#my little obsidian lady
epsilonhybrid · 6 months
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believe more people should go on and make their own lin kuei assasin ocs !!!!
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workaholic-slacker · 3 months
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random-ln-stuff · 2 years
Little Nightmares Dracula AU.
I have nothing to say about it except for “the Lady as Dracula”.
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mintmatcha · 7 months
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Kinktober: Monster Fucking
Fandom: Dungeons and Dragons
After months of adventuring with your party, you can't help but be curious about a certain dragon born....
cw: cisfem reader, Monster fucking, OC x reader, fantasy racism (someone is not nice to dragonborn), biting, slight mention of bleeding, fingers in holes
a/n: A very special thanks to @tyga-lily, who talked with me about her little dragonborn and made me fall in love with this concept and to @saetyrn9 who came up with his name :)
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"The bath is free, Obi."
For how much a night costs, the room is nothing special, but any inn with running water is heaven sent. It’s been almost two months since anyone in your party has slept in a proper bed and your body can feel it. Simply wearing the silk of your nightgown feels luxurious at this point; sleeping on down is going to feel obscene.
"I'll be quick." Your party mate stands with a grunt, the day heavy on his joints. You almost want to tease him, but after this adventure, your knees are screaming too. It's hard enough for you to throw yourself on to the bed
Despite knowing him for the greater part of a year, you always forget how large the dragonborn is until he’s next to you. Towering over you with delicate horns and ridged crest, Obsidian Vyke -Obi, to his friends- is all black scales and teeth. The air crackles around him the way it crackles around all sorcerers, subtle yet wild, so it’s unfair that he’s also built wide. Thick biceps and a barrel chest: no magic user should be that muscular.
"Take your time." You watch him as he moves around the room, dipping around the singular bed and pulling his sleeping clothes from his travel sack.
"I'm sorry about this," Obi says, peering over his shoulder, "I know I'm not as nice to room with as Kiri."
The two other members in your party had been fast friends-- unfortunately, they were also quick to become lovers. Usually, that did not pose any issues to the group, but tonight, the inn only has two rooms available. It seemed cruel to separate the lovebirds, so you and Obi agreed to cohabitate for the night.
"I don’t mind sharing a bed with you." The idea gives you butterflies, this flitting, nervous energy. You trust the man with your life-- fuck, he’s saved your life in battle -- but something about sleeping next to him makes your skin goosepimple. "As long as you don't snore."
His eyes narrow in a smile. "I'll try my best."
The dragonborn undoes the lacings of his leather outerwear using the sharpened tips of his claws, delicately catching them under and pulling. The motion is careful and patient, repeated until he can toss the garment into the room's only chair.
It’s not that you don’t want to share a room with him. In fact, you think you want this a little too much. You're absorbed with all of his movements as he primps a bit, adjusting the hem of his shirt so it sits properly, running a palm over his crest, sliding off his traveler's boots. If you're lucky, his shirt will be next and you can catch a peek of the toned spance of his stomach.
"My lady," His teeth flash in the fire light, pearls against the deep, dark opalescent hues of his scales, "You're staring."
"Ah, I'm sorry!" He’s one to talk; you’ve felt his gaze following you for weeks now. That's the only reason you're thinking about him and his body.
And, using that logic, he's the only reason you bought that bodice ripper last week, the one starring a pretty red dragonborn and his human lover--
"Is there something in my teeth?" Obi teases. That earns him a giggle, but, when you don't respond, he exhales through his nose and moves closer. "We're rooming together tonight, so if there's any tension between us, I'd rather-"
"I heard a rumor," you blurt out.
He goes pale. "About me? What did Thyrll tell you?"
"No, about dragonborns in general."
Relief relaxes his features.
"And you just want to know if it's true?" There's a click in his voice as he laughs, something strange and inhumane, "It's okay. You can ask. Let me guess- I eat poor little gnomes? I enchant humans with my-"
"Is it... inside of you?"
The dragonborn pauses at that, eyes wide. "Excuse me?"
"Your..." You cannot believe you're about to say this, "Cock."
You scramble up, hands over your face as you head towards the door. You aren't sure where you're going to go in a nightgown, but anywhere else has to be better than here.
"Oh, I'm sorry! That was so rude of me."
A wall of muscle suddenly blocks your way. Those dexterous hands that you were admiring moments ago are now touching your shoulders, rubbing up and down affectionately.
"It's alright, my lady, I'm just... surprised." He smells like petrichor, something strangely earthy and yet unnatural clinging to his scales, and laughs like summer rain, "I think it's natural to wonder about different races, I just didn't think..."
His sharp eyes are dilated a bit, the pupils closer to almonds than slits as they bounce up and down your body.
"I've had my own... curiosities about others as well," he admits, "So, who am I to judge?"
Your spine prickles at that. Who exactly was he curious about? One of the elves in your party? The barmaid downstairs? Or is it you that the thinks about at night, cock in fist?
The dragonborn misreads the upset look on your face. "I promise that I am not cross with you. How about I answer your questions and you'll answer mine? No judgments."
You settle a bit. "If you're sure."
He smiles a draconic smile, all teeth and the smallest flick of his tongue.
"Of course I'm sure. I'm not embarrassed because my species is a bit different than yours."
You watch him for a long moment. He’s kind. A scoundrel at times, but kind. It's etched into his face, always reflected in his wide, chartreuse eyes.
"So, it is different,” you say carefully.
"It is."
“Very different?”
“When my cock is hard?” He says it so easily. Always proper, it makes you squirm to hear him curse, “No. But when I’m not, it is, in fact inside.”
"It's just... flat down there?"
"Yes- give me your hand."
You weave your fingers in between his without a second thought, but he just shakes his head and pulls away. Then, he takes your still open palm in his and brings it to his torso. The muscle there is just as firmed as you imagined and it's hard not to linger in once spot to appreciate it, Slowly, Obi guides your hand down, running it over the linen of his pants. Underneath, you can feel how it's slightly ridged with larger scales than the rest of his body and, subsequently, larger gaps form in between. It's just skin-- well, it's just scales. You're touching nothing technically intimate, but your heart races anyway, caught in your throat.
"See?" His voice has the edge of a tremble and, when you look up, you realize just how close you two have become. Practically chest to chest, his snout is only inches from your face, close enough that you can see how each individual scale slightly shifts in color as the fire dances. He seems to have realized too; dragonborn expressions are hard to read, but you don't miss how deep his breathing has become.
"It's nothing like touching a human, is it?" he mumbles, hand squeezing yours ever so slightly, “Not intimate at all.”
"Well." You curl your fingers up, clumsily feeling through the fabric, "Maybe a bit.”
The fire crackles in the fireplace. He breathes again, on the brink of a sigh, and you think he’s just as caught up in this as you are.
"Just a bit?" Heat radiates from him. If he were human, it'd be alarming, but instead there's a comfort to it. You're still warm from the bath, and yet you chase that heat, slipping your hand from his just to bring it under the waistline of his pants.
"More than a bit."
He's hot underneath it all, almost uncomfortable to the touch as you explore the space blindly. His eyes haven't left yours, his lids getting heavy with every prod and poke of your fingers.
A vertical line of soft, exposed skin catches your ring finger and his body jumps reflexively as you accidentally dip inside of him. It’s strangely dry, yet much softer than the rest of his scaled body. Despite yourself, you explore it a bit more, pressing in the same way you’ll be playing with your own pussy tonight.
"A-ahh--" The dragonborn sucks in a deep breath and you can feel his abdomen crunch under your touch, "Be careful."
"Did I hurt you?" you ask as you pull away.
His chittering laugh returns. His hands rest on the small of your back, not pushing, but not entirely platonic either. When he talks, the air tastes like distant embers, just far enough away, yet not close enough, "You didn’t hurt me, don’t worry."
“Are you sure?” you press, “You made a weird noise.”
“Very sure,” He dips low enough to press his lips against the shell of your ear, "You’d do the same if I put my fingers inside of you."
This time, the heat is coming from inside you, twisting and pulling with want.
"With your claws?" You manage to joke through your suddenly dry throat, "I might cry."
"I could cut them," His voice is rolling and low as his hands explore, one traveling up your spine and the other dipping the smooth over your ass. When they both reach their zeniths, they switch directions. The silk of your dress catches against his skin, pulling it up and revealing the fat of your ass to the air. "Nice and short."
His nails dig gently into your skin, nothing more than a nip, a test.
"You’re so soft, all over. Your body just gives when I touch it,” There’s a distant tone to his voice as he speaks into the curve of your neck, “Too delicate for me, aren’t you?”
You hum in disagreement and his teeth prove you otherwise. It’s barely a graze, but the nip against your pulse point drags a whimper from deep within you. Your companion chuckles, then coos with pity as he does it again, much, much kinder this time.
“Oh, you’re knock kneed and sweet for me,” The already blossoming bruises are soothed by a warm, textured flash of wet. His tongue is rougher than a humans, longer too, and it leaves behind a string of spit that is more viscous than any human’s. “Like a fawn. My sweet fawn.”
The hand that once explored him is trapped in between your bodies, unable to move, but you can feel something against your stomach: something hard, something thick. Too much cock for your human body, but, fuck, you’re going to try.
“Bet you’re even softer down here.” A singular clawed drags over your bare ass, searching for underwear that isn't there and your body trembles with want, “Oh, look at that, shaking like a leaf. I bet you’d melt if I-”
A sharp knock at the door scrambles you two apart. A moment passes and the sound almost feels imaginary, but then it happens again. You smooth your still wet hair and try to gather yourself, heading to the door in a hurry. Somehow, the dragonborn is more flustered than you. His scales are physically ruffled and his usually stoney brow is creased. He can’t blush, but you swear you can see his face alight as you swing the door open.
There stands a familiar elvish figure, with dark straight hair and the prettiest of smiles.
“Kiri!” you exclaim. She’s a natural beauty, like most elves. All legs and sharp angles, she’s a good head taller than you, leaning over with almost a condescending grin. She’s so beautiful that you almost hate her for it.
“I am sorry to be a bother, rogue.” She speaks in Elvish and the dragonborn’s head tilts slightly side to side, like a dog who hears his name, as he tries to listen. “I came to thank you and the sorcerer.”
“Oh, yeah, no worries,” Your Elvish is unnatural on your human tongue, “We are fine here.”
“My lover thanks you too,” she winks and giggles. She’s over a hundred years older than you, and yet still head over heels like a schoolgirl. Elves might live for thousands of years, but they take hundreds to mature. “We will not be sleeping much tonight.”
You roll your eyes and pretend to gag, biting back a smile, but then Kiri grows serious.
“If he scares you, please let me know,” she continues.
“Obi?” you say, “He’s a sweetheart.”
“I’m sure he is, but those teeth! Like needles. Braver than me, sleeping next to a monster like that.”
You glance at your dragonborn and he looks away before you can meet his eye. A disappointment settles in your stomach. Monster is such an ugly word for a pretty man. Everything about him is charming and refined, from the way he speaks and the way he walks, to the way he shines his scales when he thinks no one is looking.
“That’s rude.” You’re quick to reply. Kiri grew up around only her own kind and their ideas-- she doesn’t always know what’s uncouth or offensive because of it, “Don’t say such awful things.”
“It seems like he’s already gotten hungry.” She jerks a chin to your shoulder. You reflexively reach to cover it, only to pull away when the spot feels wet. Blood speckles your fingers- not enough to warranty any worry, of course, just the slightest graze of the skin.
“That’s not--”
“I tease, I tease!” she continues, “I know it is just a scrape. Can you imagine? To lay with someone who is all claws, fire and untamed magics! I-”
The man in question stalks in between you two silently. With a towel in his arms and a chip on his shoulder, he stomps by with a snort of his nostrils.
“I’m going to bathe.” His Elvish is worse than yours, but it's enough to make Kiri’s face drop. The worst part is that he doesn’t sound angry-- you could deal with anger. Instead, he sounds heartbroken. “I don’t mean to be frightening.”
You both walk him stalk down the hall until he disappears around a corner. Kiri swivels to look at you, bewildered. “Since when does he speak Elvish?”
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tiredfox64 · 15 days
Can we shower Tomas and bi-han with some pampering after he's had a bad day? <3
A Well-deserved Rest
Prior notes: I'd give my attention to Tomas. Bi-Han can care for himself. Or let the other ladies in this world take care of him. It won't be me.
Pairings: Bi-Han x Gn reader, Tomas x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Nah
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Being the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei is not an easy task. It never was. He had to observe many men while being summoned by Liu Kang at random times. It’s a constant runaround with little to no time to rest. Not to mention Bi-Han would never allow himself to relax. Always on guard and alert in case of anything. He’s only relaxed when he sleeps yet there were times when he would shoot straight up and be alert for nothing.
This day was somehow worse. Nobody in the clan was doing anything right. Their forms were off. Some of the new initiates were acting scared and backing out of fights. Bi-Han didn’t even have his brothers by his side to help find another way to correct these fools. For once, he gave up. No more for the day. He ended training early, had something quick for dinner, and went to the bedroom to finally rest. You were folding the laundry as he walked in. The instance he did it was like you already knew something was off.
“Today wasn’t too good, huh?” You casually asked.
He groaned as a response which was all you needed to hear. You stopped what you were doing and got right to work.
“Take your clothes off.” You commanded.
“I don’t want to-“
“That’s not the reason I am asking you to take your clothes off.”
Bi-Han wasn’t sure what you were planning until you went into the bathroom that was connected to your room. You walked over to the freestanding bathtub and turned the water on. The water began to fill the tub and you began putting in a little bit of soap. Can’t have the bath too bubbly, he doesn’t like it that way. You put a few drops of lavender essential oil in it to make it more relaxing. Light some scented candles and you just made a relaxing atmosphere. You called Bi-Han in and he was somewhat surprised with how quickly you prepared everything.
 As he slipped into the tub you started grabbing other stuff like towels and fresh clothes for him. The warm water was already doing him wonders by relaxing his muscles. He leaned against the side of the bathtub and you came up behind him. You knelt down and started unraveling his hair from his tight bun. His obsidian hair flowed down and you shook it up a little to relieve the scalp. You got right to work with wetting his hair before pouring some shampoo in your hands. Your fingers slipped through his thick strands, carefully as to prevent accidentally yanking on it. Bi-Han can’t lie, he prefers if you were the one to wash his hair. You take better care of it and massage his scalp at the same time.
In a matter of five minutes you got him to relax, almost forgetting the frustrating day he had. You washed the shampoo out of his hair. Careful, don’t get it in his eyes. Then you went to focusing on his face. He’s not big on you doing something with his face with your fancy and pricy products but you always insist. He gives in because he loves you enough to do so. You started rubbing your face washes on his face. He keeps jerking his head away but you reposition his head to get the job done. Hey, at least you’re not doing a clay mask on him. He should be grateful this is the only thing you are doing for him.
Some time passes and he’s about ready to get out. You practically took care of everything for him. He never realized how tense his muscles were before. You passed him a towel and left the fresh clothes in the bathroom for him to change into. Bi-Han was ready to hit the hay but you had one more thing to do. When he sat on the bed you came up behind him and told him to sit still. In your hand was a comb which you started to use on his hair. It helped take the potential knots that were in there. Another example of you taking better care of his hair than he does.
You finished quickly. Now he can sleep. He was much more relaxed than when he first walked into the bedroom. You did the simplest things to him yet it did wonders. Bi-Han began to lay in bed and so did you after putting everything away. The tub was drained, candles extinguished, clothes folded, and a happy partner. You brought him close to you, resting his head on your chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you closer. He took a deep sigh before saying,
“Thank you…” He whispered.
You know him so well. You knew he wasn’t the type to talk about his day. You never had to say a word you went right to taking care of him. For that, he is grateful to have you in his arms.
Building a new clan was hard. Finding the right initiates was like hunting a snow bunny in Alaska. The only luck Tomas had was with Hanzo but he was his own challenge. Getting him to listen or calm down was a hassle. That’s what happens when a teenager is dropped into the care of someone who doesn’t have a clue about how to handle a raging teen.
Some days had their ups and others had their downs. Some days were a breeze with little to no casualties. Others…not so lucky. This day was one of those unlucky days.
Tomas was hungry and tired. He didn’t even have the energy to cook himself a meal. Luckily, you were just finishing up in the kitchen area. You smiled once you saw him. You were planning on surprising him with his favorite meal.
“Aww, you ruined the surprise. I thought I would have more time before you were finished training the initiates.” You acted like you were upset but that smile on your face betrayed your tone.
He looked at you confused, tilting his head to the side as he waited to see what you meant. Once he saw you place the slow braised pieces of beef on the plate he knew what you meant. His stomach growled like a plea to Tomas to take a bite out of that delicious piece of meat. You had him sit down at a nearby table and placed the food in front of him. It was still hot but he couldn’t wait. He dug in before you could place the basket of bread slices in front of him. The poor man was starving. You were his savior that blessed him with amazing food. His mood had already improved.
Once he was done you both made your way to the bedroom to get ready for bed. For some reason you were clinging onto Tomas a lot. No wait, there was a reason, you wanted to make him feel better. Even when he was brushing his teeth you were hugging him from behind while leaving kisses on his neck. Don’t worry, he was absolutely loving it. It got better when you both got into bed. You brought him close to you and had him lay his head on your lap. Your fingers ran through his hair as your other hand went to hold his hand.
“Do you want to tell me about your day?” You asked.
He sighed at first before deciding to let out all his frustrations. You were always to listen anyway. He ran through everything, the training, the initiates, trying to calm Kuai Liang down from his frustration, helping train Raiden, the usual struggle. Throughout that whole rant of his, you kept looking right into your eyes while your fingers ran through his silvery hair. Your thumb rubbed over the top of his hand to keep him calm and reduce any instance of him getting worked up from talking about the issues of the day. What also helped keep him grounded was your words. You assured him that he was doing his best, that nobody expects perfection, and that everyone appreciates him. He does so much for everyone and though that can be overwhelming it also felt good to know that he is appreciated for his efforts. Especially to hear those words come from your lips.
By the end of his rant he felt mentally lighter. Only when he was done did Tomas realize all the things you were doing. You looked at him so lovingly with no sense of judgment or annoyance. He started to relax more to the sensation of your fingers massaging his scalp.
“Thank you, my dearest. You have no idea how much you mean to me.” He said.
“Even if I didn’t know, that wouldn’t stop me from caring for you every day.” You smiled at him before giving him a kiss that he needed and deserved.
At least Tomas knows now that even if he has a bad day, coming back to you means his day will end on a good note. His love for you increased. He knows for certain that he wants you by his side all the time. He never wants to let you go.
After notes: I hate posting late I’m sorry. I was trying to take multiple naps but each time I tried I would end up panicking in my sleep. Also sorry it took long for me to get to this I hope i didn’t upset you. Adiós!
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 5 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 2,382
Warnings | +18, bullying, for the moment only this
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | This work originated in Italian, so i apologize for any errors you will find, i am not a native english speaker, so go ahead and write in the comments where and what i can improve! 🥺❤
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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There was something in the air that day, something that weighed down her chest and left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth.
She looked outside her room and saw large gray clouds looming ominously, it was probably an approaching storm, and even so, she would still have to go to school, she could not escape her school obligations.
She had done so much to escape the harsh judgment of her family members, she knew that attending college was a huge expense for her parents, especially for being an out-of-towner with so much rent and bills to pay, so the only thing she could do to repay them was to get good grades and come out with a more than excellent GPA, without mentioning her problems.
So the girl prepared herself for yet another stressful and gloomy day, surrounded by prof's coaches and daddy's boys who wouldn't stop bragging about their possessions for a moment.
She adjusted her jacket and grabbed the bag containing all the necessary books, grabbed the house keys on the fly and locked the door behind her, not before nodding in the direction of the elderly neighbor who came out with her adorable little wagging dog every morning at that hour.The little Maltese barked in her direction and with a smile walked over to the couple, stroking the soft coat of the dog who, excited, hoisted himself up on two paws, accompanying her caresses with his head. Y/N burst out laughing at that warm expression of appreciation, could it be that only a dog was able to accept it without judgment?
"Do you go to school, Y/N?" asked the lady with a smile.
The girl nodded, "That's right, Mrs. Choi...I have a test today, I hope everything goes well."
"Oh, take it easy, my dear. I really feel that something new will happen for you today," the elderly woman's smile widened and Y/N was interjected.
She was no stranger to the strange outings of the woman, who very often seemed absent-minded and pensive, but a strange chill caught her. She tried to dilute the air with a giggle, "I hope it's also something good," she joked lightly, the woman rippled her lips.
"It depends on your point of view," she shrugged.
Y/N's smile faded away, not wanting to inquire further she decided it was getting quite late and waved a little awkwardly to her wacky neighbor, giving one last caress to the little dog, who continued to bark in her direction, trying to call her back.
"Come on, Y/N...you can get through this day too without too many hiccups," she said to herself, trying to mentally build up her courage. She arrived at the university with a lump in her throat, aware that once she entered the classroom she would see the haughty faces of her classmates again.
She was an outcast and the only classmate with whom she had come to form a decent bond of friendship had to change her address because that faculty was not suitable for her. But to say that she had simply grown tired of being bullied was perhaps easier.
She took a deep breath and entered the classroom, as she presaged, smiles filled with mockery accompanied her all the way to her seat, she took out the appropriate book for that hour of class and ignored everyone, no one however lent her a further glance, the arrival of the teacher had nipped in the bud any attempt at mockery.
Taking a test at the first hour was never easy for anyone, but the girl more than gladly accepted that chance to escape her foolish classmates.
She carried out the task in complete silence, interrupted only briefly by a few balls of paper and notes, some asking her to have her copied, others admonishing her not to sully their own air with her presence. Y/N swallowed, such doggedness seen from an outside eye might have seemed surreal, but to her it was normalcy.
They bothered her just for the sake of it, because she was the one without money, she was the unfashionable girl, she lived in a miserable apartment in a miserable neighborhood, she was everything they were not.
"Psst... Psst, little one!"
Y/N initially ignored that low whisper, but at yet another ball thrown at her head, she turned away in annoyance.
This was Kang Yoozu, one of the boys who worked hardest to make her school life a living hell; he seemed to take pleasure in constant torture and Y/N was often one of his favorite victims.
"What the hell do you want?!" she growled, impatient. He shrugged, "I just wanted to ask you if you were free later."
Y/N frowned, what was that jerk saying?
"Why would you care, Yoozu?" she asked, strangled.
A wicked smile spread across the classmate's face, "Your parents are street food vendors, right? How much can they possibly make per month?"
Y/N found herself gritting her teeth, ignoring the amused exclamations of the others; the professor seemed to have disappeared into thin air, which frustrated the girl even more.
"I don't know what you're getting at, but I suggest you shut your mouth," she said harshly and Yoozu's eyes narrowed.
"I'm just wondering how they were keep you, don't you think it's incumbent on them to lighten their load and earn money in other ways?"
The young woman blanched at the outrageous statement-what the fuck was she implying?! "And let's hear it-what would those ways be?" she rose from her chair under everyone's gaze.
Yoozu looked around with feigned interest, then elbowed his seatmate, chuckling.
"Well, I have a lot of money, a fuck or two wouldn't hurt, don't you think? You would earn honestly on your own strength," the whole class erupted in convulsive laughter, Y/N felt humiliated. She had endured much from them, had swallowed a myriad of bitter morsels, but no, that one would not let her get away with it.
In a very brief instant she found herself facing the smug boy who stared at her with satisfaction, and soon the scarlet shape of five perfectly outlined fingers was stamped on the candid face of that being, a being who for two years had made it unbearable for her to study for a better future. The noise was a dull pop and everyone fell silent.
Yoozu's eyes turned icy, and soon he jerked up from his chair, flipping it behind him.
"You dared too much, beggar" he made to approach threateningly, no one would intervene, she knew, but fortunately the professor's voice stopped whatever was about to happen.
"What the heck is going on in this class? Y/N! Yoozu! Go back to your seats immediately before I suspend your test."
The man's threatening voice made the boy take a step back, Y/N went back to her seat, but she felt the threatening gaze of her companion behind her the rest of the time, until the end of the hour sounded and everyone got up to leave their verifications on the professor's desk, who collected all the papers and added something to the register, which Y/N guessed was about her and Yoozu. A sick feeling invaded her stomach, she did not want her average to drop because of a bastard like Kang Yoozu, he had practically invited her to prostitute herself. With him.
Disgusted she took the art sketchbook from her bag, a small smile was born on her lips.
Classes with Professor Jeon always gave her a chance to get through the day in a slightly more uplifted mood.
He was a young boy ready to put himself on the front lines to help his students, older than her by five years, he had found a place in the university where he had studied because all the school staff thought he was deserving of getting a professorship there. And, Y/N admitted at least to herself, he was handsome as well as kind and helpful. She felt her heartbeat increase when her favorite professor made his entrance into the classroom, greeting all his pupils with a bright smile, exchanged a few words with the older professor who gave way to him, and during that conversation the girl clearly heard the excited murmurs of her classmates. They did not think much about it, giving vent to their shamelessly enamored sighs.
Y/N merely shrugged her shoulders as the young professor took a seat behind the desk and gave everyone a jovial look.
"Good morning, guys" he said quietly, a chorus of "good morning" and "hello" rose from the desks.
Y/N watched spellbound as the corner of his lips slightly lifted in a satisfied smile of the man, her professor's long hair that day was tied in a ponytail that the girl found damn adorable, which contrasted with the tattoos that decorated the entire arm left uncovered by the pulled-up shirt sleeve, the man crossed his arms and his biceps swelled in a hypnotic movement that caught the girl unprepared, she felt her body set on fire and with shame removed her gaze.
What she did not know was that Jungkook was also watching her. He never let her out of his sight, in truth.
From the first time he had caught her rushing into the classroom, wet as a tender chick, Jungkook could not help but feel a strange flutter every time he laid eyes on his pupil. Their eyes had met for the first time that day, a rush had gone through him from side to side, thunderstruck by that little figure who had bowed in apology over and over again.
And it was wrong, he should never have taken an interest in one of his students like that, but he was a man, a man with secret feelings and appetites, and everything about Y/N screamed timidity and fragility.
He wanted to protect her, wanted to take her away, wanted to make her his.
He knew about the way her classmates treated her, his colleagues sometimes talked about it during lunch breaks, this was terrible for him, it hurt him to even imagine the way the girl felt, he would have protected her if it was possible, but each time the bullying happened in his absence, and as a professor he could do nothing if Y/N herself did not ask for help. He could not punish the perpetrators without catching them in the act. The young man sighed, before lowering his eyes to the register, frowning at what he found written there.
"Park Y/N and Kang Yoozu were found standing during testing time, they looked like they were about to start a fight, I intervened in time to put them in their place."
Jungkook gritted his teeth as he read his student's name next to Y/N's.
The girl was too quiet a person to provoke a quarrel, his dark irises stopped on Yoozu, who was giggling along with his partner as his scribbled something in sketchbook.
Y/N, on the other hand, waited quietly and composedly for her class to begin, and that told Jungkook a lot about the dynamics of the strange event described by his colleague.
He rose from his chair clearing his throat, all eyes were soon on him.
He sensed the mischievous glances of the girls in his direction, he knew he was very much desired, after all he was the only young professor in the institution, but he did not let those attentions buy him, the only gaze he wanted on himself was that of the same girl who was anxiously crushing her fingers.
He leaned back against the desk, crossing his arms again, and in Y/N's gaze he read something very much like... desire? He looked at her, biting his lips for a thousandth of a second, clenching the tender flesh between his teeth, but that minimal amount of time was enough for the girl to widen her eyes and lower them immediately afterward, her cheeks flushed. Jungkook felt himself tightening in his pants, thinking that he was so adorable that he wanted to fuck her right then, in front of everyone.
He would have gladly made her cry as his cock penetrated her deeply.
"Guys, today I'm not going to talk to you about history and artists," he began, his voice crystal clear and smooth, "But about a subject that, unfortunately, will never stop being talked about," he paused behind Yoozu's desk.
He observed the lines drawn by the boy on the once-clean page, Yoozu made to cover his scrawl, but Jungkook was quick to catch him, "Let me see a bit, Kang," he said, before taking a better look at that jumble of shapeless lines, which took on the appearance of a naked girl with a tear-streaked face, there was a uniform at the corner of the paper and a bag, which Jungkook immediately recognized, raised an eyebrow in the boy's direction and returned the object to him, not without first tearing up the page, "Drawing your companions without clothes is not what I asked you to do, Yoozu.
Employ my hour to draw something in good taste, instead of indulging in such disgusting antics," the man scolded him harshly. The student bowed his head, humiliated, apologetically, and his deskmate turned away, as if to put some distance between himself and his friend, which the teacher laughed at internally. It was precisely people like Yoozu who had no friends.
Jungkook finally turned around and walked in Y/N's direction, stopped just behind her and lowered himself until he reached her ear, "Today's lesson is about bullying," he murmured, the girl felt her legs trembling under his low and sweet tone, she meekly nodded, writing on a vacant page the theme, then Jungkook raised his voice slightly, "I would like you all to draw a representation of bullying, also writing a small dedication to the kids who experience it firsthand."
When the young teacher turned away from her, Y/N resumed breathing normally.
Everyone caught the stinging reference, the girl gazed admiringly at Jungkook's strong shoulders, perfectly aligned in a proud posture that Y/N had no trouble finding attractive, clutched the pencil grip and set to work, unaware of the forbidden desire she aroused moment by moment in her teacher.
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shadowdaddies · 4 months
Could you do a Rhys x reader where people always thought she was more masculine until she mated with Rhys where she started to become and feel more comfortable being feminine and just being herself.
It’s like the saying where if the woman feels safe enough and comfortable in the relationship, she allows herself to be more feminine and starts to relax little by little.
It’s also like that trend going around on TikTok where it’s like when you’re by yourself, you double check everything and you are hyper aware of everything around you, but the second your husband is there, you can relax and just turn off your brain and not worry about anything lol
Hopefully I explained this well enough. My dyslexic ass is having a rough time today 😀
okay tbh I'm not the most familiar with this but a special thank you to @lidiacerv0s for the help + showing me the TikTok trend. I hope you enjoy this, it was fun to write🤗💜
The Archer
Rhysand x fem!Reader fluff
warnings: this gets very suggestive towards the end, I couldn't help it 🤷‍♀️
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With a final sweep of black coal to your eyes, you stepped back from the mirror, taking in your finished look. You kept the makeup simple but dark, to match the all-black tailored suit you’d donned for today’s meetings. Smoothing down the sides of your hair - neatly pulled back in a tight bun - you sighed, already tired of the facade you were building.
Rhys was busy with matters in Windhaven, leaving you in charge of the meeting with the Lords in the Hewn City today. It was doomed to be a day full of males challenging you and people looking to you for direction, something that always exhausted you.
A knock on your door distracted you from those thoughts, and you took one last look in the mirror at the severe female staring back at you before striding towards the door, head held high and chest out as you wore the mask of confidence you relied on as part of your role of High Lady.
The click of your heels echoed through the obsidian stone hallways, announcing your approach to the counsel room. The set of double doors were opened for you, your unamused gaze sweeping the room as you assessed the varying levels of nerves each Lord exuded in your presence. 
With a cruel smile, you looked to Keir, the Lord immediately straightening in his seat at your piercing gaze. You let out a dramatic sigh, long nails idly tapping against the long table as you relaxed in your chair. 
“Report,” you ordered, smooth voice cutting through the room like a knife as everyone grew impossibly silent. Keir rambled about problems in the Court of Nightmares, status of the Darkbringers. Complaint after complaint from each incompetent male at the table. All problems and no solutions. 
As Lord Thanatos began to complain about his daughter and the behavior of the young women in the court for the thousandth time, you cut him off, letting the dark look in your eyes convey the thinly veiled threat that lurked beneath your words like a shark in the water.
“I will be sure to check on your daughter, as well as all the females in this Court soon. Any threats that we find will be dealt with at the hands of the Shadowsinger.” You looked pointedly at Thanatos with those words, your lips curving upwards as the scent of his fear permeated the air. 
“Now that you all have your agendas, this meeting is adjourned.” You stood from your chair, chin high as you strode towards the doors that were already being opened for you. 
With a glance over your shoulder, you flashed a feline grin at the males, each of them shrunk into the seat of their chairs as they stared at you, wide-eyed like the helpless children they were inside. “Do not disappoint me,” you purred, a final warning before you disappeared from their sight.
You barely held your composure, forcing yourself to keep a leisured pace until you were away from everyone. Closing the door to your room, you nearly collapsed against the wood as you finally let the mask slip. 
An inviting tug on the bond nearly brought tears to your eyes - Rhys was home. Without a second thought, you winnowed back to Velaris, kicking off your heels as you ran to where Rhys stood, stirring something that smelled incredible over the stove.
“You’re home,” you cried, running towards him. Rhys set down the ladle, fully turning towards you as he wrapped you in his arms, allowing you to sink into his comforting warmth. 
Pressing a kiss to your head, Rhys tilted your chin up to look at him. “You are so beautiful, darling,” he whispered, capturing your lips in his in a hungry kiss. You collapsed into his hold, back arched as you allowed yourself to be swept away from your worries as he swept your feet off the ground.
“Are you making dinner?” you murmured against his lips, admiring the way Rhys’s violet eyes twinkled as he looked down at you, playfully bumping his nose against yours. 
“Mhm,” he hummed. “I’m trying a new recipe that I think you’ll love.” Tears threatened to spill as relief washed over you, this magnificent male who would always care for you, look out for your needs.
“Thank you, my love,” you whispered, allowing Rhys to set your feet back on the ground as he prepared plates for the two of you. 
“Come here,” Rhys purred, patting his leg as he took a seat at the table, both plates in front of him. You practically squealed with delight as you dashed to claim your seat in your mate’s lap. Relaxing against his warm chest, you sighed as Rhys slid an arm around your waist, rubbing soothing circles against your skin as he cut your food for you. 
“Here, darling,” Rhys whispered, pressing a kiss to your neck as he brought the fork to your lips. You moaned at the flavors, head leaning back against Rhys as you murmured praises for his cooking. 
“I am so lucky to have you,” you whispered, kissing his cheek as Rhys grabbed another forkful of food for you. 
He simply chuckled, his hand squeezing your waist affectionately. “And I you, my love.”
Once you were content, a full meal resting in your stomach, you began to gather the plates to clean up. “No you don’t. Let me do that. Why don’t you go take a bath, change into something more comfortable?” Rhys teased, his eyes darkening with barely controlled desire.
You responded with a smirk, pulling your hair from its updo as you let the hair fall over your shoulders in waves. “I can do that. But I want to bake you something for dessert after,” you countered. 
Rhys swallowed thickly as he watched you ascend the staircase, his eyes trained on your form with each step. You stepped into the bathroom, a content sigh slipping from your lips as you breathed in the floral scents wafting from the already-filled bathtub. 
Peeling off the offensive suit, an unabashed moan left you at the feeling of the warm water on your muscles. Allowing yourself to soak for a short while, you scrubbed the memories of the day from your skin before stepping out of the tub. 
A devious grin graced your lips at the idea that came to mind as you stared in your wardrobe, pulling the lacy pink lingerie from the drawer. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help the bright smile that took over your features as the real you smiled back. 
You strode down the stairs, the confidence you exhibited real this time as you locked eyes with your mate. Rhys watched you, enchanted, from the other side of the room, admiring your free-flowing hair and the way the lace of your lingerie framed your curves.
“What are you doing?” he choked out, his knuckles white as they clutched the countertop.
Bending over, you gave your mate a view of the cheeky panties you wore (if they could even be called that) as you pulled ingredients from the cabinet. “I’ve had to deal with those incompetent males, wear awful restrictive clothing all day... I just want to spend some time with my mate, wearing something that’s a bit more... me,” you finished with a giggle, flipping your hair over your shoulder as you cracked an egg in the bowl.
Rhys prowled to stand behind you, his hands roving over every part of you he could touch. Playfully swatting away his hand, you shook your head as you scolded him.
“If you would like to help with the baking, you are welcome to. We can play later,” you whispered, lifting up on your toes to give a playful tug to his earlobe. Rhys shivered, but nodded as he stepped back slightly. 
“I would always like to do whatever serves my lady,” he responded, his finger lightly grazing your arm. “What can I do for you?” 
You hummed thoughtfully, swaying your hips as you whisked. “I would love if you would taste this for me,” you declared, scooping a bit of the chocolate batter on your pointer finger. Violet eyes darkened further as Rhys gripped your wrist in his large hand, drawing your finger into his mouth. 
You could see the moment he scented your arousal, his tongue flicking against the digit as his eyes remained locked on yours. “Delicious, as always,” he moaned, smirking as you pulled away with a blush.
“Alright then, let me get this into the baking pan then,” you whispered. Before you could reach for the pan, Rhys already had it in his hand, reaching for the bowl as he poured the remaining batter. 
Rhys held you in his lap, playing with your hair as you told him about your day, and listened about his while the brownies baked. 
“You are an incredible female,” your mate murmured, his sweet words interrupted by the timer signaling that dessert was ready. You leapt from Rhys’s lap, enjoying the feeling of his eyes on your body as you plated dessert for the each of you and returning to your spot on his lap. Pleased moans left the both of you at the rich taste of dessert, and you settled into Rhys’s arms, deep contentment settling over you. 
Rhys scooped you up bridal style, carrying you over to the couch where he wrapped himself around you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his hands idly wandered your body. 
“What else do you want to do tonight?” Rhys whispered, dipping his head to pepper kisses along your neck.
A content sigh left you at the comfort and care he was giving you, a vibrant contrast to the dark role you played earlier today. “Nothing tonight. I just want to spend time with you, my perfect mate,” you responded, pressing a lingering kiss above his heart as you settled into him.
“Well, how about tomorrow I take you shopping? And then we could get dressed up, go to a nice dinner?” Rhys questioned, his playful tone a show of exactly how well he knew you. 
“I could be convinced to do that, I suppose,” you retorted, unable to hold in the joyous laugh that escaped you. 
Rhys flipped you over, his onyx locks falling in his eyes as he caged you in underneath him. “Good, because I’m not done with dessert. And these,” Rhys emphasized with a snap against the band of your panties, “will need to be replaced,” he purred as you heard the fabric rip.
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faerievampling · 4 months
Decisions, Darling
Chapter 2 of An Unexpected Visitor~ The larger work is called Killing Time.
Link to Chapter 1
Link to AO3
Summary: Lae'zel makes her proposition, and Astarion has a choice to make.
Pairing: Ascended!Astarion x Female Tav
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: 18+, Explicit. Blood Drinking, Blood Kink. PiV. Oral Sex. Light Dom/sub. Vaginal Fingering. Violence. Possessive behavior, angst.
You stare blankly at Lae’zel as she explains, in a rather long and drawn out way, that she needed your aid. Her tale is rather boring, you think, and you nearly begin to trance again, but Astarion keeps you alert. 
Try to pay attention, little love.
You swirl your glass of wine, trying to keep yourself focused on Lae’zel’s words, but you're rather hungry. You try to drown out the two beating hearts in the room, but the sound is hard to ignore: they are both so nervous.
Soon, my darling. Astarion takes your other hand, fingers idly playing with your rings. He noticed you had worn the priceless pearl ring, the one he had gotten you from Amn about a century ago. He thought it looked lovely on your finger, and he mindlessly plants a kiss to it. You had paired it with an amythest stud in one ear and a long, droopy sun on the other.
Astarion had called the droopy earring derivative. 
Lae’zel describes her need for allies to further Orpheus’s cause and the diminishing power of Vlaakith. She speaks about Vlaakith for a while, too long for Astarion to reasonably expect you to pay attention. 
But you try to at least pretend like you are, even though you are now wondering what Githyanki blood tastes like.
I will do my best to find some for us. You’d love it, my sweet. Astarion looks at you playfully, and you shoot him a little smile.
Your eyes lock on him and take in his decadence; his deep red and gold ensemble pair nicely with his perfect silver curls. His pretty, full lips are tilted in a half smile as his attention is split between you and Lae’zel. 
You’ve always thought the color of his eyes were beautiful, and they were now a perfect reflection of your own. Not every vampire had the same shade; Astarion was surprised but incredibly pleased at the outcome. He thought it rather cute. 
Just as you are bordering on a trance once again, Lae’zel finally gets to the point: she wanted the both of you to fight alongside her, just as you had at the Battle of Baldur’s Gate. 
Just the thought of a battle, the bloodshed, sends a shiver of excitement through you.
As she is explaining the logistics of how she can safely get you to the Astral Sea, you lose focus once more, your mind drifting to the Elderbrain. You still remember how horrifying it was to look upon so closely. 
The Netherbrain, my darling. Remember that pesky crown? You nod at Astarion as you see it in his mind’s eye. But you quickly move on from this, considering Lae’zel’s words. You cross your legs, causing your dress to hike up, showing off your bare feet. Your toes are painted a dark, blood red, and are pretty as ever.
The anklet you sport is polished silver, so as to not burn your delicate, undead skin. It is embedded with black diamonds from Calimsham and has a single obsidian charm in the shape of a bat. Even the rings on your toes are embedded with other priceless jewels garnered from across Toril. 
Astarion’s eyes dart to your feet before giving you an amused look. Such a rebellious little thing. He was rather enjoying your wild streak. The ladies of the court have already begun to wear their hair long. 
Today, you had fought Bethild off by hissing, once again. She really didn’t like it, and you made a note to yourself to save this tactic for later. But Astarion had gotten onto you this time: Hiss at the spawn if you must, my treasure, but not at Bethild. After so many years, Astarion appreciates a good servant. Especially one that was willing to put up with his darling.
You already decided you were still going to do it, though.
But Astarion had doubled down. I’m serious, love. You needn't have a poor reputation among the servants. Bethild’s been good to you and has served you for nearly all her life. 
You had scowled at him, crossing your arms in annoyance at his sensible reasoning. Tell her to stop fussing over my hair and shoes.
Consider it done. 
Lae’zel is staring at the both of you with a bewildered look on her face. You realize she’s uncomfortable. You think that maybe you have been sitting in silence for too long, by mortal standards. Or maybe she isn’t used to seeing you like this, so comfortable. So pampered.
You spent so much time sleeping in the dirt. Countless days trudging through the swamp, those cursed lands, the disgusting sewers of Baldur's Gate. 
And yet, you can’t help but associate it with which you had the time of your life. You had loved the adventure, the fight, and you even fell in love. When you look over to Astarion, his look has softened, his eyes rounding when you meet his gaze. 
You see him put the mask back on as he turns back to Lae’zel, his chiseled features narrowing. “I hardly like the idea of my sweet consort on the battlefield,” Astarion says, crossing his legs. You notice his foot is tapping.
Lae’zel leers at him. “She was once something more than just your bride, Astarion.”
The smile plastered on Astarion’s lovely face does nothing to hide the targeted darkness in his eyes. “I know exactly who my darling is, Lae’zel. She is the True Hero of Baldur’s Gate. She saved that wretched city and thousands of mortal lives. And yet, she asked for nor received anything in return. And now, she is my wife and I will not so willingly risk her precious life for another battle that is not hers to fight.”
But, what if?
Astarion looks at you, his harsh stare softening with inquiry. “If what?” 
What if we go with her?
You can feel the growing pit in Astarion’s stomach. In his chest.
Lae’zel curses as she looks to you. “Whatever mind tricks you are playing must end. Speak.” 
Astarion really doesn’t like Lae’zel commanding you, but he’s too focused on you to fantasize about inflicting some sort of violence on the gith. 
“This is a discussion my consort and I need to have in private.” He speaks to Lae’zel, but his eyes have not left you.
”I would like to hear what she has to say first,” Lae’zel’s unwavering tone is low, threatening. Now, both Lae’zel and Astarion’s eyes bore into you.“Unless you are so beholden, like a slave, that you cannot speak without your Master’s consent.” 
You feel the anger rise within you, because you know she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t understand your relationship, she doesn’t understand that you know you’re different now. But…you remember those sweet moments of adventure.
”I…” You have to find your footing. You set your now empty goblet down. “I have lived in a palace for two thousand years, Lae’zel. I haven’t fought in a long time.”
Lae’zel looks you over. “That is apparent. Lucky for you, I am an elite teacher. And you used to be strong with a sword.” Lae’zel takes a deep breath before she moves closer to you, taking your hand in hers.
Her hand is warm, so unlike your own. That was one of the few gifts that Astarion couldn’t extend to you. You can hear the quickening of Lae’zel’s heartbeat at your touch, and her breath catches. You can even smell the growing desire between her legs, her musk. Eager. Like so many mortals were in your presence.
Maybe they too, will serve. You know not if this small voice comes from Astarion or yourself. 
You feel Astarion tense up beside you. For a moment, you greatly fear he will lash out and harm Lae’zel, and then put you in time out.
You feel Astarion crawling through the folds of your mind, undoubtedly searching your memories of lovemaking with Lae’zel.
You didn’t understand why he tortured himself so. 
Now, you find yourself thinking of them: all the times she dominated you. The times she fucked you so hard your entire body was sore. Astarion had noticed back then, too, but hadn’t really cared at the time.
Times change. 
And thou art mine.
“Do not make a githyanki say please. But I will, if I must.” Lae’zel says, eyes darting over to Astarion. 
“And what do you have to offer us in turn?” Astarion asks, his eyes meeting hers. The tension in the room could be felt by anyone who could blink. Including vampires who merely chose to, so as to not seem too creepy to mortals. 
“I can only offer you my allyship in times to come, if we are successful.”
Before Lae’zel is even out the door, Astarion’s protests begin. He burrows in your mind, swathing you in the folds of his own; his thoughts were paranoid, muddled, scared. And you too, felt terrified.
He remembered all the times you died in battle. The agony he felt even when knowing he could revive you. It would only be exasperated now, by an unfathomable amount, because you were his bride, his treasure, and his eternity. He thought himself in circles until he nearly decided to try to lock you away again. 
The Astral Sea is extremely fucking dangerous, Tav. I can’t let you go. I won’t say yes to this. 
Rarely has Astarion ever denied you. Giving you everything was the way he loved you, and his denial felt like a slap to the face. For a moment, you and Astarion both fear that Lae’zel may have been right in some regard: your shackles of love binded you to your Master, just as it binded your Master to you. You two were so intimately connected, body and mind; thus, Astarion couldn’t deny the dimming of your light. He was not so blind. He wanted you to have everything you wanted, and he wanted to be the one to give it to you. 
But he was still so afraid.
You’ll protect me. 
You feel his solid arms wrap around you as he presses you to his chest, planting kisses anywhere he could: your cheeks, your forehead, your jaw. His lips devoured you, pleading you to be contended.
I’ll take you anywhere else. We could take a long vacation again, explore a part of Toril we haven’t seen in a while - 
Weveseenthemall. “I used to be a fighter,” You say aloud, breaking his train of thought with the sweet sound of your voice. There was a time where I once protected you. The thought is but a whisper in the well of your shared connection.
He narrows his eyes at you, bringing up a hand to rest on your collarbone, just below your neck. 
“And now you are a wife,” Astarion’s voice is barely above a whisper as it rasps between his lips. His other hand grasps your waist, his fingers digging into your sides.
I would be more powerful than ever, Astarion. With my abilities as a vampire, I would be a most excellent hunter.
“I know this,” Astarion hisses. He knows you’ve thought about this before, adventuring again, but he’s simply just ignored it until it went away, like a buzzing gnat. 
“But I just couldn’t bear it if something happened to you, spawn.” You scowl at his choice words, thinking them strange at this moment. You try to push him away from you, baring your fangs at him, but Astarion doesn’t release you from his firm grip. 
He’s come to a decision, and you then understand. 
Astarion’s fear had not subsided, not completely: but alongside it, understanding was bred. He knew why you wanted to go; why you wanted to fight again, strategize again, and relive the days of your young love. 
Nonetheless, his hand moves from your neck to your jaw, where’s he firmly grasps you, forcing you to meet his gaze, where he locks into you. He is going to use his Ascendant compulsion on you, since he couldn't compel you by normal means. He had never thought this before, not to your knowledge, and you feel betrayed as he starts to draw you into him. 
The pull is far too strong to defy, even though you try. 
As your thoughts are subsiding, the world around you has come to a close: there is only Astarion. You see him amidst darkness, his eyes becoming wet and round as he studies you. You watch as his eyebrows knit to a scowl and the corners of his mouth pull down.
You sense many identifiable emotions at once, like his mind is clearer now that yours has gone so quiet. One that sticks out to you is a lustful shame. A sick part of Astarion wanted this: he wanted total control over you.
He thought you’d be a very pretty, mindless, little spawn. He would keep you in the boudoir, where he would drain you nearly dry, fuck you whenever he wanted, and hold you for as long as he’d like. 
Or maybe he’d keep you at his side, putting you on his lap, or perhaps under his desk, so that he could indulge whenever he desired.
He needn’t even worry to dress his toy. Or maybe he would, just to put you in something sinful. He wouldn’t have to worry about your wants, or needs, or hopes and dreams; you would be fully his. 
Lucky for you, the larger part of Astarion is disgusted by this. Ashamed, even scared, of those desires.
As the world comes back to you, your thoughts once again occupy your mind. Astarion is backing away from you, a tear in his eye threatening to fall.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Astarion says, his mind racing in agony as you float further away from him, eyes vacant but your heart fuming. 
His broad shoulders are hunched over, his arms stretch out to you, as if he feared he had hurt you. And suddenly, you can’t take it, and the tears begin to fall, and you’re  angry he’s crossed an unspoken boundary between you two; angry he isn’t giving you what you want.
Forgive me, please. His voice is but a whisper in the well of your mind, a droplet of water amongst an ocean. You’re everything. Everything. Can’t lose you. Won’t. 
You turn your back to him, but you don’t leave. You don’t want to feel this way, sharing the burden of both his and your emotions. You want to drift away, but he isn’t letting you, and neither is your own heart; because, at the very least, that light refuses to go out. 
You are my light. He’s running his hands through his hair, curls misplaced, and his heartbeat is through the roof. 
You turn to him. Then let me live. Let us live. No more of this. You wildly gesture around the palace, to your dress, which has become rather suffocating. With a motion so fast no mortal could comprehend, your decedent gown is in tatters on the marble floor. 
You think that Astarion’s paranoia is getting to you. His fear, his own possessive love for you; but maybe, you both think, this has been boiling over for a while. You also think your bloodlust is starting to rise, and Astarion smells delicious. 
You’re down to your slip and your jewelry. The necklaces that drape your pretty neck are broken and strewn across the floor with a tug. You’re still crying, but you’re having a difficult time processing this. You can’t stop thinking about blood, and it is all too much, and you need to run.
You don't remember if you’ve ever thought about running before. The look on Astarion’s face confirms you haven’t, because surely you would remember the look of such anguish.
Before you can move, he has his arms around you once more. You feel his hard cock pressing against you. You can’t help but want him too; but being so close to him, the beast takes over, and you cannot help but begin to ravage him. 
Your fangs cut into his clothing, but Astarion doesn’t loosen his grip on you. Before you know it, you feel the coolness of wood on your back, and your slip is pushed up above your breasts, your nipples hardening from the coolness of the palace air.
Spoiled. I’ve spoiled you. He rings out to you as you realize he’s teleported you both from the foyer to his office. 
Astarion quickly puts his hand between your folds, searching for the evidence of your arousal that you both know he will find. Probing at your entrance, you feel a gentle pressure as he slides his finger between your slick walls with little resistance.
Astarion’s other hand is tangled in your hair, nestling you to his neck as you feed. After pumping you a few times, Astarion stretches you with a second finger before he decides he’s done.
No more. You’re mine. You will do as I say. His voice is loud in your head, commanding.
You release your fangs from his neck when you feel the pressure of his thick member pushing between your tight walls, causing you to gasp from the stretch. He inserts his full length in you, and you to squirm from the adjustment.
You half-heartedly try to push him away, to tell him no, but your sex is so swollen from your fill of your lover's blood, and you’re so wet, Astarion cruelly laughs at your attempt as he restrains both your wrists with one hand. 
His strokes are intensely deep as he uses his free hand to bring one of your thighs to a deeper spread. He’s desperate to feel the depths of your cunt, to make you come and remember how much you want to stay with him.
He’s thinking he loves the way you look, tearstained and covered in his blood. 
But that light inside of you is still fighting, and you know she won't ever stop. I’ve lived so long in our heads. 
But Astarion knows; he’s been racking around your head for centuries. And when his troubled gaze meets yours, he buckles. His strokes become slower, and his stare is so intense you almost look away, but you know you shouldn’t. 
His gaze is softening as he lets go of your wrists and you wrap your arms around him to draw him closer. He moans as he continues to slide his cock between your tight walls. Not even death could separate us, Tav.
This seems like progress. 
I would tear across the planes of existence to find you. I have the means, the resources. I would get you back. No matter the cost. And you will bind yourself to me and promise that you would do the same. If something should happen to me, you must swear to come find me. 
Astarion’s disheveled curls tumble down his handsome face; his lips are parted in pleasure, sweat dripping down his perfect nose. He moves to capture a nipple in his mouth, gently sucking you and making you squirm.
You won’t leave my side. And you certainly won’t be any fighter. You and I will be in the shadows, where we belong, together-
Astarion has more provisions and rules to this agreement, but his balls are clenching so hard that he cannot focus any longer, and his lips find purchase on your own as his orgasm looms over him.
Tell me. Please. 
“I love you, Astarion.”
“I love you, Astarion.” The words come out as a whimper as Astarion hits that sweet spongy spot deep inside of you. 
Please. Again. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,“ Your eyes wet as you say the words, which carry Astarion through his orgasm as he comes thick spurts of seed inside you. 
His body trembles above you, breath ragged in your ear. You loved hearing his moans of pleasure. 
After he recovers, he puts himself back together and looks to you: there was simply no putting you back together, because you were a mess. You needed a bath and a nap. 
The two of you retreat to your bedchamber, where you do just that. The two of you are silent as you ease into the water. 
Once you’re more relaxed, and the maids have finally left the two of you alone, you begin to mindlessly trance again, to wander in the vast space that was your mind. 
Astarion eases into your thoughts, cradling you as gently as he would a newborn babe. He was feeling more centered now as his powerful Ascendant mind worked its way through the plan and its details.
You often thank whatever gods were listening that Astarion had become sharper and smarter over the years: he learnt to focus on the details, and as his competency increased, your apathy grew alongside it.  
Astarion is pleased to find you’d been lost in the memory of one of your more recent vacations: Astarion had taken you to an ancient castle in Tethyr, where the two of you lived for nearly a decade. 
Astarion had made love to you in the lush fields under the stars often, then. You had asked, of course. He hadn’t wanted to take you in the dirt, initially, believing it far too lowly of you both. He certainly thought his wife deserved better.
Please, Astarion. The grass is soft and plush, and the moon is full. You had said to him, before you told him how beautiful you thought him to be, inside and out. 
“Those were lovely times. I, too, think about them often, my love.You looked so beautiful under the light of the full moon.”
You give him a little smile, but Astarion catches your upset. You hope he will give you even more, more of what you want. 
I’m sorry, Tav. I swear to you I will never try to compel you again. But you will swear by what I asked: that we will never be separated, even in death.
“I swear it,” You speak with confidence because you know it to be true. You weren’t even really sure why he was bothering to ask: as a bride, you’d likely be compelled to do so, anyways. He knows this, but he needs to hear it. 
Once you’re finished with your bath, you don’t bother with clothes once you get back into bed. You could smell the scent of his arousal, his leaking precum, through his trousers and from across the bedchamber. 
I think I’ll use a sending stone to attend to business while at the crèche. Hopefully it works in the Astral Sea, too. Astarion is thinking, idly playing with your hair as you lie on his chest. 
I hardly remember the crèche Lae’zel had us go to. But you did remember Karlach painting a face on the portrait of Vlaakith after having to fight about forty Githyanki. 
Karlach. You say, and Astarion already knows the deal: he does his best to imagine her, what her face looked like when she smiled, but even his memory is shrouded by her death on the docks of the city.
Astarion quickly moves on from the memory. I worry about how we will feed you.
“I can eat human food,” You hesitate, because for some reason or another, you just prefer to drink blood. Food tasted the same as it always had, you were fairly sure, but you couldn’t deny your nature.
You may have to. Of course, you can nibble on me as much as you’d like. The pads of his fingers trace your bare skin, grazing the curve of your hips and the side of your breast. I’ll try to come up with a better solution, my darling. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.
He plants a kiss on the top of your head, nuzzling you closer as he goes to free his cock. I need you again. 
In the night, you dream of riding atop a great Githyanki red dragon. You have the reins as Astarion sits behind you, arms around your waist. The two of you feel so dominant, so powerful, and the dream is a happy one. But as dreams often do, the moment turns to something strange.
You are alone with the dragon now, and as you feel his cool scales beneath your suddenly spread thighs, his body begins to morph and change until he is one of the Githyanki red dragons no more, but a simple red Dragonborn.
His eyes are red, and they bore into you as he fills you up completely, as you’re still riding him. The pressure of his cock makes you gasp in shock; his arms wrap around you, pulling you to him, and you shiver as he whispers in your ear: You will be mine. 
You wake with a jolt. Before you can blink twice, Astarion heaves you across his shoulder, causing you to knock against him with a hard blow, leaving you breathless.
You try to call his name, but you can’t seem to find your voice. You didn’t need to breathe anymore, but your chest felt tight, your stomach drawn with apprehension. A reluctant arousal lingered at your core, which only added to your disarray.
Astarion is in full defensive mode. He’s running through the halls of the palace, sword in hand, and the smell of blood is overwhelming to you; you try to squirm out of his grasp, but with his hand firmly on your ass, you quickly realize you aren’t going anywhere.
You’re trying to calm yourself, but you can’t make sense of it all. The dream, the running, the blood.
Moth attacked the palace - one of the servants had become his thrall. 
He doesn’t stop until he is in the foyer,  where the other spawn are awaiting. Astarion effortlessly puts you on your feet and intensely sweeps his eyes over you, looking for any injuries. His hand is gripping yours, the strength of it suggesting he has no intention of letting go. 
“Ten of the servants have been killed, Master, but we have swept the palace thrice. All of Lord Moth’s forces are dead.” 
“Sweep it again. And you won't stop until the sun rises.” Astarion sneers at the spawn, who immediately follow the command. 
Well, I guess Lae’zel has something to offer us after all. 
“I will see the end of Lord Moth,” Astarion begins his evil monologue about destroying Moth, which you certainly agree with, but you really can’t focus with all the blood. Once Astarion realizes this, he is quick to sequester you as far away from it as possible, quick to offer you his neck as he carries you to sanctuary.
He’s letting you nibble on him, and as the blood of the Ascendant fills you up, you remember why you didn’t care to eat food anymore. Literally, nothing could ever be as delectable as Astarion.
My protector in the dark. You think once you finally feel satiated. 
Astarion, despite his anger, can’t help but be endeared. The evening ends with hushed kisses and more gentle lovemaking. Astarion couldn't seem to keep his tongue out of your cunt or his fangs out of your thigh: Moth’s invasion of your body compelled Astarion, as your Master, to dominate you.
You and the palace wizard had assured Astarion it wasn’t a vision or anything connected to your foresight, but magic. Moth had used a powerful spell to project himself into your dream, and thus, controlling it. A simple protection ward was all that was likely needed to prevent a further attack.
Later, as Astarion is rutting into you, you feel the wetness of his tears as he rests his forehead to the curve of your neck. They mix with the flow of your blood when he bites you; strangely, his mind is guarded, nearly silent, because he doesn’t want you to know whatever he is thinking. 
Astarion plants soothing kisses to your lips when you begin to feel your anxiety rise in your chest. 
Don’t worry, Tav. I’ll protect you. “Nobody will ever take you from me,” His voice is rough and low in your ear. After two centuries, you know that Astarion is good for his word.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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celiciaa · 3 months
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I just love you.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
special thanks to @otomehoneyybearr for proofreading! ♡
minors and ageless blogs dni.
Surrounded by the scent of roses that sneaked in through the open window, I couldn’t help but sigh involuntarily.
(We’ve arrived….)
(…at the Rhodolite castle.)
The coachman opened the door and Gilbert, who was sitting across from me, got out first.
Gilbert: Allow me?
Emma: Thank you… very much
Taking his offered hand, I carefully stepped down the carriage.
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(I've seen the castle from a distance before, but it’s the first time I’ve gotten this close.)
(…I might have thought that same thing before losing my memories.)
Gilbert: Hehe, it's been a while since we’ve been in Rhodolite. I never thought we would come here again.
Gilbert doesn't let go of my hand and starts walking towards the entrance.
(I didn’t expect that he would actually accompany me.)
Emma: Gilbert, would you like to come with me to see the roses in Rhodolite?
——That night, after much thought and deliberation, I decided to invite Gilbert.
His red eye widened, and the hooded man standing next to him gasped.
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Gilbert: You want me to come with you?
Emma: That’s right. You said you liked roses, didn’t you?
Emma: But...I guess it is a difficult request.
Gilbert: ….
Gilbert: Roderich.
Roderich: ….I will persuade the doctor myself. Have a safe trip.
Gilbert: Yeah, I’ll leave things in your hands while I'm away.
(I wanted to come to Rhodolite. But also I didn't want to leave Gilbert alone either.)
(…Gilbert immediately granted my selfish request.)
(You really love me, don't you?)
Gilbert escorted me into the castle,
Before I could admire the luxurious interior, three men simultaneously turned towards us.
Gilbert: Hehe, thank you for the warm welcome.
Rio: Emma!
Emma: Huh, Rio!?
The only friend who existed in my memory rushes to me.
Emma: Why are you here?
Rio: Naturally, because I was your butler.
Emma: …My butler? 
Rio: Oh—…..
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Rio: …So it’s true that you've lost your memory.
Gilbert: I wouldn’t fabricate something like that, you know.
Gilbert: However, we’ve got quite the overprotective group here.
???: Have you finally decided to give Emma back? 
Gilbert: No way, we’re only here for a trip. 
???: Hmm, a trip, you say. But the young lady next to you seems quite troubled, doesn’t she?
(…I can't remember my time as Belle, but it seems….)
(Like I should know these people too.)
Gilbert: …On the right is Luke, and on the left is Clavis. Both are princes of Rhodolite. 
Although I couldn’t remember the words he whispered in my ear,
Gilbert’s casual consideration eased my tense expression.
(I don't feel comfortable asking a prince for a favor, but it's what I came here for.)
I take a step forward, releasing Gilbert’s hand.
Emma: I have something I'd like to ask you all.
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Clavis: Is it about how to drop the worldwide disaster into a pit?
Luke: Shut up. ——What do you want to know?
Emma: I heard that I was at the Rhodolite Castle for a while.
Emma: But I don’t remember anything about that…could you guys please tell me about my time here?
(The story I heard from Gilbert is only from his point of view.)
(But maybe I’ll get different information if I hear the princes of Rhodolite’s side of the story.)
(Especially about why Gilbert loves me.)
(If I could solve that mystery….)
Clavis, Rio and Luke: ….
Emma: Umm...why do you all look so serious?
Clavis: Maybe there are some memories in this world that don't need to be remembered.
Luke: Yeah.
Rio: …Oh right. Prince Gilbert, Prince Chevalier summoned you.
Gilbert: Oh? Are you intending to inconvenience a guest with such a thing?
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Rio: My apologies. However, it’s Prince Chevalier we’re talking about.
Gilbert: ….
Gilbert: …It can't be helped then. I’ll grant you mercy just this once.
I instinctively grabbed Gilbert’s cloak as he casually tried to walk away.
Gilbert: Little rabbit?
Emma: Oh...sorry. 
(Why did I try to stop him?)
(…I didn't even have anything to say.)
Gilbert: You don't want me to leave that badly, huh?
Emma: …I don’t know.
Gilbert: You're so honest.
As I let go of his cloak, Gilbert grabs my hand and brings it to his lips.
The gentle touch of his cold lips against my fingertips made my chest tighten.
Gilbert: Even if she doesn't remember, she’s still my fiancée.
Gilbert: You understand, don't you..?
Clavis: Ahaha, no need to threaten us. We would never mistreat Emma.
Luke: Hurry up, you're in the way.
Gilbert: Eeh— how rude. 
With a refreshing laugh, Gilbert finally disappeared into the depths of the castle.
(Normally, I should feel relieved when the notoriuos villain leaves….)
(...But I have this feeling of wanting to chase after him right away...)
Rio: Emma… Let’s talk about this somewhere else, shall we?
Rio: ——And this is how the story went between you and Gilbert. 
Emma: …That can’t be true….
Emma: ….
Emma: Wait...Could it be that something terrible was done to me?
Clavis, Rio and Luke: That’s right.
Emma: ….
(Isolated due to Gilbert’s malice, and the people of Rhodolite turned hostile towards me…)
(And in the end, I was taken to Obsidian as a hostage.)
As expected, there were several pieces of information that Gilbert hadn’t mentioned in the story, and I held my head in my hands.
Emma: ….Why did I fall in love with Gilbert?
Clavis: A momentary lapse.
Luke: You were threatened.
Rio: Because you’re so kind!
(Everyone’s answers are all over the place!)
Rio: Emma, maybe now is your chance.
Emma: My chance…?
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Rio: Even if the treaty was signed by the four neighboring countries, Obsidian is still our enemy.
Rio: Staying in obsidian may lead you to being harmed by Rhodolite.
Rio: So, why not take this opportunity to come back to recuperate?
Emma: ….I can’t do that.
Emma: Gilbert said that if I didn't return, he would come to Rhodolite with a large army to pick me up.
Luke: That guy is the worst.
Clavis: Don’t worry, Emma. Our country’s princes are all capable.
Clavis: Dealing with Gilbert should be easy
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Clavis: In fact, I've been wondering for some time now whether it's a good idea to put the fate of the country solely in your hands.
Clavis: If there's something we could do about it, would you come back to Rhodolite?
Rio, Luke, Clavis, were all serious.
Gilbert: Honestly, how would they feel if they were esteemed guests and were treated as a burden?
Chevalier: ….
Gilbert: If they wanted to separate me from her, they could have told a more convincing lie.
Gilbert: And that goes for you too. Can’t you stop writing when there’s a distinguished guest in front of you?
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Chevalier: An uninvited guest.
Gilbert: I see you’re still terrible at diplomacy. With that attitude, you’ll definitely earn the displeasure of some countries.
Gilbert: …Well, never mind that. Let me borrow this for a moment.
Gilbert, unceremoniously, took the quill from Chevalier's hand,
And lined up several formulas on a nearby document.
Gilbert: What do you think of this?
Chevalier: ….
Chevalier: ….It’s quite unexpected to hear this from the worldwide disaster.
Chevalier: To think you came all the way just to return the rabbit.
Gilbert: Ahaha, don't misunderstand anything.
Gilbert: It’s just a temporary arrangement. If she doesn’t come back, I’ll lead a large army to get her.
Gilbert: I hope Rhodolite doesn't become engulfed in a sea of flames.
Chevalier: I thought you hated lies.
Gilbert: ...Yeah, I do. It makes me want to vomit. 
Chevalier: ….
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Chevalier: The cost of this information upfront is high but I will accept it as a gesture to foster future relations.
Gilbert: Why, thank you.
Gilbert: Now that you’ve paid, make sure to handle everything properly.
Emma: Ah, there you are, Gilbert!
After searching around the castle, I finally found a black figure hidden among the roses.
When I ran over to him, he noticed me and greeted me with a fresh smile.
Gilbert: Did you enjoy your chat with them?
Emma: Yes. I was able to hear various stories from everyone.
Emma: …Although, most of them were criticisms about you.
Gilbert: Ahaha. Did you end up hating me?
(To hate you….)
(…I wish I could.)
When I held his cold hand, his blood-colored eye widened slightly——
Gilbert: What’s this? You’re holding the hand of a man who has done so many terrible things to you.
Emma: …It does not have any special meaning.
(However, Gilbert looked lonely while he looked at the roses….)
Emma: Anyway, the roses in Rhodolite are beautiful, aren’t they?
To regain my composure, I scanned my surroundings
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The flowers blooming in here are a symbol of the land of roses,
All of them meticulously cared for, displaying vibrant petals.
It was a rose garden so beautiful that I could look at it for minutes, even hours, without getting bored.
Emma: But….
Emma: That single rose I received from you seems more beautiful to me than all of these.
Gilbert: …Really? It looked meager compared to the roses here, though.
Emma: I haven’t forgotten everything to the extent that I don’t understand the meaning of the roses that bloom in Obsidian. 
(A cruel and frightening person… The Gilbert in those stories didn’t seem lovable.)
(I never understood why Gilbert loved me.)
(But I still can't get that rose out of my mind.)
(The rose that Gilbert earnestly made bloom in a barren land.…)
I squeezed his hand tightly so that my warmth transferred to his cold palm.
Emma: I felt refreshed after hearing everyone's stories. Thank you for coming with me.
Emma: Let's go home, Gilbert.
Gilbert: ….
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Gilbert: …But your home is here, you know?
Emma: That's true, but the old me chose to live by your side.
Emma: …Besides, after hearing those stories, I’m certain about it.
Emma: That I was definitely in love with you.
Emma: Otherwise, I would never have gone to Obsidian.
(Rio, Clavis, and Luke, all said the same thing.) 
(That I had gone to Obsidian of my own free will.) 
(That decision itself was my answer.)
Gilbert moves away and pulls me into an embrace that my heart doesn’t find unpleasant.
And above all, the red eye in front of me was wavering.
What was unmistakably reflected there was a profound and earnest love.
(….After coming to Rhodolite, I was finally able to accept it.)
(I am…Gilbert’s fiancée.)
Emma: I haven't regained my memories back yet, but...can I stay by your side?
I asked timidly, Gilbert pulled my hand and placed it on his chest.
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Gilbert: …Silly little rabbit. I went through the trouble of creating a chance for you.
Emma: A chance?
Gilbert: Hehe, it’s nothing.
Presses his lips against my forehead, Gilbert smiles.
It was a smile rich with emotion, seemingly oozing happiness from the depths of his heart– oddly unfitting for a great villain.
Gilbert: Let's go home. I'll give you a rose garden even grander than this one.
Emma: I look forward to it.
(Until then, I want to remember everything properly.)
(Because I don't want you to feel lonely anymore.)
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the-fiction-witch · 1 month
Say You Want Me Too
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Jacaerys Velaryon Couple - Jacaerys X Reader Reader - Y/n (Betrothal) Rating - Flirty Word Count - 1311
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A storm rages outside the tall stone walls of Dragonstone, the night sky as dark as obsidian, the sky full of heavy clouds lit only by the occasional sparks of lighting that flash across the sky, thunder often rumbling the bowels of the castle. Jacaerys sat in his chambers reading his high valerian study book in bed by candlelight, already dressed for bed often muttering words to himself,
“Se guēse's skoriot… skoriot… nektogon ilagon va se endia… tistālior…” He mutters to himself,
When suddenly a timid knock comes on his door,
"Enter!" the young prince said, expecting the maester or his younger brother perhaps.
Slowly the door creaks open and as he glances up he takes a double take to check he is indeed seeing what he thinks he is, as much to his surprise he sees his betrothal Y/n, in her small blue velvet slippers and sky blue silk nightie with silver embroidery. Her hair in a tight braid that falls around her shoulder, a candlestick in her hand. She closes the door and stands sheepishly, "I pray I am not disturbing you, my lord Velaryon,"
Jacaerys's mind was racing, His heart beat faster as he realised what this situation could entail, What reason could she have for coming here? This late? Is she in search of comfort? and the fact that Y/n was in such a state was causing certain, desires to arise. "No, my Lady, you are not disturbing me. What reason do you have to seek me out? Is something amiss?"
She slowly approached his bed but she stopped before getting too close, she trembled as she held her small candle almost forcing out her words, "Forgive me I do not wish to be any trouble,"
"You do not know the trouble you cause me my lady," he thought, "So, what brings you to my chambers this late at night?"
she blushed slightly her head tips down to the floor before she gathered the strength to meet his eyes once more, even if her eyes do flick down to him in his bed, "I do not mean to be trouble" she blushed, "forgive me, I am still... New to Dragonstone, and we do not get storms such as this back home... I admit, I am frightened." She explained "I know that must seem foolish to yourself my lord Velaryon, you have been here so long and... Ride the back of a dragon, and fight with sword and lance… I know the idea of rain and lightning in being fearful must seem childish,"
Jacaerys smiles as he sees his maiden blush. "No, no, do not you dare say that. There is nothing childish about feeling fear." He reaches his arms out for her. "Come, my lady, there is no need to be frightened when I am here I will protect you from anything, be it lightning or bandits or anything else that you may have to fear. But for now, you can get into my bed, I will not let anything come to hurt you.”
“Are you sure my lord?”
“I am, come on.” He smiled,
she blushed and set down her candle before she moved closer, she took his hands her skin soft in his rougher hands,
Jacaerys smiles and moves to make space to sit with her in his large bed. "Now, my lady, all you need to do is relax and close your eyes, and I promise I will protect you from anything that can harm you. I ask only one thing of you..." He smiled,
"thank you, my lord, you did not have to be so kind to me" she giggled feeling him so close, "what is it you ask my lord?" She asks squeezing his hands in hers,
Jacaerys chuckles, "There is nothing that I can ask of you that you do not already give me...But,” Jacaerys can hardly contain himself, he wants his little betrothal but he must remain composed. "Can I... Have a kiss, my lady?" He asks her, his words breathless as his heart beats harder.
She blushed at her betrothal’s request, her eyes flickering down to the bed a moment before she looked up and nodded moving and pressing her lips to his cheek, her lips soft and smooth her whole self smelled like honey, when she pulled back her face is red and she squeezed his hands, Jacaerys squeezes her hands his heart is pounding so fast he cannot hold still as he stares into her eyes. He can barely control himself,
"My lady..." He whispers to her, his voice shaking with intensity, "May I ask you for one last thing?"
"yes, Jacaerys?" she bats her eyes,
Jacaerys moves his hands to her cheeks, "May I ask... for a kiss… on the mouth?" He is almost trembling now, he cannot control himself. He wants this beauty so badly,
"Are you sure we are not yet married?" she began to tremble,
"We are betrothed my lady, we are to be married..." He said, "A kiss is not enough to ruin that, my lady." he smirked slightly “She is so sweet and innocent,” he thought of taking advantage of her crossed his mind, but he forced it away, "Please? Just one kiss..."
Y/n blushed even harder and squeezed his hands she nodded and shuffled closer she gently pressed her smooth lips to his own, her lips tasted of honey too, her taste and scent almost overwhelmed him as they shared the kiss their lips moved together a few times before a crack of thunder rumbles across the sky and lightning flashes through the chamber which makes her pull away and slightly squeak in fright,
He chuckled at her reaction and moved his hand to the small of her back, drawing her body closer to his enveloping her in his arms, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head keeping her close and safe, "By the gods..." he whispers to her, The thunder crackles louder and louder and she buries herself into his chest. He can feel her small frame pressed against him and his instincts are to hold her even tighter.
“I’m sorry I-”
“It’s alright, you're scared. But no need to fear I am right here my lady,”
“Thank you Jace,” but more thunder cracked which made her burrow into his chest in fear,
“Shhh shhh shh it’s okay, I’m here,” He cooed, after a while of quiet he looked down at her he felt the burning desire for the girl that would soon be his bride, how she cuddled him, how she looked in her sweet state and he knows he can’t hold back any longer, "I could never do without you. I need you, my lady".He growled kissing her head, "Please, say the words that will make me yours. I am ready for you".
"what? What are you talking about Jace?"
"I want you my lady... In more ways than one, more than anyone else could ever imagine." He pauses, his words almost catching in his throat. "I love you... and I want you, it is as simple as that."
"I see. I do love you Jace you have been nothing but kind to me since I arrived and I'm sure we shall have a long and happy marriage" She nodded
"But my lady, you do not understand..." he gasped, "You are all I ever wanted, but I want more than what you are telling me. I do not want to wait for marriage, I want it now, now that I have tasted your sweetness"...
"you want what my prince?"
"I want YOU." He says, with great passion and determination. "You, Y/n. Now. please… I beg you… say you want me too.”
“I… I do,” she blushed, “Very much,”
“Then let me make you forget this storm and make this a night we shall remember for the rest of our days,” He stroked her cheek and she nodded so he bit his lip a moment before he pulled her into a intense kiss. 
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darleuxox · 2 years
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soft & tender. ☆ aemond targaryen x fem!velaryon!reader smut
key masterlist ✦ hotd masterlist ✦ intro
warnings: 18+ (no minors i stg) nsft, overstimulation, voyeurism, implied breeding kink, cursing, jealous aemond, possessive aemond, a little bit rough, dysfunctional family dinner, premeditated murder, jace suffers greatly
summary: your betrothed expects his patience to be rewarded, one way or another. watching you dance with someone he loathes feels like the opposite.
word count: 2,012
a/n: r is a velaryon but not related to aemond through blood. aemond you crazy bitch!! sorry if there are errors, i’m still getting used to writing smut. thank you so much for the request @duhitzdae , i hope you like it!
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Aemond was tempted to smash his brother’s skull in with his empty wine glass if he had to endure one more minute of his jesting. It felt so foolish to the prince, wasting precious seconds that could be spent with you on people so tawdry in comparison. It wasn’t often that your families indulged in social gatherings, and he had little hope there’d be another time like this in the near future. Although Aemond truly wished it could be under better circumstances that didn’t involve your uncle’s demise, there was literally no time like the present. For too long had the second-born prince endured endless torturous nights dreaming of caressing your soft skin, and laying in your divine arms. He dreamt of venturing through your personage in places he’d kill another man for thinking of. But there was no need to worry about the ladder, your aunt Lady Rhaenys approving of your new engagement with the prince once he asked for your hand. All that was left was to announce your good tidings at this wretched dinner.
Beneath the table his fists clenched in his lap, tension beginning to overflow when yet another servant came through the door. You and your niece Baela were caught up in something with Rhaenys, making the two of you the last guests to arrive. Your time with the prince was often limited to dragon rides somewhere far and secluded from Kings Landing and Driftmark, on the rare occasion that you both had entirely tended to your respective duties. Aemond adored those moments with you, adrenalized and invigorated from flying on Vhagar with you in his arms. In the meantime, all he could enjoy were your letters that carried just enough of your rose perfume for him to imagine you there.
The two grand doors swung open, guards clearing the way for you and Baela to enter.
“There you two are!” Rhaenyra exclaimed, putting her grievances with the Queen aside, “Come sit with us.”
Aemond’s smile swiftly fell as your older brother-in-law, Daemon pulled out a chair for you, right between Jacaerys and Baela.
“It’s a joy to see you again, Y/N and Baela,” Alicent said hospitably. “Rhaenys tells me you’ve both been a great help at Driftmark,” Her smile dropped awkwardly, “And my condolences to your late uncle. What happened earlier was… unfortunate, to say the least.”
“Thank you, my queen,” You replied, your smile warm, “I’m happy to see you and your family in good spirits.” Aemond’s violet eye remained glued on you, softening when you took a moment to beam at him. Whoever thought all angels had wings was surely wrong in Aemond’s book.
Even when your attention shifted towards catching up with Rhaena, the prince basked in your vision. You wore a shoulderless obsidian gown with a cascading neckline that hinted at something delicious beneath. The dim light of the dining hall did no disservice to your beauty, your eyes twinkling as if stars lay beneath them. Aemond was barely listening to a word his grandfather was saying when you suddenly stood up.
Seeing Jace’s hand hold yours was equivalent to watching idly by as you clutched scolding hot coals in Aemond’s mind. He sat up a bit straighter with his jaw clenched and his expression cold but deadly, time moving slow while you began to dance with his nephew.
“Aemond? Don’t you agree with your mother?” Otto asked a little louder.
“...Mhm,” Aemond muttered, stabbing his fork into the steak violently.
First, he’d gain retribution by blinding the young man, so he’d never look at you so sweetly again. How could you be so foolish? Dancing with another man in front of one who deserved you far more. Then Aemond would cut off his right hand, the one placed far too close to your hip. No, No, No – The prince screamed internally, don’t laugh with Jace like that. Finally, Aemond thought, his temptations bloodthirsty, he’d sever Jacery’s Targaryen’s legs. He can’t dance with you again without them.
Once you finally sat down, Jace remained standing, lifting his cup looking triumphant.
“I’d like to make an announcement,” Jace said, “Although Lady Rhaenys could not join us tonight,” he paused, “There is a matter our families have been discussing for a long time coming. I intend to take Lady Y/N’s hand in marriage.”
Judging from your wide eyes, you were in the dark about this. Aemond was ready to weaponize his cutting knife when a servant barged in front of him, presenting a horribly timed and placed meal. Silence suffocated the room except for Lucerys’ giggling. The boy stopped when he heard a startling clang from the other side of the table, where Aemond had stabbed the table hard. Smiling wickedly at Lucerys, Aemond abruptly stood and looked towards Jace.
“I’m terribly sorry, nephew,” Aemond said, “But Rhaenys promised me Y/N’s hand earlier today, actually.”
“Aemond! Why didn’t you tell me?” Alicent exclaimed.
“I,” Aemond proclaimed, overflowing with arrogance, “Wanted it to be a surprise, mother.” He looked directly at Jace, his smile wide but his eye malicious.
“But fret not, you should have no troubles finding another suitor,” Aemond exclaimed, “For Jace, you have grown into a handsome, intelligent…” He looked at his mother, who wanted to die from embarrassment. “Strong man. Haven’t you?”
“Take that back,” Jace growled, looking furious.
“Aemond - stop this at once,” Alicent sternly pleaded with her son.
“I don’t see the problem, mother. I was only assuring my nephew that he’ll find love elsewhere,” Aemond said, “Away from Y/N.”
When Jace tried to lunge at Aemond, the prince pushed him down like nothing. If his family hadn’t intervened, Aemond would’ve beaten Jace into a pulp.
“Aemond!” Otto boomed, “That’s enough. Head to your quarters.”
“...Fine,” Aemond relented, “As long as my lady accompanies me.”
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“This is where we’ll be staying.”
You crossed your arms, looking up at him with a frown, “What about your bedroom?”
Aemond gave you a smug little smile, towering over you as he took a step closer and placed a hand on your cheek. his breathing was heavy and staggered, and you could feel his warm breath against your face. “It’s not close enough for Jace to hear.”
You let out a gasp, and you couldn’t tell if it was from disgust or arousal. “Aemond…”
“Mhm,” your betrothed mumbled, burying his face into the crook of your neck while wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. He pulled you in so close you could feel his fingers digging into your flesh. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he breathed out, “Only for that bastard to do it first.”
Aemond began to press painstakingly light kisses down your neck, having your body shiver at the ghost of his lips.
“If you’re going to kiss me, just do it already,” you giggled, fingers tugging at his platinum locks.
Aemond pulled away from your neck with a boyish smile, “Oh my love,” he chuckled, “I can’t touch you properly if you don’t tell me what you want.”
You wouldn’t have given in so quickly to his possessive urges on any other day, but you knew what you were getting into when you flirted with Jacerys.
Goosebumps invaded your flesh as he removed your nightgown, letting it slide helplessly to the floor. His fingers slid down the sides of your body, stopping at your hips before abruptly lifting you up in a princess hold. “Aemond!” you squeaked, growing dizzy as he gently laid you on the bed.
Kneeling above you, Aemond’s determined expression softened as he admired your body. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he told you, his hands moving to hover above your chest.
Your breath hitched when aemond began to play with your perk nipples, rubbing circles torturously slow onto each nub, often taking a moment to squeeze your breasts with his slender hands.
“So soft,” Aemond muttered in rapture. The room would be silent without your heavy breathing, at least until you released a breathy moan when he began to suck on your tit.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, your hands gripping onto his shoulders.
Aemond was delighted to touch you again, but he needed more for his plan to work. Getting impatient, he used one hand to steady himself as the other one danced on the skin surrounding your pussy. You moaned when he massaged your clit, until he suddenly stopped.
“Aemond!” you whined. He simply unlatched his mouth from your nipple and looked at you innocently.
“If you want something,” Aemond tutted, one hand hovering above your aching clit while the other caressed your lip, “You must tell me what you want, and how much you want it.”
“I want you inside of me,” you begged, “I need you to fuck me.”
“When I needed to fuck you, you were dancing with him,” Aemond said coldly, grabbing your face to look into your eyes, “He’ll know his place when he hears you screaming my name. but first, you need to know yours.”
Aemond became animalistic. Once his patience wore out so did you, panting and moaning loudly as he continued to viciously eat you out as he had done for the past hour. He moved you so your ass was in the air, face pressed flush against the pillow. Not even that could muffle your voice.
“Too much,” you cried, hands clutching at the sheets tightly.
“Just one more. I promise. You want me to fuck you?” Aemond panted out, “Then say it.” He slapped your ass, grabbing hold of your cheeks as he shoved his tongue deeper down your throbbing cunt.
“I want you to fuck me Aemond!”
“Good girl, keep begging,” Aemond moaned, “They should be done with dinner soon. If you like Jace so much give him a taste of what he’s missing, hm?”
After bidding his mother goodnight, Jace tiredly trekked to his room. There must be something he could do, he thought desperately. You’ve been a best friend of his since childhood, and he refused to lose you to his devious uncle. Jace clenched his fist, growing angrier with every step. Maybe a duel would be in order-
“Fuck yes!”
Jace approached the door of his room, his cheeks red and eyes wide. It took the young lord a moment to recognize your voice.
“Gonna fill you up again and again,” Aemond growled into your ear, hands digging into your hips as you continued to bounce, “You’ll still feel it when you see him again,” he snarled, “And you’ll feel it whenever another grubby man puts his hands on you.”
“Yes, yes, yes-“ you blubbered, tears streaming down your cheeks while your head rested on his shoulder, “Just like that!” you sobbed out when he hit your g-spot yet another time tonight.
“Scream my name,” Aemond demanded, pulling you from his neck to look into your teary eyes.
The Velaryon boy was horribly torn between breaking the door down and beating aemond into a pulp and listening to that delectable voice of yours. He’d thought of fucking you before but now it was all he could think about as he lay in bed alone.
“I’m getting close,” you moaned frantically, hips crashing into his harder and faster.
“I… I think I’m getting close too,” Aemond groaned, “Don’t cum yet.”
He yanked your hair back, forcing you to look at him, “Look at me. Don’t. Cum. Yet.”
It was difficult when your eyes were teary and fluttering from the overstimulation, but you tried your best. In a moment of boldness, your hands slid beneath the straps of his eye patch, gently removing it to reveal his sapphire eye. With anyone else, Aemond would’ve been furious. But knowing just how much you loved him, bought a tender aspect to such rough lovemaking. Pleasure began to swirl in your stomach more and more, finally exploding once he came in you. You both moaned in tandem, his hands gripping your hips as if to ensure not a drop of his seed went awry.
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Never Not Mine
Summary: Elain Archeron has been betrothed to the seventh born son of Autumn for as long as she can remember. With her family's reputation in the balance, Elain is resigned to her fate.
That doesn't mean she has to like it…or that she has to make it easy for him.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Read on AO3
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Lucien was sent to the north two days after his wedding, leaving Elain alone at court. Her sisters were gone, her parents returned to Spring, which left Elain to figure out Autumn without her usual supports. Elain was tempted to isolate herself, but like the females in Spring, the ladies of Autumn stuck together, for the most part. They had branches, smaller groups within the larger one, and Elain wanted to get in with one, just for security.
Which was how she found Ayla. 
Ayla clearly led one the smaller groups of females and Elain wondered if it was because she was so obviously beautiful. With long, thick hair the color of cinnamon that fell in heavy, ringlet curls and eyes like obsidian, and a wardrobe to rival the Lady of Autumn herself. If Eris hadn’t already been married, Elain would have assumed Ayla was a contender. She seemed born to rule in some capacity.
And rule she did—over a card game every afternoon in the parlor. It was invitation only, and Elain had been invited by Ayla herself as she’d wandered aimlessly through the hall. 
“Elain, right?” she asked, plopping into the chair beside Elain. “I was at your wedding. You were beautiful.”
It was a lie, but Ayla made it seem sincere. “Thank you.”
“I was hoping you’d join me and a few friends this afternoon? We play a friendly game of cards,” she began, fingers twisting a gold ring around her middle finger. “You could ask Arina, too, if she’d like to join.”
“I will,” Elain said, needing to be on good terms with the ladies, especially if Lucien was going to run off every chance he got. Elain was certain he’d run off to meet up with a female and it made her hate him a little.
“Excellent,” Ayla said, clapping delicate hands together. She practically floated away, leaving Elain to track Arina down far, far within the bowels of the palace. She hadn’t realized she’d need permission from the High Lord to actually go inside the library. Beron Vanserra terrified Elain—she’d never ask. Instead, she politely begged one of the scholars to bring Arina to her, and moments later Arina herself appeared, the only bright thing in the gloom.
“We’ve been invited to a card game,” Elain said without preamble. 
Arina wrinkled her nose. “By who?”
“Please come with me,” Elain implored, looking up at the only woman she could count on to be friendly to her. Elain understood that Ayla needed the future Lady of Autumn to appear, if only to enhance her own social status. Back home, the ladies had clamored for Nesta’s friendship and attention, much to their detriment. Nesta loathed social climbers. 
“Fine,” Arina grumbled, gathering her skirts as the pair began climbing back up the stairs.
“Why don’t you like her?”
“There was a rumor, when I first came, that she and Eris…”
“Oh. Oh. Did they?”
“Well, I never asked,” Arina sniffed, chin lifted in the air. “I didn’t want him to think I was jealous.”
“But you are jealous,” Elain teased.
“He doesn’t need to know that. His ego is already unchecked without my help. It’s good for him to think he doesn’t quite have me.”
“You accepted the mating bond,” Elain reminded her. 
Arina merely waved her hand, as if to say semantics. Elain doubted very much that Eris worried a whole lot about losing Arina given the fact that she’d so easily ingratiated herself into his life. Elain doubted very much Arina would leave him even if he’d slept with every available female at court. Eris was a lot older than Arina—of course he must have.
Though, it made her wonder who her husband had been sleeping with. Surely there must have been people before his murdered lover. Would it bother her? If Ayla slept with Lucien, would Elain avoid her, too?
She didn’t know the answer to that. In some ways, it felt like relief to know her husband had interests outside of annoying her and that he might discreetly pick up with someone else to spare her his attention. It was also strangely humiliating to imagine. Courts were small, insular, and the nobility of Prythian well connected. How long before rumors swirled of Lucien’s disinterest?
Elain could not win. 
Elain shoved thoughts of Lucien from her mind. She didn’t want him, so who cared what he did or didn’t do? The pressure in her chest crested for a moment, thrumming with heat before she could settle herself down. Elain took three calming breaths and the feeling subsided, though it lingered just below her ribs, aching like a bruise. 
Ayla’s card game was massive. Held in a large parlor papered in orange and brown flowers, the room could have held five hundred people comfortably. Tables were arranged with little placards noting who sat where. A long table held tea sandwiches and cakes, towers of little pastries and every beverage a person could possibly ask for. No one was eating, and when Elain and Arina arrived, the ladies already gathered hushed softly, eyes wide with excitement.
This would be the source of everyone's gossip for the rest of the week. 
“You came!” Ayla said, disentangling herself from a group of beautiful women. “I didn’t think—but oh, this is delightful. Here, you’ll sit here.”
Elain didn’t bother to ask who got booted from Ayla’s table. Arina sat, nodding toward the two other women that were already there. 
“Zoelyna,” she began pleasantly, smiling at the redhead. “Celeste.”
They looked like sisters, with the same shade of coppery red hair and bright, blue eyes. They smiled at Arina, launching into a thousand questions meant to occupy Arina’s time. Elain watched Arina with some awe, knowing that Arina did not like these functions or, really, any of the people in the Autumn Court. And yet she had this way of making people feel special—seen. Elain hoped to emulate that.
Maybe, she reasoned, she could make herself so beloved among the ladies they would refuse her husband out of respect or love…or fear, which seemed to be the tactic Arina had employed. There was soft reverence to the way everyone spoke to her that suggested their fear of crossing her. It was absurd—Eris was so besotted that anyone with eyes could see it. 
Though, Elain supposed he had enough power to make him appealing, even with a mate. A mistress often wielded incredible power and if her husband wanted, he could elevate her to the position of a wife without care or concern to how his actual wife felt about it. 
“Explain the rules to me,” Elain said once Ayla sat down, determined to make them all like her.
Ayla beamed. “It’s quite simple, really. Each of us will flip a card in our hand, and the highest suit wins.”
“That’s it?”
“We could make it more interesting, if you like,” Ayla suggested, reaching for a bracelet riddled with diamond on her wrist. “If you want.”
Arina sighed, taking off her pearl earrings while Zoelyna and Celeste both tossed rings in the center of the table. What did Elain have that she could trade besides the coins jingling in her pocket? Reaching within, she pulled out the little pouch and dumped them along with the jewelry. 
“Excellent,” Ayla said with a shark's smile. “I look forward to taking your money, ladies.”
“In your dreams,” Arina retorted, picking up her hand of cards delicately. “I think I’ll buy myself a new gown.”
Ayla smiled at her own hand. “I think I’ll get a new pair of shoes.”
Elain didn’t know what she’d do with their things. Probably return them, truthfully. It hadn’t occurred to her until right then that Elain had no money at all other than what had been sent with her. If she needed things, did she ask Lucien? What if he said no? She knew men like that, who controlled the purse strings so tightly their wives had to beg for simple items like shifts and undergarments. 
She didn’t hear what Zoelyna or Celeste wanted, lost in her own musings about Lucien’s petty cruelty. 
Elain merely shrugged. “I won’t count my coins until they’re in my hand.”
“Smart,” Ayla murmured, eyes bright. “I suppose you aren’t terribly competitive like the rest of us.”
But Elain was competitive. Quietly so, which had always annoyed her sisters. They’d be fighting amongst themselves, battling to be the winner and Elain would sneak in and steal the first prize because they’d forgotten her. 
It was her strategy in this game, too. She watched them watch each other, and threw her first few hands with an exaggerated, yet good natured sigh. Ayla and Arina immediately began going after each other much like Feyre and Nesta would. Elain’s first win was played off with a chagrined smile.
“What fun!” she declared as Ayla put a little mark in her favor. Elain threw her next hand just for good measure before taking the next five. Ayla and Arina chalked it up to a lucky streak, but Elain had just nearly pulled ahead and had no intention of giving that up. With a sweet smile, she continued to lay down her cards until Arina tossed hers down in frustration.
“You’re cheating,” she accused.
“I would never,” Elain protested, half laughing. “You’re simply a sore loser.”
It was the most fun she’d had since…well. Elain couldn’t remember the last time she had that much fun. So much of her time in recent memory had been spent trying to thwart, and later spite,
Lucien, that she’d let her friendships fall to the wayside back home. Here, though, looking at the shining eyes and bright cheeks of the ladies seated before her, she thought perhaps the worst was behind her.
After all, she was married now. There was no more thwarting Lucien outside of the marriage bed, no more spiting him when he slunk off to avoid her. Why shouldn’t she try and find some enjoyment in this moment. Elain smiled. Maybe Lucien would rarely be home.
Maybe she’d be able to enjoy herself.
He hadn’t intended to see Jesminda. Lucien had merely wanted to get out of Autumn for a minute, and Dawn was just far enough to clear his senses of Elain. His friend Nuan lived here, and had agreed to host him for a day while he bullshitted around delivering his fathers proposal for new tariffs on goods. Eris must have been monumentally stupid, or desperate, to relocate Jesminda here.
At first, Lucien thought he was merely hallucinating her in the market. But now—that was her light brown skin, her bouncy brown hair, and her wide eyes staring at him, lips parted in an oh. His legs began moving of their own accord, body vibrating with the need to just touch her.
“No,” she said, shaking her head back and forth as she held up a finger. Lucien’s heart shattered even as he kept moving. “I promised your brother. You weren’t supposed to come looking for me.”
“I…I didn’t know,” he managed, fingers brushing the long sleeve of her green gown. “You’re safe.”
“I was,” she agreed, glancing around nervously. Grabbing the front of his tunic, Jesminda dragged him past rows of vibrant market stalls to a darkened ally where they could talk. “Lucien, go home to your wife.”
“I won’t,” he said, reaching for her face. Jesminda let him, her agony a mirror for his own. “We could leave. We could board a boat right now and leave for the continent.”
“And what then, Lucien? Will you work like some common man?”
“You know I would,” he protested, stroking his thumb over her cheek. “I told you I would. My crown means nothing to me—”
“And your wife?” she pressed, pulling her face from his grasp. “What of her? You’ll leave her to the mercy of your father? I wouldn’t ask you to do that on my behalf.”
“She means nothing to me,” Lucien lied, cringing as he said it. Jesminda noticed, nostrils flaring.
“Oh, Lucien,” she whispered and of course she’d know. No one knew him better. 
“It means nothing.”
“You’re lying,” she whispered, pressing a hand to her mouth. “You…you think it won’t, but in ten years—fifty years—your mind will drift back to her and you’ll wonder—”
“I won’t,” Lucien said, well aware he was begging when he already knew the answer. He would have gotten on his knees if he could have, would have cut his own throat if she’d asked him to.
But Jesminda wouldn’t, and so Lucien remained standing before her, desperate for her to say the only words he wanted to hear.
I love you, Lucien. 
“This is wrong and you know it's wrong,” Jesminda whispered, taking a step toward him. “I swore to your brother I would never speak to you again—”
“Fuck Eris!” Lucien exploded, his feelings all over the place. “Fuck all of it—”
“I want you to go home, Lucien. To your ma—to her. And I want you to treat her well…and…” her bottom lip trembled as Lucien shook his head no. “I want you to leave me alone. Don’t look for me—if you see me in the street, don’t acknowledge me. Don’t write to me. Do not…do not even speak my name.”
“Swear it,” she whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Swear that you will keep the memories of what we had and you will let me go. Swear it to me right now.”
“I won’t.”
“Then I might as well hand you the sword your father will use to remove my head right now. If you love me, you will let me go.”
Lucien swallowed his urge to cry right along side her. “I could keep you safe.”
“You can’t keep us all safe. You’d sacrifice your mate,” she whispered the word, as if it pained her to say it, “for me?”
Lucien started to say that he would, but the words got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t say it, couldn’t make that promise and Jesminda knew it. She knew what all Fae knew—your mate was the other half of your soul. To lose Elain would be losing part of himself, even if they didn’t want each other or were a bad match. 
Shaking her head of curls, Jesminda offered him a brave smile. “I wondered why it didn’t snap for us. I wish…but it didn’t, and it's better to know now that it was never going to. You and I…we were…” She offered him a pretty smile that cracked his heart in half. “I’m glad I know. Some part of me will always love you, Lucien, but I’ve made my peace with how things ended. My family is still in Autumn and I’m hoping to get them out.”
“Are you happy?” he asked, voice cracking.
Jesminda considered this before offering him a bright smile. “I am. I always wanted to see the world…and Dawn is just one stop along the way.”
“I want you to be happy,” he told her, not bothering to add that he wanted her to be happy with him.
“Your brother was generous. I…I’m going to be okay, Lucien. And so will you. Trust me.”
She leaned up on tiptoes, pressed her lips against his cheek, and stepped back before he could do something rash. Jesminda offered him one last smile, eyes glassy and bright, before slipping out of the ally. Lucien let her, back against the brick, terrified that if he saw where she went he’d try and track her down. She’d asked him to let her go, and Lucien wanted to give her what she wanted.
Even if what she wanted wasn’t him.
Abandoning his plan to waste more time in Dawn, Lucien decided to return home for the night before spending the remainder of his time down by the sea drinking with sailors until he forgot his own name. Lucien winnowed onto the grounds, expecting silence.
Instead he found Elain at the center of what seemed to be a rowdy game with a gaggle of the well-bred ladies of court…and Arina, hands on her hips, eyes narrowed to slits.
“She cheated.”
“You’re a sore loser!” Ayla declared, half hiding behind Elain who was clearly trying to mediate the situation. Not far away, Tanwen lounged on marble steps leading up to the palace, wanting the whole thing play out with a furrowed brow. Elain hadn’t noticed him, which gave Lucien and his aching heart a chance to compare her to Jesminda.
“It’s simply a misunderstanding,” Elain assured them both, hands thrown out to keep Arina from swinging. Lucien was in a mood.
“Arina is simply sore that Ayla was promised to Eris before she came along,” Lucien said, silencing the entire lawn as he stalked away. He thought he’d gotten away with it, too, until something hard bounced off the back of his head. Lucien whipped around to find his wife standing there, wide-eyed and impossibly innocent despite the mallet held in her hand.��
Arina burst out laughing, doubled over as Ayla pressed her fingertips to her lips. 
“Did you throw something at me, wife?”
Elain only shook her head, the picture of chaste nobility. “I would never. Are you well?”
Lucien began to stalk toward her, so angry he could barely contain it. His rage must have shown because some of Elain’s mirth slipped and he saw her fear as she took a step backward.
“Brother!” Tanwen called, jogging toward Lucien before he could do anything rash. “Come inside with me, have a drink. You look like you need it.” It was a warning. Lucien exhaled as he nodded his head. Aware he was being watched by more than just Arina and Ayla, he looked at Elain and said, “You look pretty today.”
That was always an easy complement to give. Lucien couldn’t imagine there would ever come a time when Elain wasn’t pretty. 
“You’re falling to pieces,” Tanwen muttered when they were out of earshot. “Too many outbursts and you’ll draw fathers attention.”
“Who asked you?” Lucien snapped. 
“You know the consequences. You have a wife now, so you have a weakness. Elain doesn’t look as if she’s faced a hardship in her life. I can’t imagine how she’d fare in the dungeons paying for your fury. But no one asked me,” Tanwen replied, veering off to leave Lucien alone in the hall feeling guilty and angry and so, so empty all at once. Lucien went to one of the study’s in the palace—the one he and his older brothers typically occupied when they were trying to escape the noise of the place—and poured himself a drink. No one came to bother him, which was for the best.
Lucien threw the first glass back like a shot. The second and third, too.
The fourth burned as he pressed his back against the cool wood of the wall and sank to the floor, heart racing. Lucien finished his drink before abandoning the glass for the bottle itself. Eyes closed, all he saw was Jesminda telling him not to look for her ever again. That she was happy. 
He wasn’t. She hadn’t asked, likely because she already knew what he’d say. 
And she was right. Lucien buried his head in his knees, choking back the urge to sob himself hoarse. She was right. To chase after her was to condemn her entire family to death and his own mate. What kind of male was he?
A foolish one, with a foolish heart. 
Lucien didn’t remember falling asleep, though he did remember throwing up in a vase somewhere around his seventh or eighth drink. Barely conscious, he felt cool hands on his face and the smell of honey and jasmine.
“Not you,” he slurred as another rougher set of hands hauled him to his feet.
“Take him to the kennels,” a voice that sounded suspiciously like Eris’s ordered. “I’ll have him hosed down and he can sleep with the dogs since he wants to act like one.”
“Don’t—don’t do that. Bring him to me,” came that melodic voice that could only belong to his wife.
“It would please me far more to see him sleep with the animals.”
“Well, it wouldn’t please me. And if you displease me, I’m going to tell your wife to punish you.”
“I love when my wife punishes me—ow, did you hit me?!”
Lucien peeked open an eye as he was dragged, but the world spinned violently, prompting him to close them again. Elain and Eris spoke more, mostly teasing if Lucien judged the tone of their words right, but in truth he was pretty sure he fell back asleep as he walked.
“You’re heavy,” he heard Elain whisper, fingers undoing the buttons on his jacket deftly.
“And you’re forward,” he mumbled, turning so he could lay on his stomach. “I don’t need your help.”
Elain said nothing, though the scent of her was overpowering. 
A muffled squeak caused Lucien to look down, where he found Elain panting against his chest, shoving him off her. “Please,” she breathed, unaware of how that one little word could fuel a thousand filthy fantasies. Lucien rolled to his side as Elain scrambled off the bed entirely, shaking out her hands as she took a breath. 
“Do you feel it?” he mumbled, grabbing a pillow to cuddle it against his chest. Maybe he’d feel better if she, too, knew about the bond.
“My cracked ribs?” she asked, rubbing the side of her body. “I think I’ll be feeling that for days.”
Lucien chucked. “You will if I have my way.”
“Big talk for a man that agreed never to touch me,” she replied without malice, sitting beside him on the bed. “Do you want to tell me what all this is about?”
Elain sighed, murmured “fine,” and started to move away from the bed. Lucien reached for her, dragging her against him.
“I was in love, once,” he whispered into her hair, wondering if this was all a mistake. He was simply too drunk to care. “And she’s gone now.”
“I’m sorry,” Elain replied, because of course she would be. She let him hold her against him, though she twisted on her side so she was facing him. “How did she die?”
Lucien exhaled sharply. “She’s alive. She no longer wishes to see me.”
“Oh,” Elain breathed. “I’m still sorry.”
“It’s for the best,” he said, opening his eyes to look up at the ceiling. “It would never have worked between us.”
“Why not?”
Because I was holding out for a mating bond that was never coming.
“We’re just…two different people, I suppose.”
“Is it my fault?”
“No,” he said, because truthfully it wasn’t. “No, this has nothing to do with you. I’m just…” Angry at you, because there’s no one else to be angry with. 
They lapsed into silence. Lucien didn’t remember falling asleep, and when he woke, it was alone. Elain had been there—a pitcher of water sat on the nightstand beside a few slices of bread with jars of jam and jelly beside it. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting light against the shadows.
Lucien groaned.
“You’re an asshole,” he told himself, rolling onto his stomach so he could push himself up. He knew he was, knew he needed to try and treat Elain better.
But for the rest of the day, Lucien remained in bed.
Drowning in his self-loathing.
“Hide me,” Elain whispered, grabbing Ayla by the shoulders and shoving her behind a pillar. Ayla squeaked, peering around Elain and Lucien strolled past a moment later, unaware they were hiding just out of view.
“Is the honeymoon over, then?” Ayla whispered once Lucien rounded the corner, unaware of the hiding women mere heartbeats away. Elain couldn’t face him, not after she’d been called to collect him by a nervous servant. She’d found him drunk, jacket half unbuttoned and droll sliding down his cheek pressed against the floor. She’d tried to rouse him, but Lucien was a solid mass of muscle and unmovable. Eris had done it for her, seething with silent fury.
Elain was simply nauseated. He’d gone to see his former love, who’d sent him away likely because it was dishonest and she was a lady of character. That didn’t make his rejection sting any less, even if she didn’t want him.
Everyone would know he’d been drunk over another woman and even if Eris and Arina squashed the ugliest of the rumors, they’d still circulate. He couldn’t go a full day without trying to embarrass her. 
“We just…don’t get along well,” Elain admitted, smoothing out her skirts once she was certain Lucien was gone. 
“No, I suppose not. I heard,” Ayla added, her face rich with sympathy. Elain swallowed the urge to scream. “I’m sorry. I think I might have killed my husband if he did that.”
“It’s tempting,” Elain admitted, allowing Ayla to walk her out of the palace and toward the apple orchard. Elain drank in the crisp air, catching a whiff of smoke in the air. Turning, she saw Tanwen in the distance, marked by the twin pair of axes he wore criss-crossed along his back. He was burning leaves—or something distinctly leaf shaped—causing curling tendrils of smoke to waft toward them. Ayla, too, had turned to look, those dark eyes narrowed just at the corners.
“Why does he dress like that?” Elain asked, desperate to shift the conversation away from herself. “Like he’s ready to march into battle.”
Ayla’s eyes never left Tanwen. “I don’t know. He’s never spoken to me.”
That seemed impossible. “Never?”
“The only Vanserra who won’t,” she said, finally turning back to look at Elain. Elain swore a wine colored flush crept up Ayla’s olive skin. “He rarely speaks to the ladies, though, so I take no offense.”
“He talks to me,” Elain said, wondering if he did so simply to irritate Lucien. Ayla glanced at Elain, an inch or so shorter than Elain’s already diminutive frame. If Ayla stood beside Tanwen, he would simply engulf her. It was had to picture what they might talk about, besides—Ayla was a purebred lady, with proper interests and from the little Elain had gathered, a keen mind. Tanwen, on the other hand, didn’t seem so inclined to play courtly games. Perhaps that was the point of the axes. Perhaps they served as a reminder that he solved his problem in a less elegant fashion.
“Well, you’ll have to introduce me then, won’t you?”
“What would you talk to him about?” Elain asked, not meaning to be unkind. She was merely curious why Ayla would care at all. If she was angling for a Vanserra, surely Connall suited her better? He was just as courtly as Eris but without the wife hanging from his arm. 
More color overtook Ayla’s features and oh. “Perhaps nothing at all.”
“I’ll introduce you,” Elain said quickly, linking her arm through Ayla’s before she could race off in embarrassment, “if only so you can see how terribly dull he is.”
Ayla offered a weak smile. “Thank you. It’s…thank you.”
Ayla left Elain not long after, begging some excuse which left Elain walking through the neatly lined trees by herself. Kicking fallen apples with her boot, she tried to push everything from her mind and focus only on her surroundings. Think of the positives, she urged herself. Autumn was beautiful in its own, half-dead way. She was making friends, which was nice, and her husband’s family didn’t seem to hate her.
Even Lucien— “There you are,” he said, interrupting her as she tried to come up with something good about him. That was a fools errand, she supposed. The male standing before her looked like a prince, minus the dark bags under his eyes. Every inch of him was immaculate otherwise, which annoyed her. If only he was less handsome, she lamented. Of his brothers, he was easily the loveliest, which made hating him all the more difficult. He was appealing to look at. 
In an obnoxious sort of way. 
“Were you looking for me?”
“Yes,” Lucien said, taking a breath. It was clear he prepared a speech which wasn’t necessary. Elain had half forgotten—or, she wanted to anyway. No need for him to bring it all back up. “About last night—”
“This isn’t necessary,” Elain began, desperate to avoid this. She didn’t want to be confronted, once again, by the knowledge that he did not want her. It was bad enough they were together for an eternity, their marriage inked well before Elain had been old enough to have a say. To know he would always be drinking and thinking of another woman was far worse. 
“It is necessary because my brothers inform me you are the spectacle of the morning's gossip. It wasn’t my intention,” Lucien told her, face paling ever so slightly. “I ah…I have a gift—”
“I don’t want your pity gifts, Lucien,” she snapped, rounding on him so quickly that he stumbled back a step. “What I want is for you to get yourself together. You aren’t the only one who wasn’t consulted when this marriage was arranged and yet you act like I somehow conspired to get you. As if you’re some kind of catch. I am doing my best to make a difficult circumstance tolerable while you…you throw all my work in my face. You may as well declare to all of court that you hate me and get it over with.”
“I…I’m sorry,” Lucien said, looking as if he meant it. Not that it meant much, because the damage had already been done. Still, his words stopped her in her tracks. Of all the things she’d expected to hear, an apology was at the bottom of the list. 
“I said I’m sorry,” he replied with just a little edge to his voice. It was a warning not to push things too far, and if Elain hadn’t been so tired, she might have called his bluff. “I was an ass, okay?
I’m sorry. Now, can I give you my gift?”
“Fine. Show me this gift of yours,” Elain said, certain a little trinket couldn’t undo the gossip that would trail after her for weeks. 
“This way,” Lucien mumbled, beckoning for her to follow. Elain stayed one pace behind, arms wrapped around the blue fabric of her dress. How long would he make her wear the necklace, she wondered? A few days? Just long enough for everyone to know he was appropriately apologetic?
“Here,” Lucien said, standing outside the edges of an iron gate covered in ivy. “No one has used this in��since I can remember.”
Elain cringed at the creaking hinges before pausing to see what Lucien had brought her to. It had been a garden, once, before decay took over. The once lovely path was made of crumbling, weed eaten stone and gnarled trees swayed in the breeze, ghosts of their once former beauty.
A little earthen pot held a bloom of yellow and red marigolds, peering up at Elain cheerfully.
“Your sisters told me you like to garden,” Lucien said, drawing a small box from somewhere on his person. “They said you do it by hand.”
Elain took the little box, bound in a pink ribbon, to find enchanted gloves. “To protect your hands,” Lucien said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with clear embarrassment. “I thought…” Elain hated the thoughtfulness he’d displayed. How a few days of knowing her, alongside scant pieces of information likely hurled at him between insults, had allowed him to put together the perfect gift. “Thank you,” she said, tucking the gloves into her pocket. Lucien stared for another moment, as though trying to come up with something to say.
“Well, I…should we head back, then?”
Elain allowed Lucien to walk her back, taking the most conspicuous path so everyone would see his hand laid atop of hers resting in the crook of his elbow. The ladies nodded approvingly—including his own mother, who Elain suspected had put him up to the whole thing—while the males watched, their expressions guarded. Perhaps they understood how Lucien felt. Perhaps they simply cared less about these sort of things. 
Elain knew, as she made her way back to their shared bedroom alone, that the news of his gift would drown out his humiliating behavior. He was clever—calculated. A Vanserra, she supposed. Elain stomped into their bedroom, opened the top drawer, and flung the gloves inside.
She’d take the cut up hands over absolving him. Let him see her cracked nails and the dirt caked in the pads of her fingers and let him see she wasn’t some delicate flower he could trample all over.
Nature was fierce, and so was Elain.
His wife would be the death of him.
“Elain!” Lucien shouted across the lawn, for all the good it did. He’d simply alerted her, Lady Ayla, and Arina of his presence, which sent the three of them hiking up their skirts and shrieking with laughter as they disappeared over another hill. Lucien was tempted to leave them to the brewing storm and let them come inside, bone chilled and soaked. 
He had also sworn to his mother to be a better husband when she’d come looking for him and boxed him around the ears, declaring she’d raised him better. No one had that conversation with Elain, who was determined to punish him for the humiliation.
She cavorted with Tanwen, letting him teach her to throw axes at trees. She danced with Connall at private parties he wasn’t invited to, and let Eris explain the complicated politics of Autumn when she was bored. And when she wasn’t with her brothers, she ruled court as one of the more fashionable ladies all the others hoped to be like. They copied her hair styles, wore their dresses like her, styled themselves as she did.
And Elain paid him no mind at all unless absolutely forced to. She was in bed most evenings before Lucien, back turned to him and breathing steady. Elain was making a point—he’d humiliated her in service to another female, so she’d treat him the same way. And it irked him. He was trying, even if it was coerced but clearly no one was demanding she treat him well.
“Elain!” he yelled again, voice drowned out by the sound of rumbling thunder. She was still running, unconcerned with the danger. Only Ayla had begun to hang back, the only one of the three who’d grown up in Autumn. She knew how quickly a lightning storm could come and how dangerous they became. 
Please turn around, he prayed softly, not wanting to get caught in the frigid rain. Behind him, Tanwen and Connall followed, arms crossed over their chests. No one wanted to go and get Eris—but they would, if they had to. Better Eris’s wrath than Berons, and he’d be irate if he learned Lucien couldn’t control his wife. 
Ayla yelled something none of them could hear, hair whipping wildly around her face as she tried desperately to convince Arina and Elain to come back. Arina would never be used to the kind of storms they got here—Lucien heard when it rained in Day, the winds were so brutal they could take the roof off a building. And for Elain, the water was warm, nourishing.
Everything in Autumn was volatile. There were no new beginnings, no rebirths—it was all death and ruin, retribution for an unforgiving world. There was nothing Autumn liked more than to swallow something beautiful whole.
And Elain, Ayla, and Arina were exceptionally beautiful. 
Lucien took a step toward Elain, thinking he’d haul her over his shoulders if he had to, reputation be damned. Maybe she’d learn to listen if he embarrassed her a little more. It wasn’t as if she was receptive to his gifts. When he’d seen her torn up hands, Lucien had thought perhaps the gloves hadn’t worked and gifted her a second, enchanted pair. 
He’d found both tossed in the top drawer of their shared wardrobe, half buried under her things. Lucien had changed tacts after that, bringing her a pair of pearl earrings to join the gloves. She thanked him with a pretty smile and never wore them which grated on his nerves. How long did she mean to punish him, anyway. 
Elain turned just as the skies opened up overhead. Lucien heard Connall swear loudly, stomping past him to demand the females return. Not that it mattered. Shrieking, all three began to run back toward the Forest House as Lucien watched, hair plastered to his face. Elain was quicker than he would have guessed, making her way toward him with eyes he couldn’t read.
Lightning streaked from the sky, illuminating the gray world a violet purple. It missed Elain by mere inches, though Ayla wasn’t as lucky. Elain and Arina screamed as the third female crumpled to the ground, causing them both to turn for her.
Panic flooded Lucien, his thoughts tinged red. They didn’t like each other—and she was still his mate. She was in danger. Instinct overrode all other thoughts as Lucien raced toward her, catching Elain just as she reached Ayla. 
“You’re going to get yourself killed,” he snarled in her ear, pulling her against his body. Connall and Tanwen were just behind, hovering over Ayla with nervous hands. They weren’t healers—if they picked her up, would they hurt her?
Lightning streaked again, this time closer to Arina than anyone felt comfortable with. Eris was going to lose his temper when he learned of this. Connall yanked Arina by the arm as Tanwen slid his hands beneath Ayla and lifted her lifeless body into the hair. They moved quickly, battling the wind and rain for the warmth of the Forest House.
“This is my fault,” Elain said through chattering teeth as Tanwen stalked off, not bothering to look back. “I said—I told her to keep running even when she wanted to turn back.”
Lucien almost snapped at her, agreeing that yes, she’d been a pretty little fool. It was the tears, mingling with the rain water on her cheeks, that stopped him from saying so. Elain would punish herself without his help.
“Come on,” he said, guiding her by the elbow. “You’ll catch your death.”
In his mind, every time Lucien blinked he saw the scene unfold differently. Saw the lightning streak toward Elain while he stood too far away, helpless to get to her in time. His heart raced at the image. 
“She’s dead—”
“She’s not dead,” Lucien interrupted, heart in his throat. “It struck the ground, not her. She’ll be okay.”
“She looked dead,” Elain lamented as Lucien all but shoved her in their shared room. “She looked—”
“She’s in shock,” Lucien said, unsure if that was true or not. “Tanwen will take her to a healer, she’ll be fine.”
“This wasn’t how they were supposed to meet,” she mumbled, lips blue from the cold. Lucien all but dragged her into their bedroom, throwing flames at the fireplace to bring it roaring to life. Would she let him undress her? Did he even want to undress her? Lucien thought better than to try his luck and instead turned his back, making a show of offering her privacy. Lucien’s fingers itched with the urge, body taut with interest as the rustling sounds of wet clothes slapped to the floor. He could smell her stronger—she reeked of fear, the scent so cloying it helped clear his senses. 
Lucien didn’t move, even when he caught a glimpse of fair skin from the corner of his eye. Look at her, just look—and touch and taste and—
The mating bond would be the death of him. If he didn’t get control of himself, she’d smell his desire which would only make things worse between them. Forcing air into his lungs, Lucien counted slowly as Elain dressed, turning only when she gave the word. Her hair was still limp, the ends dripping as she stood in front of the fire, but she was clothed again and Lucien could relax. 
“What did you say?” he asked, some of the fog clearing from his mind. He’d forgotten she’d spoken to him.
“I promised Ayla I would introduce her to your brother,” Elain said, chewing her bottom lip with worry. “I meant to do so at a dance, not…”
“Tanwen doesn’t dance,” Lucien said, bewildered. Ayla had been marked for Eris back when she’d first come of age and likely would have been married to him by now had Eris not accidentally met Arina and messed everything up. Tanwen could not have been more different from Eris. He’d gotten the same education, but Tanwen liked blood covered blades and showing his teeth, not fine clothes and sharp words. 
Elain was simply mistaken, he decided. She didn’t know these people the way he did, had misinterpreted and was going to create an embarrassing—yet hilarious—moment between his older brother and a lady at court. 
“Here,” Lucien said, pulling the blanket from the bed and draping it around Elain’s still trembling shoulders. “You’re freezing.”
Elain said nothing, though she wrapped the corners around her neck as she stared into the fire. “I’m trying,” she murmured after a moment while Lucien hesitated, unsure if he should stay or go. 
He sighed. “I know you are.”
He wanted to say that he was trying, too, in his own way. Even if it was bad, or didn’t seem like he was at all.
Lucien was trying.
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tokyoteddywolf · 3 months
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"Not my clowns, not my circus."
So.... that upsurge of Shadow Mewtwo art, huh lads?
Listen her job is to purify corrupted Gaia energy, aka the Shadow Stones, but they're not her problem if they're a different world than hers. Obsidian has enough on her plate XD
She's the equivalent of a very overworked secretary keeping everything running smoothly. The little old lady who has all the codes and passwords and if she's fired, the company goes down with her :) In this case, her entire planet.
So yeah, she's not touching that hot mess with a dimension long pole, lmao XD
80 notes · View notes
Imagine Part 4:
Rapper Erik and Y/N are official. How are they handling the new relationship?
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“Tell us your name, gorgeous, and where you’re from and how we can connect with you.” 
She blushed into the camcorder with a bright white smile and dark brown eyes. 
“My name is Tasia. I’m from Houston. You can follow me on Instagram at Tasia Marie.”
The videographer panned Tasia’s body with the camcorder. Tasia gave him a sexy pose while seated in the back of a bright yellow 2023 Porsche 718 Cayman. She’s wearing a sage halter dress and her hair is styled in large knotless braids with sleek edges. 
“Tell us a little bit about Tasia.”
Tasia pondered with a cute smirk on her face. She giggled and licked her glossy lips before speaking. 
“I’m twenty eight years old. I love to dance and model. I’m a great cook. My sign is a Scorpio. I love to have fun and just…see the world, you know? Let’s get some stamps on our passports together.”
“I hear that! Now, you’re on set of E-rratic’s highly anticipated video shoot. He hand picked you to be his leading lady. How does that make you feel? Let the people know!” 
“I feel special. Not everyday an opportunity like this comes your way. I’ve been waiting for the moment to star in a video with GRIZZLEY. And plus, backseat interlude is on rotation right now so it’s only right.” 
The video set had a late night, city vibe with wet pavements and a low ambiance from the many colorful lights that illuminated the city of Tokyo. E-rratic wanted to take it up a notch and shoot his video in Tokyo, Japan; one of the places on his bucket list to travel to. He had an entire script to make it like a movie. KILL-OCHO is a wanted man by the Yakuza who wants revenge for coming into Tokyo and making a name for himself. He steals the lead member’s woman (Tasia) just because he could. It’s Tokyo drift meets street fighter. 
The first two days on set were about filming for his hit single titled ‘punisher’ and now he was ready to give a little sexy, steamy realness with back seat interlude. The fans were begging him to make a video for the short song so he secretly decided to add it in the video to please his fans. It was never his intention but he’s glad that he did it anyway. 
“Speak of the devil…”
E-rratic slid into the back seat of the Porsche next to Tasia with no shirt on, flaunting his muscular strength by picking her up and placing her within his lap. Tasia giggled and draped her slender arms around his neck. E-rratic smiled into the camcorder with his diamond-encrusted canines and dimples on display. Tasia couldn’t focus on anything around her except E-rratic. He had her in a trance. Thick, diamond chains hung from his tattoo-covered neck and diamond rings decorated his thick fingers. He smelled like money and looked like money. In Tasia’s mind, she couldn’t wait to taste the money on his plump lips. To even be within his personal space took a lot of strength to keep it together. In her mind, don’t no bitch want E-rratic as bad as she does. 
Not even his girl friend Y/N.
“What are we about to get into KING KILLMONGER? Let the fans know.”
E-rratic gave a deep chuckle that vibrated his chest. Tasia could feel the rumble and she shivered in his grasp. E-rratic turned to look at her, his obsidian eyes low and wanton. 
“This lucky girl gettin’ that exclusive treatment. We about to film back seat interlude. Gotta give the fans what they want, feel me?”
“And what’s that?” The videographer asked.
“Straight sexiness.” E-rratic replied.
Tasia blushes before pressing her face into E-rratic’s neck taking in a whiff of his Versace Dylan Blue cologne. He tapped the side of her hip to get her attention and Tasia discreetly gripped his hand to try and place it on her ass. This isn’t the first time she tried to get him to do something in between takes. 
“Looks like everything is a go. Y’all ready?”
Hype Williams walked over to the car to make sure everything was good to go before he called action. E-rratic gave him a thumbs up while positioning Tasia to straddle his lap. She playfully bounced on him, her ass jiggling out of control. 
“Aye, chill out,” E-rratic gave her a smirk but his tone was icy, “just do your part, girl. Sit and be pretty.”
Hype Williams walked away laughing. 
“That’s no fun,” Tasia whispered, “You know what I want.”
“Yeah, I know. And you ain’t getting it.” E-rratic replied with a hushed tone. 
“Not fair. I want what you gave that groupie on your tour bus…”
E-rratic ignored her and Tasia didn’t like that. She was going to get it out of him one way or another. 
We gon’ fuck for an hour then we gon’ move to the back seat…
The water on set came pouring down like rain over the car. A neon blue light covered their bodies causing the white of their teeth, the diamonds they were wearing, and the green of Tasia’s dress to pop. Kill pressed his lips against Tasia’s ear as if he were sensually whispering the lyrics of the song to her. As if it were his own words serenading her. Tasia arched her back and combed her nails through E-rratic’s locs. 
Watch how I blow that back out make yo’ pretty ass tap out…
Tasia looked into the camera with a seductive gaze while E-rratic continued to spit his explicit lyrics. His hands dragged from her back to her ass where he cuffed her booty for extra emphasis on the back he was going to blow out. Tasia started grinding her hips in E-rratics lap and biting her lip. 
Fat ass on you girl I had to take that pussy in the back of my Audi 
Got your face down and that ass to the north (damn that arch is nice)
E-rratic gave Tasia a little push and she slid off of his lap and to the seat next to him. E-rratic climbed out and walked off for a smoke break so Tasia could have some screen time alone. She’s supposed to flaunt in front of the camera while the song plays in the background for added sexiness. As the camera zoomed in to her, Tasia moved her body in time to the lyrics. When E-rratic said to arch your back, she was face down, ass up in the back seat with her tiny dress almost revealing the lack of underwear. 
E-rratic entered his trailer and cracked the door behind him. He took a seat in front of his vanity where his weed and pre-rolled blunts are. After taking a swig of alkaline water, Erratic sparked up a blunt. Blunt hanging between his thick lips, he pulled up his special girl’s number and FaceTimed her back at the hotel. After the third ring, she  answered with a towel wrapped around her body and her expensive bundles clipped to the top of her head so it wouldn’t get wet. 
“Hey, baby girl. I miss you.”
“Mhm. Not enough if you’re not here with me right now.” Y/N replied. 
E-rratic’s eyes roamed over her body covered in a fluffy white towel. The amount of soft, brown skin that teased him was enough to make him go back to her. She gave him a look with an arched brow, challenging him to come to her and that was E-rratic’s favorite look. He loved it when Y/N got sassy with him. It let him know she wanted to get fucked harder. Longer. With his long dick. He chuckled when she turned around to tease him, bending over in the camera and shaking her ass from left to right. 
“You know daddy got work to do. I thought you said you love that I’m a hard worker?”
“I do, but it’s going on day three of this shit and I haven’t been able to properly enjoy you.” 
“Whatchu ‘bout to do?” E-rratic leaned into the camera with his blunt between his fingers, “Don’t do nothing that’s gonna get you in trouble, sexy. Thought I told you that pussy is off limits when I’m away? Don’t be hard headed.”
“Or what?” Y/N spoke defiantly, “Because you’re all the way over there, and I’m here. Can’t discipline me through the phone, Erik.”
“You talk so much shit and when I show up you sing a different tune. But I love it though, you real cute, baby.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable on the edge of their hotel bed to apply some vanilla oil to her skin. 
“Is that chick behaving herself or do I have to pull up?”
E-rratic’s intense stare and slight smirk distracted her for a second. She smiled at him before blowing him a kiss and licking her top lip lustily. 
“I got it under control. You know the ladies love E-rratic. How do you think I got you?”
He gave her a charming, dimpled smile.
“How many times do I have to remind you that you belong to me now and those bitches don’t stand a chance?” 
“You right. And you already know where I stand. So don’t waste your energy on these hoes. It’s me and you.” 
“Actions speak louder than words…”
E-rratic could sense the lack of confidence in her voice. Clearly, no amount of words will make her feel any better. It’s what comes with the lifestyle. E-rratic is a wanted man. No matter where he goes, some chick will throw themselves at him. They drop the panties for him, take off their bras for him, cheat on their men for him, risk it all to get some of that dick from him. That’s just how it is. It’s been years since he’d been in a committed relationship. He never imagined himself being where he is right now with Y/N; a fan. Respectfully, she’s more than a fan to him. He couldn’t explain it, but it was something about her. She had something that he couldn’t resist. 
“And haven’t I proven to you that I’m all about you?” E-rratic said, tilting his head into the camera. 
“Yes,” Y/N peered at him through her lashes, “Maybe I still can’t believe that I’m with you.”
“You’re rare, baby. I can’t believe the hold you have on me too. You know what I can’t stop thinking about?”
Y/N got comfortable on her side, one hand holding the front of her towel while the other propped her head up. The curve of her hip beneath that towel had E-rratic’s mouth watering. 
“What’s that?”
“…How you woke me up this morning with my dick in your mouth. Those pretty brown eyes staring up at me.”
“I could use some dick in my mouth right now if you were here with me,” Y/N said.
“Just your mouth?” E-rratic replied with faux shock, voice holding a bit of rasp.
“Of course not. That’s just the beginning. This pussy too.” 
“Mhm,” E-rratic took a hit from his blunt, allowing the purple haze strain to crowd his senses, “Daddy’s pretty pussy?”
Y/N gave him a sluggish nod of her head with a tantalizing bite of her lower lip. 
“I’ve been thinking about that phat pussy all day. That shit is mine.” 
“All yours,” Y/N said with a giggle.
“I got some time to kill, take that towel off and show me that pussy.”
E-rratic didn’t waste time. He sat up in his seat, pecks jumping and ab muscles flexing. Y/N couldn’t see his lower half that well, only the band to his white Calvin Klein’s. That brought her back to his recent Calvin Klein ad. Y/N made herself comfortable on her back facing the camera. She took the towel off and spread her legs to reveal her wet pussy to E-rratic. His deep grunt sent shivers down her spine.
“I want that pussy in my mouth so bad right now. First thing ima do when I get back is stick my tongue so far up your pussy…Fuuck.”
Y/N spread her lips for him so he could get a better look at how soaked she is for him. The contrast of her designer acrylics against the smooth, glistening flesh of her folds almost had him foaming at the mouth. 
“When I get to you, I’m a have you crying.”
“You know I can’t wait for that. You can find me ready and in position on the couch as soon as you get here.”
“Hmm…it’s like that?” E-rratic grabbed his crotch.
“All for you, Erik.”
“I love it when you say my name…it just rolls off your tongue all sexy and shit,” E-rratic smirked, “You gon’ moan my name?”
“Moan, sing, shout, all that,” Y/N replied. 
“That’s a good girl—give me a second, I’m coming—they want me back on set—”
“They can wait.” 
Y/N brought two wet fingers to her mouth to lick her juices off. E-rratic watched her with so much concentration. He slowly licked his lips as if he were the one enjoying her taste. If he could lick the screen and sample a taste, he would. 
“Aren’t you so lucky that you get to have all of this?” Y/N said.
“Shit, aren’t you so lucky that you get to sit on my face like it’s your personal seat?”
The thought alone had Y/N rubbing circles on her clit. Her head went back and she let out soft moans that bounced off of the walls of his trailer. 
“Can’t believe your favorite rapper eats that pussy up, huh?” E-rratic strained his neck to see if anyone was waiting outside of his trailer, “Got me talkin’ crazy right now…”
“Please hurry up, I need you,” Y/N moaned.
“I promise…hey…look at me…get your fingers off my pussy…I promise I’ll come straight to you when I’m done.”
Y/N kisses her teeth and to both of their disappointment, she closes her legs and sits up on the bed. Full titties with stiff nipples met his eyes and it didn’t make things better. The way his dick throbbed, you would think it was ready to burst through his zipper. The ache was uncomfortable and he didn’t know how he was going to be able to conceal a brick hard dick from Tasia. Have her thinking a torpedo is ready to blast off up her pussy with how hard he is. 
“Aight, we gotta behave ourselves. Go put on a robe and order yourself something to eat. Give me another hour and I’ll be right to you, baby girl. We can fuck with Joshi Luck on in the background.”
Y/N gave E-rratic an adorable pout with sad eyes. He picked up his phone and puckered his lips to give her a couple kisses through the phone. She wasn’t going to be satisfied until he came back to that hotel. He already knew that she was going to make herself cum at least twice. 
“You’re gon’ be a good girl for me?” E-rratic questioned. 
“I promise.” Y/N replied innocently.
“Aight, we’ll see. I’ll hit you when I’m on the way.” 
E-rratic ended the FaceTime and left his trailer so he could get this shit over with. As he walked back to set, he had to keep internally reminding himself to get Y/N off his brain until this was all over. 
How could Y/N describe what being with E-rratic felt like?
Like a dream
Her fantasy made into reality 
The greatest feeling in the world
Not one word could perfectly express how she felt being with Erik. Her Erik. E-rratic Leader was her man. Saying that felt so unreal. Thinking about it felt like she was living a fictional life. She couldn’t begin to explain how happy she was. She never thought she’d see herself laid up in his hotel bed in another country wearing an iced-out Cuban link with her name on it or a diamond tennis anklet with his given name on it. 
Just three months after the tour, everything happened so fast. Was this how it was supposed to be? Was this what God had planned for her? Y/N resigned from her full time job, packed her bags—even though he got her a whole new wardrobe—and moved to LA. After the first half of the tour leg, Erik asked her to be his official girl. Y/N said yes before he could even get his words out. She told her family and friends, despite some of their disappointment. Her mother was the hardest to convince. Her father’s opinion didn’t really matter to her since he’s hardly in her life. Her sisters and cousins were nothing but judgmental, and her friends were protective. 
Still, every morning when she wakes up in his California king bed wrapped in luxury sheets with the highest thread count, she can’t believe that she’s sleeping next to E-rratic. Sharing a home with E-rratic. Driving his cars, eating food prepared by his personal chef, working out with his personal trainer, meeting his celebrity friends, and shopping with his money. She didn’t have to lift a finger. He had her set with racks. She could wake up and find five bands sitting on the side table next to the bed for her. He loved giving her bouquets of roses in different colors wrapped with individual bills. 
Whatever Erik wanted, she gave him no questions asked. That’s what comes with treating your woman right. Dick in mouth, ass in the air, pussy for the taking. She wore what he liked, styled her hair how he liked, got her nails done how he liked. Before their trip to Tokyo, Y/N got his name tatted on her hip and her clit pierced with a golden topaz and titanium ring to match the nipple piercings. She planned to do her tongue next. 
Everywhere they went, he would assert his dominance with his arm around her waist and his hand resting on her hip. He’d introduce her as his woman with such confidence and the biggest ego. So why did Y/N feel like it was all temporary? That he would find interest in some other girl and drop her back off to Detroit. It was all too surreal to believe it would last. Y/N dreamed of this. She was satisfied with just one opportunity with him, but to have him every single day, whenever and wherever, it blew her fucking mind. 
With new fame came controversy. Y/N went from 2K followers on Instagram to 1.5 million. She had to limit her comments to avoid an influx of rude, nasty people and she had to stay off of Twitter. Don’t even get her started on the blogs. The blogs were eating her up. Groupie. Hoe. One of many to have E-rratic. Some say it won’t last, others say she won’t be the same when her heart gets broken. She had to block all of them too. 
“When you let the shit people say get to you, it controls your life. You gotta ignore the bullshit.” 
E-rratic knew first hand what it was like. He had to learn to live his life the way he wanted and not how people watching him wanted him to be. He wanted the same for Y/N. 
“This shit is new for me too. I want it to work. I really like you, Y/N. Hell, I think I love you. It feels like love. You love me?” 
The feelings she felt for him ran deeper than him being her favorite rapper. She felt as if he were her soulmate. That God sent him to her. It was more than being with her celebrity crush. She got to know him. Not E-rratic. Erik. Erik Stevens. Born and raised in Oakland, CA. A parentless child at the age of twelve. Living with his grandparents and getting into trouble. In and out of jail. So smart he got a full ride to M.I.T. How he met the love of his life in school and how she was going to have his baby before it was all taken away from him. How he turned to music as an outlet to keep his mind right. She felt honored and special to know all of that about him. 
After eating her Japanese wagyu steak dinner and drinking some of Erik’s Japanese Whiskey, she fixed her hair and put on her YSL Cassandra Sandals in black patent. Y/N put on a little makeup with a bold red lip and put on Erik’s new album. She loved it. He was in his producer bag for sure. Some of the best music to come out recently. She already knew he was going to sweep at the Grammys. The imposing beats that gave way to nostalgic bops and transitioned into sexy instrumentals just showed how diverse he was. The lyrics hit every time for her. This was true art to her. 
Take off the top, baby let’s ride
She want the boss, the one own the tribe
Arm out the window, just throw it when we ride….
His voice, the energy he was giving off, the sexy beat, the background vocals of a woman moaning. It was all too much. 
I told her “I ain’t GRIZZLEY, baby, call me SEX.” 
If you my hoe, I call you sexy (yeahhh) 
I wanna see what you got inside
Can you make it say ahhh
Turn on yo side
While I switch lanes to pull over to the side
I promise it won’t hurt
Unless you make it hurt (yeahhh) 
You know them other niggas can’t do it like this (yeahhh) 
The lyrics to backseat interlude had her feeling herself. She knew that she was supposed to wait for him to get there, but she was naked and horny and listening to his voice couldn’t keep her under control. Y/N made herself comfortable on the couch and placed her glass of whiskey on the table. She got down on her back with her legs spread open and resumed rubbing her clit. To her surprise, she was still wet from their FaceTime. The song had slowly faded in the background and Y/N paused to play it again.
Y/N took a deep breath and relaxed. She closed her eyes. If Erik were there with her, he would be instructing her on how to touch herself. He’d tell her to start off slow and steady while rubbing her clit. To follow the speed of his soothing voice. She mimicked the speed of his voice on backseat interlude. She could feel her nipples hardening beneath the cool air of the hotel room. In her mind, she was envisioning herself sitting between his legs in front of a mirror while his hand did all the work and she sat there like a good girl. 
Two fingers slipped inside and with her other hand she continued to rub her clit. She brought her knees to her chest and moaned his name over and over again. The song had stopped but she was already close to cumming so it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait to have your big dick inside of me…”
The anticipation was killing her. Every time with Erik felt like the first time. He was made to control her body. The way they’re bodies are in sync is both scary and amazing. He didn’t have to tell her how he liked it anymore, she knew what to do. From the kitchen, to the bathroom, to the floor, to the bed, she knew how to take his dick in every position possible. 
“I’m so wet…I can’t believe how wet I am…”
Hee fingers were damn near slipping into a puddle of arousal whenever her fingers would pump inside of her. Her clit was so ridged beneath the pads of her fingers. She desperately needs his tongue to replace all of this. 
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck, fuck, shit…”
Hee inner thighs began to quake out of control and her body seized up like she was frozen in ice. Her mouth fell open with surprise and all she could feel seeping between her meaty thighs was her cum. A small puddle formed beneath her. Y/N inspected her fingers and there was cum dripping down to the palm of her hand. She cleaned her digits off and sat up on the couch, tacky skin sticking to the leather sofa. 
Hee phone vibrated next to her and when she noticed his name she picked it up and answered. 
“Open the door for daddy.”
E-rratic gave BIG WILL the evening off and sent him to his room. There was no need for him to guard the door. E-rratic was rummaging in his jeans pockets, he realized that he left his key card back at the trailer on set. E-rratic pulled out his phone and called Y/N. She answered on the first ring.
“Open the door for daddy.” 
She hung up in his ear and E-rratic could hear her foot steps rushing to the door. She opened it wearing a robe and E-rratic rushed inside and slammed the door behind him. He pressed his much larger body against her small, soft one and Y/N ended up with her back against the wall across from the door and her arms above her head. E-rratic interlocked his fingers with hers to keep her in place while his skillful tongue slithered into her mouth hot and heavy. E-rratic brought one hand down to open her robe while the other hand gripped both of her hands. 
“You smell like sugar and sweat…you played with my pussy while I was gone?”
Y/N was so enraptured with him being there that she didn’t respond. E-rratic smoothed his hand down her stomach until his fingers were separating her outer lips to investigate for himself. He smiled slightly as his eyes bore into hers.
“And I can taste that Suntory Hibiki on your tongue. Turning up without daddy?”
E-rratic removed his fingers from between her legs and gripped her chin.
“You can’t speak now?” He said with an arch of his brow.
“I couldn’t help myself.” She finally spoke. 
“What I tell you? Hm?” 
Y/N looked E-rratic up and down.
“Okay…okay…I see what you want…let’s go.” 
E-rratic grabbed Y/N by the waist and they walked to the bathroom. Inside, E-rratic instructed Y/N to take off her robe and undress him. She removed her fluffy robe and walked up to him, taking off his white T-shirt first. She noticed a lipstick stain on it and her eyes locked with his. He followed her finger and when he saw the stain he kissed his teeth.
“From set. She must’ve done that while we were filming in the car.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. 
“C’mon Lil mama. You know I ain’t get down like that.”
E-rratic planted a kiss to her cheek.
“You tryna ruin the moment. I ain’t seen you all day.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N tugged on the hem of his T-shirt, “Maybe I should have been your video girl instead…”
E-rratic smirked at her before lifting her chin so she could look up at him.
“Say the word and I’ll do this shit all over again. I’ll make you the leading lady.”
Y/N took a moment to think about it, but ultimately she shook her head.
“Nah, that’s more money and time put in. She just better watch herself before I snatch her ass up.”
“You sure?” E-rratic tucked his chin and gave her a serious look, “I’m good for it, you already know that.” 
“I’m sure. Now, where were we?”
E-rratic licked his lips, “That’s my baby girl. Finish what you started…”
Y/N continued to remove E-rratic’s T-shirt. The more skin revealed, the more she would kiss and lick him all over. When the shirt fell to the floor, Y/N locked eyes with E-rratic while taking off his pants. He watched her with a look in his eyes like he wanted to eat her up. When his briefs were the last to go, Y/N cupped his sack in her hand and got onto her top toes to get a kiss. Their tongues danced and their lips made sloppy wet noises the more they molded into each other. 
Y/N took off his briefs and the way his dick was looking semi hard had her ready to suck it until it was fully solid in her jaws. E-rratic chuckled at her expression and turned to get into the standing shower with multiple jets. Y/N grabbed her claw clip and joined him, not caring that she had already taken a shower before. The warm water painted their skin and Y/N grabbed a soap sponge to clean him off. She started with his back, sudsing him up real good, amazed at how the soap tricked down his spine to his toned ass. 
When he turned to face her, she got down on her knees and dragged the sponge down his torso and then squeezed soap all over his thick pole. She went to clean his legs and feet and when she came back up to his dick and balls, she used the sponge first to clean him, then she used her hands to stroke the soap all over his shaft. E-rratic looked down at her through the curtain of locs that framed his forehead. Water trickled down his body tantalizingly until his dick was free of soap. 
“Suck this dick,” E-rratic commanded.
Y/N opened her mouth and wrapped her greedy lips around the tip of his dick. She went lower, her eyes never leaving his, until he was at the back of her throat. She closed her eyes to fight back the tears and removed her mouth, his dick with a string of spit dangling in front of her. She used her tongue to massage the sides of his shaft. She used her lips like a suction for his nut sack just so she could hear him groan.
“This my fucking dick,” She moaned.
“Then make your dick cum,” E-rratic spoke with a gruff tone, “Do what I like. No hands, all mouth, lots of spit. Make that shit nasty.”
Y/N engulfed his dick again and started bobbing her head up and down while her hand massaged his heavy sack. She squeezed his sack to keep him still and the more she did that, the harder he became in her mouth. So hard to the point where she couldn’t suck him all the way down with ease anymore. The vein on the underside of his shaft made it more difficult. She used her tongue to flick the deep vein and he hissed. 
“Do that shit, baby, Gahdamn,” E-rratic’s brows drew together, “Fuuck, I’m gonna bust…”
Y/N was showing out. The slurping grew louder and E-rratic’s thighs started shaking. His fingers turned into fists and he threw his head back. All she could see was that perfect body and the length of his neck. Pre-cum mixed with her saliva covered his dick and she would slurp it up and spit it back out to make it as sloppy as she could.
“Stay on that tip…just like that…I’m gonna fuck you so good…SHITTTT!” 
His ass muscles tightened and a stream of cum hit the back of her throat. He stared down at her with disbelief. 
“You the only bitch to make a nigga nut like he been backed up for days…where you been all my life? Wish I would’ve wifed you up…”
Her eyes sparkled when he said that. He avoided touching her hair and reached for her hands. He helped her to her feet and immediately pressed his lips against hers. 
“Let me wash you off now…”
E-rratic took the sponge and applied soap to it. He made her turn around so that her back was facing him and she placed her hands on the shower wall. He started at her shoulders, then he rubbed circles into her back with the sponge. His dick was sitting between her cheeks and his lips were pressed against her ear. After he washed her ass and then dragged the sponge around to the front, cleaning her breasts and squeezing the sponge so that soap could run down her body. 
“You look good with my name tatted on your hip.” E-rratic whispered, “That let’s me know that it’s real.”
Y/N released a sigh of pleasure when E-rratic replaced the sponge with a soft rag and some sensitive wash to clean her pussy. With one hand he held her lips open while he gently cleansed her inner folds, careful not to get her piercing caught on the rag. When he was finished, he placed the rag on the side of the shower and turned her around to face him. 
“Get your pretty ass in the room so I can have my way with you,” E-rratic whispered against her lips, “All night long, girl.”
E-rratic had turned the lights off in the room and on the flat screen, wall-mounted TV, he resumed the Hentai they were watching the night before. Joshi Luck episode four titled ‘raw’. That’s how he was getting into that pussy tonight. The episode started off with big anime titties. E-rratic, still wearing his chains, was standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes on Y/N who has her ass in the air. She’s looking back at him over her shoulder, bouncing her ass in his face. 
He got behind her and put his face in her pussy from behind. Not wasting any time, E-rratic started sucking her pussy from the back with both hands on her ass cheeks to keep them spread. The sound of slurping and sucking  from the hentai and E-rratic had Y/N dripping on his tongue like she sprung a leak. She sat up on one hand and reached behind her to grab the back of his head. She dragged her ass up and down his face and he poked his tongue out so she could ride his tongue.
He could never get over the taste of her. That’s why any chance he gets, he has his mouth between her legs. 
I want it like this now,” E-rratic got down on his back, “Get up here.” 
Giggling, Y/N climbed over his face and dropped her pussy into his mouth. His eyes never left hers and she loved the way he looked below her. Y/N gripped him by his locs and started grinding her hips in slow motion. E-rratic followed her movements with his tongue all over her slit. She bounced her titties in her hands to give him a show and moaned his name. Behind her, his dick was saluted to the ceiling. A hard pipe to sink onto. She reached behind her to stroke him. 
“That dick is so hard. You gonna fuck me good with this, daddy?”
He responded with his lips sucking her jeweled clit between his lips. Y/N let out a string of loud moans. 
“The wetter I am, the better it will feel when I’m on that dick,” Y/N looked down at him, “Hurry up and make me cum.”
E-rratic frowned at her and Y/N knew what that look meant. He was going to give her exactly what she wanted and she better not run. He could feel her body tightening up above him. He couldn’t speak with a mouth full of pussy, but she knew to stay right on his mouth. Her beautiful face contorted with uncontrollable emotions and the hold he had on her hips took a lot of strength. His biceps flexed and the veins in his hands almost popped. 
He finally let her go and she fell to her back. Wet beard and all, E-rratic stood up and cuffed her legs over his shoulders, dragging her along the bed, taking the sheets with him. Wet, pounding sounds from the hentai caught their attention briefly. When he turned back to look at her, a dangerous look in his eyes, he grabbed his big dick at the base and thrust into her. 
“You cum in my mouth like that? Huh?!” 
“Shit!” Y/N shouted.
“It’s wet just how I like it,” E-rratic snapped his hips into hers repeatedly.
The overwhelming pleasure had her lost for words. E-rratic didn’t let up. His dick was hitting spots inside of her she couldn’t explain. 
“Oh, daddy, fuck, how did it get so far inside of me?!”
“Look for yourself, lift your head up and look!”
She tried but it was too much. The muscles in her body seemed to shut down. She felt tingly and weak all over. 
“Hard headed, I said look,” E-rratic cuffed the back of her head, “You listen when I tell you to do something!”
She did her best, lip quivering and all. He would put all that dick inside of her and whenever he pulled out, it would only be a little bit so she could still feel his length. His many iced-out chains clattered against each other with his movements. Whenever he leaned over her body to suck her nipples, her knees would be to her ears and that dick would be balls deep. 
The girth, the tip of his dick hitting the back of her pussy, his halls slapping her ass, the way he moved his hips, she couldn’t take it all at once. 
“Squeeze this dick like that again,” E-rratic spoke close to her ear, “I’ll fuck this hole all night just to feel that shit again.”
“I’m gonna squirt!” 
“Oh yeah?!” 
He sat up so he could see for himself. Y/N slapped his chest to get him to slow down because the constant in and out over her g-spot was too much for her. It started sounding like he was splashing into a puddle and then soon she was squirting all over him. He withdrew his hips and replaced them with his fingers. Up and down he stroked that spot to get her to squirt again and this time she went into a shaking fit.
“Mm-Mm,” E-rratic maneuvered her body so she was arched, “Ass up. Don’t act like you can’t take any more dick.”
She got on her hands and knees and arched as best as she could. E-rratic smoothed her hair from her face so he could watch her expressions. 
“Don’t run. Y/N…ASS-UP.” 
He was growing impatient. Groaning and all.
“What I say?” He chuckled but it was out of frustration, “Girl…I wore you out that much? I’m just getting started. One squirt got you tapping out? You should see your back right now…”
She started straight ahead at her reflection. 
“Let me get the whiskey.”
She collapsed onto her stomach. E-rratic laughed the whole way into the lounge area to grab a couple of glasses and the bottle of Japanese whiskey. Back in the room, he tapped her on the ass to sit up and he poured her a fresh glass of whiskey. He looked from the glass in his hand to the bottle before shrugging his shoulders and drinking straight from the bottle. 
“Drink it all the way down, that’s it,” E-rratic bent his head down and stuck his tongue out to lick her neck, “mmmm…you want some more?”
“Yes,” She held her glass up.
“Daddy was deep in that pussy for real?”
Y/N nodded her head.
“I’m taking it from the back now.”
Y/N finished her second glass, “I think I’m good and turnt now for more.” She smiled up at him.
E-rratic took one more swig of his whiskey and he sat the bottle down next to the TV. Y/N got into position with her back arched low and E-rratic inspected her position, deeming it good enough with a slap to her ass. 
“You know your back arched deep when that pussy open from the back,” E-rratic tapped his dick on Y/N’s clit, “You know I wrote a song about you, right?”
He didn’t give her time to respond when he entered her from behind. She gripped the sheets and looked back at him. He locked eyes with her and with only his hips he fucked her, her ass moving like a tidal wave. She could feel him in her stomach. Her eyes went low and she spaced out. E-rratic pressed both hands into her back and cranked that pussy from behind. She could feel the pressure from his hands deep against her back and she couldn’t move.
“I got you now,” He bit down on his lip, “Keep that pussy in the air just like that.” 
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt tears brimming her eyes, “You fuck me so good I swear.” 
E-rratic smiled at her with his canines gleaming in the dark. 
“You throwing it back now? Ahhh shit,” E-rratic slapped her ass from one cheek to the next, “Bounce that ass!”
She couldn’t see the mess she was making on his dick and he wished she could. It was beautiful. 
“I love you,” Y/N said between moans.
“I love you too, mamas,” E-rratic replied. 
He meant it. 
“Aight, daddy ‘bout to cum. Fuck the tip.” 
His hands gripped her ass tightly while she slowly bounced on just the tip. 
“Shiittt, got my shit leaking, ugh,” E-rratic thrust all the way inside of her, “Take all that nut.” 
He groaned and Y/N could feel him throbbing inside of her. As her pussy throbbed, his dick was doing the same. He slowly slipped out and Y/N pushed his cum out so he could see how much he’d emptied inside of her. He used his fingers to push it back in before Y/N grabbed him by the wrist to lick them clean. 
“Tell me about this song you wrote?” She batted her lashes at him while licking his fingers.
“It’s called my only fan. You really emptied the clip!” E-rratic laughed in disbelief.
Y/N sat up and grabbed E-rratic by the hips. He looked down at her and stroked her hair from her face with his knuckles, the cold diamonds of his rings causing her to shiver. 
“I’m you’re number one?” Y/N asked.
“My one and only.” 
“The video shoot was cool. Y’all saw the pictures. It was giving relationship!” 
“Listen, the amount of tea I have on E-rratic and how he was all over me in Tokyo. His girlfriend won’t know what hit her.” 
Tasia Marie was trending all over social media with the piping hot tea she spilled on E-rratic Leader. Her Instagram live went viral along with a few photos from Tokyo. The first photo that she posted was of her straddling E-rratic’s lap in the back of the Porsche. The second photo was of her holding his room key card. The final photo was of her laying on her back inside of his trailer. 
“He brought his girl to Tokyo and kept her inside that hotel the entire time. While I was on set getting it in with her man, she was at that hotel crying for help.” 
“It’s like she forgot who her man is. The ladies love E-rratic. Why do y’all think he hand picked me to be in the video and not her?” 
A popular podcast was trending on social media as well. The podcast is called Bri and Summer. Bri and Summer are two influencers and models who are best friends and came together to start a podcast discussing current topics. It’s nothing original about it, but as soon as the topic became about E-rratic, everyone wanted to know what they had to say:
“This your girl Brianna here!” 
“And this is summer!”
“And welcome to Bri and Summer Podcast!” 
Brianna kicked it off and didn’t hold back.
“Let’s get into the tea! Y’all know I don’t play around, I get straight to the mess. So, E-rratic is being E-rratic once again, chile! What’s new? He’s a hoe.”
Summer started laughing.
“You can’t tell me his girlfriend—if that’s even what you want to call her—thought that she was special? Somebody give her a hug!”
Summer chimed in, “Your man not too long ago was doing a fan like Melvin did Juanita!” 
“He has community dick!,” Brianna argued, “That nigga got y’all bitches reciting lyrics to backseat interlude with y’all pussies barking. I would never let that nigga hit!”
“Hold on now, hold on,” Their male guest from time to time, DJ Quick, cut Brianna off, “Weren’t you one of those girls? Didn’t you go on a date with OCHO some years back?”
“Okay, okay! Let me clear the air! I did go on ONE date with him. ONE. It was cool, I guess. He took me to this fancy Korean barbecue spot in Atlanta and then we went for a drive in one of his sports cars. Wasn’t nothing happening. That was it.”
“Nah,” DJ Quick laughed, “You are really giving off salty vibes, Bri! Did that man diss you or something? He wasn’t feeling it the way you were so now you’re out for blood?”
“Quick, first of all, it’s definitely the other way around. He wanted some of this ass and I said no. He wasn’t feeling it so he dropped me off back at my hotel and blocked me.”
“Damn, that’s messed up,” Summer said.
“Right?! And yet, y’all acting so surprised by the tea Tasia is spilling! Granted, yes, she a groupie just like the next bitch, but I wish y’all beautiful black women would wake the fuck up! E-rratic is not the end all be all.”
“Brianna, if E-rratic and you were in a room by yourself, you telling me that you wouldn’t fold?” DJ Quick argued.
“NO! I’d rather swallow glass before I let that man hit.”
“I heard he was a great lover,” Summer giggled, “I don’t know… I’d let him hit.”
“There you go! Y’all gotta let go of the fantasy. This girlfriend of his from what I gathered, was another crazed fan who got a lucky opportunity to go on tour with him. He’s having fun with her now, but it won’t last. It never does…
If things could take a turn for the worse, it would happen to Y/N. The Tokyo trip was a dream turned into a nightmare as soon as she touched back down in LA. That bitch from her man’s video went to the internet to spread tea about hooking up with Erik. At first, Y/N didn’t believe it, but the pressure got to her, and she started to question everything. Where he was going and with whom? Why was that lipstick stain really on his T-shirt? Is it more than one girl or just her?
Of course he’s pissed. The music video was out and at 100 million views in less than five days, but he knew most of those views were because of the drama. This one proved hard to debunk because he has a reputation of being a ladies man. Before Y/N, he was single and free to do whatever he wanted, SAFELY. All that mess about raw sex with different women was an absolute lie. All the other chicks except for Brianna had never badmouthed him. And Brianna is just a bitter bitch who didn’t get a taste. Now Tasia is spreading lies just because she took a few photos. 
He wasn’t going to feed into her trap. She knew he could air her shit out but he chose to ignore her childish antics and press on. The old E-rratic would have been the real villain and ruined her life. Despite her opinion of him, Erik’s fame continued to grow. Y/N didn’t think she would find herself getting into heated arguments with Erik about his whereabouts but here she was on set of a photo shoot sitting in a chair and keeping an eye on him. She never thought she would come to this, but the level of embarrassment she felt from what people were saying about her online got to her. 
She couldn’t avoid her friends and family calling her to check in on her. Her mother kept questioning if she was making the right decision being with Erik. As soon as her mother starts to come around, this drama pops up. 
“Miss Y/N, can I get you anything to drink?”
Erik’s assistant, Kiesha, a fine ass full-figured woman walked over to her with a bottle of alkaline water, a brand that E-rratic had a partnership with. 
“Thank you, Kiesha.”
“Let me know if you need anything else. E told me to keep an eye on you.” 
Y/N looked at Kiesha with a curious look, “Why’d he tell you to do that?”
“I don’t know. Just Erik being Erik.” Kiesha laughs.
Oh, so he’s Erik to you now? 
“Oh, okay,” Y/N placed the unopened bottle on a table next to her, “Thanks.” 
Kiesha smiled at her before walking away. Y/N glared at the back of her head. Why was she acting so fucking weird? Ever since Y/N started coming on video and photo shoot sets with Erik, Kiesha has been moving funny. That bitch better get it together before she ends up on her ass. 
Erik was currently doing a shoot for his collaboration with Nike. In just a couple of months, his own Nike Dunk shoe will drop. Y/N was currently wearing a pair with a brown, blue, and green colorway. 
Erik was looking too good. Fresh retwist, skin smooth and covered in tattoos, dimples deep whenever he cracked a smile, dressed down in the best shit his stylist could pull together. Y/N couldn’t stay mad at him for too long. Or could she?
Here comes Kiesha with water for Erik. She even unscrewed the cap for him and fed him some water. Erik thanked her and went back to posing. Y/N sat up in her seat and her eyes were on Kiesha like a hawk. What the fuck does she think she’s doing?
“Let me know when you need something, E!!”
E? Bitch…
“Kiesha! Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Y/N’s blood was boiling.
Kiesha sauntered over to her with that same smile she wanted to slap off her face.
“Yes, sweetie?”
Y/N did a double take.
“It’s Y/N. Uhhh, what’s this with you feeding Erik water?”
“Oh, aha, you know, just helping him out,” Kiesha smirked, “Why?”
“Why? Because I don’t like you doing that. He has two hands. He can do it himself.”
“Not while holding the merchandise. Erik—”
Kiesha chuckles, “Mr. E-rratic gets the utmost treatment. I’m just being a good assistant.”
“You don’t need to do all of that. If he wants water fed to him, I’ll do it.” 
They started gaining attention from other people on set. Y/N was past the point of giving a fuck. Too often these bitches stepped out of line. And the nerve of Kiesha to do it in front of her.
“He instructed you to stay here. Are you sure that’s okay?” 
Y/N blinked at Kiesha like she lost her damn mind. Kiesha raised her brows at Y/N as if she were over exaggerating. 
“I’ll speak to him myself to confirm that.” Y/N said with a faux chipper tone.
Kiesha walked away without another word and Y/N sat in her seat fuming. She needed to take a second before she did something reckless. Climbing out of her seat, Y/N walked off set. As she was leaving, she spotted Kiesha talking closely with Erik. Erik looked up and caught Y/N’s eye, his face holding a stony expression. She picked up the pace of her movements and entered his trailer. Taking a seat at his vanity, she exhaled and closed her eyes. 
Did she over exaggerate? Was Keisha just doing her job? Whenever Erik does his boxing sessions with his personal trainer, there’s a woman who feeds him water through a squirt bottle. Maybe she was being overly paranoid. Maybe Kiesha wasn’t trying to hit on her man. After all, Kiesha knew Erik before Y/N. She’s his assistant. That has to be enough to be on a first name basis right? 
“You got something you wanna tell me, Y/N?” 
Y/N opened her eyes to find Erik staring at her through the vanity with his arms folded across his chest. He looked pissed.
“Not really if Kiesha already told you everything.” 
“I wanna hear it from you.” 
“Why?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Because I said so. And because we need to talk.”
Y/N avoided his gaze. Erik walked up to her and placed his hands on the back of the chair. He leaned forward so that his lips were directly next to her ear. 
“Well? What’s up?” 
Y/N jerked her knee frustratingly, “I didn’t like the way she fed you water.” 
“My hands were tied up, Y/N. How was I supposed to drink the water?” Erik questioned.
“And she's going to you saying shit like I’m some child. All I did was tell her I didn’t like it and if you wanted water I could do it.” 
“You’re not always on set with me, Kiesha is. Kiesha been my assistant since day one. We grew up together, I trust her.” 
Y/N clicked her tongue, “She wanna be more than your assistant.”
Erik clenched his jaw, “How you figure that?”
“She just acts too giddy around you. I don’t like it. It drives me crazy.” 
“You ain’t have a problem with it before.”
Y/N shook her head, “You’re missing my point.”
“Who do you really have a problem with? Me or Kiesha?”
Y/N finally looked up at Erik. He was staring her down through the mirror with his black eyes. 
“Ever since all this shit with Tasia happened you’ve been on my back. What I gotta do to prove to you that it’s only you?”
“Nothing, you ain’t gotta do shit,” Y/N stood up, “I’ll see you when you get home—”
“Nah, uh-uh, you ain’t going nowhere. We ain’t finished.” 
Erik blocked her from getting out of her seat. Y/N tilted her head away from him.
“Talk to me,” Erik followed her movements, “I’m serious, open your mouth and talk.”
“…I just feel like you're gonna get tired of me.” 
Y/N looked up at the ceiling to stop herself from crying.
“I got my mom in my ear and everybody else. This shit is just too much. I’m trying to be Ray Charles to the bullshit but I can’t stop thinking the worst.” 
Erik closed his eyes for a second before he placed one hand on the back of her head, bringing her closer to him. She rests her cheek on his bare chest, her ear directly over his heart. He wrapped both of his arms around her and kissed the top of her head repeatedly. 
“You can’t let what people think get to you. I’m not leaving you. You gotta have faith in that, mamas. I ain’t say this shit was gonna be easy, did I? I don’t want nobody but you. The only one I wanna see laying next to me at night is you. The only face I wanna see when I wake up is yours. What I gotta do to cheer you up?”
Erik gripped Y/N by the chin with his hand. She looked up at him with sad eyes and a pout. He leaned forward and kissed her lips. Y/N wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Erik still had her chin so he could control her movements. The kiss turned heated and now Erik is sitting in the chair while Y/N is on his lap. He broke the kiss and rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb.
“Like I said, me and you…”
“Forever?” Y/N pressed her forehead against Erik’s. His hands were rubbing up and down her sides. 
“I want this shit forever.” Erik said. 
Soon, his hands were doing the same to her ass. Y/N started sucking on Erik’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started thrusting his hips upward. He shut his eyes and moaned in her ear. She was attacking the spot behind his ear with her tongue. 
“Why would I fuck this up? You're special to me,” Erik lifts Y/N’s cropped shirt over her head. 
“None of those bitches matter. Not Tasia, not the chick from the tour bus, not Kiesha…”
He unclamped Y/N’s bra and smoothed it from her shoulders. Her warm breasts touched his chest and he hissed with pleasure. With both hands, he cupped her breasts and brought them together. Erik rubbed his face all over her breasts back and forth. He spread each breast and rested his face between them. Y/N reached between his legs to stroke him to stiffness. 
“I knew that’s what you wanted. You were acting up just so I could fuck you.” 
Erik started sucking on Y/N’s nipples one by one. She placed her hands over his hands and watched him enjoy her breasts. He would swipe his tongue between the heft of her breasts and then over each areola. 
“Won’t everyone hear us?” Y/N whispered.
“I don’t give a fuck. You know I don’t give a fuck…”
Y/N was wearing a denim skirt so Erik could easily lift it up to her waist and slip her panties to the side. 
“Lift up…”
She raised her hips so that Erik could free his dick. 
“Fuck me just like this, daddy,” Y/N teased him with a bite of her lip. 
With one arm around her waist, Erik tilted his hips up and Y/N sank down on him. Connected, Erik gripped her sides and with his powerful arms, he bounced Y/N at a moderate pace. She braced herself on his shoulders while he controlled her body to drop down on him. Erik would look from the mirror to her face. 
“I got that ass clapping…wet fuckin’ pussy…”
“Ooo,” Y/N moaned.
“This ain’t doing it,” Erik picked Y/N up and sat her on the edge of the vanity. He spread her legs and continued to fuck her. She gripped the edge of the vanity when he lifted her hips up. The vanity shook a little and Erik had to keep his eyes on the door. Y/N took one hand to grip him by his chains. He looked back at her, biting down on his lip. When she started to moan louder, Erik stuffed his fingers in her mouth for her to suck on and to keep her quiet. 
He looked from her pussy to her face and opened his mouth to spit on his dick. 
“Why every time I fuck you, your pussy get wetter and wetter?” Erik questioned with low eyes. 
He brought one leg up to his shoulder and leaned in to pound her. Erik covered her mouth with his hand and locked eyes with her. 
“What?” Erik raised a brow, “Too much?”
Y/N whimpered when Erik started stroking her clit with his thumb.
Erik’s eyes fluttered shut and then he opened them again to look at the door, “if somebody walk in on us I’m not stopping.” 
Y/N’s walls clenched Erik’s girth and he smiled, showing off his gold canines. 
“Do it again and watch how I put you next.” 
She couldn’t control it. Every time they had sex, she couldn’t control what her pussy did. He blamed her for the spasms her slick walls were doing but it’s because of him that it’s happening. 
“Time to put you on your stomach,” Erik slipped out of her and turned her around, “Bend the fuck over.” He said through clenched teeth.
Y/N went flat against the vanity and she could feel Erik lift her denim skirt and rip her panties off. He tossed the shreds onto the vanity and spread her cheeks with one hand. Dipping his hips because she’s much shorter than him, Erik found her entrance and pushed up, slipping inside with ease because of how creamy and wet she is. 
“Fuck this dick. Make this dick cum.” He commanded.
Y/N threw it back on him as best as she could. 
“For somebody that doesn't wanna get caught, you ain’t following directions,” Erik gripped her by her arms, “You ‘bout to have me blowing your back out in this trailer…”
Erik started pounding Y/N while holding her by the arms. Her head fell forward against the mirror from the force of Erik’s hips. On set, the music was loud so Y/N hoped no one could hear, but she wouldn’t be surprised if they did. 
“Damn, this pussy is so good,” Erik let go of her arms and brought one hand around the front of her neck, “Don’t you ever question what we got. It’s me and you, and that’s my last time saying it.”
“I’m gonna cum—”
“Hold that shit in!”
“I can’t! I—ohhhh shit—”
Y/N had Erik’s dick in a vice grip. He groaned and pushed her head forward against the mirror. He could feel warm liquid on his dick and he smiled with satisfaction. 
“That’s strike two. When we get home, best believe I’m gonna tear that ass up. I told you not to cum on my dick.”
He slapped her ass rough and brought her to her knees. Erik took it up a notch and slapped her in the face with his dick before smearing his shaft covered in her cum all over her lips. 
“Put this dick in your mouth. Teach you a lesson to follow orders…”
Y/N tried to grip his dick but Erik slapped her hand away.
“Mouth. All mouth. That’s what you’ve been giving me lately anyway. Use that mouth to suck this dick.”
She lowered her mouth onto his dick and started sucking. Pussy dripping to the floor and not fully satisfied, Y/N was all jaws and neck. Erik would look from the door, to her, trying his best to keep his composure. Y/N pulled out all the tricks to get him to moan. 
“You tryna make me moan, ain’t you? You know I like it when you suck my dick like this…FUCK.”
She savored the taste of him in her mouth. Erik took control with a hand to the back of her head, feeding his dick into her mouth. 
“Just like that…just like that…mmm…eat this dick up…Fuuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Erik’s hand shook on the back of her head. Y/N stayed on that dick until she had the last drop of cum. When she finished, Y/N swallowed it all and licked her lips clean. Erik helped her to her feet and he excused himself to the bathroom to clean his dick off before heading back to the shoot. Y/N looked disheveled and she didn’t want to stay on set so she decided to leave.
“Here, take this,” Erik gave her the keys to his Ferrari, “And here’s some money, “Erik dropped a stack into her hand from his duffel bag, “Go get you something sexy to wear for dinner tonight and something lacy. Get yourself a new pair of stilettos too…those red ones with the skinny heel…yeah, the Louis Vouitton pair. Spend this on whatever you want. I’ll have my driver pick me up. We got a special night planned.” 
Erik gave Y/N one final kiss. He stopped her before she left to fix her hair and her clothes. Satisfied he popped her on the ass and let her leave. 
“I love you!” Erik yelled after her retreating frame.
“I love you too!”
Erik crossed his pointer and middle finger, signaling to her that he was locked in with her and he meant it. Y/N smiled, doing the same with her fingers, before leaving the set completely. Y/N may have thought that Erik would grow tired of her, but he only hoped that she wouldn’t. 
She finally filled the emptiness he felt since the first woman to ever steal his heart left this earth. Maybe he could finally start the family he always wanted.
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @daddiespamm @lisayourworries @bellleame @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @1lavender-menace @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @washillary @bakarisprincess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @90sisthenew80s @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @honeyandpeaches10 @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89@honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @angelicniah @queenfaithmarie @soulfulbeauty19 @asweet-serendipity @kartierkitten @iamching07 @ladymac82@bbygirlwiththatass @cydneyloo @sexysativa605@chrisevans-world @aijha @novaniskye@princessxotwod@callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227@blackerthings@neesiewrote
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mintmatcha · 7 months
I loved part two so much😭😭
Gib more Obi pls
Draconic works more like a melody than it does a language. It's tonal, drifting high and low as the two dragonborns speak, each word rolling into the next. It lingers in the air, unrushed and growled, pushed from the back of the throat in ways you're not sure your body could ever recreate. Sometimes, the conversation seems to have an edge of anger and it sets your body on guard, but then Obsidian dissolves into laughter and you relax.
You shouldn't be on edge anyway; the dark scaled stranger isn't //actually// a stranger. Jasper Vyke towers over his brother even when seated, but the strong angled spikes and ridges to his face are almost identical. His eyes keep flickering to yours as he talks, no hint of humor present on his stony features.
"You stare." Jasper jerks a chin to you.
"I'm sorry," you say, turning your attention to the campfire. "I didn't expect you two to look so similar."
"Well-" Obi covers his mouth with the back of his hand, but it doesn't hide his smile, "We are twins, my lady."
Meeting Jasper was completely a coincidence. Crossed paths led to a surprise family reunion and now the man sits at your fire, gnawing on the leg of some poor animal he hunted earlier. From stories and your brief interactions, you knew the two would be vastly different people--
You didn't expect that to almost share a face.
"We are, uh-- How do you say in Common?" He can speak Common fairly well, Obi told you once, he just prefers his Mothertongue. It's a point of pride.
"Indentical," Jasper repeats, "Obsidian is the smart one. I am the pretty one."
He flexes a bicep and the muscle coils under the skin. You hate to admit that you do find it attractive-- not as attractive as you find your partner, of course, but it does make you sit a little straighter. If Obi notices, he doesn't seem it mind; he's too busy watching his brother with narrowed eyes.
"I don't think you are identical at all," you say, "Obi's so much--"
"Smaller!" Jasper laughs, leaning in close to nudge you with his elbow. "So much smaller. He is the runt."
"I guess so," You agree with him, but you sense that may hurt your partner's ego, so you keep quiet, "But you are also different colors."
You touch Jasper's arm, running a thumb across a patch of scales. It's no wear near as soft as Obsidian's; there's a dry grit to the texture, closer to shark skin than anything else.
"Obsidian is iridescent-- your scales are matte," you say, "They don't shine in the light at all."
"You like my scales?" Jasper asks, chest puffed and a purr on his voice. He scooches in closer to you, leg pressed against yours, "I will give you one to keep."
Obi snaps his jaws together so forcefully that you jump at the sound. Both of you swivel to face the man. His muzzle is furrowed wildly, so much so that his fangs show to the gums. The air shifts and you can almost see the way magic crackles about him, wild, powerful, and raw. "She has plenty of scales, brother."
An anxiety builds in your chest. You aren't sure where this conflict came from, but you sense you did something wrong.
"Obi, it's fine, I like--"
Obi's attention snaps to you. "If you wish to have a scale to carry I will give you as many as you desire. You do not need anyone else's."
They switch to Draconic again, sharing a low toned conversation. Obsidian may be the smaller brother, but he carries himself with a force that has Jasper quickly backing off.
"Forgive me," The larger brother says to you suddenly.
The apology doesn't make you feel better. The seasick feeling in your chest grows more unsteady and you choose to remain quiet for the rest of the night. It's not until later than night, when Jasper is deep in sleep and snoring like thunder, that Obi approaches you again. He moves his sleeping mat closer to yours, testing your reaction, then moves again.
"Are you cross with me?" he whispers.
"You frightened me a bit," you admit just as softly, "I get unsettled easy after Adam."
Elaboration isn't needed. There's a twitch of a sneer on Obi's face when you mention him, but he mellows out again after.
"I'm truly sorry, my fawn. My anger was not focused at you," he says, "I will take care not to react like that again."
He extends a hand and you take it with a squeeze. The unsteadiness inside you quells just a bit.
"Jasper was trying to court you," Obsidian says after a bit, "And it scared me."
You forget Obi - silver tongued, charismatic Obi- is self conscious about so many things. Did he really think his brother would swoop in so easily and win your heart?
"I didn't realize. I thought he was just being nice."
"Exchanging scales is a dragonborn custom. It's my fault for not explaining it to you," he sighs, "I just..."
He doesn't finish his sentence. You don't need him too. You just squeeze his hand again, stronger this time.
"Why have you never given me a scale?"
"I did not think you would like one, my fawn."
"I want two," you say, quickly, "I shall turn them into earrings so they are always with me."
"They are not jewels," he chuckles, "They will not make very pretty jewelry."
"I disagree."
Obi doesn't respond, but you can hear the soft clicks of his purr, building in his throat.
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3viltwins · 2 months
God Help The Sinner
a/n: MDNI 18+ only. first work. more to come.
w/c: 2723
t/w: k!dnapping and fr33 use. only official warnings you'll get sluts. with love, 3viltwins.
God help the sinner.
The night had been rough and it was currently 3:13 a.m. with no chance of recovering. My car slowly came to a stop outside of the gas pump to the far right of the gas station. Upon immediately returning from paying inside, what looks to be 6 bikers, come rolling in from the far entrance. I realized very suddenly that I was the only person there besides the ancient cashier lady 100 ft away from me. A small shot of panic rushes through my veins as my eyes dart to the gas that’s barely begun pumping. One of the bikers rides up to me and revs his engine a little bit. Yeah, it takes so much talent to rev your loud ass engine at 3 am.
 I’m starting to get more nervous as the agonizing seconds tick by. Through the corner of my eye, I see a tall figure dressed in all black stare at me through a helmet that looks like it was crafted from the darkest obsidian. Its sleek edges slice through the cool air with the precision of a predator on the hunt. Matte black, it drinks in the light, swallowing it whole, leaving only the suggestion of its contours in its wake. But it's not just its ominous appearance that commands attention; it's the air of danger that surrounds it, an aura that sends shivers down my spine and down to my core. Amidst its intimidating allure, there's an undeniable magnetism that draws the eye, like my moth to his flame. A paradox that both thrills and terrifies me in equal measure. 
But I needed to get home and I couldn’t be expected to trust the situation at hand. I plastered my most polite, kiss-ass smile onto my face and quickly climbed into my car. The biker that was previously staring at me stood up and ate up the distance between us quicker than I could process. He made two distinct knocks on my window even with his gloved hands. My doors were locked but I rolled down the window just a couple of inches to see what he needed. 
He took off his concealing helmet and his raven-black hair cascaded like silken waves around his chiseled features. He is sexy. I noticed his devilish smile immediately, framed with lips that seem sculpted for sin. His piercing eyes found mine instantly; they radiate a magnetic intensity that lowers my defenses and draws me in. As he speaks, his voice resonates with a husky timbre that sends a jolt of arousal through me.
 “Well, what do we have here? A pretty little thing like you all alone at a gas station in the dead of night?” Each word drips with intoxicating temptation, weaving a spell that ensnares the senses and leaves you yearning for more. But it's not just his captivating gaze or his velvet voice that sets him apart; it's the way he moves, with the fluid grace of a predator stalking its prey. I smirk at the compliment but the deep underlying message of that sentence suddenly fills me with dread about what’s to come. I reply cautiously. “Excuse me?” He bends down to the window a bit more and silkily replies. “You heard me. You didn’t have to fill up your tank, baby. After all, you’re coming home with me.” 
I swiftly roll up the window and put the car in drive. I quickly gain speed and notice all of the individual bikers are staring at me but the only one haunting me still was him. As I drive back to my house, he’s all that’s infiltrating my mind. I almost couldn’t believe it when something started rapidly accelerating, coming up behind me at what looked like a felony speed. I gulped. And it was already too late. I was in a one lane road and he cut in one the side going the opposite direction before advancing quickly in front of me. 
I slammed on my brakes as hard as I could and swerved to the side of the road but before I could even think about driving off, he was parked right outside my car’s door. He broke the glass with a metal device I didn’t quite see. In a second or less, the door was ripped open and I was scrambling against his arms, crying out to be let go. 
He barely struggled to get me out of the car and was pinning me to the ground with his knees and hands. He put what felt like zip-ties around my wrists, bound behind my back. He yanked me up easily and threw me over his shoulder and I screamed bloody murder. It sounded like there was a satanic ritual happening and I was his offering. 
He paid no attention and when my throat ran dry, quiet sobs escaped my mouth. I heard him say, “Sorry sweetheart, no one’s coming to save you. So save your breath.”
  “Why are you doing this to me? What kind of sick game are you playing?!” 
  “Just keep quiet and do as you’re told. Trust me, it’ll be easier for both of us that way.” He set me down roughly and I almost tried to run away but his painful grip on my arm was leaving bruises.  “You’re crazy if you think I’m going anywhere with you.” I spat out.  He steps closer and towers over me. His voice is low and dangerous as he threatens me. 
“Crazy or not, you don’t have much of a choice. So, be a good girl and don’t make this any harder than it needs to be.” I broke. The tears flooded down my face as I came to understand the reality of the situation. “Now, let’s get going before I lose my fucking patience.” He puts me on the front of his bike and I’m forced to lean back on him for support. He puts his bike in gear and takes off, making me jolt backwards from the sheer force. He keeps his left hand around my waist, further digging my ass into his crotch. My hands shift uncomfortably behind me and I feel his toned stomach beneath the fabric of his hoodie. He goes fast and the adrenaline pumps through me vigorously. The cold air floods around me and I can’t help but shiver against him. I remember how many miles we go and how many turns we make. But then we arrived at the first location.
I got off the bike as soon as he put the kickstand down and started running into the woods as fast as humanly possible. With a curse under his breath, the biker leaps from his bike, the ground crunching beneath his boots as he gives chase. The branches clawed at his skin as he plunged deeper into the woods, the adrenaline coursing through his veins driving him forward. He could hear my labored breaths up ahead, the sound, a haunting melody, spurring him on. Branches snapped beneath his feet as he closed the distance between us easily, his heart pounding in anticipation. And then, just as suddenly as he had appeared, I stumbled, my foot catching on a root hidden in the darkness. With a cry of pain, I tumbled to the forest floor, my body crashing against the unforgiving earth. The biker skids to a halt beside me, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he reaches out to me, and grabs my face roughly. 
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice hard with concern as he gazed at me. I don’t answer but instead I twist my body so I’m sitting up and then I made a terrible decision. I spit in his fucking face. He didn’t take kindly to that, like I’d planned. 
My head jerked to the side, with a fresh handprint left on my right cheek. The biker’s muscular frame rose up to a stand and I saw every inch of fabric hug his lean, solid physique with a seductive precision, accentuating his commanding presence. The air around him crackles with electricity in his presence, charged with the promise of danger and desire. He is the embodiment of temptation incarnate. 
He picked me up and put me over his shoulder once again and gave my ass a sharp slap that caused me to squirm in his arms. My head was getting dizzy from being upside down but I couldn’t do anything to stop what he was doing to me. We arrived at the abandoned building, I assumed, because he stopped at the flickering light above the door with a broken lock. It only took a second before we were inside and he was setting me down upon the cold cement flooring. My head is aching from the change in pressure.  My eyes are flickering in and out of focus roughly when he finally clears the silence. 
“Relax sweetheart. Just thought we could have a little fun away from prying eyes.” Tears began infiltrating my eyes and running down my crimson cheeks against my will. “Fun?” I croak. “This looks more like the setting to a horror movie than a fun time.” He chuckles darkly and replies, “Don’t be so uptight, baby, that’ll only make this harder for you…I can show you a side of life you’ve only experienced in that pretty little head of yours.” 
I’m full on sobbing at this point but he doesn’t care. It only makes him more aroused to see me in so much distress. He roughly dragged me up so I was on my knees right in front of his crotch. Flares were going off in my head but his hand was digging into my right shoulder blade, keeping me pinned. I’m going to have his hand print bruised into my skin tomorrow. If I make it to tomorrow. His left hand glides to his zipper and he slowly lowers his pants. 
“God, the way you look right now has my dick pounding so fucking hard.” I only whimper in response before he’s releasing his cock from the restraint of his underwear and pants. “Now open that pretty little mouth like the good girl I know you’re dying to be.” He’s saying all the right things…
He starts slowly, letting me fully work my tongue and mouth around him. After he’s good and wet, he plunges half his length down my throat harshly and spits out softly, “I’m sorry baby, I couldn’t help myself. You just feel so damn good..” My breath catches up as he slips himself in and out in a rhythmic motion. He’s big. I allow my eyes to close while I focus on what I’m doing when he suddenly grabs my chin, causing my eyes to meet his again. “Eyes on me, princess. I want to see you being undone..” Tears are rolling down my eyes and into my mouth and circling around his cock. He jerks himself inside me and I’m almost taking all of him when he fully pulls out of my mouth.
 I was just getting used to him filling my throat and his absence pains me more than I can admit. He sees it on my face too and lets out a laugh in response. He drops to his knees in front of me before I can process it and grabs my neck in his hand. His fingers press harshly at the sides of my neck, filling my head with a delicious hypoxia I didn’t know I craved. 
Our mouths connected in a millisecond and I found myself kissing him back as he forcibly shoved his tongue in my mouth while still choking me. He dominated my mouth and I felt something like desire burn through me. The fingers of his spare hand trailed the waistband of my jeans until he unbuttoned and unzipped them. I kept whispering, “No,no,no,no,no…” against his lips. But he just whispered back, “Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes…” 
Our bodies moved against each other and we couldn’t be closer. I don’t know what he did to me but I came to realize I was deriving pleasure from the intensity. In any other circumstance, this would have been my wildest fantasy. But he was my kidnapper..why was I falling for his seductive act? His hand was in my pants and dipping in between my legs when I involuntarily thrusted into his hand. A groan escaped his mouth and died on my lips. His fingers slipped between my wet cunt causing something primal to consume him.
 “Look how wet you are…you’re not supposed to like this you know..” I whimpered in his lips; it was the only response I would allow myself to give him. It’s like a fire, the way he’s touching me. A burning, insatiable flame that consumes every thought and every breath I can give. When he looks at me, it’s as if his eyes trace the curves of my soul, unraveling every hidden desire within me. I’m not supposed to like this. His words sliced through the air like ominous bell chimes. Each note whispered of forbidden desires, stirring a primal hunger within me, as if daring me to succumb to the intoxicating allure of his sin. He undresses me all the way, tearing at my clothes like they were committing a crime for being on my body.
 As our lips collided, ravishing each other as our only salvation, he uttered under his breath, “You’re…everything. Mine. All mine.” With a trembling breath I replied hotly, “Mhm..” Nothing could stop his desire then. As he reached into his pants, my breath caught in my throat, adrenaline flooding my veins with fear. Every nerve on edge, I braced myself for the worst as he dragged a sharp knife from his pants and released the blade. I gasped.
He moved the knife to my wrists and to my surprise, he only cut open the bind’s restraining them. “Don’t even think about running away, baby..” Before the fear even got the chance to leave my body, his knife was pointing at my throat. The look on his face was daring me to disobey him. “Lay back now, baby.” The knife followed me as I was put on full display for him. He quickly pumped his cock a few times before lining it up at my entrance. His blade lightly dug into my throat, leaving a threatening sensation in my body. 
He pushed into me and I moaned as he let out a husky, “Fuck.” He started working himself in and out, trying to fit all of himself inside my tight cunt. My arms went to the back of his neck and I gripped his hair while he fucked me thoughtless. I didn’t think about how he had threatened me. Or how he kidnapped me and forced himself on me. I didn’t even think about going home or if that was even a possibility for me anymore. My thoughts were consumed by him and what he was doing to me and the sharp blade of metal keeping death close like an old friend. 
He sped up as he thrusted into me and I could tell he was about to come undone. But he slowed down drastically and threw his knife to the side with a sharp clatter. He took one hand and placed it beside my head on the cement for support. Just the tip of his cock resided in me and I groaned at the suddenness of his actions. He took his other hand and started circling his thumb on my clit, making me moan sharply. With the extra stimulation, I was thrown over the top and he plunged into me fully.
 “That’s it baby, that’s it.” The knot low in my stomach came unraveled and I clenched, fully milking his cock. He drove himself inside me one final time before cumming deep inside my cunt. We came down from our euphoric high together and he kissed me roughly one final time before declaring with a sinister smile, “You’re still coming home with me though.” We disappeared into the late night together and I felt the pull of desire clawing at me as I craved his touch again. I found a forbidden ecstasy, as I willingly surrendered to the allure of captivity and the lust that follows...
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