#my grimoire (atm) is digital
alice-the-arcane · 8 months
witches in media: *chants in latin* *thousands of books* *can raise the dead* *very serious*
real witches, aka me and my squad: *drops hot pocket on grimoire*
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jbird-the-manwich · 6 months
What are you most proud of this year?
oOo that's a hard one. maybe my grimoire system. I did write a file format and a handful of text parsers for it, and I've not designed a memory optimized data format with a functioning import/export entirely from scratch before, so I guess that counts as a milestone!
Also, not as polished, but the last few nights between sleeps and sickliness ive been working on learning the 6502 architecture, and so far my first from-scratch project is a geomancy chart generator targeting the Nintendo, - it's damn near finished, though this is all that's visible from where I left off last night, I do now have a functional (if vram buffer agnostic atm) interface and input system. the underlying code is based on the algorithm Agrippa detailed in Of Geomancy, rather than the usual and computationally very different "init a pseudo random from system time and thats it, thats the program" approach generally employed in divination through digital means - and I feel like that might be the bug in the soup that is digital divination - that it is simply not in general implemented in software in a way that accurately models the process. But with the right algorithm im confident this can be changed >:] also lookit these cute ass graphics:
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I've developed a lot of theories over the years about digital divination and how it might suck less. this has lead to designing and now, implementing, a lot of new algorithms that are computationally just plumb off the wall. but as math and low level programming goes, it doesn't get lower stakes than my silly little pseudoscience, so, that's been hugely fun and very good for the winter blues.
I'm also still very much in the design phase for it, I have a few ideas for implementation, but once I have more software ready *to* test, I'd like to integrate quantum randoms and see if that alters the subjective "correctness" of the readings I subject myself to. I expect it won't, but I could be very wrong, and while my first experiments will likely feature QRNG devised by reading noise across a busy internal circuit, I do have to admit there is something very compelling to the idea of using a light sensor to grab ambient photons as raw data for true randoms that are processed and presented by software but originate from outside the system itself, shaped and altered by external circumstance *before* reaching the system, rather than being the result of a purely deterministic, and often repeatable or otherwise low quality number generator, usually one that ships with the standard library, and which is the whole backend of most divination apps but is where the least design effort seems to occur.
sorry for the book lol I guess I've a lot to talk about!!! <3
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onlyfairyever · 2 years
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welcome !
★ my name is fe! i am 20, bisexual, nonbinary & i use they/them pronouns
★ i’m a hellenistic polytheist and i consider myself pagan and an eclectic witch. i mostly work with hades! i’m going to be posting some of my digital grimoire here too :)
i’ve been practicing for around 2 years now and still very much a baby witch :’) i also work with tarot
★ i’d prefer if minors dni!
★ i’m super open to making friends so feel free to dm me! very open to learning about any other practices & am happy to give mutuals readings too!!! else atm!! i’ll most likely shitpost
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cloverwitch · 1 year
Khaire and welcome to my blog!
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About me:
You can call me Clover or Clove, and my pronouns are she/her. I am nebulously in my 20s.
This is just a little side blog dedicated to my spiritual practice—somewhere between a digital grimoire, devotional blog, and the online equivalent of a cool rock collection. I mostly reblog things I think are funny, useful, interesting, or pretty. I may occasionally make original posts as well.
My original content tags are #personal for rambles, and #clover's grimoire for spells and things (though it's pretty sparse atm).
More info under the cut! Please read if it's your first time here. 💛
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About my practice:
I'm a solitary witch of close to 10 years, though my practice has ebbed and flowed, and I still have much to learn; what knowledge I do have has come from a combination of research, community interaction, observing the practices of others, and trial and error. I focus especially on green magic, herbalism, cartomancy, and dream magic.
I am a Revivalist Hellenic Polytheist going on 5 years. At present, I am a devotee of Apollo, and work closely with Thanatos as well.
I am NOT a Wiccan or Pagan, so please do not use those labels for me/my content. I do NOT offer any divinatory/spellcasting services, free or charged, so please refrain from asking. I am NOT a New Age believer/follower, and I don't wish to interact or be associated with that community. I do NOT advocate for the use of spiritual/magical remedies in place of medical treatment, and if you try to tell me that my chronic illnesses can be "cured" with oils and crystals, I will block you.
I am pro-baneful magic, and sometimes use cannabis in my practice (though I don't talk about it much, and tag it appropriately if I do—and, for the record, I live where it is legal for recreational use). If either of these things make you uncomfortable, I understand, and you can avoid/block me with no hard feelings. Please do not shame me for these parts of my craft though.
Feel free to ask me questions, but bear in mind that I may choose not to answer; some parts of my practice I am not very open about, and I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough (nor do I have the time/energy) to be a teacher. If I do share anything, know that it will be information relevant to my knowledge, my experience, and my practice, and you may not find it applicable, agreeable, or useful.
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Please note:
On this blog I do not stand for any form of bigotry, including biphobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and so on. If you hold any such beliefs, I kindly ask that you simply block me and carry on with your day. If you go out of your way to try and provoke me, I will simply block you. I do not have much energy to spare, and the last thing I want to do with it is waste it on bad-faith discourse and dead-end arguments with people who don't actually want to listen.
I strive to be open-minded and self-aware, and if I ever say or reblog something closed-minded, misinformative, offensive, etc. please don't hesitate to let me know. I believe the witchcraft community should be inclusive and respectful of all.
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Banner and profile pics not mine. The sun dividers I use were made by @liminal-creations !
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Look as a new witch can I just say how amazing onenote is? I don’t know if anyone else is using it but I would highly recommend it over trying to immediately put all of your research into a grimoire of some kind.
It’s just amazing for research and tbh everything ever, let me tell you why my buddy, my pal:
ALL THE SECTIONS: Just add as many as you like! They keep going! Add a tab for each area you’ve found in your research! Sigils, spells, witch jars, divination, cleansing, ground, budget craft, tools, crystals, plants, correspondances the LIST CONTINUES AND SO DO YOUR SECTIONS
You can have a catch-all section you delete/sort as you go. I’ve literally been throwing all the masterpost links and other things into one section/page that I then transfer out to particular sections as I go. So it goes from HUGE MESS to these 2 links have to do with this section, so we’ll shift them there til we deal with THAT section which is FAR LESS TERRIFYING
You have no idea yet. I don’t know about you guys, but I do like the idea of a physical grimoire or something, but only once I feel like I find my own thing. It means that once I have decided on my method of doing something/if i have a particular focus, I can copy that into a physical journal with no mess and no stress cos I’ve already done a lot of the work in regards to layout and content! None of this content paralysis I’ve been hearing a lot about in relation to putting things into a grimoire. Also as a perfectionist when it comes to books like that, it is so much anxiety gone immediately. Beautiful.
Researching is MESSY AF. I dunno about you guys but I’m cross-referencing like 50 pages that each has it’s own opinion/way of saying the thing. Doing it digitally means I can delete things, move things around, scrap things entirely if I decide they aren’t for me. I can take 20 different peoples’ opinions on how to craft a sigil and mush together similar ones or decide that this particular one appeals the most to me and then rather than 50 physical book pages of mess and crossed out lines I have far less, far less messy, and far more specific to what appeals to me.
You can just merge sections together which is beautiful to me. Say you’ve got a section for each of the different kinds of divination the masterposts or the witches you are staring at with stars in your eyes told you about, but then you decide after a bunch of research “Yea I don’t think it’s my thing?” You can easily smush the info in each section down into a few paragraphs or something then mush them together into one section on “divination” so it no longer takes up as much room, but you haven’t gotten rid of all the hard work you did in case you come around to it later
Did I mention the sections don’t end??? And each section can have as many pages as you want???? It’s so beautiful to me??? You can delete them if you no longer want that section??
CHECK LISTS AND IMPORTANT ITEMS! OneNote has this banging feature where instead of like a bulleted or numbered list, you can have each item check boxed! That you can click to tick off when you do the thing!! So for example, you have done a bunch of research and you really want to try the thing that requires you gather x, y, z and have done extra research on 1, 2, 3. You can make that into a list that you can check off as you do it to see how you’re going towards the goal!!! You can also put stars next to certain items if they’re important!?
You can click a button and insert a screen clipping image. It’s beautiful. You hit it, it minimises onenote and lets you form a square/rectangle shape around something specific on your screen and pastes that shit straight in, no muss no fussing around with prtscn and then cropping around shit. Auto done. Beautiful.
You can change the colour of your section tabs! You can colour coordinate them! It’s lovely! You want all your sections on divination to be a colour that has a personal correspondance to you? You got it my pal. OneNote has your back.
I don’t know if this extends to other kinds, since atm I’m rolling with a surface pro and that has a pen but you can HIGHLIGHT and DRAW and WRITE ALL OVER THINGS IN VARIOUS COLOURS
Connected to the above YOU CAN SELECT SPECIFIC PAGE TYPES IF YOU WANT? Grid? OneNote’s got ya hun, how big you want those squares. Ruled? I got chu, how much space between each?
You can date stamp, time stamp, they have audio/video record options that if you hit them and then keep writing, you can later have it play what was recording when you wrote THIS PARTICULAR LINE. you want tables? you want to copy in full pdfs so you can annotate? YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO SEARCH EVERYTHING INCLUDING TEXT IN IMAGES/THOSE PDFS YOU IMPORTED IN? 
Look guys just
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