#my ins
sin-sidejob · 2 years
Hi, would you be willing to write nsfw and sfw dating headcanons for Brett? Gender neutral is best but if you need it, can you make it for an afab reader? Thank you so much!
Brett Hand x GN!Reader: SFW dating headcanons
Warnings: canon-typical violence + shenanigans, SFW, talk of food, families, sickness and illness
Content: just canon typical shenanigans + behavior, domesticity, Brett Hand
- Brett’s literally the sweetest person ever, and when he’s in love? Infatuation and the most endearing type of affection possible.
- he’s a bit clingy, both with regular attention and affection and with sexual attention/affection. He doesn’t do too much PDA, keeping it mild like a hand on your hip or pecking a kiss, or kisses, on your forehead or cheek if not lips. If it’s more lax and around friends, he’ll have his hand drift a little lower if not nestle in one of your back pockets and won’t me afraid to kiss a little lower on your face at your jaw.
- if you don’t like PDA much if at all, he completely respects it! He doesn’t want to push your boundaries beyond the limits or make you uncomfortable. He’d be fine just holding your hand! He loves doing that if he’s being honest, running his thumb over your knuckles and just rambling absentmindedly with whatever is on his mind while he plays with your hands.
- Brett’s definitely the type to memorize tidbits and information about yourself. Hell, he’s probably got a google doc or a notes app full of stuff beyond just your birthday and favorite color. He’s got your food orders and favorite food places, your ick-foods, allergies, the exact shade of your eyes and how they look in the sun, what type of wedding rings he’d think you’d like, date ideas, jokes and inside jokes y’all have. He struggles to remember every single detail about you, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t try.
- he even notes down factoids and little things about you, like he's writing the bullet points of a Wikipedia article about you, trying to memorize just how you wear your hair, which color tone of jewelry you frequent, the story behind the scar on your knee. He jots it all down and it's a long list, that keeps getting longer. But it's so sweet it's practically cavity-inducing, craving to know all of you in every facet and aspect.
- he makes everything fun, whether your time shared and spent together are dates out mini golfing, bar hopping, clubbing, or just having dates in the comfort of home. He couldn’t care less where he was or what he was doing, as long as he was with you. He just likes being with you. You’re all he needs.
- his favorite type and choice of date?? Cooking at home with you, goofing around in the kitchen and eating dinner across from you in the comfort of home, only to clean up and dance with you barefoot in the kitchen to something softly playing over the speakers. Dancing in the refrigerator light is high key his favorite way to end a day, with you in his arms and swaying to the beat.
- he doesn’t fight often because he’s more resigned as a person. It can be difficult to have him open up truly and push back if his boundaries are neglected due to how he’s so much of a people pleaser and he’d hate to hurt your feelings, even if his own are hurting. It takes some time for him to heal internal wounds and be able to be open and fully share what he’s feeling.
- he is super spontaneous too like he enjoys the hell out of doing sudden dates. He would absolutely crush that date trend of going into target and getting things for your partner you think they'd like, like something in your favorite color, your favorite drink and snack, something for you two to do together. this man is spouse material good lord
- speaking of marriage material, please talk about future plans with this boy. Not too soon unless you wanna' get married like you're contestants on 90-day fiance but still if you've been together for a bit, already considering moving in, talk about how you eventually want to marry him and how you intend to spend the rest of your life with him. Brett will cry and hug you for a solid hour - that's not in jest I believe he will actually do it. Just sitting there cuddling and blubbering about how he's so happy and relieved and he wants to marry you too and then he's rambling about ring sizes and that he knows a guy who can get y'all's rings and hitched within the hour.
- he is so whiny when he's sick but I bet it's like once a year, if that, he takes such good care of himself but when someone in the gang sneezes in his face he takes it in stride and then gets laid up at home. Taking care of him is like taking care of a sick kindergartner but its fun, its Disney movies, cuddles all day, grilled cheese and tomato soup with that dollop of sour cream and pepper on the top, blanket forts, and setting him off to sleep at 8:30pm with a double dose of Delsum and sleepy time tea
- marry this man.
- Brett is so doting when sick too because he's got all the holistic remedies + the whole CVS over-the-counter pharmacy of cold medicines and sinus relief and tummy ache relievers. He's probably also got the industrial or commercial-size first-aid kit.
- If you ever skin your knee or sprain an ankle that man is hauling you up in his arms bridal carry and just making casual conversation while he takes you to the nearest doctor or nurse's office, no matter if you insist you're fine, and dotes on you and tells you how proud he is of you.
- he also excels in pep talks and affirmations, recording you tapes to play should he be away from you in case you want to hear his voice. He'll text you to not pick up his call so he can leave you voicemails sometimes, telling you about his day and asking about yours as if you're actually on the phone, and he ends the second half of the voicemail telling you how much he loves you, how happy he is to have you in his life, how thankful and grateful he is, etc etc
- Brett rushes to open the doors for you, and will even carry you over puddles that way your shoes and legs don't get wet. he'll have his arm around your waist and make sure he's on the side facing the road when walking on sidewalks, having you on his opposite side and safer in case something were to happen. You get his handkerchiefs and his umbrellas, the second half of his sandwich, the share of his fries, and control over the aux in his car when going places.
- he makes you mix CD's and playlists for certain moods, moments, memories, and loves to go to concerts with you. Brett'll stand behind you with his arms around your waist and head on your shoulder or on top of yours depending on height so you get a better view and he can still be close.
- He is a wreck when meeting your friends or family, knowing how important they are to you but you're just like ??? Sir, you are the perfect man how could they not like you ??? and then he's trying not to cry and begging for a hug meanwhile it's in the middle of a fast food restaurant and you two are about to order lunch. Idiot, marry him.
- Brett is the type to fawn over babies and pets in public and its even worse if its the both of you because then there's the conversational point of the two of you having a family and that man could not have bigger heart eyes, practically begging to have a baby or adopt one or have Reagan or the cloning department make y'all one
- it's tempting but like, perhaps move in or marriage first then extend bloodlines
- regardless, this man is ultimate dating material, marriage material, long haul ride or die. Brett is so choice, I'd highly recommend picking one up.
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I don’t know if I’m late to the party here noticing this, but @staff what the actual hell is this. This is what I get when I click on the link to my own mantis shrimp post, shared on Twitter. I can see the first half, and then I get forced to log-in to keep reading.
I write a free blog on your free platform, and you’re using link sharing on mobile to try to force people to sign up? Not only is this absolutely not okay - this isn’t a paywalled site and my content isn’t subscription only - but it really fucks me over as a science communicator who relies on posts being shared easily to disseminate information.
This is absolutely not okay. I’ve used this site for eight years to do for science outreach and loved it. This choice leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth.
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spookberry · 5 months
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Trolls AU anyone????
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annierosaart · 1 month
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spoopdeedoop · 1 year
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fieriframes · 4 months
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[My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home.]
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aro-arttorneys · 5 months
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spooksier · 8 months
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kurz-qw · 6 months
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switchcase · 8 months
For everyone in the USA with wheelchair fundraisers/can't afford a wheelchair: consider vocational rehabilitation. It's a govt program available in every state, and it IS a massive pain in the ass to go through, but if they do a physical eval and find that you can't keep or start working/going to uni without disability aids, they will pay for it. There's no strings attached either. If you have insurance they'll run it through ins first and then pay the portion that insurance won't pay.
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mokadevs · 7 months
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beskarfrog · 5 months
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slimeshade · 1 month
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Commission piece for @akirameta84 ! Thanks a bunch ✨
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
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metkapop · 2 years
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