#my man btw guys don’t forget 😂😂
hyeinism · 23 days
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ynbabe · 3 months
We don’t hate each other ୨୧ Arthur x fem! reader
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Y/n was Ollie's oldest friend, growing up with him as he raced his way up to formula one, somewhere in between she found Arthur Leclerc, found him a massive fucking pain in the ass that is until something changes when Ollie debuts in Carlos Sainz Ferrari.
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A always, comments and requests are always welcome! lemme know what y'all think of this!
Warnings: curses, lime
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Username they're relationship is so important to me actually
username arent they just friends?? username girl you believe that? LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE LITERALLY MARRIED username theyre 18 go touch grass pls 😭
Username shes so real for that bow, ollies so cute 🥹
olliebearman thank you for the very serious pictures of me, a very serious, very profession man
y/nl/n "very serious, very professional man"🤓 shut up you literally cried in my arms when you got called olliebearman i'm telling my pr officer to block you username did what in whose arms now?? username oooh so hes in love love
arthurleclerc Way to go Ols!
y/nl/n gtfo my post arthurleclerc gtfo off my fyp y/nl/n block me bitch arthurleclerc too much effort, cry olliebearman guys you're in public 😭
username whats with Arthur and Y/N? 😅
Username they're competing for Ollies love Username bro you wrong for that 😂
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arthurleclerc to MY bestfriend, congratulations on making it to Ferrari and f1! You deserve the best! Hope my brother treated you well.
username SHOTS!! HAVE!! BEEN!! FIRED!!
Username he know he wrong for that first photo
Username okay wait. How do both Leclerc have a Wattpad ass gay romance is it genetic??
Username bro all capped the my 😭
username mans petty as hell
username @/y/nl/n me personally, I wouldn't take that
username hes stealing your man girl go get him!!
oliiebearman Thank you Arthur! Yes he did!
arthurleclerc ur welcome ols ❤️ username @/y/nl/n were waiting for you boo username its the red heart for me Username Charles come get your brother!!! he's cosplaying you and max on main again
y/nl/n Congrats Ollie!! love you 🥰 (Not gonna make this abt myself like some other girls)
arthurleclerc revoking ur paddock pass btw 🥰 Olliebearman ... I'm blocking you both 🥰
username mans done with them 😂
You rolled your eyes as you saw Arthur's comment on yours, how could he be so childish. Forget it, you reminded yourself, today is for Ollie and Ollie only.
You waited in Ollie's driver room till he was done with the debrief, you'd go out to celebrate with him and his family later. His trainer had given him a pass on the diet, after all, scoring points in F1 was no joke.
You jumped off the chair you were lounging in, ready to hug the man as you heard the door open but to your disappointment, it was only Arthur.
You groaned as you saw the boy and he scowled in return. You never knew how your rivalry began. One moment you were visiting Ollie for the first time at Prema and the next you were in a screaming match with a Monagasuque man with the cutest accent.
"What are you doing?" He asked, rather, demanded.
"Waiting for my friend," you replied with the same annoyance in your voice, "What are you doing here?" you accused, stepping towards him.
He pulled a face, closing the gap, "Here to support my friend, you know cause we can actually stand each other,"
"Hah, sure, at least I'm not jealous of my friends, you know cause they actually make it into f1," you shrugged, knowing it was a low blow.
His face morphed into anger as he pushed closer towards you, "You need to shut up," he spoke in a low voice, you'd be scared of the taller, much stronger boy if you weren't doused in anger yourself.
"Make me then," why did you say that- Oh shit.
Your eyes widened as he kissed you, making both of you stumble back and fall on Ollie's driver room bed. You groaned as your back hit the mattress, the older boy breaking the kiss, looking down at you in concern.
"O-oh, my god! Y/n I'm so sorry, I don't know wh-" he began rambling but you couldn't let him win, could you? So you kissed him back, letting your hands run through his hair.
He led one hand to your waist, letting it fall under your shirt, he hissed at the warmth your skin radiated under his palms.
"Oh my god, OH MY GOD," Someone yelled, making Arthur push off the bed, and fall on the floor.
"Ollie this isn't what it looks like," he explained from the floor making you frown.
"It isn't?" you asked making him turn to you.
"No, it is," he explained to you, then turned to shocked Ollie in the doorway, "I mean- it is," he tried to explain.
Ollie paused for a moment, "On my bed, really?" he replied, disgust in his voice.
You picked up the pillow on his now messed up bed, throwing it at his head, "Shut up,"
He laughed as he ducked, "Hey, at least none of us had to intervene," he confessed making you and the boy who was now getting up off the floor groan in defeat.
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olliebearman never make out in my room again, I beg you
Y/nl/n sorry I stole your boyfriend, Ols
arthurleclerc you are still the love of my life, y/n's just a friend olliebearman DO NOT START THIS AGAIN
Username HUH?
username chat is this real rn? username fr thought they hated each other username bro said he was going to get his Wattpad enemies to lovers one way or the other
username Charles Leclerc it's your turn now.
charlesleclerc So all the ranting actually led to something?
y/nl/n he talks about me?? arthurleclerc NO I DIDN'T! Charles shut up or I'll tag someone you rant about. Charleslecler y/n changed you i dont like this relationship anymore username WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? Username First we get Arthur x y/n and now we are getting Charles read like filth 😭
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trying something new, thoughts?
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I’ve seen a few lil snippets but I’d stopped really keeping up with the leaks. I will say I LOVE that some of you immediately messaged me upon seeing the leaks 🥹😂 it made my morning to see messages in my inbox 💕 (this is my not subtle nudge to everyone that I love hearing from you guys, even if it’s just life updates or random shit. Pls, I get lonely 🥺)
Side note for the other sweet anon who messaged, I can’t answer that ask rn bc of obvious reasons, but I SEE YOU AND THINK OF THIS AS MY RESPONSE TO YOU AS WELL!!! IT MADE ME SO HAPPY INSIDE THAT YOU CALLED ME 'LOVE,' BTW. MY HEART DID A LIL JUMPY. 🥹💕
As for the leaks?
Me @ everyone losing their shit:
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Spoilers for JJK 260 and a huge fucking Kiko rant below the cut.
I’ll believe it when it’s really confirmed. From what I saw, it was the last panel and there’s speculation on whether it’s really him or if Sukuna is seeing shit as he dies or any of the crazy possibilities.
And now my rant begins…
I’m on the fence. In all honesty, I think I’d finally accepted his death tbh. Because I remembered something that’s actually really interesting: some of the very best stories have stakes. They have death because it’s unfortunately a part of life. Gojo isn’t the MC of JJK, even though he’s an incredible character and I adore him and I still hate how he went out.
But while I still hate how that played out, I was actually thinking recently about how much credit we really don’t give Akutami. Writing is hard. World-building is hard. And he’s created a universe that’s truly incredible. The countless number of cursed techniques he’s written into the story, the number of characters he’s given depth possible without even meaning to? Genuinely incredible. He’s done something amazing. I had a ‘come to Jesus’ moment of realization that he’s actually an incredible story-teller. The story he’s built in his mind is amazing and I’m so glad he’s decided to share it with us. We’ve questioned him because we didn’t have all the pieces he has, but he’s said time and time again that he has things planned and he’s had things planned since the beginning. The medium he’s using to tell the story necessitates it being a bit choppy because he can’t explain every little thing every single time. There will be holes and gaps and things he reveals over time for the sake of the story he’s planned, and I know I forgot that fact when I was angry and grieving. (I’ve also been just losing my shit lately at how stupid some people are saying Akutami hates anime fans just because he killed Choso off. The number of comments I’ve seen about ‘hot characters aren’t allowed to die’ is just… these characters are more than eye candy. They have a purpose and emotional value in the story, specifically Choso as a big brother figure for Yuuji.) okay, fun lil side rant over lol
I think we forget that this is a shonen manga. Shonen are notorious for killing characters. I think of Hunter x Hunter, which Akutami has said is a big inspiration for him, the Chimera Ant Arc seemingly killed over half the cast. I’ve also seen a lot of anger at Akutami for him saying that he doesn’t care how many characters die as long as it’s a good story, and I think people missed the point because they were angry their favorite character died. But the thing is, he has a point. If the character deaths push the story forward, then it works. Yuuji has clearly had a power up that wouldn’t have happened if Gojo hadn’t died. On top of that, we criticized the month-long time skip, but these big reveals couldn’t have happened without it. So while it felt jarring, and it still doesn’t sit quite right with me, I understand why Akutami’s logic now. Again, I think of Hunter x Hunter’s chimera arc and how Gon had to watch Kite die and then fight his puppet corpse. Talk about traumatizing a fucking twelve year old. And adding to that, Akutami has literally said that this is meant for adults. He’s writing with an adult, predominantly male, audience in mind because that’s been the primary demographic for shonen for decades. So no, he isn’t writing with the female audience, or the young female audience, in mind because that’s not the genre he’s targeting. It just so happens that there’s been a huge surge in American teenagers obsessively consuming Asian media in the past few years and now it’s wildly popular among that demographic.
Basically what I’m saying is that gen z has developed the female counterpart for the fedora-wearing weirdos with waifu pillows in the obsession with hot guys in manga/anime. The difference is that they’re raging about a story following its chosen genre. But this is me generalizing things a lot and it obviously doesn’t apply to the majority of fans. I’m pretty sure a large part of our lil corner here is on the older end of gen z or younger millennial, but I could be wrong. Actually, I’d love to know what that split is 🤔 maybe I’ll do a poll.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 6 months
HELP THAT ANIME IS SO FUNNY?? he's so relatable for turning into dust btw that's actually mad funny 😂😂😂
no because cheol/hao/wonwoo (and- hot take maybe- shua and jeonghan??) totally give off that 'passive dominance' vibe
YEAH I TOTALLY LOST FEELINGS FOR THAT GUY....LIKE I THINK I MESSED UP IN THE BEGINNING BECAUSE I TEXTED HIM TOO MUCH 🙃🙃 it is what it is tho because i think im much better off without him...........
OKAY I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT PULLING DOMINANT MEN....you either have to act SUPER independent/borderline "leader" like OR you have to act like someone that could be a sub little housewife (like its the 1970s oops).... IM TRYING THOSE 2 OUT RN SO LETS SEE HOW IT GOES LOL
so many meds?? that sounds so complicated (and borderline terrifying 🙁) it must be so bad to be given something that's supposed to help but somehow makes things worse
would a sleep study actually help? here's to hoping it will because not being able to sleep must be torture brie im so sorry i hope you get through this in one piece (ONE PIECE MENTIONED!??!?!?)
true. imagine ignoring your child's pleas for mashed potatoes... those creamy garlic mashed potatoes are actually a god given right, you can't convince me otherwise 😒😒
i'm doing great (besides finals.)!! YOU GOT THIS BRIE I BELIEVE IN YOU
-finals week or 🫨 anon's final week? stay tuned
Hufflepuff 😨
NO SERIOUSLY they should make a website like does the dog die but for what episode of a drama you should stop watching at if you want to pretend there is a happy ending
I actually really heavily agree on that Joshua take that’s crazy but i feel that
NO I THINK I REALLY MESSED UP WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS i’m so stressed about it too she’s taking a break from social media and i’m going crazy like i feel like part of it is just that i’m too much for her now and i’m so stressed, every day i want to spam her and i have literally been crying every single night because i’m so upset cause i think i really fucked up but like is it worse that i think that she would just abandon me? IDK but i’m so upset it’s been a week now. What if she hates me, and also i went literally crazy and i don’t think she knows how crazy but crying every single night cause i think she hates me and left me is CRAZY like every time i calm down i see reason but i was rereading our interactions so much and analyzing all the things i did wrong so much i had to delete the messages
I’m crazy. I’m crazy actually. I want to just forget everything and move on but imagine i put all this effort into forgetting her because i had a maniac anxious breakdown in the middle of a depressive episode and she comes back completely normal expecting me to be completely normal 😭😭 that would be crazy right
I’m crazy right. I’m crazy.
Meds are meds i guess i’m just really hoping these new ones work. The sleep study SHOULD be helpful like if it’s a serious health problem. And it will help them know if it’s not like sleep apthia? Or something like that
I WAS TRYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT THE HEIST ONE?? AND THEY WERE LIKE but the first one is so bad and i was like oh my god… they haven’t even met the third twin LIKE ITS GOOD???
I don’t remember why i said i suck but oh god so annoying i give myself the ick. TODAY I WAS LIKE i was like when i serve food out to people sometimes i like can’t explain this well but i smile and pose? Like when i turn around i’ll like IDONTKNOW POSE? ITS LIKE SUBTLE BUT ITS LIKE IM IN A MOVIE AND IM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND ITS REALLY ANNOYING AND SUBCONCIOUS SO IM ONLY AWARE AFTER IVE DONE IT AND ITS SO ANNOYING AND IT GIVES ME THE ICK SO BAD i have A SERIOUS pick me problem that no one will EVER acknowledge even when i say it i’m surrounded by LIARS
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persephadees · 2 years
LO 208 EP commentary
He’s so protective of her wshwshdjahxjzj
You can’t take her away again!!! 😭😩
Head touch ;^;
It better be okay
Uh I don’t think it’s over btw but yea I’ll just enjoy this ahah
Woah rare w from Zeus there
He SAID SORRY??? ZEUS SAID SORRY?? What universe are we in???
hehe queen of the underworld 
Okay does this mean that Demeter’s punishment is lifted too… or????
uh oh a stare down 👀👀
ngl that was a cute hug from both of them… they missed each other ;-;
Aw we don’t get to see a dinner moment. Would’ve been interesting djsj 
You didn’t talk to Hestia yet?? girl I pretty sure she knows u wanna leave TGOEM,, plus it’s been 10 years
man I saw that aggressive blushing 💖😂 
Oop?? 👀👀👀 omg what are they gonna call each other????? 
“I will love you, even when all the mortals have forgotten about us and we are nothing but stardust” YOU NEED TO SHUT UP,, AND THAT PANEL JJSY UGH DISNXJABFHIAXHSJ
Good jesus he’s so bulky 😭 
Okay I like the idea of them living separately actually. I mean hades did talk about that before but make it official 👀
Yeaaa them getting married all of a sudden is a rush and I don’t want that right now..
plus they kinda barely know each other still and they’ve been away from each other for 10 years. I’m good with this
I’d like the experience too 
FINALLY UGHH (I literally threw my phone and did my homework cause I couldn’t handle—- WKDJAKKSK
hades pls lmao
I did not get into a fistfight with your father just to sleep in your guest room askdkakxjajdj 😭
Hades I love you but stop messing with the bed it’s fine, don’t make it perfect 😭😭
His face in all these panels is getting to me. I missed this guy 
Love how meli isn’t bothered ashsj 
That is pretty
Sdjxm yea he took a bath 
(Okay it’s Demeter’s place I’ve been told ajdj)
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threadsun · 1 year
😳 (*coughpleaseeatmeCOUGH*)
So now when you say snap, do mean you’re at poetry reading and you do little snaps like that, or do you mean shove me down on the nearest surface with my hands above my head and growl out warnings, kind of snap~? Cause either way, I’d like to see it~ 😉 Also, Sleepyanon, I feel flattered that you see us as an example of flirting cause like, half of the time when I actually TRY to flirt I feel like I’m stumbling (until I feel like Howl in the first part of Howl’s Moving Castle and sweep you off your feet with charm and finesse~), but apparently I’m a HUGE flirt when I’m not so. Besides, can’t you see Sun and I are trying to write our own erotic novel here? If it’s about Jack and the gang or if it’s about whatever we’re saying to each other is anyone’s guess, but yeah! (Tis a joke btw, but thanks for helping me get back on my feet so I don’t get defeated by Sun with my new boosted ego!) In any case, me? Cute? Honey, I think you mean a living, breathing goddess who’s made anything with a pulse forget how to speak because I’m just that radiant~ What you meant to say is that I’m exquisite, yes~? So if anything, I’ve been allowing you to toy with me because I found you worthy to be in my presence, to let you in so close that you can almost taste the sweetness I hold~ But no matter, I’m only a cute little bratty sub who’s just basking in your attention, right~? ;3 Just SO hungry for anything you can provide, tongue lapping wildly at a single drop of approval~ That’s what I am~? I’d love to see how desperate you think you could make me without having half of the tools necessary to cause me to beg for you, because so far, I’m closer to being victorious in this here battle of wits~ Maybe you should be bowing to me instead of the other way around~ 😈
And that’s as good as I’ll get when I put effort into flirting 😂 Plus, I felt more defiant so~ But I don’t mind being shown off like that, though I might do a little extra just to get you fuming mad~
100%! I can just imagine the situation where his sunshine is explaining to him what exactly 24/7 domming is after they went to the next level and he’s just standing there like, “…. so what I normally do?” 😂
AWWWW I love the idea of Ian dressing up your cage so it fits your aesthetic! Putting a tiny pumpkin inside during Halloween! So cute! Jean can’t possibly fathom why they would spend firehouse funds on sprucing up a cage or getting outfits for a DOG until he sees you in a maid outfit, and oh boy. Lol. I can see Joesph taking them back to his place when he gets alittle more needy or mad at one of the guys because he didn’t like how they treated you (*coughJeancough*) and when anyone complains he’ll just be like, “They’re MY dog so I have every right to take them home for tonight.” And the whole night he’ll just be extra snuggly with you and asking a lot “Are you sure you’re okay with this? Are they treating you alright? Am I treating you alright?” And you’d just have to reassure the poor baby that you’re enjoying life as the firehouse’s dog and that you still adore him as much as you did before this whole predicament. OOO! I like how Nick helps teach the other guys to practice safe sex and how to properly engage in those harder kinks! I think he’d have to correct Ian or Shaun a couple of times, Shaun because of his tendency of treating them like a cat and Ian because of how rough he can be at times (from his views of ecchi and how they react). I can definitely see “beg” being one of Rory’s favorite tricks he likes to see you perform~ Freaking Jean man, who knows how that conversation went down or who he talked to let your position become official, but jesus did he get it for you. And he’ll put in your face too CONSTANTLY! “You know, you wouldn’t even HAVE this job if it wasn’t for everything I did for you, so you can last a few more minutes, yeah? To show me how grateful you are to be the firehouse’s filthy mutt? Don’t give me that look, you’re the one who wanted to suck me off in the first place, whimpering that you felt so empty~” He’s a bit of a jerk about it, but he’s secretly grown to like you a lot more than he lets on. Shaun definitely tries to find memes of dogs acting like cats to justify making you meow for him around the firehouse the first couple times he makes you do it. “Look, I’m just saying if a dog can sing opera, then it’s not far fetched to have them meow! I mean, just look at those cute squishy cheeks! How could you NOT think hearing them meow wouldn’t be the most adorable thing ever?!”
I’m sure that the people you’ve come across who are/were going through similar experiences like you did appreciate having your support and perspective on both sides. Not only do you validate and comfort what they went through, but you give them hope that there can be something better to look forward to in the future, may it still be in sex work or not. It can be a tough process switching the viewpoint of a traumatizing experience from a negative perspective to a positive one, but it shows how strong of a person you are in all aspects.
Omggggg! That must be so nice to get to drive up there to see your brother!!! Got a fav adventure you went on with them in Boston? I think I’m like 4 almost 5 hours away so you’re so lucky you get to be so close!! But yeah!! Definitely try to get to Salem with Moon and him! I heard that during the whole month of October, people wear capes EVERYWHERE and if that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will 😂 Ahhhh I gotcha! The whole, “Welp, look at this mess I accidentally stepped into!” Been there, done that! One time, I purposely went against my gut to see what would happen, and my whole being went NOPE the moment I opened the door to a place with extremely heavy energy. OOOOOO! You’ve got me interested, I’ve never heard of a mekubal before! If you’re okay with it, I’d love to learn more! I didn’t know that there’s no classification on what’s negative or positive in the realm of Jewish spirits/entities/demons. There’s so many different practices out there and variations on how to use the gifts we have that when I get the chance to learn more, I jump at the opportunity! Expanding the mind more and seeing through the eyes of others has always been a big thing for me since there’s never one right way to do things. Very big on researching lol I work with Archangels of light, Saints, and Guardian Angels of Light, but at the same time I don’t belong to any Catholic faith (pretty sure I’d be considered a witch and have been told I’m going to hell by someone I was close friends with from what I do), go to a Christian church but not connecting to their faith (I know there’s a universal energy because wouldn’t have experienced half the things I had without there being something), but I use oracle cards, runes, pendulums, crystals, all that fun stuff while getting really strong pulls from the Norse side of things (ain’t jumping into that until I have better sources to learn from. Fool me once!) and being a Reiki level 2 practitioner so I’m definitely a mixed bag here. Apparently, I also would cry every time my parents passed by a church as a baby, even before they knew one was coming up, I would constantly say I wasn’t Catholic passionately, and my baby ramblings sounded demonic so my parents at one point considered if I WAS one or not so yeah 😂 But that’s actually really interesting! As for Jack, I never considered him to be a dybbuk, but that’s an interesting theory! My whole thing, though I don’t know what kind, was basically pointing out that Jack is a demon instead of a ghost. From what I’ve learned, ghosts have free will because when we’re put on Earth, we were given free will. Demons however HAVE to follow certain rules. For example, they can’t possess a person unless the person wants them to. Demons can be exorcised. Human souls can’t. You would have to literally change the energy inside your body to make it uncomfortable enough to make a spirit leave. I’m gonna have to find my binder before I dive deeply into this but the people I’ve learned most of what I know are both demonologists who’ve fought against that stuff for years, but any information they gave to the class was based on how to protect yourself and to diminish the idea that any negative is demonic. Most of the time it’s just an angry or grumpy ghost!
Holy helllll, okay, yeah, that’s, um HOT 🥵 That just hit places I didn’t expect to hit LOL Brain goes BRRRRRR Like, most of this has been fun, innocent flirting, but like that last sentence MMPH! Getting into some dannnnngerous territory right there! If you don’t want THAT kind of reaction from me, then I’d be careful on what ya say there sir! Jussst sayin! Like, I’ve been able to stay away from horny jail, but that’s a one way ticket right there! It’s definitely a DIFFERENT feeling haha
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm now I'm tempted to write some stuff for this firefighter AU.............. Jean absolutely didn't get it until he saw you in a maid dress and then he was like "oh okay we need to make this a full time position." Also Joseph being soooooo sweet about it, yes!!! He and Nick especially are big on checking in with you and making sure you're still up for all of it. And making sure the others give you a break if you ever need one. Not that you do~ I do love the idea of Jean holding it over your head to make you do the most depraved things for him. Because he's the reason you have a job! How can you say no to him? Poor Shaun is just hoping to convince the others to maybe dress you as a cat for Halloween or something.
Oh yeah, demons in Judaism can be good, bad, or neutral. Shedim are just sorta Dudes With Powers rather than anything particularly good or bad. Dybbukim on the other hand are pretty much always malicious/causing trouble. They're the spirits of the unfulfilled, essentially, and they're trying to achieve a particular goal. I could definitely see Jack being a demon though! And it's really cool how much you know about this stuff, I just stick to kabbalah really cause that's the culture I was brought up in, but I did take a bunch of courses in uni about witchcraft and the history of various forms of magic and folklore! They were super cool to learn about!
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
i constantly forget want anthony looks like ngl 😭 he’s leading man and i don’t even remember what he looks like 💀 anyways-
Also, this calls for a confession;
I actually don’t imagine show!Anthony while writing Enamored 😂
Don’t get me wrong, the actor did an amazing job on the show, he’s extremely talented and I really enjoyed the show and his art! It’s just that, I started planning/writing Enamored after I read the book so it’s based on the book rather than the show 😂 I use the show's gifs ofc because everyone watched the show so it's more familiar, but book!Anthony and Anthony in Enamored -in my head-, is someone who looks a bit more arrogant, and very mischievous and playful when he wants to be 😁 
Also I imagine him having slightly long wavy -tousled- dark hair for some reason😂 Do I make sense? 😁
(Btw ofc everyone is different and how I imagine him has nothing to do with how you guys imagine him😁)
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justmywriting1313 · 4 years
Sad M/C headcanons Part 1 (Diavolo, Solomon and Simeon)
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Hello lovelies!!!! I hope you guys are having an amazing week so far!! 
Okay so I am really sorry the fics have been delayed… unfortunately while my brother and dog were playing near my desk they caused my laptop to fall and well it stopped working and then when it did all of my saved work got lost 😭😭 i knowww i should have been more careful with letting them play there but anywhooo you guys can imagine the conundrum I am in now while I am trying to rewrite like ten fics in one go soooooo I really am sorry!!!!
But I still wanted to give you guys some stuff so I stayed up last night to write a bunch of headcanons (which are actually proper hc’s this time 😂) on my iPad which btw is very difficult to type on!! anywhooo I have 4-5 of them so ill keep posting the as I finish editing and just keep an eye out in the coming week for the proper fics 😊
I hope you like them and please don’t forget to like, reblog and request stuff
Summary: Diavolo, Simeon and Solomon x Sad M/C and how they react to her crying + how they cheer her up! 
Trigger warnings: Not anything but i guess Homesickness and just yeah being a bit sad.
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Oh dear
Okay so I genuinely believe that as much as this man is the crown prince of Devildom and whatnot he is a friggin teddy bear in disguise so seeing anyone cry much less someone he cares about and has feelings for will not at sit well with him. 
I feel like for him this would be a little difficult to navigate because as unrelentless he is in his love and care for others he also doesn’t want to seem to overbearing and pushy. With Lucifer its different cause he has known him for so long but as much as he wants to control himself I really don’t think he will be able to especially cause he will be the quickest in picking up that your mood was off.
So at first he will notice when you are not as boisterous in the student council meetings and not as vocal as usual. He will frown at that and even ask you. You saying you're fine will not do much to settle his nerves especially cause he can tell when someone is lying. Then he will ask Lucifer who would tell Diavolo honestly that they noticed but nothing seemed to be cheering you up. 
Diavolo will take it upon himself to change that so prepare for A LOT of love and affection sweet lord! He will ask everyone what they think he should do before combining that this huge care package kind of. I mean he would even get Barabatros to help. 
Honestly he gives me such sweet romantic vibes and i just cannot
Anyway That day when you get back to your room, you kind of let all the negative feelings settle inside you, and you know its good to feel all of your emotions and not run from them so instead of avoiding it you decide to embrace it. You do what you used to do in the human realm to get through this sad period. You lock your door, put on dim lights, make sure the room is cold and then play your music and curl up under the blankets and cry. 
Diavolo was rushing to your room excited and determined to make you properly smile. In his arms he made a care package with your favourite foods he made sure not to bump into Beel  and chocolates, he even managed to get many of them especially from the human realm. He had Barabatros go buy plushies and stuff toys that Lucifer told him you really loved. He even got some stuff from the boys like your favourite book from the human realm (Satan had told him which one), A face mask from Asmo, an Anime series from Levi! he even managed to find your favourite flowers.  
Before he could knock on your door though he had heard you crying and whimpering and immediately was more concerned but also again more determined. He first knocked but when you don’t respond he will get too worried and use his powers to get past the door. Even though he knows you might want space but he just needs to kinda see you're alright. 
(also btw I feel like the opening the door with powers is a tumblr trope and not real but i am just gonna use it for now) 
He will first feel the chill of the room, then he will take in the dim lights and finally he will zero in on your curled up shaking figure on the bed. 
I think his first instinct would be to come and hug you and kind of figure out what caused this but I think he knows some people might want space at first; especially humans so he would put the little care box on the table and then walk over to you. He’ll wipe the tears of your face and once you can breathe enough to talk he will ask if you want space right now. 
If yes; I am not gonna lie this will be difficult for the poor man... but he’ll kiss you on the forehead, make sure you can easily get the stuff in the care package, put some water for you and make sure your DDD is either charging or close to you should you want to call him. After that he will wait in Lucifers office for your call 
Cue exasperated Lucifer who hopes you’ll call soon because this man spends too much time with Diavolo as it is 
And honestly I think Diavolo would wait only an hour maybe two before he is knocking at your door asking if you still need space or if he can come hug you now.  
If you say no though and if you want him close oh boiiiii!!!! 
So many friggin cuddles you have no idea!!!!! 
He would take his shoes of, make the lights slightly brighter but not enough to shock you and get your care package and laptop closer. Once he has everything he needs and the door is locked. He will get in bed and wrap you in his arms while placing you on his lap. He will then first tell you to get it out of your system and just cry everything out. He’ll pat your head, and rub you back stroke your hair, kiss your forehead. 
“Shhhhh love...  it’s okay! let it all out” 
Also no point in trying to hide your face from him cause he’ll force your hands away from your face, and then kiss you all over. 
Once you have calmed down he’ll ask you if you want to talk about it. 
If not well then more cuddles and love until you do.
But if you do want to in that moment, he will listen with all his attention so you know its completely cool for you to vent and that he wants to hear what you have to say. You would do it while eating chocolate and you would even get him to eat some. 
If its something small, at first he might find it hard to connect and kind of you know see the point in it but he wont make you feel bad. Especially if it’s something he could fix or you guys could fix together. 
“All you had to do was tell me princess... Then you wouldn’t have to feel this way!” 
He will let you explain that regardless sometimes small things just culminate to overwhelm you and you just needed to let it out. 
If its something big though there is no way he would not pull all the stops to change the situation and turn it around. For example like if you were crying cause you just kinda missed the different seasons of the human realm, so feeling the warmth of the sun, the winds of winter, the colour smells of flowers in spring and the playing in the rain, even though he was sitting with you he would already be planning a holiday for you guys to take in the human realm. 
He would continue to shower affection over you, and then a week later he would announce the holiday and both of you would just be squealing and giggling together. 
Overall i just think that just sitting back and letting someone figure out their emotions on their own is not something Diavolo is capable of because he is too loving and caring. Sometimes it might be suffocating so you have to kind of remind him to give you space and that its incredibly normal. His care is not just because you are the human exchange student and he wants you to have a good time but because maybe one day he might ask you to stay and it gives him a sense of relief that if this is something he can handle he will be able to continue to support you should you chose to stay. 
Okay so I wont lie when I first saw Solomon even in the game I was just like …. This boi be sneaky!!!! Like he has the kind of smile thats like even if he isn’t, it looks like he is hiding something. Also at first he seems a bit cocky but then throughout the game he kind of showed that he was trustworthy so I started thinking what would he be like in a relationship and then have to help with a crying M/C and it was a bit difficult... 
But then I realised that if a) he trusts someone enough to be in a relationship with them and puts effort in and b) is the only other human there then he would probably have the easiest time reading your emotions. I feel like even if you weren't dating actually he seems like the kind of person who once he cares puts his all into a relationship. (obviously exceptions; if you guys want an hc on what kind of person i think he is let me know)
Given his observant nature he would know something is wrong before you even said anything. Again this is in the early stages of the relationship and so it’s not like he would immediately know what to do, maybe later on so for now he tries to help in his own way. 
If you had been feeling sad for a while he would do stuff to make sure nothing makes it worse without you even knowing. Like if Lucifer was going to give you a lecture for something you did or didn’t do, Solomon would make sure you and Lucifer don’t see each other until he fixes it and then tells Lucifer it was all okay to begin with. He would make sure Mammon despite all his Mammon tendencies is sensitive to the fact that you were not in the best mood, makes sure your favourite snacks are hidden away from Beel, your favourite books are in your room when you need them and not lost with Satan. Stuff like that. 
I think Solomon is pretty balanced but he would make sure to spend more time with you, even if its through studying, practicing magic or just even sitting together.
I am certain he would learn spells that made people do silly things like a spell that made Mammon seem like a chicken wing or something so Beel almost ate him idk this was difficult to think of. All of this just to see you smile. 
However one day it all comes to head when one of the boys made a comment maybe about the human world or something along human weakness and even though it usually doesn’t bother you if you were missing home/ family or maybe just even sunlight... then like it obviously hurt your feelings plus if it didn’t have do with why you’re sad if was still a triggering conversation. You could feel the tears collect in your eyes and your shoulders start to shake from trying to keep your sobs at bay. Solomon had been observing you and he knew that comment would set you off despite his efforts in the week so he would try to give you hidden signs of care like trying to reach for your hand under the table or patting your knee with his hand. 
Before anyone else could say or do anything though you grabbed your bag and were out of the room. You booked it back to the house of Lamentation and into your room, where you kind of curled into a ball either in bed or while taking a warm shower and just started crying.
Once you left Solomon got up and glared at the culprit while everyone remained silent. Some of the boys were going to follow you but Solomon stopped them saying you needed space. 
Before Solomon himself could go find you Diavolo and Lucifer asked him to stay back and explain what just happened. He contemplated not listening before realising this is a good way to give you space to cool off should you need it. After this it would be easier to get you to talk when you aren’t overwhelmed so instead he stayed back and explained that you had been feeling sad though he was yet unsure as to why but would try and find out. Though concerned the two demons let him go and told him to tell them should you need anything or if it gets worse. 
Solomon would then make it to the House of Lamentation and to your room though he would stop first by the House of Purgatory to get like some spell books, his coat and some of Luke’s baked treats to improve your mood. 
By this time you had probably changed into comfier clothes maybe a hoodie and now were crying into your pillow. 
Solomon had heard this outside your door and was now a little more concerned. Despite knocking if you didn’t let him in he would use magic cause I really don’t think this boy is above doing that. When he saw you curled up, hugging your knees and just shaking from how hard you were crying and trying to breathe...  
I feel like that would be the first time he would actually drop his cool collected persona and actually worry its something more serious. 
Also at this point he knows he has given you more than enough space so if you ask him to leave he isn’t going to listen. After a certain amount of time space becomes an excuse to avoid and he doesn’t want the situation to deteriorate. if you ask for space then he would just sit further away from you and wait for you to start talking though he isn’t leaving until you do. 
If you don’t mind though then he would come closer to you. I feel like in terms of touch when it comes to gentle comforting touches he is more hesitant so you might have to despite the circumstances encourage him by like holding your arms out or straight out asking for him to hug you. 
Once he gets the okay though he will stay with you. If you need to cry more; sure go for it he is right there with tissues and water. If you want to eat baked goods; he came prepared. You want to just watch videos; let’s get you cosy in his jacket and wrap the both of you in blankets with your DDD. You wanna try learning a magic spell; get the books out lastly you want to just cuddle; he isn’t going anywhere. Anything to get you to talk cause he doesn't want you to bottle things up, he knows human and demons alike have a tendency to do so. 
Finally when you talk you have all of his attention. He wants you to feel comforted enough by him to be able to talk. 
If its a small thing or a combination of many small things besides listening I feel like he would be making a mental list of to do things so they don’t keep coming back up. Not that these will eliminate an event like this from happening but maybe the intensity of the emotions will be less and you’ll find it also easier to come to him about it. I also think that Solomon would be the least judgemental about small things cause again coming from the human world and despite being a sorcerer he understands human emotions and how some of these things may be related to bad experiences as a child like over-sensory inputs so yeah. 
If its a big thing I think similarly but on a larger scale Solomon would try to think of ways to alleviate the tension or sadness. An example I can think of is if you’re missing your family or a specific activity you did with them like a game night where you just played board games. Once you have kind of let everything of your chest and maybe either fallen asleep or something else has taken your attention he would excuse himself for a few minutes and call Diavolo. 
He would explain that you were feeling lonely and maybe isolated from everyone cause you missed family and he would explain his plan to fix it. That evening or maybe a Friday evening Solomon would force you to go to Diavolo’s palace under the guise of a report and dinner. When you get there, all the demon bros are there plus the angels and of course Barbatros with a bunch of games that Diavolo and Barbatros spent the week collecting from both Devildom and the human realm and they all just surprise you for a huge family night.
That night you spend the entire night laughing and just feeling the love of your new family as you all play different games together. Seeing poor Mammon’s skinny frame being crushed by the huge frames of Diavolo and Beel during twister made your stomach hurt from giggling. Even playing hide and seek in the palace where Barbatros, Lucifer and Diavolo are not allowed to be in a team together. 
That night when you sleep over at the Palace you kind of cuddle up into Solomon’s side and just kiss him whispering thank you and youre already planning to something nice for him in return. 
Overall he is very pragmatic and logical thinking about most things but his loving and caring side will always win over with you and if he loves you i feel like he would go to the ends of the earth just to make sure you know it.
Okay again I first found it difficult to get the ball rolling with this one because honestly even though this boy is so very gentle and loving he is also chilled back in the sense that unless pushed in some way he lets things unfold kind of like Solomon. Though maybe a bit more determined to take action, they both like to kind of hold all their cards to their chest before making a move. 
(Again obviously exceptions; if you guys want an hc on what kind of person i think he is let me know)
But then after thinking about it I kind of realised that as an angel besides Solomon he would probably be first few people to know something is up or something is weighing down on you. Unlike Diavolo and Solomon who were more hesitant to come to you straight away Simeon would not hesitate in asking you whats up but like elegantly and not to make you feel bad or like a buzzkill but out of genuine concern. 
“M/C dear are you all right? You seem to be out of sorts today…” 
“I am fine Simeon! Just tired” 
I feel like he would also be very quick in picking out lies... being an angel after all had his perks. He wouldn’t tell you that he knew you weren’t being honest and he wouldn't push the matter then and there but i can definitely see him shadowing you more. He would definitely text you more often and be a bit more present around you even if he has work.
Expect small gestures of love throughout the week. Leaving a flower of some kind outside your door (how he got it there idk? (bribing Mammon I assume)). Leaving a piece of chocolate in your locker so you had something to nibble on though I suspect Beel probably was the one to munch on it. One day somehow before you got to class on your desk was your favourite type of coffee with a little card attached that said he hoped you had a lovely day.
I think he is a big romantic in that sense and he likes small gestures that reassure him and the other person the sincerity of the relationship and their feelings.
As thoughtful as he was being he knew it wasn’t enough when it got harder and harder to see you smile or open up about things. Your breakdown is a very hidden one though and happens kind of quietly and hidden away so it become difficult for Simeon to even realise its happening (though later on in the relationship it gets easier but for now yes).
One day while some of the demon bros, you, Solomon and Simeon were going out for a meal after classes or maybe just planning to do something fun when you had slipped away unnoticed by the group. You very quickly made it to one of the quietist places in the school, especially after school. That when you couldn’t find a single person there; the roof. You sat on the bench there and just looked at the foreign sky and constellations.You hadnt even realised that you were crying until it got difficult to breathe.
You had really actually been missing the experience of going to see sunrises, sunsets and star gazing; something you did almost 3-4 times in the week when you were in the human realm. Despite being very happy here you had looked through old pictures of some of those moments and your heart just yearned for that experience again. Even if it was just once more, it gave you a sense of peace and hope. Yes there were stars in Devildom and you had done your best to know the constellations but you just wanted to go to a place where you actually did; you were looking for familiarity. 
Simeon quickly noticed you went missing when he reached out for your hand and didn’t find it swinging next to his. His first thought was that you left your DDD or something behind but his gut was telling him it was something else. So after two minutes of all of you waiting and not seeing any sign of you they all started searching for you. Beel and Mammon took the cafeteria, Satan and Levi the library and the first floor. Solomon the next two floors and finally Simeon with the top two. Simeon was getting more worried the longer they didn’t find you. Finally Simeon remembered the first time he had missed home... You had been the one to find him and make him feel better by taking him to the roof of RAD. 
It had been the day he had first realised how smitten he was with you, when you had sat him on the bench, his thin fingers intertwined with your. Your other hand had pointed to the sky and told him all about how he would soon be there among the stars safe at home. Despite Simeon having been too shocked and too tired to say anything you never let your smile waver and the genuine gleam of pure happiness is what had kept them going. Solomon that day bought noise cancelling headphones since Simeon had not shut up about you. 
He arrives on the roof and is greeted with the same sight of you sitting on the bench but this was not the way he remembered. Your back was tense and you clenched your knees together. Your hands were fisted in your skirt though occasionally one would come to wipe at your cheeks, as you let soft gasps and sobs out. Your body shaking and shuddering with the lack of breath. Simeon had felt his heart break because as much as he wanted to give you space that you seemed like you had needed he couldn't in good conscious and genuine love leave you there. 
His heart broke at both the sadness you felt and that you had not come to him. Finally when you noticed him you gasped and quickly try to pull yourself together looking for your bag with your ringing DDD that you had pushed away as you get up. Before you could say anything though Simeon had pulled your figure into his. One hand around your waist the other cradling your head into his neck.  
“Shhhh my love... just let it all out... i am sorry I didnt come sooner. But i am here okay? Youll be fine” 
In a situation like this his aim would be to get you to calm down enough to just breathe and maybe vent cause obviously something is overwhelming you. Here i don’t think there is a choice for space of no space because eventually even the others will find you and given Beel and Mammon would be there... there is no way you are leaving without saying whatsup. 
Until that overwhelming process begins Simeon will just hold you and whisper reassurances into your hair. He’ll get you to sit on the bench once that happens and get some water into you, do some breathing exercises which I think because of Luke he has perfected. Once at that point you don’t get a chance to say sorry or hide before he is already stroking your cheek and telling you it’s fine. 
He will be insistent that you tell him whats wrong though because this was too worrying for him to let it go and he also knows how avoidance can just lead to bad situations down the road. 
He also makes a mental note to talk to you about communication and how its needed in a relationship especially when you’re from literally world apart. 
When you tell him about the sunrises and sunsets you miss Simeon is completely understanding because he has been in that boat. He takes the rest of the evening to just remind you of how much love he has for you and just lets you soak up warmth and familiarity from everyone. 
Even when the others arrive shouting Mammon he holds onto you. He takes a moment though to pull Satan and Solomon inside quickly discussing an idea to improve the situation and come up with a plan they later pitch to Diavolo. 
The next week you get surprised by everyone as they all take you to your home city where you get to show them around. It’s the most excited they have seen you as you jump up and down taking them to so many spots, each one relevant and important for one member. The cute bookstore with hardcover books from 1800′s and old records for Satan and Lucifer, The best bakery for Luke and Beel, the anime cafe where the seats are bean bags for Levi and Belphie, the skin-care store for Asmo and finally the best places to see the sunrise, sunsets and the stars. 
You had never felt lighter and happier as you showed your new family a better part of your past that as much as missed you couldn't deny felt better with these people in your life. 
Not once did you let go of Simeon’s hand and even though he blushed most of the time he couldn't seem to let go of yours either. As much as he had gated seeing you in pain he had never been happier right now because he got to see this side of you and he could confidently say that he had never been more in love with anyone.  
Overall loving, kind, and patient he knows how to help but you also have to be able to communicate with him. It was a convo he did finally have with you later but yeah all happy endings. 
Wow can i write anything short?? The next is for the first four demon bros with the same situation! 
Anyway i hope you enjoyed my writing guys. Let me know if you want any of these turned into fics and pretty please like and reblog and request stuff :)
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hi mädch!! I don’t know that much about n.flying either but I’ve listened to some of their music and I really like everything I’ve heard! Rooftop has been one of my fav kpop songs since I got into kpop, i think bc it reminds me of jrock, which i was really into in middle school 😂 I listened to the songs that you recommended from their recent album, and I really liked all of them, especially zip bc I’m such a sucker for slower songs 😁 (and it kinda reminds me of a pentagon song skskdm) Also I’m sorry about your grandpa 😢 My grandma also had dementia, and even though we weren’t super close, it was still hard to have her just straight up not know who any of us were (except for our dog lmao). I know the situation is so scary and awful, I hope you take care of yourself angel 💜 On a more lighthearted note, chan from ace for the idol ask game? (Btw have you been seeing the concept pics for their new album?? Their stuff is always so pretty/ethereal) Love you lots, mwah!
LOL HI ANGEL <3 yes i don't really know anything about n.flying besides there's a guy names jaehyun LSKDFJ and one of the members in the group pretended to be this one girl's bf when they did a vlive or something bc she was walking alone and there were some sketchy dudes and HE DID THAT ?? SO SWEET <3 but i'm really glad u liked the songs angel !! i really like fate i think it's my favorite :) i didnt know if i was going to like this album but i was in a bad mood when i listened to it and it made me feel better <3
and about my grandpa ,,, yeah :( it's okay hun i knew it was coming bc his sister has advanced stage alzheimer's and he's not as bad as her at all but i've grown up with him my whole life and he's just such a sweet man, i hope he won't forget about me too :( i'm sorry to hear about ur grandma too angel .... it sucks :(
but YES a brighter note !!! the cutie patootie himself <3
my first impression of him was : YOU'RE MY BIAS <3333 HHHHH i mean he's not anymore (it's junhee) but oh my god, loved him, still love him so so much and i thought he voice was so beautiful
what i think his best era was : gosh it has to be undercover era for me !!!!!!! KILLED THAT !!!!!!!!!!!
my favorite thing about him : i love how he is SO himself all the dang time !!!!!!! chan is one of those rare idols where ur like "oh my god you are genuinely this excited about life and it's not fake" !! he has such a happy go lucky attitude i adore so much, he's just so cute and energetic i love this quality about him. i also really fell more in love with him when i watched his lil vlive drama twenty-twenty (did u watch it?) HE WAS SO CUTE i just ....... i love him <3
ALSO THE VIDEO WAS SO GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!!! absolutely stunning !!!!!!! however, i don't know i've im adding higher to my playlist right NOW just bc it seems a little one dimensional at the moment but maybe when i listen to it later i'll like it :D
send me an idol from my stan list
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gotham--fc · 2 years
Sorry for replying so late I just kept forgetting 😬
Yeah bowling is so fun I went with my uni society (and came 2nd on my lane!) and I’m going with my teammates next week, they were both 10 pin tho so probs a bit different still.
Rounder is so fun I wanna try ge some friends to play over the summer cause it’ll be so fun to play again 😂. Oooh sounds exciting I hope your team does well and gets a ton of home runs!
I have no clue what I was saying with chicken and hot dogs I apologise for the random comments 😂😂🤦‍♀️ yeah I don’t normally have chicken if I’m out unless I’m at nandos or this pub by mine that does a boss chicken Kiev. Pizza, pasta or a curry is the way to go when ur out 😂😂😤. Tbh with hot dogs most ones in the U.K. are boiled in brine and it’s not a vibe , we started just getting the ones you microwave .
Ayy that’s cool it’s good that Darnell has promoted Kia and Sarah and influenced people like your bro to watch womens sports.
Hope you have a great time at the game! It’s tomorrow right! Which game are you watching and what team are you gonna cheer for (Montreal is the only right answer btw❤️) (jk) 🏒🏒
Also good luck with your assignments you’ll do great!!
That’s awesome bowling is so great!
I wish I had friends who were athletic 😂 I’d love to just get together with my friends and run around
Oh we have differing opinions, I’d say the go to eating out meal is either a sandwich/burger or pasta, pizza if you’re going to a pizza place but I’m a sandwich girl I eat sandwiches all the time. Hot dogs are…. Hit or miss with me, like throw em on the bbq and fry em up like I’ll eat 10, boil them I’ll eat 2 unless I’m cutting them up and putting them in my mac n cheese, I do love a good street hot dog tho, my Canadian/American followers will get me, when it’s an old man selling hot dogs for $2 from that metal cart with the umbrella up, that’s where it’s at shoutout to the hotdog guys honestly
Yeah it’s super cool, like it’s really crucial for mens sports to support and advertise for womens sports like my dad literally came up to me last year during the isobel cup and was like hey on the bruins broadcast they said something about womens hockey playoffs do you know how to watch that like it’s important for sure
Oh I’m obviously cheering for Montreal, but my brother and dad are cheering for Toronto so…. Might be a bit awkward for me 😂😅 I’m really excited for the game, we got pretty decent seats too and if we get there early enough we’ll get a free poster and you know I love free things, honestly I’ve been waiting for this game for so long I’m very excited
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ajw720 · 7 years
Chris has a boyfriend named Will have you not seen any resent videos or interviews? he talks about him all the time in those. sorry if I'm coming off as rude but they have been together for like FOUR YEARS
Part 2:f you don't believe me there is tons a different videos and pics of them on Chriscolfernews. And there actually super cute together
Part 3: And also a friend of mine knows chris and will and she says that they just had there 4 year anniversary in January, and they get really sick and tired of Will getting hate messages from you people. GLEE IS OVER!!! JEEEZZZZZ. Also have you not been on Chris's Colfer's instagram he has posted stuff with his bf. I just find it kind of disrespectful and rude that's all. I'm not asking you to support there relationship but stop posting a bunch of bs that isn't real!!!!
Part 4: One last thing if you weren't so new to all of this u would have seen the interviews that Chris goes to and he was asked about his real boyfriend and if they write together because Will is a screenwrite. (he said yes) he also hasn't seen this Darren guy since glee ended and btw he has a girlfriend and they have been together since glee started. If u even read Chris's frickin books u would know him and will are dating!!!! Because he dedicated the last one to him
Part 5: I'm sure u are a nice person but this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life😂
Oh thank you, thank you. Its been a long week and I am so tired. Its been beyond stressful and you just made my day.  If i wasn’t so new to this? Honey, i am not new to this. I have been around for quite some time and I assure you I have read of all Chris’ books. And I am well aware he has recently named Will as his BF and that he dedicated his book to his favorite human spell checker.
Newsflash, Chris Colfer news is PR. They post what the agenda is. the agenda is to try to sell Chill. Why? Oh I know, I know!!!!!  Because Chris is in a relationship with an actor is is in the closet. And the spotlight has shined brightly on CC for years. and therefore, in order to dim that spotlight, Chris needs to have his own fake relationship. This is called PR. Something that is common in Hollywood. Will is a merkin, a person that is the pretend boyfriend commonly used as a source of protection for one’s actual significant other.  Ever question why Ashley is always with them? Even on their trip to London? Its just so odd....
Oh my naive friend who doesn’t have a clue. Open your eyes. Have you read Chris’ books?  Um Ezmia? MorInA? I guess he just likes to thrown shade at a former co-stars gf. No other reason he would name his villains after her. One of whom has locked Froggy in a mirror. You know Froggy a/k/a Darren who is engaged to Red a/k/a Chris who is trapped by MorInA. And let’s not forget Chris has dedicated a book to Darren. It is called Little Red’s Guide to Royalty. I really suggest you read that one. It has some amazing insight to the current situation.  Here’s a little post i did (X)
And if not that have you read Stranger? Cause there is a whole chapter called Truth Shaming that tells you that celebrities lie!!! Imagine that!!!!!! Shocking I know.  Straight from Chris who says this it’s the most autobiographical book to date. Here is my post on that particular chapter (X)
And Darren has a girlfriend?  Yes, the one that is under contract to play his plus one. And insufferable spoiled brat that lives with a man named BEN.
You see, Darren signed his life away when he joined Fox. And the last thing Fox wanted was (a) for Darren to come out as straight and (b) for there to be any reason to suspect that Darren and Chris were a couple. So heavy bearding commenced in season 4 and it has been relentless since. Why?  No one knows. An obvious mistake.  Fox should have chosen to capitalize on it. But all they could see was the $$$ Darren brought in as their straight teenage dream,
And sadly years later, this is the mess they find themselves in. And they are stuck trying to balance what is right for them, their careers, and for their naive fans who would rather see them both with completely unequal partners than be with each other. It is beyond my comprehension. But this is where we are.
I beg of you. Please take off the blinders.  It is beyond obvious what the truth is.  And for the record. You haven’t a clue what I know. But trust me, it is more than enough to not doubt even for one second what I know to be fact.
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