#my office mate comes to me with things that won't be for our team and are also 5 years in the future minimum
tbh-entp · 1 year
entp(f) *in heated work discussion*: but your idea is irrelevant entp(f) *in heated work discussion, but also doesn't want to be fired or anything*: and by irrelevant, i mean, let's think about it later
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davy-zeppeli · 6 months
So I don't own a diary so I'm writing my thoughts here because it's my blog, fuck you.
The past month has been absolutely hellish. I've changed teams at work, had immense pressure put on me following this due to other managers in my area feeling the need to hound and scrutinise my team's work, and then I broke up with my partner, essentially throwing away any and all financial and home security I had in my future.
I separated with my partner for my own independence and freedom, to put it bluntly. 4 years together showed me we were perfect for eachother - same music taste, sams interests, many great and fun adventures together - but after 4 years, little things built up. Not being able to take the bus without scrutiny. Not being able to buy things I want in the shop due to it 'wasting money'. Stopping drinking because he didn't like it. Not being able to stay over at a friend's house without giving him dates and times I'd be back, as well as who I'm staying with and where. One of our last discussions was him asking me if I still loved him, which I did and do - but he also asked me if I'd been seeing other people. I didn't know it at the time, but it was a level of insecurity and fear expressed by him that was the primary indicator that something wasn't right.
About a week or so later, I suggested I move out and we try being friends.
This was not easy. Jesus Christ, it was hard. He took it well, and I can say now after a few more weeks we've both made peace with it. We're still best friends. He always will be! But it feels good now knowing that we're classifying our relationship as what it always was - best friends who live together. I've been told on numerous occasions that we really did just seem like roommates who happen to be together, and it only took until now to see it. But, despite it all, I feel a lot happier following my decision.
I have a flat pretty much secured for May - he has a new flat mate lined up for after I leave. I have my freedom, and now it's a case of getting used to it.
Then comes my other crisis: Daniel.
So, I really hope he doesn't ever see this. He won't.
I've worked with Dan for over a year now - occasionally saying hello in the office after bonding at a work's party. Separate teams, never had much reason to interact past that. Until I moved teams - onto his team.
When I say this man has been a crucial anchor for me, I mean in wholeheartedly and with such sincerity that I can't put it into words in a way that would do it justice. He was the one who made me realise, yeah, my situation isn't great at the moment, is it? Yeah, I enjoy going out, don't I? Yeah, the anti-depressants aren't nuking my libido, are they? It's something else. He's one of the most chill, sarcastic, and real people I've met in a long time - and he's got his own trauma to show for it. We've made the joke we're similar - both in therapy, both play instruments, both love music, etc. But as such, we both know how to read eachother too well. And boy, he read me like a book.
After going to his open mic (with his family, might I add. I thought more people would be going, but no - it was me and his family) and one gig with him, I'd realised I like him. A lot. A painful amount, actually. Yes, getting over my failed relationship was definitely contributing to it, but I can say now as well, with the beauty of hindsight, I do still like him. If he asked, I would. If he does ask, I will. He's very important to me. I like him very much.
It then became evident he liked me back.
I won't sugar coat it - we've slept together. At this point in time, about 6 or 7 times. That's more than I did with my partner in 4 years. I should feel like dirt for my quick 'turnaround' but I just can't bring myself to care about it. I thought I was broken, man, and that the anti-depressants had fucked me. Evidently not. He's told me after several heart-to-hearts that he cares about me a lot and trusts me. And I've echoed the same sentiment to him in return. I've stayed at his flat, we commute to work, I've met his family for christ's sake. You'd expect this to lead to us being together.
It has not lead to us being together.
To put it bluntly - he's not looking for a relationship right now. He has his own baggage he's trying to handle from a freshly broken relationship and moving house, so I am understanding. Does it make it hurt any less? Nope. When he told me this, aware I felt different, he put a boundary in place to protect me. No intimacy, just friends. I knew it was for the best, I trusted him and respected his needs. We moved on.
Now, the week following that decision? Torture. I wanted to be near him all the time, but had to make sure I respected him and his limits. It was for the best, in the end, because he was right - I was infatuated with him given my circumstances. So I can say now I'm not as head over heels for him as I was. He said it best himself: "I treat you with a little bit of respect and decency and you think I'm Jesus. You're just not used to having more than one of your needs met at once". Does that mean I don't like him any more in that way?
Absolutely not - but I know that it's something he doesn't want, so I'll put it on the back burner indefinitely. I love him too much as a friend to risk losing him over something like this.
Then comes last night.
The boundary was in place. We went out following a particularly stressful work day. We drank, we listened to live music, we had fun! Near the end of the night, he asked me how I felt towards him. Unprompted, almost. So I answered honestly:
I like him. Can't deny I like him. But I'm able to see that it's not what he wants, and I'm fine with that. I respect his boundaries. It doesn't mean I'm not attracted to him. His reaponse?
He nods. He asks me how I'm getting home. I say I haven't planned it. He asks if I want to go back to his. I agree. Once most people have left the bar and we're two of the few people left, he kisses me. Good fucking god it was like being hit with a bat. I'd missed it. I missed him. Needless to say, we went home, played some Guitar Hero, and then slept together. Our situation is friends with benefits and I'm happy with that.
Now, why am I typing all of this out? Like I said, I have no diary. I haven't been able to articulate these thoughts for a month in a way that would cause significantly reduced collateral damage. My therapy has been cancelled the past two times. I needed somewhere to speak.
If for some reason someone has read all of this - thanks? Feel free to ask questions. I don't mind. It might help me figure stuff out.
Until the next time, adios.
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observeowl · 1 year
Her Assistant | Chapter 21 - Midnight Tea Party
Summary: After losing her family, Natasha Romanoff builds her company from the ground up. During the rise of her company, she decided she needed an assistant, one that works in her office and her house. That's when she saw your resume. After working five years for her, how was it like working for her? Or more importantly, how things progress?
Series Masterlist
Natasha's POV The main event after winning is the dorm's boat parade.
"So these are the clothes that have been worn by the Blue House for generations..." Y/N said as she stared at me. "This is even more embarrassing than I imagined it would be." The previous generation's team must be all boys and taller than me. The sleeves were not fitting. No matter how much I I tried pulling it up, it looked way too baggy for me. They are all threadbare even though they haven't been worn more than once.
"Y/N... can't you just take these in a little?" It was very hard to walk without stepping on the pants.
"That won't do."
"You said you would win, didn't you? As your assistant, I naturally came prepared." She presented me with the uniform I was supposed to wear with the other players.
"Thank you, really. At least I know I always have you supporting me."
"I told you, I'll always stay by your side and never lie to you."
After taking pictures, Bluer was going through what's going to happen for the boat parade. " We'll get on the boat and go along the river. Once we approached the center. We'll take off our hats and salute the president. Then we'll throw the flowers from our hats into the river and return."
Theoretically, everything should go well. Natasha sat at the head of the boat since everyone agreed that she deserved that spot. It was also great since she doesn't have to row the boat. Lanterns were lighted when the sun set and flames of St George were lighted once again. Some lanterns drifted into the sky while some floated above the water.
"I'm getting nervous."// "Fools! Don't lose pace!!"
Fury was there at the ceremony as well, sitting next to the governor. I know I'm almost at the truth, I just need some more time before I uncover everything.
"Rushman, We've managed to win this tournament due to minute calculations. However, there was one fatal miss. We never thought we'd actually win, so we didn't practice for the parade even once." Bluer said as he stood up. The boat started wobbling as the players were unstable on their feet and it was only inevitable that they ended up falling into the river.
People started laughing but it wasn't that sort of a bad laugh. Everyone was having fun, it was kinda on brand for Blue House to do something like this. A boom was heard and fireworks were going off, lighting up the sky even more.
"Natasha!! That was so amazing, the way you defeated Green House with all the tricks. No wonder you were able to bring the truth out." Pietro excitedly said. He was jumping up and down on his sister's shoulder after I dried myself off.
Food was distributed to everyone and it was a party with a huge success. Everyone had a smile on their face. Purple House provided the music and Red House accompanied the guests for some dance.
"Ahhh... that was fun." My dorm mate said when we entered our room. " I ate too much!" // 'I'm so tired..."
I noticed something on my bed as I got closer.
"That's amazing!" Jones jumped on me when she realised what it was. "You've been invited to the midnight tea party!" I did it, I finally acquired the right to see the Principal. "They say that when a beautiful flower blooms under the moon at midnight, they'll come for you. So if you put that on your chest, you'll be able to attend." I'll make sure to ask Jones the next time I don't know anything. Everything happening in the school, she seems to know.
Midnight came quickly as the students were sleeping except for me. A knock on the door showed Clayton coming to show me to the gathering area before heading in.
"Welcome, Rushman. To the elegant, traditional, high class, bizarre Midnight Tea Party." Bluer said as I entered the room. Once the clock struck midnight, the organ sounded like someone was playing with it. The music was not pleasant at all.
After walking through a series of doors, I was finally led to a garden where the Principal was seated and the Vice-Principal standing behind him. "Thank you everyone for coming, please sit down." Mr Agares said.
"Everyone, the tea is done."
"It's a bit irksome, but I guess we should toast with tea." Redmond said.
"Well then." Bluer took on the task. "To having successfully protected tradition and finish June 4th for another year. To Weston, a toa-"
"Wait!" I stopped the toast. "I can't toast from the bottom of my heart like this."
"What's wrong?"
"That's something bothering me. It's about Derk Arden and his friends. I can't toast until I've met them." I placed the cup back down. "Mr Principal, will you hear my story?"
"Rushman, that's rude."
"I know it is. But the school 15th school rule states the following, at all times you should share your heart with your friends, and help them out with love, that's what it says." Hearing that, Bluer kept his mouth shut.
"Derrick Arden, Richard Greenson, Hans Hardy, Robert Isaac, Ewan Thewlis. I have heard that since about a year ago, none of them have returned home even once and have been cooped up in their dormitories during that time. Actually, when I entered the school, I was asked by their parents to persuade them to come home just once. But when I tried to meet up with them, I was met with the most bizarre circumstances. I couldn't even lay eyes on them."
"In any case, it's the truth that they weren't at purple house. 5 people have disappeared from a strictly supervised school. This is obviously quite strange!" I slammed on the table and stood up. Supposing from my investigation up till now... Derrick and the rest probably aren't at this school anymore. In the best case, they've escaped. In the worst, they're dead. It's obvious these people are hiding something. Before, they got away with 'the Principal decided on it', but with everyone gathered here, they can't use that anymore.
"So, Mr Principal, I'd like you to call the police."
"That would not be necessary." Mr Agares said. "That's because, look, they're right there." He pointed at the door we came through. The door handle creaked open. Everyone had the face of horror when they saw his face, Derrick Arden, wearing his pristine uniform and flower.
Derrick Arden? He's fine? Why did he disappear until now, then?
"What the hell, he's right there." Chesslock said, not sure why I was making such a fuss about it.
"Arden? Are you really..." Greenhill looked ghastly as he looked at him.
"Hey, the tea smells good." Arden's voice was like a scratchy microphone.
"Ar- Arde-" Without saying anything, he leaned forward and sunk his teeth into Greenhill's arm.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Midford shouted as he jumped over the table and kicked Arden to save his prefect. Arden stumbled away and showcased his bloody mouth from the biting but people were more focused on the Frankenstein scar that ran across his forehead.
Recognising that I need more help, I ordered Y/N to come and capture Arden before worse things can happen. I didn't know where she was hiding but she was no longer wearing her disguise when she came out. Like a magician, she pulled out the table cloth without disturbing the dishes and used it to tie Arden up.
Greenhill was whimpering from the loss of his flesh and Midford was rightfully worried for him. Both their faces were pale. Y/N the first aid the best she could but he definitely needed more medical attention.
"The reason I entered this school was to find Derrick and the rest. However, I couldn't get hold of his whereabouts. Because Derrick was already dead." I explained.
"Dead? What do you mean? He was just moving." Harcourt said.
"He..y Th..e tea smellzz goood..." Derrick's head turned in a way it was not supposed to be.
"Hee!" Harcout jumped in fright and moved further away from him.
"Well." I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the Principal. "Let's have you explain what is going on here. Spit it out! What did you do to Derrick?"
Instead of the Principal answering, Greenhill spoke up. "We just wanted to protect..." It took quite a bit of effort for him to speak. "The saint that symbolises our school... Saint George... The legend goes that he defeated a dragon to protect the country."
"In other words, if you don't cut it off from the source, you won't be able to run from the disaster." Bluer continued. "We obeyed those teachings."
"That's why we... set out to... kill Derrick." Redmond finished it.
They began explaining how they made a mistake but they weren't going to let Greenhill take the blame all by himself. Due to the connection that Redmond has, he had found a way that would cover everything up. "And so, we set up a contract with him."
"I see.. Now everything falls into place. Derrick Arden, the student who disappeared, body and soul. The Principal, the one who was able to escape from my pursuit. The Kraken society, the association researching human regeneration. But the one who wrapped all of this in such a difficult mystery... to figure this out would have been a trivial task." I smiled, the truth was right in front of me all along. "It was you wasn't it?" I pointed at the Principal.
"The Principal has nothing to do with it! Us prefects did it all by ourselves and-" Redmond rushed to protect the sacred person he looked up to.
"No one said it was the Principal. Hey, why don't we both drop the teacher act here?" Y/N said.
"Ah man... I really liked this job too. It was truly pleasant to watch your struggle from the grant tier. You've offered me your best of laughs..." She said as her long hair flowed down from her tall hat she was wearing.
"Eleanor Crowder. We meet again." I said, tightening my grip on the gun. "I was wondering why you've gotten so silent after our last meeting."
"Aww, nice to know you miss me."
I ignored what she said and focused on the others. "You four assassinated Derrick Arden and then requested his resuscitation from the Kraken Society. What was so important to protect that you would resort to such means?"
"Derrick... he was not supposed to be at this school." Bluer said.
"What do you mean by that?'
Third POV They succeeded in becoming the prefects for Weston College after four years, finally gaining the right to step on the lawn.
They did their job to try to make the school a better place. They started out with the right heart and intention but it just didn't last to the end.
"Bullying?" Greenhill asked
"Yes. It was put into the complaint box. They want us to have eyes in every nook and cranny." Redmond said, after picking out what he thought deserved the most attention.
"School rule no 15, every student has to be equal under the principal."
"We can't allow that! Let me stand watch." Derrick, Redmond's fag, stepped up to do something about it.
"How admirable of you Derrick. We'll leave it to you."
In everyone's eyes, he was reliable. The captain of the local cricket team, embroiders like a true craftsman, gets high marks for his reports and his poetry is genius as well.
He was a governor's bloodline, a cheerful personality, overflowing with talent. Derrick Arden was dazzling. But because of that, they didn't notice... the deep dark shadow that light had casted...
"Unpermitted leave is against the school rules!" Redmond caught two students in his dorm leaving the school grounds. "And on top of that, you have alcohol?"
"You should think of the disorder you've caused while dragging the name of your school and family through the mud!!" Derrick said while shaking his head.
After Redmond gave the punishment to them, he asked Derrick about any updates about the bullying case. He gave a negative response claiming that the complaint box received lots of fake in the first place.
"Today, we had two entries in the complaint box. Please increase the different types of food served in school and... what's this? A poem dedicated to the prefects?" Derrick said as he passed the note to Redmond.
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"A poem dedicated to the prefects huh... I guess they must look up to us." Derrick said as he passed the note to Redmond. He looked at it with a serious face while reading it through again.
After lights out, Redmond gathered the other prefects. "What is it? Calling us out so suddenly." Violet asked, he much rather be in his room sleeping.
"The poem had the date and time weaved into it quite skillfully, and it was directed at us. Thursday is a word derived from... the God of Thunder, Thor. A harp of bent pearl refers to baroque music, which must mean the music room. I think the torch went out, referring to after lights out." Redmond said, after deconstructing the poem.
"So they wanted us to come to the music room on Thursday night?" Bluer confirmed.
"But... it's still amazing that you managed to pick up on that." Greenhill said as the rest of them looked at the note.
"Only the word with a special meaning were written differently. With some education of poetry, you would pick up on a message like that. But I don't really get the last, deprived of light bit." Redmond admitted as they continued making their way to the music room.
Before they even reached the music room, they could hear sounds and light coming from the room.
"Hey! What are you doing over there?" He rushed in to see what's happening. He would have never thought to see five students bullying three others. And of the culprit being his fag. The tree of them were stripped of their clothes and you could clearly see the bruises on their body. One of them was holding a cricket bat like they were practicing and using the student as the wicket.
Deprived of light meant the following. Derrick Arden's dazzling results were all fake. The cricket, the embroidery, the reports, the poems, everything. He took other's talents through despicable means, and used them to make himself shine.
Bluer picked up victim's clothes and gently guided them out and told them to return to their rooms while Redmond tried to come to a conclusion about his fag.
"I should have known when you couldn't decipher that poem..."
"Sheesh..." He looked unapologetic about his action, not even trying to cover up or give excuses about his actions. "I only needed one more year. My family have been prefects here for generations and all. I'm so over that. I didn't even want to go, but they just threw me into this place." He complained. "So, can't you just overlook it when I want to let off some steam? In return, I'll supply you with a much bigger donation than everyone else, from my dad."
"STOP FOOLING AROUNd!!" Greenhill shouted. "The Principal will hear about this from the Vice-Principal. Be prepared for a fitting punishment!!" He gripped his cricket bat tighter in his hands from anger.
"Did you hear that?" He talked to someone behind him. Someone stepped out from the shadow and it was the Vice-Principal.
"What is the meaning of this? Why are you..." Redmond couldn't understand why the Vice-Principal was there.
"I've understood the situation. Derrick Arden and four others. You will receive two Y for being out at night."
"I'm soooo sorry." He said it without energy and even a three year old could give out a better apology than that.
"Being out at night?! That's not right!" The prefects were stunned at the reasoning and punishment that the Vice-Principal gave. "They were bullying! We have to report this to the Principal and-"
"This year's prefects are quite rude. Voicing your opinion against the Vice-Principal?"
"N-no, we didn't mean to..." Greenhill replied.
"Then there is no problem. You can all return to your rooms."
The prefects couldn't believe what they were seeing. The Vice-Principal was acting so kindly to him like he was his friend. That was until he saw what he was holding in the Vice-Principal hands. A bottle of alcohol. The Vice-Principal was in cahoot with Derrick all along.
They couldn't let this happen, they couldn't let this go without doing anything. They are not going to let Derrick be the prefect next year. As long as they are there, the school's tradition will crumble.
Without thinking, Greenhill picked up his bat and striked it on Derrick's head forcefully. Seeing their friend commit an act of such crime, they race to close the door and prevent anyone from leaving, there can be no witness left behind.
"He's not... breathing." Violet said after everything they've done.
"This is all my fault... What did I do?"
"Calm down Greenhill. We had no other choice."
"Yes.. but what now? As it is, Greenhill will get the blame."
"I have an idea."
Flashback end
Your POVEveryone stared at the prefects with horror.
"Our actions are inexcusable to our relatives. But there was nothing else we could do to protect our traditional order. We didn't want to stir things up and damage the school's good name." Bluer said.
"I see." Natasha has the business smile on her face. "I was asked to investigate this incident by a certain high ranking individual. They won't sit by and do nothing after hearing the truth about this matter. However, I'll ask them to consider the circumstances"
"Well then, that just leaves you. What do you think we should do, Natasha?"
"Since I received a copious amount of payments just now, I'll tell you for old time sake." (She was talking about the laughing)
"Derrick was certainly conscious, if only for a moment. Even the dead can evolve. As long as there are episodes." She explained her grand scheme.
"Episodes? Do you mean those fake memories you made?" I asked.
"Close, but not quite." She did a cross with her arms in front of her body. "What's driving them now is... their yearning for a future. In their dying moments, humans review their past life. At the same time, they crave the future they were supposed to have. They are fragmentary of course, but those fragments are the episodes. Like a predictive map of the future. My self-created memories are nothing compared to these, future memories. So, if we stuck these to the record... wouldn't it become complete?" She talked about her vision, it did nothing but scares us into what she could possibly do if she achieved it. No dead will stay dead.
"Well, the succession rate is still pretty low." She shrugged her shoulders. "It's dependent on the quality and quantity of the episodes."
"I don't understand." Natasha shook her head. "Why would you do that? What purpose does bringing back the dead serve?" She asked angrily.
"I want to see what comes after the pre-determined end. You never thought about it? There might be an interesting development lurking behind the ending credits... I've told you all I can for the current price. I should get going. It's be a hassle if I got found out by a certain annoying individual."
"No, you don't get to leave so easily." Natasha fired a shot and I knew it was my time to step up.
Mr Agares came to stop me and I saw the same Frankenstein scar on his forehead. "I knew it, you're dead as well."
"He was full of episodes. He's my masterpiece. For now, at least." Crowder said as she jumped to leave. Snapping her fingers twice, corpses which were Derrick's friends rose from the ground and this instantly turned into a set for a zombie movie.
"You've got to be kidding me."
"Run! Get out of the garden! Quick!" Midford said as he lifted Greenhill over his shoulders and attempted to carry him out. Natasha stayed at the exit and ushered them out.
Harcourt wasn't like the rest, her legs gave way and she stared at the moving corpses unable to move. "Come!" Natasha went ahead to grab her.
"You don't seem to be in a hurry." I said as I have Mr Agares clinging onto me like a slug. Despite being Crowder's masterpiece, he has absolutely no sense of fighting skills. He was growling next to my ears but made no actions to attack me, only ever counterattacking. "Did you think you could keep me down like this? You underestimate me." I asked Crowder.
"I'm not underestimating you at all. It's just that... we have different goals." My heart stopped at the thought of her capturing Natasha.
At this distance, she was closer to Natasha and she would be able to get to Natasha before I could. Once it came to me what she meant, I smashed Mr Agares head onto the floor and rushed towards Natasha.
"As expected of you, Y/N." Crowder said. She ran along the ledge of the walls of the garden. "You should keep protecting Romanoff, with such devotion. See you!" She tricked me into thinking she was going to attack Natasha in order to escape.
"Stay back." I kicked the moving corpse in front of us.
"Why didn't you capture Eleanor Crowder? What am I supposed to tell Fury without a culprit in front of him?"
"Can't you just tell him the truth? Hydra is expanding and the Kraken Society is reviving the dead."
"As if he'd believe."
"Rushman!" Midford came back to inform her that everyone was safely evacuated when he accidentally stepped on a head.
"Be careful, there's a lot of blood if you don't want to dirty your shoes." I kindly reminded him before he continued stepping in.
"Rushman... I'm scared... If this had continued, I might have become like these prefects. The kind of person that mistakes the sin of murder for justice." He clenched his fist at the thought as he was the next in line to be a prefect.
"Don't worry. As long as you're afraid of that, you're still normal. Unlike me." Natasha whispered the last part but I heard it clearly. Wanting to diffuse the problem and end the awkwardness, I told them it was better if we waited for SHIELD personnel to arrive outside with the others.
Natasha POVWhen I saw Maria Hill arrive, she only gave me a look before heading in with Culson behind her. I went ahead to find Fury and prepare myself for what's to come. It's going to be difficult to convince him what happened, he doesn't trust anyone, or anything easily.
"You know I have to give something to the press right? Something this big that happened in a prestigious school isn't going to keep itself silent." Fury said when he heard the end of my story.
"I know you have something in your sleeve to give the press for their attention until this dies. Don't forget, I went on this stupid mission that was obviously on a lower grade than I usually do." I rebutted. Though, this ended up being something I usually get assigned to, and Fury would know that when he reads the report, but until then, no harm done.
When I finished speaking to Fury, I saw Y/N keeping her phone in her pocket. "I told Bucky to come and pick us up. He should be here any moment."
"Who were you speaking to?"
"... Nicole." I nodded my head, remembering her as the one who drugged Y/N that time.
We stood in silence until Bucky arrived at the front gate picking us up. As usual, Y/N opened the door for me to get in, but when I looked back at her, she had already closed the door and moved to sit in the passenger seat. I immediately got out and opened her door abruptly.
She looked at me like I just caught her cheating on an examination. "Natasha?"
"Why are you sitting here? You're supposed to be sitting with me!" I dragged her out of her seat as Bucky watched the interaction between us. "Do I have to tell you to drive?" I shouted at him before he gripped the gearstick and drove off.
When we were in the car, Y/N was restless, she couldn't sit still and finally took out her phone after a while. I saw that she was scrolling through a map and bouncing between places but I couldn't tell if she was looking for something specific.
"What are you going to do about Nicole? Don't you think it's about time she gets what she deserves?" I looked at her but she was still scrolling through her phone, not answering me. I gave her a nudge and she finally looked at me. "What are you looking at, so engrossed?" I nodded towards her phone.
"Um.. just a place to meet her and to eat. Checking out the area." She tilted her phone for me to see.
"What are you going to do to her?"
"I think there's more to find out about her motives. I mean why did she want to drug me in the first place?"
"Let's not think about this for now and relax when we can. I believe we've earned this after this mission." I gently took her hand and gave it a kiss. Seeing us this close, Bucky gave a wolf whistle and Y/n went red, hiding her face. I chuckled at her adorableness. "I love you so much." 
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waywardscorpio · 3 years
His Queen & Her King
Taglist: @callmekda @braunstrowmangirl @phoenixoffiretwo @luna-loo @scuzmunkie @fanfiction-san​ @superdakotawinchesterus​
Chapter 2
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Pissed off Jeff, Readers Dad Triple H, Godfather Shawn Michaels and Uncles Kane and Undertaker, Pregnant!Reader kidnapped.
*Third Person POV*
*A month after the road trip and Jeff, putting another bundle of joy inside his mate*
Y/N was walking through the hallway of the arena while she had one hand on her belly and the other carrying her bag of food and drink. Her baby belly was a little more noticeable now. "Hey Y/N" Undertaker said. "Hey, Uncle Taker." She said looking up at him. "How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm doing fine. How are you and the little ones doing?" She looked up at him confused; because she thought she was only pregnant with one. "The doctor only said, one baby." She said softly. "You don't know do you?" He asked her. "Know what?" She asked. "You're a very rare type of human omega that can get pregnant even though you're already pregnant. It isn't dangerous to you or the babies. But it will put you in danger. Some Alpha's will do whatever it takes to have you and that includes holding you captive and breeding you to make soldiers or a small army" He said. He's older than some people actually know. "But I won't let any harm you." Taker said to her before walking down the hallway.
Y/N, let the words from Undertaker go around and around in her head as she walks to Jeff's locker room. "Hey, Babe." He replied as she walked into the room. "Hey, Darlin'," Y/N replied back to her as she was looking at him from across the room. "We need to have a talk tonight after work." She said to him as she looks at him. "Are you okay? Is the baby hurt? What is wrong?" Jeff said standing up and moving swiftly towards his love. "I am okay. The baby is okay. We just need to talk. I'm not leaving you before you even ask that question next." She said as she looks up at him rubbing his cheek. Jeff relaxed into her soft gentle touch.
"I think you should stay near Undertaker for my match. I have a feeling something is off and it gonna get ugly tonight." Jeff said getting an unsettling feeling that something isn't bad is going to happen and Jeff trusted Undertaker with Y/N's life more than anyone besides her parents. "But I'm supposed to go out there with you tonight Baby," Y/N said to him as she looked at him. "I know Babe, I want you to go out there too. But I have an uneasy feeling that something is going to happen tonight and I don't want you getting in the line of fire or our baby." Jeff said walking to her and carefully rubbing her belly. "Alright, I'll stay by Undertaker tonight." She said looking up at him.
Jeff walked Y/N to where Undertaker was at so, he knew she made it there safely and unharmed. "Hey Taker. Is it okay that she stays with you? I have an uneasy feeling that something is going to happen." He said looking at the taller male. "Yes, she is more than welcome." He said as he looks at a very reluctant Y/N. "As soon as my fight is over Baby, I will be right back here before going anywhere else." He said kissing her lips gently rubbing her cheek and her belly. "Please be careful out there tonight" She said resting her head against his chest. "I will Baby." Jeff said promising the love of his life he would be careful.
Jeff, walked out to the ring getting ready to fight tonight. "This match will be turned into 4 on 4 tag team match. It will be Jeff, Matt, Triple H and Shawn Michaels Vs Edge, Christian, Sheamus and Finn Balor." Lillian announce to the crowd and viewers at home to hear. Y/N's head shot up looking at the tv wide eyes. "No, that wasn't the match he was supposed to be in. Who changed it?" She exclaims looking up at Taker who grabs her hand and heading towards Stephanie's office. "Momma, Dad can't fight and Uncle Shawn can't either." Y/N held her belly on instinct. "I tried to stop the match before it was made. Someone changed it before consulting with us first. Nothing I can do to change it." Steph was furious that someone did this and was about to rip someone a new asshole. "Uncle Taker and Kane please take Daddy's and Uncle Shawn places. They can't fight and the person knows that. They'll be at a disadvantage." She pleads at the two males. Kane looks at Undertaker. "I'll fight tonight." Taker was having a internal battle with himself because he told Jeff, Y/N wouldn't leave his side till the match was over. "Please Uncle Taker" Y/N began to cry in desperation. "Okay Lil One. I will do it. But on the condition you stay by your mother at all times no mater what. Jeff will just have to understand." He said walking out with Kane, and heading to the ring. "I promise" She called out. She hugged her mother tightly. "I got you Baby Girl" She said hushing her Childs cries.
Lightening rang through the arena as Takers music came on and fire surrounds the ring. Jeff sees Kane and Undertaker walking down the ramp. "I have been informed that Triple H and Shawn, will be taken out the match and Undertaker and Kane will be put into the match instead." Lillian announce but silently sighs in relief. "Y/N is supposed to be with you" Jeff said to Taker quietly. "Calm Jeff. She begged us to come out because she knew you'd be at a disadvantage since her Daddy Triple H and uncle Shawn are still healing from two weeks ago. She didn't want you guys to take a chance yourselves considering you two have a tag team title match coming at WrestleMania." Kane said. "I much rather my pregnant mate be safe than myself." Jeff said. Kane and Taker understood his point but also couldn't leave their fellow wrestlers defenseless. "She is safe I promise you. She is with her mother and her momma's ready to rip someone a new Asshole." Undertaker said to him.
Jeff didn't fight with the older man. He knew Y/N, was safe either way. As the match got started Matt and Edge started it off. They didn't hold back on each other either. Lefts and rights were thrown hard and on purpose. "Come on Matt" Kane holler holding his hand out for Matt to tag him in. Matt kicked him Edge in the ribs which gave him the leverage he needed to get away from him so he can tag in Kane. Kane steps over the ropes and started hitting Edge with right, Lefts and wasn't giving him any breathing room. Edge uppercuts Kane when he gets the chance which stuns him and Edge is able to tag in Balor. He has a advantage for a few seconds before Jeff was tagged in and went to town on Balor. Jeff was letting his anger out on his opponent. "You got this Jeff come on" Matt said cheering on his brother. Jeff had twisted his arm behind him and leads him to his corner to tag in the Undertaker.
The match was drawing to a end when Undertaker was tagged back in. He hit Christian with the Tombstone Piledriver and with a count of three Jeff and the others got in the ring raising the Undertakers hand who won them the match. After the mini celebration in the ring everyone walked out. Edge stops Jeff to give him a message. "Hey look I know we aren't the best of friends but I wanna let you know that I saw someone watching your car earlier after you guys got here and someone was following Y/N. It is someone new because I don't know the persons face or scent." Edge said. "Thank you, Edge. I have an uneasy feeling tonight's not over with. whoever made this match done it on purpose but didn't expect Kane and Undertaker to step in." Jeff said to him. "Lita has been uneasy all night worried saying they're coming but didn't get to see their faces when she had a vision. Just be safe." Edge said before walking over to Lita. Jeff mouths a thank you to her. She only nodded her head in response.
Jeff walked to his mother-n-laws office and walked in. "Hey Baby. How are you and the baby?" Jeff asked his mate as he rubbed her back and belly knowing she is tired. "We are perfect. Just tired. How much longer till we can go home?" She asks her mate. "We will be staying with someone for a while. Just got a message from a friend that someone has been watching us and following." Jeff said to Y/N. She whimpered a little in fear. "What?" They heard Steph say. "Baby go get your stuff while I talk to your mom and dad okay?" She nods her head softly. Undertaker was in ear lengths and stayed near her walking her to the dressing room to get her things while Jeff talked to her parents. "Edge stopped me after the match to let me know that people have been following me and Y/N since we been here, and that the scent is unfamiliar and not known around here. He also mentioned Lita had a vision that someone is coming but she couldn't see their faces." Jeff said to Triple H and Steph. "Why are they after you or her or both of you?" Steph asked. "I don't know but I think is has something to do with her being pregnant by me." He said to her. "Whatever it takes you protect her, you here me?" Triple H said to him. "Yes Sir. I'll give my last breath to protect her if that's what it take for her to live." Jeff said unknowing that that statement was about to be put to the test.
While Jeff is taking to Steph and Triple H, Y/N is getting her stuff ready to go when the lights in the building suddenly shut off and came back on. In a blink of an eye Y/N was gone. Jeff ran down the hallway to his dressing room. "Holy hell. Taker are you good?" Jeff asked helping him up. "I was hit over the head after the lights went out. When they came back on she was gone." He said to Jeff, holding the back of his head. "It is newbies trying to rise up through the business so, their going after one of the top dogs here. Y/N's going to be their pawn to use as an advantage. They know no, one will do anything to harm her but they know you will go looking for her. If it comes down to it they'll do unspeakable things to her. Especially since they know she is able to get pregnant multiple times at once. She is a Human Omega it is rare for ones like her to be able to carry more than one baby at a time." Undertaker said to Jeff. Jeff paces thinking at what way he can approach this with out his Omega Mate getting hurt. "Jeff you aren't in this alone." Shawn said walking in the room with Kane, walking over to his brother and checking the back of his head. "We will fight with you over her" Triple H said. "Just be ready for a battle to start." Steph said.
"The battle started the minute the took her." Jeff said calm and deadly. Steph smiled to her husband knowing they picked a good man for their daughter. Jeff walked out to the ring and grabbed a mic. He was careful and tactical with his words even with how angry he was. He won't give the kidnappers the satisfaction to see his pain because once he does they have the power. "You come here" He said to a camera man. "Sir?" he said stepping in the ring with Jeff. "I want you to tape this live." He said. The male nods his head in fear sensing the anger and absolute power dripping off the man. He put the cam on his shoulder and began to tape. "I hope you sick fuckers are listening. You think it was wise for you take a mans pregnant mate. Especially a dangerous man like me who will stop at nothing to get her back. You wanted a battle? A battle you can't possibly come out standing on top. We will see who is left standing when I am done with you because you opened the gates of hell and stepped into my cage!!!" He said looking into the cam. "I won't be alone when I get my hands on you."
"Just know if she has so much as a scratch on her.. Well I show just how sadistic I am when I'm provoked or pushed." Jeff said. "Oh one more thing. Y/N Darlin' I'm coming for you." He adds. She heard her Alpha on the tv and she smiles to herself knowing the men that took her are about to know why Jeff is one of the most feared men in the Wwe besides Undertaker and Kane. "What are you smiling about whore?" One said. "You fucked up. You'll see just what he is going to do to you
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Trust You to Cheapen the Moment
George Weasley x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 8 & 12
"Come on, [y/n or Character] just take off your shirt and tell us!"/"you're over me? When were you...under me?"
Warnings: Sexual innuendo. Swearing.
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"Congratulations on a great game tonight boys!" Lee Jordan called as Fred and George entered through the portrait hole, still sporting their Quidditch uniforms which were currently soaked in sweat.
"Thanks mate" the Twins replied in unison.
The match had been against Ravenclaw and although Gryffindor naturally won, it hadn't been an easy feat. One which involved George coping a rather nasty bludger to the ribs. As such their win inevitably concluded with a stern lecture from their team Captain, Oliver Wood who remarked their performance as "sloppy". This being the reason as to why they were late to their own victory party.
"Well, hello boys" [Y/N] called as she made her way toward the three boys by the entrance, accompanied by a friend of her own. "Playing a tad messy these days, aren't we?" She goaded with a cheeky grin.
"Oh, alright [Y/N]! Red Hot you are. Sounding frightfully like our beloved Captain." Fred replied as everyone laughed.
[Y/N]s attention fixed to George as her face wore a notably more sincere expression. "How you feeling, Georgie?" "Like I took a bludger to the guts." He chuckled somewhat painfully. "I'll live, just need a good hot shower and to get out of this sweat drenched uniform." He tugged at the tight fabric which clung uncomfortably to his skin.
"I'll happily help you out of it, if you find yourself in need of a spare set of hands?" [Y/N] wriggled her eyebrows. Smiling at his friends innuendo George ran his tongue over his bottom lip before raising his own brows, as if contemplating the girls offer.
"Yeah, alright you two, wrap it up!" Fred intervened pushing the pair back by their shoulders as if stopping a fight. "George, as much as I'm with you on that shower and change idea, need I remind you we have a...previous engagement to attend to." He pointedly looked to his brother.
"What 'previous engagement'" Lee questioned.
"Super secret Weasley Twin Business." Fred winked.
"I can't believe you're leaving me out of your super secret twin business!" Lee protested, feigning dejection.
"Sorry, Lee" George offered a consoling smile. "Forget you. What about ME!" [Y/N] interrupted. "Come off it, there's no way you planned a prank without me..."
"But we did" they shrugged. "It's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over" George teased with a pout. "What is it?" Lee asked, but the two remained quiet.
"Oh, come on, George. Just take off your shirt and tell us!" [Y/N] spat with a wicked grin. George stepped toward her slowly placing both of his large hands either side of her jaw and peering into her eyes. He leant down so his mouth was centimetres from her skin, whispering into her ear "Not happening, lovely." His hands slid down her neck, passing over her shoulders before finally retreating at they met her elbows. He smiled at the ever so faint blush that fanned her cheeks. "Okay, fine. So you won't tell us. But seriously...where'd we land on the shirt situation?" [Y/N] yanked on the uniform fabric playfully while biting her lip.
"Oh would you two just fuck already! This whole teasing thing makes my stomach turn." The other Weasley rolled his eyes before grabbing hold of his brothers wrist, "come on, lover boy. We've got mischief to attend to." He pulled George away from the group of friends, but not before he was able to send a suggestive wink to [Y/N] over his shoulder.
Fred did have a point when you thought about it. [Y/N] and George had been friends since first year after spending a day in detention together for being caught out past curfew, for separate reasons. [Y/N] and the Twins always had a playful relationship and it seemed impossible for them to go more than three minutes without making a joke or coming up with some new prank idea or bet between the three of them. The relationship between [Y/N] and George however, over the years, became substantially more provocative. Never becoming physical by any means, mainly they just threw a lot of innuendos toward one another. Just a bit of harmless, totally platonic, flirting really.
It'd been that way since their fourth year which makes it a few years now that Fred has found himself uncomfortably situated between the two obviously pining best friends, whom continuously deny any such feelings of course.
While the Twins had set off on their...other business, that left the remaining three to enjoy the Post-match festivities currently unfolding within the Gryffindor common room.
A little while into the celebrations, [Y/N] and her friend found themselves accompanied by some of the more eligible bachelors of Gryffindor Tower, about ankle deep in discarded Butterbeer and Fire Whiskey bottles.
"Come on, [Y/N] how's about a dance?" Dustin, a rather attractive boy she knew, spoke with an endearing smile gracing his face. "Flattered as I am by your proposal, I must decline." She slurred. "Why not?" The boy reached for her hand tracing small circles on the soft skin with his thumb while he stared into her eyes. "Because I don't fucking want to." The girl laughed retracting her hand from his. "Excuse us, won't you boys?" Her friend stood, pulling [Y/N] up with her. "Uh-oh...I'm in trouble" she faked concern before breaking into giggles as she was pulled from the common room.
Finding herself promptly being dragged down a flight of stairs into the adjoining corridor which, given the time, was obviously eerily abandoned.
"What's the matter with you?"
"Uuhh you mean aside from the fact my buzz was just absolutely murdered after being ripped away from a party I was thoroughly enjoying? Not much." She rolled her eyes. "I mean, why do you keep turning Dustin down? You know he fancies you! Why not give him a chance?" Her friends voice was sincere and a little giddy as she questioned. "Because I am not interested in Dust Bin." [Y/N] doubled over in laughter at her own joke. Latching on firmly to her friends shirt in an attempt to remain upright. Cackling styled laughter reverberated off the deserted corridor walls as [Y/N] was being shushed and told to compose herself. "Quiet [Y/N]!" her friend giggled at the state of her. "Is it, you're not interested in Dustin, because you're still hung up on George?" "Pffft, Pah-LEASE I am so over George." She slurred with a dramatic shove of the friends shoulder.
"You're over me?" The words called from behind her and like a cool breeze on the nape of her neck chills ran sharp through her spine. [Y/N]'s eyes widened while the friend infront of her smiled brightly, sending a taunting wave her way before disappearing back up the stairs to the common room. "When were you...under me?" The girl couldn't bring herself to turn around, she could practically hear that devious smirk playing on his voice. Her body was rigid as her blood ran cold. Talk about a sobering experience. Shutting her eyes tightly to muster the courage she tentatively began to turn her body, facing the boy with a painfully embarrassed grimace.
"You heard too much of that for me to get out of this on some elaborate lie, didn't you?"
"Yep." George stood smugly before her. Hands deep in his trouser pockets as he'd obviously had that shower and change he were so desperately craving. He looked good. White button up with the sleeves scrunched above his elbows haphazardly and a lazy Gryffindor tie around his neck. [Y/N] found herself having to swallow a lump in her throat at the sight. "Right from the rather insensitive comment made of my good mate...Dust Bin." The ginger chuckled taking a few steps forwards.
[Y/N] let out a long, defeated, sigh turning her head over her shoulder in thought. Her jaw clicked as she contemplated her next words carefully. If only she could think of anything to say. She was fumbling over various syllables, all of which were incoherent. George laughed at her nervousness and held a hand out for her to take, "Come here." He spoke softly. What else was there to lose? She accepted and felt as her body warmed from the feeling of his hand gripping hers tightly.
Neither said a word as George lead her quietly further away from the Gryffindor Tower. It wasn't until they approached the Astronomy Tower stair case [Y/N] made to speak, but was promptly shushed. 'You'll see' he told her.
The Weasley stopped at the top most stair, watching her as he slowly opened the door leading to the balcony. Eyes never leaving her face, smiling sweetly as he witnessed her expression shift slowly from one of bewilderment to awe.
Laid out in front of them was an abundance of pillows, set upon a thick blanket, surrounded by various sweet platters and floating candles like the ones in the Great Hall only much smaller. [Y/N]s hands sprang to her mouth in shock, she'd never seen such a romantic setting. Staring from the picnic to the stars that shone so brightly over head, with every Galaxy and Constellation clearly visible, she was lost for words. A startled gasp was the only noise to peirce her lips silence.
George watched fondly at the sparkle held within her eyes. Nothing but love in his as he stepped behind her, hands gently resting on her shoulders to move her forward. He nestled into the side of her neck while he walked her slowly so he could whisper in her ear, "I had actually planned on telling you first, tonight, about how I feel. But it seems you've unwilling stolen my chance." "Oh George..."
"I know, it's bloody good right?" He commented cockily. "Come on. Sit."
"So I take it this was the super secret twin business you had to attend to?" She said smiling as he made himself comfortable beside her gazing towards the sky.
"Yep. That and Fred wanted to set off some Dung Bombs in Snapes office. He's down there now." [Y/N] began to laugh and she suddenly captured every ounce of Georges attention. It's in moments like this he found her most beautiful. When she were genuinely happy. "You shouldn't have gone through all this trouble." She spoke earnestly. "You're worth it."
"That's so cheesey."
"You love cheese!"
"I do don't I?"
The two laughed, [Y/N]s head dropping as she did so before George raised her attention back to him with a finger placed delicately under her chin.
"[Y/N], I've liked you for so long now that I-I can't even remember when I realised. I just...did. You mean so much to me that it's scary" he was kneeling before her now. Hands grasping hers, "and I don't want to hear that you're over me because I don't think that I will ever be able to get over you." [Y/N] was staring fixedly into his eyes, heart thundering in her ears. Unable to believe this were happening. "I fall for you a little more everyday. I fall with every smile. Every laugh. Every sleazy innuendo you throw my way. I can't help falling and I just couldnt go another day without knowing if there were even a possibility that you may feel the same way. If you fall for me the same way I do for you. It's why I took that hit today, on the pitch, I was so distracted about tonight that I-"
"You saying that was my fault are you? That you got hurt." [Y/N] was smiling widely, eyes glistening with tears she knew were unlikely to fall but were there nonetheless.
"Ab-so-LUTE-ly it's your fault!" George continued her teasing with a beaming smile that shone nearly as bright as the stars above them.
"I do George. Feel the same. I'm not over you because...because there's just no getting over you."
George let out a relieved and amazed breath. He doubted he'd ever felt happier in his life than in this moment.
Both his hands came to rest either side of her face as he hastily leant his face towards hers before restraining himself. Eyes pouring into hers as hers were staring back. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered.
[Y/N] smiled softly, hands coming to lay gently on his elbows, "yes" she breathed before nodding quickly. A hand shot up behind his neck to bring their faces together, lips meeting for the first time. He pulled her into his lap swinging both arms around her waist as her free hand tugged on his tie.
[Y/N] pulled back to catch her breath while George peppered soft, frantic kisses down her jaw and neck.
"So tell me..." her head fell back in pleasure as she clung to him for support and felt as he hummed against her skin in response, "now that we've established I'm not over you. When can I get under you?" She smirked chuckling slightly. He rolled his head up to meet her gaze, staring unbelievably at her words as a reluctant smile crept across his lips. George groaned at the pun before pushing her down into the pillows, body hovering above hers as she left out a squeal at his action. Laughing in a way only George could ever make her.
"Trust you to cheapen the moment."
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