking for signs of fever.
“Just who are you anyways?”
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you’re okay.”
“It does matter. And I need to go back to my team, let them know I’m okay.”
“The girl knows you’re okay, she’ll tell them.”
“Yes, but I need to get back to them. I need to-”
“Excuse me?” Disbelief filled you, yet the earlier bells of warning were officially verified.
He looks at you and shakes his head. “No.”
You look at him stunned, fear swelling. You look around the dark empty space starting to wonder where the exit was.
“You’re not going back. They can’t protect you. I know that now. You will stay with me. Here.”
Stunned into silence you look up at him. You open your mouth and close it a few times before you finally say to him, “You can’t keep me here.”
“I can and I will.”
Obito watches as terrified anger blossoms on your face. You stand up in spite of the pain, searching for an exit. Glancing over your shoulder at him as you move further and further away, frantically peering behind every gray pillar and block.
“You won’t be able to leave on your own.” he calls to you. “Only I can teleport you in and out of here.”
“And where is here?” You say, walking back towards him with a guise of bravery.
“My void”
Your jaw fell open. “Your what?”
“My void. Only I have access to it using Kamui.”
Comprehension made your eyes flood with tears. You were trapped. A madman who just slaughtered a fleet of shinobi to save you has trapped you in another dimension to ‘keep you safe.’ You looked up at him pleading, “I want to go home. Let me go home.”
“I can’t…it’s not safe.”
“But my home, my friends, the village…”
“They will be fine without you.”
Starting to realize he was serious, you begin to plead. “At least let me tell them where I have gone. That way they don’t come looking for me. Let me say goodbye.”
“Peach, I can’t risk you running away. I can’t risk you getting hurt.” He reaches out to pet your hair and you shy away from his touch.
The tears leak down your cheeks, feeling helpless. You walk away and sit down, turning away from the masked man, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head against the tops of your knee caps.
Obito, feeling pain at seeing you so sad walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder, “It has to be this way Peach, I’m sorry.”
He leaves you alone to sulk. You would be fine. You would grow to accept things the way that they are. You would grow to love him in spite of how it started. It was all going to be okay.
When he left in a swirl you wept. You allowed your mind to panic and wander to all the terrifying possibilities. What was he going to do with you? Why was he obsessed with you? How were you going to get out of this? 
The more your mind reeled the quieter your tears became. Eventually you collapsed back onto the ashen floor. As you lay there, staring up at the black ceiling of his void, exhaustion and sadness ebb you to sleep. 
You wake up the next day to find a large chunk of your stuff from your home was suddenly in the void. He had made the effort to move your belongings to you, even bringing many of your most cherished items such as your favorite clothes, your favorite mug, the blanket you sleep with every night, and your photos of Obito and Rin. 
How did this man know these would be the items you’d want most? How long had he been following you? You felt a shiver roll down your spine.
What you presume to be hours later, the masked man returns to check on you. He’s more timid than he was before. Approaching you carefully. 
“Thank you” you say, looking at the floor, “for bringing me some of my stuff. I’m still pissed, and I’m not staying here, but I appreciate the effort.” You were terrified but you didn’t want him to know that. You were going to find a way out of this. You just had to figure out how to get out of this damned dimension first.
If only you could see the smile below his mask. Overwhelmed by how cute you are he pulls you into a hug. You’re stiff with terror but you feel his strong torso pushed up against your own and you can’t help the little part of you that is left breathless. It feels familiar and warm but you can’t place why.
“I love you Peach.” he says as he holds you in his arms, laying his head on top of your head. He was insane. You reply to him with a shaking voice,
“If you loved me you’d give me some windows instead of dreary slate abyss. I can’t even tell what time of day it is.”
“Sorry, voids don’t work that way, Peach.”
“Sorry, I guess being abducted is new to me.” you forced the sass into your tone. You were petrified but you needed a way out of here. You figured maybe you could manipulate his affection for you.
Obito winces at the word abduction. He prefers to think of it as protection
“What? You didn’t think I’d be okay with this, did you? That is the title of what this is.” You weren’t sure where this bravery came from but he was buying it.
“At least I’m not trying to poison you against your own clan, or acting as the architect to kill your childhood crush.” he said with a venom that made you believe he was speaking from experience but you were too focused on your own situation to care. Your false bravery turned into false anger.
“Sorry to steal the opportunity away from you but I don’t have much in the way of a clan and my childhood crush is already dead.”
His face snapped and locked onto yours. “What did you say?”
“I’m not repeating myself, I know you heard me the first time.”
You watched as his throat bobbed beneath his black mask. Why did that impact him so much? Who was this guy anyways? He acted like he had known you your whole life yet you only know him as a mask and tuft of hair.
“Who are you?”
He turned and walked away from you, “Someone long dead to you”
Well that didn’t answer any questions. If anything it brought up more.
“Well if you won’t tell me who you are, then tell me what to call you.”
“Currently the world knows me as Tobi.”’
“Do you want me to call you Tobi then?”
“Then what do I call you?”
He paused. “I guess Tobi is fine.”
“Okay, well Tobi, I want to go home. I am not spending my life tucked inside this vault.”
“That’s out of the question.”
You inhale deeply. Acting skills front and center. “Then I guess my safety isn’t guaranteed.”
He glanced over, tilting his head, giving you a questioning look.
“Your top priority is my safety. I can think of a lot of ways to make myself unsafe all alone here in this little void of yours,” You taunt him with your words as your eyes dart around the room.
His blood boiled over. Were you really suggesting what he thought you were? And over some dumb sunlight?! His hands twitched by his side.
“Tobi, if you intend for this” you say pointing around the void, “to be the rest of my life, it will be a short one because I’m not doing it.” you cross your arms. Of course you weren’t actually suicidal but you were going to say anything to better your circumstances. He may be your psychotic captor but he seemed to have a weakness for your well being and you were going to pull at that thread till he unraveled.
He heaved a heavy sigh before grumbling. “Give me a day to figure it out.”
“And how will I know if it's been a day?! I can’t tell time without the sun or so much as a frickin watch!”
The theatrics were working. 
“I’m sorry Peach, I’ll be back.”
He fled from the void with his tail between his legs. You let out a huge breath. How you were able to pull that stunt off was beyond you. Desperation breeds its own strength. You hoped with all your might when he came back it was to get you out of his little dimension. 
You waited, having absolutely nothing to do. No books, no games, no radio, no food, no beverage…nothing. 
You mind tortured you with thoughts. You wondered how everyone was back home, rejecting the demons of your subconscious telling you that you may never see them again. 
I will find a way out of this. 
You strolled around checking out what was behind all the gray boxes. Surprise, it was more gray boxes. You climbed each one, beginning to count them as you went. You were usually a very ambitious person but there was nothing to do. You began playing with your jutsu to see if it would work in a void. Update: it does. You brought an entire kilometer to rubble just for fun and treaded up the path you created to get some exercise. Then you jumped block to block, back to your little makeshift bedroom waiting for Tobi. Eventually you got tired so you made yourself ready for bed hoping that when you woke up he would be back with updated living arrangements.
You turn over as you stir and nuzzle into a hand that is softly petting your hair. 
“Good Morning Peach”
You stiffen before your eyes dart up to his. Mask of bravery back in place, you greet him. “Good morning Tobi.” He winces. He hates how the false moniker sounds coming from your mouth. 
“I see you started destroying my void.”
“I was bored so I decided to train.”
A hearty chuckle left his throat. “I made arrangements but please understand I will not sound or behave like myself where we are going.”
“And why is that?”
“You will see eventually.”
“Oh boy, so glad you enlightened me.” you lay the sarcasm thick and it only makes him laugh more. Good, he finds you charming. You can work with this.
“I also want to warn you, we will be among rogue shinobi.”
“So your idea of keeping me safe is to have me live with the very people that I’ve been hunting. The very same people who want to kill me and my friends?”
“Yes, If you are among us, no one will bother you. If you remained in the village, you would be subject to their…missions.”
“Seems like stupid logic if you ask me.”
“Please trust me.”
“I don’t, but I don’t have a choice either.”
“At least you’re not dumb”
“Did you think I was?”
“Not even for a second.”
He grabbed your hand with his strong possessive one. Something about the way your palm fit in his felt right. You weren’t sure why but that was the signal your brain sent your hand when you gripped it tighter. A psychopath whose hand you were holding. Great, you’ve completely lost your marbles a mere three days into captivity.
Next thing you knew you could smell the air of the earth again, you could see the shadows left by the sun, happiness washed over you in a visible way and Tobi’s fingers slid between yours upon seeing your reaction. He pulled you into another hug, he seems to always be hugging you. It’s like he’s forcing you to get used to him. “I will be this person when we are alone. I will be another when the others are around. You understand?”
You nod your head worried about what he could possibly mean? What kind of a monster is he around this gang of thugs that he needs to warn you?
He removes his hand from yours and places it between your shoulder blades pushing you towards a cavern. A man with orange hair, purple eyes and many piercings looks you up and down as you enter. 
“Tobi, this is her?”
“Yes Pain! This is the hostage I spoke about!” His voice was comically high pitched and he sounded like a child. You tried your hardest not to react but it was just so different from what you were expecting. 
“Put her in the dungeon.”
“Well sir, remember I requested she stay in my room, sir?!”
“Yes but she’s a hostage, who will stop her from escaping?”
“Do you really think she’s dumb enough to try and leave the hideout of the Akatsuki?”
Your face went pale as you realized just who you had been dealing with this whole time. They were supposed to wear black cloaks with red clouds. You hadn’t seen Tobi wear his once! Always dressed in all black with sandles. But your reaction built a convincing case. The man named Pain accepted your fear as enough of a restraint. He didn’t question why it would be Tobi’s room but some blonde man eyed you hungirly and told Pain Tobi was probably keeping you in his room to finally lose his virginity. 
Once behind his door, he modulated his voice back to normal.
“What the hell was that?” you asked more honestly than you intended.
“What? You’ve never seen an act before?”
“Well of course. But why do you make yourself seem like a fool?”
“So no one will suspect.”
“Suspect what?”
“Don’t worry about it. Here.” Tobi swirls you back into his void and he starts gathering your things. After a second you begin to copy him and he brings you both back to his room in the Akatsuki hideout. You start to find nooks and crannies to store your things leaving only one remaining item in your hands. He watches you as you look down on your photos of your friends. Eyes lingering over the one of you and Obito before you tuck them away with mist in your eyes. 
“Are you okay?”
“No, but…thank you…for bringing the photos. I don’t know how you knew but I appreciate it.”
Tobi pulled you into another hug. You were unsure why he cared so much and why you kept letting him hug you. Maybe it was cause compared to your new roommates he suddenly seems less scary. To his credit this hug felt nice. Plus, since it seems like he was going to be your only companion for a while, you decided to tolerate it. 
He unfurled the hug and began tugging at your shirt. Lifting the hem above your neck, exposing your bare breasts.
He disregarded your complaint and touched where your stab wound had been. “How does it feel?”
“It’s fine.” You say blushing while you cover your bosom. “May you please let go of my shirt now?”
“Huh? Oh, of course. Sorry Peach.” He drops your shirt and backs away swiftly almost as if he was embarrassed. He seemed a little more humane today so you decided to press your luck and scout out your surroundings.
“Can we go outside? I’d appreciate some sun and maybe some real food”
He gives you a piercing stare out of the eye hole of his mask.  “Stay by my side. I know you are strong but however strong you think you are, I am stronger.”
You gulp remembering the massacre you witnessed three days ago.
“I will be your protector. No one will hurt you ever again.” he lifted your chin so you’d look up at his eye through the swirling mask. “I promise.”
“I believe you…”
You see his eye crease when you speak. He was happy. That’s good. Keep him happy and it will give you openings to escape…though you weren’t sure outrunning him would be possible given his tricky teleportation ability.
You spend the afternoon with him, gathering intel and acting flirty, playing along with his advances. When he grabbed your hand, you laced your fingers. When he reached for your hip, you reached for his. When he hugged you, you draped your arms around his neck. You play into his affection for you, keeping him happy, earning his trust and lowering his guard. If I keep this up, captivity will be bearable. But you also feared that if you acted a little too well, you may fall for your own lies. Holding him today felt too easy given your desperate situation. Was it a genjutsu perhaps?
Nighttime came and instead of parading you past the other members of the Akatsuki who were home between missions, he teleported you both straight to his chambers. You get ready for bed and realize you do not have a bed of your own. It was still in the void. Would he send you to spend the nights in the void? He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I would feel safest if you shared the bed with me.” he said looking down. “You can sleep on the opposite side of the bed if you would like but I don’t want an enemy who finds the hideout to get to you before I wake.” 
You swallow nervously. You know he loves you. That much is obvious but you are searching for signs that he might try to take advantage of you while you’re unconscious. You think back to earlier when he was checking your wound. He didn’t seem to register that he had exposed your breasts for his pleasure. It was almost like your anatomy was irrelevant, only your well being consumed his thoughts. You chose to believe he will be respectful and so you agree.
“Pick whichever side you want. I’ll be back when I’m done.” He grabs a fresh pair of pants and heads to the bathroom. When the door is snapped shut you stand there looking at the bed. You’ve never chosen a side of the bed before. You’ve never been in a situation where you had to. You paced around the mattress like it was the most daunting choice you ever had to make. It’s not like this was a long term decision. You’d escape or convince him to let you go soon enough. So why were you weighing your options so carefully? 
Eventually you decide to choose the side closest to the window and give him the side closest to the door. You were much more afraid of his fellow gang members coming in with less than pure intentions than you were of outside shinobi coming for the blood of the Akatsuki. 
Just as you finally slip between the sheets, Tobi comes out of the bathroom with only a pair of black stretch sweatpants on. Your eyes drink up his figure. His body was half white as if made up of false materials but it moved like it was his real body. He was extremely toned, swollen pecs and chiseled abs cut across his upper body causing a little drool to pool in the corner of your mouth. Most surprisingly, he also took off his mask and below you saw battle torn skin that etched across the right side of a face that was intimidating, yet soft and familiar. His eyes catch you staring and he quickly looks down removing some of the intimidation you felt. 
He scratches the back of his neck. “I haven’t shown my face to anyone in years. I’m sorry if it scares you. I just can’t always sleep in the mask.”
“No, it’s fine” you say in a hoarse voice. Your throat had suddenly gone dry. “It’s not scary.” 
It wasn’t but what did scare you was the thoughts of what epic battle had mangled him to this degree only for him to survive and still be as strong as he is. You suddenly wondered if he was invincible and if escape would ever be possible. 
He took his position on the vacant side of the bed, smiling that you left him by the door. He knew exactly why you chose the side you did. He turned to face you from under the covers. 
“Goodnight Peach.”
“Goodnight Tobi.”
You see him wince as you say his name. You knew he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t want you calling him by that name. He turns over and extinguishes the candle letting darkness blanket the room as you drift to sleep with surprising ease. Your body’s alarm, shockingly low given your current residence.
Sunlight seeps into the room as Obito wakes up. He suddenly realizes how warm he is and it only took a few more blinks of his groggy eyes to realize why. You had traveled over to his side of the bed last night and latched onto him. He smiled, feeling his chest fill with joy. He petted your hair. You were his. You didn’t know it yet, but you were. In a few short days not only were you almost completely healed from your recent battle but you were falling for him too. Hugging him, holding his hand, cuddling in bed, Obito had never experienced human touch like this before but he was sure it didn’t always feel this right. 
He tries waking you but is met with grumpy groans and you bury yourself deeper into his chest. He kisses the top of your head as your little fists cling to him tight. He gave up on trying to wake you and let you ride out your sleep, enjoying the cuddles that were sure to cease as soon as you came to. 
Sure enough, nearly an hour later he hears you sharply inhale as you withdraw from him. You quickly sit up and face the window as he casually stretches and gets up. 
“Good Morning” he yawns feeling smug and powerful
“Morning” you say as you adjust your messy bun, trying to seem casual as you hide your embarrassment that you were needily cuddling with your kidnapper. 
You both get ready for the day, you donning a set of tactical clothes for no reason other than it was what you were used to and him, his mask and Akatsuki gear, no longer hiding the cloak now that you knew his occupation. He grabs your hip and teleports you to a tea shop for breakfast. 
You live out a week in this manner. Spending all your free time together. Occasionally having run-ins with the other Akatsuki members. They eye you in a bone chilling way. You are certain they are calculating how to enter into your room without awakening Tobi. They are nothing but disrespectful towards him, but he gives as good as he gets. You especially have to hone your acting skills to not laugh when Tobi says something ignorant and rude in his comedic tone, earning the anger of who you now know is his partner Deidara. 
One thing that bothers you the most is the ever watchful eyes of the mass murderer Itachi Uchiha. He is always polite and quiet and would seemingly be the nicest of the members if not for his reputation for slaughtering his entire clan. It’s always the quiet ones. You didn’t like how he would stare at you. After your last run in with him and Kisame, you were sure they were looking for retribution. You decide to bring this up to Tobi as he gets in bed. 
“Tobi,” he winces “I know you said I’d be safe here among the other members but I recently fought against Itachi and Kisame. I don’t like how the Uchiha looks at me. I feel like he’s looking for payback.”
“He’s not.”
You were annoyed at how quickly his dismissed you. His concern for your safety was then entire reason for your current predicament.
“How do you know that?”
“Cause I know him.”
“So you should know what he did.”
“I do.”
“And you trust him?”
“With my life.”
“How can you say that? He doesn’t even know your true identity?” 
You are gobsmacked by the wild claim Tobi is making. He killed his entire bloodline and Tobi was okay with that. It was moments like this that reminded you that Tobi was a murderer, not the lovable goof that he had been masquerading around as. 
“Itachi is the only person walking this earth who knows my true identity.”
Your jaw drops open. 
“But you said that no one had seen your face…”
“It’s true, he does not know my face but he knows my identity.” You were at a loss. “One day I will enlighten you on the events of that night but know this, of every person here, Itachi is the one you can trust the most to keep you safe. If anything happens to me, he is entrusted with your safety.”
The thought terrified you. He was out of his mind. You saw what Itachi did to Kakashi first hand. You saw the morning after the Uchiha massacre. He was not to be trusted. “Tobi, no…”
His nose twitches and that was the last straw. “Well if you hate the name Tobi so much then why do you go by it!” your emotions had been high strung for over a week and you were snapping, boldly yelling at your captor.
“I don’t hate the name. I just hate when you say it.”
“What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Cause it feels wrong to hear you call me by something other than my name.”
“There’s just no winning with you. I can’t call you by your real name cause it’s some big secret that only a serial killer knows and oh yeah, apparently that same psychopath inherits me if you die!”
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing in frustration. You weren’t even sure why it bothered you so much. This is a temporary situation. You were kidnapped. You were going to escape. If Tobi dies then it will mean you’re finally free. You just have to find a way to sneak out of this hideout and you could finally go home.
“He’s the only one I can trust to guard you with his life.”
You roll your eyes, huffing once more before pursing your lips. “Why? I need to know, Tobi. Why?”
He looks down and shrinks in your gaze. “Because only he knows what it’s like to love as an Uchiha.”
You felt the wind knocked out of you. Was he saying what you think he is?
“You’re a…?”
“But Itachi…”
“...had help.”
Your hand flys to your mouth covering it in shock. 
He finally looks up at you. “Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. I can explain.”
You feel fear chill your entire body and you see on his face how upset he is that you are more afraid of him than ever. He rushes towards you and gets on his knees begging and pleading, “please allow me to explain.”
“Your clan…you helped him murder…all those people.” you said it robotically. You begin to disassociate from the conversation, lost in thought till you circled around to the realization that no one talked about a missing body among the corpses. The only survivor was Saskue. There was no one else left unaccounted for among the names of the fallen brethren. So who was Tobi?
“Tobi, if you’re an Uchiha, then who are you?”
His face flushed to a cherry red. Despite the horrifying details he just shared, for the first time you felt you had the upper hand in your captivity. Why was he so afraid to tell you? He grabbed both your hands, rubbing his thumbs along your knuckles. 
Your eyes bore into him anxiously waiting for an answer.
“It’s me.” 
You remained silent, your stern expression waiting for clarification.
Your hands went limp in his hold. Every tense muscle relaxed as your heart leapt to your throat getting your hopes up. Then after a moment you began shaking and crying with anger. 
“That’s not funny, Tobi.” You growled at him in quiet rage. “Obito died over a decade ago. Kakashi and Rin saw it happen. None of us were the same after. I visit his grave every day I’m in the village. But I’m sure you knew that already, didn't you?” You were seeing red. He had been stalking you. This was all a ruse to get you to fall for him. You didn’t care for your safety at this moment, even after discovering he was a part of one of the most heinous crimes in the history of the Leaf, you were going to knock sense into this liar if it was the last thing you ever did. 
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s really me.” He grabs your photo of him and holds it by his face. “See?” 
You can’t see the resemblance cause your eyes are too full of tears. 
“Take your hands off that photo! Don’t touch it!”
“Y/N, think about it.” He pleads with you, “Kakashi has a sharingan in his left eye. My left eye is missing. Obito was crushed under a boulder on his right side. Look at my right side! It looks like this.” he gestured to the Hashirama cells, “I was rescued, Y/N. Madara found me. I survived.”
You had to admit that it made sense except for the last part. 
“Madara is dead.”
“He is now, but he wasn’t at the time. He became my master after the accident, after I healed, after Rin…”
His voice cracked at the last word. It was a sobering sound causing your anger to break.
He swallowed heavily, “Yes”
You believed him….
The wave of emotion that crashed over you knocked you to your knees. You fell to the ground sobbing. The boy you had loved all your life was before you, taking care of you, alive and well. A monster who had done horrendous things but he was alive. The realization broke your mind. Obito joined you on the floor, holding you as you cried in his arms. 
“Why did you never come back? All of us, we needed you. I-I needed you.”
“I can’t tell you that Peach. But I’m here now. I won’t leave you.” 
Your hands grabbed at him like he would disappear at any given moment. One arm wrapping around his back, the other cradling his head as you hyperventilate in his arms. 
He nuzzles into the curve of your neck as he professes, “I love you Peach.” 
You wanted to say it back but talking wasn’t an option. You were too overcome with emotion. 
He helped you up to standing and laid you down on the bed. He got in next to you and held you in his arms till your cries quieted. His large palm stroking over your back, comforting you as your mind came to grips with the fact that he was very much alive and very much in love with you the way you were in love with him. 
Occasionally as you cried, he’d kiss your cheek or your temple. Suddenly all the terrifying things you’d witnessed over the past ten days were no longer so terrifying. He stalked you cause he loved you. He murdered all those shinobi to protect you. He kidnapped you cause he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. The alarms that he been blaring in your head all turned quiet.
Your breathing began to return to normal and you pulled away to look at Obito squarely in the face, leaving no room for misinterpretation. You needed him to know your intentions. 
You grabbed both sides of his face and leaned in for a kiss. He quickly pulled you into his body as tightly as he could, squishing you into his chest, nearly breaking your ribs with want. You both inhaled deeply as your lips locked onto each other. You opened your mouth, seeking to deepen the kiss. It was your first one after all, you wanted to make it good. 
You toss your leg over his hip, grinding into him as one of his hands lowered to stroke your thigh and ass cheek. You moan into his mouth, him returning your sounds of affection into your own. The stroking of your leg became rough as his tough hands grip into the flesh of your behind. Your breathing heavy and ragged as your arousal increases. 
Eventually he falls to his back as you straddle him, hunching over to feast on his mouth while you continue to roll your hips against his pants. You were in the most heated and only kiss of your life and you were sure for Obito it was the same. His deep groans as you dry humped his boner concealed inside his sweatpants made your heart flutter with excitement. Everything that had been stolen from you as an adolescent was right beneath you, in your arms and between your legs. 
Obito released your lips to lean his head back with a particularly loud moan echoing out of him causing Deidera to pound against the wall. “Just cause I knew you were going to fuck her doesn’t mean I need to hear it you fucking virgins!”
You laugh centimeters from his face before he flips you onto the bed so he is hovering over your panting silhouette. Lashes fluttering as you salivate from the way his strong presence looms over you. 
“Obito, I…” He kisses you slow and deep, not letting you speak. You break the kiss to finish your sentence. “I love you.”
He latches onto your lips again before speaking into your mouth, “I love you too.”
You wrap both of your legs around him, lifting yourself up to rut into him when he finally leans back on his knees to rip down your pajama pants, letting your legs fall to each side, exposing your soft flesh, ready and waiting to be sullied with unholy deeds. He sinks down, positioning himself between your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him with curious interest. 
He kisses and sucks on your inner thighs. He releases the pliable flesh with a pop and smiles at his artwork. Of course he’d leave a mark the first chance he got. You were his after all. 
He worked his way to your center, licking a stripe up your sex before latching over your little bundle of nerves. He began to suck on it as if hoping to separate it from your body. He licked the small nub gently between vicious suckling, driving you wild and causing you to squirm. Your hand shot down to rest in his hair as you furrowed your brows and tilted your hips up into his chin, soaking his face in your secretions. Desperate need consuming your body.
He came up for air and crawled back up over you to get another one of your sweet kisses, before sinking his fingers into your tight virgin cunt. You whimper into his lips. He drags his fingers in and out of you causing you to clench around them. You make small cries as you feel him attempting to stretch you, readying you for his intrusion. 
Your hand reached for him, looking to sink beneath his pants to stroke what you desired. He propped himself up on his elbow next to you while his hand reached between your legs. You slipped between his abdominals and his waistband, fingers gliding around his thick base before closing around it and stroking upwards. Obito shuddered at your touch, hips instinctively thrusting towards you. Your hand firmly set around him, stroking up and down, you twisted towards his face to continue kissing him. The sloppy exchange continuing while you worked between each other’s legs. The heat radiated off of your bodies as your lust filled every pore. You pull back, a trail of spit connecting your mouths as you speak.
“I’m ready.”
Obito withdrew his fingers as he leaned away. He sucked his fingers clean as he stood up next to the bed. He dropped his pants so that they pooled around his ankles. He stepped out of the fabric and crawled back on the bed over you. 
He gently glided his barren length over your folds, lubricating himself in your sopping wet juices. His tip lightly poked at your swollen bud causing your breath to hitch. He gives you a nod signaling he’s going in. He sinks just the tip in and your arms tighten around him in response.
“Are you okay?”
You look up into his eyes and nod. “Mhm”
He begins to push inwards. You gasp at the stretch. It was painful but soon it shifted into a pleasurable sensation.
“Are you still okay?”
You bit your lower lip as you nod in agreement. He reached down. He wanted to be the one biting your lip. Connecting his with yours once more, his tongue swirled with passion as he stroked in and out of you slowly, allowing you to turn into a puddle under him. You cry into his mouth as you feel your walls constrict around him. You had never felt anything quite like it. Every part of you was satisfied in this position. Legs wrapped around his waist, lips connected with his, sharing the air you breathed, and the feeling of him buried in you. It was love in its purest sense. 
His soft slow romantic strokes began to give way as he realized how good the friction felt. Your tight walls wrapped around him so well, squeezing him in a way he could have never even dreamt about. You were perfection itself and it was making him ravenous.
He rolled his hips into you till they slapped against your rear. You make little sounds in response to the connection. It encourages him so he continues to roll. You keep mewling with each stroke. It is an anthem to his heart and he wants to hear it played louder. He begins slamming into you. You want to take it and please him but it’s becoming too much. 
You see his eyes gloss over. He’s consumed with the unfamiliar sensation. He flips you onto your stomach. He straddles you with his knees on either side of your legs, pinning them together. He thrusts up and in as you lay down flat. He slams his palm down on your cheek and you make a small grunt upon impact. You hear him smirk.”tch” He wants to do that again. 
You grunt a second time. He sits back on his heels and pulls your perfect body up off the bed and sits you down on his erection. Back facing him, he snakes his hands around your front and under your shirt. His muscular arms lift you up and down on him as you sing out little sounds of pleasure. 
“That’s it baby. You’re doing such a good job.”
You completely exhale as he whispers praise into your ear. Your heart thundering at a wild pace as one hand grabs on top of his hand that has a bruising grip on your chest and the other reaches back to grab him behind his head. 
He bends forward to lay light kisses along your neck and into the curve of your shoulder. You were his every desire. All the dangerous things he was capable of were only out of love for you. He would murder hordes of shinobi, tame tailed beasts, and level entire cities in your honor. He would do anything to live this moment on repeat for the rest of his life. 
You twist in his arms, politely asking to look upon his face. He sits back as he lifts you off of him. You turn around on your knees and straddle his lap, facing him as he tugs at your hem, gently lifting the fabric over your head and tossing it to a dark corner of the room. 
He hunches down to taste your perky peaks. His tongue dragging along each nub before his lips close around it with a gentle suckle. Your head lulls backwards as you cry out blissfully, allowing the new sensations to overwhelm your mind. Obito rocks your body up and down along his shaft but he doesn’t think he will be able to hold out much longer. 
He gingerly lays you down on your back, propping your legs open with his arms as he leans down, pushing his chest into yours. You feel your flexibility being tested as he sinks into you and your eyes widen at how deep he went. He begins to stroke, craving the warmth of the fast friction generated by his thrusts. He allows his sack to sway into your rear, hitting it with a satisfying clap at each impact. Your face begins to twist with pleasure. Your rhythmic cries calling to him like a siren's song. 
He leans down and presses his lips into yours, allowing your moans to reverberate around the inside of his mouth. He nears his climax as you reach yours. Releasing together in loving harmony. He slowly pumps into you, draining the seed from his length into your loving walls that graciously drink it in. 
Your doting eyes never leave his face. You realize you are hopelessly bound to him. You would never escape your captivity, nor did you want to. Both of you have surrendered to the other. Your head collapses onto the pillow and he licks one last stripe up your neck before falling next to you and kissing your jaw. His strong finger tugs at your chin, turning you to him so he may continue to adorn your lips with kisses. 
Your faces would fold into each other's necks as your bodies tangled together under the covers. The man who kidnapped you, now your most valued treasure. He would possessively hold his delicate little peach every night from henceforth and you would never speak of going home ever again because now that Obito lay with you, you were home. You allow your eyes to close and your heart to go still as you fall into a deep slumber in his arms.
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ichatake · 5 months
Hii! Can I request a Kakashixreaderxobito fic where the reader is helping Obito “re enter” society and they basically become best friends( but Kakashi starts to feel weird about it because he actually fell for the reader too (but refuses to accept love because duh) ya know, some angst to get through the week 🕺 I hope that makes sense hahaha thank youuu so much! 🫶
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
Part. 1, Part. 2
A/N: This is one of my longest works I’ve ever made tee hee. I really hope you enjoy!! (Sorry it seems a little rushed :( )
Summary: Obito, after surviving the war was allowed back into the village. You made it your mission to make sure he gets completely rehabilitated. However, a certain someone gets jealous at the loss of attention.
Pairing: Obito x reader x kakashi
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It was a process. Everything that came after the war was a process. Great ninjas were lost, and some were found. Heartbreaks and heartwarmths were felt by all the people who were affected by this dreadful event. However, they sought to move forward, and push the formidable thoughts away. Because there was no time for regret, but only determination to bring back the villages—the families that were caught in the hellfire.
You had thankfully survived the war right along with some of your comrades. You had lost some to the Ten Tailed beast, but you knew the only way to honor their lives was to remember them for the outstanding ninjas they were. They had fought their final battle alongside you, and it was time for them to rest as the brave heroes they were. Your heart had been shattered by everything that had occurred—the deaths and the revelations. The revelation of the man who seemed like the spitting image of a boy you once knew. A kind, sweet boy that strived to become the Hokage. A boy with dreams so big, he’d do anything to achieve them. Obito Uchiha.
It shattered you to see who he had become, and why he had become this new person. It hurt how he didn’t think of himself as Obito Uchiha, but as someone else. He lived as someone else. It broke you a little, because you couldn’t wrap your head around this. How could this man—the boy you once admired when you were both at the academy—become so heartless. You couldn’t understand it. However, as if the universe was trying to put the pieces back in place, Obito had a change of heart. You thank Naruto for this—you didn’t know how the boy did it, but he always managed to get into people’s hearts. And just like Sasuke, Obito was welcomed—with very hesitant open arms, back into the leaf village.
Of course, this wasn’t an easy process. There were still people who didn’t trust him, and wanted nothing to do with him. It was a hard decision to make, but everyone deserves a second chance. So, the decision was made. He would be welcomed back to the village on the conditions of having someone watch him at all times—or as they called it—being under supervision. This was, to Obito, reasonable. He had been one of the main causes of the war, so the least he could do was accept this with a good heart. The difficult part was searching for someone who would actually agree to watch him. They needed a strong ninja. One that could put Obito in his place if he ever did anything remotely threatening. They thought Kakashi would’ve been the perfect candidate, but he was now the Hokage.
However, they never expected you to volunteer. You were a great ninja. Strong, smart, truthful. You were fit for the job, sure, but they were hesitant to just let you supervise him. But, after some convincing, you were allowed to take Obito under your wing, and trust me, it was a hard process. This man had been socially secluded. He was hated by most of the villagers, and he could see it. Anytime he walked down the roads of Konoha, the people would glare and snarl at him. He was a monster to them, and he knew that. He was difficult to crack open. I mean, did you really expect him to be just like he was when he was a kid? Of course not, you knew better than that.
You would always notice how his eyes landed on the ground, and he walked with his head low. You also knew he was slightly embarrassed of his scars. They were permanent proof of everything that had happened since the beginning. How could you get him used to society again? Had you volunteered to do this with blind eyes?
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“Are you hungry?” You asked as you searched around in the kitchen. You didn’t think the ‘have him under your supervision at all times’ rule was going to be this strict. I mean, he was living with you now. It’s been about two weeks since he’s been in your house, and he’s still tense. The unfamiliar atmosphere was just… not easy to get used to. At least for him. He wasn’t used to people, or kindness, or just… this.
“No,” he mumbled while he sat tensely on the dining chair. He looked like a black dot on a white sheet of paper. He didn’t quite fit in anywhere. You’ve tried to get him to speak more, but the most you get out of him a day is a few polite sentences. That’s it.
You frown, looking back at him as he looks out the window, “well you have to eat something. You can’t just go without eating for long hours,” you say as you lean on the counter, “how about we get some ramen, I bet you’d—,”
“I don’t want to go out,” he quickly cut you off, his head snapping towards you. Although the action might’ve seemed rude, his tone was soft, and… tired. He genuinely didn’t want to go out. Not that it surprises you. This isn’t the first time he’s refused to leave the house.
You sigh and rub your face, not out of frustration, but because you were thinking of a way to convince him, “I know that you don’t like going out—I understand, but you’ll make no progress being stuck in here with me,” you look at him to see a reaction, but his face still held that frown you hated to see. “I mean, sure, you can stay here if you want to, but you already know I’m not good at conversation. I’m pretty boring,” you chuckle, your attempts to lighten the mood were pretty bad.
You walk over to the dining table and sit across from him, crossing your legs and looking out the window, “you’ll have more fun outside than in here. Unless you want me to bore you with some of my life stories,”
His brow was raised with curiosity, his interest being peeked, “Maybe not,” he says and sits a little straight, his body turning to face you. You were surprised at this, just a little. He had never made an effort to keep the conversation going. He usually just stayed quiet or gave dry responses.
“Oh come on, you definitely don’t want to hear that,” you chuckle nervously, but his eye never left yours. “We don’t know that,”
“Okay then…,” you pause for a moment before continuing what you were going to say, “I’ll tell you about a few things, and if you're not bored out of your mind, we can stay here for the rest of the day. If you are, however, we’re taking a walk,” you say, although you knew that even if he was fed up with your blabbering, he’d still prefer that over going out. With a nod, he agreed to your offer and listened attentively.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Hours had passed since the offer. It turns out, you weren’t really bored at all. At least, in his eyes. You two hadn’t spoken since his ‘death’ so he had missed out on a lot of things. It was interesting to hear all of the stories you had. You were… cool. He thought. Yeah, you weren’t half as bad as he thought you were, no offense. He caught himself wanting to know more, nodding and interrupting you sometimes to just ask about certain things. To you, this was a massive win! He seemed to be getting used to you, and he was warming up a little.
“So you teach?” He asks, amusement laced his voice, “what? Is that really absurd?” You raise a brow, crossing your arms slightly while he gently waved his hand over his face, “No, no, I just remember you as a bad teacher,”
“A bad—excuse me?” You gasp with fake offense, which made him crack a smile. Your heart almost stopped because this was the first time he smiled since he got here. “I’m just saying, remember that time I asked you to teach me about a specific Jutsu?” He asks and you nod your head, “well, I have great memories of you shaking your head in disappointment and telling me I was doing it all wrong,” he looks at you and almost cracks a chuckle,
“Okay, I was young alright? I didn’t have the patience I have now,” you chuckle and shake your head, “so, for your information, I’m a very good teacher,”
He made an expression that screamed ‘suuuure’, which made you laugh, “oh, come on, don’t look at me like that,”
He shrugs, “I’ll believe that when I hear it from your students,” he says, not expecting anything to come from it, but a lightbulb had just been lit in your mind, “Alright, then let’s go talk to them,”
His eye suddenly widens as you say this, “what?” He watches you as you stand up and grab your keys. “Lets go talk to them so you see what a good teacher I am,” you say with your hands on your hip.
“I— I didn’t really mean it like that. It was just a joke—,”
“Joke or not, you deserve to meet them. Come on, they’ll love you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
With a lot of convincing, you had gotten Obito to go outside. He was once again going into shut off mode. He didn’t speak and his eyes were glued to the ground. However, you wanted him to look forward to going out, so you tried your best to make him comfortable. “You see, they’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” you say to catch his attention. He slightly looks up from the ground, to look at you. You were a few feet ahead of him, guiding him though the village. “This one boy, he really reminds me of you,” you look back at him, only for him to look back at the ground. “How so?” He asks quietly.
“Well, he’s very stubborn. Always having a rivalry with his teammate and—,” you stop yourself and clear your throat, “he’s just like you in different ways,” she says and stops in front of Ichiraku. Two silhouettes sat inside. “Ah, here they are,” you say as you enter, looking back at Obito with a reassuring smile. He looks at you and hesitantly enters the shop, looking at the two boys who were sitting on the other side.
They look back at you and one of them grins, greeting you loudly while the other sits calm and politely says hello. The loud one had thick black hair, round dark eyes and a contagious smile, while the quiet one was quite the opposite. It made Obito… uncomfortable. No, not because he didn’t know them or anything, but the similarities between them and Obito and Kakashi were unsettling.
“I thought you weren’t showing up,” Toko, the loud one, whines, “I’m not surprised, she’s always late,” Kenji, the quiet one says. His nose was buried in his book while his friend rolled his eyes.
“Well I’m here, aren’t I?” You chuckle and stand aside, “I’m here with a guest,”
Kenji lowers his book in curiosity, his pale eyes falling onto Obito with a monotone expression. It reminded him so much of Kakashi. “A guest? Where?” Toko asked, before he looked at the obvious answer right in front of him. “Oh—Oh!” He exclaims, his eyes slightly wide. “You’re—youre,”
“Obito,” you say, “Obito, this is Toko and Kenji,” you introduce them, earning an awkward ‘hey’ from Obito, and the same with Kenji. However, Toko immediately stood up in his seat, “I have so many questions,” he says with bright eyes, “I never thought I’d see you in person so soon,”
Obito was taken slightly aback, he wasn’t expecting such a reaction, and to be honest, the boy kind of reminded him of himself. “Sit down Toko,” Kenji scoffs, but it was obvious the boy had some questions of his own.
“Now, now boys, I don’t think Obito feels comfortable answering questions just yet. He’s still getting used to things and—,”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off before you continue. He sat down beside Toko, who seemed like he was shaking out of excitement. For the first time since Obito got here, he felt… visible. Like he wasn’t being judged by anyone. On the contrary, the boys looked at him not with disgust, but interest.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to,” you reassure, worried that he might be doing this because he felt forced to, “I’m sure,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The night went on smoothly. You were surprised at how much Obito talked—heck, he talked more with your students than with you! The conversation ranged from different types of Jutsus, to the sharingan, to the Uchihas. You had been worried all night that Toko might ask something too personal that would make Obito uncomfortable, but to your surprise, he seemed to be very at ease. Even Kenji had begun to ask some questions, to your surprise.
Of course, the night was coming to an end, and the boys needed to leave. They said their goodbyes and left, making you sit there with Obito. You were silent for a few minutes before you looked at him, “Are you okay?” You asked, concerned that one of the boys asked him something offensive.
“Yeah,” he says and looks at you, his eyes wandering your face and his lips moving as if to say something. You wait patiently for him to speak, tilting your head to the side, “what is it?”
His lips press against each other, turning them into a flat line before he finally speaks, “there’s two of them, aren’t there supposed to be three?” He asks, his eye staring deep into yours.
“Oh..,” you say and look down for a moment, “yeah, there’s supposed to be three,” you look at your nails, trying to find them interesting as the topic makes you a little saddened.
“Then what happened?” He asks curiously, not catching the glimpse of your smile fading slowly. Now it was your turn to bite your lips. You didn’t know how to bring this up because you never liked bringing it up. No one ever asked before either, because the whole village knew what happened.
“We uh… we lost her,” you say with grief, “on a mission,”
“Oh… I’m sorry,” he says and shook his head, “I shouldn’t have asked—,”
“You didn’t know. It’s okay,” you smile reassuringly and pay for the meals. “I’m okay. And so are the boys. They’re strong,” you stand up and look outside, “it’s getting dark, we should probably head back home,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“So, you haven’t made any progress?” The silver haired man you know as Kakashi asks from in front of you. Considering he had become Hokage almost immediately after the war, you two barely got to see each other. Obito was currently getting tested at the infirmary for… who knows what. Kakashi didn’t give details about it.
“No, that’s not what I said,” you furrow your brows, “he’s having a hard time getting around. He doesn’t like going outside because people treat him nasty—,”
“And rightfully so. (Y/N), you might not get it, but this is the man who almost wiped the earth clean,” he says in a serious tone, “I know you keep thinking he’s like he used to be—the Obito from the past, but he’s not,”
“He’s trying—,”
“He’s a criminal,” you were slightly taken aback by his tone. You had never heard Kakashi speak about someone so roughly, and you’ve known him for years. You had become good friends since he became a teacher—so it really did surprise you. “You can’t be treating him like some old friend. You must take this seriously,”
“Everyone deserves a chance. He was your friend. You know him better than anyone here,” you say as you sat uncomfortably, “Even Sasuke isn’t being shunned to this extreme,”
“Because Sasuke didn’t start a war,” he refutes, “Then what are you suggesting I do?” You ask as you cross your arms, “I don’t get why you're being so.. so,” you look at him and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been really out of it. You know I hate mistreatment,” you rub your temples.
“It’s okay,” he sighs, “I just want to make sure you're not doing this because you feel forced to—,”
“I would never. I volunteer to supervise him, and I intend to make this an easy process for every party,” you say confidently, “after all, Obito and I are getting along just fine. He’s even met my students. I’ve seen good progress in him, even if it takes a little time,” you smile, “it’s like I’m slowly bringing him back,”
Kakashi stares at you for a few seconds—it was impossible to read his expression or what he was thinking, but his brows were furrowed together. You might've thought he had an expression of distaste if it weren’t for his mask, “I see… then that’s all for today. I wanted to check up on your progress, but I see that you are doing fine by yourself,”
You frown slightly at his words. You would’ve felt praised if it weren’t for his tone of voice. It seemed a little cold. You didn’t understand why—maybe it was because he was still bitter about everything that happened in the war, just like everyone else, but he out of all people should understand Obito, or at least, try to. “Right, then I’ll get going,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It seemed the time that you used to spend with Kakashi was replaced by Obito. You two seemed to get closer to each other with each day, and you were glad. He woke up early in the morning now, telling you good morning, and asking what you would do today. If you had to go out, he’d go with you. If you stayed inside, he’d stay with you—Although you mostly thought it was because he literally had no choice but to do so.
You saw him smile more often, and the village seemed to be accepting him more and more. All of your hard work was starting to pay off. Your students seemed to love him, and so did Naruto. Obito loved to speak with your students as well. They reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. Your friendship grew so much, he even insisted on going to watch you train your students. You were glad—no, not glad. You were happy to hear this, immediately agreeing to his request.
Currently, you were sitting down on the grass while your two students sparred, Obito sitting right beside you. “You know, they remind me a lot of how things used to be,” he says while looking at the two boys, “you really weren’t kidding when you said Toko was my twin,” he chuckles, leaning back against a tree.
“I told you,” you smile at him gently before looking back at your students. “So, have you spoken to Kakashi yet?” you ask curiously, considering the last time you spoke to Kakashi about Obito he was a little… bitter about it. You understood why, but it didn’t mean you wanted that to happen.
“No, not since after… everything,” He says with a straight face, "I don't think he’d want to talk to me ever. Not that I care much anyways, I also carry resentment,” he says, not meeting your eyes as he’s focused on the two figures in front of him. They fought hand to hand, and their friendly rivalness was giving him nostalgia. The sound of their weapons clanking made him remember just how much he and Kakashi would always fight. Rin would always watch. His face drops at the memories.
“I see,” you frown, “I just wanted to know because you two deserve to flip the page and start anew,” you look at him, “I certainly forgive you. And I don’t blame you—,”
“(Y/N), I’m not a good person,” he cuts you off with furrowed brows, “And I don’t expect anyone to forgive me. Especially not kakashi. After everything that’s happened, the best thing we can do is forget we even exist,”
“I don’t think that way,” you say sternly, “I believe everyone deserves a chance, and that doesn’t exclude you. You had your reasons—heck, you were a kid when you were manipulated—”
“Manipulated?” his head snaps towards you, “it was my decision,”
“You were a kid,” you refute, but he shakes his head, “It doesn't matter,”
“It does! You were a kid, you were vulnerable—”
“And what do you know?” he asks, a little agitated. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, but his chest was slightly burning up. “You weren't there when it happened. You didn’t know Kakashi, Rin or me that well. So how could you possibly know what I feel? How could you understand?”
“Because I have a heart. You were a vulnerable kid who was grieving the death of someone you loved. You were filled with rage, and Madara took advantage of that,” you spoke calmly, because the last thing you wanted to do was make him feel even worse than he already was, “You didn’t speak to the people you held closest to your heart. You were ripped away from the village in hopes of false promises,” everything you said, you knew because of him. He had talked about this with you shortly after becoming more comfortable with you. You did know, you weren’t exactly there, but you did understand him.
“Please don’t live your life regretting what you did, or hanging onto hatred,” you frown and put a hand on his shoulder, “This is a new beginning for you. One that you were given even after thinking you didn’t deserve it,” you smile, “take advantage of that and work on yourself. If you’re having a hard time doing so, then I’ll help you. I will always be here for you,”
Your words left him speechless. Honestly, he didn’t know what to say. He was at a loss for words. You made him feel… different. A good difference. It was like you were the thing he most longed for. You were pure kindness… It almost reminded him of Rin. No, it did remind him of Rin. His eye never left yours as he tried to think of something to say. Your hand on his shoulder felt so tender and gentle, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. “I care for you Obito,”
He stares at you for what felt like ages, but finally, he worked up the courage to say something, “thank you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“I want a rematch!,” Toko whines, looking at the other teenager who stood crossed arms, “I already won, I don’t think you want me to beat you again,” he says and rolls his eyes.
“Okay boys, that’s all for today. Go home and rest,” you say and chuckle, seeing how Kenji helps Toko up from the ground. The boys packed their things before saying goodbye to both you and Obito. After they left, it was silent. Obito was still deep in thought after your conversation.
“Well, I need you to help me get some things. We’re kind of out of groceries and I need to restock,” you say before turning to him, “Unless you want to go home. That’s okay, I’ll do the grocer—”
“No, I’ll come with,” you were once again surprised by this, but immediately smile, “Okay then,”
It’s safe to assume that you and Obito were starting to become closer than what anyone imagined. Some might say it's too close. He seemed to smile more around you, and since some time had passed, he was now allowed to roam freely without having to be under your supervision. However, he refused to leave your side, and you didn’t mind at all. You were glad, because the bubbling feeling in your stomach everytime he laughed or made you laugh was amazing.
However, you were conflicted. For the longest time, you had always liked a certain silver haired Jonin. Kakashi was always your crush—kind of. You weren’t obsessed with him, but there was an obvious interest. You spent a lot of time together, and were set out on a lot of missions together as well. It’s safe to say that you were always together at all times. You weren’t sure if he had actually reciprocated your feelings, because he never showed any sign of interest in you. I guess that’s kind of why you started losing feelings for him as soon as he became Hokage. He was always busy, and you were too. He never seemed to be interested in you the way you were of him, so it didn’t matter.
Obito seemed to be replacing Kakashi in every sense of the matter. He was now the person you’d spend your time with 24/7. You laughed and joked with him, ate with him, lived in the same house as him. Everything you did, he was right by your side. And the best thing about all of this was that Obito seemed to be interested in you too. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but the way compliments would slip out of his mouth from time to time would make your stomach flip. The way he now sits right beside you instead of across you everytime you eat just to be closer to you made you feel amazing. He was trying to be as subtle as possible, but he failed miserably. To him, you had become someone he truly cared for. You were so kind to him, even after everything. You trusted him, because you knew who he was. You understood him in every sense of his being, and he was glad. He was just so glad he had you. Because it was as if the universe reunited you two. It was meant to happen.
It seemed the tables had been severely flipped, much to someone’s distaste. Kakashi, although always busy, heard the talk of the town. He heard the rumors, he heard the stories. He heard about how you and Obito were supposedly going out. Or how you were supposedly spotted at a restaurant together. All of this, Kakahsi could handle, because he knew they were just rumors of the town. Of course the people would start to assume things like that. Obito had to be with you at all times, so of course it would stir up a few rumors here and there. But, it made him wonder if it was actually true.
What exactly were you to Kakashi? Why did he find himself caring so much about these stupid rumors going around? He never admitted this before, but you were special to him. Ever since you were kids, he had an interest in you. At the academy and even after joining the Anbu. You always had a special place in Kakashi’s heart. To him, you were priceless. You cared too much about silly things, and too little of yourself. He hated that about you, but he also loved it. Because it left room for him to love you. He always found himself thinking about you, both when he was a kid, and still to this day. He cursed himself for never telling you how he truly felt, but to him, his romantic feelings would subside with time. They didn’t, of course, he was just lying to himself.
Why exactly did he refuse to believe his feelings towards you? Well, he’s always been alone, and when he’s not, he ends up losing those closest to him. He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t afford to love you when he knew that you might leave him. He couldn’t afford another heartbreak, so he treated you as a friend. He was sure you liked him, he wasn’t stupid, and he was glad. He bathed in your sweetness, and he loved it. He loved knowing that you felt the same. However, his biggest mistake was never saying anything. Because now, he was worried that you didn’t want him anymore. Now that you didn’t want him, he wanted you the most. You barely come visit him at his office anymore, and when you do, it's strictly professional. He had never expected things to go this way. Sure, he was now the Hokage, but out of all the people to treat him with such ‘respect’, he didn’t expect it from you. He thought you’d stay the same as you were. Heck, you didn’t even call him by his name anymore. It was either Hatake or Sir, and neither of them left a good taste in his mouth.
That’s why he made sure that tonight, he’d make up for all the time he wasted just pushing you away.
“You called me here for something, Sir?” you ask as you enter his office,
“You know you don’t have to use formalities when we’re alone, right?” he asks with a chuckle, earning and chuckle from you, “I mean, you’re the Hokage, it’s disrespectful to talk to you as if you’re a normal person,”
He shakes his head before sitting down, “How have you been?” he asks, waiting for you to sit down, which you did.
“Um… Well, i’ve been good,” you say hesitantly, “It’s been peaceful,”
“Is that so? I would’ve assumed you’d be stressed thanks to Obito,” he says and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. You quickly look at him and smile, shaking your head with a chuckle. You instantly melt into the conversation, as if you two had never stopped hanging out, “Oh no, he’s an angel,” you cover your mouth with a giggle, “He’s already getting used to everything. You should’ve seen him helping the seniors. They love him,”
The more you spoke about Obito, the more his expression seemed to change, “i see,” he clears his throat, “I’m glad you’re getting along,” he says a little bitterly, but you didn’t quite catch that.
“I was meaning to ask,” you look at him with a smile, “Have you gotten to speak to him? I think it would be a good idea to talk things out. He told me he hasn’t spoken to you since he got here, so…,” you look at your hands, “maybe it wouldn’t be a bother if you two got to speak. I know things are tense right now, so I wanted to—,”
“I don’t think he’d want to agree with that. We’ve parted ways. It’s better to leave things as they are right now. Let things smooth as they go,” he says, earning a small ‘oh’ from you. He noticed how your smile slightly dropped.
“But, I do have tonight free. I was meaning to ask you— well, if you wanted to go out and eat. You know, so we can catch up,” he was hopeful. There was a big chance you’d say no, but to his surprise, your eyes lit up and your smile came back to your pretty face. “Of course, around what time were you planning? Not that I’ll be busy anytime today, I’m free all day,” you smile excitedly.
“How does six sound?”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“You’re going out?” Obito asks as he lays on your bed. He had a habit of laying on it whenever he could. He would always say it was much more comfortable than his.
“yeah, I thought I told you?” you say as you look through your closet, “No, not really. Where are you going?” he asks curiously, sitting up to look at what clothes you were pulling out.
“I’m going out to meet the Hokage,” you say with a smile, slightly excited that you would get to catch up with him again. This made Obito raise a brow, “So, you’re going out to meet Kakashi,” he states with a ‘matter of fact’ tone “Yes,” you affirm and turn to him. He lays back down, but still looks at you, “Why? Is it like, some weird date or something?”
“No! We’re just going to catch up since we barely spent any time together since he became Hokage,” you say and hold up a dress, “Do you think this is nice?” you smile and show off your dress. A hand comes and pushes the dress aside gently, “It sounds like a date to me,” he looks at your face, kneeling on the bed now.
“Obito, it’s not a date,” you put the dress down, “Even if it was, what's the big deal?”
“Nothing, I’m just saying,” he stands up and walks towards the closet, pulling out another dress, This one was a navy colored one, nothing fancy, but it was still pretty “This one would look way better,” he grins “It’s my favorite color too,”
You smile and take the dress, “Alright,”
After getting dressed and ready, you say goodbye to Obito, who is still on your bed. You heard him ask for some sweets when you got back—but you didn’t really hear him well.
You were both excited and nervous. You didn’t know what to expect. I mean, you knew Kakashi wanted to catch up, sure, but you didn’t know what to expect from yourself. One day you thought you were completely over Kakashi, and now you’re questioning your feelings again. To some extent, your feelings for Kakashi were still very much strong and alive. You were dumb for thinking that you could just forget about him. However, you also felt a little something for Obito. Your mind was reeling with many thoughts. You honestly didn’t know what to do anymore. It was like Kakashi controlled what you felt, and when you could feel it without even trying. You didn’t blame him of course, but it frustrated you a lot.
After a while of walking, you finally saw Kakashi waiting for you at the bridge. You smile and walk towards him, his head turning towards you once he hears your shoes. You assume he smiled at you at the way his eyes turn into crescent moons, “hey,” he greets, turning to face you. “You look wonderful,”
“Thank you,” you reply, your smile never leaving your face as your cheeks are dusted pink. You give him a compliment in return as well, “So, where are we going to eat?” You ask, standing besides him as he begins to lead the way, “I reserved a spot at the new restaurant that just opened recently. I’ve heard real good things about it, and I wanted to bring someone special with me,”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you didn’t want to think much of it, “I see,” your cheeks were dusted pink, your lips forming a small smile as you looked down. He noticed this, and smiled to himself. After all this time, he still had that effect on you.
The restaurant was pretty different from all the others in Konoha. It was a little more modern than any other restaurant, and it just screamed expensive. “Wow, this place looks amazing,” you say as you look around, already sitting across from Kakashi, “I’m not sure I can afford to come here more than two times. It looks really expensive,” you laugh, earning a chuckle from him, “Maybe you won’t have to pay. If you come with me, I’ll definitely make sure to pay for everything. Just like tonight,” he tilts his head with a smile, his eyes closed.
“Oh no, don’t bother, I brought money—,”
“I said I’ll pay (Y/N), don’t worry about it,” he put a hand over yours when you went to reach for your pouch. You look at his hand and then at him, “Are you sure?” He nods and leans back, pulling his hand away from yours, “of course, I was the one who invited you. I’m not letting you pay,” he chuckles. He was so handsome.
The afternoon was going really well. Both were having a nice conversation during your meal—although, you had no idea how he was eating since not once did you see him pull down his mask—and were just enjoying yourselves. You felt euphoric. It was nice being with him again. You had forgotten exactly why you had fallen for him all those years ago, and today you were being reminded. He was so nice, so funny, so perfect to you. He read you like a book and listened to everything you had to say. It was just nice.
“You know, I missed this,” you say, taking the last bite of your food and smiling, “I forgot when was the last time that we actually spoke like this. For hours,” you rest your chin on your palm, “I thought we wouldn’t get to do this anymore”
“I thought so too,” he says and looks into your eyes. He fell quiet as he stared at you. This had to be the moment. He needed to tell you now, because he wouldn’t get another chance if he didn’t.
“(Y/N), I have something really important I want to say,” he says, suddenly a little more serious than before, “I want you to be honest with me,”
You furrow your brows, sitting upright and nodding, “yeah, of course. What is it?”
“How do you really feel about me?” You were taken aback by his question, “I thought you wanted to say something important, not ask me something,” you chuckle a little nervously, trying to avoid answering, but he shook his head, “I’ll tell you when you answer me,”
“Well, I think…,” you stop for a moment, trying to form the words you so badly wanted to utter. ‘I’ve been in love with you for the past fifteen years,’ is all you wanted to say, but you couldn’t. Not when you were torn between telling him and forgetting Obito, or just never telling him at all. “You’re a wonderful person,” you say, and look at him. However, it seemed like that wasn’t the answer he wanted. “And I appreciate you a lot, for always being there for me for as long as I remember,”
The table was now quiet. He seemed to be thinking of what to say, and you were nervously waiting for his answer.
“Do you like me? Romantically,” he asks again, now going straight to the point, making your heart beat faster, “what?” You ask, gulping down the lump in your throat.
“Because I like you. I’ve liked you for as long as I can remember,” he declares, making your heart almost stop. You didn’t expect this. You never would’ve expected this. He had never treated you romantically in his life, so what was the occasion?
“I… Kakashi, I don’t understand,” you furrow your brows, “If that is really true, how come you never told me before—or at least dropped hints,”
“I didn’t want to give you false hopes. I wasn’t sure before, mostly because I was afraid to get hurt,” he admits, “but now I’m sure,”
“But why now? Why now all of a sudden?” You ask, the timing seemed weird. How come now, that you weren’t speaking as much as before, he wanted to confess. Why now?
“I.. don’t know,” he blinks, “but what matters is that I told you,”
“I.. Are you being genuine?” You frown, “because the timing seems a little strange. I don’t understand why you suddenly seem interested in me. I mean, we haven’t hung out, we haven’t spoken—you never showed interest in me before this moment. Why is it that now you suddenly want to say this to me,” you didn’t understand why you weren’t happy. I mean, you liked him, of course, but it felt strange.
The puzzle pieces didn’t fit, and the only reason as to why he was seemingly starting to take an interest now, was because you were spending more time with Obito. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but come on, it was plausible. It made sense if you thought about it. They technically hated each other, and it was no secret they were rivals and will always be rivals. It looked as if now that Obito was winning your attention, Kakashi wanted it back.
“Of course I’m being genuine. I’ve always liked you,” he frowns, “Do you not like me?”
“It’s… it’s not that. I just, I don’t think I want anything right now. The timing seems off and I— I just don’t know if I’m sure of what I’m feeling,”
The air seemed to get tense the more you spoke. You seemed conflicted, and Kakashi knew why. He knew why you were conflicted. “This is about Obito, isn’t it?” He suddenly asks, making your head snap towards him. “I…,” you didn’t know how to answer, because to some extent, yes, it was about Obito,
“I knew it,” he leans back, “you like him,”
“It’s not like that,”
“Then why is it that you suddenly changed your mind? I mean, I know you like me. Or at least liked. So why else would you not accept me?”
Now that makes you uncomfortable. He was speaking the truth, but the way he said it sounded wrong.
“Kakashi, things change,” you begin to explain, but you never expected what he said next.
“(Y/N), you can’t just fall for him. I’m not sure if he likes you, but if he does, it’s not genuine. It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before. Of course he’d fall for the first person to show him an ounce of respect,”
Your jaw dropped at his words. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. You had to process everything twice just to make sure you weren’t making things up. Kakashi had to admit he was talking out of frustration—since he wasn’t getting you easily. But this reached a whole different level.
“Unbelievable,” you finally say, reaching for your pouch and pulling out money. You slam it onto the table and stand up.
“(Y/N), wait—,”
“I want you to know that Obito deserves to be loved too, you know. Don’t you ever tell me I’m taking advantage of someone just because I love them,” you scoff and take your things, starting to storm your way out of there. Before you could leave, Kakashi caught your wrist, “I didn’t mean it like that,” he tries to convince, but you pull your arm away, “I know what you meant,” you snarl and finally exit, leaving a guilty Kakashi behind.
The walk home was hot. You felt hot all around. You were angry. Angry and hurt. His words kept swirling in your head.
‘It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before,’
Who did he think he was? How could he even say that? It hurts you. It hurt you because you liked him so much, but this? This made you think about what you felt. It made you question things.
Maybe you were overreacting. You didn’t know. Right now, you didn’t want to know. You got home and quickly stormed towards your bedroom after locking the door. You looked disheveled—and once you reached your bedroom, Obito quickly sat up from your bed, “you’re here early,” he says, but quickly stopped when he saw your red face. Concern washes over him as he stands up, “hey, what’s wrong?”
You stay silent, taking off your shoes while shaking slightly, “(Y/N), what’s going on?” he asks again, coming closer to you and placing his gentle hands on your shoulders, “Hey, look at me,”
You finally look up at him, eyes glossy with tears. You were so mad, so frustrated, that you couldn’t hold back your tears, “what’s wrong?” His voice was so gentle, so soothing. It was exactly what you needed right now. You had possibly ruined your relationship with Kakashi—no, you didn’t ruin it. He did.
“I just,” you choked as your tears finally fell. You hated crying. You hated that you cried when you just wanted to yell.
Instead of pushing you to speak, Obito pulled you into a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as his hand held your head and pushed it towards his chest. It was so warm. “It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers, his fingers gently tangling themselves into your hair. Your arms found themselves wrapping around him as well, holding onto him for what seemed like hours. Yet he never moved. He never uttered a word to hurt you. On the contrary, he let you know he was there for you. This is what you needed…
“Thank you, Obito,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Days passed by since what happened at the restaurant, and today was the first time since the incident that you were called to the Hokage’s office. You felt dread wash over you when you received the message, you didn’t want to go, not after what happened. Oh, had I mentioned how Obito and you now seemed to be inseparable? That interaction had built a strong bond between the two of you. No words were spoken that night, but they didn’t have to be. Both of you created a connection no other person could achieve.
With every step you took, your body felt heavier. Dread consumed you and you couldn’t seem to open the door to his office. You didn’t know what to expect… however, you managed to build the courage to enter his office, straightening yourself and walking towards his desk, “you called for me, sir?”
His head tilts upwards to look at you, “Yes,” he answers dryly and pulls a scroll from his desk, “a mission for you, out in Kirigakure,” he waits for you to take the scroll, watching you intently. You felt as if his eyes were burning holes onto your skin. You reached for the scroll and took it.
“Take both your students with you,” he adds, and looks down at some papers, “that’s all,”
You weren’t expecting this attitude, but then again, what were you expecting? You felt weird. “Right, thank you,” you say, bowing respectfully before turning towards the exit. As you were about to open the door, he called for you. You turn your head towards him, and wait for him to speak.
“Just know that I’m sorry,” he says, which you simply nodded and left. Once you were out of sight, your heart dropped to your stomach. ‘You should’ve said something’ you thought, mentally facepalming. ‘He was trying to apologize and you just left? You’re so stupid’ you insult yourself as you walk out of the building. You wondered what this mission was about, but you didn’t check until you were back home.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The mission was simple. There were some ninja terrorizing the village and they needed some help catching them. It wasn’t an S rank mission, but it was still pretty high up there. You assumed the ninja were pretty darn strong if you had to be sent out.
“A mission in the mist village?” Asked Obito as he peeked over your shoulder to see what the scroll said. “Apparently. It’ll take a few days I guess,” you sigh and place the scroll on the desk of your room, going to grab a bag to pack some things. Obito read the scroll with furrowed brows, “why couldn’t he send Naruto and his gang? I mean, they could handle it themselves,” he asks and watches you pack, “because they’re busy with their own missions,” you say, throwing some clothes and tools into your bag, “I have to leave in a few hours, so please keep the place tidy,” you say, turning towards him.
“Of course,” he shrugs and sits down on the bed, “and make sure to eat well—and don’t drool on my pillows this time,” you laugh as he blushed slightly, “that was one time,” he argued
“I know, I’m just messing with you,”
Once it was time to leave, you took your bag and wore your headband. Obito followed behind you as you walked towards the door. “Hey,” he called before you opened the door. You turn to him and raise a brow, “what is it?”
“Please be careful,” he says, obviously worried, “I mean, I know you’ll kick ass, but please be careful,” he smiles at you worriedly, but you grinned reassuringly, “don’t worry Obito, I’ll come back in one piece,” you chuckle and open your arms. He immediately leaned in to give you a strong hug, and for a moment it seemed like he didn’t want to let go. However, you needed to leave and he let go. He smiled gently and pinched your cheek, “alright, I’ll see you soon then,” he says and you nod, leaving him behind. You wondered what he’d do while you were gone, but decided it was better to keep your mind focused on your mission.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Now while you were gone, a surprise arrived at your doorstep. When Obito answered the door, it was two of Kakashi’s secretaries. “Obito Uchiha, you have been summoned to the Hokage’s office on urgent request,”
Him? What for? Although Obito wanted to ask these exact questions, he only nodded and followed them to the building. He hadn’t been called there for about two months, what could he possibly be called over there for.
Once they arrived, he was left alone in front of the office doors. Everything seemed different. The village itself had changed too much since the last time he was there—well, when he was a kid. He shook the thoughts away and entered the office. Finally, after two long months, Kakashi and Obito were back face to face.
“You called me,” Obito states, his arms crossing in front of his chest as he waits for Kakashi to speak. The silver haired man looks up from his paperwork, his dark eyes burning into Obito’s.
“Yes, we need to talk,”
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kidsinsaturn · 9 months
I hope that your life has been well so far and sorry for my little outburst of joy.
I'm really looking forward to your new posts but please don't stress yourself about it.
Have a lovely day
boyfriend obito headcanons
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[🗼] just because I've been feeling a bit silly about this little guy, and I know I already have hcs of him but,,, it's not enough
and YESS I may have been off for a year but i'll always have that annual Naruto brainrot that lasts like six months lool but thank you lots anon love yaaa
character: obito uchiha
genre: sfw; fluff; nsfw
warnings: gn!reader; established relationship; silly obito; everyone happy au bc uwu; mention of insecurities; slight size kink
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-god, obito has been in my mind lately, and how could he not? he is sooo boyfriend material, he created the basic rules for a relationship to work, he is basically the creator of love
-he is just so silly at the beginning of your relationship!! like!! as if kakashi wasn't the reason you two got together because obito couldn't just go and confess to you!! are you nuts?? he'd lose it
-speaking of which, his confession was probably so messed up, but!! he didn't want to, wouldn't allow you to confess because he has that idea that it should be him who brings the relationship to a start
-"may I have the honor of being your boyfriend?" type of guy
-he literally asks everyone for advice and that's probably how you ended up knowing his feelings. obito told everyone and his friends just passed the word until it landed on you
-regardless of that messy start--obito will remember it and feel bad about it until the day he dies--, obito is a great boyfriend, like I said, he is a bit silly and the thing is, he may have idealized relationships too much
-obito may have watched all those stupid cliche movies in secret and thought that's how relationships are supposed to work!!
-would get into a fight for you, write you love letters, plan a secret date. any situation that appears on the kissing booth movies he is so willing to recreate them lol
-obito believes there is no such thing as the "3-month honeymoon phase" LIKE all the time, all the months, all the SECONDS he is with you should be honeymoon phase. only to be reinforced once you two get married
-of course it is beautiful and everything he does makes your stomach flutter with joy-- he is a gentleman ALWAYS, he holds the door for you, steps in first if it's a new place, and goes behind you everywhere
-and ok this is a bit angsty im sorry but this silly dude right here is very insecure okay:( I gotta be real here
-he didn't have a lot of recognition when he was a little boy and that may have messed him up a little. he will always feel like he is not enough for you, and that may cause some arguments sometimes
-he just says that you are too much for him and that he doesn't provide you that much and you're just like obito please go to sleep it's 4am
-and that's the tiring part probably: that he has these random bursts of self-consciousness at the most random times. you two are just eating and talking about some things your friends did, and oh obito just got this tight tug at his chest the second he thinks too much about your or his male friends. or even if he just saved you in a mission or whatever and it takes him like three business days to realize that he could have done a better job at rescuing you
-just be thoughtful with him ok because he seems the kind of guy that goes to sleep thinking about everything you said, nice or rude. overthinking king
-aside from his little insecurities heheh obito is giving you princess treatment like always and duhh if he doesn't do it, he beats himself up. obito has some "traditional ideas" about boyfriend and girlfriend, such as the woman should always receive flowers, never go alone in the street, and always have something of him with her (like a picture hahah silly boy)
-if you're into something like a sport or ballet or just something that's similar to a performance, he will be there at EVERY show or game, he will not miss any of them, and the day he is not there, that's probably because he is dead
-he is there holding the largest and most obvious poster with your face on the middle and the most Tumblr phrase he could think of. he blocks the view from the people in the back but he does NOT care
-if you are into something more private, obito will always be so happy providing your with materials and just his sweet time watching you as the most marvelous creature the gods ever created
-he always has the best intentions for everything. if something goes the wrong way, he is so devastated. say that you have too much work/paperwork/homework lately and he just wants to relieve some stress off your shoulders!! poor baby just made things worse: everything is on the wrong place and just his help wasn't helpful. obito feels stupid and dumb. he ends up cooking you something
-obito has all the love language because mmm his partner should feel loved in all the possible ways. just give him quality time and that's enough for him
-but overall, great boyfriend, he is your number one fan, admires absolutely everything you do and when you're not looking, little hearts form in his eyes when he looks at you, he is just so smitten he might as well just ask you to marry him after three weeks of dating
nsfw ->
-man gets hard just by hugging you
-please do not make fun of his condition okay:( he was just sexually restrained as a teen, and just overall shy about anything that had to do with sexy times
-my own hot take but obito probably stayed virgin by choice. like he was desperately waiting for the one to lose his v-card with because otherwise he feels like he is betraying his true love
-and ohhhh obito has NO idea of the beautiful, marvelous, oozing body he possesses. he is big, strong, tall, thick, and just mmmmm
-the first time you mention somehitng about his physique, he gets all flustered!! if you were in the middle of the act, he would need two minutes to calm down or he will cum by just hearing sweet words
-beautiful dick OBVS, he doesn't know how to use it, lets be reals. if you are his first time, he is so messy. his movements are so asymmetrical and have zero rhythm. after a few times, he learns
-I can only dream about obito's cock PLEASE. large, thick, curved just the right way to make you squirm. just BIG. his dick just springs up every time he takes his pants off and it hits his abdomen in the most sensual way posible. cock possible as large as your head whaaat
-his pre-cum is so bitter!! the first time you tasted it, you made a face. his cum is even sourer. obito feels a bit bad but he understands and doesn't say anything
-you are literally what matters during those sexy moments. he does not allow himself to feel any pleasure before you. it takes you a lot (just kneeling) to give him a head
-please all your sounds should be moans, or whimpers, or small screams of satisfaction, because if he SEES, or hears, or just senses that he may have hurt you, he stops completely and doesn't touch you until you convince him you are fine
-king of aftercare
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tamelee · 1 month
Just a little rant about HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATE NARUTO FANBOYS OH MY GAAWWWDDDD besides the obvious reasons (homophobia, misogyny, incels) they worship the shit outta the worse characters ever like Shikamaru and Itachi and Hinata. Like I just saw on the Naruto Reddit (my fault, I know, but I searched something up about Naruto and the first link discussing that was Reddit) and they all used that stupid dumbass filler where Shikamaru was asking his dad about Naruto and why everyone hates him and how he doesn't hate him (even tho in CANON he did 😤) and they all said not only is he a better friend to Naruto than Sasuke ever was but (here we go again) Sasuke's more of a brother 🙄 and they also said Sasuke treated Naruto like trash and was the worst friend 🤦🏻‍♀️ like it's so insane to me the dudebros lack of brain and reading comprehension. Like how do you as a grown ass man not know the difference between what's actually real and what's not about what you're watching? Or maybe it's that they just hate Sasuke so much and how much Naruto loves him and keeps talking about him and how he's his best friend in canon (he said it way too much for me to believe that even these ugly incels couldn't understand) that they'd rather give the credit to someone else that isn't a threat and doesn't make Naruto act borderline homosexual. Oh and they obviously ignore Shikamaru's blatant misogyny and still consider him the best thing ever because why would they care 🙄 anyway end rant, sorry. I just hate this fandom 😭 I stay on my side of things mostly (well, other than this one time. But when I do I just rant about it to someone and move on)
Ah yeah it’s frustrating isn’t it? 
I think it’s obvious if you’ve read the Manga. I wonder if they’ve only seen the Anime and just don’t bother checking what is canon first. So much is changed from Kishimoto’s original. (Has anyone seen that twt discussion on filler? I’d love to read your opinions on it.) 
I mean, Hinata’s supposed backstory with Naruto is just ridiculous, but I don’t understand why people think Naruto was friends with any of them? Even if it’s shown in filler that Naruto was around them or they asked their parents about Naruto... what makes fans say they were friends? 
Sasuke was the only one who acknowledged Naruto with a smile and they weren't even friends until much later.
Right before the exams, Shikamaru tells team 7 not to die. Not because he’s worried for them, but because he believes they’re not capable, largely because of his lack of faith in Naruto. While Naruto calls them idiots and insults both Shikamaru and Hinata as he introduces them to the reader. 
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'A big mouth idiot' and a 'weirdo' (I believe he actually also called her creepy but I can't find the translation, but remember when Kushina told Naruto not to go for a weird girl? She used the same words xD) And then Shikamaru immediately wanted to target Naruto in the forest of death.
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Had either of them at any point been friendly to Naruto or whatever, then we would’ve known here and Naruto wouldn’t have insulted them like he did (as is his right) because he craved a connection more than anything. It’s ridiculous how the Anime at times just blatantly ignores the lonely misery Naruto had to grow up in (ALONE) in favor of these other characters. As if sugarcoating that would make any of them look less bad. And don't get me started on Hinata during that written test because it's no wonder Naruto got so confused and didn't trust her "kindness".
Regardless, I think a lot of Naruto-fans who tend to glorify any of these friendships and extending it for what it is largely do so because they side with a narrative regarding the system and don't get why Sasuke (and others) challenged it in the first place. Brushing it off like it was some evil, selfish thing. I personally like Shikamaru's development and who he is as a character in the end because him showing change might've been very helpful in actually changing the system had they worked towards that. But you know... we'll never know.
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izvmimi · 3 months
okay so i’m pulling my notes app out because i started a list in case i ever needed to give recs out so uhhhhh
if you want sports,
- run with the wind is like haikyuu vibes but for running! it’s like 23 eps and there’s a kageyama in there lol uhhhh what else, idk it’s more like found family than simp material so hopefully?? maybe!!
- daiya no ace/ace of diamond, it sounds like you know of it already but omg the way this had me sobbing (THAT ONE SCENE!!!!!) but rewatching after a long time is always fun :3
- sk8 the infinity because duh i think i’ll need to rewatch this one too actually lol (there’s like 2 simpable characters in the series and i don’t think they’re your type so safe!!! …i hope im not lying ;-;)
- yuri on ice! toeing the line of simp country but it’s fine, who doesn’t love gay men skating lol
maybe sports isn’t what you want rn and you want something else!
- 91 days! idk if you’ve watched this one before but i recently watched it again and i remembered why i marked it as a favorite it’s just so good! it’s set in the states prohibition time period and there might be some tw’s? like guns, death, etc (because gang wars)
- ranking of kings is such a cute anime and the style is so cuteeee i really enjoyed the story and i remember it won an award (like best animation or something) and you can def see why!
- wotakoi, have you watched this one?? it’s full on romance and it’s so CUTEEEEE but god there is a character in there where i’m conflicted on if i want him for myself or support his relationship ;-;
- great pretender! it’s been a while since i’ve seen this one actually but i remember being so like impressed with how good it was!! also more of a plot (and i swear i mean plot) than characters thing???
- millionaire detective, there’s like 2 (or 3, depending how you swing) characters to simp for but everyone simps for them so technically safe! i will always watch this one for the plot (plot being kanbe daisuke <3 LOL)
- school babysitters, IT’S SO CUTE LITERALLY SO CUTE if this doesn’t make you squeal, rolling around in your bed and kicking your feet, i need to resign my list and question my life choices (joking! sort of! but i really enjoyed this one)
- assassination classroom. iconic. need i say more? :3
- spy x family..? have you boarded the spy x family bandwagon and by spy x family i mean LOID FORGER BECAUSE GOD HE IS SO FINE
- disastrous life of saiki k. i think i sent you an ask about this one before…? but it’s so funny, def rewatch worthy lol
- banana fish…….. ooh if you’ve watched this one, are you okay? if you haven’t watched it… i recommend with a giant bag of salt!
- monster is like one of my top 5 all time favs! and so i wanted to share with you in case you haven’t watched!
- detective conan. okay this one i recommend with a grain of salt because it’s… longer than one piece. and has more filler than naruto… BUT the filler i think is fun!! but i’m biased… BUT THE ART STYLE IS SO GOOD!!!
- horimiya! not sure if you’ve watched this one either but super wholesome super cute!!
- oshi no ko! have you watched this one yet?? i really liked it and the op (YOASOBI MY QUEEN) IS LITERALLY SO GOOD it’s so good
- one punch man for the vibes!!
- erased! i don’t remember much of this but i thought it was pretty good..? actually make this a plan z lol
- classroom of the elite! has… fanservice… BUT if you like the overpowered type of character you might like this one!!
- my love story (and not to be confused with the yamada-kun at lv 999 one!) it’s so cute i loved it sm (and i was bawling for some parts of it because of how adorable it was!!)
- natsume’s book of friends! i actually never finished this one because of the influx of new anime but i def didn’t drop it because i thought it was bad! it’s really cute and wholesome and it makes for a good background show too!
okay i went through my lists like many many times to squeeze out anymore recs! I TRIED TO GIVE A LOT IN CASE YOU ALREADY SAW SOME OF THEM BUT AAAHHH i hope at least one is interesting ;-; or inspired you to rewatch something!!
omg 🥺🥺🥺 these are amazing thank you for working so hard on this!! I’ve heard of horimiya and might try erased, i’ve heard great things!
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josukespimphand · 3 months
I've been meaning to watch Jujutsu Kaisen. What got you watching? I just finished season one of Delicious in Dungeon.
Ahhh I’ve been watching/ reading it since the first season! I originally got into JJK because of Gojo… I didn’t even know who he was but I remember scrolling on twitter and seeing someone with a cropped closeup of Gojo’s face from vol. 4? But I remember being too shy to ask this person who he was/ what series was he from lol. I remember seeing the art and thinking “not to sound weird but I really love how this guys teeth is drawn…” and so, I reversed image searched the drawing and wala!
This was a few months before S1 had even gotten announced, too. I remember pulling up the manga and reading a few pages and not getting all that far (I was being lazy tbh.) but then, the anime had gotten announced and I was like “wait, isn’t this the series that I just found out about a couple of months ago??? It looks fun :0!!!” But even then, I still hadn’t started on reading it until after the second episode was released lmfao.
I actually ended up binging the manga in one night and at the time, there were only about 50ish chapters available so I was literally fiending for more if I’m being real 😭… I was so crazwkskakal. I wasn’t too nuts about Gojo originally (I was definitely a FAN but I remember being so normal about him during S1’s original run lmfao. The things I’ve said about that man… I’m a Gojo girl unfortunately….. I’m still kind of normal about him though. He’s a very well written character and deserves all of the love he gets as a character kakakak. It’s so easy to like him!
I do tend to stay away from fandoms in general (I’ve done this ever since I’d started to use social media) but especially regarding the fans of the stuff I actually enjoy. Outside of the classics like Naruto (always in my heart…) and such, I haven’t really enjoyed a new age shounen and series this much with my whole heart since JJBA (not new age but you get it) and if you’ve been following this blog for a while then you must know that I used to be such a huge fan of it! (I still am but I’ve calmed down… I miss it a whole lot actually. I still have to catch up with JoJolands… haven’t gotten that far tbh.)
DM is fun but I haven’t gotten all that far into the manga (only ever read the first chapter and that was years ago) but I watched the first 12 or so episodes and I really enjoyed them! Haven’t looked back (it’s hard to keep up with anime… and the fans make me not want to interact with it as much tbh…. JJK is diff since i genuinely adore it and I don’t interact with the fans at all anyway outside of a few mutuals/friends and I pretend everything else doesn’t exist 😭…… JJK fans are so 👎🏾 but I’m already invested so it’s a little too late for me to turn back 🫨.)
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namisweatheria · 8 months
I can't believe someone actually wrote Sakura hate on my Nami defending post. Anyone who knows me would shriek in horror. I'm so enraged I've tried and failed to begin this post about a million times now.
While I find it a massive failure of a person's quality of intelligence and character to hate on misogynistically-written characters using the exact same language as the larger misogynistic fanbase who also hates them, despite thinking of themselves as somehow different, in general... when it comes to Haruno Sakura at this point if you're out here on the internet in 2024 saying negative things about her in random comment sections I genuinely think you're a clueless idiot and I hate your stupid guts. lol
The online mania of Sakura hatred left it's fucking mark on people who grew up as girls watching Naruto. I honestly wasn't a very online kid, so I only know about that from my friends' experiences, but how the show itself treated her left it's mark on me all on it's own. And I can see the legacy of that mania online now! Anything that so much as mentions female characters, or sexism, or annoying characters, in anime, will get mean comments about her. It's still here and it's infuriating!
Everyone should be able to separate the bigoted writing that can make a character unpleasant, and the character itself. Otherwise one just ends up contributing to the wave of hatred from bigoted fans. That always ends up hurting real people!
The widespread out-sized fervent hatred of Sakura is particularly something there is no excuse to continue to add to. At this point she represents so much more than a specific character. She symbolizes the continuation of a fucked up online culture that directs their ire at female shounen characters instead of the men who wrote them into horrible little boxes.
So, I don't even have to defend her actual character. It's not really about that. I'm going to anyways though. Because I love her to pieces and so much said about her is just slander.
Sakura fucking rules and is a compelling sympathetic character with a good arc, she was just written by a man who hates women and takes every single opportunity to put his female characters in their place. (The fucking background, kitchen, or grave.) Sometimes all three in that order!
Sakura's worst crime is being a 12 year old Girl. She's insensitive, as 12 year olds can be. She's hyper-conforming to hetero-feminine roles, as her society expects her to be, and she's over-the-top and embarrassing about it, because she's 12.
In the beginning she's often weak and scared in the background, because that's the box she was put into as The Girl. If she had gotten to have equal capability with her teammates early on then Kishimoto wouldn't have been able to focus totally on the male characters he actually cared about. To blame her for that instead of sympathizing with the angst it caused her is so heartless and backwards.
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All the writing involving Sasuke fucking sucked, and Sakura's the biggest victim of that. The whole "charm" of their "romance" is that she'll stand by him and love him no matter how terribly he treats her. Does that not sound fucking familiar. It is some of the most basic misogyny there is. That is an age-old evil expectation put on countless women, not a cute story. Hating their "romance", but expressing it by blaming her for being put into that role by Kishimoto is so fucking stupid.
(Also, it's so, so, easy to interpret her hyper performative heterosexuality as closeted lesbianism. She's so unintentionally gay-coded, especially her relationship with Ino.)
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It very much happens silently in the background, because I think Kishimoto will spontaneously start choking on his own blood if he tries to focus on a female character instead of his male faves for more than a single minute, but Sakura does have a good arc! Remember Inner-Sakura? She was treated as just a gag, but if you take her seriously for a second you'll realize it was actually deeply disturbing.
Sakura was repressing her anger and goofiness, because she was trying so hard to be this want-able, feminine girl. It wasn't just her unspoken thoughts, she had a whole alternate personality tucked away because of the trauma of being a girl in a sexist society.
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Ino describes it here as "A whole other psyche" and is so disturbed by it she asks her, "What are you?"
The most interesting, satisfying thing about Inner-Sakura is: She goes away. She goes away after Sakura trains under a strong, successful, funny, angry, loud woman. Tsunade helps Sakura express her anger instead of repressing it, just by being near her, she shows her the kind of woman she can be. She encourages her and teaches her to be strong and shows her it's okay to be mad. Now when Sakura is angry she can yell and punch a mountain into dust about it.
It's very much in the background, but it happens. And it's everything. How could you not care about it, once you notice it? How can you not care about her?
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One of the most annoying things people say about Sakura is that she became strong out of nowhere. I think those people just weren't paying fucking attention to her lol.
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Not to mention, if Naruto and Sasuke can each get super-powered Sannin to train them personally, why can't Sakura? What's wrong with that? She wanted desperately to keep up with them, to be strong enough to protect them, and she knew exactly who to go to. Why wouldn't you root for her?
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So what if there's nothing that makes her special, to those who only care about genetic abilities and tailed beasts. She works hard. She fights tooth and nail. There's a reason she gets along so well with Rock Lee. In Kakashi's words, "Like Naruto, Sakura possesses a heart that cannot bear to be beaten." In Sakura's:
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God, just. How can you not be obsessed with her? It's not her fault the sexist mangaka couldn't let her keep developing on-screen for more than one chapter per 30 volumes without actually grappling with the fact that there's a third person in his stupid two person narrative. She's so fucking great she's crazy she's rude she's funny she's audacious she has guts!!!!!!!!!!! You absolutely cannot come into my space with a negative word on her name. Love and respect Haruno Sakura or simply die.
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cubur · 1 year
Hey hey, I adore your art they are always so dang cute. Definitely keep up the work. It brightness my day seeing how many other people enjoy these as much as I do.
But my question might be silly and borning but I am curious when did you realize you started to ship Naruto and Sasuke? Do you happen to remember the moment or reason?
Yes, I'm trying to keep up the work (even though my speed is quite slow…) But glad to hear now you enjoy my pieces!Thank you for your support and kind motivational message!🙏
And not gonna lie, i have never come across such a question before. I had to think for a few minutes before answering this. So yep I will try to explain in a quick summary, if i can x)
Well actually, when I first started watching the naruto anime, I didn't even like or care about Naruto …i was just here to learn the story of Sasuke and Itachi (also i read the manga a lot later). But everything changed after I started watching. And I was able to see the bond between these two more clearly, especially thanks to Sakura. So one of the reasons might be Sakura. I can hear you say "what" now x) but yes!In the first part, Sakura was being incredibly rude to Naruto, and it bothered me immensely that she fell in love with Sasuke while not even understand Sasuke's pain. So the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke caught my attention more since Sasuke is the first character who understands Naruto's loneliness and feelings. But I think i didn't pay much attention to this feeling until Sasuke died in their battle with Haku. I mean, how many people can give up their dreams/future and die without hesitation just for their friend? So, from that moment I realized that it was more than just a friend. And after the feelings Sasuke gave me in the last part of their first battle (I mean that last look when it was raining) i started shipping them officially i guess. So the main reason is Sasuke. Sasuke was my favorite character from the very beginning and still is. And I started shipping them so i could see more of the happiness i saw in his eyes when he was with Naruto. That's why I keep telling him "you deserve to be happy" in my pieces. And if I remember correctly i watched the anime in 2014, but started drawing them in 2016. So the main reason for this too is thanks to some of the artists that I chose as my teacher!I mean, if they didn't exist I probably wouldn't even be here right now, so thank you ^^!
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levyscripts · 6 months
Happy Nine Years to Critical Role!
I unfortunately didn’t start then. I have only been here for two years. I did watch Bells Hells first episode when it aired but I struggled on watching it on my small laptop. I was given the go ahead a week before their 7th anniversary that I could have the tv weekly.
I had watched Vox Machina season 1 by then and was hooked. By March 2022 I was writing fic. It brought me joy to write Vax and Gilmote fics (yes I know what happens) i spoiled myself so I could prepare myself emotionally.
Because I fell in love with these characters, the players, and Matt. Most of them are voices of my childhood. Who remembers staying up late in 2002 to watch Naruto on Toonami or 2004 to watch Full Metal Alchemist? Remember watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Saturday mornings? Watching Recess?
Not only that but characters I loved. Gaara, Roy Mustang, Lust, Tristan (first 20 episodes), and Gretchen. Matt has been practically so much I have watched or played. So yes, I loved Nerdy Voice Actors.
I’m currently watching campaign 1 slowly. Knowing my heart is going to be ripped out in the end. Yes, Vax is my fav. This past February I got a D20 tat with two small feathers, one black outline (Vax) and the other black outline filled in with blue (Vex). I am a dice goblin even before this but seeing Laura with her dice hoard. She is the dice queen.
I was lucky last September to meet some of them at RCCC. It was such a stressful day. It was my second con ever. I have adhd and anxiety. Crowds is a big problem for me and I can’t go alone. My mom was nice enough to go with me but it only afforded me one day. She was kind enough to take a day off work.
I was stressed, nervous, and scared Because 3 out of 4 were on my dream list to meet since childhood. I was able to meet Taliesin, Liam, Laura, and Travis. My four favs!!!
Taliesin was first and he was so kind. I gave him some of the d20 stickers I designed. I don’t know if he used them but it was nice of him to tell me he just got a new bottle and had to decorate it. It made me feel good even with how scared/nervous I was to talk.
Liam I was tongue tied. I was only able to say Vax is my favorite and gave him the stickers. He thanked me but he was kind.
Laura was a sweetheart l. I was also getting a signature for my friend. He paid for it and I got it while there. She was so kind. She talked to me even though I didn’t say much. The thanked me for my stickers.
Finally I got to my final autograph, Travis. I did end up getting a selfie and I regret not doing the others because that day seems like a blur because of my stress. But travis was so kind. I told him I had been a fan since FMA 2003. He told me I was an OG fan and shook my hand in thanks. I gave him my sticker pack for him.
They all were smiles and they made my stress worth it. Because when I’m having bad days I think of CR, read fic, go look at fan art or watch episodes. Because they have created these stories and characters that inspire many of is. They give us an escape in this crazy, difficult world.
So thank you to Critical Role. You have done so much for my mental health. I hope to meet all of you again! I know there is not enough words to fully say to say how thankful I am. I just wish i got into it since the beginning.
Thank you!!!!
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tamayokny · 2 years
my thoughts during my naruto rewatch, part 1:
you say the uchiha are intense with their feelings? look at naruto: he’s extreme 110% of the time. this is especially shown during the land of the waves when naruto emits kurama’s chakra because he thought sasuke was killed.
sakura is an interesting character. at the start of the series, she has the least advantages compared to her teammates, but it’s shown early that she’s quick to analyze, understand, and even adapt to the situation compared to naruto and sasuke. her growth is really cool to watch.besides this, i feel like sakura is a great stand in for the audience--we are more like her than sasuke or naruto. (in terms of being a shinobi.)
additionally, i find it hilarious that anti-sakura folks get pissed based on how sakura constantly smacks naruto around. as if that isn’t a common shounen animanga trope. and that a lot of this type of violence happens in fillers more often.
also, as much as i love naruto, he does deserve to get smacked around by his teammate. his behavior can be inappropriate and she doesn’t know him well enough at this point. i’m sure some of his comments made sakura a bit uncomfortable and she wasn’t sure how to reject him.
i’m also going to defend sakura again: her feelings about naruto may be mixed in the beginning, but she does recognize when her own behavior was uncalled for. she tries to be better and she does become friends with naruto! she cares for him.
sasuke is also fun to watch when you’re familiar with his journey. like, you can see early on that he wasn’t always a menace (said with endearment)--he’s just aloof and moody. however, he has his soft moments with both naruto and sakura. he cares for his teammates; he’ll let sakura hug him while asking about naruto’s wellbeing
also, the way he saved naruto while kakashi was being negligent with his students lmfao
and when he saved konahamaru from kankuro pre-chunin exams. it was also cool how he crushed that people in his hand lol. he is cool.
the land of the waves arc is overall so good, especially since it sets up so much of the shinobi institution in just that arc alone!
zazuba and haku have a special place in my heart. it broke my heart when zazuba said that he couldn’t follow haku in the afterlife as he believed that he wasn’t worthy of residing in a good domain. he didn’t show it in a good sense, but zazuba did care for haku and that was reciporcated
we’re all pissed with how naruto was treated by konoha as a whole. however, when i was watching him drink expired milk in his shoddy apartment, it had me thinking: how are the orphans generally treated? the system for orphans is terrible! i know this gets addressed sometime in shippuden; i don’t remember the details exactly but damn. they way we are shown how problematic konoha’s overall system is so early on in naruto. i love to see it, honestly.
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shiningstardan · 6 months
During the process of writing fanfictions, do you have a creative block or are you able to flow a story easily?
☆ A S K T I M E ! ! !
Well... Imma try to reply to the best of my abilities. But first context:
I have come just come out from a 5-year writing pause. I won't call it a block because 5 years ago I didn't have much interest in writing, I just wrote 5 fics but didn't think much of it and even dropped one of those.
So, what have I done now that is so different and has gotten my juices flowing?
I have established some rules
1. I will not write for others.
What does this mean? I will not write expecting kudos, bookmarks or reviews. So I don't place my writing motivation on feedback, some people get writers block because they don't feel appreciated. It's hurtful but you gotta remember that you also write because you love this character and the fandoms. I've always been kind of a lone wolf irl so, I gotta conduct the same mentality on online spaces.
2. I will find what I need out of the fics I'm writing and write that
I have been investing a lot of time thinking in Naruto for example. What do I need from this story that I never got?
Hyuga lore & politics
Konoha 13 interactions
Re-imagining of the time skipped between the OG series and Shippuden.
The fact that naruto talks friendship to everybody but he only cares about 1 friend, so I need him to interact with the other.
Knowing I need this I have started writing fics using prompts that may help my inspiration. Created character profiles to know who is friends with who besides what we are told in canon. Taken advantage of certain fandom patterns, there are some headcanons that have become universal.
For example: Somehow, somewhere a fan decided that in fanfic Hinata's grandfather is called either Hideo / Hideto and the rest of the fandom just rolled with it! which brings me to my next point~
3. I don't have to start from scratch.
If you feel that you are inspired by an image, headcanon, just roll with it. Don't feel pressure to come out with "original ideas" all the time, that's exhausting. I personally love when authors reference things, so maybe you said that a character likes the color red and you repeat that in a different way every fic you have, maybe through clothes, maybe through food, maybe through objects. A nod is always welcomed.
4. I can work on something else or abandon your idea
If you are stuck with an idea you can
Sleep on it and check it later
Outline it and move on. You can write 4 or 5 sentences about what you want to happen in that section and then you can come up with the details for the scene and write something else.
Not work on it anymore, maybe you can recycle what you wrote for another project (that's how I wrote Happy Valentine's Day, I didn't want to star from scratch so I reused the first portion from a discarded idea)
5. Length doesn't define you
I'm currently writing a 20k+ fic. This is my first time writing this much and it's scary AF. I thought it would be a 2k max, because I don't have a really good imagination. In the past I have mainly written works under 1k and even a 40 part drabble pieces (if you know the technical definition drabbles are 100 words exactly). So up until now I had just written relatively short works.
Challenge yourself to write short, write a haiku, a drabble, some flash fiction (250 w) or something under 500. Just a page.
Any writing is good writing.
6. Workshop it
Talk about your story and the ideas you want to explore with a friend (that includes me now, just so you know. Whether it is an annonymous ask or a direct message, my ask box will always be open for fanfic questions, even if it's a different fandom or ship I personally don't gravitate to).
7. Educate Yourself
This last few months I have discovered that english and spanish are formatted totally different in terms of punctuation.
I have also wanted to learn more about creative writing so I watch some Lectures
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That being said I think I write slowly, but enjoy it nonetheless.
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oivsyo · 2 years
Why I’m still creating for Narutoverse?
The thing is, thanks to one particular thread on Twi, I’ve figured out that I only watched Shippuden until episode 54 in my teenagehood. Now I have watched it selectively up to the end ofc, but I think this  fact is the reason why I didn't give up on Naruto and it still inspires me. I grew up during the best years of Naruto and skipped the downfall of the story, so I mostly have positive memories about the story and characters.
It all started when I was 14? (now I don't remember exactly), and my friends brought me anime titled Naruto on a flash drive, because then I didn't have the Internet yet. They said 'try this, you may like it'
OG and the beginning of Shippuden were very good. VERY GOOD.
OG is generally my favorite part of the story, the characters shone in all their glory and developed very logically. It's no surprise that these characters have made so many people fall in love with them. Also in OG, the tone of the story was completely different. The world was more cruel and gloomy, more realistic. In the first OG arc, there are two ambiguous antagonists who die dramatically in the end. The fights were about taijutsu, weapon and strategy - exactly what you would expect from a ninja story. Yes, even in OG there are many inconsistencies and plot holes, but this story IS fascinating. The Chunin exam arc is still one of my favorite arcs of all Naruto.
The space on the flash drive on which the episodes were brought to me was very small, and I couldn’t watch many episodes in a row. So I have watched many of them over and over again. I remember that before the start of the summer holidays, my friend brought me episodes with Neji VS Kidomaru. I've been tormented for 3 months about not knowing if Neji would survive. With the beginning of the new school year, my friend brought me new series with a sequel, and it turned out to be Shippuden right away.
Shippuden started very cheerfully and confidently. Euphoria that I experienced bc my favorite characters returned was beyond any words. Characters matured, their designs changed. 
Sakura immediately became my goddess because the growth of her character was very much felt compared to all the others. From a useless and annoying crybaby, she became strong, strong-willed, skilled, she became a real kunoichi. I’m sad that her development and training were not shown properly, but even so the impression was very good. It's not an exaggeration to say that Sakura from early  Shippuden, was a role model that I wanted to look up to as a teenager.
In the first arc team Gai was shown. Neji’s redesign won my young heart, probably it‘s Neji to blame that I’ve developed a crush for long haired men. Even though his interactions with Hinata were not shown in the beginning, it felt like he had changed a lot and softened up towards everyone. 
I also really liked Hinata's design, but I remember at that moment I thought - ‘ how could she grow such long hair in such a short period of time? Apparently the Hyuga clan has some special recipes for hair care’. That was one of the reasons why in my AU I decided to make the timeskip longer - 4years instead of 2,5.
I really wanted to see how the grown-up Neji and the more self-confident Hinata interact with each other. I was sure that it would be an arc dedicated to the Hyuga clan and how the two of them, with the help of Naruto ofc, change the clan. Unfortunately, my aspirations were not destined to come true.
Ep 41 where Naruto loses control and hurts Sakura - is a chef's kiss. The fox feels like an absolute evil with which such a sunny and good person like Naruto has to deal with. Aand ofc Naruto wa supposed to loose control bc this evil is too much for  him. Naruto being possessed by the demon and hurting his beloved ones is a theme that I like and I'm very sad that it was wasted.
An intriguing and long-awaited meeting with Sasuke - a moment that is well engraved in my memory as one of the last ones I watched. 
Then I abandoned watching Naruto and anime in general for reasons I can’t remember, but probably it was because of graduating from school. Some years later I heard the news that Hinata confessed to Naruto and that Neji died in the manga, but at that time it didn’t make a big impression on me, firstly, I wasn’t already involved that much, secondly, I had a premonition for a long time that if Neji and Hinata are not supposed to be a couple at the end, then one of them will definitely die - most likely Neji, bc MC needs a girlfriend. So when I found out that Neji died protecting Hinata and Naruto, I just thought "NejiHina is canon and now it’s confirmed". But it didn't become a traumatic dramatic experience for me. I also remember everyone hyping that the Naruto manga was over. I even read the last chapter. I felt a slight sadness at the sight of Hinata at Neji's grave and that story that had a strong influence on me when I was a teenager is over. That was it. I again forgot about Naruto for a very long time.
Two years ago, in a rather difficult period of my life, I experienced an irresistible urge to watch Naruto. And I did it. I had a very mixed impression of what I saw.
Perhaps the last arc that I liked was the arc when Asuma was killed. I liked the villains, I liked the drama of Asuma/Kurenai, of InoShikaCho and Shikamaru’s personal growth. It was good. 
Then I witnessed the degradation of the plot, the characters - of everything. I don't know what was the reason, but the series just got boring. Previously interesting and deep characters have turned into cardboard mannequins. 
The more Shippuden developed, the more villains that “were not villains” appeared. There was no one comparable to Zabuza and Haku or Orochimaru from OG. A breath of fresh air for me was Hidan and Kakuzu, who simply enjoy making a fuss, torturing and killing.
The whole atmosphere of the series has become somehow very sterile and toothless. Naruto as a character became very shallow and at times even annoying for me. Becoming stronger and gaining new powers he at the same time stopped developing as a charater. Probably the only time I liked Naruto in late Shippuden was when Naruto got depressed because of Sasuke in the Land of Iron.  
The fights bacame more spectacular, but were no longer as interesting as in the beginning, now everything has turned into “who has a bigger and stronger technique”. 
Kaguya as a villain is just nothing. She is just a doll, very powerful, but a doll. Moreover, even such a powerful doll was subsequently weakened for the sake of the plot. In general, this "for the sake of the plot" is what characterizes Shippuden, especially the later episodes. The characters do and say what is necessary for the sake of the plot, because of which they feel like fools or cardboard for me. New characters appear to replace the old ones, which are not developed enough, the final battle of the war, where the villains hatch one from the other almost saying "It was me, Dio!" and “I’m stronger than the previous one!”
For example, I know that a lot of people like Madara, but for me he is almost never remembered, just one of war arc villains. Although I can’t deny that the intrigue about him was built up really well. And i like his design.
Akatsuki, who made an impression of a very serious opponent for the characters in the OG and the beginning of Shippuden, in fact turned out to be just an unorganized group of people who weren't so scary. It’s still not very clear for me why many members of the organization are there at all.
Itachi.... He used to be one of my favorite male characters. But the “the truth is that he is a good guy’ seemed far-fetched to me. Probably because it wasn't planned from the beginning so his previous actions contradict a lot with his intentions. Therefore, none of his good intentions forgive his asshole attitude towards Sasuke in OG. The fact that his "ingenious plan" worked is only due to the fact that it was necessary for the plot. To me, he was a very cool protagonist, but trying to make him an anti-hero only ruined him. However, I still think Itachi looks awesome.
I have not much to say about the events after Shippuden. I watched the Last. By the way, over the past year I have watched it as many times as probably no average fan of TL has watched it (I want to redraw some scenes and need to understand the logic of the original plot very well), and my opinion about the movie has changed - for the worse, unfortunatly.
I watched Boruto a bit, 15 episodes or so and I must say that I even liked it. I’m not joking. The characters are quite interesting. The focus is not on the main character (as it was in the beginning of Naruto). I liked that the academy period was shown. Although sometimes what is happening is absurd and too fanservice, Naruto really lacked this. Because of what, it seemed that 1) the OG characters did not learn anything at the academy 2) they did not communicate with each other there all 6? years of the academy, and only after graduation, becoming genin, they began to interact.
In Boruto I especially liked Chocho, she is a beautiful goddess and I kneel before her. This girl rocks with her awesome self-esteem. I also liked Shikadai. 
However, the attitude towards the old characters and the lore of OG and even Shippuden leaves much to be desired there. When I managed to ignore the fact that Boruto is a continuation of the story for more than 500 episodes, then it hass become ok to watch. I think this is the reason for the difference in the perception of the old audience that grew up on OG and Shippuden, and the new fans who watched Boruto first. These are really two different works and it’s very difficult to perceive them together, because in some places they simply contradict each other.
And probably someone will now think - ‘well, since you don’t like everything and you complain so much, why the hell are you staying in this fandom?’ and the answer is actually quite simple - there’re a lot of things in Naruto that I really like and that inspire me. If you want a metaphor, I choose grains from a mountain of husks and this grains inspire me a lot. I have critical thinking and imagination, what’s more important - I don’t know how to love unconditionally and don’t consider this a manifestation of pure love. I see a lot of flaws in Naruto as a story, plot holes, inconsistencies, wasted characters, etc., but I still like Naruto a lot. I prefer to focus not on what I don't like, but on what I like. Such things have a greater weight for me on the scales. And thanks to this approach, I continue to do what I do with great pleasure, it keeps me productive. No, I'm not bothered  that 'it’s not like this in THE CANON!!!’(c), NEJI IS DEAD(c), and even more it doesn't bother me that someone thinks about it and that there are some ppl who don’t like my art. I like the concept of multiverses and for me Narutoverse is kinda Minecraft where you can create different stories and events useing bricks that were given in the canon. And I enjoy doing it. That's all.
What is the conclusion of all this? Well, nothing in particular, I just shared my story about Naruto bc I felt like sharing. The only thing, perhaps, if I continued to watch Naruto back then 1) most likely I would be disappointed and quit watching, the series would leave a bad impression on me and I would hardly draw Naruto after so many years 2) I had been more involved in what was happening, then Hinata's confession and Neji's death would have hurt me more, as well as many other fans who left the fandom after these events. And I just don’t take it that seriously. In general I have a rather chilling attitude to the canon, I just want to have fun and nothing else matters to me. Probably because I didn’t watch the entire series in my youth in my vision of the characters  based on OG and early  Shippuden images of the characters and I use them in my drawings ideas for drawings.
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seraphdreams · 11 months
Okay well I don’t ship them at all. Like when I started watching I shipped them because my sister kept saying like ‘they’re the best ship on the show’ …
No the fuck they aren’t. They barely talked and whenever they did talk it was just hinata stuttering and Naruto rudely telling her to hurry up and say what she has to say.
Then people talked about them like they were going to be setting their relationship up from the start, they fucking weren’t. Not once during their conversations did Naruto show any form of interest in that girl.
And then my sisters argument is always ‘what about the chunin exams, he got so angry when neji beat her up’
Bitch… that one fucking scene is not enough. Hell, Naruto gets mad whenever someone fucks with any of his friends, not just hinata so… yeah.
OR she’ll bring up the pain arc which is even worse because yeah he got mad as fuck when pain was beating her ass but she literally confessed her love for him AND HE FUCKING FORGOT!!!
Lastly… the movie ‘the last’ ya know, the one where we were supposed to see how they fell in love… well that was a fucking lie.
All I saw when I watched that movie was they tried to put in a little flashback of them being kids and hinata giving Naruto a scarf and the scarf fucking ripped and she spent the whole moving trying to fix this damn scarf that Naruto didn’t give a fuck about.
So literally the only ‘symbol’ of their relationship was a dirty ass scarf that only hinata cared about.
Sorry for this long ass rant but that ship just doesn’t make sense to me. If I were to ship Naruto with anyone it’d be Sakura, cause at least with them we were able to see them bond and become closer.
that does make sense cause they really didn’t amount to much from my remembering of the show. although i feel as though not all of them had to be in relationships, like sasusaku (is that the name?) was very anticlimactic and i just feel as though they were all being paired up just for the sake of being paired up
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After queueing some posts where Kakashi has some weird persona/disguise, I looked up the episode where this was introduced (I skipped most fillers and haven't started Boruto yet) and uhh here's my reaction:
Sukea's make-up reminds me of Rin and that hurts
Is that a different voice actor?
Kakashi making up a whole persona to mess with his students is so so funny.
Not only that, pretending like "A photo of this jonin without mask is the biggest scoop since the establishment of Konoha" is such a fun thing to say if you're that jonin in disguise
Imagine: "So what did you do today, Kakashi?" - "Ah, not much, made up a fake identity to trick my students and then helped them break into a top secret facility. You know, for fun."
I bet there's more going on though. Kakashi is too lazy to go through all that without good reason.
Oh man Konoha's filing system must really suck if they have to actually take out multiple boxes and look at the envelopes inside.
If I didn't know who Sukea was really I would be SO suspicious of him. Ex Anbu turned photographer? Okay sure. Just overheard some tweens and decides to talk them into breaking into a top secret government facility? Yeah no
Why doesn't Kakashi have the sharingan in the registration photo? Also how can Sukea-Kakashi keep the sharingan open/uncovered so long without tiring himself out? Is it due to the contacts?
Also, Sukea pulling the photo out the envelope reeeeeal slow intentionally, because _you know_ Kakashi is good enough to know the Anbu are coming and times it perfectly.
Lol Kakashi staging a conversation with himself (as Sukea) to cover the secret identity
Sukea's next idea is to help the kids take a photo of Kakashi without mask - okay this might really just be Kakashi having a fun time messing with his students.
Lmao I wouldn't put it past Sukea-Kakashi and Kagebunshin-Kakashi to intentionally time the eating / taking photos so that every single shot would conveniently have the mouth covered.
Omg are the other kids gonna help too? Amazing. This is a great episode.
And Sukea is still helping!!! Oh I love this!
Oh my boy Shikamaru and his Kagemane no jutsu!
Aaand here's Gai's team conveniently there to knock Shikamaru over (I doubt that's coincidence)
Kakashi was a kagebunshin! Who would have thunk! (I did. I thunked. Because Sakue-Kakashi is right there)
Sakue-Kakashi's big smile over the kids having fun <3
Lol Gai's team is also Kakashi in disguise
Second mask under the first mask!!
Sukea-Kakashi being worried that Gai recognises him and Gai just going "Hm I think I met you before but I'm not sure" like. Gai has prosopagnosia/face blindness. He can't even remember he met the only shark man in the world before.
If I hadn't known already, the unmasking at the end would have been such a cool moment holy shit
Not to be horny on main but Kakashi's silhouette in the shower 👀
There's a vision test thing on the wall in his apartment. Is it because he is losing his sight in his sharingan eye? Because that's already a problem in Uchiha, and his body wasn't exactly made for the sharingan
Kakashi without mask is so pretty 🥺
10/10 episode. I need to watch this with my friend who watched Naruto about 10 years ago as a tween but stopped after Nagato dies
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eastsidemags · 1 month
East Side Mags is super stoked to welcome all 4 members of the creative team behind DARKFORM - an amazing indie comic with talent spreading from Essex County to Venezuela!
Meet the minds behind DARKFORM and get all 4 signatures! Collect them all!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR/CREATOR My name is Marc Saporito, born and raised in Bloomfield NJ, married to my wife Allison for seventeen years. I have seven beautiful children. Caring for them is the driving force behind who I am and what I do!! I Love them so much!! I’m currently a maintenance worker, house painter, and former Christmas tree salesman!!! I remember the days of standing outside in the freezing cold At Plochs home and garden center, selling trees with my Plochs brothers!!! It was a great time every year!! A big shout out to them, you know who you are!!! Many thanks to Anibal for helping me visualize this project and helping me when I thought all hope was lost. Also thanks Junior for working with him. These two Artists are top notch in this field true masters of their craft!! Another big shoutout to my brother Tony and his wife Cecilia, love you both!! To my brother from another mother my producer and friend for over thirty years Daniel Russomano. He is also my creative partner on these projects who didn’t hesitate when I asked him for his help. When he agreed I then knew my lifelong dream was about to happen. The world is going to hear a lot from MDM STUDIOS, because we have a ton to say and create. So sit back and enjoy a new breed of superhero one that’s going to take the world by storm. Last but not least I know the world is a very harsh place at times but we need to help the less fortunate, honestly I try and do my part everyday!!! Thank you. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram under Marco Sappo!! God bless all!!!
My name is Junior Mejias, im a Venezuelan comic book artist and illustrator. My journey into comics began with a anime called Naruto, which I would watch every Saturday night. It made me fall in love with great storytelling and inspired to tell stories through my own art.
 I think creating comics is much like creating a film, if not more challenging. As comic book artists we are tasked with bringing a script to life by depicting life, emotion, and movement through nothing but 2D images.
 What I found works for me in my approach to creating comics is working backwards. What I mean by that is figuring out how I want the page to end and how that panel will look and go from there. An old professor of mine once told me if you drive without a destination you'll drive forever. 
When it comes to artistic influences I have two that come to mind. Greg Capullo who penciled Spawn for many issues. He has spectacular pencils as well as an amazing eye for filling the space, and J Scott Campbell who’s known for his beautiful stylization of comic book women.
My favorite thing about making comics is the penciling alongside great storytelling. I love starting the production and creating something out of a blank page. I like to take my time rendering my pencils so tight they squeak! 
On the other hand, my least favorite thing about creating comics would have to be the occasional artists block, sometimes you just cant find the the perfect angle for a specific scene and as a perfectionist I don't settle for anything but the best I can offer.
My name is Daniel Russomano i was born in Newark New Jersey and I reside in Nutley New Jersey . I have a son Daniel, a daughter-in-law Lindsay, a granddaughter Mila and another granddaughter on the way. I have a French bulldog named Rocky and a parakeet named Angel who are best friends. I like spending time with my family and pets. I also like to grow tomatoes in my garden. I like to read and go fishing. 
     My favorite super hero is of course The Dark Form. I also like all of the other superheroes. If I could choose one super power it would be to have the strength to unite the world in peace.
     Marc Saporito and I have been friends and coworkers for over thirty years. So when he approached me about coming on board as a producer and investing in the dark form i said yes. Now we share our ideas and work together to create one of the best stories you will ever read. I am on Instagram @ thedarkform.official.
Anibal Arroyo is an illustrator and self published author. He is mostly self taught but did attend the prestigious Joe Kubert School of Cartooning and Graphic Illustration, achieving a one year certification. He has worked on several independent creator owned projects from graphic novels to children’s books.
He works in a variety of mediums including traditional as well as digital methods.  An exceptional sequential artist and storyteller with an incredible eye for detail, Anibal is an asset to any creative project he dives into.
Don’t miss this all-star signing and grab a copy of DARKFORM quadruple signed by all the creators!
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