#my hero acdemia x y/n
suvidrache · 10 days
Bonfire on the beach Hawks MHA
In The Night
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 504 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Tag List
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Keigo had never had a bonfire. He never thought of them until he met you. You were the one who brought up going to the beach and having a bonfire. It was summer, yet the weather was cold at night. It was too cold for it to be summer, and yet it was.
“Hey Keigo, do you want to go to the beach?” You asked him as you looked up from what you were doing.
He looked over at you. “Isn't it too cold out?”
“We could have a bonfire on the beach.”
He blinked and thought for a moment. He wasn't sure whether that was legal or not. Oh, well. You would both find out one way or another.
“Alright. I don't know how to make one, but I'm fine with it.”
“Let's go.” You said this as you stood up suddenly and looked down at him.
“Right now?” 
“Yeah, unless you have another idea?”
“No.” He answered your question and stood up.
You headed upstairs and packed lightly for the trip. You wore a swimsuit just in case you wanted to go swimming, although it was unlikely. You put clothing on over top and took a towel with you.
Keigo also changed his clothes and brought a towel with him as well. He followed closely after you as you headed out to the beach.
“Do you know the way?” You asked as you looked at him.
“Yeah, and we could fly, unless you want to walk?” He asked as he looked at you.
You picked whichever you would prefer, and it wasn't long before you were both on the beach together. The sun was beginning to set, and the weather was turning colder. It was still daylight enough that you could see just fine. You walked hand in hand with Keigo, leading him to a spot on the beach. You laid out your towel and looked around for the perfect bonfire items. The sticks and stones weren't far away. Keigo laid his towel down and followed you to help you out. He didn't want to be completely useless to you. He at least made the effort to help you get things set up. You lined the sand with the stones and the sticks in the middle of the circle, and you worked to light the sticks up. Soon, the pile of sticks was ablaze, and the light in the sky had died away. The moon was out, and the temperature had dropped. It would have been cold had you not had the bonfire going, and Keigo was beside you. He ran naturally warm, and you cuddled up next to him. He wrapped a protective arm around you as you both sat at the fire, watching as it crackled and burned. The only sounds in the night were the waves coming and going as they splashed against the sand, the fire as it kept you warm in the dark night, and the sounds of bugs and various creatures that you probably didn't know.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @dahlias-love, @ssbptigers, @lazyboikat
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s/o for the first time and sees their bed is full of stuffed animals and they get embarrassed but Fatgum thinks it’s cute and gives them an fat gum plush
Plushy Love (Fatgum x Reader)
Author's Notes: First request on this blog and it's Fatgum, I have no complaints. I am going to assume you meant to spend the night with s/o. I did the same when I was younger; make my bed and set my favourite plushies on it. Good memories :3 Also, first time writing for Fatgum, so constructive criticism is welcome! I hope you enjoy it! 
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"Are those plushies?"
A fiery red blush took over your cheeks "N-No!",  you rushed to move your collection of plush animals off of your bed. Taishiro found himself chuckling at how embarrassed you'd become, all blushy and finicky. It reminds him of when you two got together. "Hey, Hey, (Y/N)," He spoke gently, grabbing your arm to stop your panic. "It's not a big deal, hun." He reassured you with his usual smile.
Smiling sheepishly, you rubbed the back of your neck. Despite what reassurance that he offered, you still wished you didn't make your bed the way you always did. It would have saved you the embarrassment. "I can't help it. It's not something I share all the time, you know?" You looked away, face still burning with that blush. 
Meanwhile, Taishiro looked over the collection that decorated the bed, and now the shelves you attempted to move them. The style and age of the plushes were variant. Some looked cliche childhood teddy bears, some were different animals from around the world, and a few were pro hero plushes old and recent. Turning back to you, he ruffled your hair playfully. 
Grinning as you tried to swat his hand away, he sat down on the bed and pulled you over to join him. He grabbed one of them at random. It was the smallest and seemingly the oldest of the lot, adorned with old stitches and patches. "Is there a reason you do collect them? Like, is it a hobby?" He asked curiously, his smile somehow growing when he saw a little, yet fond smile appears on your face, and you nodded. 
Reaching over to the teddy that he was holding, Taishiro watched as you lovingly stroked the top of its head. "They come with good memories. It's like opening a little treasure chest whenever I feel down." You told him. "This one, for example, was my first teddy bear. I used to call him 'Terry Bear'. Oh, the number of time he tore, I feel bad for this bear." You scratched your cheek with a sheepish smile. 
With your boyfriend, you proceeded to tell him the stories behind your precious plushes. Each one just as heartwarming as the last, it seemed that you kept a plushie from everyone you had known in your life to keep them close even when they couldn't be. Some of these stories included previous partners that you remained in contact with as friends. 
Taishiro's curious grin slowly morphed into a soft smile. It was a different side to you, and he loved every second of it. Don't get him wrong; he loved the badass that you usually were. Sure, you could be a tad too blunt at times, but you had your sweet moments that had earned the love of the BMI hero in the first place, along with your fantastic skill in the kitchen, of course. 
But Taishiro realised why he loves you so much. Even if it wasn't the most obvious thing, you were a very sentimental person at heart. The proof was right here. You were still happily telling a story about the plushie in your hands when Taishiro placed his hands upon your cheeks, immediately silencing you. Locking eyes, you raised an eyebrow in confusion. He didn't answer you, at least not verbally. He pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. 
He held you close until his lungs begged for air. Still holding your face in his hands, he grinned "You're too cute for your own good, you know that?" He teased. Snapping out of your daze, you turned red. "Sh-Shut up!" You said, pushing his face away with a laugh you failed to hide. 
After sharing more stories, you two ended up cuddling amongst your plushes by the end of the night. It was a fun night, indeed.
It's been a while since that night and Taishiro would still tease you every now and then, to turn you red. Much to your dismay, but you knew it was lovingly. Taishiro spent more nights at your place, someone times finding you asleep with one of your plushies if he had to stay out late because of work. 
Of course, the sight would be absolutely adorable, but it also pulled at his heartstrings a little bit. Had you been that lonely that you needed to hug a plush for comfort? Even though you were a hero as well and understood the risks involved, he knew it was hard not to worry about one another. With this concern in mind, he set out to find something he knows you'll love.
A knock at your door caused you to smile. "Come in!" you called out, knowing who it was. Taishiro opened the door and smiled, seeing that you had made some lunch. "Hey Darl'" He greeted you with his iconic grin, opening one arm to offer a hug that you immediately accepted. But he was still holding something behind his back. 
Kissing the top of your head as he noticed your curiosity, he released you from the embrace. "I got ya something!" 
"Tai, you didn't have to," You began, brushing some of your (h/c) hair back.  "No, I wanted to, really. I feel bad that you're left alone in bed when I'm out late." Your brows furrowed, but you still smiled sympathetically and allowed him to continue. "So, I found a way for me to be around even when I'm not," 
"Oh, really? How?" you inquired, tilting your head. 
His grin widened, presenting you with his little surprise. "Ta-Da!"
Your eyes widened, and a smile spread across your face. Held in his hands was a Fatgum plushie, sporting the same iconic grin he always had. "Aww, Tai, it's so cute!" You cooed, happily accepting the plushie, giving it a loving hug. Taishiro cupped your cheeks, pressing a kiss to your nose. "Now I can protect you when I'm gone. I love you (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Taishiro." you pressed a kiss to his lips. "Come on, we don't want lunch to get cold, now do we?" You giggled as he hugged you tightly against his form, carrying you to back to the dining room table for some perfect homemade lunch. 
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bimsha · 2 years
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Series : The Way You Said "I Love You"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Inspired by: Post
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Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou x Fem!Reader
Tags: Confessions, Bakudquad, Hurt/comfort, light angst, fluff
Tw: nightmares
Word Count: 1.3k
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Kirishima Eijirou had a smile that could rival the sun was the first thought tackled your mind when you first saw him, standing amidst quite an odd group of friends laughing at some nameless joke. At the time you didn’t know his name, only knew he was a student at UA ⸺ one of the most prestigious hero schools in all Japan and that he was a bit behind in his studies.
How did you know this? The cafe you worked at was popular among the UA students. Kirshima and Bakugo were regulars who often came to study during the exam periods. The explosive blonde slamming the studies into the red-haired male’s brain⸺ quite literally.
The first time he noticed you was when you had a break from your shift and decided to watch as the blonde seated across him repeatedly attacked his head with a rolled paper baton. You didn’t know why the other was that aggressive and what grave mistake the red head made.
That day, when the two finished their study session, the male ⸺ instead of walking out reached to your counter surprising you. “Hello” He had said, scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “That didn’t hurt if you’re wondering”
You frowned, puzzled until the realisation dawned upon your face. A flush spread across your cheek, he had seen you staring. Recovering yourself, you answered; “Looked agonising to me” You teased with a good natured smile.
He grinned, “Nah. Bakugo’s aggressive but a good teacher. Worth it”
You decided the blonde’s name should be Bakugo, “Good luck with that then”
He shifted from leg to leg and turned to leave with a reassuring nod then decided against it. He turned back to the counter and gave you that smile, the one which could rival the sun. “My Name’s Kirishima Eijirou by the way” It was a subtle hint, a welcoming gesture for a friendship.
You tilted your head to the side with a grin, “Name’s L/n Y/n, nice to meet you”
“Likewise” He answered when the blonde yelled his name from the doorway asking him to stop flirting and get going. He flushed and shouted something back, with an apologetic smile dipped his head and waved. “See you later, L/n”
“See you”
The next time when he arrived, he was again with the blonde and a few more students ⸺ the odd friend group he often hung out with. They were cheering about the end of their exams when you reached the table to get the order. You weren’t expecting it when the pink haired girl suddenly declared, “Is she the one you were flirting with Kiri?”
You stood, stunned when Kirishima stood, “Not manly Mina” He grumbled and he turned to you, “Don’t listen to them.” He nodded when the table exploded into chatter. Even the aggressive blonde was actively teasing Kirishima.
“The orders?” You tried again. You had other tables to take care of and you had to go home and finish your own school work after this shift. They stopped the chatter and finally went through the menus, ordering generously.
When they finally stood up to leave Kirishima again walked to the counter ignoring his friends who were whistling and exclaiming things loudly. He apologised for the earlier incident with that same posture, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. But when he walked out to meet his friends that day, you had his number scrawled in your palm, and your in his.
Your relationship grew steadily from there. You watched him grow as a hero while you worked on your dreams to help people through medicinal care. You met at parks, libraries and sometime in those rare moments both of you had time to spare went to the movies. You both called them friendly hangouts until one day he asked you out, told you he liked him and you smiled and said yes, you liked him too.
You knew his life was always at risk. The villain attacks grew steadily and sometimes he would come into the cafe with bags under his eyes, his smile tired and heavy after nights and nights of work.
It was during the summer break as a second year he invited you to his house for a two day vacation. You agreed and had that nervous energy built inside you when you two got into the train to reach his parent’s house. “Are you nervous?” He asked when you two reached the path leading to a set of identical houses only separated through a garden and a white picket fence.
“Kind of”
“My parents are friendly, you don’t have to worry”
You grinned, “I know they will be”
His parents were indeed friendly. They welcomed you to the house just like another family member. Their warm hugs and bright smiles weren’t overwhelming, rather you felt yourself already blending in with the surroundings. All of them had that effect. To make someone feel right at home. Kirishima led you to the guest room and asked if you’re comfortable and you said yes. You were comfortable, everyone was so kind and friendly.
After dinner you called it an early night and went to your room. Both you and Kirishima were tired after the trip. The night was peaceful and it didn’t take much time for you to fall asleep.
A soft knock startled you awake from your deep sleep. You frowned and looked into your phone to see it was still 1am. You wandered whether you had imagined it, but when the soft knocking continued a second after, you decided to go check. Opening the door, you found your boyfriend standing in the other side of the door, his hair disvelshed, his eyes reddened from having woken up. Instinctively, you stepped back.
“Rough night?”
He walked over to your bed and wiped his palms across his face. “Kind of”
You closed the door and went to join him. You knew about the nightmares and how often they bothered him. You slipped your hand to his and intervened your fingers with his calloused one⸺ toughened with months of training. “You can stay here if you want” You suggested. Whenever you had a nightmare as a child your mom would sleep beside you, cradling you in her arms. You knew Kirishima was not a child but sometimes everyone needs someone to stay beside them and assure it’s going to be okay.
Kirishima hesitated, “Are you sure that’s okay?”
You smiled, “Eiji, we’re dating. Of course it’s okay” You released his hand and pushed yourself back and opened the covers gesturing him to join you. When he laid next to you, you threw the covers of both of you.
He stared at you, his crimson eyes studying yours. “Thank you” His voice was sincere, like it has always been.
You sunk you fingers to his hair running them through his red locks. He moved closer, his hand wrapping around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder. “Anything Eiji” You answered, sighing softly.
He hummed and held you a bit tighter when he said, “I love you” Under the warm blankets, shielding yourselves away from the world, in his hoarse voice still broken by the remnants of the nightmare, he confessed his deepest feelings for you.
You didn’t know how to react at first, you just kept running your fingers through his hair. You knew you loved him. The way a text from him could make up your day. From the way you stayed up late those nights when you knew he was fighting to save lives, risking his own. You finally recovered from the initial frozen state and answered, “I love you too”
You couldn’t see his face but you felt him smile before pressing a kiss on the supple skin on your neck. “Good night, love” He said, closing his eyes, still holding you in his arms.
“Good night” You murmured, holding him all the same. Both of you, in this small room on the same bed. You knew even the world crashed around you, no matter how many barricades fall across your path, you’ll be okay.
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ac3id · 4 years
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bnha: tomura shigaraki x fem! reader
warnings: suggestive themes
word count. 1k+ 
a/n: based n this req:
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i was gonna keep it short but then i went over 1k words so here it is 😽
tagging: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love​​
“Hey.” Dabi’s rough voice cuts through the air drawing your attention to him almost immediately. He takes a seat beside you on the bar counter of the league’s dingy hideout. Another voice greets you; this time it’s cheery and girlish. You turn to your right seeing Toga take a seat beside you too. It doesn’t take a genius to know you are trapped. “The mission went well, huh?” Toga asks, eyeing your drink, there was nothing special about it other than the fact it was free. Whenever someone returned after a successful mission, Kurogiri always took it upon himself to make them a free drink in a form of praise. “Yes, it went well.” You replied avoiding eye contact with either of them. You knew what they were doing, they did this often. They liked to corner you and make you do things you didn’t like, they liked teasing you until the point tears were pricking the corner of your eyes. Their reason to torment you was always the same, they were taking a test to see how tough you really. A little different from the rest of the pack of criminals, you were a little timid and soft-hearted. Your meekness often perceived as cowardness of fear made Dabi and Toga think you were not the right fit for the group, maybe your quirk was strong but that was all the pros of having you. They’d repeatedly remind you but you knew better, they bullied you just because. The degenerates were no better than highschool bullies, maybe even worse.
“Good to see you are actually making yourself useful,” Dabi remarks abruptly making you shrink in your seat. You want retort but you have to say, he’s right. The majority of your mission ended badly, you were a new villain with no experience, it was not all your fault. “Oh, forget that!” Toga chirped, pulling you by your shoulder, forcing you to face her. “Do you know Shigaraki Tomura?” she asks. You look at her dumbfounded, not believing her question. “You know, the leader? With hands all over his body? Handsy freak?” Dabi encourages making you scoff. Were they seriously serious? Did they just ask you whether or not you knew your own leader, your employer? Of course, you did!
“Really!? I have never seen you talk to him, you always seemed to avoid him. So, I thought you didn’t know who he was,” she pouts explaining herself, “Are you scared of him or something?” Scared? Of Tomura Shigaraki? Of course, you were. You were terrified of everyone in the league but Tomura stood out the most. With his rude and cold demeanor, he intimidates you. The cold, pale hand which sticks to his face at all times adds to his eerie appearance, his vermillion eyes glowing from underneath it, sending death glares to everyone. A glance towards his direction is enough to tell you he's someone you don't want anything to do with. His quirk, his personality all adds to it. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to anyway, your shyness and fear of rejection would never let you open up to anyone else other than your friends. You don’t answer Dabi’s question, “I will take that as a yes,” he smirks cruelly. You try to retort but before you can say anything, he changes the topic.
“Tell me,” He calls out your name grimly, “are you a pussy?” What? “I don’t understand,” you ask nervously. The perplexed expression which scans your face makes Dabi cringe, he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth before speaking, “It’s a simple question. Are you a pussy? Or you got balls?” You are still confused but get the basic idea, they were here to bother again. You have a bad feeling about this. You know what you should do; give him a reaction he does not want so he can leave alone and stop bothering you but you also know your pride won’t surrender that easily. There is no way you would ever admit to him that you are a weak, pathetic coward. So naturally, you make the wrong decision. “No I am not a pussy,” the word almost feels wrong when you say it out loud. It's not as degrading as when Dabi had said it, the need to drag it down the dirt and toss it back up is missing when you say it and Toga notices as she snickers. Dabi quickly catching on sends you a devious smirk, “Atta, girl!” he pats your head jokingly, you push his hand away annoyed. They liked sending you praises as one would to a kid, you found it revolting but they enjoyed tormenting you. “We have an important job for you,”  toga begins, flashing her taunting canines at you making you shudder. Oh, this was up to no good.
“So here’s the thing,” Dabi begins, “Boss has been kinda’ very annoying recently, if you talked to him you’d understand,” eyebrow twitching at the comment you wonder whether it was necessary. “And it gets hard to work with him so would you mind helping out, ya’ know what I am saying?” You look at him still confused while he just gives you an oblivious look, what was he on about?
“Helping out?” you quote, curiosity ridden in your eyes. Toga snickers before leaning in towards you, her breath fawns over your ear as she whispers a dirty, little secret. “You know, get him all hot and bothered. Help your leader out here,” you almost choke at her words. There was no way in hell you would ever do that! You never even want to stand closer than three feet from your boss, what Toga is asking for is downright atrocious. You push her away from you, creating a safe distance. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment before you start speaking, “There is NO way I am going anywhere near that man!” you exclaim confidently. Dabi looks disappointed but he’s not given up yet while Toga pouts, “What!? Why not?” she asks and without giving you a chance to speak she continues, “I always catch you staring at him! Do you not like him? I thought you did, so we asked you,” her tone is apologetic but she is not wrong. Often you would find yourself zoning out and staring at your leader. Shigaraki always attracted your eyes. He was like a mystery, there was no wonder you wanted to know more about him. About how he thinks, lives you want to know so much more. Your curiosity about it unfortunately gets pulled out by your fear of him, you can’t imagine staying in the same room as him. Too conscious about his judgemental eyes ghosting your figure and searching for flaws which would make him want to leave you.
“I don’t like him, though.” You finish. At this point, you believe that you have beaten Toga and Dabi at their own game as you watch their faces fall. You feel pride enveloping you for the second time that day knowing that you had the crazy duo speechless. “Okay then,” Dabi still has to say. He throws a  devious smirk, “It’s a dare. I dare you to seduce Tomura Shigaraki.”
You are speechless. “C’mon, you’re not a chicken are you? You do this and I’ll do a dare you give me,” was he really ‘daring’ you to seduce the most dangerous man you have ever met for fun? “I- How would I even do that?” You ask. Your experience in the field of ‘seduction’ was absolutely zero. You couldn’t just walk up to someone and ask them to sleep with you. They have to be mocking you, right? This was a joke- a silly little prank, right? “Aw, c’mon! You don’t even have to go all the way, just kiss him maybe a hand job or something then leave! Shouldn’t be that much of a problem.” Toga spoke sending you puppy dog eyes making you cringe, “You are not going to do it?” Dabi ponders his brow raised, his eyes wait patiently for your answer. You think for a moment if you say no to them; you know for a fact a nasty rumor about you will go around no doubt ruining your reputation and if you say yes..well, you get to kiss your boss and as Dabi promised: you could ‘dare’ him to do anything. Maybe you will make him dance around naked.
“Fine, I will go..” The way their faces light up sends a cold shiver down your spine and your gut kicks in telling you it's a bad idea, but you cannot take your word back now. You reluctantly head into the dark hallway to your leader’s room where he had been locked in since the morning. Probably playing games or making plans for the league, you couldn’t care less. You knock on his door, fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for him to open the door, you didn’t want to barge straight in. It would be very disrespectful to your leader and you’d die before you know it. “He is not going to open the fucking door! Just go in.” You hear Dabi’s faint voice, guess they have been counting your steps. You hesitate a moment before reaching out to the doorknob, you twist it and it unlocks. A nervous sigh leaves your lips as you push the door ajar, stepping into the room and closing it behind you gently, trying your best to not make noise. You find Shigaraki adhered to his devices, his focus is completely planted on the game he plays. The bright screen deceiving shots of violence while he grunts and curses into his earphones. You stand there, next to the door, taking in his entire and it’s a mess. The lights are out, the only source coming from the iridescent screen of Shigaraki’s gameplay. There’s trash everywhere, his bed hasn’t been made. The covers and blanket almost fall off his bed, there are a desk and chair in the room which hasn’t been organized either.
Damn, he really be living like this.
You wait for Shigaraki to notice and you presume he won’t be noticing you until you let him know you are there but you are proved wrong as he glances in your direction, the most astonished expressions falling on his face. Shigaraki sits without father covering his face so you can see his features. Little scars are running everywhere, two significantly larger ones stretching across his left eye and lips. He scans your body head to toe as you shirk back under his heated gaze, “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks and honestly you wonder the same. You don’t answer his question but move forward towards him changing the subject entirely, “Mr. Shigaraki, there’s something I need to tell you…” You stand right in front of him, your knee touching his as he is seated down on his gaming chair holding his control with his pinkies lifted. Your face heats up in embarrassment as you stare down at him with glassy eyes, your heartbeat picks up with him looking back at you with those murderous, red orbs confusion still written all over. You can get that he has picked up the slightest idea about your here as his cheeks pinken the closer you move to him. Your hand slides up his tight slowly, settling close to his crotch making him grunt. You lean down until your face level with his, “Shigaraki…” you utter softly before connecting your lips with his. The action catches him off guard as his pinkies fall on the controller turning it into dust within seconds, but he lets himself get lost in the feeling of your lips squished against him. Honestly, he has no idea what’s gotten into you but he is so glad he’s getting to experience this. Your lips are soft, and warm against his cold and chapped ones. The comfort he feels when your lips mold against him sends him into heaven, it’s a feeling he could use too, a feeling he wants to keep to himself. As you keep him hungrily, he takes the pleasure of running his hands over your body. With his pinkies raised his hands map across your curves, ass, and end upon groping your tits making you gasp into the kiss. Shigaraki takes this as his chance and nips at your lips, drawing a pained moan from you before pushing his tongue into your mouth. You let out choked gasps as his tongue licks away into your mouth greedily, you try to put up a fight but it’s no use. Your leader is much rougher, he kisses you like it's the end of the world. He is almost feral at the way he used your mouth leaving you no place to strength making you submit to him. When he pulls away from the kiss to regain his breath, he wastes no time in throwing you on his dirty bed and climbing over you. You look up at him, his cheeks flushed, eyes dark and clouded with lust, you remind yourself to thank Dabi and Toga later.
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mhafiction · 4 years
Out & About (Pt. 2)
Read Pt. 1 Pt 3 Pt. 4
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader
Fluff/ Friends to Lovers (?), lots of pining and !!some swearing!!
Synopsis: Reader is very close friends with the Bakusquad, except for the aloof and mysterious Bakugo. He still intrigues them however, and a night out with the group might actually be the the push they need to really get the ball rolling on transitioning their awkward comradery into something a little- more.
Note:Whhhhewww. Let’s get into it, I’m sorry that the dialogues’ very stilted -K (and again, I apologize for formatting)
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XSero had scouted out a charming little restaurant in the heart of the city. Small, cozy, and family owned, the ambiance was perfect and the food was even better. You kept your eyes down for the most part, trying not to glance at Bakugo, but you couldn’t help but notice his order. An extra spicy dish that didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest. You wished you had that sort of tolerance and picked at your food, trying to calm your nerves. The interaction on the train still lingered in your mind. He was so, so close. Absentmindedly, you went to shovel a large helping of noodles into your mouth, instead feeling a caulloused hand brush against your cheek. You look up, eyes meeting Bakugo, looking just as surprised as you. Tugging his hand away, he glared back down at his food, pouting in his aloof manner. A thick silence hung between the two of you. Bakugo finally broke it, refusing to look up at all. “Tie back your hair or something. You looked like you were gonna swallow some strands with your food, idiot,” he mumbled, begrudgingly. You thanked the gods above that the others were occupied with their own dishes, because if they saw that interaction and they way you reacted, you’d never hear the end of it.
Wait. Could Bakugo like you back? You gave him a subtle side eye. No. Not possible with how he’s acting. Even if he did have some feelings for you, and this was all some tsundere situation, he clearly didn’t want to like you. And maybe that was for the best. Bakugo wanted to focus on being the number one hero, and so did you. A relationship would get in the way.
A relationship?!? Why were you thinking about that? You blushed deeply, sinking into yourself at the thought of dating Bakugo. Holding his hand, cuddling with him, kissing hi- “Hey Y/N, you alright?” You peered up at Kiri, who was sitting across from you. His voracious appetite was almost impressive, but even more so was the fact that he had managed to tear himself away from his fifth bowl of katsudon. “H-huh?? I’m fine, yep. 100% a-okay!!” You cringed. That came off as WAY too emphatic. Kirishima pushed aside his stack of empty bowls to see you. “Are you sure? You’re really red. Are you feeling okay?”
“Wow, Y/N, you’re burning up!” Mina had appeared seemingly out of nowhere and had placed her hand on your forehead. She wiped a bit of rice away from her cheek and let loose a ferocious burp. You smacked away her hand, mostly out of suprise. “Mina!”
“What? I’m just worried about you. You’re the color of Kiri’s hair.”
Sero laughed. “Y/N, if you’re not feeling well, we should head back.” For once, you wished your friends were less doting.
“I’m fine! Just a little warm, haha.” None of them seemed very convinced. Even Denki gave you a skeptical glance. He smirked. “We’re you imagining something hot? I mean that waiter was pretty attr-” Sero flicked him, scolding. “Y/N’s not gross like you, Denki.” He turned to you, concerned. “But seriously Y/N, you’re up for tonight?”
“Yep! I’m okay.” You tried to grin, but it felt forced and false. The others were still skeptical, but decided to shrug it off. No point in wasting a perfectly good evening, and they were pretty sure you were responsible enough to know your limits. Mina wrapped an arm around you. “Alright!!! Let’s get shitfaced-“
“No Mina, we’re minors.”
Your group opted to walk around the city to see if they’d discover anything new. The moon hung high in the night sky and it was colder than usual- late fall was leading into winter. The neon signs filled you with contentment as you chatted with your friends, cocoas in hand. You lagged behind them for a bit when crossing a bridge, trying to take everything in. Everything but the...well, the Bakugo issue. Everything was fine then he had to smile at you and fuck everything up. “Y/N?” You snapped out of your stupor, looking at Kiri. “Yeah?” Kiri looked ahead at the group, oddly wary. You knew Kiri to be a trusting and kindhearted sort of guy- the embodiment of a paragon hero. Cheerful and humorous, and always willing to have some fun. But he could be serious when he needed to be. “Is something wrong, Eij?” Kiri laughed softly. “No, no it’s nothing serious!” He looked at you, cocking his head to the side. “I just want to make sure they’re not listening,” he pointed at the cacophonous trio dashing ahead, and you giggle as the three idiots directed their attention towards annoying Bakugo.
“Why’s that?”
Kiri rubbed the back of his neck. “I have a bit of a personal question and I don’t want you to be embarrassed.”
“Ha! Like I could be embarrassed in front of them. Shoot.”
Kiri hesitated. “Well, I’m hoping this doesn’t make you uncomfortable or weird or anything, I don’t to be rude or assum-“
“Eij just spit it out!”
“Do you like Bakugo?” He asked it earnestly, eyes shining with a quiet anticipation. You choked on air.
“Wh-what makes you think that?”
Kiri leaned back, crossing his arms against his chest and looking up to think. “Well, at dinner, your eyes kept darting back to Bakugo, and I thought that maybe that’s why you were so red! And when we went to get cocoa, when he went to grab the drink tray from you, you flinched at his touch. And also that one time in class when you guys were sparring and you looked super flustered when he pinned you even though you weren’t really going all in! Or when he taught you how to cut produce at camp and you got so nervous that you cut yourself! And-“
“Okay, I get it Kiri!” You covered your mouth, trying to hide your blushing face. You felt like you were about to hurl. “Am I really that transparent?” Kiri let out an quiet squee of excitement. “Oh my god I was right?? Really? Oh my god, my best friend is in love with my other best friend!! Ahhhhh!”
You sighed. “Well, you were half right, Eij. I only started liking Bakugo today.” Kirishima paused. “Wait really? Huh.”
“Wha- What do you mean by ‘Huh’??”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seems like you’ve always been this way around him.”
You’re quiet, trying to chew on that. Always? Looking back, you thought that the nervousness was fueled by the intimidation factor Bakugo had.
But the truth was, you weren’t afraid of Bakugo. You never were.
You were in love with him.
You tried to shake that thought from your head: No! Back then, Bakugo was just someone you respected! Not a crush, just a colleague you thought was intelligent, brave, talented, fiery, attractive-
“Oh shit.” Kiri nodded.
“But why are you acting like this is a bad thing, Y/N? Love is great! And the fact you like Bakugo is even better! I mean-“
“He doesn’t like me back, Kiri.”
“He doesn’t like me back.” You clenched your fists. “It’s that, or he doesn’t want to like me.”
“Why would you think that, Y/N?” Kiri said softly.
“He’s Bakugo, Kiri! Even if he did like me, it’s not as if he’d want a relationship. His ambition wouldn’t allow it, and you know that, you’re his best friend!” You hissed through your teeth with bitterness. Kirishima only looked sad.
“YO! Eij!!! C’mere, win this crane game for meeeee,” Denki whined. His pockets were turned inside out, and he clung pathetically to the machine. Kirishima turned to you. “I think he likes you, Y/N. Bakugo is the type of guy who stubborn and would never admit it, but I think he does.” He pats your shoulder. “And don’t give up on him.” Kiri winks, then goes to join Denki at the game. Sero and Mina dispersed on their own arcade escapade, but you decided to stay outside in the brisk autumn air. You didn’t have the appetite for games after that conversation. You sighed, rubbing your shoulders. It was cold. If only you brought a coat with you. You watched the night crowd going about their evening, looking at bright storefronts and multicolored signs, all with a serenity you couldn’t quite place. But it was lonely, to be sitting there on the curb with nobody to enjoy this with. Lonely and cold. You try to shrink yourself, burying your head into your knees. Were you lonely? Yes. But this was still a nice little scene , and you’d hate to squander it on self pity. As you’re about to lift yourself up, something soft and warm comes down on your head. An article of clothing that smells faintly of caramel.
You find a way out from under the expanse of cloth, and look up at Bakugo’s face. He quickly whipped his head away, watching the moon instead. In his hand was some hot beverage from a vending machine. He must have gone off on his own, just to escape Mina, Denki, and Sero. You lazily drape his jacket over your shoulders fixing your eyes on him. Just what is he thinking right now? If only you knew. You felt a quiet distaste for him in the pit of your stomach when recalling the train ride. It sickened you how attractive he was there and even now, when the moonlight hit him at a truly beautiful angle. “You shouldn’t have forgotten your coat. Did you even check the weather? You could have gotten a cold or something.” Bakugo only said things when it was too late, huh? You were reminded of the 5 o’clock rush hour crowd that you had been tormented by. Would have been real handy if he spoke up about that, escpecially since he seemed to be fully aware of it. You looked down at your feet. “Sorry,” you whispered in a half-there voice laced with a hint of resentment. It came off crueler than you intended.
Bakugo, a little taken aback , cast you an odd glance. “What?” You were always so cheerful. Always so peppy and excitable, especially with your friends. On a night like this, you should be celebrating and laughing with everyone else. Not apologizing. Not to him. What could have brought this on?
“I’m sorry, okay Bakugo?! I know-“ you choked back tears. Why were you crying?! Why did you have to care so much?! “I know I’m not as smart as you, or as talented.” You looked him in they eyes, anger clouding your face. Why did it have to be him, of all people. Why couldn’t it have been a nice boy like Midoriya or Kirishima? Why did it have to be the boy who demeaned you or refused to help you until after the fact. Why did it have to be a boy you’d never be good enough for, even if he liked you back? A boy you’d never be an equal to, in talent or looks or intelligence.
“But couldn’t you stand to be a little more considerate?!” You rise, throwing his jacket back at him. You’re screaming now, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “You could have bothered to tell me about the fact that we left too close to rush hour. Or that I should have worn a coat before we went out.” Bakugo was silent. His jaw hung slightly open, uncertainty in his eyes. “But of course, you’re not going to say anything.” You cross your arms, turning to leave.
He grabs your shoulder, turning you towards him. You expect a scathing comeback or some sort of equally rude outburst.
But instead, he envelops you in a hug.
He rubs your head, whispering to you in a low, pained voice. “You shouldn’t be the one apologizing. It’s me.” He releases you, hands still on your shoulders and eyes scanning you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear into thin air. “I-“ he grits his teeth, as if holding back words. “I think you’re okay, all right? And I don’t have the heart to tell you anything when you seem so happy. But, I guess that backfired. ” He seems to retreat within his shell again, shoving his hands into his pockets. “So. I’m sorry. I don’t really have an excuse other than that.” He attempts to avert his gaze, but it’s hard when you’re staring him down like that. It starts to snow.
“Well?! Are you gonna say something?!” He finally yells. It’s a little bit weaker than usual. His voice shakes and his hands tremble and he feels scared thinking about all the things you could possibly say. But he tries and tries not to show it. He’s Bakugo Katsuki; he’s not supposed to worry about anyone else. So why was he so hung up on you?
You’re heart skips a beat. He’s still attractive, even yelling like mad and frothing at the mouth. You debated whether or not to tell him the truth.
You began. Tentatively, cautiously proceeding with your words. “Bakugo, I-“ you froze. What if you were misreading him and he didn’t have feelings like that? What would happen to being friends? And furthermore, your friend group? What if you held him back from his dreams? What if...
You weren’t good enough, you weren’t good enough, you weren’t good enough-
You smile, all with a trace of melancholy. “I forgive you Bakugo. But next time, please tell me when I’m being ridiculous.”
Bakugo sneered, but you caught a glimpse of relief in his eye. You might have a long way to go to see that same soft-hearted boy on the train car, but it was nice to know he was still in there. You give him another grin, and he turns to hide his face behind the back of his hand. Odd behavior. You laugh. And after a bit of suprise, he does, too. It died quickly though, dissolving into an awkward silence.
Bakugo hesitated, fiddling with his spiky hair. His words come out in barks. “You too, Y/N. Let me know when I’m being dumb. Not telling you stuff.” He turned away, but not before tossing you his jacket. “Wear it.”
And you obliged.
Little did you know, seeing you in his jacket almost made him explode. It was too much for him, and as you two scanned the arcade for your friends he screamed at himself internally every time he inadvertently sneaked a glimpse at you. Before you spotted Denki crying over some rhythm game you offhandedly commented to him with one of your bright beams:
“It smells like caramel!”
And he died on the spot. Full catatonic shock, and it took him around 15 full minutes to fully recover.
Once Kirishima had been found, he watched Bakugo usher you away from some creep that’d been eyeing you. He smiled. Something had changed between the two of you, and he couldn’t quite place it, but he knew it was a change for the better. But still, he sighed with exasperation.
“Those two really are clueless, aren’t they??”
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Ok I have this request where the s/o has asthma so they can't really do anything past their limits without coughing up and needing ventolin. So I was thinking if they were at the USJ attack and the LOV see this as a weak point to tire them out til they can't really breath. Thinking of either Aizawa or Toshinori. Thank you if you can do it ^^
Gasping for Air (Shouta Aizawa x Asthmatic!Reader)
Author's notes: Asthma is the story of my life. So I can write from experience! This reason is why I could never be a pro hero... among other things! I hope you enjoy it!
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Why did today have to turn out like this?
The exasperated thought echoed in the minds of the teachers, namely Shouta and yourself. You two were in the centre of it all to protect your students. But they were already separated to other ends of the USJ, far from sight and all alone. 
The thought made your maternal instincts over your students haywire, internally panicking about their safety. But you weren't allowed the chance to fret over them as the mass of villains continued their assault upon you and your colleague. Neither of you had the most offensive quirks, so all you could do was defend the area until Tenya returned with the other teachers.
No matter how many thugs you appeared to knock out, they were each replaced with one just behind them. While you were a skilled and respected hero, you knew your weaknesses, and they were beginning to creep up on you. 
And it didn't help that both sides of the fight also took notice of your weakness. 
Shouta, always observant, was used to listening in for your laboured breathing and coughing in the middle of a fight. He became intuned with it ever since you two trained together while attending this very school. He grits his teeth, aiming his neutralising gaze at the goons daring to attack you, offering you momentary advantages. 
Anything to keep you going, because he can't find a way to kick you out the fight without putting you in danger. All either of you could do was thin the herd. 
Kurogiri's misty yellow eyes narrowed as they focused on your form. Noting the moments, you were coughing in the small moments between each enemy, attempting to clear your tightening throat and chest, but to no avail. The misty formed villain drew Tomura's attention to your form. 
The difficulty to take in the air was becoming increasingly apparent. There was no chance for you to recover and take in your Ventolin, despite the little puffer just being in your pocket. Easy to access and yet so far from reach. Wheezing sounds rose from your mouth, and more of the villains swarmed, blocking Shouta's view of you. 
"(H/n)!" Eraserhead shouted as the colours of your hero suit disappeared. Damnit! Each hit he delt held more ferocity. All in the goal of returning to you before it was too late.
It seemed the world had been challenging you from the very beginning. From a very young age, you were diagnosed with asthma. It started off very mild as a young child, only to progressively worsen as you grew. 
"You're going to be the death of yourself, (Y/n)" Shouta scolded you, standing by your side as you used your Ventolin. Previously, Shouta and yourself had been sparring. Even when you were beginning to wheeze, you weren't willing to take the defeat until Shouta stopped you with his scarf. 
"You say that every time we spar, Shou" You chuckled, brushing back your (h/c) hair back, taking slow and deep breaths. 
Your raven-haired friend growled, "Because it happens every time we spar. You should know your limits by now." His dark eyes narrowed in your direction. 
Furrowing your brows, you silently questioned his tone. Your time training together, you're used to your friend remaining nonchalant despite the situation. It was rare to see something like this from him. "I know my limits, but I need to push them, Shouta. Or else I can't do anything." You near growled, believing that Shouta would have understood this. Considering what his quirk does to his eyes. 
"That doesn't need to come at the risk of your life, (Y/n)!" He barked once more, eyes narrowed dangerously that they flickered red. Upon seeing you wince, he softened and placed a hand on your head. Squatting to look up at you. 
After several moments of just staring at one another. Shouta poked you in the forehead as the corner of his lips twitched upwards. "I'll just have to keep an eye on you, brat." 
The lack of air reaching your lungs was quickly becoming too much, panic set in, but you couldn't act upon it. You fell to your knees, hands soon also meeting the ground as your form hunched over, now taking the unadulterated attacks of the foes surrounding you.
The world was closing in as were villains. Then the enraged yell of your fellow hero invaded your ears, somehow over the sound of your enemies. Your blurring vision caught sight of Shouta's boots, then tiredly looking up to see him still furiously protecting you. 
"Come on!" You heard him bark, a clear direction to take your chance to recover. But your lack of oxygen lowered you inhibitions and ability to move correctly. "I..." You coughed "can't-" Darkness welcomed you with Shouta's desperate cry of your name bidding farewell. 
The sounds of beeps and breathing were the noises welcoming you back to the waking world. You were able to take a deep breath as you become aware of where you were. The hospital. A mask over your mouth and nose to provide you with air. 
The realisation set in. You were alive. How about the students? What about Shouta? Your breathing picked up as you made an effort to start moving, only to be stopped by Recovery Girl's walking stick being held across your chest. 
"Don't even think about getting up (Y/n). Everyone's injuries are being cared for." The little old woman told you sternly like a mother would. You obeyed her words and laid back down. 
With her walking stick, she gestured to something to your right. You blinked owlishly in confusion before following her gaze. Your eyes widened. "Sh... Shouta." Instinctively, you reached out, wishing you could touch his hand if only you could find it among all the bandages. 
The bandaged male groaned, his eyes cracking open. He couldn't move, only his eyes could shift in your direction. They widened before relaxing, relief shining in his dark orbs. 
"I'm sorry," You told him, brows knitting together. "You wouldn't be like this if I could just... fucking handle this. I wouldn't be a burden." Old woes were coming back to bite you. Shouta was right, he was always right. Why had you made this far? It was only because you had Shouta by your side for years. 
"No..." Shouta's muffled voice made you blink, he slowly shifting his left arm to reach you, meeting your hand in the middle. "You're not a burden." He kept his sentences short. He continued while giving your hand a weak squeeze. "Don't blame yourself... Please..." His eyes echoed his plead. He didn't want to see you in such anguish, it pained him more to see that than his current injuries did. 
By now, Recovery Girl stepped out of the room so you two could have your moment. 
"But things would have worked out better if I could just handle a fight without gasping for air. You wouldn't have needed to protect me!" Tears escaped your eyes. "You were right, our teachers were right, everyone was right about this! About me! I can't keep doing this when others will get hurt because of me!" 
Shouta squeezed your hand again, a little tighter this time. "That's not true. Your asthma does give you a disadvantage. But even if you didn't have it... I would still protect you..." He mumbled, giving yet another squeeze to your hand. 
Your cheeks tinted red. Shouta didn't need to say the particular words, you were smart enough to understand what he meant. You smiled through your tears and finally returned the squeeze he had been giving you, then started caressing the top of his rough hand with your thumb.
"I'll get something to replace my ventolin pump. So I can protect you for once." You chuckled, while Shouta appeared to roll his eyes before they returned to a soft, tender gaze. 
All heroes have their weaknesses. Overcoming or handling them can be done on your own, but it's always better to do it with those who care and look out for you. Shouta would always be there for you as you'll be for him. 
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bimsha · 2 years
The Way You Said "I Love You" - Masterlist
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Inspired by : Post
Fandom : My Hero Academia
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As a Hello - Kaminari Denki
With a Hoarse Voice, Under the Blanket - Kirishima Eijirou
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ac3id · 4 years
word count: 1182
warnings: dubcon, choking 18+
a/n: just another kirishima thirst post fkdkenwk i think i like him more than i like to admit 😐
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ok but imagine: kirishima nii-chan.
you two aren’t really related. you are a close family friend whose parents work abroad half of the time so you live with the kirishima family. overtime everyone just accepts you as their own. heck, eijiro even introduces you to others as his sister. it’s easier calling you his little sister than actually explaining the living situation, people usually never buy the story anyways. you are his sister, his little sister to be exact and he’s your older brother. your older, stronger brother who is also a full fledged pro-hero. it’s a mouthful to brag about to your friends, you always talk about him. how he always manages to save the day no matter how bad the situation is, how he is always on magazine covers. he is your older brother and you love him. your friends are always jealous, some even ask for you to pair them up but you always deny. you know eijiro doesn’t have time to waste over dating– it’s what he has told you.
he also loves you. he loves you so very much. he cares for you with all of his heart but it’s still not the love you feel towards him. you see him as a beam of sunshine who is always ready to listen to your worries, guide you to the right direction when you are in the wrong. he’s your bestest friend, you couldn’t ask for anything more. but he could.
but he knows the feeling is one-sided, he is in love with you but you don’t love him back, he knows. his heart aches and guilt pools in his heart everytime he sees you, as his heart beats faster seeing your beautiful smile when you are around him; he is reminded of the cruel reality that he is in love with his little sister which he could never have but all the guilt and self pity vanishes when he is sniffing your panties and pumping his hard cock, imaging it was your velvety, tight cunt instead of his large hands. his sense of shame vanishes whenever he brushes his hands over your ass or how his fingers linger closer to your tits everytime he has his arms wrapped around you “platonically”. just siblings hugging, nothing to see here.
don’t get it wrong. eijiro cares about you too, he loves you but his love for you runs a little deeper. it crosses the platonic border which you have set up, it breaches through it. his love for you encompasses his entire body, mind and soul. he sees you as something more than his sister, his lover– his everything. his only.
you are oblivious, all the time. you never notice his lustful gaze or the way he stares at your tits. your naive, little head could never think of something like that. never. even when you feel uncomfortable from his super long hugs, you swear you can feel his graze his lips over your neck yet you never doubt him.
so, you never thought it would be a big deal if you dated his best friend.
you had met bakugou katsuki when kirishima had brought him over with a bundle of friends. out of all the energetic puppies, katuski caught your eye. he was different from the others, you couldn’t help but fall for him. luckily, he was into you too. it was not long before you two started dating.
for a while, you kept it hidden from the world and eijiro. it purely because you and katuski did not want to find yourselves in any scandals, but slowly you decided you would tell your close friends and family about your relationship. eijiro was the first to know, you were so eager to tell him. you were sure he would be so happy for you but alas, you were so wrong.
eijiro was furious. what do you mean you were dating katsuki? out everyone in the world? him? the thought of losing to his best friend snapped something in him. all of a sudden he was no longer the kind, gentle teddy bear you had known all your life. his eyes turned darker looking down at you with vexed, angry slits. you shuddered in fear as he hardened parts around his eyes, the loud cracking noise making you a step back.
“what’s wrong, eiji-nii?” it was ridiculous, both of you had grown out of that age but you still referenced with a “nii” at the end of his name. “what’s wrong? you tell me, [y/n].” you are left speechless. he has never said your name with such dread, ever. you gulp nervously saying nothing, breathing with the silence, “you–” his now quirk activated hand slams on the wooden table, creating a hole the size of his fist on the surface. “you whore.”
your eyes are blown out of your sockets, why would he call you that? tears prick at the corner of your eyes, you don’t want to cry but seeing him be so angry at you manages to fuck you up.
“eiji, why would you say that?” you begin, your voice meek and shirl, “y–you lying, ungrateful whore,” you don’t know what is making him like this but you move a step back as he takes one towards you, trying to maintain some safe distance from him. eijiro on the other hand only seems to grow more and more angrier, you gasp as your back hits the wall behind you. eijiro closes in, trapping you between his large body and the cold, grey wall. his left hand rests are the side of your head, sharp and hardened fingers digging into the wall while his other normal hands close around your neck. “you lie to me and go behind bakugou fucking katsuki? why?” the last word he speaks sounds weak and pathetic. there is a sadness in his voice about which you couldn’t care less about as he cuts off your air supply. your hands automatically claw at his arm, trying to pry it off you but it’s all in vain. he is much larger, taller and stronger than you. you couldn’t stand a chance.
you feel yourself slip out of your consciousness as you hear him spit angry curses, “all these years, i have loved you and go for him? you whore. it should be me. i should be the one making you happy, your favourite older brother. it should be me. you must be mine,” he continues with his ramble looking at your panicked face, relishing in the fear that dances across your eyes.
he lets you go, watches with glee as you fall down to your knees and cough trying to catch your breath. “break up with him. you are mine.” he groans, watching you with grim eyes. you nod desperately, not wanting him to hurt you any further.
a wicked, sinister smile crosses his face as he calms down, deactivating his quirk. he looks down at your pathetic form: glassy eyes and a dribble of drool falling past your lips. he is so proud. his little sister is finally his.
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