#my mum just came through and told me we're getting takeaway pizza LOVE IS REAL
sluttypatrickstar · 2 years
sad bitch journal
december 16, 2022
been thinking about chronicling my depression for a while, guess there's no time like the present to start. no idea what this will be like in the future and i'm not pressuring myself to Write Good for this bcus frankly. No ♥️
i have been chronically depressed for about as long as i can remember but it’s been particularly bad this year since i graduated uni. haven’t found a job and am also unsure of my ability to work so i volunteer at a charity bookshop to try and give myself something to do as well as build up experience. it’s p boring but i love books so i can forgive it. a lot of my shifts are pricing books and seeing if i can fit them onto the shelves (this can be a real battle). crime and thriller is the bane of my existence because they’re overflowing. there are so many crime/thriller books. Help
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today i decided to rearrange the romance section because i noticed a lot of the books had been out for a while and hadn’t sold. you learn a lot about a genre when you’re shelving it. romance is a very colourful genre
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pictured: a mills & boon rrp. i love whoever decided this
i also learned that it’s REALLY hard to tell the difference between romance and cosy women’s fiction because they both look very cosy and have colourful and sweet book spines
after my pretty low-key shift, i bought some books (a really cute book of poe poetry, i’ll be gone in the dark, and the life changing magic of tidying up because i am a Messy Bitch) and met my dad to go to ANOTHER bookshop where i had a click and collect to pick up
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pictured: the good stuff. Books
often i feel really guilty for buying so many books at our shop when i don’t even have an income but i really liked all of today’s finds so it didn’t feel so bad. sometimes i buy books and just wonder what i was thinking
then we went to a bakery and i got a brownie and a cookie/brownie combo which i shall have later and UGH YOU GUYS THIS BROWNIE
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unspeakable joy. delicious. yum. 10/10 cured my soul. so tasty. the world can be hard but it’s all worth it when i get to have some Baking
i headed home after a bit – my dad’s cat, who is going deaf and is very sweet and wants cuddles ALL THE TIME loves plastic bags so spent most of the time licking my bag – and the bus came quickly and got me home quickly. i’m used to bus delays and getting stuck in traffic so i liked that a lot. Zoom
if you’re outside of the uk, then here’s a little bit of context: our postal service, royal mail, is striking throughout december. this means that not only are strike dates affected, but mail is piling up and they have so much to deliver already this month because of christmas post. so there are ofc postal delays! and about 3 weeks ago i ordered a wee colouring book on etsy by an artist called lilmeep. i got their first colouring book for my birthday in the summer and loved it a lot and sent the friend who bought it updates and showed her all my finished pages. so i’ve been waiting for this second book to get here.
i knew there were going to be delays, but i started getting worried that maybe it got lost as it dragged into the 2 weeks since posting mark. i really wanted my new colouring book, i was so excited, when was it going to arrive? and earlier today, as we were into my third week of waiting, i wondered if i should shoot the artist a message next week letting them know that it hadn’t arrived yet jic it had been lost or smthin.
and i got home and went into my bedroom and
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so yeah. i was just reflecting on how even though my brain is a shitbag and things have been really hard and it’s fuckin COLD and SAD outside, i got to enjoy these moments of colour and joy today. sadness and tiredness still leak into my day, but i was able to find these moments to enjoy, to get all these things i had been looking forward to, to spend time with my dad and his silly little plastic bag loving cat ... joy exists, joy remains, you can still find it
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